#bonus trivia. Floofty and Budelyn started to say goodbye to each as 'Don't do anything stupid.' followed by 'No promises.'
lazuli-bloom · 2 years
whats budelyn's relationships with the snaxburg residents like <:]]
Filbo • Very close friends. Budelyn loves him dearly, his optimism and reassurance are a great comfort to them on bad days. They do their best to make Filbo feel appreciated.
Wambus • They were a bit intimidated by Wambus at first, but warmed up pretty quick. Budelyn likes talking to him and asking a lot of questions about gardening and plants. They also get excited when they can bring back a new sauce for Wambus to grow in the garden.
Beffica • At first Budelyn was wary of Beffica since she was so mean to Filbo when they first met. But after sharing some of their pictures from exploring and chatting a little bit about their job, Bud opened up a bit more. They actually started to tell her about their mother and stories they hear about her cases.
Gramble • Adopts him as their brother by the end of his sidequests. Budelyn loves spending time with him and will hang out at the barn to talk and sketch out bugsnax for their notes. Also gives a few pictures to Gramble, including one of him and Sprout.
Wiggle • Budelyn enjoys her company and likes to talk about and compare music genres. Buddy's dad always sang various sea shanties and sailing songs so that's had a strong influence on their taste in music.
Triffany • Adores her and loves listening to Triffany talk about history. Budelyn is a huge nerd and loves learning about different cultures; history, customs, and myths, myths being their biggest interest. Budelyn has also slipped up and called her Aunt Triffany, which she found very sweet.
Cromdo • These two are a bit odd. Cromdo noticed Budelyn hat right away, which brought up old memories of Apricot. He assumed Aprilcot was someone Budelyn just idolized, and didn't connect the dots that they're her kid. So Buddy gets to hear stories about their mother heavily skewed by Cromdo's perspective, which they find funny. Also wants to see how long it takes before he figures out Aprilcot's their mom.
Chandlo • Good friends. Budelyn isn't a big fan of sports, but likes to shoot hoops with Chandlo and chat about dumb psuedo? philosophical things. He also is quick to pick up when Buddy's getting anxious/overwhelmed. They tried declining his help at first since he has Snorpy to worry about, but he kept offering to help whenever they needed it.
Snorpy • Very close friends and eventually brother in-law Post-Snaktooth. Budelyn likes talking with him about their thoughts on Bugsnax and theories on them, though they do try to steer away from talking too much about the Grumpinati. Snorpy is also the one Budelyn goes to when they start to develop a crush on Floofty.
Shelda • Didn't start off too great. Budelyn didn't like Shelda all that much and got a bit confused with the metaphors. But that opinion changed some when Shelda dropped the act and was honest and straightforward with them. While on Brokentooth, Budelyn started to care about her a lot more and started to talk a lot more with her and asked about Mother Naturae and Shelda's experiences.
Floofty • Complicated and probably changes the most. Budelyn was very interested in learning about Floofty's work and enjoyed their darker sense of humor, but any time they were arrogant and/or condescending Buddy would get snarky/sarcastic and mess with them a bit (mostly just moving their equipment around and being annoying.) Budelyn also started to hide small gifts after a while, like if Floofty asked for a photo of bugsnax doing something, Buddy would hide it somewhere Floofty would find it quickly. While on Brokentooth the two opened up more and spent a lot more time with them. During the last party after being dragged to dance it hits Floofty like a truck that they fell hard for Budelyn.
Eggabell • Budelyn tries to make it up the mountain occasionally to keep Egg company from time to time. They also ended up staying with her right after Floofty's experiment was stopped, Buddy ran out of town after Floofty said some especially cruel to them and collapsed on Frosted Peak.
Bonus, Clumby • Budelyn respects her, but also is very intimated by her. And Clumby, in her own way, does her best to help Budelyn improve as a means to make it up to Aprilcot.
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