#broooo i NEVER stay in my seat in that shit
seas1mping · 4 years
I feel like Gang Orca would be the SWEETEST if he dated someone with a baby. Especially if the baby likes him 🥺
Deadass you've made my day making the first one Orca thank you so much.
BROOOO imagine if the baby liked him like yeah he loves you and all but "(n), please just let me hold them for a few more minutes? We have a bond and they called me dad"
There is not enough Dad Kugo fics and I plan on correcting that.
I tried to keep this as gn as possible so you could decide yours and the kids gender, please lmk if I fucked it up.
"So, where are we going again?" He looked uneasy, you'd kept a surprise from him and just told him to get in the car. You felt bad about it, sure, but it would be good for him, otherwise he'd just chicken out.
"Well, you've never met the other person who lives with me so we're heading to where they are right now." He looked to tense up some more, but you patted him gently "I swear, they will love you."
He slightly nodded and relaxed, getting a water bottle to hydrate his skin, he saw the sign from the other side of the parking lot. It was a Daycare facility. He looked at you, but you didnt look at him.
"(n), is this what I think it is?"
"....yes. It's a daycare. But I promise, it's not gonna be as bad as it seems. Just maybe come up to the door and wait outside if you dont feel comfortable coming in with me?"
He nodded and the two of you got out. You walked with him and gave him a kiss on the cheek and promised you'll be back, walking inside. He stood out there for a little while, looking at some of the kids in the windows of the place who stared at him.
Some kids came out of the facility and cried, others were fascinated, trying to ask questions until their parents took them away, but the questions were always answers he got a lot so he didn't mind.
You came back out soon after and in your arms was a little baby, probably no older than maybe a year and a half, wiggling and chewing on a finger.
"Kugo, this is Riley. Riley, this is Kugo. He's my new friend. You wave at him?" You bounced Riley gently, holding your hand out and waving at Kugo, cooing when the baby did it too.
Kugo.exe has stopped.
Kugo got all like excited. Yeah, the baby has no concept of fear right now, but it WAVED AT HIM.
You called his name, and it snapped him out of his head. He followed you back to the car and watched you put the baby in their seat. When you drove back to your house, Kugo got nervous.
You were giving him the baby to hold. What if he hurt them? What if he dropped them? What if the baby didn't like him and started fussing?
'You know what? YOLO, I'm holding this baby.'
He held the baby to his chest, letting Riley lift their head up to look at him while their feet rested on his stomach.
He tried to smile at them, and he made a click noise.
They smiled back, and tried to click as well.
"...Hello, Riley...."
No response, of course. Kugo knew they probably couldn't speak yet, and that was okay. They'd develope at their own pace. Just had to give them ti-
Kugo trembled. His heart skipped a beat, and then two, he felt like he'd just been punched. He stared at Riley, who stared back as if nothing was wrong.
"Can you say...daddy...?"
He didnt know why he wanted them to say Daddy, he just wanted to hear it. He wanted to feel like he belonged with this child like he did. Riley opened their mouth again.
They said it. Kugo does a happy dance and smiles at Riley. He played with them gently, talking to them and trying to give you some time to make dinner. He helped Riley sit up on his chest and they clapped.
It was sudden, very quick, but he felt it. Riley's hand had touched his snout. It wrinkled in response, but it made him feel happy. They liked him!!
"Kugo, I need my child, dinner is ready." You said, coming out of the kitchen a few minutes later. Only to find Kugo was dancing with Riley in his arms.
He stared at you, and you looked between him and Riley, who was giggling and hugging onto his neck.
"....Hold on let me get my camera this is going on my blog-"
"(n), plEaSE-"
And that's how it started. 5 years later, Riley is starting kindergarten and their new dad is right alongside of them. Riley sobbed, holding onto his hand.
"Seashell, you have to go to school. I'll be back to pick you up and if you had a good day, then I'll take you out for ice cream."
"But I wanna stay out here with you! I don't want you to leave!!"
Riley cried harder in his arms, and he couldn't say his heart didn't break and melt at the same time. He gave them a little nuzzle on the head.
"If you do one day at school and you dont like it, I'll find a private teacher so you can stay home with me. But you have to do one day and see how you like it. Okay?"
Riley considered. They stopped their tears and nodded "Okay, Daddy."
He nuzzled their cheek in response. "I love you. Have fun for me, okay?"
"Okay. I love you too."
Riley turned around and walked into the building, waving to Gang Orca as the door closed behind them. He turned back around to the car and looked at you.
You were having the time of your life, recording the whole thing and keeping it for safe keeping (really so you can show all his workers what a big softie their boss is) and eating your breakfast.
"Hi, having fun?" He teased, sitting next to you and giving you a kiss and a nuzzle.
"Oh tons, your minions are going to have loads of fun with this one." You respond casually.
