#but I did write 3k today so that was pretty good
kjsfandoms · 25 days
Lust and Love
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Eddie Munson x Reader
Description: Eddie is dating the girl he's been pinning over for years- Chrissy Cunningham. What happens when a new girl enters his life?
Word Count: 3k
Chrissy and Eddie have been dating for a good few months now and they both truly are happy. Eddie had been crushing on her since their middle school talent show and was insanely surprised when she came to him to buy drugs. The Chrissy Cunningham High buying drugs from him? He couldn’t believe it. 
Not long after their first deal, Chrissy started to realize that she really enjoyed Eddie’s company. One thing led to another and soon enough the freak of Hawkins High was dating the queen of Hawkins High.
Though they were dating and loved spending time together they still always made sure to have time for their friends. Hence why Eddie still sits at the hellfire table for lunch (also totally not because the majority of the popular kids hate him). 
One day during lunch as Eddie is sitting at the front of the table, munching on his pretzels, Dustin, Lucas, and Mike join him. “Hey, fellas.” Eddie says as the boys start eating their unpleasantly looking school lunch. They talk about DND for a good minute until Dustin turns around mid-conversation when he notices Y/N sit down at the table next to theirs.
“Hey, Y/N!”
“Hey there, Dustin.” Y/N replies as she takes off her headphones and gives him a friendly smile. Mike and Lucas then notice her as well and say their hellos. Eddie looks back and forth between the boys and this girl, Y/N. He takes in her appearance and notices the eyeliner, dark denim jeans, and the loosely hung Black Sabbath t-shirt. How the hell did these boys know this girl and why has he never seen her around?
She turns back to her own table and puts her headphones back on. He can briefly hear Judas Priest coming through them before being interrupted by Gareth sharing some more DND ideas.
After school he walks Chrissy to her cheer practice before heading over to the drama room to set up for the upcoming hellfire session tonight. In there he spots Dustin who is also usually there sometimes to help Eddie set up. “Hey, man.” Eddie greets. “Hey, Eddie. I already set up everyone’s character sheets.” “Thanks, Henderson.”
As Eddie and Dustin continue to set up, the question from earlier still lingers on Eddie’s mind. Who was that girl? ‘Might as well ask’, he thinks to himself.
“Henderson, who was that girl you guys were saying hi to at lunch?”
“Oh, Y/N? We’ve known her for a few years now. She’s friends with Jonathan Byers so we met her by association. She’s really cool though. I’m surprised you guys have never met considering you have a lot in common. But why do you ask?” Dustin says as he pulls out some dice.
“Was just curious. Never seen her around.”
“Yeah, she can be more on the quiet and loner side, but she’s great when you get to know her.”
Hellfire went pretty good as Eddie had been playing that campaign for weeks now. The boys and Erica have already left by now, but he stayed back to clean up. As he’s putting away their chairs he hears the drama room doors open. In walks her. Y/N.
“Oh, hi! Sorry, didn’t know you guys were doing hellfire today. I’m just setting some things up for the talent show this weekend.” She says. That’s when Eddie notices her carrying two guitars and an amp. “Don’t worry, you’re all good. Just cleaning up. You want some help with that?” “Please,” she says with a breathy laugh, “carrying these all at once is not easy.” “Oh, trust me I know. I play in a band.” He says as he walks over to take the amp out of her arm.
They walk to the stage and as Eddie plugs in the amp Y/N sets up the guitars. Wanting to break the silence, Y/N asks, “So, you’re in a band. What do you play?” “Guitar. I also help write some of our songs.” Y/N looks up at him with a smile and says, “No way! I also play guitar and write songs. Though, it’s just for fun. I’m not in a band or anything.” Eddie looks shocked at this. He’s never met a girl that’s been into music like this, not to mention music that he likes. “That’s sick! Think I could hear one of your songs one day?” “Only if I get to hear one of yours.”
Continuing their conversation, they’re eventually interrupted when the drama doors open once again, this time revealing Chrissy. “Hey, babe!” Chrissy cheers and she walks over to give Eddie a hug. “Hey, Chris. How was practice?” Y/N watches as the obvious couple interact, slightly disappointed in the fact that he has a girlfriend. But Y/N isn’t the one to overstep boundaries and disrespect someone’s relationship, so she pushes those thoughts to the back of her mind. 
“Bye, Eddie, it was nice meeting you.” Y/N says with a smile as she starts to leave. 
“You too, Y/N.”
It's been a few weeks since the first interaction, but over those few weeks the two have created a friendship. They hang out every now and then, Eddie sharing his time between Y/N, Chrissy, and his hellfire friends.
This day in particular, Y/N and Eddie finally decided to act upon the deal they made when they first met, which was to hear each other's music. Eddie invited her over, but Y/N declined. She thought it’d be rude to hang out one on one with a man who is in a relationship inside his own home. Eddie understood where she was coming from, but assured her Chrissy knew. Still, she stuck to her word and the two agreed to meet up in the drama room after school instead.
“So, you wanna go first?” Y/N asks as the both of them sit criss cross on the stage floor, both holding guitars in their lap. “Why not.” Eddie replies as he takes his guitar pick off his neck and starts strumming. He opted to playing a more simple rock song of his rather than metal as he thought it’d be way too extra. When it came down to Y/N’s turn, she stuck to more of one of her indie-rock songs. 
“You’re better than I thought you’d be.” Eddie says with a playful grin.
 “Same for you, Munson.” 
“I’d like to state for the record, that was an easy song I played. I’m usually ten times more metal.” He says with a slight smirk, “You should really come watch me and my band play some time. We perform at the Hideout on Tuesdays. Maybe you could even perform one of your songs.”
“I’d love to watch you guys play, but as for me performing, hard pass. I’d rather stick to putting on a show for my stuffed animals rather than real people.” Y/N replies with a smile and small laugh.
“Oh, come on! I’ll be there to cheer you on. I bet your stuffed animals can’t do that.”
Y/N let out a dramatic playful gasp and jokingly says, “What?! Peter the pig always makes sure to give me a round-of-applause.” The two share a laugh and Eddie replies, “Fine. You can stick to your stuffed animal crowd. As for me, I can pick you up around seven after I pick up Chrissy, if that’s fine with you?”
“Sounds perfect.”
Tuesday comes around and Y/N is patiently waiting on her couch for Eddie. She eventually hears loud heavy rock music coming from outside and takes that as her cue to grab her things, not forgetting her guitar. Even though she said she didn't want to perform, she decided she wanted to surprise Eddie tonight by performing a new song of hers.
She runs outside and slides open the van door and greets Eddie and Chrissy as she goes to sit in the back. Soon enough they’re there and Eddie is parking the van. “I’m just gonna go help the boys set up. Are you guys good with waiting inside for a few minutes?” Eddie asks as they all start getting out of the van. “Yeah, that’s fine, Eds.” Chrissy replies back with a smile. Y/N had a few interactions with Chrissy since becoming friends with Eddie and from what she can tell, she’s the sweetest girl Y/N ever met. Eddie is a real lucky man, she must say.
As Y/N and Chrissy start walking inside, Chrissy notices the guitar case. “Oh, you’re playing too?!” Chrissy cheerfully asks. “Yeah, but don’t tell Eddie. Was gonna surprise him.” Y/N happily replies back, hoping that that didn’t upset Chrissy. Thankfully, Chrissy saw no problem with it and the two headed inside.
Chrissy takes a seat at one of the tables while Y/N places her guitar case next to the stage. They patiently wait and talk for a little bit as they wait for Eddie’s band. Soon enough, they hear the name ‘Corroded Coffin’ being announced on stage.
You watch as Eddie pours his heart and soul into his performance as his passion for guitar shines through. Chrissy wishes she could watch as deeply as you are, but she can’t help but pay attention to how whenever Eddie looks down at their table, his eyes travel to Y/N. 
The band finished up their last song and then walked off stage. As Eddie is putting his guitar back in his case, he hears the bar owner announce, “We have one more performance tonight! Please welcome, Y/N!”. Eddie perks up at this and immediately his attention is on the stage. Chrissy sees this. She nervously plays with the ribbon in her hair and looks at how Eddie’s eyes never left you as you walk onto the stage with your guitar.
Chrissy knows Eddie loves her, no doubt about it, but seeing the way Y/N and Eddie have bonded over the past few weeks, she knew his love for her was slowly decaying. They had so much in common, she should have seen it coming sooner. And Chrissy being the sweet girl that she is, couldn’t bring herself to be mad at it. She’s had her fair experiences with love and is well aware that you can’t choose who you fall for. 
She brings her focus back to the stage as Y/N starts playing guitar and eventually singing her most recent lyrics. ‘They even have similar writing styles’, Chrissy thinks to herself. She sighs and looks down at her hands. She loves Eddie, but this isn’t right. Chrissy isn’t the girl he wants anymore. Those years he spent pinning over her have gone to waste, which hurts Chrissy to admit.
She looked over at Eddie and that’s all it took for her to accept what was going to have to happen. His eyes were so full of admiration, lust, and love. The same way he used to look at her. 
Y/N walks off stage and Eddie immediately runs to her and gives her a hug so big he’s picking her off the ground. Y/N is first to break it as she knows Chrissy is right behind them. Chrissy notices this and sadly smiles to herself. She can’t even blame Y/N. She could tell how Y/N always made sure to respect their relationship and set boundaries. Y/N always made sure Eddie was spending more time with Chrissy than he was with her, she always made sure Eddie still walked Chrissy to practice after school even when he would offer to walk Y/N to her car, and she always made sure Eddie never stopped showing his love to Chrissy. 
Chrissy feels a tear slide down her face but quickly wipes it when the two of them start making their way over. 
“You guys were great!”, Chrissy cheers. 
“Thank you.” Both Eddie and Y/N say, almost in sync.
They finish up their night at the hideout with some fries and drinks then eventually head back out to Eddie’s van. Y/N is first to be dropped off which leaves the couple alone.
 “Eddie?”, Chrissy says sadly. 
“Yeah, Chris?” Eddie replies as he head bops to the music playing on the car radio.
“We need to talk.”
Eddie pulls up to Chrissy's house and stops the van in her driveway. “So, what did you want to talk about?” He asks.
 “I think we should break up.” 
Eddie sits in shock for a few moments before turning to face Chrissy and asks why. “Eddie, you know I love you and I know you have love for me. But you’re no longer in love with me.”, Chrissy says with watery eyes.
“Woah, woah, woah. What makes you think that, Chris?” Eddie says as he reaches for Chrissy’s hand, only for her to pull it away. “Don’t pretend like you don’t know, Eds. You like her, don’t you?”
At her words, Eddie looks down, refusing to make eye contact. His silence confirms Chrissy’s question. 
“It’s okay, Eddie.” “No, it’s not. It wasn’t supposed to go this way.” Eddie’s eyes start to gather tears as he still has yet to look up at Chrissy. “What do you mean?” Chrissy asks with furrowed eyebrows. “I mean,” he sighs before continuing, “I’ve had a crush on you for as long as I can remember. Never once have I ever felt that way towards another girl, so when me and you got together, I was the happiest man in the world. I truly started to believe that opposites do attract,” He finally looks up at Chrissy as he says, “but I think that’s only because I thought there was no other girl out there that was like me. But then I met Y/N.” Chrissy looks at him with sad eyes, but a soft smile. Eddie returns a sad smile back. “I really am sorry, Chris. This isn’t how I meant for things to go. But I do want you to know I truly was happy with you and I enjoyed our time together.” “It’s okay, Eddie. And me too. I don’t want to trap you in a relationship that you don’t want to be in.”
They sit in awkward, yet somewhat comforting silence for a moment before Chrissy asks one last question, “When did you know you fell for her?” “Today, actually. At the hideout.” This somewhat shocked Chrissy as she would've thought it’d be way earlier, though she lets Eddie continue, “Sure, these past few weeks my crush for her did start to develop, but it felt wrong considering I’m with- or well, I was with you, so I pushed the thought of being with her to the back of my mind. But seeing her today on that stage, I couldn’t hide it from myself anymore.” Eddie says, looking at his lap, somewhat disappointed at himself. He had been chasing Chrissy for years, and once he finally got the girl his heart decides to do a whole u-turn on him.
“Again, Chrissy, I really am sorry.” 
“It’s okay, Eddie. It’s okay. Go get her.” Chrissy says with a happier smile this time. Even though the smile was definitely forced, Eddie smiled back and gave Chrissy one last hug as a goodbye.
Eddie pulls out of Chrissy’s driveway and heads straight for Y/N’s house.
He climbs to her bedroom window and knocks. Y/N opens her curtains, not surprised to see Eddie as he surprised her with a similar visit a week ago for a quick smoke sesh. She opens the window and welcomes him in. 
“Hey, Y/N.” He pants out, slightly out of breath from climbing through your window.
“What’s up, Eddie?” Y/N asks. She notices Eddie is fidgeting with the rings on his fingers, a habit of his she recently noticed. 
“I wanted to talk to you about something. About us.” He says, head down as he can’t bring himself to make eye contact. He notices the shift in Y/N’s stance, sensing that she probably has an idea of what he’s about to say. 
“I like you.”
 She sighs before saying, “Eddie-” 
“I know,” Eddie cuts her off, “I know, I know, me and Chrissy. But we broke up.” Y/N looks up at him with shocked eyes and says, “What?! Why would you dump her for me?” Eddie grabs both of Y/N’s hands into his and looks her in the eye as he says, “She dumped me, Y/N.” Y/N takes her hands from his and puts them in her hair, slightly panicking. “No, no, no, no, I feel like a homewrecker, Eddie. This is wrong.” “I know it is, but I can’t control my feelings, Y/N.” 
He sits on the edge of her bed. She takes a seat next to him and deeply sighs. “I don’t even know what to say, Eddie.” He looks down at her and puts her hand in his once again. “Just say how you feel. If you don’t feel the same way, it’s fine. I can get up and leave and pretend this conversation didn’t even happen.” Y/N sighs once again as she responds, “Eddie, I like you too. But this feels so wrong.”
Eddie’s heart lightens at her confession. He smiles to himself before saying, “It’s all up to you, love. If it makes you feel any better, this was all Chrissy’s idea. I don’t want you to think she hates you for taking me away from her. None of this is your fault, okay?” He places a finger under her chin and lifts her face up to meet him eye to eye. He can tell how her eyes are full of so many different emotions right now, but he gives her a reassuring look.
“As much as I hate to admit it, I want to be with you, Eddie.”
“That’s all you had to say, sweetheart.” He replies with a smile, slowly bringing her face to his and letting their lips connect.
Y/N feels the guilt seep into her gut as she kisses Eddie, but can’t bring herself to stop. She had been crushing on this boy the moment she laid eyes on him. Sitting at the table next to his was totally not on purpose. She of course feels for Chrissy, but when Eddie and Y/N walked into school the next day hand in hand, she saw Chrissy give her a genuine smile and a thumbs up, and all of a sudden the guilt slowly started to disappear. 
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honnelander · 11 months
OK SO I HAVE THIS IDEA IN MY HEAD AND I HAVE TO TELL YOU, I can't stop laughing imagining that scenario xdxdxdxdxd
Well, then imagine go fish! Sanji takes (Y/N) to meet Zeff and Zeff being the good father he is, "accidentally" spoils the tea in front of everyone because he is so done with the drama around.  😂 😂 😂 😂
UMMM OK I LOVE THISSS!! this technically won't be go fish!Sanji BUT my interpretation of Sanji will pretty much always be like that.
here's Zeff "accidentally" spilling the beans about Sanji's affections for reader: (i can't believe this blew up to like 3k words rip)
Zeff wasn't stupid.
He's been around the block a couple of times in his life and when Sanji's semi-regular letters to him had shifted from casual life updates and started to be more and more about details and little interactions he had with you, some girl Zeff had never met before, well, it was easy for the head chef to put two and two together: Sanji was in love.
And he was in love with you.
Now, while Sanji might not technically be his son by birthright, there was no way he didn't consider Sanji to be his own living and breathing kin, especially after everything they've been through together, 'pedigree' rules be damned.
Zeff truly loved that boy. Throughout their time together, he had raised Sanji from being a snotty-nosed brat into the respectable man that he was today and, in Zeff's mind, part of being a respectable man included knowing how to treat a woman properly.
Ever since he was a young boy, Zeff could see that Sanji took a special liking towards girls and then young women. The retired captain had lost count of the number of times he had to berate Sanji into getting back to work and to leave the wooing for after dinner service and his own personal time, but the scoldings never stuck. Sanji would always be Sanji, and that meant the lad had an endless wandering eye and a sharp silver tongue, no matter what.
To say that Zeff was sad to see Sanji go with Luffy that day was an understatement, he was devastated, but he knew, ever since he had held a knife to his throat during their first encounter, that Sanji was meant for bigger things. For things bigger than cooking up the same old dinner specials every night and breaking up drunk pirate fights on the regular. Sanji was bigger than the Baratie, so when Luffy had made his infamous offer to his pseudo-son, a part of Zeff was relieved because that meant that Sanji could finally start living the life he was always meant to live, and that was one of a pirate.
Zeff had also made peace with the very real fact that he might never see or hear from Sanji again. He (and Sanji) knew all too well how quickly something could go from bad to worse to life-threatening in an instant out on the open ocean, and if Luffy was truly determined to find the one piece and have Sanji join his crew, then Zeff knew that seeing him off that day was probably the last time he would ever see his son alive.
So, imagine his surprise when he received his first letter from him.
At first, he thought it was a joke, that one of the line cooks in the kitchen was pulling a cruel prank on him by writing him a fake letter in Sanji's unmistakable handwriting, but when he finally ripped open the envelope and found out that yes, Sanji did, in fact, write him a letter, well... it had actually brought a tear to his eye.
From that point forward, Zeff found himself eagerly awaiting Sanji's letters. He loved to hear all about the outlandish adventures that crew seemed to always find themselves in and it made Zeff nostalgic for his days at sea. There was never any return address, since the crew was constantly on the move, and Zeff expected as such, so he could never send a reply but that didn't mean he wasn't grateful for each and every letter he received.
Zeff should've realized that something was up though when Sanji had first mentioned you in one of his letters. Sanji's letters would come every couple of months and they, surprisingly, never mentioned any young lass or any other pretty girl he would meet during an island visit unless it was a woman they had ended up fighting.
So, when Sanji had first mentioned you to him, saying how you were the newest straw hat to join the crew, Zeff had thought it was just business as usual. However, what wasn't 'just business as usual' was when the rest of the letter had turned into a little biography about you; where you were from, how old you were, what your home life was like, that you had also agreed that 'oregano was for savages', etc., and the letter ended up being nearly ten pages long.
Then, after your 'introduction' in Sanji's letters to him, you were practically the subject of them all going forward, each one getting longer than the last. Gone were the letters detailing Sanji's adventures, and in came the letters describing the interactions you two had or what topics had come up in your conversations with each other.
At first, Zeff thought it was just another one of Sanji's infatuations (the boy was a huge flirt after all) but when more and more details were provided, and the letters started becoming longer, it was obvious to Zeff that Sanji was in love with you.
And why didn't Sanji just admit his feelings to you? He had no clue. Maybe it was partially his fault too, since Zeff never remembered having that 'what to do when you truly love a girl' talk with him, but he had hoped that Sanji would eventually be fed up with all the back and forth between the both of you and finally just confess already, but that declaration of "I confessed my love to her and she reciprocated" line never was brought up in any of the letters.
And Zeff was feeling himself go crazy the longer this went on. The 'drama' that was occurring between you both was driving him nuts and he vowed that if he ever saw Sanji and the rest of the straw hat crew at the Baratie again, that he would confess Sanji's feelings towards you for him. I mean... someone had to.
Then one day his lucky day came.
"Zeff!" a voice called out from the top of the stairs one afternoon before the day's first dinner service, a voice that Zeff thought he would never hear again. "There you are, you old shitbag!"
Immediately, Zeff stopped talking to the wait staff, turning his body to look up at where he heard the voice come from, his hands on his hips, and he couldn't believe what he was seeing: there was Sanji, a huge smile on his face, standing with practically the same crew that he had waved goodbye to nearly two years ago.
"Oi! Sanji!" Zeff yelled out, his own disbelieving smile lighting up his face. "I never thought I'd see your ugly mug around here again."
Sanji laughed at that as he quickly bounded down the stairs, enveloping him in a bear hug. "That makes two of us!" He pulled back, his blue eyes lighting up in pure happiness as he quickly took Zeff in, patting him on the shoulder as he said, "And look at you, you practically look exactly the same as the day I left you."
As Zeff took in Sanji's appearance, he realized that he couldn't say the same about him. Sanji looked older, not in a bad way, but in a more mature way. He looked like he was growing into the man that he was always meant to be.
And Zeff couldn't have been more proud.
"Well, I can't say the same about you little eggplant. You look like a seasoned pirate to me." Both of them dropped their arms off of each other and Zeff put his hands back on his hips. "You keepin' your feet dry?"
Sanji mirrored his pose, a small laugh escaping his lips as he looked down for a second. "Yeah," he said and looked back up at Zeff, a knowing glint in his blue eyes. "Yeah, I am."
Zeff knew right then that everything with his son was alright. "Good."
"Hey, uh, I wanted to introduce you to someone," Sanji started, looking slightly bashful as he looked back down at the floor and put his hands in his pockets. "She's the-"
"Girl from the letters?" Zeff said with a small knowing smile, finding it endearing how his normally smooth-talking son was suddenly acting about this girl. If he didn't know any better, Sanji looked nervous (and Zeff knew he was).
At his words, Sanji's gaze immediately snapped up to meet Zeff's, his eyes becoming slightly wider, a hint of panic within them, as he quickly looked back towards the rest of his crew that had just started to make their way down the stairs and towards them.
"The newest member of our crew," Sanji emphasized loudly, letting out a fake laugh as he looked back at Zeff pointedly.
"Right," Zeff relented with a small disbelieving laugh of his own. "'Newest crewmember'. Got it."
And when Zeff turned his attention towards the straw hats, he immediately knew it was you before you even introduced yourself. Sure, you were the only new face in the small group of familiar faces, but he had to give credit to Sanji, he had definitely captured your looks and essence in his letters.
Zeff's smile widened. You were cute. From just by looking at you, he could tell you were a sweet and kind soul, it was no wonder Sanji loved you. You definitely looked like the type of person who would do all those things that Sanji had spoken about in his letters and he immediately approved of you. If Sanji had stood there and introduced you as his wife instead of 'his newest crewmember', he wouldn't have had any objections to that at all.
"Zeff, this is y/n," Sanji started, gesturing a hand out to you, Zeff noticing the way his son's eyes softened just by looking at you. "And, uh, you already know everyone else."
Zeff looked away from Sanji and down at you, seeing that you already had your hand out to shake his, a nervous smile plastered on your face.
He liked you.
"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Zeff, sir," you said, shaking his hand. "I've heard so much about you."
Now, even though Sanji had corrected him before about you, it didn't mean Zeff wasn't going to say anything.
"Aw, come on now, the pleasure is all mine little lass," Zeff replied, shaking your smaller hand with his bigger one. "It's nice to finally meet the girl that Sanji raves on about all the time."
From his peripheral, he could see Sanji stiffen.
Your eyes widened, your hand going limp in his as you asked, "Raves on about? Who, me? T-to you?"
Zeff's smile only grew wider and more cheeky. "Oh yeah, all the time," he said casually, as you both dropped hands. He placed his hands on his hips again and nodded towards his son. "You should see just how much of his letters are about you. It's like I get a damn novel every other month about your relationship," he joked.
"Zeff-" Sanji started but Zeff wasn't done.
He was on a roll and nothing was going to stop him. The more he spoke, however, the redder your face became.
"Oh yeah," the head chef continued, "from as much as Sanji talks about the two of you, I thought you two were in a relationship and said 'I love you' to each other already."
After he said that, the room got quiet. You stood there, completely frozen with wide eyes and a flushed face, like a deer in headlights, while Sanji stood as still as a statue. The rest of the straw hats stood quietly behind you three with varying looks of shock and awe on their faces at the display before them.
"Sanji," Luffy said, breaking the awkward silence first. "You love y/n?"
"Luffy!" Nami hissed.
"I knew it!" Usopp loudly and proudly declared, pointing a finger to the sky as he turned and laughed at the rest of the crew. "See, the great captain Usopp always knows the sparks of true love whenever he sees it," he said, hooking his thumbs at the top of his overalls with a grin.
Zoro snorted and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, right. You wouldn't know what true love looked like even if it smacked you in the face."
"Says the guy who doesn't have a girlfriend," Usopp smugly retorted with a laugh.
Before Zoro could say anything back, Zeff spoke up. "Hey, straw hats," he called, grabbing their attention. "Why don't you lot come into the kitchen and sit at the chef's table? I'll have Patty and the rest of 'em cook you a couple of steaks however you want, on the house. I'll even throw in a couple of beers too."
"I'm in," Zoro said without missing a beat as he started making his way towards the kitchen, not needing to be asked twice.
"Ooo, free beers? Show captain Usopp the way, please," Usopp said, following Zoro through the kitchen doors.
At the mention of meat, Luffy immediately perked up and forgot about the situation before him. "Steaks? Would it be possible to have more than one?"
"Sure," Zeff agreed easily and nodded towards the kitchen. "Eat too many though and I'll have you back on dish duty again to pay your bill."
"Deal," Luffy quickly agreed and followed after his first mate and sharpshooter.
With a shared look, Nami and Zeff started making their way towards the kitchen together, both ignoring you and Sanji.
"How do you like your steak cooked Nami?" Zeff asked conversationally before disappearing behind the kitchen's double doors.
"Medium rare, actually," Nami replied and slipped in after him, leaving you and Sanji all alone in the dining room.
It was quiet for a solid minute, neither one of you moving or making a sound.
"So," you started, clearing your throat and looking over at Sanji. "You, uh... told Zeff about me?"
But Sanji couldn't look at you. In fact, he was looking at everywhere but you. His cheeks were flushed pink and the tips of his ears were red. He looked down at the ground with his hands on his hips.
"Yeah," he said, forcing out a slight laugh that sounded more painful than anything. "I, uh, told him a bit about you. Could you tell?" he asked, a hint of painful and playful sarcasm in his tone.
You couldn't help but laugh at his attempt at a joke. You could feel your heart start to race as you slowly took a couple of steps closer to him. "Yeah, I could tell," you replied playfully. "You really love me, Sanji?" you asked him softly after a beat.
Turning his head to the side, you could see a blush crawl up his neck. It was so cute, you don't think you've ever seen Sanji be this flustered or embarrassed before. "Uh, well," he stammered, "I-I didn't want you to find out like this. I had a plan and everything. But Zeff and his big mouth had to ruin-"
"Sanji," you said simply, cutting him off. "Look at me."
Before obeying your command, Sanji took a deep breath, like he was bracing himself for the inevitable letdown and rejection he was used to receiving from women throughout his life.
When he looked down at you and met your stare, his eyes were filled with apprehension. "Yes?"
You wanted to do nothing in that moment but quelch his fears. "Oh, just come here," you said.
In one swift motion, you grabbed him by his tie and pulled him down into a kiss, capturing his lips with your own. You felt him stiffen in surprise, but once it hit him that you were, indeed, kissing him, he immediately relaxed and put his hands on either side of your face, his fingers entangling themselves into your hair, deepening the kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck, your mouth moving in sync as you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach.
Was this real life?
After a moment, you pulled apart, panting slightly for air. You both looked at each other, faces flushed, neither one of you expecting to share your first kiss in the middle of the empty Baratie dining room.
"I love you too."
The smile that broke out across Sanji's face was brighter than the sun. But before he could say anything, you both could hear Usopp yelling from inside the kitchen.
"Guys! They kissed! See, I told you they would!" He declared loudly before turning away from the small circular window. "Zoro and Nami, you each owe twenty berry! Come on, pay up!" he laughed like a high roller that just won big, making his way back into the kitchen.
At the sound of loud protesting and groaning coming from the kitchen, you giggled, hiding your face in his chest from embarrassment.
