#but MAN i can't even stomach looking for ann art
martritzvonmercie · 1 year
it's crazy how,,,,,,, different the results are when you search for art of ann vs other persona 5 characters (in a bad way) (like jeez i am so tired)
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m-jelly · 9 months
Hey, Jelly! I have a request for you if you're inbox is open, if not then feel free to ignore. What if Levi had a darling that works in the ER with severe case of Emetophobia (Fear of Vomiting). One day, his darling returns to base with a case of nausea after one of her patients got sick with the stomach flu. I only ask because my mom got me sick and I can't find any comfort fics. Have a great day, Jelly!
Hope you get better soon! So sorry to hear you are sick and I hope this will bring you some comfort.
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@kenkopanda-art <3
It'll be okay, my darling
Levi x fem!reader
Canon AU, fluff, romance, being a couple, comfort, sick reader.
When you come home to Levi at the base, you are struggling with a strong urge to be sick and an upset stomach. Levi comforts and cares for you as you ride through the illness.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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No matter how much you tried to distract yourself from the twisting feeling in your gut, it wouldn't work. A sickness was overwhelming you and you hated vomit more than anything. All you needed now was the loving arms of your man, his deep soothing voice and his calming scent and heat.
You power-walked to the scout base and felt your heart skip a beat when you saw your handsome lover waiting for you. Standing at the entrance in all his wonderful glory was Levi. A small sweet smile graced his kissable lips. Before you were a part of his life, he rarely smiled and now you were with him he was smiling increasingly each passing day.
A frown consumed Levi's face causing his cute smile to go. He gently called your name as he pulled you closer. "What's wrong? You don't look well."
You let a tiny whimper out. "Someone came into the clinic with a stomach flu."
"Oh no..." His shoulders dropped. Levi knew you so well and was aware of how you felt about vomit. "Let me take care of you." He took your hand in his and gave you a reassuring squeeze.
The halls were dimly lit by candles and there was a slight chill. No matter how many fires they lit, the scout base always seemed a little cold. The room you shared with Levi, however, was warm and welcoming. Lemon-scented cleaning products were used, so it always smelt good.
Levi helped you peel off your clothes and pull on something comfy. "Take a seat."
You shivered a little. "Levi."
He wrapped his arms around you. "It'll be okay, my darling." After guiding you to his bed, he started making tea in his little tea area. He collected everything and made his way to the bedroom. "I've got everything here for you."
You covered your mouth and groaned. "Thank you."
He sat down on the edge of the bed and placed the tray on your lap. "Peppermint tea. It'll calm your stomach and some delicious bread to fill your stomach."
You hummed as you inhaled the tea. "So good."
Levi moved and sat next to you. He leaned over and kissed your cheek a few times. "I'm sorry you had a bad day."
You smiled a little. "It's okay. My team know I don't do vomit, but we were short-staffed today and I ended up with a bad patient." The tea was so soothing and the more you drank it the better you felt. Having bread also helped you even more to fill your stomach. "I feel a lot better."
Levi kissed your neck. "I'm glad."
"Thank you. You're so wonderful."
He collected your tray. "You're very welcome. I do anything for the woman I love."
Your cheeks burned at Levi's loving words. You smiled when he returned you and started changing. "Levi?"
He slipped under the covers and shuffled closer to you. "Yes?"
You wrapped your arms around his middle and cuddled him. "I love you. Thank you for tonight."
Levi hugged you back. "Anytime."
You released a long sigh. "You're so wonderful to me." You kissed him and hummed.
Levi smiled. "You taste minty."
He nipped your lip. "It's delicious. Now, let's lie down together and let me hold you."
Together you slipped down to lie on the bed before holding each other and listening to your soft breathing. As Levi's heart beat against your ear you felt yourself relax. The churning in your stomach had settled and the need to be sick was gone. Levi had healed your body and now he was healing your heart.
