#bonsai's stolen memes
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bonsai-says-fuck-this · 2 days ago
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found this on pinterest, thought of tumblr
part two of 'bonsai's stolen memes'
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crimsonblackrose · 8 months ago
I wonder if they did it on purpose to showcase or hint that it's a dream, but for this dream sequences the Diaz's are in apartment 1 instead of their actual apartment. Also for some reason four is right next to Johnny's with a clear door between it and apartment 3 to the outside.
The lights they did from outside the apartment through the blinds is a fun effect.
I think Carmen and her little hand fan is so funny but also cute. Like how are you going to get that breeze inside? Hand fan. Not a big fan, even though it's a dream. 😂 Johnny trying to subconsciously logic his dreams I guess. Also the sort of soft glowy dream filter they used is nice.
Her black gi is such a look for Carmen. Johnny probably wouldn't be able to handle it in real life if Carmen wore a gi, since he apparently dreams about it. But maybe Johnny should teach some adult classes.
His white gi doesn't have sleeves.
Ah yes, Carmen's Coors light beer commercial.
Lol she does the...oh gosh is it the meme? I gotta look it up.
Kabedon! She pins him to the wall and kicks her leg up next to his shoulder. 😂😂😂😂
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They zoom in super close but she's got his wrist and her foot is on the wall and he's pinned.
Lol, she goes from Kabedon to and now I'm going to throw you on the floor and pin your wrists to the mat. Which is safer for sparring then the apartment. So at least Johnny's dream is mildly trying to work out logistics.
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I think this is the second time we've seen his bedroom and this time he's hugging his pillow like a stuffed animal, there's no bag of chips in his bed or beer cans, his bed seems to actually be made up. He keeps his laundry basket near his bed. He still has beer on his bedside table, but just one and there's still like 3 packets of something. Hot sauce? Johnny why do you have hot sauce next to your bed? And did you destroy your alarm clock last time? Is that why it's gone? Looks like there's some change on the bed side table too.
Daniel's sleeping on the couch. 😭 Fair of Amanda, but still bud, Anoush quitting/being poached should've been a wake up call.
LUCILLE!!!! Awww she made him bacon and eggs and bought him Minute Maid juice because he doesn't like the fancy stuff.
So Lucille is in the guest bedroom, Robby's in the dojo, Daniel's on the couch.
Daniel tells Lucille it's a fever and she checks his temperature and gets that it's not actually a fever and tells him to work on it so he can get off the couch. Daniel continuously avoiding telling his mother about karate soap opera drama since 1984.
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We've got one of the lights, a bonsai, some sanders? bell, the drum, some Okinawan sai's a red trunk suitcase, and a few other weapons that I can't tell what they are, which I feel like Mr. Miyagi didn't have in the films, but were in his father's/family dojo so I wonder if he sent them home or Yukie shipped them.
There's never a good time. This is also Sam's second secret boyfriend. Robby and Miguel can bond over how Sam didn't tell her dad about them, but meanwhile Kyler who tried to force himself on her got a fancy dinner and the benefit of the doubt multiple times. Kyler got more chances with Daniel then either Miguel or Robby and it's because Kyler is un-associated with Johnny.
Robby you just put the medal of honor on a rock? Where it could've gotten damaged or destroyed or washed away in the rains (cough what rains in LA?) But still. You shouldn't have left it out like an easter egg for someone to find.
I always assumed Robby left it in the dojo grounds so he didn't have to tell Sam Miguel came by, said sorry, and that he'd found it stolen and retrieved it.
But now I'm wondering if he did it not for his own relationship gain, not completely but to make it look like his father didn't send them to steal from Daniel, just mischief night level destruction/pranking. Because now it just looks like Daniel ran in, yelled about them stealing something, only for it to be right there in the garden. Which for the students who left Cobra Kai I wonder how that makes them feel, since they left, except maybe Chris, specifically because Daniel came in upset that Johnny's cobras had stolen the medal of honor and Johnny had said he didn't know what Daniel was talking about.
