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erodasfishtacos · 3 years
Curious Gazes
prompt: [CEO!Harry] four times harry has been spotted by employees being very unlike his demeanor at work.
word count: 4.3 k
warnings: harry is an asshole to everyone but is wife and baby.
**** <-- click for visuals throughout the story. ( because i love showing off how dumb rich harry is - i mean he’s a billionaire ffs)
notes: thanks so much for the love on the first part. I will be writing quite a bit for this trope. the next addition will be all smut. love you, enjoy.
Harry has over a hundred-thousand full-time employees. He has nearly ten-thousand at his London office at all times. The skyscraper was beautiful with clear glass, a reflective grey tone, and the structure screamed modern. It has eighty-three floors.
So with that being said, Harry does not know even one third of the people who work in the building nor does he want to. He couldn’t pick them out of a line-up if he tried. 
However, having so many employees in the city means his staff members are bound to catch sight of their boss pretty often outside of the office.
Sarah, Lucielle, Jack, and Anya - all from the customer service department of Styles Media and Marketing Inc. - are all out to dinner. They decided to go all out and dish out a hefty amount to eat at Il Nascondiglio Segreto. It was a reservation they had made nearly a month ago.
As they’re enjoying their appetizer, Lucielle nearly chokes on her oyster, “Holy shit. It’s Harry,” She whispers, nodding her head in the direction she was staring with bulging eyes.
They all can’t help but turn subtly, a perfect vantage point from where they’re sat right across the way from the group of employees. Their boss was dressed in a bit more casual - not by much - attire than he’d worn to the office earlier that Friday afternoon.
He had an open blazer with a white, nearly see-through button up. Their eyes nearly jumping out of their skulls when they spot his butterfly tattoo sitting on right below his sternum. Jack’s hawk eyes catch that he has a name in cursive on his left pec. 
Plus his normal tailored suit trousers were replaced with tight skinny jeans that hugged his crotched - making it unmistakable that he was well….endowed. Hair was no longer as styled and curled. Laying more carelessly on his shoulders. ****
But what was the most absurd thing they saw him wearing was a smile. His lips were curled up in a large, white grin that was big enough to cause little wrinkles around his eyes. 
His hand intertwined with his wife’s until they arrived at their table, pulling out her chair for her, landing a soft kiss on her cheek before sitting down in his across from her.
He automatically puts an open palm halfway across the table and his date places her’s right on top of it. Her large engagement ring and wedding band sparkling in the low lighting in the restaurant. They were holding hands over the table.
The group had never actually seen the women they deemed Cruella Deville. They had envisioned his wife with bleach blonde hair, fake tits, and fish lips complimented with botox that made it so her forehead didn’t move.
But they were met with a beautiful, natural one instead. She had gorgeous curled locks trailing down her back, light neutral makeup with normal sized lips, small creases where they should be. 
Her body was natural as well, breasts pushed up in a bra but obviously not manufactured by the way they sat, a bit of a pouch around her midsection - a telltale sign from her recent pregnancy, and a radiant smile to match her husband’s. 
They looked so happy and in love.
She was dressed short, polka-dotted black dress with a pair of simple black shoes. She complimented with with a bright red lip which stood out against the dark fabric. ***
It’s not that they didn’t look like a match - she was absolutely stunning. It just wasn’t who they imagined for the boss they despised ninety percent of the time.
The group can’t keep their eyes off the couple - subtly, of course - for their whole time at the restaurant.
Harry was laughing loudly - different sound than when he laughed without a humor at bumbling, nervous employees.
It was light and higher pitched - but still gravely low; smooth like honey as his wife matches his laughs.
At one point, after their meal arrives - Harry offers her a spoonful of his food, playfully complaining that she took too big of a bite - but then immediately offering her more right after.
When she excused herself to the bathroom, Lucille catches Harry’s sneaky hand reaching out to give her backside a quick grope which earns him a warning glance that has him snickering.
Anya who was in the restroom nearly runs into her, Y/N apologizes instantly, “I’m sorry! Wasn’t watching where I was going! Are you alright?”
Anya nods, a bit at a loss of words, talking to Harry Styles' wife, “I’m okay, thank you.”
“I swear I have two left feet,” Y/N jokes, complimenting her dress before disappearing into a stalls. A completely lovely girl.
It’s pathetic but the group lingers around to watch their boss’s full dinner date. It was creepy but they were just so stunned at the man that was sitting by them.
The couples behavior had turned more flirty by this point, Y/N’s eyelashes fluttering at little bit more at her husband, her giggles flowing more often with licks to her lips. 
By the clenched fist on the table, Harry seems to be falling prey to the teasing. 
But when his wife whispers something - that must have been filthy - and leans forward so her cleavage is displayed more, Harry’s pulling out his wallet, pulling an absurd amount of bills out and throwing them carelessly on the table.
Y/N’s eyes are twinkling in victory as her husband stands and helps her out of her chair - ever the gentlemen.
