#but I swam some laps this morning and got to thinking about ''A Case of Mistaken Identity''
thelastspeecher · 19 days
spent today working on the final chapter of "A Case of Mistaken Identity" and lemme tell ya
you know it's gonna be a banger chapter when I have to whip out my copy of Journal 3 as a reference
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ireceived-p8250000 · 3 months
March 24-30 2013
It's Holy week. We also have electricity bills that are enaring to be oaid. But we can pay alter after the due date.
I was planning of going to a vacation alone but that's fine. I got my passport but where will 5k get me.
It's really crazy.
I asked Mansoor what he will be doing. He said just family gatherings. I asked if he can take me to the beach because I haven't been there ever since my parents don't ever allow me.
He said, okay.
"I don't have enough money though."
"I'll answer for it "
"Huwag I cat let you do that."
"Pay me back it's okay."
I wasn't concentrating in class anymorem Tuesday, we presented our culminating activity. And there are photos of us together with Mansoor again wit the kids.
"Uy, bagay!" Said the others.
"Next!" I said.
By Wednesday, Roxanne arrived already. Tina is also here and we kinda fought because of my attitude.
Psych Stat was doing PSS applications. So we learned that. The girls don't like Regine and avoiding her because of her negativity towards everything. She literally bring stormy clous over at anyone.
I asked a day off for tomorrw just in case we don't return in time.
"Ano, we don't have budget for like a room. There's just a parang covered for our things. Then may CR naman per may fee."
"Okay, that sfood enough for me." I said.
We plan to go by Friday. He has some family thing Thursday. I think his parents are quite good and fine. His siblings too.
Thursday, I just spent the time doing chores in the morning, then went out to the hill station cafe to edit videos before I go to my work. I do some studying too especially for stats.
I cooked food a night before. Just some fruits.
Then Friday morning at 5am, I met up with him at the bus station. We bought Jollibee foods. I'm really feeling fluttered wit him sitting together wit me.
"You know you get to know a person better when you travel together." I said.
"Test ba to?"
"Sinasabi ko lang."
The trip was just about an hour. We went down and flagged down a trike.
And we were lucky to catch the sunrise. I took a lot of photos. And photos of him. By 8, the sun is shining. I changed and wore a bikini bra and sports shorts. I'm wearing some light coverup underneath since I don't want to show my whole body with some distributed fats all over.
I saw him looking and was shyung away. He really is a good person.
He taught me how to swim but I gave up almost immediately.
"Bahala ka pag tinapon ka sa dagat." He said.
The sun was torture in the morning. Good hing he lent me a cap. We walked around and he answered for my food and drinks.
We swam a bit more but we are just on the sand talking and having jokes. Then taking photos. We had a quiet time as we both read after lunch. At 2, we showered. Separatelynoff course and ready to go back.
We caught a bus back home at 3. So tired so I slept on his shoulder. He allowed me to sleep on his lap since I also brought like a small pillow.
We reached the city at 5 and had coffee at Luisa's first. Then walked somewhere behind SM just to watch he sunm it's corny romantic sure but tis beautiful.
I went home at 7. The mother and daughters are still there. Tina slept in Ran's room and Keisha too.
Tina was talking to me but I shut the door.
I slept and wke up hours later and did some video edits. I asked Mansoor if he's okay to let me upload some photos. He said it's okay but warned me that we will get teased a lot for it.
So I just picked the ones that subtly shows him. I have him copies. All of it. Except the ones I look ugly in off course.
I started blogging again. Then sketching.
I slept late and woke up late Saturday. Just did chores and later went out to town and studied at a cafe.
Then I headed to work. We have a lot of customers aoaprenytly
March 24-30, 2013Sunday, March 24It's Holy Week, and I'm juggling paying electricity bills and planning a potential solo vacation. However, with only ₱5,000, it's challenging to figure out where I could go. Feeling a bit overwhelmed, I asked Mansoor what his plans were. He mentioned family gatherings, so I asked if he could take me to the beach since my parents never allowed me to go.
He agreed.
"I don't have enough money, though," he told me.
"I'll cover it," I said said.
"Huwag, I can't let you do that."
"Pay me back, it's okay," I insisted.
Monday, March 25
I was distracted in class, thinking about the upcoming beach trip. We presented our culminating activity, and there were photos of me and Mansoor with the kids. "Uy, bagay!" the others teased. I brushed it off, saying, "Next!"
Tuesday, March 26
Roxanne arrived, and Tina was here too. We had a fight over my attitude. In Psych Stat, we learned about PSS applications. The girls are avoiding Regine due to her constant negativity. I asked for a day off tomorrow just in case we didn't return in time."Ano, we don't have a budget for a room. There's just a covered area for our things and a CR with a fee," Mansoor informed me."Okay, that's good enough for me," I replied.
Wednesday, March 27Mansoor had a family event today, so I spent the morning doing chores and then went to Hill Station Cafe to edit videos before work. I also studied for stats. I cooked some food the night before, mainly fruits.
Thursday, March 28I spent the day doing chores and editing videos. I also prepared for our beach trip by packing my bag and getting everything ready.
Friday, March 29At 5 AM, I met Mansoor at the bus station. We bought Jollibee food, and I felt butterflies with him sitting next to me. "You know you get to know a person better when you travel together," I said."Is this a test?" he joked."Sinasabi ko lang."The trip took about an hour. We flagged down a trike and caught the sunrise, taking lots of photos. By 8, the sun was shining brightly. I changed into a bikini bra and sports shorts with a light coverup. I saw Mansoor glancing at me shyly. He really is a good person.He tried teaching me how to swim, but I gave up almost immediately. "Bahala ka pag tinapon ka sa dagat," he teased.The sun was harsh in the morning, but he lent me a cap. We walked around, and Mansoor covered my food and drinks. We swam a bit more, then sat on the sand talking and joking, taking more photos. After lunch, we had quiet time reading. At 2, we showered separately and got ready to go back.We caught a bus home at 3, and I slept on his shoulder during the ride. He let me sleep on his lap with a small pillow I brought. We reached the city at 5 and had coffee at Luisa's before walking behind SM to watch the sunset. It was corny romantic, but beautiful.I got home at 7. Tina, Keisha, and the mother were still there. Tina tried talking to me, but I shut the door. I slept for a few hours, then woke up to do some video edits. I asked Mansoor if he was okay with me uploading some photos. He agreed but warned we’d get teased a lot. I picked ones that subtly showed him and gave him all the copies, except the ones I looked ugly in.I started blogging again and sketched a bit. I stayed up late.
Saturday, March 30I woke up late, did chores, and then went to town to study at a cafe. Later, I headed to work, which was busy with many customers.
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hercleverboy · 4 years
the beauty of falling in love
spencer reid x reader
summary ↠ spencer is determined to show the reader just how beautiful love can be.
category ↠ angst/fluff
warnings/includes ↠ mentions of sex, swearing.
word count ↠ 4.5k
“Hug me like the night holds the moon.” — Alexandra Vasiliu
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Falling in love with her was never a choice. 
It started slowly, building up over the first few months since she’d joined the team. He often lost his train of thought when he was around her, stumbling over his words and getting flustered easily when she paid him a single ounce of attention. 
And then one day, it hit him. All at once. 
He was in love with her. 
At first, he was filled with an unimaginable guilt.
He’d only lost Maeve just two years prior, and it felt like he was betraying her, to find himself in love with another woman.
But when he looked at her, it was like nothing he’d ever felt before. Not even with Maeve. Maeve was his first love, and he was hoping that Y/N would be his last.
Spencer knew he was more confident now than he had been a few years back. No longer was he an awkward boy who couldn’t gather up the nerve to ask a girl out. Despite all the hurt that had come from losing his first love, it’d definitely taught him a thing or two. He longed to feel the warmth and giddiness that came with falling in love with someone, to be consumed by another’s affections. 
As the age old cliche goes, Y/N seemed oblivious to Spencer’s yearning. Though it wasn’t entirely her fault, as his idea of flirting wasn’t exactly obvious to the subject of his desire. 
He’d bring her coffee from her favourite little shop on chilly winter mornings, watching as her face lit up with joy and feeling the familiar tenderness fill him, knowing he was the reason she was smiling. Of course, Y/N only interpreted the act as a friend buying another friend a drink, when it really was so much more than that. 
When his attempt at showing her that he wanted to be more failed, he went back to the drawing board, brainstorming other ways he could tell her he loved her without ever actually having to say the words. 
His second approach came in the form of touch. More specifically, not being so uptight over touch. He wasn’t going to push himself to a point where he would be uncomfortable, but he was going to be a little more open to touch. And besides, if it came from Y/N, he figured he wouldn’t mind it at all. The approach was executed for the first time on the way home on the jet after a case that had shaken the entire team. He sat next to her as he always did, but this time he reached out his hand, that was trembling ever so slightly to place over her own shaking hands. She looked up from her lap, facing Spencer with a shocked look on her face. Sure, they’d hugged and such before, during dinner nights at Rossi’s or after they experienced a ‘I thought I lost you’ moment in the field, but never had he shown that level of affection before.  
He took it another step further. The next time they were on the jet, it was late, and the team were exhausted after spending days in a row awake as they worked a gruelling child abduction case. It had ended pretty well, with the child home safe and the unsub in custody, but the entire team had practically passed out as soon as they were sat in the soft leather seats of the jet. Y/N had fallen asleep next to him, her neck bent at an angle that couldn’t have been comfortable. Seeing this, Spencer placed down the book he was reading on the table in front of him, quickly glancing around the jet to check that the team were asleep, mostly so Morgan wouldn’t tease him for what he was about to do. 
He gently moved his arm, placing it around her shoulder and smoothly guiding her body to rest against his, her head dropping down onto his shoulder in a much more comfortable position than it was before. He succeeded in not waking her, smiling down at her when she nestled her face into the crook of his neck as she slept, her small hands gripping onto the fabric of his sweater vest as cute soft snores left her lips. 
When the pilot announced they were due to land within the next few minutes, Spencer gently shook Y/N awake, hoping that he wouldn’t startle her. She blinked her pretty eyes open slowly, taking in her surroundings. She smiled a little when she noticed the position she’d been sleeping in, sitting up. spencer tried not to seem too upset when she pulled completely away from him. 
“Sorry, didn’t mean to use you as a human pillow.” She joked. 
He pushed his slight upset aside, forcing a small smile. “It’s okay. You were sleeping in a position that would’ve hurt your neck if you stayed in it, so I figured my shoulder would be better for you.” He tried so hard to pour as much sincerity and sentiment into the words as he could, hoping and praying she’d read between the lines. 
She didn’t. She simply patted his chest, murmuring a small ‘thank you’, before buckling her seat belt for landing. 
Spencer was starting to lose hope in his subtle approach, part of him figuring he was just going to have to come right out and say it- ‘I love you and I have done for months now.’ 
One evening, after a tiring paperwork day in the office, Spencer looked around the bullpen to see that everyone else on the team had gone home. Himself and Y/N were the only ones still packing up. Feelings aside, they were close friends, and normally waited for one another to pack up before walking out together to their cars. 
Y/N threw the strap of her handbag over her shoulder, eyes sweeping over her desk to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything. She turned around, walking toward the exit of the bullpen as she glanced over to Spencer, who was placing a book inside his satchel. 
“You ready to go?” She asked. 
He threw his satchel strap over his shoulder, nodding as he followed her out to the elevators. 
As they waited for the elevator, Y/N took note of how fidgety he seemed. His fingers played anxiously with the leather strap of his bag, teeth sinking into his bottom lip as he looked down at his shoes. A ding sounded out, the doors opening before them, Spencer gesturing with his hand for her to go in first- ever the gentleman. 
Y/N waited a moment to see if he would start talking, like he usually did, rambling about something or other. However, he seemed uncharacteristically quiet, his eyes trained on the floor. She could practically hear the cogs turning in his head. She decided she’d just start talking to fill the silence, knowing that Spencer would speak when he wanted to. 
At the sound of her voice, his eyes snapped up to her face. He wasn’t listening to what she was talking about, instead his eyes lingered on her facial features, memorising every freckle, the blush on her cheeks and the passion in her eyes as she spoke. His mind swam with possibilities.
How am I supposed to make a move? I’m obviously going to have to be more upfront about it so she gets the message.
They exited the elevator once it reached the lower level car park. She turned to Spencer with an unsure smile, wanting to ask if there was something wrong but deciding against it. “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow.” With that, she gave him a simple wave and headed off in the direction of her car. 
Spencer stood there, watching her walk away as his brain worked at a thousand miles a minute to come up with something to say- 
“Wait up!” He called after her, speeding to follow after her. She turned around at the call of her name, confused as she saw Spencer coming after her. 
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah- it’s just, its late. Let me walk you to your car.” He proposed, saying the first thing he could think of that would buy him some more time. 
Y/N’s face showed that of surprise, but she nodded, nonetheless. “Okay. Thanks, Spence.”
Once they reached her car, she turned to face him with a small smile. “Well, thanks again. I’ll see you tomorrow?” She opened her car door, throwing her bag inside first onto the passenger seat. 
Spencer’s mind was in overdrive, trying to think of what to do. How could he make it clear to her? 
He could only think of one thing.
When she turned back around to face him, she let out a gasp at the feeling of his lips on hers. His hands cradled her cheeks gently and his lips pressed against her own. The action shocked her, and before she had much of an opportunity to kiss back or even think about what was happening, he’d pulled away. 
His eyes darted across her face, trying to gage her reaction and his hands fell from her cheeks, hanging by his side as he took a few steps back. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I did that I-“ He squeaked, trying to think of what he could say to make the situation any better. Instead, he swallowed his nerves and just decided to come out with it all. There was really no going back now. “No- I do know why I did it. I love you, Y/N. I have done for months. You don’t have to say anything, I just wanted you to know, that’s all.”
Y/N still had that shocked expression on her face as she choked out. “You- you love me?”
“Yes.” Spencer whispered, afraid to say the words.
“Oh.” Y/N started, her mouth opening and closing as she desperately tried to find the right words to explain herself. “I don’t really know what to say.”
“It’s okay. You don’t have to say anything, it’s clear I shouldn’t have done that. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Spencer cringed, quickly turning around and heading towards his own car.
“Spencer, wait!” Y/N called after him, but he kept walking, too overwhelmed and embarrassed to hear what she had to say. 
Fuck. That could’ve gone better.
Y/N thumped down in her driver’s seat, pulling the door of the car shut behind her. Her breaths got heavy, and she felt the familiar weight on her chest as tears pricked at her eyes.
She put her head in her hands and sobbed.
Spencer sat at his desk, nervously twiddling his thumbs as his knee bounced anxiously under the table. He’d arrived at work that day earlier than usual so he could give himself time to figure out what the hell he was going to do when he saw her. He bit down on his lip as he stared at the glass bullpen doors, waiting for Y/N to arrive.
He occupied himself with thinking of what he was going to say when he saw her. Should he say he didn’t mean it, and hope that would save their friendship? Or would that only make it worse? She obviously didn’t feel the same, so what was he supposed to do? Part of him felt bad that he hadn’t stayed and heard her out, listened to whatever she had to say. But he just had to get out of there. After all, he’d essentially put his heart in her hands, laid everything out on the table for her and she’d said ‘Oh.’
He didn’t notice a presence beside him until a hand waved in his face. Alex was perched on the end of his desk; waving her hand in front of his face, evidently trying to get his attention.
“Reid? Hello?”
He blinked out of his daze, looking up at her. “Hm?”
“I asked what was up with you. You seem.. distant.” Alex noted.
“It’s nothing.” He brushed her off, not feeling like talking about it. 
Alex narrowed her eyes down at the boy who’d become like a son to him. “Yeah, like I believe that. Come on, you can tell me.”
He sighed, giving in and swivelling in his chair to face her. “I walked Y/N to her car last night.”
Alex’s face lit up. She knew how bad the crush he had on Y/N was, as she was one of the few that he’d trusted enough to confide in. This was because he knew, unlike the others, Alex wouldn’t make fun of or baby him about it. She treated him like an actual person, and he liked that.
She clapped her hands together excitedly. “See? I told you that you had it in you.” Alex’s excited was short-lived as she saw the look of disappointment on his face. “What happened?”
Spencer cringed as the memory resurfaced. “I kissed her.”
Alex nodded, not quite letting her excitement show for the sake of Spencer. “That’s good, right? So she knows how you feel now?”
Spencer shrugged. “I guess. But she didn’t say anything; and she didn’t exactly kiss back. And then I got too nervous and I left. So I don’t really know.”
Alex nodded in understanding. “I mean, she was probably just shocked. Give her a little time, I’m sure everything will pan out.” She attempted to advise, settling a comforting hand on his shoulder. 
Spencer nodded, grateful for Alex’s advice. He’d just have to deal with it when Y/N got there. He couldn’t very well avoid her forever. 
However Y/N didn’t show that day. He overheard JJ tell Derek that she’d called in sick, but he knew that it was likely because she didn’t want to have to face him.
And so, despite what how his mind told him to give her space, he couldn’t help how compelled he felt to drive to her apartment, to at least try and mend what he had broken.
He stopped by the flower shop on his way, hoping that a pretty bouquet might work in his favour if she ended up being mad at him. That was how he ended up stood outside her apartment door, contemplating whether what he was doing was actually a good idea.
He shook all the negativity from his head, raising his hand to knock three times on the door. He heard the shuffle of feet, before the door swung open, Y/N poking her head out to see who was there.
She smiled when she saw him, though she was evidently shocked. “Spencer? What’re you doing here?” She asked, tilting her head to the side in question in a way that Spencer thought was adorable.
“I came to apologise. I’m sorry for what happened yesterday. I- I bought these for you.” He held out a beautiful bouquet of purple flowers, wrapped in a blue tissue paper with a purple ribbon around them.
She gasped at the sight of them, reaching out to take them from him. “God, Spencer- they’re stunning.”
“They’re Hyacinths.” He started, searching desperately for something to say so that there was no room for any awkwardness, even if that meant rambling about flowers. “The purple colour represents sorrow and apologies. They’re often used as a way of asking for forgiveness.” He finished, and she brought them up to her nose, breathing in their sweet scent.
“Thank you so much, they’re lovely, but forgiveness?” She questioned. “What would you need forgiveness for?”
He furrowed his eyebrows, he thought that much was obvious. “When I kissed you yesterday, it evidently made you uncomfortable, and I just really wanted to apologise for ruining our friendship.”
“Ruining our- oh, Spencer, no. It’s not like that. Why don’t you- would you like to come in?” She asked, stepping back so he could come inside. He nodded, stepping in and taking in the space as she closed the door behind him.
She moved to her kitchen so she could fill a vase with some water to place the flowers in, before she went out to her living room, sitting down on her couch and patting the space next to her.
He sat down next to her, placing his bag by his feet on the floor, his gaze in his lap as she spoke. “Why would you think you’d ruined our friendship?”
“When you didn’t turn up for work today I just assumed it was because of what happened last night and if I overstepped I am truly sorry. I don’t expect you to return my feelings or anything, and If you could forget that I said anything, we could just go back to being friends?” He posed, trying to salvage what he could. 
“You didn’t overstep.” She whispered. “I’m sorry for not kissing back. I wanted to, believe me, I did. It’s just-“ She paused, looking down at her hands that were folded neatly in her lap. “I’m scared.”
“Scared of what?” He whispered back, looking up from his lap to study her own actions. 
“Of being vulnerable, falling in love.” She mumbled. “I don’t want to be in a position where I can get hurt again. Things ended so horribly with my last boyfriend and I promised myself I wouldn’t let myself get hurt again, promised that I would just swear myself off from love.” She sniffled, and his heart broke at the sight of tears welling in her eyes. “But then I met you, and that all pretty much went down the drain.” She laughed a little. “Truth is, Spencer, I do love you. But I can’t let myself be so vulnerable again. I’m so afraid of being hurt like I was before; especially when it took me so long to repair myself after my last boyfriend. I can’t- I won’t go through that again.” She whimpered and he nodded, turning his whole body to face her. 
“Y/N, you have to know, I would never hurt you. Not like he did, not ever. God, if you were mine- not a day would go by where you didn’t know how much I loved you.” He whimpered, his voice cracking slightly as his throat grew dry.
“I know you wouldn’t but- I just don’t believe in it all. Loving someone has only ever brought me pain and suffering, so why would we be any different?” 
He shook his head at her words. “No. Love is- love is one of the most beautiful things in the world.” He reached out, gripping her hands tightly in his. “Let me show you.”
“Show me what?” she sniffled. 
“Just how beautiful love can be. True, warming, passionate. Just, let me show you how you deserving you are of love.” He was pleading, and Y/N was so emotionally worn out that she just nodded, crumpling into his chest as she cried, his arms coming around her. “It’s okay, sweet girl. I’m gonna take care of you.”
Spencer was truly committed to proving to Y/N that love exists. The pair had begun dating shortly after the conversation they had at Y/N’s apartment, and she was really starting to see what Spencer was talking about. He showcased his love for her in a multitude of ways.
