#but I'm eternally grateful that they did cause this shit makes me giggle
sv5hive · 7 months
womaniser | jb22
pairing: jenson button x fempopstar!reader, brief mark webber appearance
content warning(s): swearing, mentions of drinking, use of y/n, inaccurate information about the monaco paddock/circuit, suggestive champagne drinking(?)
word count: 1,771
note: first of all, thank you for all the notes on my lewis fic i'm absolutely blown away 😭🫶🏻 secondly, first fic featuring mr. playboy himself! i hope you enjoy this one bcos i had so much fun writing it 🩷
you gawked at the herds of people waiting for your arrival at the entrance of the paddock from behind your sunglasses. even after years of being in the limelight, you still weren't used to all the attention.
somehow, news had leaked that you would be attending the monaco grand prix this year, which meant that you had to cover yourself in team gear (that your manager had fortunately brought to your hotel room the night before) from head to toe and walk in with the other team members rather than make a glamorous entrance in a far too revealing outfit like you usually did.
not that you were complaining. your manager would have your head if you caused any more chaos especially after your recent stunt during some after party which involved a bit too much drinking and dancing for the public's liking. apparently people didn't think three awards was something to celebrate with several rounds of shots.
"over there!"
despite your best efforts to remain incognito, it seemed you were identifiable even while wearing the slightly grim team uniform you wouldn't be caught dead in if it were under normal circumstances.
in a split second decision you made a run for it, hoping to evade any and all slightly deranged fans who might cause mayhem if they managed to reach you. stifling a giggle, you sprinted down the road without sparing a single thought about how odd it looked to everyone else around. you were suddenly grateful for the fact that you were wearing attire suitable for an unexpected, albeit thrilling, getaway.
yep. your manager is definitely going to give you an earful when you get back.
after what felt like an eternity of running, you ducked in between two motor homes to try and catch your breath while also staying hidden. you were so preoccupied with your own endeavours that you hadn't noticed the two men who were once engaged in their own conversation, now ogling at you.
just your luck. were they fans too? god, when were you going to catch a break?
"sorry, i can't sign anything or take any pictures right now. thanks for your support though." you muttered, finally managing to get out your pr approved message while leaning against the wall.
you promptly figured out that you had obviously said something wrong by the sight of a growing smile on the slightly shorter, blond man. looking closer at his chest, you recognised the same brawn gp logo that you were currently wearing stitched onto his racesuit.
you looked to the dark haired man on his right who still looked confused at your random appearance. as you moved your gaze down from his face, you then noticed the red bull racing logo on his racesuit.
double fuck. but of course it was your luck to run into the drivers and embarrass yourself!
"shit. ok, wait, hang on. sorry about that. i'm not actually like that, i swear. i'm just trying not to make my manager any angrier at me than she already is." you managed to huff out.
"no worries, take your time."
thankfully, the blond man could see that you were still desperately trying to get air in your lungs and graciously gave you time to recover.
"erm, sorry, can we start over? i'm y/n l/n, nice to meet you."
you moved forward to shake both of their hands.
"jenson button, it's a pleasure. although i feel like i've already met you the amount of times you've been in the headlines."
you almost lost all your breath again as he maintained perfect eye contact while shaking your hand. you grimaced at the reminder of the mischief that you had been known for since the beginning of your career.
is this the regret that your manager was talking about during one of her lectures?
"mark webber, nice to meet you too. so, what was that all about?"
the brunet man, mark as you had just learnt, finally snapped out of his daze as he lightly shook your hand.
"oh, that? it's not a big deal, just some fans who wanted to meet me. i mean i appreciate them and i'm sure they have good intentions but it's a little scary to have a horde of people chasing you. you understand, right?"
jenson's shit-eating grin grew impossibly bigger and it was starting to get on your nerves. and this intense staring contest he had initiated didn't help.
what was his problem?
"yeah, i guess? something tells me you get recognised a lot more often than we do."
you nodded at mark's response without even giving him as much as a glance. if it weren't for the fact that you refused to lose the unofficial staring contest, you might have felt bad for practically ignoring him.
mark looked between you two and made the sensible decision to not get involved in whatever the hell was going on.
"uh, i'm gonna go get ready. see you out there, mate."
"yeah sure, see you later."
and just like that, you were alone with jenson.
"so, what's the world's biggest pop star doing at a formula 1 race?"
your face warmed at the compliment from the man who was becoming more and more attractive as time went on.
"thanks. my friend was meant to be here but something came up and she gave me her pass. i don't know anything about racing but i've heard the after parties are good. is that right?"
"good? they're better than good. they're the best parties in the world."
you raised an eyebrow at his declaration. you had been to more after parties than you could care to remember and you heavily doubted that they could be topped. sensing your uncertainty, jenson made an offer.
