#btvs 3x05 homecoming
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revello-drive-1630 · 5 months ago
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That'll be better
Episodic art for BtVS 3x05 "Homecoming". Part of my project to illustrate every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer that I started back in 2009.
This art is intended for personal use only as a desktop wallpaper. I do not gain any profit from it. All characters belong to their respective owners.
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elizadushkudaily · 1 year ago
Faith Masterlist!
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October 1998 - May 2003 | Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. Eliza Dushku plays Faith Lehane - full 26 episode masterlist below! All episodes are from Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BTVS) unless they are from Angel (noted with ATS).
This was Eliza's first TV show role. Faith Lehane is a charismatic working-class Slayer from Boston, who befriended Buffy.
You can also find this by season in the Faith Lehane posters.
Masterlist: 3x03 Faith Hope and Trick 3x04 Beauty and the Beasts 3x05 Homecoming 3x07 Revelations 3x10 Amends 3x13 The Zeppo 3x14 Bad Girls 3x15 Consequences 3x16 Doppelgangland 3x17 Enemies 3x19 Choices 3x21 Graduation Day Part 1 3x22 Graduation Day Part 2 4x15 This Year’s Girl 4x16 Who Are You? 1x18 Five by Five [ATS] 1x19 Sanctuary [ATS] 2x01 Judgment [ATS] 4x13 Salvage [ATS] 4x14 Release [ATS] 4x15 Orpheus [ATS] 7x18 Dirty Girls 7x19 Empty Places 7x20 Touched 7x21 End of Days 7x22 Chosen multi [multiple episodes]
Some multi tagged gifs are also tagged with each individual episode.
In case you haven't seen these shows: On Buffy the Vampire Slayer (BTVS) a young woman (Buffy) deals with her life fighting evil, with the help of her friends. On the spin-off Angel (ATS) a cursed vampire (Angel) aids people while questing for his own redemption. (credit to IMDB)
All gif credit to @starryeyesxx! - crawl (BTVS S4) thanks to starryeyesxx - behind bars (ATS S1) thanks to starryeyesxx - (left) blue uniform (ATS S4) thanks to starryeyesxx - (right) good slayer now? (BTVS S7) thanks to starryeyesxx
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hideundereyeliner · 2 years ago
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BTVS - 3x05 Homecoming Icons
Feel free to use these.
Do not claim as your own.
Icon credit goes to me.
PSDs credit to Evey-V.
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juanabaloo · 3 years ago
Exhibit C - Your honor they love each other! 3.05 (fuffy)
This is a pro-fuffy BTVS rewatch. (Happy Pride Month!) Exhibit C is S03E05, aka 3x05, aka 3.05 Homecoming. Long post.
1. Apparently Scott has not invited Buffy to the Homecoming dance despite their dating. WTF? He apparently didn’t feel comfortable expressing his interest in going, and claims he thought she would think it was corny. This is very strange. Anyway, they establish they will go and kiss. It’s borderline PG kissing y’all. *snort*
2. Buffy explains to Angel that things are different now. “And I'm involved with someone.” Wait, does this mean she realizes her budding non-straight feelings for Faith? *eh-eh buzzer* I’m sorry but no. Instead she proclaims her something for Scott: “His name is Scott. He's a nice, solid guy. He makes me happy...” A nice solid guy? OK, still a better comment on your SUPPOSED love interest than calling them a doofus (Riley in future S04), but a “nice, solid guy”? This is how you describe a good mechanic or plumber or weed guy, not your boo.
3. The show directly cuts to Scott breaking up with her. This made me cackle with glee. He says it’s because she is distracted all the time. Buffy was not expecting this, but admits that it’s true. Honestly I wish Scott had held on for one more episode. Imagine an AU where the vibe is more comedy. I swear we could have gotten a scene like this:
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(inspo here) Imagine Buffy (Ilana) is talking to Scott (ooooh or Angel!) but then Faith (Abbi) needs to talk to her. (Yeah I know Abbi and Ilana are a platonic friendship but still.)