It doesn’t seem very gentlemen like though when his hand comes to the very lowest point on the small of her back -  pushing her into him. He leans down to murmur something into her ear before landing a damp, way too intimate for public kiss to her jaw and then throat.
In turn, she looks up at him with a mischievous tilt of her lip and a challenging raised brow. You could cut their sexual tension with a knife.
Y/N lifts up on her toes to kiss him before grabbing his hand and guiding him out of the establishment quickly - his eyes glued to her bum the whole time.
Jack breaks the bated silence, with a bewildered chortle, “What the fuck was that?”
Sarah sips her wine, “Maybe he has a twin? Like a good twin? And he’s the evil one.”
They all laugh and finish up their desserts. 
Kasey and Tom - from Human Resources - are out for the day. It was a week before Mother’s Day and they were both scrambling for a gift at the shops.
Harrod’s was nearly empty as they had came in a few minutes after the store opened. Kasey had gotten distracted from her mission and was trying on shoes. 
There was a 40% off sale and she wasn’t passing that up.
Tom had wondered off to the electronics department very soon after the first five shoeboxes arrived next to her chair.
“Pink!” Kasey hears a high-pitched baby voice squeal with utter delight. She looks up to see a curly haired toddler pointing at a pair of pink baby shoes.
The little girl had the cutest denim dress on with white stripes ***, white tights on, and white Mary Janes. When Kasey looked closer she realized the Gucci emblem was on the dress - holy shit, she didn’t even know Gucci made baby clothes.
“Daddy, please?” The toddler asks in a sweet, small voice looking to the approaching man who scoops her up in the crook of his elbow.
“Ivy, y’can’t run away from daddy. Do you understand me?” 
Kasey’s eyes widen as she recognizes that deep, raspy voice. It was her boss, Harry Styles, and with his little mini who looked like a cherub angel.
“No run, daddy,” Ivy grins up at him, looking for approval.
The slightly stern look dissipates from his face into a softer, relaxed smile at his daughter’s words. He kept her close against his chest.
“Daddy, please?” She piques up again, pointing at the small shoes on the wall.
“Y’want those shoes?” Harry asks, nodding towards the pink sneakers.
Ivy nods before pointing at the other shoes next to it, “All, please?”
Despite her father not having any manners in the slightest, his daughter seemed to have excellent etiquette.
Harry chuckles, smoothing a stray curl down from her forehead, “Y’want a pair of all these shoes?”
Ivy nods with wide doe eyes and one of her dimples popping in her left cheek. 
“Y’mother’s going to kill me,” Kasey hears Harry mutter before waving a sales associate over.
“Good to see you, Mr. Styles - I’m Tracey. What can I help you with?”
Of course they knew him by name. He was by the looks of it one of their most appreciated customers, figuring he rarely wears the same thing twice.
“Can I please get a pair of all these shoes in a toddler’s size three? And can you please ring them up for me? Thank you,” Harry asks, his voice taking on the executive and firm tone with the associate who nods and turns on her heel.
“Daddy? Kissy?” The girl asks her father, her little palm patting his cheek and she’s puckering her pink lips.
“Yes baby,” Harry obliges, giving her a peck before blowing a raspberry on her cheek. He tugs down her dress that’s ridden up in true parent fashion.
As they’re waiting, Harry continues to talk to his daughter, “Y’know pet, we came here to shop for mumma for mother’s day. Y’always manage to get something out of it, hmm?”
“Mummy?” Ivy squawks, repeating her father’s word. 
“Yes, mummy. I think she’s really going to like the necklace we picked out,” Harry taps at her nose, his eyes just read love and amazement for his little girl.
Kasey was dumbfounded. 
This man had literally stormed into their offices yesterday, frustration seeping into his loud tone as he asked the room of employees if it was a lady's brunch club or a place of employment when he hadn’t gotten a report on his desk at a certain time.
They’d all stuttered and apologized but Harry had already slammed the door of his way out - the doorframe shaking. A nasty email being sent to their inboxes mere minutes later.
“Mr. Styles? We are out of two of the pairs,” The saleswoman appears and tells him, tablet now in hand.
Harry’s voice is calm but he looks her dead in the eye, “Do you not know how to ship them to a house? I don’t have time for this nonsense.”
She begins to apologize, pulling up a page of her tablet, “Your total comes to £6,309.45 for the shoes.”
Kasey’s eyes nearly pop from her head at the total but Harry merely blinks and states, “Charge it to my Amex on file.”
“Would you like me to add on the items you picked up downstairs? That would bring your total to £ 213,088.79. The necklace *** will be shipped within the next two weeks and will need to be signed for at your doorstep by an authorized person of your choosing, they’ll need to provide identification to certify their identity.”
“I need the necklace by next Sunday- it’s my daughter’s Mother’s Day gift to her mum - hence the pink diamonds,” Harry states to the woman like she’s stupid.
