#bts love triangle fic
bangtanficsforyou · 2 years
Girl of his Dreams- Prologue
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Pairing: Fuckboi! Jungkook x Reader
Au: Strangers to Lovers au
Genre: Angst, fluff, smut (eventually)
Rating: 18+
Word count: 3K (approx)
Summary: You think Jungkook is the utter definition of beauty. Jungkook thinks you’re cute but just not his type. Throw a magic ring into the equation, that makes you look like the girl of his dreams and you have the perfect recipe for heartbreak and tears.
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Walking into your art class you notice that your designated seat has already been taken by a boy. That's weird.
What's even weirder is that you have never seen the said boy before in your class. You say that with complete surety because there are only a handful in your class and this boy does not seem familiar at all.
Walking up to him you tap on his shoulders. "Excuse me, this is my seat."
The said boy turns to look at you and you frown when you realise you don't even have a clear view of his face as the majority of it remains covered by his hoodie.
Instead of responding to you, he moves a little to give you some space to sit on the stool.
There's a protest on your lips because how the fuck can two people sit comfortably on one small stool. But you decide on not voicing it because you know there are no other empty seats and asking him to just evacuate would basically mean him standing there awkwardly in the middle of the room, which honestly is harsh.
You awkwardly clear your throat and occupy whatever remaining space the stool has to offer.
"So are you new here?" The query leaves your lips a few moments later when you realise that you can't just ignore his presence considering how the right side of your body is almost entirely in contact with his left.
His fingers momentarily stop swiping at the phone screen and he looks up the slightest to give you attention.
He shakes his head and locks his phone. "Nah, I'm not here as a student."
If he's not a student then, what is he doing here?
He must have noticed the look of confusion on your face and he opens his mouth seemingly to clarify what exactly he is here for but the arrival of your art teacher stops him from doing so.
"Good morning, class," Miss Richardson greets the class as she settles all her materials on the table. "I hope you all had a good weekend."
The class comes up with mixed responses with a few people groaning and a few voicing their responses positively.
"Well that sure is a confusing response," she says with an amused look. "Well for those who had a not-so-good-weekend, I hope knowing that you will sketch a model today would be exciting enough to make your Monday."
A low murmur spreads through the classroom. That's a good response, you'd say. You definitely find yourself pleasantly surprised and excited at the thought of getting to capture the beauty of a model. The list of things she asked to bring for today's class, makes so much more sense now.
"Now, for today's model; his name is Jeon Jungkook and he's a fashion designing student."
All of a sudden you feel the warmth next to you gone, and the figure walks towards the podium. It takes a few seconds too long for you to realise what was happening.
Oh. He is the model.
"I hope all of you have your equipment ready and remember that you have to complete the sketch by the next two classes." She finishes. Once done, she turns to face Jungkook and gives him a small smile as if to tell him that from here on, he can do his thing.
And so he does.
It begins with him removing his hoodie which finally enables you to get a proper look at his face and fuck.
He's beautiful.
You did not think anyone could ever be this gorgeous and it honestly has you speechless. It's like one of those scenes from the movies where one of the main protagonist's eyes land on someone and they can't help but keep staring at them because they are the most beautiful creature on earth.
You believed that those sorts of things happened only in movies because that kind of breathtaking beauty existed only in movies. As it turns out, you were wrong.
Before you can gather your thoughts, he removes his t-shirt.
If you were in awe with how beautiful his facial features are, now you find yourself gasping for air after having a glimpse of his body.
Fuck, he looks sculpted, like a Greek god of some sort.
You feel butterflies flying merrily in your stomach as if they too want to voice out their agreement.
Unfortunately, the sound of low murmuring snaps you out of your daze. Looking around, you realise that almost everyone has their eyes on him and is in awe of his beauty.
It's when your eyes land on a guy who has already started sketching, do you realise that you too are here to sketch and that you too will only get three classes to finish this.
With a sense of urgency, you pull out your pencils and with a deep breath start sketching the beautiful man that seems to be straight out of your fantasies.
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As your classmates slowly but steadily empty the classroom, you find yourself lingering.
You can't help but run your eyes across the canvas with a scrutinising gaze, wondering if you like how it is turning out to be and if your pencil is doing justice to the man's beauty.
Jungkook strolls towards your stool to take his bag but his eyes land on the sketch.
"That looks weird."
You yelp in shock and turn to look at the person who thought it was a good idea to scare you.
However, you find your breath hitching when you realise that it's Jungkook. Even worse, he remains shirtless.
Gulping down the saliva in your mouth, you try to steady your breath and register the words that fell from his lips. "What do you mean it's weird? Is it not coming out nice?"
He steps closer and bends down a little to have a better look at your sketch.
His movements cause a wave of nervousness to wash over you. In an attempt to hide your flustered state, you pretend that your whole attention is on your canvas and that you are not bothered by the man next to you.
"It is nice, I'd say you captured the details well," his low timbre reaches your ears and his exhale hits the expanse of your back. Fuck, you had no idea he was standing this close. "I just never had anyone draw me before. So looking at a sketch of me does feel weird."
"Oh, t-that makes sense." You curse yourself for stuttering. Could you look any more stupid?
The stutter catches Jungkook's attention and his eyes move from the canvas to the side of your face. A smirk appears on his lips when he notices your fast breathing rate.
He usually doesn't bat an eye because girls getting flustered around him, is not unusual. He knows the effect he has on the female population. However, with how flustered and how desperately you try to seem unaffected, Jungkook can't help but find it cute.
Cute enough to drop a flirtatious comment.
"But I guess it's okay if such a cute girl like you is doing it."
The effect those words have on you are instantaneous. You flush and your whole body warms up from head to toe. Squirming in your seat, you clear your throat and pray that your cheeks aren't embarrassingly red.
Jungkook's smirk widens. He wonders how you'd react if he were to call you the l-word. "I'll get going then, love."
You choke on air. That reaction was worth it, he thinks.
Stepping a few steps back, he puts his shirt back on and swings his bag on his shoulders. "See you, next class."
You hold your breath until the sound of his shoes against the floor completely fades away and only when he's gone, do you let yourself relax and feel the rush of emotions and adrenaline.
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As embarrassing as it is, the first thing you do after going home is to search for his name on Facebook. There's just no way you're not searching up, the unbelievably good-looking guy, who also happened to flirt with you, on the net.
Thankfully, his Facebook profile is unlocked.
Clicking on his name you are greeted by his handsome face which stares back at you from the circle of his profile picture. You might have looked at it for a little too long, observing every single detail and wondering how a human could be this handsome.
Nevertheless, after snapping yourself out of your daze, you scroll down and your eyes fall upon the top post.
Models required.
For the upcoming inter-college fashion show, I need someone to model my designs. If you're interested, please meet me and my team on Friday in room no. 302.
One male and one female model would be chosen for the occasion.
You blinked at the screen and soon a wide smile spread on your lips. Isn't this just perfect? The perfect opportunity for you to get to know him better.
You have never modelled, you idiot.
A voice reminds you not so gently.
Although you feel doubts enter your head, you don't let your hopes get killed. Clicking on the comments section, you look for something that can provide you with clarification as to what exactly he is looking for.
One particular comment catches your eye as it is the only comment he has replied to.
Your eyes do a quick scan of the words and you find that it's a girl asking whether it's okay to try out even if she has no prior modelling experience. Jungkook's response to which is 'ofc it is'.
You internally scream thinking how perfect this is for you.
You take out your notepad and take down the details and also set a reminder on your phone, just in case.
However, with how long you stay on the net scrolling down his profile, you and probably even your FBI agent knows that there's no way you will forget about this on Friday.
Very unsurprisingly, you don't forget about it on Friday. In fact, you find yourself heading towards the room way earlier than the scheduled time.
It's on an entirely different side of the campus. It will take time to get there. That's what you tell yourself every time a voice tries to remind you that you're being far too eager about this.
When the building approaches, you feel a shiver of nervousness run down your spine. Is this going to be awkward? Is he going to recognise you?
The moment that thought comes to your mind, you chase it away. Of course, he's gonna remember you. It hasn't even been a week since the art class. There's no way he could have forgotten you this soon. Right?
With that little talk with yourself, you take a deep breath and step inside the building.
Having practised some modelling over the course of these few days from YouTube, you repeat the instructions you came across. Head held high, shoulders and back straight, and sway your hips and arms naturally. You can do this! (The last part was not in the video)
You find yourself being so narrowly focused on your way to the room that you miss the tall body that's heading in your direction. Although, the other party also remains blissfully unaware of the fact that they are heading towards you. Guess it's only fair that you two collide with each other.
"Owwwwww," you groan
"I'm so sor–Wait you're the art girl!" His pupils dilate ever so slightly in recognition.
Your eyes widen when you realise, it's him out of all people. Once the surprise wears off, you nod and a part of you feels glad to know that he indeed does remember you.
"So wassup?" He asks, genuinely curious.
Now see, you possibly could have replied to that question with anything. But with how caught off guard and unprepared you feel, you don't find your brain having the capability to come up with something cool. Hence, nothing but the truth comes spilling out; truth with the slightest bit of lie, mixed with it. "A friend of mine mentioned that you were participating in the inter-college fashion competition–"
You searched him up on the net. That's the first thought that comes to Jungkook's mind. How can he be so sure about it? Because he made the post only yesterday and sure he's popular, but not so much on Facebook because he's hardly ever active there. The chances of your said friend getting to know about it are next to zero.
"It's more like, I was asked to represent our college," that's the second thing that comes to him and he cuts you off with it. Call it him being cocky (which he knows he is), but there's a huge difference between putting your name in a competition and the college board preferring him to represent them. He can't have people making mistakes, can he?
Your mouth forms an oh and your eyes sparkle in wonder because how good is he exactly at fashion designing?
"That's great," you say. "I hope you win it."
"Oh don't worry," he says with his gaze locked with yours. "Pretty girls inspire me."
Now, he had meant for it to come out as a fact. Because that's what it is. But with the way his eyes remain locked with yours, it makes you assume otherwise. Makes you think that the statement is directed at you.
You clear your throat and look away from him. Gosh, your knees are gonna give away.
"That's good to know," you say in a meek voice. "I was actually heading towards room 302. You know, just want to give it a try."
Jungkook's brow furrows as he observes you closely.
So you searched him up on the net. Cute. But he isn't interested in you and he can tell that unfortunately, you took his meaningless flirting as him showing interest in you.
Thankfully, you seem like someone who knows how to get the hint. You don't seem like you will trail behind him like a lost puppy even if he were to make it clear that he isn't interested in you. Good for him.
He comes up with a quick plan which he thinks will send the message loud and clear. He has just gotta be honest.
"Don't waste your time with that darling," he says as he takes out his phone from the pockets of those tight skinny jeans of his. Before you can ask for clarification, he is speaking again. "You see this girl?"
You take a look at his phone screen which is now facing you and is currently displaying a Facebook profile page. Tina Rei. After some pondering as to why this name rings a bell, it clicks. She's the same girl whose comment you stumbled upon a few days back.
Not sure what he is trying to say, you nod.
"She's the one who's going to be my model," he says before locking the screen. "She's just so hot. One of the prettiest girls on campus. Can't think of anyone else better."
Your stomach sinks at his words. Oh. He already has a model.
"Then why have this whole audition thing?" You ask, trying not to interact with your thoughts at the moment.
"Don't want to seem like I'm being unfair you know?" He shrugs. "But thought I'd save you some time. Going inside that room won't be of any use. I already know who I want to work with."
You simply nod at his words. You don't know what to say. You feel so stupid for letting your teeny tiny crush get out of hand and although you never admitted it out loud, his flirty actions had you hoping.
"Lost your voice, art girl?" He asks with a teasing tone. You refuse to answer him verbally, yet again and simply shake your head, making him sigh. "I'll get going then."
He moves forward a few steps but stops.
Walking back to where you are standing, he bends down a little to look into your eyes. "Also, a small piece of advice, you should probably stick to art. Modelling is not for you."
And then he's gone.
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That day instead of going back to your dorms, you choose to go back home for the weekend.
Feeling angry with yourself, you find that you are not in the mood of interacting with anyone and desperately crave the comfort of home. Where you don't feel judged.
Thankfully, when you're greeted by warm hugs from your parents and gentle (very very aggressive) licks and kisses from your dog, you don't find it in you to regret making this decision.
A small smile manages to make its way onto your lips and you find your spirits being lifted ever the slightest.
Your dad watches you from the corner as you playfully give Jack belly rubs. He notices the way your eyes don't have their usual bright look and the way you seem as if something's been eating you away. He can't help but wonder what it is that seems to be bothering you.
Once you've gone to freshen up, he makes his way inside the kitchen.
"Do you think she's okay?" He asks in a tone that does not hide his worry at all.
Your mum takes a spoonful of the soup she's preparing and tastes it, soon letting out a satisfactory hmm.
"She's a big girl now, don't worry she'll be fine." Her words do not address his question as there's no point in denying that there's something that seems to be troubling you.
He sighs. "I know but I still can't help but get worried."
Patting his back, your mom lets out a huff in amusement. Two big kids she has got. "Don't worry, she's probably itching to talk to me about it. Maybe while we clean the dishes, okay?"
Your dad feels some of the tension leave his body at your mom's warm touch and nods with a sigh.
Dinner goes smoothly with you laughing loudly at your dad's exaggerated storytelling about the time he went fishing with his friends and at your mom's annoyed grunts and comments about how your dad has turned into a teenager. You laugh so much that you forget about everything. Temporarily.
Once you're alone in the kitchen helping your mom with the dishes, you feel the silence prompting your brain to be loud with its thoughts.
"Am I not attractive?" You blurt out of nowhere. But then it probably isn't out of nowhere.
You were so busy admiring and daydreaming about Jungkook's beauty that you did not stop to ponder the possibility that he might not find you attractive.
While the thought of your crush not finding you attractive is hurtful, the thought of your crush finding you unattractive is quite gut-wrenching. And something about the last comment he made before leaving, has you feeling all sorts of things.
Most importantly, it has you questioning if you really are unattractive. But at the moment, you're too scared to address that question, all by yourself.
Your mother's movements stop all at once. "What kind of a question is that? No never mind, I'll answer that– one of the most stupid questions I have ever heard."
A small smile appears on your lips at her dramatics. "It's a serious question, though."
She shakes her head as if to indicate that she won't tolerate any of your nonsense. Putting down the cleaning cloth, she walks over to you. "What is making you say all this?"
She keeps her tone gentle.
You sigh trying to hide the tears that try to leak out. "It's stupid."
"Nothing is more stupid than you thinking that you're not attractive." She quips and pats the top of your hair in hopes of giving you comfort. "Is it a boy problem?" She asks for clarification.
Feeling relief but also hating, how spot-on she is, you let it all spill out. You tell her how Jungkook just took your breath away. How he seemed to be the perfect guy. The guy you always dreamt about. How he looked like a literal prince. How he only stomped away after giving you hopes that you might have a small chance of being his princess. Not to mention, how that one comment made you feel insecure to ever be in front of him again.
Your mom's eyes soften. "Oh sweetie, come here." She wraps you in a warm hug and lets you cry silently for a while. "There's something that might help you."
You unwillingly retreat from her warmth to look at her. "What is it?"
"Just wait here," she says before swiftly getting up and heading towards her bedroom. You sit there and stare in confusion until she arrives. When she does, you find yourself thoroughly perplexed to find that she went to get a ring.
"A ring?"
She smiles. "Hmm but not just any ordinary ring. The one who puts this on you will start seeing you as their dream partner."
You blink at her blankly for far too long. "Huh? Mom, are you doing drugs?"
She throws her head back and laughs. "Thankfully, no, not yet."
"Then are you trying to check if I'm doing drugs?"
A chuckle escapes her lips and she shakes her head. "I get that you don't believe me but take this and try it out. Put that ring on the guy you like and let it do its magic."
Saying so, she takes a hold of your clenched fist and pries it open. Placing the ring on your finger, she looks at you and you can't help but feel even more disbelief when you see nothing but honesty in her eyes. "Take care of this ring, it's precious."
And then she's getting up, asking you if you'd like to sleep in her room as if she didn't just say the most absurd thing moments ago.
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keehomania · 1 month
three words (세 마디) – kim taehyung (김 태형)
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✧.* WC: 17.1K
✧.* SYN: white lines and white lies, loose ends and fake friends. money used to be the answer to all of your problems, but some problems just can’t be solved with money. some problems just can’t be solved at all.
✧.* 18+
the problems in your world were unlike those that others faced, but that wasn't entirely your fault. your life had always been a carefully curated mess, the kind that looked almost intentional. too many bottles of wine with names you could never quite pronounce, too many hits of something green that seemed to belong more in your hand than in anyone else’s, where it would have looked trashy, almost vulgar. white lines on glass tables and white lies whispered between teeth stained with the residue of indulgence. loose ends frayed in the chaos of your existence, each one tied to another false friend, another empty promise.
you had lived your life this way for as long as you could remember, drifting through the haze of late nights that bled into mornings, pretending that the simplicity you yearned for was just around the next corner, or at the bottom of the next glass. But somewhere along the line, the neat lines of your carefully managed chaos had tangled into something more sinister.
when had it all gotten so complicated? you couldn’t pinpoint the moment when the scales tipped, when the balance between indulgence and destruction tilted beyond repair. what was once a game of excess and appearances had become a reality that you no longer recognized, a world where the choices you made were no longer yours, where the control you once held slipped through your fingers like sand.
you found yourself lost in thought, tracing the thread of chaos back to its origins, trying to pinpoint the moment when everything had lost its rhythm. it was like trying to grasp smoke, the memories slipping through your fingers, elusive yet haunting. you had lived in the center of that storm for so long that it was hard to recall when the clouds had first gathered, but one memory stood out, crystallized in the haze of everything that followed.
it was an evening like so many others, the sky a muted shade of gray, as if even the heavens had grown weary. taehyung had been strolling alongside jungkook, his stride easy and unhurried, a joint dangling carelessly between his fingers. there was a sense of freedom in the way he moved, as if he belonged to the world in a way that you never quite could.
jungkook had been quieter than usual, a frown tugging at the corners of his mouth. he had scoffed, almost playfully, as taehyung brought the joint to his lips. “you’ve been smoking way too much, dude,” he had said, a hint of concern buried beneath the teasing. but taehyung had only shot him a look, one of those lazy, knowing smirks that always seemed to hide more than they revealed. without a word, he offered the joint to jungkook, his eyes gleaming with a challenge that only they could understand.
of course, he took it. it was a ritual, a shared understanding between them, one that you had never fully grasped. as he inhaled deeply, letting the smoke curl in his lungs, taehyung had watched him closely, a slight tilt to his head as if he were assessing something. “you look like you could use it,” he had remarked, the words almost too casual, laced with an undercurrent of genuine curiosity. there was a pause, a moment where the world seemed to still, before he asked, “what’s on your mind?”
jungkook had sighed, the sound heavy with something unspoken, as he took another hit. he held the smoke in a second longer, as if drawing strength from it, before exhaling slowly and handing the joint back to taehyung. he could almost see the thoughts swirling behind his eyes, the way he wrestled with himself, trying to find the right words. when he finally spoke, his voice was low, almost resigned. “i made a mistake.”
taehyung had scoffed, the sound light and disbelieving. “the golden boy would never,” he had said, the nickname slipping from his tongue with a hint of sarcasm, as if the very idea was preposterous. but jungkook had only shaken his head, his steps faltering slightly as they continued down the street. “it’s really bad this time,” he had admitted, the words carrying a weight that was impossible to ignore.
that was when taehyung stopped, his usual nonchalance replaced by something far more serious. the easygoing smirk faded, replaced by a frown as he studied jungkook’s face, searching for something in his expression that would explain the sudden shift. without hesitation, taehyung had thrown the rest of the joint away, grinding it under his shoe with deliberate force, as if the act could somehow erase the gravity of the moment.
“jungkook,” he had said, his voice steady but laced with an uncharacteristic urgency, “what did you do?”
he had never seen fear in jungkook’s eyes before, not like that. it was raw, unguarded, a glimpse into a part of him that he rarely showed. the memory of that look had stayed with him, long after the moment had passed, seeping into his thoughts whenever you tried to piece together the fragments of his own life. it was there, in that fleeting second, that he realized how far you had all fallen, how deep the chaos had truly run. and yet, even then, none of you had fully understood it. not until it was too late.
the memory of your nineteenth birthday was etched into your mind, a night that had been meticulously planned, every detail tailored to perfection. you had orchestrated the entire event with the enthusiasm of someone who believed they could control the world, if only for one evening. with your best friend by your side and your mother’s credit card in hand, you had ensured that this night would be one to remember.
tzuyu had been eager, her energy contagious as she helped you plan every aspect of the celebration. you had noticed that she had been a bit off lately, her usual spark dimmed by something you couldn’t quite identify, but tonight, she seemed like her old self again. it was a relief to see her that way, smiling and carefree, and you were more than happy to indulge in the illusion that everything was fine.
the club had been your choice, a pulsating heartbeat of music and lights, where the world outside ceased to exist. the two of you had danced until the rhythm became a part of you, your movements in sync with the beat, as if the night itself was a celebration of your existence. the crowd, the noise, the flashing lights—all of it was a backdrop to the bond you shared, the laughter and the whispers that passed between you like secrets. when you finally left, it was with tzuyu by your side, the two of you slipping into the back of the sleek, black limo waiting outside. the city lights blurred into streaks of color as the car pulled away, and you reached for the champagne that had been chilling in the ice bucket. with a grin, you handed it to her, letting her take the honors.
ahe had popped the bottle with a delighted yelp, the sound of it echoing in the enclosed space. your laughter mingled with hers as she poured the bubbly liquid into two glasses, the bubbles rising like a cascade of stars. yhe glasses clinked softly as you raised them, her eyes sparkling with something akin to joy. “we should leave the boys some, too,” you had said, the words casual as you took a sip, the champagne crisp and cold against your tongue.
tzuyu’s head had snapped up at that, her expression shifting, her eyes searching yours. “the boys?” she echoed, the question hanging in the air between you. there was a pause, a slight hesitation before she continued, “taehyung and jungkook?”
you had nodded, the motion so natural, so obvious to you that you didn’t understand why she even questioned it. “yeah,” you replied, as if it were the most logical thing in the world. “would that be a problem?”
her laugh had been nervous, a sound that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “of course not,” she had answered quickly, almost too quickly, before turning her attention back to the champagne, refilling her glass with a focus that seemed a little too intense. the silence that followed was almost thick, hanging heavy in the air despite the supposed festivities. it was supposed to be a celebratory night, but the atmosphere had shifted, a subtle tension settling between you that hadn’t been there before.
it wasn’t long before the boys arrived, the limo door opening to reveal them stepping inside, their presence altering the dynamic instantly. taehyung slid in first, his eyes taking in the scene with a practiced ease, followed by jungkook, whose demeanor was noticeably subdued. you had immediately reached for him, wrapping your arms around his neck in a gesture that was as much habit as affection. your lips brushed against his cheek in a light kiss, a quiet greeting escaping your lips. “hey, baby.” he had returned the kiss, a brief peck on your cheek, but there was something off about it, a distance in the way he held himself, the way he didn’t say anything. you felt it, that something was missing, the usual warmth, the unspoken connection between you. his silence spoke volumes, filling the space with an unease you couldn’t ignore.
and then your eyes had met taehyung’s, a fleeting moment of eye contact that seemed to last longer than it should have. there was something in his gaze, something that made your heart skip a beat, an unsettling feeling that settled deep in your stomach. it was in that moment, in the way his eyes held yours, that you felt it—the weight of something unspoken, something just beyond your grasp, lingering in the air like a shadow. the atmosphere of the night had shifted, the joy and excitement tempered by a sense of unease that you couldn’t shake. whatever it was, you knew it had changed everything.
that night, as the champagne and the clamor of the club swirled together in a haze, you had found yourself slipping beyond the edge of reason. the celebratory atmosphere, once vibrant and intoxicating, had transformed into a foggy blur. the alcohol, your unwitting companion, had blurred the lines of your comprehension, rendering everything around you distant and distorted.
taehyung had been the first to notice your inebriated state, his concern barely masked beneath a veneer of casual detachment. the moment he saw you struggling to maintain your balance, his demeanor had shifted, becoming more focused and intent. jungkook and tzuyu, sensing the urgency of the situation, had both nodded in agreement when taehyung had offered to take you home. their willingness to step aside, allowing him to handle the responsibility, was tinged with a mixture of relief and reluctance.
as he guided you out of the limo and into the cool night air, you stumbled beside him, the world around you swaying unpredictably. his hand was steady on your back, offering a semblance of support as you leaned into him, your thoughts spilling out in slurred, incoherent fragments. “they’ve been acting so weird lately,” you had said, your voice thick with the weight of your inebriation. your feet fumbled with each step, nearly tripping over nothing, causing taehyung to steady himself as he guided you forward.
“who?” he had asked, his voice a mixture of concern and curiosity as he tried to keep you upright. “jungkook and tzuyu,” you had managed to articulate, the names coming out in a jumble. you had nearly taken him down with you, but he had managed to regain his footing, his grip on you firm and reassuring.
taehyung had sighed, a hint of bemusement in his tone as he responded, “yeah, they must be on their periods.” his attempt to lighten the situation with a touch of humor did little to quell the storm brewing inside you. you had leaned into his touch, seeking comfort as you stumbled along, his breath catching in his throat at the weight of the situation.
as you reached your building, taehyung had retrieved the keys from your purse, his movements steady despite the chaos around you. he had quietly opened the door and guided you inside, the familiar surroundings offering little solace in your disoriented state. his touch was gentle yet firm, leading you toward your room. when you collapsed onto your bed with a sigh, your hair tousled and makeup smeared, taehyung had settled beside you, his presence a steady anchor in the whirlwind of your emotions. the silence between you had been heavy, filled with unspoken words and unacknowledged truths.
“i’m sorry for not telling you sooner,” he had said, his voice breaking the silence with an unexpected vulnerability. his apology hung in the air, charged with an unspoken weight that you struggled to process. you had turned to him, your gaze unfocused yet searching, and asked quietly, “what do you mean?”
he had hesitated, the tension evident in the way he struggled to find the right words. “jungkook, he cheated on you with tzuyu,” he had finally admitted, his voice carrying the gravity of the confession. “it was for his nineteenth birthday, not too long ago. they both got drunk and let it happen.”
the words hit you like a physical blow, the shock of the revelation enough to make your stomach churn. you could hardly process the enormity of what you were hearing. your face remained a blank canvas, a mask of disbelief that hid the turmoil raging within. the shock and betrayal combined with the alcohol had caused you to heave, but you fought to keep your composure, even as a stray tear slipped down your cheek. taehyung had watched you with a look of genuine concern, his own face reflecting the weight of the confession. “are you okay?” he had asked softly, his eyes searching yours for a sign of how you were holding up.
you had nodded, your face still an inscrutable mask of calm. “of course i am,” you had said, your voice carrying a hollow edge. you had wiped the stray tear from your cheek, a gesture of self-reliance born from the realization that, ultimately, no one else would tend to your pain if not you. “i’m my mother’s daughter,” you had continued, the words dripping with a resigned bitterness. “what did i expect?”
the morning after the revelation had dawned on you with an oppressive weight, the remnants of sleep eluding you entirely. you had barely managed a few restless hours in the tangled sheets of your bed, your mind too frantic to find solace. the truth that taehyung had so courageously unveiled the night before replayed relentlessly in your thoughts. despite your own turmoil, you had promised him one thing: you wouldn’t tell a single soul it was he who had delivered the devastating news. he was the only one who had broken the silence, not your childhood boyfriend, not your childhood friend—just taehyung. that sense of betrayal, sharp and unrelenting, needed an outlet, and jungkook was the target.
you dialed his number with a resolve that left no room for hesitation. the message you left was terse and urgent, an unmistakable demand for his presence. the call was made with the singular intent of making him face what he had done. the hangover that should have plagued you was eclipsed by a burning rage that consumed every corner of your being, leaving no room for the dull ache of alcohol.
when jungkook finally arrived, his demeanor was casual, an oblivious ease that contrasted sharply with your seething anger. he knocked softly on the door before stepping in, and there you were, seated in the living room with an air of normalcy that belied the storm raging inside you. your robe was tightly wrapped around you, a newspaper spread over your lap, and a mimosa in your hand. the scene seemed almost serene, save for the smirk playing on your lips, a jarring anomaly in an otherwise composed setting.
jungkook’s gaze swept over you with a hint of confusion, his eyes scanning the room as he stepped inside. “what happened? is everything okay?” he asked, his voice laced with concern that felt out of place given the circumstances. you put the newspaper aside with deliberate calm, taking a leisurely sip of your mimosa. your tone was laced with a blandness that only partially masked the fury beneath. “why wouldn’t it be?” you responded, your voice a veil over the storm raging inside.
his confusion deepened as he took in your demeanor. “you made it sound like an emergency,” he said, his brow furrowing as he tried to reconcile your apparent calm with the urgency of your call. you rose from the couch, every movement purposeful as you approached him. “it is,” you said, your voice cutting through the air like a blade. the room seemed to contract around you, the tension thick and suffocating.
as you neared him, you gave him one last scrutinizing look, taking in the sight of his relaxed, oblivious smile. “i had a question for you,” you said, your voice steady, almost eerily calm. jungkook’s smile remained, a complacent grin that belied his confusion. “sure, babe, what is it?” he asked, the affectionate term coming out as a painful irony.
you looked at him, that smile of his igniting the flames of your anger further. and then, with a sudden, sharp movement, you struck him. the force of your hand colliding with his cheek was enough to silence him, to shock him into the reality of the situation. the impact left a stinging imprint, a physical manifestation of the emotional upheaval you were feeling.
