#but I'm more afraid of salters and people who don't like the writers
emsylcatac · 2 years
Hi!! I don't mean this to criticize truly, but I do not think you should be too worried about being spoiled for miraculous, at least not right now. I've scrolled through the tag and there are many posts saying "I will not reblog spoilers" "I will not be reading the spoilers" etc and those that have read it are keeping it simply to their reactions, which might feel like spoilers but really aren't - people would be excited, disappointed, hopeful or whatever they may be no matter what is in it. Personally I do not want to be spoiled and after several minutes scrolling through the tag I am still none the wiser
ALTHOUGH this is only for right now - perhaps in the future people will talk more, but many people right now who have read it are being incredibly respectful and tagging spoilers even though they are not spoiling anything through their reactions. I think perhaps it is best to remain calm about this as no one, from what I saw, is out to maliciously spoil anyone, and everyone else is being polite about it. There is no emergency, and there remains the chance it could be fake or a hoax or something put out by the creators to distract from any real leaks. I hope you remain spoiler-free as long as you can :)
Hiiii! (don't worry this doesn't sound like a critic ahaha)
I think it's mostly for now the twitter or reddit people who have a higher chance of accidentally stumbling upon it
The main thing we can be worried about mostly is if people decide to be rude and send us the spoilers via ask or comments because then we don't have much control over it unless we want to turn off any reactions.
I know it's easy to find cause I know a few people already in the fandom who found it pretty easily & accidentally, so we'll see how it all evolve in the future😬 at least from what I gathered, the reveal and the moment it happens are still a secret which is great news!
However the urgency and freaking out over the fact that this document is out there in the wild is understandable, because it really is frustrating especially with the last season, and because considering it'll take several months / year before it's all out, that leaves plenty of time for spoilers to drop accidentally. And it's the legit thing, it's not a fake unfortunately, I wish it was though 😅Another thing I'm worried about it these people writing fics "based on synopsis" on AO3, because then it'll be harder to tag, but again we'll see. That and people doing ""theories"" that are actually spoilers in disguised, wouldn't be the 1st time I see people do that 🙃
anyway so long as we're careful with how we tag things and where we discuss things, hopefully we...should be fine. It's just annoying because the whole theorising / analysing we do with ML throughout a season will be hindered a lot by all of that 😅 but well there's nothing we can do to stop it from spreading now apart from not sharing it so...I'm just gonna focus on the episode about to drop soon and pretend the rest isn't happening 😉
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