Did that woman just say that amount? And did Harry not even bat an eyelash at it. 
Kasey’s brain couldn’t really comprehend it.
“Expedited shipping on this item would be…” Tracey looks down at her tablet and taps a few buttons, “It will be an extra £3,219 for expedited shipping as it’s coming from Swittzerland.” 
Harry is distracted for a moment as Ivy is wriggling until Harry puts her down. Kasey didn’t see that he had a plush doll tucked in between his jeans and belt on his back.
“Baby doll,” Ivy pokes at her father’s thigh, too short to reach her toy. 
Harry tugs it out and hands it to her, “Stay right here, Vee.”
Ivy unceremoniously plops on the ground next to her father’s leather boot while he confirms the purchases and signs off on them.
It was cute - the plush baby doll she was playing with was ratty, worn, and very visibly loved. It seems as if it’s been her favorite toy for a while.
After finishing up with Tracey, Kasey sees him slip her a few bills for her trouble and lugs Ivy back up onto his hip.
“Shake, daddy?” Ivy lisps hopefully, green eyes sparkling up at her father’s. 
Harry lets out a chuckle, “No, baby. It’s only ten in the morning, y’can’t have a milkshake. Let go home, maybe mumma will make us some blueberry pancakes if we give her lots of kisses?”
“Mummy,” Ivy agrees happily, her plush held tightly against her chest.
“She’s going to love your gift, darlin’, even though y’the best gift we’ve ever got,” Harry murmurs lovingly, pressed a warm kiss to his daughter’s cheek.
Tom has wandered back to the shoe department, eyes unfortunately meeting his boss’ right away - widen with surprise.
Harry’s eyes narrow when he finds Tom staring, “Can I help y’mate?”
“Uh-no! Sorry, just, erm, I work for you?” Tom stutters stupidly at his annoyed employer who currently has his toddler trying to pulls his sunglasses off the top of his head.
“Then I’d recommend, if you’d like it to stay that way, you mind your own damn business,” Harry bites out with a warning tone, unnecessarily rude.
Ivy doesn’t seem bothered, delighted when she tugs the shades off his head and attempts to put them on. She begins huffing as she struggles and Harry gently takes them and slides them on for her.
Tom nods, still baffled, and scurries over to Kasey. 
They both glance back when their boss isn’t looking. He hears him murmur softly, “Let’s go see mummy.”
“Pancakes?” Ivy chirps, looking at her dad for confirmation.
“Anythin’ for you, my little love,” Harry agrees, starting to walks to the elevator to the entrance of the store. 
Tom and Kasey look at each other with unexplainable expressions as they watch their asshole of a boss clearly wrapped around a toddler’s finger. 
“Hi! Is anyone sitting here?” Savannah hears from beside her on the park bench. 
She looks up to see a beautiful, young woman looking to be around her age looking at her expectantly. She has a backpack on her shoulders and a curly-haired toddler on her hip.
“Nope! You’re good!” Savannah replies kindly, moving over to make room on the bench for her to sit.
“Awesome, thank you. I’m Y/N and this is Ivy. Say ‘hi’,” Y/N prompts her daughter with a nudge.
Ivy puts on a beaming smile, white little blocky teeth on display, “Hi.”
“I’m Savannah and the little brunette boy in the green shirt is mine - his name’s Flynn.”
“Tell her how old you are, baby,” Y/N smiles, always trying to get her daughter to socialize as much as possible.
“Two!” Ivy giggles before impatiently squirming, “Mummy, play.”
Y/N laughs, “Just as impatient as your father. Go on, stay where mumma can see you, please.”
Ivy nods before speeding off towards the little jungle-gym to automatically start playing with the little group of kids.
“I wish I had their energy,” Y/N sighs, tugging a water bottle out of her backpack. 
Savannah was obsessed with everything gucci - even though she couldn’t afford anything - so when she spots the flashy bag, she can’t help but ask, “Is that a custom Gucci monogram multipack?”***
Y/N takes a sip before answering, “Yeah, my husband gave it to me as a gift on ‘national stay at home mum day’ - which I don’t even think is a real thing. He just knows I’ll chew him out if he buys me things like this without reason.”
They both laugh, Savannah can’t help but glance over the woman a little bit closer. She had a ratty, vintage tee on, plain black leggings, and a pair of black Nikes on - nothing that screamed over the top.
But then she spots the engagement ring *** on her finger. Savannah thought it looked so extravagant it almost looked fake. But the way the faucets reflect so magnificently in the sunshine makes her sure it’s real.
“What was that?” Savannah snaps back, realizing she hadn’t heard what Y/N was saying - too busy deciding how much money she had which wasn’t right when the girl was being so friendly.
“Oh, just - do you know any mum groups around here? I was in a group but all they liked to do was gossip and bitch. And I think Ivy heard the word ‘cunt’ one too many times from them.”
Savannah barks out a laugh, Y/N turns out to be extremely funny and friendly. She has a bit of a foul mouth and a quick wit but is a good listener.
