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Episode 407 - Southern Vangard Radio
BANG! @southernvangard radio Ep407! Yes y’all, it don’t stop y’all, Doe and Meeks back this week with the fresh y’all! This week is filled with shenanigans Vangardians, as our good friend C.O. The Don brought through two bottles of brown in a Porsche gift bag - for a minute we thought we might pull up to Marietta Diner after the show in a new Porsche…alas that was not the case, but nonetheless, this very generous gift meant we had THREE bottles of bourbon on deck for the evening, and boy did we take advantage. The homie Coach Da God also slid us a brand new, Krispy Kreme WORLD EXCLUSIVE from MILANO CONSTANTINE, BODY BAG BEN and JAY ROYALE - THAAAAANK YAAA and YOU WAAAAALCOME!!!!! #SmithsonianGrade #WeAreTheGard // southernvangard.com // @southernvangard on all platforms #hiphop #undergroundhiphop #boombap
Recorded live Aug 4, 2024 @ Dirty Blanket Studios, Marietta, GA
@southernvangard on all platforms
#SmithsonianGrade #WeAreTheGard
twitter/IG: @southernvangard @jondoeatl @cappuccinomeeks
Pre-Game Beats - Millenium Jazz Music: Selections from HeatWAVs
"Southern Vangard Theme" - Bobby Homack & The Southern Vangard All-Stars
Talk Break Inst. - "Tent City Band" - Brycon
"Nobody Knows" - Killer Mike ft. Anthony Hamilton
"Me And My Thoughts" - FakeHunters ft. Savior
"Memory Lane" - FakeHunters ft. Philosophy Cole
"Inference And Hearsay" - K-Rec, Checkmate & Moka Only
"Wrath Of The Titans" - Vstylez ft. Guilty Simpson, Shabaam Sahdeeq, Skyzoo & Lil Fame
"Wise Words" - Substance810 & Clypto ft. Napoleon Da Legend
"Human Skill" - Alpha_Betic & Castle Money Beats
Talk Break Inst. - "Rodeo" - The Architect
"All For The Love" - Essa & Pitch 92 ft. Karizz
"Detropolis The Redux" - Vstylez ft. Guilty Simpson, Phat Kat, Ty Farris & Boog Brown
"2 to Da Dome" - Freddie Black (prod. Brutal Caesar, cuts Tone Spliff)
"Definite" - Godfather Don
"UPS Has My Sneakers" - Vic Spencer (prod. DJ Lord Jazz)
"Pay The Price" - Flee Lord (Prod. By Crisis)
"Mirror Pt. 2" - J. Arrr x Greeneryy
Talk Break Inst. - "Love Can Be Things" - The Architect
"Kevorkian List" - Milano Constantine, Body Bag Ben & Jay Royale ** WORLD EXCLUSIVE **
"In The Flesh" - Spoda x Wavy Da Ghawd
"Bodybag Registry" - Vic Spencer ft. Oh No (prod. Awolazcate)
"Smooth Criminal " - Termanology ft. Lord Sko (prod. Statik Selektah)
"Once Upon A Nine" - Pro Dillinger & Bucky Luger ft. Jamal Gasol
"Phon 2 Go" - Illien Rosewell
"Business As Usual" - Damien ft. Daniel Son & MidaZ The BEAST
"Fadda Figga" - Finn ft. Wizdome Bunitall
"On Swivel" - Passport Rav ft. Lord Sko (prod. Rob Viktum)
"Say The Word" - Navy Blue (prod. Graymatter)
"Glastonbury Wallabee" - Clark Connoisseurs (Supreme Cerebral & Eloh Kush) (prod. Clypto)
Talk Break Inst. - "The Ganjah Mill" - Brycon
"Nobody Knows" - Pastor T.L. Barrett & The Youth For Christ Choir
"Medley" - Pastor T.L. Barrett & The Youth For Christ Choir
"Like a Ship" - Pastor T.L. Barrett & The Youth For Christ Choir
"It's Me O Lord" - Pastor T.L. Barrett & The Youth For Christ Choir
https://on.soundcloud.com/NUeXMR6jgDvjcFPv7(SHORT LINK)
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Presentato al Politecnico di Milano 'ESA BIC Milan', il programma per il supporto delle migliori startup innovative del settore aerospaziale
Presentato al Politecnico di Milano 'ESA BIC Milan', il programma per il supporto delle migliori startup innovative del settore aerospaziale. Il progetto, sostenuto da Regione Lombardia, fa parte della rete dei Business Incubation Center dell'Agenzia Spaziale Europea e offre un programma di incubazione su misura per dare forma al futuro della tecnologia spaziale. 'ESA BIC Milan' è gestito da PoliHub, in collaborazione con il Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Aerospaziali del Politecnico di Milano e Fondazione Politecnico di Milano e promosso da ESA - European Space Agency e ASI - Agenzia Spaziale Italiana. L'iniziativa supporta le startup che intendano sviluppare nuovi prodotti, applicazioni o servizi che siano basati sull'utilizzo di dati e infrastrutture spaziali o che contribuiscano agli stessi. L'obiettivo è creare nuove imprese e generare ricadute significative in diversi settori industriali, incluso quello spaziale, attraverso lo sviluppo di nuovi prodotti, servizi e modelli di business. "ESA BIC Milan – ha sottolineato l'assessore regionale allo Sviluppo economico, Guido Guidesi - consente di dare vita ad un polo di iniziativa e innovazione in ambito aerospaziale, catalizzando e valorizzando l'ecosistema di imprese, università, investitori e istituzioni, capace sia di attrarre in Lombardia nuove realtà imprenditoriali, sia di agire come catalizzatore di coinnovazione attraverso il contributo derivante da settori diversi. È una sfida ambiziosa che, come Lombardia, vogliamo giocarci". Sono Nautilus e SunCubes le prime startup selezionate per ESA BIC Milan. Nautilus, che ha progettato un sistema di navigazione per guidare a destinazione satelliti nello spazio profondo e SunCubes, che ha realizzato un sistema di ricarica satellitare tramite tecnologia laser per sviluppare l'infrastruttura energetica spaziale, sono due delle startup che hanno vinto Switch2Product 2022. Per ESA BIC Milan sono previste tre selezioni annuali. La prossima si chiuderà il 7 giugno. Le startup ammesse al programma riceveranno un finanziamento di 50.000 euro da utilizzare per lo sviluppo del prodotto o del servizio, fino a due anni di incubazione in PoliHub oltre a supporto consulenziale in ambito tecnologico, business coaching e mentoring, consulenza legale per gli aspetti relativi alla protezione dei diritti di proprietà intellettuale, accesso al mercato dei capitali e a un'ampia rete di partner. Inoltre, le startup potranno avere accesso all'ecosistema Politecnico e ai laboratori del Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Aerospaziali. "Lo spazio – ha commentato Donatella Sciuto, Rettrice del Politecnico di Milano - è una delle sfide sulle quali si gioca il futuro di settori industriali ad alto tasso di innovazione che dalla ricerca e dalla sperimentazione traggono grandi benefici. L'Italia, eccellenza riconosciuta a livello internazionale, non può sottrarsi da questa corsa", "Il Politecnico di Milano, 7° al mondo nell'ambito dell'ingegneria aerospaziale e 1° in Italia nell'area Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering, secondo il QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023, punta sulla competenza che si traduce in impresa e grazie ad ESA BIC Milan guarda con ancora maggiore interesse all'Europa". "Il nostro lavoro – ha affermato Enrico Deluchi, CEO di PoliHub - è aiutare persone che hanno grandi idee e il coraggio di osare a realizzare i propri sogni. Con ESA BIC saremo al fianco di imprenditori e scienziati che guardano allo spazio non per il gusto di avventura, ma per trovare soluzioni che migliorino la vita sulla Terra. L'opportunità di entrare nel network di ESA è per noi una naturale estensione degli sforzi, nostri e di tante startup, per creare un'economia sostenibile. Riusciamo a trovare progetti che solo pochi sono capaci di immaginare e lavoriamo per renderli concreti. E fortunatamente anche gli investitori lo riconoscono, come è testimoniato dal fatto che nel 2023 quasi il 10% degli investimenti in Italia hanno interessato startup del nostro ecosistema". "Mai come oggi – ha detto Augusto Cramarossa, responsabile dell'Unità Coordinamento strategico e della Space Economy di ASI - l'ASI è fortemente impegnata a incoraggiare e sostenere nuove idee e progetti imprenditoriali, lungo tutto il loro percorso di crescita, che include il concepimento delle idee, l'incubazione e l'accelerazione per arrivare fino al consolidamento dei processi di scale-up. A tal fine, l'ASI finanzia la rete degli ESA BIC italiani, che recentemente è stata potenziata fino a 5 nodi (Lazio, Torino, Milano, Brindisi e Padova), attraverso una recente sottoscrizione addizionale italiana al programma opzionale dell'ESA Scale-up". ... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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Masters in Italy - LilacBuds
Embarking on a journey of academic pursuit in Italy presents a splendid opportunity to immerse oneself in its vibrant culture, language, and to acquire a top-tier education. To pursue a master's in Italy, aspiring scholars typically need to exhibit academic excellence, with a minimum requirement of achieving a 75% score in their bachelor's degree. Moreover, most programs stipulate an IELTS score of 6 or a TOEFL score of 85 as prerequisites. While possessing a fundamental certification in the Italian language is advisable, it is not universally obligatory.