"Oh god," you groaned.
"Aw come now, no need to be embarrassed, Madam," Sanji teased. "If they're placing bets on us, might as well give them a show to bet on, yeah?"
When you peeked up at him, you could see a mischievous glint in his eye as he scanned over your pretty face and back down to your lips before looking back into your eyes. His look made your heart skip a beat.
"Sounds like a plan to me," you answered with a small laugh before you pulled him back down to kiss him all over again.
taglist: @smolracoon25 @shadydeanmuffin @cherrypie5 @sauceonmyshorts @hhighkey @gimmebackmyskeeball @he4vens-ang3l @selcouthaesthetics @chexmixtrys @princettecharlie @amitydoodlez @abracarabbit @the-maladaptive-daydreamers @mischiefmanaged71 @asianfrustration13 @shuujin @nimtano @your-platonic-gay-lover @lovelymrvl @browneyedhufflepuff @stevenknightmarc @deserticwren
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Sneaking around
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Pairing: Billy Russo X F!Reader
Summary: You've been sneaking around with Billy, and your brother finds out. Brother's best friend trope.
Reader can be read as Frank's biological sister or just adopted/raised together, whatever your heart desires
Warnings: explicit sexual content, minors dni, oral (fem receiving), fingering, unprotected sex (be responsible, wrap it), p in v, billy is really fucking filthy, bit of slapping creampie, bit of physical violence, language
WC: 3k
A/N: Yay more billy! hes my favourite toxic murderer, so here we are. I also love the brothers best friend trope so I had fun writing this. hopefully it doesn't flop. Enjoy.
Billy Russo Masterlist
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Billy Russo was relentless, he was a man that knew exactly what he wanted and didn’t stop until he got it. And right now, he was getting exactly what he wanted. You, on your back, legs wide open and thrown over his shoulders as he fingered you open and his tongue abused your sensitive clit for the second time that day. And he honestly didn’t care about the amount of trouble he was going to be in with your brother. 
“Fuuck. Billy please.” Your broken voice filled his ears and he could only growl in response.
His own noises sent vibrations through your core that had you digging your heels into his shoulder blades as one of your hands fisted his tousled chocolate locks, holding him against you. He took your vigor kindly as it only made him want to send you over the edge even more. He slammed his fingers into you, his palm rutting against you as he sucked on your clit. His long fingers curled against that perfect spot that made your thighs shake, and he was shaking his head from side to side as he sucked on your swollen nub, sending you into a shaking fit of sobs and moans of his name as your release coated his face and hand. 
His fingers left you slowly, making sure you felt every second of it. His mouth was still on you, his tongue circling over your clit until you were pushing his head away, your body still slightly twitching. You felt him leave a kiss to the inside of your thigh, his beard leaving a delicious burn on your skin as he crawled over you, his body laying between your still shaking thighs.  
“You did so good baby,” He praised, his lips attaching to that one spot on your neck he knew drove you insane. And you could only moan in response, “You’ve been such a good girl today. Want me to fill you up, hm? That what my sweet girl wants?”
You were sure your bottom lip was bright red and swollen from how hard you were biting it and you nodded a bit too quickly. “Please Billy.”
You felt him grin against your skin, and he hummed in acknowledgement before tugging his boxer briefs down his hips. And he filled you in an instant, your previous orgasms allowing him to slip in his cock with ease. Your jaw fell open in an instant and your toes curled at the delicious drag of his cock. And Billy was already closing his eyes at the feeling of your walls clenching around his cock.
“Fuck baby,” He groaned, the sound filling your ear as he lifted his head from your neck to watch the way your face twisted with pleasure with each drag of his cock. “You’re already squeezing the shit outta my cock and I’ve barely touched you. This pretty little pussy was made just for me hm?”
His words came out in a slur to you, your brain being completely consumed by the feeling of him, all you could think about how good he was making you feel, you weren’t really listening to what he was saying. He watched your face, enjoying the way he could absolutely make you fall apart to the point of not even being able to speak, but he also liked pushing your limits, as far as you would let him of course. And just as he gave you a particularly sharp thrust, he slapped your cheek softly, with just enough force to make you open your eyes.
“Hm? I asked you a question.” The low darkly tone in his voice made you inhale sharply. You stared at him with big eyes and your lips parted, whimpering softly every time you felt his cock hit that perfect spot, but you eventually nodded. “Yeah?”
You nodded again, your back lifting off the mattress as you felt yourself get closer and closer to your orgasm, “Yes. Yes. Yes.” 
He took your weak and pathetic sounds with pride, a smug smirk tugging at his lips as he leaned down, throwing your legs high over his torso. He gripped your chin and happily took in your cries, his nose brushing against yours and his lips ghosting over yours, his own grunts filling the room. His cock hit so impossibly deep, making your legs shake each time he brushed through your walls. Fuck you were so close, and you knew he was too. 
He dragged his other hand above your head, fist clenched tightly around one of your pillows as the burning feeling of your blunt nails dragged down his back, “Yeah just like that darlin’. Just like that.” 
You were absolutely gone, in a different dimension entirely. The only thing you could hear was the sound of slapping skin mixed with your own cries and Billy’s groans. And then, something else rang in your ears.
“What the fuck.” Billy groaned in annoyance, his eyes landing on his phone sitting on your nightstand, right next to your bed. He lifted his head and he could see the screen light up, but he couldn’t see the name on the screen. His jaw ticked in annoyance but he reached over to grab it regardless.
You quickly noticed too, as soon as his movements stopped and you took a deep breath, eyes opening to glare at him, “Billy.”
“Shh, it’s your brother.” Your eyes immediately widened when he said that and your jaw dropped. But you gave him a panicked look when he actually answered. You were about to yell at him to hang up, but he was already answering the call. “Hey Frank. What’s up?” 
This wasn’t exactly how you had planned your afternoon. You remembered, soon enough, that you weren't, in fact, supposed to be with Billy right now, because you had made plans with your brother. But the second you saw Billy standing at your door, your mind completely erased any other plans you had. And you knew damn well your brother would commit mass murder if he found you were fucking his asshole of a best friend. And you should’ve known better, but Billy was a man that got everything he wanted, and he was absolutely crazy about you from the day that he met you. You had been going out with Billy for months now, in secret of course. Which was getting harder and harder to do each day. Especially when he would do things like this. And you probably should’ve texted Frank as soon as Billy showed up, but you blamed him for that, you honestly didn’t even know where your phone was.
“Nah bro, I haven’t seen your sister.” He said, somehow, lying perfectly through his teeth as his cock still sat inside you. How, you had no idea. He held the phone to his ear with one hand as he listened, but his eyes never left you and you could see the devious look in those pitch black eyes you adored. “Shit really? I dunno, maybe she’s busy or somethin’.” 
Just as he said those words he drew his hips back and without faltering, he slammed into you again. You cried out in surprise, but he saw it coming, so he slapped his other hand over your mouth, stifling the sound completely. He looked at you with big warning eyes as he gave you another thrust that had you squirming under him. You don’t know exactly how long he had you like this, or how long he stayed on the phone, somehow, his voice not once faltering or breaking aside from the occasional sigh. 
“Listen, if I hear from her, I’ll let you know alright? Don’t worry about it too much, I’m sure she’s just fine.” Oh this motherfucker. You were anything but fine. You were clutching his wrist so hard you just knew it would leave a mark and you were so close that tears were filling your eyes. You hated that he could make you feel so embarrassed yet so good at the same time. 
“Goddamn.” He finally groaned out, tossing his phone somewhere he couldn’t care about right now. His hand left your mouth and he leaned on his forearms as he dropped his head, all the self control he had completely leaving him.
“You asshole.” You managed to say before a high pitched cry ripped from your throat when he slammed into you, picking up the same pace he had prior to his phone ringing.
“I never said I was gonna stop.” He laughed, his head falling to your neck as he cradled your head with one hand, the other dropping between your bodies to rub harsh circles on your clit. “You did so good. And good girls get to come. C’mon, let go for me.” 
He didn’t have to tell you twice. Your orgasm hit you hard. He held you as your body shook under him, nails digging into his shoulders as you fell into a fit of sobs. His name slipped from your lips over and over as your walls squeezed his cock so hard it made his eyes roll into the back of his head. His mouth fell open, low moans falling from him as he fucked you through your orgasm. He dug his fingers into your hips, most likely to leave his own marks on your skin as his hips faltered. He gave you one, maybe two more thrusts before he fell still, cock twitching as he spilled himself inside you.
“Fuuck baby,” He groaned softly, lips dragging lazily over your jaw as he sat still, his pants joining yours. "You're gonna be the death of me.” 
You laughed softly, eyes closed as you dragged your fingers through his disheveled dark strands, “That, or Frank might kill you too.”
He sighed out a laugh and nodded, lifting his head enough to press a kiss to your lips, “Mhm, that too. But after a fuck like that, I’d die a happy man.”
You scrunched up your face, snorting softly at his vulgar words and you lightly smacked the back of his head, which only made him laugh even more. “Billy Russo, such a romantic. I bet you seduce all of them with that mouth.”
“Got me here didn’t it?” He grinned, his chin resting on your chest as he looked up at you with that stupid cheeky look on his face, and God you hated that he was right.
You narrowed your eyes at him, lips pursed and you rolled your eyes at him, “Alright get dressed. I’m gonna get cleaned up.”
You pressed a quick kiss to his lips, but he grabbed your chin, squeezing it as he pulled you into a deep kiss. And he didn’t pull away until he had you whimpering against his mouth, only then he moved away, pulling out of you in the process. He was going to be the death of you, if your brother didn’t kill you first.
You surprisingly managed to get yourself to the bathroom, by yourself, your legs were a bit wobbly but still stable enough to walk. You managed to find your panties and a shirt, which you figured was good enough for the time being. Now the task was finding your phone, which you knew was in one of your pockets, in the pair of jeans that BIlly had taken off you and tossed somewhere in your living room. You mentally cursed at him for that as you walked around your living room, trying to find your phone. A minute or two had gone by when you heard a string of rapid knocks on your door. You frowned softly, but your mind immediately went into panic mode. Shit. Frank.
You were praying that Billy didn’t decide to come out of your room before you could tell him. You heard another knock and immediately ran to the door. You ran a hand through your hair hoping to fix the clearly disheveled mess before you opened the door to reveal a not so happy looking Frank.
“The hell have you been? I’ve been calling you for hours. Are you okay?” He asked sternly, face fixed into a frown as he looked you over, looking for any injuries or anything alarming. 
You swallowed a bit, and nodded, “Yeah I’m fine. Sorry, I fell asleep, and I don’t know where I left my phone.” 
Frank invited himself into your apartment, and you scrambled after him, praying to a higher power that Billy definitely didn’t decide to come out now. Frank stood in the middle of your living room, looked around for a long minute before he turned to look at you.
“You were sleeping? You look like you got tossed across a room.” He frowned, taking in your mess of hair, stained makeup and flustered state. He gave you a suspicious look but you played off his words with a scoff.
“Oh wow, that’s so sweet of you to say. I sleep like shit, alright? Damn.” You deflected, folding your arms over your chest with a frown on your face. 
Frank looked at you for another second, his expression softened a bit and he sighed out. He opened his mouth, and was about to speak again, when another voice filled the room and fuck you wanted to die right there and there.
“Baby, have you seen my—” Billy came into your living room, completely shirtless and his eyes were down as he did his belt, but as soon as he looked up all the color drained from his face. He stood frozen, eyes big as he looked at Frank. And you could see the gears turning in Frank’s head, and you saw the exact moment when bloody violent murder flashed through his face. And Billy saw the same thing. “Shit. Frank, hey, no. Hey—” 
Frank was lunging at Billy before you could even say anything, and a hard fist met with Billy’s jaw in an instant. He stumbled a bit, but recovered quick enough to dodge the next punch and the one after that. He held his arms out in defense, not really trying to fight his best friend, but not trying to get his ass beat either, it wasn’t until you stepped in the middle of both of them that Frank stopped throwing punches, but he was fuming.
“Frank, Frank please just hold on a minute let me-”
“You’re fucking my sister?” He shouted at Billy, completely ignoring you.
“Well, not right now.” Billy answered, holding his throbbing jaw. Frank gave him this unhinged look that just screamed murder and he went to lunge at Billy again, but you stood in front of him, holding your hands out to keep some distance between the two of them. You looked at Billy over your shoulder and narrowed your eyes at him, and he sighed out. “Frank, man, listen. Lemme explain, this—”
“Explain my ass. She’s my little sister! I’m gonna kill you, you son of a bitch.” 
“Hey!” You shouted at Frank, making him actually look at you this time. You took a deep breath and took a step forward. “Let us explain, please.” 
He looked down at you, his face twisting with anger, but his eyes were slightly softer now. He clenched his jaw, and his fists were also clenched at his sides, but he said nothing, so you continued. 
“Listen, this, I want this. Me and Billy, we’ve been dating for months. And I’m happy, so please, could you not, kill him? I kind of need him for the relationship to work.” You sighed softly, smiling a bit as you looked at your brother, hoping he could see you were being genuine. 
He looked at you for a long minute before he looked at Billy with a hard look in his eyes, but still said nothing as he glared at Billy. Billy took a deep inhale and stepped in front of you, his expression as serious as he could possibly be as he looked at Frank.
“Frank, brother, I know I don’t have the best track record but, I’m serious about this. I’d never hurt her. I oughta shoot myself first, I swear.”
“Or I will.” Frank said through gritted teeth, his expression not changing for a second, and you honestly thought he was going to punch BIlly again, but after a long silence he sighed heavily. “Bill, I’m only gonna say this once, if you ever so much as make her cry, I will shoot you in the neck.”
Billy couldn't help sigh out a chuckle of relief and he bit lip softly as he looked at Frank for a second before he looked at you, “I think she would shoot me first.”
You smiled softly, reaching out to grab Frank’s hand and squeezed it softly, “Thank you, really.”
Frank pursed his lips, his face still hard, but his eyes were much softer now, you no longer saw anger and bloody murder, you just saw your protective big brother. He ultimately nodded, “Yeah yeah. Just call me when you’re both dressed. You and I gotta talk.” He said to you with a small groan as he moved away from you, stopping next to Billy and he narrowed his eyes, “I gotta talk with you too.” 
Neither you or Billy said nothing as Frank left, and only then did he reach out to grab you. He grabbed your arm and with a long sigh pulled you to his chest. “Well that went well.”
He laughed softly at your words and shook his head, “Yeah. Best case scenario he might stab me in the throat in my sleep, a pretty quick death. That’s good right?” 
“You’ll be okay, I’m sure your marine self can figure out a way to live.” You giggled softly, arms wrapped around his torso as you rested your chin on his chest and looked up at him, brushing a delicate finger over the red mark on his jaw you knew would bruise in a few hours. “At least we don’t have to sneak around anymore.” 
He nodded, resting a hand on the side of your face as he bit the inside of his cheek in thought, “True, but he might still break my jaw if I touch you too much.”
You snorted softly and shrugged, “It’s a work in progress.”
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kooahae · 1 year
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After Last Night: The First Date
So...I got encouraged about starting the ALN drabble series since I kind of hinted at it, and received feedback to do so...you voted and the first date wins!
Summary: It’s official! Jungkook wants to have the perfect first date. 
Pairing: best friends to lovers, Jungkook X female reader 
Warnings: None really, maybe a few curse words, light choking during a kiss, This is really fluffy and cute. Jungkook is a simp and we love that for OC! Pet names, kissing, just super cute!
Word count:3K -got carried away bc I love them :)
Read part 1 here if you haven't already <3
Read the next drabble here
It’s been about two weeks since he asked if he could be your boyfriend. He has been busy with work and everything, but he’s still made time for you. He just knows you deserve more than cuddles and sex -not that he hates either of these by any means. Jungkook has been on his A-game the whole time. He's made sure to plan the most perfect date. You haven’t pressured him about one, but he still feels he should treat you like a princess.
He had Jimin call up Yoongi- who is really hard to get ahold of. Partially because he’s revealed he plans on expanding on the restaurant he owns with Jungkook’s older brother. Luckily today, Yoongi had a bit of free time. He even tried Taehyung, but he was busy helping Namjoon set up a new space. Namjoon left the company due to Seojun’s promotion. Hobi was out of town working on some fashion pieces for his upcoming collection. Your brother was way too obvious, and If he had tried his older brother Jin- you really would have known. So yup, that leaves Yoongi. 
Jungkook’s currently in the flower shop getting a custom bouquet of both of your birth flowers. He was still stuck on what color paper to get them wrapped in.  He swears he didn’t know it would be this difficult. He just wants you to be impressed, he wants you to feel like you made a good choice trusting him with your heart. So today has to be perfect!
“Hi, do you need help?” An elderly woman approaches him at the perfect time. Paying attention to her clothes, Jungkook can tell she works here. 
“Uhh…Yeah what color paper should someone get, does stuff like that matter?” He asks her as he looks at all the different ones in front of him 
Jungkook has bought flowers before, but he never went to an actual florist for them to make his own bouquet combo. He would just buy someone the ones in a grocery store most of the time. 
The older woman chuckles “You’re asking about paper? She must be special, I’d get a neutral-colored paper so it doesn’t take away from the flowers. Plus, you’re gonna put them in a vase. Don’t think too much.”
He nods. She’s right, this is her field of knowledge anyway. 
He’s still not satisfied though. 
“Mmm, can I double the amount of flowers? This doesn’t seem like enough.”  he rubs his palms against his jeans, his bottom lip poking out at the bouquet in front of him. He’s down bad, and there simply aren’t enough flowers to give someone as pretty as you. 
“A big bouquet? she’s definitely special! Sure thing. I’m gonna take a guess and say you’re the tiger lily in the situation?” She questions him gathering more flowers. 
He runs his hands through his hair and looks down at his shoes. Damn, he really is obvious. It’s not his fault, he just loves you that much. “How did you know?” He questions. 
“You have smitten lover boy written all over you. You’re worried about paper. I’ve never seen someone so stuck on that. Most men just let me wrap them in whatever, or choose black.” She continues. “Would you like to add a message?”
He nods and takes the pen and card from her. Writing a simple and sweet message. He pays, thanks her for the help, and makes his way
His next stop is setting up the rooftop of your favorite childhood hideout.  He even asked Jimin and his mom for baby pictures of you both to put into a snow globe. He’s been coming here thirty minutes before work every day to make sure the floor was swept, the area was free of any trash or things that could make you fall. You guys haven’t been here in a while. 
He decides to check in with his older brother Jin, to see if he thinks what he’s planned is a good idea.
“Hello?”- thankfully he answered his call. 
“Hey hyung, are you busy? Do you have a moment?” Jungkook is desperate for a second opinion. 
“Sure. What’s up?”
“I’m really nervous. I know you’re probably tired of me calling you about my girlfriend, but can I tell you what I’ve planned? Can you tell me if I’m being a little paranoid about her not liking it ?” He says while glancing over his work, phone pressed to his ear, scuffing his feet as he walks to have a seat. 
“Sure Kook, go ahead. I’m listening. Also not tired of hearing about your girlfriend, yet. At least this is one I actually love, and approve of.” Jin really does love you, you’re like his little sister in a sense. Always at the house to spend time with his baby brother as a kid. He’s fond of you for sure. 
“A rooftop dinner, at our childhood hideout”
There’s nothing but silence. 
“Uhh…Hyung…why haven’t you said anything? Is It childish?” Jungkook is really nervous. What is taking Jin so long to answer?
“I’m here. You had more than one so I had to think. The one on the roof? That’s cute man! “ Jin’s impressed. That’s a good sign. 
“Yes, that one! I made a bunch of her favorite foods, set up a projector for movie night, and got a flower bouquet It’s a mix of our birth flowers, and bean bags for the movie, I also got her a gift but like is that too much?” He’s really questioning it all. Normally Jungkook wouldn’t be so unsure. You’re just his everything. You fill him with a great sense of joy. Getting this right is crucial. 
“She’s going to love it.” His brother states on the other end of the phone calming your boyfriend down. 
“You’ve known her your whole life, don’t be so scared Kook. You know her better than anyone else and luckily she feels the same way. Be yourself, that’s who she fell for.” Jin tells him. 
“You’re right hyung! Thank you for always listening to me. I know I’m a lot.” Jungkook makes sure he expresses his gratitude. He’s thankful for Jin. Truly means it. 
“Yes, you are a lot. Now make her the happiest girl on earth.”
“Will do!” Jungkook states before hanging up. He takes one last look around. Everything is finally in place. So he gets up and then heads home to change.  
Once he gets home he takes his phone out to text you. He forgot to check in with you while he was on the rooftop. 
-Hey baby, how’s your day going? 
Naekkeo🤍🪽: I miss you and I’m hungry!
Yoongi won’t feed me! He’s being weird, can we order dinner?
Jungkook smiles as he reads your message. Yoongi must be getting asked a million questions about food right now. He can already see your frown forming about the lack of nutrients in your body. In your defense, Yoongi does own a restaurant with Jungkook’s older brother Jin. Being food-deprived by him is weird. He decides to play it cool when he responds, but he’s also honest. 
- I can’t wait to hear about your day in person. As far as dinner, of course. See you when you get here!
Jungkook hurries and changes into something comfortable. He knows sweatpants and a hoodie seem crazy for a rooftop dinner and movie. It’s one of his more expensive ones though and he also knows you’re gonna want to cuddle while watching a movie, and that rooftops get a little chilly. He should be himself like Jin said. 
 He finally hears the door open and smiles at the sound of you walking in. He knows you’re doing your usual entrance routine with Bam. Teaching Bam to give you high fives was the coolest thing when he was a puppy. It’s cute that you still make sure he’s included when you walk in. It’s really nice to have you back home too.  
You finally walk into the room and see your boyfriend smiling at you as he sits on the bed, you climb onto his lap and kiss him. 
“Missed you so so much!” you’ve been waiting all day to see him. The excitement in your voice is evident. 
“I missed you too baby.” He says and then he watches you sit your head back up, noticing your brows are now furrowed in. 
“Wait, why are you dressed and not in home clothing? What’s the reason for this shirt blocking my view?” You ask him, tilting your head. You try and lift his shirt but he swats your hand away, cracking up in the process. 
“You can see me shirtless later! You’re about to change into something too. My hoodie is over there. You can keep your jeans on, but I recommend wearing sneakers.”
You tilt your head some more and Jungkook kisses the middle of your forehead.
“Always worrying. I’m taking you to dinner. Go change.” He pats you lightly on the butt.
You smile and get up. Dinner out of the house sounds like fun. You wouldn’t care if it was fast food. You genuinely love spending time with him. Always have. 
You throw on his hoodie and your sneakers since he recommended it. He holds his hand out for you to take, and you both head to his car. Once you’re both inside Jungkook starts searching for something. 
“Ah almost forgot. Blindfold time.” He says flashing a smile, his nose scrunching a little. 
“If you’re trying to kill me for taking so long to be your girlfriend, Jimin will find you.” You joke and he laughs. 
“No one is dying here. If you’re gone, then I can’t be your boyfriend. That would suck.”  He assures you but then continues. “What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t take you on a proper date, hmm?” 
That makes you smile, per usual. You really weren’t expecting a date today. You would have prepared more, but you trust him. He would tell you if you looked crazy leaving the house for sure. Plus, you’re kind of already done up from hanging out with Yoongi.
“Anything you do is great. You would be a mediocre boyfriend though.” You say while pointing at him agreeing. You’re so cute. 
“And I don’t want that. I want to be the world’s best boyfriend. Come here.” He responds
You let him slide the blindfold over you, stealing a kiss before he can adjust the tightness to make sure you can’t peak. 
“You barely hesitated to let me put that on you. You probably like that, don’t you?”He’s laughing. Something you’ll never get tired of hearing. You pick up on his little comment though. 
You reach to feel for his arm since you can’t see, and once you do find it, you slap him playfully. 
“You’re always being kinky!” You say and he laughs some more. 
“You literally tried to strip me of my clothes a few minutes ago on the bed.” Fair point.
“I just wanted a peak!” You can’t even see him but it’s making your heart flutter. Putting one hand on your thigh as he puts the car in gear.
“Okay, I’m gonna open your door, and crouch down to get on my back, okay baby?”
“You keep calling me baby, only future husbands can do that .” You say as you follow his instructions crouching down. 
“That’s not a problem for me at all. Been waiting my whole life for a chance. We can get married.” He is serious, whether you believe him or not. He doesn’t mean now of course but eventually, he’d love it. 
If Jungkook knows how to do anything- he knows how to make your cheeks red and have you smile like an idiot. You wish you could see his face right now. He probably has a smile as big as yours on his own. 
Once you’re on his back he starts walking and you recognize the movement of him going up some steps. You smile to yourself. He really could have told you to walk but he’s carrying you up flights of stairs, on his back. How can he be so manly but so cute all the time?
“Okay, we are here. I’m gonna sit you down now.” He crouches down and lets you off. You’re safely in the middle. 
“I wanna see!” You say. The amount of enthusiasm you have makes Jungkook’s heart skip. Seriously, Why are you so cute? He’ll have to remember to thank your mom another time for making you. 
He hurries and walks to the table he set up to get the flower bouquet and then he walks to you. Undoing your blindfold and smiling. 
“It’s officially our first date, I wanted to surprise you.” He sing-songs looking at you with the biggest smile on his face. Stretching his arms out to hand you a bouquet. It’s beautiful, just like him. The message with them makes you feel warm inside. 
’Thank you for choosing me, 
I am so happy that it’s finally us!  
HAPPY FIRST DATE TO  MY GIRLFRIEND  (never gonna get tired of calling you that)
- Koo &lt;3 ’ 
As you look around, you feel your eyes get teary and then you smile and look at him. 
“Jungkook! This is so nice!!” You say and reach for his face, kissing him softly on the lips. 
“ I just want you to know I feel really lucky to be your boyfriend.” He holds you close to his chest
“Kook, you really did all this for me?” You say peeking up at him. Jungkook looks down at you. Your pretty eyes glancing back at his. You’re always going to be his type. 
He smiles and nods his head proudly. “Well yeah… because I love you.” He says matter of factly. 
You return his smile. “I love you. I feel really lucky to be your girlfriend.”
“It’s me who should be thanking you for always sticking by my side. You have no idea how horrible things feel when you aren’t there with me. You deserve all of this and more.” He says kissing your forehead. 
You’re now situated on the bean bags while the projector plays movies. Sitting in his lap-Just like he knew you would be.
“Do you remember when we found this place? ” He asks you as he holds you, bringing your hand to his lips to kiss it. 
“Yeah, I remember someone dragging me up a weird staircase at ten years old..” You giggle and poke his chest while looking up at him. 
“In my defense, we used to love a good adventure. It wasn’t anything too dangerous. We always stood in the middle. We always take the staircase that leads up here and not the ladder, it’s been a foolproof plan for a while.” He points out and brushes your hair out of your face. You guys have been reminiscing all night. The food was excellent, so now you’re paying minimal attention to the movie. He kisses your cheek and then he just stops. He’s staring at you…
“You’re just really fucking cute.” He says as he leans to kiss you passionately. Jungkook continues “And I’m glad you liked my idea, I spent all day trying to impress you. This just worked out way better than I expected.” He holds you tightly and then remembers something…
He didn’t even show you the snow globe he got to commemorate the occasion. He was too busy making sure you were eating.  He will never forget your face when he got you the first one, he also broke that one but…it was an accident.  He swears! He just finds it cute how happy you get every time he gives you one.
You part your mouth interrupting his thoughts. “I’ve been impressed by you my whole life, you have officially ruined me for any other guy. I was impressed back then, I’m impressed now.” You make sure he understands, as your fingers play with the zipper on his jacket. 
“Thank you, I’m glad that you love me just as much as I love you.” He says again smiling. He’s been doing that a lot lately. So have you. You’re with the right person and it couldn’t feel any better. 
 “You have a present on the table and I forgot to give it to you.” He’s looking at you. Dimples on display, eyebrows raised and another cute little grin is plastered across his face. 