“And so I said to the dude -“ Y/N cuts off when her phone rings, digging it out and answering, “Hi H, yeah. The one with the big purple slide, okay.”
When she hangs up, she tells her new friend, “My husband is stopping by really quick. He has a business dinner later and won’t see Ivy before her bedtime. Or me before my bedtime,” Y/N laughs.
“That’s so nice of him!” Savannah says, knowing her husband enjoyed when everyone was asleep by the time he came home. Would never go out of his way like Y/N’s husband would.
Y/N says with a smile in her eyes, “Yeah, he’s really good to us.”
They continue to chat until they hear a loud engine revving into the car park, Y/N rolls her eyes and mutters, “Of course, he brings the loudest car today.”
A vintage car swings into a spot and Savannah nearly gasps at who exits the car and begins to stride towards them. No one other than her boss. 
The man who had her doing her job by the book and when one hair fell out of place he knew right away. 
The man who she avoided at all cost possibly - taking the stairs so she doesn’t have to be in the elevator with his intimidating presence.
It took her a minute to connect the dots. Y/N was married to Harry? Harry was Ivy’s dad? It through her through a loop - Y/N was just - so nice. 
But it does explain all the gucci and the massive diamond ring. She did happen to work for a fucking billionare. Y/N didn’t come off as a billionaire or a billionaire’s wife.
‘Holy shit, this is wild,’ Savannah thought.
Harry makes his way over to the bench, Y/N standing up to hug him. Harry kisses her softly with a large palm coming to slip under the back of her shirt to rub at her bare back.
Uh - this man was being loving and affectionate? Proving all Savannah's preconceived notions about him wrong. Mostly that he was a robot.
“Hi darlin’, have a good day?” Harry asks his wife, still holding onto her and tugging her into his side - looking to Ivy who was obliviously - playing on the swing.
“Mmm, don’t want you to go tonight,” Yn/Ngroans dramatically, squeaking when Harry playfully pinches her side.
“Tell me and I won’t go,” He murmurs with surprising sincerity against his wife’s cheek, smiling when Ivy lets out a loud, carefree giggle with her new friends.
“Oh! I’m being rude. This is Savannah, Savannah this is my husband Harry,” Y/N introduces the two, unknowing of their connection.
Savannah swallows harshly and gives him a timid wave, “Hello.”
Harry shows no recognition that he knows her but gives her a curt nod and rasps out a “hello.” 
Y/N rolls his eyes at her husband, patting his toned stomach, “He’s always a little crabby after work,” She jokes as he smirks at her - he’s rarely ever crabby with his wife and they both know it.
After work? How about from the time he stepped foot through the lobby doors everyday? He only had one mode at work - crabby.
“It’s ok-“
“Daddy!” A squeal interrupts them, a blur of brunette curls crashing into her father’s legs - full force with excitement.
Harry is bending down and tucking her into his arms for a hug, “Hi baby, y’bein’ so good for mumma?”
His tone had shifted into a low, relaxed drawl that Savannah had never heard. His words are kind and caring towards his daughter.
“Good for mumma,” Ivy parrots her father, dimples popping as she pushes at Harry’s face when he attacks her with kisses.
“You taste so good I could eat yah!” Harry growls playfully, Ivy giggling delightedly at her fathers antics until her cheeks are flushed pink with laughter.
“Swings, daddy,” Ivy motions with green doe eyes. Grass and mud stains the outfit her mother had dressed her in - cute striped overalls with a white tee underneath  *** and little sneakers ****.
“Oh dove, I wish I could. I have to go back to work,” Harry frowns, his thumb coming to caress her sweaty cheekbone.
Her brows furrowed and her full pink lips turned down - Savannah has to contain a laugh by how much she looks like her father with the displeased grimace on her face.
“No, no, Daddy,” Ivy argues adamantly, her eyes brimming with sad tears.
“Vee, c’mon, my love. I’ll be home later,” Harry soothes, starting to rock her from side to side to calm her.
But Ivy is in her terrible twos and doesn’t like the word ‘no.’
Y/N comes up to her husband’s side, tucking a hand into his back pocket to rest. 
“Ivy Elizabeth, we need to let your father go. Come to mummy now, please,” Her mother asks in a soft but firm tone.
“No!” Ivy absolutely shrieks with a awfully high pitch, “No mummy, daddy swings!”
The couple shares a look before Y/N is gathering her backpack on her shoulder, looking back to Savannah, “Hey! Text me, it’s about nap time for this one.”
Savannah agrees and gives them both a wave off as Harry totes his tantruming toddler to a sleek, teal SUV. It takes her a moment to scoff internally - off course it’s a Bentley ***.
And because Savannah can’t help but be nosey she googles the price of the car and quickly locks her screen when she sees the base price is £ 210,000.
Harry is planting little pecks on his daughter’s face and murmuring to her until her tears have dried up and she’s laughing at her dad once again.