Oh shit.
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mainly-kpop · 6 years
text me
She sits on the bus flicking through her music trying to find the perfect song, a task that usually takes a ridiculous amount of time for her to just settle on a song shes listened to so many times before. One of those ones you listen to and never get sick of. She slouched down in her seat slightly watching the people pile in one after the other, a clear almost robotic routine to her days. Closing her eyes she relaxes into the bubble she had placed around her simply by putting headphones in, she bobbed her head gently to the music letting herself be immersed completely.
A light tap on her shoulder brought her back to the world, with a jolt she gave a gentle tug to one of the headphones letting it fall out of her ear. She looked up at the man who was standing in front of her. His fluffy looking dark hair parted straight down the middle,and curving in the bangs, it had a childish and almost sweet kind of turn to it, she smiled mostly to herself. The man had a smile which she could only describe to be blinding to mere mortals, coffee coloured brown eyes dancing along with the smile. he was tall and slim, or maybe rather muscular it was hard to tell, if he was he hid it well. He layered on clothing today, he definitely wasn’t from here, this was a summer day kind of heat in the UK. He was most likely around her age which made her interest peak in him. In conclusion he was tall, dark and handsome, just her type. 
‘May i sit?’ He spoke his voice sounded so cute yet so calming, it certainly matched the beaming smile lacing his features, her heart fluttered slightly, she had expected a deep raspy voice one fit for a mysterious man, not a soft and soothing, a voice that made her happy just listening to it. She nodded motioning her hand towards the seat telling him silently that he may indeed sit, she didn’t trust her voice to stay calm. He thanked her by bowing his head slightly and whispering a small thank you. She placed her earbud back in her ear and gazed out the window, it seemed like some dramatic movie. The typical teen movie, staring out the window listening to sad music thinking about life, that’s what she looked like right now and it almost made her laugh out loud.
Her shoulders shook slightly as she let a small laugh escape, she was almost certain she snorted, but if anyone asked or pointed it out she would deny it. The boy next to her looked at her strangely before turning back to his phone smiling. He hadn't randomly asked to sit next to her, there was plenty other seats free, plenty other places he could plop down temporarily, but she was pretty. Drifting off into her own world she looked so relaxed to him, he wanted to be near that, around that kind of energy. She was alluring to him, he liked everything about how she looked he was sure her personality must be just as good. He was so lost in admiring the girl he hardly noticed he had missed his stop. Looking up from his phone and looking at the surroundings outside the bus, his eyes widening in horror as he realised he had indeed missed his stop, 3 stops ago in fact. He pushed the button quickly running to the front of the bus waiting for the driver to stop, he stepped off quickly taking a breath as he watched the bus drive off. He patted his pockets for his phone, he should probably let Tae know what an idiot he had been. Shit. She turned to look back out the window sinking herself back into her bubble. She had concluded the boy really wasn’t from here, who forgets their stop these days. A sudden vibration on her leg broke her out of her thoughts, she looked down at her phone to see no messages, strange, she ignored it. 
It happened again, and again, and again. She looked down at her leg Confused. Sitting right next to her right leg was a phone, his phone. She rolled her eyes picking it up and looking at the screen. 
10 messages from Tae
What the? This boy has some obsessive friends. She decided to swipe the screen up, i mean if there was no password was she even really snooping? Of course she was, but he didn’t need to know that. 
‘Hey i’m here where are you?’ 
‘Dude its been 5 minutes did you miss your stop?’ 
‘Broooo i swear to godddddddddd’
‘Dude we left 5 minutes apart how are you this late?’ 
ANSWER’ she smirked at the phone laughing at the messages, he was asking for her to open the phone he cant accuse her of anything now. To be honest she was impressed at the boys speed he had only gotten off the bus about 5 minutes ago.
‘ILL SCREAM THEFT IF YOU DON’T ANSWER RIGHT NOW.’ she scoffed at this statement, steal his phone? HIS phone? No thank you sir, as if she wanted a LG when she had a perfectly beautiful Iphone sitting right in her lap. 
‘Wow hold up little boy I ain’t no thief, you left your own damn phone that ain’t my fault, also who doesn’t have a password on their phones these days, are you crazy?!’ She typed out the text and hit send waiting for the flurry of messages. 
‘Okay okay I’m sorry, pls don’t leave...also people who don’t have anything to hide don’t have passwords, bet yours is like 15 characters long.’ She frowned at his snark then looked around the bus, what was with this idiot boy. 
‘Dude, i’m on a fucking bus, what do you mean don’t leave! and my password is actually 4 numbers don’t be rude.’ Hoseok was beyond done with this girl, he had seriously miscalculated her personality. He looked at his best friend as he continued shovelling food into his mouth. 
‘Can I have my phone back now?’ He frowned at the boy across the table, no, no he fucking couldn’t. 