Italy boasts a rich selection of premier programs across various disciplines, including Business Administration, Economics, International Relations, Engineering, and Computer Science. Notable Italian academic institutions encompass the esteemed SDA Bocconi School, the venerable Sapienza University of Rome, and the esteemed University Politecnico di Milano. The prospect of a language barrier may arise, but it is noteworthy that many courses are conducted in English, easing the transition for international students. Furthermore, for those seeking additional support in mastering the Italian language, LilacBuds offers a conduit to skilled Italian language coaches. If your academic aspirations lead you to the enchanting shores of Italy, do not hesitate to enlist the guidance and support of LilacBuds on your educational journey.
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#TashaTravels : buongiorno Italy!
Omg um Hi? hahaha lololol this is so so awkward. but hey guys Tasha is back! *bunyi drumroll* I know that I’ve been quiet for so long and I’m truly sorry for making you guys wait for almost a year plus, or more kot? I’m truly, deeply sorry :( okayla dulu i selalu questioned kenapa bloggers selalu tak consistent untuk keep their blogs updated. Now that I’ve become one of them baru i tahu yang it actually takes a lot to consistently write. All this while I’ve been busy with my studies and all, so yea I couldnt really spare my time to sit down and write. (okay dah ah i dah takda idea nak bagi alasan apa dah hahahaha)
okay let’s get started! so as you all know, I went to Italy with my family for a month, last year, in 2019. “fuyo sebulan loaded teroks” kata siti rogayah (bukan nama sebenar) kepada thenah (sebut senah je spelling je acah matsalleh sikit). first and foremost, assalamualaikum I just want to make it clear yang i tak loaded pun haha. we went there pun ikut my dad punya business trip je maka nya rakan rakan sekalian, most of our expenses there were covered by the company, kalau tak memang i kena jadi petani sambilan lerr tanam taugeh tepi Pisa tower untuk sara diri i kat italy. so if haritu i cerita pasal france, seperti yang dijanjikan, this time I akan cerita pasal places that i visited in Italy, including some parts of Swiss. tapi not all la i akan cerita interesting places je kiyoh kiyoh (dekat tumblr je boleh gelak cemni kalau gelak kiyoh kiyoh in real life nanti mesti ternganga makcik yang duduk sebelah rumah i tu). jadi mari kita kita explore 6 places to visit in Italy bersama Tasha The Explorer yeaayyy (macam biasa, ni dora version takda monyet)
#1 Verona
I personally love Verona walaupun masa kitorang pergi tu panas gila ibarat tersadai di padang pasir yang kering kontang ye anak anak (ni kalau cikgu BM i baca peribahasa yang i baru reka 2 saat yang lepas ni mesti dia suruh i jalan itik keliling padang netball sambil baca kamus dewan edisi ke 4). tapi memang panas gila lah taktipu. tapi i still suka verona sebab dia macam bila you sampai tu you’ll be like “Ouh now this is italy” because you can somehow feel the italy vibes there. In verona you’ll get to see plenty of cosy cafes with outdoor seating as well as souv shops. Colosseum pun ada but a small one lah i tak pergi rome tsk tsk (ini bunyi nangis ye for those yang taktahu) so i masuk colosseum kat sini je. if you happen to come here later, my advice would be, hm takyah masuk la haha sebab takda apa pun bazir duit je baik tengok kat google.com je.
anyway, those who are fans of romcom movies (macam i yeay) tahu la kot kenapa verona ni jadi tourist spot. For all you know, Verona has become one of the most popular tourist spots in Italy since the release of Letters to Juliet, the famous american romantic comedy movie yang Amanda Seyfried berlakon tu. siapa tak tengok lagi please la go tengok cerita ni cute nak nangis okie dekat netflix pun ada. so basically in that movie like dorang tunjuk dekat Casa de Giuletta you boleh write your relationship problems and leave your letters there nanti Secretaries of Juliette akan reply kan. I taktahu if yall tahu or no but I’m telling anyway yang that place exists, the secretaries exist and if you tulis surat to them dorang akan reply! but i baca dekat this one blog dorang memang akan reply cumanya hahahaha hm jap gelak jap, cumanya it might take them days, months or even years lah to reply your letter. but better late than never kan gitchew. yela tourists from all over the world kot tulis kisah cinta frust menunggeng dorang dekat the secretaries ingat dorang Simsimi ke nak reply cepat cepat.
so if pergi verona, casa de Giueletta is a must visit place because obviously that’s the main attraction of the town. But honey worry not, you dont need to go all the way to Verona just to have your heartbreak letter answered. it’s 2020! today, you can just share your relationship stories with them through email at [email protected] nanti dorang reply yeaay hehe. if korang nak tahu lebih boleh check their website. (I rasa dorang dah patut sponsour i kot)
#2 Venice
Okay let me be frank, I am so sorry if this would disappoint many of you but Venice doesnt meet my expectations laa haha. I excited gila nak pergi venice masatu bcs I tengok dalam movie The Tourist macam lawa gilagila. but bila i sampai i macam NAANI? hahaha bcs biasa je la Venice ni, but this is my personal view la, mine might differ from yours. Maybe i cam biasa biasa je, maybe you suka kan. I dont know whether this is true or no but I heard that they dont have enough funding for the mantainance bcs yela costly.
but the only thing yang I suka in venice is the St. Mark’s square. dekat situ ada orchestra bands playing classic musics (my favourite!!) dekat all these posh cafes and then you boleh la lari lari dekat the square kejar pigeons feeling feeling kat venice sikit haha. nanti the guys there akan offer untuk bagi you makanan burung so nanti the pigeons akan datang kat you pastu you boleh la amik gambar lawa lawa. but here’s the thing, some of them akan guna tactic cakap “don’t worry, it’s free” but honey let’s be real nothing is free in this world so eventually dia akan minta you bayar jugak so if you taknak bayar say no to them awal awal.
#3 Pisa
okay sekarunk (rempit sekali sekala) kita dah sampai tempat menara senget kegemaran semua orang hahaha. kelakar tau I tengok je semua orang try hard gila nak buat pose tolak bangunan tu, i macam hmm kalau buat peace je takleh ke? lols. okay so hm pisa ada apa eh? nothing much la except for the buildings and the histories behind them. but pisa is a greaaaat greaaaat place to shop!!!! dekat sini la tempat you nak beli all the souvenirs fridge magnet ke tshirt ke keychain ke and paling penting LEATHER STUFFS (real leathers) including handbags wallets etc etc at the best price. For the handbags, i suka la the designs here are pretty simple and elegant tak gaudy macam makcik makcik sangat hahaha takpa kan cakap katsini bukan ada makcik pun baca hahaha korang jangan bagi makcik jiran sebelah baca pulak mati i kena bash nanti. but yea, if pergi italy, girls, remember to save your money for an exclusive shopping sesh in Pisa. *wink wink
#4 Lauterbrunnen
“Eh tasha ni tak belajar geography ke zaman sekolah dulu Lauterbrunnen ni kan dekat swiss bukan italy”. ye sabar dulu thenah (masih senah yang sama) Lauterbrunnen ni memang la dekat swiss tapi swiss kan sempadan italy so the logic is that if you go to Italy, it would be a waste la if you tak include swiss in your itineraries sebab dekat je and you can easily go there by car hah gitu thenah nya.