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skiller0dani · 2 years
Secrets | Part 2
M A S T E R L I S T Other Masterlist Harry Potter Masterlist
angst | shy!hufflepuff!reader requests info w.c | 3.3k summary | Garreth successfully drives a wedge between you and Sebastian, driving you straight into his arms. But is it worth the pain he's willing to put you through?
lemme know what you guys think! I love reading comments left on my work! :) I'm enjoying this mini-series, and it'll likely have 2 endings. One for Sebastian, and one for Garreth.
Disclaimer: You aren’t the MC from Hogwarts Legacy in this, and I’ll most likely refer to the MC as ‘MC’.
I have yet to play the game as a Gryffindor, so I'm using my knowledge of the books and movies to describe the inside of the common room. I don't know exactly how it looks in the games.
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4
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"Whatever it is, you can tell me." Garreth says gently, MC is sat across from Garreth, wringing their hands together. They look anxious, and Garreth knows that if he keeps pushing they will tell him what happened.
"I can't hurt Sebastian like that." They said finally and it took all of Garreth's strength not to roll his eyes. Why does everybody care about protecting Sallow so much? Is he the only one who cares about you?
"You haven't seen how he is with Y/N. He's controlling, and overbearing, gets jealous really easily. He won't even let her see me anymore. I don't want him to hurt her. Please...help me protect her." Garreth pushes, his eyes pleading with MC.
"I want to help Garreth I do, but this information...could seriously screw up his life if you decide to go blabbing it to the entire school." MC says decisively. Hearing that makes Garreth's stomach turn, what on Earth did Sallow do? What did he do with the very hands that have touched you? You're too good, too pure for him. He doesn't deserve you, he never has. Deep down Sallow knows that, which is why he's so hostile towards other men.
"I think Y/N should know the truth. How could she hope to build a life with a man she doesn't even know?" Garreth argues back, leaning forward so his elbows are resting on his knees. MC bites their lip, and Garreth can tell they're so close to telling him the truth.
"Sebastian is different now Garreth. Y/N is helping him, her love is saving him. If he looses her now, then he is lost as well."
"So you're fine with lying to her? Keeping secrets from her? She's never let anybody down, is always there when you need her. I want to be there for her, but you and Ominis care more about Sallow than anybody else." Garreth is frustrated now, leaning back on the bench he's sat on with his arms crossed tightly over his chest.
"...If she finds out about what Sebastian did...then she might never speak to him again." MC's voice is quiet, their eyes downcast. He can see their resolve breaking, he's wearing them down. They're going to tell him the truth, he won't stop until they do.
"Let her decide that...instead of making these choices for her. She wants to spend her life with him...and there are far too many skeletons in his closet." Garreth says softly, MC's gaze lifting to meet his.
"Garreth...I trust you alright? I trust that you'll tell Y/N and nobody else. If this gets out, it's not only Sebastian's reputation that will get trashed but anybody close to him will be put under fire as well. If this gets out...you'll hurt her more than anybody else." MC says, their face suddenly getting very serious. It makes anxiety rise in Garreth's chest.
"I won't tell anyone else, you have my word." And Garreth really does mean that. As much as he hates Sallow and would love to tarnish is reputation, he could never do the same to you.
"Okay...during 5th Year Sebastian began to...well-" MC took a deep breath, almost as if saying the words were too difficult. They glance around them before moving to sit next to Garreth on the bench.
"He began to explore the Dark Arts- to save Anne. He taught himself the Unforgivable Curses...all of them." MC whispered lowly and Garreth's eyes widened. Sallow knows the curses? His heart falls into his stomach, this was clearly worse than he was anticipating. You're in love with a very dangerous man.
"He...I mean it was just an accident! He- He didn't mean to do it, he just got carried away." MC began to stammer, tears burning in their eyes as they recall a memory that clearly brings them pain.
"What? He didn't mean to do what?" Garreth pushes, he's so close to figuring out why MC and Ominis keep protecting Sebastian.
"Sebastian...he accidentally killed somebody during 5th Year. With the Killing Curse. He hasn't used the curses since and hasn't touched the Dark Arts since he began dating Y/N...but that's why he's different. Why he emerged from 5th Year a completely different person." MC finally whispered, and the first tear fell. They quickly wiped it away and turned their eyes to Garreth's stunned expression. Sallow is a murderer. That's worse than anything Garreth thought MC was going to say.
