#but I'd much rather watch Keith kick his ass
waugh-bao · 9 months
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(The Independent, July 27th 1996)
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lemongogo · 7 years
ok same anon again since u said u wanted to know what my thoughts on s3 were! hope this doesn't spam up yr inbox too much! so. this was definitely the best season so far?? there was a lot more going on that made it interesting (like the plot isn't only Destroy The Big Bad; now there's lotor + kuron + stuff like that) so that was nice bc being really? basic plot-wise idk was an issue i'd had w the other two seasons.. ngl i am Not digging the weird focus on keith. i like him ig but i don't [1/4]
rly get (ok i do from a narrative pov but not a logical one if u know what i mean) why shiro singled him out as a good leader?? + there was that whole arc w mamora too so ig he's probably the Chosen One type of character which im not a big fan of :/ i feel like bc of that focus everyone else has been neglected lmao (in s2+s3)... other stuff ,, hmm,, love lotors generals ,, would let them kick my ass. also would bet $$ that keith + auxia (sp??) are siblings. shiro? rest in pieces. this new [2/4]
guy is fake asf but he clearly doesnt know it so. drama ahead. im ready. ok last thing. imo vld's big flaw is characterization. the protags (except pidge afaik) dont have goals outside of End Evil which is all well + good but not super interesting. + i feel like they're kinda 2D/flat; ik it isnt a v long show yet and theres a lot of characters so to an extent that's excusable but at the same time there were definitely some missed opportunities for growth/development... so uh yeah!!! [3/4]
planning on watching s4. which?? will hopefully be longer than s3?? why was it so short. but yeah. ... sorry this was so long & messy! have a gn and thanks for answering all my asks :^) youre super nice tbh [4/4]
aaH !!! thanks for letting me know how it went, im super interested to see how it went for you !! sorry if my response is like,, super fragmented. id feel bad making you read this super long ass essay so imma try to keep it short but !!! anywho thanks for tellin me what you thought about it
i definitely agree that season three was the best!! i think that has to do with the plot, like you said. i think the thing w zarkon was that he didn’t really seem like that big of a threat to voltron?? if that makes sense? compare him to lotor where, zarkon was only interested for his redemption of the black lion whereas lotor genuinely wants to take down voltron and revolutionize the galran empire in a way thats gonna be such a big threat to everybody and everything. its exciting!!
and yeah i totally get you on keith. he’s my second favorite character in the whole series but sometimes i feel like its too heavily focused on his arc rather than hunk’s, for instance. like as much as i value him as a character and i would do to watch a show thats even just based on keith, i think the issue resides in the fact that this isn’t a keith based show, rather one for 6 or so different characters to grow. so i completely get you there. and yes !! the generals were so good!! im so happy that they decided to change that nasty harem from DOTU into a really cool and dynamic team that poses a big ol THREAT to the paladins. ++ lotor is so ... good. he’s a good villain and i love him as a villain and i can’t wait to see what he has in store. and YEAH i’d like to think that acxa is keith’s sister- fits more than a mother figure since she looks so young && is especially half galra
kuron?? can eat my SHORTS i can’t wait for them to figure out this aint the real shiro nd they get the real dude Back. its so spooky bc i didn’t notice it myself until i read all the theories about it lmao im a Fake Shiro Fan(tm) props to you for noticing >:-0
!!!!!! completely agree with you there though. having mentioned pidge, i’m actually extremely excited for season 4 bc that’s going to have an ep (maybe more) actually pursuing matt and getting to the bottom of this issue, so i cant wait to see how that turns out. especially in terms w her dad?? where he AT. but YEAH the biggest problem i have is with hunk, still. labine (VA) said that he is guaranteed growth in later seasons but that doesnt excuse them for just ,, abandoning him for what seems like 3 seasons now. he has so much potential and its upsetting to see him cast aside so often :(
but same here!! i hope that its everything season 3 was and more tbh. i mean,, technically its supposed to be season 3? like part b if that makes any sense? unfortunately its going to be shorter (only 6 episodes this time around) but i think they said they’re going to start splitting the seasons in half so that they can air them more frequently and be able to have more “”seasons”” in a sense :3c 
nd thank you so much as well!! for not only sending this stuff in but also responding to what i had to say too haha. i appreciate it and i hope you have a super great night !!!!!!!!!
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