#btc eur
bitcoingavel · 1 year
Live Bitcoin Chart: Real-Time Bitcoin Price in EUR for Informed Crypto Decisions
Bitcoin Price EUR Free Tool:
Track Bitcoin's EUR price in real time. Navigate cryptocurrency trends, and make informed financial decisions. Stay updated
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Dear cryptocurrency enthusiasts, investors, and traders staying informed about the price of Bitcoin in EUR is very important.
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Binance:  World’s largest exchange 
To gain further insight into Binance, it is necessary to first comprehend the notion of cryptocurrencies. Despite its boom, a lot of people these days are unaware of what cryptocurrencies actually are. A cryptocurrency is a kind of digital or virtual money that is protected by cryptography and is very difficult to fake or spend twice. Blockchain-based decentralized networks underpin a large number of coins.
In terms of the amount of cryptocurrency traded every day, Binance is the biggest cryptocurrency exchange in the world.[2] It is registered in the Cayman Islands and was established in 2017.
Changpeng Zhao, a developer who had previously worked on high-frequency trading software, launched Binance.  China was the original home of Binance, but as cryptocurrency regulation in China grew, the company relocated its offices outside of the country.
Following the Chinese government's prohibition on cryptocurrency trading in September 2017, the company was compelled to exit the country. Since then, it has offices in Taiwan and Japan. Currently, Malta serves as its base.
The goal of Binance is to attract as many users as possible. The exchange offers enough currencies and functionality to satisfy experienced traders while remaining user-friendly enough for beginners. For cryptocurrency traders of practically any experience level, I would suggest Binance.
The biggest cryptocurrency trading platform worldwide is called Binance.1. It is not very user-friendly, despite having a wide range of trading options and features. Depending on their level of experience and education, investors may encounter a challenging learning curve when using Binance.
Binance provides a vast range of trading options, such as an amazing assortment of market charts and hundreds of cryptocurrencies, through its desktop or mobile dashboards. In addition, a range of order types and trading alternatives, such as options and futures, are available to users. Only more than 65 cryptocurrencies are accessible to American consumers, and many services and possibilities are unavailable in the country.
Binance offers a thorough learning platform, an NFT platform, and more in addition to its tools and services. US clients don't seem to have access to the NFT marketplace just now.
Only more than 65 of the more than 365 cryptocurrencies that Binance offers for trading are accessible in the United States. It also supports a range of fiat currencies, such as USD, EUR, AUD, GBP, HKD, and INR, for users who are located abroad. Binance offers an extensive selection of cryptocurrency pairs based on your region.
Binance Coin (BNB), VeChain (VET), Harmony (ONE), VeThor Token (VTHO), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Matic Network (MATIC) are a few of the cryptocurrencies that are available on Binance U.S. Furthermore, Binance accepts well-known cryptocurrencies like:
Dash (DASH)
Cosmos (ATOM)
Compound (COMP)
Bitcoin (BTC)
Ethereum (ETH)
Litecoin (LTC)
Cardano (ADA)
For more information>>
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24pressnews-post · 3 years
Are you a crypto-enthusiast searching for a reliable medium to store, exchange, and trade cryptocurrencies? LYOPAY App is the solution you've been looking for! It seamlessly connects fiat and cryptocurrencies, providing a platform to meet all your crypto needs. LYOPAY is more than just an app; it's a comprehensive ecosystem of crypto services empowering individuals to integrate cryptocurrencies into their daily lives. From basic payment services to advanced features, LYOPAY has you covered. One notable feature is the IBAN Account EUR, enabling easy fund transfers via wire transfer. Experience the convenience of fast SEPA withdrawals, ensuring quick access to your funds. LYOPAY App offers a versatile Crypto Wallet for protectively storing various cryptocurrencies and tokens like BTC, ETH, and USDT. Seamlessly transact with other wallets and exchanges using LYO Credit. The Crypto