#brian o'niel
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johnica-weeks · 1 year
Brian and Anita
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Brian May (19 July 1947) 💕 Anita Dobson (29 April 1949)
Married on 18 November 2000
Children: none (Brian has 3 children from his previous relationship with Chrissie)
Brian first met soap star Anita at a movie premiere in Beverly Hills in 1986, she was widely known as Angie from Eastenders and she was friend with Freddie Mercury, who introduced her to Brian and he invited her out to one of Queen’s performances. Their friendship soon blossomed and quickly turned into love and conflicting feelings, trying to escape scandals as they grew closer and Brian grew apart from his wife Chrissie. "I was the scarlet woman. I'm not proud of it." (Anita in 2013) During the growth of their relationship, Brian and Anita had worked together on her album Talking Of Love (1988) and her following singles, while she and the relationship with her inspired many of Brian's songs, "Scandal" and "I want it All" being just two of them.
While they were head over heels for each other, their affair led also to many internal struggles within the two and Brian often recalls how the affair -close in time to his father's death and Freddie's illness, and under great pressure from the media- turned his life into hell and the trauma of the split from Chrissie still haunts him: "It was utter hell for three years. Sheer pain. To contemplate not waking up with your kids is unthinkable. Anyone who finds themselves in that position can never forgive themselves. I don’t know if I have still, really. But I know in my heart there was no other way." (2002)
The two split for a while in the late 90s when Brian went to therapy to deal with grief and depression, he also had a short affair with secretary Julie Glover, but Anita returned into his life like a storm and after a ultimatum from her they eventually they got married with a private ceremony on 18 November 2000. “She’s incredible. If I didn’t have Anita, all the therapy in the world wouldn’t sort me. If she wasn’t by my side now, I wouldn’t be in this state. She’s somehow part of me."
From Brianmay.com: "The bride wore a red outfit and Brian a grey linen suit with a red waistcoat and red buttonhole (and yes, he wore clogs!). Roger Taylor was best man, and Anita was given away by her brother in law Michael O'Niell. Brians children Jimmy, Louisa and Emily attended, along with Anita's Mum, her sister Gill and about 20 close friends (sadly John Deacon didn't attend)."
They're still attached at the hip and very much in love with each other, often reminding how their marriage is working well to nowadays despite many people (included Freddie!) believed it wouldn't have lasted. They vocally support each other's career, and Brian has also rekindled his relationship with his children, while Chrissie keeps a silent profile.
Prompts - Day 4: Brian and Anita (15th April)
I love to do everything at your side.
You're really stubborn!
Vegetarian dinner
Baby I know what my poor heart needs
Brian & Roger's ships week 2023 rules and prompts
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