"Was it an accident? You have to mean the curses when you cast them. That's no accident." Garreth snaps, his jaw locked. You're dating a murderer. A murderer who as likely touched your skin, and seen the beauty of your naked body. It makes Garreth sick, you don't know who Sallow is- not really.
"Y/N has to know what he's done." Garreth says firmly, standing from the bench and setting off to find you.
"Garreth! Please just try to reconsider- I don't want Sebastian to do something he regrets." MC says before Garreth can walk away.
"And I don't want to wake up one morning and discover Y/N is dead because her and Sallow had a disagreement. If something happens to her, and I could have stopped it, I'd never forgive myself." Garreth fires back, turning and walking away before MC can say anything else.
All MC can think as they watch Garreth walk away is what have I done?
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You had been avoiding Garreth, ever since that night in the Library. You're lucky Sebastian had been so forgiving, that he'd only been angry with Garreth and not you. You missed Garreth, you'd be lying to yourself if you said you didn't. He was your closest friend, your best friend and you two had been attached to each other since you first met him at the Train Station in Hogsmeade. His unruly mess of curly red locks and freckles peppered over his face like constellations drew you in, his playful nature and knack for trouble made you want to know him. You admire how deeply he cares for his siblings, how he never brags about being a Pureblood, he's good and kind to everybody. You missed him, and you know it would crush Sebastian to know you feel this way.
You don't know why. You love Sebastian, you tell him that every single day. You wished you knew why he was so afraid all the time, why he was so paranoid. Eventually you hope that you can coax him to open up to you, there are secrets he hides from you. Maybe he's just protecting you, maybe he's protecting himself. You try not to think about it too much, lest you start questioning everything he's ever said or done. You doodle in your notebook, sitting in the grass and enjoying the warm breeze. You're watching Imelda fly around, practicing for Quidditch.
"Y/N, there you are." You hear Garreth say, and you look up at him with a smile. He looks out of breath, like he ran to get here.
"Hi Garreth, have you been looking for me?" You ask, scooching over on your blanket to make room for him to sit next to you. He doesn't sit, in fact he looks anxious. It makes you anxious too.
"What's wrong?" You ask instantly, standing up from your blanket.
"Remember when you told me that you're worried Sallow is hiding something from you? I found out what it is he's hiding." Garreth asked and the solemn look on his face, the pity in his eyes...it makes your heart squeeze uncomfortably. Makes your insides twist and turn.
"Please tell me." You beg quietly, and you can only hope it isn't as bad as Garreth clearly thinks it is.
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"Sebastian! Seb- I've made a mistake. I'm sorry I shouldn't have opened my mouth but I did and now-"
"What are you talking about?" Sebastian interrupts MC's rambling. He was sat in the common room, which was mostly deserted as the other Slytherin students were attending lessons. Sebastian didn't feel the need to show up for Defense Against the Dark Arts anymore. He knows how to protect himself, and he isn't afraid of the Dark Arts anyway.
"G-Garreth, he was asking questions. Saying Y/N deserves the truth! He...well I-"
"What? You what?" Sebastian rose to his feet, his entire body beginning to tremble. Silently begging that MC didn't tell Garreth what he fears they did.
"I told him. About 5th Year." They say finally, and the venom in Sebastian's eyes actually scares them a bit.
"Shit! Where's Y/N? I have to find her before he does." Sebastian snaps, remembering you mention last night that you were hanging out with Imelda today. You're likely camped out on the grounds somewhere then, Imelda is probably on her broom.
"Sebastian I'm sorry-"
"I don't fucking care. You're dead to me." Sebastian seethes, darkness in his eyes as he gives MC one last look before darting up the stairs to exit their common room. MC sinks onto the couch, hands in their hair as tears stream down their cheeks. What have they done?
Sebastian has never ran faster in his life, dodging students and throwing open doors to try and get to you before Garreth does. He can't lose you, he can't. If Garreth tells you the truth, Sebastian will lose you forever. The thought makes hatred and anger swirl around in his chest, pushing him closer and closer to becoming the person he's tried so hard to leave behind. His heart is pounding in his chest as he pushes through the main doors to the castle grounds. His eyes scan the faces he sees frantically before they finally land on you and when they do...his heart stops. Garreth found you first, and there are tears in your eyes.
