#break me off a piece of that KIT! KAT! BAR!: oooh they just brought in a third sense of 'break' and then came thru with a solid finish
coquelicoq · 2 years
Put a letter from A-Z in my ask and I’ll tell you 1 thing I love which starts with that letter.
i love killer sudoku. objectively the superior variation of sudoku, and i say this as a person who was solving one earlier today and made a mistake somewhere and had to give up because i did it in pen lol.
i love the expression "keep on keepin' on" even though i hardly ever use it because it feels very trite and corny. but maybe i should just embrace it. live my trite, corny truth.
i love karaoke...in theory.
i love kids. i love how every time i hang out with a kid it reminds me to cultivate curiosity and wonder. kids know the things i've forgotten. i love how hard they're trying. i love their imaginations.
i love kittens. so small! so fuzzy! so full of meow!
i love keys. i love privacy and selective trust. i love decryption keys. i love key chains and key rings. i love the heft of a key in your hand. i love that a key is one half of a mechanism, the portable half, only rarely reunited with its other half. i love that even when its other half has been lost, a key still has its own aesthetic value.
i love keyboards that go clack clack clack.
i love it when people say "[song title], sung in the key of [key]". i can't recognize any keys so that is meaningless to me, but i love knowing that it's doing something for other people.
i love the word "keen", how it's a sharp sound used to describe a sharp sound, or some other sharp thing.
i love the back formation "kudo". parsing the mass noun "kudos" as a plural count noun because of the s on the end, taking off the s to make a singular noun...i see how you got there.
i love kissing! i love being kissed. i love french kissing. i love forehead kisses. i love it when you blow someone a kiss and they act like they're catching it out of the air. i love the concept that you can soothe pain by kissing an injury. i love saying "kiss kiss" like some kind of socialite.
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