#btw rn i'm imagining the grand city to have a lot of tall buildings with spires... lotta unnecessary and grandiose designs...
tvrningout · 10 months
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tbh both kaiya and cyrillo are not huge fans of the grand city for a few reasons. both of them grew up closer to nature or the sea -- cyrillo lived in a city, but it wasn't built up like the grand city, and he could easily travel far enough to the beach and be alone with his thoughts. both of them miss the sounds of birds and wind whistling through their hair.
neither of them are too fond of the people of the grand city, though there are exceptions ofc!! but while both kaiya and cyrillo are naturals at navigating polite society, they do prefer the company of those who aren't so concerned with titles and wealth and pushing their own agendas. they prefer to not always have their entertainment personalities turned on, if they can help it.
but they stay in the grand city bc it's home. it's where their friends are. it's where they've made the greatest impact for their kind, and it's where they must stay if they hope to continue making progress. so they might daydream of another home, a place they hope to return to one day, but they might never leave the grand city until someone trustworthy can take their places.
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