#bucky barnes daughter oneshot
literaryavenger · 10 months
I just saw a skating show and one of the guys looked like bucky and now I NEED a yn × figure skating partner bucky one shot. With them working on a throw and he's all mad she can't land it then gets hurt and all the angst and comforting. Omg please I'll cry I love you! ❤️
Ok, I have to admit this was my first ask and I got so excited that this got a little away from me. I'd like to say I'm sorry for not putting much technical stuff about figure skating in it but I know really nothing, I did my best researching stuff but it's still not much. I hope you're happy how it turned out, if not let me know! I really just took it and ran with it, I really hope you like it. 🥹❤️
also, sorry it took me a little but my keyboard broke and I had to wait for the new one because writing on the phone I would've made too many mistakes.
On Thin Ice - Bucky Barnes x y/n Stark
Summary: you're paired with Bucky Barnes for an important competition but your negative feelings towards each other make everything much more difficult. Figure Skating AU.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female!Stark reader
Warnings: Bucky being an ass. Reader gets hurt. Angst. Language cause why not. Minimal use of Y/N. My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 6.6K
A/N: I didn't proof read it honestly, I was just excited to publish it. I'm going to double check it sometime tomorrow and edit it later! ❤️
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Being a Stark isn't always easy.
Now don’t get me wrong, it’s not like you’re superheroes or anything, but being the daughter of Tony Stark meant that you always had to be not only on your best behavior but you had to be the best in general, no matter what you were doing.
It’s always been a lot of pressure growing up, but it's something you're used to at this point.
All your life there just wasn’t room for failure.
When you were little you hated it, sometimes even hated your dad for it, but you had to give it to him that it made you detail oriented and more driven and focused than most, so with time you came to be grateful for it.
His continuous badgering you into taking various lessons as a kid is also what led you to discover your passion: figure skating.
Skating was something that just somehow came naturally to you, and the more time you spent at the ice rink the more you fell in love with it.
You loved just spending hours going and going, to the point where the world blurred around you and you almost felt like you were flying.
After seeing how happy it made you, your father eased up a bit on you, but he still expected perfection, which you always worked hard to provide.
All you’ve always wanted was to make him proud of you. Which he was and never failed to mention, but you were still terrified of disappointing him.
All the pressure your last name came with was nothing compared to the pressure you put on yourself, you were always your hardest critic.
That is, at least, until you met Bucky Barnes.
You don't know why, maybe he just hates you and likes to humiliate you, but it seems like he always has something to say about your performances.
It all started the very first day you met, you were 18 at the ice rink your father decided to buy for you on your birthday the week before.
You were shocked to say the least when he told you, but he had always been better at showing his love rather than saying it, and don’t ever let it be said that Tony Stark didn’t love his daughter to death.
It was the same place where you skated for the first time when you were merely 5 years old, which you then changed for one closer to your home, but this one held so much more sentiment for you that the extra travel time was worth it, and it was also much bigger, the place where a lot of the important competitions happened. 
The Saturday after your birthday you finally had some free time having just finished exams week and finally being done with high school once and for all, so you planned to meet up with Natasha at the newly named ‘Stark’s snowland’.
Natasha was also a figure skater and you two have known each other since you were 8 years old, participating in almost a lot your competitions together, which usually ended with the two of you in first and second place.
Then Natasha started doing more and more couples competitions with various partners, but you were still always there to cheer for each other.
When she texted she was running late, you decided to just wait for her on the ice so you went inside, put on your skates and just got lost in your head, glad that the early hour meant nobody was around yet.
Then, after having done a few easy moves and having just finished an Axel, you heard some clapping coming from the entrance of the rink.
You stopped abruptly and looked for the source of the noise when you spotted a brunette cheering on you like he was at the Olympics standing beside a blonde that looked kind of embarrassed by his friends' antics.
"Didn’t realize I had an audience." you said, while moving towards them.
"Well, you should with the way you move out there." the brunette said, shamelessly checking you out shortly before receiving a smack behind his head, courtesy of blondie.
"Sorry about him. My name’s Steve," the blonde said while you tried hard not to laugh at the look his friend was giving him. "and this jerk here is Bucky." He pointed at his friend, who seemed to suddenly remember you were there because he turned to you with a charming smile while you introduced yourself.
"Is this your first time skating here?" Bucky asked "I’m sure I would remember a pretty face like yours." he then added, making you blush.
"I usually only come here for competitions, but-" before you could finish talking you heard the door behind them open and Natasha screaming "Stark!" making the boys turn around to look at her.
"Romanoff!" you greeted her, laughing.
Bucky turned back to you, face suddenly all serious, which confused you a lot since he was all flirty smiles until two seconds before. He mumbled something about having to go and almost ran away as fast as he could.
You looked at Steve who seemed as confused as you felt, gave you an apologetic smile and went after his friend. 
You didn’t have much more time to ponder on the sudden turn of events because Natasha was in her skates on record time and raring to go.
All you know is, for the rest of the day you felt Bucky’s eyes on you but every time you turned to him he had a stoic look on his face, and every word out of his mouth towards you was criticism on whatever you were doing.
And here we are now, 6 years later and nothing has changed.
Now 24 and having graduated college, you can be found at Stark’s almost everyday while you figure out the next phase of your life.
It’s honestly not bad, your dad wanted you to intern for him at Stark Industries during college so, after you graduated, you could start working for him full time, but that’s not what you wanted.
If you’re honest with yourself you do want to take over your father’s empire one day, just not yet.
You wanted to keep doing skating competitions, therefore all the free time that you had during college was spent skating. And so, as a compromise, your dad had you teach a few kid classes during the week when one of the teachers unexpectedly quit one day, and you happily agreed.
You did this for all the duration of college, after graduating you kept doing it and, to your father’s delight, took on even more classes to keep yourself a bit more occupied.
It was at the end of one of these classes that you were suddenly approached by Barnes today, which was very rare.
Usually both of you did your best to avoid each other, even when you started being there everyday, you wouldn’t give each other even a second glance, as far as you were concerned.
You’ve liked him when you first met him, but after months of him being nothing but an ass to you, you decided to stop trying and largely ignore him unless you were in a larger group that consisted of you, him, Steve, Natasha, Sam, another friend of theirs that you quickly became friends with, and Scott, a friend you made your first week of college.
Needless to say, you were baffled to see Bucky walk up to you and not immediately insult your behavior during the lesson that just ended, like he usually does when he gifts you with his presence. Instead he said "Hey Stark, can we talk?"
"Uhm… sure. What’s up, Barnes?" you say while starting to put down the cones you'll need for your next class.
"You know the couples competition that we’re having here in a few months?" he asks, following behind you. You think he looks nervous, which you find weird as Bucky Barnes is as confident as they come.
"Yeah, what about it?" You stop what you’re doing and turn around towards him, too curious to not give him all your attention.
"Well, I wanted to sign up, but it seems like I’m missing a partner.,," he says while rubbing his neck, almost embarrassed by what he’s asking.
"Don’t you usually team up with Nat?" you ask him.
"I do, but she’s gonna be out of town that day, and all the other girls are either paired up or not interested…" he explains, still not going to the point.
"Where are you going with this, Barnes?" You ask, crossing your arms in irritation at the time he was wasting while you still have things to do before your next class.
"Are you really going to make me ask?" he almost whines and, when you merely raise your eyebrow, a clearly amused face at his almost desperation, he finally gets to the point of his interruption. "Fine. Will you be my partner?"
Although you suspected where he was going, it's still a little shocking to hear him ask. Before you answer him though, you feel the need to tell him "You know I’ve never done pairs before, right? Not even outside of competitions."
"I know, but I also know you’re a fast learner." at your confused look, he elaborates "You’ve been training here for what, six years now? I’ve seen you learn pretty advanced moves in a crazy short amount of time for last minute competitions or even just for fun. And, whether I like it or not, you’re one of the best figure skaters I’ve ever met." he finishes.
That last sentence has you scoffing at him and starting to get annoyed at him "You don’t need to lie to me just to get me to agree just because you’re desperate for a partner."
"Why would you think I’m lying?" he says while having the audacity to look confused at your anger.
"You do nothing but criticize me all the time! The real question is, why would I ever think otherwise?"
"Just because I criticize you, doesn’t mean I don’t think you’re good!" he says it like was the most obvious thing in the world. "Please Y/N, I really need a partner, and, right now, you’re my only choice. Please." he adds at the end, just for good measure.
To be fair, Bucky had never been this polite or patient with you, and has never even called you by your first name, so it was clear that this was important to him, which is probably what led you to say yes.
He seemed happy for all of two seconds before going back to being the usual jerk, which made you instantly start to regret your decision, but you figured old habits die hard, you just had to be a little patient and he would get easier to work with the more he got used to this. 
Boy, were you wrong. 
For the next three months you met with Bucky three times a week, working out your routine and training sometimes even for hours.
It wasn’t anything you hadn’t done before, but what really annoyed you to no end was finding out that Bucky’s favorite brand of training seemed to be complaining.
All he did was criticize every move you made, right or wrong, even the couples ones you were still learning.
You also found out that being so close to him for such long periods of time made you clumsier than ever, which did not at all help the situation.
All it took was for you to be near him enough to be surrounded by his cologne and suddenly you were falling more than usual, missing your cues and straight up forgetting the next steps of the routine, which only gave Bucky more fuel to add to the fire.
It also didn’t help that whenever Bucky asked you why you were so distracted you lost all your natural Stark sarcasm and could barely get out a sound, not knowing how to tell him even if you wanted to, which you definitely didn’t, that he was the problem.
But you somehow made it through it and, with a week to go before the competition, you had it down to a T.
Or almost.
"Damn it." you say, frustrated with yourself, after you almost fall again on the landing of the throw jump.
The problem with throw jumps is that Bucky has to pick you up and quite literally throw you in the air and, while he does that quite easily, being so close to him right before he throws you disorients you just enough to miss twists and fumble the landing.
A thing that you’d never tell Bucky, which at the moment is giving the most annoyed look you’ve ever seen on his stupidly pretty face.
"Seriously, Stark?!" He almost yells while skating closer to you. "Why the hell is this taking you so long to get right? You’ve done harder things than this both by yourself and with me, so what the hell is wrong with you?"
Like always, you don’t quite know how to respond to him, not even wanting to acknowledge the cause of your concentration problem.
"Let’s just try this again." You say, quieter than you normally would, and get in position.
Your back is turned to him but you can hear him sigh before you feel him move and position himself next to you. You nod at Scott who’s controlling the music, and he starts again.
Everything is going great, until, again you fumble the landing, but this time you fall on your knees. You can hear Scott shouting your name, so you hold a thumbs up to let him know you’re okay.
You can see Bucky getting closer to you with your peripheral vision, but don’t look up or even try to make a move to get up.
You can feel the tears starting to form in your eyes, not because it hurts, but because you’re so frustrated with yourself for not being able to do this.
You’re trying your hardest not to cry out of anger when you see Bucky’s hand in front of your face, a silent offer of help. The last thing you want to do right now is look at his stupid face, so you slap his hand away and get up on your own, ignoring Bucky almost altogether and putting yourself in position to start again from the top.
Bucky comes behind you, but this time you can feel him looking at you while he says, "We don’t have to go again. We can stop here for today." his voice much quieter than it's ever been before, which only fuels your anger more.
"The competition’s next week Barnes, unless you want us to make fools of ourselves, we need to do this until I get it right." You snapped, letting him see you angry for the first time since you started training.
He was a little shocked but didn’t say anything else while he got in position, signaling to Scott to start the music.
All you can think about at this point is the disappointment on your dad’s face if you don’t win the competition, or worse fall like you just did.
You’re not even focused on Bucky anymore, in fact you’re so distracted that you don’t even make it to the throw jump before you fall, except this time you can feel that something’s wrong as soon as you hit the ice.
You can feel pain shoot from your ankle through your whole body and get immediately dizzy, you could barely make out the lights on the ceiling, your eyes going in and out of focus.
You can hear yelling and, once you concentrated, you can make out Bucky's voice saying words like ‘stupid’ and ‘incompetent’, which made you wish you had just passed out so you wouldn’t have to hear him insult you.
Your mind seemed to clear a little and you realized your tears finally started falling at some point, but you didn’t have much time to ponder on that before you were being helped to your feet, Scott telling you he was taking you to the hospital and everything was going to be okay.
You realized Bucky was no longer next to you before you even realized you didn’t have skates on anymore and were barefoot, but you just assumed he was too mad at you to care about your ankle.
You’re sitting in a hospital bed with a stomp on your left foot when your dad walks in, worry all over his face.
"Hey junior, are you okay?" you roll your eyes at his nickname, surely you don’t expect Tony Stark to be any less sarcastic seeing you well enough, but you’ve begged him to drop the stupid nickname which he refuses to because ‘but you’re just like me, it's a compliment!’
"I’m okay dad, just have to wear this for a few days." you say, pointing to your foot on a pillow.
"Good. Wanna tell me what happened?" he asks, taking a seat beside your bed.
"Just landed wrong while practicing the routine with Barnes. Too distracted, kept fucking up landings." you tell him, not daring to look in his eyes.
"Pushing yourself too hard?"
He surprises you with this question, but you promptly answer it. "If I was, I would’ve been able to land all my moves correctly. If anything I’m not pushing myself hard enough."
You can’t look at his face just to see the disappointment at your failure, but when you feel his hand on yours you force yourself to look into his eyes, and, to your surprise, there's no hint of disappointment.
"You know, sweetheart, I do mean it when I say you’re just like me. And there is nothing more heartbreaking to me than looking at you and seeing the same self-destructive tendencies I have reflected on you." he wipes a tear you hadn’t realized was falling from your cheek and keeps going. "I hate that I passed that on to you. I should’ve been more careful with you. I thought that letting you know I was proud was enough, unlike my dad, but maybe I should’ve been more specific."
"What do you mean?" you ask, sniffling a bit.
"I’m not proud of you because you always come first in competitions, or because you get the highest grades. I’m proud of you because I know you always try your best and put all of yourself into everything you do. That’s what being a Stark is all about. Plus you’re my daughter so let’s be honest, I’d love you to death even if you were a high school dropout who deals fake drugs to college kids."
You laughed while drying your tears, grateful for your father’s inability to stay serious for too long.
You hug him and say "Thanks, dad. I needed that more than I thought."
You let go of him and tell him about the real reason you couldn’t concentrate: the long-haired asshole with eyes so blue you felt like you were flying in the sky while looking at them, and like you were drowning the second he opened his mouth to say shit about you.
Of course you didn’t put it on those exact terms, but your dad was pretty good at reading between the lines.
By the end he had a smirk that made you want to legally change your name and run away because you just know he’s never going to let you live this down.
"Well, sounds like he’s really something." that’s all he says, weirdly. You eye him suspiciously but he doesn’t add to his sentence.
In fact, he doesn’t say anything more about it until he’s helped you get comfortable on your bed back home.
"You know…" he starts "little boys pull little girls’ pigtails on the playground to get their attention, because they don’t know what else to do." he says.
"Yeah, boys are stupid, so what?" you deadpan and he laughs then surprisingly says "Exactly. Maybe you’re not the only one that feels something here. Maybe there’s a stupid boy that can’t take his eyes off of you, but doesn’t know how to get your attention other than criticize you." he says, clearly happy with where he ended.
"Is this your long way of saying that you think Bucky likes me the same way I like him?" You raise an eyebrow at him.
"This is my long way of saying don’t be a stubborn Stark and try actually talking to him about this. You’d be surprised how fast stupid boys grow up just to keep the girl they want. Just ask your mother." and with that he leaves with a wink, leaving you wondering how much more immature Tony Stark could’ve been to have to grow up enough to sweep Pepper Potts off her feet.
You spend the next few days as a little ball of anxiety on your bed, not being able to do much but overthink about Bucky, only getting a break when Scott came to keep you company.
The day before the competition you've enough and convince Scott to drive you to the ice rink, knowing Bucky was probably there.
When you get there you can hear music but you don’t think much of it until you get right in front of the door and realize it was the song you and Bucky chose. Frowning, you open the door and what you see makes your jaw drop.
There they are, Bucky and Natasha, doing your routine.
You don’t know when you got closer to the rink, but you cannot take your eyes off of them, that is until you hear someone beside you say "they’re good, aren’t they?"
You turn your head to see Sam and Steve, the latter looking at you in a knowing way that almost seems apologetic of Sam’s words, the effect of which Sam doesn’t seem to notice.
You always felt like Steve could see right through you when it came to Bucky, always looking at you like he knew exactly how you felt and how much his words hurt you.
Seemingly reading all the questions swimming in your mind right now, Steve offers you some answers.
"Natasha came back early from her vacation. He brought her up to speed and she agreed to help him out. They’ve been practicing non-stop everyday since the day after you got hurt." Feeling like you have enough information, you turn back to the ice. 
You watch them work in sync, almost like they're connected by wires and one can’t move without taking the other with them.
You watch as Bucky picks up Nat effortlessly and throws her like she's made of air. You watch as she moves so gracefully that it's almost surreal. You see her land every jump perfectly.
Again. And again. And again.
Every jump, every twist, every second you watch them something inside you brokes more.
You don’t know why, Natasha has been Bucky’s partner countless times before and it never mattered to you, and you’ve only skated with him for less than four months.
Maybe it was the fact that they're using the routing you and Bucky had come up with together, maybe you feel replaced.
Maybe it was the fact that you were coming here to talk to Bucky about your feelings and now you were seeing him flying around the ice rink as close with another girl as he was with you, maybe even closer.
They finish the routine and you can hear Bucky’s laughter, you can see his smile as he tells Natasha how perfect she was, how impressed he is at how fast she picked up everything, how glad he is that she showed up when she did.
Then it hits you.
Of course he’s glad she showed up. He never wanted to do this with you, you weren’t even a second choice, it took literally every other girl he knows to be unavailable for him to even think to ask you.
Why wouldn’t he be happy to have her back? He certainly never acted like this with you. He never laughed, barely even smiled...