When I first reached Lauterbrunnen, I felt as if I was in heaven. I swear *angkat tangan kanan* it’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever been to so far. like cantik cantik cantik cantikkk gila!!! ha berapa kali cantik tu. Actually I dah pernah sampai Swiss in 2011 but masatu i pergi Lucerne je, tapi cantik jugak. I jenis yang into nature, and everyone knows that Swiss is all about nature. so I suka gila la Switzerland. Along the journey to swiss, you will be mesmerized by its charming view. If you’re lucky enough you akan nampak horses, and then all these picturesque villages and snow cape alps macam all those fairy tale kingdoms taktipu. It was soooo green macam dalam painting and sooo clean I rasa nak tidur atas rumput (ceh kemain berangan hingat ni cerita hindustan ke).
And Lauterbrunnen ni dekat je dengan Interlaken so pergi la jugak Interlaken and allow yourself to chill and take a stroll around the town. Jangan lupa singgah makan ice cream dekat this one halal cafe sambil jalan jalan tengok souvenirs hehe.
#5 Dolomite
Dolomite would be a perfect stop for those yang suka hiking. best la hiking kat situ rasa macam pengembaraan Hobbit lols. As it was summer during that time so macam ramai jugak la tourists from all over the world yang hiking masatu. I guess we took about one hour plus to reach the top and it was so worth it to eventually see the view from above. Mula mula tu macam pancit jugakla but then I nampak this one preggy lady hiking jugak and I was like wow okay jangan jadi perempuan lemah ahahah.
anyway dekat atas sana ada this one cafe that serves the best hot chocolate in the world! i takpernah rasa hot chocolate sedap macamtu so if you pergi sana dont forget to stop by the cafe (it’s the one yang dalam gambar kat atas ni) and enjoy a cup (or perhaps two) of hot choc okie!
#6 Milan
Milan, macam yang semua orang tahu, is the place where you could purchase all these stuffs from high-end brands be it Dior, Channel, Coach etc etc. but itu jela, tempat shopping, nothing else. mak mak suka la kot Milan but for me cam ala boring nya haha. but in Milan, kena be extra careful. if korang rasa cerita pick pocket i kat paris haritu dah cukup scary, cerita pick pocket kitorang dekat Milan kali ni is three times scarier I swear.
okay so cerita dia camni, we went to Milan by train dengan some of our dad’s friends sekali. so masatu baru nak masuk train, tapi macam a bit rushing because the train was about to leave already. parents i dengan their friends semua jalan kat depan, i dengan kakak i dekat belakang. so diorang masuk dulu the train. By the time i dengan nadia nak masuk it was so packed dekat door area so we couldnt masuk. so i dengan nadia masuk ikut the other pintu. so imagine eh dalam train tu our parents and the friends dekat the other side and kitorang dekat the other side. I dengan nadia masatu macam dah pelik la kenapa dekat area parents i macam packed gila with all these milano girls sedangkan banyak je space kat tempat lain.
pastu i nampak one of the girls like buat buat tanya pasal the route dekat my dad and his friends. masa my dad tengah jawab tu tetiba my dad’s friend nampak zip knapsack my dad dah terbukak tau. pastu tetibe je one of the girls shouted as if one of them was sexually harassed and then marah marah pastu they keluar from the train because masatu train tak gerak lagi. then my dad punya kawan punya wife checked her handbag and purse dia dah takda. pastu kitorang semua got off the train and my dad dengan kawan kawan dia semua pergi kejar la those ladies. okay ni sumpah macam movie taktipu i should hv recorded it tapi tulah things happened too fast.
my dad and his friends sempat kejar and tangkap the two ladies je because the rest dah went separate ways. masatu dorang dah masuk elevator tau but kitorang sempat tahan pintu tu. bila dah dapat tahan tu, they threw off the purse yang dorang amik (haa tahu takut ee tarik rambut kang jk). but dorang taknak bagi kitorang tengok what do they have inside their bags. Pastu my dad, shouted at her, “ I WANNA SEE YOUR BAG RIGHT NOW” i sumpah takpernah tengok my dad garang cemtu i taktahula masatu I amazed ke i takut hahaha. tapi guys perempuan ni gila sumpah. she was like “Okay you wanna see? alright” pastu dia angkat baju dia and showed everything. I mean literally everything. masatu like everyone yang ada dekat the train station was staring at us i taktahula perempuan ni gila ke gila tapi memang gila ah i rasa dia ter minum ketum kot instead of susu masa dia kecik.
pastu my dad and the guys insist jugak nak tengok her bag pastu ada this one italian lady datang and helped us. dia kata la yang she was also in the train at that time and she witnessed the moment the girls took our stuffs. pastu baru la the police came and all. sooo guysss Milan is definitely one of the pick pockets’ targeted spot yela because it’s Milan and semorang was expected to carry lots of cash there kan so pls pls be extra careful. if your friends or relatives ke nak datang Milan, pls remind them about this.
Alright so tu jelah kot apa i nak cerita? haha. if yall are planning to go visit italy (or swiss), you might want to consider the places I’ve mentioned above. Thank you for reading! doakan la i rajin update selalu (azam 2020 kahkahkah). mana tahu next time i cerita pasal UM pulak ke Law ke hehe tu pun kalau korang nak baca la. if korang taknak baca hm i cerita kat kucing i jelah *muka sedih* see you guys later! xoxo, tasha.
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Tomikou Ryu
Tomikou Akie Ryu | 劉・愛姫恵・富幸
Having recently graduated from university, Tomikou has opted to focus on her career as a model before her return home and impending arranged marriage. She’s currently in Paris for work, and is visiting the various shops while guarded by her family hired security team. Sick of her bodyguards and manager dictating her every move, she takes the chance to ditch her entourage when they pass by the Louvre. Ducking into the museum, she wanders around enjoying the new exhibits that have been added since she had last visited.
Her period of freedom didn’t last long though. Not even ten minutes after giving them the slip, Tomikou spotted her guards searching for her through the crowd of tourists. Slipping pass the Mona Lisa visitors, she quickly headed for the new antique exhibit she had passed earlier. After closing the exhibit door behind, she ran for the other side of the corridor, trying to put more distance between herself and her entourage. As she ran, she was hit with a blinding sensation of light and pain. The last thing she remembers before losing consciousness was the sound of people shouting.
When she awoke and was informed of her time-traveling and the residents being vampires, Tomikou took the news shockingly well, and to the surprises of the other guests, she was more excited to learn about vampires and having fun than worried about her stay.
Tomikou Akie Ryu is the middle child and only daughter of Toshiyuki Ryu and his wife, Michie Fujisaki, and is a princess of the Ryu clan. She was born in Toyama prefecture within the sacred mountain range, of Tateyama. Like all Dragon Ayakashi, she spent her first 25 years of life as a hatchling underwater in the waters she was born in. Upon reaching 25 years of life, she gained her human form and moved to live on land with the rest of her family. She spent the majority of her childhood/fledgling years in Tokyo or traveling abroad for work and competitions. At 28 or the human equivalent of a 3 year old, her parents had arranged and her engaged to fellow Dragon Ayakashi, Tatsuya, the heir apparent and prince of the Yuri clan.
During her years as a hatchling, like all other Dragon Ayakashi, Tomikou spent her time training her Draconic abilities and powers, and learning about the culture and history of her species. She mainly socialized with other the various Dragon Ayakashi and their hatchlings of the different regions of East Asia. She also spent a lot of time with her cousins who are similar in age to her.
When she was about 5 years old, she met her older fiancé for the first time; it was practically hatred at first sight as Tatsuya mercilessly teased and bullied her and continued doing so even after the elder became a fledgling.
Growing up in her human form, Tomikou spent a lot of her time learning and studying the traditional Japanese and other East Asian arts and training her growing dragon abilities.
At 30 years old (Human 5), her parents had her take up artistic gymnastics, figure skating, and ballroom dancing in hopes of reducing her clumsiness. How well the lessons did in helping with her clumsiness is debatable as she is still very much a klutz when she’s not 100% focused.
By the time she was 34/9, she began competing in both gymnastics and figuring competitions on the international level. When she graduated from elementary school, Tomikou opted to quit gymnastics so that she can focus more on figure skating and the other lessons her parents had her take. In doing so, she moved in with her older brother, Takayuki, in Seoul, South Korea, where she studied and trained throughout junior high. During those three years, she would dominate the junior circuit, sweeping all the major competitions and taking the championship title at the Youth Olympic Games, the ISU Championships, the Junior Grand Prix Final, and the World Junior Championships.
Around the time she began competing in competitions, Tomikou was scouted by a modeling agency and began modeling for fashion houses throughout Asia. By the time she was 38/13, she had moved onto walking in fashion shows and modeling for famous fashion houses and some cosmetic brands in her spare time. Modeling eventually became a large part of Tomikou’s full-time career after her retirement from competitive figure skating, and began walking in more fashion shows and working for more companies than before.