Your head shoots up, so he stands up leading you to the table. Then hands you the box to unwrap the snow globe. A childhood picture of you and a young Jungkook in matching panda onesies from his 4th birthday. You’ve been asking for this photo for years and he always told you no because it was his favorite. 
“Koo! Oh my god! You really are gonna let me have this?”
He nods yeah one more time. He watches you shake the snow globe and skip around out of happiness. He’s happy just watching you enjoy it. Your joy shines through in this moment. He loves it. He loves you.
“If four-year-old me knew the girl who spilled banana milk on my panda pajamas would be the love of my life. He might’ve smiled more in this picture, instead of sticking his tongue out at you.” He says wrapping his arms around you from behind. 
“Interesting, you put your tongue into my mouth nowadays.” You’re so unserious, What is he gonna do with you?
“Now who’s the kinky one? Come here.” He says as he wraps his hand around your neck tilting your head upward lightly choking you as he swallows your moans into the kiss pushing his tongue into your mouth. 
“Proving me right?” You say raising one eyebrow and he nods his head yeah while grinning. Then pecks you one more time on your lips and kisses the tip of your nose. 
“One more gift.” He says. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a Jewelry box for tonight’s final touch - a necklace with his initials on it. He carefully places it around your neck. 
“There.” He says kissing the crook of your neck. 
You reach and touch the JK that now sits perfectly on your chest. Jungkook Is the man of your dreams. No question about it. 
“I love this! I’m never taking it off!” You say spinning in his arms to face him and shower him in kisses
“I got a necklace!” You start kissing his right cheek
“And it’s got my favorite person on it!” Now you’re kissing his other cheek. 
“I’m never gonna..” You say kissing him with all your being.
“Take it off.” He says finishing the phrase for you and smiling at you. You’re both giggling and just smiling at each other as he sways you back and forth in his arms. The fondness between the both of you is obvious. 
You both just stare into each other’s eyes for a while until you break the silence. 
“Wanna go home?” You ask him.  
He pecks your lips one more time spinning you in his arms. Your back is now to his chest. So, he slides his hand over your heart, sits his chin on your shoulder, and whispers into your ear.
“I’m already there.” 
Best. First. Date. Ever. 
Taglist: @diorh0seokie @taesungx @kimber-kook @jennafromhome @joyfulwobblerhoagieegg
331 notes · View notes
queentala · 1 year
Fenrys bedroom headcanons
Fenrys Moonbeam x reader
Oh gods I finally wrote something!!!! 🥳 Ugh, it feels so good. You can see the variety of my emotions while writing those headcanons, going from poetic, through obsessed, to being absolutely done, and then to feeling cute. And also great shout out to @juulle987 that gave me some ideas, kept me motivated and entertained today. This post is dedicated to you, baby ❤️ Anyway, I hope you enjoy this 🥰
Words: slightly over 3k
Warnings: no spoilers wanted so just be aware of a lot of nsfw content
Even though the smart mouth, charming smile, effortless way of being, or simply the pretty face, might cause various spicy inklings and rumors about the White Wolf's abilities in bedroom, (which, pretty much always are at least partially accurate), there is a lot more than just youngish yearning and playfulness underneath his skin. After all, many might know that the beautiful warrior had his persistent spot in Queen Maeve's bed, only few, however, that he did not cherish this "privilege", as she called it.
There is just… so much darkness in Fenrys' soul, that it is impossible to save any aspect of his life from the pain it brings, especially when the said aspect is directly connected to the source of his trauma. 
So no, Fenrys is not the always horny and kinky sex god we make him out to be. 
Okay he is. 
But at least not at the beginning, or even the halfway of the long journey of trying to overcome the demons that haunt him. 
It's going to take a while for him to open up. To trust you. 
Now, most of sa victims are not fond of touch, which is understandable as it triggers the bad memories. But I do think Fenrys would very much need and crave physical contact with his mate/beloved. Especially the soft and comforting type, the one that resumes him that he is loved and sets his skin on fire at the same time. 
It's just that with Maeve he didn't get to experience the featherlike softness which every lover's fingers should have, nor the addicting feeling of trying to grasp as much of each other as possible. And when he finally does, it's like a painkiller for his soul. 
Believe me when I say that Fenrys cannot get enough of your hands in his hair, chests pressed against each other, legs tangled under the sheets… It's not the verbal yes that he gives you when you take off his shirt, but the way he's pressing his cheek into your palm as you caress his face that keeps you going. He's not good with words. How could he when there's a lump in his throat as emotion overtake his ability to make a sound? So instead he lets his body speak. 
At first the sex is soft and intense, full of small gasps, long kisses and sweet words whispered against each other's skin. It's more about just being close to each other than the actual pleasure; the beautiful feeling of getting lost in each other, feeling of security sugared with the bliss caused and boosted by every stroke against the most intimate parts belonging only to the two of you. 
Holding hands also appears to be an important deal for Fenrys; a physical visualization of the trust and safety he feels while in your presence. It definitely adds intimacy, which he very much craves, to the moment and overall is a really sweet gesture that just naturally feels right. 
He always finds a way to connect your palms, no matter the position he has you in, and not even once it failed to work as the motion always turns out sweet, sexy or goofy and either way it's just amazing. 
And even decades into your relationship, when his trauma is just a blurry memory appearing in his nightmares from time to time, holding hands is as important as it was at the beginning of your shared journey. 
Another form of intimacy that Fenrys adores, is morning, cuddly sex. Or in general just cuddly, sleepy sex as we know this guy likes to take a nap during the day. 
It's slow and sloppy, with eyes still closed and face buried in each other's chest or neck, warm covers enveloping and keeping you safe in the small bubble of just you two, free from all the worries of the day. 
It is such a wholesome moment that lets you be close even in the most vulnerable state, plus the atmosphere is so sweet and cozy… Oh and I just know that Fenrys gets all sensitive then, too lost in the feeling to even care and keep the veneer of having some control over his body. 
He. Is. Such. A. Moaner.
Fenrys is vocal, never even trying to muffle the sounds YOU'RE pulling out of him. It feels so divine, so why would he keep it to himself? 
At first it's low grunts and hisses, slipping out of his mouth mindlessly as you clutch him so tightly and good, slowly turning into moans, each louder than the previous one, more desperate, as he's nearing his release. The sweet noises falling right into your ear, broken from time to time by a curse when the pleasure gets overwhelming. 
Now keep in mind that all this happens when he's the one on top, so when he's trying to keep himself together. 
I don't think Fenrys would be into the dom/sub dynamics due to his trauma; neither being at someone's mercy nor having someone absolutely helpless underneath really appeals to him. However, the top/bottom thing absolutely does appear in your bedroom. 
Being under Maeve's command for a century, it's rather reasonable that Fenrys would like to be a top and have control over the situation. (I even had a discussion with someone about this on my blog if you'd like to read more into it.) So while neither of you have more or less power over the other during sex, most of the time it's Fenrys that initiate, choose and control things. 
However, I'm a firm believer that Fenrys is a switch.
So with the right person and after the right amount of time, he would give up the control without any worries. And that's when you meet his absolutely new side. 
Like I already hinted, Fenrys gets sensitive and it doesn't take much for him to fall apart. Whether you're riding him, or working your hand or mouth along his length, his moans always somehow get louder and more desperate. 
And oh boy, try to edge him a little bit, and you get two outcomes.
One: you just turned on his playful mode and now he's going to pay you back with twice as much.
Two: he's falling into total submission and gets all whiny, begging you to let him cum because your hand on him feels so good and he can't take it anymore, but you keep teasing him, telling him that only good puppies get to cum and I'm jqhwjhwj 🥴😩
But anyway, back to playful Fenrys.
Of course having so many bad memories with sex, he tries his best to make it as pleasurable and comfortable experience as possible, both for you and him. 
And you know Fenrys, always with mischief in his eye and snarky comments ready for any occasion… I'm afraid his attitude in the bedroom doesn't differ too much. 
He is definitely the type of person to crack the most random joke in the middle of the fun, or stop and collapse into giggles at the weird sound either of you made or when the new position doesn't work quite like it should. 
Do I even have to mention all the dirty jokes he'd come up with? And you know it's not only you that hears them but the whole court. I swear everybody is so effin fed up with them yet it seems like Fenrys, the unbothered king of annoying his decayed ex comrades, comes up with a new joke every time he cums. 
(which is a lot cause the boy's sensitive as fuck but about that later)
He calls you his muse at this point as you're the reason behind most of them.
And if you can imagine Fenrys being playful during sex, then imagine what happens before. Because half of the time it's the tickling sessions that get you into the bedroom, starting as harmless fun and ending up with clothes scattered on the floor and sheets that definitely need to be changed after you're done. 
However I would be surprised hadn't it worked the other way around as well, as if you don't see lighthearted sex with Fenrys turning into a tickling fight then you clearly don't know him. 
Since we're talking about getting started… Fenrys loves you and sex with you, and ya know, you're not just some lover but his beloved, a person truly dear to him. So most of the time he'd want to do everything properly. That's why I dare say he is the king of foreplay. 
Fenrys knows perfectly how to get you into the mood, whether it be more giggly or sexy. He knows all your sensitive places, knows where to kiss and where to bite, what turns you on. 
Of course he enjoys quickies as well, every moment with (in) you is priceless. But why would he narrow himself to doing the bare minimum before entering you when he could have you squirting and begging for his cock?
I already said it in my previous headcanons, and Fenrys said it himself; his tongue is his best feature. So who am I to argue with him? 
This man. Is so fucking amazing at oral, that there's no enough words in the world to describe it. 
He just loves eating you out; love your taste, love the way you're arching and love the sound of your moans. He can spend hours, (and I really do believe I'm not overreacting), slowly drawing his tongue up and down your entrance, eyes closed in pleasure at the way your arousal feels on his lips. 
He absolutely outdoes himself in those moments, making sure no inch of yours is left without his attention. Kissing the soft flesh of your thighs, palms exploring the well known shape of your hips and waist as he fucks you little cunt; switching between your hole and clit, treating one with his lips while his fingers take care of the other. 
Start pulling at his hair and it only keeps him going. 
Just the sight of you falling apart under his touch is enough to leave him hard and ready. (Although, am I the only one that thinks he could cum by just eating you out…? He defo could, couldn't he?)
And just as much as he loves giving, he loves receiving. I already said that Fenrys gets whiny and sensitive when you're on your knees. He'd definitely fist your hair and watch in awe with mouth slightly open how you take his length, too hipnotised by the sight to be aware of the way his body reacts or the sounds slipping from between his lips.
He can hold himself for a pretty long time, but I do believe he wouldn't have any problems with cumming within minutes, especially when you're the one working on him. 
Fenrys might not be the horniest person at the beginning. Like I already said, demons of the past do take a toll on him. But as the years pass by, and with your love that makes him stronger with each day, I think I can say this guy is very much able to find any excuse to have sex. 
Whether it be a few minutes break before one meeting and another, an especially colder day, or just a very beautiful night, Fenrys can and will try to get you to bed as often as possible. 
Oh and I bet he wakes up with a boner almost every morning. Don't ask me why because I don't know, it's just a feeling that he does. What I know, though, is that there's no way he'd handle it himself when you're laying by his side 😏. 
There are three ways to solve this and he's not going to complain either way. 
Feeling comfortable, Fenrys is the first one to experiment and try new things. As long as it doesn't harm either of you, and doesn't trigger any bad memories, he's down for whatever you propose. 
After all, sex is all about fun and pleasure, so why not find as many ways to do so as possible? 
Actually the only things that he is strongly against would be degrading and bondage, besides that he's willing to give everything else a try.
Those that read my previous headcanons will most likely recall the fabulous white, fluffy tail plug and wolf/dog ears to match. 
And as much as I consider my previous hcs a disaster, this is something I stand my ground on. What's more, I do believe Fenrys would be absolutely and thoroughly into roleplays and dressing ups. AND I DARE YOU TO TELL ME I'M WRONG. You can't. 
It's sexy and goofy at the same time, and given that these two adjectives are literally Fenrys' life motto…
He'd love to have you in doggy as you wear the plug, or even more, pressed against the kitchen counter as you decided to wear it (only it) while making him breakfast. Or when you ride him wearing a sexy cowgirl outfit, bouncing on his cock with tits falling out of the tight unbuttoned shirt, tied under your breast. Would he chase you with a lasso through the house before that? You already know the answer. 
And do I even have to mention Fenrys in the play boy or maid costume?
This man is such a teaser. It goes all the way from leaving small kisses and little touches all over your body for the whole day, to purposely slowing down the peace of his thrusts. 
He'd also strip for you. Painfully slowly taking off each piece of clothing as you watch him with lips watering (I'm talking about both types 👀). And had you shown any type of impatience, he would turn it against you and call you desperate for him, as if he's not taking so long for this exact purpose. 
But when Fenrys finally does crawl his naked frame over you, he makes sure to make all this waiting worth it. He worships you like no one else ever could, touching and kissing every inch of skin he can find, devouring the sight below him with eyes blown with desire, words of admiration slipping out of his mouth like sparks out of bonfire. 
Words might not hold such powerful meaning as actions, but it doesn't make them any less important for Fenrys. Not only does he use every chance he gets to compliment you, more than once not even realizing it, smothering you with praises and pet names whether it be in lovesick awe or overwhelmed with pleasure, but craves to hear those sweet words fall from your mouth directed to him.
He seeks your attention and admiration like a puppy, melting in your palms as you pamper him with love. 
My man is not big on sharing. Even though I'd love to believe that he agrees to bring another person to your bedroom from time to time, especially a man as I whole believe that he is bisexual, I think it would be rather a rarity. Well, he's not interested in other women when you're the only one he needs and wants, and also it would take a lot of time and reassurance for him to share you with another man. But once you talk it through… Dorian would be more than willing, that's for sure. 
Oh, I had some trouble deciding whether he is a boobs or ass guy, and Julle solved within seconds saying that he's both. And yeah, I do see that. 
Fenrys would love sleeping with his face in your breasts, or play with them as you're laying in bed with a book, not paying attention to him so he has to entertain himself. And he loves sucking at your titties, trying to get you to orgasm just by that. 
But at the same time he would waste no opportunity to slap your butt as he walks past or fucking you from behind. Nor would he complain as you sit on his face with full weight. 
Ah and how could I forget? What's a better way to worship your pussy than filling it with cum? Watching his cock slide out white from how full of him you are, seeing his seed leak out and drip down your thighs? 
You know he's trying to put as many puppies in you as he can. 
And as a cherry on top I can offer you naked domestic Fenrys. It is a good thing that he's comfortable, of course it is, however, once he does, he doesn't differ much from a toddler. Run after him with pants all you want, he's not going to put them on, parading through the whole house in all the glory. 
But honestly? Is it so bad? I mean, people pay big money for less effective views, so I wouldn't complain and feast my eyes all I can. 
In this long as toilet paper essay, we came to the conclusion that sex with Fenrys can be sexy, funny, intense, loving and hundreds of other kinds. But what is one thing that they all have in common? ✨ Aftercare ✨ (you can see I'm losing my shit here? Sorry, I'm just tired, maybe I'll rewrite this part tomorrow)
After the fun is over, no matter how long or hard it was, Fenrys will always make sure you're okay before doing anything else. It is his priority to help you come down after your high, asking if you need anything whether it be water, a helpful hand in getting cleaned, a bath or simply snuggles. 
And though he'd never expect from you anything you cannot give, it makes his heart flutter when you do the same thing for him. So maybe ask if he's okay, or play with his hair as he's falling asleep, whispering praises against his forehead, and it would definitely make him happier. 
Fenrys is an amazing lover, thoughtful and passionate, open minded and big on boundaries. He can offer you the whole world and crawl out of his skin to bring you pleasure, and still stop without a second thought when you say no. And he does expect the same thing from you.
Because at the end of the day, consent is the sexiest thing you can give him.
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cattlemons · 2 months
Third Fifth Time's A Charm
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| You and Megumi have been dating for quite some time now. Almost half a year, give or take. Upsettingly enough, he has yet to say his ‘I love you's. This bugs him a bit too much so Megumi is now a man on a mission and that mission just so happens to be about confessing his love to you. Basically the four times Megumi almost dropped the “L” word and the one time that he did. I mean come on, fifth time’s a charm, right?
TW: None, I think? I wrote it with college!au in mind but can be read as just a normal jujutsu kaisen fic Just fluff after posting angst, megumi gets chased by a duck? idk what counts as a tw pls let me know if I should add anything, also actual big boy writing cus word count is 3k.
Crumbs, ducks and hold on a minute... 
It was around October when the leaves were finally falling and the air was brisk. Megumi had decided to take you out for a mini-date before finals week whisks the both of you away, each secluded in their own world of ink and paper. 
It had honestly gone mostly ok and as planned. The usual schtick, really. Compliment your pretty outfit, exchange loving banters on the way there, get to the park and enjoy your time together. Simple and easy, right? 
Megumi and you had just finished eating the sandwiches he’s prepared for the picnic. They were wrapped so neatly in pink patterned paper that you can’t help but swoon at the time and effort it must’ve taken for him to prepare it all. 
Megumi took to the toilet a bit after that, or, he planned to. What he didn’t see coming is the fact that ducks started chasing him around right as he walked past the pond. You soon learned that they were chasing him because of the bread crumbs falling off of his jeans. 
After a few bouts of running on Megumi’s part (and giggles from yours), the ducks finally stopped following him. Opting to squawk at the couple on the other side of the pond that’s actually trying to feed them crumbs and seeds. 
Megumi soon found relief as he sat back down beside you still huffing and puffing from the unexpected marathon he ran. Of course, you being the compassionate girlfriend that you are, did not let him off easy. At least, not without teasing him a bit. 
“You know those ducks have really good taste in men,” you quipped. A few beats of silence pass before the two of you erupt into a fit of laughter. 
You were nearly in tears as you continued to giggle uncontrollably at the mental image of Megumi getting chased and flirted with by ducks. Though you probably won't find your laughing any special, Megumi found it absolutely breathtaking. 
From the way your eyes brighten at the hilarious image to the sound of your held-in guffaws, Megumi just can’t get enough of it. He wants to hear it over and over again. He absolutely loves it. 
And he absolutely loves you.
Wait, huh?
Watson, how do you say “I love you”?
“Finally! No more stuffy libraries and definitely no more books! I’m so happy it’s over,” you yelled as you stretched out your tired back. 
Finals are over and you can now rest without worrying. However, it’s a whole other story for Megumi. He is still stressed out of his mind but not because of the reason you might think. No, he is stressed because he has yet confessed the feelings hidden deep in the recesses of his heart.
I love you. 
Who knew such simple words could drive one mad. Megumi never would’ve thought the stress his feelings would bring could trump the amount of stress an exam would bring but he supposes that he can only be so many times. 
Megumi has decided that maybe he should tell you the three words that have been plaguing his mind. So a few days after some much-needed rest, Megumi proposes a little trip to the art museum. Who were you to refuse such a sweet request?
Dressed in his most academic-looking attire, Megumi readies himself for his little confession, going so far as to script it. 
Yes, today he will confess!
Today he did not confess.
It really was the perfect moment. Megumi feels absolutely horrible for letting such perfect timing pass him by but nothing could be done about it now. 
The perfect timing came by when you were nearing the end of the date. It was a really fun date, possibly one of the best ones so far! Megumi had shown you around the museum, giving fun tidbits of information on each art he sees. You were about to point out how knowledgeable your boyfriend was before it finally clicked. 
“Ah! My dear Watson, I think I’ve solved the mystery. It turns out the Duke of Information, Megumi Noritoshi, has done ample research before this date! Proof in the pudding, Watson, look at his palms,” you teased as you took his hands into yours and pushed back his sweater sleeves to see smeared notes on his earlier “fun facts”.
Megumi’s face turned pink as he flushed at your exposing of his secret. Muttering a small, “Blimey, I’ve been caught!” in response to your little skit. 
Seeing him blush and flustered has you grinning (not that anyone could blame you, it really is a cute sight). Taking your chance, you decide to tease him a bit more. Opting for light nudges of your elbow and soft kisses all over his face. This, of course, did nothing to ease the red spilling all over his cheeks. If anything it painted more colors on his face. 
Once the teasing died down, you decided to maybe be a bit more heartfelt. After all, he did prepare for your date and put in so much effort to learn these facts and information. 
“I might not say this enough but I absolutely appreciate you putting this much effort into our dates… maybe I have not been vocal enough  about these things but I hope you know I really do appreciate you doing this and… I love you,” you mumbled a tad bit quieter than you usually would. You’re even caught sporting a light blush of your own despite you trying your best to keep a nonchalant front. This isn’t your first time telling him you love him but, still, being so heartfelt like this has you blushing.
Megumi smiled at his usually unbothered girlfriend being so, well, bothered. 
Wrapping his hands around your waist, he goes to give you a small peck on the crown of your head before leaning in a bit more to whisper his confession. 
I love you!
Yet the words did not seem to tumble out. Although a bit disappointed in his lack of confidence, Megumi recovered quickly and instead leaned in for a sweet kiss. 
I wonder if fishes have confessions too?
“Megumi look! They’re so pretty,” you exclaimed excitedly as you pointed at a jellyfish swimming past. Megumi nods in agreement though he is honestly paying more attention to you than the exhibit.
Megumi has taken it upon himself to set up another good date  to confess on. Truth be told, he’s had far too many nightmare-ish thoughts about his recent failures in confessing and how he’ll never be able to say it. So, to take action, Megumi decides to take you on another date. This time he decided that maybe visiting an aquarium would be fun!
He is sorely mistaken, unfortunately.
As you continue to walk through the exhibit, you fail to notice Megumi lagging a bit behind you in the aquarium tunnel. Your attention was so fixated by the fishes swimming over your head and on each of your sides, that you missed the sight of your boyfriend darkly muttering (and struggling) on his confession script. 
Or so he thought...
“Honestly, why can’t I just be a fish-”
“Why would you want to be a fish though?” you asked as you leaned in towards him. 
Megumi’s eyes widen in surprise at your sudden intrusion. Megumi supposes that he’s been too lost to the world. He shook his head and just muttered a quiet “never mind”. 
The day continued as you enjoyed your day. You feast your eyes on magnificent sea creatures both great and small; you can’t help but awe at them as a child would. Not that Megumi minded, he thinks you look absolutely adorable when you coo at the sharks or clap at the seals when they would do a trick. However, Megumi couldn’t say he’s enjoying today as much because he continued to struggle with his little confession script, either chickening out at the last minute or completely missing the perfect timing. 
By the end of the day, Megumi decided enough is enough. Under the dim lights of the empty “deep sea” sector of the zoo, Megumi closed his eyes and steeled himself. Summoning every bit of courage he had within him, he blurted out his confession. It was a bit aggressive and loud, perhaps even a bit rushed. 
But he did it-
Megumi opened his eyes, to be greeted not by your soft smile. It wasn’t even your frown. Instead, he was greeted by a fish staring directly at him through the aquarium glass. It seems to be mocking him, almost. And as for you, you were already at the other side of the area, lining up to pay for a souvenir that caught your eyes. 
Ugh, why can’t he just be a fish and blow bubbles at you to show his love? 
Wine is a  poetic mood-setter, right?
Although tired and defeated by his numerous failed attempts, Megumi is not one to give up. This is especially true when it comes to you. So, if one plan fails then best be known he is already running back to the drawing board to come up with a new one.
This time around Megumi decided to pull up on all the stops. Sparing no expense, he reserved a table at one of the city’s most high-end restaurants. I mean what could be more romantic than a late-night wine-and-dine?
To Megumi it’s not the pricey menus that are troubling, nor is it the number of strings he had to pull to get the reservation. Nope. What’s troubling him is the confession he is secretly building up to. You see, it’s been a good handful of months since Megumi came to the realization that he absolutely adores you. 
He loves you.
Yet, somehow, saying it out loud is a whole different league than thinking and coming to terms with it. Something about admitting it and posing vulnerable seems so jarring to him. Of course, you’ve never given him any reason to fear being honest with you. He supposes that if anything were to cause him to be this certain way, then it’s probably the lack of touchy-feely emotions in his childhood. That aside, Megumi is still as determined as ever to tell you that he loves you. This brings us to the current situation. 
Megumi is seated opposite of you, decked in his slickest suit and tie. You had admitted that he looks ridiculously good in his outfit before the dinner (he blushes at the comment). Naturally, you were also in a rather stunning number yourself, with the scandalous-looking outfit only you could possibly pull off. 
As much as Megumi would love to just admire you and enjoy the amazing atmosphere, he has other things currently occupying his head. At first glance, you might’ve thought that he was flustered by your choice of outfit for the night if you didn’t know any better. This is, of course, one of the reasons why Megumi was a bit dazed but sadly that’s not the only reason why. 
You didn’t really connect the dots right away. There are a bunch of little crumbs and pieces that could’ve contributed to Megumi’s flustered and jumpy attitude in this particular evening but nothing defining. 
The evening progressed and more telltale signs showed themselves to you. You could honestly write a meter-long list but to keep it concise, the things you have noticed include Megumi’s inability to look you directly in the eye, the rather incessant twiddling of his thumbs, the stutter that accompanied his usually leveled voice, and finally (and the most telling) is his avoidance of the word “love”. 
Of course, it could all be a coincidence but you think not. Although you didn’t do much to garner his “suspicion”, you’re not daft nor were you ignorant. You knew of his struggles in dropping a particular “L” word. You had honestly known for a while. It’s not that you were a psychic or anything of that sort, it was actually because Megumi had not been the most secretive of his plans. You suppose he intended for it to be a “hush-hush” plan but unfortunately for Megumi, he had a tendency to think out loud when stressed. 
Though you were originally planning to let Megumi off the hook and let him figure things out on his own, you decided that leaving him to wallow on his own is doing more harm than good. So when Megumi choked rather aggressively at his pasta when you said the word “love”, you chose to bring up the topic. 
“So, when are you gonna tell me what’s been cooking up in that head of yours… hmm?”
Megumi’s eyes widened at the question you’ve just asked, though it seems more like a prompt than a question. Megumi looked down to his lap for a second before facing you again, this time sporting an embarrassed flush on his cheeks. 
Megumi struggled to confess before letting out a defeated sigh and a small apology. This caused you to shake your head, not in a dismissive way but in a way to tell him that there’s nothing to be sorry for. 
“Megumi, I know you know I know so I’ll just say it outright,” you huffed before continuing, “I love you’s aren’t something you can or should force out. I’ve said it to you on countless accounts because it comes naturally to me, love. I’m sorry if I’ve ever made you feel cornered into saying it but please know that I don’t mind you taking your time, ok?”
Your little speech was met with a relieved sigh and soon followed by a laugh. You look up to see Megumi’s genuine grin in place, you can’t help but smile at the endearing sight. 
“Ahh, I should’ve known not to stress over these kinds of things when it’s with you, huh? Thanks. I’ll definitely take my time with it.” 
You nodded in agreement at his newfound determination. As much as you wanted to hear those three words tumble out of his lips and uttered to you, you knew better than to rush him into it. And besides, hearing it in full sincerity will definitely be better than hearing a rushed one. With all that said, you and Megumi enjoyed the rest of the evening with wine glasses raised and the air filled with happy chatters and laughs. 
And I thought it was difficult, huh?
A streak of light shone through the gaps in the curtains, making it known to you that it is time to get up already. Or, at least, it would be time to get up had it been a weekday. Thankfully, however, it is the weekend so you can take your time in getting up. While your boyfriend slept soundly beside you, his hand draped loosely over your figure, you can’t help but admire his features. As you did so, thoughts on what happened a while back popped into your head. 
 It’s been a few months since your last dinner date with Megumi and things have calmed down quite a bit. Although Megumi still feels a twinge of guilt from his lack of response whenever you whisper an “I love you”, he does remember your take on this situation, and those few words you spared have done immense work in calming him down. 
As you continue to reminisce on the events that have transpired in the last few months, you failed to notice Megumi stirring awake beside you. You only notice that he’s awake when he’s poking your cheek, asking, no, demanding petulantly for his morning kisses. 
