#btw just to be clear this is about people (specifically NTs in this example) giving out advice that wasn't asked for and doesn't help and
sullina · 7 months
"You don't have adhd, everyone forgets stuff sometimes!"
Yesterday, as i was grocery shopping, i was thinking "hm, i need to get something that's at the other end of the store" and forgot what i wanted to do as i was walking other there This happened TWICE as i was there. In ONE shopping trip, mind you. And I still forgot the one thing i was actually there for.
And just today, i made instant ramen, poured hot water into a bowl with the noodles, and immediately forgot about it. I don't even know for how long I forgot about it, but it was definitely longer than 5 minutes, bc the noodles had swelled to twice the size they're supposed to be.
More often than not, I'll get up and tell myself "okay, I'm doing this one thing today" and then it's 10pm and I didn't do the thing, because i just forgot.
I've been meaning to check if i have any shampoo left of the one that i use, but the only times I remember that I have to check is when I'm at the store and looking at the shampoo bottles. Naturally, I forget to check once I'm home.
Sure, everyone forgets stuff sometimes, but when you have adhd, it's not "sometimes". It's all the time. It's so often that you come to expect forgetting of yourself.
"Just write yourself some reminders"
I will forget that I have reminders
"Put them somewhere, where you'll see them!"
Just because I'm looking at something, doesn't mean I'll see it. Not to mention that anything new will eventually be not new and blend into the background, at which point I will no longer be aware of it, making it useless.
"Ugh, stop being so difficult!"
You're the one giving out advice that I 1) most likely didn't ask for and 2) have already heard a thousand times, tried hundreds of times, and found that it worked exactly 0 times. It's not my fault you're forcing advice on me that doesn't work for me.
"Just try harder!"
Pretty bold of you to assume that I'm not already trying my best. You think I want to forget to do everything I have to do? For what, just to spite you of all people? YOU?? You really think you are so important to me that I would put any effort into spiting you?
Don't flatter yourself.
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madewithonerib · 4 years
GOSPEL of Grace | Steve Lawson [2 Peter 1:1-3]
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    If the root is sovereign election, then the fruit will be a changed life.
    There is no way you could be living the way that you are living with     the desire to know GOD, & to love GOD, & to pursue holiness     except it is GOD who has dramatically intervened in your life.
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    It is possible to be assured that GOD has called you to HIMSELF.     Today, Steven Lawson examines the Apostle Peter’s instruction     for Christians to make their calling and election sure.
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    GOD is sovereign over HIS creation, that's clear in nearly     every page in SCRIPTURE.
    But when it comes to HIS sovereignty over salvation,     there are a few skeptics: Does HE really chose who will be saved?
    Does that seem fair, they ask..     Well today on Renewing Your Mind, Dr. Lawson continues his     series, “Foundations of Grace.”
    We’ll see that the apostle Peter, teaches what every other     author in SCRIPTURE teaches. Here’s Dr. Lawson..
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Sovereign Grace of GOD
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    In this session, we want to look at the 2 Peter, we want to     continue our study of the apostle Peter as an author &     preacher of the sovereign grace of GOD.
    I believe the stronger the preacher, the more deeply rooted &     grounded he is in these core truths that magnify the sovereignty     of GOD in salvation.
    Peter is one of those prolific, powerful preachers, that these     truths of the sovereign grace of GOD just flows from his lips.
    It flows from his pen as he is addressing whatever the subject is.
    And in 2 Peter, he gives himself to addressing false teachers.
    As he does so, he makes much mention of these doctrines     & so they become (I believe) a comfort & a contrast for believers;     a contrast of what false teachers are, & what true preachers     actually preach.
    But I want us to go through the Book of 2 Peter as we have been     doing, I want us to go through it 5x for us to be able to see these     wonderful truths.
    And I want to begin with again total depravity.
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#1 Radical Corruption
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        ²⁰ If indeed they have escaped the corruption of the world         through the knowledge of our LORD & Savior JESUS CHRIST,         only to be entangled & overcome by it again,         their final condition is worse than it was at first.
    Specifically now addresses false teachers.
    But what is true of the false teachers is within the hearts/soul of     every unconverted person, it’s not as though there is something     different in those that are unconverted from false teachers.