Exchange feature enables immediate cryptocurrency trading at the best market prices. With the ability to trade with Euro, converting between fiat and cryptocurrencies is effortless. Benefit from LYOPAY's SEPA feature, facilitating Euro transfers to external banks within 24-48 hours. Enjoy hassle-free money transfers using your unique IBAN. For instant currency exchanges, Turbo Swap is the perfect solution. Take advantage of low fees on over 100 exchange rates, making possible quick and affordable conversions between traditional and cryptocurrencies. LYOPAY prioritizes compliance and operates in accordance with regulations, ensuring transparent transactions and safeguarding your funds and personal information. Customer support is a top priority, with an in-app chat feature for prompt assistance. Discover LYOPAY App, the convenient platform for all your cryptocurrency needs, at the LYOPAY Website - https://lyopay.com/
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alafdel · 10 months
افضل العملات للتداول؛ في عالم يتسم بالتطور التكنولوجي السريع والابتكارات المستمرة، برزت العملات الرقمية كأحد أبرز الظواهر في مجال الاقتصاد العالمي. لقد غيّرت هذه العملات، بقيادة البيتكوين ومتبوعة بعملات مثل إيثيريوم وريبل، الطريقة التي ننظر بها إلى المعاملات المالية والاستثمارات. مع تنامي شعبيتها، أصبح التداول اليومي باستخدام العملات الرقمية نشاطًا محوريًا لكثير من المستثمرين حول العالم، حيث يجذبهم إمكانية تحقيق أرباح سريعة نتيجة للتقلبات العالية في أسعار هذه العملات. ومع ذلك، يحتاج المتداولون إلى فهم عميق للسوق وتوخي الحذر الشديد نظرًا للمخاطر المرتبطة بهذا النوع من التداول. فإن اختيار افضل العملات للتداول يعتمد على عدة عوامل مثل الاستقرار الاقتصادي، السيولة، والتقلبات في أسواق الصرف الأجنبي.تعرف في التالي على أهم 7 عملات في العالم مع أهم المعلومات المتوافرة عنها. افضل العملات للتداول: العملات الأكثر شيوعًا للتداول بشكل عام، العملات الأكثر شيوعًا للتداول تشمل: الدولار الأمريكي (USD): يعتبر الدولار الأمريكي أحد أكثر العملات تداولاً في العالم بسبب قوة الاقتصاد الأمريكي ودوره كعملة احتياطية عالمية. اليورو (EUR): اليورو هو العملة الرئيسية لمنطقة اليورو ويعتبر ثاني أكثر العملات تداولاً بعد الدولار الأمريكي. الين الياباني (JPY): الين معروف بكونه عملة "ملاذ آمن"، حيث يميل المستثمرون إلى اللجوء إليه في أوقات عدم اليقين الاقتصادي. الجنيه الاسترليني (GBP): على الرغم من التقلبات التي قد تنتج عن الأحداث السياسية مثل البريكست، يظل الجنيه الاسترليني عملة مهمة في سوق الفوركس. الفرنك السويسري (CHF): يعتبر الفرنك السويسري أيضًا عملة ملاذ آمن ويتميز بالاستقرار. الدولار الكندي (CAD): يتأثر الدولار الكندي بشكل كبير بأسعار السلع، خاصة النفط، نظرًا لأهمية صادرات النفط في الاقتصاد الكندي. الدولار الأسترالي (AUD): يعتبر الدولار الأسترالي عملة شعبية للتجار الذين يركزون على السلع، خاصة المعادن. من المهم الانتباه إلى أن تداول العملات ينطوي على مخاطر، ويجب القيام به بعد إجراء بحث دقيق وربما استشارة مستشار مالي. كما أن الوضع الاقتصادي العالمي والأحداث الجيوسياسية يمكن أن تؤثر بشكل كبير على أسواق الفوركس. "قد يهمك: أفضل مول في نخلة جميرا" "اطلع على: عملية تجميل الأنف" أفضل العملات الرقمية للتداول اليومي اختيار أفضل العملات الرقمية للتداول اليومي يعتمد على عدة عوامل مثل السيولة، التقلب، والوصول إلى معلومات السوق. إليك بعض العملات الرقمية التي يفضلها المتداولون اليوميون عادة: بيتكوين (Bitcoin, BTC): تعتبر البيتكوين أكثر العملات الرقمية شهرة ولها أعلى سيولة في السوق. هذا يجعلها خيارًا جيدًا للتداول اليومي. إيثيريوم (Ethereum, ETH): تعتبر الإيثيريوم ثاني أكبر عملة رقمية من حيث القيمة السوقية، وتتميز بتقلبات سعرية يمكن أن توفر فرصًا للمتداولين. ريبل (Ripple, XRP): تعتبر XRP واحدة من العملات الرقمية التي تشهد تقلبات كبيرة، مما يمكن أن يوفر فرصًا للمكاسب (أو الخسائر) خلال يوم التداول. لايتكوين (Litecoin, LTC): تشبه لايتكوين البيتكوين لكنها تقدم سرعات معاملات أسرع ورسومًا أقل، مما يجعلها خيارًا جذابًا للتداول اليومي. كاردانو (Cardano, ADA): تعتبر كاردانو واحدة من العملات الرقمية التي تحظى بشعبية كبيرة بين المتداولين اليوميين بسبب قدرتها على توفير تقلبات سعرية مربحة. بينانس كوين (Binance Coin, BNB): صممت لاستخدامها ضمن منصة بينانس، وتعتبر BNB خيارًا جيدًا للتداول اليومي بفضل سيولتها العالية واستخدامها المتزايد. بولكادوت (Polkadot, DOT): تعتبر Polkadot واحدة من العملات الرقمية الحديثة التي توفر فرصًا للتداول بسبب تقلباتها السعرية. "تعرف على: استكشاف ملاذ البيع بالتجزئة في جميرا: سيركل مول" من المهم الإشارة إلى أن التداول اليومي في سوق العملات الرقمية يحمل مخاطر كبيرة ويتطلب معرفة جيدة بالسوق واستراتيجيات التداول. تقلبات الأسعار يمكن أن تكون حادة وغير متوقعة، لذا يُنصح بإجراء بحث شامل والتفكير في الحصول على نصائح من مستشارين ماليين متخصصين في هذا المجال قبل البدء بالتداول.