“did you fuck her good?” you demanded, your voice low and cutting.
the words seemed to hang in the air, each syllable weighted with the pain and betrayal you felt. jungkook’s face shifted from shock to realization, his eyes widening as the gravity of your question sank in. his once relaxed demeanor shattered, his hands became frantic as he tried to piece together the situation. “please, listen to me,” he stammered, his voice breaking. “it was a mistake. it was a mistake!”
you mimicked his earlier sweet smile with an icy twist, the gesture as false as it was cruel. “i wouldn’t hear you out even if you kneeled,” you said, each word deliberate and final. “get out, before i call security.”
the command was clear, leaving no room for negotiation or apology. jungkook’s pleas continued, but they fell on deaf ears as you turned away, the finality of your words hanging in the air like a guillotine. the door clicked shut behind him, a sound that resonated with the finality of an ending. in the silence that followed, you were left alone with the remnants of your anger and betrayal. the echoes of his desperate voice faded, leaving you with nothing but the harsh reality of the situation and the unyielding truth that you would face alone.
the weight of your actions had not yet fully settled, but your resolve was unshakable. you moved with a determined grace, the anger fueling your every step. you discarded your robe with an almost clinical precision, the soft fabric slipping from your shoulders as you reached for something more fitting for your mission. the casual dress you chose clung to you with a casual elegance, but it was the leather jacket that completed your ensemble, draped over your shoulders like a mantle of defiance. you needed to make a statement, and every detail of your appearance was a deliberate choice, a symbol of your readiness to confront the chaos head-on.
the drive to tzuyu’s penthouse was swift, your mind focused solely on the confrontation that awaited. when you arrived, you were greeted by her mother, a vision of warmth and hospitality. her bright smile was so unlike the storm brewing within you. “oh, it’s so nice to see you!” she exclaimed, her cheerfulness almost disorienting. “tzuyu didn’t mention you were joining us for breakfast.”
you returned her smile with practiced ease, masking the turbulence beneath. “it’s wonderful to see you, too,” you said, the words coming out with a politeness that barely concealed your intentions. “i actually didn’t come for breakfast, though,” you continued, your tone slipping into a more measured calm. “i don’t have much of an appetite.”
with that, you bypassed her, moving swiftly toward the door that led to tzuyu’s room. you didn’t wait for an invitation or further pleasantries; you entered with purpose, your stride unwavering. tzuyu, sprawled on her bed in a state of groggy confusion, looked up with an expression of surprise that bordered on innocent. “what’s with the surprise visit?” she asked, her eyes wide with an almost childlike curiosity. “did you sober up?”
you smiled, a tight, controlled expression that belied the seething anger just beneath. “i’ve definitely sobered up,” you said, letting the words hang in the air with an edge of finality. “how about you?” she sighed, rubbing her eyes as if to clear the fog of the morning. “i’m still feeling a bit groggy,” she admitted, her voice trailing off into a yawn. her obliviousness was almost unbearable, a contrast to the storm you were about to unleash.
the moment was charged with a palpable tension. you could feel your hand twitching, a physical manifestation of the anger you could no longer contain. before you could second-guess yourself, you allowed your hand to collide with her cheek with a sharp, decisive smack. the sound of the impact reverberated in the room, leaving a stinging silence in its wake. tzuyu’s eyes widened in shock, her face frozen in an expression of disbelief.
“maybe that’ll wake you up,” you said, the words cold and devoid of sympathy. her mouth opened as if to respond, but the ringing of her phone cut her off. both of you turned toward the sound, and the sight of jungkook’s name flashing on the screen seemed to crystallize the realization of what had transpired.
a derisive scoff escaped your lips as you watched her face drain of color, the realization dawning on her with a visceral impact. “i always knew you were a slut,” you said, each word deliberate and cutting. “never took you for a liar, too.”
her composure shattered, tears streaming down her face as she struggled to find words that would never come. the sight of her distress was almost satisfying, but you were beyond caring. you had come to deliver a message, and now that it was sent, you turned on your heel with a resolute finality. you left the room without a backward glance, the confrontation leaving behind a cold, echoing silence. your steps were purposeful as you made your way out, each footfall a reminder that you had not come for breakfast or for pleasantries. the meal you had served was one that was best served cold.
the limo door closed behind you with a soft thud, sealing you in the quiet, dimly lit interior. the rush of adrenaline from the encounter with tzuyu still lingered, but as you settled into the plush leather seat, a different kind of tension began to gnaw at you. your eyes drifted to your hand resting in your lap, the subtle tremor in your fingers drawing your attention. no matter how hard you squeezed your hand into a fist, the twitching refused to cease, a stubborn reminder of the morning’s confrontation.
“will we be going back home, miss?” the driver’s voice broke through your thoughts, his tone polite but indifferent, as though he hadn’t just ferried you from one battlefield to another. you forced yourself to regroup, pushing aside the flicker of doubt that threatened to creep in. “no,” you replied, your voice steadier than you felt. “there’s one more stop.”
the drive to taehyung’s hotel was brief, the city’s landscape a blur as you wrestled with the unrelenting twitch in your hand. the calm you had worked so hard to maintain was fraying at the edges, and by the time you arrived at the penthouse, the tremor had become a constant, unsettling presence. the door was unlocked when you arrived, a testament to the casual chaos that always seemed to surround taehyung. the minute it swung open, you were greeted by the overpowering musk of weed and cologne, the two scents mingling in a way that was almost nauseating. you stepped inside, barely managing to stifle the scoff that threatened to escape as you took in the familiar scene before you.
two girls emerged from the lit interior, their hair a mess of tangled curls, and their makeup smeared from what must have been a long night. they wore nothing but oversized shirts that you could only assume belonged to taehyung, the hemline barely grazing their thighs. the sneers they shot you were unmistakable, a territorial display that you found almost laughable.
and then, taehyung appeared. his hair was wet, droplets of water clinging to the strands as he emerged from what must have been a shower, a towel wrapped loosely around his waist. you rolled your eyes, too accustomed to his antics to be fazed by the sight. he caught your eye, a smirk playing on his lips as he used a towel to rub his hair dry. “please excuse their lack of manners,” he drawled, the arrogance in his voice palpable. “gangnam girls, what can i say?”
you rolled your eyes again, the gesture becoming almost second nature in his presence. “you’re disgusting,” you retorted, your voice laced with disdain. he laughed, the sound rich and careless, as though your insult had only amused him. “why did you stop by?” he asked, tilting his head in that infuriatingly casual way of his. “did you come by to partake in round two?”
the suggestion was enough to make you scrunch your face up in disgust. “not even in your wildest dreams.” his smirk only widened, and he turned to pour himself a drink, the clink of glass against glass echoing through the penthouse. your eyes followed the movement, landing on the amber liquid as it swirled in the glass. “a little early for a drink, isn’t it?” you asked, unable to keep the note of disapproval from creeping into your voice.
he downed the glass in one go, the smirk never leaving his lips as he shook his head. “never too early for some fun,” he replied, his voice casual. he paused, setting the glass down with a deliberate clink before adding, “i heard you had some fun of your own this morning.” his words took you by surprise, your carefully constructed plan to break the news to him first crumbling in an instant. “how do you know about that?” you demanded, the words slipping out before you could stop them.
taehyung merely shrugged, the movement languid as he refilled his glass. “i could only assume,” he said, his tone nonchalant, “given the missed calls from the ex-boyfriend and ex-best friend.” you stared at him, the surprise flickering across your face. “did you answer any of them?”
he chuckled, the sound low and amused. “i was a bit busy, as you saw.” another eye roll. “you’re awful,” you muttered, turning on your heel, ready to leave the chaos of his penthouse behind. but just as your hand reached for the door, his voice stopped you in your tracks.
“i’m opening my club tonight,” he said, the words hanging in the air between you. “aren’t you gonna come and show your support?” you turned back to face him, a scoff escaping your lips. “you’re really investing in a burlesque club?”
he shot you a look, one that was almost serious if it weren’t for the glint of mischief in his eyes. “i thought you knew art better than anyone else.” a sigh slipped past your lips, a mix of exasperation and reluctant acceptance. “fine,” you said, the word heavy with resignation. “i’ll be there.”
as you turned to leave, something caught your eye—a subtle change in taehyung’s expression. the smirk that usually adorned his lips had softened, replaced by something you hadn’t expected. a smile. not a smirk, not a taunt, but a genuine, warm smile. it was fleeting, barely there, but it left a lingering warmth in the room even after you had gone.
you returned home with a heavy weight on your shoulders, the events of the day replaying in your mind like a broken record. the penthouse, the limo, the tremor in your hand—all of it seemed to swirl together in a murky haze of emotions you could barely contain. the opulent surroundings of your home provided little comfort, the luxurious furnishings and sprawling space feeling more like a cage than a sanctuary.
you tried to distract yourself, lounging on the chaise in the living room, your fingers idly tracing the intricate patterns on the silk cushions. the house was quiet, too quiet, the kind of silence that allowed your thoughts to echo louder than they should. but you refused to let your mind wander too far, knowing that if you did, the reality of everything would come crashing down.
and then, the quiet was interrupted by the soft click of heels against marble, a sound you recognized all too well. your mother entered the room, her expression unreadable as she approached you. she had a newspaper clutched in her hands, the edges crinkled from the way she held it, as if she had been gripping it tightly for some time. you looked up, meeting her gaze with a flicker of curiosity. “is everything okay?” you asked, your voice steady, though the knot in your stomach told you otherwise.
“i don’t know,” she replied, her tone careful, measured. she paused, then spread the newspaper open in front of you, laying it on the coffee table with a deliberate slowness that only added to the tension. “you tell me.”
your eyes fell on the display, the bold headline, the accompanying photo. it took a moment for the image to register, for the reality of what you were seeing to sink in. but when it did, it hit you like a freight train. the photograph was unmistakable—jungkook and tzuyu, walking side by side, their hands intertwined as if they belonged together. the smile on his face, the way she leaned into him—it was a picture-perfect moment, captured by a photographer who had been in the right place at the worst possible time.
but it was the headline that truly did you in, the words glaring back at you with a finality that made your stomach churn. an engagement confirmed, jeon jungkook and chou tzuyu set to wed. it was a fatal blow, one that you hadn’t seen coming, one that you hadn’t even known was on the horizon. the engagement—their engagement—was something you hadn’t even heard about until now, and the shock of it made the room tilt around you.
you felt your whole world come crashing down in an instant, the ground shifting beneath your feet. the bile rose in your throat, and for a moment, you thought you might actually throw up. but you swallowed it down, refusing to let the nausea take over, even as your heart sank deeper into the pit of despair. your mother noticed your distress, her expression softening as she took in your reaction. she was the only one who could see through the mask you wore, the only one who knew just how deep this wound cut. “so it really is true, is it?” she asked, her voice quiet, almost tentative.
you could only muster up the energy to nod, the motion slow, as if the act of agreeing took more out of you than you had to give. she crumpled the newspaper in her hands, the sound of the paper crunching under her grip filling the room before she tossed it to the ground. the gesture was full of a frustration she didn’t voice, a rage she didn’t let surface.
she approached you, her movements cautious, as if afraid you might break if she got too close. lneeling beside you, she searched your face for tears, but found none. you hadn’t cried, not a single tear, because the pain was too deep, too raw to manifest in something as simple as crying. but she didn’t need to see your tears to know you were hurting. she had always known, perhaps even before you did.
“i’m so proud of you,” she began, her voice soft, filled with a sincerity that made your chest tighten. she reached out, brushing a strand of hair away from your face with a gentleness that only made it harder to breathe. “i’m so proud of you for handling it like this.”
you met her gaze for a moment, your eyes locking with hers. but the sharpness in your tone betrayed the anger simmering beneath the surface. “why? because i didn’t handle it the way you did?”
the hurt that flashed across her face was immediate, a brief flicker of pain that she couldn’t hide. but you didn’t care. no matter how bad she felt, no matter how much she hurt, she had to deal with the consequences of her own actions. you weren’t responsible for her pain, not now, not ever. “i would never give second chances,” you continued, your voice cold, detached. “let alone abandon my daughter to give a million more of them.”
she had no words, nothing to say that could make up for the past. because she knew you were right. she knew that no matter how much she wanted to mend the rift between you, no matter how desperately she tried, the mistakes she had made would always be there, a shadow that hung over your relationship like a storm cloud. so when you stood up, she didn’t stop you. she didn’t reach out, didn’t call after you, because she knew it wouldn’t make a difference. the silence between you was heavy, filled with all the things left unsaid, the things that would never be said because the damage had been done long ago.
as you left the room, all you could tell yourself was that she had her chance. when it should have been you, it was your father. when it should have been you, it was the man who had cheated on her, the man she had chosen over you. and now, the choices she had made so long ago were coming back to haunt her, just as they were coming back to haunt you. but you wouldn’t let them define you. you wouldn’t let her mistakes dictate your life. because you were stronger than that. and no matter how much it hurt, no matter how deep the wound, you would heal. even if it took everything you had.
you spent the evening preparing for taehyung’s club opening with meticulous care. your makeup was flawless, each stroke and blend designed to enhance your natural features while exuding confidence. you opted for a dress that struck the perfect balance between understated elegance and bold sophistication—a midnight blue gown that hugged your figure in all the right places, with a slit that hinted at just enough leg. your choice of jewelry was deliberate: a pair of sapphire earrings and a delicate silver bracelet that added a touch of sparkle without overwhelming your look. every detail was intended to make a statement of support, a way of showing that despite everything, you stood with taehyung.
as you adjusted the final strands of your hair and examined your reflection, you felt a pang of resolve mixed with unease. taehyung had been a steadfast ally, someone who had stepped up when others had not. you might not have known him as long or as intimately as you did jungkook or tzuyu, but his loyalty and support had earned your respect. you were determined to return the favor, even if it was under these difficult circumstances.
your chauffer arrived promptly, a sympathetic look in his eyes that betrayed his knowledge of the day's earlier events. you offered him a polite smile, appreciating the gesture even as you sensed the pity behind it. it seemed everyone had seen the news, and while some might have been hoping to witness your downfall, you refused to let their expectations dictate your actions. you had no need for their pity; you were here for taehyung, and that was all that mattered.
upon arriving at the club, the driver gave you a fleeting compliment on your appearance, his words tinged with transparent affection. you acknowledged it with a practiced smile and a courteous thank you before turning to face the club’s entrance. the twitching in your hand persisted, an incessant reminder of the chaos that had unfolded earlier. you gripped your fingers tightly, trying to steady the unsettling tremor, but it only seemed to intensify as you approached the bouncer and announced your name.
inside, the club dazzled with its blue lighting, casting a cool, ethereal glow over the crowd. the music was upbeat, familiar, a soundtrack that seemed both comforting and alien amidst the night’s emotional turmoil. the air was rich with the mingling scents of high-end alcohol and the faint trace of a sophisticated, floral aroma. despite the beauty of the setting, your nerves remained on edge. the club was undoubtedly a reflection of taehyung’s tastes, a testament to his style and ambition, but you couldn’t shake the feeling of unease that clung to you.
just as you began to lose yourself in the ambiance, a new sound caught your attention. the gruffness of a man’s voice, unmistakably agitated, drew you toward a nearby hallway. as you approached cautiously, you caught sight of taehyung and his father engaged in a heated conversation near the entrance to the bathrooms. taehyung’s expression was a mixture of sorrow and frustration, while his father’s face was etched with anger and disappointment.
you pressed yourself against the wall, straining to hear their conversation while remaining unobtrusive. the words that drifted toward you were sharp and cutting. “this is why you’ll never be good enough. is this what you plan on doing for the rest of your life? investing in women and alcohol?” the harshness in his father’s voice was evident, and it sent a shiver down your spine.
taehyung’s response was a desperate plea. “it isn’t like that. don’t you see how many people are here? they came to support me. it’s not about the money or the women.”
his father’s reaction was dismissive, a scoff escaping his lips. “your mother would be disappointed.”
the statement hung heavy in the air, a final, damning indictment that seemed to crush taehyung’s spirit. you could see the hurt in his eyes, the way his shoulders slumped slightly under the weight of his father’s words. goosebumps broke out on your skin as you watched the scene unfold, the pain and conflict evident in taehyung’s face. the confrontation seemed to end abruptly as his father turned away, leaving him standing alone with his hurt and frustration.
you remained frozen in place, your gaze fixated on the scene that had just unfolded. the discord between taehyung and his father had left you feeling unsettled, and you were still processing the weight of their conversation. when he finally turned around and met your eyes, his expression softened slightly, though the hurt remained etched into his features. he approached you with a wry smile, his voice laced with a mix of amusement and reproach. “eavesdropping isn’t very eloquent of you, now is it?”
you felt a flush of embarrassment creep up your neck, and you shook your head, flustered. “i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to intrude.” his eyes searched yours, gauging the truth of your apology. “how much did you hear?” he asked.
you hesitated for a moment before responding. “not much,” you lied, though you knew he could see right through you. despite this, he chose not to press further, an unspoken understanding passing between you. determined to ease his pain, even just a little, you offered a genuine compliment. “the club is amazing. you did a great job, taehyung. i’m really proud of you, and you should be too.”
he scoffed lightly, a hint of bitterness in his tone. “i thought you of all people would know how i feel about pity.” you walked with him, taking in the luxurious surroundings of the club as you spoke. “i pity no one,” you said, your gaze sweeping over the elegant décor. “i just have a good eye.”
he chuckled softly and gestured toward a nearby velvet sofa. “let’s see just how good your eye is.”
you took a seat beside him, the plush cushions enveloping you in comfort. the club’s ambiance was sophisticated and chic, a far cry from the rowdy, overtly provocative establishments you had anticipated. the women around you were dressed in stylish, modest attire, their elegance a testament to taehyung’s taste and vision. as you sipped from your glass, you felt the familiar twitch in your hand returning, an involuntary reaction to the stress and turmoil of the day. you tried to ignore it, but taehyung’s perceptive gaze noticed your discomfort.
“what’s with your hand?” he asked, his voice laced with concern. you shook your head, attempting to dismiss it. “it’s been doing that all day.”
before you could raise your glass for another sip, taehyung reached over and gently took your hand in his. his touch was unexpectedly warm, and you felt a jolt of surprise as he placed his hand over yours, effectively stilling the trembling. “what are you doing?” you asked, taken aback by his unexpected gesture.
he ignored your question, instead focusing on the sensation of your hand beneath his. With a gentle squeeze, he seemed to transfer some of his warmth to you. “it’s freezing,” he remarked. “no wonder you’re shaking.”
the simple act of his hand over yours had an immediate effect; your hand ceased its tremor, the warmth and reassurance from his touch proving to be surprisingly calming. you looked at him, astonished by the unexpected relief. he let go of your hand, and you noticed with a mix of wonder and gratitude that the twitching had completely stopped. his thoughtful gesture had provided more comfort than you had anticipated, and you felt a deep sense of appreciation for his quiet support.
as you and taehyung settled into the plush velvet sofa, the atmosphere of the club enveloped you. the stage, bathed in a rich, ambient light, was now the focal point of the room. the performers, a group of women dressed in matching, sleek outfits, took their positions. their attire was a harmonious blend of black and gold, each piece meticulously chosen to accentuate their grace and elegance. the room fell silent in anticipation, and the low, sultry beats of the music began to pulse through the air.
the dancers moved as one, their synchronized steps creating a mesmerizing rhythm that captivated the audience. the choreography was a seamless blend of fluid motions and sharp accents, each gesture exuding confidence and allure. their bodies swayed and undulated with practiced precision, creating a visual symphony of movement that held the crowd in rapt attention.
the dance routine was both graceful and provocative, designed to showcase their athleticism and artistry. their movements were precise yet fluid, their expressions a mix of allure and control. as they twirled and moved, the lighting cast dramatic shadows that emphasized every curve and line, adding to the seductive ambiance of the performance.
you glanced at taehyung, noting the way his eyes followed the dancers with admiration. his smirk was barely contained as he observed their performance, but when he noticed your gaze, he tilted his head slightly, acknowledging your silent praise. “good dancers, aren’t they?” he asked, his voice low and filled with an undertone of challenge. you nodded, still watching the stage. “you’ve outdone yourself this time,” you said, genuinely impressed by the display.
his smirk widened, his eyes glinting with amusement. “but i think i’d rather see you up there,” he said, his tone light but carrying an edge of challenge. you turned back to him with a roll of your eyes. “you’re despicable,” you replied, your voice tinged with both amusement and defiance.
he chuckled, clearly enjoying your reaction. “i know you’d never, don’t worry,” he said, a teasing lilt in his voice. the challenge in his words sparked something within you. your eyebrows raised in surprise, and you met his gaze with a mixture of curiosity and determination. “you really think i wouldn’t?” you asked, your tone daring.
taehyung leaned in slightly, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. “enlighten me.”
with a resolute nod, you felt the warmth of the alcohol dulling your nerves, giving you the courage to accept the challenge. you stood up, feeling the eyes of the room upon you as you made your way to the stage. the sudden shift in energy was intense, and you could sense the anticipation building. the stage was bathed in a soft spotlight as you stepped into the center, the audience’s eyes fixed on you. the music, a slow, seductive melody with a steady beat, filled the space around you. you took a deep breath and began to move, each step deliberate and measured, yet brimming with sensuality.
your dance was a blend of sultry elegance and bold confidence. you began with a slow, sinuous sway of your hips, your movements flowing seamlessly with the rhythm of the music. your hands glided through the air, tracing invisible patterns as you twirled and spun with a grace that drew the audience’s gaze. the fabric of your dress clung to your curves, accentuating every motion and adding to the overall allure of your performance. as you continued, you incorporated a series of fluid, seductive movements, your body articulating each beat with precision. your gaze remained locked on taehyung, whose eyes were fixed intently on you. his expression was a mix of surprise and admiration, his smirk replaced by a look of genuine interest.
you made use of the entire stage, your movements becoming increasingly bold and expressive. the lighting shifted to highlight your figure, casting dramatic shadows that played across the floor. the audience’s reaction was one of awe, their murmurs and gasps a testament to the impact of your performance. taehyung’s gaze never wavered as he watched you, his eyes reflecting a mixture of pride and intrigue. the intensity of his stare only fueled your confidence, and you poured every ounce of emotion into the dance.
you weren’t sure when exactly it had happened. one moment, you were basking in the afterglow of your performance, the applause still ringing in your ears, and taehyung’s unwavering gaze was locked onto yours. the next, the world around you blurred into a hazy swirl of emotions and sensations. you were vaguely aware of the transition—of leaving the club, of the distant sound of music and chatter fading away—but the details were a disjointed blur, unimportant in the grand scheme of what was unfolding.
the next clear memory was the sudden jolt as your back hit the plush leather seat of the limo. taehyung’s hand, warm and firm, cupped the back of your head, guiding it gently to soften the impact. his touch was both tender and commanding, a subtle yet unmistakable assertion of his control over the moment. the rush of air, mingled with the lingering scent of his cologne and the intoxicating aroma of the night, created an atmosphere thick with unspoken desires.
as your eyes met his, he closed the distance between you, his lips finding yours with a fervor that sent a shiver down your spine. the kiss was a potent mix of passion and urgency, his mouth moving against yours with a hunger that matched your own. the warmth of his breath, the slight pressure of his lips, and the way his fingers gripped your hair created a cocoon of sensation that drowned out everything else.
he broke the kiss briefly, his eyes still locked on yours, a fleeting moment of clarity amidst the whirlwind of emotions. “i think it’s my turn to say you’ve outdone yourself,” he murmured, his voice low and laden with a sultry confidence. before you could fully process his words, he closed the distance again, pressing his lips to yours with renewed intensity. the limo’s interior, dimly lit and private, became a haven for your shared moment. the air inside was thick with the mingling scents of alcohol, his cologne, and the faint traces of sweat from the evening. the mingling of these aromas, combined with the intimate setting, only heightened the electric tension between you.
as your nails clawed at his suit, desperate to feel the warmth of his body against yours, you were acutely aware of the recklessness of the situation. there was a part of you that knew, in the back of your mind, that this was a moment you might come to regret come morning. the clarity of dawn would bring with it the weight of consequences, the knowledge of what you had done. but right then, under the weight of his embrace and the intoxicating blend of alcohol and desire, those thoughts seemed distant, almost irrelevant.
taehyung’s hand slid down from your hair to your chest, his thumb brushing against the swell of your breast. your breath hitched as he squeezed gently, his eyes darkening with hunger. “you’re full of surprises tonight,” he whispered, his voice thick with lust. his other hand found its way to your thigh, slowly sliding up under your dress, the fabric parting like water around his fingers. your heart raced as he reached the apex of your thighs, his touch setting your skin alight.
his fingers danced around the edge of your panties, teasing, before dipping beneath the fabric. you gasped as he touched you, the sensation sending a jolt of pleasure through your core. “i knew,” he murmured, a smug smile playing on his lips. “i knew you wanted this as much as i do.” his voice was a seductive purr, his words a mix of praise and degradation that sent a thrill through your body. despite the vulgarity, you found yourself craving more, the need to hear him say those dirty things growing stronger with each passing second.
his hand continued to explore, his thumb now circling your clit with a maddening slowness. your hips bucked against his touch, urging him on. you could feel his erection pressing against your leg, a silent display of his own arousal. with a growl, he pushed aside the last barrier of fabric, his fingers plunging into you with a fierce urgency that stole the breath from your lungs. “fuck, tae—” you moaned, your voice a hoarse whisper that seemed to echo in the enclosed space of the limo. he smirked, his eyes never leaving yours as he worked his fingers in and out of you, your juices coating his hand.
his thumb remained a constant pressure point, bringing you closer and closer to the edge of release. you threw your head back, lost in the sensation, as he leaned in to kiss your neck, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin. the mix of pleasure and pain sent you spiraling, your body tensing and then releasing in a powerful orgasm. taehyung’s chuckle of satisfaction vibrated against your skin, his grip on your hair tightening as he claimed your mouth once more. your thoughts were a jumbled mess, but one thing was clear: this was the best sex you’d ever had. and for a brief, shining moment, jungkook was nothing but a distant memory.
you reached down to free his cock from the confines of his pants, your hand wrapping around his thick, velvety length. he hissed in a sharp breath, his eyes closing briefly as you stroked him, the tip already slick with precum. the sensation of his pulse in your palm was intoxicating, a silent promise of the pleasure yet to come. “you’re gonna take it all, aren’t you?” he murmured, his voice a dark, seductive whisper in your ear. “every inch of me, until you can’t walk straight tomorrow. until jungkook is nothing but a pathetic little worm in your memory.”
his words sent a thrill of excitement through you, a heady mix of anger and lust that only served to fuel your desire. you nodded, a silent agreement, as he pushed your panties aside and positioned himself at your entrance. without warning, he slammed into you, filling you to the brim. the suddenness of it took your breath away, your eyes wide with shock and pleasure.
his hips moved in a steady, powerful rhythm, each thrust driving him deeper and deeper. your nails dug into his back as you tried to anchor yourself, the pleasure building with each movement. his hand found your breast, playing with the nipple as he pounded into you, the sting of pain from your tight grip on his shoulders only adding to the symphony of sensations.
his mouth found yours again, his tongue demanding entry, his teeth nipping at your lower lip. your bodies were slick with sweat, the leather of the seat sticking to your skin as you moved together. the air was thick with the sound of your ragged breaths and the wet slap of skin on skin. it was raw, it was animalistic, and it was everything you never knew you needed.
his thrusts grew harder, more urgent, his breathing ragged. “you’re so fucking tight, so fucking wet for me,” he groaned, his voice a desperate growl. “you’re gonna make me cum so fucking hard, aren’t you?”
you could only nod, the words lost in the intensity of the moment. as he sped up, you felt yourself climbing towards another peak, the pressure building like a crescendo in your core. when you finally shattered again, it was with a scream that was muffled by his mouth, his own release following swiftly after.
in the aftermath, you lay there, your heart racing, your body trembling with the aftershocks of pleasure. taehyung’s weight was a comforting presence, his chest rising and falling heavily against your own. you didn’t know what the morning would bring, but in that moment, all you knew was that you had claimed your victory over jungkook, and it was a victory that had left you feeling more alive than ever before.
when you woke up the next morning, the throbbing in your head was the first sensation that greeted you. the remnants of a night spent in hazy indulgence seemed to have manifested in the dull ache that now pervaded your temples. as you slowly gathered yourself from the tangle of sheets, you became acutely aware of the soreness in your thighs and the general discomfort that seemed to have settled in every joint of your body. the remnants of your encounter with taehyung from the night before were all too vivid, despite the haze of alcohol and heartbreak that had enveloped the evening.
the memories of what had transpired, the reckless abandon in the limo, felt like a crushing weight on your chest. you tried to push them aside, focusing instead on dressing yourself and stepping out the door as if nothing had changed. however, despite your efforts to maintain a facade of normalcy, the gnawing embarrassment at what had happened lingered in the back of your mind.
as you walked down the quiet streets, your pace quickened, an unconscious reaction to your heightened sense of anxiety. the sharp screech of tires sliced through the morning calm, making you turn abruptly. To your dismay, a familiar limo pulled up beside you, its sleek black surface reflecting the bright morning light. the window rolled down, revealing taehyung’s smirk.
“need a ride?” he asked, his tone teasing. “or was last night enough?” you scoffed, the sound sharp in the stillness of the street. “i have no idea what you're talking about,” you replied, attempting to walk away with as much dignity as you could muster. however, the limo kept pace with you, taehyung’s voice drifting out the open window.
“how about you come in, and i’ll enlighten you?” his words were laced with a mix of amusement and challenge. “no need. one disappointment is enough,” you shot back, frustration edging your voice. you were relieved when the limo finally turned around and drove off, your body tensing as you continued your walk.
but your respite was short-lived. as you rounded a corner, your heart sank at the sight of jungkook and tzuyu standing just a few feet away. they were intertwined, their hands clasped together, looking equally flustered and frozen in the moment. the silence between you all was deafening, each person seemingly waiting for the other to speak, yet no one moved.
just when you were about to speak, a familiar arm slid around your shoulders. you turned to find taehyung beside you, his focus unwaveringly fixed on jungkook and tzuyu. you tensed, feeling the weight of his arm as he drew you closer, and despite your discomfort, you couldn’t help but notice how taehyung's gaze remained defiant, almost mocking.