"tell you what. if i win the race today, you have to let me take you out to celebrate. i'll even let you watch the race from my garage."
he was on pole position and it was almost impossible to overtake at monaco. but you didn't have to know that.
you did need somewhere safe to watch from. and who knows? maybe celebrating with him could be fun.
"and what if you don't win?"
"don't worry about that, sweetheart. i'll win it just for you." he replied shooting you a wink.
jesus, was he trying to make you pass out?
"well if you're so confident then sure."
"great. let me take you to our garage. don't worry, your fans won't be able to get in there. although i can't promise that some of the team won't ask you for pictures."
"as long as they don't try and trample me i think i'll be fine!"
laughing along with him to the garage, both of you failed to notice the cameras pointed at you, broadcasting your interaction to live television.
almost two hours had passed by now and you were anxiously waiting for jenson to cross the line in first place. you didn't think watching race cars go round in circles could ever be so exciting but your mind had been undoubtedly changed after today. jenson had just begun his final lap around the prestigious circuit when the mechanics started leaving the garage. through all the emotion no one had bothered to tell you what was happening so you just rushed outside with them.
eventually you managed to push your way to the front of the crowd and rested against the wall facing the number boards waiting for the top 3 drivers arrival.
"where's jenson?" you turned to the mechanic on your right after the second and third drivers, who you found out were rubens barrichello and kimi räikkönen, parked their cars behind their respective number boards while jenson was nowhere to be found.
you soon got your answer once you saw him round the corner on foot.
"looks like he got lost!" joked the same mechanic on your right.
you shook your head and chuckled at the absurdity of a professional racing driver getting lost at a track he's driven at several times before. in the end he managed to get to the podium to raise his trophy and celebrate with his teammate.
a serene smile fell on his face as the british national anthem played for him for the fifth time that season. slowly but surely his claim to the 2009 title was becoming stronger and stronger.
as his eyes fell on his team he picked out your face in the sea of people. acting solely on impulse, he blew a kiss towards you ultimately causing an echo of wolf whistles. you made a motion as if to catch the kiss and slip it into the pocket of your jeans, saving it for later.
it would just be rude to leave the man hanging after he had let you stay in his garage. it definitely was not because he was charming your socks off.
shortly after the podium ceremony, he made his way towards the wall you were stood against. joining in with everyone else, you applauded him as he walked up. you let him celebrate with the people who had made the win possible before he finally reached you.
"congratulations, jense! you were incredible!"
"thank you, darling! would you like to try some of this champagne? might not be as good as some of the stuff you've had but i like to think victory makes it taste sweeter."
you smirked at the thought.
"if you insist." came your reply before you tilted your head back and opened your mouth to let him pour the champagne in.
for the first time since you had met him, he was speechless. snapping out of it, he poured the champagne into your mouth and the cheers seemed to become deafening. you tapped his chest to signal him to stop and wiped your mouth with your sleeve.
"you were right. victory does make it sweeter."
you mirrored the grin on his face as the celebrations almost faded away into the background. you two must have had the same thought in that moment because before you knew it, you were kissing each other as if there weren't dozens of cameras being shoved in your faces.
once again, you were breathless as you pulled away.
"i know i owe you a proper celebration, but how about dinner? just us two?"
your cheeks were starting to hurt from the permanent grin on your face now.
"sounds like a proper celebration to me."
your manager was definitely going to kill you now. but you couldn't care less; you had a dinner date with jenson button.
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yankstrash · 1 year
oops i said i was gonna send in for cole today and i forgot ✋🏻 anyway here r some prompts 😋
"You're hot when you're mad." & "Stop pouting and get over here."
hehe you are my fav 🤭🤭 love u sar
"You're hot when you're mad." & "Stop pouting and get over here."
Cole didn't drink often, but when he drank, he DRANK. Tonight, he and the boys had the weekend off from games, so they decided to go to the bar and have some drinks.
You stayed back to work on some homework, telling Cole to call you if he needed a ride home before bidding him farewell for the evening.
A couple hours had passed, you finished your homework and hadn't gotten anything from Cole about needing a ride. You figured he would be okay and decided to get ready for bed. You changed into your pajamas, did your skin care, brushed your teeth and hopped into bed.
You closed your eyes and just as you felt yourself falling asleep, your phone started ringing. You groaned and looked at the screen to see that Scooter Brickey was calling you.
Oh God.
"Scooter?" You said as you answered, and were met with giggling from the other line.
"Y/nnnnnn! Pleaseeeee come and get Cole, he is WASTED!" Scooter chuckled out, almost slurring his words.
"Just Cole?" You asked, laughing.
"Nooo, nooooo, definitelyyyyy notttt! I called an Uber but Cole has been talking about you all night so pretty sure he'd rather ride home with you than with a random person."