4a. Buffy is missing headshots for the yearbook, but Cordelia says she’ll go tell her. What is she doing instead of having her photo taken? She is training with Faith in the library. No that’s not a euphemism. This is the ONLY scene in this episode where they talk to each other. (This episode and specifically this scene is the creation of Fuffy for me. It’s seared into my brain, and yet - y’all it is literally less than a minute!) OK, so let's break it down... Buffy has an edge post-Scott-breakup, which Faith appreciates.
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Faith-thee-slayer translates this excellently: “you’re hot when you’re angry. i’m angry all the time and seeing it in you validates my belief that we are the same person. i don’t want to hear about your boyfriends. you being single means more time with me.”
4b. Done with training, Buffy puts on a hoodie and Faith encourages her to move on. Buffy is now single and Faith decides to ask Buffy to go to the dance together. She’s shooting her shot y’all!! (haydenpanettieres has the build up to this moment.)
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Spoiler alert: they are literally flirting! (summrsbuffy has photos of this) OK, here's the dialogue with my translation in italicized brackets. Faith starts:
You move on, and you party heavily, and you’ll be fine. I mean, you’re still going to that dance right?
Maybe (Buffy drinks her juice)
You got the tickets already. Why don’t we go together?
(Buffy puts the bottle down) I don't know about that. (she smiles)
[Buffyspeak translation: Whoa, that seems a little gay and I’m not gay. But uhm… say more.]
Come on. We’ll find a coupla studs, we’ll use ‘em and discard ‘em. (points at Buffy) That’s always fun. (drinks her own bottle of juice)
[Faithspeak translation: Uhm…. Nope not gay at all. What if we find some boy toys. That would make it less gay right? (points) You know you’ll have fun with me. (let me mirror you drinking your juice, see I’m just like you, nothing to worry about!)]
OK, I’m in. Not the stud-using part, though. (she raises her eyebrows) Or, probably not. (she smiles)
[Buffyspeak translation: OK, you made it less gay enough. We’ll just flirt with boys. How's my flirting BTW?]
Scene summary: When Buffy seems initially unsure about going to Homecoming with Faith, Faith re-centers men into the scenario. ("it's totally hetero dude") This gives Buffy the space to agree. And Buffy flirts back at Faith.
4c. OK, one other comment on this scene. There’s something going on with the framing right? The way Cordelia is watching them for a second before entering the library, but then she gets distracted and never goes in. She watches through the round window. Herinsectreflections lays it out for us. (technically aryaspork sets it up and herinsectreflections spikes it for the win here.) Gah!!
5. Buffy has one more interaction with Scott about her running for homecoming queen. She says that it’s just something to pass the time. Hmmmm, feels like this could be her commentary on dating him.
6. Bonus song thoughts: Background song during this Scott scene is also not-coincidental. (Fire Escape by Fastball): “I may not be the man you want me to be” = Scott can’t be her normal boring human boyfriend / can't be a good beard. “I can be myself” = Scott will be honest with himself. “How bout you?” = can Buffy be herself? Will Buffy realize her feelings for Faith? OK that last one could be a stretch.
7. Buffy walks to the limo, thinking that Faith is already inside, and no one else. Buffy is smiling so hard. Could this be a moment where she is happy to be going to the dance and perhaps going to be named Queen? Sure. But perhaps she is looking forward to seeing Faith. This is reinforced when she sees Cordelia instead and is disappointed. “What’s going on? Where’s Faith?” She doesn’t say “why are you here?” (emphasis on not liking Cordelia, since they are fighting). She says “Where’s Faith?” (where’s my da… I mean my gaaaaal pal)
8. Faith is shown at the dance with Willow and Oz, but they are total downers. She notices Scott with a girl and calls him a sleazebag. She’s wearing a formal dress and looks so different in formal wear than her regular wear. How we choose to present ourselves (body language, clothing, makeup) is important. Faith chooses her outfits and makeup and it’s a bit of battle armor for her. Part of her carefully put-together charming confident girl face. (I think her 3.03 Bronze pants are actually OOC, but we can talk more later about outfits.) She’s without some of her battle armor and perhaps that increases her insecurity?