I mean there might've been other reasons they left, like Chris, but Chris is the only one in the group we see that left specifically because Hawk was bullying him. We don't see the other kids bully the rest of them that moved to Miyagi-do so it truly seems like they left because of the medal of honor theft.
Johnny has two chairs outside of his apartment.
Graham the awful boyfriend
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See I always know about the sushi because Amanda talks about it later (which btw, that's a very fun dress she's wearing) but Daniel also put roses on her desk, what seems to be 4 boxes of sushi, two of which he's plated, unless the two stacked by the phone are something else, a box of chocolate, and tea with two tea cups.
Lunch from Sugarfish, matcha green tea from Urthh Caffe (which I highly highly doubt they send in a ceramic tea pot and mugs.)
Her chopsticks are also black with a metalic blue handle
Amanda has lunch with the sales team at woodland hills.
Daniel, communication bud or you know, check the joint calendar.
Also maybe Daniel stop buying the wagyuu of sushi/sashimi, every time you get it it goes to waste. I can't believe he bought Toro again. And once again it goes to waste.
lol, his: But it's a lot of sushi. (Yes, yes it is.)
She recommends sharing it with the customers. Which I don't recommend, I think he should share it with the North Hollywood staff whose still around and keep having their team members poached by Tom Cole. They need to be shown some sort of appreciation for not leaving and handling his karate drama. The customers don't need sushi. Plus if they're in a bad mood/don't like sushi/are sent by Tom Cole they could say they got food poisoning from Daniel's sushi, or whatever nonsense they want. Meanwhile his staff would probably be thrilled.
Tory's working at the roller rink. Job #1 on her list of jobs.
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Who do you think did the merch? Miguel and Aisha? Hawk? Or Johnny? Did Johnny talk to someone at the All-Valley or something and they were like man that's a bad-ass design, let's talk merch for your students. And do they get the gear and their gi's when they pay their dues and join the club? Or like what's the deal?
Also didn't realize that Tory is literally helping Miguel stretch.
I realized that by adding Tory as a love interest we start losing Aisha as a main character which is sad to me.
80s night at the roller rink, Miggy is a fan of Michael Hall in Weird Science. Time to add movie rec: Weird Science to the list.
Also I just realized they're more or less having Miguel follow Daniel's dating route. Golf 'n Stuff with Sam (Daniel and Ali's date from TKK1) and now themed decade dress up night (a la Kumiko and Daniel TKK2).
Hawk being respectful of bowing to the mat when he arrives before he says or talks to anyone or does anything.
Hawk: We were enemies for day but we're Cobra Kai for life.
Stingray kept his winning red headband from Coyote Creek
Stingray calls Kreese sensei emeritus which means:
Retired but retaining an honorary title corresponding to that held immediately before retirement. | Honorably discharged from the performance of public duty on account of age, infirmity, or long and faithful services; -- said of an officer of a college or pastor of a church.
I made a promise when I became your sensei to look out for your best interests, and despite how hard this is for all of us, he did not have your best interests at heart.
He also took away sensei from Kreese and switched to Mr. Kreese
This creed on the wall will make you strong and formidable but also an asshole.
Life isn't black and white, it's gray. Ah, this was such a good speech. Kreese's cobra kai is black and white, Daniel's is pretty black and white, Johnny's is gray and sometimes shows some mercy.
Lol badass is still a requirement.
You can't just think with your gut, you gotta also use your head/brains and then he transitions into headbutting which is of course badass to the students and a very good transition. Because those kids are going to be so bummed about Kreese (especially Hawk and Stingray) but headbutting is cool and so is breaking boards.
Lol he has them line up and head but each other. Owwww and Stingray is so excited to have Hawk headbutt him. The foley/sound design people make it sound like an egg is getting cracked which sounds like they're breaking each others skulls and I'm not a fan of that. 💀
Tuck in your chin, aim for the nose with the crown of your head.