You laughed to yourself but slightly groaned, seeing as you now had to get up and drive just as you were about to fall asleep.
"Alright, I'm on my way." You said before hanging up.
You slipped on some shoes before grabbing your keys and heading out to your car.
When you arrived at the bar, you saw the boys standing outside. You were grateful enough that they got Cole outside so you didn't have to go into the bar in your pajamas.
His back was to you as you got out of your car, but when Scooter saw you he beamed and pointed in your direction, causing Cole to turn around.
His red, droopy eyes lit up when he saw you, and a shit eating grin overtook his face as he skipped over to you.
"LOVER GIRL! Hi sweet sugar pie!" Cole slurred as he engulfed you immediately.
You laughed as you wrapped your arms around his waist. He REEKED of alcohol, and you knew you had a long night ahead of you.
Another thing about Cole when he drinks, he is CLINGY. He's not typically a clingy boyfriend. He's not huge on PDA and doesn't demand your attention 24/7. However, it's a whole different story when he's drunk.
"Hi honey, did you have a good time?" You asked.
"I didddddd, but I'm ready to go home and be with you." He said, pulling away a bit and placing a sloppy kiss on your forehead.
"Seems like it. Okay, let's head home then."
You waved bye to his teammates before wrestling Cole into the car. It was a difficult task, seeing as he did NOT want to let go of you for the life of him.
"But Y/nnnnn! I don't want you to leaveeeee!" He argued as you buckled his seatbelt in.
"I'm right here baby, but I need to get you home." You said.
"Your home! I want to go to your home!" He slurred.
"Okay, I will take you to my home but you need to let me drive you there." You said.
Cole huffed and said, "Fineeeee. Let's gooooo."
Once he agreed, you shut the passenger door before going to the drivers side and getting in.
The typical 10 minute car ride felt like an eternity with Cole babbling about holding you and making grabby hands at you the whole way, distracting your driving.
"Cole McWard I love you with all my heart but if we crash you are to blame." You said, seriousness laced in your voice.
Cole gasped and said, "I would never let anything happen to you."
"You are about to cause a wreck by grabbing me, please stop." You said, trying to sound nice but stern.
Cole pouted as he looked down. "Sorry, baby."
He controlled himself for the rest of the ride, but was right back on you as you walked into your apartment.
"FINALLYYYYY!" He yelled, and you shushed him immediately.
"SHHHHH! My roommates are asleep." You said, starting to lose your patience a bit with your drunk boyfriend.
"So? They've definitely heard a thing or two from us before." Cole said as he broke out into a giggling fit.
"Cole, go to my room, now." You scolded.
He happily obliged, throwing himself onto your bed.
You poured him a glass of water and grabbed some pain meds that he was sure to need in the morning before joining him in your room.
"Y/N! COME HERE!" He yelled, once again, as you entered your room.
You shushed him again, closing your door.
"Cole honey, please! My roommates are sleeping and I've had a long night, I need you to be quieter." You said, sounding agitated.
You were expecting him to close his mouth, but instead you were met with yet another fit of laughter.
"What is so funny?" You asked, putting your hands on your hips.
"Nothing, you're just hot when you're mad." Cole said, smirking at you.
"Glad you find my agitation funny." You said, crossing your arms over your chest.
"Oh pfft. Stop pouting and get over here so I can hold you." He said, opening up his arms.
"No. Not until you apologize for driving me insane." You said.
Cole sat up and said, "Fine. I am sorry for being loud, almost making you crash and driving you insane. But please come cuddle with me baby, I need it. I need you."
You could never resist him.
You rolled your eyes as you took your shoes off and got into bed with him.
You fell right into him, placing your head on his chest as he held you close.
"I'm sorry I annoyed you tonight. I love you." Cole said, placing a kiss on your head.
You laughed and said, "I love you too, Coley. But I am coming with you next time to keep an eye on your alcohol intake, okay?"
"Sounds good to me."
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I know it’s just an NPC at the Winter Palace who happens to be voiced by Miranda Raison. But I will ALWAYS headcanon that it’s actually Cassandra making fun of nobles.
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thebigsl33p · 2 years
You Are Sick and You're Married, and You Might Be Dying. (Part two)
Part one.
Really I wanted to title this after Andromeda by Weyes Blood, "Treat me right, I'm still a good man's daughter. Let me In If I break and be quiet if I shatter." But it's easier if it has the same title as the one before. Maybe I'll do another one with that title. TW: angst, death, cancer, realistic Chemo (as close as I could get it anyways), Morpheus. No happy ending.
Things had been hard.
Y/N had been given two choices, Chemotherapy or to just…leave it. To let the Cancer exist and spread to her lymph nodes, slowly kill her. She thought about it, she really did. It would be easier, peaceful and on her own terms. Joanna assured her that whatever she chose she would be by her side, and Y/N had no doubt. So when she chose Chemo, Joanna did everything in her power to make sure she was comfortable.