Deciding to tease him a bit while he’s still in his morning daze, you uttered, “Sorry, love. Morning breath.” You went as far as sniffing at his general direction and fanning your hands over your nose and scrunched your nose up in fake disgust. 
Still in a sleepy stupor, Megumi pouts at you and goes to get out of bed. You decide to let your curiosity win and end up following your boyfriend to the bathroom, the cold linoleum tiles doing wonders in waking the two of you up immediately. 
Though he is now much more awake now than a few minutes ago, it didn’t dampen his pout one bit. With the handle of his toothbrush hanging out of his mouth, Megumi babbled on about how his day is now ruined because you wouldn’t let him start it off with a kiss. You only giggled in response, your own toothbrush poking out of your lips. 
Being the menace that you are, you decided to playfully smear Megumi’s face with some toothpaste foam. One thing led to another and soon you two are on the bathroom floor laughing aloud. Somehow his laugh and expressions egged yours on and yours did his which caused a new bout of laughter to erupt every time you’d both fall silent. It went on like this for quite some time but neither of you minded it one bit.  
Now that the laughter has died down a bit, you both exchanged mini banters here and there, still seated on the floor with both your shoulders touching; with toothpaste in your hair and on his cheek. As you giggled at a particular joke Megumi muttered, he felt that odd feeling in his heart again, just like the time in the park and all those other dates he stressed over but this time, before he could stop it, he whispered…
“I love you.”
Your laughter immediately ceased only to be replaced by the happiest grin you’ve ever mustered. With new buzzing energy coursing through you, you tackled Megumi into a hug which effectively knocked the two of you down to the ground but neither you nor Megumi minded.
With his newfound confidence, Megumi repeated the foreign sentence over and over again as if he’s testing it out. He finds that he likes saying it. 
He likes it because your smile widens a bit more when he says it. 
He likes it because you’d give him kisses whenever he says it.
And he absolutely loves it because you’d always say it back to him.
With a wobbly and lovesick grin, Megumi says it one more time for good measure. 
“I love you.” 
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a.n. I did not really proofread this bcs I had classes today and it KO'd me :"(
Hope you liked it!
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rip-quizilla · 6 months
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The Boy is Mine (Hannah's Edition)
Thank you @carolmunson so much for coming up with this awesome prompt! I had a lot of fun writing this one :)
Click here to read the original prompt, here for the masterlist of everyone's different takes on the idea!
Word Count: 3k
Summary: Eddie's romantic night with Chrissy doesn't go as planned, so you do what any good neighbor would do and pull him out of his pity party.
Eddie was an idiot.
He had done everything he could think of to make tonight so romantic that Chrissy would finally see him as something more. See that he was worthy of a girl like her. That he could treat her right, the way a gentleman should. 
Up until now, their relationship had been casual; nothing was set in stone or exclusive. She was free to go on dates with whomever she wanted, they didn’t talk to each other at school or do boyfriend-girlfriend things. Eddie had been fine with that… until he wasn’t. 
He wanted Chrissy to know that he could treat her just as well as her country club boyfriends could. He could be romantic. He was worth more than making out in the back of his van and secret notes stuffed in lockers. 
Today was her birthday, so he’d pulled out all the stops- he’d cleaned the trailer, bought her flowers, made pasta with the fancy parmesan on top. He’d even baked her a birthday cake. Sure, it was funfetti cake mix from a box, but it was more work than Eddie usually went through for a cake. 
“Make yourself comfortable, food’s almost ready!” he gushed when Chrissy had first entered the trailer. She’d taken a seat on the couch, eyes wide as she looked around the kitchen and living room. The coffee table had been cleared of its usual magazines and ashtray, newly set with old yellowed doilies as placemats and silverware, worn porcelain plates with little powder-blue curly cues along the edges…
“Eddie,” Chrissy had said, bewildered. “What…what is all this?”
He’d barely heard her over the cacophony of sizzles and bubbles that surrounded him in the small galley kitchen. “I hope you like Italian,” he threw a smile over his shoulder as he stirred the bubbling tomato sauce on the stove. “It’s your birthday, I wanted to make you a proper dinner. Even baked you a cake!” Eddie smiled, but then widened his eyes in alarm when he remembered that he’d put the cake in the oven and forgotten to set a timer. How long had it been baking for? Eddie couldn’t remember. 
“Shit…” He hissed, yanking open the oven door as angry smoke plumed into the tiny trailer. Eddie waved an oven-mitted hand, frantically trying to clear a path for his vision to see if the cake was at least salvageable… which it wasn’t.
Chrissy sat frozen on the couch, hugging a time-tattered throw pillow to her stomach and toying anxiously with the fringe at its edges as she watched Eddie place a blackened tin of burnt cake on the stovetop. It was like watching a train wreck; Chrissy couldn’t look away, no matter how painful the scene before her got. 
“Eddie, it’s okay,” she said, voice overly soft and sweet, as if she were breaking bad news to a volatile toddler. “You don’t have to-”
“Wine!” Eddie interrupted, excitedly (desperately) remembering the wine he’d bought. He’d read somewhere that red wine paired well with spaghetti and meatballs, so he’d run to the nearest gas station he knew never carded and bought the best red wine he could afford- which was the only red wine at the gas station- but he thought the label looked pretty, so it must be good right?
"I ran out of, like, nice cups,” Eddie said, voice strained as he did a little hop to reach the matching plastic steins on the highest shelf. “Is this okay? My uncle used to be into fancy beer that was apparently too classy to drink from a can, so he got these things. Kinda makes you feel like you’re in an old-timey tavern when you drink out of ‘em, though, which is cool-"
Chrissy’s voice sounded strained, pitying- Eddie didn’t like that. It wasn’t how he wanted her to feel on her birthday. “I don’t drink wine much, so hopefully I got the right kind! I mean, wine is wine, right? Can’t be that bad-”
He froze. He turned to her, bottle in one hand and a stein in the other. His heart thumped out a warning in his chest. 
“Eddie… if I gave you any kind of false impression, I’m so sorry-”
Nope. He didn’t like where this was going.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, princess! I’m sorry I burned the cake, that was my bad- I forgot to set the timer, and-”
Chrissy winced at the pet name; he’d only used it a couple times before that, so Eddie had assumed she didn’t have a problem with it… liked it, even.
“When you asked me to come over, I didn’t realize it was…” She took a short deep breath, huffing out the exhale. “I didn’t realize you meant it as a date.”
“I know,” he replied. It was immediate, reassuring. “I know this isn’t what I usually do, and I’m sorry for that. You deserve more than… than secret makeouts after cheer practice, and lying in the back of my shitty old van.” Eddie smiled at her, hopeful. “I can do better than that, and I’m trying-”
“I don’t want better than that.” 
Eddie stopped, stunned. Chrissy winced again. “That came out… wrong. I… I mean, I do want something like that, maybe someday. But…”
Her words trailed off, lips retreating into each other as she bit them nervously, unsure of how to communicate what she meant. 
Eddie knew how though.
“...But you don’t want it with me.”
She looked up at him, eyes brimming with guilty regret. “Eddie, I’m so sorry. If I had known you felt this way-”
“No, don’t worry about it princess.” There was venom in the name now, a bitterness that rivaled the smell of burnt funfetti that still wafted around them. “No harm done. I understand.”
“I’m so sorry, Eddie-”
“Go home, Chrissy.” He turned his back to her, reaching for the knob on his stove to switch the burners off. “Seriously. It’s okay.”
The venom had left his voice; he’d channeled all of it into the word princess, and now all that was left was resignation. It wasn’t her fault for not liking him; he wasn’t even sure he’d ever liked her. He’d just known that if he could get a girl like her to like him, it might mean he was worth a damn. 
But she didn’t. So he wasn’t. Which wasn’t a surprise to him.
“Go home. Celebrate your birthday. It’s okay.”
And she did. She got in her car, brows pinched with painful sympathy, and drove back home. The spaghetti got cold and the cake was tossed in the trash, leaving Eddie with far too much pasta for himself, an unopened bottle of red, and a container of vanilla frosting. 
And then there was you.
Your trailer sat parallel to the Munsons’, a modest one-person camper on the opposite side of the dirt path the Forest Hills considered a road. You kept a plastic lawn chair and a rainbow beach umbrella in your front “yard” for days when the sun was warm enough to relax outside. Today was one of those evenings where the light was still bright enough for you to see your notebook, perfect for watching the sunset and sketching whatever caught your eye.
Today’s trailer park still-life didn’t disappoint. Your neighbor, Eddie, sat on the concrete stoop eating vanilla frosting- all by itself- with a spoon as he stared dejectedly at the horizon. Sad as the scene before you was, you loved the sketch that was taking form in your small spiral notebook of the forlorn metalhead. As if the picture couldn’t get any sadder, beside him sat an unopened bottle of cheap wine that you had every confidence he planned on drinking without a glass. Sure enough, you watched as your neighbor let out a heavy sigh, put down the frosting, and grabbed the bottle of wine. 
He started wrestling with the foil over the top of the bottle, sighing with relief this time when he finally removed the foil but groaning to himself when he saw the cork in the top. You couldn’t help but laugh when he whipped out a knife from his back pocket. 
“Please put that away,” you called over to him, closing your notebook and placing it on your seat as you stood up. “You’re going to hurt yourself!” 
Eddie glanced up, seemingly surprised you were there in the first place; he must not have even noticed you. You disappeared into your camper before he could say a word, reappearing a moment later with a wine key in hand. 
He made no move to stop you when you took the bottle, easily twisting the corkscrew into the soft stopper and leveraging it out in seconds. You smiled at the satisfying pop that echoed against the metal walls of the Munsons’ trailer. 
“Thanks.” Eddie said, accepting the wine from you with a nod. 
“You can thank me by promising you’re going to eat something more filling than frosting before you down that.” You nodded to the freshly opened bottle in his hand with an eyebrow raised.
Eddie stared back at you, his expression hard as he raised an eyebrow to meet yours. “I’ll be fine.”
Oh. You didn’t like the self-destructive undertones of that response. 
“Didn’t take you for a wine drinker.” you mused. “Let me see that label again?”
Eddie sighed, handing it to you begrudgingly. You recognized the label; it was the only cabernet you’d been able to afford in your early days of being legal drinking age. You’d never gone to college, choosing the starving artist life over classes you didn’t care about and student loans you’d be paying for over a decade. Technically, you still referred to yourself as a starving artist, but at least now you had a decent savings account and could afford a nice bordeaux now and again.
“Man, this stuff takes me back.” Eddle looked at you curiously, so you elaborated. “I used to get these constantly, it was the only wine I could afford to buy in my early twenties.”
“That can’t have been too long ago.” Eddie replied, a bit of a smile dancing on his lips. You smirked, handing him the bottle back. 
“It wasn’t,” you said wryly, “but it wasn’t yesterday either.” 
Eddie chuckled, taking a swig of the wine before immediately twisting his face with wrinkled disgust. “Oh my god,” he half gargled the words, promptly spitting the wine into the dirt beside him. “This tastes like shit!”
You laughed, taking the liberty of grabbing his bottle and taking a gulp for yourself. The taste was familiar, but certainly wasn’t pleasant. You cringed slightly and shook your head. “That would be why it’s so cheap.”
Eddie stared at you, aghast. “And you said you like that?”
“Never said I liked it, just drank a lot of it.” you giggled as the young man shook his head with his tongue hanging out, face scrunched up like a baby whose parents had handed them a lemon slice. You cocked your head, still smiling. “You know, whatever’s bothering you isn’t going to get better after a bottle of shitty wine and some frosting.”
That sobered him up quite a bit. Eddie’s gaze turned cold as he frustratedly grabbed the frosting and resumed shoveling it into his mouth. 
“Yeah, well…” he harrumphed around his heaping bite, “...beats going back in there and cleaning up the biggest disaster in the history of failed dates.” 
Your smile fell, empathy plucking at your heartstrings. “I’m sure it wasn’t as bad as you think it was.” 
So Eddie told you about Chrissy. How he had delusionally hoped he could be boyfriend material. He relayed the events of the evening to you in all their excruciating detail, and the entire time he waited for your face to mimic hers, to display the same sympathetic pinch of her eyebrows that said Oh, you poor, poor boy. How did you not see this coming? How could you have expected any outcome other than this?
But you didn’t. The only thing he saw in your eyes the entire time was understanding. 
“I’ve had my fair share of disastrous failed dates,” you sighed. “Yours is by far not the worst.”
Eddie laughed ruefully. “Oh yeah? What could be worse than a guy who misreads an entire relationship so bad that he fools himself into thinking it was even a relationship in the first place?”
“Oh don’t be like that,” you scolded him, squeezing his shoulder reassuringly. “That’s not even true! From what you told me, you had a relationship with this girl, even if you hadn’t officially defined it. She gave you no indication that she didn’t want a traditional, romantic relationship with you, and it wasn’t wrong in the slightest for you to want that with her. The way tonight went down sucks to say the least, but that doesn’t make it your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong here.” 
Eddie was quiet, and you were keenly aware of the rise and fall of his shoulders as he breathed. When he made no move to speak, you continued.
“For all you know, that was the first time that someone had done something so romantic for this girl. It’s possible she was so overwhelmed at your thoughtfulness that she simply didn’t know how to break it to you that she didn’t feel the same way, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t appreciate what you were trying to do for her-”
“That doesn’t make me feel any better.” he griped. 
“Well it should!” you retorted, voice rising an octave. “You showed that girl that she is worth flowers and Italian food and wine and birthday cake! So many people walk around like they don’t deserve things like that, but in reality we all deserve to know what it’s like to have someone care about us like that.” You huffed out a deep breath; you were working yourself up over this. “Now, at least that girl knows the standard that every guy should have to live up to from now on.”
Eddie’s eyes were trained on you, ignited by the passion with which you spoke about the worthiness of love that everyone apparently had. He wondered if that passion came from a place of experience, or a place of longing for the sorts of romantic gestures that he’d tried to gift to Chrissy.
“Has someone done those kinds of things for you before?”
Now it was your turn to go quiet. You looked down at your lap at the wine bottle in your hands, remembering how many failed dates had left you home alone with this exact bottle on your counter. How many works of art had come from that loneliness, and how many times those works of art had sold for just enough to pay for that week’s meals. At least something useful came from all those lonely nights.
“No,” you whispered, “that’s why this Chrissy girl is so lucky. Even if she didn’t want what you were offering her, she at least knows how it feels to be valued like that. Let’s hope she chooses not to settle for less.” You took a swig of wine as Eddie eyed you curiously. “Lord knows I settled for less a few times, and look where that got me.”
“Drinking shitty wine in a trailer park?” Eddie supplied.
You smirked at him. “Well, I could also be eating frosting with a spoon.”
Smiling wryly, Eddie looked down into the half-eaten container of frosting, then offered it to you spoon and all. You eyed it for a moment, then accepted.
You wrapped your lips around a generous bite of the sugary substance while Eddie took another crack at the wine. He cringed of course, but muscled through, sighing as he stared at your little camper across the road. 
“So does this mean I’m destined to become you? Single and doodling under a rainbow umbrella?”
Eddie’s tone held no malice; nothing but sarcasm and mock dread for his future, but you shoved him with your shoulder nonetheless. 
“Hey, now, don’t be mean.”
“Do you at least have a cat or something?” he leaned into your shoulder, lazing his weight into you like a sleepy child. “I don’t exactly want to be a crazy cat lady, but one or two cats might sweeten the deal if I’m fated to be a trailer park bachelorette.”
“If you don’t stop, we’re gonna have a problem.” You laughed through the words, pushing him off of you and handing him back the frosting container, but not without licking the spoon clean and bopping him on the forehead with it. He may have been a little too focused on your tongue as you cleaned the spoon, but you didn’t notice.
“If you must know, I do have a cat.” you said. “His name is Fibonacci.”
Eddie nodded. “I’ve seen him in your windowsill. He’s gray, right?”
“Yeah, that’s him. I have to open the windows whenever I paint because of the smell, and whenever I do he assumes his favorite spot to soak up the sun and keep watch over his domain.”
That earned you a chuckle. “His domain, huh? He own the whole park?”
“He certainly thinks he does.”
“Well, now I know who to kiss up to in case I’m ever late on rent.”
You glanced at Eddie out the side of your eye, admiring the way the light played on his curls. “Y’know, Fibonacci and I are pretty close.”
“Oh you are, huh?” he quipped. He seemed to know where this was going, and chose to play along.
“Kissing up to me is basically kissing up to him.”
“Is that so?”
You nodded sagely. “It is.”
The two of you were facing each other now, the air between you shifting from neighborly to something more. 
“And how might somebody go about kissing up to you? Hypothetically.” Eddie’s voice was a smidge deeper now, and the timbre felt warm in your ears.
“Coffee.” you replied, “At that little cafe on Kerley. They agreed to hang some of my pieces there.” Shrugging, you feigned nonchalance but eyed Eddie with contact that conveyed anything but. “Hypothetically, if someone took me there for coffee and gushed about my shitty artwork, that would definitely land them in my good graces.” You paused, then added, “And by proxy, Fibonacci’s graces.”
Eddie’s grin was blinding as he beamed. “I guarantee your artwork isn’t shitty.”
“Ah, you’re very good at this gushing thing.”
“I’m just getting started.” Eddie placed the frosting container on the stoop behind him, forgotten. He wasn’t hungry for empty calories anymore. “You free Sunday morning?”
Your smile matched Eddie’s now; you couldn’t fight it if you tried. “Pick me up at 10?”
He winced, jokingly unsure. “That’s pretty early for such a long drive to your place, but for you I’ll brave the journey.”
You giggled, standing to make that very journey back across the road. “Oh, aren’t you sweet.” 
“The sweetest.” 
And he was. Eddie picked you up on Sunday, 10 o’clock like you’d planned, with a bouquet of daisies in hand. You immediately began protesting, thanking him profusely but simultaneously insisting that he really hadn’t needed to go through the trouble-
“You remember what you told me, sweetheart?”
Sweetheart. That was enough to shut you up. 
“You said we all deserve the flowers, the home-cooked meals, the birthday cakes- right?” 
You nodded, clutching the flowers as your face began to hurt from the brilliance of your smile. 
“Well,” Eddie shrugged, “you shouldn’t settle for less.” 
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www-jungwon · 1 year
between the lines . yjw
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[fall_ing for the cute guy who works at the bookstore]
pairing ! jungwon x bookworm!gn!reader
1/7 of elena’s autumn enhypen series !
genre ! strangers to lovers, bookstore trope, mainly just fluff
summary ! the love story between you, a bookworm, and jungwon, the cashier at your local bookstore. (it starts with a book recommendation)
tw ! mentions of drinks (coffee), addictions (only to caffeine), money, jungwon actually being the cutest thing ever
wc ! 3k
ft. coworker heeseung
the guy behind the desk is unfairly pretty. he must be new; you’ve never seen him working at the bookstore before and you definitely would’ve remembered the way the autumn light highlights the details of his face, teeth sliding over his plump lower lip. his elbow rests on the wooden desk, silver cash register gleaming to the right. he leans his chin on his fist, head tilted forward interestedly as he reads his book on the desk. you watch him flip the page, delicately resting his fingers on the side with less pages to hold it open. he reads something that makes him smile softly, eyes round and innocent, and you wonder how someone can look so ethereal just reading a book.
turning back to the new releases shelf with your heart racing slightly, you scan the rows of books. this past month has been one of the worst months of new releases you’ve seen since you started coming to this bookstore. against your will, your hand hovers over the shelf, sliding off a romance book. you can’t talk to him without a book, right? that would be weird. you pretend to read the back even though you already did when you came here last week, eyes retracing the same dull words. you drag your thumb over the paperback cover, sneaking a glance at the desk again.
he’s talking to a customer now, smile soft and easy on his lips as he hands them their book.
you swallow, trying to look away as he opens his book again, the customer leaving out the windowed door. he settles back into the same position with his chin resting in his fist, following the words like a cat chasing a laser pointer, eyes big and focused in a way that makes you want to scream into your hand. taking a deep breath, you walk over to the desk, weaving through the large number of people squeezed into the bookstore and gently place the book onto the counter in front of him.
he looks up, eyebrows raising naturally and you try not to smile at how cute he looks. 
“oh, sorry, would you like to buy this?”
“yes, please,” 
he nods, sliding the book over the scanner and your eyes fall onto his nametag. jungwon, it reads, handwritten letters traced on. it matches him, you decide, the way he writes, the way the script slants to the left and how the thin lines that indicated the way he didn’t pick up his pen drag between the letters.
“is that everything for you today?”
you startle out of your thoughts slightly, “oh, um, yes, thank you.”
“it’s, um, a good choice.”
“it’s a good choice.” he nods at the book. “i liked that one.”
“oh,” you say, “oh, um, really?” it’s confusing, the way he makes your thoughts mix, in thrall of him, but it’s also the most lovely feeling you’ve ever experienced.
his smile envelopes you in softness. “yeah, it was really good. i liked the character dynamic and…yeah.”
the back of the book described the main character to sound stupid and unlikable, but you nod anyway.
leaving the store with your unwanted purchase, you step into the fall-kissed street, swipes of red and orange littering the tops of the trees. as a leaf falls through your view, softly swaying from side to side in the breeze, you think of him, a smile falling onto your lips almost involuntarily, except you want to smile, thinking of him.
you didn’t read the book. in fact, you came back to return the book, which was bought under duress. sure, the duress happened to be wanting an excuse to talk to the prettiest person you’ve ever seen, but duress is duress, right? it’s not until you see the aforementioned pretty cashier from last time that you realize it’s a thursday. his shift day. this is not good. 
“oh, um, hi again,” he smiles.
your eyes flick down to your book bag, which is holding the book. the one he liked. the one he said was a good choice.
“hi,” you smile.
“did….did you like the book?”
“oh, uh, yeah, i- i did. i really liked it. the character dynamic was really good, like you said.” 
you hear a snicker, gaze shifting over to his coworker, who grins at jungwon teasingly and then turns to look at you.
“sorry, just ignore me.”
jungwon’s gaze snaps over to him, glaring.
“heeseung, don’t you have to go restock one of the fantasy shelves?” he narrows his eyes.
you and heeseung look back at the fantasy section simultaneously, which is completely full.
heeseung laughs, furrowing his brow in fake concern,“definitely, yeah, no, totally. i mean, how could i forget? gotta restock the fantasy shelves because they’re so empty.” he strolls off to the shelves, grinning at you as he leaves.
“um, sorry about him, so, how can i help you?”
you open your mouth, and your lips stay parted for a few seconds as you realize you don’t need help with anything.
“oh, uh…could you give me a recommendation?” 
“sure! so,” he pauses, blinking. “you liked that book?”
“um, yeah, i- did,”
he pauses, thinking about something.
“well, the author has written a lot of other books that are kind of similar-”
absolutely not. “oh, i was looking for something a little different, just because i’ve kind of been reading a lot of books like that recently.”
“well, in that case, this is my favorite book, which i recommend to everyone, but it’s almost incomparable to that, uh, book.” 
“oh, that’s totally fine. how much is it?”
he opens his mouth, then pauses. “oh, uh, we’re- we’re actually sold out…but you can have my copy…”
he holds out a worn paperback to you, golden lines stretching over the cover. 
“sorry, i know it's kind of old..it’s okay if you don’t want it, but i thought i would offer it to you. we’re getting another shipment next week.”
“oh, i can’t take your copy, that’s-thats yours-”
“no, it’s totally fine, i have other editions, but this one i was just rereading at work, ‘cause i like to read my notes.”
great. so he’s smart and pretty. not a big deal or anything.
his fingers fidget with the pages as he pushes it closer to you.
heeseung walks back behind the desk at that moment, freezing when he sees the book on the countertop.
“jungwon?” he asks, tone incredulous.
“what?” jungwon sighs.
“is that- your copy?”
“obviously?” he raises his eyebrows exasperatedly. 
heeseung gapes, laughing slightly in shock, gaze sliding over to you. you shrink slightly in embarrassment, although you’re not sure of what.
“go. away.” jungwon hisses.
“what do you want me to do, restock the sci-fi section?” he grins, and you glance back at the sci-fi section, packed full of people.
“shut up,” jungwon slides his hand over his face and heeseung holds his hands up, turning and going into the back of the store.
“sorry about him. again.” jungwon slides the book towards you again.
“oh, i-” you hesitate, knowing how sacred your own books are to you, but your fingers close around the edges. “thanks, i’ll- when do you want it back?”
“oh, you can just bring it back whenever.”
you smile, and it isn't until you’re long out of the store that you realize he remembered you, out of the huge crowd of people from last time and the specific book you bought. and that today was the last day for returns, so you just wasted 10 dollars. but talking to jungwon is worth it, to you.
you haven’t stopped thinking about his book the entire week, or him.
you watch him blow hair out of his eyes, lower lip folding over the upper one. he curls his fingers into his cheek, chin resting in his palm as he serenely reads another book on the counter. 
you read his book in one sitting, curled into your couch for three hours as you pored over his little annotations, thoughtful notes penned into the margins in his perfectly messy handwriting. there was something so personal about seeing his notes on his favorite book, like a piece of his soul, and they make you want to protect him with your whole being. they were so intelligent, your mind keeps drifting back to your first encounter, imprinted in your brain.
 “i liked the character dynamic and….yeah.”
odd, for someone who wrote about the symbolism of the wind in specific contexts for each chapter and small hints of foreshadowing that built throughout the novel, but maybe it’s harder for him to say his thoughts then write them.
you set the book down on his counter, watching the way he blinks cutely in surprise as he looks up, being taken out of his book.
“oh, hi,”
you smile, “i brought your book back,”
his eyes widen in excitement, although he tries to mask it, “did you like it?”
you take a deep breath, the power of the book consuming you. “i need a moment.”
he laughs at your dramatics, putting his chin back into his hand so he’s looking through his lashes at you. 
“you liked it, then?”
you nod wordlessly, watching his eyes light up.
“oh my god. finally. i’ve been trying to get my friends to read it forever but they won’t because it’s so long. it's so good, right?”
you laugh at his excitement, something about it seeming so precious, “i read it in one sitting.” 
he grins. “me, too, the first time i read it.”
you rest your hands on the counter, becoming enraptured by your conversation, ranting over your shared opinions and the absolute crime it was for the author to kill off that one character. you’re not sure how you end up sitting behind the counter next to him, talking in between him checking out customers’ books.
he laughs at your sarcasm over details of the book, grinning so cutely when you become passionate about the decisions of certain characters, and you watch the way his eyes light up when he talks about the genius moves of the author. at some point the conversation shifts, and you talk about everything. your hobbies (aside from reading of course), how autumn is both of your favorite seasons, why the author absolutely needs to release the sequel sooner than the scheduled date, and you’re so swept away by the conversation that you don’t notice the time. 
you’re not sure how long you’ve spent talking to him when you leave, the sky having dimmed into the glow of dusk. 
you step into the bookstore, eyes landing on jungwon sitting at the counter, watching as he flips through a book again, looking up at the sound of the door clicking behind you. he makes eye contact, catching you staring at him and you turn away quickly, hiding behind the new releases shelf again. you don’t actually have any books you want to buy, you’re really not sure why you even came to the bookstore today. you definitely didn’t go out of your way to make sure you could go on a thursday, his shift day, and you’re only holding the coffee that he mentioned he wanted to try last week because you were going to the coffee shop anyway. but now that you’re in the bookstore, you can’t even get a book off the shelf because you’ve got both hands holding coffees, so you shyly step around the shelves, walking over to the counter.
“i was, um, i was gonna get a book- well, i brought you coffee, and now i can’t get a book because, my hands are, um, full,” you set down his coffee on the desk.
he gasps, “pumpkin spice latte! you remembered!” he looks up at you, eyes big and innocent and precious. “i have a gift for you, too,” he pulls out a new copy of his (and your newly) favorite book from under the desk, “we got the restock, and they tend to sell out pretty fast, so i saved you a copy.”
you blink, “oh my gosh, thank you so much,” you reach for your bag.