The first? Dates. Whenever they got the time, Spencer took her on spontaneous late night walks when they got home late from a case but were too overwhelmed to sleep. They’d bundle up in big coats to combat the chill in the air of the night, laughing and chatting quietly as they walked, hands swinging between them. He’d kiss her goodnight when they got back to her apartment, igniting a fire within her, this flicker of warmth and passion and happiness. 
The second? A conversation she had with Derek one afternoon in the office kitchenette. She was leaning against the worktop waiting for the kettle to boil, so she could make herself and Spencer a coffee to get them through the towering pile of paperwork they each had to complete. She was staring off out the window, not paying much attention when Derek came up towards her, grabbing a water from the mini fridge and saying her name as a form of greeting. He waved a hand in front of her face to get her attention when he didn’t receive a response, and she snapped her gaze toward him, warm smile on her lips.
“Hey, Morgan. Everything alright?”
“Yeah, I’m good. How about you? How’s everything going with Pretty Ricky over there?” He nodded in Spencer’s direction, and Y/N’s eyes followed, landing on her boyfriend who was quickly flipping over the pages of a case file for his report.
“It’s- it’s good. We’re good.” She smiled, not sure what else she could say without getting too flustered.
Derek studied her intently, watching how her cheeks flushed as she watched Spencer.
“You know how happy you make him, right?”
Y/N was surprised by the comment, turning her gaze back to look at Derek. “What?”
“The smile you’ve put on that kids face, every day? I haven’t seen him smile like that in years. Not since-“ He cut himself off, not wanting to dredge up the past.
She knew what he was going to say, anyway.
Not since Maeve.
Derek cleared his throat and continued talking. “I shouldn’t tell you this, he made me promise I wouldn’t say anything, but he was talking about you the other day.”
“He was?”
Derek nodded. “Kid got all flustered when I asked about you. The blush on his cheeks, he was red as a damn tomato.” He smirked, and Y/N chuckled at the comment. “But, seriously. The way he talks about you? It’s like you’re a goddess of some sort. His eyes quite literally sparkle when he mentions you. His whole face lights up.”
“I’m lucky to have him.” She replied. She felt such a tenderness swell within her as she heard how highly he spoke of her to his friends, it made her feel so loved. She grinned at Morgan before she glanced back over to Spencer and met his gaze. Spencer was watching the interaction from across the room with a frown on his face. When their eyes met he stood up from his desk, making his way over.
“What are you guys talking about?” He pouted adorably, and Derek chuckled, putting his arms up in a fake surrender.
“Nothin’, genius. Just having a chat with your girl here. But I’ll be on my way now.” He smirked, walking away.
Y/N blushed, turning around and busying herself with making Spencer’s coffee, hoping he wouldn’t ask too many questions, though she knew he would. He stood next to her, still pouting.
“What did he say?” He asked, inquisitively.
Y/N shook her head with a smile. “Oh, nothing.”
He whined theatrically, throwing his head back. “Y/NNN.” He dragged out her name as she finished spooning half the sugar jar into his coffee. She slid it toward him as she looked up to meet his eyes. 
He gave her his best puppy dog eyes and she relented with a sigh. “He just told me that sometimes you talk about me to him and the team.”
He smiled nervously, gaze dropping down. “All good things, I promise.” He mumbled. 
She pushed herself up onto her tiptoes do kiss his cheek gently, which was as much PDA as Hotch would let them get away with in the office. That and the occasional hand hold. “I know. Thank you.” She smiled, before picking up her coffee and walking back to her desk.
The third? Flowers. Every Tuesday, without fail, she’d walk into the office and find a new bouquet on her desk. Or if they were away on a case, he’d place them in the hotel room that they were allowed to share. Each bouquet was accompanied with a note that explained why he bought that particular flower, and what meaning they had.
One morning she came into the office and immediately smiled at the sight of that Tuesday’s bouquet, laid gently on her desktop. She placed her bag down on her chair, lifting the bouquet and plucking the little note that sat on top of them. 
‘ Peonies. The Chinese name for ‘most beautiful’ quite literally translates to Peony. 
It seems only fitting, as you’re the most beautiful woman on earth.  
Love, Spencer. ‘
It felt like Y/N’s heart might jump right out from her chest with how harshly it was beating against her ribcage. 
The fourth? Sex. Obviously. Whilst he wasn’t completely inexperienced in the bedroom, he was still a little unsure. Still, he did his research. Unless she requested otherwise, he’d take his time with her. Unless she asked that he be slightly rougher with her, he went slowly, gently, determined that every move and every kiss showcased exactly how much he loved her. He wanted to make love to her, the woman he craved more than anything else.
The fifth? How he held her. On those early Sunday mornings, when no one else was awake. where the golden sun filtered through the gap in the curtains, painting her bare skin in a warming glow that Spencer could only describe as heavenly. She slept peacefully on his chest, his arms around her, one hand holding one of her hands while the other ran up and down her back soothingly. He’d press little kisses to the crown of her head, nuzzling his nose into her hair, breathing her in.
It was pure bliss.
She’d never felt so happy.
She’d never been so in love before.
Upon this realisation, she let her eyelids flutter open, titling her head up slightly to meet his eyes.
“Morning, beautiful.” He whispered, his voice deep and raspy as it always was in the morning.
She beamed up at him, and he brought his head down so he could press his lips to hers in a gentle kiss.
When they pulled back, she felt tears in her eyes as she looked at him. She’d given herself wholly and her heart entirely to Spencer Reid, and he hadn’t hurt her. He’d loved her with everything he had in him, shown her nothing but passion and kindness and opened her to a warmth she hadn’t felt before.
She felt so loved.
Noticing the tears that welled in her eyes, Spencer frowned, moving his hands up to cup her cheeks sweetly. “Why’re you crying?”
“Thank you.”
His frown deepened. “For what?”
“For showing me how beautiful love can be. For loving me. And for allowing me to love you in return.” She whispered, and he smiled down at her.
“It was never a choice. Falling in love with you is the easiest thing I’ve ever done.”
She just nodded at him, moving forward to connect their lips again. She let herself get lost in the euphoric feeling that his love gave her. And while there was no string of words that could correctly convey just how she felt, she knew one that summed it up nicely. 
Tag list ; @beyonces-breastmilk @pinkdiamond1016 @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto @thelovelyrose @averyhotchner @cynbx
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moonslove7 · 4 years
Moonys Soft
(Remus Lupin x reader)
Summary: (Y/n) accidentally encounters Moony while having a midnight stroll, what happened next was of course unexpected and highly unusual...
You sighed as you stopped studying, letting the book fall on the table completely out of your hands, you had been studying for three hours straight for a test and finally decided you had done all you could until the next morning so you looked to the window behind you which had a perfect view of the moon that hung ever so beautifully in the sky. Sighing again your thoughts moved to Remus, your boyfriend, you wondered what he was up to with his friends, and if of course when the morning came he would be sporting a new scar or injury. The moon used to be beautiful for you but now it just brought distaste and annoyance to you, for this was the worst night of the month for your boyfriend and probably many others, who are forced to go through it. 
‘Maybe I could do with some fresh air... Rem did say they usually are in the Shrieking Shack, so what could a little walk do?’ Nodding to yourself in agreement you picked up your textbook and notes, putting them all inside your bag and then took them to your dorm room, grabbing a hoodie that probably belonged to Remus you quickly pulled it through your arms and head, then realised how it had his usual scent of books, parchment paper, chocolate and a woodsy kind of smell, you inhaled it silently smiling at the comforting smell. The hoodie was slightly bigger because of Remus’ height but it was insanely comfy.
Putting your wand in the hoodie pocket you quietly closed the door and descended down the stairs and on your way to the woods. You weren’t going to go far, you just wanted to have walk in the refreshing fresh air near your boyfriend. Walking slowly, your hands stuffed in the hoodies pocket with your fingers wrapped around your wand just in case, as you walked you got a little distracted by the oncoming coldness that came your way, before you knew it you had made it to the lake, looking at it you slowly started to realise it was completely iced over, your breath now visible when you exhaled, the coldness consuming anything warm it could, furrowing your eyebrows you looked around, something didn’t feel right. Out of the corner of your eye you saw a trail of black like an octopus’s tentacle sway behind a tree, you turned instantly to face it but nothing was now there. 
‘I’m being watched, aren’t I?’ You said to yourself, breathing quicker out of fear, you tried to think what could possibly be watching you, remembering the fact it wasn’t this cold when you first started to walk into the forest only one creature came to mind, one which shouldn’t even be there in the first place, you kept denying that it couldn’t be but what other creature turns its surroundings ice cold in seconds. 
Hearing a swishing sound from behind you, you turned quickly around so your back now faced the lake and instead coming out from the trees was a dementor somehow, you slowly backed up as it approached you, you fell backwards onto the ice cold frozen lake which began to crackle at your fall. You thought this was it, you’d never be able to feel properly ever again, you had no idea how to fight them because you had only just learned they existed in class, not how to defend yourself from them. It started to pick up its speed and was now flying fast towards you, you screamed hoping someone was near by, if anyone would help. 
Closing your eyes tightly and flinching, you heard a growl coming from behind the Dementor, you couldn’t see what was happening but little did you know your boyfriend’s werewolf form had ran into the forest a few minutes after you ventured off into it yourself, and right now all he could tell was that his lover was in danger, snarling at the Dementor Remus ran on all fours towards the Dementor making it swoop off further into the air and fly away instead of at you, making Remus stop running and watch it fly away with you. You were so distracted by the Dementor and making sure it left neither you or the lycanthrope noticed the lake was still crackling, becoming unsteady from the warmth of your body and fall, Remus was just at the edge of the lake, and when you looked at him and locked eyes the ice had broken and you had fallen into the freezing water, shivering from the painfully cold water you tried desperately to swim up to breathe, as you swam your limbs felt heavier and heavier, Remus or rather Moony began running again but onto the ice, he ran to where you were, panting profusely he leaned his snout down to grab onto your jumper to try and help you to get out, he even tried using his two front paws but they did little to help, you managed to drag yourself out with the help of your boyfriend who waited beside you for you to catch your breath, whimpering at how you shivered.
Eventually you stood up, still shaking from the cold but you watched Remus, amazed that he didn’t try to kill you at all, instead he protected you. “Moony...” You whispered, smiling slightly you reached out a hand, to him which made him stop whimpering and instead lean his head towards your hand, you slowly stroked his head in amazement, he wasn’t too furry, but he was definitely fluffy. After a moment he looked up and stood up properly, remembering you were still freezing cold Moony started to whimper again, you walked closer to him whispering words of comfort “It’s okay Moony baby, I’m okay and you’re okay.” You reached out again with both of your arms but to hug him, your arms wrapped around his neck, not too tightly though, and the lycanthrope nuzzled his snout into your neck, licking you slightly you giggled at the feeling and at the outcome of the night.
A few moments later Sirius and James came running out next from the dark trees in their animal forms, their worry turning into wonder at what was happening before them. They had always heard that when someone changed into a werewolf they would hunt and kill any human they could, but he wasn’t; not with you. When you caught eyes with Sirius he tried to point his nose back to the area of the whoomphing willow tree, telling you to try and send Moony back to where they knew he would be safe. You nodded and smiled at him, you began to let go of the lycanthrope, who then began to watch you as you moved slightly backwards and he followed instantly to be by your side. “Come on baby, back to the shrieking shack we go.” You whispered to him, as you both walked back to the tree Moony kept bumping his arm or side into you, you guessed it was his way of knowing you were still there without looking, soon enough you and Moony ended up near the tree, you never knew how to tame the tree to go inside so you waited to see if Sirius or James would show you but instead they just raced inside the tree, Moony looked between them and you, and then decided to take matters in his own hands, trying to be gentle he wrapped his paws under your legs and arms, you squeaked as you realised he was going to run inside with you, and he did. It somehow worked, and Moony didn’t let you down until he reached the top of the house, where a bed was and a sofa, the sofa being in the company of the deer and a black dog who looked to be playfully fighting, Moony walked to the bed where he gently let you down from his long arms, he stood back to give you some space, he was panting again from all the running, you sat up on the bed crossing your legs as you leaned your back against the headboard of the bed.
“Come here Moony.” You whispered again, not wanting to scare him, he leaned his head against the side of yours his snout nuzzling into your cheek, his nose was slightly wet making you giggle at the feeling, you reached out again with your right hand, petting his face softly, eventually he started to lay down on top of you, leaving his head to rest on your shoulder. He then began to snore quietly in your ear, and you brought a hand up to stroke his back as he fell deeper and deeper asleep.
When the moon had gone for the morning sunrise, Remus transformed back to his normal self but to his surprise he was in your lap. He looked at you in confusion, pulling his head back to see you had fallen asleep, his friends laid on the sofa also asleep, he thought to himself ‘at least I haven’t hurt them I don’t think’, wanting to know what exactly happened last night from you he slightly shook your shoulders making you begin to wake up, “Rem?” You asked tiredly, you smiled at him, bringing your hand that rested on his back to his messy hair, “(Y/n) ? what happened? Why are you here? Did I hu-” “No Remus, you didn’t hurt me, you did the exact opposite.. you saved me.” You interrupted the worrying Remus, letting him no straight away he had not harmed you in anyway, one of the things he was most worried about in the relationship was accidentally hurting you. “H-how come I didn’t? I’m glad I didn’t but... I’ve never been near a human before while in my uh, other form and not hurt them.” Remus then heard his best friends yawning, having turned back into their own human forms they looked at the pair sleepily, “Well well well lovebirds, looks like Moony is also pinning after you (Y/n),” Sirius said with a smirk, James was smiling almost giggling at Sirius and how Remus arched his eyebrow at him. “Of course you two idiots saw.” He groaned into his hands, “You two are awful at your job by the way,” he added making James then raise an eyebrow at him, “It’s not our fault Moony wouldn’t stop nuzzling his girlfriend.” James said, Remus shook his head at the pair who looked like they had been to a rave instead of helping him not go near any humans. 
“Rem, it’s okay yeah? Also don’t you remember what happened?” You asked worryingly. “It takes a minute or two but yeah, I do. I guess they’re right though, Moony must also love you too.” He kissed your nose, then started to climb off of your lap, wincing every few seconds from the aching and possible bruises and who knows what from him transforming, you tried to steady him by grabbing his upper arms as he left your lap, he laid on the other side of the bed beside you, “Hey guys.. let’s uh, ditch for a day?” James said as he laid back down with Sirius on the sofa, instantly feeling a growing need to fall back into dreamland. “Mhm, I got a test today, so only five more minutes for me, then I’ll help Rem go to the nurse.” You replied, Remus looked at your hand before holding it and watched you as you smiled and slowly closed your eyes to sleep again, he smiled at your sleeping figure, knowing you were probably safe around his other form, which was something he feared a lot about, he slowly started to succumb to the sleep that had captured both you and his best friends as the Sun rose higher in the sky.
This was so long wtf, anywho I hope you enjoyed, if you want to request for a Remus x reader fanfic please do, i love Remus so much I swear this is the longest one I’ve ever wrote. 
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chikaiomoi · 3 years
you were solstice, you were ever-light
characters: hawks (hawks x female reader) 
title: ‘you were solstice, you were ever-light’ (lyrics from ‘solstice’ by STARSET)
words: 3.2k
warnings: manga spoilers for the paranormal liberation war arc, 18+, smut. 
hawks planned to keep his residency in that apartment a secret, and he’d been doing well... until he accidentally bumped into you. he could keep up the lies for now... until he sought you out.
It rained the first day he met you. You weren’t supposed to see him, but by a stroke of bad luck – or, good luck, he might call it now – you caught him halfway through a window, one leg inside, the other out, blond hair damp. You dropped the bags you carried and stared with wide eyes. 
There was no way you couldn’t recognise him. His wings weren’t the easiest to hide and being one of the top heroes in Japan meant he had a damn recognisable face. 
“Uhh, don’t mind me,” he said as he swung his other leg through the open window and dropped onto the hallway’s creaking floorboards. “Just, uh, visiting a friend, that’s all.” Hawks shimmied past you, waving with an awkward grin that left you glued to the spot. “Take care, kiddo.” 
He knocked on the only empty apartment in the building, gloved knuckles rapping four times. “Buddy, it’s me, I’m here!” he called through the wooden door. “What’s that? Use my key? Okay!” 
You weren’t born yesterday. No one lived in that apartment. You would know, it was the one next door to yours. If pro-hero Hawks was snooping around, that could only mean something bad was lingering nearby. 
So, when you returned to your own apartment, you locked the doors and windows. You sat with a baseball bat by your side at all times. When you went to bed, you kept it within arm’s reach. 
Thankfully, nothing happened. 
The second time you met was early morning, one week later. It was only 5:45am, but work was hectic and you promised your boss that you’d finish your reports by the end of the week. You left your apartment just as he stepped out of the unoccupied one. He didn’t notice you at first, yawning as he pulled on his gloves, fingers combing through messy tresses. 
Gold eyes swept across the hallway and ballooned when they acknowledged another person. He stared at you, caught like a deer in headlights, before he composed himself and waved. “Funny we should meet like this again! I was staying at my friend’s. I take it you live next door, right? How fun, I don’t think he’s ever—“
“No one lives there,” you said. 
Hawks sighed, his expression dropping as he rubbed the back of his head. “Yeah, alright. You caught me.”
With a frown, you approached him, clutching your bag strap against your shoulder. His gaze found yours and locked on as you spoke. 
“If there’s a villain nearby, please tell me so I can keep my guard up,” you muttered, shifting your weight from one foot to another. “That’s why you’re there, right? Hiding to catch a villain?” There was no other explanation, no other reason for a top pro-hero like Hawks to be hanging around a dingy apartment complex. 
He tilted his head and studied your features, the innocence in your eyes, a mix of confusion and fear. “Uhh… Well, not too close by, but this is serving as a base, just for now.” He’d run with that truth for as long as you would believe it. “That means you can’t tell anyone I’m here, right?” 
He waited for you to nod, then he patted your head and approached the window. Who cared about climbing out of a window on the tenth floor when they had wings?
You watched him climb out and soar through the sky, disappearing from sight in a matter of seconds. You sighed and rubbed your eyes, then made your way to work, but you failed to shake the thoughts of Hawks from your mind.
The third time you saw him was that evening. A knock on your door dragged you from your work files, and a wide grin greeted you when you opened it. As did the fresh, warm scent of fried chicken. Hawks laughed as he tapped the top of the red bucket. “I thought we could have dinner together seeing as we keep bumping into each other. Besides, eating alone is so boring, isn’t it?”
You were at a loss for words at first, mouth opening and closing as you tried to fathom what was happening. You managed to gather yourself and you let him in, smiling as you thanked him for the offer. 
You hated to admit to yourself just how much you needed this. Ever since you started your new job two months ago, you had drowned in the workload, barely finding time to breathe. But the presence of another forced you to tear yourself away from the files, to eat dinner without keeping your eyes glued to reports, to simply sit and enjoy the company of someone else. 
Hawks radiated comfort. It was hard not to relax around him when he blended so well into the scenery of your tiny living room, as if he belonged there, as if he had been there forever. You laughed like never before around him, giggling so much at his jokes and stories that your jaw hurt by the end of the night. 
When he was gone, back to the empty apartment next door, your home was empty and quiet, and your chest ached for the comfort he gave you.
Hawks visited you more often. Some nights he brought dinner, some nights he didn’t. One night, he asked about your quirk. 
You hesitated and he laughed awkwardly, asking if you even had a quirk at all. 
“I do, but it’s kinda lame,” you admitted, laughing along with him.
Still, he grinned and leaned forward. “Show me.”
Your eyes met his, hesitating, preparing yourself for how disappointed he would be. Then, you took his hand and laced your fingers through his. The simple touch was electric, sparks flowing between you two, but you tried to ignore it.
A warmth crept into him from where your hands were joined. It swam through his entire body, easing muscles he didn’t know were tense, untwisting any knots. For the first time in a long, long time, his mind settled. 
He was at peace.
“I can calm someone when they’re stressed,” you explained as you pulled your hand from his. “Even when they don’t know they’re stressed, my quirk can put someone in a state of tranquility. It doesn’t work on myself, though. Like I said, it’s lame—“
“It’s not lame.” Hawks grabbed your hand again. “You have a precious quirk, one that could do good in this world. Don’t underestimate yourself just because it isn’t flashy.” 
His thumbs caressed your skin, rough and calloused, but the touch was warm and gentle and you didn’t want him to let go. 
Hawks didn’t think he’d fallen for you, until one day you beamed at him and his heart skipped a beat and butterflies filled his tummy. 
That smile… It was all he could think about, day and night. How was this possible? His plan was to let no resident in the building see him, but now he was in love with one of them. 
So, one month after first meeting you, he told you the truth.
“I’m not doing surveillance next door,” he admitted whilst leaning against your kitchen counter. A thin black headband held the front of his messy golden hair back from his face, but a small lock had broken free and hung over his brow. “I live there. Sort of…”
You stopped dicing vegetables for dinner and turned to him, your eyes searching his face, as if it would provide an explanation.
“It’s not my full time residence.” Hawks shoved his hands into his pockets. “I got the flat a couple of months ago as a way to separate myself from the Commission when I need downtime. I wanted to keep it a secret, though, in case any villains found out. I couldn’t risk the lives of everyone in the building.”