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Tronpick.io: The Ultimate Destination for Crypto Enthusiasts
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Cryptocurrencies have emerged as the most talked-about and debated topic in the financial world. The digital currencies have brought a paradigm shift in the way people perceive money, investments, and transactions. The decentralized and secure nature of cryptocurrencies has made them popular among people across the globe. And Tronpick.io is a platform that is leading the revolution in the world of cryptocurrencies.
Tronpick.io is a decentralized platform that is built on the Tron blockchain. It offers a range of services, including cryptocurrency trading, staking, and liquidity provision. The platform is designed to provide users with a seamless and secure trading experience. With its user-friendly interface, Tronpick.io is a one-stop-shop for all your cryptocurrency needs.
Here are some of the top features of Tronpick.io that make it stand out from other cryptocurrency platforms:
Security is a top priority for Tronpick.io, and the platform has implemented several security measures to protect user funds and personal information. The platform uses state-of-the-art encryption technology to secure user data and funds. Additionally, Tronpick.io follows strict KYC and AML policies to ensure that only legitimate users can access the platform.
       2. User-friendly Interface
Tronpick.io has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to navigate the platform. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced trader, you will find it easy to use Tronpick.io. The platform offers a range of trading tools and features that can help you make informed trading decisions.
      3. Range of Cryptocurrencies
Tronpick.io supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including TRX, USDT, BTC, ETH, and more. You can trade these cryptocurrencies against each other or against fiat currencies like USD and EUR.
     4. Liquidity Provision
Tronpick.io offers liquidity provision services, which can help traders access liquidity and improve trading performance. The platform has a dedicated team that works to ensure that there is always sufficient liquidity on the platform.
    5. Staking
Tronpick.io also offers staking services that enable users to earn passive income by holding cryptocurrencies. You can stake your cryptocurrencies and earn rewards in the form of additional tokens or coins.
Tronpick.io is a reliable and secure platform that offers a range of services for crypto enthusiasts. With its user-friendly interface, a wide range of cryptocurrencies, and advanced security features, Tronpick.io is the ultimate destination for traders and investors looking to take their cryptocurrency game to the next level.  Sign up today and start making money at
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kenyatta · 2 years
The argument from crypto proponents is that Argentinians have personally experienced the problems of centralized fiat currency for generations, so they’re especially receptive to the case for decentralized currencies that their government cannot meddle with.
Crypto enthusiasts are correct in many ways. I know an Argentinian grandma who barely uses a computer, yet as soon as she heard about Bitcoin from her grandson in 2016, she instantly said “Money the government can’t touch? Help me buy it right now,” and she’s been holding it ever since. (An understandable reaction when you’ve seen your country go through 5 different currencies in your lifetime.) 
I’ve also seen firsthand how crypto has transformed the way the black market operates in Argentina. When I first started visiting the country on a yearly basis in 2018, cuevas generally only advertised exchange rates between ARS and other fiat currencies, such as USD and the euro (EUR). Now, they’ve added the exchange rates between BTC, ETH, TRON, and other cryptocurrencies to the menu because more and more of their customers are demanding it.
However, the specific ways crypto is used in Argentina are quite different from how many people who are building out the crypto ecosystem originally imagined it. 
For example, crypto enthusiasts often imagine a world where individuals control their own wallets directly — storing the cryptographic code on their local computers or phones, not using a third party, like MetaMask.
But the reality on the ground is quite different: Argentinian crypto users use intermediaries and centralized apps to access crypto. This is especially striking given the reasons Argentinians use crypto in the first place, which you’d expect to make them especially receptive to the value proposition of decentralization. 
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moldit · 3 days
The Future of Forex: Emerging Technologies and AI in Currency Trading
As the world of finance continues to evolve, one of the most dynamic and globally traded markets is the foreign exchange market, commonly known as Forex or FX trading. With daily volumes exceeding $6 trillion, the Forex market has always attracted traders seeking to capitalize on currency fluctuations. However, in recent years, emerging technologies, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), have begun to reshape the way traders engage in Forex trading. This article explores how these advancements are influencing the future of Forex and what traders can expect.