"My love...can we talk for a moment?" Sebastian tries, he can still fix this. He can still find a way to explain this to you, tell you it was self defense. Which technically it was. Solomon attacked first, MC and Sebastian were merely defending themselves. Your body is trembling, your back is to him. You're facing Garreth, who has nothing but hatred in his gaze when he looks at Sebastian. Sebastian grits his teeth, his palms itching to beat into Garreth until he stops breathing. Garreth is taking you away from him, stealing you from Sebastian.
"Sweetheart please, just let me explain-"
Your palm makes contact with his cheek firmly, tears flowing freely down your cheeks. At first you weren't sure about what Garreth was saying, but the more he explained what he learned...the more you believed him. Everything began to make sense, Sebastian's paranoia. Why he was so worried about who you were with, his possessiveness. Sebastian barreling through the doors frantically was the final confirmation that Garreth has been right about Sebastian all along. You wished you listened to Garreth, because now you- you love Sebastian. You love him so much, and this is worse than any other pain you've ever had to experience. When Sebastian looks back at you, there is desperation in his eyes and sadness. So much sadness.
"I never want to see you again. I-I hate you!" You cry, though you don't mean it. You could never hate him, not even if you should. You want to, right now you're so angry and you want to hate him. But you love him too much. Sebastian's eyes mist at your words, you don't hate him. You can't, he knows it's not true. He hopes it's not true. That this is just some nightmare he's going to wake up from.
"Dove, please you don't mean that. Just l-let me explain. You don't know everything-" Sebastian is begging, damn near close to dropping to his knees before you.
"Because you never told me! I don't want to speak to you ever again. Leave me alone!" You cry, sobs wracking through your body as you turn to press yourself against Garreth's chest. You miss the prideful smile he shoots at Sebastian over your head, his way of saying 'I won'. Sebastian could kill him right here and not feel a single ounce of guilt. Garreth wraps his arms around you, holding your trembling body close to his. You nuzzle against him, his warmth soothing the sadness in your heart.
"Garreth please take me away from here...I can't be near him anymore." You beg, feeling Garreth wrap his arm around your shoulder to hold you close to his side- the way Sebastian used to. Sebastian doesn't even know how to describe how he's feeling. His heart has just been ripped from his chest, by that snake Garreth. Sebastian resists the urge to torture him with Crucio, or perhaps make him torture himself with Imperio. Avada Kedavra is too quick for Garreth, too painless. Sebastian wants him to hurt the way he's made you and Sebastian hurt. You two were happy, and Sebastian would have told you what happened when he felt ready. Garreth never gave him the chance, he's so in love with you that he'll break your heart just to ensure that it's his.
And he says Sebastian is selfish.
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You haven't stopped crying since Garreth took you inside from the courtyard. You held onto Garreth tightly, your fingers curling around his robes as he walked you two inside. He needed to take you somewhere safe, somewhere away from Sallow. He could feel your body shaking through the tears and while he hates that he had to hurt you, he feels better knowing that you know the truth. That you know what kind of person Sallow really is, hearing you say you hated him gives Garreth hope that you'll never take him back again.
"Gonna take you to my common room, okay?" Garreth whispers and you can only nod, pressing yourself against him as the tears continue to fall. Garreth has snuck you into his common room before, and the two of you have been caught by the Fat Lady as well. But luckily, everybody, including the portraits, love you. So by now she usually allows you entry if you're with Garreth, and if he begs first. You keep yourself pressed against him and he tries not to feel happy about it. Your heart has just been broken very badly by Sallow, but your sadness has allowed you to drop your defenses. Allowed you to let the feelings you have for Garreth surface.
Once the two of you arrive at the entrance to the common room, Garreth says the weekly password but she merely raises an eyebrow at you.
"C'mon please? Look at her, she needs me." Garreth pleads, and the Fat Lady is unfazed. Garreth groans in annoyance, but he reluctantly releases you. He knows what she's waiting for and so he drops to his knees, putting his hands together.