You pressed your lips together, eyes not moving from his face. “Why didn’t you find a different apartment when I caught you?” you whispered, hip resting against the counter.
A smile crept onto his lips. “Would you believe me if I said the reason I stayed was because you’re incredibly cute?”
Heat rushed through your body, colouring your cheeks and the tips of your ears pink. You laughed and glanced away, but seconds later, your ears returned to him, locking onto his golden orbs. “You think I’m cute?”
Hawks nodded and took three steps towards you — that was all he needed to close the gap between you two in the small kitchen. “I do,” he said, his voice low and smooth like caramel. His fingertips danced over your arms, up and up until they found your cheeks, where his palms rested. “I think you’re cute. I think you’re beautiful. I think you’re—“
“Keigo.” He leaned closer. “My name is Keigo.”
When your lips met, your heart throbbed and flipped with joy. Your eyes fell closed as you melted into the kiss, your body instinctively pressing into him. Keigo’s lips were tender, in control but not overpowering. Oh, you could kiss him all night. 
And you did. You kissed him before dinner, you kissed him after dinner, and you kissed him during the movie that neither of you actually watched. When it ended, the plot a complete mystery to you both, you grabbed his hand. “Stay the night.”
“Only if I can kiss you some more.”
You laughed and caught his lips into another kiss, passionate and loving. He grabbed your hips and pulled you onto his lap, not once breaking the kiss as he moved you. His hands slid from your hips to your backside and he squeezed the flesh over your jeans, drawing a groan from your throat. A breathy chuckle escaped through his nose. 
Your body pressed against him and you deepened the kiss, parting your lips to let your tongue meet his. Your fingers curled into his hair, your other hand resting on his chest.
He was the one to break the kiss, and you almost whined. You needed to kiss him, needed to taste him, needed to connect with him. But Keigo had his own plans, so his lips weren’t away from you for too long.
Hot breath caressed your neck as his lips met your soft skin. The kisses on such a sensitive part of your body drew moans from your lips, and you tilted your head to the side. He kissed and nipped and suckled on your flesh, his hands continuing to knead your round backside. 
You couldn’t control the way your hips ground against his, an impulsive reaction from all he was doing to you. It made him groan and grip your hips again to hold them firmly against his. The bulge in his jeans pressed into your groin . Biting on your lip, you rocked your hips against him. The slow humping dragged noises from both of you and his bulge stiffened and grew until it was too painful for him to keep his jeans on any longer. 
Keigo stood, hands firmly under your backside to carry you into the bedroom. After slamming the door closed with his foot, he dropped you onto the bed, making quick work of his buckle, yanking the belt from his jeans, jeans which soon joined the belt on the floor. You were just as quick to undress, and soon a pile of clothes lay on the floor whilst he crawled over to you. 
He nudged your legs open and laid between them, planting kisses along your thighs. He hummed, his breath tickling your skin. “Your skin is so soft,” he mumbled between pecks on your flesh. He kissed further and further inwards until his lips grazed your clit. He kissed the little bud before teasing it with his tongue.
A gasp escaped your lips, pink and swollen from kissing, and your toes curled into the bedsheet. Keigo flicked his tongue across your clit then dragged it along your wet folds, groaning at the taste. “Fuck…” he muttered beneath his breath. “You taste good, angel.”
He was so damn good with his tongue. He played with your folds, tongue dancing across them, then he focused on that sensitive bundle of nerves. As he toyed with your clit, he slowly pushed a finger inside your tight pussy and pumped it in and out. 
Moaning, you threw your head back into the feathery pillow and arched your back. “F-fuck, Keigo…”
“Mm,” he hummed. “Does that feel good?”
With a whimper, you nodded.
He chuckled. “Use your words, angel.” 
“I-it feels so good, Keigo… So fucking good…”
He smirked and returned to licking and suckling on your precious pussy as his finger thrust into you, soon joined by a second digit. 
“I want you to cum on my fingers,” he whispered, gaze flicking up to catch the way your mouth dropped open as you moaned. “Can you do that for me, angel?” 
He latched his lips onto your clit as his fingers worked your insides, curling just to hit that spot that would push you over the edge. Your legs trembled by his head and your hand fisted into his hair. A knot tightened in your stomach, tighter and tighter, burning until—
“F-fuck! Kei… Keigo…” 
Your climax hit like a crashing wave and you gushed over his fingers. Tingling pleasure rocked through your whole body, pussy throbbing with desire. 
Keigo chuckled, pulled his fingers out and crawled over you. With his other hand, he tipped your chin to make your eyes meet his face as he sucked the cum from his fingers. Fuck.
“You wanna fuck?” He brushed his thumb against your bottom lip, his smirk only growing when you nodded with desperate enthusiasm. He leaned back and held his palm up to your mouth. “Spit.” 
You did as commanded and spat into his palm, eyes wide with glee as he rubbed it onto his cock like lubricant. He grabbed one thigh and lined his cock up with your entrance, then slowly pushed in. 
You sucked in a deep breath, fingers curling into the sheets as his thick cock stretched your tight hole. He groaned and gritted his teeth as he pushed inside, only halfway in before he stopped to let you adjust. He dipped down to kiss you, his breath hot against your lips. 
He started with slow, shallow thrusts, both hands now on both of your thighs, holding them apart. With each thrust your pussy eased and adjusted to his girth, so he slid deeper and deeper until he buried his entire length inside. You cried out, knuckles paling as you gripped the sheets tighter. 
“Fuck…” you breathed.
Keigo pressed his brow to yours, grunts leaving his lips as he made small bucks of his hips. “That feel good?” he asked and chuckled when you nodded. “Words, angel.”
You whimpered. “I love it, it f-feels so good.”
With your confirmation, he set a rhythm with deep thrusts, filling you completely each time he bottomed out inside you. Your moans and his groans and the clapping of flesh and the smacking of the headboard against the wall filled the room. Your bedroom drowned in the sweet sound of sex, of passionate and lustful and desperate lovemaking. 
With each thrust the pleasure grew and grew, and his movements grew harder and faster. You both panted and moved desperately as your orgasms approached. You came first, crying out and shaking and trembling as your pussy squeezed his cock, soaking him with your ecstasy. He came moments later, cock buried deep within you, filling you with his release. 
Hot breaths mixed as he collapsed beside you. Keigo cradled you close and buried his face into the crook of your neck. “Love you,” he mumbled against your skin.
A smile found its way to your lips as you closed your eyes. “Love you too.”
“See you tonight.” 
He’d said that one week ago. Being a hero meant that not everything went to plan.
That was an understatement for what had gone down. There was only one way to describe it: the complete and utter destruction of society as they knew it.
His words had been a lie. He hadn’t returned that night, nor had he returned for several days. How could he? The world had been turned upside down, his very being burnt from his body, his heart shattered and vulnerability spread for the whole world to see. 
Keigo needed time — time to recover, time to deal with the press, time to analyse the anarchy that infected the country. 
But he wasn’t healed, not yet. 
He needed you. Fuck everything else. He needed you.
He needed your arms, your words, your warmth, your lips. He needed to hear your heartbeat, to know you were still alive and there and waiting for him. If anything had happened to you… Fuck. He couldn’t even think about it. You were everything, the light in a dark tunnel he’d spent years in, his only solace in the world, a delicate flower surrounded by needles. If anything had happened to you, he would tear the world to shreds. 
Tired hands knocked on your door.
Mere seconds later, it swung open. You looked awful… Dark shadows beneath your eyes, sunken and dull, skin paler than normal, hair unkempt. But you were still beautiful and he would still give everything to stare at you forever. 
You choked on a sob at the sight of him and you threw your arms around him. He winced, but he only pulled you back when you tried to move away. He needed your embrace, even if it pained him. 
“I-I tried to come to the hospital, but they wouldn’t let me in. Said only family could visit,” you mumble, trembling hands grabbing his as you broke from the embrace. “I saw on the news… Oh, Keigo…”
He pulled you inside and locked the door. He said nothing until he kissed your forehead and caressed your cheek. “I’m fine,” he lied. It was so obviously a lie. Where were his wings? Half of his body was covered in bandages! “Just… Just hold me.”
So you did. You curled up on the couch with him, his head against your chest as you stroked his hair with tender fingertips. 
He closed his eyes and succumbed to your warmth. A sense of calm washed over him, tense muscles relaxing as you held him. He almost smiled, remembering the day he told you that your quirk would do good in this world. Here you were, using it to soothe his pain. 
But, what Keigo didn’t know in that moment, was that you didn’t use your quirk. You simply held the man you loved, kissed his head every now and then, and pampered him with gentle touches and whispers of sweet nothings. 
Maybe he loved you too much, he realised, when you told him that you hadn’t used your quirk. It was simply your presence that had provided such comfort.
You were his solace, his only light in a world of darkness. You were the sun, an ever-light, bright and beautiful. Surrounded by disaster, you were an untouched wonder. Maybe if he clung to you, he could hide himself from the scars of villainy. 
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The Best Medicine
L. Lawliet x Reader/Self Insert
Gender: Technically neutral with language.
Rating: T (Teen Audiences and Up) because of (non-sexual) nudity and an implied sexual relationship
Type: Fluff and Romance, Fluff Without Plot, Fluff and Comfort, Non-sexual Physical Intimacy
Summary: Chronically ill/disabled and spirit medium reader/self insert trained in psychology and behavioral analysis is recovering from a flare up. They get a call from L, who has a surprise for them.
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With a flick of my wrist, I tossed a bit of feed into the pond, watching the koi swarm for it. L was in Germany on an investigation. After one of my chronic illness flaring again and kicking my ass, I had been in no condition to travel, let alone accompany him for the case. Today had been the first day in a week that I could breathe easily again, let alone get out of bed without feeling overly tired and weak. Currently I sat huddled in my sweater, tugging the soft fabric closer in the early morning mist. Our calm, sweet mutt Pi was resting on the bench at my side, head laying in my lap.
It was peaceful this early in the day with no one else in sight. Roger would call in about an hour to check on me, then Watari would call to do the same. When the thoughts all jumbled and bunched in his head, running together into a thick incomprehensible mud, when the surveillance footage had been watched until his eyes smarted and water, when the words of the case file swam out of focus, L would call. He would list his deductions to me, letting me absorb his theories, me only commenting when his voice ached. His mind was the one combing through every detail large and small, connecting the dots in ways no one else would. I would offer my input on the behavioral aspects, formulating profiles or, should I have travelled with him, interviewing some of our key witnesses, the victims, for insights the physical evidence and behavioral analysis couldn’t provide. I would present my findings, and L, in all his glory, would piece it together into the larger puzzle. He only accepted the extra information after the fact to avoid letting it influence his conclusions, but it always supported the deductions he’d already made.
Pi whined, poking her nose into my belly and drawing me out of my thoughts about our last case. Clearly she wanted me to go inside. With a sigh I got to my feet, wincing at the protest of my knee-joints and the sharp pain in the joints of my toes. Despite the fact that they would feel whole and uninjured when examined, they ached as if they’d been crushed under something. I made the stiff, painful journey back up the path and into the house, starting to heat hot water in my kettle while Pi curled up on her kitchen cushion. I sprinkled loose leaves of tea into the steeping pitcher, the fragrant herbal scent refreshing. I was so caught up in wondering what L was doing that I jumped when my cell phone rang. I fished it out of my pocket and managed to answer and put it on speaker despite my finger joints being uncooperative.
“Hello? Roger? You’re calling early,” I commented idly, struggling slightly with opening the honey . “I didn’t expect you to ring me for another hour.”
“I forgot he calls you in the mornings to check in with you.”
L’s groggy voice emanating from the line almost made me drop the honey jar as I finally succeeded in prying the lid off of it. Pi’s ears perked and she lifted her head to find him. They all called regularly because they were all mother hens, and of course because L worried about me staying alone with my health, never mind that I lived by myself perfectly fine before we became involved. I put far more concentration into spooning honey into the bottom of my mug than was necessary to ground myself, a ridiculously gooey smile splitting my face.
“Hello stranger.” I grinned, cheerfully maneuvering the lid back onto the honey. “You’re still calling early. How are you? You sound exhausted.”
“I’m fine.”
He wasn’t fine. He probably looked like a bloody panda at this point.
“You’re not fine, Sweets. You need a nap, I can tell.”
The lines might be encrypted, but we only used nicknames on the phone, just in case. The kettle chimed, letting me know the water had reached a boil.
“I’ll be fine,” L insisted. “What I want to know is how you’re doing. Are you feeling any better, Ghost?”
I carefully poured the hot water over the unused leaves, herbal-tinged steam wafting into my face, then returned the kettle to the cradle and set a timer for three minutes.
“I’m getting there. My joints have been bothering me today.”
Concern saturated his every word. “You need a soak.”
“Let me help?”
“Let you help? How are you going to do that?”
“I’ll run the water in the tub and help you get into it.”
My face burned thinking about the fact that Watari could possibly overhear him.
Except—that had come from behind me, by the door, not from my phone. I spun around fast enough to make myself dizzy. I leaned against the counter to steady myself until my head stopped spinning. There, standing in the doorway with his phone lowered to his side and a hand scratching an excited Pi’s ears, stood L. As I watched, he ended the call, slipping his phone into his pocket with his free hand. I crossed the space between us, taking a moment to check him for obvious injuries before throwing my arms around his waist and burying my face in his chest. “You’re home.”
“Obviously,” he replied fondly, dropping a kiss to the crown of my head and squeezing me close in a one-armed hug as he continued to pet Pi. “Do you like my surprise?”
I nuzzled him with my cheek, tipping my head back to look at him. “I adore it.”
His dark grey eyes softened and he brushed a second kiss to my forehead. “Then I succeeded at two things. Solving the case and making you happy.”
“You always make me happy,” I corrected, hand rising to rest at the nape of his neck. My fingers flexed, fluttering against the downy hair there. The slate gray of his irises melted into something lighter, the purple-black-blue smear of tiredness receding somewhat in the face of his own happiness.
“Not as happy as you make me, love.” He pressed his forehead to mine, gently touching the tip of his nose to mine.
“You should rest.”
His lips twitched with fond amusement. “So should you. I think that a trade is in order, don’t you?”
I huffed, knowing that he wouldn’t take care of himself if he couldn’t take care of me too. “If it means you’ll sleep, I’ll trade you that.”
His arm slid to rest on my waist, then left me entirely as he sought my hand, fingers twining with mine. He raised my hand to his lips, running them over my knuckles. “Lead the way.”
“My tea—”
“I’ll get it.”
Less than five minutes later, he helped me ease into the warm water, mug of warm tea on the footstool. Pi lounged in the hallway, flashing a dopey dog grin, lolling tongue and all. L chuckled as he closed the door on her, locking it so she wouldn’t just open it. He stripped out of his clothes, dumping them in the hamper, then climbed into the tub behind me, enfolding me into his embrace. He tucked my head underneath his chin, hands resting on my belly as he slowly massaged around the joints with worst pain and legs bracketing my body. The heat from the bath was already doing wonders for me, the bone-deep throbbing lessening as the ache dulled. I relaxed into him as I chewed the last of the CBD chocolate he brought home with him, tracing lazy circles on his pale arm, his snowy skin pinking.
"Being with you is the best medicine, L. Not the water, not the tea, not even the CBD—you.”
He hummed, cuddling me to his chest as if we could possibly move any closer. “Then it seems I’ve been remiss in my duties,” he murmured.
“Never,” I objected fiercely.
“I’ll just have to make it up to you.”
I rolled my eyes. “Nap first, panda-man.”
I could practically feel him pouting when he kissed my temple, but he agreed.
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olivinesea · 4 years
Space Is Only Noise If You Can See
a/n: I don’t know why I’m doing this. Maybe it’s because I handle change & uncertainty extremely poorly and that is all my life is rn. Maybe I just need to find out the extent of my evil powers. Regardless, you’re about to experience something unpleasant. TW major character death, suicide mentions, guns, violence, you name it, it’s happening. Only positive is I actually outlined the whole thing first this time so I know where we’re going (it’s not good). ~2.8k
Mr. Scratch surrendered. Or did he? Discuss.
It was always the smell that got to him. The sickly sweet scent of decaying flowers. He wondered who had made the decision to flood all funerals with the same noxious lilies. Didn’t that smell make anyone else feel ill? It lingered in the back of his throat, fogging his vision. He scowled at the offending arrangements—ostentatious wreathes shaped like hearts with hollow messages in a stock cursive font. He had been to so many funerals at this point he was reluctant to admit he sometimes got confused about where he was, who he was mourning. He tried to focus on the portrait of the deceased, but the outline kept shifting.
He blinked hard to settle his contacts, tears always had a detrimental effect on their usefulness. He needed to remember to wear his glasses to the next funeral. A twisted laugh threatened to slip, gallows humor at its finest. No matter how hard he tried, there would always be a next funeral. He wondered how many more before it was his turn, before he no longer had to be the one staying strong for everyone else, pretending the smell didn’t make him choke. He looked again, determined to figure out when he was before he was required to do anything, before he let on that he wasn’t fully present.
The coffin, shiny and black, occupied center stage. Where he thought he’d seen people solemnly walking up the aisle to say goodbye, there was only empty space. He realized he was unnervingly alone. Yet the coffin was not, it was flanked on either side by identical shapes, the light reflecting from their polished surfaces dazzling his vision. He stumbled to his feet, gripping tightly to the smooth wood of the pew in front of him. He rubbed his fingers against it, distracted by the grain, worn down by decades of touch. He looked again and there were six coffins, the once open space crowded and bent to accommodate so much loss.
He swayed, confused, it must be the damn flowers. The whole room seemed to tilt and he fell into the aisle, landing hard on his knees. He looked up just in time to see the coffins, doubled, tripled in size, rolling toward him, shuddering as they picked up speed.
Hotch gasped as he woke up on the jet, gripping the armrest tightly as he scanned the area around him. No one noticed the slight disruption, he knew well how to stay still, how to disappear in response to distress. Everyone was dozing or lost in their thoughts, drained from long days on the road. He counted their heads to check that everyone was accounted for. They were coming back from another case, he wasn’t quite sure from where. His hands shook from holding the seat too tightly so he put them in his lap, absently running his thumb across his other fingers.
He pulled out his phone to check the time and, more importantly, to check the date. He’d been struggling ever since the Scratch case to keep the details of time in order. It was embarrassing and he did his best to hide these lapses in awareness. The disorientation was always worse after one of these dreams. Though he was too practiced to show he was having nightmares, this one was starting to get to him. It had been coming back again and again since that night when he watched his team die. One right after the other, unable to stop it, unable to even be sure it wasn’t himself pulling the trigger. Though they were safe, were still alive at least, he couldn’t shake the fear. It had been so real. And it had been his fault.
He tried to tell himself to let it go, that it was only a hallucination brought on by a chemical attack from a psychopath. A man who was now in prison, successfully captured by his very alive teammates while he sat uselessly on the floor, afraid to trust his senses. However, he couldn’t quite escape the nagging fear that Scratch didn’t surrender, that in the mess of it all he had gotten away. When he let himself think about it, it never made sense that a man so calculated, so many moves ahead of them, would simply give in. He couldn’t be sure that the surrender wasn’t one of the false memories.
There was no way to distinguish between them, the real and the nightmare. He could only convince himself that his team was alive by watching carefully as they breathed whenever they weren’t looking. By their heated bickering over who would ride where. Lately he had even relinquished the driver’s seat, worried that his loosely tethered mind might sweep them all off the road. He fixated on their little habits, certain that these were things his mind couldn’t make up, proof that his family was really there in front of him. The orange fingerprints on case files and every single coffee mug disappeared from the kitchenette, lost wherever Reid set them down before forgetting, caught up in some exciting train of thought. Things that might have frustrated him before became lifelines to reality, the reality he hoped with all his heart was true.
In the immediate days after the attack, he would ask Dave, quietly, for assurance that Peter Lewis was locked up, unable to harm his team. Dave was understanding, remembering how he had been that night, eyes full of loss. But the looks he gave Hotch grew longer and more worried with each repetition of the question. Now, again unsure, he was too ashamed to ask.
It had been so hard to keep things straight in his mind. For awhile he had been writing himself notes: “Peter Lewis is in prison.” Except he would find them again later, letters added, message changed, unable to tell if it was still his handwriting. It didn’t make sense for it to be someone else, fuck he kept these notes in his pockets, in his desk drawer, in his medicine cabinet. He couldn’t remember changing them though. Maybe that was what he had written in the first place. The confusion of the notes started making him feel worse so he stopped writing them. Every time he found another one, he tore it into tiny pieces, all the while trying to convince himself nothing was wrong with his behavior, nothing was wrong with his mind.
On Saturday, rare in its lack of crisis, Hotch was sitting on the couch, finally free to read a book while waiting for Jack to get home. He had been invited to a movie with some school friends. He started thinking about how relieved he was that Jack had friends to do normal things with and lost track of the story. As he scanned back, a little surprised how far he’d read without absorbing any information, his phone rang. His lungs constricted. Fear was always the first reaction to the phone ringing. He leaned forward to pick it up from the coffee table, brushing away his irrational feelings. It was Spencer. That was a little odd but not unheard of. Sometimes Spencer learned a new fact that only Hotch would appreciate and couldn’t wait until they got back to the office to share it. He smiled as he answered, anticipating an excited rush of speech. Instead there was silence.