“oh, i- um, already paid for it.” he pushes the book towards you and you look at him incredulously.
“let me pay you back!”
“no, it’s okay, you bought me coffee,”
you shake your head at him resignedly, watching his softly cheeky grin expand. “now i have to buy you coffee, like, every day, though,”
“i mean, it’s only actually worth, like, two coffees-”
“books are worth ten coffees, especially books that someone saves you when he thinks they might sell out, those are worth at least twenty.”
he grins at you, “it’s okay, i promise! you’re going to get me addicted to caffeine,”
“how are you not already?”
you stretch up to the top of the shelf, fingers grasping at the book, but you can’t pull it off, letting your hand drop to your side as you lean back onto the ground off your toes.
you feel a warm arm wrapping around your waist, fingers tightening into your hip securely, causing you to fall back into the figure behind you in surprise. you look up to see an arm effortlessly sliding a book off the highest shelf. your book. you turn around, gaze falling on the nametag in front of you, and it’s jungwon, the one handing you the book. he smiles shyly.
“hi,” he mumbles, cheeks flushing slightly.
you swallow, “hi,” you say, breathless. his face is so close to yours you can feel his breath falling over your lips.
 his arm slips off your waist like an afterthought, his proximity lingering on your mind the rest of the week.
“you weren’t, um, here last week,” he closes his book softly, your eyes drifting distractedly to his fingers slipping off the edge of the cover.
“oh, um…” you snap back to him, “oh, yeah, i was sick,” you had tried to go but you literally couldn’t get out of bed, and when your friend came over she looked at you like you were crazy when you said that you wanted to go to the bookstore, insisting that you were much sicker than you actually were because there was no way you in your right mind you would want to go to the bookstore while ill.
recently you can't be sure whether you're even coming to the bookstore for books anymore.
he nods at you. “well, i’m glad you’re feeling better now.”
you nod, “thanks, it was kind of a rough week.”
he nods, swallowing and then looks down at the counter. he fidgets with his book, running his finger over the edge of the pages. “i, um, i was wondering-” he looks back up at you, licking his lips. 
“god, finally!” 
you jump slightly, looking over at heeseung. “i’ve been waiting for this moment this whole month. it was so annoying, hearing him go on about you every single shift. and last week he was so worried-”
“heeseung!” jungwon hisses.
“wha-oh,” heeseung says, seeing your confused expression. “sorry, i only heard the first part of your sentence and got excited. go on,”
jungwon glares at him until he leaves, slipping into a crowd of customers.
“um, what were you gonna say?” you ask.
“oh, um, i was wondering,” he pauses, “i mean- i actually really hated that book.”
“what?” you squint slightly in confusion.
“the romance one. when you first came in, i just wanted to talk to you. i really hated the character dynamic, but for some reason it was the first thing i could think of to compliment” he blurts, “and- and heeseung was making fun of me for giving my book to you, because i guard it with my life, i won’t even let him touch it, and i- i just gave it to you, which is kind of crazy, i’d only talked to you once before but i memorized your eyes and your smile and then i just gave it to you, and i think you’re really pretty and i really, i’ve really enjoyed our conversations? and i was, wondering if you- if you maybe wanted to go out with me? maybe to a cafe? or something?”
butterflies rush into your stomach, warmth enveloping you comfortingly.
“i would love to,”
he smiles, wide and genuine, and you melt, drowning in him, in the eyes of the pretty guy behind the desk.
a/n ! OMGGGG i stayed up late so many nights to write this and now i'm sleep deprived so if no one reads this i will shed actual tears also i think im in love with bookstore trope jungwon/this readerwon dynamic 😭😭😭😭
this fic is part of my enhypen autumn collection ! send an ask or comment to be added to the taglist <3
taglist :
@mrchweeee @aureliaxuuu @miyseung
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sunflowersandsapphires · 11 months
Hi, can I request comfort fic with Frank? I just don't really like how my life looks right now... I don't like my job, but don't know what else I can do so I'm stuck here... and I feel really lonely recently and like I don't know what to do with my life... and reading fics are one of the few things that brings me joy...
So I thought about a fic where reader is sad and to cheer her up Frank planned a whole day for them to distract her from not kind thoughts?
And I'm sorry that I kinda dumpt it on you... I have trouble with expressing/describing my emotions and I think that was the first time I expressed those feelings to someone... Of course if you don't feel like writing this you can freely ignore this message, thank you 🫶🏻
Anon, I absolutely feel your pain. I’ve been dealing with my own work drama for months now and some days it feels like I’m going to have to completely start over to be happy. I hope I did your request justice, and if you ever need to rant to someone, my DMs are open :)
pairing: Frank Castle x fem!reader 
summary:  Frank helps you when work is breaking your spirit.
warnings: swearing, hints of smut but nothing graphic
w/c: 3k
Digging your jagged nails into the flesh of your palms, you forced yourself to tune out the overwhelming plethora of stimuli that was currently bombarding you on the subway. Screaming children, the heat of bodies crowding around you, the shrieking of wheels on metal tracks, some old guy coughing up a lung at the back of the car, the bright fluorescent lights beating down on the dozens of people crammed in here like sardines. Fuck, you hated the subway. 
It was especially unbearable on days where you were already overtired from work—which, recently, seemed to be every day. This job was supposed to be your ticket to a good life and a stable future, but instead it was a joyless, energy-sapping, waste of your fucking time. Your coworkers were catty, your boss far too demanding for the bottom of the barrel wages you received, and the work itself was dreary. Each day you sat in that cubicle, you could feel the light inside you flickering, just waiting for one more lackluster employee review to be completely snuffed out. 
Clearly, you weren’t the only one who felt this way about your place of employment, given that over a third of the staff at your level had quit in the last two months. Unfortunately for you, this meant longer hours and crankier conversations with your superiors, who were consistently disappointed in your performance despite you efficiently accomplishing everything that was asked of you. 
Not only did longer hours lead to you getting overstimulated on the subway, but it meant you’d been spending less time at home with your boyfriend. You’d barely seen Frank this month, between his trips out of town and your rigorous schedule, and it was driving you up a wall. All you wanted was to let him wrap himself around you, petting your hair as you cried and holding you tight when you eventually fell asleep. Though, with the way your days were going lately, most of the time you didn’t want to be touched. You just wanted to shove crap food in your mouth and pass out before you had to go back to that hellscape in the morning. 
Frank was the kindest, most thoughtful partner you’d ever had, so he gave you plenty of space on the days you came home in an emotion-filled silence. He could read your moods pretty well at this point, and always respected your wishes, even if it meant he’d be nursing a beer in the living room alone until he went to sleep. You’d hoped that today would grant you enough energy to enjoy some time with him, but the world wasn’t that charitable. 
Shuffling off the subway amongst the masses, you let your body droop slightly as you trudged back to your apartment. Practically crawling up the stairs, you eventually reached the door—shoving it open in frustration as tears pricked at the corners of your eyes. 
Instantly, you were greeted with the sound of soft music and the smell of onions and garlic cooking. Frank was in the kitchen, swaying almost imperceptibly to the song he was listening to, stirring a pot of what looked like tomatoes.  
“Hey, doll,” He greeted you softly, throwing you a smile over his shoulder but remaining planted at the stove, probably in an attempt to give you space.
“Hi.” Your voice was breathy and small, your stony face accented with glassy eyes. 
Frank knew better than to expect that everything would change in a day, but the sight of your crumpling face broke his heart. Stepping towards you with a furrowed brow, he tried for a small smile. “Another bad day?” 
You nodded, the force of the movement drawing two parallel tears down your cheeks. Sniffling, you didn’t respond, confident that your voice would crack if you did. 
“Do you want a hug?” Frank asked, hesitating a few feet from you as he waited for your answer. 
“I’m n-not sure, Frankie.” You admitted, more tears pooling as you did. “Not r-right now, I think.” 
Nodding in understanding, Frank crossed his arms, as if to keep himself from hugging you anyway. “Alright, sweet girl. Not a problem. Why don’t you go lay down while I finish dinner, hm?” 
Sighing, you nodded once, padding to the bedroom and collapsing into the blankets with a poorly stifled sob. Frank winced at the sound, his hands burning with an ache to hold you, to make everything better, but he couldn’t do that until you were ready. 
You’d only given him glimpses of the nightmare you were living. Whether you didn’t talk to him about it because you were worried it would scare him away, or because you didn’t trust him, he wasn’t sure—though the dark parts of his mind were convinced it was the latter. Regardless, Frank did his best to maintain a cozy home for you. It couldn’t be easy to have a mass-murderer-turned-government-hit-man as a partner, waiting around on your own for days while he worked odd jobs for Madani, but you’d never let it impact your love for him. 
You were thoughtful, sweet, and adorably shy—not to mention you balanced him out in ways he’d never expected. The pair of you brought out the best in each other, despite your peculiar relationship. You’d never made him feel distant or guilty for leaving, simply welcoming him back from his trips with open arms and eager eyes. Yet, the past few months your job had been eating at you, sapping the life from your beautiful eyes and leaving a listless husk of his girlfriend behind. 
He didn’t want to pry, far too afraid of snapping your already fragile composure and ruining the bond you shared. But every day you came home holding back tears, and it was going to kill him. He’d rip your office apart with his bare hands if it would end your misery, though he knew you’d never ask him to do that. 
So, instead, he did as much as he could—laying out his softest sweatshirt on your bed, playing quiet music, making a warm meal for the two of you to share—all in an effort to take something off of your plate, to remove an ounce of weight from your shoulders. After a week with no indication that any of this was helpful, he’d started scheming. 
Hopefully, it wouldn’t take too much begging to convince you to take an extra day off…
Stirring the tomato sauce one final time as he removed it from the heat, he tilted the pot over the cooked pasta, letting a ribbon of sauce drape over the noodles before giving it a quick stir. Scraping a dollop of sauce out of the pot with his finger, he popped the digit in his mouth, eyes closing in satisfaction at the array of flavors. 
Brushing his hands across his jeans, he plated two generous helpings of pasta, assuming you had worked through lunch once again, and set them in front of two chairs at your table. Steeling himself for the sight of your tear streaked face, he shuffled over to the bedroom and knocked softly. 
“Darlin’? You ready to eat?” Keeping his voice low, he gingerly opened the door. As his eyes adjusted to the dim light that managed to slip through your curtains, his heart squeezed at the sight of you sleeping, curled in fetal position. Your delicate hands clenched around your covers like they were your lifeline, your damp face squashed against his pillow. Biting his lip in thought, he returned to the main room to cover the pasta. 
Spending very little time tidying up, he wandered back into the bedroom, stripping out of his clothes in exchange for a pair of sweats and a worn Henley. Settling behind you with a book in hand, he slipped under the covers as unobtrusively as possible before his inner monologue made him pause. Would you even want him beside you? Was he crossing a line?
Thankfully, he didn’t have to worry about that for long as your sleeping form unconsciously wrapped around him, a small sigh falling from your lips as you nuzzled into his stomach. Smiling down at you, his free hand came up to stroke over your hair, his own grin widening when the soft touch made your lips twitch up in a sleepy smile. He thumbed through about a chapter of his book before you began to stir, shining lashes fluttering as your eyes opened. As the sleep disappeared from your eyes, Frank felt another wave of apprehension cresting in his chest, but the tide was quickly settled by your sweet gaze. Nestling into his side more deeply, you hummed in appreciation. “Hi, Frankie.” 
“Hi, sweet girl. Did you have a good nap?” A teasing mirth danced in his gaze, making you avert your eyes bashfully. 
“Mmm hmm. Sorry.” You murmured, rubbing your face against the fabric of his shirt. 
Clucking his tongue, Frank slid down to face you, tracing a thumb over your cheek. “No reason to be sorry, dollface. I’m glad you slept, you’ve been tired.” 
Sighing deeply, you traced the buttons on his shirt. “Work’s been a lot, recently.” 
“I figured as much, doll. Ya don’t gotta tell me anything, but I’m always here to listen, yah?” The tip of his thumb caressed your ear. 
Blinking back tears, you looked up at him apologetically, “I didn’t mean to keep you in the dark, Frank, it’s just so stupid and I—“
“Hey, hey, it ain’t stupid.” Frank tugged you impossibly closer, brushing tears off your face carefully. “If it bothers ya, it’s not.” 
“You just…” You drew in a ragged breath, the inhale catching on a sob. “You have so much to worry about already, and I don’t want to be a burden!” Bawling now, you felt your chest constricting at the thought of dumping more work onto Frank’s already overflowing to-do list. 
“You’re not a burden.” Frank spoke fiercely, looking deep into your eyes. “You have never been a burden, doll. Never.”
His words were a promise, you drank in his commitment with immense desperation, praying to forces you didn’t believe in that he was being truthful. “I don’t know what I’m doing, Frankie,” Your voice cracked on the admission. “I’m fine at my job, but nobody can see that, and I don’t feel satisfied by the work that I’m doing but it’s all I know! I can’t just quit, I don’t have any other plan, this is everything I’ve worked for and—“ Your ramble broke off into sobs, your breath hitching as Frank shushed you quietly. 
“I know, I know, doll. It sucks right now and I’m so sorry.” Rubbing a hand over your back, Frank encouraged you to breathe, waiting until your lungs could actually take in oxygen before continuing. “Sweetheart, if ya wanna quit, I’ll support ya. If ya wanna stick it out, I’ll support ya. Regardless of what you choose, I’ll be right here at the end of the day.” 
“I can’t quit, Frank, we need the money.” You whimpered. 
“Hey, we can figure it out if we need to. It ain’t a problem.” 
Nodding against his palm, you considered your options. “For now, I’ll stick it out. But, thank you.” 
“No need to thank me, honey. It’s my job to look out for ya, remember?” His sappy remark sparked a tiny smile from you. “You’re my girl, sweetheart. I’m always gonna take care of my girl.” 
Nuzzling into his chest, you stifled a yawn before abruptly looking up at him with wide eyes. “Shit, Frankie, what time is it? Did I miss dinner?” Wriggling out of his embrace, you wiped the lingering tears off your face before sitting up. Frank bit his tongue to keep from chuckling at your genuine concern. 
“Dinner is waiting for us, sweet girl. I’m in no rush.” Cradling your neck, Frank pressed a languid kiss to your lips, taking advantage of your distraction and flipping you on top of him. 
“Frank!” You squealed, beaming down at him with more happiness than he’d seen from you in weeks. 
“What?” He questioned innocently, gently leading your face back to his for another kiss. 
“What’s gotten into you?” You wondered aloud, returning the kiss but looking at him with feigned exasperation. 
“I ain’t allowed to love on you now?” Frank asked, raising an eyebrow at you. 
You rolled your eyes, shuffling off of him and out of the bed. “C’mon, you sap. Let’s eat the dinner you made before it’s ruined.” 
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As the night sky populated with stars, Frank doted on you insistently. He’d reheated your dinner, turned on your favorite movie, even brought you a pint of your favorite ice cream for dessert. You’d gratefully accepted his comforts, yet he still seemed to be holding back. As he puttered around in the kitchen, doing the dishes alone (he’d staunchly refused your help), you could see the wheels turning in his brain. 
“Frank, is something wrong?” You asked, picking at a stray thread along the seam of the blanket he’d wrapped around your shoulders, gazing over at him as your heart rate pounded anxiously.
“Huh?” Your timid question snapped him out of his thoughts, his hands nearly flinging the soapy dish across the room as he spun towards you. “Oh, uh, no. Nothing’s wrong, sweetheart.” 
Unconvinced, you nodded, nibbling on a hangnail poking out from your thumb. In an attempt to self-soothe, you shifted your attention back to the tv, but Frank’s energy still seemed out of place. 
Placing the last plate in the dishrack, Frank dried his hands, ambling over to you with a hesitant smile. “I gotta ask ya something, doll.”
Nervousness spiking, you nodded, tilting your head in anticipation of his query.
“If I asked ya to call in sick tomorrow, what would ya say?” Frank’s jaw was tight as he asked, clearly expecting anger in response.
“I’d say absolutely, love. Why do you ask?” “I was hopin’ you’d wanna take an extra day, to escape those assholes and maybe do something fun?” If you didn’t know any better, you’d say Frank Castle looked nervous. His eyes flirted between your gaze and his lap, his trigger finger twitching. 
“Oh, Frank, I’d love that!” You gushed, throwing your arms around him. He grunted in surprise, his own hands coming up to hold you in place so you didn’t topple off the couch. “I’ve been hesitant to take sick days because everyone’s been so on edge lately, will you sit with me when I call in?” 
“Course I will. If anyone gives ya trouble, they’ll have me to answer to.” Frank assured you with a menacing glint in his eye. Kissing his nose, you stroked a knuckle over his stubbled cheek. 
“Thank you, handsome.” 
“Anything for my girl.” 
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True to his word, Frank made sure you were seated comfortably in his lap when you called in sick, both so that he could rub reassuring circles along your waist, and so that he could hook his chin over your shoulder to listen for any flack you might be given. Fortunately for your boss, they grumbled an “ok” and hung up quickly. Anything ruder than that, and they might have been on The Punisher’s shit list. 
Sinking backwards into your boyfriend’s sturdy chest, you shuddered. “Glad that’s over with.” Breathing deeply, you took a moment to collect your anxious self before standing to get ready for the day. Or, trying to stand, at least. 
A set of strong hands caught your hips, yanking them backwards to hold you in Frank’s lap. 
“Frank!” A small fit of giggles burst out of you as his fingers pressed into your ticklish skin. 
“What’s the hurry, doll? We’ve got all day.” Planting heated kisses along your neck, you felt Frank smile when you mewled in response. “Attagirl, let me make ya feel good, hmm?” 
Whisking you back to the bedroom, Frank helped you forget all about your shitty job. 
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Slightly breathless following your morning exercise, you hummed happily as Frank continued to press his lips to the exposed flesh of your body, taking care to show every piece of you as much love as possible. Boxing you in with his massive arms, he molded his beautifully crooked nose against yours, finishing his trail of kisses with a lengthy kiss to your lips. 
“So, what did you have planned for today?” You asked against his lips, threading a hand in his hair. 
“Nothin’ much. I was thinkin’ maybe nice coffee and a trip to that museum you’ve been talkin’ about?” A blush crept over his cheeks. “Sorry, doll, I, uh, I ain’t too good with this…” He gestured between the two of you. 
“Aw, Frankie,” You scolded gently, kissing him tenderly. “You’re plenty good at ‘this’.” You mirrored his gesture and he rolled his eyes. “I’m serious, honey. You’re the most romantic partner I’ve ever had. And that plan sounds lovely. Let me clean up and we can go for coffee.” 
As you curled into a seated position, Frank caught your wrist. “Hey! Where do you think you’re goin’?” 
“To wash up!” You giggled, striding back over to the bed where he slotted you between his legs. 
“Nah, you’re gonna sit right here while I draw you a bath. And I’m gonna run to the coffee place across the street and get ya one of those sugary drinks ya like so much. Then we can go out, if ya feel up to it.” His demanding tone made you smirk, his military tendencies tended to come out when he was concerned about you. 
“That sounds perfect, love.” You kissed his cheek, sitting on the bed as he headed to the bathroom. 
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The rest of the day passed quickly, leaving you longing for more cozy time with Frank. Though he considered himself lacking in the romance department, he’d provided you nothing but pure love on your day off, indulging your every whim just to see you smile. 
And as you fell asleep at the end of the day, you clung tightly to him, trusting him to get you through whatever life threw your way.
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yuis-art · 1 year
🏋🏼‍♀️ Gym Trainer: Abby Anderson x Fem!Plus size Reader🏋🏼‍♀️
Part 3!
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<Hey GUYSS sorry for the delay! I got so nervous dude 💀, I thought my writing was gonna be bad so I felt self conscious! But I wrote part 3!! And part 4 will be soon I promise! <3 BUT I WANNA MAKE FANART FOR THIS CHAPTER, and I’m gonna post it on Twitter! <33>
This Chapter does contain smut! SO MINORS DNI WITH THIS POST! Please!
C/W: Fingering (r receiving), clit play, Praising (good girl, pretty girl), heavy making out, reader squirts , breast play
Word count: 3k!
Proof read: yes
“Should I wear Make-up? No she’ll think it’s a date.” You look at yourself for a minute. “What if it is tho?” You say as you grab a little bit of foundation and then do your hair in your go-to hairstyle.
You try to find a cute outfit. Or not really cute, but something she’ll like. You wear some jeans and a black casual shirt, one that really shows off your breast. “I swear half my clothes are so basic. But this will do I guess.” You put on some lipgloss and a strawberry shortcake perfume.
As you’re about to leave you grab your purse and your phone and lock your apartment. You’re standing outside and you’re checking yourself every minute in your mini mirror. “Why am I so nervous, I literally took a class with her not too long ago.” You start texting Nora.
You: Noraaaa
Nora: yes girl
You: I think Abby is taking me on a date.
Nora: WHAT. She’s never this bold. She must really like you.
You: girl I’m so nervous.
Nora: don’t be lol, I bet she’s more nervous than you don’t worry.
As you’re about to text Nora back you get a text from Abby.
Abby: I’m here :)
You’re looking around and you adjust your hair.
Abby pulls up in her light blue beetle, you never expected her to be in a car like that honestly, it’s so small compared to her stature.
You wave and Abby ducks her head a little and waves at you. She gets out her car. She’s wearing a black tank that’s showing off her body again, with green cargo pants and a light jacket.
‘Oh my ggoooodddd’ you think, literally just by looking at her you feel your heart ache, and your sweating. You never realized how tall she was either.
“Hi!” She ducks down to your height and smiles. “H-hi Abby.” You say as you advert your eye contact again.
She’s walking back to her car and she opens the door for you. “After you pretty.” You’re going crazy, she’s using so many names on you and it’s making you go nuts. You already know your face is heated.
You get into the car and she shuts the door lightly but hard enough that it doesn’t slip open. She’s racing to the other side and she jumps in. She puts on her seatbelt and puts her keys in the ignition. “Oh wait hold on.” She reaches over and grabs your seat belt and puts it on for you. She smells so good. She’s so close to you. Face by your neck, hand on your arm. You wish you could stay like this. I know you barely know her but oh my god, if you could, you would kiss her right now. She pulls back and starts driving. You’re just staring at her. Starstucked. She’s smiling and playing her playlist again. Her eyes are on the road. “You’re staring, did. I do something?” She says as she glances over at you for a second and her eyes keep on the road. “O-oh sorry!” You say as you put your purse close to your stomach, clenching on it out of nervousness. “Where are.. we going by the way?” You say, head on the seat staring at her again. “I wanted to take you to this one realllyyy good place. Like they have the best protein filled stuff; I usually go here after my workouts.” She says as you both wait at a stop light. “I’m excited, honestly after our workout today I had no idea what to eat, like I have no idea how to meal prep and, I don’t know where to start.” You look at the road with her. “…I could.. cook for you, I could do meal preps with you.” She glances over again and her cheeks are a little flushed. “Ms Anderson are you gonna cook for me?” You say jokingly and she chuckles deeply. “Yeah of course, I don’t mind and I promise my food is good! Trust me on this.” She says as she stops at another stop light.
You both sit in a comfortable silence again. Until,
“Actually.. ok.” She pulls over, she turns to face you and her cheeks are still flushed. “If you want.. we could go back to my place actually and I could… maybe.. cook for you?” Your eyes widened. ‘Oh my god I’m going to her place.’ “I-I uh.” You start stuttering. “Sorry, never mind it was a dumb idea-“ You stop her mid sentence. “I.. wouldn’t mind at all Abby.” You say with a genuine smile on your face. Her eyes widened. “Ok! Um, let’s see, I may have to pick up a few things. Do you mind grocery shopping with me?” “Abbyyy I thought you’d never ask.” You say with a goofy smile appearing on your face. She rolls her eyes jokingly and she pulls off into the road again.
You both stop at convenience store. She gets out and runs to open your door for you. “Thank you pretty.” You say smiling. She grabs a cart and she waits for you. You’re grabbing your purse out her car and you shut the door. As you look at her. You notice her hand holding out and she looks at you. You give her a ‘?’ Look and she starts smiling at you and she giggles. “Give me your hand cutie.” She says. Your face gets heated again. You grab her hand and she locks it with you.
She’s acting so nonchalant but you’re literally so in love with this girl. You both walk in and your hand starts sweating so much; she keeps adjusting your hands together as she makes it to the meat section looking at all the chicken. “You’re not vegetarian or vegan are you?” She looks over at you and you shake your head no. She adds the chicken to the cart. As you guys keep walking around the store you look at your hand size difference. Her hand is so big; at least 2 inches bigger than yours. You’re daydreaming again, and your thumb rubs over the back of her hand. ‘Oh my god. I Wonder what these would feel like..’ you loose your train of thought as she looks at you. “Do you wanna get winneeee?” She says holding the bottle by her face and tilting it. “Y-yeah! Sure.” You say as you advert your eyes again. “Are you ok? I’m sorry was the hand holding to much?” Abby’s hand slips away. You grip it tightly. “N-no! Please. I like This.” You say to her as you rub her hand again. “Ok, eager girl.” She says playfully. Your face heats up again.
She finished grabbing everything and you both check out. You head back to the car and she opens the door once again for you. The car is silent, she’s driving to her place, her playlist echos in the background. “Abby.. can I ask you something.” She says a light “Yeah?” As she focuses on the road. “Would this count as a date?” You glance at her and focus on the road with a heat coming to your face, I don’t know why you felt so bold all of a sudden, she makes you so nervous but you figured. “And if I say yes?” She looks over at you again and back at the road. You smile and get all giggly. “WHY DIDNT YOU TELL MEEE.” You say, your face getting even more hot. “I-I’m sorry!” Abby says. “Nora told me.. to ask you in a smooth way but to not be forward?” She smiles still focusing. “I-I was gonna ask, but-“ “Abby.” You grab her bicep. “You’re ok! Im completely fine with it.” Your brain gets to thinking. ‘Noraaaa..no wonder she said Abby’s probably more nervous than me.’ you’re wondering why she didn’t just ask you straight up, like you would say no. Abby is too pretty for you to say no. “I wish I would’ve wore something better then.” You laugh. “You look good to me.” Abby says, she glances at your chest for a moment. “I like the shirt on you.” You punch her softly jokingly, and she laughs.
You make it to a nice neighborhood, it’s so pretty, so much trees. She lives in a small house community, almost like apartments. She arrives and it’s a one floor house, she has a lot of plants, mainly sunflowers/daisy’s. She parks in the drive way. “Sorry for the first date being at my house.” She says taking the keys out the ignition. “It’s fine you’re ok.” You say to her. You unbuckle your seat belt.
You both make it in the house. It’s very small but very cozy. She places her gym equipment on the floor by her couch.
It’s so warm in here, her wallpaper is a nice tan color, and her furniture is a mix of a lot of beige and dark grays. She also has ALOOOTTT of books, like a whole library in her house. “Wow, this is nice.” “Thank you.” She says quietly setting the food on her counter top. She takes off her jacket and hangs it up. She looks so good right now. Her arms are showing, her skin looks so soft, yet so sculpted. “If you want you can watch something while I get started.” She puts on a tight white apron with a pink hem at the bottom. “D-do you want me to help.” You say, the way she looks right now oh my god you’re drooling, she’s making you so wet without even trying too. “No pretty you don’t have to.” She says holding your chin and rubbing it. You almost drop to your knees. She rubs your lower lip softly, glancing at your eyes and your lips. “Don’t worry, yeah?” She lets go of your face with a smirk and she head towards the kitchen. Your thighs clench. She’s gonna drive you crazy.
You sit on the couch and flip through channels. The way she living room is set up, it’s an open kitchen so you can see her, but she can’t really see you, all she sees is your head.
You start texting Nora.