    So that is why Peter wrote in 2 Peter 2:1,
        False prophets also arose from the people, just as there will         be false teachers among you!
        Who will secretly introduce destructive heresies--even         denying the MASTER who bought them.
    I think that is said with some sarcasm, that they claim to have this     relationship with the MASTER JESUS CHRIST, but in reality they     do not. Bringing swift destruction upon themselves.
    The key word there is denying.
    This word means to refuse & to reject.
    This is at the heart of every unbeliever; there is a refusal to     submit their life to the LORDSHIP of JESUS CHRIST.
    To become HIS bond servant.     To become HIS slave, & HE their MASTER.
    So there is this useless claim they are making.     That this master has supposedly bought them. [22:16]
    As we continue in this CH v.2-3, we read [22:13]
        Depravity:  aselgeia: licentiousness, wantonness         Usage: outrageous conduct, conduct shocking to public         decency, a wanton violence), wantonness, lewdness.
    Many will follow in their sensuality (depravity), &     because of them the way of truth will be defamed.
    Now the word sensuality means habitual/unrestrained     sexual immorality; & it says many will follow their sensuality.
    And the idea here is that they will join in the very same     sensuality; this sensuality is in every unbeliever.
    Just expressed in fuller measure in some than by others.
    And because of them, the way of truth will be maligned.
    And in their greed, this greed is part of total depravity.     It speaks of uncontrolled covetous desire     for money & possessions.
    In their greed they will exploit you with false words.
    Their judgement from long ago is not idle.
        In their greed, these false teachers will exploit you         with deceptive words. The longstanding verdict         against them remains in force, & their destruction         does not sleep.
    So here we see their sensuality & their greed, & this is     pent-up within the sin nature of an unbeliever.
    From the same chapter in v.10, we read especially of those     who indulge the flesh in its corrupt desires & despise authority.
        ¹⁰ Such punishment is specially reserved for those         who indulge the corrupt desires of the flesh &         despise authority. Bold & self-willed, these men         are unafraid to slander angelic majesties.
    This means they are un-submissive.     That they will not yield their life to any authority over them.
    They are self-willed, they are rebellious; & first & foremost     this is how they are towards the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
    They are stiff-necked & refuse to submit & surrender their     life to the LORDSHIP of JESUS CHRIST & they also indulge     the flesh. [20:19]
    They pamper their flesh, they feed their flesh.
    This too is the result of total depravity.
    Then also in verse 10, we read that they are daring.     The idea is reckless, they have no restraint & no careful thought     they sin in a highhanded manner, & are self-willed.
    The idea is self-pleasing conceit, they’re obstinant.
    They do not tremble when they revile angelic majesties.
    The idea here is they have no fear of GOD;     they have no reverence for holy things.
    They instead blaspheme/revile/slander that which is holy.
    Then in v.12, these like unreasoning animals, means they     just live by the instincts of their flesh.
    They do what/when/how/where they want to do it;     they’re just like an animal in heat [19:00]
    But these unreasoning animals, born as creatures of     instinct to be captured/killed/reviling where they have     no knowledge.
    They have no true knowledge of GOD.
    They just have knowledge of sin & of their own pleasures.
    What we read here in 2 Peter 2 of these false teachers,     is but the tip of the iceberg of this doctrine of total depravity.
    That is like drops of poison, put into a glass of water;     & that poison permeates the whole; such drops of poison     are in every unbeliever. [18:11]
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Doctrine of Grace #2 Election
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    But the second doctrine of grace is sovereign election.
    And we see what a miracle that anyone is saved.
        2 Peter 1:10 | Therefore, brothers, be all the more eager         to make your calling & election sure. For if you practice         these things you will never stumble,
    We are introduced in 2 Peter 1:10, to the doctrine of election.
    And in this verse, standing behind this effectual call of GOD     is the doctrine of election. [17:28]
        HE only, GOD only calls those who are chosen; &         all who are chosen will be called by GOD.
    Those chosen in eternity past, will be called within time,     into a saving relationship with JESUS CHRIST.
    This speaks of how every believer is chosen out of     this cesspool of this world; chosen out of the muck &     the mire of this world.