“it’s funny seeing you two here,” he said, his voice carrying a note of casual detachment. “you two look like escorts.” you fought back a laugh, surprised by the sudden shift in tension. tzuyu’s response was a scoff, her voice edged with annoyance. “you’re not funny, taehyung.”
he shrugged nonchalantly. “i wasn’t trying to be.” jungkook’s eyes were a mix of anger and hurt as he glanced from taehyung’s arm around you to your own stiff posture. “what are you two doing?” he asked, his voice tinged with confusion.
you tilted your head, a trace of exasperation in your tone. “how is that any of your business?” taehyung patted your shoulder, a gesture that seemed almost patronizing. “don’t worry, he has a right to know,” he said before addressing jungkook again. “we were about to leave for brunch.”
the words seemed to hit jungkook harder than you’d expected. his expression softened, a fleeting look of hurt crossing his face. “that’s a funny coincidence. we were about to go too.” taehyung’s chuckle lacked any real amusement. “you’re full of surprises, aren’t you?” he said, then turned back to you. “we should all go together.” your head whipped around to him, eyes wide with disbelief. before you could protest further, jungkook had already agreed. the situation had spiraled out of your control, leaving you caught in a tangled web of the things you hated most in the world.
the restaurant was an elegant blend of sophistication and comfort, with plush velvet seating and softly glowing chandeliers that cast a warm, inviting light over the room. you were seated beside taehyung, who exuded a relaxed confidence that contrasted starkly with the tension you felt. jungkook and tzuyu were across from you, their expressions a mix of discomfort and guardedness.
you tried to focus on the menu, but the trembling in your hand betrayed your inner turmoil. to your surprise, taehyung noticed. his hand slipped over yours, his touch firm yet reassuring. the moment his fingers enveloped yours, the shaking ceased. the sudden calm was almost unnerving, but you tried to ignore it, instead fixing your gaze on the champagne bottle that the waitress had just placed in an ice bucket on the table.
jungkook’s eyes narrowed as he watched the exchange between you and him. his fingers clenched into a fist, the muscles in his jaw tightening. tzuyu shot him a concerned glance but remained silent. the atmosphere was thick with unspoken words and simmering emotions.
taehyung broke the uneasy silence, his voice carrying a note of playful reproach. “i was so disappointed when you two didn’t show up to my opening last night,” he said, his smirk widening as he turned to you. “you missed quite the show.”
your gaze hardened, a flash of irritation crossing your face. qithout thinking, you kicked taehyung’s shin with your heel. he let out a yelp, drawing a sharp look from jungkook and tzuyu. they exchanged glances but chose not to comment. instead, tzuyu responded with a curt tone. “we were a bit busy last night.”
you took a sip of champagne, letting the bubbles dance on your tongue as you maintained a steady gaze on tzuyu. “i’m sure you were,” you said, pausing for effect before adding, “how’s your cheek?”
her silence spoke volumes. she couldn’t meet your gaze, and you caught a glimpse of taehyung’s smirk from the corner of your eye. his amusement was obvious, but you forced yourself to stay focused. jungkook, clearly frustrated, asked, “do you always have to be so hostile?”
you finished your glass with a deliberate motion and turned to him. “try not to talk too much,” you said, your voice cool. “your cheek still must be sore.” tzuyu rolled her eyes, her tone laced with irritation. “his cheek is just fine, no thanks to you.”
you offered a condescending smile and took the champagne bottle, pouring yourself another glass. the liquid swirled within the glass as you swished it lightly. “careful, princess,” you said with a hint of mockery, “a dangerous thing to say with a last season valentino on.” you gestured toward her dress, noting the slight discomfort it caused her.
she fell silent, her expression tightening. taehyung’s hand moved to your thigh, his touch startling you. it was a jolt that snapped you into a heightened awareness of the situation. he leaned in, his voice a low murmur against your ear. “play nice.”
you took a deep breath, struggling to maintain a semblance of composure. every word, every gesture felt like an excruciating exercise in restraint. the effort was draining, but taehyung’s hand on your thigh provided a strange comfort. each time your hand started to tremble, he was there, his grip steady and calming. the trembling would cease, leaving you with a paradox of relief and frustration.
despite your best efforts, the undercurrent of conflict remained. every forced smile and polite exchange felt like a compromise of your true feelings. you were acutely aware of the intricate dance you were performing, trying to keep the peace while your emotions simmered just beneath the surface. but with each tremor of your hand and each reassuring touch from him, you struggled to maintain your fragile equilibrium, knowing that beneath the veneer of civility, everything was unraveling.
you were ready to leave, your patience worn thin by the tension and the forced pleasantries. the evening had drained you in more ways than one, and all you wanted was the solace of solitude. as you stood to go, taehyung’s voice cut through the air, calm yet insistent. “it’s a long drive. i’ll take you.” you scoffed, shaking your head as you reached for your bag. “my legs work just fine, taehyung.”
but he didn’t listen. before you could protest further, he had already grabbed your arm, gently but firmly pulling you towards the exit. you tried to resist, but he was unyielding, guiding you out of the restaurant and into the waiting limo. the door closed behind you with a soft click, sealing you inside with him, the tension from the dinner still thick in the air.
the drive was stiflingly awkward, the silence between you a heavy reminder of the mistake you had made the night before. the plush leather seats, the tinted windows, the soft hum of the engine—it all felt like an extension of the regret that gnawed at you, a physical manifestation of the night you wished you could forget. taehyung’s voice broke the silence, his words heavy with something you couldn’t quite place. “you regret it, don’t you?”
you couldn’t find the words to respond. instead, you turned your head to the window, watching the city lights blur past. the weight of his question hung in the air, and though you couldn’t bring yourself to answer, the silence that followed was answer enough. you could feel his gaze on you, the quiet pain it caused him evident in the way he shifted slightly in his seat. it was a silent, unspoken ache that settled in your chest, but you forced yourself to ignore it.
the drive seemed to stretch on, the minutes dragging like hours. you glanced at your phone, frowning as you noticed the time. “we should’ve been home by now,” you remarked, your voice tinged with suspicion. taehyung shook his head, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. “i have to stop somewhere first.” you wanted to ask where, but the weariness in his tone kept you silent. instead, you leaned back into the seat, resigned to wherever he was taking you.
after what felt like an eternity, the limo finally came to a halt. taehyung was the first to exit, and you followed, confusion knitting your brows as you noticed the plastic bag of flowers he carried in his hand. the air was cool, a slight breeze ruffling your hair as you looked around, taking in the sight of the park that stretched out before you. but it wasn’t the park that caught your attention—it was the memorial center adjacent to it.
you trailed after him, your confusion deepening with every step. he walked with purpose, his steps steady and deliberate, until he came to a stop in front of a grave. you stood beside him, your gaze dropping to the headstone as he crouched down, carefully placing the flowers at its base. the name engraved in stone caught your eye, kim jeongsook, a loving daughter, wife, and mother.
your breath hitched as understanding dawned, your heart clenching with an ache that mirrored taehyung’s. he remained crouched, his hands pressed together, eyes closed in a silent prayer. the vulnerability in his posture, the raw emotion etched in his features—it was a side of him you had never seen before. “is this your mother?” you asked quietly, the words slipping out before you could stop them.
he opened his eyes and nodded, the movement almost imperceptible. the softness in his gaze, the fragility in the way he looked at you—it broke something inside of you. you knelt beside him, your fingers reaching out to adjust the flowers he had placed, centering them with care. the silence was heavy, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. it was a shared moment of understanding, of unspoken grief and quiet solace.
“she’s beautiful,” you whispered, your voice barely audible. taehyung looked at you then, his eyes soft and filled with a tenderness that made your chest tighten. “she was,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion.
you held his gaze, the weight of the moment settling over you both. in the quiet of the cemetery, surrounded by the stillness of the say, there was no need for words. the air was charged with unspoken feelings, a connection forged in the shared silence as you both mourned the woman who had given him life.
the drive back home was quiet, the kind of silence that wasn’t heavy with tension but rather a mutual understanding, a shared exhaustion. the earlier conversation had stripped away the usual banter between you and taehyung, leaving behind something raw and unspoken. he hadn’t said much after the visit to his mother’s grave, and you hadn’t pressed him. some things were better left undisturbed.
as the limo pulled up in front of your apartment complex, you turned to him, offering him a small, appreciative smile. “thanks for the ride, taehyung.” he nodded, the movement slow and deliberate, as if he had a lot on his mind. his eyes, usually so bright and full of mischief, were shadowed with something deeper—an emotion you couldn’t quite place. there was a heaviness in the way he looked at you, a weight in the air between you that neither of you dared to acknowledge.
you lingered for a moment, feeling as though there was something you should say, something that might lift the gloom that hung over him. but the words didn’t come. instead, you stepped out of the limo, the door closing softly behind you with a finality that echoed in the quiet night. as you walked into your complex, the familiar sight of the lobby greeted you, its warmth and comfort doing little to ease the tension knotted in your chest. you were almost to the elevator when the lady at the front desk called your name.
“miss (l/n)!” you turned to face her, noting the envelope in her hand. she held it out to you with a polite smile. “this came for you.”
you took the envelope from her, murmuring a quick thanks before turning away. it was an ordinary envelope, plain white with your name scrawled in a neat, practiced hand. but there was something about it, something that made your heart stutter in your chest, your fingers tremble as they brushed over the paper. you wished you hadn’t looked at it, wished you hadn’t seen the sender’s name neatly written in the corner. but the minute you did, it felt like your world ended all over again. a wedding invitation.
your fingers tightened around the envelope as you took in the names on the card—jungkook and tzuyu. the date was for tomorrow, just a day away. your breath caught in your throat as the realization hit you like a freight train. how long had they been planning this? how many months, or even years, had they been conspiring behind your back?
your world fell silent, the blood rushing in your ears drowning out everything else. it was as if the ground had been ripped out from under you, leaving you weightless and untethered, flailing in a void of disbelief and betrayal. your legs felt heavy, leaden, as you walked to your apartment. each step was an effort, each breath a struggle. by the time you reached your door, your fingers were numb as they fumbled with the key. the door creaked open, revealing the emptiness of your home, a reflection of the hollow ache in your chest.
you stepped inside, the silence of the room pressing down on you, suffocating in its stillness. your maid appeared from the hallway, her usual cheerful demeanor subdued as she noticed the expression on your face. “where’s my mother?” you asked, your voice flat, emotionless.
she hesitated, offering you a sad, almost sympathetic smile. “she left,” she said softly, the words lingering in the air before she added, “again.”
the finality of that word settled in your bones, the realization that you were truly alone sinking deep. you stood there, rooted to the spot, the wedding invitation clutched tightly in your hand as the emptiness of the room mirrored the void within you. all at once, the weight of the day crashed down on you, the betrayal, the loneliness, the heartbreak. you let the envelope slip from your fingers, watching it flutter to the floor as you stood in the silence, the walls of your world closing in around you.
the walls of your room seemed to close in around you, their familiar corners and edges transformed into suffocating reminders that everyone, in the end, leaves. the emptiness inside you mirrored the hollow space in the room, an echo of the losses that had piled up over time. every piece of furniture, every picture on the wall, felt like a ghost of a memory, haunting you with the truth you had tried so hard to escape. you couldn’t stand it anymore—the feeling of everything crashing down on you, the weight of it all pressing you into the ground until you couldn’t breathe.
you needed to go somewhere, anywhere, but there was nowhere that felt safe, nowhere that didn’t remind you of the people who had walked out of your life. the walls were closing in, and you couldn’t stay. with a desperate need to escape, you rushed out the door, letting your legs carry you without direction. the building’s corridors blurred as you sprinted through them, your heart pounding in your chest, your mind racing with thoughts too chaotic to grasp.
the sky had opened up, and the rain was falling in torrents, but you didn’t care. the cold droplets pelted your skin, drenching you to the bone, but you kept running. the water soaked through your clothes, plastering them to your skin, but still, you didn’t stop. your feet pounded the pavement, splashing through puddles, the rain mingling with the tears that streamed down your face, but you didn’t care. you ran until your breath burned in your lungs, until the world around you was nothing but a blur of gray and cold. you ran until you reached the only place that felt like it might offer some solace, the only place you knew to go.
taehyung’s hotel loomed in front of you, its grand entrance a stark contrast to the storm raging outside. you stumbled through the doors, oblivious to the stares of the patrons who watched you, a soaking, disheveled figure who had burst into their calm, orderly world. but their judgment didn’t matter. nothing mattered except getting to him.
you headed straight for the elevator, your steps unsteady but determined. your mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, a chaotic storm that didn’t stop until the elevator doors slid open on his floor. you stepped out, and suddenly, you couldn’t move. because there he was, standing right in front of you, as if he had been waiting for you all along.
his eyes locked onto yours, and you saw the sympathy etched in his features as he took in your drenched appearance. there was no judgment in his gaze, only concern, and something deeper—something that made the tears well up in your eyes all over again.
your hand trembled as you raised it, the crumpled wedding invitation clutched in your fingers. “this and my mom,” you began, your voice breaking, “she just, she left and i—” the words failed you, your throat constricting as the weight of everything pressed down on you once more.
but before you could fall apart completely, taehyung was there, closing the distance between you in a few quick strides. to your surprise, he wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight embrace. his suit was immaculate, but he didn’t care as the rain from your clothes soaked into it. he just held you, his warmth seeping into your frozen body, his arms a barrier against the storm both inside and out.
you couldn’t hold it in any longer. the tears came in a rush, followed by gut-wrenching sobs that shook your entire body. you cried into his chest, clutching at his suit as if it were the only thing anchoring you to this world. all the pain, all the hurt that had built up inside you, came pouring out in waves that you couldn’t control. his arms tightened around you, his hand smoothing over your hair in a comforting gesture as he held you close. of all the things he had seen and expected of you, this was the last of them all.
taehyung guided you down the hallway with a steady hand on the small of your back, his touch gentle but insistent, as if he knew that you needed the support to keep moving forward. his silence was a comfort, a balm to the rawness inside you, and for a moment, you allowed yourself to lean into his presence, drawing strength from the warmth of his body beside you. the world outside was still a blur of rain and shadows, but here, in this narrow space, it was just the two of you, and that was enough.
when you reached his door, he paused, glancing at you as if to make sure you were still with him. then he unlocked it, the click of the key in the lock loud in the quiet hallway. the door swung open, and you stepped inside, expecting the same warmth you’d found in his arms, the same comfort you’d desperately sought in your flight from the cold. but that warmth vanished the moment you saw her.
she was disheveled, her hair a tangled mess and her clothes—or lack thereof—a stark reminder of what taehyung’s life was like outside of the moments he spent with you. she was wearing one of his shirts, the fabric hanging loosely off her shoulders, and she was gathering her things with a hurried, almost guilty air. you didn’t know her, not personally at least, but it didn’t take a genius to put the pieces together. she didn’t sneer at you or glare as she might have in some cruel twist of fate. she just slipped past you both, her eyes downcast as if she didn’t want to meet your gaze. she was gone as quickly as she appeared, but you remained frozen, your eyes glued to the spot where she had stood, her presence lingering like an unwanted ghost.
you didn’t know what to feel. should you be angry? hurt? disappointed? what were you supposed to expect from him? after all, you weren’t his girlfriend, and he wasn’t your boyfriend. there was no label, no commitment, nothing to give you the right to feel anything at all. but you did, and it hurt. taehyung noticed the way you stared at the empty space, his own expression faltering as he tried to gauge what you were thinking. he stepped closer, his voice softer than usual as he asked, “you aren’t mad, are you?”
you forced yourself to look at him, to meet his eyes even though it felt like shards of glass were digging into your heart. then you mustered one of your smiles, the kind that never quite reached your eyes, the kind that was more for his benefit than yours. the shift in your demeanor seemed to shock him, his brows knitting together in confusion. “why would i be mad?” you replied, your voice light and airy, as if the sight of another woman leaving his room hadn’t just shattered something deep inside you. you turned and handed him the drenched wedding invitation, the paper crumpled and ruined by the rain but still legible. It was a tangible reminder of the life you were supposed to have, the life that had been ripped away from you.
you walked around the room, your gaze flitting over the furniture, the decorations, anything to avoid looking at him. “you’re free to do collect as many diseases as you please,” you added, the words slipping from your lips with a hint of bitterness that you couldn’t quite suppress. he scoffed, a sound of disbelief that cut through the thick air between you. “i liked you better when you were crying,” he muttered, his tone defensive, almost wounded.
but you didn’t respond. you couldn’t. instead, you let the weight of everything you’d seen, everything you’d felt, sink deep into your bones, and for once, you allowed yourself to acknowledge the truth. you weren’t mad because you had no right to be. but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. and that didn’t mean you wouldn’t remember this moment, the moment when everything you thought you could rely on came crashing down around you once again.
changing in his bedroom felt like stepping into another world, one that was as foreign as it was unnerving. the room was dimly lit, the shadows long and dark, and everything carried his scent—a mix of expensive cologne, faint traces of smoke, and something uniquely him. you felt a strange sense of vulnerability as you rummaged through his closet, searching for something to wear. when your fingers brushed against one of his shirts, a simple white button-down that was far too large for you, you hesitated. it felt surreal, putting it on, almost degrading, knowing how many women had done the same. but unlike them, you had no choice. all your belongings were back home, in a place you couldn’t bear to return to, so you had to make do with what you had.
as you slipped into the shirt, the fabric cool against your skin, you couldn’t shake the discomfort that gnawed at you. it was as if the shirt was a reminder of how little you belonged here, of how temporary this moment was. the sleeves were too long, the hem hanging down to your thighs, but it was better than staying in your rain-soaked clothes. you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror, and the sight made you pause. there you were, standing in taehyung’s bedroom, wearing his shirt, looking every bit the part of someone who had been broken down by life’s cruelty.
you sighed, pushing away the thoughts that threatened to overwhelm you, and stepped out into the living room. the first thing you noticed was the faint scent of smoke, followed by the sight of taehyung lounging on the couch, a joint between his lips. the soft glow of the lighter flickered against his face as he took a drag, his eyes half-lidded with the calm that only the drugs could bring.
you scoffed, the sound sharp in the quiet room. “you’re no different from a crack addict,” you muttered, your tone laced with disdain.
he looked up at you, his eyes meeting yours, and for a moment, he was taken aback. not by your words, but by the sight of you in his shirt. there was something in his gaze, something raw and unguarded, as if he couldn’t quite believe what he was seeing. it wasn’t lust, not exactly. it was more like wonder, like the sight of you had caught him off guard in the best way possible.
to his surprise, you walked over to the couch and plopped down beside him, close enough that your legs brushed against his. without a word, you snatched the joint from his fingers and took a drag of your own. the smoke burned as it filled your lungs, but it was a welcome distraction, a numbing agent to the chaos inside your head. taehyung chuckled to himself, the sound low and warm. “why’d you come all the way here?” he asked, his voice soft but curious.
you exhaled, the smoke curling up towards the ceiling, and passed the joint back to him. “i assume you saw the invitation,” you said, your tone flat. he nodded, taking another drag before answering. “i got one of my own,” he admitted, pausing as if debating whether to say more. “jungkook even drew a smiley face on mine.”
you scoffed, the sound bitter. “are you touched?” you asked, your voice dripping with sarcasm. he feigned a wounded expression, placing a hand over his heart. “truly,” he replied, his tone matching yours.
a small smirk tugged at the corners of your lips, but it quickly faltered as the weight of everything crashed down on you once again. “mom left again,” you said, the words heavy, as if each one cost you a piece of yourself. taehyung turned to you, his expression softening as he passed the joint back. “where’d she go?” he asked, his voice gentle.
you shrugged, the movement small, defeated. if only you knew where she had gone, where she always went when she left you behind. “probably back to dad,” you muttered, taking another drag. the smoke filled the silence, thick and suffocating. “she always says she’ll never leave, until she does. just like everybody else.”
you passed the joint back to him, your gaze dropping to the floor as you spoke. you didn’t want to see the pity in his eyes, didn’t want to acknowledge the truth in your words. it was easier this way, easier to believe that everyone would leave eventually. it hurt less when you expected it. taehyung studied your face, his eyes tracing every line, every feature, as if he was committing them to memory. his expression softened further, his voice barely above a whisper when he said, “not everybody.”
you met his gaze, and for a moment, you saw something there—something soft, something fragile, like a promise he wanted to make but couldn’t bring himself to say aloud. the softness in his eyes looked like a silent betrayal after what you had seen earlier. you couldn’t let yourself love him, couldn’t afford any more losses, so you stayed quiet.
the silence between you and taehyung was thick, almost suffocating, as the effects of the joint began to take hold. the world around you seemed to slow, the edges of reality blurring as the haze settled in. the tension that had coiled in your chest earlier started to unwind, loosening with each passing second. it was quiet—too quiet—yet neither of you felt the need to fill the space with words. you were both content to sit there, side by side, sharing the same air, the same smoke, letting the quietness cradle you.
but then, the stillness was shattered by the sudden, shrill ring of your phone. the sound cut through the calm like a knife, making your heart skip a beat. you froze, your eyes snapping to the screen as it lit up with the caller id. taehyung, lost in his own thoughts, didn’t seem fazed by the noise. he didn’t even glance your way, his gaze fixed on some distant point. but you—you couldn’t tear your eyes away from the screen. jungkook was calling you.
your breath caught in your throat, and for a moment, you didn’t know what to do. the sight of his name, bright and clear, sent a wave of emotions crashing over you—confusion, dread, a flicker of something you couldn’t quite name. you cleared your throat, trying to steady yourself, and with trembling fingers, you picked up the phone. pressing it to your ear, you tried to maintain some semblance of composure as you answered, your voice strained.
“what do you want?” you asked, the words sharper than you intended, laced with a bitterness that came from deep within. jungkook’s voice on the other line was soft, almost slurred, and you could hear the telltale signs of alcohol in his tone. he was drunk, or close to it, and the vulnerability in his voice was palpable. “i made a mistake,” he confessed, his words tumbling out in a rush. “you’re the girl i want to spend my life with. i’ll do anything—anything—to have you back.”
your eyes widened, your heart pounding in your chest. you were at a loss for words, stunned into silence by the confession. this was jungkook, the one who had left you, the one who had torn your heart out without a second thought. and now, here he was, asking for a second chance, pleading for you to come back to him. it didn’t make sense. mone of it made sense.
the astonishment on your face didn’t go unnoticed by taehyung. he turned to you, his attention now fully on the conversation you were having. his eyes narrowed as he took in your shocked expression, and without warning, he snatched the phone from your grasp. you protested, your voice rising in alarm, but taehyung was quicker. he held the phone away from you, pressing it to his own ear instead.
“never call her again,” he said, his voice low and menacing, before he hung up the call without another word. the finality of the action left you reeling, staring at him in disbelief.
“what was that for, you asshole?” you demanded, your voice trembling with a mixture of anger and confusion. you raised your hand to snatch your phone back, but taehyung was ready for you. he caught your wrist mid-air and, with a swift tug, pulled you toward him. the force of it made you stumble, and you fell against his chest, the heat of his body seeping into yours.
“were you really considering it?” he asked, his voice a low rumble against your ear. “going back to him?”
you didn’t know how to respond. the truth was, you didn’t know what you were considering. jungkook’s call had thrown you off balance, and your mind was still struggling to catch up. taehyung’s grip on you tightened, and when you looked up at him, you saw something in his eyes—something almost like hurt.
“you were, weren’t you?” he pressed, his voice quieter now, laced with an emotion you couldn’t quite place.
you shook your head, trying to pull away from him. “you have nothing to do with it,” you said, your voice firmer now. You needed to get away from him, away from the intensity of his gaze. he scoffed, his hand still wrapped around your wrist. “i have everything to do with it.”
“no,” you snapped, finally breaking free from his grip. you took a step back, putting distance between you. your heart was racing, your thoughts a tangled mess. “i’ll die before i become someone’s toy. don’t even think about it. i’m not my mother, so don’t think i’ll let you do this.”
he stared at you, stunned, taken aback by the force of your words. the room felt colder, the air between you charged with tension. he let go of your wrist, the hurt in his eyes deepening as he processed what you had said. “out of all people,” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. “i never thought you’d see me that way too.”
your voice shook as you replied, “prove me wrong, then.” you paused, your heart lodged in your throat as you added, “three words. say them, and i’m yours.”
his eyes lit up, a spark of hope flickering in the depths of his gaze. he opened his mouth, and for a moment, you thought he would say them. you could see it in his eyes, the struggle, the want. but as the silence stretched on, you realized the truth. he wanted to say them, you knew he did, because he meant it. but the thought of loving just to lose—of facing that pain again—was too much for him. the words died on his lips, the weight of fear holding them back. you nodded quietly, your heart sinking as the realization settled in. you turned away from him, moving back to the couch, your movements slow and deliberate. you sat down, your eyes glued to the sight in front of you, refusing to let him see the tears that threatened to spill.
taehyung didn’t say anything as he watched you, the room growing impossibly still. after a long moment, he turned away, retreating to his room without another word. the door closed softly behind him, and with that, you knew you had your answer. the silence that followed was deafening, and you let it envelop you, suffocating and cold. there was nothing left to say, nothing left to do.
you woke up with a weight in your chest, a heaviness that seemed to anchor you to the bed, pulling you deeper into the sheets. the morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the room, but it did little to brighten the darkness that lingered in your mind. the first thing you noticed was the absence of taehyung. the space beside you was cold, untouched, as if he had never been there at all. your heart sank further at the realization, the memory of last night flooding back in a wave of regret and confusion.
you sat up slowly, your eyes sweeping across the room in search of some sign, something that might explain his absence. but the only thing that caught your eye was the unfamiliar box sitting on the table across the room. it stood out against the familiarity of his things, a stark reminder that something was amiss. curiosity piqued, you swung your legs over the side of the bed and padded over to it, each step feeling heavier than the last.
the box was simple, plain, but it had a note attached to it, a small piece of paper that fluttered slightly as you picked it up. you unfolded the note, your eyes scanning the words written in taehyung’s familiar scrawl. “if he’s really what you want, tell him before it’s too late.”
your heart twisted painfully at the words, the implication behind them cutting deep. you clenched the note in your hand, your fingers trembling as you struggled to make sense of it. what did he mean? was this his way of saying goodbye, of pushing you toward something you didn’t even know if you wanted? taking a deep breath, you turned your attention back to the box, lifting the lid with tentative fingers. inside, neatly folded and pristine, was a dress—a pale pink, soft and delicate, the kind of dress that would be worn to a wedding. It was new, the fabric crisp and clean, untouched by time. you stared at it, a mixture of emotions swirling in your chest. you didn’t want to go, didn’t want to face whatever awaited you there, but you knew you had to. you had to prove you were strong, if not for anyone else, then for yourself.
you had spent your entire life proving your strength to everyone around you, showing them that you could endure, that you could survive whatever life threw at you. but deep down, you knew you had never truly proven it to yourself. this was just another test, another challenge that you had to face head-on, no matter how much it hurt.
with a resigned sigh, you slipped the dress on, the fabric cool against your skin. you didn’t bother with makeup, didn’t feel the need to present yourself as anything other than what you were—a woman who was tired, who was worn down by the weight of her own choices, but who would still stand tall, no matter what. your appearance alone would be enough; there was no need to mask the reality of what you were feeling.
as you left taehyung’s apartment, the note still crumpled in your hand, you hailed a cab. the ride to the venue was a blur, your thoughts consumed by the words he had left you with. “if he’s really what you want, tell him before it’s too late.” the sentence echoed in your mind, over and over, like a mantra that you couldn’t shake. but you knew the truth, the truth that taehyung couldn’t—or wouldn’t—see. jungkook wasn’t what you wanted. he wasn’t what you needed. what you needed was something you couldn’t have, something that was just out of reach, always slipping through your fingers like sand.
the venue was as grand as you had expected, filled with the usual trappings of a wedding—flowers, lights, people dressed in their finest. but as you stepped inside, you felt a hollowness in your chest, a sense of detachment from the celebration around you. you were there, physically present, but your mind was elsewhere, lost in the confusion of your own thoughts.
you didn’t drink. you didn’t speak. you just listened, your eyes dull as you watched the festivities unfold. the happy couple moved through the crowd, smiles bright and genuine, and you couldn’t help but wonder how things had gotten to this point. how had you ended up here, in this place, feeling so lost and alone? Where had it all gone wrong? your eyes drifted through the crowd, searching for something—someone. but taehyung was nowhere to be found. the realization brought a fresh wave of pain, a reminder that you were truly alone in this moment. and then, as if by some cruel twist of fate, your gaze locked with jungkook’s from across the room.
he was standing by the bar, his eyes wide and filled with something you couldn’t quite place—regret, maybe, or sorrow. His lips parted as if he wanted to say something, to reach out to you, but he didn’t. he didn’t move, didn’t speak. Instead, he forced himself to look away, turning back to his drink, leaving you standing there with the weight of a thousand unsaid words between you.
you let him go, let the moment pass without reaching out. you knew it would happen this way, had known from the moment you saw his name on your phone screen. there was nothing left to say, nothing that could change the course you were on. so you let it be, standing alone in the midst of the celebration, the note still crumpled in your hand as the world moved on around you.
the ceremony had ended, the final vows exchanged, the last kiss shared. the room slowly emptied as the guests filed out, leaving you standing alone in the midst of the decorated hall. you hadn’t spoken a word to anyone—not to tzuyu, not to jungkook, not to anyone. the silence that surrounded you felt heavy, oppressive, but you welcomed it, letting it wrap around you like a comforting shroud as you walked out of the venue.
the pain gnawed at you, deep and unrelenting, but the sharpest ache came from the absence of taehyung. he hadn’t shown up, hadn’t been there to witness the ceremony or to stand by your side as you struggled through it. his final act of love had been to let you go, to give you the space to decide whether you wanted to be with jungkook. but in the end, you hadn’t been able to follow through. you couldn’t find it within yourself to go to jungkook, to accept what he was offering. you knew, deep down, that it wasn’t what you truly wanted.
you didn’t know where to go next—whether you should head back to your own place or return to taehyung’s apartment. but something drew you to his place, a pull that you couldn’t resist. the walk there was long, each step heavy and labored, as if your legs were weighed down by the burden of your thoughts. when you finally reached his door, your heart pounded in your chest, a mixture of fear and anticipation swirling within you.
a sick feeling settled in your stomach as you stood outside his door, expecting to find something that would shatter you even further. maybe a girl, maybe two, maybe some other reminder that you were too late, that he had already moved on. but when you finally mustered the courage to open the door, you found nothing. the apartment was empty, eerily silent except for the faint sounds coming from taehyung’s room. you hesitated, straining to hear what was going on behind his closed door. the noises were muffled, but they weren’t what you had feared. they weren’t the sounds of moans or laughter; they were something else entirely. steeling yourself, you pushed the door open and stepped inside, freezing at the sight that greeted you.
taehyung sat at the foot of his bed, his body hunched over, shaking with silent sobs. his hands clutched a photograph, his fingers trembling as he held it close to his chest. for a moment, you couldn’t register what you were seeing, your mind struggling to make sense of the situation. but as you took a closer look, your blood ran cold. it was a photograph of his mother.
the realization hit you like a ton of bricks, and before you knew it, you were rushing to him, your arms wrapping around him as if by instinct. he didn’t hesitate, didn’t push you away; instead, he held on to you with a desperate, almost frantic grip, his sobs wracking his body as he buried his face in your shoulder.
you let him cry, your own shock giving way to a deep, aching sadness. the sound of his tears broke something inside you, a raw, unfiltered pain that you hadn’t been prepared for. you could feel his fingers digging into the fabric of your dress as he clung to you, as if you were the only thing keeping him from falling apart completely. tears of your own began to fall, silent and unstoppable, as you held him tighter, offering whatever comfort you could.
in between his sobs, his voice broke through, raw and choked with emotion. “did you tell him?”
you knew he was referring to the note, the one he had left with the dress, urging you to make a decision about jungkook. you shook your head, your hand coming up to gently stroke his hair as you whispered, “no, no, i didn’t.” his sobs quieted down, his grip on you loosening slightly, but he didn’t let go. “he isn’t the one i want,” you continued, your voice soft but firm. the words hung in the air between you, a truth that you hadn’t fully realized until that moment.
the trembling in his body gradually subsided, and he pulled back just enough to look at you, his eyes red and puffy from crying. he looked at you with an intensity that made your breath catch in your throat, a mixture of vulnerability and something deeper, something you had always hoped to see in his eyes but had never dared to believe was there.