9. Now Faith finds Scott and pretends to be a girl he dated, with some made up story about STD symptoms. I get the impulse to trash Scott in front of his new girl, but this is EXTREME. (Buffy didn’t ask her to do this, we don’t even see Buffy venting to Faith about getting dumped.) OK, bizarre-ness aside, check how Faith makes sure Scott’s date doesn’t miss what’s happening. The little shoulder tap - smile - “hi.”
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This is brilliant - in its own twisted way. I can’t help but think this is motivated by Faith’s frustration that Buffy still hasn’t shown up. (elizadusku-archive has a good gifset) But the real question is, does Faith recognize her feelings for Buffy? Does she understand she like-likes Buffy? I would buy any of these arguments: that (A ) Faith doesn’t process her emotions well in general and is overly impulsive and takes it out on Scott. OR that (B ) Faith is still figuring out that she likes Buffy (and/or girls in general) and that frustration leads to this scene. People do strange things when the queer-ness leaks out of their overly stuffed brain. OR that (C ) Faith knows that she like-likes Buffy, is jealous of Scott for what he had, and angry at him for hurting Buffy, and so deliberately lashes out at him. My money is on C.
10. Faith has no more lines. Buffy and Cordelia return to Homecoming. But even formal-wear-Faith with no lines is a point in favor of Fuffy. She stayed! (blink and you’ll miss it tho) The entire dance, and she stayed. She invited Buffy to go to the dance with her, got a dress, did her hair up, hung out with Buffy’s joyless friends, had her scene with Scott, and she kept staying even after that! We don't see Faith scoping out any studs or anyone at all. She wanted to see her date / friend and maybe cheer on her win. Sadly we don't see Buffy talk to her once she arrives. (I like to think they caught up off-screen but that is inadmissible to the court since our exhibits are limited to the video on record.)
Imagine we had gotten to see the two of them at the Homecoming dance hanging out! *sigh* Also I just have to say, who drinks orange juice after they work out?? They are clearly meant for each other, haha.
Summary: They love each other rating: 2 out of 5. Some will see this as “just going to the dance with my gal pal.” I think Buffy’s actions (in reaction to the invite) and Faith’s actions (to Scott) show there is something more than just pure hetero-ness. It’s in the early stages your honor, but they love each other! Faith is definitely interested in Buffy as more than friends. After Scott dumps Buffy, Faith made her move. (Go Faith! Shooting your shot!) And Buffy accepted Faith’s invite to go to the dance together.
Look at Buffy as she accepts Faith's invite!
Exhibit C has been submitted, the prosecution rests for the day.
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giles-in-every-episode · 4 years ago
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S3E05 : Homecoming // gifs by me 🌸
"We have to find Buffy, something terrible's happened! Just kidding, thought I'd give you a scare."
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piper-haliwel · 6 years ago
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btvs | homecoming I just thought, Homecoming Queen. I could pick up a yearbook someday and say, "I was there, I went to high school, I had friends and, for one moment, I got to live in the world." And there'd be proof; proof that I was chosen for something other than this.
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spookyspemilyreid · 3 years ago
Buffy The Vampire Slayer S3E05 "Homecoming" (November 23rd, 1998)
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BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER | S3E5: Homecoming (requested)
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elizadushkudaily · 1 year ago
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Tuesday October 13, 1998. Eliza Dushku plays Faith in episode 3x03 Faith, Hope and Trick. (IMDB rating: 8 / 10)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 3, Episode 3: Faith, Hope and Trick. "A charismatic Slayer visits Sunnydale and wins over many of Buffy's friends."
This was the first appearance of the character Faith and Eliza's first TV show role. Faith is in a total of 13 episodes (average IMDB rating: 8 / 10) of BTVS S3, including the two part season finale. In May 1999 she concluded her S3 appearances.
Previously on BTVS: "A young woman, destined to slay vampires, demons and other infernal creatures, deals with her life fighting evil, with the help of her friends."