You: IM AT HER HOUSE, she’s cooking for me
Nora: DAMN? She must really like you dude, cause that girl never brings anyone to the crib 💀💀💀
You: it’s ok 💀, but I’m so nervous I’m just sitting here on the couch and I’m trying to find something to watch, she caressed my lips, MY LIPS NORA
Nora: OMMGGG DUDE GOOD LUCK, let me know how it GOESSS HAHA, you were in her class for one day only and now your at her house 😭
Abby breaks your head up from your phone. “I don’t hearrr anything on the tvvv.” She says as she’s turning on the rice cooker. “S-sorry! Haha I’m a little nervous, I don’t know what you like.” “Whatever you turn on I’m sure I’ll like it.” She says glancing at you. You end up turning on an early 2000s movie. One of those goofy teen movies. They’ve always been your favorite. Hopefully she’ll feel the same. “Oh my god not this.” She says as she comes over to you and leans on the couch staring at the tv. “I haven’t seen this in so long.” She laughs and looks at you. You advert your eyes from her, your face is getting so heated again. “I could change it!” You grab the remote and Abby snatches it. “No no, don’t change it haha, I use to watch this with my dad all the time. So I kinda grown to like it.” She says putting the remote on the counter top. She walks back to the kitchen and you stand up. “Is it ok, if I watch you. I mean, I know you told me you could cook for me, but just in case I wanna meal prep later on in the future.” You say smiling. “Sure I don’t mind.” She looks nervous. “Uhhh, here let me show you.” She holds out her hand and she guides you. She brings you near the counter top and by the cutting board. “I’m gonna show you how I cut my chicken. Usually I do it in squares.” She stands behind you, extremely close, she grabs your hand gently. Knife in one hand gently holding it in yours guiding your hands. Her waist is so close to your back you can feel her breathing softly. She leans over you. “Is this ok.” You’re getting so wet, this is ridiculous. You haven’t had any action in so long and this girl is literally driving you off the rails. “U-uh y-yeah. It’s fine.” You say. She chops the chicken with you and you look at your hand difference again. Her hands are so big over yours, her rough callus hands. You almost feel dizzy, she’s so warm. Is she teasing you? Does she wanna see how heated you can get, how nervous she can make you. It’s almost like she’s edging you, without even going anything.
“Then I cut in squares like this, you see.” We could prep the vegetables next if you want too. She backs away and goes to the sink to wash her hands and you follow after her. You both wash your hands. “Grab the vegetables out the fridge for me yeah?” You nod, trying not to fall over. The tension is so thick, you lean over looking into the fridge trying to find them. She leans over you again, whispering to you. “Did you find them?” “Y-yeah!” You shoot up and hit your head on the freezer door and fall back a little. “Oh my god! Are you ok? Wait let me get something hold on.” Abby grabs you by your arms and lifts you effortlessly on the counter top. Your thighs clench again. She moved you like you were nothing, and you never had anyone pick you up like that. “I think I got an ice pack in here.” She finds it and hands it to you. You place it on your head and kick your feet gently. Abby walks up to you, getting her waist in-between your legs, she comes so close to your face but she ends up tilting your head down so she can she the top. “Ok it doesn’t look that bad, I’m sorry for startling you.” She says as she rest her hands on your hips softly. She’s been close but oh my god she’s so close. Her lashes are fluttering, you feel how warm her face is. You start breathing heavier, you’re getting so wet. She’s all that’s in your mind. “Abby…” You say breathlessly, practically moaning her name. She looks at your face. Her face gets a little red when she sees her position. “Oh I’m sorry!” She says she’s beginning to back up but you try to hold her. She looks at you for a moment. Up and down at your face; and then your chest.
“Abby..” you say again softly. “..Yeah?” She says looking at your lips. “C-can I.. kiss you?” You say. Scared she’ll say no, you let go of her for a second, but instead she leans into you kissing you softly on your lips. You don’t know what to do with your arms so you move them around her neck. Her hands start gripping at your love handles, she messages them and then she uses the other one to grip your thighs. You let out a soft moan, and her tongue roughly slips into your mouth. She begins moving her hands up the back of your shirt, grabbing your bra strap, flicking with the handles. She stops. “Wait.” She looks at you, your hair is already a mess, your breathing so heavy. She’s got you so wet and so dizzy with lust. Your pupils are blown so wide. “Do you.. want this.. I know we barely, know each other. We only know each other through Nora but. We can stop and-“ You kiss her cheek. “I-I do. I promise. Abby, I never met any one like you before. I haven’t really been into dating recently ever since I’ve gained a little extra weight. I felt self conscious to get back out there. That’s why I wanted to start loosing weight, but I realized that I wanted to do it for myself instead down the line, but I didn’t expect the gym trainer to be so hot… and into me.” Abby giggles and caresses your face. “Ever since Nora showed me a pic of you back in college I knew I had to get my hands on you, I just got a little nervous.” She rubs your thigh again and kisses you softly this time. You both end up sitting there just making out on her counter top, her hands on your waist, your fingers in her hair tangling her braid. She pauses again. You whimper a little at the loss of her lips. “I-I’m sorry, did you wanna eat first?”
“Oh! Yeah. Yeah of course!” She kisses your forehead and lifts you off the counter again setting you down. “Go sit on the couch pretty girl. I’ll be done in a sec.” She says kissing your cheek and then your lips.
A hour passes you and Abby are on her couch, watching this cheesy 2000s movie drinking wine, eating the delicious food she made. She made chicken with vegetables and rice. She calls it a very “high protein meal?” But you don’t even care you just really enjoy being in her company. She’s talking about how Nora use to be in college, and how she almost failed half her classes but Nora helped her out so much that she ended up passing. She also talks about her first college boyfriend Owen and how he got a girl pregnant and left her for the girl; which was reasonable, he still cheated on her, but she said they still remain friends tho. You tell about your dating experiences also, and your college dorm mates, and Highschool bullies throughout the years.
You and Abby are laughing so much your stomach hurts, she keeps bringing up her friend group and experiences she’s had.
You’re almost completely buzzed. You forgot how much of a light weight you are when it comes to alcohol, but you still remain completely alert. You both finish eating and you’re snuggling up to her, your back on her chest and her hands are wrapped around your stomach, she keeps gripping it and messaging your muffin top. “What are you doiiinggg.” You say. “Nothing, just admiring you.” She rubs your thigh and your inner thigh, moving your legs open a little. You’re focusing on the movie a little bit, but you can’t cause you feel her hands on your body again, which is making you heat up. She begins kissing the back of your neck, and you tilt your head. You let out a little whimper again as you feel her hands in button your jeans. “Abby..” you whimper. “Yeahh..” she whispers into your ear kissing your cheek. Your thighs clench feeling her breath on your ear. “Hehe, what are you doing?” You giggle. “Does it bother you?” She says rubbing your thigh up and down, smirking. You whimper. “N-no.” You say stuttering. “Focus on the movie, yeah?” She unzips your pants as your eyes are focused on the movie. Her fingers explore your underwear. She jolts a little. “Someone’s soaked. All for me?” She whispers in your ear again, making you clench at nothing. “Th-the way you’ve been teasing me all night, I-i.” “Shhh shh, I said focus on the movie.” She says softly. Her fingers circle your clit and your back arches. “Abby.. fuck.” She begins exploring your shirt and she lifts it up in one quick swoop, she caresses your bra and slips her hand in the cup and rubs your nipples. “O-oh my g-god.” Your eyes are still on the movie. “That’s right. Focus on the movie pretty girl.” She says rubbing your clit faster. She begins moving one finger down to your entrance. She circles her movement a little. “One.. or you think you can take two?” She whispers in your ear and begins kissing your neck a bit harsh, sucking on your skin. You can barely breathe, it’s so much already and all she’s doing is rubbing your clit. “…t-two..” you say as you try to keep your eyes open. Your chest is heaving so much, she’s pinching your nipple. Two of her fingers slip into you and you let out a moan. “You like that don’t you pretty?” She says pulling your hair around your shoulder to kiss more of your neck, “Y-yeah.” She’s continues sucking on your neck and her fingers are moving so slow, it’s killing you, she’s hitting your spot so perfect tho, you think you’re gonna cum soon. “Abby..” “Yeah..” She says chucking softly. All you have is her on your mind. Her breathe on your neck, your hand gripping her forearm as she fingers you slowly. “I think I’m gonna..c-cum.” “Already?” She says.
Her movements speed up a little. “Are you gonna cum for me?” “Yyyeaahhhh.” You say moaning, you almost sound like a porn star. Her fingers are speeding up so fast, and her movements on your clit speed up also. She’s whispering so many praises in your ear it’s driving you crazy. “You’re such a good girl, Who’s my pretty girl? Are you gonna cum for me baby?” She’s whispering so softly, buts it’s so loud in your ear. Her fingers are hitting your g-spot so perfectly, your hips are moving so much, you’re chasing your high. You’re clenching around her finger so much. “Cum for me pretty.” You let go. Squirting all over her fingers, your jeans are soaked. Her fingers and still moving so fast in and out of you, but she slows down. Your chest is heaving so much. Your head collapses into her chest and you look up at her. Forehead sweating. The grip you have on her arm untightens. “S-sorry was that to much?” She says. “N-no i liked it.” You say waving your hands up. “…Abby that was amazing.” You flip over and straddle her hips with your thighs and kiss her lips softly. You’re completely dazed. “Let’s get you cleaned up.” She says giggling and pressing her forehead against yours.
She gets you cleaned up. You’re wearing her shirt and a couple of her boxers, luckily she has some over sized ones that’s she’s stretched out I’ve the years a little. They are still a bit tight tho, but you didn’t bring any underwear; cause you never thought it would get to this. Abby comes out wearing her own black boxers and the same black tank.
You’re in her bed with her and she’s cuddling you. Rubbing circles into your back. “Might be too late, but did you wanna spend the night? Cause I could drive you home?” You look up at her. “Abby you just fingered me on your couch, and you’re asking if I wanna spend the night?” She pushes the pillow in your face. “Shut up.” You both laugh and the laughs turn into deep convos and sleepy convos. You spend the night at her place. You can’t wait to see where this leads.
Thank you guys for reading!! Chapter 4 will be soon! <3
🩷 Tags! @marvelwomen-simp @ccinnamongrl @t3bbyb3ar 🩷
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lavendertales · 1 year
SEÑORITA: Chapter 2
pairing: Javier Peña x Murphy!f!reader
summary: Steve offers to show you around the precinct, but he's not expecting all the teasing words and the tension between you and Javier; and neither does Javier himself.
word count: 3k
series warnings: reluctant friends to lovers, lots of playful banter, mutual pining, slow burn, secret relationship, filthy smut.
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series masterlist | AO3
As it turns out, a baby living in the same space as you isn’t your biggest inconvenience.
Okay, perhaps “inconvenience” is taking things too far. Olivia has been a treat these past few days; she’s just started walking and mumbling a few words, so watching her be curious about everything and reach for things and people with her little hands has been one of your weekly highlights.
But you and Steve remain far from the good buddies you were as children, and the awkwardness that floats in the air whenever you interact is very much palpable and thick, weighing down on both of you.
Even so, you at least remain polite towards each other, and you both try your hardest to become friendly again.
Steve tells you about his time in Colombia; he tells you how he caught Pablo Escobar in his final moments and how he wished Javier was there to share the sweet victory since “it would’ve been only fair”. He mentions Javier quite a lot, actually, just like he did in his letters to you. You deduce that they are good friends, bonded by a mutual goal and plenty of tragedy, and that Javier is, despite some flaws and choices, a focused and hardworking man. Trustworthy and loyal.
In other words, a good man.
“I still have them, by the way,” you tell your brother as you take another sip of coffee.
Steve blinks in surprise. “You kept the letters I sent you?”
“Well, yeah. You’re still my brother, and the fact that you took the time to write to me when you were basically in a living hell, it means a lot to me. I was worried about you.”
The warmth that fills Steve’s body is not unknown, and yet it feels like it’s the very first time he’s ever felt it such a big wave of affection towards his baby sister.
“I figured if something were to happen, you’d be… eased,” he tries to joke.
“You’re not my favorite person in the world but I don’t want you to die. Besides, do you have any idea how expensive it is to have a funeral? Not to mention the cost of retrieving your body from there… way too much work.”
You both giggle, finding odd comfort in the rather morbid way you’re making jokes, and you finish your coffees in silence. Connie is at the park with Olivia—which you suspect was done intentionally on her part—and it’s almost time for both of you to head off to work. You actually crave the library’s welcoming silence today.
“I’ve got an idea,” Steve says, washing both cups. “The precinct isn’t that far from the library.”
“Probably ten minutes by car or so.”
“Exactly. How about you stop by at lunch? I can show you around, give you a tour.”
He’s trying, you smile to yourself. He’s trying to make things great again. You want that too, so it’s not hard to meet him halfway.
“That sounds pretty good actually,” you reply and smile when Steve does.
“Can you give me a ride to work?”
“Sure thing, c’mon.”
On your way, you talk more and it becomes easier, more lighthearted. You find out that Steve wrote to your parent as well, and he also called them once a week. He talked to your mother daily during the brief time he and Connie were apart, and as you hear that, your heart sinks a little. You figure how difficult it must’ve been for both of them.
And even if you don’t say it aloud, you’re very impressed by Steve’s work in Colombia. But most of all, you’re proud of him.
“What’s Javier like?”
The question replaces the brightness on Steve’s face with a gloomy and curious expression. Much as he tries to hide it, it’s there.
“Why?” he asks flatly.
You roll your eyes, chuckling. “He’s your best friend, isn’t he?”
“Yeah, so?”
“Steven, I’m given to understand that Colombia was very dark. The two of you are bonded together by things that the rest of us can’t comprehend. I’m just asking out of curiosity, nothing more.”
Steve’s grip tightens over the wheel, recalling some of the events in Colombia. It was very dark indeed, but most of the time he had Connie there. Javier, on the other hand… there were times Steve feared he was drowning the more vehemently he refused any external help. All he had were his brothel girls, alcohol and cigarettes.
And Steve fears he still hasn’t recovered, even a year later.
“He’s a great guy overall,” Steve replies after a while. “Tough nut to crack and stubborn, but you can rely on him when it comes down to it.”
“He does look like he’s stubborn.”
“Have you seen much of him?”
“You mean since he introduced himself last week, then you shadily pulled him over after which he fled like the plague? Hmm, no, I can’t say I have.”
Steve coos your name, almost apologetically so, but you cut him off instantly. “Even if I were interested in him, which I’m not, what’s it to you? I get that I’m your sister and he’s your best friend and that puts you in the middle, but we’re adults. It would be none of your business.”
“True, but…” Steve huffs, struggling to find his words. “Look, I’m just trying to keep you both safe and sane.”
You frown. “What do you mean?”
“Whenever you were dating one of your bad boys, it never ended well. Remember Hyde, who spray painted dad’s car when you broke up with him?”
“Ugh. Yikes.”
“Or Mike?”
You try your hardest not to laugh. “I still can’t believe he found a skunk and sprayed it all over you.”
You suppress a giggle, much to Steve’s dismay.
“I had to sleep in the basement for a week,” he reminds you bitterly. “Wasn’t funny then, and it’s not funny now.”
“I know, I’m s—I’m sorry.”
“Ever notice how your breakups affected the rest of us, but never you?”
You shrug. “What can I say? I have a long lasting impact on these boys.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of.”
“Javier’s a grown man. Those were little insecure boys. I doubt—“
“Javier isn’t fully okay after Colombia. Neither am I, really, but I’ve got a beautiful wife, an amazing daughter, and life goes on. He took it all by himself and bottled it up. Which is exactly like the kind of guy you’d fall for.”
“I thought he’s a reformed bad boy.”
Steve huffs, parking the car in front of the library and looking at you with a care he hadn’t possessed in years.
“I’m not trying to tell you what to do,” he says softly. “Not gonna do things like I did when we were teenagers. You’re a grown woman, Javier is a grown man as you said. He’s a little broken though, and you can be a lot to deal with… and I’m just afraid you’ll both end up getting hurt.”
“I appreciate your concern, Steven. But I promise you, I’m not interested in Javier like that.”
“All the women are at some point.”
“It’s a regular occurrence?”
When Steve hesitates, you get your answer. “Oh come on, it’s not like he’s some Adonis.”
“I don’t know, for a guy he’s pretty good looking.”
Devilishly handsome is more like it, you think.
“He is,” you agree indifferently, “but I’m not into it.”
“I’ll pick you up at 12-ish?”
You notice the topic change, but you don’t fight against it. “Sounds good,” you concede. Thanks for the ride.”
“You got it.”
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Time flew by in the blink of an eye. Before you knew it, you were back in Steve’s car and on your way to the precinct. There’s a tingle in your body that you cannot explain, but you don’t fight against it either.
“So what exactly does a consultant do at a police precinct?” you ask.
“I help with cases but I don’t actually get involved. It’s a pretty sweet deal actually.”
“So it’s basically like giving advice and adding at the end, ‘if it ruins your life, it’s not my fault’?”
A hearty laugh leaves Steve’s chest, booming throughout the car. “Basically, yeah.”
“That’s a pretty sweet deal. How are you adjusting to it after all you did… in your previous job?”
“It’s a bit boring if you compare them, but it’s a nice change of pace.”
“I’ll bet. You are, after all, America’s hero.”
“Oh, stop it.”
“Come on! You know what people are saying about you! Steve Murphy, American’s fine hero, saved the world!”
You keep teasing him till you both end up laughing wholeheartedly. It’s a sentiment you haven’t had in years, and suddenly you feel grateful and lucky to have your big brother back in your life.
Steve holds the door for you, thus allowing you to get a first glimpse into his work environment. It’s as busy as any precinct, people buzzing and moving at a fast pace without paying much attention to their surroundings.
“Here,” Steve catches your attention. “This is my office.”
You scan the cubicle, noticing the picture of him, Connie and Olivia on his desk. “Pretty cozy.”
“That one over there is Javier’s.”
The difference between the two desks is quite stunning: while Steve’s is cozy and personalized with reminders of the life he has outside these walls, Javier’s is pretty empty except a few folders neatly stacked on top of each other, a pen and a stapler. His desk seems pretty empty, and you fleetingly wonder if that reflects how he’s feeling on a daily basis.
Impossible, you think to yourself. Surely he’s a ladies’ man, and surely he’s got someone to hook up with at least, if nothing more.
“Hey Jav,” your brother’s voice changes. “You remember my sister.”
Your eyes met Javier’s for a single second, frozen-like in time, and you’re quick to notice how he shifts his gaze as farther away from you as possible. As a response, you lower your head, stiffening a chuckle.
“Hola señorita,” he tells you, even his voice distant.
There’s no verbal reply leaving your mouth. You want to say something clever and witty, maybe even sarcastic, but there is a small fraction of your slightly twisted being, deep down, which considers his greeting to be an awakening of some sort. You like how the words roll so easily down his tongue. A presumably filthy and skilled tongue.
Whoa. Where the fuck did that come from?
Okay, so you might think he’s attractive. He might be sin personified with golden skin and cold attitude, which means he can be trouble.
And you’re not looking for trouble. Not anymore.
“What brings you here?”
It takes you a bit to realize that Javier’s addressing you because he’s not even looking at you; he’s looking through a folder in his hands, seemingly doing everything in his power to ignore you.
“Steve wanted to show me around the precinct while we grab some lunch,” you say.
“Oh, right, lunch!” Steve exclaims. “I got us turkey sandwiches from a nice place down the street, hope that’s okay.”
“Yeah, love those.”
“I’ll be right back.”
With Steve gone temporarily, you take the opportunity to squeeze some answers out of Javier.
“Let me guess,” you start, crossing your arms at your chest and teasingly sitting on the edge of Javier’s desk. “Steven put on the big bro talk with you.”
Javier finally looks at you, somewhat surprised. “Is that a regular occurrence?”
“Oh yes. He used to do it a lot when we were teenagers. But please don’t hold my being related to him against me.”
“Wasn’t going to.”
“Thanks. He claims that I made his life miserable by bullying him when we were younger but if you’re asking me, he’s a bit of a wimp. When it comes to me, at least.”
“You do sound like a bully.”
This time you do chuckle. And if you wouldn’t have such great observation skills, you might’ve thought that Javier chuckled too.
“Did you bully him though?” he asks, voice less distant.
“Well… depends from which side you’re viewing things. I say I gave him reality checks. But this might explain why he’s trying so damn hard to overcompensate now by being ridiculously protective. He knows I didn’t like it then and it’s why we’re awkward around each other now, and yet here he is, going out of his way to keep you at bay.”
“He only asked me nicely to not hit on you.”
You raise your eyebrows. “Were you going to?”
“No. You’re not really… my type. No offense or anything.”
“None taken. But the question remains, why does my brother want to keep you at bay? Are you really that big of an asshole, Javier?”
He turns to you, studying your face properly for the very first time. You seem much sharper than any of the women he previously encountered, and for this reason he decides to be as blunt as possible with you.
“That seems to be the consensus,” he agrees.
“Cause I heard some storied from my brother’s time in Colombia. I heard about the infamous Javier Peña. Heard you were quite the hit with the ladies, but nothing short of ‘hero’ and ‘great friend’.”
Gradually, Javier becomes irritated. Reminders of his past life in Colombia and how much it took from him become a trigger, and he doesn’t want to relive any part of that.
“Are you gonna do this the whole time you’re here?” he asks you instead.
“I could,” you shrug. “I can see it gets a rise out of you.”
“And I can see why Steve said you can be a pain in the ass.”
But you smile, and paired with the way you said his full name, rolling the R perfectly at the end, it does get a rise out of him.
Frustration. The inability to act upon it. Curiosity. Forbidden fruit.
Too much contradiction for Javier’s personal taste.
“Listen,” he moves closer to you to whisper in dangerous proximity, “Steve asked me to not get involved with you, friend to friend. So that’s what I intend to do. More like not do.”
“Okay, that’s honorable, I respect that. But how much fun would it be to mess with him?”
Javier cocks an eyebrow in your direction, the faint scent of something floral suddenly invading his nostrils.
“Why would we mess with him?”
“Come on! Haven’t you ever wanted to just mess with him? Prank him in any way?”
“Not out of instinct.”
“You’re missing out.”
“And how exactly would we mess with him?”
“Do I detect interest in your voice?”
The playfulness in your voice, along with a hint of mischief, is causing Javier’s head to spin. You’re still not his type, but you sure seem like fun.
And he likes to have fun once in a while.
Forbidden fruit, he reminds himself.
“I figure if he sees me around you a lot, he’ll think we’re fucking, and based on your reputation, sounds plausible,” you ponder. “One of those veins in his head is bound to pop.”
“Shit, you’re a mean one. But I still want to respect Murphy’s wish.”
As if on command, Steve rushes back, handing you a sandwich and pulling Javier closer.
“I found this on Lieutenant Dan’s desk,” he mutters, but not hushed enough to not reach your ears.
Steve reveals a folder that you try to peak at while Javier rummages through it. Seconds later, his face brightens.
“New intel on the case,” Steve adds. “These sure would come in handy for closing the case.”
“So take ‘em.”
Both men stare at you like you just said the most outrageous thing in the world. “They’re classified, smarty pants,” Steve practically scolds you.
“So? You’re not taking them outside the precinct. You’re just… borrowing them, looking at words on a page.”
“If I close my eyes, you’re like the female version of Javier.”
“Gee, thanks.”
“Why are you here, again?”
Javier’s sharp eyes cut through you like glass, but they don’t intimidate you.
“Apparently I’m the only one thinking rationally,” you retort.
With a loud grunt and a quick glance around, Javier turns to Steve. “Look, just—just stuff it down your pants.”
“Do you wanna close the case or not?”
“Yeah, obviously, but—“
“Stuff ‘em down your pants.”
“Say that a lot to your lady friends?”
The glare Javier throws you doesn’t intimidate either. If anything, it only makes you bolder.
“If your brother wasn’t here, I would’ve told you where you can stuff that,” he grunts.
“Yeah, you’d wish you’d stuff something in this.”
“Both of you, cut it out, now,” Steve shushes you. “And ew. Why me, anyway? You pulled the same stunt back in Medellin.”
“They’ll suspect me.”
“You can’t play that card here too!”
“Spanish-speaking guy with a foreign family name? Trust me, they’ll fucking suspect me, Murphy.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake!”
Within a split second, you snatch the folder from Steve’s hands and, ensuring no one’s around, you tug at Javier’s belt, making enough room for the folder to slide between his shirt and his pants. Breathless, Javier can only watch in shock as you smile, so as to not raise any suspicions, and button his blazer so that the foreign element in his suit isn’t visible.
“There,” you say, “problem solved.”
“What the fuck,” Steve mutters under his breath.
“I wasn’t gonna shove a folder down your pants.”
Javier can’t think of a single thing to say. He can only watch you as you sit down, finally munching on your sandwich, and feel a concoction of feelings.
She’s not my type, he remembers.
But shit, that was hot.
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tags: @pedrostories @milkymoon2483 @ifall4dilfs @psychedelic-ink @casa-boiardi
332 notes · View notes
cerridwen007 · 1 year
Put him in his Place.
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Pairing: Javier Peña x f!reader
Word count: 3k (18+)
Summary: Javier comes home from a particularly hard day at work and instead of being able to help him relax and take his mind off work like you usually can, he snaps at you causing you to put him in his place.
Notes/warnings: SMUT,established relationship,oral (female and male receiving), fingering, unprotected p in v, slapping, rough sex, switch reader, switch Javier, powerplay, dirty talk, Javi being a cocky little brat.
A/N: This is the very first smut I've finished and am posting to Tumblr, so please let me know what you think/ what I can improve on. I'm pretty shit at editing but I looked over it a few times so hopefully it's okay/easy to read. Also when I was writing the start I kept thinking the song Sunny by Bobby Hebb would work really well with it for some reason. Like I was picturing it like a scene in a movie,(spoiler) Javi and reader just aggressively making out to that happy song haha, which I honestly don’t know if it's been done before. So if you wanted to maybe play that song just as you are about to start reading and see if it fits. Sorry for the long author's notes. Hope you enjoy it!
Javier and you have been rocky ever since Pablo Escobar got put in prison, a jail of his own design that was basically the opposite of a jail. Yes, Javier has been stressed since you met about work but now more than ever his stress has been through the roof.
Usually you were able to calm him down with a drink and some "relief" and he would be fairly relaxed till something else at work came up. You understood it was a stressful job and a stressful case. You just hoped it would be over soon because seeing Javier stressed all the time killed you a little inside. Although you didn't mind one bit helping him relax in more ways than one. Tonight was a bit different though.
Javier opened the door hard, making a loud bang, he slammed his fist against the door shutting it. "Fucken hell!" You cringed a little at the loud noises before walking over to greet him in the most soothing voice you could. "Hi Javi, baby, how was your day?" It didn't work. Instead of responding "not the best but atleast I'm here with you now" like he usually did before giving you a big long kiss, he angrily walks past you.
"I need a drink"
Before you can go to pour him one he grabs himself a full glass of whiskey and knocks it back in one go. He then starts pouring himself a second glass. You chime in trying to calm the lion. "Honey I made your favourite tonight! And after dinner maybe I could run you a nice hot bath, and then maybe I'll let you have a little show of my new lingerie set!"
Instead of scooping you up and taking you to the bedroom with a sly smirk on his face like you expected him to do he scoffs and shoots down his second drink of the night. He gets up and walks over to the door not even making eye contact with you.
"I'm going out, don't wait up."
You grab his wrist gently, "Hey I don't know what happened at work today, we can talk about it if you want but we don't have to but I don't think it's a good idea to drink your troubles away.
"God, nothing happened at work okay, stop mothering me and leave me like the rest do okay!"
His words hurt a little and they hurt hearing knowing he is hurting and that for some reason he doesn't want to confide in you about it or let you help him. But still you brushed them aside knowing that Javier struggled to open up sometimes.
"Okay I understand your upset Javi but please don't take this out on me okay I'm just trying to help you cause I care about you."
He pulls his wrist away from you  and looks into your eyes with an anger you haven't ever seen in your shared home, a look that is only used when dealing with the most terrible criminals in Bogota.
"I’m not fucken taking anything out on you okay bitch, you're just being a clingy whiny child that won't leave me alone, for God's sake I need my space."