    This is our testimony as well, GOD has chosen us for HIMSELF     & did not leave us in the foul evil system of this world. [16:37]
    I want you to note also in 2 Peter 1:1 , a hint at definite atonement;     this in & of itself is not enough to secure the doctrine of election.
    But there is a hint here.
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        BTW this is one of the great verse in the NT         for the deity of JESUS CHRIST, “our GOD         & Saviour (comma) JESUS CHRIST.”
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    Who is JESUS CHRIST?
    Well HE is our GOD & our Saviour.
    And only the ONE who is GOD could be our SAVIOUR,     because it would require the infinite power of Almighty GOD.
        And HIS abundant grace to save & deliver us,         from HIS own wrath.
    But here in v.1, we see that there are those who receive faith as     a gift, & we’ll talk about that in just a moment.
    But it comes by the righteousness of JESUS CHRIST. [15:22]
    And I think that there is implied that CHRIST has become the     SAVIOUR of all those who have received a faith of the right kind.
    But what is abundantly clear, in this verse is the irresistible call of     GOD; & I want you to look at v.1 again. [14:55]
        Simon Peter a bondservant, apostle of JESUS,..         To those who have received a faith of the same         kind as ours..
    It means they were without faith!
    And in order to exercise faith, they had to receive faith. [14:38]
        And there is only ONE giver of such faith,         & that is none other than GOD HIMSELF.
    None of us could have faith in CHRIST, until GOD gives us faith     in CHRIST. It’s very clear in this passage, & also when you do     a word study on this:
        It also implies that we have been chosen         to received this faith. [14:11]
    Also he knows that this faith that we have received is the same     kind as ours, meaning it’s saving faith. It’s a true faith.
    It is genuine faith, it is authentic faith; because there     is a non-saving faith that is mentioned for example at     the end of John 2:22-25 [13:49]
        John 2:22-25 | ²² After HE was raised from the dead,         HIS disciples remembered that HE had said this.
        Then they believed the SCRIPTURE & the word that         JESUS had spoken. ²³ While HE was in Jerusalem at         the Passover Feast, many people saw the signs         HE was doing & believed in HIS name.
        ²⁴ But JESUS did not entrust HIMSELF to them, for         HE knew all men. ²⁵ HE did not need any testimony         about man, for HE knew what was in a man.
    There is a faith that is only in the mind, but is not in the heart;     there is a faith that is only an acknowledgment of facts, but there     is never a surrender of the will. [13:33]
    And the giving of one’s life to JESUS CHRIST.
    So when HE says we have received a faith of the same kind as     ours, HE referring to a genuine authentic saving faith. [13:14]
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    Now please note also, in v.3, seeing that HIS divine nature has     granted to us everything pertaining to life. Stop right there. [12:57]
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    Well if HE has granted to us, everything pertaining to life,     that would also include saving faith.
    That would also include repentance.
    If it’s everything pertaining to life! [12:47]
    And in this context, based upon what we just read in v.1,     I think that is a reasonable conclusion to which is to come.
    But notice how this verse continues, through the true knolwedge     of HIM, who called us by HIS own glory & excellence v.3
    Peter is making such a strong emphasis on the doctrine of     effectual call of GOD.
        HE called us, us being the elect, HE has not called         the entire world, not called every person in the world.
    Instead HE has called us, & the us are those in v.1, who have     received a faith. And it’s the same kind as ours [11:57]
    In this context it is very clear, who the us is.
    So HE’s called us, it’s almost hard for me to come up with     something new at the moment. After we’ve gone through so     many times of looking at this call of GOD.
    But it’s like a nail being driven down into a board, it’s deeper     & deeper into the board until it is permanently lodged there.
    I think that is the idea of what Peter is wanting to convey to     us, the reader of his letter, that there is a continual driving     emphasis he is making on the critical nature of being called     by GOD.
    If you would, look at 2 Peter 1:10, in this very same CH [11:06]
        2 Peter 1:10 | Therefore, brothers, be all the more eager         to make your calling & election sure. For if you practice         these things you will never stumble,
        Be all the more diligent, to make certain         about HIS calling & choosing you; for as         long as you practice these things, you will         never stumble.