After changing coaches and moving back to Tokyo for high school, she continued to take the competitive figure skating world by storm. Like her junior circuit career, Tomikou dominated the competition in the senior circuit, winning the Grand Prix Final, the ISU World Championships as well as well as the 2026 Olympic Games in Milano Cortina, Italy. She eventually earned the nicknames Empress Mikou and Goddess of Ice. After her seventh consecutive championship wins at the Four Continents Championship and World Championships in the 2031-232 season, she chose to take a break from competitive figure skating to focus on her studies and expand her horizons in other fields. She would come back for the 2033-2034 season and officially announced her retirement from competitive figure skating after winning her third consecutive Olympic gold medal in the Ladies’ singles event.
In 2032 after graduating from UCLA (with a degree in Psychology and Business Economics and a minor in Creative Writing) and finishing her acting classes at Speiser/Sturges Acting Studio, she competed in the Miss Grand Japan pageant. She didn’t have much expectations for herself when she entered the competition, but she liked the mission and goals behind the pageant, and considered it to be a good experience. She hadn’t expected to actually win Miss Grand Japan, nor to be crowned queen at the main Miss Grand International (MGI) competition. As MGI, Tomikou moved to Bangkok, Thailand to complete her responsibilities as MGI and worked alongside the MGI organization to stop war and bring peace.
Completing her reign as queen, she returned home to Tokyo where she joined her best friend and upperclassmen in building KiyoKou Talent Agency (清幸 キヨコウ) and finished the final year of her athletic career. In the three years following graduation, Tomikou focused all of her time on her career, real estate investment, and assisting in the family business and clan matters.
It’ll be after two grueling months of continuous fashion shows, traveling, filming, and photo shoots, that Tomikou will feel the need to escape from her current life, and stumble into Comte de Saint Germain.
As both an Ayakashi and a super model, Tomikou is an extremely beautiful young woman with captivating round almond-shaped sea blue eyes, high cheekbones, fair skin, and soft but distinctive features. It has been noted by others that her facial features make her memorable and difficult to mistake others for her. She has a slender but curvaceous figure with well toned muscles and hip-length ebony black hair.
In her Ayakashi form, Tomikou has an ombre of white to teal scales speckling her cheeks and limbs, her nails become more claw like, and her pupils appear larger and are vertically slitted. There are also three slits behind each of her ears that act as her gills when she is underwater. Despite her age being that of a fledgling already, she has yet to gain her horns in her Ayakashi form, and is thus still regarded as a hatchling. She will not be able to shift into her full dragon form until she is at least 35-40 human years.
When working, Tomikou can often be seen wearing comfortable but fashionable clothes; attire befitting of one of the heirs of the Ryu clan. Her attire often consists of what would be classified as business chic or business casual. Her hair is typically styled into elegant updos or half dos, ranging from braids, curls, buns, ponytails, and etc; it is rare to see her let her hair down when in public unless it is required for work.
Tomikou is a sweet, intelligent young woman who is well-mannered, but is also extremely frank about who and what she does and does not like and does not sugar coat her words when critiquing. She’s not afraid of being disliked, and prefers to be true to herself and thoughts even if she’s not 100% sure of who that is yet. Typically upon first meeting with strangers, many have found Tomikou to be rather reserve and standoffish with how serious and frank she can be.
However, she does love and care deeply about her family, and is fiercely loyal to them and those she deems as friends. She is willing to do almost anything for her family sans marriage. She has also been known to have a rather fierce temper and is very no nonsense and strict when it comes to work and family matters. She does have a sense of humor though, but it is rare for her to find something humorous by popular modern comedy.
When not dealing with her extended family, she’s rather free-spirited and mischievous, and more often than not marches to her own drum beat. Most of the time Tomikou can be found wearing a soft or mischievous smile on her face, but it’s difficult for others to tell if she’s actually enjoying herself or planning some sort of prank. Her friends and family have noted that she is quite inquisitive and prone to mischief if left alone or bored for too long. There have been many an incident due to Tomikou’s boredom.
Like many of her species, Tomikou does have a violent streak and falls to it once provoked enough. She has no issues with using some physical violence to settle matters, and enjoys watching a good fight. Like the rest of her family, she tries to curbs this aspect of her species by sparring and training as often as possible. She chooses marksmanship in archery and guns as her preferred method to temper her violent urges.
Being the only daughter of the Ryu clan, Tomikou’s has had to not only hold herself to strict standards but has had to meet all of her family’s lofty expectations. To maintain a sense of sanity, she has had to create a persona to deal with her extended family and the media in which she was always level-headed, even tempered, and saintly patient; all things that she very much is not.
Normally, Tomikou is very kind and considerate of others, taking extra special care with children. Combining that and her public persona, she has earned the title of Japan’s last living Uruwashiki ( 麗しい), the epitome of the classic Japanese beauty even greater than a Yamato Nadeshiko; a title the people closest to her are skeptical of as Tomikou is unbelievably clumsy outside of work matters.
Due to the pressures of her family and her career, Tomikou often feels suffocated by the standards and restrictions she has had to live by. In trying to not disappoint her family, she doesn’t actually know what she wants to do with her life outside of the career she has been lucky to land herself with. She’s very uncertain if modeling and fashion is what she wants to do with her life or if she’d be interested in pursuing a career outside of the fashion world.
Tomikou is also prone to occasional bouts of loneliness and depression, which she tries hard to hide from her friends and family. During these times, she has on occasion ditched her manager and security detail in order to have some time for herself and feel alive again.
Personal Information
Title: Miss Grand Japan 2022, Miss Grand International 2022, Olympian,
Legal Name: Tomikou Akie Ryu
Age: 50 almost 51, 25 almost 26 in human form
Birthday: 1985/2010 November 16
Year of Arrival: 2036 October
Height: 173 cm, 5′8″
Weight: 57.6 kg, 127 lbs
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Japanese
Ethnicity: East Asian (Chinese/Japanese/Korean? She’s not exactly sure)
Species: Ayakashi - Dragon/Tatsu/Wani
Nicknames: Mimi, Mikou
Occupations: Supermodel, Blogger, Philanthropist, Environmentalist, Real Estate Investor, Vice President of KiyoKou’s Talent Agency
Former: Competitive Figure Skater
Schools: University of California, Los Angeles
Aspirations: Undetermined; still searching
Toshiyuki Ryu - father (Age - 1000+)
Michie Fujisaki - mother (Age - 800+)
Takayuki Ryu - older brother (Age - 143)
Yoshiyuki Ryu - younger brother (Age - 16)
multiple adopted siblings (human and otherwise)
Role Models:
Ii Naotora
Hwang Jini
Kim Yuna
Asada Mao
Hanyu Yuzuru
Empress Dugu Jialuo
Favorite Flower: White Violets, Tulips, Daffodils, Lilies
Favorite Food: Fusion cuisine, Japanese food, Sweets in general, KBBQ, Boba/Bubble Milk Tea
Favorite Type of Book: Mythology, Fantasy, Adventure genres; Lord of the Rings
Favorite Type of Music: Classical, Traditional, R&B, Rock, and Pop
Favorite Quotes:
"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." — Katharine Hepburn
"Be soft. Do not let the world make you hard. Do not let the pain make you hate. Do not let the bitterness steal your sweetness. Take pride that even though the rest of the world may disagree, you still believe it to be a beautiful place." — Kurt Vonnegut
Favorite Subject: Language and Psychology
Best Subject: Literature, Economics, and Language
Worst Subject: Calculus, Religious Studies
Special Skills:
Clairvoyance/Psychic Medium
Polyglot - Japanese, Classical Chinese, Draconis, Cantonese, Korean, Mandarin, Mermish, English, French, German, Italian, Hanakotoba, Thai, and etc.
Tea Ceremonies
Dance Choreography
Sweets Artisan
History Enthusiast
Marksmanship - Archery and Guns
Clean water and nature
Boba/Bubble Milk Tea
Dislikes: Tatsuya Yuri (her fiance), Diets, Ignorance
Bad with/at: Manual Labor, Motion Sickness, Reptiles
Being an Ayakashi, specifically a Dragon Ayakashi, Tomikou has a plethora of innate powers and abilities.