"Please?" He's groveling, and seeing the irritation on his face makes you giggle through the tears. Hearing the sound of your laughter behind him makes this whole ordeal worth it. The Fat Lady smiles before swinging open and allowing you to enter as well.
"She's just trying to humiliate me." Garreth insists with a huff, reaching to take you in his arms once more.
"You do that all on your own Garreth." You say weakly, a watery smile on your face as Garreth leads you to the plush red couch placed in front of the fireplace.
"You know I didn't do this to hurt you right? I wanted to help I promise." Garreth says softly and you lean against his side, your head resting on his shoulder as you take his hand.
"I know, you're the only one who's ever looked out for me. Thank you Garreth." You whisper, feeling safe and at ease here with him. He carefully wraps an arm around you, pulling your head against his chest. You cuddle against him, feeling your chest warm when he presses a soft kiss to your head. You and Garreth have always sort of blurred the line between friends and more, though you never fully took that step over it. Tears burn in your eyes again when you think of Sebastian, his smile, his laugh. The way he held you, the way he made you feel a few days ago when he took you to the Undercroft. You gave yourself to him, all of you. He has every piece of you, your heart, right this second. You don't know if you can ever stop loving him.
"Garreth..." You whisper, fresh tears falling from your eyes.
"Hm?" He hums, rubbing a soothing hand up and down your arm.
"I...I slept with Sebastian. A few days ago. I didn't know what he had done...oh how am I ever supposed to let him go?" You cry, burying your face in his neck. Garreth wraps both arms around you, his heart splintering at your confession. So Sallow did get to touch you, get to see your bare skin. Get to know how you feel, how you sound when you...Garreth couldn't even bear the thought. He feels jealousy flaring hot in his chest again.
"He doesn't deserve you, he never has. Give it time, your broken heart will heal." Garreth reassures you softly. You close your eyes are more tears cascade down your cheeks. You know they say time can heal all, but you doubt it could heal this. You felt so connected to Sebastian that day, like you two had become one. How are you gonna live without him? Your heart is so broken you don't know how to feel. You sit back, looking into Garreth's eyes and feeling warmth bloom in your chest again. Maybe Garreth is who you were always meant to be with. Maybe you simply fell prey to Sebastian's wit, charm, and good looks. Maybe your heart has always been destined for another.
Before you can think about what you're doing, you lean forward to press your lips against Garreth's. His hands find your hips as you kiss him fervently, your fingers curling around his robes. Garreth feels like he's in heaven, you're here pressing your body against his, your lips sliding against his. But he comes to his senses far too soon, and pulls away.
"What's wrong?" Your voice is small, you feel embarrassed. Maybe you read the situation wrong, maybe you were wrong about his feelings. It seemed like he cared about you...maybe he didn't. You turn away from him, cheeks hot.
"Hey hey, don't do that. Come here." Garreth says, seeing you retreating from him. His arms pull you back to him, his hands cupping your cheeks to make you look at him.
"I want to sweetheart, I just want to make sure your heart heals before we do anything, okay? It's too soon since what happened with Sallow, your heart is still broken." Garreth explains softly, he knows that right now you're searching for comfort wherever you can find it. If you two are going to be more than friends, he doesn't want it to be some rebound for you. He wants to do it right, take you on dates, help you fall in love again. You know he's right, your heart still yearns for Sebastian. But it also yearns for Garreth, it always has a little. Maybe that's why Sebastian didn't like him.
"I'll wait for you, no matter how long it takes. I'll always be right here, waiting for you." Garreth whispers as you lower your head into his lap. You feel drowsiness taking over, your eyes struggling to stay open. Garreth cards his fingers through your hair, gently massaging your scalp as you finally fall asleep. He smiles, lips tingling and blood pumping where it shouldn't be.
He finally has you.
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TAGLIST: @weezley @eddiemunson4ever @idcabouttumbl @saturnawa @valyrra @cerulione @dilucente @riokunova @theknightssecrets @rinascere-di-fiore @sallowapologist @kaixoly @cosmicmadwoman @turnip-milk
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