He didn’t choose you, he got stuck with you.
Suddenly, it’s like everything he’s ever done, everything he’s ever said to you comes crashing down on you all at once.
It’s like you can actually hear your heart breaking and there’s only one thought on your mind: He likes Natasha.
It makes sense, the first day you met he seemed into you, right up until he saw her and the second he turned around he was done with you.
Maybe he started to be an ass just to make that clear, not wanting to actually say anything. After all, he always was very nice to Nat. To everyone but you really.
And it’s not like you could blame him, Natasha’s always been better than you. Growing up she was always your only competition, it’s a fortune you ended up friends really, considering how easy it could’ve been for you to hate each other.
She’s the reason you spent so much time trying to be better, and you’d like to say it was the same for her, but you doubt it very much.
She’s always been prettier, thinner, stronger, smarter, better with boys and at making friends. She was the obvious choice.
Of course she was Bucky’s choice.
You didn’t realize you were so deep in your thoughts, or that you were still staring at them, until you feel a hand on your shoulder and hear Sam’s worried voice asking if you were okay.
You look at Steve and Sam and all you want to do is get out of here. It was already a miracle you weren’t already crying.
Without saying a word you turn around and walk away as fast as you can with the damn stump on your foot. You aren’t fast enough though, because halfway to the door you hear Bucky’s voice, much too close to you to your liking, calling your name.
For a second you think you hear something seeming happiness in his voice, but quickly dismiss the idea and try to keep going, but then you feel his hand on your wrist turning you around to face him.
His face seems to instantly fall as he looks at you and all you can think about is how sick you are of being the only one that takes his smile away.
"What’s wrong?" he asks in a weirdly soft tone, but you can’t find the voice to answer him.
You two just stare at each other until you hear someone clear their throat behind Bucky, and you look over his shoulder just as Natasha starts talking.
"Hi, Stark. Heard what happened to you." she nods towards your foot "Sorry I haven’t been to visit you, we’ve been pretty busy."
You don’t look at her while you answer, turning your eyes back to Bucky, who’s still holding your wrist, while you say "I can see that. Don’t worry, Romanoff, I’m just glad Barnes finally has a partner that’s not incompetent."
All he does is stare confusedly at you, which makes you angry enough to yank your hand away from him, turn around and walk away, ignoring the calls of your name behind you.
You miss the sadness on Bucky’s face, or the way he questions Sam and Steve about everything you said and did since the second you entered.
Bucky, on the other hand, did not miss the tears starting to fall down your cheeks as you turn away.
You decide not to go to the competition the following day. It would be the first time you voluntarily miss one of Nat’s competitions, but you don’t feel like having a replay of yesterday’s show when it’s already been on replay in your mind all night.
Your absence doesn’t go unnoticed by your friends. Nat and Steve being the only ones that understand, even though they’re not very happy about it.
Another thing that doesn’t go unnoticed by the group is how much more agitated than normal Bucky seems to be.
Even during competitions, he’s usually very calm, but today the only thing that makes him stop pacing around the room is Natasha’s sharp ‘would you sit down’ that makes him sigh and sit next to her on the bleachers where they’re waiting for their turn.
He can’t seem to keep his body still as he starts to bounce his leg up and down out of nerves, and can’t seem to stop even when the redhead gets up abruptly with an exasperated ‘for the love of god’ and goes to sit further from him and near Sam, exchanging seats with Steve, who puts a hand on Bucky’s shoulder, effectively bringing out of his head and making his body still with another sigh.
"You know, you don’t have to do this if you don’t want to." Steve tells his anxious friend.
"You know I have to Steve. Otherwise Fury won't let me do other couples competitions."
"I know, but the whole reason you started doing them was for the chance to pair up with Y/N, which never even happened until now." Steve points out while frowning.
"I’m not the one that chooses the pairs, Rogers, it’s always Fury. He’s the whole reason Romanoff and I worked so hard this week just so she could do this. Plus Y/N’s never been interested in these competitions so this whole idea was just stupid to begin with. Now after I finally convince her, she gets hurt and thinks I think she’s incompetent, for some reason." Bucky hasn't been able to stop thinking about what you said yesterday.
Why would you ever think he thinks you're incompetent? He knows he's been a dick to you for years, but never has he ever said you were incompetent.
It's really just constructive criticism given in a poor way. A very poor way... Yeah, he really just has himself to blame for the way you feel about him now, he knows it.
He doesn't even really have a justification for it, either. If he's being honest with himself, he's intimidated by you.
The first time he saw you he thought you were the most beautiful girl he's ever seen, you were so graceful on skates and looked like you were exactly where you belong, lost in your own little world.
Then when Natasha said your name, he realized who he was talking to: the daughter of one of the richest families in town.
He'd heard a lot about you and your family, your impressive achievements on and off the ice. He's ashamed to say he felt small all of a sudden, knowing just from hearing about you that he'd never be good enough for you.
Still, he couldn't help but be drawn to you, couldn't help but watch you as much as he could get away with, but the only way he could justify that without being seen as a creep was to criticize what you did. It made sense, right?
Bucky is pulled from his thoughts, again, by Steve’s voice.
"Well, you were basically yelling that at her when she got hurt last week." at his words Bucky's just as confused as he was yesterday when you stormed out.
"I didn’t…" then it hits him. "I wasn’t talking about her! I was talking about Scott because he wouldn’t hurry up!"
"Oh. Listen, buddy, we both know you like her. You fucked up, big time, and it’s gonna take a lot to get her to forgive you. You could start by stop being an ass to her and apologize." Bucky knows the blonde is right.
It will take a miracle just to get you to look in his direction, let alone allow him to apologize, but he has to at least try to make things right.
He stands up suddenly, startling Steve, and says, "you were there for all our rehearsals, right? You know the routine?"
Steve is confused, but answers with a slow "yeah, why?" but Bucky gives no further explanation, too busy picking up all his stuff.
When Steve puts together what his friend is hinting at, he quickly says "I didn’t mean right now!"
"No time like the present! Go change." he says, nudging Steve toward the changing rooms.
"Buck, if you go now Fury’s gonna kill you!"
"I don’t care!" he yells, basically running out the door and ignoring Natasha yelling his name, the only thing on his mind being running to you as fast as he could. 
Every thought in his head, though, is instantly forgotten as he comes to a sudden stop at the top of the stairs outside of the rink.
There, at the bottom, is you, looking just as shocked at seeing him there as he feels.
After a few moments of just looking at each other, you can’t take it anymore and decide to break the silence. "I didn’t know if I should come in. Didn’t know if Nat wanted my support after I was so rude, you know."
When he doesn’t say anything and just stares at you, you feel the need to keep going.
"What are you doing out here? Did I miss your turn? How did it go?" that seems to snap him out of it and he starts to move towards you, still not saying anything and making you even more nervous as you start regretting coming here.
When he comes face to face with you, finally, he speaks. "I was gonna come looking for you." your brows furrowed in confusion.
"I have owed you an apology for a long time now. I’m sorry for being a dick to you for all these years… it really wasn’t about you. I just felt insecure and acted out about it, and eventually I felt so used to it I couldn’t help it..."
You were shocked to say the least, this was the last thing you were expecting tonight. "You felt insecure? Why?"
"Because you’re you!" he almost yelled, gesturing to your whole body and startling you a bit. "I mean you’re a Stark, you’re kind of a legend who lives up to the legend. You’re smart and talented and confident and beautiful. I never thought I’d be good enough for you... I still don’t."
You don't know what to say, but you aren't running for the hills so Bucky keeps talking. "I’d also like to make it clear that I’ve never called you incompetent. I was talking about Lang, that idiot took ages to get his keys to drive you to the hospital. I didn’t even realize you might’ve heard me until Steve pointed it out to me just now while we were waiting our turn and I just had to find you and tell you."
Once everything he said actually registered in your brain, the words came out of your mouth before you could stop them. "Wait, you left the competition to come find me? Natasha’s gonna kill you!"
He chuckles a little while saying, "I’d be more worried about Fury."
"Fury?" You're confused again. "Why would you be worried about Fury?"
"He’s gonna be pissed that I left. He’s the whole reason Romanoff and I trained so hard to make it here, I wanted to skip it after you got hurt, but he said if I did he wouldn’t let me do any more pairs."
"I thought this competition was important to you, that’s the whole reason I said yes. And you wanted to quit it?" You're more confused than ever.
"It was important because it was my chance to finally spend time with you." he says, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "I’d rather not do our routine at all if I can’t do it with you." he adds, shrugging. 
"really?" you can’t help but smile at hearing him say ‘our routine’ "But you and Nat work much better than you and I do."
"perphabs, but I still think you’re the best there is. Even when it’s with me, a person you hate." He says the last part while looking at his feet, almost afraid of saying it aloud and perfectly aware that he’s the reason why.
"I don’t hate you." you say, almost too fast.
His eyes snap back up to yours. "You don’t? I mean, I wouldn’t blame you if you did. I’d hate me if I were you."
"Sure, I don’t always love the things you say about my skills, but you’ll never criticize me more than I criticize myself. Mostly, you’re just a distraction." you say shrugging, not fully realizing what you just confessed.
"I distract you?" he says with a smug smirk that kind of makes you want to punch him, bringing his hand to your cheek.
You groan but let him keep it there, loving the feeling of his warm hand against your skin. "Don’t get cocky with me, Barnes."
He laughs, but doesn’t say anything else waiting for you to elaborate with an expectant look.
"Fine." you sigh. "Yes, you distract me. You might be a jerk, but I can’t concentrate when I’m around you. All I can think about is the sound of your voice, and the way you smell and the color of your stupid pretty eyes... I can’t help but like you, no matter how much of an asshole you are to me, for reasons I’m sure have something to do with my father."
He laughs again at your last sentence and you swear you’d never heard a better sound. "So I guess I should be thankful for you daddy issues, huh." he says making you laugh with him.
"Yeah, you very much should be." you put your arms around his neck when his hand drops from your face and his arms wrap around your waist. 
"You distract me too, you know. Everytime you’re in the room you’re all I can see..." He sighs. "I’ll never apologize enough for all the things I said to you, but let me try. Let me take you on a date, for starters."
You pretend to think about it all of two seconds before you’re nodding with a smile, so he adds, "What about right now?"
"Slow down there, Romeo, why don’t we go cheer on our friends first." you giggle at his pout while you take his hand and lead the way inside.
When you take a seat next to Sam, just in time to hear the announcement of Natasha and Steve’s names, there's no wiping the smile off of Bucky’s face. His arm goes immediately around your shoulders to bring you closer as you greet Sam that had a knowing grin of his own.
You watch your friends go through the routine perfectly, to your joy and surprise. You really are proud of them, and you make sure to tell them when they are close enough to the edge of the ice while waiting for their score.
"Maybe after we can all go out to eat something." Steve suggests, still slightly out of breath.
"I’m sorry, punk. I have a date that I’m not missing for anything in the world." Bucky answers without taking his eyes away from you, his smile seared onto his face.
Steve chuckles at how whipped his friend already seems to be, moving closer to the judges with Nat when it was time for their scores.
Second place, not bad for a last minute thing.
As you cheer for your friends while they're given their medals, Bucky leans down and whispers in your ear "we would’ve come first."
You burst laughing and Bucky known in this exact moment that he would do anything to hear that sweet sound for the rest of his life.
You look up at him and raise your voice just enough for him to hear over all the screaming, with a smile big enough to match his "We totally would’ve."
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sjsmith56 · 4 months
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The Rules
Summary: One shot AU. A mobster’s daughter meets the love of her life but The Rules get in the way of it developing into something more.
Length: 6.5 K
Characters: James “Bucky” Barnes (at age 21, then 25), OFC (named), OFC’s parents (named), Brock Rumlow, John Walker, Loki Laufeyson.
Warnings: some cursing, rude behaviour and reference to mob life. Otherwise fluffy.
Author notes: This is my first attempt at writing a mob-themed story. Bucky is actually a sweetheart.
〰️ 〰️ 〰️
The first time Tia fell in love was when she was almost 18.  His name was James, 21, and he was one of newest men on her father's staff.  The first time Tia fell out of love was two weeks later when she saw James kissing a woman staff member and allowing himself to be pulled into her room at the mansion where they all lived.  This is their story.
Almost Eighteen
There were rules growing up in the house of a mob boss, particularly the man known as the Boss of Brooklyn, Jerome Brancato.  Rule #1, If the door to his office was open, anyone could come in.  If the door was closed, everyone had to stay out.  Rule #2, Daughters of the boss were off-limits.  Period.  No exceptions, unless the boss approved of the relationship which sometimes happened if he was approached correctly and with respect.  Rule #3, No meant no.  Other rules came up but the big three were supposed to be obeyed by everyone, staff and family.
Tia, seeing the door to her father's office was open approached it, hearing him speaking with another man.  The man, who said a lot of "Yes sirs" and "No sirs" seemed to be interviewing for a position with her father's "business," a business he took over from his father, and his father before him.  But Tia's father, Jerome, had no sons to leave the business to and daughters weren't supposed to be in that position, at least not in his narrow world view.
She pushed the door open, catching the attention of her father and the man, who rose to his feet and turned towards her.  He was tall, with short dark hair, and handsome, with eyes as blue as the sky.  Tearing her eyes away from him she looked at her father.
"I'm sorry, but your door was open," she said.  "I can come back."
"It was open," agreed her father.  "Tia, this is James Barnes.  He's here to join the security team.  Barnes, this is my youngest daughter, Tia.  She just graduated from high school."
He offered his hand, his white dress shirt peaking out from under his dark suit's sleeve.
"Pleasure," he said, in a voice that made a warmth pool deep inside her, his even white teeth showing in the smile he gave her.
Her voice squeaked a little when she answered.  "Thank you." 
Inside she groaned.  What kind of response was that?  James grinned a little.
"You're welcome."
"Why don't you give us half an hour to finish up," suggested her father.  "I still have to make James aware of the rules."
She smiled at her father but inside she felt her stomach drop.  The rules.  The fucking rules.  Rule #2, she was off-limits.  Apologetically, she returned to the door, risking one more look at the man she had just fallen in love with, then closed it and ran upstairs to her room to fall face first into her bed and cry over the rules.
It was a week before she saw James again.  James, Jimmy, Jamie, Jim ... all the variations of his name were written out on paper by her, as she signed her name with his.  Mr. and Mrs. James Barnes.  Jim and Tia Barnes.  Then she tore the pages up into tiny pieces and flushed them down the toilet because if there was one thing her already married older sisters warned her about was to not leave any trace of having a crush on any of their father's "staff," for that could cause all sorts of problems, not just for her but also for him.  In their father's line of work, that could result in serious issues for the male staff member but could also see her summarily married off to some business associate, which she didn't want.  Not at 17 years, 10 months and 2 weeks of age.  Besides, she was going off to college in a few months and the last thing she needed was a chaperone to make sure that Portia Isabel Brancato, nicknamed Tia, behaved herself.  So, she kept her face and attitude as neutral as possible, and tried to make it seem like she wasn't looking for James on the estate.  Which ended up being easy when she found out quickly that he was sent out to one of the satellite "offices," a warehouse at the docks to learn that aspect of the work. 
Resigned to not seeing him again for the foreseeable future, Tia came downstairs the one day to be driven to the salon for her usual mani / pedi appointment, only to see James waiting at the bottom of the stairs.  As she came down, he looked up and his smile lit her up inside once more.
"Good morning," he said, cheerily.  "I've been instructed to drive you to the Bronze Goddess salon.  Are you all ready?"
"I am, thank you," she replied politely, reaching the bottom step and looking up at him.  God, how could anyone be so good looking?  "Could we stop at a Starbucks for something?"
"I'm yours to command," he replied, then opened the front door for her, while somehow reaching the armoured Audi sedan first.
After making sure her seatbelt was in place, James closed the door and got behind the steering wheel.  Tia could see the coiled wire of the earpiece reaching down into his suit collar.  He checked in with his supervisor, likely Clint, then smoothly pulled out from the driveway towards the gate to the estate.
"I haven't seen you for a while," said Tia, tentatively.
"No, I've been elsewhere," he replied, pausing at the road and looking both ways before turning left, following the map on his dash display.
Five minutes later he pulled into the line at Starbucks, then looked at Tia in the rearview mirror.
"A white chocolate mocha Frappuccino, please," said Tia, handing him a Starbucks card.  "Get something for yourself while you're waiting for me."
"Thank you, I will," he said. 
He ordered a Caffé Americano, then offered them the card when they handed him the cups.  Turning around he smiled as he gave her the Frappuccino, then the card.  Ten minutes later he pulled up at the salon, then got out to open her door.
"I'm going to park then I'll be inside," he said.  "Your father was very specific that someone be in view of you at all times."
"Is there trouble?" she asked, as it wasn't a usual thing for a salon visit.
"Nothing I can't handle," he said, giving her that lop-sided smile again.  "You let me do the worrying."
He came inside, carrying his coffee, walking in like he belonged, and settled himself on an empty chair near the pedicure station, but in a position where he could see the front door.  He picked up one of the gossip magazines and flipped slowly through it.  Every person who walked into the salon underwent his scrutiny.  Everyone who came close to Tia, received even more attention.  When she was finished, he waited behind her while she paid, then took her gently by the elbow, leading her to where the car was parked, seemingly staying acutely aware of their environment.  On the drive back home, he looked at her several times in the rearview mirror.
"You planning to go to college?" he asked.
"Yeah, I've been accepted to Stanford, UCLA and Arizona State.  I wanted to apply to something in the east, but Dad thought it was safer for me to be further away."
She didn't add the qualifier "from his business interests."  There was kind of an unwritten rule that daughters were off-limits to action from his competitors but being on the other side of the country made that easier to follow.
"Did you go to college?"
He shook his head.  "I joined the army right out of high school.  Did one tour and realized I wasn't cut out for it.  My dad knew your dad from some construction work he did for him and put in a word for me."