Johnny don't teach them to break each other's noses. Owwwww.
Aww Miguel offering to be a person to listen to Johnny. Which kid, not your job but sweet of you to offer.
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😂😂😂😂 The I'm tired of talking about Kreese look.
Johnny: You don't have to worry about me.
Very adult of him. Also he immediately clocked that Miguel and Tory are dating. Unlike Daniel who has not clocked that Sam and Robby are dating.
I feel like this is also telling on where their focus is. Johnny's established his class, his students, and while for the most part he's not in their day to day and not paying attention to the mischief they're getting up to because he only knows that if someone tells him, he is paying attention to when they lose (Aisha after the Coyote Creek) or their interactions with each other (knowing when Kreese taught no mercy and upped the level versus like Tory and Miggy dating) Meanwhile Daniel's still trying to set up and balance a family and a full time job, so his focus is very specific yet splintered. He's not balancing properly. Like at first he wanted to have someone to spar with, because he saw Cobra Kai and that like re-triggered the need for karate. But then he got a student and then he saw Johnny was competing and that got him more amped to try and defend against/fight Cobra Kai and then he needed more students. Now he has more students and he's playing catch up, but it means the balance in his other parts of his life are crumbling. He's focused on catching up, teaching, defeating Cobra Kai that he's not noticing Robby and Sam, and he's not even paying attention to the time or his own share calendar unless something crashes and burns. He's rushing too much, not taking his time.
Hide the plantain omg Johnny.
Miguel: I can set you up on an app that's how my mom met her boyfriend and she's happy.
Johnny: no...well okay sure. 😂 If you're mom is happy and I'm going no where there then put me on an app. Which we can appreciate his, she's taken so I'll look elsewhere. He's learned since TKK1.
New cars on the show room floor so the detail guys come in when that happens because they can never be too clean.
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One of the uniforms at LaRusso auto. I think these are the mechanical/repair guys.
See, with Robby he was working there. He was getting paid to wax cars and was also in uniform. These kids look like they're in a high school car wash to raise money.
Child labor, Amanda is correct, though they're teens which can work, but they're not paying Daniel and Daniel isn't paying them so... It's more...unpaid child labor.
Daniel is trying to balance, but the main issue he's not getting is that he's not communicating. He's so used to fixing everything himself, because he never ever went to his mother and the only person he ever got help from or asked for help from was Mr. Miyagi that he's forgetting he and Amanda are a team and that requires communication. That requires working out a schedule and plan and balancing things with her.
Their marriage is an open head wound, probably from that aint love a kick in the head episode.
Did Johnny trade in his flip phone? Or did Miguel download the apps onto his own phone for Johnny?
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This episode is so good from a Johnny and Miguel standpoint. Because it shows how strong their friendship is. Johnny doesn't have to say anything and Miguel knows exactly what he's looking for. "Super hot babes, dumb question." he got that from a look from Johnny.
Johnny's likes: Muscle cars, martial arts, Iron Eagle and Iron Eagle II. Cavemen like the ones in the insurance commercials.
Why aren't you texting this down? Computer dating's your idea.
Oh the new phone box is right in front of Miguel on the coffee table. They literally went out and bought a smart phone for this for Johnny. So Miguel's probably sat there setting it up before even moving on to setting up the apps. He's such a good kid.
Johnny's dating moves: Find a chick at a bar. Bump into her hard, but not too hard. Pretty hard. Then you buy her a beer.
Lol, tried and true Diaz, that's how the cavemen did it.
Which is very telling, bud get into the current century please. Or at least past the stone age.
Maybe someone should take him to a history museum for a date. Look at stone age things since it's one of his likes.
I love the: I'm going to fill out the rest of this myself, what about clothes, what are you wearing. | Are you going to teach me about fashion now? And Miguel's: I might have to and very serious stare down.