Long life/immortality - physical aging ceases/slows when she gains her horns
Age Stages:
Hatchling [25 years; early childhood] -> Fledgling [26-50, gaining human form; adolescence] -> Dragonette [50-100, gaining horns; young adult] -> Adult [100+] -> Elder [1000+] -> Ancient [1500+]
Shape shifting and partial shifting
Water manipulation
Wind manipulation
Weather manipulation
Breathing underwater
Lightning manipulation
Natural Defense - an offensive and defensive vortex armor of wind, water, and sometimes lightning
Draconis - the language of Dragons
Communication with aquatic creatures
Mirror magic
Water magic
Accelerated healing
Heighten senses (Sight, Smell, Touch, Hearing, and Taste)
High endurance
High resilience
Extreme strength
Breathing underwater
Nature’s Voice (environment and animals)
劉 | Ryu | Liu/Lau/Luu = Death
愛姫恵 | Akie = beloved princess blessings
富幸 | Tomikou = fortune and happiness
Outside of work related activities, she is unbelievably clumsy, often tripping over things (sometimes even air) or dropping things.
She has effectively been banned by friends and family from doing any kind of manual labor; i.e., weight lifting, carpentry, and etc in fear of her harming herself or others.
She had taken acting classes while living in Los Angeles in preparation for commercial filming and show/film casting.
She draws a lot of her own fan merchandise.
With how old her parents are, Tomikou is not completely sure what ethnicity she and her siblings would actually fall under.
Until she gains her horns, Tomikou is known as a Dragon fledgling or juvenile afterwards she is referred to as a dragonette or a young adult.
At 50-51 years old, she’s considered a late bloomer by dragon standards as most others gain their horns by their 45th year.
She has a teddy bear she carries around with her and is unable to sleep without. Her older brother got it for her when she was born. She named it Hicchan, short for Hikaru.
Growing up, she has often been compared to the great beauties of East Asia such as the Four Beauties of China, Hwang Jini of Korea, and Oichi of Japan.
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Milan - Italy's Best Town Of Style And Elegance
If the excellent spot for you is a position in which heritage properly satisfies the current and long run, then Milan, Europe's creative funds is the spot to go. Positioned on the flat plains of the Po Valley, it is the capital of Lombardy and comprehensively enjoys its difficult attained purpose as Italy's richest and 2nd largest city. Wealthy and cosmopolitan, the Milanesi get pleasure from a track record as profitable businesspeople. Considering the fact that the seventies, the metropolis has remained the capital of Italy's automobile field and its economic marketplaces, but the limelight is dominated by the style properties, who, in convert, have drawn media and marketing agencies to the metropolis. Most of the yr Milan is as comfortable as a cardigan: not far too scorching, and not much too chilly, both, a ideal vacation spot for any time. Just maintain in brain just one issue: the metropolis is overbooked just about all the time, so make confident you opt for the very best way of acquiring lodging: on line hotel scheduling with at the very least one particular thirty day period in progress. Here are some solutions in circumstance you are seriously considering Milan as your future spot. Milan discount lodging - inexpensive presents for high quality products and services
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Also inside the coronary heart of the town, you might opt for the comfy Lodge Demidoff, quite centrally situated, situated only couple meters absent from central railway station and from piazza Lima undeground station.The Duomo is within just walking distance from this hotel. Italy's top corporate metropolis unveils its presents For luxurious company vacationers, there are also plenty of opportunities that will give you an chance of recognizing Milan hospitality. An practical remedy is the tasteful Montebianco Resort, which is just one of the ideal destinations in town for corporate meetings. All the comforts and amenities are at your disposals as perfectly as entrance desk valuable info for both equally the luxury traveler looking for facts on art galleries, museums and golf equipment and for the corporate vacationer looking for facts in teach or aircraft schedules. Substantial and well furnished meeting rooms are readily available, though for lunch and evening meal or for a quickly snack, you will locate restaurants, pizzerias and pubs shut to the resort. A big guarded car park and laundry assistance are obtainable. Centrally located in the fireplace of Milan, the Lodge Mythos is extremely near to the Central Station, the Air Terminal and the city tube and is also a most loved site for corporate travels. The Resort has a assembly center consisting of ten up to 70 spots congress rooms, perfect for meetings, incentives exhibitions, exhibits, cultural gatherings. The Doria Grand Lodge is yet another luxurious area which delivers its friends the relaxed of an intimate and refined atmosphere. To get more info about Milan pertaining to clicking here kindly.
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Crafted in 1860, this resort is the only Italian setting up designed with the exact marble employed to build the Cathedral (the famed Carrara marble) At the commencing, it was a non-public Palace, that turned a resort in 1950. The Grand Lodge Duomo is a position that conquests the heart, not only for its exceptional place, but also for the attractiveness of the decoration, for the operates of art. Dominating the Piazza della Repubblica, the hotel Principe di Savoia is a 5-star hotel that has been the pure residence for global travellers and cosmopolitan modern society due to the fact the 1920's. Its imposing neoclassical facade hides just one of the world's most luxuriously appointed hotels. With its wonderful spot, superlative services and remarkable requirements of provider, the Hotel Principe di Savoia features a successful mix of aged-fashioned opulence merged with the most up-to-date improvements in know-how and design and style. Quickly accessed from all parts of the metropolis and close to Milan's several points of interest and elegant buying districts, the Resort Principe di Savoia is in just fifty minutes of Milan's major airport, Malpensa. To know more about Milan visit at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milan_Cathedral
Now that you have observed appropriate accommodation, continue to keep in intellect that this town is all about worldly pleasures, from buying, which is of quasi-spiritual importance to clubbing and fashionable sightseeing. Apart from a handful of gems, the metropolis is not renowned for its seems to be it's way of living that counts.
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Milano, Palazzo Marino: presentato Coopstarup Lombardia, il contest per creare nuove imprese cooperative.
Milano, Palazzo Marino: presentato Coopstarup Lombardia, il contest per creare nuove imprese cooperative. È stato presentato ieri a Palazzo Marino il progetto Coopstartup Lombardia, il bando per lo sviluppo per le startup cooperative. Alla conferenza stampa hanno partecipato Alessia Cappello, assessora allo Sviluppo Economico e Politiche del Lavoro, Pierfrancesco Maran, assessore alla Casa e al Piano Quartieri, Simone Gamberini presidente Legacoop, Attilio Dadda presidente Legacoop Lombardia, Barbara Farina Direttrice Legacoop Lombardia, Roberto Valente Dirigente Area Servizi alle Imprese e al Territorio di Unioncamere Lombardia, Armando De Crinito Direttore Generale Sviluppo Economico di Regione Lombardia e Diego Finelli Responsabile Area Nord di Banca Etica. Creare nuove imprese cooperative, competitive e sostenibili, per favorire la crescita economica, sociale e culturale dei territori e delle comunità lombarde: questo l'obiettivo di Coopstartup Lombardia, iniziativa promossa da Legacoop Lombardia e Coopfond con il patrocinio di Unioncamere Lombardia. Coopstartup è il programma nazionale per la promozione delle startup cooperative, avviato da Coopfond in collaborazione con Legacoop, che ha generato edizioni e progetti collegati in Abruzzo, Calabria, Emilia Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Liguria, Marche, Puglia, Sardegna, Toscana, Veneto, con 1.313 idee presentate e 267 business plan selezionati. Coopstartup Lombardia è alla sua prima edizione e coinvolge numerosi partner territoriali. "In un'era in cui la sostenibilità è prioritaria il progetto Coopstartup dimostra il suo impegno a promuovere un'impresa responsabile e inclusiva, rispettosa dell'ambiente e delle persone - dichiara l'assessora Cappello -. Accompagnare le idee nel loro percorso di crescita fino a farle diventare delle startup e delle imprese vere e proprie, significa creare occupazione, crescita economica e un impatto positivo su scala sociale e culturale, una sfida che può veramente definire il futuro della nostra città e della nostra regione". "È un progetto significativo per Milano e per la Lombardia che garantisce un supporto alle start up con l'obiettivo di farle durare nel tempo - dichiara l'assessore Maran -. Le trasformazioni dei contesti urbani sono rilevanti in tutta la Lombardia e occasioni come questa possono aiutare a sviluppare nuovi servizi rivolti alla cittadinanza. Si tratta di un aiuto importante per