After Harry straps her into the car seat and shuts the door, he gently pushes his wife back against it. His body is crowding hers, arm over her shoulder against the car.
The talk for a moment before Harry’s ducking down to pull a few kisses from her lips before she’s giggling and pushing him off.
Savannah couldn’t wait to tell the old women at in her customer relations department tomorrow.
Cassie didn’t mind Harry actually. She made his coffee nearly every morning and she secretly knew he was the one who left those hefty tips.
She’d fumbled over his orders a few times when she’d started and apologized profusely but Harry had just looked up from his phone and said, “S’fine.”
Yeah, that’s not much but compared to some of the horror stories she hears, but she was grateful for another reason.
One day he had found her crying in a empty corridor that he used to walk to his car at the end of his day.
“Y’alright?” Her boss asks gruffly, pausing to look down at her - no clear emotion on his face.
Cassie nods sheepishly, “M’sorry, I’m just really stressed out.”
Harry’s eyes flash a tad darker, “Is Carole giving you trouble?” 
Carole was her manager.
“N-no. I got declined for my school financial aid. If I don’t come up with the money I’ll have to drop out. I-I have a son and I do-don’t have the money to go without help.”
Harry doesn’t say anything, rustling into the inner pocket of his suit and fishing out something - a checkbook.
He clicks the pen and moves his hand quickly across the pad before ripping it out and handing it to her, “Good luck and use the extra on your family. Don’t go spreading it around that I did this.”
Cassie goes to thank him or refuse it but when she looks back up from the check he’s already striding away down the hallway away from her.
She lets out a loud sob as she sees a check written for £150,000 right in front of her.
Cassie still works at the Starbucks part-time while attending college with the help of her secretly kind boss.
The extra money she’s stowed away in an education fund for her son after he graduates. 
Anyways, she was at Man U football game that she got invited to with her boyfriend - Jacob. His dad won tickets for box seats from his work in a raffle.
Cassie soon realized that their box was right by the Styles Media and Marketing one. The way they were placed, she could see right into their area.
It was just Harry and a woman in there. 
They were obviously a couple and this was the Cruella Deville. Cassie didn’t refer to her as that as she had a bit of a different perspective of the man.
His wife was sipping on a water bottle and cheering loudly with the rest of the fans. Harry watched her with amusement at her excited behavior, at one point pulling his photo out and snapping a picture of her.
When the exciting bit is over, she seats herself on his lap and wriggles until her back is against his chest - comfortable and cozy.
His large palm comes to cup at her stomach, Cassie now seeing that she is clearly pregnant as he cradles the noticeable bump protectively.
For most of the game, his hand never leaves her belly - rubbing circles with his thumb. His head came to rest on her shoulder to watch the game.
They seem so happy together - giggling and talking animatedly throughout. His wife constantly tilting her head back with her lips puckered requesting kisses that Harry happily supplies each time.
At one point, Cassie witnesses Y/N eat two huge corndogs in a row while her husband watches her with humor in his eye. Then goes on to order her a massive spool of candy floss that he feeds her throughout the game.
It was a late game and it was now in overtime. The clock reads nearly eleven at night. Harry’s wife has dozed off against his shoulder and when he notices he gently rouses her.
As she blinks her eyes open, Harry shucks his jacket of his shoulder and helped her slip it on. They must decide to call it a night because he’s helping her up, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, and guiding her out of the box.
Cassie never tells anyone that she saw him that night or what he did to help her family.
The End.
Hope you bubbbies enjoyed. Send me requests for this verse. Smut is up next for this trope.
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tsgmobilebayalabama · 6 years
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The arrival of March always feels like a breath of fresh air. Between the promise of more daylight and warmer weeks ahead, we always feel extra-motivated to get out into our communities during the month, and fortunately there are plenty of exciting events coming up to entice us out of our cozy retreats. Here, we’ve outlined some of the activities we’re looking forward to in March, from the late arrival of Mardi Gras to the Azalea Trail Run. 
Upholstery Sale
March | Atchison Home
30% off all Upholstery Lines (Lee Industries, Cisco Brothers, Highland House, Hickory Chair, and Century Furniture) In stock and custom orders included. Learn More
Haley Dermatology March Specials 
March | Haley Dermatology 
SkinMedica is 15%off, Eskata is $50 off, $500 off CoolSculpting. 
The Ivy Cottage’s Linen Sale
March | The Ivy Cottage 
Annual linen sale, select styles 50% off and all others 20% off bed/bath linens. Learn More
  Mardi Gras
March 1st-March 5th | Downtown Mobile
The birthplace of Mardi Gras celebrates the 2019 Carnival Season with mystic revelry, parades and parties all week long. Learn More
Live Music on the Patio
Reocurring every Friday and Saturday | 5:30pm-8:00pm | Grand Hotel Golf Resort & Spa’s Bayside Grill
Join Bayside Grill for live music on the patio every Friday & Saturday night from 5:30pm-8:30 pm  Learn More 
Joe Cain Classic
March 3rd | 8:00am | Downtown Mobile
5K Run/Walk, 1 Mile Run, and "Moonpie Dash" Flat, Fast, Ugly course through Downtown Mobile, AL.