    Yet again here is the doctrine of GOD’s irresistible sovereign     effectual call that is inseparably connected with being chosen     by GOD [10:38]
        That tell us very clearly that you can know         that you’ve been called by GOD. [10:25]
    And you need to know that you have been called by GOD, &     how may we know that we have been called by GOD? [10:14]
    # 1: You have believed upon HIS SON the LORD JESUS CHRIST
    That whosoever shall call upon the Name of the LORD shall be     saved. Have you called upon the Name of the LORD to save you?
    From the wrath that is to come?
    However not everyone who says to ME:
        LORD, LORD, shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven,         but s/he who does the will of MY FATHER, who is         in Heaven. [9:52]
    He indicates there, that yes, many will go through the motions of     praying a prayer, saying LORD LORD, but have never been     born again...
    And the ultimate acid test is that you do the will of YOUR FATHER     who is in Heaven. That you are now walking in a new path, headed     towards in a new direction; you have new affections for GOD & for     CHRIST; & you have new desires to live a godly holy life [9:21]
    That’s really the argument that Peter is making in 2 Peter 1:10
    It’s the latter half of this verse, that indicates how we can make     certain HIS calling & choosing us. [9:00]
    And he says, “as you practice these things.”
    If the root is sovereign election, the fruit will be a changed life.
    And you can know that the root is genuine as you observe the     fruit, of a changed life. There is no way that you could be living     the way that you are living with the desires to know GOD & to     love GOD. And to pursue holiness, except it is GOD who has     dramatically intervened in your life. [8:21]
    And the mere fact that you now love the truth & love the LORD     JESUS CHRIST, & you practice the things that HE requires     of you. [8:10]
    Then that becomes a validation, of the genuineness     of the call of GOD is come upon your life. [8:02]
    If you claim to be called by GOD, but you are living an ungodly     life you have serious reason to call into question the validity of     your supposed conversion. [7:48]
    But as you continue to practice what the LORD requires of you,     from the heart, that becomes a means by which you make certain     HIS calling & electing you. [7:33]
    I want us now to look at 2 Peter 3:9, a verse that has tripped up     many:
        It says the LORD is not slow about HIS promise as some         count slowness, but is patient towards you.
        Not wishing for any to perish. [7:12]
        But for all to come to repentance.
    Some would say, “Well see, HE wants every person in the world     to be saved, & some could argue that there is a general desire of     GOD that all would come to the knowledge of the truth.
    HE does not call all. [6:53]
    However, please note he says that GOD is patient towards you,     the you clearly refers to “true believers,” [6:45]
        Who are chosen by GOD, sanctified by the SPIRIT,         sprinkled by the blood of CHRIST, & who have been         born again [6:37]
    Which you can go back to 2 Peter 1:1-3 for that.
    Not wishing for any to perish; & I think the word any is modified     & qualified by the “you” such that the meaning of this is:
        HE is patient towards you, not wishing for         any of you (chosen/true believers) to perish         but for all of the elect to come to repentance.         [6:04]
    GOD is patient in waiting to send HIS SON, once all the elect     are converted, & brought into the body of CHRIST. [5:50]
    So give the rest of SCRIPTURE, that is my understanding of     this particular passage. [5:44]
    And SCIRPTURE interprets SCRIPTURE.
    We needed the rest of the verse to help us on this [5:37]
        So GOD is patient towards you (believer),         you elect one, not wishing for any of you         (elect ones) to perish, but for all you         (elect ones) to come to repentance.
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#3 Preserving Grace
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    And finally we need a verse on preserving grace. [5:18]
    And that would be 2 Peter 1:10-11 [4:50]
        ¹⁰ Therefore, brothers, be all the more         eager to make your calling & election         sure. For if you practice these things         you will never stumble,
        ¹¹ & you will receive a lavish reception         into the eternal kingdom of our LORD         & Savior JESUS CHRIST.
    Now it’s obvious that these are already converted, he calls     them at the beginning “brethren” [4:45], so in v.11 when he     talks about entrance into the eternal Kingdom, he’s referring     to those who have already b̲e̲e̲n̲ ̲a̲c̲c̲e̲p̲t̲e̲d̲ the Kingdom [4:38]
    The eternal Kingdom is the eternal phase of the Kingdom,     we already are in the Kingdom, because they are brethren.