“i love you,” he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper, but the words echoed in your ears, reverberating through your entire being.
you blinked, trying to process what he had just said, but before you could respond, he brought his thumbs up to brush away the tears from your cheeks. “i love you,” he repeated, this time with more certainty, more conviction.
it was no use—you couldn’t keep from crying. the tears spilled over once again, but this time they weren’t just tears of sadness. they were tears of relief, of joy, of finally hearing the words you had longed to hear for so long. “i love you too,” you choked out, your voice breaking as the emotions overwhelmed you. it was your turn to sob, your body shaking with the force of everything you had been holding back. and this time, it was taehyung who held you, who wrapped his arms around you and didn’t let go. he held you as if he would never let go, as if you were the most precious thing in the world to him.
that was all it took. three words, eight letters, and he was yours.
a/n: off-brand gossip girl
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seokjins-luigi · 2 years
i hate everything about you | pt. 1 | pjm
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・pairing: ex!jimin x ex!f!reader
・genre: exes to lovers | a lot of angst | a slightly little bit of a love triangle
・word count: 6.7k
・summary: accidentally, you bump into your ex who, mind you, previously cheated on you. so you're 99% sure the only feeling you have left for him is sheer hate. but the 1% leaves you questioning.
・banner: by the amazing @kookdiaries
・A/N: firstly, i want to wish our baby mochi the happiest of birthdays! i really wanted to have something to post on his birthday, since i couldn't do it for any of our other boys this year ):
i also want to say that i'm really happy/surprised with the huge amount of attention the teaser for this fic got! i felt so inspired, thank you all for taking your time to share it and to talk to me about it too !! <3
i hope you enjoy this first part and i promise i won't take too long to put out part 2! here's a playlist for y'all to play as you read it, if you want to hehe also shoutout to the anon who asked for the black haired jimin header back lol this one's for you
as always, thank you to my fave person @primadonnasdream. without her, i would never be able to write any of my stories.
feedback is always appreciated, sweeties 💜
・permanent taglist: @goldenhoney-cas @yuugehn
・taglist: @imluckybitches @bbtsficrecs @minijagiya @jackinthethroat @arckyive @chimchimmarie @bex-92br @rkvi @hoseok666 @joonsytip @callmejimmeo @koreanaestheticc
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There are about eighteen thousand bars in Seoul. You know this because you’ve just googled it. Out of curiosity? Not really. Just because you couldn’t wrap your head around the fact that out of all the bars in Seoul, all the eighteen thousand bars in Seoul, Jungkook had to pick the one where your ex is currently working. 
Not to blame it on Jungkook, poor guy. There was no way in hell he could know this and you’re sure that if you told him, he’d be crushed, since, according to him, he’s been trying to muster up the courage to ask you out for months. To be fair, you didn’t even know Jimin had left his partner, Seokjin, and his own bar to start working behind the counter again. Not that it's any of your business, anyway. He can go to hell for all you care, especially after dumping your ass three days before your four year anniversary for some random girl he met on that stupid fucking bar of his.
That fucking stupid bar he clearly didn’t even own anymore. Joke’s on him.
It broke your heart in a way you’re not sure it’s ever going to heal. He meant the world to you, all that butterfly bullshit and everything. When he left you, it felt like your world was falling to pieces. You shared a life, even shared a home. A small apartment near his stupid fucking bar, you were so happy when you two finally moved in together. 
Building intimacy takes time, compromising to someone else’s well being and happiness costs more than only your time. Learning how to share your space, your insecurities, your feelings, your everyday life. That shit takes time. Giving yourself to a person takes more than that. It takes courage. 
You gave all of that and much more to Park Jimin. But you regret doing so with every fiber of your being. Learning to live your life again without having him in it was one of the hardest things you’ve had to do so far.
You had your share of revenge after fucking his best friend, Taehyung, and making sure to tell him about it when you went to your apartment to get his stuff back. If you felt like shit, you had to try to make him feel at least one percent of the heartbreak you had been feeling. After that, you heard that he and Taehyung got into a physical fight and had cut ties. 
It was definitely not a very peaceful break up experience, both of you were extremely proud people and could not stand losing. It took you a great amount of therapy sessions in order to stop dreaming and thinking about him 24/7. 
Do you still believe in love after that? You’re not sure, probably not, but it doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun. Jungkook was a very sweet and flirty distraction in the middle of your heartbreak. Not to mention the guy is hot as fuck, but right now, you swear you could just punch him in the face. 
Because out of all the bars in Seoul, here you are. At the one your fucking nasty ex boyfriend works in. 
As soon as you walked in, you felt something was off with this one. It felt like the universe itself was trying to spare you from this experience. Of course, you didn’t listen to your intuition, especially because Jungkook told you a friend of his has been talking wonders about the drinks from this specific bar. 
Once you looked over at the bar, you saw him. For a split second, you froze. He looked as gorgeous as ever, dark locks obscuring his eyes from where you could see. You didn't allow yourself to feel any type of way with the sight of him, you were over him, you definitely didn't want to go back to the pit where you recently came out of, thank you very much. He was too busy with whatever he was doing at the moment to notice you, fortunately. You just rushed over to Jungkook, locking your arms out of nervousness, leaving him quite giddy about it. 
Did you ask him to leave and look for another place to spend the night? No. 
Should you have done so? Maybe.
But you wouldn't deny yourself the satisfaction of showing Jungkook off to him in the place Jimin works. It didn't matter that only looking at him made you miss him more than words can ever say, you know that he’d feel pissed out of his mind. You’d deal with your feelings some other time.
“Looks nice, huh?” Jungkook asks you with a sweet smile hanging on his pierced lips, bringing you back to planet Earth.
You nod faintly, showing him a warm smile. 
“There's a balcony back there, do you see it?” He asks again, holding your hand now. You weren’t even able to react to Jungkook’s gestures properly, you were too lost in your thoughts about Jimin. “It’s got a very nice view of the city, if anything, we can take some nice photos here. You look hot, by the way”.
“Oh- I- Thanks, Jungkook. You too, by the way”, you tried smirking. “A-Are we getting a table or what?”
You usually don’t get thrown off by his compliments. You love when it happens, of course, but you’re usually good at flirting, you see he gets slightly puzzled as to why would you react like that all of a sudden.  
“Are you okay, Y/n?” He asks you, caressing the back of your hand with his thumb, a little concern can be sensed in his voice tone. 
“Of course! Why do you ask?” You reply, tilting your head a bit, trying to sound convincingly confused. 
You would not simply ruin your date by mentioning your ex boyfriend is the bartender he’s been listening compliments about.  
“Nevermind… Why don’t you go ahead and grab us a spot on the balcony? I’ll do the honors and order our drinks. Any preferences?”
“Surprise me”, you challenge him, squeezing his hand before letting go of it, still trying to hold the confident demeanor he’s used to. 
You head over to the balcony, not really looking over at the bar, trying your best to forget about the fact that Jimin was here and could notice you’re here too at any moment. The most annoying thing about this situation is that you’re feeling too nervous about seeing him. Much more than you should be.
So what Jimin is here? You’re over him, remember? Get your shit together. You’re here with Jungkook, enjoy your date.
You try distracting yourself by scrolling on your social media, not really paying attention to anything in particular, just trying to keep your mind away from Jimin. You can’t really understand why you feel almost shaky, maybe that’s how your body reacts to someone you hate. 
You only had the courage to look into his direction again when you felt Jungkook was coming back to your table, with a warm expression adorning his beautiful features, holding two drinks in his hands. It would have been the beginning of a nice date, if you couldn’t see Jimin’s eyes shooting daggers in your direction from above Jungkook’s shoulder. 
Yes, he’s seen you already. Of course he’s seen you. 
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Naturally, since you noticed Jimin’s eyes on you, you were simply not able to relax. Jungkook was acting like his normal charming self, completely unaware of what was going on inside your head. You simply nodded whenever it felt like he was waiting for a reply from you.
“Why are you nodding? Did you hear what I said?” He asks you, with an embarrassed half smile, making you feel slightly guilty for not giving him the attention he deserves.
Damn you, Park Jimin.
“Sorry, Kook, I zoned out for a second. What was the question again?”
“I said the restrooms here are amazing and that you should see it”, he repeats himself, pointing to the drink in front of you, he continues. “I need to use the toilet again, by the way, do you want another mimosa?”
“Oh, sure. Thanks”, you reply with a gentle smile, the nicest one you could flash at him.
You honestly liked him. He was a very good person, from what you could tell. Unfortunately, you completely lost the focus on this date, maybe it was your fight or flight instincts taking over your thoughts, but the only thing you could think about was Jimin’s burning gaze on you and how badly you wanted to escape.
You were pretty sure you got over him, he’s your past. That’s a fact. He is past, there’s no other way. The idea that he can look at you like you’re doing something wrong by moving on with your life makes you feel livid, that’s all there is to it. 
He’s always had the talent to make everything be about him, but this time around it genuinely pisses you off. This whole situation was actually just a coincidence, he’s the one needing to get over himself.
“So, who’s the idol wannabe?” A voice startles you.
A voice you know all too well.
Following the sound of this voice with your eyes, you contemplate the one and only Park Jimin, the man who cheated on you. The once love of your life. You refuse to allow his presence to affect you in any type of way, though.
“Idol wannabe?” You snort, crossing your arms in front of your chest. “Oh, you mean my date? Wow, Mini, you sound so frustrated when you put it like that… Cause, you know, you’re an ex idol wannabe too”.
“Very funny, babe. Who’s the guy?” He jerks his head in the direction Jungkook went, with an authoritative expression on his face.
Like he had any right to be asking you questions about your life. 
“What’s that, Mini? A public jealousy display?” You figured the best way to deal with him was by not giving him what he wants.
“Isn't that what you wanted bringing him to the place I work?”
“I can’t believe- Why do you think I care about how you feel or don’t feel, Park Jimin-ssi?” You blurt out, trying to keep your composure as much as possible. The last thing you want is to make a scene. “It’s funny that you think I’d give myself the trouble to make you feel jealous. I didn't even know you left The Wave”.
“And you expect me to believe that?” He cocks his brows, eyes not leaving your face. “You're a character, Y/l/n Y/n-ssi”.
“As I’ve stated before, Park Jimin-ssi, I do not care about anything that’s related to you anymore. I’m sorry if my presence here feels like an insult or whatever, but, you know… You should have moved on with your life by now too”, as you spit these words at him, you see his eyes flickering with an indignation he would not be allowed to lash out the way you know he wants to, because, after all, this is where he works. “So, if you excuse me, my date can come back at any second and I have no interest in letting him know you’re my ex”.
He grimaced, not uttering another word. That is so unlike him, it’s funny... and kind of weird. He has quite the explosive demeanor and you know you were kind of harsh to him right now. You almost feel guilty, but then you remember how humiliating it was finding out about his infidelity.
What he made you go through was way worse. 
Placing a Daiquiri glass in front of you on the table, he smirks, but you see his smile does not really meet his eyes, covered by a darker cloak you couldn’t actually explain where it came from. 
“Alright, Y/n-ssi. Here’s your drink”, bowing to you, as he takes his leave. “You’re looking as gorgeous as ever. Good luck with your idol boy”. 
“Jimin-ssi, that’s not really what we ordered”, you raise your voice tone slightly, just so you made sure he could hear you.
“Oh, I know, babe. But we both know you’re not really much of a mimosa woman”, he answers, the irony lying underneath every single one of the words that came out of his mouth, turning to you again. “I know you very well, unlike your date, apparently. Don’t worry, this one’s a little more expensive, so, it’s on me”.
He blinks at you, turning on his heels again, this time around not taking another glance in your direction again, leaving you with an almost bittersweet taste in your mouth, that only goes away when you see Jungkook’s smile getting near you again. 
He sits in front of you again and you honestly don’t understand how you allowed Jimin to get under your skin for even a split second. Jungkook was everything you could ask for a guy to be: stunning, into you and not your complicated ex.
“A daiquiri?” He asks you in a gentle tone, knitting his brows together. “Sorry, I guess the bartender didn't understand what I said”.
“No. It’s fine, I’ve started drinking this one already”, you state.
It’s kind of cute that he paid attention to you to a degree in which he noticed the drink you were having. He’s a sweetheart, but Jimin was right, at the end of the day. You’re not much of a mimosa girl. 
“Don't worry, he’s the one who made the mistake… I’m sure he’ll bring you a new one”, Jungkook turns in what you know is Jimin's direction, with his right arm raised, gesturing for him to come over to your table. Then, he turns back to you, with a sweet smile hanging from his pierced lips. “He’s coming”.
Jungkook calling him over was something you simply didn't expect to happen, you didn't have time to react, to think about something to say or for a reason to stop him. You figured you couldn’t have a very strong reaction here, since for all that matters to your date, this guy is just the bartender, not your ex-boyfriend from a relationship that ended really badly. 
Naturally, it doesn’t take Jimin more than ten seconds to get to you, and knowing Jimin, he would stop anything he was doing so he could come over and be petty, if possible. 
“Can I help you?” You hear his voice, but refuse to turn your head in his direction.
You know he’s looking at you, though.
“We have actually ordered a mimosa, but, maybe there was some confusion, and we ended up getting a daiquiri instead. I was wondering if there’s something we can do about it”, Jungkook had both sides of his mouth turned up in a likeable smile, as he gazed in Jimin’s direction. 
You know Jungkook’s niceness would only piss Jimin off even more. 
“Oh, yes, the daiquiri. There’s no mistake, actually”, Jimin mimics the smile Jungkook flashed at him, but you know his isn't a heartfelt one. “I think it suits her better than a mimosa. Anything else?”
“I’m sorry?” Your date’s brows snapped together and the niceness in his smile dissolved into disbelief. “How did you come to a conclusion about the type of drink she prefers?”
“Oh, believe me, I know it”, Jimin snapped back, in a controlled tone. 
Jungkook’s eyes darted in your direction, kind of looking for some sort of endorsement to what he was saying to Jimin, obviously baffled by the boldness of this guy. He, obviously, didn’t find the same kind of expression on your features. It didn’t take him too long to understand that something was off, in a split second, you saw the realization dawning in his face.
You felt cold to your bones, concentrating on using every single bit of what was left from your self control in order not to run away from this bar and leave both of them bickering over the goddamned daiquiri.
“Well, she seems pleased with your choice of drink”, Jungkook tried, clearing his throat. “Thank you for your service, I guess. Keep up with the good work”.
Jimin bows to Jungkook and then to you. 
The atmosphere Jimin leaves behind is so heavy you can almost touch it, you feel the air weighing all around you and Jungkook, who was focused on playing with the napkins on the right side of your table. You open your mouth, but the words just refuse to leave your lips.
You don't even know how to start. What could you possibly say in a situation like that? Most importantly, would you be able to actually explain anything without bursting into tears in front of Jungkook? Not only did you run into your ex for the first time in almost a year, but also he had to come over and make a scene in front of the guy you were seeing.
It was only your second date with Jungkook, after going out for a very nice dinner, in which the two of you couldn’t stop smiling and laughing at each other’s jokes. If only you two had gone two any other of the eighteen thousand bars in this city, you would have never seen Jimin and you’d also not be feeling this terrible uneasiness in your chest.
“So”, Jungkook breaks the silence, but you see he’s still looking at his hands as if those damn napkins were the most amusing thing in the world. “You apparently know each other”. 
“We do. But honestly, I don’t really want to get onto this, Jungkook. Sorry”, you confess, not really knowing if you’re angry or simply dejected by this encounter.
Jungkook could have also just not mentioned the fact that it was clear you and Jimin have some kind of history. Why do men have to be so clueless all the time? Honestly, it feels like a curse liking men sometimes. The whole situation was so off putting, you truly just wanted to go home, it didn’t matter Jungkook was hot and the nicest guy ever, Jimin was able to kill the mood for you completely.
You see Jungkook is fighting some sort of  internal battle and you feel extremely bad for being the reason behind it.. He had been the sweetest person you had a date with in a very long time. You obviously were not ready to try dating again, Jimin was still all over you, and unfortunately, not only figuratively speaking.
"I'm so sorry for dragging you into this mess", you finally break the silence, making Jungkook look at you again. "I honestly don't feel so good right now…"
"Yeah, I imagined. All I can do is wholeheartedly tell you that it's alright if you wanna go home or something. I don't really know what happened between the two of you, but I can tell something definitely happened", he sympatized and you could tell he was being genuine, not really knowing why, you just saw it in his eyes.
You feel like going home, for sure. Just laying in bed for a couple of hours and crying your eyes out would be the only medicine for this. Maybe, tomorrow after work, you’d need the “best friend plus romantic sad movies combo”, but you’d be alright. Unfortunately, seeing Jimin after this time apart was not as easy as you thought. You just knew that the lump in your throat wouldn't just disappear after installing itself there once again.
Looking deep into Jungkook's eyes, searching for some sort of judgment or resentment, which you do not find, you muster up the strength to be fully honest. If nothing, he deserved it.
"I do want to go, Jungkook", you confess, taking his hand, that rested upon the table, into yours and squeezing it lightly. "I'm really sorry for being a louzy date tonight. I promise I'll try to make it up to you".
"Hey, don't worry…" He says softly. Jungkook squeezes your hand back, but lets go of it and pulls it back, leaving yours hanging on the table by itself. "I have kind of waited a long time to ask you out, but I can wait some more. Date number one was amazing, but we can’t always win. I just want us to have a good time together. I'll let you make it up to me, it's fine".
“I’m really sorry…”
“It’s fine”, he shakes his head, a soft smile hanging loosely on his pierced lips, sounding convincing enough to you. He is genuinely a good person. “But for out next date, you’re the one who should be asking me out. Deal?”
He extends his tattooed hand to you, still beaming at you. 
“Fair enough”, you shake his hand back, feeling a little better for his reassurance. “Deal”.
You must be the most stupid person to ever walk this earth and you know it. Losing your chance with a guy like Jungkook is one of the most ridiculous things you've ever put yourself through. But what can you objectively do? You just ran into your ex and it was awful. You just wanted to cry curled up onto your pillows until you forgot, once again, what the sound of Jimin's voice felt like against your ears. You were in no mood for small talk and flirtation anymore. It was better ending the night like this, than being a statue around him, right? And if he said you could make it up to him later, you could really try to. 
You know that if you weren't feeling this blue, you'd be embarassed as fuck. Maybe, tomorrow, you will. 
Jungkook insists on paying for your drinks, saying that you could pay on the next time. Good to know that he's really counting on a next time and he didn't say it just to be polite before. Fortunately, he doesn't really offer to take you home and you call yourself a car. All you wanted was to be alone with your thoughts for a while.
This whole situation wouldn't be this awful if you didn't feel Jimin's eyes on you the whole fucking time. You knew he was watching the whole scene unravel in front of his eyes with an indescribable delight. 
Indeed, he won this time. But you could only hope that this was the only battle he'd win from now on. You needed to find your way back to yourself. 
And you will, it’ll just take you a little bit of time again.
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The light breeze gently touches your skin, as you feel the warmness of the rising sun delicately kissing your hair. The star emerges from behind the hills, as you stand in front of them, tall and strong, deeply rooted to the depths of the earth.
Suddenly, you hear a very loud noise, sounding like a distant bell. Looking around you, you’re not able to find the source of it. It’s not possible that it’s coming from one of the trees, is it?
You hear it again, this time, longer and more annoyingly depriving you from enjoying this beautiful day out in the meadows.
But then, you realize this is a dream. And as soon as the realization hits you, you wake up. You hate being an occasional lucid dreamer, who wakes up as soon as you notice you’re in a dream. It has prevented you from fulfilling many of your fantasies with your celebrity crushes because you always feel like the scenarios are too good to be true.
Then you hear the unblessed noise that woke you up one more time, noticing it’s been the sound of your doorbell this whole time. Finally finding your phone, after your hands grop on your bedside table looking for it, you see it’s 3:27 in the morning. Why the hell would anyone ring your doorbell in such an ungodly hour? 
Well, a burglar wouldn’t ring the doorbell, right? You reason, trying not to freak the fuck out. 
The doorbell rings one more time, then you hear what seems to be a muffled attempt at verbal communication. Should you go to the door? Should you call the cops? You have no idea. 
It could be one of your neighbors looking for help. What if it was an emergency?
“Mrs. Hong? Is that you?” You blurted, voice a bit shaky from the anticipation. 
You hear another muffled response, not really understanding anything this person is saying, but you know it definitely isn’t Mrs. Hong. 
Fuck, Y/n, are you stupid? Whoever this is, now they know you’re inside!
You feel your whole body starting to tremble, heartbeat racing as the worst images possible flash through your mind. You want to go back to your bedroom, call the cops and hide under your bed until someone comes to save you from whoever is this weirdo at your doorstep. The sound of your parents’ voice saying you were crazy for moving out of their house to live by yourself echo through your brain and you can feel the tears start brewing in the corners of your eyes when you’re able to distinguish a word from the muffled bumbling from outside your door.
You are positive you heard the person finishing their sentence with a “babe”. Instantly, you feel a warm wave of relaxation invading your body, in contrast with the uneasy feeling you had a minute ago. You know exactly who it is on the other side of your door. Looking at the peephole, you find the exact person you expected to see leaning against your door frame. Park Jimin. A very, very drunk Park Jimin, from what you can see.
Your hand goes straight to the door handle, opening the door with a blunt movement. When he realizes what’s happening, his eyes land on yours and you see them turning into the shapes of small crescent moons, as a smile rests on his plumpy lips. 
“You almost gave me a fucking heart attack, Jimin-ssi! What the fuck are you doing here?” you bark, watching the smile disappear from his face. 
“Sorry, I swear I didn’t mean to scare you! I just want to talk to you and if I’m here, it’s your fault! I could have just called, but you fucking blocked me everywhere”, he pants in a high pitched voice, one he uses when he’s allowing his irritating to take control over him. 
“It’s almost four in the morning… You’re clearly drunk… I really don’t want to do this, Jimin”, you state, pinching the bridge of your nose. “Please, get the fuck out of here before you disturb my neighbors too”.  
Slamming the door on his face, you turn on your heels towards your bedroom, but before you’re able to walk four steps in its direction, Jimin’s voice can be heard from the inside again. Only this time, he didn’t have his face buried on your door and he was shouting in front of your house.
“Y/n-ssi! I just want to talk to you, pleaseee”, and the there was a knock on your door. “Y/n-ssi! Let me in, Y/n-ssi!”
You feel your blood boiling like magma in your veins, knowing you gave him the perfect weapon to use against you when you mentioned your neighbors. He knows you wouldn’t want these people to talk about you, to talk about the guy who was making a fuss by yelling your name for the whole street to hear in front of your house. You know him and you know that he knows how he plays his games, even when he’s drunk. In a blunt movement, you open the door and grab Jimin by his coat, this time, dragging him inside. 
For a second, the two of you just stare at each other. Due to the closeness, you’re able to sense the scent of his cologne, the musky one you gave him on the last Valentine’s day the two of you have spent as a couple. You hate him even more for not getting rid of what’s left of you in him. 
“You wanted to talk, didn’t you? So, talk!” You hiss, crossing your arms in front of your chest, feeling the need to break the silence before you did something you’d end up regretting.
He blinks, clearly still mesmerized by the fact that his lousy strategy to get you to do what he wanted worked. 
“I saw you left not even five minutes later from that… Well, awkward moment”, he wiggles his eyebrows exaggeratedly as he speaks. “You got yourself a nice suitor, huh?”
“The moment was awkward all thanks to you!” You fumed, unconsciously raising your pointer finger in his direction. “You asshole!”
“Why am I the asshole here? I just told him the truth!” He stated emphatically, with a flicker in his eyes you were just not able to identify precisely.
You were able to smell the alcohol in his breath, due to the closeness, and you felt even more disgusted to be in his presence.
“After cheating on me, you think you have the right to come back and interfere in my love life?” You whisper, angrily. It feels like the temperature in your house is rising, but you know it’s just your anger making you feel hot on the inside. “What did I do to you, Jimin-ssi? Why do you feel like destroying my life every chance you get? Just leave me alone!” 
You see your words have an effect on him and whatever he was about to say, you feel like your words have just stopped him from going on. He sighs loudly and when you were about to kick him out of your house, he starts again.
“Who… Who is he, babe?” He looked down as the question finally left his lips. 
You almost missed him, his arms around you, his voice whispering soft words in your ears. You almost allow his vulnerable demeanor to get to you.
Almost, but you know better.
Sighing, just like he did seconds ago, you voiced.
“Why do you even care, Jimin? You have nothing to do with my life anymore, you know?” You run your hands through your hair, nervously, looking away from him for a second. “As I’ve told you earlier today, you should’ve moved on by now, after all, you were the one who chatead. Own up to your mistakes, dear, you’re a grown ass man. And stop calling me babe!”
He looks at you, wide eyed after you snap at him. The fact that after all these months without seeing him, you were finally able to say everything you wanted to say to his face brought you some sort of relief. 
“When I saw you today, after all the time we’ve been apart, I realized that's the problem… I have nothing to do with your life anymore. I miss you, Y/n”.
It's so hard to hear him saying those things. Mostly, because, deep down you know you miss him too. It hurts so bad to know that you can never have him back, despite loving him. You'd never be able to truly let go of what he did to you. Acknowledging it was the hardest part, it felt like the lump in your throat just got bigger. 
“You can't change that unless you have a time machine”, you said under your breath, more to yourself than to him.
“I can't believe he took this away from me too… Fuck…", he snorts, rubbing his face harshly with both of his hands.”
“What are you trying to say? Who is he?", you ask him impatiently. You would not have him just throwing crazy and riddled information at you at this point. "Are you talking about Taehyung?
“No. It's not about Taehyung. Nevermind", his eyelids drop as he mumbles.
“Really? Is that how shit’s gonna go down? You come to my house to pester me in the middle of the night like you had the right to still be in my life after what you did? And you talk in riddles, like, if there's something I still need to know, now's the only time!” You stop, trying to find the right words to try to get to him as much as he did to you. He didn't move, his eyes were still closed as you spoke. As he made no move, you felt like you could continue. “You know what’s funny, though? I guess if things had worked out with miss thing, you wouldn’t be here right now. So, thank you for showing me you’re just a lonely piece of shit. It's good to know you're in pain too”. 
“You still have no idea, do you?” He snorts, mouth agape as he eyed you.
“Oh well, I don't know if I do. Please, enlighten me, Jimin-ssi. Did the illuminati make you cheat on me or something?"” Scorn spewing out of your words.
He looks at you once more, his eyes burning with longing. It just made your blood boil even more inside of your veins.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. I can’t even say how all of that broke my heart in, like, one million pieces”, he whimpered lowly, his head down as the words left his lips, not really entertaining your mockery.
You snort. 
“How all of that broke your heart? Have you considered that if you had not cheated, we’d still be together? Have you thought about how all of that broke my heart?” You poke him angrily on his chest, feeling the unwelcome misery settling once more in your chest once you heard Jimin’s words. “It was all your fault, Jimin! If we’re not together right now, it's your fault! You broke my heart!”
You vomit all those words at him, holding back the years with every single bit of strength left in you. His eyes travel up to meet yours as you spoke, Jimin’s features are clouded by something you can’t quite name. Is it regret? It must be, it’s the only thing that makes sense. Maybe he’s genuinely sad about it too, but it honestly doesn’t matter. Or maybe there was really something he was trying to tell. 
Whatever it is, hee deserves to deal with it on his own. You don’t have to allow him to drag you back to the hole of pain you were able to come out of, very recently, by the way.
“You’re right, Y/n-ssi. It was all my fault. I shouldn’t have come here, I don’t know what I was thinking.” He sighs, running his hands through his dark locks that fell to the sides, looking partially messed, in a very attractive way. “Again, I’m sorry. For everything. Maybe, someday-”.
“Yeah, sure. It doesn’t matter anymore”, you cut him short. You just can’t do this anymore, you can’t listen to him whining. Not without bursting into tears and you definitely didn't want to cry in front of him. 
On the other hand, the attraction you feel for him, right now, standing before your front door, his features barely lit by the only source of light coming from your bedroom behind you. You hate him for still looking great, for still messing with you, for still being the most handsome man you’ve ever seen. You hate yourself too for feeling like that about him, after all this time.
“Is… This guy. Is he nice to you?” He breaks the silence, his voice as soft as feather touch against your ears.
“He’s just a guy, Jimin. But just stop… Stop asking”, you mutter. “Please, just go”.
He nods, still gazing at you with his magnetic dark eyes.
“I hope you know this”, he points to himself and to you, as he jerks his head in your direction. “Us. Me being here. It means I still have very strong feelings for you. Very strong feelings I can’t control, I guess”.
“I don’t wanna know, Jimin-ssi. Really”.
“I’m sorry, but by the way you still look at me… I’m sure there's still something there. Maybe you’ve done a nice job locking it away, but I know it’s still there”.
“I don’t-”, you stop yourself, and turn to him with a louder tone. “Just fucking go!”
The control you had over yourself so far was gone, you just want him out of your sight. Hopefully, out of your mind too.
When it finally seemed like he was ready to leave, he turned to you once more, gazing intensely into your eyes. Before you had the chance to tell him the get the fuck out for the last time, he had his arms around your waist and his lips found yours; hungrily. 
His kiss was exactly the way you remembered. Intense. Passionate. Breathtaking. Right. It just felt like home. His tongue pursues yours in a fervent twirl and your tongue corresponds in the same intensity. His hand travels upwards, resting on the nape of your neck, spreading a pleasurable warm sensation where it touched. 
He pins you up against the wall, his lips not leaving yours for a split second. He pressed his body against yours and you wrapped your arms around his neck, enclosing any space that could be left between your body and his. He felt so warm against you and the way his touch felt against your skin made it impossible for your brain to think about anything other than the right now and how much you longed for him.
“I’ve missed this”, he said softly, his plumpy lips against yours. “So much”.
He presses his lips against yours once more, but now you realize you can taste the soju on his tongue. Then, you come to your senses.
You’re missing your drunk ex-boyfriend in the middle of the night. This is the man who cheated on you. The man who made a fool out of you and didn’t give a fuck about your feelings. You swore you wouldn't allow him to touch ever again. Here you are, breaking your own promise. Worse part is, maybe he won’t even remember anything that was said or done when we wakes up tomorrow.