permettere a tante nuove imprese di radicarsi in città e sul territorio creando buoni posti di lavoro". Il bando è aperto a tutti gli ambiti settoriali ed è rivolto a gruppi di almeno tre persone che intendano fondare una startup cooperativa con sede legale e operativa in Lombardia. Per partecipare, occorre iscriversi alla piattaforma Coopstartup Lombardia legacooplombardia.it/bando-coopstartup. Dopo un percorso di formazione e perfezionamento, verranno selezionati i migliori progetti sulla base del valore dell'idea, dell'innovazione, della qualità delle professionalità coinvolte e della coerenza con almeno due Obiettivi dell'Agenda Onu 2030. I promotori accederanno quindi a un percorso gratuito di formazione intensiva e coaching e avranno l'opportunità di confrontarsi con esperti e consulenti. Al termine di questa fase, il Comitato di valutazione selezionerà fino a cinque progetti di impresa vincitori del bando Coopstartup, che verranno accompagnati alla costituzione in cooperativa ed entreranno a far parte della rete Legacoop, ricevendo un contributo a fondo perduto di 8.000 euro e soprattutto 3 anni di servizi gratuiti dedicati per la gestione della propria impresa. "Con il bando Coopstartup Lombardia - sottolinea Simone Gamberini, Presidente di Legacoop Nazionale - puntiamo a rafforzare l'ecosistema dell'open innovation cooperativa, sostenendo la nascita di nuove imprese e favorendo la loro connessione con cooperative fortemente radicate sul territorio. Questo bando è una conferma ulteriore dell'impegno di Legacoop nel campo dell'innovazione, che consideriamo una leva essenziale di sviluppo sostenibile per imprese, comunità e territorio. Confidiamo che da Coopstartup Lombardia possano emergere idee di impresa in grado di rispondere ai cambiamenti in atto in contesti sociali, economici e culturali. I giovani che vorranno misurarsi con questa sfida non saranno soli, ma potranno contare sulle attività di formazione e sui servizi di accompagnamento che il sistema Legacoop metterà a loro disposizione". Attilio Dadda, presidente Legacoop Lombardia, aggiunge: "Con Coopstartup intendiamo concretizzare le migliori idee in uno spazio di impresa sostenibile e inclusivo. Ci candidiamo a essere un supporto alle visioni creative. Il nostro obiettivo è quello di creare nuove opportunità di imprenditoria cooperativa in un mercato a ritmo evolutivo elevato, agevolando l'incubazione di progetti innovativi". Diego Finelli, Banca Etica "Intendiamo supportare i nuovi imprenditori che si costituiranno in cooperativa, intervenendo con strumenti dedicati all'autoimprenditorialità. È di particolare interesse per Banca Etica il sostegno a un progetto che mette gli obiettivi dell'Agenda Onu 2030 tra i requisiti necessari a partecipare: riteniamo che l'attenzione alle ricadute non economiche del nostro agire economico sia un requisito fondamentale per un'innovazione autenticamente attenta al sociale e all'ambiente".... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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Katherine Helmond, the seven-time Emmy-nominated Texas actress who played the feisty, man-crazy mother Mona Robinson on the long-running ABC sitcom Who’s the Boss?, has died. She was 89.
Helmond, who earlier starred as the wide-eyed socialite sister Jessica Tate on another popular ABC comedy, Susan Harris’ daytime-serial spoof Soap, died Saturday of complications from Alzheimer’s disease at her home in Los Angeles, her talent agency, APA, announced.
The shapely, blue-eyed Helmond also portrayed Doris Sherman, the widowed owner of the fictional NFL team the Orlando Breakers, on ABC’s Coach, and she was Lois Whelan, the upper-class mother of Patricia Heaton’s character, on CBS’ Everybody Loves Raymond.
On the big screen, Helmond appeared in three Terry Gilliam movies — as the seafaring cannibal Mrs. Ogre in Time Bandits (1981), as Jonathan Pryce’s rich, cosmetic surgery-addicted mother in Brazil (1985) and as a hotel clerk in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998). And she provided the voice of Lizzie, a 1923 Ford Model T, in the three Cars movies.
More recently, she appeared on True Blood.
Helmond received Emmy noms for lead actress in a comedy for playing Jessica in every season of Soap, which aired from 1977-81. She was nominated again for Who’s the Boss? in 1988 and 1989 and for Everybody Loves Raymond in 2002. And she won two Golden Globes, one for each show.
The 5-foot-2-inch Helmond also showed off her glorious cheekbones when she earned a Tony nom in 1973 for best featured actress in a play for her work in Eugene O’Neill’s The Great God Brown. She often said that the theater was her first love.
After Helmond toiled for years in small, dramatic parts on television, her agent thought it was time that the actress did some comedy.
"I was married to drunks, I got knocked around and battered and beaten and taken advantage of,” she said of her first TV roles in a 2008 interview with the Archive of American Television. “That’s one of the reasons I got switched to comedic roles. My agent said, ‘I just can’t bear to see you knocked around on television any more. … We’re going to try for a sitcom.’”
When she auditioned for Soap, Helmond said that Harris sat very seriously, never laughing, but by the time the actress had arrived home from their first meeting, she learned that she had gotten the part.
Soap, as described in the opening, was “the story of two sisters — Jessica Tate and Mary Campbell.” The wealthy Jessica had a philandering husband (Robert Mandan) and a sarcastic servant named Benson (Robert Guillaume); Mary’s (Cathryn Damon) family, meanwhile, was blue-collar.
Helmond said that Jessica “floated through life; it was like music playing all the time. [Harris] said that I had captured that, that I was very loving and wide-eyed about life, more child-like than stupid.”
On Who’s the Boss?, which aired for eight seasons from 1984-92, Helmond’s sexually active Mona dated all manner of men. She played the mother of a divorced advertising executive Angela (Judith Light), who employs a retired St. Louis Cardinals second baseman (Tony Danza) as a live-in housekeeper in Fairfield, Connecticut. His daughter (Alyssa Milano) and Angela's son (Danny Pintauro) also live there.
Mona was a widow who moved on from her husband's death by "throwing caution to the wind, doing whatever comes up, thinking my own thoughts, being a little more risque," Helmond said. She heard from viewers who benefited from that characterization, she noted.
"If life dealt you some unfortunate blow, you would still be able to go out into the world, find new friends, find new jobs, find a new way of living if you knew who you were," she said. "I felt like I was giving a free lesson to a lot of people who are in that position … I got wonderful letters from people."
Helmond noted that ABC filmed a pilot for a Mona spinoff, but it was not picked up.
Milano paid tribute to Helmond on Friday, captioning a series photos of her co-star with the words, "My beautiful, kind, funny, gracious, compassionate, rock. You were an instrumental part of my life. You taught me to hold my head above the marsh! You taught me to do anything for a laugh! What an example you were! Rest In Peace, Katherine."
Light called Helmond "a remarkable human being and an extraordinary artist; generous, gracious, charming and profoundly funny. She taught me so much about life and inspired me indelibly by watching her work. Katherine was a gift to our business and to the world."
An only child, Katherine Marie Helmond was born on Galveston Island in Texas on July 5, 1929. Her father was a fireman and her mother a housewife, and she was the oldest of three daughters.
After attending Ball High School, she pursued acting in Houston and Dallas, then moved to New York with a handful of friends. When they had trouble finding work, they bought a theater in upstate New York and put on plays there. She said she did 10 years of summer stock.
She spent seven years with the Hartford Stage Company in Connecticut and the Trinity Repertory Theater in Providence, Rhode Island. After winning the Drama Critics Award for her off-Broadway performance in John Guare's Pulitzer Prize-winning play The House of Blue Leaves, Helmond followed the production to Los Angeles and quickly landed a guest-starring spot on Gunsmoke in 1972.
Helmond had a role in Arthur Hiller’s The Hospital (1971), and in Alfred Hitchcock’s Family Plot (1976), her character kicks over a headstone in a graveyard.
Gilliam originally cast Ruth Gordon for Time Bandits, but she broke her leg on a Clint Eastwood movie, so Helmond got the part. For Brazil, the filmmaker phoned her and said, "I have a part for you, but you're not going to look very good in it," she recalled.
Helmond said that she had a rubber mask glued to her face at 5 a.m. each day during production and wore it for 10 hours at a time. She developed blisters that needed medical attention, yet even during that time, she found "great joy in acting."
"I felt I blossomed as a person when I got a chance to act," she said. "Through all the many years now, I’ve never fallen out of love. It’s been like an incredible marriage that really worked. I enjoyed every minute of it.”
Survivors include her half-sister, Alice, and her husband of 57 years, David Christian. She met him at The Hampton Playhouse Summer Stock Theater, where he was the set designer and she the leading lady.