    The eternal Kingdom (or phase of the Kingdom) he refers     to as Heaven, it refers to the Kingdom not in this world, but     the Kingdom in eternity yet to come [4:17]
    In Heaven, & so all those who are called & chosen in v.10     will find entrance into the eternal Kingdom in v.11 [4:04]
        So much so that the entrance into this         Kingdom is abundantly supplied to you,         meaning there is much grace & much         access for you who are called &         chosen [3:46]
    So that becomes to me the very clear understanding of what     Peter is saying, & if you’ve entered into the Kingdom in this     world, you are certain to enter into the eternal Kingdom in     the world to come [3:30]
    Again he is stressing here, the eternal security of the believer     he is stressing that all true believers will one day find     themselves before the throne of GOD in Heaven. [3:16]
        With that blood washed throng of worshippers         around the throne of grace, proclaiming the         worthiness of the LORD JESUS CHRIST in         ongoing adoration & praise throughout all of         the ages to come. [2:55]
    This really is a great text, that teaches the perseverance of the     saints, & the preservation of the saints. [2:45]
    Not only in this world, but taking us & ushering us into the very     Presence of GOD & the world to come [2:35]
        Saving Grace is Sovereign Grace         & Sovereign Grace is securing grace         that keeps us saved, not only in this life         but throughout all of the ages to come
    And that security helps us to go through every difficulty we face,     we’re glad you joined us for today. A message from Dr. Lawson’s     series: Foundations of Grace in the NT. [2:19-2:00]
    We’ve aired several lessons from this series this week on     renewing your mind, & as we’ve learned SCRIPTURE makes it     clear that GOD is the author of salvation.
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        HE has accomplished it through the death of CHRIST         on the cross; & HE applies it through the work of the         HOLY SPIRIT.
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    But that tends to go against our sense of pride doesn’t it, we like     to think that we played at least some part in our salvation.
    That’s why Dr. Lawson’s series is so important though, we must     learn to think biblically about these doctrines [1:29]
    We invite you to request this complete series, there are 24     messages on 3 DVD’s, & we’ll be glad to send them to you     for your gift of any amount to Ligonier Ministries.
    There are a couple of ways you can reach us,     renewingyourmind.org, or you can simply call us with your     gifts at 1-800-435-4343.
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    2 Peter 2:1-22 | ¹ Now there were also false prophets among     the people, just as there will be false teachers among you.
    They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even     denying the Master who bought them—bringing swift     destruction on themselves.
    ² Many will follow in their depravity, & because of them the     way of truth will be defamed.
    ³ In their greed, these false teachers will exploit you with     deceptive words. The longstanding verdict against them     remains in force, & their destruction does not sleep.
    ⁴ For if GOD did not spare the angels when they sinned, but     cast them deep into hell, placing them in chains of darkness     to be held for judgment;
    ⁵ if HE did not spare the ancient world when HE brought the     flood on its ungodly people, but preserved Noah, a preacher     of righteousness, among the eight;
    ⁶ if HE condemned the cities of Sodom & Gomorrah to destruction,     reducing them to ashes as an example of     what is coming on the ungodly;
    ⁷ & if HE rescued Lot, a righteous man distressed by the     depraved conduct of the lawless ⁸ [for that righteous man,     living among them day after day, was tormented in his righteous     soul by the lawless deeds he saw & heard]—
        ⁹ if all this is so, then the LORD knows how to rescue the         godly from trials & to hold the unrighteous for punishment         on the day of judgment.
    ¹⁰ Such punishment is specially reserved for those who indulge     the corrupt desires of the flesh & despise authority. Bold &     self-willed, these men are unafraid to slander angelic majesties.
    ¹¹ Yet not even angels, though greater in strength & power, dare     to bring such slanderous charges against them before the LORD.
    ¹² These men are like irrational animals, creatures of instinct,     born to be captured & destroyed. They blaspheme in matters     they do not understand, & like such creatures, they too will be     destroyed.
    ¹³ The harm they will suffer is the wages of their wickedness.