In an instinctive impulse, you push him as hard as you can, trying to create as much distance as possible from Jimin. You don't face him long enough to know what happens to him, besides the confused look on his face after forcing him away from you.
“Jimin-ssi… Just get the fuck out of my house”, you start babbling, but trying to control the wobbliness in your voice. 
You hate yourself for being so weak, all it took him was a kiss and you almost dropped all the defenses you’d worked so hard to build up.
“Y/n, just hear me out, please… I wanna tell you everything”, he cried out, his somewhat wobbly voice coming from behind you.
“Jimin, please!” You murmur, imploring. “Just leave me alone.
And there was silence. It felt like time had stopped, you just focused on not allowing the weight on your chest to take over you. You don’t know how long it takes, but you hear your front door being slammed, then all you could do was allow yourself the tears you were holding back to roll down your cheeks in an attempt to release this pain from your chest.
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part 2
614 notes · View notes
cherrysoulth · 8 months
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💕Pairings: Female reader X Daechwita! King AgustD-1 // Female reader X Daechwita! AgustD-2
📝Summary: When the sound of Daechwita vibrates in the internal battle between the royal family twins. A king and a lover. Lust, Love and Betrayal are on rampage. You need to make a choice- Love or saving the trust. And your choices will have consequences...
✏️Genre: angst and fluff 
✏️Rating: PG-18
⚠️Warnings: Mentions of sex, violence, cheating/affairs
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Hii! Welcome to my work. I'm new in this platform but been posting my writing for four years now in AO3. English is not my first language, so please if you find grammar mistakes, let me know. :)
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Chapter 2: A NEW BREEZE
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
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© 2018-2024 Cherry Soulth, all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind, translations, or unsanctioned adaptations are not allowed.
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40 notes · View notes
hoseoks-reader · 4 months
Tiny Dancer, Part 2. [JUNG HOSEOK]
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"Time goes by unnoticed when you’re doing what you love."
Tiny Dancer AU: Jung Hoseok x Y/N
Summary: Y/N has been a dancer for as long as she can remember. She started small and eventually built a reasonable following through her YouTube channel, and around 5 years ago she was contacted by the Dreamz label, that presented her with a very appealing contract. It so happened this label was a direct rival of Big Hit… which had BTS signed. Which happened to be the band where her boyfriend, Minho, performed as a back-up dancer.
She didn’t know much about those seven boys other than the fact she became good friends with Yoongi at a party last week, and they had incredible dancers. Incredible dancers.
NOTE: So I’m going to start adding pictures of how Y/N’s apartment looks. I hope it helps visualize the story better. Also, I promise this is the last rushed part! I just needed the creathe the plot's setting, it gets better from here! Thank you!
Part 2 (07.06.2024) Don't copy or repost on other accounts. Y/N - your name Trigger warnings: none i think (?) light mention of not eating (not on purpose tho)
Wordcount 2,2k
The following day started a bit later than usual. You caught a good night of sleep, something you had been needing for a long while.
Minho was no longer beside you. You sighted remembering the exchange of words you had last night. And this morning, he left, yet again, without saying anything. You got up and checked your phone. 11h. You stretched a bit and checked your messages.
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You rolled your eyes. Of course, and I suppose you’re not gonna tell me if you’re going to get dinner with me or not, you said to yourself. You know this reaction if not just due to the message but also to everything that has seemed to become normal to your relationship by now. You tried not to overthink and decided to get ready for a lunch you already regret agreeing to. 
One of your back dancers, Seoyun, really wanted to hang out with you and it’s not like you’re overflowing in friendships, so you thought, why not. But today, you really aren’t in the mood. It’s not her fault, she’s actually very nice. You took a deep breath and looked into your closet to decide what to wear.  You quickly put your outfit together and headed to the kitchen to get some coffee while you still had some time.
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As you drank your coffee your head went back to the previous night. Maybe you’re getting a chance at building new friendships. You just couldn’t let yourself sabotage things. Your relationship with Minho has been the most lasting thing you have managed to have these last years. You’ve grown too used to being alone. But you deserved better than that and you knew you had it in you to care for others.
Maybe it isn’t the most obvious part of you considering that you don’t get too close to people, but Minho still had that side of you. These few years together had been mostly great, you still don’t know how he was so persistent when you barely said any words to him at the very beginning. But gladly he did.
While you were lost in thoughts, leaned into the counter, your phone started buzzing.
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You immediately curse yourself for sounding so desperate right away. You roll your eyes at yourself and start cleaning your coffee mug. You gather your things and head out to meet Seoyun. It was very sunny, and the weather was warmer than what you expected which slightly bettered your mood.
The drive to the restaurant was a quick one since the traffic was mostly light. As you approach the entrance of the chosen restaurant you see Seoyun’s familiar face. Her eyes met yours as she smiled to you, and you thought to yourself, maybe this won’t be so bad.
You had been laying on your couch reading your book for the last hour when your mind started to lose focus.
Y/N: Maybe it’s time to put it down.
You placed it on the center table and reached for your phone to check the time. 6h53pm. You were still a bit full of your lunch with Seoyun so maybe you should just get going to meet the guys.
You were actually surprised at yourself today. You either really clicked with her, or you were losing old habits. Instead of leaving her to lead the whole conversation, you initiated a lot of topics and talked a bit about yourself even. Nothing too personal of course, yet a great start. Seoyun was kind and interested in what you had to say so maybe this made you feel more at ease to talk. You found out she also enjoyed reading so you shared some favorite books with each other and even got excited proposing a book club so you could get together outside of work more often.
You wondered if you should switch your outfit before leaving. You pouted while your brain wrapped itself around the idea of having to change- nah. This will do.
Yoongi had texted you earlier to let you know the game night would take place at this house and sent you the address. So now, all you had to do was head there. There were some beers on your fridge that you grabbed so you wouldn’t just show up empty handed.
Yoongi: Y/N! Welcome! Come in! Y/N: Hello! Thank you!
As you walk in, Yoongi guides you towards the living room where the rest of the guys already were seated. Everyone said hello and tried to find a place for you to sit. You ended up next to Seokjin who quickly made you a part of his team. Namjoon and Jimin’s girlfriend also made it and were as sweet as last time.
Seokjin: Jungkook is very competitive. If you get under his skin, he’ll become distracted. Jungkook: Hey! That’s mean.
You giggled at the two bantering.
Jimin: Let’s start or what? Charades first?
You got home pretty late but with the biggest smile on your face. You sat in your couch going over the way Jimin and Jungkook had gotten into an argument after Jimin delivered a very poor impression of The Godfather which drove his friend insane. 
You go through you purse to find your phone as soon as you grab it your smile fades. 5 messages and 10 missed calls.
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Well, shit. You try calling him and he picks up after two rings.
Minho: Hey. What the fuck? Are you okay? Y/N: Hi, I’m okay! I’m sorry, the guys invited me to a game night at Yoong- Minho: The guys? Y/N: Yes, bangtan, the- Minho: You could’ve told me you weren’t going to be home. Or pick up the phone, I stood outside for 40 minutes.
His tone was starting to piss you off a little. 
Y/N: I said I’m sorry. I didn’t do it on purpose. And to be honest, you texted me at 9pm, you know by then I usually am already done eating. Plus, you shouldn’t just assume I’ll be home and show up. And again I didn’t know you wanted to have dinner with me. It would help if you would let me know sooner. Minho: I thought you were staying home. Y/N: Yeah, from work. Minho: Yes, but you usually just stay in- Y/N: Maybe it’s time I start going out more. And maybe it’s time you stop taking my time and company for granted.
With that you hang up. You felt bad for leaving him hanging but you couldn’t have guessed. He needs to communicate better and if he’s not sharing the house with you, he just can’t show up out of nowhere.
You head to the kitchen and get a cup of water, your throat suddenly dry. You succumbed to the ground and sat on the floor, against the counter. Too tired to cry, you try to turn your mind off the matter and open Instagram, a post immediately popping up on top of your feed.
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Now that, is insane. It’s 1 am and he still went to the practice room. You stare at it for a while. Why not? 
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You didn’t know how you gathered the courage, but you did. You immediately got up and looked for your to-go cups to start preparing the iced coffees. As you quickly got everything ready you felt a little lighter. Dancing was definitely going to help, and the company hopefully will too. You switched on to a more comfortable outfit, picked up the cups and on your way you went.
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You quickly got there, your small cooler on one hand, your phone on the other. The building is still so strange to you, but everyone seemed like they were already expecting you, as if you’d walk in there every day. You followed Hoseok’s instructions to reach the room he was staying in, your eyesight half focused on your phone, the other half on the way ahead of you, making sure not to bump into anyone on your way.
As you roamed through the building you finally find the right room and knock before opening it slowly. You peak your head inside to make sure you were on the right place and see Hoseok splattered on the floor stretching.
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Y/N: You’re gonna break in half.
Hoseok jumped out of surprise and threw himself back on the floor once he saw you.
Y/N: Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you- Hoseok: Y/N- Jesus
He was still gasping for air, his hand on his chest as it went up and down. You bit back a giggle as you place your cooler on the floor and start heading towards him at the center of the room.
Y/N: You need to be more aware of your surroundings, especially when it’s 1 am and you’re alone in a practice room. Hoseok: Good thing you’re not here to murder me. (you look at him suspiciously) Right? Y/N: I don’t think so. Hoseok: You don’t sound very sure.
He giggled and you rolled your eyes while you started stretching.
Y/N: So I suppose I’m here to show you one thing or two- Hoseok: Whoa- Alright Fresh Princess Of Bel Air Y/N: I’m joking- Hoseok: I know. But you are already behind on stretching.
He got up, a smirk on his face as he went to reach for his phone to find a nice playlist.
Hoseok: Time goes by unnoticed when you’re doing what you love.
You stare at your phone as you notice it’s already 4 am. Your stomach starts to growl, and you remember you haven’t eaten anything since lunch. You feel a little lightheaded and Hoseok seems to notice
Hoseok: Hey (he grabs one of your arms), are you okay? Y/N: Yeah, sorry I just haven’t eaten since lunch- Hoseok: Aishh, are you insane? Come on, I have some snacks on my studio.
You heard Hoseok’s voice but your eyes were focusing on the message you just received.
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Hoseok: Y/N? Y/N: Yeah, sorry, okay.
You put your phone away, you can deal with this in the morning. He offered his arm for balance, and you held on to it until you reached his studio.  When you both enter he leads you to the massive black couch and wanders off to his table to find the snacks he left there earlier.
Hoseok: Here, eat that- iced coffee? Y/N: Yes- Hoseok: (he looked around until he found your cooler) Here.
He grabbed something for himself and joined you on the couch. Only when he was looking at you making sure you were eating did you feel the embarrassment flow through you.
Y/N: I’m very sorry- Hoseok: Don’t be, just eat, it’s fine really.
You’re sure he preferred to be heading home right now, taking a shower and resting, yet here you are wasting his time.
Y/N: Maybe I can finish on the way home. It’s late you probably want to get going too- Hoseok: You’re stubborn, aren’t you? If I wanted to be leaving, I’d be leaving. Eat (he grabbed your hand and directed it to your mouth so you could keep grabbing small bites).
You sighted and continued on chewing and taking sips of water. Once you were finished you nodded to Hoseok, and he took the hint.
Hoseok: Okay, come on, I’ll take you home. Y/N: Oh no, it’s okay I brought my car. Hoseok: You almost passed out a few minutes ago. You can come grab your car tomorrow, I’ll take you. (he handed you his phone so you could give him the address)
You didn’t argue any further with him and just follow him back to his car. You could feel his gaze on you, almost to make sure you didn’t fall back every two seconds. While you were walking you analyzed the day on your head. Meeting with people in 3 separate occasions in just one day? Y/N who are you.
Before you know it, you’re on the way home. You had been quiet for most of the time and yet Hoseok had been respecting your silence, so before it got weird you spoke.
Y/N: Thank you. You really didn’t have to. Hoseok: You’re welcome. Next time you’re signing a liability statement to confirm you’re fed and hydrated.
You giggled while consenting with your head. Not long after, you reach your building.
Y/N: Thank you again. Hoseok: No problem. Do you need any further help? Will you make it to your flat okay? Y/N: Yes, don’t worry. I feel better. Have a good night. Hoseok: You too Y/N.
You smiled as you exited the car and suddenly the fatigue caught up to you. All you wanted right now was a warm shower and your bed. Very quickly you turned on the hot water and gathered your pjs. It took you 10 minutes to be curled up inside the sheets and checking your phone one last time before going to sleep.
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Thank you for reading! Part 3 coming soon! (you won't have to wait as long as you did for this one ahah) Check my blog for more fics! See you soon.
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ot7heaven · 6 months
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Never Let You Go
Pairing: idol!hobi x manager!reader
Genre: fluff, angst
Words: 4362
Warnings: none
Chapter 2: San Man
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OT7Heaven Masterlist
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Just as Hunny starts tucking into her salad, Jihyeon glides into the break room. Effortlessly rocking the heels she loves to wear, Jihyeon looks the part. It’s not hard to believe she’s a nail technician judging by the way she’s always so put together. Hunny has only known Jihyeon for a month but she already admires her so much. Her infectious laughter, calming and kind personality, professionalism and kdrama actress good looks have made Jihyeon a favourite with staff and spa clients. Hunny is so glad to have found a spa with such nice employees.
“Is everything going okay out there?” Hunny asks, popping a cherry tomato into her mouth.
“The girls out there look rushed off their feet!”
“Let’s stay in here and hide for a while then,” Hunny laughs. “What scrumptious food have you brought in today?” The spa manager asks.
Setting her lunch on the table, Jihyeon replies “Kimchi Jjigae and also homemade brownies for afterwards.”
“My mouth is watering just thinking about those brownies!” Hunny exclaims. Last week it was Namseok’s birthday. Jihyeon brought in homemade matcha croissants for the waxer’s birthday. Needless to say, there were none left for him to take home after everyone enjoyed them on the morning break.
“Actually Lucas made these.” Jihyeon explains. Her boyfriend is a pastry chef in the kitchen of one of the fanciest hotels in Seoul - no, in all of Korea. Having a hot French pastry chef boyfriend at home is a blessing Jihyeon could never take for granted.
“So I'm guessing they’re out-of-this-world amazing, then?” Hunny asks as if the answer isn’t at all obvious in any way.
Laughing as she nods her head, Jihyeon slides the container across the table towards Hunny. Hunny is on a diet - again - but how can she resist? Surely one little brownie is okay… With its chunky chocolate chips and an ‘eat me’ deeply chocolatey scent… She barters with herself and decides to go jogging 6 times this week instead of the usual 5. She inspects the brownies until she finds one with the most chocolate chips. She makes that brownie her victim.
Noticing Hunny’s tactics, Jihyeon smiles “I think they all have lots of chocolate chips in them. Lucas knows we would have to break up if he deprived me of chocolate.”
Hunny puts the chosen brownie in her bag so she can enjoy it later at home. “Seriously, chocolate owns me. Chocolate has made me its little slave.” She disposes of the salad container and sips on her coffee. “I wonder if it settles down when we're back out there.” Hunny says hopefully as her eyes drift towards the door.
“Ugh, I hope so,” Jihyeon says, putting a cube of tofu in her mouth. “It seems that every guest in the hotel decided that today is the day for manicures and massages.”
The first verse of 'Dynamite' by Bangtan starts playing on the radio. Hunny smiles to herself as she reminisces about her chance encounter with Hobi yesterday. She’s spent so long being bombarded with Bangtan on the radio, television and even on Tumblr. One of her mutuals often posts edits and one shots regarding idols. Scrolling through Tumblr, she has seen one shots of Hobi. Hunny always scrolls by quickly when she sees Hobi’s name as it’s just too weird. Yes, Hobi is hot. Yes, he’s an idol. And yes, Tumblr is rife with Hobi thirst traps and edits. But being his childhood friend, Hunny thinks it crosses a line. One that she couldn't possibly allow herself to cross.
Gesturing upstairs towards the hotel rooms, “If you were doing in-room treatments you'd have no radio. So maybe being down here in the chaos is actually better than the tranquillity of doing treatments in the peace and quiet of a fancy suite.” Hunny offers, taking another sip of her coffee.
Giving it less than five seconds of thought, Jihyeon shakes her head with a slight smirk. “No, I have to say I actually prefer to be down here in the spa. Upstairs, I don’t have you or Namseok or anyone else to talk to. I feel a bit intimidated by the guests in the rooms.” She honestly admits.
“You do?” Hunny would never have guessed that Jihyeon's Achilles heel would be her confidence.
“Well, the guests that come down to the spa are relatable. I easily find common ground and I can just be myself. The guests in the suites? The fancy expensive suites? They expect more and I don’t always know how to connect with them.” She trails off shyly.
Hunny feels touched that Jihyeon felt she could be this open with her. “You just have to be yourself with all of your clients. I mean, you’re working in an award winning hotel for a reason! If you run out of topics to talk about you could always tell them about Lucas’ tasty croissants.” Hunny offers this advice sincerely because she knows how scary it can be to talk to rich clients who expect the world.
With a raised eyebrow, Jihyeon quips “Lucas’ tasty croissant? That’s for me and me alone.”
“You can behave yourself right now!” Hunny laughs. “You know what I meant.” She says as she disposes of her coffee cup. Heading towards the door to continue her shift, Hunny offers Jihyeon one last piece of advice. “If you ever need some advice or just a chat, my office door is always open.” 
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After her shift, Hunny decides to get her eyebrows waxed. Namseok made a joke about them looking a little too wild. She thought that they looked fine - oops. She didn’t want to ask him to stay at work late so she tracked down a salon that she’s heard good things about. Pulling her car into a parking space, she turns the radio down so she can call her sister. Jinseong went to university in Denmark and fell in love. She stayed in Denmark after graduation to be with her Danish boyfriend. Not long after graduation, they got married and started a family. Hunny sometimes wishes she studied abroad. She thinks of the life she could be living right now if she left Korea. She could be fluent in English instead of her skills being just about conversational. She could improve her Japanese speaking skills. Hunny wishes that her speaking skills were as good as her listening skills because she feels overwhelmed and lost most of the time when she speaks Japanese. Hunny could have gone on so many adventures and seen so much of the world. She’s not yet left Asia apart from trips to see Jinseong and her new family. Jinseong may only be two years older than Hunny but she still feels so far behind her cool older sister. Hunny’s attempts at playing catch up have amounted to nothing. This only makes her break up with Sonhee more devastating.
After a few rings, Jinseong answers. “Hunny Hunny!”
Just hearing her sister’s voice fills Hunny’s heart with love. She beams, “Eonnie, I've missed your voice. How’s your day?”
“It’s only 10:30 in the morning so the day hasn’t even started yet,” Jinseong jokes. “Well, that’s if you don’t count Karen’s morning tantrum which seems to be a daily occurrence now.”
“Oh no. What happened? Is my little angel okay?” Hunny is her niece’s fiercest protector.
Jinseong scoffs, “Little angel? Little angels don’t cry because they want to come to work with mommy. Lars has taken her to see his parents so they'll be out of town until the evening, I guess.”
“So you can come home from work and relax in the bathtub with a very large glass of wine?” Given the time, Hunny assumes that Jinseong is on her morning coffee break and would love something a little stronger than coffee.
”Ooh, that does sound like a good idea! How are you doing? It’s been so long since we last spoke.”
Realising that they haven’t spoken since Hunny moved to Seoul, she mentally scolds herself for not keeping in touch during the move. “I’m good. All settled in now. Just missing my Karen.”
“Have you made any friends yet?” Jinseong asks. She really cares about Hunny. Knowing it can be scary moving to a city, she just wants to give Hunny a huge hug and tell her this adventure is going to be amazing.
“I’ve made a few friends at work. My colleague, Jihyeon, gave me a homemade brownie today. I just couldn’t resist. So Sunday will no longer be my rest day. A quick 30 minute jog and that brownie will be forgotten about.”
Jinseong sighs, ”You’re lucky that you don’t live in Copenhagen. The bakeries here are amazing.”
“I’d never see a rest day again in my life!” Hunny laughs.
“So Jihyeon bakes?” Jinseong quizzes.
“Her boyfriend does. He’s a French pastry chef. Jealous doesn't even begin to describe how I feel” Hunny jokes.
“I bet. She’s a lucky girl. And how are you feeling today,” her tone shifts, “with it being the day of what would be your four year anniversary?”
Reality hit Hunny like a brick. She spent so long surrounded by memories of him in Gwangju. Memories that she thought she’d never escape. Four years of being a dream team gone. Just like that. Ouch. She now remembers why she was so desperate to move to Seoul. She hasn’t cried in weeks but feels tears threatening to spill. The man she thought she might marry is no longer in her life and she hasn't thought about it for weeks. That’s either Hunny moving on or Hunny going on autopilot to cope with this big life change. She’s surprised that Jinseong remembered the anniversary and she didn’t.
Shaking her head and blinking fast, “I haven’t thought about Sonhee much recently. I think I’m just trying to get used to being in Seoul that I haven’t really had time for anything or anyone else. I’m sorry that I haven’t called you in a while.” 
“Hey, don’t be sorry. You’ve been busy. I just want you to be okay.” Jinseong reassures her younger sister.
“I think I am going to be okay. It just may take some time for me to really believe it. One of my colleagues - employees - said that my eyebrows were looking a little too wild today. Wow, saying 'employees' is going to take some getting used to.” Hunny laughs, “He was only teasing. Everyone at work has been welcoming and kind, so I think I’ll be okay. They all seem like great friends.”
“Is he a friend or something more?” Jinseong cheekily asks.
“Namseok is not even a friend yet. I don’t know him that well so it’s been weeks of polite small talk.” Hunny says, hoping that she gets the chance to know him as well as everyone else at work knows him. “I’m actually about to get my eyebrows waxed. Would you mind at all if we ended the call here and carried this conversation on later?” Hunny hates ending phone calls with Jinseong. Timezones and busy lives mean they don’t even get weekly check in calls.
“Go! Go get your sexy brows and we can talk later. I’ll call you on my afternoon break. I love you Hunny.”
“I love you Eonnie. Bye.” After cutting the call, Hunny steps out of the car and makes her way to the salon.
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After what felt like an unnecessarily long day all Hunny wanted to do was sit on her couch, watch Business Proposal and eat that dreamy homemade brownie. Just as she took her first bite of chocolatey goodness, a flash of pure white came running in from the hallway. The surface of Hunny’s face was just 90% pure smile at the sight of her cat. Sonhee had gotten Hunny a kitten for her 25th birthday. She spent so long saying she wanted a dog. However, her apartment was tiny. It would not have been ideal or realistic to raise a dog in that apartment. Sonhee compromised and brought San into Hunny’s life. San is the best friend she’s ever had. He occasionally reminds her of Sonhee but he’s a nice way to remember the good times they shared. She doesn’t know how she would have coped with moving to a new city if she had to leave San back in Gwangju.
With her eyes rolling back at how good the brownie tastes, Hunny licks her lips. “San Man, why can’t you bake like this?” The white ball of fur nestles next to her on the couch. He purrs with contentment, happy to have his owner back home from work. Before Hunny can even miss the taste of the brownie on her tongue, her phone starts to ring. Leaning over to look at the coffee table, Hunny notices that it is Jinseong. A video call? Now that’s more like it. Hunny misses her eonnie’s face. Propping her phone up against a decorative potpourri bowl on her coffee table, she presses the answer button.
No sooner than the call connected did Karen’s little face take up the whole screen. Hunny’s five year old niece beamed as she saw her long distance auntie for the first time in too long. “Hunny Eonnie! Eomma told me to give you a kiss before I have a nap,” the small shouted into the screen, not realising that her indoor voice would be much appreciated.
“Karen, I love your kisses. Thank you so much my little Bunny.”
Jinseong appeared as she placed Karen on her lap. ”Let’s see those brows then,” she said, trying to hold a hyperactive Karen in place as she attempted to wriggle out of her mother’s grip.
Hunny leaned down so her sister could inspect her brows through the screen, “I think they’re the best I’ve ever had. Don’t you think so?”
After a quick inspection, Jinseong nods in approval. “Lookin’ good, girl! Just don’t tell the waxers at work that you cheated on them,” Jinseong laughs. She looks over to the right as she places Karen back on the floor. “Karen, give Hunny Eonnie one last kiss. Appa’s ready to read you a story now.”
“Can he read me The Little Mermaid?” The sweet child asks with the biggest puppy dog eyes Hunny has ever seen.
Jinseong beams down at her daughter and teases, “Only if Hunny Eonnie agrees.”
Okay. Hunny was wrong. These eyes are the biggest puppy dog eyes she’s ever seen. In a way, Hunny is lucky she doesn’t live in the same country as Karen. She knows she would have to say goodbye to her disposable income and free time. And maybe, her sanity.
“Hunny Eonnie…” those puppy dog eyes get bigger with each syllable. Hunny doesn’t know how Karen does it but she has everyone wrapped around her finger at all times. There must be magic behind those sparkly brown eyes. “Can Appa read me The Little Mermaid?”
“Seeing as you asked so politely, of course he can Bunny. But first, I want another kiss.”
Karen kisses the screen for the briefest of seconds. Not wanting to miss out on any reading time before her nap. And in an instant, she runs out of the room.
“Wasn’t she going to see Lars’ parents today?” Hunny asks suddenly, remembering that Jinseong should be at work and Karen should be at the coast with her appa’s parents.
Jinseong pouts, “She fell over and cut her knee up pretty badly. She wouldn't let Lars’ eomma clean her up unless I left work early and kissed it better.” It’s never easy seeing your child in pain and hurt. Especially when you’re almost one hour away. As much as she loves her marketing job, she would drop everything to be there when Karen needs her. And she has. Multiple times. She really can do it all - career woman and mother. Hunny is always in awe of her.
Hunny’s heart sinks at the thought of her little Bunny being hurt. “Oh, no. When you go into her room make sure to give her extra kisses from me.” There’s no ocean Hunny wouldn’t cross just to make her little niece giggle and smile. Man, she loves Karen’s lopsided grin. She’s currently missing one of her front teeth but that somehow adds to her charm.
Nodding, Jinseong sits up straight. “So, come on. Anything new with you?” Always one for a gossip session, Jinseong brings out Hunny’s talkative side like no other. Jinseong feels like a friend rather than a sister. Hunny’s so grateful for that. If Hunny had a brother instead, the connection just wouldn't be the same.
San stretches out, taking up even more room on the couch. At this point, Hunny will need to buy a bigger couch. Stroking the mini cloud beside her, Hunny thinks back to her meeting with Hobi yesterday. Jinseong still doesn’t know about it. Jinseong got along with all of Hunny’s childhood friends. The kids in the neighbourhood all hung out together. Everyone knew everyone’s business so eventually Jinseong would become friendly with Hunny’s friends, and vice versa. The fact that Hobi lived 4 houses away meant that he would be at Hunny’s house almost every day. The days when he wasn’t, Hunny was at his house. Jinseong hopes that Karen’s childhood will be like that. Living in the centre of a big city should be great but it lacks the small town feel that everyone’s childhood needs.
“Well, yesterday I went to this cafe near my apartment. Jihyeon from work recommended it to me because we live in the same neighbourhood and she knows all the good spots.” Hunny starts.
Jinseong’s eyes light up, “Ooh, how was it?”
“I have to say, it lived up to the hype. Most cafes in Seoul are pretty but the drinks are terrible. Thankfully that was not the case here.” Hunny makes a mental note to go back to the cafe soon. “I was about to leave and guess who called out my name.”
Jinseong wracks her brain. Who do they both know living in Seoul? Unless it was someone from their hometown who was visiting Seoul. But who? “I really have no clue,” her eyes dart to the side as if she’ll find answers there. “I can only think of Eomma and Appa… have they moved to Seoul to secretly spy on you?”
Hunny laughs in amusement, “No, they’re still on their American cruise. Eomma keeps sending me photos of Baskin Robbins!”
“Aw, she’s so sweet. Someone needs to tell her that there are such things as international chain restaurants.” The elder sister smiles as she remembers being surprised when she first recognised the names of restaurants and stores in Denmark, quickly learning that 711 was not a little Korean secret. “But, who? I couldn't even begin to guess. My mind is empty. Well, it’s empty apart from the ‘Encanto’ soundtrack.” She laughs, never being able to escape ‘We Don’t Talk About Bruno’ thanks to Karen’s latest favourite movie.
“Jung Hoseok - I saw Hobi!” Hunny bursts out unable to contain her excitement.
“No way. He was just in the cafe?” Jinseong found it hard to believe an idol would be in a space so public and potentially busy. Don’t idols hangout at their companies where they can socialise away from prying eyes?
With a nod accompanying a beaming smile, Hunny replies “He was sitting in the corner but, yes. I had to do a double take. It’s been years. Like, so many years but that’s still my Hobi.” Now Hunny was the one whose eyes mimicked an innocent puppy.
“How is he doing?” Jinseong asks with a warm tone.
“Oh Eonnie, he seems so happy. And he hasn’t changed.” She says just as San purrs.
“I think San approves,” Jinseong jokes.
“I should hope so! We exchanged phone numbers and we’re hanging out on Friday.” Hunny feels as though she’s been given the biggest lifeline by finding Hobi. If they can recreate their childhood friendship, Hunny will need no one else. The two best friends were inseparable once and, if life hasn’t burned them too much, hopefully their old roles will fit like a glove.
“You’ll have to say hello from me.” Jinseong says.
“We’ll have no time to talk about you. We have a LOT to catch up on,” The younger sister proclaims in jest. “Min Yoongi was also there…” She sheepishly utters. She can’t even attempt to hide how flush her cheeks have become at the mere mention of her bias and celebrity crush.
“Hunny, tell me everything! Have you set a date for the wedding yet?” Jinseong quips.
“Don’t even joke about that because if I let myself daydream about marrying Yoongi, I’ll start to be severely disappointed when I remember that I live in the real world.” Hunny doesn’t have a list of boxes a man needs to tick to win her heart. Her dream man doesn’t need to look a certain way, have a certain job or have certain hobbies. That being said, Yoongi ticks every hypothetical box imaginable. And extra boxes. If there was a dream man, it’d be Min Yoongi and Min Yoongi only. Yoongi is perfect. Or rather, the public image he projects is perfect.
“Was he everything you’d hope he’d be?” Meeting someone you admire isn’t always advisable. Idols have a certain image that their companies have created for them. Just because an idol is funny and sincere in an interview, that doesn’t mean that they’re not a major jerk when they’re not at work.
Smiling into the phone screen, Hunny may need to pinch herself to ensure she’s reminded that the encounter wasn’t a daydream. “After a while, it felt just like talking to Hobi,” she admits.