The gate opened and James drove up the circular driveway to the front of the house.  Then he opened the door and offered Tia his hand to get out of the back.  At that moment, her father came out and called to her.  She smiled at James, then hurried to her father.  That was the last she saw of him until the next week when she went out to the opera with her father and mother.  Clint and Thor drove them.  After they entered the house, Tia started up the stairs to the bedrooms.  Hearing a sound, she looked up towards the third floor, where the staff bedrooms were and saw James kissing Sharon, her mother's social secretary.  Then Sharon pulled him into her bedroom, and the door closed behind them, the sound of the latch coinciding with the feeling of Tia's heart breaking.  Her mother, Liliana, who had also seen it, patted her daughter on the back.
"He asked for permission to take you out but your father said no, that you were too young," she offered.  "He told James to keep his attention elsewhere.  I'm sorry."
Rule #2 and 3, a double whammy.  With a sigh, Tia went to her bedroom and cried for an hour.  It would be four years before she saw James again.
〰️ 〰️ 〰️
Almost Twenty-Two
Rule #4, If your father arranged your marriage the correct response was "Yes sir, thank you sir, for finding me a good husband," even if the last part wasn't always true.
There were several gatherings at the Brancato estate that May, after Tia graduated from college.  Several different families who were in the same type of business as her father were invited to attend.  More specifically, if the families had an unmarried son, anywhere between the ages of 21 and 40, they were invited.  Gradually, over the month, the list of prospects was whittled down, until her parents hosted a dinner with the final four.  
Tia was officially on the market, being dangled like a carrot in order to accomplish any one of the following objectives:  settle a feud with a rival family, cement a business relationship between two families, provide a son-in-law able to take over the business from her father (because a woman couldn't do the job), satisfy a desire for grandchildren, specifically grandsons, just because that's what was expected of the daughters of a mob boss without a male heir, or a combination of several or all of the above.  What Tia wanted in a husband was supposedly considered but its importance was so far down that she knew the decision was likely already made before the dinner even started.
Did it rankle Tia?  Yes, but she had grown up as the privileged child of a wealthy and influential man.  Now was the time where she had to satisfy the needs of his business empire, more than the needs of her heart.  There was always a possibility that whoever won the "lottery" and satisfied her father's demands prior to approving the engagement would be a decent guy, one that she could grow to respect, if not love with all of her heart.  Her two sisters had done alright.  There was no reason to expect that she would end up with a creep, or someone who took the concept of marriage at its most basic, regarding her as property.  Then she met the final prospects.
Prospect #1 (not arranged in order of preference) – Brock Rumlow, an almost 40 something, twice-divorced, son of a boorish man who ran the docks.  Swarthy in appearance, with atrocious manners, and an almost permanent sneer.  No thank you.  Prospect #2 – John Walker, corrupt lawyer.  Certainly, he was handsome enough, if you liked that blonde, all-American quarterback look.  Smug, arrogant, and totally unaware that he rubbed people the wrong way.  Nope.  Prospect #3 – Loki Laufeyson.  Charming on the surface and although attractive in a European kind of way, Tia wasn't sure that he wasn't bisexual which could mean he wouldn't be demanding on her.  Certainly, he seemed to watch attractive men as much as he watched attractive women.  A supposed financial wizard, she got the feeling that her father would have to settle a significant amount on him to generate an engagement offer.  Prospect #4 – She blinked her eyes twice when she saw James enter with his father, George.  He was a prospective husband?  Yes, he had been at the other gatherings, but she assumed he was there as security.  He was staff and there hadn't been a marriage between a daughter and a staff member since... well, years.  Plus, he had broken her heart when she was 17 by going to bed with Sharon, the social secretary.  She left the job while Tia was in college, her replacement, an older woman who wore sensible shoes.
Dinner was called and Tia's father offered her his arm, escorting her to the table, where she sat to his left, while her mother sat to his right.  The prospects fathers were placed next, two on each side of the table, then their sons furthest away so that Jerome Brancato could observe them from a distance and see how they responded being grouped together.  At the foot of the table was her grandmother, the family matriarch, Maria Brancato.  She would be assessing the prospects up close, engaging them directly.
Right away the fathers, except for George Barnes, talked over each other about their sons, extolling their strengths, although only one of them said anything about how their progeny would be good for Tia.  That was George, when he did speak, who brought up the fact that James had several sisters and had always looked upon himself as their unofficial bodyguard, even though he was younger than them.
"No one even stepped up to the door to take one of my daughters out unless Bucky (he had a nickname?) approved of them first," said George.  "He kept the boys in line and made sure they were respectful of the girls and their mother; God rest her soul."
Tia's mother smiled.  "Winnie was a good woman.  She would be proud of the man James became."
Jerome gave Liliana a look, that saw her smile at her daughter, then keep eating. 
"Well, Brock would have done the same," said his father.  "Anyone who stepped out of line would see the business end of his fist.  He doesn't put up with any opposition from anyone."
That raised her father's eyebrows a little as he rarely used physical force against any of his men, and often welcomed an opposing view if it was presented properly, with respect.  Brock's father just kept rambling on about how no one intimidated his son.  Then John Walker, Sr. cleared his throat and told a story of how his son completed a complex business deal by finding dirt on one of the principals.  After setting up a honey pot situation, he managed to present the man with compromising pictures in order to sway him to their terms. 
"Made his client an extra $10 million."  He chewed with his mouth open.  "That alone was enough for his boss to offer him a partnership in the law firm.  Jumped right over several others who had been there longer.  Johnny will do what is needed to increase profits and productivity."
Her father said nothing, but Tia could tell he didn't like hearing the other man brag about it.  Yes, there were times when he employed similar tactics in dealing with certain people, but he kept his involvement in it to a minimum, as it was tempting fate to have the acts traceable back to him.  That was just asking for trouble and a careful leader kept things looking legal. 
At that moment, Tia noticed her mother looking down at the other end of the table, where her grandmother was.  There was a look between the two women that seemed to be sending an invisible message between them.  She just wished she knew what that look meant.
"Well, Loki has certainly done his share of cooking the books to improve profits and productivity," said Mr. Odinson, his stepfather.  "The magic he can perform on the balance sheet would make your head swim.  Every investigation against him has turned up nothing that can be pinned on him.  Takes a genius to do that."
"Hmmm," was all her father said to that.
"One of these days his luck will run out," she thought, wondering if her father was thinking the same thing.
The rest of the meal progressed in a similar manner until dessert was served.  Then Jerome finished his cake and coffee before he stood up, prompting the fathers then their sons to do the same.
"Gentlemen, let's go for brandy and cigars out by the pool, while my mother, wife and daughter confer," he stated. 
All of them pulled away, then James offered his hand to Tia's grandmother.
"I have enjoyed our talk this evening, Mrs. Brancato," he said, warmly.  "You've given me much to think about."
She smiled at him, then looked at her daughter, knowingly.  George Barnes saw the look then faced Liliana, offering his hand to her.
"My compliments to your cook.  That was a very enjoyable meal."
The three of them were left alone as the men filed out, and the two older women both looked at Tia.
"If it was us choosing, it would be James," said her mother, "but your father has other considerations, and his word is binding.  You will be able to go on a date with each of them in turn then provide your opinion to your father but I'm guessing he already made his mind up."
An hour later the evening was over, and they said good night to everyone.  James left with his father, being assigned to work in the warehouses that week.  He was staying at his parent's house during that time. 
〰️ 〰️ 〰️
The Dates
Rule #5, No sex on the first date.  Once an engagement was announced the couple could go at it but until that moment, any prospective husband of the boss's daughter who presumed to touch her in an intimate manner would deserve what happened to him later.
Two days later Loki Laufeyson arrived to take Tia to dinner.  He pulled up driving a Maserati, wearing an expensive silk suit.  He was polite, solicitous, and the perfect gentleman.  The restaurant was perfect also, a two-star Michelin restaurant, whose portions were so precious that Tia almost asked if they could stop at a drive thru for some burgers.  During the meal an older blond man stopped by the table to say hello, looking at Tia nervously.
"Mobius, this is Tia," said Loki.  "She's ... um ... my date."
"Oh."  The other man smiled slightly.  "Pleasure to meet you."  He looked back at Loki.  "I missed you at the club on Friday night."
"Yes, there was a dinner party at Tia's parent's house.  I was obligated to be there."
Both men looked very uncomfortable, so Tia did something kind to both of them and excused herself to go to the ladies' room.  Loki stood up as she left.  When she looked back, she could see both men speaking in whispers to each other and sighed.  Definitely bisexual with a preference for men.  Scratch Loki, which was too bad because he seemed quite nice.  In fact, later, after she returned to the table, he announced that he would be withdrawing his courtship of her but wished her the best.  They parted with a handshake.
Date #2 happened two days later when John Walker picked her up, driving a Mercedes SUV.  His suit, also silk, didn't look as good on him as Loki's did.  She attributed it to the fact that Walker was not used to working in a jacket.  It always seemed to ride up and crowd his neck.  They went to a restaurant, a steak house type, where he ordered a larger cut for him with all the trimmings and for her, a small cut, with a salad and minimal dressing.
"I'm sure you're always watching your weight," he said, eyeing her body.  "You seem to keep quite trim, and I wouldn't want you to think I don't support that."
As she guessed, he played football in college, at the quarterback position, and proceeded to regale her with his exploits on the field.  He didn't ask one question about her.  When he kissed her goodnight, he attempted to give her tongue, but she successfully pulled away, waggling her finger at him, as if he should know better.  Since a servant was already on the step, he took it with a smile, but she saw a darkness in his eyes that bothered her.
Date #3 was with James.  He picked her up in a 1994 Mustang GT, wearing a sports coat over an open necked blue shirt and jeans.  Somehow, he had told her mother his plans, so Tia also wore jeans and brought a sweater.  They talked as he drove to Coney Island. 
"This is your car?" she asked.
"Yup, restored her myself," he said.  "Found her up on some blocks in an abandoned lot.  No tires, stripped of parts but the body was good, and it kept me out of trouble when I was in high school and after the army.  It was time spent with my dad.  I've been offered good money for her, but I like driving her.  Sorry, to talk about her as if she's real but I know every inch of her."
"I like her, too," smiled Tia.  "Does she have a name?"
"Yes, but I can't tell you."  He blushed.  "It would kind of be inappropriate for our first date."
They drove a bit further then Tia looked at him again.
"Can I ask you something personal?"
"Go ahead, I have no secrets," he answered.
"My mother told me when I was 17 that you asked for permission to take me out, but my father said no."  She looked out her window.  "I saw you a week later kissing Sharon, then going into her bedroom."
He nodded his head, his mouth set in a grim line.  "Yeah.  Your father told me that you were too young and to set my sights lower.  She flirted with me, and we did kiss.  I didn't stay.  She wanted more from me that night than I was prepared to give.  I'm no saint and I have been with several women since then, but nothing serious."  He took a deep breath.  "I always liked you more.  It's why I asked to be considered as a suitor.  This time, your father agreed to let me have a chance."
"Oh." Tia swallowed and took a deep breath, trying to calm the pounding of her heart.  "What are your chances?"
He smiled a little sadly.  "Not as good as the other three," he admitted.  "My father is a construction foreman who did some work for your father, and they got along well, considering each other a friend.  But he's not well off like the other fathers, nor is he in any position of influence.  My only assets are my loyalty to your father, I'm a hard worker and like to think I do the job without letting my emotions get the better of me.  Most of all, I pledged to be faithful to you always and to treat you with kindness and respect.  I have sisters and expected the same from the men they all married."
Tia watched the beams of the streetlights come through the windows alternating between illuminating his face and leaving it in darkness.  His strong facial features had matured in the few years since she went away to college, as had his physique.  There was also a depth to him that the others didn't have.  The fact that he didn't talk much about himself impressed her.  This was a man looking for a serious relationship, not a business deal sealed with the acquisition of a wife. 
The date was fun as they went on the rides, ate hot dogs and drank beer.  He won her a large stuffed giraffe at the shooting gallery, christening it together as Walter.  When they walked back to where the car was parked and deposited Walter in the back seat, James looked at her in the dimly lit area.  Gently, he took one of her hands in his, then raised it to his lips, kissing the knuckles then turning it to kiss her wrist.
"I expect someone to be watching when I drop you off so if you don't mind a kiss here."
He didn't finish what he was saying as Tia raised herself up to kiss him, wrapping her arms around his neck.  He enclosed her in his arms, and she felt the firmness of his body pressed against hers.  His soft lips were perfect, applying just the right amount of pressure against hers, then she opened hers to allow their tongues to mingle.  It was every bit as good as she imagined when she was 17, going on 18.  When they finally pulled apart, he looked at her in a way that no man had ever looked at her before. 
"You don't know how long I've wanted to kiss you," he murmured, his eyes taking in every part of her face.  "You don't remember the first time we saw each other, do you?"
"I thought it was in my dad's office."
He shook his head, smiling.  "My dad built your pool house.  I was 16 and worked as a helper on the site.  You were still a girl, just turned 13 but I thought that you would be beautiful when you grew up a little.  I knew then that I didn't really want to look at anyone else.  Sounds a little creepy but I was willing to wait until we were both ready."
"It's not creepy," said Tia.  "We were both kids.  I'm glad you waited."  She looked down for a moment.  "Are you sure this is the life you want?  I know what my father is and the things that you've likely already done for him."
"I went into a combat zone when I was 18 so I have killed before," he said.  "So far, your dad has kept me out of that part of it.  I think he's looking to scale back that side of his business, be more legitimate.  If it means that you and I can be together, it will be worth it."
"Okay.  One more question.  Your nickname is Bucky?"
He laughed, giving her that lop-sided smile.  "Yeah, it's from my middle name, Buchanan.  That was my mother's surname."  He shrugged.  "James sounds more grownup and mature.  You can call me anything you want."
"Just the best date I've ever had," she smiled back.
They kissed again, then James opened the passenger door for her and drove her back to the estate.  Before they got out, he gave her his cell phone number, entered it as Jane so her father wouldn't know it was his, then told her to call him anytime if she needed help.  In front of the mansion, he was aware they were being watched so he gave Tia a respectful hug, handed Walter to her, then waited as she entered the house, before getting back into his car and driving to his father's house.  Although he hoped it would be enough for her father to choose him, he knew his chances weren't good.
The final date, with Brock Rumlow, was everything that Tia feared.  He showed up in a heavily customized truck that Tia needed a ladder to enter.  Although dressed in a suit he didn't wear a tie until forced to at the restaurant he took her to, after verbally haranguing the maître d’ for the indignity of his money not being good enough for the place.  His table manners were as atrocious as his regular manners, talking while chewing, burping at the table, and referring to his bathroom habits in crude terms.  Excusing herself to the ladies' room, Tia texted James.
Tia: Help! I'm stuck with a Cro-Magnon man who's unbearable.
Jane: Brock?  Yeah, he's a bit full of himself, isn't he?  Do you need rescuing?
Tia: Possibly.  I'll keep you posted.
She returned to the table where Brock was sprawled in his chair.  Tia's plate was gone as was his. 
"Good, you're back," he said.  "I've paid the bill.  Let's go to a club."
"I wasn't finished."  He looked up at her surprised.
"Oh, I assumed you went to the bathroom to uh ... you know, bring it all up.  That's what you chicks do to keep slim, right?  My exes did that all the time."
She would have answered but he stood up and headed for the door, turning around to wait impatiently for her.  With a sigh, she joined him, waiting as he tossed the valet his token.  The truck appeared and he didn't help her in, although the valet did, giving her a sympathetic eye roll.  The club, with a pounding bass that bled out onto the street was full of friends of his, whose method of communication seemed to be either a jut of their chin or a pound hug.  He requested bottle service in the VIP area, then flopped down on the couch, pulling her down with him, and draping his arm over her shoulder.  Sitting there like the king of his own kingdom, Tia had a vision of her life with Brock Rumlow and decided to end the date there.  Of course, he didn't want to and kept trying to keep her sitting on the couch with him.  Finally, she convinced him that she needed to throw up and he let her go.  Exiting out of an emergency door she went to the nearest coffee shop that was open and called James, who told her to stay there and wait for him.  He arrived twenty minutes later, entering the coffee shop with a worried look on his face.  As they hugged, he stroked her hair and vowed that no matter what, Brock Rumlow wouldn't do this to Tia ever again.
At the mansion, when he pulled up, Brock was there, waiting angrily for Tia, as was her father and mother.  He went to open the door for Tia, then growled when he found it locked.  James came out of the driver's side door and placed himself in front of Brock, staring at him in a way that showed he had absolutely no fear of him.
"Move," said the jilted date.
"No, move yourself," replied James.  "She called me to get her out of a bad date and I obliged.  Now, I'm going to finish the job and make sure she gets inside the house safely."
"Are you saying I abused her?"
"I'm saying you wouldn't let her leave until she thought she was going to be sick.  She told me you acted like a pig the entire time."
"She's lying.  The little bitch is lying."
Jerome pulled Brock away at that moment.  "What did you call my daughter?"
Liliana slapped Brock in the face.  "How dare you.  Jerome, if you even consider him suitable for Tia, I'll leave you.  I swear, I will divorce your ass and take everything you own.  It's all in my name anyway."
"No one's divorcing anyone," said Jerome, then he looked at Brock.  "You have 10 seconds to get your ass in your monstrosity of a truck and get the hell off our property.  You tell your father that if he even tries to retaliate it will be war between us.  Now get."
Rule #6, Even a mob boss with only daughters does not take kindly to his daughters being referred to as bitches.  Especially by a twice-divorced asshole like Brock Rumlow.
The Wedding, six months later
Rule #7, When marrying into the mob, let her family have their way.  It's easier and lulls them into thinking you'll be a pushover. 
This was it.  Her father made the decision and now Tia had to live with it.  She looked at herself in the mirror as her mother fastened the veil to her head.  A knock on the door was opened by her oldest sister, acting as matron of honour.  Her father walked in; his bow tie undone.
"Lil, can you fix this?" he asked.  Then he stopped, seeing Tia's reflection in the mirror.  "All my girls looked so beautiful on their wedding day."