‘Not until i get my phone back buddy, unless you want me to send your photos to every girl in-’ Tae’s eyes popped out his head, no way did he just threaten to leak his nudes... 
‘No! no... its okay man keep it who needs a phone right!?’ Hoseok slumped back into his seat returning the text. 
‘Don’t be a brat, when do you get off the bus.’ at this rate he wasn’t going to get his phone back anytime soon. She was a pretty girl but the attitude on her was infuriating. 
‘EW stalker much! I’m not telling you where I live! For all I know you left your damn phone on purpose.’ She smirked and sent the text, okay she knew he just wanted his phone back but she was enjoying winding him up, he was entertaining. She rang the bell packing her stuff up, slotting the phone in her bag, she left the bus thanking the driver and headed up the road to her house. A little humble home. She lived in a white picket fence neighbourhood but somehow wished she didn’t. The families around her had little demon children that would kick the ball into her yard, who would ding dong ditch, who climbed the bins to jump off inevitably hurting themselves then crying to their mothers like it wasn’t their own damn fault. She also didn’t quite fit in here, everyone was either 90 or married with little gremlins. She was neither of these people at this present time. 
She unlocked the front door running in and closing it quickly before some random mother could invite her to their kids bake sale or something, it was not something she needed after a day like hers. Throwing her bag down in the hallway she plonked herself down on the couch, scrolling through her phone and wasting time. She had a lot to do, she usually did, this just seemed far more appealing to her.
‘She’s not answering the texts anymore what am i meant to do now!’ Tae rolled his eyes, his best friend really was the idiot of all idiots. They had made it back to their hotel, Tae looked over to Hobi’s pillow seeing he hadn’t taken advantage of the little pillow chocolate, his loss. He swiped it up and plopped it into his mouth before his friend could protest. 
‘Omg maybe she stole it, or left it on the bus too, or maybe shes been kidnapped and cant answer oh or maybe she-’
‘Shut up you dingus.’ Tae pouted at being interrupted, bidding farewell to his friend, and his phone as he set of back to his room leaving Hoseok to his own devices. 
He paced back and forth deciding on what to do, he could text again but hes texted a lot so far, he went into the call log on Tae’s phone and pushed his number. 
She heard buzzing. incessant buzzing that wouldn't damn well stop, she got up following the sound and rolled her eyes when she realised it was her bag. picking it up plucking out the phone she answered it.
‘Hello? What do you- hello? Hello?!’ He hung up. She was confused to say the least but she looked down at the phone anyways seeing all the messages, she snorted bringing it to the living room and scrolling through the chat. 
‘Why did you call me to hang up as soon as i answered? How rude!’ 
‘I needed you to answer! I need my damn phone back, i have important things coming up, important business.’ She raised an eyebrow, hmm we will see, she clicked on his calendar to see exactly what he had going on, empty. Nothing. Nada. 
‘Really? cos your calendar says you’re free for like ever, how sad’ Hoseok widened his eyes in disbelief and scoffed, was she really snooping through his phone right now? Another message came through and he smirked. 
‘Can I answer your other messages? The little notification thing is annoying me and your friends seem about as persistent as your bitch ass.’ That could be interesting... 
‘Sure why not, don’t answer family tho that’s weird. Also i really do need my phone back, we have this thing we are going to together... i can’t explain but i need my phone so Tae can have his back.’ She frowned at his vagueness.
Really all they were doing was flying back to their home town, it wasn't for another few weeks so he had time but she didn't need to know that.
‘Omg do you guys gather around and hold hands every week and tell each other your struggles? SO CUTE I LOVE BOYFRIENDS.’ She scrolled onto the other chats looking at the unread messages not wanting to invade his privacy too much. 
‘Tae tells me you lost your phone on a bus, well done genius.’ She scoffed already typing out the perfect reply. 
‘Who says he’s the idiot, you’re the one texting a lost phone looking for your friend Mr Min Yoongi.’ 
She moved onto the next one seeing it was from someone named Jungkook, she opened it up seeing a random picture of a chest and then some winking emojis underneath. 
‘My my, are you flirting with me?’ She sent getting a reply almost instantly. 
‘DUDE NO, you were telling me you were fitter than me yesterday, I wanted to prove you wrong... remember...’ She laughed, so he was fit under those layers. 
‘Damn now you got me all disappointed.’ 
She exited that one and scrolled onto the next chat seeing its a group, oh how delightful she smiles in the most evil manner clicking the screen opening up the group. 
‘Whats up my fellow men, how are we hanging?’ she sent the text seeing them all receive it, before all the typing bubbles pop up. 
Jimin: ‘Hanging pretty well mate thanks for asking.’ 
Jungkook: ‘Honestly what is with you today? I'm pretty good...’ 