$5 Mommy & Me Yoga
March 5th | 11:00am-11:45am | Soul Shine Yoga
Practice yoga and bond with your baby! This class will focus on providing physical, mental, and emotional support for new mothers. They will focus on correcting imbalances created during pregnancy, and rebuilding strength in the body. Specific movements and songs will be integrated throughout class to entertain baby as well as support their physical and emotional development. The class will include 45 minutes of movement, then time to connect with other moms. Moms and moms-to-be are welcome to join without baby, with the understanding that this will not be a quiet class. Learn More
Zac Brown Band
March 10th | 7:00pm | The Wharf Amphitheatre
Zac Brown Band live at the Wharf in Orange Beach, Alabama. Learn More 
Prenatal Yoga / 4 Week Series
March 10th | 4:30pm-5:30pm | Soul Shine Yoga
Prenatal yoga gives a woman energy to enjoy her pregnancy, serenity to build a deeper intimacy with her own body and baby, and the presence of mind to expect the unexpected and be present. The benefits are numerous: release stress, enhance the ability to relax, boost physical strength, increase flexibility, improve balance, ease discomforts of pregnancy, open hips and pelvis, strengthen pelvic floor, build confidence, and expand a woman’s circle of community support. Take this time to foster a deeper connection to your self, to your body, to your baby. Learn More
Cider Day
March 10th | 2:00pm-7:00pm | Fairhope Brewing Company
Save the date for their second ever Cider Day at Fairhope Brewing Company! They will have TEN different varieties of hard cider on tap, plus music courtesy of the Steel City Jug Slammers. Learn More
Yoga for Beginners / 3 Week Series
March 12th | 5:30pm-6:30pm | Soul Shine Yoga
New to Yoga or Need a Refresher? Start March off with something for you! This series takes place one evening a week for three weeks and is designed for beginners. In this series learn and explore the principles of alignment for the most common poses in Vinyasa & Hatha Yoga classes, as well as basic breathing and meditation. If you're brand new to yoga or if you need a refresher for your current practice, then this series is also for you! Classes are unheated and will meet on 3 consecutive weeks. Learn More
Kids Yoga / 3 Week Series
March 12th | 4:30pm-5:15pm | Soul Shine Yoga
It’s never too early to explore the world of Yoga! This series of classes is designed to be FUN and taught by a Licensed Next Generation Kids Yoga Instructor. Alive with flowing sequences, balancing poses, breathing exercises, creative relaxation techniques, and cooperative yoga games, children are sure to relish in their selves. These classes encourage a deeper sense of body awareness, self-exploration and interpersonal skills resulting in a more confident, flexible, focused and joyful child! Learn More
Tasting with Goat Island Brewing 
March 14th | 6:00pm-7:00pm | Grand Hotel Golf Resort & Spa’s Bayside Grill
Learn about Goat Island Brewing and taste a variety of beers presented by John Dean. Tasting includes appetizers provided by Bayside Grill. Learn More
Piece, Love and Hippiweizen-German Hefeweizen Richter's Pils-Pilsner Big Bridge-IPA Duck River Dunkel-Dark Lager
Fairhope Arts & Crafts Festival
March 15th-17th | 10:00am-5:00pm | Downtown Fairhope
The Fairhope Arts & Crafts Festival celebrates it's 67th year in 2019.  A committee of volunteers work together with the Fairhope community, City of Fairhope, Downtown Merchants, Eastern Shore Art Center, Chamber of Commerce and many sponsors to bring top artists, a variety of art, delicious food vendors, children's activities and overall great time for 3 full days in March on the beautiful streets of downtown Fairhope, AL. Learn More
Beverage Academy: Bourbon Demystified
March 15th | 5:30pm-6:30pm | Grand Hotel Golf Resort & Spa
Each month, the Beverage Team at the Grand Hotel will be teaching classes at the resorts’ Beverage Academy. The classes are aimed at expanding the participants’ knowledge of beverage basics while also incorporating more advanced techniques. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, the classes are fun, hands-on experiences that will have people raving about your beverage skills. In each Grand Beverage Academy, you will receive a one- hour beverage demonstration, recipes and beverage sampling. In this class we salute Bourbon, an American legend. Their beverage team will discuss the history, production and myths of this southern staple. Menu includes Bucky’s Mint Julep and Old Fashioned. Participants must be 21 years of age and older to attend. Learn More
Sugarcane Jane Live @ FBC
March 16th | 6:00pm-9:00pm | Fairhope Brewing Company
Sugarcane Jane, Alabama’s Americana sweethearts released their seventh studio album, Southern State of Mind, in October ‘18 on Nashville’s ArenA Recordings which has remained #1 on the Alabama Top Album Chart (Roots Music Reports-2018/19) for eight weeks and counting. Learn More
Culinary Academy: Cooking Essentials III: Basic Butchery
March 16th | 10:00am -2:00pm | Grand Hotel Golf Resort & Spa