(credit to IMDB)
related gifs and posts: 3x03 Faith Hope and Trick 3x04 Beauty and the Beasts 3x05 Homecoming 3x07 Revelations 3x10 Amends 3x13 The Zeppo 3x14 Bad Girls 3x15 Consequences 3x16 Doppelgangland 3x17 Enemies 3x19 Choices 3x21 Graduation Day Part 1 3x22 Graduation Day Part 2
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dailybuffysummers · 8 years ago
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1x11 | 3x05
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chasingfictions · 3 years ago
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[n.] any abnormal phenomenon or product or unusual object; anomaly; aberration. // a person or animal on exhibition as an example of a strange deviation from nature; monster. // a sudden and apparently causeless change or turn of events, the mind, etc. // an apparently capricious notion, occurrence,
[adj.] unusual; odd; irregular
[v.]to become or make frightened, nervous, or wildly excited
btvs + "freak"
{1x01 "The Harvest" // 1x09 "The Puppet Show" // 2x09-2x10 "What's My Line" // 3x02 "Dead Man's Party" // 3x05 "Homecoming" // 3x11 "Gingerbread" // 3x19 "The Prom" // 4x02 "Living Conditions" // 4x14 "Goodbye Iowa" // 4x18 "Where the Wild Things Are // 4x19 "New Moon Rising" // 4x21 "Primeval" // 4x22 "Restless" // 5x01 "Buffy vs. Dracula" // 5x03 "The Replacement" // 5x05 "No Place Like Home" // 5x07 "Fool for Love" // 5x16 "The Body" // 5x17 "Forever" // 6x04 "Flooded" - cut shooting script line // 6x05 "Life Serial" // 6x10 "Wrecked" // 6x16 "Hell's Bells" // dictionary.com}
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spookyspemilyreid · 4 years ago
Buffy The Vampire Slayer S3E05 "Homecoming" (November 23rd, 1998)
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sunnydaleherald · 4 years ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday, December 15 – Wednesday, December 16
BUFFY: Dawn, if there are any plates in your room, let's have them before they get furry and we have to name them. DAWN: Hey, I was like five then. Dawn exits. GILES: How's she doing? (Buffy gives him a look) And you? BUFFY: I'm okay. Well, some minutes are harder than others. GILES: I'm so sorry. All I can say is i-it will get better. BUFFY: It has to.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Blindsided (Buffy, Angel, PG) by badly_knitted
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Abduction (Spike/Xander, E) by EInkahootz
Have Yourself A Merry Little Krampus (crossover with Sapphire and Steel, Xander, T) by spikesgirl58
Homecoming (Spike/Buffy, E) by thatssosnickerdoodle
My Father is Worse than Yours (Angel & Connor, G) by Foxy_Fanfics
Not frozen (Tara/Willow, Scoobies, T) by Aragorn_II_Elessar
Silvered Steps (crossover with John the Balladeer, Oz, G) by Gryphonrhi
The Twelve Days Before Christmas (Spike/Buffy, M) by MyAnnabell_Lee
The watcher's regret (Xander, Giles, Willow, T) by Stand_with_Ward_and_Queen
You don't get slayed, you get chopped (crossover with Friday the 13th Series, Warren, M) by Aragorn_II_Elessar
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Twisted Tristan’s Tormented Christmas (Buffy, Angel, Scoobies, OC, 15 years +) by buffyversefanfiction
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Of Malls and Mistletoe (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by bookishy
Have a Very Spuffy Christmas! - ficlet number 14, 15, and 16 (Spike/Buffy, PG-13) by Puppet
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Sacrifice of Heroes, Chapter 1-2 (Giles/Buffy, E) by AlbionMcMillan
From Heroes to Whores, Chapter 1 (Angel/Doyle, E) by LaVitaInRosa
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These Violent Delights, Chapter 37 (Spike/Buffy, Adult Only) by Touchstoneaf
Flickers, Chapter 29 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Dusty
Mythical Creatures, Chapter 4 (Spike/Buffy, PG-13) by Passion4Spike
The Blue Eye of the Storm, Chapter 8 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by MaggieLaFey
Mirror Reflection, Chapter 3 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Electric Heart
Anniversary, Chapter 34 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by Nik84
What Goes Around, Chapter 15 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by celtic_goddess
Time After Time – Dawn's Light, Chapter 9 (Spike/Buffy, NC-17) by MissLuci
Merry Christmas (I Don't Want To Fight Tonight), Chapter 1-5 (Spike/Buffy, PG-13) by EvelynneHancock. COMPLETE!