Nothing. He listened hard, not sure if he could hear breathing. There was some rustling, muffled and indistinct. Maybe Spencer dialed him by accident. He hung up and tried calling back. It rang without answer. He tried one more time but got the same result, the voicemail picking up quicker the second time. He told himself there was a mundane explanation but anxiety crawled like a spider up his neck. He was about to make another call, was trying to decide who was most likely to be helpful. Penelope? Derek? But then Jack walked in the door, hyped on candy and popcorn and wanting to repeat every joke from the movie. He let it go, if it was important Spencer would call back.
Monday morning and Spencer wasn’t in the office. Hotch had been there since 6 am, buried in paperwork, perpetually stuck in a state of catching up. He didn’t notice the absence until JJ came to ask him if he had any update from Spencer.
“Hmm? No, I haven’t heard from him. Update on what exactly?”
“Oh well he was supposed to come over for game night on Saturday but he said he wasn’t feeling well.” She assumed he was still sick, that he had called out. It was very unlike him to skip out on work, though perhaps he was just very unwell. Images of Spencer, pale and shaky, in the depths of his addiction, flashed through both of their memories and they exchanged looks. It had been so many years, and he did such a good job of pretending it never even happened, but they still remembered. It always came back whenever some uncertainty with Reid popped up.
“Have you tried calling him?” He tried to be logical, not everything needed to be the end of the world.
“Just goes to voicemail.” She raised her eyebrows at him, the silent question—what do we do boss?
He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. He looked at the files covering his desk, he’d already put in several hours today, he could use a break.
“I’ll go check on him.”
She started to offer to go with him but he waved her off. If Reid was sick there was no reason for both of them to be exposed. If it was something else, well, it was probably better if Hotch was alone for that too. Just as he got to the elevator, Derek caught up with him.
“I hear you’re going to check on pretty boy,” he was trying to sound light-hearted.
Hotch made a noise in response.
“I’m coming with you.”
Hotch looked over at him and saw the steel behind the statement. He wasn’t asking. Neither one needed to say aloud the worry laying just beneath the surface. That dreaded what if that swam around in the back of all their minds. He gestured for Morgan to get in the elevator ahead of him.
They got to Spencer’s apartment with still no word from him. He didn’t answer when they knocked on the door and though neither wanted to admit it, they were starting to panic.
“He better be passed out on cough syrup,” Morgan muttered as he flipped through his keys to find Reid’s spare, still trying to mask his fear. When they got the door open the apartment was cold and empty. The blinds were closed and the room was dark. Once they flipped the lights on everything seemed normal though unoccupied. The apartment was relatively neat, stacks of books and papers operating as some kind of decor.
“Reid?” they called even though they could tell he wasn’t there. They wandered through the small apartment, checking for signs of their friend.
Hotch caught the edge of the door with his shoulder and swore as he hurried out of the bedroom to respond to Morgan’s distressed call. He was standing in the small kitchen, looking at the counter. On it were Reid’s keys, phone and wallet. They could have been tossed there upon his arrival. But wouldn’t he have taken them if he had gone somewhere?
“Where is he?” Morgan’s voice was tight.
Hotch shook his head, this didn’t make sense. He picked up the phone and saw the list of missed calls from the office, from JJ, from him. He unlocked it and checked, heart sinking as his fear was confirmed. The last call was to his own phone on Saturday evening.
“Call Garcia,” he said, checking Reid’s messages.
“What’s going on Hotch?” Morgan couldn’t take his eyes off Reid’s phone, the frantic way Hotch was scrolling through it.
He stopped and looked up. “I…I don’t know.” The images from his dream, his nightmare were threatening to envelop him. Reid crumpled on the ground, a gunshot still ringing, dark wood with rounded edges cradling his lifeless body. The phone screen blurred when he looked at it again and he dropped it on the counter, using his hands to hold himself up.
“Hey man, are you ok?” Derek started to move closer but Hotch turned away, effectively closing himself off.
“Call Garcia, we need to start a search.” And I need to get a grip, he thought as the world around him shifted disturbingly. If something was as wrong as it seemed, they would all be looking to him to solve it. He certainly couldn’t do that if he wasn’t even sure if he was clinging to the counter or the floor.
It was hours later when they finally got a lead. It was not the lead that they wanted. There was a report of a body matching his description at a morgue one town over. It had been pulled out of the river in the early hours on Sunday, spotted by a couple of unhappy fishermen. There had been no wallet, no ID, no way to figure out who he belonged to. They had put him down as a John Doe, a presumed suicide and he was being held until they could get around to trying to match dental records. Garcia teared up as she relayed the information to the rest of the team.
“That can’t be him! Are you sure?” Morgan spoke more harshly than he meant to, nerves frayed by hours of fending off worst case scenarios.
Garcia hesitated, holding a folder. “They sent pictures but…I can’t look. I’m sorry.” She started crying in earnest now.
“Oh baby girl,” Morgan put a hand gently on her shoulder and pulled the file away. He was reluctant to open it as well. Hotch saw this and quickly took the folder and walked to the other side of the table where he flipped it open. His mouth formed a grim line and he didn’t have to say anything for them to know. He was glad he took it, happy to spare them the sight of waxy pale skin, the only color a deep purple beneath his closed eyes and his startlingly blue lips. It looked like he was wearing make up, like this was just another Halloween look Spencer was testing out. Hotch stared at the picture a moment too long. This is real, he told himself.
“Aaron?” Dave tried to pull his attention back to the room of anxious agents. Even though they knew, there was still the tortured hope that if he didn’t say it out loud, it wasn’t true.
He sighed, “It’s Spencer.”
Garcia let out a sob and turned into the hug that Morgan wrapped around her. JJ, sitting at the table stared into the distance.
He tried to organize the facts, solidify them in his mind by repeating them silently to himself. He ran his hand through his hair, a nervous gesture he normally suppressed to avoid having it sticking out wildly.
“I’ll go formally identify the…” He couldn’t call Spencer a body. “I’ll go see when we can get him transferred to us.”
“I can come with you,” Dave offered but Hotch declined. Looking at the others he felt like they needed someone to stay with them that would ward off anything too impulsive. They were all stunned at the moment but the feeling in the room was unsettled.
“You’re wrong.” JJ spoke without looking at him, her gaze still fixed at a spot on the far end of the table. “Spence wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t.”
He realized she was crying and felt a weight start to crush his chest. With effort he moved to where she sat, unable to find anything to say. He touched her hand but she jerked away, suddenly standing and glaring at him.
“You’re wrong,” she repeated before leaving quickly.
There was a hand at his elbow, squeezing gently. “I’ll go talk to her in a little bit. You should get going, it’s already late.”
He tried not to pull away too quickly as he nodded his thanks at Dave, who looked at him curiously.
“Are you sure you don’t want someone to come with you?”
“No, no. I’m fine. I can do it.” He hoped Dave would ignore the shake in his voice. He was fine, he could do this, he didn’t have a choice. He walked to his office to get his things, stopping for a moment to pull out Reid’s phone again. He needed to check the calls one more time, to confirm what he thought he remembered. Sure enough, his number remained the last outgoing call. He didn’t know if it was better or worse that it was real.
~Part 2~
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love your writing! if you’re still taking requests could you do 61 and 63 for o’knutzy?
"Hey, woah. Don’t pass out on me.” + “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this sick.”
Characters belong to our lord and savior @lumosinlove
TW: sickness/throwing up/blood
   Out of the three of them, Logan was least likely to get sick. No one really knew why but he simply never got sick. Leo tended to get colds and cases of flu mostly while Finn had the unfortunate habit of getting every stomach bug known to man.
   So it was very odd for Logan to feel bad but since he didn’t get sick he didn’t want to worry anyone about it. He was slow getting ready but Finn and Leo had both gone to practice early so they weren’t there to see him stumble to the coffee machine clutching his head. 
   Logan had to turn the music off in his car because it was making the pounding in his head worse. That was the first major red flag since he always always listened to music in the car, it was like a pre-practice ritual.
   The next red flag was when his depth perception started getting bad. He had meant to grab his helmet off the wall in his locker but managed to slam his hand into the door a few inches away. He had played it off as being clumsy but was well aware of Remus and Dumo watching him closely after that.
   He was on the ice when he saw specks of blood on the ground, he tried looking around to pinpoint who was hurt when he saw more splatter on the ground under him. Was he the one bleeding? He brought a hand up to his face and it came away bloody.
   He stood still for a while, not paying much attention to the others skating around him while he realized it was his nose that was bleeding so bad. He was about to take his helmet off when Sirius hit him checked him.
   That was considered a light tap and normally Logan could have avoided it all together but even if he hadn’t managed to avoid it, it shouldn’t have sent him to the ground. Everything was spinning when he finally opened his eyes.
   Sirius was standing over him with concerned eyes and soon Finn and Leo were next to him leaning down to help Logan up. Logan reached blindly for them and Finn caught his wrist, staring at his hand distraught.
  “Lo, you’re bleeding.” At this point, Remus, Dumo, and James were all standing close as well. “I’m fine.” Logan slurred slightly. “Jus’ my nose.” He said, closing his eyes so the world would stop spinning.
  “I knew I should have talked to you when you got here, you look pretty bad Tremzy.” Remus said quietly, somehow attuned to the headache Logan was having. 
   "Thanks for the input Loops." He said trying to ignore the weightlessness that was settling in his bones. 
   Leo grabbed his other hand and hauled him to his feet, the room spun around him and he clutched Leo's arm in an attempt to stay upright.
   "Hey, woah. Don't pass out on me." Leo said concerned as he wrapped his other arm around Logan's waist. Logan wanted to retort but he was too busy trying to fight the stars blotting his vision. 
   Finn slipped his arm around Logan's waist, helping Leo keep him upright. "Is he alright? Did I do that? Merde, I swear I didn't mean to." Sirius said, skating in front of them while Remus skated behind in case Logan fell.
   “No, I’m fine.” Logan said, much softer than he had intended. Sirius frowned and continued biting his lip. Logan felt a wave of nausea rock through his stomach and was relieved when Leo settled him on the bench carefully. Finn helped him get his helmet off and he heard them all give soft gasps and Logan reached up to his nose again.
   It came away bloody again and another wave of nausea settled and he slumped against Leo’s side. Finn knelt in front of Logan and put a gentle hand on his forehead before pulling it away cursing. “You’re so hot Lo.” Logan felt a goofy smile pull at his lips. “Why thank you, baby, so are you.” 
   He heard the delirium in his own voice and laughed loudly before doubling over the trash can Remus had just put in front of him and emptied his stomach into the can. Leo rubbed his back soothingly and Finn held back the hair that fell into his face. 
   Remus cussed quietly and Logan found himself laughing again. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this sick before.” Remus said, turning and asking Moody to do something before turning back to Logan. 
   “This is worse than the time we all got food poisoning in our freshman year of college.” Finn said, his nose wrinkling up as he remembered throwing up in the sink since Logan had already claimed the toilet. Logan heaved again and Remus lightly slapped Finn’s arm. “Not right now Finn.” 
   Logan groaned and sat back, this time resting his back against Leo’s chest. Leo kissed his damp hair and rested his chin on Logan’s shoulder. “You want to go home baby?” Leo asked softly, his thumb coming up to wipe some of the blood away while Finn grabbed a rag and wiped Leo’s mouth before handing him a water bottle at Remus’s request. Logan frowned, his fever red cheeks growing a dark crimson as they babied him.
   He swatted at Finn’s hand weakly. “‘m fine.” He said but was immediately contradicting himself when he started coughing loudly. Leo kissed his forehead before standing up and reaching down to help Logan up. “Wait, let me take his temperature first.” Remus said, grabbing the thermometer from Moody and gently placing it in Logan’s mouth.
   Logan rested his forehead on Finn’s stomach, Finn’s hands playing with his hair absentmindedly. It was silent for a minute before the thermometer started beeping annoyingly. Remus took it out of Logan’s mouth and looked at it, frown deepening as he took in the numbers. “It’s 105 so you’re definitely sick, how come you didn’t tell anyone?” 
   Logan just shrugged, not bothering to lift his head from Finn’s toned stomach. “Started yesterday morning.” He mumbled before standing up, grabbing Finn’s arms to stable himself as the room swam around him.
   “Come here, Lo.” Leo said, bending down in front of him. Logan didn’t think twice as he climbed on his boyfriend’s back and rested his head on Leo’s back. Finn grabbed their bags and talked to Remus for a second while Leo carried Logan to Finn’s car.
   Leo helped Logan get in the back before climbing in the back with him, maneuvering Logan until he was laying down with his head in Leo’s lap. Logan made a happy noise and turned to bury his face in Leo’s abdomen. Leo chuckled slightly as he watched Logan curl into him with a contented sigh. 
   Finn came out two minutes later, quickly throwing their bags in the car before getting in the driver’s seat, glancing at his boyfriends in the back seat. “He okay?” Finn asked as he started the car, Leo looked up and nodded as Finn pulled out.
   It was a relatively fast car ride, Logan had fallen asleep about five minutes into the ride. Finn helped Leo get him into their room and they stripped him, putting him in more comfortable clothes. 
   Logan had given them a suggestive smile when they had started taking his clothes off which made them both laugh as they shook their heads saying ‘not now.’ Finally having gotten him changed into Leo’s hoodie and Finn’s sweatpants they lowered him into bed and under the covers.
   Leo changed quickly and Finn took a shower before crawling into bed with his two boys. Logan was playing with Leo’s fingers making incoherent noises and Leo met Finn’s eyes with an amused smirk.
   Logan turned to Finn quickly when he laid down but paused halfway, his eyes flickering every which way in a telltale sign that the room was spinning for him. Finn pulled him against his chest. “Close you’re eyes, we’ve got you. You need to rest so you’ll feel better.” 
   “I feel fine.” Was Logan’s only response but he curled closer to Finn despite his words. Leo laughed softly and kissed Logan’s neck gently, Logan let out a quiet hum and Leo rested his forehead between Logan’s shoulder blades. Logan felt Finn rest his chin on Logan’s curls and smiled sleepily. 
   Logan couldn’t help but think despite being sick, he loved being sandwiched between his two favorite people. The comfort and care radiating off of them was enough to loll him into sleep almost instantly.
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famouskittychild · 3 years
Star Wars Fun in the Sun
vol 1 - At the beach
This is my gift (vol 1) for @milfsyndullas in the Fun in the Sun gift exchange hosted on @starwarsfandomfests ! Thank you@lilhawkeye3 for organising this ☺️
Couldn't choose between two ideas so I wrote them both. This one is with Padme and Sabe on a nice day at a Naboo beach ^^
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The village was still quiet this early in the morning. The fresh fragrance of baking breads wafted on the wind through the steep streets. The girls had woken up with the sun and packed lightly for a day at the beach, putting on their bathing suits under their clothes. They picked one of the many inviting, small shops at random and had a light breakfast of caf and pastries. From sitting higher up on the hill, they could see over the rooftops all the way to the open water of the lake and to the opposite shore.
Their usual daily program would be sailing over the lake and exploring some of the villages dotted along the shores, and that’s what they did the past few days. But this morning was promised to be unusually windy, if still warm, with bright sunshine in the afternoon. They were both capable with the boat but maybe this would have been pushing it on open water. Sabe was cautious, even if Padme war ready to take on the challenge. Also despite being on holiday, so far every day was busy, even if it was the relaxing kind and not work related busy. So Sabe told her darling Padme that she was working hard enough and she needs a day when she does nothing. No senatoring, no learning of local customs, no meeting with people. Just splashing about in the water, eating, and laying on the sun. Maybe some hand-holding and cuddling too.
“How about kissing? Am I allowed to kiss you today, or is that considered a job?” she teased Sabe over their breakfast. “As your girlfriend, it is my duty, if we think about it.”
“If it feels like duty than we need some serious talk.” Sabe looked back at her over the rim of her cup. “About your workload and you taking things too seriously.”
“Me? Taking things seriously? Never!” Padme defended her conduct, and stuck her pinky finger out and away from her cup as she took a sip. “Correction. Its not my duty, it is my privilege.”
“That’s better” nodded Sabe gracefully, as if accepting a formal apology. Then they both giggled. “Remember! No work today. Just fun with your girl.”
Padme blew a kiss to her over her pastry.
 Most of the beaches were either open to the public with infrastructure built around them, or were privately owned, secluded bays. This one was neither. It was out of the way between two villages, hard to get there by boat, and just generally not worth the effort it took to travel there on speeders or on foot when there were so many, more convenient opportunities too. It was perfect for them for this very reason.
“What if someone is already there?” Padme asked.
“You mean, others might be just as clever as us?”
“No way, but they could’ve bumped into the place by accident.”
“Yes, true. In that case, I think we should quietly move away and look for another place?”
They agreed to walk to the next village if that was the case and visit that small restaurant there they’d been once already and promised themselves to go back.
 The beach was empty. It was barely more than a cove in the cliffs, the footpath to it winding through rocks. Padme’s local bodyguard left them with her speeder after checking around and took up a sentry post higher on the steep hillside. She was good at her job, and the girls knew she’ll take a position where she sees all the pathways towards them whilst not seeing them personally to give them as much privacy as possible. Their sentry droid was stationed lower, hidden by a bush, keeping an eye on the girls a bit more closely, ready to report any threats or if one of them would be in distress.
 They laid down their towels on the soft sand and put their bags on them to stop them from blowing away, then stripped off their shirts and dresses to run into the water. Their enthusiasm was a bit curbed when the cold water hit them higher and higher on their bodies with every step. They had to stop once they were stomach deep in to breath through the cold. Once they were used to that, they took another step - just to have to repeat the process until they were shoulder deep in water.
“I forgot it’s this cold in the morning” Sabe stuttered, and Padme nodded vigorously, teeth clattering.
 They swam in the quiet little bay until they were exhausted. It was windy enough in this corner, backed by steeper cliffs, to make the surface of the lake frilly with crescent waves large enough to play with them. They flopped onto them belly first and let the water roll away under them, dropping into a valley; then they waited for the next crest to lift them up again with a help of a leg kick. When they got too exhausted and hungry to carry on, they waded out of the water.
Reaching the sandy shore, they run to their towels and wrapped themselves in them tightly, sitting close to each other until they dried off enough for the shivering to stop. Then they opened the basket that had all the fresh foods they bought that morning: spelt bread, almond cheese, tomatoes, fruits; and ate while chatting. Padme dug her toes into the ground, enjoying the soft sand between them. Then she flicked her toes up, tossing the sand into the air and watched where the fine grains would land. She repeated the game, Sabe smiling at her.
“I like it when you’re playful” she told Padme, tilting her head that she rested on her pulled up knees towards her. Padme looked down at her, face softening as she took in Sabe’s dreamy expression.
“I’m not playing, I’m conducting an experiment” she smiled coyly, remembering their conversation from the morning. Sabe took the teasing good-heartedly. Raising an eyebrow, she grinned back to Padme, her tone lacking real admonishment.
“No. Work. Today.” Padme blew another kiss to her.
   They almost missed the gelaati float in the afternoon. Luckily they noticed the melody drifting towards them and could hail it just in time. Padme waved with both arms and yelled from the waist-deep water while Sabe waded to the shore to hail them. Usually it was manned by a droid, but this one was seemed to be driven by a humanoid. The driver waved back at them and lowered the float. It looked like it was modified from an old speeder, not purpose-made than most, and was painted with blue and white stripes. It hovered as close to them on the pathway as safety regulations allowed.
The driver waited patiently whilst the girls grabbed their towels and purses and made their way up on the hillside.
“Thank you for your patience, sir, and a good day to you as well.” Padme greeted him, slightly winded.
“And a good day to you, ladies. What can I serve you with?”
Now that was a good question. Most floats had a good selection of goods, and this one in particular was dripping with all the different foods and drinks. Caf’s of different types - some made the local way, some imported and advertised as being from Coruscant. They skipped over those without a second thought. There were ice creams of course, in bowls and in cones and on sticks; the soft airy types that came with trade and the local, much more dense gelaati that gave the name to the type of moving dessert shops like this. There were also fruit cones, roasted vegetables in little containers, chilled cheeses, and bread rolls kept warm in earthenware pots to round out the selection.
Since they had already eaten their lunch, they decided on some desserts. Padme choose the iced caf and Sabe got a dozen of her favourite flower waffles.
The girls walked back to the beach, chatting, the wind tousling their hair. They plopped down on their towels then stretched their legs and dug their toes into the soft sand as they got ready to eat their respective treats. They always choose different, be it food or drinks, and they always had the other have the first taste of whatever they had bought or ordered. Sabe tried the caf with the scoop of gelaati.
“Warm and cold together? I’ll never understand. But it’s nice enough.” Sabe put down the bowl whilst she waited for Padme who broke off a piece of one of the crunchy circles. Her lips were coated with the powdered sugar from the top of the waffle, and she held a palm under her chin to catch any stray crumbs.