Hobi: ‘Yeah? Well, you didn’t say I couldn’t so...’ 
Yoongi: ‘You idiots, Hobi left his phone on the bus and now some random has it.’ She was hurt by this, like not in a genuinely wow I feel pain but in a wow what a meanie kind of way, she opened up the camera and sent a pouting selfie into the chat captioned ‘How rude I’m deeply offended little boy.’ she sent it and closed the group chat going back onto the one with Hoseok. 
‘So that’s your name? Hobi? Like Hobby?’ He rolled his eyes, and replied with a simple yes, going back to the group chat, he looked the selfie over again making sure it was the same girl he was sitting next to on the bus, no doubt about it, seems she really does just have an attitude on her.  
‘I will meet up with you to give your precious mobile device back to you, but only if you can prove you’re not a murderer or something.’ Honestly this fucking girl. 
‘And how the hell am i meant to do that? Search my phone if you want i don’t care i just need it back, we fly out soon and I can’t just leave it here.’ Ah she knew they weren’t from here! That makes his urgency a little more understandable. Its understandable anyways when she thinks about the longest she had ever been away from her phone, she shudders at the thought of it being the other way around. 
She now had permission to go through his phone and boy was she going to take him up on that offer. Listen, she wasn’t nosy or snooping where she didn’t need to be, she just wanted to get a feel for the guy, find out who he is, what he likes, what he does, And of course whether he is fucking crazy or not. 
She scrolled through his photos first, finding a few of what she assumed was him and his friends, they were cute, she wont lie. There was seven in total and they were all super attractive. She looked at them all picking out one of them zooming in, screen shotting and sending the photo to the group chat. 
‘Who is this?’ 
Jungkook: ‘Oh my god’ 
Jin: ‘Are you fucking kidding me. 
Yoongi: ‘That’s me you random what do you want.’ 
‘Wow, I was just going to say you are attractive af, but never mind i take it back.’ 
Namjoon: ‘Fucking shot down mate.’ she closed the group continuing her search for anything suspicious. She found a video of what seemed like Hobi and another boy, she recognised the other boy from the photos. He was tall and adorable, boxy smile and bright eyes, always seemed to be happy or drop dead gorgeous, there seemed to be no in between. Clicking play she listened to the video getting chills all the way up her arms and down her back.
‘Yo who the fuck is this i just wanna talk.’ 
Jimin: ‘Hey its tae, its me whats up?’ 
‘Look at that Yoongi, that’s how you politely answer a question.’ 
Yoongi: ‘I’m muting.’ 
‘Anyways, how is your voice so deep, and soothing, and beautiful, hello can we be wed.’ 
Jimin: ‘Sure tell me where and when’
Tae: ‘OKAY enough flirting, it’s making me want to vomit.’ 
Jimin: ‘spoil sport.’
‘ugh, fine, we still have a side chat, looks like Jimin wont be getting his phone back either...’ 
Jungkook: ‘ugh, disgusting.’
Tae: ‘Just, please don’t send nudes from my phone, or to my phone for that matter...’
switching between talking to Tae and looking through photos nothing really seemed to pop out at her as being shifty or suspicious. Mainly just photos of family and friends, scenery of places he had been to, it seems the group travelled a lot and she couldn't help but wonder what they all did. Were they in it together or just always travel together? She would ask later she decided shrugging it off. She scrolled more enjoying the photos he had, he seemed artistic and she enjoyed that a lot.
'So? Anything that screams psycho murder to you?' She smiled at the text.
'okay okay, I'll admit it, you don't seem like a crazy killer, however. You do travel a lot, where do you get the money for this? Do you guys deal drugs or something?' he laughed out loud in his hotel room. Drugs? That’s the first thing that comes to mind? What kind of area did this girl grow up in... 
'No you idiot, we are all partners in a business, a highly successful one at that, why did your mind go straight to drugs, you Brits I swear.' Her mouth hung open at the stereotype, she was Scottish actually, not that it made it all that much better, worse actually, the stereotype was still annoying.
'wooooooow you really Don’t know a superior accent when you hear one huh!'
'okay first you didn't even say a word to me you moved your perfectly manicured hand and put your headphone back in. As for superior accent if it's not Australian I don't care.' she rolled her eyes this boy truly was a handful.
'meet me on Sunday, half 4 at the cafe down the road from the bus stop you got off at, not a minute later, then you will hear a real accent you uncultured swine.' He rolled his eyes, honestly any longer talking to this girl and he was going to have a permanent migraine.
Jin: 'Hobi did you get your phone back?'