AI and Algorithmic Trading in Forex
The integration of artificial intelligence in Forex trading is revolutionizing how market participants interact with currency markets. AI, combined with algorithmic trading, allows traders to develop automated strategies that analyze market data, execute trades, and manage risks without human intervention.
Data-Driven Insights: AI algorithms can process large datasets from multiple sources, including economic indicators, geopolitical events, and historical price trends. This enables traders to make informed decisions based on real-time analysis, improving trade accuracy and timing. By leveraging machine learning models, AI can detect patterns and forecast market movements that may be imperceptible to the human eye.
High-Frequency Trading (HFT): AI plays a significant role in high-frequency trading, where algorithms execute numerous trades within microseconds. These trades capitalize on tiny price discrepancies in Forex pairs that occur within fractions of a second. While this method is typically employed by institutional investors, the growing accessibility of AI-driven tools has allowed individual traders to participate in this fast-paced segment of FX trading.
Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Integration
The rise of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies has added a new dimension to Forex trading. While traditional currency trading revolves around government-issued currencies, blockchain technology enables decentralized and secure transactions using digital currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and stablecoins.
Decentralized Forex Platforms: Blockchain-based decentralized platforms allow traders to bypass intermediaries, offering greater transparency, lower fees, and faster settlement times. This approach eliminates the reliance on centralized exchanges, which can be prone to manipulation and fraud.
Crypto-Forex Pairs: Many FX traders are incorporating cryptocurrencies into their portfolios by trading crypto-forex pairs, such as BTC/USD or ETH/EUR. The volatility of cryptocurrencies presents opportunities for high returns, but also requires advanced risk management techniques. AI-powered tools help traders manage this risk by providing predictive analytics and automated trading options.
Big Data and Predictive Analytics
Big data is another technological breakthrough that is transforming the Forex landscape. By analyzing vast amounts of data, from market sentiment to global economic trends, traders can gain insights into future currency price movements.
Sentiment Analysis: Using AI-driven sentiment analysis, traders can monitor social media, news outlets, and other sources to gauge public opinion on currencies and economic events. By analyzing how sentiment shifts over time, AI tools can provide forecasts on whether a particular currency will appreciate or depreciate.
Risk Management Tools: Advanced risk management systems powered by AI use predictive analytics to assess market conditions and adjust trading strategies. These tools help traders mitigate losses by identifying potential risks, such as unexpected market volatility or economic shocks.
AI Trading Bots: The Future of FX Trading?
One of the most exciting advancements in Forex trading is the emergence of AI trading bot. These bots can execute trades autonomously, reacting to market conditions faster than any human trader could. The future of FX trading may be dominated by these smart algorithms, which are already being used by major institutions and savvy individual traders.
Customization and Flexibility: AI trading bots can be programmed with specific trading rules based on individual risk tolerance, trading style, and market preferences. They also adapt over time, learning from past trades and optimizing strategies for better performance.
24/7 Trading: Unlike human traders, AI bots can operate 24/7, ensuring that no opportunity is missed in the fast-moving Forex market. This constant activity can be a game-changer, especially in the Forex market, where currencies are traded globally across different time zones.
Challenges and Risks of AI in Forex
While the potential for AI in Forex trading is enormous, there are risks and challenges associated with its widespread adoption.
Over-Reliance on Technology: Traders relying solely on AI may overlook the human element of market trading. Emotional intelligence and market intuition remain valuable, and over-reliance on AI could lead to blind spots, particularly in unexpected market scenarios.
Ethical Considerations: The use of AI in Forex trading also raises ethical concerns, such as the potential for market manipulation. Algorithmic trading can exacerbate market volatility, particularly during flash crashes or unexpected economic events.
Cybersecurity Risks: With increased reliance on AI and automated systems, there is a heightened risk of cyberattacks and hacking. Ensuring robust security measures will be crucial as Forex trading becomes more digitized.
Conclusion: The Future is Now
The future of Forex trading lies in the seamless integration of emerging technologies like AI, blockchain, and big data. These innovations are reshaping the way traders operate in the FX trading market, offering faster, more efficient, and data-driven strategies. While challenges exist, the benefits of AI and other technologies far outweigh the risks, making them indispensable tools for modern Forex traders. As we move forward, the Forex market will continue to evolve, and those who embrace these technological advancements will be well-positioned to succeed.
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iptv-waves · 7 days
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oursatellite · 14 days
Binance hoàn tất nâng cấp token Polygon (MATIC) lên Polygon (POL)
Binance đã hoàn tất việc swap token Polygon (MATIC) sang Polygon (POL). Việc gửi và rút tiền cho token POL mới hiện đã mở. Giao dịch spot đã mở cho các cặp giao dịch spot: “POL/BNB, POL/BRL, POL/BTC, POL/ETH, POL/EUR, POL/FDUSD, POL/JPY, POL/TRY, POL/USDC và POL/USDT vào lúc 17:00 ngày 13/9 Trading Bots & Spot Copy Trading sẽ được bật cho POL trong vòng 24 giờ kể từ khi được niêm yết trên…
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tokitokiiii123 · 26 days
Điều gì làm nên tên tuổi JPPro tại thị trường môi giới chứng khoán?