“This one’s good too, even if it should be softer” she gave her verdict with a wink. She thought about popping the remaining bite-sized piece into her mouth, than changed her mind and offered it to Sabe. She leaned closer and let Padme feed it to her, than gave her her bowl. And after a moment of thought, a light kiss too.
Than they broke into giggles, lips sticky with powdered sugar, and cuddled as the waves lapped up to the shore.
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nikibogwater · 4 years
The City Never Sleeps--a Tales of Arcadia fanfiction
“Moving to New York City is no easy task, and Douxie's been burning the candle at both ends for the past month in order to make ends meet. Fortunately, he has a family waiting for him every night when he comes home.”
Special thanks to @poetryinmotion-author for beta reading and providing me with the title!
So yes, this is my coping mechanism after the emotional trauma of Wizards. A little Found Family fluff to ease my screaming soul. Read on AO3:
Or under the cut:
Why the hell was living in New York City so expensive?
Douxie had started this latest venture with at least some optimism. Protect the tiny sorceress and keep an eye out for any suspicious magical activity that could point to the return of the Arcane Order, all while remaining as inconspicuous as possible. It wasn’t that different from what he’d been doing for the last nine-hundred years. 
Except for the damn cost of living. 
Arcadia Oaks hadn’t exactly been low-rent either, but at least he’d been able to manage by juggling two part-time jobs and occasionally passing himself off as a streetside fortune teller (humiliating as that was) whenever finances got particularly tight. He’d had plenty of time to do his nightly patrols of the streets, chase down any rogue magical creatures, set new stasis traps, and be home in time to microwave dinner and pass out on his sofa-bed for seven hours before the routine began again the next morning. But New York City was a different monster. 
He’d chosen this place for a few very good reasons. First, it was on the other side of the continent from Arcadia. Provided he’d covered their tracks right, the Arcane Order would have to scour any number of miles of the country before they could even begin to narrow down his position here. Second, the presence of magic in New York City was borderline undetectable. The area was so choked with noise, pollution, traffic, and people that picking out a magical signature from the chaos would be practically impossible. Third, (and perhaps this was the weakest reason, if he was being honest with himself) he had never been there before. Douxie had done some traveling in his centuries-long life, but somehow New York City had never ended up on his itinerary. If he was going to be immortal, he wanted to make the most of it and see the big sights. Up until now, he’d been stuck in Arcadia, trying to keep an eye on the magical stirrings there (and fuzzbuckets, there were a lot of them). Once he was free to go where he pleased, of course he was going to pick somewhere he genuinely wanted to be. 
At least two of those reasons had been good ones, but that didn’t change the fact that paying for a studio apartment in New York City and feeding himself, Archie, and occasionally Nari (she only ate on days when she could not simply absorb energy from the sun) with no high-demand career skills to speak of was a herculean task. He’d had to take on three minimum-wage jobs just to make ends meet, and sleep? Well, he counted himself lucky if he got four hours in a single night. 
Which landed him here, stumbling up to the door of their ramshackle apartment, fiddling with an ordinary keyring in order to keep up appearances should anybody walk by while he undid the twelve magical seals he had placed when he left this morning. He let himself in with a groan, slammed the door behind him, and somehow dredged up enough energy to replace the seals before he slid to the floor, utterly spent. What time was it? He’d gotten off work at 1:30, right? Or was he mixing up tonight with last night? Wait, was today Thursday or Friday? Fuzzbuckets, he could barely string two thoughts together in his head. He groaned again and pressed his fists against his bloodshot eyes. It was pitch black inside the apartment, and the only sound came from the small heating unit in the corner. 
But he wasn’t alone. He felt a familiar form brush against his folded legs, and heard Archie’s welcoming purr close to him. Douxie sighed and blindly reached out, groping for a moment before his Familiar pressed his furry head against his waiting fingers. 
“Did anything happen t’day?” Douxie slurred quietly. At this point, Archie no longer needed him to specify “anything magic related that could potentially be dangerous.” 
“Nothing. All clear,” the cat told him, stepping into his lap. “Though I can’t say the same for you. I haven’t seen such a breakout since the fifteenth century.” 
“What?” Douxie raised a hand to his face and felt his cheek, which was peppered with tiny red bumps. “Fuzzbuckets,” he moaned, letting his hand fall. “Think it’s the stress. I don’t remember the last time I slept through the night.” There were a few minutes of silence as Douxie stroked his friend’s fur, knowing he should move to his mattress in the corner, but too exhausted to care if he just passed out here. 
His eyes slid open as he heard a small voice at his side (when had his eyes closed?) and saw Nari crouched beside him. She was wearing one of his old t-shirts, which was comically large on her tiny frame, and a part of him suddenly wished he could afford to buy her nicer clothes. He was her guardian now, he should at least be able to provide her with that. Then again, she had spent most of her considerably long life wearing enchanted armor from the Eternal Forest, so maybe she didn’t care about not having brand-name PJs. Right now, her eyes were sweeping over his face critically, her brow pinching with worry. Oh right, she was probably waiting for him to say something. 
“H’llo,” he mumbled, his eyes closing again. 
“Your aura is so weak,” Nari whispered, her hand coming to rest on his chest above his heart, where she could feel his magic give a pitiful, fluttering pulse beneath her fingers. “You are pushing yourself too far.” There was an element of reproach in her soft voice.
“Got no choice,” Douxie replied. “Have to keep you safe.” He heard her take in a sharp breath as though he had struck her. His lids flew open and he saw her fiddling with her hands and looking ashamed. “I....I didn’t mean...” He forced himself to sit up, pausing for a moment when his vision swam and his brain flopped around his skull like a dying Nyarlagroth. “Nari, this isn’t your fault. I just....It’s hard to make ends meet, that’s all.”
“You came here because of me,” she argued quietly, still refusing to look at him. “Because you thought I would be safe here.”
“I....Yeah. But it’s not your fault the rent’s so high. ‘M fine, I just need to sleep.” He shooed Archie off his lap and somehow managed to get to his feet, though the world spun around him and his knees wobbled like jello. Nari reached out to help him, but he ignored her offer (it wasn’t like she could provide much support, seeing as she only came up to his waist), and stumbled over to the mattress on the floor in the corner, falling onto it with a rough sigh. 
“Your shoes are still on,” Archie informed him, coming to sit by his head. Douxie hummed noncommittally and did nothing. A moment later, he felt Nari untangling the laces of his hightops and sliding them off of his feet. Archie curled up in the crook of his shoulder, his purring filling the wizard’s ears and silencing his disjointed thoughts. Nari draped a blanket over him, pausing for a moment to rest her small hand on top of his uncombed hair. He felt her thumb rub a few circles against his scalp before she pulled away and stood up to return to her own bed on the other side of the room. Douxie was asleep before she’d even crossed the floor. 
Douxie found his eyes opening twenty minutes before his phone alarm was set to go off. He felt oddly rejuvenated for someone who had worked himself to the bone yesterday and only fallen into bed at quarter past two. He double checked the time on his phone, wondering if he’d somehow slept through his alarm. 6:13 am. He rolled out of bed, careful not to disturb Archie, who was sprawled out next to him, paws twitching as he dreamed. He glanced over at Nari, who was barely visible within a tightly-wound cocoon of blankets, her antlers the only easily distinguishable part of her. He could sense her aura, but it was dim, and scarcely pulsing, which meant she was quite sound asleep. Satisfied with the knowledge that his family was comfortable and at peace for the moment, he slipped out onto the tiny balcony, shivering as the cold embraced him. He left the door ajar a few inches in case Archie woke up and decided to join him, and zipped up his rumpled hoodie, before casting a glance around him.
The sky was a silvery grey, and he knew that the sun was peeking over the horizon at his back. The balcony faced west, and had a less-than-stunning view of a dank alleyway. It was barely wide enough for three people, and nearly half of it was occupied by Nari’s rapidly growing collection of houseplants and herbs. Douxie sat on the floor, crossing his legs beneath him, and leaned back against the brick wall of the apartment building. He gazed up at the slowly lightening sky, mind curiously blank, though not for want of energy. There was something about the stillness of the early morning that put him in a state of silence. Almost as though he were listening for something. 
Or someone. 
His heart twisted sharply in his chest, and for once, he let himself acknowledge it. He’d spent many early mornings like this in Camelot, perched on a battlement, watching the sunrise, waiting for the sound of his master calling him to his chores. Back then, he had dreaded hearing Merlin’s voice, knowing that it would be the end of the brief momentary peace he had carved for himself from the stillness of the morning. But now....Now he’d give anything to hear his master calling his name again. 
Something pressed up against his knee, and he looked down to find Archie’s bespectacled gaze meeting his own. Without a word, Douxie opened his arms and let his Familiar settle into place on his lap. Douxie wrapped him up in his arms, clinging to his presence, suddenly acutely aware of how much his heart was aching, and Archie purred in understanding. The cat was warm against his chest, a physical reminder that although he had lost a great deal these many years, he wasn’t alone.
The door creaked, and Douxie looked up to find a very sleepy-looking Nari stepping out to join them. 
“You’ll catch a cold out here,” Douxie scolded wearily, taking note of her bare arms and legs. She responded with a disinterested hum and rubbed one of her eyes blearily. Douxie sighed and held out an arm to her. She flopped down next to him and curled up against his side, one hand coming to rest above his heart, feeling his magic swirling and pulsing within. 
“Your aura was twisting. You were sad,” she mumbled as he tucked her closer with his arm. 
“...Maybe a little,” Douxie admitted. “I didn’t think you could feel that in your sleep.” 
“Never try to hide anything from an ancient sorceress,” Archie advised from his place on Douxie’s lap. “Especially one who likes you.” Douxie breathed a quiet chuckle and gave his Familiar a scratch behind the ears. There was a moment of companionable silence between the three of them. 
“...You enchanted my sleep, didn’t you?” Douxie said suddenly, looking down at Nari. She shifted, almost guiltily, and nodded. 
“She does that several times a week, actually,” Archie put in. Nari opened her eyes long enough to send him the most resentful glare she could muster. 
“Tattletale,” she muttered. The cat merely shrugged. 
“...Thank you,” Douxie murmured. “I don’t think I could’ve survived this past month without either of you.” 
“We’re going to be okay, Douxie,” Nari said through a yawn. “I believe in you. You’ll find a better job soon, and the Order will never find us.”
“You think?” Douxie asked lightly. The wood nymph nodded sleepily against his chest. “Well, I suppose there’s no arguing with you, is there?” He squeezed her shoulder fondly. 
“You argue with me all the time,” Archie pointed out, turning a few circles and settling more comfortably on Douxie’s crossed legs. “If I were any less gracious, I might accuse you of playing favorites.” 
“Oh, I do play favorites, Archie. You’re my favorite person to argue with.” Archie huffed and flicked his tail, but Douxie knew he was smiling without having to look. 
The mage held his small family close, staring up at the sky that was turning more blue with every passing minute, no longer feeling the pervading chill. He couldn’t say what the future would bring. He couldn’t promise that everything would work out. But he did know, beyond the slightest shadow of a doubt, that he would fight to save the world a hundred times over, work himself until he was nothing but skin and bone,  if it meant he could have more moments like this. 
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every1studio · 5 years
REQUESTED: “a mermaid’s cupid” [ateez]
genre: FLUFF + slight angst? + fiction/fantasy 
ficstyle: bulletpoint + reactions 
requested: “ mermaid!Ateez reaction to falling in love with a human???? “
note: I still feel so uninspired to write but I hope this is something for this week 
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you let your tears drop into the ocean as you sat on the shoreline  
the sand and ocean waves made your wedding dress all dirty and tattered
the mild, salty wind undid your bridal updo 
you were a mess; physically and emotionally 
you were left at the alter; realizing that your soon-to-be husband ran off with your best friend 
you wanted to turn into seafoam in that moment 
Hongjoong watched you on his daily swim to the shore 
how could anyone ever make someone as beautiful as you cry?
he read about humans all the time and judging by your attire, it was suppose to be your wedding day 
so why weren’t with the person that was suppose to make you happy for the rest of your life?
Hongjoong wanted nothing than for you to smile; it hurt him to see you in so much pain 
he took off his prized pearl necklace and swam as close as he could in your direction 
it was from his first love; she was a human who was years older than he was but that didn’t stop him from loving her. when she told him that she had to follow through with an arranged marriage. so she gave him her necklace so that he wouldn’t forget her.. 
seeing you in a wedding dress made him remind you of her  
you didn’t even notice him at first
you thought it was just the waves 
but when you saw a pair of hands, you fell back; startled at the sight of the mystical creature 
he places the pearl necklace on your lap and brings his hands up to wipe your tears away
“whatever or whoever it was, they aren’t worthy of your tears...” he says before slipping back into the sea for a breath 
you stood up to see where he went but he disappeared into the deep, blue waters 
you held onto the necklace knowing that this wasn’t a dream 
you hoped for the next day, you’ll be able to see him again 
little did you know, he hoped for the same 
and as if the stars in the skies were aligned, Hongjoong emerged from the surface only to have you greet him with his necklace around your neck
he knew you weren’t her; but these feelings he had inside weren’t for her but for you  
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it was a stormy day at the beach 
but that didn’t stop you for trying to get the perfect pictures of the storm 
you stood near the cliff 
not worried about any dangerous aspects of getting the shot 
the moment you got the shot, you lost footing 
you dropped your camera on the cliff and you were falling into the ocean
the force of hitting against the surface of the ocean caused you to become unconscious
Seonghwa saw everything that had happen and swam to rescue you 
you sunk too far into the ocean
even if he swam as fast as he could up to shore, there was a possibility that you would’ve drowned 
he locked lips with you; transferring as much air as he could, which would’ve been more than enough until he got to the surface
the storm had settled down by the time that he got you onto shore 
“come on, come on..” he mutters as he performs CPR on you; he learned this as from the TV shows he would occasionally watched 
you sputtered out water as he breathes in relief
he didn’t even how beautiful you were as he was hovering over you
and when you fluttered your eyes open, he didn’t know what to do 
he was completely flustered as he backed up to give you some space
that was also when he forgot he couldn’t be seen by humans; he was considered to be a rare species after all 
but when he saw how calm you were, he was too
“you’re beautiful..” you managed to say as you rubbed your chest 
“and so are you- are..are you not scared? or surprised?” Seonghwa asks as he points at his tail 
“I always knew there was something magical about this coast... I was saved just like this when I was a little kid.. so I knew your kind existed..”
his eyes widened as his memories started to rush from being locked away for so long, “Y/N?”
your heart lurched out of your chest, “Seonghwa?”
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you had just moved closer to the beach after wanting to start a new life
you went exploring around until you found a cove; it had a danger sign in front of it
you ignored it as you were feeling a little adventurous 
it seemed like it wasn’t the usual tourist area; more like a place the locals wanted to keep for themselves
it was quite hidden from the city; it was a beautiful place, it was covered yet there was rays of light to light up the whole cove 
as you were taking in all the beauty of the cove
Yunho was taking in all the beauty of you
he heard footsteps inside of the cove; Yunho always scared off anyone who tried to invade his private hideaway from the stress of being a prince of the sea 
but when he saw you, he couldn’t do anything but stare
you were more beautiful than anything he’s ever seen 
the sound of water movement startled you, causing you to trip on your own foot
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you..” he swam closer to you but kept his distance in case that he frightened you 
“I-just.. you’re a mermaid... I mean merman?” you began to stutter out of surprise, “I’ve only read about merpeople in fantasy books..”
“yeah.. well we’re real... humans can get a little obsessive about rare species like us..” he mumbles, you sensed the irritation in his voice as his hands grazed over his old scars
you slowly walked up to him and squatted down to talk to the beautifully handsome creature face to face, “I’m not like most humans..”
Yunho looked up at you with glassy eyes
you took out your hand for him to take, “I’m Y/N”
he was hesitant to take it at first, but you were patient with him
“I’m Yunho,” his cold hand welcomed your warm touch, “could you tell me more about you and humans?”
you smiled back at him, which made his chest all bubbly, “if only you tell me more you and merpeople”   
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Yeosang had just got caught in a fisherman’s net that was being brought up to to the boat
he knew that he was captured by a human that would be the end of his life
he struggled and struggled and his tail got scraped by the fisherman’s hook; causing his scales to drift into the ocean currents
you were surfing when you saw the struggle
you swam under the boat and pulled out your little pocket knife you in your swimmer’s bag and tried to cut the net free
Yeosang swam in the opposite direction that you were cutting so that the net would rip easier 
you were on your last couple seconds of air when you cut just enough of the net for Yeosang to escape
at first he swam away because you were a human
but when he saw you sinking down, your eyes were trying to flutter open in a struggle to try to swim up
Yeosang swam as fast as he could to save you
he was stunned for a moment to notice how beautiful you were but he had no time to just stop and gawk at you 
thankfully due to his speed, he got you up to the surface while keeping hidden from the fishermen 
you gasped for air and you were too weak to keep yourself afloat 
he brushed your hair out of your face, “are you okay?”
you looked down at his tail, “are you?”
he nods as he carried you to shore 
right after he placed you onto the sandy banks, he gave you a large piece of his scale, “thank you for saving my life..”
you rummaged in your bag for some ointment to put over his scratches, “thank you for saving mine..”
you both chuckled at the situation 
“humans are trash..” you muttered, “you are such beautiful creatures that should be left alone...”
“I don’t think you’re trash. I think you’re beautiful”
the moment you turned to look at him, he blushed intensively 
“well, see you around~” you walked over to your surfboard
“how will we know when to meet?” 
you showed him your board, “I see you every time I hit the waves.. I hope that whenever you see my board, you’ll know I’m around~”
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it was early morning when you were collecting data on starfishes 
you were a marine biologist studying about common sea creatures from different area 
you reached out for a fairly large valvatida starfish when you saw another hand grab it before you could 
“hey!” you pushed up your glasses in slight annoyance until you saw who the hand belonged to
San was completely entranced by you
and you were mesmerized by him 
“c-can I study you?” you brought out your notebook 
“wh-what?” he suddenly felt the need to cover himself 
“I’m a marine biologist.. and obviously you’re a marine creature... but..” you looked up at him with a feeling that you were making him uncomfortable 
seeing you so upset made him just as upset, “you can, it’s just.. I’ve never been studied before.. what do I need to do?” 
San smiled when he saw your eyes light up, “just sit there for a second!”
you started to sketch away; San was just awkwardly sitting there with the starfish still in his hands
every time you looked up at him, he would divert his attention away from your attractive eyes; it made him nervous 
when you were done, you showed him your work; it was such an accurate sketch of himself 
“it looks like a better version of me...”
you shook your head rapidly, “nothing can ever come close to the real deal..” 
he blushed, “I need to go but I would like to come back and have you study me again?”
you giggled at his request, “same time?”
he nods, “same time.. like a date..”
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you were collecting seashells like how you you used to; moments like these make you miss your ex boyfriend 
you just sat in the sand as you were counting the amount of shells you collected
you felt someone place a beautiful conch shell into your hands
“thank-” the moment you saw the red-haired boy.. or merman, “you...”
he just smiled at you, “you looked sad while picking shells... so I found the prettiest one for the prettiest being I’ve ever seen..”
you beamed as you grazed over the shell he had just given you but all you could muster was another quiet, “thank you”
he sat there in the water as you were playing with the wet sand 
“that person didn’t make you happy?” he was referring to your ex 
you didn’t have to say anything and it was just he knew what you were thinking about 
“they did.. but I couldn’t make them just as happy..” you smiled but you were just trying to hold back tears 
“do you like the ocean?” the boy asked 
you nodded; confused with where the conversation was going 
the merman held the conch against your ear, “you can hear the ocean. I hope you can be happy every time you have this shell with you..” 
you smiled at his kind gesture; you almost forgot that you were talking with a merman, a mystical creature 
“I’m Mingi..” he tucked your hair behind your ear to get a better look at your face
you couldn’t look at him in the eyes, “I’m Y/N...”
“I wish I can make you happy..” these thoughts waved through Mingi’s head as he swam back into the ocean 
he would do anything, ANYTHING, to be the one to make you happy 
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you noticed seafoam bubbles that gathered by your feet on the beach 
it reminded you of the story of the Little Mermaid; the lighthearted yet tragic story 
as magical as it sounded, being in love with a mermaid would be such a sad love story
and you weren’t one to sign up for a sad love story 
nearby, Wooyoung was sunbathing as he noticed you playing with seafoam bubbles 
his folks always said things about falling in love with humans, saying that in the end, you’ll just become seafoam 
Wooyoung was always bound to the rules his family laid out for him 
but at the first sight of you, he couldn’t help but fall for you 
he could see his destiny ending in seafoam bubbles
but he felt like he could finally do what he wanted to do and love who he wanted to love 
the minute he saw an unknown man put his jacket around you, he wanted to make the story of the Little Mermaid his
he couldn’t stand watching someone else be by your side
he would sacrifice his tail for legs
he would sacrifice his life for love
he would sacrifice himself to be seafoam bubbles for you 
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it was a foggy morning; that was the only time Jongho went up above the surface 
he liked how his voice sounded as it echoed against the cliffs 
little did he know, you always sat on top of the cliff after your morning run to listen to this mystery man sing 
while listening to him sing, you dropped your earphones off of the cliff
“dammit...” you mumbled as you got up to try to get him 
when you got down there, you were met with some guy holding your earphones
“oh thanks for getting those for-”
you didn’t finish your sentence, you couldn’t 
there was a beautifully built merman singing right in front of you
Jongho knew that at the sight of any human, he had to swim away
but he felt safe with you; your beauty had some sort of tranquility 
“what are these?” 
you fumbled around for your phone, “can I?” 
you reached for your earphones, Jongho felt the warmth of your hand as you took the item from him 
you gently placed an earphone in one of his ear and the other onto your, you turned on some music and Jongho was hooked
you both just sat there for hours, talking about music above the surface and technology until the fog cleared out 
when the fog cleared out was when everyone would go out to the beach, he had to leave 
“can you come back tomorrow? I would love to know more about music from phones and all of that..”
you smiled back at him, knowing that you can see him tomorrow, “only if I can hear you sing..”