Something overcomes you, you are not ever an aggressive person even in the bedroom, and you knew that it was not the normal Javier speaking, no disrespecting, you like that and that he must have had a hell of shitstorm day at work but still, you needed to put him in his place.
You raise your hand and slap him fairly hard across his cheek. You immediately feel bad and go to apologise. " i...i...sorry I didn-"
"Do it again"
"Slap me again, harder this time"
" if this is trap I don't want-"
"It's nothing like that, don't get me wrong I love how much you care despite what I said but this what I saw in your eyes as you slapped me, that passion, made me wanna ravage you all night."
Each word he speaks you see the desire grow in his eyes and the wetter you get.
"Stop talking."
You slap a little lower and harder on his jawline leaving a red mark that stings his smirking face. You both lunge at each other holding each other's face in your hands, lips pressed firmly against one another's, tongues slip in and out of eachothers mouth dancing around, encased in wetness.
Javier pushes you against the wall hard, smashing the glass of the picture frame behind you. You moan out in pain and pleasure. You push off the wall walking Javier backwards and your hands start roaming to each other's bodies each trying to get each other's clothes off as fast as possible. Your lips only break to catch your breaths and to get a better look at the buttons.
You push him up against the wall this time keeping you body close to his. He groans a little in pleasure as you do. He pushes off the wall and the shirts come off. In one quick movement he undoes your bra and hoists you up so your legs wrap around his hips. Throwing you against the wall harder times you both moan, you can feel his hard cock pushing against your waist.
He kisses down your jawline, down your neck to your breasts where he fondles them in his hands and sucks on the left nipple, the stimulation of one of your most sensitive areas causes you to moan loudly. You brace yourself with one hand on the wall palm flat. The other hand on the nape of Javi's neck moving up to his soft dark short hair.
He switches nipples, you grind against his cock hinting you want more as the desire builds up in you more and more. He takes the hint and pulls you off the wall putting his lips back against yours, hot and wet. His hands go down you back to your ass where they hold on for dear life. He backs into the bedroom. Your hand that was on the wall now holds his jaw. He turns around and throws you both down on the bed, him on top of you.
He strips your pants off you quickly before doing the same to himself. The heat between your legs rises seeing his toned tan arms flex as they literally rip your panties off you, pulling the shreds down your legs out of the way. He looks like a wild animal about to sink its teeth into prey, eyes alive with anger, hunger and lust. But you're not backing off in fear.
You pull him close to your body and roll so you're on top of him, and grab his member in his boxers firmly, he raises his hips and head up, his brows crease together overcome with pleasure with a tinge of pain. You grab the top of his head, his soft warm brown hair gripped between your white knuckles. Pulling a little you put him in his place.
"You won't do any of that till I tell you to.” you harshly whisper into his face, releasing his cock from your firm grip.
He stares in your eyes not breaking contact, his lips slightly turning into a smirk while his eyes are still very much alive with passion and hate.
"Oh yeah?" He growls
He flips you over so he is on top now. He grabs your wrists with one of his hands and raises it above your head. This is a play for power now. Javier liked your fire and control just as much as he likes having his own. So he wants to test to see how far you will go before you give into him.
"You're going to regret that" you say with a firm tone.
"Make me" he smirks
You lift your head to kiss him. He goes in for the kiss. You swerve and sink your teeth semi lightly into the crevice between his neck and shoulder, leaving a mark that will last a while. Javi pulls away and groans in pain, but is turned on more than ever. While he's distracted you pull your wrists apart from his hold and flip so you're on top again, straddling him.
"You're being a very bad boy," you hiss.
"Can't help it" he smiles, grinning.
You push firmly down on his chest and go to kiss the mark you gave him seconds before. You leave a trail of kisses and bites into his skins down his chest and stomach. He groans with every contact, each making his cock pulse in need of release. You make it to his boxes and pull them down slowly. You lick your lips and purse them around the tip of his dick. He whimpers quietly.
"I haven't even started yet baby and you're already whimpering, can't wait for you to start screaming my name."
You say smirking before putting your lips back on his throbbing dick, pushing the tip past your lips and adding a hand to his thick cock.
You start slow but quickly build momentum and his dick becomes slick with your spit and his precum. He fights the urge to buck his hips up and instead grips the sheets with one of his veiny hands and pushes some of your hair behind your ear with the other.
"F...fuck sweetheart.... you're too good at that!"
You smirk around his cock, your teeth lightly graze him for a second causing him to groan loudly. You fasten your strokes as he moans in total pleasure. You smirk to yourself knowing you almost got it out of him. 
Moaning your name turns into incomprehensible whimpers as you bring him to his high, but you're not finished till you milk out every last drop with your hands firm around him, licking everything he has to offer.
Both of you breathless, you go up to his face and passionately kiss, exchanging the taste of him and his pleasure to his own tongue. He goes to sit you up and switch positions before kneeling in front of you so he can offer you some release now.
"Oh... no baby you don't have to do that... tonight's all about making you feel goo-"
"Please... let me... please let me make you feel as good as you just made me feel... let me taste your sweetness."
He was begging you to let him stuff his face between your thighs. God it made you feel powerful, to have a man like Javier on knees before you, you couldn't say no to that. Not to mention that everytime he ate you out, (which with Javier was often because he couldn't get enough of you) he left your legs trembling for the rest of the night from his fucken godly tongue.
"Okay baby, you've begged enough." You tease.
Before you can say another word his face dives between your warmth, head first into your wet folds. He licks a tender strip up your pussy before teasing your pulsating clit with the tip of his tongue. You throw your head back and uncontrollably moan out.
He wraps his hands around your thighs and pulls your centre closer to him. He slips a thick finger into you slowly causing you to arch your back into his touch.
"Javi" you breathily moan, totally succumbing to the divine pleasure that this man was devoted to giving you just with his mouth and hands. The pathetic whines you make as he slips a second finger into your hole, pumping them in and out of your pussy make his cock twitch. But he pushes down the need to be buried deep inside you till he fully repays the pleasure you gave him.
Knowing how close you are by the more strangled and loud moans coming from your pretty little mouth, he fucks you harder and deeper with his fingers and further stimulates your throbbing clit with his tongue, very gently biting down occasionally, blending the lines of pain and pleasure.
"Cum for me cariño, give me all your sweet essence to drink.  He breathes against your wet centre.
Those words push you over the edge. A series of loud breathy moans escape your mouth, your legs trembling, threatening to crush Javi's head, but he doesn't care or notice. He is too busy working you through your high, licking up every sweet drop of your liquid pleasure he can get from you.
He eventually comes up and crawls up to you cradle your reddened face between his hands, passionately kissing your plump lips.The taste of both of your pleasures are exchanged, dancing around each other tongues. You break away, both of you still out of breath from the previous activities. He lies down on his back next to you.
Your mind flashes back to the start of the night, the events that ultimately led you here. You feel the heat rise in your cheeks once again as the anger you felt overcomes you once again. You think Javi still needs to be taught a lesson, and just thinking about putting him in his place makes your pussy ache in need for his cock to fill the emptiness his fingers left moments ago filled.
Noticing a shift in the air, Javi asks you what you're thinking about.
"Oh just how I still think you need to be put in your place Peña." You growl.
He smirks, loving every second of this new power dynamic he gets. "Oh you gonna teach me a lesson baby" he teases waiting for a reaction out of you.
"Oh you fucken bet, smartass" you snap back. Quickly you move on top of him again and slap his face. 
“Your a very lucky man Javi, to be blessed with such a patient partner who is used to dealing your shitty attitude, offering every ounce of love and care she has to you every time you have a bad day at work, sucking your dick so hard you forget all you problems for the night.”
“Oh yeah I sure am lucky-”
You push your thumb to his lips while holding his chin in the rest of your fingers, shushing him. 
“I wasn't finished talking!” you snap.
“Someone better teach you a lesson about manners before someone permanently shuts that dirty little mouth of yours.”
Javi gulps, his cock straining against your warm weight above needing more and more to release his show of affection in your tight wet cunt.
You tip his chin up, pulling your thumb down his lips slowly. You push your face close to his, mouths almost touching. 
“What, cat got your tongue?” you whisper seductively in his mouth, licking your lips. Your hot breath causes his cock to pulsate even more and goosebumps to emerge over his neck. He swallows hard, a quiet moan escaping his throat.
“Good boy, you finally learnt that it's best to shut up then let your sly tongue ruin the fun for you.” you joke.
You once again firmly grab his throbbing boner and stroke it a few times before guiding it to your entrance, you slowly sit down on it, letting your cunt adjust to his wide length. Breathy moans fall out of both of your mouths. Once you reach the base, you let half of his cock fall out before taking it all again. You fasten your pace, arching your back as the angle his cock hits every time causes your breath to hitch in your throat, making strangled moans. 
He becomes a whimpering mess below you, both from the pleasure you were bestowing upon him and because of his overwhelming need to turn you over and fuck the shit out of you himself, fueled by the need to appease and pleasure the one good thing in his life.
“Please let me fuck you baby make you feel way better than you can make yourself feel bouncing on my dick.”
You stare at him, at first annoyed but then smile knowing that nobody can make you feel as good as he can, even yourself. You felt you had teased him enough tonight not letting him take full control like he usually did. You smirk nodding and give a playful slap on his chest.
“Okay but you better fuck the shit out me pretty boy, make my cunt ache for days after this.”
“Oh mi amor, you won’t be able to even walk for days after this.” he said with a smirk twisting into a devilish smile.
He swiftly sits up to embrace you tightly, his pace quickly surpassing that off your own. The new angle hitting you somehow even deeper than before, causing your eyes to roll back into your head. You now are the one who whimpers pathetically, love-drunk on every mind numbing thrust Javi provides you. Chills run throughout your body as Javi brings you closer and closer to your orgasm. In between his deep grunts and breathes he whispers dirty, dirty words into your ear. 
“Yeah that’s right… nobody can make you feel as good..as…I can cariño.”
“I love your tight little cunt….and those little desperate sounds you make… when I fuck the shit out it.”
“God you look so fucken pretty…. when you're about cum on my cock… wanna stay like this… with you forever.”
The both of you are so close, to help you finish he squeezes to tighter, closer to him, kneading one of your breasts with one hand and circling you clit with the other, using his hands as the anchors to enter your pussy as hard and fast as he can. Your hand reaches up to behind his head as you both simultaneously reach your high.
“Ahhhh…. fuck…. Javi…. you feel so good!”
You turn your head and look at him, he leans forward and kisses your forehead, panting hard as he rides out his high. He carefully slips out his softening dick out of your aching, sensitive pussy. You both fall into the bed holding each close as you catch your breaths yet again. 
“Fuck I think i’m going to need you come home from work angry more often.” you laugh out of breath.
He laughs against the back of your neck. “Yeah also feel free to slap me whenever you want cause fuck… that was hot.”
You both laugh, nodding. This night turned out better than expected, and you wish to be nowhere else except here entwined closely with the love of your life, hot,sticky and tired after you extraneous activities, slowly drifting to sleep with nothing but the sounds of busy Bogotá and Javi’s deep breaths caressing your neck.
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can you make one with matt murdock where they're good friends but one night they're drinking and having fun and then the reader kiss him but when they making out he ends up saying someone else name and the reader leaves, later on they talk and reader apologizes for misreading their relationship and continue to be friends but theres tension in it until bradley finally admits that he likes her and he try to make up for all the time lost
~Friends Don't Treat Me Like You Do~
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Word Count: 3k
Warnings: none really, embarrassment?? Alcohol consumption, mentions of injuries (nothing major)
Genre: mostly fluff very minor angst
Summary: You've had a crush on your friend for a very long time and when you finally make your move it goes terribly wrong; And that's why friends should sleep in other beds // and friends shouldn't kiss me like you do ... // my friends won't love me like you - Friends by Ed Sheeran
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A/N: I know it's a typo of some sort but it's sending me to the moon that the name Bradley is jus thrown into this ask cuz I can't even figure out what it's replacing lmaoooo anyway thank you for requesting! I hope you like it anon! :3 (also I didn't edit this plz be nice)
Your friendship with Matt Murdock is in some ways rather unconventional. You've been friends for many years, but these days most of your interactions consist of him stumbling over to your apartment at odd hours covered in bruises you don't ask about- not because you don't want to know but because you're pretty certain you've guessed it and you're not sure what acknowledging it would mean. So you don't ask, instead, you give him food, and tend to his wounds, and talk to him about whatever comes to mind until he inevitably falls asleep on your couch for a few hours and sneaks out early enough to go back to his place for his day job as a defense attorney with his two friends. Both of whom you'd consider friends- although not nearly as close as you are with Matt.
Tonight Matt's invited you over to his place. Apparently, he's been feeling a bit guilty that most of the time you've spent together in recent days has been just him coming over in the middle of the night. As if you'd ever actually be annoyed with taking care of your friend. Your friend you feel for more than he can ever know. Still, he insisted you come over for dinner so you did, he ordered your favorite from a takeout place near his place and now you're eating and drinking wine you brought along with you. Well, you're drinking wine, Matt's been helping himself to the beers filling his fridge.
"Whenever you come over I do all that talking Matty so today you can do the talking this time. Tell me what you've been getting up to lately." You tell him once you've covered asking each other how your day was.
"I don't do anything interesting y/n- I go to work, spend all day reading or writing lengthy opening statements or discussing things with Foggy and our clients until ungodly hours according to Karen. Sometimes they drag me out to Josie's but- there's really nothing I 'get up to' and you know that."
"Why do you do that?" You frown.
"Make yourself seem so dull when you're not."
"Excuse me?"
"I've known you for a long time Matt and I can't think of single period of our lives where you had nothing interesting going on and yet you always talk about yourself as if you're the color beige personified. It's like you're worried that if people think you're too interesting they'll," you trail for a moment "find out something."
"What does that mean?"
"Nothing in particular. You're just way more interesting than you want people to think. For some reason."
"And what about you?"
"What about me?"
"You're not exactly an open book either."
"You got something to ask me about Matty?"
"No." He shakes his head. You stare at him for a long moment.
"We should play a game!" You announce.
"I don't really- have games?" Matt says.
"There are tons of games that don't require having anything Matt we just have to pick one."
"Like what?"
"We can play 20 questions- the right way, last letter first letter, I'm not a fan of Ghost but we can do that too, or word replacement- to name a few."
"I'm- not familiar with those besides 20 questions?"
"Well, last letter first letter you pick a category and we name items except the last letter of one item has to be the first letter of the next one so like if we're naming office supplies and I say stapler you'd say something like ruler. And Ghost is a spelling game, kinda like hot potato meets Horse the basketball game- so like you take turns spelling a word and you don't wanna be the one who finishes the word- if you do then you get a letter from the word ghost- first person to finish ghost loses. And then word replacement is just a silly game where you pick a movie or show title and change one of the words to the silliest thing you can think of." You explain quickly.
"Let's do the title one. Requires the least amount of thinking and I don't have to compete with you." He says.
"Then I'll start. Fast and Constipated." You giggle.
"Fast and Constipated!?" Matt's laugh is incredulous.
"Yeah, fast and furious but not so fun."
"Okay um- John Tucker Must... Juggle."
"That's way less fun than him dying." You laugh.
"What a Chupacabra wants."
"Goats- obviously."
"Shut up." You giggle.
"Now you- resent me 2."
"Oh that's- why would you say that?" You chuckle.
"I dunno I'm too drunk to think of movies." He mutters.
"All I've got are rom-coms in my head and those titles are not nearly as fun to fuck with. Two weeks- paleontologist?" 
"Paleontologist!? What movie was that even supposed to be?"
"Two weeks notice. Duh."
"I don't think I know that one." He frowns.
"It's about a woman who ends up working as the PA for some rich businessman when she tries to protest something he's trying to build- I forget the details but he turns out to be a giant useless manchild and when he disrupts her personal life for something frivolous she tries to quit but somehow they fall in love or whatever. It's been a while since I've watched it honestly." You shrug.
"Rom-coms are such a curious collection of movies."
"True but that one is pretty average compared to some others I've seen."
"Do you watch a lot of them?"
"I like to laugh at them mostly." You say. "You know what's a weird one? The Notebook."
"Is that not like- a classic?"
"I mean yeah but like the guy gets the girl to go on a date with him by dangling off of a moving ferris wheel."
"And that works?"
"Somehow! I mean I guess she didn't wanna feel responsible for him dropping himself off the wheel in front of an audience but I dunno it seems like he was just looking for reasons to die in that movie." You explain. "Although I never finished that movie maybe he does die. Except then it wouldn't be a rom-com I guess. It would be more tragedy, like in the Shakespearean sense."
"You are always somewhere else." Matt laughs.
"Not always! Oh! I brought that CD you wanted to borrow. We should play it." You sit up suddenly and grab your backpack.
"Are you sure all you've had is that bottle of wine?" Matt asks sitting up slowly from where he's laying on the floor.
"Where's your player?" You ignore his question.
"Should be in the bookcase." He waves absentmindedly.
"Do you want another beer while I'm up?" You ask walking over to the radio to pop the CD.
"Nah. I'm good thanks." He says. Music fills the apartment, and you can't help but sing along to the upbeat tune from Matt's CD player. You dance, well mostly spin, around the apartment giggling as you go.
"Are you dancing?" Matt turns towards you with a smile on his face although you're not looking at him.
"Of course I am- I love this song. Do you wanna dance with me?" You ask walking towards him, still dancing but less now so you can get where you're going.
"No no- I'll leave the dancing to you." Matt says before you make it all the way over to where he's sitting on the floor.
"Suit yourself." You shrug but when you attempt to change directions you trip on your backpack still on the floor and go tumbling towards the ground. Matt moves quicker than you'd expect for a blind guy off several beers but his arms shoot out and yank you towards him before your head hits the hardwood.
"Careful y/n." He says softly as he settles you into his lap.
"Do I need to be if you're here?" You joke smiling at him as you toss your arms over his shoulders.
"Y/n-" Matt's tone is warning in a way only he could get away with using on you.
"Relax Matty, I know to look after myself." You say quietly. Matt frowns slightly as if he's going to protest, but you don't let him get the words out. Alcohol coursing through your system, you seize the opportunity of his closeness and kiss him before you can talk yourself out of it. Matt lets out a noise of surprise, he heard your heart rate spike sure but he couldn't have guessed this was why. His lips move against yours for a second before something catches his attention and he's gasping out a name. Except, it's not your name.
"Karen." He breathes and it reaches your ears like a bucket of ice water dumped on your head. You jerk back suddenly.
"Oh my god-" You say scrambling out of his lap. "I- I am so sorry. I'm gonna go." You grab your bag and b-line it for the exit before Matt can even get to his feet.
"H-hang on a second y/n I-"
"I'll- I'll see you around Matt." You force yourself to say before leaving his apartment. You feel sharper than the amount of wine you've had should allow as you walk the few blocks to your place. Only once you're back in the safety of your own home do you let yourself wallow over how absolutely embarrassing that was. You might have just ruined one of the most important relationships in your life only for him to call out for another girl. You stumble into the shower in hopes of washing away some of the embarrassment you feel, or at the very least distracting yourself enough that you can shelf it and get some sleep. You spend hours tossing and replaying the moment excruciatingly but eventually, exhausting wins out and you do fall asleep. The next couple of days you pretty much ignore Matt's calls and texts. You really bury yourself in work to avoid dwelling on that awful night but you know you can't dodge him forever. Evidently, two days is as much as Matt's willing to give you to do so because on day 3 of avoidance he comes knocking at your door late at night as he sometimes does.
"Look- I know you've been avoiding me and all but-"
"Whatever you're gonna say Matt no need. I'm sorry I overstepped, I- I totally misread things the other night but hey- alcohol will do that sometimes. I'm sorry. We're good though. I'm good. I just needed a minute to lick my wounds of embarrassment. Everything's fine. Come on let's see the damage tonight hm?" You lead him into your apartment ignoring the confused look on his face. You let yourself settle back into your routine with him, patching him up, giving him food, getting him up to speed on the last couple of days of your life, telling stories, and just talking until he falls asleep on your couch. You're determined to shake this stupid crush of yours off and go back to the way things have always been between you. And if you're gonna shake this crush step one is putting yourself out there. Which you do, and for the next few weeks you find yourself on dates almost every night. Tonight's date is going surprisingly well all things considered. He'd planned to take you somewhere that ended up being closed after a freak accident the other day that he didn't know about. It was around the corner from Josie's so you brought him here instead and the conversation has been well worth it- even in a place like this. The one downside is that it's Friday and Foggy and Karen usually drag Matt here for drinks on Friday. You had hoped they'd skip out on that tonight but you of course could only be so lucky. When the bell over the door rings and you turn to see Karen leading Matt into the bar with Foggy behind them you almost want to groan. Dating has been nice but seeing Karen and Matt so close is like picking a scab. You turn back to your date with a smile, intent on ignoring the trio, except of course it couldn't be that simple.
"Oh my gosh! Y/n! Hey!" Karen beams at you.
"Karen! Hi! Foggy, Matt, good to see you all." You smile.
"You didn't tell us you'd be here tonight." She says.
"Well I didn't plan on it otherwise of course I'd have let you know." You tell her. "James this is Karen and that's Foggy and Matt. They're friends of mine. They all work together we've- kind of crashed their spot tonight." You tell your date.
"Oh! Well, any friend of yours is a friend of mine. Nice to meet y'all." James shakes each of their hands. "Did you guys- wanna join us? Since it's pretty crowded in here you might not find another table."
"That's so nice of you James!" Karen says. Very nice indeed.
"I'll track down some chairs." Foggy says. You shift your seat closer to James to make room at the table since apparently they'll be joining you. You try not to pay too much attention to Matt's silence as everyone settles around the table.
"So y/n, you told James how we know you but you didn't mention how you know James. Are you guys work colleagues or something?"
"We have a mutual friend that set us up." James offers.
"Oh my gosh! We're crashing a date?! Why didn't you say so?" Karen shakes her head.
"No no no don't even worry about it, we've been here a couple of hours already. I invited you to sit with us so the night could go on." He says.
"Asking me, also would have worked." You smile.
"You guys are just the cutest." Karen sighs.
"I'm guessing this is a first date since- y/n's never mentioned you before." Matt says.
"It is. Not that I have to tell you about every guy I see." You say.
"You tell me everything." He scoffs.
"That's not true and even if it were that doesn't change the fact that I don't have to."
"So you keep things from me?"
"Am I missing something?" James chuckles.
"Matt and y/n have been friends since they were teenagers. They fight like they're siblings sometimes." Foggy explains.
"Sorry about that James. Matt's just-"
"Like a brother- I get it. I have siblings so I definitely know what it's like." He nods.
"Exactly." You smile.
"Like a brother." Matt quirks an eyebrow at you.
"As good a way as any to describe us." You nod. Matt hums and raises his glass to his lips without another word. The five of you sit and talk over drinks for another hour before you're ready to leave and James is happy to walk you out.
"I had a lot of fun tonight." He tells you.
"Even with the date crashers?" You ask with a goofy grimace.
"Heck yeah! Your friends are great." He laughs. "Next time I'll have my friends crash us. How about that?"
"Next time?"
"If you're willing. I'd really like to see you again."
"I- I'd like that." You nod.
"Cool. I'll- start coming up with second date ideas."
"Hopefully this time the place you pick doesn't impromptu have an incident." You laugh.
"I will quadruple check." He tells you. When you reach your block, but not your building, you stop and turn to him.
"Sounds good. I'll see you around James." You smile. He leans forward and kisses your cheek softly.
"Goodnight y/n." He says and walks away. You make it up to your apartment, kick off your shoes, and take a long shower. You enjoyed talking to James and you actually are interested in seeing him again for sure. Soon you're showered and pajamaed and pretty much ready for bed but before you can flop into it there's a knock at your door. Who could be knocking on your door right now? A quick check shows you it's Matt standing in your hallway.
"Matthew?" You open the door with a frown.
"What the hell are you doing?"
"Well- right now I'm wondering what you're doing in my apartment."
"Like a brother to you?! Seriously? Last time I checked most people don't make out with their brothers."
"Depends on where you are I suppose." You shrug. "But regardless Matt that was a mistake we both know that." You shake your head.
"A mistake? Is that how you feel about it?"
"How I- I'm sorry did you forget calling out Karen's name while I was kissing you?! Cuz I've been trying to so if you've got tips to share on how that'd be great."
"Goddammit y/n." He sighs dropping his head.
"Matt you really should go. I know you worry or whatever but- James is, nice and it's late I'd like to go to bed."
"Screw James." Matt scoffs.
"Um- it was only our first date- you're skipping a few steps."
"That is not what I- it's like you do this on purpose."
"What are you doing here Matt?" You sigh. 
"I don't like you dating him. I don't like you dating anyone for that matter. How could you kiss me like that and just... move on like nothing?"
"I dunno it's pretty easy when you call me the wrong name." You say.
"That was not what you think."
"I'm sure."
"It wasn't y/n. I'm serious. I could-" Matt stops and lets out a breath. "I'm Daredevil." He says.
"I know." You nod.
"What? You know?"
"You come in here at the witching hour every few days covered in bruises Matt how many explanations could there possibly be for that?" You roll your eyes.
"You never asked."
"I figured you'd tell me when you were ready." You shrug. "Why tell me now?"
"Since I can't see- my other senses make up for the loss. They're like- very developed. I heard Karen scream somewhere in Hell's Kitchen, she sounded like she was in trouble that's- that's why I called out her name. I thought maybe one of Daredevil's many enemies managed to connect her to me. It wouldn't be the first time, I'm always listening for her and Foggy these days and I just-"
"Well was she in danger?" You ask.
"Nightmare." He mutters. "But by the time I pieced that together you were gone."
"Of course I was. Having a man say someone else's name when you kiss him is not something that encourages-" Matt cuts off your snarky remark by cupping your face in his hands and kissing you. You react quickly, kissing him back, your hands wrapping around his wrists. By the time you pull away from him, you're breathing heavily.
"I'm in love with you. I have been for as long as I can remember. I'm sorry I wasn't clear about it." He says.
"Well in my defense I've spent the last few weeks trying to get over you-" Matt kisses you again, hard, possessive, fiery.
"Don't." He says.
"Obviously." You grab the collar of his shirt and kiss him again. You spent years thinking you'd never get to kiss him, now that you know the truth you fully intend to take advantage and Matt has years of pining he wants to make up for.
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tennessoui · 9 months
kit's january ko-fi fic: Anakitty AU
ugh i am so excited to be posting this on my kofi, i had such a blast writing this that i literally wrote 3k yesterday for it and 3k today in like. 3 hours. she's the definition of a silly little au becoming a fic!!
in this fic/au, anakin becomes a cat; meanwhile, obi-wan just happens to find a cat outside his doors that he decides to take in to care for, as he's a lonely old man now that his padawan has left the nest. good thing this cat is really affectionate and just melts when obi-wan gives it pets!
meanwhile anakin thinks it's a pretty sweet deal to be a cat forever if it means he has obi-wan's affection and attention and love and attention and pets and attention and, etc etc
here's a little snippet!:
“So you haven’t heard from Anakin in a few days,” Obi-Wan says carefully, brushing each slightly curly strand of the cat’s fur flat as he examines his grand padawan. “Are you worried about him?” Obi-Wan hasn’t heard from Anakin lately either, but the boy has been pulling slowly and carefully away from him for ages. For the most part, Obi-Wan has stopped reaching out, and their virtual communications have dried up. “Not anymore,” Ahsoka says, picking up her tea with an angry look at the cat. “How long has it been since he’s been like thi—I mean, since you last heard from him?” “Well, I couldn’t quite say!” Eleven days. “Though, if I’m being honest, the Council is close to drawing him up on charges for abandoning his troops without leave to take a holiday. I’m sure he will slip back into the Temple sooner or later.” “Wow!” Ahsoka’s voice is pitched much too loud and much too pointed to be natural. “Did you hear that, Anakin? You’re going to be tried for abandoning your troops if you don’t tell the Council you’re experiencing a bit of a setback soon!” The cat rolls onto its back with a loud purr, paws folded upward to allow Obi-Wan the maximum of tummy to scratch. Obi-Wan, knowing it's his due, scratches its tummy obligingly.
as a reminder for how these kofi fics work: i've uploaded the google document link into my gallery on ko-fi. to view the image and get the link that's in the image description, you have to be a monthly subscriber. it's $4 a month, and once you become a subscriber, you can read the 5 other ficlets i've uploaded! if you want to donate to get access, make sure the donation bar is set to "monthly" instead of "one time".