Each month, a Chef at the Grand Hotel will be teaching classes at the Resort’s Culinary Academy. These classes focus on expanding the participants’ knowledge of the culinary basics while also incorporating techniques that are more advanced. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, the Chef’s classes are fun, hands-on experiences that will have people raving about your culinary skills. In each Grand Culinary Academy, you will receive an in depth cooking demonstration, recipes, food sampling and a diploma. Learn butchery techniques and how to fabricate whole poultry, pork, seafood and beef. We will simply cook and taste different cuts of each animal. Learn More
St. Patricks Day Celebration
March 17th | Callaghan’s Irish Social Club
A festive celebration at one of Mobile’s oldest establishments. Learn More
Fairhope Sushi Class
March 19th | 6:00pm-8:00pm | Fairhope Brewing Company
In this two hour, hands-on class, we'll teach you to make perfect sushi rice, how to make all of your favorite sushi sauces (from eel sauce to BangBang & more), where to shop/what to buy and how to safely serve raw fish at home with confidence, according to health department standards. You'll get two rolls to eat (we make one, you make the other) and a take home cheat sheet filled with tips, tricks and recipes! Learn More
Botox Event 
March 21st | 8:00am-7:00pm | Haley Dermatology 
Appointments available all day, $50 off treatment of 25+ units. (Includes $50 BD rebate)  Learn more. 
Tasting with Heaven Hill Distillery
March 22nd | 6:30pm-8:00pm | Grand Hotel Golf Resort & Spa’s 1847 Bar
Nick Braud, from Heaven Hill Distillery, will be on site for an informative tasting of a variety of Whiskeys. The Tasting includes Larceny, Elijah Craig Small Batch, Henry McKenna, Pikesville Rye, and Elijah Craig Barrel. Southern Roots appetizers will be offered during the event.  Be sure to get your tickets today before they sell out - only twenty intimate seats available for this event in our 1847 Bar at the entrance to Southern Roots Restaurant. Learn More
Mobile Ballet’s Little Mermaid
March 23rd 7:30pm & March 24th 2:30pm | Mobile Civic Center
Mobile Ballet is excited to share this spellbinding new production journeying from the human realm to a mystical underwater world-sure to entrance all ages! Learn More
Grayson Capps Live @ FBC
March 23rd | 7:00pm-10:00pm | Fairhope Brewing Company
Grayson Capps and the band at Fairhope Brewing Company. Learn More
Azalea Trail Run
March 23rd | 8:00am | Mobile Civic Center  
10k run! Some will be walking, some jogging, some both and exploring and PARKOURING along the way! No stress. No pressure. Just looking to have a fun experience! There will be food and good times afterward! We will post a meeting spot in advance before the day of! Learn More
Chilli Cook Off  
March 30th | 11:00am | Mardi Gras Park
The American Cancer Society is the nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service. Learn More
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4koknia · 4 years
The Truth About Beauty
Why this lottery with beauty?
The proceedings for honor services in peevishness of the economy?
Even when there is a recession, glory parlours still flourish. Beauty output still fly off the shelves.
There is this proverb that luster is compassion deep.
Then again, first impressions count.
Put it this way. Beauty is power. That was true centuries ago. That is true today.
When a beautiful woman walks into a bar, manhood community to her and submissions to buy her drinks. When an unattractive hens walks into the same bar, peril are, she would have to buy her own drinks.
A beautiful salesperson, fellow or woman is more likely to luck the sale. Between a beautiful place seeker and an unattractive one, all other shore entity equal, the employer is likely to choose the good looker.
Like it or not, look do count.
In the past, when girlfriend were dependent on men to foodstuffs them, energy was cosmos to a woman. A beautiful woman would have more suitors. She would be able to marry up. To marry a rich fellow who could profits attitude of all her financial needs and that of her children. Long before commercial cosmetics existed, mothers would instruct their daughters on traditional sheen remedies. Simple polish medication like using mayonnaise as a moisturizer, or ovum white as a firming mask were often used by women in the era before commercial cosmetics.
Then along came girlfriend contractor like Estee Lauder  and other women from around the world. They converted traditional brightness prescription which worked for themselves into glory creams that they sold to other women. Every woman has a justness to look her sum beautiful and these women were selling others their brightness secrets.
Make up was used to paint women's faces. In Egypt, the nobles, nation and the well off would paint their eyes with khol, with crushed maul and exotic ingredients. In Europe, girlfriend would paint their faces with makes up containing toxic mercury for the health of beauty. In Japan, the geishas would whiten their faces with creams that contain nightingale droppings.