“that’s a promise then”
[ masterlist + guidelines ]
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imnotwolverine · 4 years
Field of dreams
Henry Cavill x OC Lisa - multi-chapter fic
Author’s note: The Scottish highlands, some bear tears and a whole lot of (outdoor) loving. 
Word count: 4.432
Disclaimer: fluff and smut
This is part 19 of the Tea for Two series. 
Find the Masterlist here. 
< Go back to part 18
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Tall wet grass blades licked my calves as my rain boots plowed through dewy fields, the tiny water drops sparkling in the light of a watery sun as it slowly rose over the steep Scottish hills.
It was about 7 am and the world around us was slowly waking up, its wild scenery conjuring itself up from the stormy dark of the night before. It had rained all night and the animals were glad to be out and about again. Birds chirped their morning song, supple wings carrying them with grace through the rain heavy skies, while a few big Scottish highlanders mooed at me and Kal.
Henry had left for an early start at work - I don’t know how that man could be such an early bird -, so it was just the two of us as we slowly trodded to the set that lay a few miles north of the cottage we resided in.
After months of jet setting through the hustle and bustle of large cities, it was almost unsettling to not have a single person around for miles.
What if something happened? What if I got hurt?
I pushed the thought aside as I was greeted by Kal’s wet nose pressing into my hand, his big paws quickly zooming past me as he continued to pee on every rock and tree he could find.
I smiled, taking a deep breath.
Scotland was every bit as beautiful as the pictures I had seen in magazines. It was raw, wild and fantastically beautiful. Like a painting, the landscape oozed “magic”. Lush greenery, with speckles of rock, yellowish moss and the occasional abandoned ruin that once had been the homestead of some civilisation long gone. The wind licked at our hairs, pulling it wildly back and fro as little misty drops of water kissed our faces. A remainder of the previous down pour.
Even the smell was something out of this world. It lay almost thick in your lungs, so fresh and earthy, the wet grass mixing deliciously with the muddy earth and the warm wool vest that was snuggly wrapped around me. It almost smelled like…home.
Home, in my case, being a rural area in the Netherlands, its outstretched flat landscape housing more cows and sheep than humans. My whole youth I had spent cycling and walking through similar green fields. Be it to go to school. Or the small supermarket. Or friends. Always there was this vast landscape enveloping me, making me feel ever so small and insignificant. It had been humbling, for sure, and even to this day it reminded me to humble as a human being.
And sure enough it had not only been the land, but also my mom.
As my rubber rain boots slushed through the grass I could almost hear her voice again..her never ending rambling as we walked the dog at an eerily early hour of the day. A moment we both cherished dearly. She, because she could talk without being nagged by her annoying colleagues or my grumpy dad. I, because I enjoyed listening to her while I slowly woke up from my dream-laden sleep, my jaw cracking open in large, relaxing yawns.  
And just like Kal did, our border collie would zip through the tall grass, chasing down small animals and doing his business before quickly rushing back to greet us with a happily lolling tongue.
I could also remember the last time we walked together, before I moved out to “the big city”. Her words still regularly swam through my mind in a moment of quiet.
‘Never forget I love you. Never forget I’ll be here for you. And most importantly: never forget to be there for yourself. Know it is okay to find things frightening. But don’t let it hold you back. Embrace it. Study it. Question it. And you will find it isn’t quite so scary at all. It is just..new!’
I had cried that day, for the first time in years. I had been scared, even though I sure as hell didn’t want to stay at home forever. I did want to grow up. I did want to live a life of my own. I did want to discover the world. It was just that the first step was particularly hard.
Now, some ten-ish years later, here I was. In the Scottish highlands. Walking the dog of the man I loved more than I thought possible. And I was discovering a new bit of the world every day. I was living my own life.
Sure, I was still scared at times. But that was okay.
Being scared was okay..come to think of it.
Just a week ago we sure had a scary moment. Or should I say new and exciting? As the days progressed the experience of a false alarm pregnancy was slowly turning from a shock into a new sense of wonder. Would I ever be a mom? Would I ever have a child of my own? To talk with him or her while our feet trampled through tall wet grass, a dog skirting our sides? Was that really such a scary idea?
Perhaps not.
It was just new.
Yes. New.  
My eyes picked up the glistening of something. I peered into the distance and realised it were aluminium roofs. The set! My heart thumped in excitement as I felt a slow smile creep up my cheeks. Moving further up the hill I got a better view of the small encampment of trailers, tents and trucks that were scattered amidst some old ruins. Just another mile or so and we could start another day of “something new”. Something new not being human babies, but a new season of the Witcher.  
All day I hadn’t seen or spoken to Henry. Which was slightly frustrating, sure, but I could quickly put those feelings aside as work had started to pick up pace. More trucks arrived, schedules needed to be adjusted to fit weather forecasts and set pieces needed saving from the never ending flurry of rain showers. This was what I liked most. Hands-on, hard work.
Before long the day was drawing to an end. It was 6pm and the crew had just finished packing and securing everything in containers, the night shift starting soon.
Also, at long last, I had managed to get a hold on Henry, who was just getting out of a costume fitting, his tumble of dark curly hair slightly dishevelled as he walked up to the car.
‘Hi there handsome.’ I smirked, leaning against the back of the SUV, my feet sunken away in an inch of mud. He came up to me and Kal and smiled a quiet smile before placing a kiss on my lips and scratching Kal behind the ears, his other hand rummaging through his pockets to look for the car keys. Not being able to find them at once, he furrowed his brow, cursing under his breath. The pent up frustration of more then just hard-to-find car keys was tangible in the air.
‘You okay dear?’ I asked carefully, my hand moving out to stroke his arm, but instead tentatively hovering mid air. His whole body was screaming “I’m not okay”.
He groaned and shook his head. ‘Just a bit of a bad day.’ He swallowed, finally finding the car keys and sighing softly.
‘Here, give me that. I’ll drive. YOU sit back and relax.’
‘No, no. It’s fine. I can drive.’ He muttered, his body language telling me otherwise. He was in fact not even making an attempt to walk towards the driver’s seat, instead opting to just stand there, looking a bit forlorn.
‘Look at me.’ I commanded, finally moving my hesitating hand to his arm, offering him a gentle rub. He looked up at me. Our first eye contact of that day. And for the first time ..ever, I saw something I don’t think I had ever seen before in his eyes. Tears. Unspent, hot, burning, tears.
I felt my heart sink.
‘Let’s get into the car.’ He finally croaked, moving to the passenger side of the car as he offered me the keys.
He didn’t even put up a fight, like he usually would when I offered to help him out. It was really bad then, huh?
I clicked the car open and Henry climbed in without a word, Kal quick to follow suit. I looked at them as the door was pulled closed, my mind not fully registering what was happening until I felt my feet instinctively carry me to the driver’s seat, the mud slushing below my well-put-to-use rain boots.
As soon as I plopped down on the soft leather seat, I could see him unravel. The usual big presence that was Henry Cavill now melting down to a slumping mess of chocolate brown curls and shaking shoulders, his large frame hanging heavily into his seatbelt as he curled his fingers through little bits of Kal’s fur. Grasping on like the dog was his very life buoy. His breath hiccuped as the waterworks opened up, salty tears burning like acid over his beautifully square jawline.
What should I do?
I hesitated a moment before moving my hand to his shoulder, rubbing slow, big circles over the tense muscles, opting to not speak for the moment as heavy sobs echoed through the car. He probably just needed a moment to cry. Release whatever he was holding in. And I was glad he didn’t hold back, his bone wrecking sobs now filling the air with a certain heaviness.
It all came pouring out.
We sat there for a few minutes, his hands now moving to his face, covering his teary cheeks as he let out a few more shivery breaths. I was glad he had parked at the far end of the parking lot this morning, this spot offering us some privacy so none of the other set members could see us while they got into their own cars.
I moved my hand up through his curls, massaging his scalp in slow kneading movements, my other hand moving to Kal’s fur, Kal now quietly pushing his head into Henry’s lap. I truly believed that dogs could sense what their humans are feeling. And needing.
At this moment, Henry just needed us with him.
‘I’m sorry about that.’ Henry finally muttered, his voice slurred with emotion.
‘Don’t be.’ I said, my hand still moving slowly through his hair, the thick hair soft below my finger tips.
‘I just…’ Another sob came over him, his shoulders sinking down as he bent forward to rest on his elbows.
I moved my hand down to his back, rubbing more large circles over the warm plane of muscles that sat below his leather jacket and auburn woolen sweater. He shook his head slowly, his face contorted in sorrow, half hidden behind his large hands. My heart cried for him, my lips pulled into a tight line as I saw the love of my life torn to pieces by something unknown.
Had something bad happened? Did someone hurt him? Did someone die?
Slowly his sobs calmed again, his face remaining hidden behind his hands as he took a few deep breaths.
‘I’m here for you.’ I said gently.
‘I know.’ He said feebly, finally looking back up at me through tear drained hands. ‘Let’s go home.’ He pleaded softly. I nodded and revved the engine, the vehicle gently rolling back through the thick mud as I clicked on my seatbelt.
The road was zig zagging through the lush green hills, giving me a decent excuse to drive nice and slow, the car now quiet as Henry and Kal both stared out of the window. My eye moved from my two sweet men, to a lake that lay just behind one of the slopes. 
Without much of a second thought I decided to take the next exit from the main road, a slightly more bumpy country road taking us to a small parking lot that was placed just behind the hill that hid the beautiful vista of the lake.  
Henry looked up, slightly confused, his sorrowful blue eyes looking at me with question. ‘Let’s get some air.’ I said, removing my seatbelt and swinging open my door. The sun was slowly starting to come down from its high perch, the greenery kissed by its sinking rays. I moved to the front of the car, stretching out languidly and waiting for a very hesitant Henry to also climb out of the car.
He didn’t say a word as he moved next to me. Kal was left in the car.
‘It’s just ten minutes to the house.’ He said, his voice still cracking a bit. I nodded and shrugged. ‘I know. And we’ll get back home, trust me. I just think you would like to see this.’ I smiled gently and stretched out an arm, enveloping his hand in mine and tugging him towards the small path that curved up the grassy hill.
We slowly paced up the hill, our feet sinking away every meter or so in the slippery mud, until we reached the top. Our eyes met with a most magical sight. 
In front of us lay the lake in all its desolate glory, the water reflecting the patchwork of colours that surrounded us. Baby blues, lush greens, bright pinks, various hues of yellow and brown, splashes of grey rock and the grey-ish blue sky up above.
I let another deep breath seep into my lungs as I smiled at the sight, softly squeezing Henry’s hand as I also heard his breath halt for a moment.
‘Wow.’ He said, his voice slightly more upbeat then before. I decided to not look at him, and instead released his hand so I could balance myself as I started walking down the slippery hill, moving closer towards the lake. Henry followed suit, his foot falls not far behind me.
‘I walked here this morning and thought you’d like to see it as well. It sure is true what they say..’ I turned around to look over my shoulder, seeing Henry struggle to keep his footing as he met my gaze. I smiled. ‘..it’s magical out here.’ His eyes remained locked on mine as a very small smile tugged at his lips, his ocean blues still blazing with emotions unsung. I turned back to continue my path, but was halted by Henry’s hand as it slipped around my upper arm.
I looked back up at him, his words already moving through the air.
‘My brother Charlie and his wife are expecting again.’
His words were uttered with a dry matter of factualness, but it was weird since this was the first thing he said to me after his outburst..Something told me there was some co-relation between the two.
I whisked up a kind smile and pushed the thought aside.
‘Congratulations. They must be overjoyed! That’s their..fourth kid then, right?’
His jaw clenched as a feeble smile appeared on his lips. ‘Yea.’
Our eyes remained trained on each other for another moment before he broke our gaze, looking back over my shoulder and taking in the beautiful vista.
‘I’m sorry for just now. Really. I don’t want to scare you..I just..’ He took in a deep breath as he closed the distance between us, his foot nearly slipping again in the mud. We both let out a little gasp, our small smiles now turning into large grins as our hands entangled to both find steady footing again. Henry chuckled softly as he settled for a steady spot, his hands moving up to cup my cheeks as his fingers brushed away a few strands of hair.
‘I just have a bit of a hard time with this news after that..thing..earlier this week.’ He looked down at our mud soaked feet, his thumbs drawing soft circles over my cool skin.
‘It’s been a lot on my mind as well.’ I agreed, moving my arms to encircle him, my head leaning against his chest while my eyes quietly peered over at the lake. ‘Pregnancy was just..not something I had ever really given much of a thought and the possibility of a slip kind of took me by surprise.’
I felt him move his head, his nose nuzzling my hair before planting a gentle kiss there. ‘I didn’t sleep a wink that night. I was just..so…’ He sighed. ‘Excited. Gosh, I’m so sorry for that. I knew there was only but a tiny chance and..even if it was so, you might have not wanted to keep it, or something could have happened..and…’ His voice hummed in my ear as I noticed two majestical swans coming over the hill, their large white wings elegantly curling so they could slip their large bodies into the shimmering water.
I stopped him mid-sentence.
‘If I had been pregnant I would have kept it.’ I said, my cheek still pressed against his chest. I could feel his thumbs still on my cheeks, his breath hiccuping as the words found their rightful meaning in his head. It took another long moment before he finally released his breath again, his hands moving down to tilt my head up.
I looked up into those big blues, his eyes pouring out all the love they could give. I wish I could capture this moment and put it in a frame. Forever to keep so I could be reminded of what it was like to be loved a man like Henry.
‘Why?’ He asked, a bit dumbfounded. I chuckled, and looked back at him lovingly.
‘Because, although it’s scary..it’s far less scary when I know I can do it with you. Besides..’ I smiled and shrugged. ‘..I bet you’ll be an awesome dad. Bad jokes and all.’ He grinned and tilted my head up further, his lips softly brushing over mine. ‘I’ll try my best.’ He said, a smile quickly growing on his lips.
‘I’m sorry for scaring you Henry. I know what I said was..difficult to hear. I mean. I know you really, really, really want to start a family, and then to say that I’m scared and..’ I rambled on but his lips quieted me, his tongue demanding entrance as he pulled me closer, kissing me with such passion I forgot how to even stand up straight, my knees becoming putty.
‘I can wait.’ He finally breathed in between kisses. ‘For babies that is. Not for you. I..’ He kissed me again. ‘..Need you. I need you always. I never loved a woman like I love you.’ He pushed his groin flush against me, his very evident rock-hard need now pressing into my belly as his tongue danced with mine, my lips widening as I gasped at the feeling. ‘Fuck.’ I breathed, my hands now pulling at his shirt to steady myself.
Come on knees, don’t give in on me now!
Henry noticed my struggle and just like in a movie, he pulled us down, our bodies sinking gently into the grassy hillside as his lips kept peppering me with his devotion. ‘I love you so, so much.’ He groaned, his voice thick with emotion once more. I let my head fall back into the soft grass mounds as his lips moved down to my jaw and my neck, his lips leaving a burning trail of tender skin, slightly reddened by his five o’clock shadow. 
The damp grass was slowly drenching my clothes, but I couldn’t care, the sensation of his heavy muscles pinning me down along with his musky scent mixing with the smell of crushed grass..it was all I needed.
Without much of a thought my fingers nimbly moved to unbuckle his belt, the metal clanging ringing like bells in the soft wind,  his hands in turn moving below my jacket to knead my lower back through the thin material of my summer dress.
‘Please.’ I begged, hastily tugging open his jeans.
‘Please what my love?’ Henry grinned, moving up ever so slightly so his dark eyes could peer into mine.
‘Want me to dirty talk huh?’ I quirked up an eyebrow, finding him smile at me in amusement.
‘Well.’ I licked my lips. ‘I want you to fill me up so good..our heartbeats become one. I want you to claim me…’ I pulled him down with a tug on his jacket. ‘I want to feel you inside me. Hard and pulsating and..’ I didn’t need to continue, his hands making light work of pushing aside my dress and panties, his erection springing free from his boxers.
‘Fuck baby.’ He growled, his velvety hardness pushing eagerly against my petals, his hips slowly..ever so slowly..forcing me to take him in. I let out a shivery breath as the sensation of the cold grass in combination with his hot flesh overflowed me. I didn’t even have control over my body anymore. As by second nature my legs wrapped around his hips while he pushed himself further and further into me, stretching my soft walls to accommodate his need.
My hands clawed at his back and our tongues darted in a sensual dance. A dance we had become well practised in now. Prodding, teasing, rolling, sucking.
My back arched up as he finally bottomed out inside me, his arms now moving to pull me up from the soft wet grass, our weight being shifted on his knees as he sat up. I no longer felt the cold dampness, but instead a wave of heat as his large arms encased me, pulling me as close as he could.
‘I am yours.’ I breathed, feeling Henry around me like a blanket of love. His hot breath against my cold cheeks as his lips bruised mine, his arms my bed and his cock my life force. I did not need another thing in the world right now, my eyes just lazily taking in our surroundings as he started to push inside me.
Low golden sun rays caressed his skin, making him as beautiful as a son of the gods, his chiseled jaw clenching in effort as his hips started to move at their own volition. It was like one of those great marble statues had been brought to life, no ink spared to paint him to be the most beautiful human being I knew. Strong, yet sweet, proud, yet humble, loyal, yet thorough. And did I mention well endowed? Yes. All of the above.
I leaned into his arms as I felt myself practically float, the grass blades that occasionally tickled my naked flesh the only reminder that I was in fact still earth bound. Henry’s delicious roars and moans filled the air as the sun set behind the hills, his hips jerking now in earnest.
I could feel a few drops hit my skin.
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Was that sweat?
Was he crying?
I finally came back to and looked up at Henry, his face contorted in ecstasy. No tears, that was for sure. I let out a low moan as our eyes met. Dark, smouldering, filled with want. Seeing those dark stormy eyes as he filled me up so deliciously made my insides coil up, my nerves shoot small sparks of electricity.
‘Gods.’ I gasped, giving in to the sensation as my body started to spasm, my legs locking even tighter around his hips as my eyelids became heavy with lust.
‘Come for me my angel. Let go.’ He said, his low voice now ringing somewhere in the back of my mind as hot fire emblazoned my groin, my hands feebly scratching at his shoulders as my hair kissed the grass that lay beneath us.  
Stars struck my every nerve and I lost all control of my body, my body spasming beneath Henry’s iron lock as my throat let out a lone cry.
Henry did not stop, his hips still pushing me further and further over the edge as I keened and pleaded. My orgasm slowly made way for a pleasant high, my body still moulding perfectly around Henry as he searched for his release.
I could feel more water drops hit my face. I looked up and noticed the threateningly dark sky that now drifted towards us.
It was about to rain. 
I reeled up my head and let the cool water drip on my heated skin, my cheeks so flush with need that the heavenly water was a welcome guest to our conjoinment.
The small drizzle became bigger drops.
Henry pulled me closer, ramming into me with a certain earnesty now.
I would be sore later.
Bigger drops became a pour, our clothes slowly becoming wet with not just our sweat, but also rain.
I let out a low moan as I started to feel him twitch inside me, his hands now clenching me so hard he’d surely leave some marks.
‘FUCK HENRY.’ I gasped, my whole body being shook by his punishing pounding.
So this was sex like with an emotional Henry. Fuck me.
The rain started to pour harder and harder as Henry’s thrusts became sloppy, his head flopping forward as he let out a low roar.
‘FUCK BABY. FUCK. I. Love. You. So. Much.’ He jerked as he spilled his life giving seed in my womb. Once more sealing our union, now for the world to see without the protection of stone bedroom walls.
I could visualise it. Our bodies half clothed, sprawled out on the tall wet grass. Completely soaked. 
Heavily panting he pulled me closer, shielding me somewhat from the rain as he rubbed slow lines over my back. I was drenched. Everything about me was drenched. In and out. Super wet.
I let out a soft giggle as our eyes finally met again.
‘I. Am. Wet.’ I sniffled, earning a chuckle from him in turn, his hair now forming a wet frame of delicious curls around his face.
I hope our kids will have his curls.  
We quickly hurdled ourselves back to the car, finding an enthusiastic, but also slightly confused Kal as he licked our salty, wet hands. I sat back behind the wheel as Henry gave Kal a big bear hug, his eyes quickly trailing back to me. We didn’t need to speak, the only sound in the car now being the rumbling of our empty stomachs.