It was the least she could do with the guilt she was carrying. She knew Y/N wasn't going to make it, a demon's curse is a demon's curse. And she felt awful. But she didn't want her girl to hate her, so she didn't bring it up.
The Doctors had told them about what to watch out for. How Y/N would be sensitive to the cold, it could cause pins and needles or make her throat feel like it was closing up so they should always have gloves, a scarf and a bottle of warm water after a Chemo session.
They had also told the couple about how food might taste different for Y/N and may even have a different texture. And how she could be sick or feel nauseous. And should anything feel off at all she was to call 111. They would give her the best advice, tell her whether she should to to the hospital or not.
The Chemo was spread across every other week.
Y/N was sitting in a chair in the Chemo section of the hospital she was in, wearing one of Joanna's shirts and a cardigan. She had a pick in her arm and a bag of chemicals hanging over her head. Her girlfriend was sitting in a chair next to her, and they were chatting about shit TV when her phone went.
Y/N saw her go to decline it, "Joanna, you're allowed to accept phone calls, y'know? I know you don't think of it this way, but you do actually have a job, that you are allowed to attend." She reminded her.
"Fine." Joanna accepted the call and sat there for a while, just humming in agreement before hanging up, "They want me for an exorcism this evening. Someone high class."
"Royal?" Y/N laughed.
"Probably. But I can cancel if you don't want me going. Like seriously, they can pull someone else in. The only reason I took it was because they're paying a lot." She explained.
"Joanna it's fine. I'll probably be tired when I get back home, so I'll just sleep while you're gone sweetheart. Don't fret."
Joanna had been to this church many times.
Outside, was the local crazy, Hettie, who Joanna loved to bits. She always had a bit of mystic or occult gossip. The woman was two hundred and eight after all.
And this time, it was about The Sandman, something that Joanna was sure was nothing more than a fairy story.
"He's back.." Hettie slurred.
Joanna laughed, "Who's back Hettie?" 
"Why Morpheus of course."
"Morpheus?" "The king of nightmares. The sandman."
"The sandman's nothing but a fairytale hettie." Joanna laughed.
"Mark my words girl, The Sandman's back, and he wants his sand." Hettie looked over Joanna's shoulder and started giggling.
Joanna turned around, to see what Hettie was having a look at and there on the steps of the church she was about to go into was a man, who she would describe as goth. He looked a bit like an emo teenage boy…but with more style.
"Who are you?" Joanna's eyebrows raised at the man and he began to speak something about dreams and nightmares and sand, but she stopped him, "Look, that's nice and all but I have an exorcism to do and a girlfriend to get back too." She pushed past him.
Joanna would've been eternally grateful for that night.
The night she partnered up with The Sandman to get his bag of sand from an ex-girlfriend of hers who had destroyed herself with it. He had made sure she died peacefully and happily.
And that was when Joanna had an idea.
As they were leaving her ex's house, Joanna turned to Morpheus, "I'm going to ask you a favour." She said, "I don't care what the price is I just…need this. My girlfriend Y/N has cancer. She doesn't know it yet, but…the chemo's not gonna make a change. She's dying and it's my fault. What you did to Rachel in there, could you do that for her? Or maybe put a word in with Death when the time comes? Make sure she's comfortable?"
"Yes." He answered, his eyes showing pity for her, "One day I'll call on you."
In that moment he was the patron saint of Lovers. Forget valentine.
The Chemo was doing very little. If anything it was making it worse. Months later, Y/N had shaved her hair and had lost weight. She looked pale and tired.
The doctor's didn't see much point in continuing with the sessions. Instead they gave Y/N some meds and sent her home under the care of her girlfriend.
The moment they got home, Joanna put Y/N into bed before going to make some food.
Just as she was about to leave the bedroom, Y/N called her back, "Joanna. Please, sit with me."
"…Okay." Joanna turned around and took her side of the bed, "What's up?"
"I know." She said, "I know I had no chance of living…" She admitted, "The night you called me…worried. I thought if I did the Chemo it might make both of us feel better, might let me live a little longer. When I go-"
"Y/N, no." Joanna took her hand.
"When I go, I don't want you to feel bad. Alright?"
"Alright. I'm sorry."
"I know, it's okay. I know you only tried to do what was best."
Y/N barely lasted the rest of the week. She was fading away, finding it harder and harder to wake up, sleeping more, eating less.
And then, one warm summer evening, she was awake again. Joanna could hear her mumbling to herself from the kitchen, chatting away. And just as she went to check on her, there was a knock at the door.
Joanna sighed and went to open it and there on the other side was The Sandman. And she knew what that meant, and she knew who Y/N was talking too.