"Men always have trouble with a bow tie," she smiled, turning towards him.  "Come to the window so I have better light."
While her mother did her father's tie, Tia's phone, deep inside the pocket of her wedding dress (that she insisted on having) vibrated and she went to the bathroom to answer it, telling everyone she needed some water.
Jane:  You sure you're going to do this?
Tia:  Yes, it's what my dad wants.  I'm a good mob daughter, you know.
Jane:  Yeah, now you'll be a good mob wife.
Tia:  If you mean pregnant on the wedding night, chances are good.
Jane:  LOL.  I hope you'll be happy.
Tia:  Thanks to you, I know I will be.  You'll be there, right?
Jane:  Wouldn't miss it.  I'll always have your back.
She smiled at that and put the phone away, then poured herself some water.  When she came out, her dad's tie was perfect, and her mother was standing there with the bouquet of flowers.  Grandma Maria beamed at her.  The wedding planner fussed over her while the photographer took some photos of them all, including her six bridesmaids, well matrons as most of them were married.  On the limousine over she thought of all her worries about the man her father would finally approve of.  It was easier after Loki willingly took himself out of contention, then Brock showed himself to be a total asshole in front of her parents.  She could live with the man who was chosen and make it work.
At the church, there were all sorts of photographers, some of them likely FBI plants as her father was still a person of interest, as were many of the guests.  But he did promise Tia that he intended to bow out of that type of work and build up the legitimate areas, without even using laundered money.  After all, he wanted his youngest daughter to be happy. 
The walk up the steps of the church was interrupted by calls of the photographers to pose but she only slowed down, anxious to get this part of her life over with and begin her life as a wife, then mother.  At the top of the stone steps, she looked back towards the street and saw James' Mustang, smiling that it was there.  She stepped inside and the wedding planner took over, positioning the flower girls (a niece from each side), then the bridesmaids / matrons, a combination of one girlfriend, her sisters and his sisters, sending them down the aisle.  One of her brothers-in-law escorted her mother to her pew.  She had wanted them both to walk her down the aisle, but her father put his foot down; traditionally only the father could give the bride away.  Then everyone stood up and she knew her moment had come. 
Her groom came out from the vestry, but she couldn't see him over the number of people who blocked her view.  Then Tia took her father's arm and began the walk towards the altar.  It wasn't until she was three quarters of the way down that she finally saw James, in his black tuxedo, white shirt, and black tie, with a boutonnière in his lapel.  He gazed at her with glassy eyes, then offered his hand to her when she was close.  Her father kissed her cheek, then kissed James' before lightly slapping him on the cheek to get his attention.
"You do right by her," he murmured.
"Yes sir, that's my plan."
Finally, it was just them, in front of the priest, and he began the service asking if there was anyone who objected to this couple marrying.  You could have heard a pin drop in the silence, then he smiled at them and began the service.
Rule #8, No excessive tongue in a Catholic wedding ceremony.  It's not classy and even though the people in the church for a mob wedding might be considered criminals they aren't animals.
The kiss before they walked down the aisle as husband and wife was just as good as the kiss at Coney Island.  They could both hear the sighs of delight from the women who were present thrilled at the absolutely perfect husband that Tia Brancato, now Tia Barnes had.  When they exited the church, having rice thrown at them, because that was traditional, James opened the front door of his 1994 Mustang GT and tucked Tia's dress into the front seat around her legs.  Then he went around to the driver's side, got in, and started it up, revving it a few times before he peeled away, with the sounds of tin cans rattling behind him.  On the back window the Just Married that was drawn on with washable paint soon faded away from view.  The limousine driver opened the door for the parents and the bridal party.  They would meet James and Tia at Prospect Park for the photos. 
In the Mustang, Tia looked at her handsome husband, James.
"You came," she said.  "You brought Portia."  She gestured to the car.
"I promised," he replied.  "Said I would always have your back."  He drove for another minute.  "Did you mean it, about getting pregnant?"
"I'm off the pill and I might be ovulating," she said.  "If it happens, it happens.  I'll be happy either way."
"Are you okay that we're waiting until tonight?" 
He glanced at her.  It was something he suggested once her father announced that James could propose to Tia.
"If it's anything like our first kiss I won't be disappointed."  She placed her hand on his.  "Besides, there's always Rules #9 and 10."  He laughed, having been briefed on the other rules already, especially the ones that were her rules.  "Rule #9, No matter what, we'll make it work."
"And Rule #10?"
"Whatever will be will be.  You knew when you first saw me when I was a kid that you liked me.  I knew when I first saw you in my dad's office that I wanted you.  It was meant to be."
"I love the Rules."  He raised her hand to his lips and kissed the knuckle.  "I love you."
That evening, their first dance was to Que Sera Sera, otherwise known as Whatever Will Be, Will Be.  It always was Tia's favourite rule.
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One Shots Masterlist
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lokiswifeduh · 2 years
The sweet release of death
pairings: Bucky x fem!reader, dad!tony x stark!daughter!reader
warnings: suicidal thoughts, talk of self-harm, suicide attempt, car crash, general angst, fluff at the end, feeling hopeless, self-deprecating thoughts.
word count: 2.9k
A/N: It seems like every time I get in my car lately to go to work or do something that requires effort I want to drive it into a tree just so I don't have to go. So I'm writing it here instead of actually doing that.
my masterlist
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It was so close. The end. That sweet release of death you had been searching for. Craving.
You stood haphazardly close to the edge of the tower. The tower your father, Tony, had spent the past few years renovating to make it not only the Avengers headquarters. But everything you wanted in a home.
The crisp New York air whipped through your hair as the loose strands repeatedly hit your cheek.
You wondered what your dad would say if you just took one more step. If you let the wind move your body, forcing you from the ledge and down onto the sidewalk. To your death.
Your tears had dried and the sound of your heart was no longer beating in your ears. It was as if silence had surrounded you. The street noise, as was the sound of shouts from below, was drowned out. Everything at that moment was entirely and utterly quiet.
You took a deep breath, looking down, your arms outstretched. 'One more step' You thought, not even the over a thousand-foot drop scaring you. You knew it should. If you decided to jump, you knew you'd be unrecognizable. Your body would be mangled beyond repair. 'It'd definitely be a closed casket.' You joked in your head.
But you shook the thoughts away, focusing on how your right foot hovered over the drop. You wouldn't have to deal with any more endless intrusive thoughts. The urge to cut and burn yourself would no longer beat into your mind like a hammer pounding in on your subconscious.
You couldn't take it anymore. The constant thoughts of self-doubt. The way your only friends, Natasha and Wanda, had started to ignore you.
You could feel people becoming bored by your presence, especially when you talked. It was like your pure existence was the sole annoyance of everyone around you.
You needed to end it. Feeling the tears run down your cold and numb cheeks, you didn't bother to wipe them away. One more step. One more push and this would all be over.
"Doll?" You shakily turned your head, seeing Bucky standing not even five feet away, looking up at you with the most concerned and fear-filled expression you had ever seen from him.
"How- how long have you been standing there?" You question, subconsciously placing your foot back down onto the ledge.
Bucky gulped, seeing the tears running down your cheeks, the way your arms were spread out, and how it looked like you were two seconds away from jumping off the edge before he spoke up.
"Long enough doll," He held his metal arm toward you, being careful not to spook an unwanted reaction, "Why don't you climb down from there and we can talk."
You shook your head, "I can't." Your voice broke, a sob ripping from the back of your throat, "I can't keep doing this."
"Doing what?" Bucky stepped a little closer, seeing how your eyes closed every time you shook your head. If only he could get close enough, he could grab you before you made a fatal decision.
"This." You gestured around with your arm, almost losing balance against the harsh wind that threatened your stability on the concrete edge. "Life. I can't do it anymore. I'm not strong enough." Bucky shook his head, Adams apple bobbing up and down as he gulped in fear. "You're the strongest person I know Y/n."
You scoffed, turning your head away from his gaze as you looked back down, placing your foot a little further on the edge.
"Hey!" Bucky stepped closer, making you look at him. His figure blurry from the tears. You knew you wanted to do it. You wanted to jump. To end it all.
But you knew you couldn't do it with Bucky, the one person you had secretly loved for over a year, standing right there.
You wouldn't make him be the one to watch as you fell to your death.
"Doll, please." Bucky shook his head, his own tears falling from his cheeks and onto the red henley he wore. "You might not see it now but so many people care about you." You shook your head, about to deny before he cut you off.
"Your dad...Steve..Natasha and Wanda." He gulped, "Me." Bucky rotated his arm, his palm open-handed and reaching toward you, "Especially me, doll. So please." He stepped forward once more, now only an inch or two away from you. "Take my hand and we can figure this out together."
You moved your gaze from him, looking back down before turning back slowly. Holding your arms still outstretched, you crossed one foot over the other, spinning until your back was toward the city and you were facing Bucky.
"That's it, doll." A soft smile graced the soldier's lips, his hand reaching a little further as he took another step. "You're so close." You started to reach for him when a gust of wind whipped across the top of the tower, making your eyes go wide as you felt yourself start to fall back.
"Bucky?!" You could feel your footing on the ledge start to fall as Bucky yelled out for you.
You kept your eyes closed tightly, waiting for the inevitable pain that came with the fall. But it never did.
Opening your eyes, you looked up to see Bucky holding you in his arms, having pulled you in safely from the edge of the tower.
"Doll, you scared the shit out of me." Bucky shook his head, your grip on his arm tightening as you sobbed into his sweatshirt. "I'm sorry." You cried, "I'm so sorry."
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He shook his head, covering you fully with his body, "You're okay, doll. It's gonna be okay, I'm gonna help you."
And Bucky did help you. He helped you get into therapy. Even went with you for the first couple of appointments, until you were comfortable being on your own of course.
He even agreed to keep the incident a secret. Not telling anyone, especially your dad. You knew he would overreact. And that was something you couldn't handle on top of everything else.
But even with therapy, thoughts of self-doubt and urges to self-harm slipped through occasionally.
Today was one of those days. Here you were, driving on the highway in the middle of the night. Having taken one of your dad's fancy cars and made the decision to go on a little spin at three in the morning.
Well, if you could call going 121 mph on the deserted highway a spin.
You knew it was dangerous. Hell, you lived for the adrenaline of speeding past an occasional vehicle like the speed limit was a suggestion. You knew you wouldn't get pulled over, Tony being on the police's payroll and all.
You were purely untouchable.
The thoughts of taking your own life started to seep in again as you noticed the large concrete column that was placed in the middle of the road, holding up what used to be a bridge. You knew it was now or never. You also knew there was a possibility of you recovering. A possibility you would live.
But you couldn't stand the constant thoughts of wanting to escape. Wanting that sweet release of death.
So without another thought, you slung the wheel all the way to the left, the car jerking suddenly to the left as your tires screeched against the pavement.
Yet you missed the column, feeling the car lift from the ground, slamming onto the driver's side and flipping a good couple of times before landing on the hood, making your head smash into the now-destroyed windshield.
The silence slipped away as you heard someone screaming. Not two seconds later did you realize it was you... You were crying, screaming out as you attempted to hold your fatigued body up against the force of the overturned car. "Oh god. Fuck!" You sobbed out, hearing the sound of a vehicle approaching the scene.
"Oh my god, Are you okay?!" A middle-aged woman with strawberry-blonde hair ran over, her heels clanking against the concrete as she bent down to look into the drivers side window.
You let out a pained sob, starting to feel your injuries as the adrenaline wore off. "Please!"
The woman nodded, "I will, I will, I promise. Just take a deep breath," You followed her directions, releasing air with a shaky exhale. "What's your name?"
"Y/n." You adjusted your hold on the hood of the car, "Y/n Stark."
The woman gave you a soft smile, pulling out her cell phone. "My name's Pepper Potts. I'm gonna call for help now Y/n." You nodded, starting to feel your vision fading from the amount of energy you were exerting into holding yourself up.
"Call Bucky." You mumbled, hearing Pepper ask you to repeat your words. "Call Bucky. James Buchanan Barnes."
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Bucky could hear the ring from his phone through his sleepy state as he groaned, pushing himself into a sitting position in his bed. "Fuck," He rubbed his eyes, searching blindly for his cell phone that was brightly illuminated on the nightstand.
Looking at the caller ID, he saw it was an unknown number. He usually didn't answer them. Most of the time being a prank call from when his number got leaked. But his gut told him to answer this one, so he picked up.
"Hello?" "Is this Sargent Barnes?" His brows furrowed in confusion, looking over to see the time being almost four in the morning. Who the hell would be calling him this late.
"This is."
"We're calling on behalf of a Y/n Stark." Suddenly all of Bucky's exhaustion was wiped from his mind as his body shot out of bed, opening the door and running to the stairwell.
"What do you mean? She's in bed right now. It's four in the morning." Bucky raced down the stairs. Flinging open the door to your floor and running to your room.
"I'll assure you Sargent, she is not."
Bucky flicked on the switch, illuminating your bedroom, your bedsheets haphazardly thrown onto the floor. You weren't in bed.
"Where the hell is she?! Who is this?!" Bucky's chest heaved up and down, wanting answers.
"This is the Emergency Technician on the scene of an accident Miss Stark has been involved in." Bucky felt the blood drain from his face as he stumbled down the stairs once again and into the parking garage. He didn't care if he only had plaid pajama pants, house shoes and a black henley on, he was going to you right then and now.
"Where was the accident?" He listened to the EMT name off directions as he climbed onto his bike. "I'm on my way."
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"Y/n?!" You heard the familiar voice shout before you saw Bucky's face enter your line of vision. "Oh my god, doll, what the hell happened?!" A tear dropped down, the salty drop making your eyes water even more. "it was a mistake, I'm so sorry Buck." He shook his head, a smile gracing his features, "You're gonna be okay, love. I'm gonna get you out of there, I promise." You nodded, seeing him move away before hearing him bark out orders to the EMT's and other fire rescuers.
Only a couple seconds later he was back in front of your face, "You're pretty wedged in there doll so we gotta get the door off before I can get you out, alright doll?" You nodded, another sob ripping from your throat, "It hurts, Buck." "What hurts doll?"
"My leg." Bucky angled his head so he couple look through the window. He saw what you meant. The lower part of the seatbelt had wrapped around your leg, cutting off the circulation. He knew if he didn't get you out and fast, you'd risk the loss of your leg.
Placing a soft hand on your cheek he wiped away a tear, "Stay still for me." You only nodded, feeling the warmth of his touch slip away as he backed up.
Standing, Bucky grabbed a hold of the door, digging his metal fingers into the crease between the metal, making a dent to where he could grab a hold of it.
The door creaked, making a horrible screeching sound before finally relenting as Bucky pulled it off the hinges. You screamed, hearing the metal scrape across the concrete.
Bucky was in front of you once again, reaching around you and grasping a tight hold on the seatbelt lock. "Alright doll, I need you to extend your arms and hold yourself up once the seatbelt releases, can you do that for me?"
You nodded.
"I need words, doll." "Yes, Buck. I can do that." He gave you a smile, reaching across your body and snapping the lock on the seatbelt, making your body immediately fall. You yelped, feeling your arms give out under pressure.
Yet Bucky caught you before you could fall into the heap pile of broken glass, your leg also slipping out from the seatbelt that was cutting off your circulation.
Shrieking in pain, you felt the blood rushing back to your leg. However, feeling all the other cuts and soon to be bruises littering your body.
You could see Bucky waving over the EMT's as they started to treat your injuries. "Buck?" You called out for him, not being able to see him through the circle of people placing you on a stretcher and poking you with different medical tools.
"Bucky?!" You shouted, feeling one of them wrap a brace around your neck.
"I'm here, doll." Bucky came into your line of vision once again, walking with the stretcher as they hauled you into the ambulance.
You could feel your eyes start to get heavier as your grip loosened on Bucky's hand. "Y/n?" His distant voice echoed in your ears as commotion ensued throughout the ambulance.
"She's crashing!!" Bucky heard before his grip was ripped from yours and an IV was inserted into your hand. "Y/n?"
He could only see your eyes fallen shut as the EMT attempted to start your heart again. In this moment, this was the most scared he had ever been. Not even hydra could break him to have this kind of fear deep instilled in his chest.
He didn't know if you would wake up, and that was pure torture. Much worse than any physical pain he could ever endure.
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A subtle beeping filled your ears as you started to gain consciousness. Your mouth was dry and there was a dull pain in your leg and arm but the hardest part was attempting to open your eyes. You groaned.
"Y/n?" Your dad's voice rang out above you, making you find the energy to open them. His figure was blurry, your eyes adjusting to the light before he finally focused.
"Dad?" You mumbled, your tongue feeling like sandpaper against the roof of your mouth.
Tony reached across the bed, picking up a small plastic cup of water and placing the straw against your lips. You welcomed the cool water, feeling it soothe your throat as you licked your chapped lips.
"Where's Bucky?" Tony looked to the door.
"I'm right here, doll." You leaned your head back, looking up at your Dad. "Please, help me sit up." Tony nodded, pressing a button against the back of the bed, making it rise into a sitting position.
That was when you realized you were in your room, the only difference being your once queen bed traded out for a hospital bed.
"I'll give you a minute." Tony kissed the top of your head, smoothing back your hair, "Love you kiddo."
"Love you too, Dad."
Tony exited the room, giving Bucky an appreciative pat on the shoulder before shutting the door behind him.
You played with your hands, noticing the cast that surrounded your leg and left arm.
"Did you do it on purpose?"
Your head shot up at his question. His soft eyes only showing concern, no anger.
Tears started to well up in your eyes as you thought about everything that had happened. Your breathing picked up, as well as your heart beat. The machine started to go off before Bucky raced forward, tugging you softly into his body, making the beeping slow down slightly.
"I'm so sorry Buck. I just wanted to get out for a drive but then the thoughts started coming back. Like the one's from when I was on the roof of the tower." You breathed in deeply, feeling Bucky's grip on you tighten as he held you to his chest.