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The internet for dummies book is in Johnny's closet along with another book, the spine of which is facing away so I can't tell what it is. Also all the clothes in his closet that Miguel's looking at are...well he doesn't have a lot of clothes and they're all very bland and not Johnny.
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Like other than that flannel at the top that looks like Mr. Miyagi's closet of tans and grayish greens. Where are all of Johnny's other clothes? In the laundry? Like he has so many other outfits. Miguel wants to dress him in a button up and distressed jeans, which Johnny doesn't know what that means.
Lol: There's a chick on my app! This is dumb. You can't find anything out anything about a chick from one---ooh this one's hot. 😂😂😂😂
Johnny on the app:
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LaRusso fridge has a ton of Yoohoo, boxed water, fresh produce which looks like a whole bunch of salad fixings along with premade salad, and strawberries. Also you two, you're wasting electricity making out in the fridge. Apparently while octopi are Sam and Miguel's things, Fridges are Sam and Robby's. (Meat locker where Robby decided we're going to actually go for it, and this fridge)
How would Lucille not realize they were both there? Robby lives there? They're training together. Like they're going to be in the same spots. Robby's the one who recommends they go out to avoid her family.
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Johnny at a bar lol. Just named...bar.
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Kinda cool interior, I like the plant wall and the wallpaper. The photos of horses on the walls is kinda weird along with what seems to be the worlds tiniest bear taxidermy.
Johnny: I know how to handle kids, I work with them. I body slammed a kid into a mat for texting and flying elbow to his teeth.
Is this Johnny's bar? His second date meets him here too. Johnny trying to prove he knows tech by talking about his new smart phone that he got...that morning?
His phone is an Ericsson, not a brand I recognize.
Lol Johnny mixing up patriarchy with the Patriots. (Johnny apparently hates them too)
I love that they brought back the lady from the first episode.
Each of these dates were a different night, Johnny's wearing a different outfit each time. I totally thought he was drinking and at the bar speed dating. Since it's the same bar each time.
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This is adorable and my favorite thing. Daniel scrap booked. He kept his boarding tickets. They flew Northwest Orient, but...none of the photos are of Okinawa. The photo of Daniel and Mr. Miyagi is from TKK3. I'm pretty sure all of those photos are stock photos of Japan. The lower right one is of Kyoto as is the upper one to the left of the photo of him and Mr. Miyagi. The other one I think is Tokyo. All places they did not go to.
Which hey, props department what the heck? Like come on. Also Daniel wouldn't have put a sticker of Japan on there. Not when Mr. Miyagi so adamantly stood by Okinawa being it's own country.
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Looks like they took a trip to Hawaii with Sam when she was little. The Christmas card just says merry Christmas and happy holidays from the LaRusso family.
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It's a cute teal scrapbook. Daniel says he'll digitalize them eventually but that it doesn't do it justice. He seems to truly love the old photos in a scrapbook.
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I guess it's supposed to be Lucile in the glasses?
Sam's first birthday party, October 14th 2003 at 421 Charlton Street NE (North East) Encino California 91426
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I think this is where Daniel got his idea. The champagne and glasses on this page probably reminded him of the event and of course the photo itself. "LaRusso Auto Grand Opening 2002"
He's been focusing on grand gestures, and has tried every one he can think of.
Coney island was one of the best days of Daniel's life. Daniel and his dad ate something from every booth on the row: Nathan's, cotton candy, frozen custard and then they rode the cyclone 5 times in a row. It was around when he was started getting sick. What Lucille remembers is the Wonder Wheel. Daniel remembers the amazing view, Lucille remembers the line where Mr. LaRusso held her hand and put his head on her right shoulder and told her that he loved her and she could feel his hair on her cheek.
Johnny's back at the bar again in a brown t-shirt, so not ready for a date I guess. He's writing Ali on messenger.
I appreciate him attempting to type, but it's totally fake he's mostly hitting numbers.