Together, the Exorcist and The Endless walked into their bedroom to see Y/N sitting up in bed and a black woman sitting on the end of it, her legs crossed like a child.
"I didn't think there was much point in hiding." She shrugged, "You've already met my brother." She turned to Y/N, "You've got a real amazing one here, I wish I could let you keep her a little longer."
"Joanna, come sit with me." Y/N smiled as Joanna took a seat on her side of the bed, "Are you okay?"
"Shouldn't I be asking you that?" Joanna was beginning to sniffle.
"You know that's not how we work." She laughed before wiping her Love's eyes, "Don't cry Sweetheart. It's not worth it." Her eyes flicked up, "I take it you're Dream? Your sister told me you'd be coming."
"Yes. I'm here to make sure your happy when you go. It's the least I could do for Joanna." he sighed.
"Well, I think I'm ready." She smiled at her girlfriend, "In the end, was it a Royal?"
"Yeah." Joanna smiled through the overflow of tears.
"I love you." She kissed her cheek.
"I love you too."
And then Morpheus was gone, Death was gone and so was Y/N. And with all three of them they took Joanna's will to live.
The world would never shine as bright again as it did when she was besides Y/N.
Her wonderful, beautiful Y/N.
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EllieDina Week - Day 6: Redemption.
Shit, I apologize for this one being late again! But it got away from me, and ended up being my longest story yet. I hope that you guys enjoy .
Rating: Teen and up.
Ellie stands stock-still on the worn front porch, the seafoam green paint that used to cover it in bright droves, was peeling off in little chips and flakes. Ellie raises her hand and closes it in a loose fist, her hand is shaking as she brings it forward and knocks on the dark blue front door. With a familiar three toned knock, she closes her eyes and takes a step back.
She counts backwards from ten, and draws in four big breaths and then exhales. Repeating until she feels herself start to calm down. " Dammit, Ellie- Calm yourself! It's just Dina and little Spud! We are just going out on a picnic, nothing too serious. " Ellie grimaced at her own words towards herself, she knew that she had every right to panic. Dina could have cut Ellie out of her and JJ's life, and just moved on. But she'd chosen to let Ellie prove herself, and Ellie would always be eternally grateful for that.
Ellie's green eyed gaze had drifted down to the porch at some point, so when the door went flying open she was quick to raise her head and brace for impact. She crouched down just in time for JJ to come barreling into her arms, giggling with delight as he wrapped his arms around Ellie. " El! I made yew something! " He excitedly moved back a bit, and presented Ellie a bracelet that was made out of twine, she smiled as she held her wrist out.
She watched him struggle for a moment with getting it tied onto her wrist, but once he did, she chuckled as he smiled proudly. His missing front tooth making it ten times more adorable than should be legal. Ellie turned her wrist over and examined the bracelet, it was covered in multicolored beads and had a few charms between a couple of the beads. She ruffled his hair, and grinned at him. " Whoa! This looks super badass, Spud! You made this all by yourself? "
" He made it at school. " Dina's voice suddenly sounded, making Ellie jump slightly and raise her head to stare up at the woman leaning against the door jamb with a loving smile on her face, and the basket for their picnic held in her hands. " He was asked to make a gift for the people who mean the most to him. " Dina raised the hand holding the basket, showing that she was wearing one as well.
Ellie looked back at the bracelet JJ had made for her, then she looked back at him. She sniffed, not at all oblivious to the tears that welled in her eyes. She quickly wiped them away, pulling JJ into a small embrace. " Thanks for the new piece, JJ. I will wear it with pride. I still- I can't believe that you are old enough to attend school! " She let him go, and slowly got to her feet.
JJ rushed back past Dina and inside the house as soon as Ellie had released him from the hug. " I forgot! " He shouted as he zoomed upstairs.
Ellie looked at Dina with her brow arched in confusion, but Dina just shrugged her shoulders. Letting her know that she had no idea what he meant by that. " He's a wild card, he could have meant anything. You know, he kind of reminds me of you, when you first came to Jackson. Not the stealing a whole bunch of jerky bit, but just your general personality when you opened up and started talking with me. "
Ellie's mouth fell open with a soft ' oh '. Her eyes shimmered as the memories all came flooding back, and she chuckled. " Well, looks like your work is cut out for you. Having to deal with a replica of tiny fourteen year old me. "
" Yeah, I guess that it is. " Dina said with amusement, she turned to face the stairs as she heard JJ come parading back downstairs. His backpack all packed up and clipped onto him, like he was ready for a weekend of adventuring. " Whoa! What's all that for, buddy? " Dina asked as she watched him walk back onto the porch.
" Nothing, it's a secret. " Was all JJ said, his missing tooth making the his S's sound like he was whistling. He marched down the steps and stopped at the bottom. " I'm ready! " He announced, looking at both Ellie and Dina expectantly.
