#but I'm a non-binary bisexual who identified as ace and arospec during the height of ace discourse
Maybe THIS time the tumblr queers have finally found the REAL Privileged Invaders who Don't Belong. Maybe this time they're REALLY actually harming the Actually Oppressed members of the community by trying to discuss the issues they face. Maybe this time the horrific troll blogs and disgusting anons harassing others while claiming to be from this group really ARE from individuals in this group, and maybe this time the indefensible and atrocious actions of an alleged member of this group justify making this entire segment of the community an acceptable target, and justify nearly identical harassment that has also been thrown at them, but ignored because, "well actually these other people have it WORSE".
Maybe. Possibly.
But this website also thought the same when non-binary people were the Privileged Transphobic Interlopers harming the Actually Oppresed Trans People. When bi and pan people were the Privileged Homophobic Interlopers harming the Actually Oppresed Gay People. When aspec people were the Privileged Cishet Interlopers harming Actually Oppresed same-gender attracted people. But people on this website have no pattern recognition, the memory of goldfish, and a love of "justified" lateral aggression so this has to happen every few years.
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