    They consider it a pleasure to carouse in broad daylight.     They are blots & blemishes, reveling in their deception     as they feast with you.
    ¹⁴ Their eyes are full of adultery; their desire for sin is never     satisfied; they seduce the unstable. They are accursed children     with hearts trained in greed.
    ¹⁵ They have left the straight way & wandered off to follow the     way of Balaam son of Beor, who loved the wages of wickedness.
        ¹⁶ But he was rebuked for his transgression by a donkey,         otherwise without speech, that spoke with a man’s voice &         restrained the prophet’s madness.
        ¹⁷ These men are springs without water &         mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness         is reserved for them.
    ¹⁸ With lofty but empty words, they appeal to the sensual     passions of the flesh & entice those who are just escaping     from others who live in error.
    ¹⁹ They promise them freedom, while they themselves are     slaves to depravity. For a man is a slave to whatever     has mastered him.
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    ²⁰ If indeed they have escaped the corruption of the world     through the knowledge of our LORD & Savior JESUS CHRIST,     only to be entangled & overcome by it again,     their final condition is worse than it was at first.
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    ²¹ It would have been better for them not to have known the     way of righteousness than to have known it & then to turn     away from the holy commandment passed on to them.
    ²² Of them the proverbs are true:
        “A dog returns to its vomit,” &,         “A sow that is washed         goes back to her         wallowing in the mud.”
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    2 Peter 1:1-21 | ¹ Simon Peter, a servant & apostle of     JESUS CHRIST, To those who through the righteousness     of our GOD & Savior JESUS CHRIST have received a faith     as precious as ours:
        ² Grace & peace be multiplied to you through the         knowledge of GOD & of JESUS our LORD.
        ³ HIS divine power has given us everything we need         for life & godliness through the knowledge of HIM         who called us by HIS own glory & excellence.
    ⁴ Through these HE has given us HIS precious & magnificent     promises, so that through them you may become partakers     of the divine nature, now that you have escaped the corruption     in the world caused by evil desires.
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        ⁵ For this very reason, make every effort         to add to your faith virtue; & to virtue,         knowledge; ⁶ & to knowledge, self-control;         & to self-control, perseverance; & to         perseverance, godliness; ⁷ & to godliness,         brotherly kindness; & to brotherly         kindness, love.
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    ⁸ For if you possess these qualities & continue to grow in     them, they will keep you from being ineffective &     unproductive in your knowledge of our LORD JESUS CHRIST.
    ⁹ But whoever lacks these traits is nearsighted to the point     of blindness, having forgotten that he has been cleansed     from his past sins.
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        ¹⁰ Therefore, brothers, be all the more         eager to make your calling & election         sure. For if you practice these things         you will never stumble,
        ¹¹ & you will receive a lavish reception         into the eternal kingdom of our LORD         & Savior JESUS CHRIST.
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    ¹² Therefore, I will always remind you of these things, even     though you know them & are established in the truth you     now have.
        ¹³ I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as         I live in the tent of my body, ¹⁴ since I know that it will         soon be laid aside, as our LORD JESUS CHRIST has         made clear to me.
    ¹⁵ And I will make every effort to ensure that after my departure,     you will be able to recall these things at all times.
    ¹⁶ For we did not follow cleverly devised fables when     we made known to you the power & coming of our LORD     JESUS CHRIST, but we were eyewitnesses of HIS majesty.
    ¹⁷ For HE received honor & glory from GOD the FATHER     when the voice came to HIM from the Majestic Glory, saying,
        “This is MY beloved SON, in whom I am well pleased.”
    ¹⁸ And we ourselves heard this voice from heaven when we     were with HIM on the holy mountain. ¹⁹ We also have the     word of the prophets as confirmed beyond doubt.
    And you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a lamp     shining in a dark place, until the day dawns & the     morning star rises in your hearts.
    ²⁰ Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of     SCRIPTURE comes from one’s own interpretation.
    ²¹ For no prophecy was ever brought forth by the will of man,     but men spoke from GOD as they were carried along by     the HOLY SPIRIT.
renewingyourmind.org/2020/11/20/gospel-grace-in-2-peter twitter.com/RYMRadio/status/1329922526001115138
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