" Well, alright- As long as it isn't another one of those mice from school. I told you that they are alive, and can't breathe inside of your backpack or pocket. " Dina spoke as she walked out the door, closing it behind her.
JJ gave a firm shake of his head. " No, is not a mouse, Mama. Promise. "
Dina let out a breath of relief, happy to not have to deal with THAT situation again. " Oh, thank god. "
Ellie looked confused at the mention of mice from school, and all it made her think of was shooting rats with a BB gun back in Boston. She walked down the stairs with Dina, gently nudging JJ's shoe with the toe of her boot. " Fine, keep your secrets, Spud! " She teased.
Ellie was trying really hard not to think about the fact that JJ was going to school every weekday and she was missing it, because she lived back where she used to. When Joel was still alive. The place brought back a lot of feelings, especially one's about all she'd done to fuck up her life. But thankfully, she wasn't ever home long enough to be constantly reminded of the past. She just longed for the days when she could cuddle with Dina and JJ in bed, forgetting all the horrors of the world.
JJ gently tugged on the sleeve of Ellie's flannel, pulling her out of her thoughts. " Let's goooo! I'm starving. "
A grin stretched across Ellie's face as the old joke came to her mind, and she couldn't resist. " Hi, starving! I'm Ellie. It's great to meet you. " She said as she shook JJ's hand with great force. Causing him to laugh and try to tug away.
" You are such a dork. " Dina said with a fond smile, beginning to walk in the direction towards the center of town.
Ellie follows after Dina, JJ trailing along beside her. His backpack making an awful lot of ruckus as he bounced around like the happy kid he was. She side-eyed the bag with suspicion, her mind practically teaming with curiosity. What on earth could a four year old have that's so big of a secret, it must be hidden in a backpack?
Dina stopped once they reached the front gates, talking to one of the guards on duty. She had talked with Maria before hand, just to make sure it was safe. But she still needed to let the guards know they were leaving out. She smiled brightly at them, grabbing Ellie and JJ's hands, and leading them out of Jackson's front gate.
Dina drew in a large breath, exhaling happily. " I know it seems dumb, but the air always smells so much more crisp outside the walls. " She laughed as JJ attempted to mimic her, she tickled his sides with wiggly fingers, causing him to shriek in delight.
Ellie couldn't keep the big smile off of her face, she gave a shake of her head in disagreement. " I don't think it's dumb, especially not when I know exactly what you mean. "
《 》
The walk to the picnic spot had been a rather uneventful thing, but JJ's excitement about every little leaf, critter and river definitely made it worth it.
Dina came to a stop right on a gorgeous riverbank, a field of small bright yellow flowers surrounded them. She smiled as she saw the look of awe stretch across her sons face, but she definitely wasn't surprised to see that Ellie was just as mystified. " Ah, I see that you two love the view here already! "
Dina set down the picnic basket and opened it up, pulling out the small fleece blanket she'd brought for them to enjoy their picnic on.
JJ ran around near the waters edge, laughing and giggling as the water splashed up and licked his feet. " It's cold! Ellie, come! Play with me! " He says in excitement as he crouches down and starts splashing at the waters surface.
" Coming, Spud! " Ellie shouts as she jumps over a fallen log and squats down beside JJ at the waters edge, watching as he concentrates on catching imaginary critters. " Look! I caught a big one! " He says as he holds up his empty fist.
" Whoa, nelly! That fish is as big as you were when you were just a little Potato! " Ellie says in excitement, miming the size of the imaginary fish and placing her hands on her head in wonder.
" Alright, enough fishing you two! It's time to eat. " Dina calls out to them from her seat on the blanket, she had been watching them bond for about ten minutes, a loving smile on her face. Despite all they'd been through, Dina knew that Ellie was the missing half that JJ needed in his life.
Both JJ and Ellie rush over to the blanket, laughing as they flop down onto it.
Ellie was amazed by the amount of food that tiny basket had been able to hold, it was packed with fruit, cheese, fresh bread and jam preserves, beef jerky and a big thermos of water. " I have no idea, how you managed to bring this much stuff. But oh man, this is a feast built for a king. "
Dina shook her head with a snort, gently shoving Ellie by the shoulder, before handing out the plates. " Shut up, you dope. It's normal sized picnic basket. "
Ellie stuck her tongue out playfully at Dina, earning a slight kick from the other woman's foot. Oh… How much Ellie had missed this, just spending time and being in the here and now with Dina and JJ.
Dina served all of them the fresh fruit, bread with raspberry preserves, the cheese and jerky as well as a glass of water. They all sat in silence as they ate, listening to the sounds of the forest. The soft babbling of the river, the leaves brushing against each other as a breeze blows through them.