"She was the love of my life," Christian said. "We spent 57 beautiful, wonderful, loving years together, which I will treasure forever. I've been with Katherine since I was 19 years old. The night she died, I saw that the moon was exactly half-full, just as I am now … half of what I’ve been my entire adult life."
A memorial for family and friends is being planned.
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Basket 2022-2023: Plenitude in campo con l'Olimpia Milano
Basket 2022-2023: Plenitude in campo con l’Olimpia Milano
Debutto per il marchio Plenitude sulle canotte dell’Olimpia Milano, in occasione della prima partita della stagione 2022-2023 di Eurolega: palla a due il 6 ottobre in Francia, a Villeurbanne, contro l’Asvel, per la squadra campione d’Italia in carica guidata da coach Ettore Messina. Plenitude, la società Benefit controllata al 100% da Eni, presente sul mercato con un modello di business unico che…
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Glass Containers Market Size, Design and Price 2021 to 2026 : Elisabetta Franchi, Ted Baker
The global research report titled Glass Containers Market has recently been published by The Research Insights which helps to provide guidelines for the businesses. It has been aggregated based on different key pillars of businesses such as drivers, restraints, and global opportunities. This Glass Containers Market research report has been compiled by using primary and secondary research techniques. Finally, researchers direct their focus on some significant points to give a gist about investment, profit margin, and revenue.
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What are the market factors that are explained in the report?
-Key Strategic Developments: The Glass Containers Market study also includes the key strategic developments of the market, comprising R&D, new product launch, M&A, agreements, collaborations, partnerships, joint ventures, and regional growth of the leading competitors operating in the market on a global and regional scale.
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-Analytical Tools: The Global Glass Containers Market report includes the accurately studied and assessed data of the key industry players and their scope in the market using several analytical tools. The analytical tools such as Porter’s five forces analysis, SWOT analysis, feasibility study, and investment return analysis have been used to analyze the key players’ growth in the market.
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Champions League fixtures | Football | The Guardian
Champions league matches for tomorrow - Champions League Fixtures & Results /21 | Live Scores | BT Sport
City manager Pep Guardiola will be hungry to turn domestic dominance into European silverware. The Sky Blues have yet to win the Champions League, but Kevin De Bruyne's return to fitness could help the club break their duck in the competition.
I agree with everything you typed. Champions league matches for tomorrow network should have never gotten the Champions League TV contract as they are not a champions league matches for tomorrow sports covering network and do not have good qualified people to manage it.
We also cannot watch any games in English without paying, I hate listening to Univision as they only broadcast in Spanish, which is a pain to my ears. A big shame on UEFA. A big shame on TNT. They should have never attempted in winning this contract a they are simply incapable in handling it and doing a good job.
No, I am not happy as CBS will start their coverage next year in It is also disheartening on why TNT stopped covering this year, they should have at least broadcasted all the games starting August 7th between Real Madrid at Manchester City, and continue coverage till the final in Lisbon on August They offer a 7-day free trial Maybe it is worth trying it. My anger and disappointment is at TNT for just cancelling their champions league matches for tomorrow before champions league matches for tomorrow season was completed.
They should have at least completed this whole season. I will not miss their poor coverage anyway. I am also very angry and disappointed at stupid and greedy UEFA for not acting in a proper way to service English speaking soccer fans in the US.
Their champions league matches for tomorrow decisions are most unbecoming and very poor business I am trying to be polite here. TNT should have at least covered till the end of this season…. Their abysmal disregard to all US soccer fans is unpardonable. Agree with everything above. If view it now super elite rich person hates soccer so much they want to destroy the game in USA, then the contract to TNT and not showing the games is how you do that.
Amazing TNT really had no idea what they were getting into with this.
Champions League fixtures on TV – how to watch live games, quarter-finals schedule and more
Any clue who has taken the remainder of this years CL? CBS is next year but not Aug champions league matches for tomorrow. Remember that all matches starting with the quarter-finals are all going to be held in Lisbon and are single elimination matches, no more home and away matches, so these games should be very exciting.
They offer a 7-day free trial. Maybe it is worth buying this just for these details month. You can watch these matches for free on Univision if you have this channel chwmpions, but it is only in Spanish.
The only free way to watch these games in English is to find a free online streaming site, Google should come in handy in finding them. Again, UEFA fumbled these arrangements very badly. If we are lucky…. More matches will be available on TV too just as soon as the decisions are made on which matches will be on English-language TV.
Thank you Christopher Leayue for all your help and information. This page must have been updated to include a lot of new and useful current information, which I had not seen before. We soccer fans appreciate all your good efforts. Matchee well and wish you all published here best. Today, July tokorrow,I checked what I read the following on the top of this page here: Manchester City vs.
It is possible that this schedule has not been updated yet …. If champions league matches for tomorrow when this information is ever updated and corrected please share it here. Of course, they can always change their mind. Hi Christopher Harris, thanks for your prompt reply and explanation. You could be absolutely right as I too expect this scheduling information to be corrected and updated closer to game day. Thanks a lot for all your help and information, we all soccer fans appreciate all that you do here.
Have a wonderful day and stay well and healthy, we need you. The advantage is you can watch this channel on your TV mmatches this new coming app and without needing to stream it through your WiFi or Internet.
Here with your TV provider. Good luck all. Chris do you think CBS is really only going to show the final on all access? That seems horribly inconsistent with their prior claims. When Turner had the rights, none of the games were on over-the-air television. My question is will I able to watch the Champions Champions league matches for tomorrow through my Prime account or will I have to pay for a separate subscription?
If anyone can answer this question it is greatly appreciated. Thanks Chris. If you pay…. You are right Christopher. Amazon Prime does make available many shows and channels to Prime members, the sad fact is that many of these available offers are NOT free, the customer is forced to buy their selected packages at extra champions league matches for tomorrow besides paying for Prime membership.
I made this fact very clear in my earlier post which was deleted from here, I assume because I was unkind to Jeff Bezos. Hopefully this one will be fixed in time. There fomorrow no DVR offered. A great relief to have that in place. Useful content does coverage begin at the Playoffs? Group Stage on? How much do those rights in the past cost. How in the world does acompany champions league matches for tomorrow get half a tournament.
I champions league matches for tomorrow this champions league matches for tomorrow the new streaming world we now live in. Is CBS interesting getting that or later? Real played very poorly today to have any chance to eliminate Manchester City. The only consolation for Real fans is that at least we won the La Liga championship this season. Now we have to wait till the next season starts.
It has been a very sad day for all Real Madrid fans. Real Madrid lost and got eliminated because of their French Champions league matches for tomorrow. He picked wrong players for this very important game and did not replace players till the game was almost over. Even though Zidane is highly regarded as a brilliant coach his stupid stubbornness is also his downfall. I will not be sad if and when Zidane departs Real Madrid. His personal stubborn and poor decisions have hurt this team enormously, Had he planned smarter and more logically Real would have had a much better chance to win and advance to the quarter-finals.
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Leather Wallet Market Outlook: Heading To the Clouds
A new business intelligence report released by AMA Research with title "Global Leather Wallet Market Insights, Forecast to 2026" provides latest updates and strategic steps taken by competition along with growth estimates of market size. The Global Leather Wallet Market report gives clear visions how the research and estimates are derived through primary and secondary sources considering expert opinion, patent analysis, latest market development activity and other influencing factors. Some of the key players profiled in the study are Bally (Switzerland), Gucci (Italy), Fossil Group (United States), Saddleback Leather (United States), HUGO BOSS (Germany), William Penn (India), DA MILANO (India), Fastrack (India), Burberry (United Kingdom), Tommy Hilfiger (Netherlands), Bellroy (Australia), Nordstrom (United States), Macy's (United States), HIDESIGN (India), Buffalo Jackson (United States), Urby (India), Coach New York (United States), Dunhill (United Kingdom), MiuMiu (France), BOTTEGA VENETA (Italy) and Fani Wallet (China). Free Sample Report + All Related Graphs & Charts @ : https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/40198-global-leather-wallet-market
The leather wallet is made of leather material. It is a small, flat case that can be used to carry such small personal items such as cash, credit cards, and identification documents and others. There is a wide variety of different styles of leather wallets available. Leather Wallet can be made of all kinds of different materials including nylon, canvas, leather, and plastic. Leather wallets are available for both men & women and are one of the most commonly used accessories. These wallets offer several superior qualities which include durability, comfortable and others. Thereby, the leather Wallet market has significant growth in the forecast period.