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I love that he's like nah too desperate and then the perfect date for him pulls his move and makes him send it.
I truly wish they'd gotten a chance to actually date. I think it would've been fun.
The roller rink is called Cascade.
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The costumes are so fun.
Sam recommends Andrew McCarthy or Duckie. aka Pretty in Pink characters: Blane McDonnagh and Philip F. "Duckie" Dale
Robby says with his hair his only option was Spader which is James Spader as Steff McKee in Pretty in Pink
There goes Tory who Sam immediately puts her hand on as she's skating by to get her attention.
Both Sam and Miguel are trying to take the high animosity level down. Robby I don't think knows Tory so I think he's just confused. And Sam apologizes, didn't know Tory worked there and just wanted to order some food and Miguel says he didn't recognize them and digs their costumes. Which is sweet of him. Miguel doesn't realize they know anyone so he introduces everyone. Which I really think only benefits Robby and Tory learning about each other. Though both Robby and Tory were at the beach country club I can't remember if they actually met. I think Robby was pool side working on his tan 90% of that day.
Tory purposefully kisses Miguel in front of them knowing that Miguel used to date Sam.
Lol Johnny thinks the smart watch is very Knight Rider (fun fact his original car from the karate kid 1 was in Knight Rider)
I love that they hit it off. She knows his move, his references, prefers harley's, she likes Mustangs, also doesn't really like the apps, she's drinking a banquet with him.
If only she didn't leave so he listened to the people around him and caught Graham. He's upset that Carmen lives with her mom.
Remember what your dad says "There's good in everyone, she just has to be shown the right way." That comes off out of Robby's mouth very cult-ish.
Robby requested OMD's "if you leave"
Miguel trying to defend Tory with the "you don't even know her" which true. They met once and it colored all of Sam's opinions of her. And then he complains that Sam's on a date with Robby and how she'd made him feel like a paranoid asshole. Which, when Sam and Miguel were dating there weren't those sparks from Sam's side with Robby. But she pulls the 'it's not a date', which is what Miguel had called their date, and Sam had called their date. And it's also unfair to Robby because it is truly a date, just not a known date to anyone else.
She invites him out to get a burger, which is so him. I hate that he has to go fight Graham. She's also right, why didn't you get her number Johnny???? You dumbass.
Johnny catches Graham's slap? Push? whatever he was going to do with his arm, head buts him, knees him in the chest and knocks his legs out from under him. Truly I think the lady he was talking to would've loved to have watched that. I love that Johnny also nearly hits him with a trash can lid and is like actually no I'm showing mercy and the guy is like THIS IS MERCY?!?!
It's interesting that Sam thinks Miguel came up to her again and she starts apologizing, completely not expecting Robby.
Robby got two complements and people think he's Dan Johnson, but I think it's meant to be Miami Vice's Don Johnson.
Tory body checks Sam and she falls so hard. Based on how this episode was going, if Tory had offered her a drink it'd have been flirting from Johnny's book. Tory also calls Sam princess.
Like yes, Tory started it, but Sam attacking her back while she's working in front of a bunch of people while Tory was able to play hers off as an accident wasn't the best move. Especially while she's carrying other peoples foods and drinks.
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Daniel trying to find balance between his grand gestures and what Amanda actually wants/needs from him.
Amanda's reviewing that day's transactions, something Anoush used to do. Which means she's not just doing her job and Daniel's job she's also doing Anoush's, which no wonder she's tired and a little pissed.
Daniel: Sam's his, Amanda can have the next one. Which oddly fits their relationships. Which is kinda sad.
They're having some sparkling cider.
That was such a smooth transition from the past to now
Also those weird sorbet glasses are back.
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Those are their champagne vases. 😂
Daniel's been MIA for a few months and says it's part Cobra Kai and part missing Mr. Miyagi. Which grief affects everyone differently, but I think, dear sir, it's also TRAUMA. And maybe now would be a good time to tell your wife about some of that huh?