JJ was seated in Dina's lap, he was munching on a piece of apple, while talking excitedly about something he'd learned in school. And Ellie was just beyond herself, head over heels in love as she watched Dina listen to him speak with such patience, love and understanding in those beautiful brown eyes.
The sun was reaching that beautiful golden peak in the sky, and it cast it's golden rays on the both of them. It was a moment Ellie wished she could preserve forever, Dina's freckled face as she laughed and tickled JJ's side.
" I love you. " Ellie blurted out in a firm, matter-of-fact tone. " And I always have, I never stopped. Even when it seemed like I had, and I lost myself. I love you, and- I want things to be like they used to be. I want to wake up in the bed beside you, and prove to you… How much you mean to me. I want to be a constant in JJ's life, I don't want to watch him grow up from the sidelines. " Ellie sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of her nose.
" And I know, I have no right coming out and saying all of this- But I've been talking about it all with Dr. Monroe. And- And I just needed to get it off my chest, I know that it's stupid- And that all of that is probably the last thing you want, after all I've done. " Ellie didn't realize that she was tearing up until one of the sneaky fuckers slipped down her cheek.
Dina stared at Ellie in shock, her brown eyes flashing with so many different emotions as she searches Ellie's green eyes for any hint that she was fabricating something, anything. But when she saw none of that, and only a look mixed with fear, adoration and love. " Ellie… "
Could Dina let Ellie back into her life like that? Part of her was so unsure, and felt that same fear creeping back up. But she shoved it back down, and told it to shove it. Ellie had been working for two years, to earn back her trust. And… Dina couldn't lie, though she still shielded herself and JJ. Ellie had earned that trust the second she started truly working to fix things in her life. The things that ran deep, and cut to the bone.
Dina's eyes softened as she reached her hand forward and gently caressed Ellie's cheek. " Ellie, you stole my heart the moment I met you. I can't say that it doesn't hurt, when I think back to that night. But- I think that with time, we can mend those wounds. " She leaned forward and pressed a loving kiss to her lips.
JJ giggled and scrambled out of Dina's lap, flopping down onto the blanket in between them. He pulled his backpack off and opened it up, pulling out a small sketchbook that Ellie had found for him. He opened it up to a page it seemed he knew by heart, and proudly showed it to the both of them. It had the words ' My family ' scrawled across the top in typical toddler fashion.
Ellie furiously wiped at her eyes as she observed the drawing, then she laughed and pulled both JJ and Dina into a hug. " Ugh, I love you both so much it physically pains me- Would be a shame... If you were stuck with me. " Ellie said as she pulled back and looked Dina in the eyes. " Dina… I never thought I'd find myself ever saying these words- Especially now. But- What better time than now. Marry me? You wonderful, gorgeous woman. I want to spend the rest of my life, with you and JJ. "
Dina really didn't think that she could be more surprised than she was at Ellie's confession. But she certainly didn't expect to break down in tears, voice thick with emotion as she answered. " Yes, I wouldn't want it any other way. You… Complete us. "
JJ was still a little to young yet to completely grasp the concept, but he was happy because his Mama and Mom were. They spent the rest of the day just spending time together, talking and laughing. They had been given a second chance to grow together as a family.
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lunar-jimin · 4 years
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only proper and right things only good things, looking out of the well
Pairing: Hoseok x Fem!Reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: fluff, mild smut, idiots to lovers
Length: 1.3k
Warnings: dry humping, cumming in pants, that’s it I think
a/n: this is my second fic for @ficswithluv​‘s Bulletproof Bingo. I hope you enjoy.
bingo m.list | bingo card | m.list
It had been years since Hoseok had last stepped into your father's diner. When you had last seen him, he had been a scruffy teen laughing with his gaggle of friends. The Hoseok that sat before you was an entirely different creature. His suit alone must have cost several thousand dollars. His body had filled out, and he must have grown an inch or two.
You had heard stories about what happened to him. He and his friends were part of a street gang that had terrorized the local businesses. But never your father's diner, they never dared to touch your father's diner. Perhaps because your father had a soft spot for them, always knocking a dollar or two of the prices. After graduating high school (barely), most of the boys had moved out of town to pursue bigger and better things, Hoseok included. Together, they formed one of the largest business conglomerates in the country: Bangtan.
Bangtan had a mixed reputation. Many praised it for the incredible charity work it did, while others suspected it of having a shady background. You never minded the rumors. Who were you, a small town girl still waitressing at her father's restaurant, to judge the men who actually made something out of their lives. It didn't help that you had carried a flame for Hoseok since high school.
"Heya Hobi, what can I getcha today?"
His lips spread into a grin at the sound of his old nickname.
"Now that's a name I haven't heard for a while," he chuckled, "I'll take a burger, no tomato, and a sprite to go with it, love."
"Alrighty then."