"I just wanted everything to stop! I needed it to stop so I turned the wheel." You looked up at him, his steel blue eyes clouded over with tears as you gripped onto the back of his neck, playing with his long hair. "I'm so sorry for disappointing you."
Bucky shook his head, leaning back to place both his flesh and metal hand on your cheek. "You could never disappoint me, doll." You kept quiet, holding onto his hand that was placed softly over your jaw.
"You told them to call me. That shows some part of you wanted to survive." A tear slipped down your cheek and onto Bucky's wrist. "I'll do whatever it takes to help you become healthy again..I will be by your side until you don't want me there anymore doll." You shook your head, "I'll always want you here, Buck."
"Good." He dipped his head down, placing a soft yet passionate kiss against your lips before pulling away and looking deeply into your eyes. "Because I'm not going anywhere."
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marie-swriting · 2 years
FR Masterlist
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Stranger Things Masterlist
Marvel Masterlist
Top Gun Maverick Masterlist
Teen Wolf
❤️Je Voulais Que Ça Représente Quelque Chose - Kira Yukimura
❤️Ma Petite Fille - Stiles Stilinski
❤️Confiance En Toi - Stiles Stilinski
The Vampire Diaries
❤️Plus Jamais - Stefan Salvatore
❤️L'épaule Sur Laquelle Tu Pleures - Katherine Pierce
❤️Perdre Ce Qu'on A - Katherine Pierce
❤️Tomber - Katherine Pierce
💚Oui, Je Comprends - Dean Winchester
💙Partie De La Famille - Dean Winchester
❤️Tu Me Manques Encore - Benedict Bridgerton
❤️Être La Seule Pour Toi - Benedict Bridgerton
❤️Choix - Benedict Bridgerton
❤️Je Tiens Réellement À Vous - Anthony Bridgerton
Esprits Criminels
❤️Nouvelle Étape Franchie - Emily Prentiss
❤️Après Tant D'années - Emily Prentiss
❤️Pâtisserie Thérapie - Emily Prentiss
❤️Tout Ira Bien - Emily Prentiss [1/2]
❤️Tout Ira Bien | Rentrons À La Maison - Emily Prentiss [2/2]
❤️Pour La Toute Première Fois - Emily Prentiss
❤️Magnifique - Derek Morgan (⚠️Merci de bien lire les trigger warnings!)
Le Labyrinthe
💜On Va Sortir D'ici - Thomas
Les Stagiaires
❤️Dernière fois - Stuart Twombly
❤️Plus Qu'une Amitié - Shawn Mendes
❤️Les Souvenirs De Notre Relation - Shawn Mendes
❤️Proche De Moi - Dove Cameron
❤️Et Ça A Duré - Dylan O'Brien
Drabble Masterlist
Album One Shot Masterlist
EN Masterlist
20 notes · View notes
jeonstellate · 9 months
sunsets & silhouette dreams — mini-series masterlist
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[gif’s full credit belongs solely to its owner]
johan anastasia is untraceable. fearing the worst (i.e. hydra taking back their riptide), her guardians and the avengers search in panic.
⚝༄ platonic!bucky barnes x original character, platonic!tony stark x original character
⚝༄ daughter!au, hydra experiment!au/hydra assassin!au, s.h.i.e.l.d. agent!au — each range has different warnings mentioned — predominantly angst
⚝༄ paragraph format — 4.6K words total
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⚝༄ this is the sequel to ocean waves & faded dreams. i highly recommend reading that one first :] as ow&fd, this is a complete rewrite of classified files: compromised identity (its second half, specifically).
⚝༄ this is “lighter” than ow&fd when it comes to the plausibly traumatic elements, but please proceed with caution still.
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⚝༄ crossposted on my AO3.
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⚝ᝰ range ø
⚝ᝰ range i
⚝ᝰ range ii
⚝ᝰ range iii
⚝ᝰ range iv
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buckys-wintersoldier · 3 months
Bucky Barnes | Masterlist
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Welcome to my Masterlist where you can find my work including Bucky Barnes.
Do not copy, translate or publish my work. Reblogs, commentd and likes are always appreciated. Make sure to read the warnings before you read the Oneshots.
—————————— ONESHOTS —————————
“It’s okay to love me.”
— Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
— Fluff, Angst / 1.7k Words
Bucky has been your enemy since your first meeting but something changed after a while.
I only want you
— Best Friend!Bucky Barnes x Best Friend!Fem!Reader
— Fluff, Angst / 7.1k Words
During the party he confesses his feelings for you, he kisses you but the next day he isn’t the same anymore. Your best friend is the biggest idiot you have ever seen and you don’t know why.
— Firefighter!Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x Girlfriend!Reader
— Smut / 886 Words
You can’t get enough of Bucky’s glistening body after a workout.
Hot Arguments
— Fiancé!Bucky Barnes x Fiancée!Fem!Reader
— Smut / 5.1k Words
Bucky and you have an argument, you two let your frustrations out on each other and it gets really hot before you two apologise for the things the two of you said. At least for most of that because Bucky makes sure you know who you belong to.
Would you lie with me
— BestFriend!Bucky Barnes x BestFriend!Female!Reader
— Fluff / 2.1k Words
After a mission Bucky comes into your room to see you watching the raindrops at the window. The two of you decide to go out to enjoy the warm summer rain there.
Walked into a mobster
— Soft!Mob!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
— Fluff, Angst / 1.555 Words
In your angry state, caused by your ex-boyfriend, you walk into the Mobster Bucky Barnes, you don't recognise who he is and show him your anger and attitude because of your ex-boyfriend who still things he can decide about your dates.
Dinner with the mobster
— Mob!Single!Dad!Bucky Barnes x Assistent!Fem!Reader
— Fluff / 2.295 Words
Your boss - who is also the most feared man in town - asks you to go out for dinner with him. When he suggests to take his daughter with him, you agree to go out with them.
Light after dark
— Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes × Girlfriend!Reader
— Fluff, Angst, Smut / 10.057 Words
You ex-boyfriend never treated you well but when Bucky steps into your life it changes and he shows you how much he loves you. Would the behaviour you had with your ex-boyfriend be there because Bucky looks distanced.
— Dom!Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x Sub!Girlfriend!Reader
— Smut / 5.183 Words
When Bucky lets you dominate him in bed, he always makes sure that you’re not going to tease him too much otherwise he will get in charge — showing you that you can tease him the way you want.
— Soft!Dom!Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x Sub!Girlfriend!Reader
— Smut / 2.636 Words
Bucky dominating you isn’t something he would say no, but that also means that he has the best idea for some a reward and aftercare after using you as his personal slut.
Complaining by Bucky
— Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x Girlfriend!Reader
— Fluff / 1.114 Words
Bucky and you like to spend time together even when you’re just cuddling and reading. Also when he gets grumpy because of the book.
Birthday Ride
— Biker!Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x Girlfriend!Reader
— Fluff, Smut / 1.501 Words
It’s your birthday and your biker makes it the most memorable and beautiful day with a lot of joy and fun.
Distance isn’t the solution
— College!Alpha!Bucky Barnes x College!Virgin!Omega!Fem!Reader
— Fluff, Angst, Smut / 9.383 Words
Your heat isn’t only causing pain in your stomach, it also causes pain in your chest when you can be so close to your mate but at the same time so far away when he is the fuckboy he always is.
Thin line between…
— Mob!Boss!Bucky Barnes x Employee!Fem!Reader
— Fluff, Angst / 1.644 Words
Rivals and enemies… Mobster and his employees… He has an eye on you, taking care even with distance, but he can’t have his rival becoming his enemy because of a mistake you do during work.
When we are older
— BestFriend!Bucky Barnes x BestFriend!Fem!Reader
— Fluff, Angst / 6.724 Words
Your childhood best friend and you plan to marry on day, you can’t wait to be old enough to do so. But when you move away, things change and Bucky isn’t the sweet boy you fell in love with, or is he?
More than everything
— Neighbour!Bucky Barnes x Neighbour!Fem!Reader
— Fluff / 7.371 Words
Your new neighbour helps you to move in but soon he is way more than just your neighbour. Your best friend, the one you can talk about everything, he knows every secret, except one.
Heart sweater
— Mob!Dad!Husband!Bucky Barnes x Mom!Wife!Reader
— Fluff / 2.033 Words
Your daughter got a present for his daddy and Bucky isn’t afraid to show everyone what his little girl got for him.
—————————— TWO PARTS —————————
The Winter Soldier | Escape
— WinterSoldier!Bucky Barnes x Scientist Worker!Fem!Reader
— Fluff, Angst / 1.276 Words | 2.278 Words
The Winter Soldier is often in lab with you for new experiments for the super soldier serum. But this time you talk, about him and about your feelings. | Bucky and you use the chance to escape Hydra together.
Already Mine | Part Two
— Best Friend!Bucky Barnes x Best Friend!Fem!Reader
— Fluff, Angst, Smut / 3.4K Words | 4.665 Words
Bucky and you are fake dating for a mission, when the two of you are out for dinner you tell him about your planned date with someone. But Bucky isn't really happy about it and makes sure to show you that you're already his. | After the first time together and the confessing of your feelings the two are in a relationship. When the morning sickness starts and your period isn't there in time you do a pregnancy test.
—————————— DRABBLES —————————
“Don’t you love me?”
— Dark!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader / Smut, Dark
His Angel
— Bucky Barnes x Angel!Fem!Reader / Fluff, Angst
— Dom!Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x Sub!Girlfriend!Reader / Fluff, Smut
Sex toys
— Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x Girlfriend!Reader / Smut
Better job
— CEO!Bucky Barnes x Assistant!Reader / Smut
— Dark!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader / Smut, Dark
Taking care
— Lumberjack!Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x Girlfriend!Reader / Fluff
— Firefighter!Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes X Girlfriend!Reader / slight angst, allusion smut
————————— HEAD-CANNON ————————
Astronaut Bucky comes home
— Astronaut!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader / Smut
Your and Bucky’s anniversary
— Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x Girlfriend!Reader / Fluff
—————————— MINI SERIES —————————
His forever and ever
— (Ex-)Boyfriend!Bucky Barnes x (Ex-)Girlfriend!Reader
— Fluff, Angst, Smut / 31.329 Words
James Buchanan Barnes, mobster in town and your boyfriend. You feel for his charm, his smile, the way he loves and treats you. But things change and you feel like that he thinks you’re self-evident around him. Moving on is the only way you see to get out of that situation between pain and love for that man. But moving on also means to leave him behind you, leaving everything what you had together behind you. So what happens when you really do so and Bucky appears at your work place, is he there because of you or is he just drinking his whiskey there? He would always find you, he is the most powerful man in town, and you know exactly that.
The bikers princess
— Biker!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
—————————— SERIES —————————
—————————— COLLECTION —————————
Bucky Barnes Smut Menu
10 Years Anniversary CA:TWS
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buckrecs · 1 year
HELLO so i was wondering if you have some winter soldier x reader fics?? ive been trying to find some but theyre all so short (still amazing stories tho) tysm, i really appreciate you making recs
Winter Soldier!Bucky
masterlist | req masterlist
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Into Cursed Pixie Dust by @buckets-and-trees
“He's credited over two dozen assassinations in the last fifty years…” but you don’t know that. You run into him once, then again, again, again. Destiny draws you together, and neither of you can deny the pull. And yet though he never ages, you do.
Stalker by @you-are-my-sanctuary
In which Bucky has a crush on the new PR manager and is being an adorable stalker.
sleepwalking by @lanadelreyscokewhor3
when your boyfriend bucky wakes up with the winter soldier mindest, you do the only thing you know how to do- comfort him. he does the only thing he knows how to thank you- possessive sex. 
Colors in the Dark by @buckychrist
The world is without color, and that’s never bothered the Winter Soldier. The Fist of HYDRA didn’t have time for love and soulmates. At almost a century old, what are the odds that his soulmate was even still living?
ephemeral by @earlgreydream
the winter soldier shows up wounded at your door during a storm.
Purgatory by @wkemeup
While on a mission, Bucky becomes dissociated into the Winter Soldier. But instead of becoming a threat, his instinct is to protect.
a soldier gone rouge by @kinanabinks
the winter soldier has been sent to kill you. why, then, are you so wet?
Reverse Psychology by @waiting4inspiration
Bucky’s Winter Soldier mode is triggered. But you have something up your sleeves that will bring him back.
Comply by @gogolucky13
With Hydra, everyone is a prisoner.
Don’t Fear the Reaper by @gogolucky13
One night, the Winter Soldier appears at your place of work to eliminate a target. He leaves you alive, only to return a few months later.
Fatal Mistake by @rookthorne
A rogue agent amidst their ranks, it was the perfect plan, a perfect escape. It was their fatal mistake. 
Wolf, Partner, Gloves… by @revengingbarnes
HYDRA’s words make Bucky go into Winter Soldier mode. Then he meets you, and you make for him words that will bring him back to normal.
the dragon and her shadow by @kashimos-hajime
You fall in love with the Winter Soldier, and they punish you for it. Sentiment is weakness, but what can they do? After all, they cannot kill the Fist of H.Y.D.R.A. and mortal men cannot even begin to comprehend slaying a dragon.
take it easy, romeo by @sunmoonandeddie
The Soldat remembers one person through it all.
You Found Me by @samthemarvelfan
Bucky Barnes always came home to you. What happens when he doesn't? Worse than that...what happens when he forgets you existed?
Gone Again by @tokoyamisstuff
The Winter Soldier is lost and confused, unable to remember a single thing - except for the place where he’d find the woman that had become his safe space.
I’ll Come Back for You by @milliedazzledust
something where he is in winter soldier mode and protecting the scientist (y/n) where she is the only one who can sort of calm him down after a mission.
Void by @theeleggymeggy
Working as a nurse at HYDRA, you find yourself intervening when you catch Alexander Pierce striking The Asset. You don’t even know this man, but you can’t just stand and watch him be beat down.
Sweet Memory by @
One’s Promised by @invisibleanonymousmonsters
Living a double life was not a choice when one was the daughter of Alexander Pierce. Y/N was the youngest agents of SHIELD and one of the most respected threats within Hydra’s empire. No matter her allegiance, she was feared by both. Y/N Pierce would’ve tried to escape it all… if it hadn’t been for The Winter Soldier.
Soldat by @the-fallen-nightmare
Captain America and Reader have worked together at SHIELD for over a year. What happens when they have a run in with The Winter Solider and Steve finds out the secret Reader had been hiding from him all this time? And what happens when reader is captured by Hydra and The Winter Soldier, again. Can she make Soldat remember her or is her life with Steve just a slow fading memory now?
Breach by @darkmasterlistyouneveraskedfor (dark)
The reader finds herself in the Winter Soldier’s cross hairs during a lock down.
Reset by @lunarbuck
The government has fallen, Hydra has taken over. You were an agent of SHIELD long before the reign of terror began, and became a member of the resistance when they needed you most. Everything changes when the Winter Soldier captures you from your safe house.
Devil’s Backbone by @trashmenofmarvel
With your team dead and your mission failed, you’ve been taken by the assassin to an unknown location and are at the mercy of your cruel tormentors.
Krasavchik by @after-avenging-hours
While under orders from Karpov to test the Soldat’s loyalties to Hydra, you find yourself questioning your own loyalties.
Welcome Home… Soldat? by @winterarmyy
Y/N had make a habit of greeting Bucky a warm 'welcome home' everytime he came back from his missions, but there was one particular day when she unknowingly greeted someone else.
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deliciousangelfestival · 11 months
His Silly Princess | Bucky (Oneshot)
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Character: Bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x Princess!Reader
Words Count: 1,671
Summary: A modern royal love story. A naive princess who wants to get away from an arranged marriage. She never knew that her guard had loved her since the beginning. 
Main Masterlist || support me: Ko-fi
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 
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Zylovia is a country where monarchy still exists. It’s a developed country located near Western Europe. 
It’s a prosperous country, and the number of unemployed is also the lowest. Tourists love coming here for the casino, race car, and music festival. 
But this country has one outdated rule. It didn’t apply to the citizens. Only for the royal family. 
“If the female royal member marries a commoner, she will lose her status."
You learned that rule when you were 12 years old as the youngest siblings and Princess Zylovia. You didn't put a deep thought into it. 
But now, when you are almost 30 years old, and your older siblings are already married, you think this is good for you.
Because you realize you’re not fit to do the duty as a princess. 
Your oldest brother has prepared since he was a kid to be the king. When he reaches the age of 40, he will be crowned as the king. Your second brother will be the second commander in the military. 
While you have a job as a painting conservator at the museum, your duty as a princess is to welcome the official foreign guest at the castle. You learned some languages, but you’re not allowed to give any opinion on politics.
You don’t hate being a royal, but sometimes you feel like living in a golden cage. 
And finally, you had enough because, on your recent birthday, your parents talked to you about marriage. 
The king and queen don’t want to be separated from their youngest daughter, but they hint that they wish for her future husband from the royal circle. In other words: arranged marriage. 
You clenched your jaw while smiling at your parents. If the man from the royal circle is a real gentleman, you wouldn’t mind. 
But the problem is, please pardon the harsh language; none of the men from the royal family are your type. 
Your type of man must have a stable job, look good in suits, and have a nice body. 
That’s why, for a couple of days, you’ve made a list of potential future husbands. After you write it, you realize most of the men are from the knights. Perhaps because you always went to meet your second brother at the military training ground, so you know some people. 
Steve Rogers
[Friendly, not married, nerd, loves to paint like me]
Ari Levinson 
[Funny, beautiful hair, handsome]
‘Knock, knock!’ Suddenly, someone knocked on your door.
“Come in.”
You didn’t have to turn around to see who it was. You have known him for years, and your ears are familiar with the sound of his footsteps. 
The person who walked into your room has been your exclusive bodyguard for years - James Barnes, but you always call him Bucky his nickname. 
Bucky is a commoner and an elite soldier. If there’s a shooting competition, he will be in the top three. Your second brother always hates him. 