Điều làm nên tên tuổi JPPro tại thị trường môi giới chứng khoán
Đa dạng sản phẩm: JPPro cung cấp nhiều loại sản phẩm giao dịch, bao gồm:
Forex: Các cặp tiền giao dịch phổ biến như EUR/JPY, GBP/JPY và EUR/GBP.
Hàng hoá: Kim loại, năng lượng, thương phẩm với hàng nghìn mặt hàng khác nhau.
Tiền điện tử: Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC)…
Cổ phiếu: Hơn 1,800 cổ phiếu CFD toàn cầu kèm theo các chương trình ưu đãi về bonus, đòn bẩy, chia cổ tức hàng tháng.
Giao dịch CFD trên chỉ số chứng khoán hàng đầu như S&P 500, Dow Jones, Nasdaq, FTSE 100 và nhiều chỉ số quốc tế khác.
Nền tảng giao dịch hiện đại
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JPPro cho phép nhà đầu tư giao dịch trên nền tảng MetaTrader5 trực tiếp trên trình duyệt web hoặc tải xuống miễn phí về máy. Bạn có thể dễ dàng tải MT5 trên các thiết bị iOS và Android, quản lý tài khoản giao dịch, xem biểu đồ giá, sử dụng các chỉ báo kỹ thuật và công cụ vẽ. Ngoài ra, bạn có thể đọc tin tức kinh tế và nhận thông báo khi có tin quan trọng.
Xem thêm: https://tamnhindautu.org/dieu-gi-lam-nen-ten-tuoi-jppro-tai-thi-truong-moi-gioi-chung-khoan-2
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angelo021177 · 1 month
Get 5 EUR in BTC when you sign up for OKX using my referral link here!
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schorschidk · 2 months
Schon mal überlegt, mit ein paar Freunden ein Geschäft aufzuziehen? Wahrscheinlich schon. Leider verlangt ein echtes Unternehmen eine Menge Ressourcen und Zeit. Man muss ständig aufmerksam sein, kontrollieren und über Optimierungen nachdenken. Das ist nie so einfach, wie es sich zuerst angehört hat, und es gibt auch keine Garantie, dass man eine gute und profitable Idee hatte. Ich habe jetzt herausgefunden, wie man dieses Problem löst! Lade dir den CryptoTab Browser herunter, installiere ihn, sende deinen Freunden und Followern den Empfehlungslink und macht gemeinsam Geld! Tauscht eure Erfahrungen aus, diskutiert und habt zusammen Spaß! Übrigens bekommst du für jeden eingeladenen Freund BTC extra.
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sandeep-trading · 2 months
How to Cash Out from Coinbase Wallet to Bank Account
As cryptocurrency continues to grow in popularity, the need to seamlessly convert digital assets to traditional currency is becoming increasingly important. If you are a Coinbase user looking to cash out from your Coinbase Wallet to your bank account, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the process step-by-step, ensuring a smooth and secure transaction.
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Understanding Coinbase Wallet and Coinbase Account
Before we dive into the cash-out process, it's essential to understand the difference between a Coinbase Wallet and a Coinbase Account. Coinbase Wallet is a decentralized wallet that allows you to store your private keys and digital assets securely. Coinbase Account, on the other hand, is a centralized platform where you can buy, sell, and manage your cryptocurrency holdings. To cash out from your Coinbase Wallet to your bank account, you must first transfer your funds to your Coinbase Account.
Step-by-Step Guide to Cash Out from Coinbase Wallet to Bank Account
Step 1: Transfer Funds from Coinbase Wallet to Coinbase Account
Open the Coinbase Wallet App: Launch the Coinbase Wallet app on your mobile device and log in with your credentials.
Select the Asset You Want to Transfer: Navigate to the cryptocurrency you wish to transfer, such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), or any other supported asset.
Initiate the Transfer: Click on the "Send" button. You will be prompted to enter the recipient's address. Here, you need to enter your Coinbase Account's deposit address. To find this address, log in to your Coinbase Account via the Coinbase website or app, go to the "Portfolio" section, select the asset you want to receive, and click on the "Receive" button to reveal your deposit address.
Confirm the Transfer: Enter the amount you wish to transfer from your Coinbase Wallet to your Coinbase Account. Double-check all the details and confirm the transaction. The transfer may take a few minutes to complete, depending on the network congestion.