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farawayfroppy · 1 year
Evergreen – I am swept up in you; please don't dispose of me
part 2 ↣ part 1
izuku midoriya x reader
cw: aged up characters, pro-hero au, lots and lots of angst, some canon-typical violence and deaths, Izuku experiences triggers, panic attacks, and nightmares, Reader has a dream-altering quirk, adult language, Reader is referred to as she/her. i see a lot of myself in midoriya so i gave him the therapy that i need
~3k words
hey all! been a while. oops. i started my first year of teaching, so i have had no time to write. i wasn't even planning on posting this i til i had written more of it, but i wanted you to know that i tried lol. i know it's not much, but i hope you enjoy. - Jean xx
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Just like that, Izuku found himself back at work.
He knew it was probably too soon, knew it wouldn’t look good to the press or feel like anything other than painful for himself, but he also knew he had a job to do. One of the bastards that had aided in stealing two lives, right in front of him, had gotten away and he hadn’t even known. Hell, beyond that, there was an entire crime ring that seemed to be growing, getting bolder, right under all of their noses.
As much as he didn’t want to relive any of it, to think about it even in the slightest, he knew that as the only hero on the scene that day, he was also a witness. Shouto had wanted information, and now he had it—first hand.
Once inside the doors of his agency, away and safe from the cameras and prying eyes, he made a beeline for his office. He took the stairs today, not bothering with the elevator, where he might have felt like an animal in a cage. That panicked feeling was happening again as he ascended the stairs. Up and up, around and around, it was all blurring together. When he finally reached his floor, he burst through the door, startling an intern standing near a water fountain that was placed a little too closely to the exit.
Izuku mumbled, “Sorry,” but didn’t slow his pace.
He tried not to think about the astounded looks he received from his coworkers as he flew down the hallway. He realized then that he probably should have notified someone, at least his secretary, of his return. As he neared his office, he passed by her, and she rose from her desk with a surprised expression.
“Oh, Deku, you’re back already?” She asked, trying to disguise the shock in her voice. Thinly veiled, painted over with politeness in a way he knew all too well. The customer service voice was like the landlord special of communication, skirting around and covering up the real issues.
He knew it was for his benefit. She was gentle and kind, but he couldn’t handle it. He didn’t feel like he deserved gentle. He didn’t have the capacity to accept kindness, didn’t know how to hold it while already juggling so much. But he wasn’t mean.
“Yep,” he replied, trying to muster up a smile. Tight-lipped, but passable. “Sorry about the disruption, Jane, but I’ll be pretty busy now, so don’t let anyone in. Thanks!” He rushed out before all but diving into the sanctity of his office.
“But—“ he heard her start just as he closed his door, locking it for good measure.
Izuku sighed, slumping against the door with his head down. He felt like crying. He felt small again. How could a man who had accomplished so much, who drew so many eyes, feel so minuscule unto himself? It was hard to live like this, feeling bad for feeling bad, for complaining when he had such privilege and responsibility. There was no end.
“Hey, squirt,” he heard a gruff voice say.
Startled, he shot up, being met with the sight of Bakugou standing near his desk.
“Wh—how did you know I would be here?” He stammered, floored by his friend’s presence and immediately sobered. “Also, I told you to stop calling me that, because—“
Bakugou cut him off, “It’s gross and weird, I know.” He snickered, his shit-eating grin somehow a sight for Izuku’s sore eyes at that moment. “Your mom called me,” he explained, and Izuku cursed to himself quietly.
He should have known. Mama Inko always needed a spy on the inside to make sure he wasn’t lying about being okay. Which, to her credit: he was totally lying about being okay.
“She said you were coming back here today and asked me to make sure you weren’t throwing up and pissing everywhere," he said, and Izuku raised a questioning eyebrow at that.
“My words, not hers,” Bakugou continued. “And you haven’t puked yet, which is a good sign I guess, but do I spy a little pee running down your leg?” He taunted, making his way closer to his green-haired companion to place a large, gloved hand over his face.
Izuku groaned, prying Bakugou’s hand off of him, “Why do you always have to be so gross? And do you ever wash your gloves?”
His friend scoffed in response, “Tch. Haven't you heard I smell like caramel?"
Izuku shuddered, "Caramelized onion maybe. Go take a bath."
Bakugou gave him a long, pointed look before speaking again," So you're really gonna be okay this time, eh?"
Izuku felt his eyebrows furrow in confusion, knowing his expression was probably all too readable to his friend of many years, at least if his stupid smirk was anything to go by.
"What do you mean?" he said indignantly. "I'm here, aren't I?"
"You look like you're here," Bakugou started, "and you may even feel like you're here," he continued, giving Izuku just enough of a shove to make him lose his balance momentarily.
"Hey–" he started to protest, stopping when Bakugou jabbed at his forehead, right between the eyes.
"But up here, you're somewhere else. And usually, you stay there longer," he explained, pulling his hand back to cross his arms, "but you're coming back to us. I can tell 'cause you sound like an idiot again–less deranged, though–but still stupid. I'm way past hoping you'll give up on being perfect or whatever, but you're making a little more sense than you were when I came by your apartment," he said, rolling his eyes as he continued, "Ya know, before you so rudely kicked me out and left me arguing with the fuckin' door. Anyway, that's a good enough sign for me to tell your mom not to get her panties in a twist," he finished.
"Because you care so much," Izuku stressed the words, "I am fine, just like I said when you barged into my apartment before," he paused. Then, with a face of disgust and exasperation, he screeched, "And can you not talk about my mom's panties?"
"Yeah, yeah," Bakugou relented. "How 'bout that neighbor chick that lives next to ya?" he smirked. "Bet hers have little cherries on 'em. And let me tell ya, they were all tied up in knots over you."
Izuku froze, feeling his ears get hot with a blush as your face came to mind–all pinched up in concern–and he immediately stared at his shoes.
"My neighbor?" he asked in disbelief, "When did you talk to her?" He peeked up.
Bakugou grinned, knowing he had struck gold with this line of conversation, "After you locked me out of your place. She came home and saw me arguing away with your closed door–asked if you were okay."
"And?" Izuku prompted, watching as his friend shoved his hands in his pockets so nonchalantly, like he didn't just say something potentially life-ruining. "What did you say?"
"Nothing," Bakugou shrugged, watching Izuku's mouth open in shock. "Didn't know you had the hots for her. Not just gonna give some creep info on you in your time of dire need."
Izuku must have visibly deflated, because he continued, "Don't implode; I wasn't mean to her. She looked all...concerned and shit, so you still got a shot."
Izuku sighed, half-relieved that he didn't scare you off and half-annoyed by his friend's tendency to be nosy.
"She's just nice, okay?" He asserted. "Not that you're ever gonna shut up about this, regardless of what I say," he groaned, rubbing a hand over his face. "And don't talk about her panties either," he ordered.
Bakugou mockingly put his hands up in defeat, "Got it, squirt. I'm heading out now, anyway, now that I've busted up your pity party," he gestured vaguely as he headed toward the door. "I'll tell your mom you haven't keeled over and died yet," he said finally.
He unlocked the door and started to turn the handle as Izuku went to his desk and took a seat, newly determined and ready to get to work.
Bakugou opened the door and began to step out, pausing as he said, "I'm glad you're better now. Than you were that day, I mean." He then added, without any real bite, "Won't have to pick up your slack."
And Izuku didn't know what to say. He nodded, and the other man left. Slumping in his chair, Izuku breathed deeply, not feeling as much of the weight that had been there before, but deep down, he knew that calling himself 'better' was too generous. He understood, though.
The last time he saw Bakugou was right after he had gotten home. Post-incident, post-bullet wound–could you blame him for not making sense? And he was so angry. Just so angry, like he hadn't been in a long time. His friend had come by to try to put an early end to his downward spiral, but he wouldn't listen to any of it. He couldn't. It's like his eyes and ears and, hell, his entire head had been filled with cotton. There had been one time like it in the past, a time that Bakugou had bore witness to just how much the job really affected Izuku.
A few years back, fresh out of school, they had been called on to a kidnapping case. This girl in a small town had disappeared, and people feared it might have been the work of a trafficking ring from a nearby city. They were right. The two of them managed to infiltrate the house that they had been holding the girl hostage in. They even found her.
Izuku still remembers how he had scooped her up, promising that she would be safe again. Promising that she would feel safe again. Bakugou had been fighting close by, securing their exit, a plan they had become accustomed to by then.
They both agreed that Izuku was better at the hands-on rescuing stuff, a more calming presence during a really traumatic time for the victims they saved. And Bakugou was doing what he did best, fighting with an almost reckless abandon. They were almost out, the majority of the suspects involved had been subdued either on the way in or by Bakugou's hands on the way out. But they missed one.
They missed a man who waited for them right at the top of the stairs, one who shot without hesitation. The bullet should have hit Izuku right in the chest, but he was holding the girl he had promised to save. It hit her instead, saving his life but ending hers almost instantly.
It wasn't instant, though. And he remembers how she had looked up at him, with shock, disbelief, pain, and fear. But more than that, he remembered the look of hope. And he doesn't know if it was confusion, or ill-advised optimism that would never cease despite the odds, but she spoke her last words to him then.
"Don't worry," she had choked out, with a smile and the tears on her cheeks that betrayed it.
"Deku will save us."
Izuku felt too warm, trying to shake his head to rid himself of the memory.
"Work," he reminded himself. "Work, work."
He knew that his best chance of preventing anything like that from happening again was to stop it before it started. He had to find the evil in the world and snuff it out before it could spread. But evil doesn't exist in a vacuum.
Evil is born and raised. It's shut out, dealt a bad hand. Loved or unloved; seen or unseen. Evil is a product of generations of the product of an evening. It can sometimes be found in minds and hearts, but always in places it shouldn't be.
It had been hard for Izuku to learn that evil wouldn't be going anywhere despite his best efforts. Like the the night to the day, it just is. He didn't know if it was necessary, and understood that ultimately, he would not be the one to decide. He could only be evil's consequence, but that had consequences for him as well. Everything balanced out, one way or another. All he could do was try to tip the scales in favor of the righteous and the good.
He spent the next few hours pouring over any and all footage from the incident, as well as witness testimonies. From that, he could gather a decent description of the second perpetrator despite his face being partially obscured. The guy was too coward to even show his face, so he'd worn sunglasses and a baseball cap. He did, however, neglect to cover the tattoos that covered his arms, and some were familiar.
At this point, Izuku had seen criminals of all kinds, and was starting to be able to tell who ran with who just based on their tattoos and general demeanor. But while these looked familiar, he couldn't exactly place them. They were slightly different than those of the main gang that ran in his area, so he decided he would send an enhanced (as enhanced as possible based on grainy footage from the scene) photograph of the tattoo he was looking at to both Dynamight and Shouto's agencies. Maybe they would recognize it.
There wasn't much else to go on at the moment, so as difficult as it was, Izuku turned back to the less pressing but very necessary task of filing reports from past cases. Cases--at times very loosely called so--could mean anything from a traffic violation to a minor dispute. Of which, there were many, especially in a big city. It wasn't glamorous, but it was work that needed doing. And, in his absence, the reports had started to pile up.
"Alright," he said, cracking his knuckles. "Paperwork."
To Izuku, the minutes seemed to pass more quickly than usual, which was probably due to the fact that he could basically hear the humming of his heartbeat. His leg was bouncing too, unconsciously, a dull anxiety nipping at his throat while his heart turned over in his chest. His vital organs thrumming with energy made him feel connected to the moment in a way he wished he could reject. It came out of nowhere, that thief of focus. Not completely unwelcome, but uncomfortable in a way that made him start to realize the sweat on his skin and the scratch of his collar.
He had been productive, at least, and had burned through the daylight. He checked the time, eyes growing a bit when he realized how long he had been working. He was completely caught up on paperwork and had even started to get ahead on some things, so he should've known that he had gone way beyond working hours.
He packed his things and left, noticing how he seemed to be the last one in the office. Jane had really taken it to heart when he asked not to be bothered. In some ways, he was relieved. He felt like he'd had enough conversation for the day, so he found a guilty pleasure in walking out in silence. It seemed that even the camera and news crews had taken their leave, and Izuku let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in.
Once he arrived home, he had only just turned the key when your door was thrown open. He flinched, visibly startled, before taking you in.
You looked flustered as you rushed out, "Oh, did I scare you? I'm sorry." Sheepishly you added, "I totally wasn't waiting for you to come home or anything. Just wanted to...look...at the hallway." You nodded then, as if trying to convince yourself, "You know, for fresh air..."
Izuku laughed, slightly confused, but like felt that was the right move.
"Do you want to come over?" You asked suddenly, and he saw something hopeful swimming in your eyes, which were much more open now than the last time he had seen you. He was thankful for that.
Before he could even agree, you said, "I promise I won't fall asleep on you this time."
He really laughed at that as he nodded, "Sure. Give me 10 minutes? I just need to put my stuff away and change."
"No," you whined playfully, slipping back into your apartment. "Don't change. I like you how you are!"
Izuku just laughed at your antics as your door closed, glad to see you much more full of energy. He hoped you were able to get the rest you needed, but knew that fixing that level of deprivation would take a bit of time. You can't catch up on sleep, after all.
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maximotts · 2 years
𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔩𝔶 𝔟𝔦𝔯𝔡 ☾ 𝔴. 𝔪𝔞𝔵𝔦𝔪𝔬𝔣𝔣
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pairing ❦ Doll House AU mommy!Wanda x female doll!reader
summary ❦ Wanda's got a new dress for her doll to wear and she's way too excited to let you sleep in yet again. You're not a morning person, but obedience always comes with rewards
warnings ❦ smut, 18+ only content; dollification kink, fingering, magical restraints (wrist behind back), bath activities (with a tiny bit of somno if you squint), mommy kink, groping, nipple play, dressing up, general DH happenings of brainwashed reader, a good bit of coddling from our beloved mommy Wanda, but she's still going to make sure she's always in control, a bit stockholmy at this point in the timeline too tbh
words ❦ 3k
a/n ❦ god I've missed writing for this AU so much, I hope this is like.. good and okay. We've made it through week one of Kinktober, I hope you're all enjoying it so far kinktober masterlist. On the few occasions you found yourself awake before she came to get you, you fell right back into dreamland or snuck your way into her bed in hopes of a morning snuggle. You whined, sleepily wrapping your arms around Wanda to pull her down to the mattress, but your efforts were in vain. “Not today, love. Mommy bought you such a pretty new dress and wants to see you in it.”
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“It’s time to wake up, sweetheart..” 
Waking up was always a daze, Wanda’s voice breaking through your dreams gently as she could. When you rolled over, it was into her waiting arms, so careful in their movement that it took you a few moments to realized she was sitting you upright, “I let you sleep in this morning because you were so tired last night, but you’d sleep the whole day away if I didn’t get you out of bed.” 
It was true; for as long as you could remember Wanda woke you up each morning. On the few occasions you found yourself awake before she came to get you, you fell right back into dreamland or snuck your way into her bed in hopes of a morning snuggle. You whined, sleepily wrapping your arms around Wanda to pull her down to the mattress, but your efforts were in vain. “Not today, love. Mommy bought you such a pretty new dress and wants to see you in it.”
As with everything, your mommy had a particular routine to be followed each day and it started with waking you up and getting you ready for the day which, while you clearly weren’t an early bird, you loved mornings and nights for one reason alone: Wanda’s attention. When she dressed you, she only had eyes for you; nothing diverting her focus or making her leave with the dreaded ‘show me later’ — it was your special time and you wouldn’t give it up for the world. If you were good, there was always a reward, whether it be extra syrup on your pancakes or playing a game of your choice, Wanda never told you what it’d be, but it didn’t take long to catch on that good behavior brought out the most generous version of your favorite person. 
“Can I see it, mommy?” Your voice was groggy as she led you into the bathroom, a little smaller than Wanda’s own, but decorated to perfectly match the soft pastels of your bedroom. 
Wanda undressed you with practiced ease, fingers taking the hem of your nightgown and pulling it over your head quickly and efficiently, “After you’re all clean, I’ll show you, alright?” You nodded slowly, a yawn stopping any words you’d had to say. The brunette regarded you as she always did, with love and reverence, leaning in to give each of your cheeks a kiss before turning to grab a new set of fluffy towels from the rack. “Stay right there and I’ll get you in ten seconds.” 
The water in the bath was already drawn and warm of course; you didn’t think you’d ever had to wait for hot water in this house, but you never questioned it. The less time you had to stand on the cold tile, skin chilling from exposure, the better. When Wanda did return, she was quick to help you into the tub, lowering you herself just in case you slipped in your tired state. “You were gone for twelve seconds, not ten..” 
“Oh was I?” Wanda laughed at that, playfully pinching your side under the water, careful to avoid any of the resulting splash. “Barely awake and you can still count how long I’m gone?” 
“I’m very awake and two seconds is a lot!” You huffed, cheeks puffing as Wanda poked fun at you. Still, you lifted your arms when she asked and let her clean your properly, still keeping your hope for reward in mind. Eventually you settled down, relaxing as the soapy washcloth scrubbed over your skin, more than content to bask in the comfort of your morning routine. Sometimes Wanda would talk, murmuring statements to herself you didn’t understand or asking about your previous night’s dreams. Today she was humming some tune you didn’t know, but light and sweet and soon enough, your eyes were drifting closed. Sure you were in a large tub, but Wanda would never let anything bad happen to her precious doll; even if you completely fell asleep, you knew no harm would come to you. 
Some time passed before you were aware of your surroundings again, still sitting amidst the chest high water with Wanda’s hand on your back to support you. Her other hand was what made you stir, delicate fingers running back and forth between your open legs. A singular digit slipped past your folds easily, drawing wide, lazy circles, purposefully avoiding your most sensitive areas. She was completely unhurried as she played with you, slowly sinking into you once before pulling out and returning to her makeshift pattern. “Mommy…” 
“Shh, sleepyhead, you’re okay,” Wanda’s head came to rest against the side of your own as you spread your legs for her, her low chuckle music to your ears. “Always so needy right away, such an impatient little doll.” She didn’t hurry up from your moans as her thumb met your clit, not even as your hips bucked up to meet her open palm; Wanda was never one to be rushed, especially not by you. She continued to press and tease, ignoring your pleas each time she drove her finger in and out of your tight entrance. Your constant wiggling became a pain, lukewarm water hitting the floor each time you twisted and turned, making more and more of a mess for her to clean up later. “I’m giving you ten more seconds of bath time before it’s time to get out, use it wisely.”
That short amount of time wasn’t nearly enough to give you the relief she taunted you with; it felt good, but not enough to truly get you anywhere. Wanda’s countdown was just added pressure, your sleep heavy body struggling to meet the demands your brain set, just barely managing to shift forward before her hand left you completely. “No.. that’s not fair..”
Wanda was already standing you up, supporting whatever weight your shaky legs wouldn’t hold. “It was more than fair. I gave you two whole extra seconds, that’s a lot, you know.” You unleashed a set of grumbles as Wanda towel dried you, wrapping the thick cloth across your midsection and escorting you back to your bedroom. When she left you this time, she didn’t bother to promise a time to return, the dress she’d picked out hung conveniently on the side of your vanity mirror. Irritated as you were, you refrained from complaining further, still wanting to be good for the sake of the rest of your day. 
“You’re going to look absolutely precious in this,” The brunette acted as if she hadn’t just had you crying out for her moments prior, completely at ease and determined to dress you in her outfit of choice. It was a cute white dress and you loved every inch of it from its tiered skirt to the small buttons made to close off the top of the bodice— you couldn’t help but crack a smile the instant she held it up to your figure. You let her remove your towel and tie back your hair, giggling as she placed featherlight kisses along your bare shoulders. “There’s the happy girl I love!”
You waited for Wanda to give you undergarments, but they never came, only her instructions to lift your arms while she got the dress over your head. It fit perfectly, everything did when it came from her, and once it settled over your hips, you instinctively twirled back and forth just to watch the mid thigh length skirt flutter around you. “I love it, mommy! Thank you for the new dress.”
Wanda was practically beaming watching you wiggle around like an excited bunny, it would be hard to find a cuter sight. “Come here, let me at least put you in it properly.” She’d left the buttons undone so as not to risk stretching out the delicate fabric and without them put together, you might as well have just been wearing an underbust corset instead of a proper dress. Wanda sat on the edge of the bed while you made your way over to her, motioning for you to sit in her lap. You did so readily, never one to pass up the chance at sitting so close together. Like this you could always smell the subtle florals of her shampoo and perfume, could feel her strong thighs under yours holding you up securely… Wanda was your favorite place to sit. 
She loved having you close too, of course, your easy softness always borderline irresistibly cuddly. Her hands settled on your waist, thumbs rubbing over your hips to still your squirming. “How are you this morning? Did you sleep well?” 
“I slept great! I did have one bad dream, but it was quick and…” Wanda was listening to your response, but not very well, eyes glued to your still exposed breasts. She hadn’t fully fed her need to toy with you from earlier, the awkward angle of the bathtub along with your incessant wiggling making it much harder than it truly needed to be, but that didn’t mean she was out of options. 
Soft lips met your shoulder before you even realized she’d swept in, a trail of kisses from your collarbone, up your throat, and down to a culminating nibble over your sternum forcing a small whimper. “Mommy?” Wanda was content with that for a while, a pattern of kissing and licking working to rile you up just as slowly as she had when you’d dozed off in the bath earlier, but once again you were interrupting, this time tugging at her hands in an effort to push them lower than their place on your abdomen. 
She let it slide the first time, but twice was pushing it and as soon as she caught your free hand move to squeeze at your chest, Wanda had no choice but to reprimand you. “I thought you knew better than to try and touch something that’s not yours.” 
With a subtle flick of her fingers, your wrists were caught behind your back, swirling red tendrils keeping them locked in place no matter how you tried breaking free. “Ah ah, none of that. I’m being lenient because I know you’re tired, but if you don’t sit still I’ll have to really punish you. I have such a fun day for us, dolly, don’t ruin it.” 
You could only manage a sob, Wanda’s disappointed face sending guilt and shame straight to the heart. “I’m sorry, mommy. I didn’t mean it..” 
Wanda merely pouted, her hands finally moving up until they met the swell of your breasts, rolling pebbled nipples between nimble fingers. It took everything you had not to beg for her, to wait patiently and let her go as she pleased, but you did, behaving even as she tugged and twisted at the sensitive buds until it’d begun to sting. “Please, I’m sorry..” 
She had to remind herself you were still such a fragile thing; even though you knew how to behave, you slipped up sometimes. It was only natural to make a mistake every once in a while. After all, it was only recently Wanda allowed you to speak at all, the new freedom would take adjustment. The brunette looked up again, tearing her gaze away from your body to instead meet your begging eyes, “I know, I know you’re sorry. You just couldn’t help yourself, could you?” You shook your head, bottom lip quivering as a gentle hand came to cup your flushed face. 
“Poor thing, you just needed your mommy…” The yes you gave came out painfully shy, but Wanda didn’t mind, cooing over how worked up you’d gotten so quickly while she roughly palmed the breast she still held in her hand. Despite your admission, the two of you stayed like that for a while, Wanda offering placating kisses to your face and neck while she took advantage of your bound and exposed body. She could forgive your mistakes and still take what she wanted for herself. 
When Wanda slipped her hand under your new skirt, it was almost a relief, hoping she’d finally help you where you needed her most. “I bet if I were to slide my hand into your sweet little cunt, you’d be already dripping for me.” You couldn’t remember a time when you didn’t have that dull ache as soon as the woman in front of you pulled you close; some days when you begged for her to take it away, she did. Other days, she made it better before leaving you worse— those were the days you’d gotten on her nerves most. “All because I wanted to have a little fun with you this morning?”
“It hurts…” Two fingers pressed past your entrance with no resistance, not bothering to give the time to adjust she knew you didn’t need. Instinct fed into your urge to roll your hips in time with her thrust, but still under Wanda’s restraints, you’d risk falling off her lap and straight to the floor— you could only sit and take it. 
Her thumb bumped against your clit like it did in the bath, toying with the sensitive bundle of nerves until you were mewling pathetically. “Aw, I’ll make it all better, don’t worry.”
Your head fell to Wanda’s shoulder as you struggled to keep up right, but that just wouldn’t do. “Sit up, honey. Let me see you.” Her free hand splayed over your abdomen, pushing you back and holding your hip. “You look too pretty for me to miss.”
“Wanna touch you too…” Wanda wanted to point out that was nothing new; from day one you’d been attached to her side, upset whenever she said you couldn’t hold her hand because she needed both of them or each night she tucked you into your own bed. There was never a time you didn’t want to feel her presence and really, she didn’t mind, but this had to be a punishment somehow. 
“In a little bit, be patient.” That wasn’t the answer you’d wanted to hear, but there was no way around it, nowhere to run from Wanda’s crude inspection of your newly dressed up figure. Your magic ties spread from your wrists to wind around your waist, allowing the older woman to roam your body as she saw fit, leaning forward until her lips hit the exposed section of your collarbone, sucking a hickey calmly as she could with a near desperate girl trying her hardest to sit still. 
“You’re close already, aren’t you?” Wanda didn’t have to ask, the copious slick running past her palm and to her wrists told her everything she needed to know.
“Mhm, I‘m sorry…” No matter how much Wanda loved playing with her doll, you never did last long, could only do so when subjected to careful edging which you thankfully seemed to be spared from this morning. She never berated you for it, of course, you’d never be anything short of perfect in her eyes, but it made her rules harder to follow. Sympathetic as Wanda was, you weren’t allowed without permission and although you were barely hanging on, her warning from earlier rang clear as a bell. I have such a fun day for us, don’t ruin it. “I need to…”
Wanda pulled back, hand grounding your position at the small of your back as she curled her nimble fingers and found the dreaded spongy patch that never failed to leave you drooling, “It’s alright, doll, you can let go.”
You didn’t know how long you came or how long you’d been riding your high, all you focused on was your mommy’s touch, working you perfectly inside and out as wave after wave of pleasure hit you as if you were a rock on the shoreline. When you came to, your body was free to move and you fell into Wanda without second thought, thighs twitching on either side of hers as you nuzzled deep into the crook of her neck. Your quiet “thank you, mommy,” was hoarse and hurt your throat, but Wanda was quick to quell your troubles, two wet fingers already pushing past your lips and settling on your tongue. 
“You did such a good job listening to me this morning, thank you.” Wanda was adjusting to lean back against the headboard, a bit of a struggle as you insisted on limply clinging to her, tired arms about her waist and your fists clenched in her shirt. You’d snuggled yourself firmly, but cozily, your warm weight pushing Wanda backwards into the pile of pillows you never slept without. “I love you.”
“Wanna sleep more,” You mumbled your love back, muffled against her chest and she smiled; sometimes you really were too adorable for words. It was just that behavior that kept Wanda rooted in place, her hands rubbing your sides while she pressed kisses into the crown of your head. “Cuddle with me please, mama?”
“Well…” Calling her that always did melt her heart, whether you knew it or not; it was hard for Wanda to say no to you already. Your drowsy eyes confirmed you weren’t going anywhere on your own any time soon, breathing evening out like she’d heard a thousand times over now right as you were falling asleep. If she tried to move you, you’d surely be cranky and it just wasn’t worth giving up how sweet and calm you looked dozing off on her right now. 
She really did have such a long day planned… but it was nothing that couldn’t wait. “Just for a little while, then we’ll both get up.” It was the last thing Wanda said before she opened her eyes again at noon.
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