Living Arrangements, Chapter 19-23 (Spike/Buffy, PG-13) by ChryshCn. COMPLETE!
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The Wizarding World and Some Scoobies, Chapter 5 (multiple crossovers, FR18) by Greywizard
With Sprinkles, Chapter 17 (anime crossover, Xander, FR15) by dogbertcarroll
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After Angels Fall, Part Four (Drusilla, Buffy/Lindsey, Willow, Fred, Oz, PG) by Altoz
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Loyalty, Chapter 1 (Spike/Buffy, Spike/OC, E) by Zab Jade
What Makes a Monster, Chapter 12 (Spike/Buffy, 18+) by SleepingTigress
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Dark Willow tattoo (worksafe) designed by Bees_Art
[Reviews & Recaps]
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My Season 7 Binge by IndianaSolo221 and others
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PODCAST: Angel On Top 3x05 Fredless
PODCAST: Still Pretty 139. Dead Things (S6.13)
PODCAST: Buffy and the Art of Story: Enemies
PODCAST: Myth Taken Episode 44: Homecoming
PUBLICATION: Rewatching Angel – Episode 96 (Destiny) by peckapalooza
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More Links Than A Bag Of Sausages by petzipellepingo
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Reacting to Reactions - BtVS S3 (cont'd) by Stoney
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Can anyone recommend some good Buffyverse Christmas/Holiday fanfictions? requested by AntonBrakhage
[Fandom Discussions]
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Spuffy Headcanons hosted by IndianaSolo221
A Spuffy baby instead of a Dangel Baby by AstridDante and others
Faith and Spike outing Willow by Moggin and others
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What would the Buffy fandom be called? hosted by closingwinter
Your favorite Scooby member (s) or Scooby Group moments hosted by jdpm1991
I feel icky with how Fred's love life was handled by LadyFerretQueen and others
Andrew grew on me by sjhachman
Poor tactics in "Chosen" final battle. by AntonBrakhage
A Spuffy baby instead of a Dangel baby, how would that have worked hosted by AstridDante
Parallels Between Giles & Spike (Buffy + Spike sex) || S1:E1, S6:E13 by EBeewtf and others
Who would be the best ring-bearer? hosted by NebCam101
What locations would you have wanted to see more of in the Buffyverse hosted by The810kid
What's with all the Xander hate in this subreddit? by RexItaliae476 and others
Buffy fic/alternate continuity idea. by AntonBrakhage
[AtS] Season 1-2 Cordelia was the perfect blend of Sunnydale Cordy and New Cordy by jdpm1991 and others
What were some questions you had/ things you didn’t understand during your watch of the series? hosted by buffythevampirlayer
What is everyone's opinion on Ms. Calendar? Yay or Nay? by jdpm1991
Why do the creators love Riley but majority of Buffy fans hate him? hosted by jdpm1991
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sunnydaleherald · 3 years ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Sunday, July 24
ANYA: Do you think we should set up lots of candles for Buffy's party tomorrow? XANDER: Not if they're that horrible slug kind you keep trying to unload. ANYA: I don't know why people get so turned off by slug.