Step 2: Sell Cryptocurrency for Fiat Currency
Once your funds have arrived in your Coinbase Account, the next step is to sell your cryptocurrency for fiat currency (USD, EUR, etc.).
Log In to Your Coinbase Account: Access your Coinbase Account through the website or mobile app and log in with your credentials.
Navigate to the Trade Section: Click on the "Trade" button located at the top of the screen.
Select the Sell Option: Choose the "Sell" tab. You will see a list of cryptocurrencies that you can sell.
Choose the Cryptocurrency and Amount: Select the cryptocurrency you transferred from your Coinbase Wallet and enter the amount you want to sell.
Select the Payout Method: Choose your bank account as the payout method. If you haven't linked your bank account yet, you will need to add it by following the on-screen instructions.
Confirm the Sale: Review the details of your sale, including the amount and the payout method, then confirm the transaction. The fiat currency will be credited to your Coinbase Account.
Step 3: Withdraw Fiat Currency to Your Bank Account
Now that you have converted your cryptocurrency to fiat currency, the final step is to withdraw the funds to your bank account.
Go to the Portfolio Section: From your Coinbase Account dashboard, navigate to the "Portfolio" section.
Select the Fiat Wallet: Click on the fiat currency wallet (USD Wallet, EUR Wallet, etc.) that contains your converted funds.
Initiate the Withdrawal: Click on the "Withdraw" button and enter the amount you wish to transfer to your bank account.
Select Your Bank Account: Choose your linked bank account as the destination for the withdrawal. If you haven't linked a bank account yet, follow the on-screen instructions to add one.
Confirm the Withdrawal: Review the details of the withdrawal and confirm the transaction. The funds will be transferred to your bank account, typically within 1-5 business days, depending on your bank's processing times.
Important Tips for a Smooth Cash-Out Process
Ensure Accurate Details: Double-check all the details, including wallet addresses and bank account information, to avoid any errors during the transfer process.
Be Aware of Fees: Coinbase charges fees for transactions, including transferring funds and selling cryptocurrency. Review the fee structure on the Coinbase website to understand the costs involved.
Monitor Network Congestion: Cryptocurrency transactions can be delayed due to network congestion. Plan your transfers accordingly and allow extra time for the transactions to complete.
Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enhance the security of your Coinbase Account by enabling 2FA. This adds an extra layer of protection to your account, safeguarding your assets from unauthorized access.
Stay Informed About Tax Implications: Cashing out cryptocurrency to fiat currency may have tax implications. Consult a tax professional to understand the reporting requirements and ensure compliance with local tax laws.
Cashing out from Coinbase Wallet to your bank account involves a few straightforward steps, from transferring your cryptocurrency to your Coinbase Account, selling it for fiat currency, and finally withdrawing the funds to your bank account. By following this detailed guide, you can ensure a seamless and secure transaction process.
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cryptogids · 3 months
Stortingen & opnames beschikbaar voor 40 nieuwe cryptocurrencies en nieuw institutioneel platform
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Hallo 👋 De afgelopen weken vroegen velen van jullie om de mogelijkheid om meer cryptocurrencies te storten en op te nemen. Vandaag zijn we blij jullie te kunnen informeren dat stortingen en opnames nu beschikbaar zijn voor 40 nieuwe cryptocurrencies, waaronder INJ, SHIB, ARB, PEPE en nog veel meer.Je kunt de volledige lijst met nieuwe munten die beschikbaar zijn voor stortingen en opnames hieronder vinden, en meer informatie over hoe je crypto's naar je Finst wallet kunt storten vind je hier. Bedankt voor het geven van continue feedback op ons platform. We blijven ons inzetten om je de beste crypto-ervaring in Europa te bieden en kijken ernaar uit om de komende weken nieuwe spannende functies te onthullen. We hopen dat je zult genieten van deze nieuwe toevoeging en blijven tot je beschikking voor eventuele vragen. We hebben opwindend nieuws om te delen! Finst heeft een nieuw institutioneel crypto-aanbod gelanceerd en een groei van 875% in handelsvolume geregistreerd tussen Q1 2023 en Q1 2024. Wat is Finst Institutional? Met Finst Institutional bieden we banken, fintechs, brokers en liquiditeitsverschaffers toegang tot geavanceerde crypto-oplossingen met de hoogste veiligheidsnormen. Onze alles-in-één oplossing stelt instellingen in staat om meer dan 110 crypto's veilig te verhandelen, te bewaren, te beheren en te staken via één enkele integratie. Welke uitdagingen lost het op? Instellingen hoeven niet langer meerdere dienstverleners te gebruiken, complexe integraties