I chuckled and Henry moved his hand over my growling belly, his eyebrows lifting in a teasing matter. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, quickly starting the car before I’d have to devour him in the literal sense of the word.
Part 20 >
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leechobsessed · 4 years
Death and All His Friends
And so the plague claims another...
Characters: Ella the apprentice, Julian Devorak
Words: 1789
It had started as an itch, small but irritating, just behind her left eye. She hadn’t thought much of it, attributing the discomfort to the pollen in the air, since she had been spending so much time outdoors lately. She enjoyed completing her reports out in the palace gardens, away from the darkness of the dungeon. It was early spring, anyway. It was probably just allergies.
The mild itching lasted for a day or so, then the itching became more bothersome, almost painful. Worried she had gotten something stuck in her eye, she thought about asking Dr. Devorak to take a look, but thought better of it. He had been so stressed, so focused lately. He had been in his office for days, hunched over his work. She didn’t want to disturb him.
Instead, she found a small mirror in her room and sat in the dim light, pulling her eyelids back with long fingers and looking carefully for any foreign object. She found nothing. Irritated and in pain, Ella decided to return to work, and promised herself she would consult with one of the physicians in the morning if it still hurt. 
But the next morning, it felt worse. Beyond annoyed, she began readying herself for the day. Once dressed, she gave herself a quick once-over in the mirror, trying to tame the mess of curls around her face. 
Her reflection made her stop dead in her tracks, her heart seizing in panic. Hastily pushing her chestnut waves from her face, she pulled the mirror as close to her as she could, pulling her eyelid down with a shaky finger. 
It was undeniable. This wasn’t because of exhaustion, or allergies, or a foreign object. This was red, blood red, like so many eyes she had looked into with pity before.
The outer corner of the sclera her left eye was the telltale crimson of the plague, creeping from the corner of her eye to the iris. She touched the eye tentatively, praying it was just a trick of the light. But deep down she knew. 
Ella took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. She knew this could happen. She had accepted that this was a very possible reality of the situation she put herself in. This was a reality she was prepared for. Or so she thought. She felt the sudden and inexplicable urge to laugh. 
Okay, think. As far as she could tell, she had no other symptoms yet aside from the eye pain and redness. From the cases she had seen, she knew it would only be a matter of days before she became delirious from fever and weak. And within the week...
Ella paced back and forth in her small living space, chewing her thumbnail as she went over her options. She couldn’t allow herself to stay here while she was sick. Although by now they thought they were sure the main vector of disease were the beetles, there was no guarantee she wouldn't be able to pass it to someone else. And they needed the doctors to stay healthy. Everyday they made more progress, came up with a potential new treatment. Their work was too important to risk.
What else could she do? She could go back to the shop. But if she dies there... Gods, what a mess Asra would be left with. 
She thought back to her last conversation with Asra, where she had stumbled into the shop just as he was preparing to leave the city. The horrible things they said to each other. She felt sick thinking about how she had spoken to him, knowing now that those would be the last words she would ever say to him.  
Ella collapsed on her bed, holding a shaky hand over her mouth to stifle a sob. 
Collecting herself, forcing herself to try to think rationally, Ella knew there was only one place in all of Vesuvia that she could go, where there was no risk to anyone. A place she would end up anyway, in a matter of days. 
Better to be proactive.
She began to pack her bag, pulling some clothes and important items together before stopping suddenly. It dawned on her that there was really no reason to bring anything with her. Sighing, she placed the items back in her wardrobe and worked on straightening up her bed, organizing her notes, and putting books back on her shelf. 
Once her desk was clean, she sat down, staring at a blank piece of parchment in front of her. She thought about writing a note, but to who? She didn’t know where Asra was, or how to even attempt to reach him. Who knew if he would ever receive it? What would she say to him anyway? I’m sorry didn’t feel like nearly enough.
Her family? She didn’t know where they were, or if they would care. It had been so long since she had heard from them. 
Tears began to flow freely from her eyes and she made no effort to stop them. Ella allowed herself to cry until there were no more tears to give, sobbing into her hands. She felt only mildly better afterward. She sat silently at her desk, staring at her reflection in her mirror, breathing deeply to try to calm down.
I’m dying.
She got up from her desk and pulled her black coat off the back of the chair. With trembling fingers, she fastened the buttons and straightened the collar before pulling her leather gloves on. She grabbed her mask off of the desk, staring into its glassy eyes. As she tucked it under her arm, she noticed her reports for Dr. Devorak sitting in the corner, ready to be delivered. She knew if she didn’t bring them to him, he would never think to seek them out. 
Was it selfish to want to see him one last time? Will he even notice I’m gone?
Sighing, she picked up the stack and left her office for the last time, swallowing the bile rising in her throat. 
She was surprised to find the door to his office open, Dr. Devorak already (still?) awake, sitting at his desk, his shirt rolled up to his elbows and unbuttoned more than halfway. She froze outside his office, unsure if she should disturb him. Lingering just outside the door, she watched him furiously scribble on the parchment in front of him, his right hand covered in ink, the long fingers of his left hand pressed to his left temple. 
As usual, she found herself blushing as she watched him. Embarrassed, she adjusted her hair to obscure her left eye, she knocked lightly on his door. He turned his attention briefly toward her, motioning her to enter as he continued to write.
“I just wanted to be sure you got these before I, um, left for the day,” Ella murmured, setting the papers down on the corner of his desk. 
Dr. Devorak set his quill down, leaning back in his chair with his hands on his head, inhaling deeply. “Thank you, Ella. I appreciate it.” He glanced at her, his hands still tangled in his hair, his gray eyes rimmed with exhaustion. He offered her a small smile that didn’t reach his eyes.
Sighing, he picked his quill back up and dipped it into the ink. Ella watched him for a moment before taking a half step toward him. “Dr. Devorak?”
“Hm?” Her head swam with words she wanted to say to him, but everything felt like it was caught behind her teeth. She wanted to reach out and touch him, to tell him how she felt, but instead she froze, standing just out of arms reach. Dr. Devorak looked up at her, setting his quill back down. “Ella?”
“I just... I want to let you know how much I enjoy working for you. You’re a good doctor, but you’re a great man, and I think you doubt both sometimes.” She offered him a smile before pulling her mask on over her face. “It’s morning. You should get some sleep.”
He frowned, opening his mouth to say something, but Ella turned quickly from the doorway and walked away, chewing hard on the inside of her cheek to keep the tears at bay.
“Doctor? Are you ready?”
The ferryman’s voice pulled Ella’s attention away from the Lazaret, sitting ominously in the distance. She turned her gaze away from her destination and back to the man on the dock, who had his hand outstretched, offering to help her into the boat. 
“Oh, I’m not a doctor.” She placed a gloved hand into his hand and allowed him to assist her into the small gondola. She sat down on the smooth wood of the bench and stared back at the island through the glassy eyes of her mask. 
The man shrugged as he pushed them away from the dock. “You all look the same with the masks.”
“Yes, I suppose we do.” They sat in silence for the rest of the journey, the only sound coming from the water lapping at the boat, and the crows circling overhead. 
It didn’t take long to reach the Lazaret. Ella climbed off the boat, placed her entire pouch of coins in the man’s hand, and pulled off her mask. The sickly smell of decay and burning flesh lingered in the air, and Ella instinctively clamped a hand over her nose. 
She took a moment to survey her surroundings. She hadn’t been to the Lazaret before, and wasn’t sure what she expected. She had heard tales of ghosts walking the beach, and screams that could be heard from the surrounding waters. But she heard nothing, saw no one. 
The beach was narrow, stretching as far as the eye could see, the white sand covered with grey ash. Pretending she didn’t know where the ash came from, she noticed some grave markers off in the distance. Biting her lip, Ella quickly turned her attention to the forest in front of her.  
She knew that people were sent here to die, and the thought of how many have died made her feel sick. How they were all sent here to meet the same fate. All those people they had failed, who were sick and scared, and she couldn’t save any of them.
And now she was one of them. 
But she wasn’t scared anymore. After glancing across the water toward the city one last time, Ella set her mask down in the ash-covered sand of the beach. She turned and stared into the woods, her sights set on the single structure looming above the treeline, the last piece of Vesuvia she would ever see. 
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lalahbug · 4 years
Healing - Levi x Reader
Fandom: Attack on Titan Word Count: 1813
My Masterlist
Warnings/disclaim: general Modern/Office-like AU. Mentions of depression, in case anyone is triggered/sensitive to this topic
Author’s Note: Originally posted on DeviantArt, under the same username, on 12/03/2016. Revamped/edited in 2020.
___ is a blank for your name/oc/whatever you prefer Written in 3rd person
Line/header is to separate paragraphs to indicate time skips, as Tumblr hates my formatting.
Story under cut
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          Petra was picking papers off of ___’s desk, getting ready to fax them to her.
          “Morning, Levi.”
          “Morning Petra, where is  ___?”
          “She called off, but will work from home starting tomorrow.” Levi knitted his eyebrows together. “I know, she’s never called off. I don’t know what happened, though. She said she’d likely be gone all week and would like the form to start working from home. So if you have anything you need her to do, you can give me the paperwork so I can fax it to her.”
          “We were supposed to have accounts meeting tomorrow,” Levi grumbled.
          “I can give her a call, to see when she can reschedule.” Levi nodded before leaving Petra to her work.
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          Levi sighed as he signed papers, that ___ should be looking over. Petra, his assistant, had let him know about how  ___ would like to work from home from now on. He could barely process the thoughts of it and why she didn’t want to come in anymore. It was an option that the company had, but she had never shown interest in it. What was with this sudden change, she didn’t even talk to him about it. Petra knocked at his door, he told her to enter.
          “Sir, ___ sent back all of her numbers and let you know everything about the accounts through email. She also wanted me to tell you. ‘The best accountant in your office isn’t going to leave, but I need to be alone for a bit. I apologize for any inconvenience.’  That’s all she had said, but it seems like she got her work done faster than usual. So I think this may be a good thing.” Petra smiled at Levi.
          “Get me her contact information.” She gave him a confused look. “I’m going to visit her on my way home. I need to know why she wants to change everything and I have some papers I need her to sign.”
          “Yes, sir.” Petra came back in a few moments with the information he requested. “I also wrote where her spare key is, in case she can’t hear you at the door.”
          “Why do you know where it is?”
          “I’ve had to go pick up some things from her when she had scheduled days off. She’s in her backyard a lot, so she doesn’t hear the door.” Levi clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Is there anything else that you may need Mr. Ackerman?” His assistant smiled at him.
          “Do you have any idea why she’s doing this?”
          “No, sir. Last we talked about anything personal; her family was healthy and her fiance was looking into a house for them.”
          “I didn’t know she was engaged.”
          “Oh yeah. She’s been with him for about 5 years.”
          “Oh,” Levi said with a bit of pain in his voice.
          “Sir, don’t feel bad! I know you flirted with her a lot, but I thought you knew she was taken. And you were just teasing her. Like you did in high school with a couple of girls.”
          “It makes sense why she always declined me.” Levi sighed and looked down at the papers on his desk.
          “She always said that she loved your persistence and confidence. That if she wasn’t taken, she would take up your offers for dates. Sir, I still think you should go check on her.”
          “You do?” Petra smiled and nodded.
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          Levi pulled up to ___’s house, with his briefcase in hand, he went to knock on her door. After a few moments of silence, he knocked again. He sighed and moved the potted plant on her porch, removing a brick from the house, which was hollowed out with the spare key inside. He quickly unlocked the door and put the key back. Walking inside, he was a bit impressed by how she had styled home and more importantly how clean everything was.
          “Ms. ___?” Levi called out, which was answered with a bark and a husky came bounding around the corner to growl at him. “Hey, you must be Tobi.” He kneeled slightly and held out his hand for the dog to sniff him. Tobi seemed to approve as he turned to walk away from Levi, Levi followed him. 
          Tobi led Levi to the backyard, once ___ was in sight, Tobi ran over to the edge of the pool and started whining at ___. She was floating on her back in her bikini, which made Levi blush a bit. He had never seen her outside of suits or jeans.
          “Tobi! Shush, baby.” The dog whined louder. “I’ll drag you into the pool, don’t make me do it.” She giggled, Tobi yelped at her. “That’s it!” She laughed while fixing her into a standing position but froze when she saw Levi. Her face went aflame as if some tossed red paint on her face.
          “Mr. Ackerman!” She swam up to the edge of the pool, quickly walked over to her patio, and wrapped her towel around herself. Levi eyed her body the whole time, enjoying the view as she did so.
          “Hello,  Ms. ___. I need you to sign some papers, mainly some new accounts, and the form for you to start doing work from home.” Levi made his normal blank stare.
          “Oh, of course! Let me guide you to my office and I’ll change.” Levi gave her a curt nod and she walked back into the house, Tobi walking beside her the whole time. Almost to her office, Levi noticed a room, empty and messy, catching his attention, because of the mess inside.
          “What happened there?” ___ paused for a moment before walking over and closing the door. 
          “Please ignore that room.” Levi decided to ask after he got the signatures. She opened her office door. “Please make yourself comfortable. I’ll be a few moments.” Tobi followed after her as she left. Levi placed his briefcase on her desk and looked over to an accent piece that had pictures on it, noticing one face down. Curious, he walked over picking up the picture, to see ___ in a cute sundress and a guy hugging her from behind. It was very endearing but it only hurt his heart. ___ took the photo out of his hand.
          “Please do not touch my photos.” She placed it back down, making sure it was face down.
          “Why is that one picture face down?” Levi raised an eyebrow at her as she walked over to her desk and sat down.
          “Sir, you wanted me to sign papers. I do not want to share my personal life with you.” ___ stated coldly, it wasn’t the first time she told him this. This time was different, though, her eyes were sad. “Please sit, so we may get the papers done.”
          Levi walked over and opened his briefcase, handing her a folder. “These are our new accounts, I need them put into the accounting system.” She nodded before placing the folder in a basket. “Then this is the paper form we need to fill out for your transfer technically.”
          She took the paper from him, started filling it out, signing it at the bottom. Levi was looking over her shoulder, correcting her on the date. 
          “Sir, we’ve talked about this about 23 times. Personal space and not looking over my shoulder. I don’t like it.”
          “Well, you put down the wrong date so it’s a good thing I am. Also, you didn’t fill out the reason for the transfer.” He noticed she tensed up before writing, ‘personal/family issues.’
          “You need to sign this too.” She handed him her pen, he touched her hand and leaned over her to sign it. “Is there anything else?”
          “How do you want to go about doing our meetings from now on?” He eyed her, she was clearly still wearing her bikini but had a t-shirt and jeans over it.
          “We can email for the weekly meetings and we can do Skype or something for the monthly meetings.” She shrugged. “Do you have a better solution?” She turned in her chair to face him.
          “Yeah, just show up to the fucking office for work.”
          “I could probably come in for meetings.”
          “What the fuck is going on with you?”
          “Sir, I don’t want to let you into my personal life. Work and personal need to be separate.”
          Levi placed his hands on her chair, trapping her there. “___.” He stared into her eyes as she blushed from him saying her first name. “You are an important asset to me. I want to know why my main accountant is staying at home.” 
          “Because I’m depressed, I have been all this time. Now, I can’t function and pretend anymore. I want to be in this, I want to learn how to climb out and I can’t make myself get out my bed let alone go into the office. But I can do my work from my bed.”
          “What made everything go south so badly?”
          ___ teared up. “My fiance found someone else and left me. I’m alone now. I’ve never been alone with my depression and now it’s swallowing me.” A few tears leaking down her face, her bottom lip trembled a bit as she tried to hold back.
          Levi sighed and gave her a small look, placing a hand on her cheek wiping away her tears.
          “It’s his loss, my gain.” Levi kissed her forehead. “Let me heal you.” Levi kissed her gently, she only looked at him, with dismal (e/c) eyes. He glanced at her lips, then to her eyes, he kissed her once more. “I’ve loved you for years. And he’s a fucking fool if he won’t appreciate you, I will.” More of her tears started to escape. “You’re beautiful, even when crying.”
          ___ gulped for a moment, before finally giving in, letting all of the tears go. She reached up, wrapping her arms around Levi’s neck, trying to muffle her cries into his neck. Levi bent down more to pick her up, carrying her to the couch in her office. As he sat down, he placed her on his lap, before wrapping his arms around her tightly.
          “I’ll heal you with the love that I have harbored for years.” ___ rests her head on his shoulder, clinging to him. He couldn’t help but smirk. “I never thought I would be able to hold you, it feels amazing to be here for you.” He kissed her forehead. “Take your time loving me. For now, I want to be your support. Even if you never say that you love me. I want you to be happy, your happiness means everything to me.”
          ___ closed her eyes. “I still want to stay home.”
          “I’ll bring your work every day that you stay at home.” She nodded. “At least you’re mine now.”
          “I never agreed to that.”
          “You will, one day.”
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iamvegorott · 4 years
Hidden Romance Ch. 13
Wanna help me and give me some support? |Donate To My PayPal|
Marvin was washing the dishes from ‘brunch’, it was too late in the day to call it breakfast but it wasn’t really lunchtime, so they just had a large meal anyway. 
“So, I think I have it figured out,” Chase said, coming up next to Marvin and drying the cleaned dishes. 
“It hasn’t even been a whole day.” Marvin was unaffected by Chase’s sudden appearance. 
“Mare’s just as disastrous as the rest of them and I could see it loud and clear,” Chase said. 
“What’s your conclusion then?” Marvin chuckled.
“Mare likes Jackie.” The confidence in Chase’s voice and what he said threw Marvin off. 
“Jackie? Our Jackie?” Marvin stopped scrubbing to look at Chase. “What makes you think that?” 
“When I got up this morning; Mad, Mare, and Jackie were in the living room already. Quick note, Jackie wants to stab Alice in the head and they convinced him not to take off to do that.” 
“He wants to what!?” Marvin almost dropped the plate in his hands. 
“I already talked to him while you guys were cooking and he’s not going to take off on his own, he knows better than that.”
“I don’t think my heart could handle one of my boys going off like that again.” Marvin went back to scrubbing. 
“I think that is what’s making him stay. He wants the best for the family and him taking off would hurt us.” Chase started a second stack of plates so they didn’t get too high. “So, when Mare was telling Jackie not to go, he was very stern about it.” 
“He seems like a stern person in general. Gives off a little bit of a Dark vibe.” Marvin said. “But that might be a demon thing...no...Phantom’s just loud, more of an Anti vibe for him.” 
“You’re getting distracted,” Chase said with a little chuckle.
“Too much is happening at one time to keep track,” Marvin said. “Anyway, so Mare didn’t want Jackie to leave? That just sounds smart.” 
“But he sounded worried when he was telling Jackie not to get hurt, like that thought hurt himself.” Chase traded towel when his current one got too wet to use properly. 
“Mare can’t be empathetic?” 
“We’ve seen him deal with others in bad situations, he cares but it’s never affected him like that.” 
“Sympathy.” Marvin chewed on the inside of his cheek. 
“It’s not hard to believe that a sympathetic person can be empathic for someone they have something for.” Chase checked over his shoulder to make sure they were still alone. “And when Mad was getting worked up and Jackie gave him the pat on the shoulder, Mare made a face.” 
“A face?” 
“A jealous face.” 
“Jealous that Jackie was touching Mad?” Marvin had found he was lowering his voice. 
“And I think Jackie might have a thing for Mad.” Chase was now whispering as well. 
“I think Mad likes Jackie.” Marvin leaned a little towards Chase. 
“They’re always together, they’re blushing messes and I caught Jackie his doe-eyes at Mad.”
“His doe-eyes?” Marvin actually gasped. “Holy shit.” 
“Right?” Chase was no longer drying. “Mare likes Jackie and Jackie like Mad and Mad likes Jackie but Mare cares for Mad cause, well, family and this is the most complicated triangle I’ve seen in a while.” 
“What are you two gossiping about?” Anti asked, walking into the kitchen with two mugs in his hands 
“We aren’t gossiping.” Chase protested.
“So you’re whispering close to each other during a normal conversation?” Anti clicked her tongue. “Sounds like gossiping to me.”
“It’s about you and Dark being too loud at night,” Marvin said.
“We-We aren’t-uh-” Anti stammered.
“I wasn’t born yesterday, Anti. I know you and Host have been switching rooms. You’re lucky Robbie’s a heavy sleeper.” Marvin watched Anti’s face flush and he stumbled over words more before puffing out his cheeks. 
“Maybe,” Anti muttered. 
“Did you need something?” Chase asked.
“I was gonna get me and Dark some more tea,” Anti said.
“Don’t let us stop you.” Chase chuckled and Anti stuck his tongue out at him.
“We tease cause we love you.” 
“Nyah.” Anti blew a raspberry as he went to the kettle. “Love you guys too.” He added in a softer voice. 
“Aw, he loves us.” Marvin giggled. 
“Don’t ruin the moment,” Anti whined and filled up the mugs. Chase and Marvin just laughed as Anti left. Google and Bing had the attention of the room and Anti sat down next to Dark after handing him his mug. Dark gave a quick smile of thanks.
“We believe it’s an address, but we’re still cracking the code,” Google said.  “They’re very good at keeping things cryptid.” 