'nope still me you boobs, sorry to disappoint'
Jimin: 'Tell us something about you anyway, shouldn't we get to know the girl our hobi is going to date?' Hobi smacked himself on the forehead, migraine suddenly building at a rapid pace. For the last couple of days he had been getting to know her, finding out about what she likes, what her family is like, where she's from and when she moved. He learned about her little quirks and what makes her, her. He was falling head over heels for the girl with his phone and he couldn't stop it any longer. He had confided in the boys when they last went out for dinner saying how much he enjoyed her. He knew he shouldn't have, he knew it was a bad idea, these idiots had the biggest mouths.
'DATE!?!?! Wow wow wow pretty boy slow your roll!' She shook her head no way. He couldn't want that. There was no way she was sassy, and annoying, brash and infuriating. He was bright and smart, funny and artsy he was the opposite to her, he couldn't like her it just wasn't feasible.
Jungkook: 'it's Taeeee, it's not a lie he loves you.' He could feel his heart beating and his mouth drying, he was going to kill them if it was the last thing he did.
'Agh stop telling me lies little boy, I'm far more interested in moody little Yoongi and we all know it.' she teased. She had been talking to them all a lot over the past few days, and truthfully although she did get along well with Yoongi, she wanted Hoseok, and there was no changing that.
Yoongi: 'Ew leave me you mutant, date the one that actually wants your lame ass.'
Tae: 'STOP OMG, I’m getting my phone back tomorrow leave the poor girl alone'
'Y/N. My name is Y/N.' Through the last few days no one had requested your name, not even Hoseok, You found it strange but the mystery was soon to be over, therefore a name should be given. 
He waited at the bus stop the next day, checking Tae’s phone obsessively waiting for her to say she wasn't coming. He arrived earlier than told, but he was just excited to see her after this whole week, excited to finally see the girl he had gotten to know, most of all however he was thrilled to finally have his own phone back in his hands. The bus pulled up and she stepped out thanking the driver and walking towards the cafe seeing him standing back towards her, he had a t-shirt on, clearly finally used to the weather, she smiled to herself admiring the way he stands so effortlessly, yet somehow still looks lost and scared.
‘You lost love?’ She spoke gently tapping him on the shoulder. 
‘Oh no, sorry i’m just- hey.’ He spoke gently, smiling fondly at the girl in front of him.
'What accent is that?' He questioned not quite able to place it. She smiled looking up at him, he was taller than she expected. When she was sitting it was obvious he was tall, she hadn't expected this tall. 'Scottish, its not heavy but its there.' It had faded slightly with all the years she had been living in England, she held on to what she could of it. 
'oh here.' she handed his phone over with a small smirk on her face. He let out a sigh of relief and flicked his finger over the screen unlocking it, he looked up at her with a raised eyebrow.
'you set your face to my home screen? Really? You couldn't have taken a more flattering photo?' She sucked in a breath of mock insult.
'I'll have you know both my chin and I look astounding in this photo, I also set it as my caller id because-'
'wait, you put your number in my phone?' She blushed instantly realising that she maybe went a step too far.
'oh uh yeah, I just thought that maybe you would want it, to um talk later, sorry you don't have to keep it, it's uh no big deal' She brushed off as if it wasn't a massive deal.
'no, I do want it, the boys love you, I love you. Oh as a friend of course I uh' He blushed and brushed his hand through his hair, she giggled at him being this flustered.
'Hobi, do you maybe want to go get a coffee? I know this really nice cafe just-'
'I would love that.' He interrupted she rolled her eyes smacking his arm.
'you really need to stop interrupting me little boy'
'hey I'm like 100% older than you little girl'
'yeah well I'm cuter'
They joined hands walking to the cafe together blissfully unaware of the future.
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So I got high as fuck and watched Twilight for the first time in 6 years and made a list of the thoughts running through my head. Anyways it’s under the cut, enjoy lol
Dramatic entry....
I don’t understand what she’s saying
Oh my god look at her stupid fucking cactus it’s so small and dumb
Why does she sound so miserable
Charlie her hair?? Really??
How is their house so big with one fucking bathroom
Charlie really had someone else decorate her room omg
Why is he such a good fucking dad. I want to cry
“Still dancin”..... aight, billy 
Jacob looks so fucking angsty
She’s so excited about this huge ugly piece of shit truck how is she straight
Did it ever get explained in the series where the fuck Jacob goes to school
“Nice ride” ahah SOOOO FUNNY
I don’t remember his name but why is he such a try hard
*Ball comes at Bella* bella: fUCK
Jessica: stay the FUCK away from my man
Jessica you weird
Mike stop
Who tf is that dude omg he just took his fucking chair
Oh my god Jess when she says eating disorders aakkskakdn
This background music does not fit the characters
Yeah they live together omg
How convenient. A family full of people who fuck each other except ONE
Why they got a fan in the classroom
No introduction to the new kid? Unrealistic. Blocked.