uit te voeren of hoge kosten te dragen. Finst biedt een complete oplossing die de complexiteit en risico's vermindert en een betrouwbare, Europese prime brokerage dienst levert. Finst lanceert nieuw institutioneel crypto-aanbod Met deze nieuwe prime brokerage-oplossing stelt Finst banken, Fintechs, brokers en liquiditeitsverschaffers in staat om toegang te krijgen tot geavanceerde crypto-oplossingen met de hoogste veiligheidsnormen en een verkorte time-to-market. - Instanties kunnen nu gebruik maken van Finst’s all-in-one oplossing om meer dan 110 crypto’s veilig te verhandelen, te bewaren, te beheren en te staken via één enkele integratie. - Vooruitlopend op de MiCA-regelgeving wil Finst de uitdagingen van instellingen oplossen door betrouwbare en complete Europese crypto prime brokerage diensten te bieden, terwijl de complexiteit en risico's van meerdere offshore-providers worden vermeden. - Deze lancering onderstreept de uitzonderlijke groei van het platform, dat een stijging van 875% in handelsvolume registreerde tussen Q1 2023 en Q1 2024. Finst, een van de toonaangevende crypto-dienstverleners in Nederland, kondigt de lancering aan van zijn crypto-as-a-service oplossing, waarmee bedrijven en instellingen een volledig pakket op maat gemaakte crypto-diensten kunnen benutten via een enkele integratie, gebaseerd op toonaangevende beveiligingsnormen. De alles-in-één oplossing voor institutionele uitdagingen Historisch gezien moesten instellingen die toegang wilden tot of crypto-diensten wilden aanbieden gebruik maken van meerdere dienstverleners, uitgebreide integratieprocessen ondergaan, verhoogde tegenpartijrisico's aangaan, intensief kapitaalbeheer toepassen en hoge kosten dragen. Met Finst kunnen marktdeelnemers nu meer dan 110 digitale activa verhandelen in EUR met gegarandeerde beste uitvoering, ultralage handelskosten van 0,15% en diepe liquiditeit. Dankzij de Smart Order Router en uitgebreide liquiditeitsbronnen biedt het platform superieure uitvoering met een gemiddelde spread van minder dan 0,01% op belangrijke crypto-activa zoals BTC en ETH sinds het begin van het jaar. "De uitvoeringsnormen variëren nog steeds sterk in de crypto-industrie en wij geloven dat beste uitvoering de belangrijkste standaard zou moeten zijn om transparantie te vergroten. Onze connecties met vele liquiditeitslocaties stellen onze klanten in staat te profiteren van zeer nauwe spreads, ongeacht de ordergrootte en marktschommelingen, en om kapitaal efficiënt in te zetten en te beheren tussen locaties vanuit één hoofdaccount." —Julien Vallet, CEO & mede-oprichter. Daarnaast kunnen leden van het Finst institutionele netwerk toegang krijgen tot een uniek scala aan digitale activadiensten, waaronder bewaring in een afzonderlijke entiteit buiten faillissement, clearing, fiat on/off ramp, flexibel staking, samengestelde crypto-portefeuilles, post-trade afwikkeling en Direct Market Access. In tegenstelling tot andere oplossingen is Finst Institutional beschikbaar via één enkele multi-valuta integratie die voldoet aan de kritieke behoeften van instellingen die op zoek zijn naar een uitgebreide en kostenefficiënte marktoegang in een robuuste compliance- en regelgevingsomgeving. Gebouwd op toonaangevende nalevings- en veiligheidsnormen Als de eerste en enige Nederlandse crypto-dienstverlener met een gecontroleerd Proof-of-Reserve en een volledig gescheiden structuur, biedt Finst institutionele handelaren ongeëvenaarde veiligheidsnormen en stelt hen in staat met vertrouwen hun voetafdruk in de wereld van digitale activa uit te breiden. Finst is geregistreerd als aanbieder van cryptodiensten bij De Nederlandsche Bank en heeft samengewerkt met 's werelds toonaangevende bewaarder Fireblocks en de Nederlands gereguleerde bank bunq om de activa van haar klanten veilig te stellen. Het institutionele netwerk beschikt over geavanceerde MPC-technologie met aangepaste multi-signature policies om haar leden ongeëvenaarde controle over hun activa te bieden. Daarnaast heeft het bedrijf robuuste risicobeheerframeworks geïmplementeerd om zowel markt- als tegenpartijrisico's voor haar leden te beperken. "De institutionele adoptie van digitale activa is niet zo snel gegaan als aanvankelijk verwacht, deels vanwege het gebrek aan geconsolideerde aanbiedingen, infrastructuur, veiligheid en kostenefficiëntie. Wij hebben deze elementen gecombineerd in een unieke one-stop shop oplossing waar de veiligheids- en nalevingsnormen van TradFi samenkomen met de wendbaarheid en mogelijkheden van DeFi." —Julien Vallet, CEO & mede-oprichter. Voor meer informatie, bezoek Finst Institutioneel. Over Finst Finst is een van de toonaangevende cryptocurrency-aanbieders in Nederland en biedt een eersteklas investeringsplatform samen met institutionele veiligheidsnormen en 83% lagere handelskosten. Finst wordt geleid door het ex-core team van DEGIRO en is geregistreerd als aanbieder van cryptodiensten bij De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB). Finst biedt een volledig pakket aan crypto-diensten, waaronder handel, bewaring, fiat on/off ramp en staking voor zowel particuliere als institutionele beleggers. Read the full article