You would think by now, we modern women would have learnt our lesson. Now, we just inject poison into our faces to paralyze our facial muscles in lineup to prevent word lines from deepening as we grow older. Think of those botox injections done every 3 months to erase those wrinkles. Think of the acerbity we camouflaging on our faces to smoothen them. The dermabrasion subroutine done at the dermatologist in order to smoothen our skin.
Women all over the land have always been willing to suffer for the meaning of beauty. Long ago, in China, girlfriend in wealthy families would bind their feet. The Chinese back then advantage tiny feet as beautiful, so little girlfriend have their shoes bound, to prevent them from cultivation big and ugly. Now that long legs are considered beautiful, some women go through a very painful medical office that breaks their legs, and stretches their legs by a few millimeters a day through a painful device until they attain the thread they want. With their newfound height, these girlfriend can seeming striker to a wealthy, glamorous future as an international model.
In Europe, centuries ago, wasp waists and curvy reality were considered beautiful, so corsets were worn to type the blouse look scads smaller. These were tied so tightly that girlfriend faint easily. All for the finish of beauty. Now, corsets are in again. These days, girlfriend and manhood subject themselves to accomplishment to attain the praise they desire. Liposuction to remove the lavishness fat to contour the body. Breast supplement for bigger bosom that are considered beautiful. Nose jobs, concealment lifts, the works.
Thankfully, there is also a revenue to natural splendor remedies. This time, commercial cosmetics use natural element that girlfriend have used for centuries in the accommodation beauty preparations. https://kokania.com/product-category/fashion/women/beauty/  These are effective and great for the skin.
What we girlfriend really should do is to focus on inner beauty, and to stronghold us healthy.
0 notes
yeskhanzadame11 · 4 years
The Truth About Beauty
Why this fascination with beauty?
The call for for beauty services regardless of the financial system?
Even whilst there's a recession, splendor parlous still flourish. Beauty merchandise nevertheless fly off the shelves.
There is this pronouncing that splendor is skin deep.
Then once more, first impressions count number.
Put it this manner. Beauty is strength. That changed into real centuries ago. That is real these days.
When a stunning female walks right into a bar, men flock to her and offer to buy her beverages. When an unattractive lady walks into the identical bar, chances are, she would have to buy her very own liquids.
A beautiful shop clerk, man or woman is more likely to win the sale. Between a beautiful task seeker and an unattractive one, all other things being same, the organization is likely to choose the coolest looker.
Like it or now not, looks do be counted.
In the past, whilst women had been depending on guys to guide them, splendor became the whole thing to a woman. A stunning girl might have more suitors. She would be able to marry up. To marry a rich guy who may want to contend with all her financial needs and that of her kids. Long earlier than commercial cosmetics existed, mothers would teach their daughters on conventional splendor treatments. Simple beauty remedies like using mayonnaise as a moisturizer, or egg white as a firming masks had been often utilized by women in the days before industrial cosmetics.
Then alongside got here women marketers like Ester Lauder beauty and other women from round the world. They transformed traditional splendor recipes which worked for themselves into splendor creams that they sold to other ladies. Every woman has a right to appearance her most beautiful and those ladies have been promoting others their beauty secrets.
Make up changed into used to color ladies's faces. In Egypt, the nobles, royalty and the well off could paint their eyes with kohl, with overwhelmed beetles and extraordinary ingredients. In Europe, girls could paint their faces with make up containing poisonous mercury for the sake of splendor. In Japan, the geisha might whiten their faces with lotions that include nightingale droppings.
You could think with the aid of now, we cutting-edge ladies could have learnt our lesson. Now, we just inject poison into our faces to paralyze our facial muscle mass so as to save you expression traces from deepening as we get older. Think of these Botox injections executed each 3 months to erase those wrinkles. Think of the acids we smear on our faces to smoother them. The abrasion tactics executed at the dermatologist in order to smoother our skin.
Women all around the international have always been willing to go through for the sake of splendor. Long ago, in China, girls in wealthy households could bind their feet. The Chinese back then view tiny ft as beautiful, so little women have their ft certain, to save you them from developing large and unsightly. Now that lengthy legs are taken into consideration beautiful, some women go through a very painful scientific technique that breaks their legs, and stretches their legs by some millimeters a day thru a painful tool till they acquire the peak they need. With their newfound height, those women can look ahead to a wealthy, glamorous destiny as an global model.
In Europe beauty , centuries ago, wasp waists and curvy bodies had been taken into consideration lovely, so corsets have been worn to make the waist appearance much smaller. These have been tied so tightly that girls faint without problems. All for the sake of beauty. Now, corsets are in again. These days, males and females situation themselves to surgery to acquire the splendor they preference. Liposuction to put off the extra fats to contour the body. Breast augmentation for bigger breasts which are taken into consideration lovely. Nose jobs, face lifts, the works.
Thankfully, there's additionally a go back to natural splendor treatments. This time, industrial cosmetics use natural elements that ladies have used for centuries in the domestic splendor arrangements. These are effective and exceptional for the pores and skin.
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