Stop staring at each other what the shit bruh
Just jump tf out the classroom damn
Edward trying to slam the door omggg
How she gonna know you Santa when you dressed normal, tf
Just grab the ketchup
Jesus Christ just talk to each other
Goodbye cell phone then
Day one and you’re doing homework ok
Why is Edward so fucking cringey
He couldn’t handle it so he just stayed home fucking pussy
They just straight up threw a fucking rock at her
Things were getting strange AFTER he stops going to school hmmmmm?
Seriously their house is good sized
This bitch just fucking ate shit what a clumsy gay
“You’re not in Phoenix anymore”
“I need your playlist”
Why is EVERYONE hitting on Bella. She doesn’t even look straight
“Hello” bruuhhhh
His voice, TF
What is the golden onion
Why does he talk like... that
Bonding over science. Haha. Get it. Bonding
“How’s the weather”
Cold n wet. Cool
He laughin. Lmao
Aw his smile
I feel so awkward watching this conversation
Why doesn’t this bitch just sit tf still Jesus Christ
“Wait hOLD UP why didn’t you go with your mom and Phil just curious haha I’m just trying to analyze you no biggie”
The fluorescents. Walks away. ????
How tf did this mf even manage to almost crash like what. How did it even happen
He out this mf
Everyone just like. Sat there for so long not doing anything??? Then BAM OMG BELLA ALSKAJNCKDO”
Carlisle is so fucking white Jesus
Did she never notice his eyes are the same color as Edwards
Fuckin snitch omg Carlisle is not happy
“Hey ex wife our daughter almost died lol call me back”
They are really just arguing in the middle of the hospital tf?
I was standing right next to you....
why does he look like that
Rude ass tf?
Edgy moon
Tf she dreaming about
Wait so like he didn’t even start out with anything low key he just straight up fucking watched her sleep after knowing her a week
God why does he look like that. All the time
Poor mike oh my god
She’s lived here a week how does she already have plans conveniently the night of prom. Get a better excuse Bella
Recycled tea
Why is he so fucking creepy “what’s in Jacksonville” mf HOW you know
Rude ass again what the shit
Why would Bella care if you go to prom with mike, Jessica
“We shouldn’t be friends” no one said you were???
“Our bus is full” 💀
Call your fucking mother you asshole
Charlie don’t talk about Phil
She just walks tf out lmaoooo
How did anyone NEVER say anything about them NEVER eating lunch
He just bounced a fuckin apple
Stop being so cryptic what the fuck
“Let’s say for arguments sake that I’m not smart” bitch me too the fuck
“What if I’m... the villain” shut up you fucking emo oh my god
Come to the beach lol
This is all so awkward
Why did they like hardly ever show Angela
“You��re a strong independent woman” how do people think she’s straight
“The Cullen’s don’t come here” so fucking dramatic
“Yeah yeah whatever enough of you, what about the CULLENS”
Wait. How long have the Cullen’s been around? How long ago was the treaty made???
This music is so fucking dramatic
Oh no it’s Santa....
These bitches gay as fuck too James looks so fucking gay
How is it the entire time she’s trying to figure out the Cullen’s not ONCE does she question the quilietes being descended from FUCKING WOLVES
All these prom dresses boring as fuck
Like what the fuck even is that material
Jess is fucking... phat
“Sorry I don’t do prom dresses I just like really wanna go to this bookstore”
I don’t even want to know what would have happened if Edward didn’t come get her from these creeps...
She legit is about to get gang raped and like. No one ever said anything about this guys what the fuck
Why does Edward look like a fucking crack addict
“Sorry I just REALLY wanna murder these guys”
You should put YOUR seat belt on
“Yeah were gonna do everything that consists of a date but it’s not a date ok?”
No way that tiny bitch is gonna eat that whole ass plate
I’m gonna make sure YOU eat but I won’t alright?
Fucking math nerd
How DID he know she was there???
“I feel very protective of you even though I’ve known you for like less than a month”
He can read minds it’s no biggie
“Cat” bitch me too!!!
I can’t read YOUR mind tho sorry
Wait so why are certain vampires given gifts?
I don’t wanna stay away from you anymore lol
Ooooo our dads are here
“Animal attack” *GLARE*
“Idk what to say I’m so sorry”
Animals are attacking and you give her pepper spray?
Why tf did they roll his whole ass body out in plain view why the hell was he not in a body bag!!!!
“Oh OKAY everything is starting to come together”
What is this dramatic dream where he’s all emo drinking her blood what the fuck is happening
“Follow me into the woods just trust me”
I don’t find it believable that he speaks like he’s from a different time. His dialect would change with time. Imagine him in 2018 fuckin yeet this and dab that lmaoooo
Why when he runs his legs move and nothing else
How fast are they even going
Diamonds are a girls best friend. And vampires.
