#but CQL drops it after Lan Xichen argues that Jin Guangyao can't be the ghost-face man
hiddenawayforme · 4 years
In the novel, Su She uses a talisman to disguise both his face and his sword. It’s a plot point because WWX notes it must be someone LWJ knows if they bothered to conceal their sword. The drama must have assumed no one would be as observant as you lol.
And I’m not even that observant lol. I only happened to notice it when I saw a gifset of the mirror room scene that included Su She’s sword and I went hmm...wait a minute...I know that sword. Before that, I assumed the show got around not using the novel’s talisman by giving Su She a different sword when he was disguised
Going to borrow my images from this post real quick:
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But no, it’s the same sword
CQL Su She just darkens the hilt and pommel of his sword and that’s enough to prevent Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji from discovering his identity until he’s revealed as Jin Guangyao’s assistant at the Burial Mounds. And that reveal doesn’t have anything to do with his sword but rather hinges on the Lans being bitter about Su She stealing their musical techniques
As a treat, novel Su She can have some rights for actually bothering to disguise himself. But I’m also going to give CQL Su She those same rights for casually flaunting his identity in front of Hanguang-Jun without breaking a sweat
What a legend, waving his sword in Lan Wangji’s face several times both as himself (inside the mirror room, on the steps of the Jinlintai) and as the ghost-face man (inn room, Yi City) with no fear
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