“That’s so great. A couple of weeks ago I watched their show that they livestreamed from Seoul. Was it called ‘Permission To Dance?’ Or something like that?” Jinseong searches her mind for the name of the concert.
Instantly, Hunny has the answer. Of course she does. “Yep, ’Permission To Dance’. You’re starting to become an army?”
“Well Karen has gotten into kpop since I played Blackpink in the car. I wish she spoke more Korean so kpop karaoke sessions in the car are becoming our morning routine. I even heard Lars singing ‘Whistle’ whilst cooking dinner last week.” Jinseong chuckles.
Hunny laughs, “Please tell me his bias is Jisoo.” Jisoo is Hunny’s Blackpink bias. It seems as though Jisoo is the least biased member, so Hunny always gets excited whenever she finds out Jisoo is someone’s bias.
“I think she might be.” Jinseong tries to recall listening to Blackpink with Lars, but she can only remember her excitement at having a fellow Blackpink fan in her house.
“Good man Lars,” Hunny approves. “So you were watching the Bangtan concert?”
“Yes. So Karen has decided that Bangtan might be her next fixation. She begged me to watch it so that she could learn their songs,” she explains.
“I knew there was a reason I liked that kid.”
Jinseong laughs, “She kept on saying ‘I like him’ whenever Yoongi appeared on the screen.” It’s highly likely that thousands, if not, millions of girls shared Karen’s exact thought. “I think she wants to marry ‘Life Goes On’ Yoongi when she grows up.”
“Get in line, kid. But seriously, I think it’s so cute that she may become a little blink or army,” the doting auntie remarks. San, clearly not  impressed at the prospect of having another army in his life, jumps off the couch and retreats to his bed next to the floor length window.
Hunny yawns. She wishes she could be discreet about it and yawn like a lady. She wishes she could be like that. Sadly, her tiredness forces her manners to take a backseat. Before she can comprehend what it takes to begin to feel embarrassed about showing Jinseong all of her teeth along with her tonsils, she yawns again. These gigantic yawns are becoming increasingly involuntary.
“Tired?” Jinseong giggles. She realises how late it must be in Korea. Hunny actually completed a full shift today, unlike her elder sister. On top of that, she also worked out before work. Jinseong respects Hunny for working out before work every morning. Why on earth would anyone want to wake up earlier than absolutely necessary? Hunny should just workout after she finishes work. Like normal people. Like Jinseong.
“So tired,” Hunny mumbles along with another yawn. Stretching her arms in an attempt to wake herself up, Hunny stumbles and slides off the couch. Luckily she has a large sheepskin rug placed under the coffee table to break her fall.
Unable to hold a laugh in, Jinseong reluctantly mocks her sister. “Be careful. If you fell through the floor and into your neighbour’s apartment, you know I’d pee myself from laughing so much.”
“Meanie!” Hunny pouts as she finds comfort on her leather couch. Trying to take the high ground would prove useless because Hunny knows all too well that she would laugh so hard if the roles were reversed.
“You should head off to bed. We can talk again soon. Next time Karen can talk your ear off about Yoongi.” Karen loves talking about her new obsessions. Once she gets started, she doesn’t stop. She reminds Jinseong of a young Hunny. Maybe that’s why they get along so well.
“I like the sound of that. Talk soon?”
Jinseong nods, “Soon.”
“I love you Eonnie.”
“I love you Hunny. Sleep well.” Hunny’s phone screen returns to her wallpaper of San sleeping on Hunny’s periwinkle blue pillows.
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Hunny finally takes herself off to bed once she finishes brushing her teeth and completing her skincare routine. Getting her nightly routine down to just five steps is an accomplishment Hunny is proud of. Her skin certainly thanks her for it. But right now she’s that tired that it feels like a twenty step routine. Her bed has never felt as cosy as it does tonight. Her pillows are soft and plump. Her mattress is just the right level of firm. She welcomes sleep as soon as her head hits the pillow.
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nucleo-bang-tan · 7 months
The Uisa's Daughter | Teaser
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Pairing/s: Kim Taehyung X Reader, Jeon Jungkook X Reader, slight Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre: Medieval Korea AU, Mystery, Strangers to Lovers, Angst, Smut
Rating/s: 18+ Mature Themes
Word Count: 430
Warning/s (For the teaser): Evil king, major character death, mentions of blood
Summary: In the 1700s, the Jeon Dynasty spread all across the Korean peninsula.  Happiness quadrupled with the founder Emperor's presence, or so it seemed. Secrets scattered over the palace in the capital city, Hanseong were known to none except a few.
Release Date: March 11 2024, 01:00 AM GMT
Prologue Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV
Regret is a funny thing.
You trust yourself while doing the actions, you trust the others around you. Barely thinking about the results, the consequences. But time takes it all away and you're left with this disgusting feeling called hate and annoyance of your past self clawing it's way until it finally breaks you.
You always thought of life as a matter of the present. To forget the past and live carefree of the future. No regrets.
Oh, but you were only human.
A human full of regrets.
Would it be better if you had ran away with him?
Should you have had exposed the Emperor the minute you knew what he wanted?
Would you not be stuck here if you knew your father better?
....should you not have asked for some better vegetables that day?
It was all your fault your lover was here,  bleeding out his insides. You saw as the King pushed the sword deeper into the gaping male in front of you.
The sharp tip of the legendary white tiger sword was now covered in blood, some dripping off the edge of it. You would ask how his lowly self dared to wield it but you needed to get your thoughts straight first. You opened your mouth to speak but all that was let out was a whimper.
Taehyung coughed up blood and looked at you with sad eyes. This could have gone better. His eyes spoke a clear message. He regretted it all. Just like you did.
But one thing he didn't regret was loving you. Heck, he couldn't help it no matter how much he tried.
"This is what you get for committing treason against me." The king spoke from behind Taehyung. He voice coming out with a series of pants. He didn't seem to regret a thing.
"T-Tae..." Your voice came out more silent than intended. "Taehyung?" Was the only word you could form.
Blood spilt from his mouth as he tried to smile for a reply. He wanted to run to you. Embrace you while petting your hair, tell you he'll be fine.
He saw as you cried for him, your brain barely registering the existence of tears and focusing more on the sight in front of you.
"What was that? Still speaking of this wreched man's name?" The king scoffed and abruptly pulled his sword out of the bleeding man. You let out a scream of his name and ran towards Taehyung who fell to his knees.
The king smirked evilly above him,
"I told you, I'll make you regret it, Y/N."
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studio-multi · 6 months
Characters #2
Twins Min Yoongi and Min Yoonji in a love triangle with Bisexual!OC/Reader
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outrogi · 1 year
saving fics to read later in my drafts that I know will absolutely destroy me but i don’t have the emotional strength rn to be destroyed is my anthem
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bbtsficrecs · 10 months
BTS FIC RECS PART 4 Part 4 of some of my favourite BTS fanfics. Please do consider liking, reblogging and/or commenting on the fics you like. There are so many wonderful and amazing authors out there who do not get the recognition they deserve. So please send them lots of love to keep them going. If you're on here, then know I enjoyed every second of reading your story ♡ There will be two parts 4 as it's (sadly?) too long to be saved under one post. Stay tuned for part 5, joon recs will be added!
Please let me know if some of the links aren’t working. Happy reading!
⊹ Navi ‣ Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 4.1 | Part 5 |
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​⊹ Hell Is Empty - drabble Love triangle AU | a | @aquagustd​ ‣ An important phone call between Yoongi & OC.
⊹ You’re The Best I’ve Ever Had  Boyfriend Jungkook, Chubby reader | a, f, s | @adoredcore​​ ‣ Jungkook’s touches were so soft. So soft you almost barely even felt them. Keyword: almost. His smooth fingertips ran along your silky skin, while the tip of his pink tongue ran across the nape of your neck.
⊹ Fool Me Once Fuckboy AU | a, s | @jeonqkooks​​​ ‣ You never expect anything from Jungkook, but somehow he always manages to let you down.
⊹ Attitude CEO Jungkook au | s | @lushtans​​​ ‣ Your relationship with your CEO is... Rather complicated. Aside your professional relationship, he fucks you whenever he feels like it and as much as you hate to admit the truth, you love it. 
⊹ Don't Worry, Be Happy Daddy Jungkook AU, | f | @jvngkook97 ‣ "You guys have been trying to conceive for a little over a year now, but have yet to be fully successful."
⊹ Trap Idol Jungkook AU, | f | @jiminpitys ‣ In which you show up at your boyfriend's concert soundcheck as a surprise, and to your own, he’s wearing an outfit that’s bound to make you feel a certain way.
⊹ Addicted College AU, | f , s | @sparklingchim ‣ Your boyfie Jungkook fucking you silly.
⊹ B i g o l e f r e a k Friends with benefits AU | f , s | @joonberriess ‣ You’re both exclusive only to each other. Jungkook fucks the way he acts—crazy, hard. too bad you’re only here for the ride..
⊹ Foundation - Part 01, 02, 03 feat Yoongi Non-idol doctors AU | f , s, a | @hamsterclaw ‣ You know Jungkook is a fuckboy. So why are you letting him fuck with you? Featuring Yoongi.
⊹ Paint me naked Artist Jungkook AU | f , s, a | @gimmethatagustd ‣ After the mysteriously hot guy in your university class starts taking an interest in you, should you really trust that he’s not like all the other college fuckboys? Especially when his best friend is the guy who broke your heart?  
⊹ Why are you so late? Idol Jungkook AU | f , s | @kimnjss
‣ With such a packed scheduled, you’d think Jungkook would be on top of his game. But when a morning rolling around the sheets with you is thrown into the mix, it’s expected for him to want to take his time.
⊹ Our beloved summer - Series (on-going) Producer Jungkook AU | f, s, a | @jeonqkooks ‣ You made a vow to hate Jeon Jungkook ever since he packed up and left you without a single explanation, but when he shows up at your door after years of radio silence, it turns out that maybe your resolve isn’t as strong as you thought.
⊹ Heaven can wait Chubby reader AU | f, s ish | @adoredcore ‣ "What’s a chance I’ll take baby I’ll stay heaven can wait."
⊹ Midnight cravings Established relationship AU | f | @hobiholic ‣ You want to go to the convenience store late at night to fulfill your midnight cravings but a sleepy Jungkook stops you.
⊹ Wet dreams Somnophilia AU | s | @kookiecrumb ‣ “I want you to use me…whenever you need me,”
⊹ Look at you -  Risqué drabble Risqué couple AU | s, f | @mercurygguk ‣ Mirror shopping with your boyfriend turns into something else entirely.
⊹ In the middle of the night Friends with benefits AU | s, f | @joonsmoonluna ‣ It’s the middle of the night and Jungkook’s in need of you
⊹ Like I'm famous Idol Jungkook AU | s, f | @softyoongiionly ‣ It’s New Years Eve and Jungkook would rather be anywhere else than at his company’s massive party. Sure, he’s a guest of honor and his team rented out the nicest hotel in Seoul, but ringing in the New Year with you on the other side of the world just feels wrong. He doesn’t know how he’s supposed to celebrate without the woman he loves, but maybe- just maybe…he won’t have to…
⊹ Strangers to lovers Established relationship AU | s | @kissmetae ‣ You’re a regular at the gym and today you decided to workout late. You thought you were alone, but it turned out there was one other person at the gym and you so happened to be his gym crush…
⊹ My dear friends Friends to lovers AU | s, f, a | @kooktrash ‣ Just friends? Keep telling yourself that, you and Jungkook have always danced on the line of friendship and something more but lately you’ve struggled being able to tell where you guys stand.
⊹ Red - Part 03 Pregnancy AU | s, f, a | @taestefully-in-luv ‣ You drunkenly sleep with your ex-boyfriend, Jungkook. Can’t be that bad right? Unless he gets you pregnant.
⊹ As we were - Series (on-going) Cheating/Infidelity AU | s, a | @archivedkookie ‣ Your husband cheats on you and find comfort in someone else’s arms. He claims he’s happy—but is he really?
⊹ Imagine Model Jungkook AU | s, f | @chryblossomjjk ‣ Jungkook wants nothing more than to spend your anniversary cuddled up in a fancy hotel bathroom, eating takeout and binge watching TV shows. You, on the other hand, have something more exciting in mind. 
⊹ Practice - part 02, 03 Fuckboy Jungkook AU | s, a | @chryblossomjjk ‣ You usually spend Friday nights on your own. Tonight, however, your friend and campus fuckboy, Jungkook, decides to pay you a visit.
⊹ Lost Cause Cheating AU | a | @kooksbunnnn ‣ Jungkook comes back to you after his 10 day trip to Busan, and you sense something different about him. 
⊹ The Boy With Galaxies In His Eyes Idol AU | a, s, f | @oddinary4bts ‣ You had never thought the night sky could be found in someone’s eyes. That is, until you met Jeon Jungkook and his gravity pulled you in. Will he crush you with the galaxies in his eyes, or will you learn to explore his worlds and make them yours?
⊹ Beyond Infinity - As We Were drabble As We Were Couple AU | a, s, f | @archivedkookie ‣ Jungkook does something you always dreamt about, and it ends up with the most beautiful night of your life.
⊹ What If I Love You Too Much Single Mom AU | a, s, f | @taleasnewastime ‣ Jungkook. It’s only a name you learn after your son kicks his ball over the fence. Before that you only knew him as the hot new neighbour who mows his lawn topless. And though you have no intention of getting to know him anymore than that, inevitably you do. You don’t necessarily fall, it’s too slow for that, but you definitely develop feelings you don’t intend to feel. Because you know men like him, and you know that whatever you’re feeling, he’s probably not feeling the same. All the same, however hard you try, you can’t help yourself.
⊹ Services For A Queen Sub!JK AU | s | @taegonia ‣ Jungkook serves his queen in more ways than just as the royal head of security.
⊹ Cold Nights & Blurred Lines FWB & College AU | a, s, f | @awrkive ‣ Jungkook and you have been keeping a sexual relationship with each other for four months now, and it’s casual for the most part. But as time passes, you can’t help but feel that some of the lines suddenly got blurred in the process. Is it a cliché to blur the lines with your fuck buddy? It definitely is. Will you do something about it? Both of your emotional constipation have a hard time saying yes.
⊹ Strictly Platonic Bestfriends to Lovers & College AU | a, s, f | @jeonqkooks ‣ Sometimes, Jungkook can be a little selfish; and sometimes, the lengths you would go to for his happiness mean relinquishing your own.
⊹ In The Middle Of The Night FWB AU | s, f | @joonsmoonluna ‣  it’s the middle of the night and Jungkook’s in need of you ⊹ Perfectionist Dancer AU | s | @miraclesatnightfall ‣ "He watched you, with each sensual step you made his eyes darkened with explicit desire" ⊹ Tangle Free Establish Relationship AU | f | @here4btsfics ‣ Bad days lead to you needing your boyfriend for comfort, specifically by playing with his hair.
⊹ As It Was - Apart of Boy With Love Series (on-going) College AU | a | @ggukiepie ‣ You bump into Jungkook days after you find out he has a girlfriend; things don't go so well
⊹ The Habits Of A Broken Heart Soulmate & Unrequited love AU | a, f | @softykooky ‣ Jungkook and you are soulmates. So says the matching crescent moons on both your wrists. However, things are never as easy as they seem, and you are quick to learn that falling in love with someone who does not believe in love is a one-way ticket to heartbreak.  ⊹ Blackout - part 02, 03 Best friends to Lovers | s, a, f | @jjungxkook ‣ Utility bills shooting up like this should be an international crime. Luckily, Jungkook has the perfect idea(s) to save up money and make your night sinfully unforgettable.
⊹ Step Brother Step Siblings AU | s | @aris-ink ‣ Sub yn *innocently* dry humps her step brother jk while he plays video games.
⊹ Forbidden Romance Step Siblings AU | s | @aris-ink ‣ "It wasn’t unusual for your stepbrother to check up on you before bed. You’ve grown closer than you initially thought you would; it turned out that beneath the surface, you and Jungkook weren’t that different, after all."
⊹ My Perfect Patient Dentist Office AU | s, f | @pinkcherrybombs ‣ Jaw pain is just as much of a pain in the mouth as it is in the ass, but don't worry, your favorite dentist is sure to fix you right up, using some special methods.
⊹ Confessions - part 02 Office AU | a | @pinkcherrybombs ‣ Since we're about to die, I need you to know, I've always loved you, Jungkook.
⊹ Getting Railed Boyfriend Jungkook AU | s | @dearlytea ‣ Getting dicked by your boyfriend during a train ride.
⊹ Make You Mine College AU | a, s, f | @mercurygguk ‣ Your first day at your new college is quite eventful to say the least. But everything seems slightly less chaotic when Jeon Jungkook offers to help you on your way – if only knowing him wasn’t an even bigger mess than the day you first met.
⊹ Catch 22 College AU | s, f | @alluremin ‣ You and your best friend had agreed: college was for a good time only, no serious relationships were necessary. Who knew that a frat boy would be the one to shake up that notion?
⊹ Tolerate It - part 02 Failing marriage! au | a | @lmaosope ‣ Marriage is difficult, and every married couple fights. but jungkook has been late one too many times and broken one too many promises. it has you wondering why you give everything for a man who simply tolerates you.
⊹ Make You Mine Jock Jk au | a , s, f | @mercurygguk ‣ Your first day at your new college is quite eventful to say the least. But everything seems slightly less chaotic when Jeon Jungkook offers to help you on your way – if only knowing him wasn’t an even bigger mess than the day you first met.
⊹ His Throne - 01, 02, 03 Prince JK au | a, s, f | @jiminsa ‣ You, a maid for the royal family, have sex with the irresistible prince Jeon Jungkook on his throne.
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minisugakoobies · 1 year
Paradise | JJK - Thirteen
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: smut, neighbors to lovers (not quite friends but not quite strangers), slow burn, love triangle, Stripper!AU
Rating: M (18+)
Warnings: new pov 👀, grinding, fingering, oral sex (m + f receiving), hand job, shower fun, mentions of roleplaying, mentions of biting (always get consent!), a bit of exhibitionism, lots of teasing, texting dirty photos, dirty talk, deepthroating, cum eating, but also a lot of cuddling because Jungkook is pretty whipped y'all and so is reader, Jungkook has to deal with a nasty drunk customer, 2021 AMAs Jungkook is the wedding visual
Word Count: 9.5k
Disclaimers: NSFW, obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary: That sexy man on stage - the one currently giving your friend the lap dance of her LIFE - is your super shy neighbor, Jeon Jungkook?!
A/N: Fuck, it’s been a while since I updated, huh? Sorry about that! I got busy with holiday fics, and then my life kinda fell apart for a while and writing was the last thing I had time for. And then I had a difficult time with this chapter because I’d decided the story was only going to be 15 chapters and I was trying too hard to wrap things up too quickly… so guess what? Paradise is not ending with chapter 15! I hope you’re still enjoying the story, because it’s gonna go on a bit longer. How long? I don’t know! We’ll find out together! 💕
Song lyrics are from "Notice Me" by SZA
Thanks to @minttangerines for taking a look at this one! Please don’t be a silent reader, I’d love to hear from you! Taglist is open. 💕
Previous Chapter ♦️ Paradise Masterlist ♦️ Next Chapter
Alarm clocks are such a cruel invention. 
There’s little worse than a tiny machine whose only purpose is to violently jar you from peaceful sleep by means of unholy bleating and throw you directly into your day. Really, whoever invented the alarm clock had to be a sociopath.
These are the sleepy thoughts that run through Jungkook’s head as your alarm clock tears him from his sleep Friday morning. Eyes still closed, he feels you shifting beside him, and then there’s a slapping sound and the annoying beeping ceases. Your heavy sigh makes him smile. 
“You know, I’ve always hated your alarm, too,” he mumbles, remembering your confession about his alarm the other night. 
“It did not occur to me until this moment that you can hear that every day,” you admit, and he laughs, opening his eyes. 
He presses himself forward against your back, burying his face in the nape of your neck to breathe you in. He can smell the faded sweat from last night’s multiple rounds where it still clings to your soft skin. It’s insane to him, how everything about you is wonderful, down to even the smell of your sweat. He hears you sigh again, a happy sound that makes his heart beat faster, and you scoot closer, threading your fingers through his. 
“Mmmhmm,” Jungkook hums. “S’okay, I usually just fall back asleep. But I really hate it today, because it means you’re getting up, right?” Obviously you have to go to work. Or login or whatever it is you do with a work from home gig. He tightens his grip when you start to pull away, whining into your skin. “Noooo, don’t leave me.” 
“Kookie!” you huff amusedly. He gives up when you persist, twisting yourself onto your side so you can peer at him while he pouts. Your fingers pinch his bottom lip playfully as you eye him, an exuberant grin on your face, and he wants to roll you onto your back and cover your face in kisses until you’re breathless with laughter.
You sigh again. “Does anyone ever say ‘no’ to this face?” 
“Nope,” he lies gleefully, lips turning up in a smirk as your arms loop around his neck. “Don’t tell me you’re about to try. You can’t.” 
“Actually, I was about to tell you that I hit the snooze button, so you’ve got me for at least another five minutes.” Lightly, you kiss him. He follows your mouth when you pull away to speak, so that you end up breathing the words onto his lips. “Better make them count.” 
The delighted giggle you let out when he swiftly rolls you onto your back sends him to the moon. He brings himself back down to earth by covering your mouth and body with his own, his hands reaching for your thighs, prompting you to wrap your legs around him and keep him close. 
He feels you start to squirm against him and takes the hint, easily flipping the two of you over so that you’re on top. “Shit, jagi,” he hisses as you roll your hips, grinding your core against his. He can feel how wet you are through where your cunt drags against his naked cock. You’re always so wet for him. He’s definitely getting a big head about it. 
That damn alarm clock of yours goes off again, and you groan, sliding from Jungkook’s lap to reach for the machine. Jungkook remains tangled up in your sheets, one arm behind his head as you climb off the bed. 
“You, uh, you don’t have to get up now, if you don’t want to. I know it’s early for you. I don’t mind if you want to sleep a little more here.”
He watches as you hurriedly drape yourself in a big t-shirt before turning back to face him. You’re so cute like this, when you get shy in front of him, as if he hasn’t seen every inch of you by now. As if he doesn’t want to see every inch of you. There’s nothing you need to hide from him. 
But you seem a little more nervous than usual. Is it because he slept over? He hadn’t intended to, but after the third round last night, you’d fallen asleep on him yet again, this time literally, draped across him, with your head tucked against his neck, and he’d been too enamored to move you. Your soft breathing must’ve lulled him to sleep. 
The offer to let him stay and sleep in is sweet, but he’s wide awake now. “Nah, I’m up.” 
“Okay. Um, just take your time getting up, I guess.” 
Jungkook can’t help but appreciate how awkward you’re being right now. Makes him feel better about his own clumsiness with stuff like this. He always over thinks things when it comes to relationships. Not that this is a relationship. Unless it is, but only if that’s what you want, too. 
Shit. Prime example right there. 
You’re slowly backing towards the door. Jungkook’s not sure if that’s because you don’t want to leave him or because you’re still trying to keep him from seeing your naked ass under that shirt. Seriously, how are you so cute? 
“I’m gonna go shower.” 
He can’t help himself. “Want some company?” 
You bite your lip, contemplating, and he smirks. He’s not a betting man but he’s pretty sure he knows what your answer is going to be, so he rises from the bed, hard cock slapping against his stomach as he crosses the room. Once his arms are around you again, you sigh. “I’m gonna be late, aren’t I?”
Jungkook grins cheekily. “Depends on how you want it.” His hands roam over your backside, squeezing the soft flesh there. It’s an understatement to say he’s a fan of your ass. He drops a smack on one cheek and you let out a cross between a yelp and a laugh. 
“You’re gonna be the death of me, Jeon Jungkook.” 
Stealing your giggles away with a kiss, he shuffles the two of you towards your bathroom, only allowing you to break away long enough to turn on the water. Under the spray, he reclaims your mouth again with needy lips. An electric current runs through him every time you moan, and soon he has you pressing your palms into the tiled wall as he slides his fingers into you from behind.
Jungkook’s shy, but he’s not chaste. He’s never had trouble finding someone on the nights when he’s needed to lose himself in someone else. Especially once he started working at Paradise. At first, he’d tried to resist fucking his patrons. Didn’t want the lines to blur too much. But eventually, he caved, too easily flattered by the women throwing themselves at him - literally, some nights - too easily tempted by the pleasures they promised. 
He’d go home with them and then slip out in the morning, before they woke. Never wanting more than just a memory. He lived this way for the longest time. It was easy, especially for someone like him, someone who used his onstage cockiness to hide his shyness. Required no real thought, no real effort - beyond, of course, what he gave in the bedroom. Or the shower. Or, more than once, in the car. He always made sure they were satisfied. 
So he doesn’t lack experience. But being with you is like nothing he’s ever felt before. Maybe it’s the newness of this physical connection between you that is driving the way he wants you all the time. Like all the time. Or maybe it’s something else. 
Whatever it is, he wants more than the memory of a wild night. 
These thoughts swirl through his mind as he slams a hand on the wall right above yours, steading himself so he can thrust his other hand into you harder, faster. He tries to shut down the thinking part of his brain as he focuses on the moment, letting the sensations take over.
Slick skin slides against slick skin. The warm water rushing over you both gets in his eyes, his mouth as he drops to his knees, but he doesn’t care. 
“Fuck, Kookie.” 
Your words reverberate in the resonant space, a chorus of praise that fills the room. He’s the one kneeling, worshipping, but you’re the one praying. All he feels is you.
“Come on, baby, I know you’re close. Just let go.” He grabs at your waist, making you arch your back a little so your ass sticks out. Once you’re in the right position, he tilts his face up and licks along the wet slit where his fingers just were. 
Jungkook loves eating pussy. He could spend hours between your legs, face buried in your sweetness, coaxing orgasm after orgasm from you. It makes him feel almost powerful, knowing he can make you come apart so quickly. Confident, in a way he’s rarely known off the stage.
He feels that way now, even though he’s in a rather vulnerable position, crouching in your crowded little bathtub with your thighs on either side of his head. You could crush him with those, so easily. And he’d use his last gasping breath to thank you. 
“Kookie, goddamn, that’s - ah - oh, that’s so good!” You press your cheek into the wall, trying to keep your balance as you push your hips back, seeking more of his hot mouth. “Please, oh fuck, please don’t stop!” 
There’s no way he’d stop now. He hums into you, loving the way you shudder in response. As your hips begin to rock, dragging your cunt over his eager tongue, he brings his tattooed hand up to press into your clit, tracing tiny circles into the throbbing nub like he’s drawing a bullseye, aiming oh so carefully for the center.
You cry out so loudly when your climax hits. Jungkook feels his dick twitch just from the way you say his name. Before he’s finished licking you clean, you’re reaching for him, pulling him up to join you. He rises obediently as you wrap your hand around his aching cock and begin to stroke. 
“Jagi,” he grunts, hips jerking erratically into your hand. His eyes fall shut. His mouth blindly finds yours, kissing you desperately as you twist and tug and then he’s painting both your stomachs with his hot seed before the warm water splashing over you washes it away. 
He’s content to let you take the lead when you kiss him this time. Your hands slide into his hair, nails scraping the nape of his neck, and he groans, pulling you closer. He knows you should probably get moving or you’ll be late, but he doesn’t want to stop holding you, and it doesn’t seem like you want to let go, either.
Eventually, though, you climb out, handing Jungkook a towel while wrapping one around yourself. He wrings the water from his long locks before knotting the soft cotton around his waist as he follows you back into your bedroom. When you turn to look at him, something in your eyes makes his pulse race. 
“What are your plans for today?”
Jungkook pulls his sweats back on as you throw on a loose shirt and some shorts. “Don’t really have any, other than work tonight.” He’d traded shifts with Bang Chan so he could have tomorrow night off to attend your friend’s wedding with you. Something he’s equally excited and nervous about, though he’s doing his damnedest trying not to show it. 
He can tell from your stories and from the few times he’s seen you with your friends that you’re incredibly close. And he gets the vibe that your friends are pretty protective of you. Especially Jisoo. Jungkook finds her pretty intimidating. Even if both Taehyung and Jimin swear she’s a sweet little kitten. Hard to trust their judgment when they’re both so lovesick. 
You’re still looking at him, though you seem deep in thought. Finally, you nod. “Okay. I’m taking today off, too.” 
“Yeah, fuck it, I need a break from that place. And yesterday was so nice…” you shrug, playing with the drawstrings at your waist. “Maybe we could hang out again? Since you’re free?” 
Jungkook’s starting to worry about the effect you have on his heart. Right now, it feels like it might just float straight out of his body and through the ceiling. 
“I mean, if that’s what you want…” he replies, hoping his tone sounds calmer than he feels. How’s he supposed to play it cool when such a simple question makes him so happy like this? 
You slide off the wall, stepping closer until you place your hands on his chest. “It’s what I want,” you confirm, brushing your lips against his. He feels you smile as he tries to deepen the kiss, but you dance away from his grasp. “Let me email my boss quick, and then I’m all yours.” 
It’s amazing how much he wants that to be true. Jungkook watches you walk away, hips swaying, and it hits him suddenly - he’s fallen so, so hard for you. 
Fuck. Whatever he does now, he can’t mess this up. Like he always does. 
“Do you want some breakfast?” Your voice calls to him from your kitchen and he snaps out of his thoughts.He finds you rummaging through your cupboard, grabbing bowls and a box of cereal. 
He munches away happily while you take a seat at your desk. “So you like working from home?” Jungkook loves dancing at Paradise, but he’s thought about camming a few times. It’d be nice to skip the commute. And the grabby customers.
“I fucking love it,” you answer, making him laugh. “I hate it when I have to go into the office. Everyone’s so loud there, all hopped up on stale coffee from the break room. Plus, I really hate having to abide by the dress code. I work better in joggers and comfy t-shirts, but some people aka my boss think that’s unacceptable.” You roll your eyes, scrolling through your email. “Ugh, I need to follow up on some of these. Shouldn’t take long.”
Jungkook tries to picture what you must look like at your office. He imagines you sitting behind a large desk, dressed in a smart suit, something like what he’s seen someone wearing in a movie, with a sharply tailored jacket clinging to your curves and a tight pencil skirt, maybe a little tighter than strictly necessary, and then his reverie shifts. Now you’re standing in front of your desk, palms pressing into the shiny surface as you bend over in that tight little skirt, and - 
Wow, he needs to get a hold of himself. He lowers his bowl a little to cover the half-chub he’s sporting, and remembers something relating to suits. “Hey, for the wedding tomorrow - is it black tie?”
“Shit, I’m sorry, I really haven’t said much about the wedding, have I?” You twist in your chair to glance at him. “It’s not a super fancy ceremony. You can just wear, like, a nice suit, if you have one?”