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leon-france · 4 months
À propos de Leon Casino
Nom du Casino : Leon Casino Date de Cr��ation : 2012 Licence : Licence délivrée par la Commission des Jeux de Curaçao Langues Disponibles : Français, Anglais, Espagnol, Allemand, Italien Devise Acceptée : EUR, USD, GBP, BTC
Offres et Promotions
Chez Leon Casino, nous croyons en la générosité et en la satisfaction de nos joueurs. Voici quelques-unes des offres dont vous pouvez profiter :
Bonus de Bienvenue : Jusqu'à 500€ sur votre premier dépôt
Promotions Hebdomadaires : Cashback, tours gratuits et plus encore
Programme de Fidélité : Gagnez des points à chaque mise et échangez-les contre des récompenses
Jeux Disponibles
Nous offrons une large gamme de jeux pour satisfaire tous les types de joueurs :
Machines à Sous : Plus de 1000 titres de fournisseurs réputés comme NetEnt, Microgaming et Play’n GO
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Casino en Direct : Jeux en direct avec de vrais croupiers pour une expérience immersive
Paris Sportifs : Une vaste gamme de sports et d'événements disponibles pour parier
Sécurité et Fiabilité
Votre sécurité est notre priorité. Leon Casino utilise les technologies de cryptage les plus avancées pour garantir que vos informations personnelles et financières sont toujours protégées.
Certificat SSL : Sécurisation des transactions et des données
Jeu Responsable : Outils et ressources pour aider les joueurs à jouer de manière responsable
Support Client : Disponible 24/7 via chat en direct, email et téléphone
Méthodes de Paiement
Nous offrons plusieurs options de dépôt et de retrait pour votre commodité :
Cartes de Crédit/Débit : Visa, MasterCard
Portefeuilles Électroniques : Skrill, Neteller, PayPal
Cryptomonnaies : Bitcoin
Transferts Bancaires : Disponibles pour les dépôts et les retraits
Avis des Joueurs
Nos joueurs apprécient particulièrement :
La diversité des jeux et des fournisseurs
La rapidité des paiements
Le service client réactif et professionnel
Les bonus attractifs et les promotions régulières
Leon Casino est déterminé à offrir une expérience de jeu en ligne exceptionnelle. Rejoignez-nous dès aujourd'hui et découvrez pourquoi nous sommes le choix préféré de tant de joueurs.
Site Web : https://leoncasinofree.com/ Email : [email protected]
N'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour toute question ou assistance. Bonne chance et amusez-vous bien sur Leon Casino!
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immediatesavage360app · 6 months
Creating a Immediate savage 360 account
We chose to proceed by selecting the minimum deposit of $250. A deposit must be made before any user can activate the live trading feature. It is best if new users start with the minimum deposit of $250 and have the first experience before making higher deposits.
Making a deposit was easy because multiple payment options are available on the website. We saw that deposits could be made using Immediate savage 360 To confirm the authenticity of a card, the user will be required to enter the expiry date and security code on the card. Before we entered this information, one of the experts in my team double checked the security in place for online safety. Thankfully, we found out that all transactions are protected with SSL. Satisfied with the security on the website, we proceeded to enter our payment information.
Step 3: Demo trading
Before starting the automated trading feature for live trade, we were prompted to tests the demo. The demo mode is a replica of the real trading process but without the use of real money. We tried it, and the demo mode was fantastic. We were able to view how live trades are done and how effective the system is, good enough, we made some money on the demo trade. Though earnings on the demo mode are not redeemable, we were confident in making real profits from our deposit of $250.
Step 4: Trading Process
It was interesting to find out that other cryptocurrencies were available for live trade. We were happy at this discovery because the existence of other cryptocurrency means traders can gain more from matching different currency pairs such as BTC/USD, XRP/EUR, or BTC/EUR and other combinations.
Before live trading starts, we were prompted to set trading limits for safety and select the currency pairs of our choice. This is where our knowledge of cryptocurrency trading was helpful. The initial settings will apply every day of trading, except it is changed before live trading starts.
In our case, we had some useful knowledge about cryptocurrency trading, so we were confident in deciding to activate the live trading feature. However, we advise everyone to use the demo mode first and start with little amounts to avoid loss. Trading limits can be slowly increased as the user learns more about the system.
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