You tucked your pencil behind your ear, before turning away to deliver the order to your dad. Before you could leave, Hoseok's hand wrapped around your wrist.
"Wha-," you swirled around.
"When do you get off?"
"Umm, eight."
"I'll pick you up then," he smirked, releasing your wrist.
You didn't question him, just turned back around before he could see you blush. You were only mildly confused as to why Hoseok wanted to spend time with you of all people. Sure, sometimes your friend groups would mix as teenagers, but he hadn't ever paid any special attention to you. You could count the number of conversations you've had together on one hand.
You tried to push your thoughts to the back of your mind while you finished your shift. Despite your efforts, you spent the rest of your workday distracted, and it was a wonder you hadn't messed up anyone's order. Hoseok didn't say a word to again, except when paying. Eight' o'clock rolled around faster than you expected, and before you knew it, you were hanging up your apron.
You hadn't brought a jacket with you, so you shivered as you stepped out into the chilly early autumn air. Lucky for you, it was only moments before Hoseok pulled up in front of the diner in a shiny silver sports car. You slipped inside without a moment's hesitation. If it were any other person, you might have questioned getting in their car after not seeing them for seven years, but this was Hoseok, and maybe you still liked him a teensy bit. A teensy, weensy bit.
Hoseok smiled at you as you made yourself comfortable in his passenger seat.
"Might I ask where you're taking me?"
"Oh, but that would ruin the surprise, wouldn't it."
You rolled your eyes.
"Well, seeing as I'm blindly trusting you with my life right now, maybe a surprise isn't called for. I'm already risking my existence being in this car with you."
"Now how's that?"
He hadn't taken his eyes off the road.
"Well, I haven't seen you in seven years, and now I'm in your car with no idea of where we are going, and you haven't said so much as hello to me. You might be taking me off to kill me for all I know."
He chuckled at that.
"Why would I kill such a pretty doll, like yourself? Besides, I thought we were friends and friends trust each other."
You raised your eyebrows.
"Friends, huh? Hoseok, I haven't heard so much as a peep out of you in all the time you've been gone. And even when you were here, I don't know if I would call us friends."
He shook his head.
"Well, I thought we were."
You spent the rest of the car ride in silence with only the low hum of his music to keep you company. You tried not to worry as you left the limits of the town and made your way into the surrounding countryside. When you pulled up to a private airport fifteen miles out of the way of civilization, you had to hide your surprise.
"Hoseok, what are we doing here?"
"We're gonna take a trip."
"Wha-? Where? For how long? Why? I can't; I have work tomorrow."
The word flooded out of your mouth as you noticed the lone private jet on the dark runway.
"I figured I had to make our first date memorable. And don't worry, I already cleared it with your father. Besides, I had to get your passport somehow."
He smiled.
"First date...wait, what?"
"Oh come on, you have to have known that I've had the biggest crush on you since the beginning of time."
You started at him blankly, disbelief flooding your brain.
"I had no idea," you whisper.
You looked across at him and had to will yourself not to shrink under the heat of his gaze.
"Yeah, well, I have. I know it's sudden and that I haven't been around, but I've been waiting because I was dealing with shit I didn't want you to get wrapped up in, 'cause you're it for me, and if something happened to you, I could never forgive myself. But now it's all good, and I really just want you. But I get it if you don't want to come with."
You shook your head.
"Oh, you idiot," you mumbled, before leaning across the armrest to place your lips on his.
He sat still for a second, before reciprocating your action. His lips were soft against yours, moving gently as though he was scared he would break you. His warm hand slipped up to cup your cheek. Happiness spread throughout your entire body as dopamine and oxytocin flooded your brain.
You felt like you had been kissing for an eternity when his arms wrapped around your waist and lifted you into his lap. His arousal was immediately apparent, and your hips ground down onto his bulge on their own accord. His tongue slipped into your mouth as arousal pooled in your panties. You were grateful that you had worn a skirt today, seeing as it was one less layer between you in him. A moan escaped you when your clit hooked on his tip.
You were sure you were ruining his pants, but you couldn't find yourself caring. It had been so long since someone had made you feel this good, and it was Hoseok no less. It only took you minutes to find your release, cum soaking through your panties and his pants. Drained of all your energy, you collapsed on top of him, heavy pants escaping both your mouths.
When you gathered enough strength, you sat up to find him looking at you with a soft gaze.
"Do you want me to hel-"
You went to reach for his zipper, but his hand caught yours, blush apparent even in the darkness.
You glance down at his pants to find his own stain had joined yours on his crotch.
"That's hot," you giggled.
He looked a bit relieved.
"Yeah. And I'll go with you."
His face stretched into a huge smile before he pulled you in for another kiss.
"Alright, then. Let's go."
When you woke up the next morning, you were greeted with an aerial view of Baja and the cutest man you had ever seen.
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