“All my suits are tearaways.” 
“Oh. Oh.” You blink as you realize what he means, and then he laughs. With your eyes wide like that, you kind of resemble a deer in headlights - an expression he’s come to adore, since he sees it frequently. 
“That was a joke. I have normal suits.” He takes your hand and kisses the back of it. “It’s really too easy sometimes.” Flustering you is his favorite new hobby. He’s kinda proud of how good he is at it. 
“Shut up.” You press your lips together in what looks like annoyance, but he knows you’re fighting back a laugh. He grabs your empty bowl, heading for the kitchen. “Anyway, about tomorrow, I’m gonna get ready with Jennie and the other girls, so I’ll meet you at the hotel before the ceremony. I did tell you where the wedding is, right?” 
“You did. The Black Swan.” 
Another reason Jungkook is rather nervous about tomorrow. The Black Swan is an expensive, high-end luxury hotel in the heart of downtown Seoul. Clearly your friends are doing pretty well if they can afford to get married at the hotel’s famous rooftop venue, overlooking the entire city. He bets they all have prestigious jobs or something, like lawyers and professors and doctors. 
“Right! Okay, good, at least I told you that much. Sorry, my brain’s just been all over the place lately.” 
He just hums sympathetically, lost in his own messy mind. Thinking about the rooftop makes him think of that night at Dionysus, when he’d gotten too drunk, sulking over the fact that you were on a date with someone else…
Oh shit. Jungkook pauses mid-pour of a second bowl of cereal. Are you still seeing that guy? It’s been a while since you’ve said anything about him. Seokjin. Kim Seokjin, the super successful chef. Jungkook had checked out his YouTube channel after seeing the two of you in the hallway that one time. The guy seemed to have it all - talent, good looks, and you in his arms. 
But does he still have you? Does Jungkook, for that matter? Maybe he shouldn’t think in such terms. How can anyone really “have” anyone, anyway? 
It’d be okay for him to ask you about Seokjin. Right? There was that whole competition or whatever… He closes his eyes, trying to calm his thoughts. Relax, dude, you’re spiraling. 
“Oh shit!”
Jungkook pops his head out of the kitchen at your shout. “What? Is there another spider?” 
“You’re not gonna let me live that down, are you?” 
“Nope.” He pops the ‘p’ before chomping down on another spoonful, crossing the space to stand beside you. 
“Well, it’s nothing bad. My friend Wendy, the one I told you about, that I used to work with? She said someone quit unexpectedly and her company needs to hire someone immediately for some sort of new project, so she wants to know if I would be interested in coming in for an interview!” 
You beam up at him, and he’s honestly not sure if it’s the sugar rush or just you, but he feels a little lightheaded as he grins back. 
“Jagi! That’s great!”
“Yeah! It’s kinda amazing, actually. I feel like Wendy’s thrown me a life preserver.” You fall silent as you reread the email. Jungkook swallows as quietly as he can, not wanting to disturb your concentration. He notes your brow furrowing as the silence stretches on.
“Everything okay?”
“Hmm? Oh, yeah! This is great! I just…” you trail off, still reading. He waits. “They want me to interview next week, which is… a little quick.” 
“Ah,” he hums. 
Could you be nervous? Although you’ve told him that you’re sick of your company, you strike him as someone who is incredibly surefooted when it comes to your career. It’s honestly pretty sexy. (As if everything about you isn’t sexy, right down to the way your fingers lightly caress the wheel of your mouse and goddamn it, he really needs to stop thinking with his cock.)
But then you bite your lip as your gaze meets his and he realizes that yes, you are nervous. And it’s a feeling he can understand. 
“It doesn’t give me a lot of time to get myself ready. I mean, I’m thrilled that Wendy recommended me for the position, and I’m sure I could handle it, from what she’s saying, but... it’s been ages since I last interviewed for anything.” 
Jungkook nods, chewing on the inside of his cheek. You glance at the computer screen again, and he’s overcome with the urge to do whatever he can to ease your mind. “I know it’s not the same, but when I was preparing for my audition at Paradise, I had Taehyung helping me out. Maybe I could do the same for you?” He lifts a shoulder. “Ask you some questions? Help you ease back into it.” 
“Like… a fake interview or something?”
He nods. “If that would help.” 
“Really?” Your tone is hopeful, making his heart buoyant again. “You wouldn’t mind?” 
He’d have to search the internet for examples of things to ask you, since he doesn’t know the first thing about financial advising or whatever, but Jungkook feels pretty sure that he can do this for you. If you want him to. “Not at all.” 
“That would… be really great, Kookie. Thank you.” This time when you smile, it’s a shy thing, and before he can think he’s bending down to kiss you gently. You giggle into it, eyelashes fluttering when he pulls away. “What was that for?” 
He shrugs again, painfully aware that the tips of his ears are warming, turning red. “Nothing. How many more emails do you need to answer?” 
“Um…” you stare at your laptop. “Let me just respond to Wendy and then I’m done.”
“Cool.” Jungkook stretches. He doesn’t miss the way your eyes roam over his bare torso as he does so. He smirks, enjoying when you look away, knowing you’ve been caught. Wrapping his arms around your shoulders, he lowers his mouth to your ear. “I’m gonna go home and take off these dirty clothes. Come find me when you’re done. I’ll be waiting.” 
“Fuck,” is your breathy response. He laughs. You’re really too good for his ego. But before you can say or do anything else to inflate his head a little more, your phone rings. 
Be still, my heaaaaart…
“Oh god, I bet that’s my boss, wanting to talk me out of taking off.” You frown as you check the screen. “Shit, it’s Jisoo. I gotta take this.” 
Jungkook carries his bowl back into the kitchen, an excuse to give you a little privacy to talk to your friend. But he can still hear your half of the conversation anyway. 
“Ji! What’s going on? Wait, what’s that sound? Is that Jennie? Is she crying?” A brief pause. “Okay, okay, I’m coming over! No, I’m not working today, I - it’s a long story, I’ll explain when I get there.” 
Jungkook reemerges from the kitchen when he hears you say goodbye. “Is everything okay?” he asks again. 
You shake your head. “I don’t know. Jisoo’s at Jennie’s, I need to get over there.” You move hurriedly down the hallway to your room. “I could hear Jennie crying in the background.”
“Jisoo didn’t say what happened?” Jungkook watches you dress, feeling helpless. You’re radiating with a nervous energy that makes him tap his fingers agitatedly against his thigh.
“No, all she said was that Jennie needs me.” You frown, staring into your closet. “I don’t know how long I’ll be gone. I’m sorry.” 
He doesn’t know what you’re apologizing to him for. “It’s all right. Your friends need you.” He grins when you put on his hoodie. It really does look better on you than him. “Don’t worry about me. Just text me later.” 
“I will.” You give him a playful smile as his fingers grip at your hip, drawing you closer to him. “I’ll try not to keep you waiting too long.” 
“Better not,” Jungkook murmurs, other hand clutching your chin to bring your mouth towards his. 
You stay on my mind, I can't regret no times spent with you
And I still wonder if you notice me, yes
Jungkook tips his head, staring at the canvas in front of him. Music blares from his stereo and he sings along to it without thinking. It’s like breathing for him sometimes. 
The portrait he’s working on is nearly finished, finally. It’s taken him a bit longer to do this one than usual. He’d like to blame that on being busy the last few weeks, but the truth is that he was having a hard time with the photo his patron provided. It’s not that he can’t paint from a static shot, but he prefers live models or being out in nature. He needs movement, light, even the sounds his subject makes help him to better capture them. 
But he’s pretty happy with his progress on this one. He dips his brush into the mix of yellows on his palette, a sort of sunny shade that he’s using for highlights in the woman’s hair. The gentle tap-tap of his paintbrush against the canvas triggers a tingling sensation down the back of his scalp. 
He doesn’t realize how long he’s been working until his phone buzzes and he glances at the screen. It’s a spam text, so he ignores it, but he’s shocked to see that it’s already past noon. It’s not completely surprising that he lost track of time - that’s usually what happens when he’s in the zone. Everything around him falls away until there’s nothing left but him and the canvas. He learned a long time ago to set timers for himself on the days he has work or other plans or else he’d never stop. 
But it is a little surprising that he managed to stop thinking about you for a few hours. Not because he’s obsessed with you or anything, but because after he left your apartment this morning, he was too excited at the thought of another full day with you to do anything but think about you. 
And as always, his excitement triggered an avalanche of questions. Just like this morning. What should the two of you do today? There was a new gallery on the east side of town that he’d been meaning to check out - would you want to go with him? He’d love to spend an afternoon just walking around with you, talking about art - or anything, really. Or maybe you’d rather just hang out at your place? 
Or maybe you’d have wedding stuff you’d need to do? He remembered you said that you were the maid of honor. He didn’t quite know what that entailed but figured it was important. Your friend Jennie must really trust you. Made sense to him. You and him had only been doing this… dating… whatever that you had going on only for a short while and yet he felt like he could trust you with anything. 
And speaking of dating, what about Seokjin? Were you still seeing him? You hadn’t mentioned him in a while. Jungkook wasn’t sure if that was because he had won the little competition, or if you just didn’t want to talk about Seokjin with him. He should probably ask. 
Although… there was the other night, in the hallway at Paradise. When you’d asked him for a dance. Fuck, he wished he’d could’ve danced for you. He’d been working on a routine just for you… but that night, you’d pulled him close and confessed that you only wanted him. He wanted to believe it wasn’t the alcohol talking. That you’d meant it. But the thought of asking terrified him a little. What if you didn’t remember your own words? 
His thoughts looped back around to the wedding again. There was this burning desire to impress your friends that was starting to worry him. He already knew which suit he was going to wear tomorrow, wanting to dress to kill. Maybe he’d ask Jimin to do his makeup - Jimin usually did his makeup at Paradise. 
Any time Jungkook’s brain would get overwhelmed, he would slip into what his friends refer to as his “buffering mode.” He’d freeze in place, eyes wide but unseeing as he struggled to sort out his thoughts. This morning, Jungkook realized he’d gone into this mode again when smoke began to sting his nose and he snapped back to reality to discover that he’d burnt the fuck out of his kimchi eggs. Cursing, he threw the ruined second breakfast in the trash, and decided to put on some music and focus on his painting before he burnt down his apartment. 
It worked. All those questions and worries melted away as he’d picked up his brush. But now the day’s half over and he hasn’t heard anything from you. He hopes that doesn’t mean anything bad.
His phone is still in his hand, staring up at him impassively. He debates for a few minutes, the desire to talk to you warring with the fear that he’ll come across as impatient or worse, needy, before finally putting the phone down. 
He can keep waiting. The truth is, he’ll wait as long as it takes. 
So he makes lunch. Checks his mail. Does a load of laundry. The time ticks by.
Until finally, his phone buzzes. He lunges across the pile of boxers he’s folding to grab it.
Jagiya (3:01): Kookie I’m so sorry!
Jagiya (3:01): I completely lost track of time
(3:02): it’s ok jagi
(3:02): everything all right?
It’s a few minutes before the dots on his screen disappear. 
Jagiya (3:04): Yes but no but yes? 
He has no idea what that’s supposed to mean.
Jagiya (3:04): I’ll tell you everything later, but right now, Jennie needs me
Jagiya (3:05): So I’m gonna be here a bit longer. Through dinner, at least
His heart sinks. Those little dots reappear.
Jagiya (3:06): I know we were gonna hang out. Can you forgive me?
(3:06): nothing to forgive
(3:07): do what you gotta do
His reply makes him cringe. It reads back as indifferent. What he meant to say was, you don’t need to apologize for being there for your friends. He understands. He panics a little, thumbs flying, wanting to show that he cares.
(3:07): is there anything i can do?
Jagiya (3:08): You’re so sweet 😘
His heart rebounds a little.
Jagiya (3:08): We’re okay here, thanks
Jagiya (3:09): But I guess I won’t see you before you leave for work 
Jagiya (3:09): 😞
He can picture you wearing the same expression as the emoji you send. A sad little pout. He wants to kiss it away. 
(3:10): it’s ok
(3:10): you’ll have me all day tomorrow
Jagiya (3:10): And all night?
Jagiya (3:11): 😙
(3:11): for as long as you want me, jagi
He hopes you understand just what he means. 
Like it is any other Friday, Paradise is packed. The club is always stuffed full on weekend nights with patrons wanting to toss off the stress of a hard week and slip into a world of fantasy. And it’s Jungkook’s job to give that to them. After finishing his second stage performance of the night, he makes his way back to the bar, where Jimin slides him a glass of water. Taehyung joins him.
“Two more Dick Suckers, please, Min.” Taehyung sets his tray on the bar. “Nice job with that last lapdance, Kook. Poor thing asked me what her name was when she got back to her seat.” A boxy smile splits his face. “Not my name, her name.” 
Jungkook grins back. He’d been tapped to dance for a woman celebrating her divorce being finalized. At first, she’d refused to get up, but her friend, who had paid for it, had insisted that she needed to embrace her new freedom. Once on stage, she’d sat silently, slack-jawed, with her hands clasped tightly over her chest, until Jungkook finally took them and placed them on his ass. At which point she’d shrieked so loudly, he thought he’d ruptured an eardrum. After that, she didn’t stop screaming for a second.
“Thanks. Been choreographing that one for a while. Guess it works.” Jungkook tips back the rest of his water, wiping his forehead with his tattooed arm. “Is the air busted again? It’s hotter than fuck in here.” His entire torso is dripping with sweat, from the exertion of his performance, and the room feels stifling around him. 
“It’s probably just Hoseok-hyung trying to save a buck again. I’ll talk to him,” Jimin replies, placing two bright blue drinks on Taehyung’s tray. “So what time do you want to stop by tomorrow?” 
“What are you two doing?” Taehyung inquires.
“Nothing involving you,” Jimin shoots back. Jungkook cocks an eyebrow. “Taehyung’s not invited over to my place any more.”
“I said I was sorry,” the other man drawls. “I mean it.”
“Sure you do.” Jimin runs a hand through his pink hair as he rolls his eyes. 
“Do I want to know?” Jungkook asks. 
Taehyung sighs. “After work last night, Jisoo and the two of us were hanging out at Jimin’s and someone,” he flicks his dark eyes towards the bartender, “didn’t appreciate my commitment to the scene we were playing.” 
“The scene you were… ah, shit, is this some roleplaying stuff?” Jungkook knows his friends are into roleplaying. Mostly because they spend a large amount of time working out the details of said scenes. Usually in the form of very annoying arguments.
“Look, I can’t help it if I get too deep into character, okay? That’s what you’re supposed to do! Make it feel real!” 
“Vampires aren’t real, Tae!” Jimin hisses. “But the bite you left on my ass sure is!” He looks at Jungkook. “I’m going to go find Hoseok. Watch the bar, will you? And just text me tomorrow, I’ll be home all morning.” He glares at Taehyung. “Alone!” 
Taehyung sniffs as Jimin disappears towards the back of the club. “He’s just jealous because my vamp was more believable than his werewolf.” 
Jungkook slips behind the bar, shaking his head. “He seems pretty mad, hyung.” 
“He’ll get over it. He usually likes biting. I think my choice of location caught him by surprise.” 
Taehyung wanders off to deliver the drinks to his waiting patrons. The bar gets a little busy while he’s gone, with Jungkook struggling a bit to keep up with the orders coming in. When Taehyung returns, he heads straight for the other side of the bar, to give Jungkook a hand. 
“So what are you and Jimin doing tomorrow? I thought you were going to the wedding with YN.” 
“I am. He’s just helping me get ready, that’s all.”
Taehyung smiles at a patron as he hands her an Adios Motherfucker. “Careful with that, sweetheart, it’s strong.” He looks at Jungkook. “Hair and makeup?” 
“Yeah.” With the smooth flick of a wrist, Jungkook finishes another drink, handing it off with a wink. The DJ calls Namjoon to the stage and the crowd at the bar disperses as another performance begins. Jungkook grabs a towel and starts mopping the counter. He’s a serviceable bartender but he’s pretty messy. 
“Mmm.” Taehyung leans back, watching Jungkook clean. He folds his arms over his bare chest. “Kook-ah. There’s no reason to be nervous.” 
Jungkook doesn’t even ask how he knows, replacing some bottles on the wall behind the bar. “I just want to make a good impression.” 
“You think you won’t?”
Jungkook gazes at the mirror behind the racks of bottles. Wide eyes stare back. He can’t put his fears into words, struggling as usual to communicate what has him so worried. It’s just a feeling, one that’s been growing all day, the more he thinks about the wedding. That you and your friends are from another world, one where everyone is self-assured and in control of their lives. And he’s just out here, barely floating by.
“I’m just making sure I do.” He pauses, finally looking at Taehyung. He sees Jimin approaching out of the corner of his eye. “I really like her, hyung. I-I think this could be something.” 
“Awww, Jungkook-ah!” Jimin coos, pinching Jungkook’s cheeks. “Our little Jungkookie’s in love!” 
“Hyung, stop.” Jungkook smacks his hands away. As the youngest of his group of friends, Jungkook’s used to being babied by his friends. He hates it.  “I didn’t say - it’s not - “
“Kook-ah.” Taehyung places a hand on both of Jungkook’s shoulders, turning him to face him. “What am I always telling you?”
Jungkook sucks in a deep breath, huffs it back out. “Confidence.” He feels a little ridiculous doing this here, behind the bar where patrons can see him getting a motivational speech from his hyungs. But sometimes he needs it. 
“That’s right.” Taehyung squeezes his shoulders reassuringly. “Just be confident. You know who you are. And who you are is amazing.”
“Hyung….” Jungkook is thankful that the pink lighting of the bar hides the deepening blush of his cheeks. Taehyung has been trying to bolster his confidence since the day they met, all those years ago in art school. He always appreciates it, but sometimes the man can get a little cheesy.
“Hey pretty boy!” 
A loud voice disrupts the moment. All three men turn to find a woman leaning over the bar. She’s clearly drunk, head propped on her hand as she smiles at Jungkook. Her head bobs a little as she sways. 
Jungkook recognizes her. The divorcée from earlier. “Can I help you, ahjumma?” 
She curls her finger, beckoning him closer. He leans towards her, careful to still maintain his distance. Drunken patrons have been known to try to get handsy with the dancers. 
“I wan’ a private dance,” she demands, words slurring a bit. 
Jungkook glances at Taehyung and Jimin. They appear to be on the same page as he is, based on their furrowed brows and pursed lips. She’s too drunk. Where is her friend? 
“I believe all of our private rooms are busy at the moment. Can I get you some water while you wait?” Jimin doesn’t wait for an answer as he places a glass in front of her. She just waves him off. 
“Not talking to you. Talking to him.” She points at Jungkook, grinning. Her smile turns Jungkook’s stomach a little. It’s cold. “I want a private dance. If I can’t have it here, maybe I could have it later? At my place?” 
Jungkook’s own smile feels tight. “I’m sorry, I don’t do private dances outside of the club.” 
She tilts forward, and Jungkook can smell the alcohol wafting off her. “Come on, pretty boy, I’ll pay. I have,” she hiccups, covering her mouth, “I have so much money.”
“It’s not a matter of money.” Jungkook scans the floor behind her. Seriously, where the hell is this woman’s friend? Should they call her a ride? 
The woman scoffs at Jungkook’s response. “Oh, come on, of course it is! That’s why you’re here, right? You dance, I give you money. It’s your job, honey.” 
Jimin and Taehyung are having a hushed conversation next to him, but Jungkook isn’t listening. He knows it’s pointless to try to reason with this customer, and yet he keeps trying. 
“It’s not my job. My job is to dance here. Not in private.” He knows what she wants, but he’s not for sale. He used to give it away for free, but he never took money or gifts. But even if he did sex work, he’s not going home with her. Especially not if she refuses to accept it when he says no. “Why don’t you have a seat, and I’ll call you a ride? We’ll make sure you get home safely.” 
She seems to finally realize that she’s not going to get her way, and her demeanor changes, countenance warping into an ugly sneer. “Don’t you con-condescend to me! You’re just a pretty boy with a hot body. Good for nothing but a quick fuck.” 
Even though it’s obvious that this woman is totally wasted, her words sting anyway, like a slap in the face. Jungkook recoils slightly, drawing back from the bar. 
“Okay, that’s enough,” Taehyung announces, sliding out from under the bar. “Let’s sit down, shall we?” But as he moves towards the woman, they hear another voice calling out.
“Oh my god, there you are!” It’s the woman’s friend, looking frazzled as she runs up to the bar. “I’m sorry, I thought she’d be okay while I ran to the bathroom. I got back to our table and people next to me said she’d stolen some shots from their table and wandered off!” 
“Well, that explains it,” Taehyung frowns. “I think you should take your friend home.” 
“I will. I’m so sorry, I hope she hasn’t been any trouble. She hasn’t been this drunk in years!” She wraps an arm around the divorcée’s shoulders. “Come on, let’s get you home.” 
The three men watch silently as the woman’s friend steers her towards the door, taking a wobbly path due to her friend’s intoxication. After a moment, Jungkook feels his friends’ eyes on him, but he keeps focused on the two women until they reach the entrance. 
“She was drunk, Kook,” Taehyung murmurs. Again, Jungkook doesn’t even need to ask how he knows what he was thinking. 
“I know.” 
“Don’t let her get to you,” Jimin says in a gentle tone. He lightly pats Jungkook’s arm. “I’ve got the bar covered. Why don’t you go take a break?” 
The locker room is empty when Jungkook enters. He pauses in front of a mirror for a moment, taking the time to wipe away where his eye makeup has smudged from the humidity in the club. He knows that woman was drunk. He knows this. And yet, her words have fed directly into his fears. 
What if he’s not enough? What if all he’s good for is, as those words rattling around in his head angrily declare, “a quick fuck?” 
The drunken woman’s expression while he’d danced for her reminded him of the night he’d danced for your friend Jennie. The way you’d looked at him, like you were seeing him for the first time. How he’d liked it. How, when he told his friends that the neighbor he’d been crushing on for months had shown up, he’d been encouraged to try and make a move. Ugh, that clumsy first attempt at flirting, using your shower - the memory makes his ears turn red. He’d stolen that idea from some cheesy movie he’d seen. But it worked, hadn’t it? It led to here. To whatever the two of you were now. 
If only he knew what that was. 
Suddenly, he needs to talk to you. He rummages through his bag until he finds his phone, grinning when he sees there’s a message waiting for him.
Jagiya (11:05): Hope you’re having a good night 😚
(11:53): it’s better now
(11:53): you still up?
He doesn’t have to wait long. 
Jagiya (11:54): I’m here
He presses the call button. 
“Hey Kookie.” Your voice is so warm, equal parts sleepy and surprised. He imagines you’re lying in bed, can picture the way you looked this morning. Wishes he were there. 
“Hey Jagi.” He leans back against his locker, closing his eyes. “Is it okay that I called?”
“Of course,” you laugh. “What’s up?” 
“Not much. I just… wanted to hear your voice.” He didn’t mean to say that. But it’s the truth. 
You hum, this sweet, soft sound that fills his chest with a happy buzzing. “You okay?”
“I’m okay. Just a long night.” He’ll tell you another time about what happened. He’d rather not relive it right now. “Is everything all right for tomorrow?”
“Yeah, Jennie’s good, and everything’s still set for the wedding. I really can’t wait, it’s gonna be amazing.”
“I can’t wait, either,” Jungkook admits. 
There’s nothing but the gentle sound of your breathing on the other end of the line for a few seconds, and then you ask, “Do you, um, want a sneak peek at my outfit for tomorrow? I took a picture earlier when I was trying it on.” 
“Sure.” He’s not going to turn down the chance to see your beautiful smile right now. 
The image that you send him a few seconds later takes his breath away. 
There’s no bridesmaid gown in sight. Instead, sheer white lace covers your body, the delicate fabric flowing from your breasts down your torso to your hips in a tight-fitting strapless one-piece. Around your waist is a snug garter belt, straps extending down your thighs to where they fasten to silk stockings. And the expression on your face nearly makes him whimper. You’ve one of your hands raised to your mouth, pointer finger dragging your bottom lip down as the edge of your pink tongue licks the tip.
All the blood in his body rushes south. As he stares at his phone, unable to blink, Jungkook exhales loudly. 
You laugh again. “Do you like it?” 
“Jagi, I - “ Words fail him. You’re gorgeous, every inch of you. “I love it. Fuck, you’re so sexy.” 
More giggles. “Noooo, I’m not, stop. I wasn’t planning on wearing this under my dress originally, but I remembered I’d bought it months ago when Jisoo and I were out day drinking and shopping and I - I don’t know.” The words come out in a rush, like you’re embarrassed. “I just want to look good for you, Kookie.” 
Fuck. Why’s he gotta be at work right now? He palms over his erection, wondering if he has the time to lock himself in a bathroom stall and take care of it. While telling you exactly what he wants to do to you in that lingerie tomorrow. 
“You always look so good, baby,” he groans, voice a little husky. “I can’t wait to see this in person. Was it expensive?” 
“No, I don’t think so? I don’t really remember. Did I mention the drunkenness?” 
“Good. Then you don’t mind if it gets a little ripped?” Jungkook grins at your tiny inhale at his words. “Because after the wedding, I’m gonna-”
“Hey Kook-ah, you in here?” Hoseok pokes his head into the locker room. “Ah, there you are. Come on, you and Taehyung are up.”
“Be out in a minute, hyung,” Jungkook nods and the other man leaves. He sighs into the phone. “Shit. I’m sorry, jagiya, but I gotta get back out there.” 
“Wait! Aren’t you going to finish your thought? You can’t leave me hanging like this!” There’s a playfulness to your tone that makes his already hard cock ache. He’s going to have to go stand under an ice-cold shower for a minute before getting back into costume for his double routine with Taehyung. 
“Oh, baby, trust me, you don’t have to worry. You’ll be taken care of. When I see you tomorrow.” Jungkook smirks at his reflection when you whine in his ear.
“Fine.” You sound wounded. “Guess I’ll see you.” 
“You will. Night, jagi.” 
“G’night, Kookie.” With a final exasperated sigh, you hang up. 
Before he puts his phone back into his bag, it buzzes again. Another photo of you, this time just your face, wearing the saddest pout. The message makes him laugh. 
Jagiya (12:04): You’re such a tease
He fires off a response, then heads towards the showers, chuckling to himself the whole time 
(12:04): i know
(12:04): sweet dreams
There’s not a single cloud in the sky as Jungkook steers his motorcycle down the busy city streets Saturday afternoon. He can see the Black Swan towering over the other highrises as he draws nearer. He tries to ignore the nerves in his stomach, but the swirling is impossible to ignore the closer he gets. 
By the time he’s in the elevator, rising to where the ceremony is being held, the swirling has become a maelstrom. He breathes through his mouth, inhaling and exhaling slowly. It’s gonna be fine. He just needs to walk out there with confidence, like Taehyung said. He can do this. Just pretend like he’s on stage. Too bad there won’t be any actual dancing until the reception. That’s when he feels the most at ease. 
The elevator dings as it arrives at the rooftop. When the doors part, his eyes widen, taking in the gorgeous scenery before him. The elevator opens directly into a lush garden, with flowering bushes and potted maple trees dotting the grounds. To his right, a mirrored wall reflects the greenery, making the open space feel even larger. The reception venue is on the other side of the mirrored wall, but the ceremony will be held in the gardens. 
Chairs have been arranged in rows on either side of a strip of green grass, cut low for the bridal party to walk down. At the end of the green pathway is an arch-shaped trellis covered with flowering vines and tiny string lights. And as his eyes adjust to the brilliant sunlight, he recognizes the group of women talking in front of the arch.
Your dress is identical to the ones worn by the three women standing by you, but he barely acknowledges this fact, too busy focusing on you and you alone. The lavender-colored silk hugs your curves, a small slit cut right at your left knee to reveal the stockings beneath. He tries not to think about what’s holding those stockings up. The straps of the dress rest just off your shoulders, snug against the soft skin there. 
You’ve opted for a fresh-faced natural look, with light makeup just highlighting your features. There’s a pink mugunghwa flower tucked behind your right ear, matching the simple bouquet in your hands. You’re a summer dream, blinding Jungkook with your radiant beauty. 
The tumult in his stomach stills more the longer he admires you. 
He pauses at the edge of the pathway, unsure if he should disturb you and your friends. But Jisoo makes the decision for him, as she turns and catches him watching you. She purses her lips, a loud wolf whistle piercing the air. 
“Holy shit, Bambi’s looking fine!” 
The rest of the group jumps as she grins, pointing to Jungkook. When your gaze meets his, he feels a jolt of electricity. He smirks, emboldened by your eyes on him, and strikes a pose, one hand in the pocket of his charcoal grey suit, cinched tight at his waist with a thick belt. Jimin had swept Jungkook’s hair off his face, showing off his eyebrow piercing, and did an impeccable job with his makeup. Jungkook knows he looks good. 
The expression on your face confirms it. 
As the other girls start whooping in agreement with Jisoo, he takes the opportunity to tease you a little, strutting down the grass pathway like he’s working the stage. He can tell it’s working when you glance away from the heat of his gaze, biting your lip to suppress a grin, before giving in and beaming widely at him. 
“Hey,” you say. 
“Hey,” he replies, matching your smile. “You look beautiful, jagi.” 
There’s some cackling from the other girls, but he ignores it, lost in your eyes. Until Jisoo’s hand appears in front of his face, snapping her fingers. 
“Hi, hello, you two can continue this after the ceremony, okay? Jennie will kill you if we start late because you were too busy eye-fucking at the altar.”
“Ji!” you hiss as the other girls continue to giggle. “Koo- uh, Jungkook, you remember Jisoo, I’m sure.” He nods, shoulders shaking slightly with quiet laughter. “And this is Lisa and Rosé.” 
“Nice to see you again,” Rosé greets him.
“Thanks, you too,” he replies, and then his mind goes blank. Thankfully, you save him from having to make small talk, looping your arm through his. You hand your bouquet to Lisa. 
“Have you seen the setup for the reception? It’s incredible.” And you start to tug him down the pathway, away from your friends.
“Remember, we’re starting in half an hour!” Lisa calls after you. 
Jungkook can’t quite make out what Jisoo says next, but it has the others laughing loudly, and he hears you mumble something about “unhinged freaks,” under your breath. You lead him through the double doors in the mirrored wall, into the rooftop restaurant that’s been converted into a reception space. But before he can get a good look at the room, you’re guiding him out of it and down a hallway. 
“Uh… wasn’t that the room?” 
“Oh, that was just to get you away from my friends before they said or did anything else to humiliate me.” You glance at him, and his heart skips a beat when he sees the heat in your eyes. “I’ve got something else in mind.” 