“I think I’m starting to get it,” Bing said, one hand in the air as if typing on an invisible keyboard. He was laying sideways on the couch with his head in Google’s lap. “If we move the numbers like this and add two we-w-w-we-” Bing visibly glitched. 
“I thought only I could do that,” Anti said. 
“Bing, are you okay?” Google asked.
“I-I-can-can’t-” Bing glitched again and fell off of the couch. 
“Bing!” Google went down next to Bing. “Bing, Bing, say something!” Google tried to hold Bing still but he kept glitching and shaking and a harsh straining sound come from within him. 
“Vi-Vi-Viru-Virus.” Bing got out. 
“From what?” Google was panicking and preventing him from thinking in his usual rational way. 
“I’m going in.” Anti put down his tea. 
“Going in!? You just recovered! Anti!” Dark shouted as Anti became a collection of green pixels and flew into Bing. 
“No, no, no!” Mare held Blank but couldn’t anymore when Blank became pixels as well and followed Anti in. 
Anti could physically feel that something was fighting against Bing’s code as he swam through it. It was mostly orange with numbers and letters flowing in one direction. Anti saw little specks of black in the coding, telling him where the problems were and the deeper he went, the darker it got. Anti knew he should easily be able to find what was fighting Bing’s code, he just had to find the outlier. 
“Lookie here.” Anti found a difference in the code and it was the note the twins had written, it was Bing’s memory version of it. Anti kept a hold of it just in case the invading virus tried to mess with it. Anti tensed when he saw something in the distance. He knew that shape. “Blank?” Anti swam up to the figure. “Did you follow-”
“Anti!” Blank’s voice came from behind him and Anti watched as the fake Blank perk up and blew past him and towards the real Blank. 
“No!” Anti took off and tried to catch up to the fake Blank, knowing that was causing Bing’s glitching, that was the virus and he was going to stop it. Blank let out a shout and tried to swim away but the fake was much faster and caught him. Anti swam as fast as he could but he wasn’t fast enough. The fake and Blank were both gone and he went through nothing. “Shit, shit...shit!” Anti screamed when a wave of black hit him and shoved him away. 
Anti was forced out of Bing’s code and he landed harshly back on the living room floor, body aching from the sudden shift in forms. 
“Anti!” Dark went to Anti as Marvin and Chase swooped in. 
“What were you doing!? What were you thinking!?” Marvin scolded. 
“You are in no shape to be doing that!” Chase added.
“It’s...out.” Bing was panting and leaning against Google, unable to stay up on his own. 
“Where’s Blank!? Where is he!?” Mare demanded. Anti uncrumpled the sheet of coding and saw it was coated with ink and what wasn’t covered made the words
Lucky Shot
“Shit!” Anti cursed. “She got him!” 
“Don’t fuck with me! Where is he!?” Mare shouted and was about to go up to Anti, but Phantom caught his arm and kept him back. “Where is he!?” Mad had stiffened and was trembling a little as he tried to control his own emotions and deal with the others. 
“Do you need your inhaler?” Jackie asked in a whisper and Mad just nodded, knowing it was better to have it near just in case. Jackie went up to Mare and reached into his pocket, taking the inhaler and going back to Mad. Mare looked at Jackie and Mad with wide-eyes as Jackie used what he had seen Mare do to help calm Mad down. 
“We have to find him now.” Anti struggled to his feet, despite Dark, Chase, and Marvin’s protests. “Bing, you said you were almost done, right?” Anti held the sheet towards him. “Cna you get-”
“No!” Bing jerked himself away from Anti and Google had to make sure he didn’t fall over. “Get that away!” 
“It’s corrupted, there’s nothing he can do,” Google said, using his body to shield Bing. 
“Then you finish it,” Anti said.
“I can’t, I’ll risk my own coding and I can’t do that to Bing.” 
“We have to find him! These damn numbers are all we got!” 
“I can do it.” Everyone looked at Mad, who paused to use his inhaler. “If it’s a code, a puzzle of sorts, I think I can solve it.” 
“You better be fast at it,” Anti said with a sniff. 
Tag List: @thesinginggal @ninazappy @takethepainawaybae @classy-birb @madallice329 @m0th-goo @always-in-a-fandom @such-a-dumbass @mirrored-calamity @thelonelycreature @grnpurplgrmln @shamelesscollectorpiratesstuff @antibeaneverybody @constantgaycrisis @nightwillow14
17 notes · View notes
emospritelet · 5 years
@desperatemurph created this wonderful gifset and it gave me a smut bunny, so I had to write it. Full disclosure: I really liked Sutherland’s relationship with his wife, but I am a Rumbeller first and foremost, and I am very happily shipping Belle/Lacey with Sutherland right now :)
Anyway, this is just some fluffy smut, set in my Honourable Members verse. Enjoy.
AO3 link
Sutherland swam up out of sleep, feeling a gentle brush against his cheek. Blinking in surprise, he squinted in the unwelcome glare of the nearby lamp. Belle was gazing at him with a fond smile on her face and her warm hand on his cheek. He realised that he was sprawled in the squashy leather armchair in his office, a cold cup of coffee on the table in front of him and the briefing paper he had been reading on the floor at his feet. There was a warm weight on his legs, and looking down, he saw Arthur stretched across them, purring contentedly and no doubt shedding fur all over his suit. Belle tugged at her lip with her teeth in that way she had, a concerned look in her eyes. Her hair was swept up on her head and was just starting to come loose, chestnut strands spiralling down around her slim neck. She sent him a fond smile.
“Sorry I woke you,” she said, and he shook his head slightly, returning her smile as he put his hand over hers.
“I’m glad it was you,” he whispered.
She stroked his cheek with gentle fingers, hand sliding up to play with the strands of his hair at his temple.
“Come to bed, sweetheart,” she said softly, and he turned his head to kiss her palm.
“I can’t, I have to read this bloody briefing from Public Health England.”
Belle dropped her hand back into her lap, sitting back on her heels.
“You can read it in the morning,” she said firmly. “How long will it take, ten minutes? If that? We can set the alarm for ten minutes earlier.”
Sutherland grumbled, shifting slightly and making Arthur let out a tiny squeak of protest.
“You won’t take any of it in, anyway,” she added. “If you’re falling asleep in your chair, you’re definitely too tired to digest a briefing paper on combating a deadly disease.”
He ran his hands over his face with a yawn, but could feel himself wavering.
“What are the latest reports?”
“Confirmed cases now at over two thousand, a further twenty-two thousand being tested.”
He made to stand up, and she put her hands on his shoulders and kept him there with a frown.
“The only way you’re getting off this couch is if you’re coming to bed.”
“I need to call Samdi, get an update.”
“I just gave you one,” she insisted. “Besides, it’s almost midnight. He'll be in bed. Which is where you should be. You can’t run the country on a catnap.”
He gave up trying to escape and slumped back, smiling at her.
“You do try to look after me, don’t you?”
“Somebody has to,” she said, giving him a flat look. “God knows you don’t, so I guess it’s up to me and Carrie. Besides, what is it you always tell your staff when they try to burn the midnight oil?”
“Tired people make bad decisions,” he said reluctantly.
“Exactly. So come to bed.”
She rose to her feet and picked up Arthur, causing a high-pitched purr of protest. Belle clicked her tongue.
“I think there’s more hair on you than the cat,” she said, draping Arthur over one shoulder and scratching his ears. He started purring again, loudly and contentedly, and Sutherland sighed.
“Okay, let’s go to bed.”
He pushed up off the chair, mouth flattening as he looked down and saw the fine carpet of cat hair stretching across both legs. Another problem that could wait for the morning. Belle was already heading for the door, Arthur watching him over her shoulder through half-closed eyes and looking as sleepy as he felt.
Once upstairs, she closed the door of their apartments behind him, placing Arthur on the couch cushions. The cat grumbled a little at being put down, but after a moment of kneading the cushions he arched his back, yawned, and curled up with his tail over his nose. Belle turned on her toes, holding out a hand.
“Come on,” she softly, and Sutherland took it, letting her pull him towards the bedroom.
Inside it was cool and dim, the only light coming from the small lamp on the dresser by their bed. Belle liked to read when she was waiting for him to join her, and a book sat beside the lamp, a folded piece of paper marking her place. Belle turned to face him, still holding his hand. Her fingers were warm and smooth, her grip sending him comfort. His eyes flicked up to meet hers, and she smiled, the low light shining on her dark hair. She lifted his hand to her lips, folding her other palm around it and kissing his knuckles, and he let out a deep breath, leaning in to rest his forehead against hers and breathe in her scent.
“Been a long few days,” he murmured, and Belle pulled back a little, stretching up on her toes to kiss his forehead.
“Yes, and you’ll be no good to anyone if you don’t rest,” she said gently. “I don’t think you’ve slept more than a couple of hours at a time since the outbreak was confirmed.”
“Too much to bloody do.”
“Then it’s a good job you hired so many competent people to help, isn’t it?” she replied tartly, and he sighed.
“They still need my input.”
“Not at midnight, they don’t.”
She dropped his hand, reaching to unbutton his jacket, and he let her pull it from him, rolling his shoulders a little to work out the stiffness that had settled in them. 
“It’s hard to switch off,” he admitted. “Every decision I make, every plan I put in place - there’s always something there to undermine whatever good we try to do, always someone that loses out. Some - lesser evil - that I have to choose to live with.”
“You’re good at making tough decisions,” she said, plucking at the knot of his tie.
"That's not what you said at PMQs," he remarked, and she swatted him with the end of the tie.
"What happens in the Commons, stays in the Commons."
"I'll remind you of that next time I make a policy announcement you don't agree with."
Belle giggled, tugging at the knot of claret-coloured silk.
"Party politics aside, I mean it," she said. "You've had some tough decisions to make, and you've done your best to choose the best option each time. But sometimes there are no good options. Sometimes it’s just a choice between varying levels of crap.”
“Yeah.” He felt the tie being pulled from around his neck, a whisper of silk against cotton. “Seems like that’s all I fucking get these days.”
“Try and put it aside for a few hours, at least,” she said, going to work on the buttons of his shirt, and he sighed.
Nimble fingers worked down the buttons, brushing against the skin of his belly and making him shiver a little. Numbers were running through his head, an endless stream of distribution costs, infection rates and mortality projections.
“What if that bloody vaccine doesn’t work?”
Belle put her hands on her hips, frowning.
“What did I just say?” she demanded, and he flipped her a salute.
“Yes, ma’am. No thinking about work, ma’am.”
Giggling, she got the shirt open, pushing it from his shoulders and baring his chest.
“Take your shoes off,” she said.
He sat down on the edge of the bed with a thump, bending to take off his shoes and socks while Belle undressed on the other side. It felt good to sit down, and he wanted nothing more than to lie back and relax into the mattress, but his brain was still running through the contingency plans they were making and all the possible scenarios they had imagined. He leaned forward, elbows on his knees, tempted to go back down to his office and get an update from whoever else was up at this hour. There had to be someone.
Just as he was about to get up, apologise, and head back downstairs, Belle walked into his line of sight. A powder blue silk nightdress was skimming her slim figure, white lace cups holding her perfect breasts. She had let down her hair, dark curls brushing her shoulders where thin silk straps lay against her pale skin, and he let out a sigh. She was breathtakingly beautiful, and for the first time in what felt like days she was suddenly all he could think of.
Belle stepped closer, lifting up the nightdress so that she could straddle his lap, and he ran his hands up to her hips, holding her there. She began stroking his hair, a rhythmic brush of fingers against his scalp. It was comforting, soothing.
“Your head is still downstairs in your office,” she observed, and he sighed again.
“I don’t know if I can sleep,” he admitted. “I have to make an important decision tomorrow, and I have to get it right, but it feels like with every choice I make, I screw someone over. ”
“You’re a good man,” she said gently. “A good man, faced with some bad choices. Like I said, sometimes there is no good choice. So you do what you must. You choose the least worst.”
“What if that’s not enough?”
“It has to be,” she said. “There are no other options.”
Sutherland shook his head.
“What if I choose wrong?” he whispered, and she stroked his cheek, her eyes gazing into his.
“I believe in you,” she said softly, and he smiled.
“Maybe that’s all I need.”
“That,” she said, “and some proper rest.”
“Yeah.” He leaned into her touch. “You’re right. I need to relax.”
“Good.” Her lips curved in a smile. “That’s something I can help with.”
The smile turned wicked, and he couldn’t help grinning back.
“Is that so?”
“I thought you said I needed to rest.”
“I think you need to wind down first,” she said.”I have a few ideas on that front.”
Sutherland slid his hands back down her thighs, pushing beneath the silk to touch her skin.
“Well, since I’m still half in briefing mode,” he said. “Do you want to tell me my options?”
“Option one, do nothing,” she said immediately.
“I think we can discount that.”
“Agreed. Option two.” Her touch grew firmer, nails scraping his scalp and making him groan. “A little kissing, a little groping, and we spoon up in bed together and get a good night’s sleep.”
He pursed his lips, nodding slowly.
“Tempting,” he said. “But I think I should hear option three.”
“Option three…” She shifted closer, letting his hands slide up her thighs, her breasts inching closer to his mouth. “Option three is a little more time consuming.”
Sutherland stroked his hands up to her waist, inhaling deeply to draw the scent of her into his lungs.
“Would it require more - investment?” he murmured, brushing his nose over the lace covering her nipple and feeling her shudder.
“Oh, a lot more investment, but you need to consider the wider benefits,” she said, a little breathlessly. “Take the - uh - long term view.”
He smiled, lips trailing over the soft swell of her breast. The tip of his tongue slipped out, circling the peak of her nipple through the lace, and she sucked in a breath.
“Tell me more,” he said.
“Option three: lots of kissing, maybe some oral, and then I get on top and ride you until you come.”
He chuckled at that, slipping his hands out from beneath the nightdress and reaching up to cup her breasts. Belle moaned a little as he fastened his lips over her nipple and sucked, his tongue swirling over hardened flesh.
“I’m usually presented with five options,” he murmured.
“Option four’s more of a morning thing.”
“And option five?”
“Oh, I think you’re way too tired for option five.”
He grinned, nuzzling at her as her stroking fingers sent shivers through him.
“Then let’s go with option three.”
Belle bent her head to kiss him, her mouth hot and sweet, and he could feel the weariness drain out of him as he tasted her, tongue pushing into her mouth. Her hands slipped to his shoulders, sliding down over his naked chest, thumbs finding his nipples and gently rubbing. Her touch sent ripples of goosebumps over his skin, and he could feel himself harden in his pants, pressing up against her where she straddled him. Belle seemed to feel it, rocking her hips a little and sending jolts of pleasure through him. He reached up, pushing fingers through her hair, groaning into her mouth as she pressed against him. The kiss grew messy, desire for her surging through his body and pushing all other concerns out of his mind, leaving it blessedly free of anything but Belle, the sweetness of her scent and taste and how good she felt in his arms.
She broke the kiss, sitting back and sliding from his lap, hands pulling his knees apart so that she could get between them. Her eyes flicked up to meet his as she settled on her knees, hands sliding up his thighs to grasp the belt of his suit pants. Sutherland cupped her face with his hands, thumbs stroking over the soft skin of her cheeks, his heart thumping and his lips tingling from the pressure of hers. He leaned in to kiss her again, desperate for the taste of her, and she let out a tiny groan from deep in her throat as his tongue touched hers. Her fingers were working on his belt, tugging it open, and she unfastened the fly, mouth leaving his with a wet, sucking sound as she sat back on her heels, chest heaving and eyes dark with desire.
“Lie back,” she whispered.
He lowered himself back on the bed, the blankets seeming to mould around him, a nest of softness. Closing his eyes, he felt Belle take off his trousers, followed by his boxers. The room was cool, and a shiver ran through him, but then he felt warm hands on his thighs again, and the brush of soft hair against his legs, the press of her lips on his skin as she kissed her way up from his knees. Her tongue caressed his balls, and he let out a groan of pleasure, one hand dropping to stroke through her hair.
“Oh, Belle!” he whispered.
She pressed kisses to him, nuzzling his cock where it lay hard against his belly, and drew her tongue up the length of it, making him jerk and groan. A hand slid up to grasp him firmly, and he felt her kiss, felt the heat of her mouth as she gently drew him inside, tongue circling, soft, wet flesh closing up around him.
“Fuck, that’s good!” he breathed.
He raised his head to look at her, and Belle glanced up, eyes meeting his as her cheeks hollowed, her mouth pulling at him. He could feel the pleasure building, bliss rising within him, and a part of him wanted to let her continue, to let her suck him hard and make him come and swallow down everything he could give her. But he also wanted to see her face when he came, to feel her all around him and push up inside as she rode out her pleasure. She sucked him, wet mouth sliding up and down his length, and he arched his back as a low, guttural groan was pulled from deep within him.
“God, sweetheart, I’m close!” he gasped.
Belle let him slip from her mouth, kissing over his lower belly, working her way up as she climbed onto the bed. He scrabbled at the blankets, scooting backwards a little to give her knees more to rest on, and she sucked a nipple into her mouth, lips tugging at him as her finger and thumb found the other and pinched hard.
“Fuck!” he groaned, and heard a low chuckle from her.
Belle kissed higher, lips trailing up his neck and along his jaw until her mouth found his, and he slid his hands up her thighs beneath the soft silk of the nightdress. He kissed her hungrily, caressing the curves of her hips before sliding a hand between her legs. She was hot and silky-wet, and she drew back with a gasp as he touched her, eyes closing as he slowly pushed two fingers inside. Belle moaned, shaking back her hair, pushing onto his hand, and he let his thumb rub over the tiny bud of her clit, making her let out a tiny cry.
“God, you feel good!” he whispered. “I love being inside you, Belle. I love feeling you hold me tight.”
He drew out the fingers, moving his hands to her thighs, and Belle reached between them to take him in hand, holding his cock and gently rubbing the head through her slick folds. Sutherland groaned, letting his head roll back as shivers ran through him, and she did it again, letting the head of his cock enter her briefly before slipping out, circling her hips, cradling him in silken flesh. He raised his head a little, catching her eyes with his and holding her gaze.
“Please, sweetheart,” he whispered, and she smiled.
She sank down onto him, making him let out a deep groan and push upwards, thrusting deep inside. She was scalding hot, gripping him tightly as she braced herself on his belly, fingers spread wide. He could feel his pulse throbbing hard, his breathing uneven, and Belle kept her eyes locked on his as she began to move, rocking gently back and forth, her flesh pulling at him. Low light shone on the curves of her breasts and the moist fullness of her lips where the tip of her tongue swept across. Her eyes slid closed as her movements quickened, her lips parting with a moan of pleasure, and he thought he had never seen anything as beautiful in his life. She was chasing her climax, rubbing against him where their bodies joined, his hard flesh meeting soft, slippery heat.
Belle moaned, letting her head roll back and exposing her pale throat, and he grasped her hips to pull her hard against him, increasing the friction. Her thrusting hips quickened, her flesh fluttering all around him, and she let out a moaning cry as she came, goosebumps rippling over her skin, tugging at him. He was close to the edge, perched on the crest of a wave of bliss poised to break, and he felt the tension drain from her with her orgasm, her body becoming loose and lithe, her movements languid. Her moans grew lower, a contented purring, and she licked her lips, meeting his gaze with eyes grown dark and heavy-lidded.
She drew in a breath, as though steeling herself, and began to move again, hands flat on his belly, hips slowly circling. She was more controlled now, letting him slip out almost all the way before sliding down onto him, soft, slippery flesh pulling at him. He could feel his eyes grow wide as his orgasm approached, a feeling of pure bliss spreading into the base of his spine and through his body. It burst in his head, coloured stars blinding him, and he let out a loud groan of ecstasy, hips bucking and thrusting as he came hard. Belle rocked against him, moaning as she pulled every drop from him, and he collapsed back into the blankets with a gasp of completion, every inch of his skin tingling.
She fell forward, hair falling in his face and catching in the stubble just starting to come through on his cheeks and chin. Belle was panting a little, a layer of perspiration forming between them where her chest pressed against his, and after a moment he reached up to stroke her hair, a wonderful feeling of heavy-limbed laziness making him want to sink down into the bed with her and stay there.
“Wow,” she murmured.
Belle pushed herself up on shaking arms, brushing back her hair, a lazy, contented smile on her face.
“Feeling relaxed?” she teased, and he smiled, reaching up to cup her cheek.
“I love you,” he whispered, and her smile widened.
“I love you, too,” she said. “But it’s time to sleep.”
He nodded, patting her hip, and she eased up onto her knees as he slipped out of her, turning onto her back with a sigh before pushing up on the heels of her hands and trotting to the bathroom.
Sutherland readied himself for bed in a daze, his body slow and sluggish and crying out for sleep. By the time they were in bed and he was spooned around her, he could already feel his eyes sliding closed.
“Sleep well,” she said, yawning.
“I will.”
“No getting up to check emails.”
“I promise.”
"If I wake up at three a.m. and find you downstairs in your office, I'm gonna spank you."
He grinned widely, kissing her shoulder.
"Is that option five?"
"Option five means you spank me."
He chuckled.
"I promise I'll stay in bed with you, okay?"
“Good. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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