He has received many medals of honors, but he rejects a knight title from your father. You don’t understand why he declined the offer. If he received it, he could enter politics, and he doesn’t have to follow her around anymore. 
He’s tall, handsome, with perfect blue eyes and has fine muscles on his body. Bucky also has a primarily female fanbase when he wears the military uniform and rides a horse at the independence ceremony. 
He became a celebrity overnight.
But you have never seen or heard any rumor about him with a woman. 
“Your highness, in two hours you are going to attend the tennis tournament.” 
You dropped the pen and dropped your head to the table. “Urgh. Do I have to?”
Bucky chuckled when he saw you unwilling to go. One thing you hate about your duty is to be the guest at the tennis game. You prefer to watch the race car, but it's reserved for your brother's. 
Even though you didn’t want to go, you still dragged your feet to the dressing room to grab your coat. 
When you were searching for the right outfit, you suddenly remembered. “Oh no!” You didn’t hide the potential list that you just wrote. You wish you could dig your own grave and disappear. 
And you were right; Bucky saw your writing. He furrowed his eyebrows while he read your paper. “What’s this? Potential man for marriage?”
You stand beside him; you don’t know why you feel scared. This is the first time you have seen him like this. 
His slender, pointed fingers scratched the two names with his nails. There’s a big X on your paper. 
“Don’t marry any of those men.”
A small smile appeared on his lips, along with a soft voice, “Steve hasn’t moved on from his last girlfriend, and Ari, he loves to drink alcohol. I know you hate the smell of alcohol.”
You felt disappointed; you crumpled the paper and threw it into the trash.
“Marriage? Why all of a sudden?” There's an annoyed tone in his voice.
You rubbed your head and muttered, “I need to get married sooner, or my parents will arrange marriage for me, their friend's kid. And you know the truth, I had enough of being a princess.”
Bucky crossed his arms. “But, why them?”
He clenched his fist; Bucky stared at her with an annoyed expression. “Why didn't you put me on the list?”
You waved your hand. “It doesn’t matter, as long as I got married.”
“So, would you like to marry me?”
Are you having hallucinations? Did Bucky just propose to you?
Bucky got on his knees. “Let’s get married.”
You still haven’t come to your senses. Bucky started talking again. “Think about it. Both of us have known each other for a long time. We’ve known each other's likes and dislikes. We’ve been through many things together.”
He’s right. He’s the safest choice if you want to marry someone. You shrugged your shoulders and accepted his hand. “Alright.”
Bucky's beautiful smile appeared on his face. Before he shook your hand, he felt you slightly pull his hand. When you saw him smile, your heart raced. “But, if in the end, we don’t like each other, please wait after three years, then we could get a divorce.”
Bucky chuckled; his attractiveness is not just in his physical appearance but also in his ability to manage his emotions gracefully and restraintfully. He leaned closer to you, and his hands gently grabbed your chin. 
As his calloused hand touched your skin, a subtle warmth spread on your cheeks. You could feel you're blushing. “Silly girl, it will never happen.”
[Bucky P.O.V]
Then he rests your arms on his. “Then you have the excuse to skip the tournament.”
“We should inform this first to His Majesty and Her Majesty.”
“Oh, right.” You nodded, then looked straight into his blue eyes again. “This soon?”
When both of you walk through the hallway to meet the King and Queen, Bucky tries his best to calm down. He almost lost his common sense when he saw you write another man's name, and there’s a word of ‘potential husband.’
He looks at you and thinks ‘his silly princesses didn’t realize his feelings for her.’ 
Didn’t she know he declined the offer to be a knight so he could be her guard?
If he became a knight, he would work with her second brother. That’s the last thing he wants to do. 
“So, Bucky, don’t worry about money. When I resign as a princess, the kingdom will give us money.”
Bucky chuckled, seeing his sweet princess worried about their future, “That’s so sweet of you. But you don’t need to worry about that.” He gently patted her arms. He wants to tell you that he owns the famous casino in this kingdom and 5-star hotel chains in a few countries.
When both of you are married, Bucky will ensure you don’t have to work anymore. He is pretty sure that her parents will give their blessings even though he’s a commoner (and he’s super rich). The royal family has outdated rules, but because of it, he could marry you. 
Both of you arrived at the king's office room. The guards bowed their heads to greet you. Then you said, “Princesses Y/N and her guard. Wait… and her future husband, James Barnes wants to meet the king.”
The guards and the butler who opened the door lost their composure. They should have known from your body language walking here together hand in hand when usually Bucky always stands behind you. 
This news is shocking compared to the crown prince, who got caught partying too hard and the second prince, who had a messy love life before he got married. 
It seems like your father, the King, hears your voice. Before the castle butler tells him, you hear the gentle voice, “Come in.”
[2 years later]
<Former Princess of Zylovia Y/N, blessed with male twins>
It's the biggest headline in the country after you gave birth. You feel overwhelmed; you can't believe that you're parents now. 
The King and Queen hold your oldest son, while Bucky has the youngest son in his arms. 
Bucky's eyes are full of love, looking both at his sons. He was almost scared to death since you gave birth one month early. But the doctor assured both of you this is normal since you're pregnant with twins. 
Even though you're not a princess, you're still surrounded by your family. 
And Bucky still treats you like a princess. You almost lost your mind when he told you his business, which turned into your parents, and your brothers already know it, too. 
You want to knock your head; you didn't even know Bucky's business helped increase the country's GDP. 
Everyone said Bucky was the lucky guy to marry the former princess, but they were wrong. It's you who is lucky to marry him.
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Join Taglist? ❤️❤️❤️
@magnificentsaladllama, @esotericgalaxy, @xcaptain-winterx, @buckysteveloki-me, @cherrybubblebullet, @bagoffeelings, @darkofimagination, @starsofcloud @shamrockqueen, @shinytreefire, @thezombieprostitute, @mrvlxgrl , @lassie-bird , @cookingdancingchick , @ordelixx , @scott-loki-barnes
428 notes · View notes
antiquarianfics · 1 year
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Just a library of things I wrote for ease of access!
Fics are ordered newest to oldest.
❀ Fluff ○ Angst ✧ Smut
★ Personal Favorite ✰ 1k+ Notes
Requesting Guidelines
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Making Waves ❀○ Bucky gives you a pep talk when life’s beating down on you a little too hard.
Shoot Me ❀ Bucky swears he doesn’t like Y/N. In fact, he’s so confident he’ll challenge this: If he likes Y/N, shoot him.
Accidental | pt 2 pt. 3 pt. 4 pt. 5○ What happens when you accidentally kidnap the exact man you were looking for?
Draw 4 ❀ You always swear you can hold your liquor until the next morning when you’ve no clue how you’re $80 richer and why your husband is too amused for your liking.
I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa ❀ ✰ Becca Barnes is generally not a serious child. She is, on the contrary, quite the opposite. She’s a silly, carefree, easy-going kid, so whenever her demeanor changes to the opposite, it is an immediate red flag that something is wrong.
A Slip of the Tongue ❀ ✰ Bucky reacts to your daughter’s new name for him as she tells him all about her new friend.
Slow Down ❀ An object in motion stays in motion until acted upon by an outside force. In this case, you’re the object and Bucky is the outside force.
You Have a Girlfriend? ❀ ★ ✰ So you get a little confused when you’re drunk? So what?
The Best Things Take Time ❀ ✰ Bucky has a code. You manage to crack it.
Therapy ❀ Sometimes all a person needs is a little reassurance they’re not a bad person.
Jealousy, Jealousy ❀ ○ ✰ Jealousy is a green-eyed monster, or so they say. You’d argue that jealousy is actually a blue-eyed, one-armed, super soldier.
Better Than Us ❀ Being a woman is hard, and it’s not necessarily something you’d wish on another.
Marry Me? Nah. Marry Me? Yeah. ❀ ★ ✰ 4 times Bucky Barnes asks you to marry him and you refuse. 1 time Bucky Barnes asks you to marry him and you accept.
Buck Moon ❀ So maybe you read the Farmer’s Almanac wrong. It’s still a successful date.
Shower ❀ ○ Sometimes it's all you can do to breathe. Sometimes you need a little help--even with the basics. Bucky's happy to help.
Sun to Me ❀ If there is one thing Bucky Barnes remembers about his mother, it is that she told him to find someone who plants flowers in the darkest parts of him. If there is one thing Bucky Barnes knows about Reader, it is that they grow him to the clouds.
Timeless ❀ Reader wonders how their life might have looked different in 1944, but they know they still would have loved Bucky Barnes.
Taken (ongoing) ○ If Bucky Barnes could time travel, he would go back to that morning. He would hold you a little tighter in his arms, and he would kiss you a little deeper. He would pull your daughter in between the two of you, letting her giggle as loudly as she wants whilst her parents kiss her cheeks and tickle her belly. If Bucky Barnes could time travel, he would have told you not to go to the park—to go anywhere else. But Bucky Barnes can’t time travel, and his wife and daughter are gone.
Poolside ❀
Distraction ❀○
Can I? ❀ ✰
Not What I Heard ❀✰
Ruinin’ the Game ❀
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nataliasquote · 10 months
Double the trouble [pt.3] | n romanoff
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Double the trouble au: part 1, part 2
Summary: Natasha and Wanda's teenage twin daughters are a lot to handle, but despite their differences and arguments, there's nothing they wouldn't do for each other
Warnings: mentions of cheating, unhealthy coping mechanisms
Pairings: WandaNat, O!C × Valkyrie, Y/n × Bucky Barnes
wc: 5.3k
note: this part 3 was a Wattpad request with this particular plot line, so I’m aware that it moves very fast from part 2. But this ‘series’ of au oneshots aren’t really a series, but more of me just writing this family that I love so much. If you want to see more of this family, my asks are open! So please leave messages in there of what kind of things you want to see :)
- ⧗ -
Y/n and Isla wandered down the hallway in the direction of the cafeteria, their friendship group surrounding them as they all chatted and laughed now that classes were over. Maria was fiddling with the end of Y/n's braid as she walked beside her best friend and she made sure not to tug it too hard.
As they entered through the huge double doors, Isla let out a little sound and sprinted away, darting around the tables as she spotted the head of blue and black braids sitting on an almost empty table. She launched herself onto her girlfriend's lap and looped her arms around her neck as they met with a kiss, making the rest of the group groan with huge grins plastered on their faces.
"They're so perfect it hurts my soul." Maria commented to Y/n who just smirked. The group filled in the rest of the seats around Valkyrie's table, throwing their backpacks down as their shoulders ached from the weight of all their books.
"Lovebirds, no making out at the dinner table." Clint said, sending Isla a glare as she stuck her middle finger up and shoved her tongue in Valkyrie's mouth. Clint yelled out and stood up from his chair. He may hate their PDA but it would never take away from his monstrous appetite. Especially not on pizza day.
Y/n pulled out her boxed lunch, curtesy of Wanda and her love of making lunch for her girls. She knew exactly what she'd find; last night's pasta salad leftovers, some strawberries and blueberries and a small container of cheezits. Nat had slipped a little note and Y/n couldn't help but make a face at how cute her moms were. It didn't matter that she was almost a senior, homemade lunches would always be her favourite.
She noticed a hand sneak to steal a cheezit, but Y/nknew there was no stopping Maria. She was the group's food thief, so everyone was used to it by now.
"Hey Y/n," Steve called from across the table, grabbing the redhead's attention. "Where's Bucky?"
"He texted to say something came up. Not sure what though." They'd only been officially dating for two months, but Y/n still felt butterflies in her stomach whenever he was around. He was the perfect gentleman; picking her up from events, opening doors for her, surprising her with bunches of flowers whenever they went on a date.
Y/n was completely head over heels in love and it made her smile so much brighter. Clint joked that she was like Aurora and that animals would start following her wherever she went and if she started singing.
As they chatted their way through the lunch hour, Y/n's phone started buzzing like mad, almost vibrating so hard it fell off the cafeteria table. She was chatting to Maria so ignored the messages, knowing whoever it was could wait.
"Aren't you gonna check that?" Maria asked, scooping up another forkful of pasta. Y/n just shook her head and shrugged, her mouth full of food so she couldn't talk. "Wow. You've got some serious self control."
"If it bothers you that much then you can check it," Y/n said as she swallowed, reaching for her water bottle. She and Maria were really close, so her seeing messages on her phone was no issue. They were the kind of friends where nothing was TMI.
Maria reached for her phone and tapped the screen as Y/n got elbowed in the ribs by her sister who was still perched on Valkyrie's lap. Isla was asking to trade her blackberries for Y/n's strawberries, who was not at all impressed.
Their sisterly banter distracted attention from Maria, who had all colour drained from her face as she stared at Y/n's phone in horror. Her thumb was hovered over the screen and she didn't dare to take her eyes off the screen, not even with Clint's strange laugh.
"Hey Hill, you look like you've seen a ghost!" Valkyrie called, everyone turning their head to the brunette.
Y/n frowned. "You okay Ria?" Maria looked up at her and then over at Isla who was just smiling widely.
"Yeah I'm ok. I just remembered I've got some homework to finish before class. Sorry." She grabbed her backpack and shoved the rest of her food into it but Y/n seized her wrist, making her pause.
"What happened? What did you see?" Maria had a death grip on Y/n's phone and didn't seem to want to let go. "Maria, I need to know. Show me."
"No it was nothing. Just one of those texts from Bucky, you know how he texts."
Y/n narrowed her eyes. "Bucky doesn't text like that during school because he knows you're always on my phone. So show me what you saw."
Maria's eyes darted to Isla who's smile had dropped into a look of concern. She slid off her girlfriend's lap and rounded the table, taking the phone from Maria over her shoulder.
It was as if thunderclouds had darkened the sky when Isla saw what was on the screen. Her green eyes turned stormy and her fingertips were going white with how hard she gripped the small device. Her reaction had caused the table to be silent and Y/n pulled her lip in between her teeth, trying to pull her phone from her sister's hand.
But Isla held it up out of her reach before slamming it down hard on the table.
"I'm gonna fucking kill him!" She yelled, grabbing her back and swinging it over her shoulder, almost knocking out a freshman behind her as she did so.
Y/n swiped her phone from the table and punched in her password, hands shaking from what she might find. But she didn't have to search far, as her phone unlocked a single picture filled the entire screen and turned her mouth sour.
Bucky's side profile graced her screen, which wasn't uncommon as her lock screen was a picture of him and her kissing. But this time it wasn't her that his lips were pressed against. It was a senior girl, someone Y/n had seen at her mom's studio last year.
Blonde, tall, tanned, it was almost disgusting cliche. But the picture didn't stay in focus for long before it became fuzzy by the tears welling in her eyes. Everyone had crowded around her and had taken a look at the phone, Steve punching the top of the table as he grunted about his best friend.
Isla was being held back by Valkyrie, angry tears streaming down her face as she ranted in fury. The twins may tease each other and drive each other insane, but when it came down to it, they would do anything for the other. Which included getting revenge on stupid boyfriends.
Y/n looked at the picture for a few more seconds before clicking her phone off and sliding it into her pocket. She didn't speak and her face remained neutral as she took a sip of water, eyes remaining fixed on the table.
"Y/n?" Maria asked, slightly scared at her best friend's silence. The redhead slipped her backpack onto her shoulders and turned to leave but Isla grabbed her shoulder.
"Hey, you okay?" It was a stupid question but her sister's silence was starting to scare her. Her mom did the same when she was upset; Y/n was almost Natasha's carbon copy. "Y/n?"
"I'm fine." The shortest sentence with the least amount of truth. Isla looked at Maria with a concerned look and they both surrounded her so she couldn't rush away.
"No you're not. You can't trick me." Y/n looked her sister in the eye and only then did Isla see the tears balancing on her waterline, the green irises looking extra vibrant. "Talk to me."
That was all it took. The tough front she'd tried to put up came crumbling down and her forehead fell onto her sister's shoulder, whole body shaking with sobs.
Isla froze for a moment but wrapped her arms around her sister and Maria rubbed her back, letting her know he was there. Isla tried to channel Wanda, knowing she was the best at comforting her daughters whenever they needed it.
"What did I do wrong?" Y/n cried into her sister's shirt, holding on really tightly.
"You did nothing wrong. He is a dick who doesn't realise what he had when he has it," Maria spoke into her ear. "You're too good for him babe."
"Clearly I'm not if he went off with her!" She spat, lifting her head and catching Clint's gaze. "I just-" she let out a sound that was somewhere between a groan and a roar and Isla winced as it was right by her ear.
Maria suddenly turned her head, eyes bulging out of her head. "Hey Y/n, let's go to the bathroom. More privacy there." The redhead was still crying but protested, not feeling like she wanted to go anywhere.
"I can't. If I see him, I-," her breath hitched as she spoke, crying making it hard to breathe. "I don't know where it went wrong. He kissed me this morning! He told me he loved me, he promised to take me on a date later and now-" that was enough to cut her off from talking and her bottom lip trembled, breaking everyone's hearts around her.
Surrounding tables had turned to look away from Y/n towards the double doors at the far end of the room, everyone watching one thing.
He was strolling through the tables with his backpack on one strap on his shoulder, unsure as to why everyone was staring at him. But his determined steps were soon halted by Steve, who placed his hand on Bucky's chest to stop him.
But it was too late. Y/n had looked up and locked her eyes on him, seeing the boy she loved having forceful words with Steve, his brow furrowed.
She completely froze. Maria was trying to get her attention, as was Isla and the rest of the group, but she was glued to the ground. Her body wanted to run but her brain was in overdrive, emotions clouding every function and blocking out the rest of the world.
She could just see Bucky and she hated it. She didn't want to do it, but she retreated into Natasha's bad habits, ones she'd picked up when she was younger and watching her mother struggle on her bad days.
She hauled the wall up in her mind and blocked everything else out. She shrugged off her sister's hands, Maria's too, and adjusted her bag on her shoulder.
"I'm gonna go find Miss Potts. I need to talk to her about the English assignment." This time she didn't wait for a response, storming off down the cafeteria as far away as possible from Bucky as she could be. Students started whispering amongst each other as she passed, but she didn't hear. She didn't care. Not anymore. She didn't care about anything.