“I’m a killer” on cool aha I’m just chillin alone in the woods with u haha no biggie
Why are you being so dramatic Edward
He just yeeted that fucking rock lol
“I’ve never wanted to kill anyone until you”
You’re my drug....
his voice is cracking me tf up
“I’m not afraid of you I’m afraid of losing you” you fucking emo
I want to die
I zoned out an all I heard was “sick masochistic lion” .... alright
Let’s just lay in the grass in the middle of the fucking woods it’ll be cute!!!
Do they just. Stare at each other and not talk...
Why do they use sound effects for his skin lmao
“My crush is a vampire lol ❤️”
What’s Monte Carlo
Everyone is staring lmaoooo
The siblings are not happy lmao
Why would you turn someone into a vampire like there is no logical reason to be like “you’re dying so I’m gonna make you live FOREVER”
They’re just chillin in the rain lmao
Literally tho like being a vampire would be pointless and fucking torture Jesus Christ why would you force that on a dying person
“Wanna meet the fam lol jk u have no choice”
The fucking stare down between Edward and Jacobs dad I’m fucking deceased
“Just keepin it real, son” broooo
Does anyone remember at one point in this series Edward and Jacob just fucking switched Bella off like what the shit was that was I just hallucinating
They cooked for her :(
How long has it been since they cooked
Esme is my soul mate
We NEVER use the kitchen
Jesus CHRIST Rosalie chill the FUCK out
Calm down you FUCKING drama queen
Please don’t kill me lol
Alice you Sapphic ass coming in on a fuckin tree branch
“Bella and I are gonna become great friends” does... does she KNOW. You know bc she can see the future
Alice is so cheery oh god
I too would be dramatic enough to frame all of my several graduation caps
I don’t... sleep
Like he doesn’t even need a chair like their legs never get tired. If they wanted to they could just stand every second of every day
Edward it is the 21st century catch up on the tunes, man
The face she made when he twirled her lmaooo
“I’ll MAKE you dance” .... alright
Why did they like. Move midair
This tree jumping shit just does not look scientifically accurate
“This kind of stuff just doesn’t exist” ... the woods?
Let’s sit in a fucking tree and just talk forever
I wonder who wrote the song Edward wrote. It’s actually... good???
Why is the footprint on top of this fucking mound of dirt lol
Hey hey you You I don’t like your boyfriend
I would kill for Charlie
No one like ACTUALLY questions why a HUMAN foot print is found in the murder scene
He just fucking comes out of nowhere fuck
How much time does this movie take the course over “only the last couple months” ????
“There’s always something I wanted to try” *kisses bella* you gonna tell me you’re 100+ years old and a virgin???????
This kissing scene must have been so awkward
He just fucking. Zooms back into the wall
Does Charlie not hear any of this???
Edward. She needs to sleep bro
I’m sorry but if my partner never slept I would never sleep with them like don’t fucking watch me sleep the shit???
He just fucking loves his gun
What is he doing over his head ??
We’re just gonna play a family game of baseball lol
Charlie cares so much :(
Charlie doesn’t even question that they’re going to play baseball in a thunderstorm
The baseball scene is in my top iconic scenes in cinematic history
Why do they keep the field so small if they hit the ball so far ???
Emmet my fuckboy baby
When emmet and Edward collide. Iconic.
These gay ass Mfers and their dramatic entrances
Why is putting her hair up going to help. It’s not her hair they smell it’s her blood? Right??
Vampires just go around claiming territory??
All around America??
James knows
Why do they hiss....
The fucking Cullen clan all just bend their knees and hiss like what the shit
“I can buckle MYSELF Edward”
This all went 0-100 real quick
Edward step up your acting game. Monotone ass mf
Charlie is so fucking confused
What even is she grabbing
Ok but Charlie’s so supportive of her and like all he cares about is her being safe oh my god
And he never knows that she didn’t mean any of what she said :((((((
That would fucking kill me oh my god poor Charlie
When they land on her truck... where are they coming FROM...
“Her kind” ... gingers?
Rosalie has a point...
Laurent was just a third wheel
Why do they drive so fast
How the hell was Bella even going to explain this to her mom??? What was her plan.
James.... Jesus your fucking face...
How did he get into the high school
You fucking dumbass you just gonna. Fight a fucking vampire? What is her plan? Fight him? Show up and take her mom and get out???
Also how did she even sneak past Alice and jasper
Wait how did he get this video
You dumb as shit bitch!!!
You can’t fight a vampire the fuck!!!
Why is the part where James shoved Edward against the mirror so sexually tense
This whole fucking ballet studio scene is just too dramatic
Why is she convulsing tho. Is that how it is when you turn into a vampire??? You fucking have a seizure???
Alice fucking SNAPPED
This whole series could have ended right here if they just let her fucking change into a vampire right then and there
Shut the fuck up and suck, Edward
Why her face look like.... that
Carlisle just PUSH HIM
Why are the tubes like ON her eyeballs
Edward sleeping... ha
The whole falling down the stairs bullshit story is so fucking ridiculous lmaoooo
“You’re texting” this movie is so old
Which leg is broken???