~~Older and Far Away~~
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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The Night Rose, but the Sun Didn't (Buffy/Faith, T) by waterintheshadows
Wrecked Again (Jenny/Giles, M) by ynyseira
Home, Again (Angel, G) by ywhiterain
Three Down (Cordelia/Doyle, G) by ywhiterain
All and All (Angel, G) by ywhiterain
Cave (Angel/Spike, G) by ywhiterain
Prove It (Angel, Connor, G) by ywhiterain
Myths and Nightmares (Crossover with Grimm, T) by optmstc
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The Gift (Buffy/Spike, K+) by DeAmonQuEen
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Lost (Non-crossover, FR13) by IBJoyful
Not leprechauns (Multiple crossings, FR13) by Manchester
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Vengeance, Chapter 5 (COMPLETE) (Anya/Giles, M) by DWEmma
Sweet But Psycho, Chapter 5 (Buffy/Faith, E) by FandomQueen89098
Equivalent Exchange, Chapter 6 (COMPLETE) (Buffy/Angel, G) by ywhiterain
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Keeping Up With the Scoobies, Chapter 14 (Buffy/Spike, T) by Takara Phoenix
Next Time Won't You Sing with Me, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, T) by Willow-98
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Why Are There 26 Letters?, Chapter 17 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Indi_Shaw
Well, what do we have here?, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Blackmysteria
The Silence is So Loud, Chapter 7 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by HappyWhenItRains
Exquisite Clarity, Part 2, Chapter 6 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by multiple authors
Anything We Want, Chapter 40 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by scratchmeout
Le chemin, Chapter 79 (Buffy/Spike, AO, French language) by Violette-Milke
Nex Time Won't You Sing With Me, Chapter 4 (Buffy/Spike, ) by Willow91
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Date Night, Chapter 3 (Crossover with Harry Potter, FR15) by MsSunshine
Welding a Family, Chapter 20 (Crossover with Marvel, FR13) by Buffyworldbuilder
Off The Top Of My Head, Chapter 118 (Multiple crossings, FR21) by cmduhura
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The Ring Talks, Chapter 27 (Spike/Buffy, 13+) by myrabeth
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Lego Photography:Scooby meeting at the Lego Sunnydale School Library. by MaximusAmpero
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Mood Board:Faith Lehane by fallensapphires
Gifset: 3x01 Anne by arachnidfellow
Gifset:3x05 Homecoming by arachnidfellow
Gifset:Tara Maclay - Hush by whatisyourchildhoodtrauma
Gifset:7.04 Help by buffysource
Gifset:6.09 Smashed by slayerbuffy
Gifset:The Worm King's Lullaby by arachnidfellow
Gifset:Spuffy by Season - Season 7 by spuffygifs
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Video: Buffy it’s Cold outside @ Dirty Girls Weekend - Buffering the Vampire Slayer by AndTheMinuet
Video: Angel Cast 1999 Then and Now 2022 | How They Changed by Star Time
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Angel Talk || s2e11 "Redefinition" by alley box.
Buffy The Vampire Slayer 7x04: "Help" - Reacción y Review [ENGLISH SUBTITULES] by Miramos
Buffy 2x17 - Passion - REACTION! by Big Time Knights
Buffy The Vampire Slayer 4x01- "Freshman" Reaction by DodoReactions
Watching Buffy | S02 E14 | Innocence by darcie's watching buffy
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PODCAST: 6.16 - "Hell's Bells" by If the Apocalypse Comes, Beep Me
[Community Announcements]
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The Bronze: Buffy night at Knucklehead Hollywood, CA - August 15th by catholicked_
[Fandom Discussions]
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Hyena potion vs love spell consequences by julietsays999
Drusilla should have been the Big Bad of Season 7. by coraniaid
On Buffy and Angel's relationship by we-pay-for-everything
Quiz: Did you survive the events of BtVS? by buffyandwillow
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Somebody made a Buffy the Vampire Slayer mod in Doom by TheMaster666
What religion was Xander? by multiple authors
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Angel Season 5 Rewatch - #8 Destiny (SPOILERS) by LWP
AtS 5 Villainy - Pavayne v Cyborgs by multiple authors
Willow's song in OMWF (What if...) by multiple authors
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Poll: In your own opinion (irrespective of the writers have said), do the season 8-12 comics count as canon? by Excellent-Durian-509
Poll: Which option was the worst parent or parents? by rednax2009
Spike in Angel 5x11 Damage by Scopeburger and multiple authors
Poll: Yes or no - Do you consider 'The Pack' a bad episode from the first season? by InfiniteMedhiLove
Spike's accent. by multiple authors
I only have eyes for you bothered me so much! by multiple authors
How do humans become vampires? by multiple authors
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sunnydaleherald · 7 years ago
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Tuesday-Wednesday, May 29-30, 2018
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Spreading the Light (Buffy/Spike, R) by sandy_s
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Nineteen Candles (Kate Lockley, G) by Matrya
all it’d take is one flight (we’d be in the same time zone) (Buffy/Faith, G) by yeehaught
Shadow Day (Lilah Morgan, Wesley Wyndam-Pryce, crossover with Lucifer (TV), G) by ljs
By Side (Winifred "Fred" Burkle/Tara Maclay/Willow Rosenberg, G) by myth_taken
Teeth (Riley, Explicit) by Buggycas
She's My What?! (Buffy, Dawn, Joyce, crossover with X-Men (Comicverse), G) by Anlace
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Solace Not Revenge (Anya/Spike, M) by lilydaydreams
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Of You I Love Day and Night (CHAPTER 4) (Buffy/William Prat, Buffy/Spike, M) by AvocadoMillennial
Save the Last Dance For Me (CHAPTER 21) (Ensemble, E) by Passion4Spike
Revelations (CHAPTER 19) (Willow, Xander, Giles, crossover with Stargate SG-1 and MacGyver (TV 1985), M) by Anlace - COMPLETE!