She had 20 minutes until the end of lunch, so she kept walking with no true destination in mind. The football fields were pretty empty so she climbed up onto the bleachers and settled with her arms crossed over her knees, resting her chin on her forearms.
She wanted to process, to think everything over but her mind was empty. She had made herself numb in an alarmingly short space of time. It was dangerous but she didn't know what else to do. She'd never been through a breakup before. Or been cheated on. Had never even opened her heart up to anyone like she had to Bucky. And there wasn't a doubt that she would ever do that again either.
She spaced out and time flew really quickly. Science as last period. A boring class but her friends were in it, so it wasn't too bad. Except now she didn't want to talk to anyone. But she didn't have to. She just needed to get through the day and then she could have her whole night.
Technically it was a dance night for Y/n, but she didn't even want to dance anymore. So she wasn't going to. Not tonight.
She made her way slowly to the science laboratories and saw the bright red hair of her sister in amongst the crowd. She didn't bother walking up to them, knowing they'd come to her. And they did, checking over her to see if she was ok. But Y/n just shrugged which frustrated Isla.
"Stop trying to play it off Y/n," she exclaimed, trying to get through to her twin. "I know what you're doing. And mom won't be happy at all." She leaned down to whisper that in her ear, which made Y/n's eyes suddenly lock on hers. "Don't give me that look. You know as well as I do."
"Then don't tell her." Her voice was dull and flat, a total change from her usual bright and cheery tone.
"Y/n don't be stupid, you know I have to do that." Isla looked at her sister for a longer moment, her eyes softening. "Don't shut it out. You know what happened-"
She was interrupted by their teacher calling everyone into class. Isla didn't finish her sentence, only squeezing her sister's hand before disappearing into her seat on the other side of the room. 
Maria sank into her chair, trying to act as normal as she could. She showed Y/n a funny video and made a joke about their teacher's bright green shirt. Y/n smiled but it was clearly fake. She felt bad for acting like this around Maria, but she understood why.
Her final classes went by quickly. She wasn't paying attention and her paper stayed empty from the beginning to the end. Maria slipped her an extra set of notes after watching how her pen wasn't even retrieved from her pencil case. As they walked out of class, Maria pulled Y/n into a tiny hug, not wanting to exchange any words.
Y/n knew the meaning of her affection and she secretly welcomed it, even if she wanted to push Maria aside.
"Text me if you need me, okay? And if I see that douchebag I'll..." she mimed a boxing action which made the redhead smile slightly.
"Y/n I'll give you a lift to dance." Usually Bucky took her, but there was no way she was even stepping foot anywhere near his car.
"I'm not going," she replied shortly, making Isla and Maria share a look. "I just want to go home."
"But Y/n-"
"I want to go home Isla. You can either drive or I'll walk." She adjusted her bag straps on her shoulder and turned away, marching down the hallway with her green eyes ice cold. Even the freshmen she usually smiled at were ignored and people skirted nervously around her.
"Fuck fuck fuck," Isla muttered, watching her sister walk away.
Maria placed a hand on her shoulder and nodded encouragingly. "Go. She needs you."
Isla hesitated, checking her phone. "Can you find Val? I said I would meet her-"
"I will. She'll understand." Isla smiled and then took off, her track history coming in handy as she sprinted off down the hallway.
- ⧗ -
"Y/n! Get in the car!" Isla had spotted the black hood of her sister walking down the sidewalk and she pulled over, driving along side her. But Y/n ignored her, keeping her head down. "Fucks sake Y/n! Get in the car!"
"Just leave me alone Isla."
"No. You can push everyone else away but you don't get to push me away." She checked the cars around her and shoved her own into park, jumping out and running over. "What happened to sticking together?"
"I don't care." That was the wrong thing to say and she knew it.
"Okay that's it." Isla grabbed her sister's arm and dragged her all the way back to the car, opening the door and lifting her onto the seat despite Y/n's protests to get away. It looked funny from the outside but neither of them were laughing. They were both pissed.
"Look, I get that you're mad," Isla began as she pulled onto their street, "but you cannot and will not get over this if you push everyone away." Y/n stayed silent, staring out of the window. "So talk to me."
"Please don't." Y/n really wasn't in the mood for talking; she thought that was evident. But her twin's persistent nature carried through strong, even if Y/n didn't break.
Isla had really tried to push to get information, at least something. But as she rolled into their driveway and Y/n had only sunk further into her seat with tears trickling down her face, she felt dejected.
"You won't be able to avoid it with Mom or Mama, you know. They're gonna ask- or I'm gonna tell them."
"Okay," was all that came as a reply before Y/n slammed her door shut and walked up the front steps. Isla watched her as a few spots of rain fell onto her windscreen. She puffed out her cheeks and let out a sigh before following the hunched figure, making sure to lock her car.
Wanda was in the middle of changing the bedsheets when she heard the front door close. She knew it was Isla and so didn't rush to greet her as a pair of feet sounded up the stairs. But they didn't come towards her, which wasn't unusual as the bathroom was in the opposite direction.
As she was replacing the pillowcases, a bright ringtone came from her dresser and Natasha's contact came into view. Wanda frowned but answered all the same, knowing she was calling from the middle of Y/n's private lesson.
"Hey Nat, is everything okay?"
"Is Isla home?" Nat asked as she chewed her lip, a rather annoying habit.
"Yeah I heard the front door go a few minutes ago. Why?"
There was a moment of silence before Natasha spoke again. "Is Y/n with her?"
Wanda frowned. Why would Y/n be with her? "I- well, I don't know. I haven't been down to check. But doesn't Y/n have dance tonight?"
"She does. But there's been no sign of her and Bucky's car hasn't pulled up either. And that girl won't answer her phone." She sounded worried and Wanda felt helpless. There wasn't much she could do to comfort Nat through the phone.
"Stay on the line, I'll go check." She opened the door and peered down the hallway, not seeing any of her girls. But footsteps up the stairs caught her attention and she spun around quickly.
But it was Isla. Not out of the ordinary.
"Hey sweetheart. Is your sister home?" Isla stared at her, eyes wide.
"Uh, yeah. I think she's in her room." Wanda eyed her suspiciously but turned towards Y/n's door. "Wait, I wouldn't disturb her yet. She's um-"
"What's going on?" Natasha asked as she heard Isla's quiet voice. The teenager grimaced and glanced at her sister's bedroom door before dragging Wanda back to her own room.
"Bucky cheated on her today," Isla said straight out, watching the colour drain from her mother's face and a string of curses came flowing from the phone's speaker. "But please, give her some space. She shut me out and if we push her she's only going to hide it more."
Wanda sank down onto her freshly made bed and placed her phone on her pillow, Nat still on speaker so her angry rant continued.
"- and I'll be home in 20 minutes. Yelena can sort the classes out and I'll cancel my privates for today-"
"Nat, no, you can't just leave the studio. They need you-"
"I'm a mom first Wanda. Our girls come first, you know that. And I don't like how Y/n is handling this so I will be coming home. And that's final." There was a jangle of keys before Nat hung up and Isla felt a fuzzy feeling in her stomach.
The twins really were lucky to have moms who would drop everything to go to them whenever they needed. Nat loved dance but she would give it all up for her family in a heartbeat.
"When did it happen?" Wanda asked, patting the bed beside her for Isla to take a seat.
The teenager pulled out her phone and got up the picture that made her stomach churn, holding it out for her mother to see. "She found out at lunch. But she did what Mama used to do and that scared me more than if she had been crying none stop."
Wanda placed the phone down with an unreadable expression and wrapped her arm around her eldest daughter's shoulders, kissing the top of her head. "She had you, even if she shut you out, you're her rock. I think just knowing you were there helped her more than you could know." Wanda's voice was gentle and definitely one of Isla's favourite sounds. Somehow she always knew what to say.
"She cried at first and it made me so angry I just wanted to protect her even more," Isla admitted, leaning into her mother. "And then he strutted in like the king of the school and I swear I could have punched him." Her mind flashed back to Y/n crying on her shoulder and Bucky's cocky face and her fist subconsciously clenched into a fist. Wanda noticed this and placed her hand on top, relaxing the tension straight away.
"She's lucky to have you," Wanda said with a smile as she kissed her daughter's head. "What do you say to ordering those cookies Y/n loves? To cheer her up?"
Isla smiled, nodding. "I think she'd love that."
Twenty minutes later Natasha walked through the front door with a box of cookies under her arm. She had intercepted them from the shy delivery guy who was more than happy to accept the large tip she gave him, accompanied by her terrifying scowl. Hearing Isla's news had put her in a foul mood and Yelena didn't dare argue when asked to cover the senior classes later on in the evening.
"Where is she?" She asked as she entered the kitchen, following the sounds of hushed chatting. Wanda stood up to retrieve the box and took Natasha's work bag from her shoulder, guiding her to a chair. Isla smiled and kissed her on the cheek which soften her glare slightly.
"She's still upstairs, my love," Wanda spoke softly and slipped behind her wife, rubbing her hands up and down the tense shoulders that Natasha wore. Her whole body was tense so Wanda's gentle massage made her let out a deep sigh. "We wanted to wait for you."
"She's less likely to bite your head off," Isla joked with a small smile. "I basically kidnapped her off the sidewalk so she's not too happy with me." Both women shot her a strange and look and Isla realised how weird her comment sounded. "She wouldn't get in the car... stubborn, you know?"
"And I know where she gets that from." Nat would have protested against her wife's comment but she was too into the massage for it to stop.
"I'll take her a cookie and see how she is. Being alone isn't good for that girl."
With a plate of three cookies in hand and a bottle of water in the other, Nat climbed the stairs to her room, her mind racing with different scenarios. Best case would be that Y/n would be crying on her bed. Worst case would be emotionless.
And there she was. Natasha's heart sank as she watched the shell of her daughter return to her bed after unlocking her door. Her cheeks weren't tear stained and she hadn't changed out of her school outfit yet. Her knees were pulled up to her chest as she leaned against the headboard and stared at a spot on the wall.
The framed picture of her and Bucky which usually sat on her nightstand was now tossed face down in a corner.
"Hey sweetheart," Natasha said softly, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "Your mom ordered your favourite cookies." Y/n didn't move.
Nat scanned her entire body, the silence growing larger in the enclosed space. It unnerved her because this behaviour was such a contrast to Y/n's usual bubbly nature. There was always music playing whenever Nat came in her room, but now there was just a deathly silence.
"I heard what happened. How are you feeling?" No reply. "Y/n, don't shut me out please."
"I'm fine."
Nat let out a laugh. "Yeah, I can tell," she said sarcastically. "Talk to me lenya, it's okay."
Y/n gritted her teeth, digging the pads of her fingers into her knees. She didn't want to break, but the wall in her mind was growing weaker and Natasha knew exactly how to get through it. She'd learned her coping mechanisms from the best of course.
Nat could see it working. "Mama's here, you're okay. You can talk to me baby. Just let it out. What's going on inside that head of yours?"
That was the final straw. Y/n pulled her eyes away from the wall and found her mama's caring green ones staring back at her with love and compassion, and she cracked. Just one look at her mama and Y/N couldn't hold back anymore. She burst into tears and dropped her head to her knees, hiding herself.
Natasha moved quickly, sliding onto the bed beside her and and pulling her close to her chest, cradling her close. Y/n smooth hair was tangled but Nat ignored it and stroked her hand over it like she had done when her girls were babies. Three or seventeen, they were always her babies.
"I've got you, it's okay," were the words that Natasha murmured over and over. They didn't need to discuss what had happened yet. It was too soon. Y/N just needed her mama and a place to let it all out. Not that she couldn't do that with Wanda, but her connection with Nat was stronger. Wanda was Isla's rock, Natasha was Y/n's.
Nat couldn't help but let a tear slip down her cheek as she listened to Y/n's heartbreaking sobs. She could do nothing but let her cry, knowing that's what she needed. Blocking out emotions was Natasha's unhealthy habit and she kicked herself for letting Y/n learn it too. She encouraged her girls to let out their emotions, helping them do that if they needed.
Y/n choked out a sob and shuffled so she was hugging her mama's torso, looking for more comfort. "Aren't you supposed to be at the studio?" Always more worried about others, Y/n was selfless to the core.
"Nope. I'm supposed to be with my daughter who had a shitty day." Y/n smiled a watery smile and wiped her tears from her cheeks. "I left Yelena to oversee everything."
"That's a bold decision," Y/n said, her voice still shaky from crying. "But thank you."
"Oh my sweet girl, you don't need to thank me." She gently wiped a stray tear that had escaped down Y/n's left cheek. "You wanna tell me what happened?"
Y/n averted her gaze and looked at the dance company logo on Natasha's team jacket. "I got cheated on. It's stupid."
"You're right, he is stupid."
"She was really pretty too," Y/n cried, her tears appearing once more as the image replayed in her mind. "She's blonde and tall and probably everything he could ever want. I was dumb to think he'd be happy dating me when there are girls out there that look like her."
Natasha saw red. She hated negative self talk, but hearing it come from her daughter who was one of the most beautiful things she had ever seen made her furious.
Without saying a word, she got up from the bed and tugged Y/n to her feet, holding her steady as her head spun from crying. She walked over to the full length mirror on the wall and held her daughter in front of it, hands on her shoulders.
"You see that?" Natasha pointed in the mirror at Y/n's reflection. "That girl right there is perfect. She's so much better than any blonde girl who looks like a supermodel. You are beautiful, smart, thoughtful, funny, talented, this list would never end. Y/n Romanoff is perfect and you better remember that."
Y/n could barely see her reflection through the tears that had once again made another reappearance after her mama's speech. She tugged the hands on her shoulders so Nat's arms slipped in front of her and she had something to hold onto. Y/n pressed her cheek to Nat's forearm and leaned on it, feeling her mother hug her from behind.
"If I'm everything you say I am, why did he cheat?" She turned away from the mirror and looked up at her mother who's gaze softened as she cupped her daughter's face.
"Because men are shit," she stated bluntly. "Why do you think I married a woman? Why do you think Isla is dating one? Men are shit and he didn't deserve you one bit. You, my girl, deserve the very best. Not some immature high school boy who didn't realise what he had with you."
"I really thought he was the one," she said dejectedly. Nat kissed her forehead and brought her back to the bed. "How did he change so fast?"
"I don't know honey. But you don't need him anymore. My girl can find someone miles better than him."
"I don't think I want to date."
Natasha stroked her hand over Y/n's hair and reached for the bottle of water laying on the blanket. "Even better. Means I get you all to myself." She pulled Y/n into her side and held up the bottle for her to take. "Crying makes you dehydrated, so drink up."
Y/n took a few sips, feeling the cool liquid soothe her raw throat. She made sure the lid was on tightly before placing it on her nightstand. "Every time I see him in the hallway I won't know what to do."
"Unfortunately that will just fade with time honey. But you've got Isla and Maria who will be beside you at all times. They'll keep him away, you know your sister."
"Im scared she's gonna punch him."
Nat paused for a moment. "Part of me wants to let her, but I guess I have to be a responsible adult and talk her out of it." Her joke worked and Y/n laughed, smiling properly for the first time since lunch.
"Unless you want to be called to a meeting with the principal, then yeah I think so."
Natasha tightened her arms around her daughter and hugged her hard, breathing in the remains of her floral perfume. "You think you're ready to see Isla and Mom yet? They're worried about you."
As much as Y/n wanted to stay in that blissful moment with her mama, she knew she needed to see the others too. And also apologise to Isla who was only trying to help.
"If you'll help me talk to them?"
"Of course sweetheart. Of course."
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Tag List Registration
Requests are always open and well appreciated.
So, if anyone wishes to Request something for the characters and celebrities mentioned below, feel free to go.
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Daemon Targaryen
Realm's Desire
Honour of our House (Sequel to Realm's Desire)
The Present as It Is (Sequel to Honour of our House)
Dreams and Dragons
Dancing with Dragons
Never Yours
In The Stories
Blessings of the Goddess
In the Silence
The Dragon of North (Sequel to Never Yours)
False Accusations
For Your Sake
For Them
Without Him
Aemond Targaryen
Not in Our Destiny
In the Darks of Night (Sequel to Not in Our Destiny)
Rage of a Mother
The Crimson Lady
The Crimson Queen (Sequel to Crimson Lady)
Twisted Feelings
Twisted Love (Sequel to Twisted Feelings)
Beloved Sister (Platonic! Also, Aegon x Reader)
Fire of Desire
You Love Me Right?
Being Rhaenyra's Daughter and taking Aemond's Eye Part 2
Being Reborn in Wizarding World with Aemond
The White Dragon (Also, Cregan x reader)
Cregan Stark
The White Dragon (Also, Aemond x reader)
The Dragon of North (Sequel to Never )
Being Cregan Stark's Young Wife Would Include
Aegon II Targaryen (Only on Request)
For A Better Future
My Gorgeous Princess
Beloved Sister (Platonic! Also, Aemond x Reader)
Helaena Targaryen (Only on Request)
Ecliptic Wedding
First Meeting
Being in an Arranged Marriage
Defending Your Honor
You are a Foreign Delegate
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Tony Stark
A Woman of a Kind
Steve Rogers
Thor Odinson
Loki Laufeyson
Peculiar Thing
Doctor Stephen Strange
Bucky Barnes
Broken Beings
T'Challa Udaku
Something New
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Carlisle Cullen
Marry Me
Edward Cullen
Jasper Hale
Under the Moon
Aro Volturi
Marcus Volturi
Caius Volturi
Demetri Volturi
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Draco Malfoy
The Kiss of the Dark
Tom Riddle
Percival Graves
Albus Dumbledore
The Fate Awaits (Sister!Reader)
Grieving the Dead (Sequel to The Fate Awaits)
Gellert Grindelwald
The Fate Awaits (Wife!Reader)
Grieving the Dead (Sequel to The Fate Awaits)
Be By My Side
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Aleksander Morovoza
Being a princess and Meeting the Darkling
Nikolai Lantsov
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Robert Downey Jr.