I almost killed you lol sorry. Also get the fuck out of Forks
Bella: *insert lady from lipstick in valentino bag vine*
Ok so her right leg is in the cast but in the hospital she was chillin in the bed with her right leg bent?
Jacob where did you come from lmao
“My dad paid me to come talk to you”
“Also you need to break up with your boyfriend”
The instant tension between Edward and Jacob and Bella is so fucking oblivious
“The wolves descend” REALLY EDWARD
Was their senior prom ever mentioned in the series???
She’s so fucking short omg
This music: A++
No seriously what is with everyone’s dresses being so ugly
“I want you always” bitch you just met like 2 months ago???
Bella is so desperate for the dick that she wants to become a fucking vampire
She actually thought he was gonna bite her at prom lmao????
They kiss so awkwardly
Victoria looks so jealous
And hot
Where is she going
Oh it’s over ok cool gn
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kickasswireup · 5 years
First flight log:
Scared bro. Spain is going into lockdown tomorrow? I don’t know what I’m gonna do. May just chill in Barcelona for an extra month. Make sure I get my stay in lol. May burn through cash really fast though. Not really sure what to do about flights or bookings. Hmm. Either I can finish up and go to Spain...or...? Some other European country? Maybe go to Quebec? Might just book in Barcelona. Getting 12-20 bucks a day stays now. Hope there’s enough food lol. Hmm. This is gonna be insane! Woo! Scary and stressful. Not going home until mid April though. At least. My phone is dying so damn fast. I hope they’re letting people in in Portugal and Spain. Hopefully Canadian passport will help me? Somehow. I may end up booking a day or two if I make it to barna and then see if I can stand to stay there another month or so lol!!! Finally feeling the effects of the virus and doing dumb shit like planning a trip in less than a week. Well, at least I’ll find ways to cope. Hopefully somewhat healthy lol. Looks like we’re about to be in Montana. 2:20. Flight gets in at like 9:20. Probably gonna be in the airport around 10. Fuck! Well, layovers here we go.
As soon as I finish like three movies and two albums. Watching knives out. Neat. Daniel Craig’s southern accent is wack. Games by Tessa Violet is awesome. Honest is too! I didn’t download Bored :(
This is easily the dumbest shit I’ve done in my life bro. Bro this is so fucked. At least I don’t starve as long as the lockdown doesn’t last more than 2 weeks.
I can still cook! Might end up cooking like a motherfucker. Get me some carrots, onions, and a tomato. Buy a nice knife. Lol. Imagine.
I actually do really like weed. Just when used properly. I seem to forget that a lot. Also with music. Used properly, with music. Never got crossed.
Yeah bro I’ll be fine. Or close to fine. As long as I have my wallet and...maybe a charge on my phone. I’ll live. And I’ll be able to make it home. And probably eat. And that’s all I can ask for now...basic necessities, mostly met. After 2 weeks of research in some dumb room though I can pop this shit OFF
*** *** ***
Was watching the movie. Cool movie! Forgot I was on a plane. To New York. To Lisbon to Spain. S p a i n. During the Covid 19 crisis. Hmm. Wow. What in the fuck am I doing. Riding the wave, from now on, I guess. Holy shit Portugal is gonna be stressful. Or not! Hope Spanglish is an official language there lmaoo
*** *** ***
Yeah just remembered again. Whew!
Gotta get a place. Maybe tonight. Maybe not. But as soon as I get to JFK. Three and a half more hours on this flight. Holy shit! Wow I hope that they let me in though. That’s the hardest part to think about.
Movies are a really good way to chill on a plane :) just passed Texas, sorta. North of Texas. I can’t name half the states lol
Yo there is deadass, 34 passengers of 156 on this flight. 21.7%. Fucked?
Guess who saw one of the Great Lakes?? Fuck that bitch is massive!
You know, if I stop in New York, I can just buy a car and drive. Ride home when I want to. Either there or on the way back lol
It’s so mf dumb how I can lay across the aisle
Jesus we’ve been crossing this lake for like 15 minutes bro
BRO WTF ITS SUNSET IT WAS LIKE 1:00 three hours ago
I have been in so many different seats lol
Just set a 2 am alarm to look at flights from New York to Seattle. Wow I’m wild.
Exmilitary is p good mane
Walking from one side of the plane to the other you look out their respective windows
Yes I am watching two movies in the extra leg room seats lol
*** about to start decent. Half an hour.. it’s about to get real.
Knives out was okay. Good enough :) entertainming certainly :)
We are deadass like 60° tilted to the right and it is amazing
Wow New York! I forgot every airport is the same
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