You stop in front of a door, ushering him inside. The men’s room, he quickly realizes, fingers locked in yours as you pull him into a stall. 
“Jagi? What - “ 
That’s as much as he gets out before you throw your arms around his neck and crush his mouth to yours. There’s an urgent hunger in your kiss that he immediately responds to, sliding his hands along the smooth silk of your dress to hold you close. But just as suddenly as you kissed him, you’re breaking away, dropping to your knees. 
Oh shit. He goes from half-mast and confused to fully erect and excited in a matter of seconds, staring down at you as your fingers make short work of his button and fly. 
“I missed you last night,” you inform him, swiftly yanking his pants down. 
“Jagi,” he breathes, almost lightheaded with want as you nuzzle your face against the outline of his cock through his boxer briefs. It’s strangely sweet and filthy all at once. “Missed you too.” 
“And even though you left me so… unsatisfied… last night,” you continue, fingernails lightly scratching up his thighs, sending a shiver down his spine, “and you are the one who promised me that I’d be taken care of today, seeing you in this suit…” As you trail off, you slide Jungkook’s boxers to the ground. He springs forth, bobbing so close to your mouth that he can feel your hot breath. 
“You like the suit?” he blurts out, earning himself a sweet giggle. Fuck, how are you being so cute right now while you’re this close to his dick? You stare up at him, all innocent doe eyes and angelic smile, and Jungkook thinks that he’d give you the world right now if you asked him to. 
“Can I show you how much I like it?” 
He nods vigorously, and you curl a hand around his cock as you suck the tip into your mouth. 
“Mmmmph,” he moans, pressing his lips together to stifle the sound. Anyone could walk in here at any moment. Even though you’ve hiked your gown up, clutching the hem in one hand to keep it from trailing out of the stall and getting dirty, it’s pretty fucking obvious that there’s someone on their knees in here, sucking the life out of Jungkook’s dick. 
Your mouth is perfect, so warm and wet and tight around his thick length. His hips jerk forward when you hollow your cheeks. He’s going to come embarrassingly fast, he just knows it.
“Baby,” he rasps when you swirl your tongue around the head, coating him in more saliva. His own tongue pokes through his teeth as he tries his best not to whine loudly. “Fuck, you’re making such a mess.” 
You pop off him to inspect his cock. It’s covered in your lipstick. “Oops. Sorry about that.” You swallow him back down, mouth working in tandem with your hand to stroke him off. 
“S’okay,” he murmurs, left hand clutching the top of the stall wall so tightly that his knuckles are turning white. “I-I like it messy.” 
He twitches in your mouth when you hum at his words. Shit, he’s definitely going to come. 
“Jagi, I can’t hold out, ‘m gonna, ah shit!” You take him as deep as you can, choking around him, and he understands what you’re telling him, that it’s okay, that you want him to come down your throat, and with that realization he’s gone, flooding your mouth as he bites down on his tattooed hand to muffle his contented groan. 
You take everything he has to give, gulping it down so lewdly that he grabs your hand, pulling you to your feet so he can kiss you fervently, not caring if he can taste himself on your tongue. 
“You’re amazing,” he whispers against your lips, cupping your face with both hands. You merely sigh, high and sweet, mouth brushing his, laughing as you gently push him away. 
“I better get back out there,” you say, straightening your dress. The flower behind your ear has slipped a little, and Jungkook reaches out to fix it for you. You smile gratefully, pressing one last peck to his cheek. “Give it a few minutes before you come out, okay?”
He nods, but stops you before you can unlock the stall. “I’m still going to take care of you later, you know.”
“I know,” you grin, and then you slip out the door. 
Jungkook takes a minute to clean himself up. It almost seems a shame to wash the lipstick off, but he decides he’ll just ask you to put more on later. God, he can’t wait to get you alone tonight. 
Before he leaves the bathroom, he checks the mirror to make sure he doesn’t look as wrecked as he feels. His earlier jitters have completely disappeared. He feels as confident as he looks. He can do this. 
And then Jungkook emerges from the bathroom, and his world tilts a bit. Because there, standing at the other end, with his arms slung around your back, is Kim Seokjin. 
Masterlist 💜 Find me on AO3 💜 
© 2022-23 by sunshinerainbowsbts/minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
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bts-0t-7 · 6 months
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Jiminie is here!! Hehe... Don't forget to tell the authors how much you have liked their work. I know they'll love hearing from you
Have a meal, darlings 😏
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Into The Wilderness, @gukyi (angst, fluff, comed,f2l, camp counsellor au, unrequited love)
The Iron Ring, @sailoryooons (fantasy au, strangers to lovers, enemies to lovers)
Long Term Couples, @taetaespeaches (series, fluff, angst, smut, friends to lovers, idol au)
Placebo, @bangtanlicious (smut, soulmate!au, love triangle, s2e2l, hurt/comfort, fate versus destiny, dystopian backdrop)
Crystal Snow, @minniepetals (figure skating!au, fantasy!au, king jimin, supernatural power)
Schrödinger’s cat, @dovechim (guardian angel jimin, comfort)
Destined With You, @borathae (Forbidden Love!AU, Fantasy!AU, Childhood Friends to Lovers!AU, Romance, Smut)
Backtrack, @mapofthesea (smut, dom!yoonmin x sub!reader, fem!reader, producer!au, feat. Yoongi)
Rock Bottom, @jkbabiey (Idol!Jimin, angst, fluff, smut, establishedrelationship!AU, marriage! AU)
Nectar, @gimmethatagustd (roommates to lovers, supernatural au, smut, angst, fluff)
Desperate, @ressjeon (smut. That's all I'll say. Heavy fricking smut)
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mags-yaps · 14 days
ok the biggest struggle as a multishipper specifically one that rides for both buddie and bucktommy is that if i want to read a love triangle fic with endgame buddie specifically, most if not all fics include tommy bashing or crazy anti bt sentiment and i’m like?? cuz it’s already breaking my heart to read a fic where tommy doesn’t get his happy ending with buck (although i love me some good angst which goes both ways) like i can’t deal with it.
and so, would appreciate any love triangle fic recs where it’s respectful to the other party pls and thank you !! plus plus points if they don’t diminish the importance of the unrequited ship 👍
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sailorrhansol · 3 months
hi hali!! randomly became curious but has it ever crossed your mind to write a svt x reader x bts love triangle fic? if it did which members would you have considered? 😊
HIIII okay so this is such a good question and also so insanely hard to answer because... I've never really given it much thought. But now thinking about it... I feel like maybe here are the pairings that I would try to do!
Seokjin vs. Seokmin - I feel like the two of them would offer such a wonderful contrast but also similarities. They both have effortless humor and this sort of boyfriend/gentleman vibe to them but in such different ways. I think I'd be fascinated portraying the ways they are different and similar, especially in a love triangle scenario.
I think I would also really be fascinated - hear me out - by a Jimin vs. Vernon scenario because they are so incredibly different that I think the dichotomy of putting them against each other would make for a really cool incongruity? But at the same time, they both have this very sensual allure to them that I really enjoy and that I feel like would be a fuckinggggggg pleasure to write.
Last one... I want to say Wonwoo and Yoongi for some reason. Both introverts in like very different ways and soft/gentle in totally different ways. I also think they like... function so inherently differently that I would be sort of fascinated to portray that pitted against one another? Something about them.... yeah.
I think those are my answers - what a fun thought exercise this is, you got the wheels in my brain turning, so thank you for asking. This was so much fun to think about!!
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blueberrykenn · 10 months
Kennie's Top 10 Yearly Fic Recommendations
Okay so this is the 2nd year of me doing this (but this year I wont delete) butttt I show my top 10 fic and authors for each member/group( some members of bts repeat due to the amount of poly fics I read and its what I mainly read) (A handful of these have smut so heres your warning)
(I would also love to be your guys friends as every single one of you seems absolutely amazing)
10. @guqwrvte Make it Three (Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung)
Oh where do I start with this fic I found it in the spring looking for a Soulmate fic and oh boy I was in for a ride THREE SOULMATES?! ummm YES and the arcade chapter was ABSOULELY AMAZING! I hope you're doing well Author!! as this fic hasn't been updated in a while
9. @yonkimint Without You (Yoongi with a side of Hoseok or "Jay")
OHHHH BOY When I wanted a love triangle I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED I found this fic in April looking for angst and ANGST I GOT without spoiling it its a Pregnancy/ Single Mom AU and one of the best ones Ive read in a longgggg time
8. @guksthighs Bloom (Yoongi)
OH BOY This is a recent one actually. This one shot was made SIX YEARS AGO?! OMG Hanahaki AUs are one of my favorites angst type of fics so when I read this I literally sobbed like a baby I cant say much else without spoiling it
7. @kimnjss cyberslut (Yoongi), less of you/VINTAGE (Jimin), Strawberry Kisses(Jungkook)
MISS HAS ALWAYS BEEN ONE OF MY FAVES SINCE 2019 like when I first read beside you YESS I reread Cyberslut and HAD to include it but reading less of you in June as I was dealing with my own breakup it was a tear jerker towards the end of less of you, for me I wont spoil it but there a plot twist that I was not expecting towards the end of the sequel, Vintage. BUT STRAWBERRY KISSES OH MY GAHD I read that on my way home in August even though its a SMUTTY I enjoyed it a lot and the FLUFF I think some people looked at me crazy when I took the bus home that day
6. @skazoo if you tell me about yourself( Stray Kids' Felix)
Okay here me out! Demon Slayer. Its one of my favorite manga and anime series and with CHANBIN as a hashira UMMM YES ynand chanbin are literally Genya and Sanemi if Genya was a girl and not YK (demon slayer spoiler!!) eating demons, but this 2 parter was ABSOULTELY AMAZING
5. @ugh-yoongi a word from our sponsors (Namjoon)
How do you get a idoit podcasters to not realize they have feelings but read smut YOU GET THESE TWO MFERS This one shot was sooooooo good!! like I read a lot of smut but this? TOP TEIR OF ONESHOTS OF 2023
4. @sopebubbles Bulletproof Heart (2Seok)
THIS ROLLERCOASTER If I had to describe my childhood in fanfictions this one would be one (check #1 for the other) I wont say why because spoilers but this angst was OMG THE YOONGI HATE WAS UNREAL NOT MY YOONGLES but I loved it soooooooo much
3.@jihoonotes Yearning(SVT's Woozi)
Lee Jihoon is literally my ult bias. Do I need to say more? ITS WORTH THE READ
2. @solemnreads Way Back Home(Jungkook)
THIS FIC HAD ME FUCKING EVERYWHERE with the twins to CEO Kook THE JEALOUSLY I LOVE IT by far the best exes to lovers fic I read this year
before I tell yall #1 I wanna give an honorable mention to @purpleyoonn they would be on the main list if I was done reading you complete us BUTTTT RED STRING is amazing even though there only 2 parts so far
Okay Okay this should be expected if you been here for a bit
1.@theharrowing Literally anything they write but mainly Rose Tinted Obsessions and Collateral
Boy Blue and Collateral Taehyungs literally Remained me of In between Taehyung so much that I got inspired to write in between again everything I read from them is Absolutely Amazing, Top Tier just Yes DARK FICS are literally my go to so reading them had me sooooo happy and wanting more
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ot7heaven · 2 years
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Pairing: idol!hobi x manager!reader
Genre: fluff, angst
Words: 4275
Warnings: none
Chapter 1: Hot Chocolate
Next Chapter: San Man
Series Masterlist
OT7Heaven Masterlist
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Baek Hana is the type of person you’d want if you were in any kind of trouble. Quick witted and intuitive, she has the impressive skill of being able to read people like a book. However, you mustn’t let her quiet, calm exterior fool you. There’s a storm raging inside of her. She lives for weekends in karaoke booths. Weekends away on the coast. Loud concerts and hectic festivals. Letting her hair down is a necessity for her. Though she’s kind, polite and well spoken, Hana loves to let loose when she’s off the clock. She’s the life of her friends’ parties. The firework in all of their lives. It’s not often that you meet someone as calm as a puddle and as vibrant as the Northern Lights. She’s special. Special in ways that she’s too modest to understand. That’s the thing about people who are late bloomers, her personality is just as gorgeous as her face. Her friends never have to cry alone, dance alone, or get into mischief alone. She’s the type of friend we all want, whether or not we deserve her. She’s the type of girl mom’s would love their son’s to bring home. Those lucky enough to call themselves her closest friends fondly call her by her childhood nickname of Hunny. She’s… a force of nature in an understated way.  That’s Hana - a woman who lives her life full of love, in all of its forms. If you’re lucky enough to see that side of Hana, you’re part of her inner circle. Despite all of the pain and misery that life brings as you grow up, Hunny’s the type of person who’s never seen without a smile.
Or rather, that was the old Hunny. Since her boyfriend left her she’s not been herself. She’s lost and lonely. She‘s 27 - this should be when she’s happy and carefree. He was perfect. She had to constantly remind herself that Gong Yoo hadn’t jumped out of the screen to sweep her off her feet. Tall, charming and smart. Kind, funny and adventurous. For almost 4 years they were an unbreakable team. The golden couple. He encouraged her to bring out the silly side she had to hide as she grew up. She found herself getting lost in new hobbies and interests that were only brought into her life because she met him. The Yin to her Yang. The stars to her moon. The kimchi to her fried rice. He fiercely embraced her flaws with such enthusiasm that she felt invincible. With every progression in his career as a gallery curator, her pride grew and grew. She was immensely proud to stand by his side as his partner. He felt like the one. He wasn’t perfect in many senses of the word but he was Hunny’s brand of perfect.
They still had their own independent lives, preferring to live alone. But, nevertheless, she thought he might pop the big question soon. She could feel it. That’s what made the break up so shocking and hard to digest. They were going to spend Christmas together and celebrate with all of their friends. The whole month of December felt special and extra festive. There was magic in the atmosphere that gave Hunny an abundance of optimism. Then, just a few days before Christmas her partner in crime decided that he didn’t love her anymore. He said it was over between them and nothing could make him stay. She tried to talk things through but his mind was made up. He just saw her as a friend and was too stubborn to fight for the passionate love they used to share. People change as they grow but they should have grown together. Mundane is safe, and sometimes that’s perfect. She thought they were comfortable and deep in love, not boring and stale. Their mutual friends refuse to take sides but she knows that she’s the one they should be supporting. She feels wronged and betrayed by his lack of respect and understanding. He can’t bring himself to answer her calls. Maybe he feels consumed by guilt and doesn’t want to add to her pain. But he’s the one who caused her pain. Breakups are never meant to be easy but she felt like the shell of who she once was. It was only her second big breakup and it made her question if love was unnecessarily cruel for the sake of being cruel.
At least her career was going well. She was the assistant manager of an upmarket spa in her hometown. She was well on her way to becoming the general manager of the spa when she got the opportunity of a lifetime. She was invited to interview for a position at a fancy hotel, under the same company as the spa she was working at. This new spa was set in a very fancy hotel in Seoul. The bright lights of Gangnam could be the escape she needed. Her hometown just reminded her of her ex who was avoiding her. The comforting streets where she grew up only seemed to act as purgatory for the happy memories of a relationship that she’d lost forever. The memories would never leave, even though they were painstakingly reminding her of loss. When she was offered the promotion, Hunny felt a suffocating weight lift off her shoulders. Perhaps all of the pain could be left behind, along with everybody who needed to be left in the past.
Hunny was tired. She was more than just tired. She was physically and mentally exhausted. She knew that the promotion at work would come with more responsibility, but she was ready for that. Her body just needed to get used to the new life she found herself living. As the nation’s capital city, Seoul was bound to be full on. It was bound to be loud. It was bound to be full of bright lights. This was something that she knew. It was still overwhelming for her. All she wanted to do was spend her Saturday in bed catching up on Business Proposal. But she suddenly got a craving for hot chocolate, the kind with too many marshmallows thrown in for good measure. And when that tempestuous craving hits, there’s simply no ignoring it. So she dragged herself out of her warm bed and stumbled over to her closet.
She knew better than to decide against a hoodie considering it was still the middle of March. The sun may have chased away the rain but the wind continues to howl outside her window. The kind of howl that is making her wish she had the ingredients to make herself a hot chocolate at home. Unfortunately she can never remember to buy milk. Something so simple, and yet, it often seems to slip her mind. She still wanted to look good because she could see someone she knows. Though the chances of that happening are low, she still feels the need to make some kind of effort. Trust today to be the day when everyone she knows in this city decides to go to the same cafe.
She drew two symmetrical flicks on her eyelids. If there’s one thing Hunny can do, it’s draw her eyeliner perfectly on the first try. She’d call that useless skill a party trick if it were interesting enough. She threw her hair in a calculated messy bun and looked around her room for her pink lip gloss. It was on her desk as she used it yesterday. It’s always on her desk because she uses it daily and needs to locate it quickly. So, where is it now? After searching hastily all over her room, she finds it on the rug under her head to toe mirror. She picks up her lip gloss and applies it. She lets out a yawn as she places the lip gloss back on the desk. She inspects her outfit in the full length mirror. Black skinny jeans and a black hoodie with a Bart Simpson design across it. She laughs at the funny cartoon on her chest. Bart is leaning against his skateboard, wearing sunglasses, as a speech bubble above him reads “eat my shorts”. Equally comfy and cute, her outfit is almost complete. 
With a quick nod, she walks out into the corridor, grabbing a small leather bag and a black and white tartan scarf. She slightly parts her bangs in the mirror near the door to her apartment, making a mental note to book a hair appointment sometime next week. Another thing that she’s not been on top of lately. The weather outside is still on her mind, praying for a short and dry spring season. Hunny really hates being cold. She’s so sensitive to the cold that it can get painful for her. Hoping that the weather is kind to her, she makes sure she has everything she needs. Purse? Yes. Keys? Yes. Shoes? Yes? Scarf? Yes. Sliding her phone into her jeans pocket, Hunny psychs herself up to brave the cold. She takes a short moment to enjoy standing in her warm apartment. And then just as swiftly as she hopes to return home, she opens the door to her apartment and speed walks out of the building.
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Finally feeling the comforting warmth of the hot drink in her hand, Hunny makes her way to the exit. The weather wasn't as horrendous as the wind made her believe it to be. She decided to have a slow stroll home, clutching the warm beverage close to her chest. Nearing the exit, she heard her name. But that can’t be right. They called out her nickname. Everyone she knows in this city knows her by her legal name. They're all colleagues. She hasn’t gotten close enough to anyone to allow them to use her childhood nickname. She’s been Hunny for so long that when someone calls her Hana, she knows there’s some distance between the two of them. But the voice calls out “Hunny” again. Taken back a little, she looks around until a pair of piercing eyes meet hers. Overcome with joy and shock, the smile on her face is unmissable. Walking as fast as she can with a hot drink in her hand, she walks over to the table in the darkly lit corner of the cafe.
“Hobi oppa? Is it really you?” Hunny says with a laugh in disbelief. Of course it’s him. She’ll always be able to pick him out of a sea of people. He’s forever been the person who stands out in a crowd. His bright inquisitive eyes have always lit up like festival lanterns.
The tall man grins from ear to ear and confirms. “It’s really me”. He giggles and rises from his chair to engulf Hunny in a hug that feels like home. He no longer smells like cheap hairspray and hair gel. There’s an air of sophistication about him. She’s never smelt this cologne before but she already knows it’s a new favourite of hers. “Have I really changed so much that you don’t recognize me?” 
“No, you’re still as handsome as the day you left,” she remarks as she looks up to inspect his face. His smile still reaching his eyes. Joy written all over his face. She doesn’t know if Hobi will ever lose his childlike wonder. It’s woven into his DNA, surely. It’s been so long since she felt his warm embrace. She didn’t realise how much she missed being squashed by his arms. “It’s just a shock to see you considering you’re probably very busy with work.”
“Yeah, I have been busy lately. I’m actually just taking a break from dance practice.” Hobi says, as he takes in his childhood friend. There’s something different about her. He probably wouldn't have recognised her if they hadn’t have spent their teenage years glued to each other’s side. “So, how have you been lately? Take a seat,” he smiles, gesturing to the seat next to him.
“I don’t even know where to begin! So much has happened since we last spoke.” She says with a slight sigh. 
“I’m so sorry I haven’t been able to keep in touch. We said we were going to be best friends for life when I left to become a trainee. And I’ve seen you just once since I left.”
“Actually, you’ve seen me twice,” she teases with a smirk. “You came home for New Year and your birthday. And then you were so busy being a trainee, working hard to make your dreams come true. It’s really not your fault that we lost touch, Hobi. It’s just one of those things.” She places her scarf on the back of her chair.
“I guess you’re right. But I should have tried to find your number each time I had to get a new phone.”
“Yes, Hobi. You’re the worst friend in the world. You win that award”, she jokes.
Laughing, he takes a sip of his ice americano. “What are you doing in Seoul?”
“I actually moved here last month. Still trying to get used to the city, if I can.”
“It does take a bit of getting used to, that’s for sure. Do you work in the city?” he asks, leaning in.
“I just got promoted so I’m now a spa manager in a hotel in Gangnam. At first I wasn’t sure if I should take the job, but now? I just wish I was promoted sooner! The hotel is so fancy and the job comes with lots of nice perks.” She beams.
Hobi’s face lights up with a genuine smile, ”I’m so happy for you, Hunny.”  
“Thank you,” she says, sipping her hot chocolate. Her eyelashes dance on her rosy cheeks as she savours the blend of subtle spices of the drink. There is no way that she could have made a drink this indulgently tasty at home, even with all of the right ingredients.
Hobi hums as he takes in Hunny’s face. “You look so grown up. It suits you. You’re a woman! My little Hunny is now a woman, then? Huh?” His eyebrows raise with mischief.
She laughs shyly, “I’ve had a big old glow up. We all know I needed one.”
Before Hobi can interject, someone is standing behind Hunny with a confused look on his face. Hobi looks up, which prompts Hunny to look up. She sees a pair of beautiful catlike eyes staring down at her. His skin is so pale and poreless, she’s sure he was carved out of marble. It would have to be the finest marble shipped from Italy. Carefully crafted with precision to achieve heaven in human form. Her mouth goes dry as reality hits her. She knows exactly who she’s staring up at. She can’t lie to herself and say she hasn’t dreamt of meeting him. And now that he’s close enough to smell, she thinks she has died and gone as close to heaven as she’s ever been. In all of her years of being an army and watching Bangtan from afar, she could have never guessed that he would smell like vanilla, and what’s that? Amber? Firewood? All she knows is that it smells manly. And it suits him.
“Ah, Yoongi hyung. This is my childhood best friend, Hunny. I mean Hana,” Hobi says with a shy smile.
As he sits down next to her, Hunny swears he can hear her heartbeat. “Nice to meet you, Hana. I’m Yoongi.” Yoongi offers a genuine smile, albeit a brief one.
“It’s nice to meet you too, Yoongi,” focusing her attention on Hobi, she reluctantly says what she wishes she didn’t have to. “I think I should get going now. I’ve already taken up too much of your time. You’re supposed to be enjoying your break.”
“We’ll have none of that talk! You could never take up too much of my time. What kind of catch up would this be if it was over already?” Hobi rubs Hunny’s arm, reassuring her that he also doesn’t want to say goodbye so soon.
Looking at Yoongi, she smiles weakly. “I don’t want to intrude. You’re here to have a coffee with Yoongi, not me.” 
“You can stay. I don’t mind. I’m just happy to be here drinking coffee,” Yoongi laughs.
Feeling more relaxed, Hunny takes a sip of her hot chocolate. Noticing it starting to get cold, she decides to stop drinking. She’ll order a fresh one if she stays here long enough.
Hobi perks up, “We should exchange numbers! I promise not to lose it this time.” He hands Hunny his phone and she passes hers over to him.
Yoongi looks over at Hunny from the corner of his eye. Something catches his attention which he cannot ignore. “Eat my shorts?” he laughs.
Hobi looks down at her hoodie, “Oh, is that Bart Simpson?”
“Of course! He’s a legend, how could you not recognise him?” Yoongi asks in disbelief. 
“Hobi, I expected better from you than to completely disregard the leader of a generation.” Hunny shakes her head.
The three of them let out hearty laughs as a few people on nearby tables glance over at them. It feels as though no time or distance has separated Hunny and Hobi. It’s just like how she had hoped it would feel once they reunited. She always knew they would reunite somehow.
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“Did you hear about Taemin’s wedding?” Hunny asks Hobi, as the thought suddenly pops into her head. She grabs a hold of his hand with urgency to tell him the juicy gossip.
“No… What happened?” he asks inquisitively, raising his eyebrows.
“Ok so promise not to laugh too loud.” Hunny instructs.
“Now I’m intrigued about Taemin.” Yoongi jokes.
“I promise.” Hobi says, looking at Hunny intently.
“So he married Hari, which I think we all saw coming since we were 15.”
Hobi hums and nods along, fondly remembering his childhood living on the same street as Hunny and Taemin. He sometimes wishes life could be that simple again.
“The last salon that I worked in was next to the photography studio, so I picked up their wedding photos for them on my break one day. So when I get to their house they let me be the first person to see their wedding photos. Bearing in mind we’re all seeing them for the first time together. It was a magical day full of love and happiness. Most of the photos caught that wonderfully. Everyone looked photogenic. The photographer was amazing. So I don’t know how he missed something this big. But he somehow did. Hari’s brother pulled down his pants and his butt was barely an inch away from Taemin’s back. Like, Hayoung’s bare flesh was so close to touching his bespoke tailored suit.”
Hobi bursts out laughing  “And he didn’t know?” He wipes a single tear from his cheek.
“No. If he knew, he wouldn’t have reacted the way he did. He cried, which isn’t something to laugh about but what happened next is next level.”
“I’m guessing Taemin doesn’t have much luck?” Yoongi asks.
“That would be an understatement, “ she laughs. “He phoned Hari’s brother right away. So before Hayoung can even say hello, Taemin shouts ‘Why did you put your butt on my back? It was my wedding day. Your noona is on the brink of tears.’ Like, he was so angry. His voice even broke at the end of the sentence.” She looks over to Hobi, “Taemin isn’t the same Taemin that you used to know. Now he’s mature and serious so this was a side of him that I thought was buried so far deep within him.”
“I can’t even imagine him being mature.”
“It was a gradual process.” She counters. “But there’s more to this story.”
“I’ve always wondered where Hobi got his wild side from. It’s your hometown!” Yoongi laughs.
“As much as I love my hometown, no one normal that I know is from Gwangju.” Hunny laughs. “Anyway, Taemin must have dialled the wrong number in a rush and the person who responded wasn’t Hayoung.”
Hobi’s eyes widened again, which must have been the 50th time that happened this afternoon. He and Yoongi were both on the edge of their seats. Yoongi was quickly learning that Hunny was the storyteller amongst Hobi’s friends. She always knew what details to extract to emphasise an emotion or feeling. Whilst Hobi rushed to the punchline, she liked to build a picture and let the punchline sit there for a while.
“He actually phoned one of his employees. Which is even more embarrassing considering he owns an insurance company. He’s the king of being professional and serious at work. He ended the call so quickly. I wonder if that employee was brave enough to mention it at work.” All three of them now have tears in their eyes. This impromptu catch up has turned out to be the vitamin their tiring days needed.
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After a few more funny stories and sharing details about their new grown up lives, the childhood best friends had to part ways.
“It has been so good catching up with you, Hunny. We’re not going to leave it so long next time, okay?” Hobi says, pulling her into a long hug.
“Okay. I promise.” Hunny says, speaking into her Hobi’s warm chest. As she wraps her arms around his slim torso, she makes a promise of her own: to never let life get in the way of friendship again. Hobi had promised to be her best friend for the rest of his life but she had also promised him the same thing. She had been acting like a stranger, barely an acquaintance of his. Could she really blame his career for being too big to allow her to still be a part of his life? Even as children, she was in awe of how effortlessly cool Hobi was. Of course he was now living a super cool life, in a world where Hunny didn’t belong. She hopes that now they both live in the same city they have a chance to reconnect.
“I’ll miss you Mister Hoseok.” Hunny pouts.
“I’ll miss you too, Miss Hana” Hobi’s pout is almost identical.
“It was really lovely meeting you, Yoongi.” Hunny says with a smile in his direction.
“It was lovely meeting you too. I don’t know if I should call you Hana or Hunny.” Yoongi laughs awkwardly as he scratches his neck.
“You can call me Hana now, and then if we meet again you can call me Hunny.”
“Ok.” Yoongi nods. His eyes turn into mini crescent moons as he smiles. Hunny can’t help but be drawn to his cute mannerisms. The way that he is just as inviting as Hobi. The way that he welcomed her to gatecrash his break. She can read people on first meeting and she’s glad that Hobi has someone like Yoongi in his life.
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As Hunny walks back to her apartment, wind in her face, she cannot stop smiling. It almost feels as though she has made a new friend today. Hobi isn’t the same 17 year old that left their hometown. He’s a man now. He has a new circle of friends in a new city and a fulfilling career. She’s been rooting for him from a distance as an army. But knowing that he really is as happy as she’d hoped? That’s the best news she's heard in a while. She has a good feeling about the week ahead. Even stress at work cannot ruin her mood this week.
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Hunny is laying on her bed listening to her chillout playlist. She’s not tired enough to nap but there’s something calming about laying in a darkly lit room, lounging about in cosy pyjamas. Her phone buzzes beside her. Recognising it as her text message tone, she decides not to move until the end of the song. She finds herself singing along to LeeHi’s H.S.K.T. As the song moves through the outro, she rolls over and takes a look at her phone. Her eyes light up when she opens the message.
Hobi Oppa: Hey Hunny. I really enjoyed catching up with you earlier. I miss you already. Would you be able to meet up again soon? Friday maybe?
Her fingers work as fast as they can trying to keep up with the thoughts in her head.
Hunny: Hobi oppa! I miss you so much! I didn’t realise how much until I saw you. I finish work at 6 on Friday. 
Hobi’s reply is instant.
Hobi Oppa: I can pick you up from work. We can have beer and fried chicken whilst ignoring what’s on the television, if you like?
Hunny: Sounds like a plan. I work at Byeol Nagwon Salon. It’s inside Hotel Nagwon, along the river. My shift ends at 6 but I probably won’t be outside until 10 minutes later, it takes a while to sign out.
Hobi Oppa: I should be able to find that easily. And don’t worry. If I have to wait for you, I can just use that as a way of blackmailing you in the future. I’ll see you on Friday.
Hunny: And suddenly I’m scared of even being just one minute late… I can’t wait until Friday. See you then!
Just another week of work. Just another week of being on her feet for many hours. Just another week of making small talk with coworkers she doesn’t know all that well. Once again, Hunny falls into a deep sleep before she can finish the episode that’s playing on her laptop.
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