Chris Evans
Is Air Conditioner Working?
Tom Hiddleston
Beautiful yet Broken Doll
Crazy Cravings
Matt Smith
Indian Dinner
Robert Pattinson
Rami Malek
Sebastian Stan
Mistakes Are Common
Tom Felton
The Harry Potter Reunion
Ram Charan
Ben Barnes
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lokiswifeduh · 2 years
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Bucky Barnes
Loki Laufeyson
Natasha Romanoff
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bucky-h0e · 2 years
Just Ten Minutes | Oneshot
Single Mom!Y/n x Bucky Barnes
Prompt: Bucky had finally explored the world of dating in the new century and found someone who he loves dearly. Now he has to explore the world of fatherhood to support his girlfriend and her baby girl.
Sort of requested by @browneyedgirl22 - I hope you enjoy it!
I admit, it is a bit faced paced but I'm working on that! If anyone has any feedback then please let me know!
If you like this then be sure to check out my current series 'Of Summer Days and Winter Nights' and 'Serendipity'!
Bucky and Y/n had only been dating a short while, a couple of months. Yet in those months, they had moved quickly through their relationship. Of course, they would have preferred to take their time, but it wasn't often that it was on their side. Whilst Bucky had been trying his best to adapt to the new century, finally having the time to do it, there were still occasions in which he was needed. Y/n on the other hand, was juggling not only her new relationship with the ex-Winter Soldier, but also her job and sweet baby.
Amelia had been from a previous relationship, her father having decided to not be in the picture - though he did send some financial aid for her. They were comfortable, and Amelia seemed to love Bucky just as much Y/n loved him. When they were first introduced, of course there was hesitance there. Bucky had never been left to care for Amelia on his own - why would he? But, he always included her whenever he was doing something for Y/n. If he brought flowers, there was always a small bundle of daisies for Amelia, even if she didn't understand why. If he brought cakes or dessert, then there was something sweet for Amelia that she could chew on. Small things that showed Y/n he cared for the small girl and knew they were a package deal. And that didn't worry him. He had spent time with Sam's nephews, gotten used to the childlike fascination with his arm and grew comfortable being around children. But Amelia was a lot younger than Sam's nephews.
He may not be her father, but if she came with Y/n, then how could he say no? There were times where he was nervous, of course. On one occasion, he had offered to take Amelia whilst Y/n nipped to the toilet during shopping. It would only take a few minutes and Bucky knew he could handle that. However, as he stood, holding the little girl who refused to get in the pushchair because 'she was a big girl and could walk on her own' yet 'didn't want to stand because her legs hurt'; he couldn't help but get slightly nervous. What if he dropped her? What if he was squeezing too hard when she wriggled? Luckily, it had just been a quick trip to the bathroom, but just from that small trip, Bucky knew his nerves may just get the better of him.
But, all of that would soon have to wait.
Having received a text from Y/n to cancel their date because she had much more work than she had expected, Bucky couldn't stand the thought of her having to over work herself. He knew she'd get sick by the end of it, burnt out and tired and that she would end up hating it because she couldn't look after Amelia properly. So, to prevent that, he got their lunch and dinner on his way over to her apartment, grabbing some food that was appropriate for the two year old that would inevitably join them. Using the key, he shot her a quick text, letting her know that it would be him walking through the door and not a stranger. He thought he'd see her pottering about, trying to organise whatever chaos her daughter had created in her wake, but instead, he found her slumped over the coffee table in the living room. Nodding along to whatever rant Amelia was talking about, letting her draw on her skin in an attempt at keeping both Amelia entertained and herself awake, pots and pans boiling in the kitchen like she'd forgotten about them and toys strewn about. It was clear that Y/n was currently having a hard time.
Smiling softly, Bucky places the bag of groceries on the floor by the door before making his way through the mess, kneeling once he'd managed to do so . Amelia squeals and hugs him as tight as her little arms can manage and he returns the favour, gently pulling her up into his lap. "Hey there sweet girl. Can you do Buck a favour?" He asks, tilting his head as the little girl nods quickly.
"Yes!" Smiling, he points over to some of the toys, "Can you clear up a little? Just some toys that you're not playing with, then when you've done that, we can play together." She pouts and pulls a face at him, wanting him to know her displeasure about the idea.
"Yeah I know, you don't like tidying up. But, we need a lot of space if we're gunna play right? So, we need to tidy up. I'll even come and help, but I gotta make sure mummy is okay first, yeah?" With a sigh, and as much attitude as a two year old could muster, she starts going about her business tidying up, making Bucky chuckle at the dramatics of it all.
Once Amelia was sorted and cleaning up her toys, haphazardly throwing things inboxes which Bucky knew he'd have to sort out later, he gently pulled Y/n to his chest, wrapping his arms around her exhausted body.
"Is it gone?" She jokes tiredly, peeking an eye open to see her daughter tidying. Bucky chuckles softly, rocking them gently.
"No, just busy. This is your chance to escape." He smiles, planting a kiss on her head as she sighs dreamily, "escaping sounds nice. maybe to Paris?"
"I don't think we have time for Paris," He muses, glancing at the girl who seems to be distracted from her chore. "Definitely have time for a short nap though, come on, up you get." Y/n groans, and Bucky can't help but laugh at the dramatics obviously shared by mother and daughter. With a grunt, Bucky stands, pulling his girl up with him and guides her to the bedroom. An arm wrapped around her waist to secure her as she stumbles through the apartment.
"Buck I have to clean and start making dinner, then I have to do the assignments. Shit, Amelia needs her snack - Bucky I don't have time to nap, I-" She stops at Bucky starting to shush her, pushing her to lay on her bed once he got her seated. "Don't shush me Barnes."
The man sends her an apologetic smile, kissing her temple softly, "I'm sorry love, I won't do it again. But you need to rest or you'll burn out. I will sort out dinner and lunch. You can clean and do work when you wake up," he smiles, there was absolutely no way she was doing either of that today whilst Bucky was here. He leans down, starting to take off her shoes and jeans, letting her get more comfortable to fall asleep, kissing the exposed skin gently before wrapping her up in a blanket. As soon as her head hit the pillow, Y/n could feel herself begin to drift. But there just so much to do, granted she wouldn't be able to do much if she was exhausted. So... maybe a ten minute nap wouldn't hurt.
"Okay Barnes, ten minutes. I will take a ten minute power nap and that is it."
"Ten minutes, got it."
"I'm serious James," He kisses her softly, brushing the stray hair from her eyes as he nods, "Ten minutes. I promise, I love you."
She grumbles her response, turning on her side and sighing loudly into the pillowcase. "I love you too Buck,"
After making sure she was tucked in and on her way to sleep, Bucky stood quietly and made his way out of her room, pulling the door closed on his way. Now to deal with the mess.
As he walked to the kitchen, he took a quick glance to make sure that Amelia was still occupied before turning off the stove, emptying the pots and pans and putting them in the sink to soak. Then, he made his way to the groceries left at the door, bringing them into the kitchen and putting them away. Once that had been done, he made a start on snack for Amelia. Said little girl was currently led on the floor, her tidying taking a backseat as she began to play with some of the toys left out. Seeing a few more toys on the ground, he set the small plate of fruit on the counter, walking over and tidying up the rest into her toybox before picking her up and lifting her high in the air. She squeals and giggles, kicking her legs in excitement as she's lowered to sit on his hip.
"Again! Again!" Bucky grins, "Again?!" he teases, setting her up to be lifted once again. "Are you sure?"
"Yes! Again- Ah!" She bursts into laughter, feeling herself get lifted once, twice, three times more. "Okay sweet girl, snack time." He sets her down at the small plastic table in the corner of the room, where Amelia would normally do her colouring. But it would do for this as well, especially whilst he cleaned up the place. Bringing her plate down, he gently ruffles her hair when she thanks him before digging into her snack. Making his way around the room, Bucky picks up any stray toys, straightens the blankets on the cough - why Y/n had so many he would never know - and picks up any stray washing up that needed to be done. Then, he washed and dried everything whilst Amelia ate her snack, cleaning her plate last when she brought it up and thanked him once again.
Finally, with everything washed and the place looking tidy once again, he set himself down on the couch, laying down and helping Amelia climb up after him. Bringing toys with her, she sat on Bucky's stomach and used his chest as a place to put the toys she'd brought. Occasionally, she would show him once and he would respond with great interest, watching her play with a smile on his face. Honestly, he thought he would be more nervous, like he had been any other time they'd been alone together. But Amelia was a smart little girl who would tell him if she was uncomfortable one way or another. And besides, if Bucky could make Y/n's day slightly better by looking after Amelia for a few hours whilst she rested, then he was happy to do it. It's not like he didn't love spending time with the girl anyway.
The two stayed like that for the next couple of hours, Amelia differing between playing and watching TV. Occasionally, she would take her sticker book and start picking stickers which she would then place on Bucky's arms. Currently, his right arm was covered in unicorns and stars, with his left arm having been decorated in rainbows and flowers. As he watched her, he smiles, loving the way she laughs and giggles whenever he tickled her teasingly or gave her a tight hug or teasingly complained about the stickers.
"I see you've gone with two different themes, that's great, real cute, you know? Oh, mixing it up, flowers with the unicorns huh? That's nice, real artistic." Whilst he knows the two year old may not completely understand him, she seemed to be enjoying herself enough and that was enough for him.
"James Buchanan Barnes."
Bucky looks at Amelia with a exaggerated shocked expression at the sound of his lovers voice, causing the girl to giggle. "Uh oh, mummy's awake." He whispers to her, sitting up and letting the girl fall back onto the couch before walking up to his tired partner. She stands, leaning against the wall with her hip sticking out to one side. Arms crossed in front of her and her face in a scowl.
"Hey love, I was just about to wake you."
"Ten minutes my ass James."
Grinning, he wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her close to him, kissing her cheek. "Aw come on, you expected me to actually wake you in ten minutes?"
"A promise is a promise Barnes." She states, grabbing a sticker on his flesh arm and ripping it off, causing the man to flinch slightly and let out a whine of 'Hey'. "I swear to god if there are stickers on my couch."
"Mummy!" Kneeling down to catch the girl barrelling her way to the pair, Y/n hugs her tightly and picks her up. "Hey baby girl! Sorry for leaving, did you have fun with Buck?" She asks, smiling as she feels Bucky's arms wrap around her once more and pull the pair closer to him, leaning on the wall beside them.
"Lots and lots! We tidied up for you!" Bucky winks at the shocked Y/n, who seemed to only just take in the apartment after her anger at Bucky's 'betrayal' had passed. "You did?" She asks, looking at Bucky specifically who shrugs his shoulders in return, nodding.
"You didn't have to do that Buck," She smiles at him, gently putting Amelia down, who runs off to play with her toys once whilst Bucky leads Y/n to sit on the couch.
"I know, but I wanted to help you out a little bit. That's what I'm here for. To support you ad Amelia." Y/n smiles at him, not understanding how she had gotten so lucky that Bucky had been okay with the fact that she had a child.
"Thank you Buck, seriously." She leans forward, pressing her lips to his. He smiles into the kiss, bringing his hands to gently cup her cheeks, tilting his head slightly. Pulling apart, he licks his bottom lip quickly, gazing softly into her eyes before kissing her once more. Y/n sighs into the kiss, melting into the couch and pulling Bucky in with her.
"Anything for you, Y/n. Now, you keep your pretty self comfortable on this couch, and I'll go make us all some dinner yeah? You've been asleep for three hours." He muses, placing one last kiss on her lips before standing and making his way to the kitchen to cook for his girls. Y/n watches him, biting her lip softly, grinning at his back before she blinks and glares slightly.
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vivwritesfics · 3 months
Pick My Next Oneshot
Everybody Wants To Rule The World (rewrite) -OP81
Zac Brown, head of the McLaren family. His daughter is more trouble than she's worth. But then he finds a young Australian, way too talented with a gun for any other line of work, who might just be able to keep her out of trouble (spoiler, he can't keep her out of trouble, but he doesn't want to) (mafia au)
Royal bucky barnes au
Bucky was never meant to be on the throne. He knows it, his advisors know it. Hell, the whole kingdom knows it. But Steve was dead and he was supposed to rule in his place. Which only serves to piss off Steve's little sister and rightful heir. There's one thing left for her to do. Seduce him and take the throne for herself
Sinner On A Sunday - Rhett Abbott
Rhett should be in church on a Sunday. Wayne Tillersons daughter should be in church, too. They shouldn't be taking full advantage of Rhett's empty house and going at it like rabbits (which they are)
Pirate! Au - MV1
Dread captain Max Verstappen rules the sea with an iron fist. His crew is the best of the best. She disturbs the peace. She cost him the treasure he was so desperately seeking. He should have her killed for it, but he doesn't. Why not? Because she's the only person in the world not afraid of him
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b0xerdancer-writes · 1 month
Update on WIP Fics and Fic Ideas:
Acotar fics are still coming. Just had brain rot on other fandoms as well as work and university. I also wanna write for other fandoms so youll see some of those coming up too, like Marvel and Criminal Minds. This is mostly for me to keep track of fics i wanna write but if theres one that intrigues you or one you wanna be tagged in feel free to comment.
Baby Fever Series:
Welcome Back: Lucien x Tamlin’s Sister!Reader
This Little Light of Mine Helion x Reader
Tamlin Week:
Beauty and The Beast
Where No One Knows Your Name!
Baring Teeth Part 2
It Wasn’t Supposed to Happen Like This Part 7
Snow White Peaks Part 2
The Rabbit and The Fox: Eris x Spring!Reader
Criminal Minds
The Picture of Dorian Gray: Aaron Hotchner x Rossi! Ex! Reader
A legal Criminal: Aaron Hotchner x Mafia!Rossi! Reader
Your Doing a Great Job: Aaron Hotchner x BAU!Reader
Silverfoxes: David Rossi x Hotch!Reader
Bosses Daughter: Spencer Reid x Hotch!Reader
Special-Ops Task Force: Spencer Reid x Ex-Task force Commander! BAU! Reader
Its Rude to Hold Someone Hostage: Spencer Reid x BAU!Lecter!Reader x Aaron Hotchner
Heart of the Pack: A/B/O, Hard!Alpha!Aaron Hotchner x Omega! Reader x Soft!Alpha!Spencer Reid
Nostalgia: Aaron Hotchner x BAU! EX! Reader
Artic Fox: Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes x Hydra! Super Soldier! Reader
Unapologetically You: Logan Howlett x Disowned! Stark! Reader
Kiss the Ground: Logan Howlett x Leshnerr!Reader
Project White Star: Bucky Barnes x Hydra!Super Soldier! Reader
Spoiled Princess: A/B/O, Alpha! Tony Stark x Omega!Reader x Alpha!Pepper Potts
Bound Together: A/B/O, Alpha!Steve Rogers x Alpha! Bucky Barnes x Alpha! Sam Wilson x Omega! Reader (Inspired by The Sun, The Moon, and The Stars same pairing by @crazyunsexycool cause I absolutely DEVOURED whats out so far and need more of this paring in general! Go check theur series out!)
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buckrecs · 1 year
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masterlist | req masterlist
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Seeing Red by @mypoisonedvine
bucky used to brag that he didn’t have a celebrity crush, or really care about famous people at all, which is what made him the perfect person to start working for a celebrity like yourself. except, of course, it’s just his luck that he’d fall for you.
One Last Job by @sunriserose1023
Bucky Barnes is retired. He did a stint in the Army, did a stint as a Secret Service agent, even dabbled in the private sector, but that’s over. Now, he just wants to rest in the solitude he’s found in a cabin in the Adirondacks, with only his memories to get him through the sleepless nights. Until his best friend comes to him with a special request. One last job, protecting the movie star sister of an old Army buddy. She’s being stalked, getting death threats, but that’s nothing they haven’t dealt with before.
wrong choice, right places by @mvtthewmurdvck
never wanting to work for him or protect his fiancé, falling for you was the last thing he should do—especially when his boss was zemo, who now ran most of the city.
Safe with me by @bitsandbobsandstuff
When an unknown threat enters your life, protection is offered at the highest level. As Bucky Barnes comes into your life, the game changes, and you realise falling for the man tasked with keeping you safe is the last thing you expected.
Written in the Stars by @prettyyoungtragedy
You’re the type of woman who is headstrong and fiercely independent. Heiress to a fortune and one of the most brilliant minds of the 21st century. Until you’re forced into witness protection. Your “Protection” turns out to be 220 pounds of dreamy, sassy, delightful Bucky Barnes. Whatever could go wrong?
You’re Mine, Sunshine by @theeleggymeggy
Bucky gets picked by a very rich and respected man to be his daughter’s personal bodyguard. The Father warns him that it won’t be an easy job, that she is a brat and difficult to deal with. But what happens when Bucky meets you and you’re the complete opposite?
Shopping by @quarantined-with-bucky
Bucky’s paid to be your bodyguard and you’re, well, kind of a bitch.
Sunday is s Family Day by @lazyangeltreemoney
You’re stubborn, annoying and hot as hell which seems to be an awful combo to mix with Bucky Barnes. However one day he realises he got you all wrong and now there’s a little kid in the mix that needs both of your help.
Not so Forbidden by @vanillanaps
You were upset after a mishap that happened so your favorite bodyguard came to comfort you with good news.
Under The Burning Sun by @kinanabinks
The Winter Soldier is assigned to be your bodyguard, covertly protecting you from many assassination attempts. One day, he has no choice but to reveal himself to you.
Protecting What’s His by @jobean12-blog
Bucky has been your bodyguard for some time now and it’s been hard to deny how badly you want him to be more than that.
Bodyguard by @subwaysurf45
getting drunk at galas was fun, but not as fun as Bucky taking care of you after.
princess by @buckycuddlebuddy
“honey,” bucky growled, and then moaned. you felt your walls clench around him because of his voice tone.
security blanket by @comfortbucky
reader is having a bad day and Bucky notices and cheers them up.
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