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Exodus Revoked (CHAPTER 2) (Faith, Willow, M) by Forgotten Conscience
Connection (CHAPTER 1) (Tara/Willow, K) by MJbookworm07
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Forward Without Seeing (CHAPTER 1 and 2) (Anya/Riley, Not rated) by forwardwithoutseeing
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ElysianFields: Most Recent Stories (Buffy/Spike) by Various
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Icons: Spuffy icons (Buffy/Spike, SFW) by teragramm
Artwork: Art: Angelus/Dru & Fanged Four (SFW) by xspike4evax
Artwork: Four Banners (Buffy/Spike, NSFW) by teragramm
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Icons: spuffy icons (Buffy/Spike, SFW) by teragramm
Artwork: Four Banners (Buffy/Spike, NSFW) by teragramm
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Fanmix: A Spike/Buffy Mix - Hope In The Darkness by bitendenciesrebeccabunch
Artwork: Buffy - The End (Buffy, Ensemble, SFW) by sanshodelaine
Artwork: [Baby Can I Hold you] (Buffy/Faith, SFW) by marasatilu
Artwork: Hellmouth Chronicles #0094 - Two birds with one stone (Buffy, Joyce, SFW) by hellmouth-chronicles
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Buffy rewatch : Lie to me (2.07) by elsalapizza
Buffy rewatch: Halloween (2.06) by elsalapizza
Episode 42: BtVS 3x05: Homecoming by returntothehellmouth
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PODCAST: FBTP 12: The Shookness by Firebadtreepretty
PODCAST: Angel: 513-514 by tinyfences
PODCAST: S04E14 - The Taad That Got Away - Goodbye Iowa by Popculturerolecall
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More Links Than A Bag Of Sausages by petzipellepingo
[Community Announcements]
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The Sunnydale Herald is looking for new editors! by rahirah
[Fandom Discussions]
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5 Cute Spuffy moments (Season 11) by teragramm
Rapunzel vs. Anna: Princess Rap Battle (Eliza Dushku, James Maslow, Tom Lenk) by xspike4evax
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5 Cute Spuffy moments (Season 11) by teragramm
Television Round Up [Scroll down for Angel Season 5 thoughts] by shadowkat
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The Sunnydale Herald is looking for new editors! by sunnydaleherald
[James Marsters has always been one of my favorite actors, so you can only imagine my excitement when I found out I’d be working with him at Comicpalooza 2018!] (Photo) by thatpunkalbs18
[Re: Giles for the ask meme?] by scienceofficer-winifredburkle
[Re: Lilah for the meme] by scienceofficer-winifredburkle
[Re: which do you prefer, btvs or ats? and who do you like better, buffy or angel?] by mrsgordo84
[Re: Can you give AtS characterisation examples compared to BtVS ones?] by sulietsexual
[Re: Joss said once he finds Buffy and Angel boring when they're together.] by mrsgordo84
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BuffyBoards: What's New by Various
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spookyspemilyreid · 3 years ago
Buffy The Vampire Slayer S3E05 "Homecoming" (November 23rd, 1998)
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BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER ↳ “Homecoming” | 3.05
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spookyspemilyreid · 4 years ago
Buffy The Vampire Slayer S3E05 "Homecoming" (November 3rd, 1998)
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer | 3x05 - “Homecoming”
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