Market Trend
Increasing Adoption Due to Leather Wallets Looking Fashionable & Trendy
Increasing Disposable Income among the People
Availability of Counterfeit Product in Local Market
Stringent Government Regulation
Maintain Brand Loyalty in the Global Market
Market Overview of Global Leather Wallet If you are involved in the Global Leather Wallet industry or aim to be, then this study will provide you inclusive point of view. It’s vital you keep your market knowledge up to date segmented by major players. If you have a different set of players/manufacturers according to geography or needs regional or country segmented reports we can provide customization according to your requirement. This study mainly helps understand which market segments or Region or Country they should focus in coming years to channelize their efforts, understanding current investments cycle and impact of COVID-19 and slowdown. The report presents the market competitive landscape and in depth analysis of the major vendor/key players in the market along with their strategies to overcome production cycle issue and supply chain management to make process efficient. For Early Buyers | Get Up to 10-25% Discount on Premium Version of this Report: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/request-discount/40198-global-leather-wallet-market The Global Leather Wallet Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below: by Type (Leather Bifold Wallet, Leather Front Pocket Wallet, Leather Trifold Wallet, Leather Card Case Wallet, Other Leather Wallet), Leather Type (Bovine Leather, Exotic Leather), Sales Channel (Online, Offline {Specialty Stores, Supermarkets/Hypermarkets & Others}), Pocket Size (1 Pocket, 2 Pockets, 3 Pockets), End User (Men, Women)
Furthermore, the years considered for the study are as follows: Historical year – 2015-2020 Base year – 2020 Forecast period** – 2021 to 2026 [** unless otherwise stated] **Moreover, it will also include the opportunities available in micro markets for stakeholders to invest, detailed analysis of competitive landscape and product services of key players. Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc. Get More Information & Customization: https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/40198-global-leather-wallet-market Important Features that are under offering & key highlights of the report:
- Market Data Segmentation with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), and Price Analysis
- Detailed overview of Leather Wallet market
- Changing market dynamics of the industry and Impact of Influencing Factors
- In-depth market segmentation by Type, Application and other major segments etc.
- To analyse and forecast the Global Leather Wallet market, in terms of value and volume.
- Which segment has the potential to gain the highest market share?
- To help decision maker from new offer perspective and benchmark existing marketing strategy.
- Correlate cost structure historical data with key business segments.
- Analyse marketing contribution and customer acquisition by up-selling and cross selling.
- Identifying Influencing factors keeping Global Leather Wallet Market Intense, factored with periodic analysis of CR4 & CR8 concentration ratio & HHI Index.
Major Highlights of TOC:
Chapter One: Market Overview
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Scope/Objective of the Study Chapter Two: Executive Summary
2.1. Introduction Chapter Three: Market Dynamics
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Market Drivers, Trends, Challenges, Opportunities Chapter Four: Market Factor Analysis
4.1. Porters Five Forces
4.2. Supply/Value Chain
4.3. PESTEL analysis
4.4. Market Entropy
4.5. Impact Analysis – Post COVID-19
Chapter Nine: Methodology and Data Source
Key questions answered
· Influential trends or factors that is booming demand and restraints in the market.
· What is the market concentration? Is it fragmented or highly concentrated?
· Global Leather Wallet Market Trends (Drivers, Constraints, Opportunities, Threats, Investment Opportunities, and Strategic Recommendations)
· Market share analysis of the top industry players ….
Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/reports/40198-global-leather-wallet-market Customization Service of the Report:- AMA Research provides customization of reports as per your need. This report can be personalized to meet your requirements. Get in touch with our sales team, who will guarantee you to get a report that suits your necessities. Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, West Europe or Southeast Asia. About Author:
Advance Market Analytics is Global leaders of Market Research Industry provides the quantified B2B research to Fortune 500 companies on high growth emerging opportunities which will impact more than 80% of worldwide companies' revenues.
Our Analyst is tracking high growth study with detailed statistical and in-depth analysis of market trends & dynamics that provide a complete overview of the industry. We follow an extensive research methodology coupled with critical insights related industry factors and market forces to generate the best value for our clients. We Provides reliable primary and secondary data sources, our analysts and consultants derive informative and usable data suited for our clients business needs. The research study enable clients to meet varied market objectives a from global footprint expansion to supply chain optimization and from competitor profiling to M&As. Contact Us:
Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) AMA Research & Media LLP Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837 Phone: +1 (206) 317 1218
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Treviso | 26 gennaio 2018 |- ore 13.45/18.15
... ieri pomeriggio mia partecipazione al Workshop Focus Group 《CONOSCERSI, MIGLIORARSI, RACCONTARSI: L'IDENTIKIT DI UN'IMPRESA VINCENTE》 presso UNISEF LAB (www.uniseflab.it): evento condotto da Cesare Gallarini - Autore, Attore, Regista, Coach, Formatore (Associazione OltreConfine Milano - Teambuilding Srl Roma).
Molti i relatori e gli ospiti intervenuti nella prima (ARTE E BUSINESS: UN CONNUBIO VINCENTE) e nella seconda parte (COSTRUIRE ESPERIENZE PER TRASMETTERE EMOZIONI E MIGLIORARE I RISULTATI AZIENDALI) del workshop.
☑ Link dell'Evento >>> http://www.unisef.it/uploads/pdf_news/2018/Workshop-26gennaio2018.pdf
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Accessible Luxury Goods Market Growing Trends and Demands Analysis forecast 2020 to 2026 : Elisabetta Franchi, Ted Baker, Sandro, Isabel Marant
The global research report titled Accessible Luxury Goods Market has recently been published by The Research Insights which helps to provide guidelines for the businesses. It has been aggregated based on different key pillars of businesses such as drivers, restraints, and global opportunities. This Accessible Luxury Goods Market research report has been compiled by using primary and secondary research techniques. Finally, researchers direct their focus on some significant points to give a gist about investment, profit margin, and revenue.
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Download a Sample Copy of This Report (including full TOC, Tables and Figures):
The report presents the market competitive landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendor/key players in the market. Top Companies in the Global Accessible Luxury Goods Market: Elisabetta Franchi, Ted Baker, Sandro, Isabel Marant, Albertta Feretti, Pinko, 3.1 Philip Lim, Twinset Milano, GUCCI, Coach
This report segments the global Accessible Luxury Goods Market based on Types are:
Apparel and Footwear
Cosmetics and Fragrance
Jewelry and Watches
Bags & Accessories
Based on Application, the Global Accessible Luxury Goods Market is segmented into:
Specialty Store
Official Website
Third-party Shopping Platform
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Regional analysis of Global Accessible Luxury Goods Market:
Geographically, the global Accessible Luxury Goods Market has been fragmented into several regions such as North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Africa, and Europe based on the productivity of several companies. Every segment along with its sub-segments is analyzed in the research report. The competitive landscape of the market has been elaborated by studying numerous factors such as top manufacturers, prices, and revenue.
The information on the global Accessible Luxury Goods Market is accessible to readers in a logical chapter-wise format. Driving and restraining factors have been listed in this research report, which helps to understand positive and negative aspects in front of the businesses.
Access Full Report information with TOC, here:
What are the market factors that are explained in the report?
-Key Strategic Developments: The Accessible Luxury Goods Market study also includes the key strategic developments of the market, comprising R&D, new product launch, M&A, agreements, collaborations, partnerships, joint ventures, and regional growth of the leading competitors operating in the market on a global and regional scale.
-Key Market Features: The Accessible Luxury Goods Market report evaluated key market features, including revenue, price, capacity, capacity utilization rate, gross, production, production rate, consumption, import/export, supply/demand, cost, market share, CAGR, and gross margin. In addition, the study offers a comprehensive study of the key market dynamics and their latest trends, along with pertinent market segments and sub-segments.
-Analytical Tools: The Global Accessible Luxury Goods Market report includes the accurately studied and assessed data of the key industry players and their scope in the market using several analytical tools. The analytical tools such as Porter’s five forces analysis, SWOT analysis, feasibility study, and investment return analysis have been used to analyze the key players’ growth in the market.
Customization of the Report: This report can be customized as per your needs for additional data up to 3 companies or countries or 40 analyst hours.
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The Research Insights – A global leader in analytics, research, and advisory that can assist you to renovate your business and modify your approach. With us, you will learn to take decisions intrepidly. We make sense of drawbacks, opportunities, circumstances, estimations, and information using our experienced skills and verified methodologies. Our research reports will give you an exceptional experience of innovative solutions and outcomes. We have effectively steered businesses all over the world with our market research reports and are outstandingly positioned to lead digital transformations. Thus, we craft greater value for clients by presenting advanced opportunities in the global market.
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