Lol, Daniel is right, any time Daniel had a chance to hang out with people his own age or go on a date Mr. Miyagi pushed him towards it and away from karate or studying karate.
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This could be an advertisement for that watch. 😂
They're making out in one of their showroom Mercedes
The realization that Graham was out drinking and making out with a girl on the same night he was supposed to go out with Carmen is pretty messed up.
Johnny asking her out was actually kind of sweet.
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ceasari · 4 years ago
BUCCI GANGs opinions on OC - Mute
Original character:
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Alias: Mute
Character: Changed her name after she ran away from home because (stuff) but despite her namesake shes actually a huge loudmouth goofball! A total meme lord, she loves pranks and annoying people. She's become a master thief and has avoided getting caught for a while now because of her ability, she's like a robin hood kind of thief though, and only takes from the rich, and shes popular at orphanages where she brings them stolen food or money.
Stand: She's the stand user of [Atomic Bonsai], a mid range stand that can grow or shrink space with its hands, so she can basically make things bigger or smaller as she sees fit, but also can close space or create distance with it too.
He was probably the one to find her and introduce her.
He finds her ability fancinating and can see that she is a kind person. Bruno doesn’t judge people anyway.
She is a useful ally and he is surprised but proud of her actions. He is happy that such a powerful ability was given to someone who wouldn’t waste it or use it for doing bad things.
He want to be in her good side, but will form a bond with her as he does with all his members.
He doesn’t like her (as expected)
He thinks she is too carefree and annoying. Those two probably fight a lot since he is a person to piss off.
He says even Giorno is better, which is really weird. I mean he still “hates” Giorno and her.
I think the only thing he likes and respects is their stand, which is amazing and the way they use it. He didn’t expect her to want to help others in need.
Overall, he deep DEEP inside, thinks she is a good person.
He likes her from the start. She is a generally good friend and he can’t help but to appreciate her kindness.
He is loud as well and they can have long conversations about random 3am thoughts together.
Mista will definitely, 100% ask her to lengthen food so he can feed the pistols!
Btw, the pistols LOVE her. She is loud and funny like Naracia and will beg her to play with them.
Do I need to say this? Of course he thinks she is the best!
He honestly looks up to her like a big sister and has MAD respect about her stand.
He is loud, a prankster and together they can also annoy the hell out of Fugo or Abbachio.
Narancia thinks she is the coolest and her actions are so nice of her. She has become another role model for him.
He is one to hang out with her even outside of Passione just for fun.
He is fine with her. Like Bruno, he doesn’t like to judge and criticise others.
He respects her way of leaving and her actions a lot though! Her stand is truly magnificent and he thinks she is a great ally and member.
She reminds him a lot of Narancia too. He is one to not take part in pranks but won’t be against it completely.
He is polite so he won’t ever just talk bad or critic and he will try to keep his professional character at first.
Although when he realises that she is willing to make friends, laugh and joke around he loosens a bit too. He realises she must be trustworthy since Bruno approves of her joining the team.
He is annoyed.
Fugo obviously realises how useful she is so he won’t say anything but will have an annoyed look on his face every time she and Narancia loudly speak.
He is ok with her though and respects their ability and personality.
Like Giorno, he knows that Bruno took her in for a reason and trusts her.
Although, he is not afraid to confront her and he will get angry and point her out if she is annoying him like he would do with the rest of the group.
Thanks for the beautiful OC! Hope ya liked this!
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bonsai-says-fuck-this · 1 day ago
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made me cackle lmao
part 4 of bonsai's stolen memes
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bonsai-says-fuck-this · 17 days ago
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saw this on pinterst, thought of tumblr
part one of bonsai stolen memes
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bonsai-says-fuck-this · 3 days ago
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serious tumblr energy right here
part three of bonsai's stolen memes
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bonsai-says-fuck-this · 8 days ago
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found this on pinterest, thought of tumblr
part two of 'bonsai's stolen memes'
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