#bonk me over the head with an ask if they're ooc or anything like that if you would lovelies!
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frenziedfireworks · 2 years ago
Sneaking Out
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Sneaking Out Scenarios with HL Boys!
(Sebastian, Ominis, Garreth)
A/N : This is my first time writing for Ominis and Garreth so if they're ooc please bear with me. I haven't fully proofread them but I hope you all enjoy & if you have any reqs shoot them my way <3
Sebastian : 
We all know that he most likely orchestrated the whole plan. Unless you were feeling adventurous of course!
“Y/N, this will be a piece of cake. There’s no need to worry.”
You two have more than a few close calls with Professors and Sebastian definitely ends up bonking his head (or dropping books on your foot).
Once you and him finally have the books you’re looking for, the two of you make a run for it and scare the shit out of someone of the prefects.
“We have to do this more often. Did you see the looks on their faces?!”
Sebastian had a bright idea to sneak into the restricted section and steal a few books. Somehow he had managed to get you to tag along. It wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy spending time with him or going on exciting escapades but he was all over the place. He had managed to drop two books on your feet, bonk his head against the wall, and almost walk into a group of ghosts waiting to snap. 
“Seb you’re never this distracted. Is something wrong?” You couldn’t help but chuckle as the boy rubbed his forehead.
“No, nothing is wrong. I just keep getting lost in my thoughts.” He shook his head and pulled you around the corner. There were a few prefects waiting outside talking amongst eachother. You went to pull out your wand but Sebastian stopped you.
“What if we gave them a bit of a scare?” You raised your eyebrow and noticed one of the restricted books in his hands. 
“You’re going to unleash The Book of Monsters on them?” You tried to hold back a laugh as Sebastian grinned. 
“Indeed. You ready?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be Sallow.” 
Sebastian pulled at the cover of the book and tossed it like a bomb towards the unsuspecting students. Screams filled the corridor as the book bit and tugged at their clothes, both of you bolting away in laughter. 
“Did you see their faces?! That was priceless! We have to do this more often!”
Ominis : 
When you first propose your idea to him he just sighs.
“Did Sebastian put you up to this?” 
It takes a while to convince him that you simply wanted to see the prefects bathroom and it was all of your own accord. 
He’s very good at being silent and sneaking around. He claims it’s from all the practice he’s had with Sebastian over the years.
You two have a lovely night in the prefects bathroom and nobody ever finds out. After that night the two of you do it once a week as a destresser.
“Ominis?” Your voice echoed against the walls of the Undercroft as you turned back to your boyfriend. He was peacefully leaning against one of the pillars resting. 
“Yes my love?” 
How could you word your idea without sounding too much like Sebastian? You didn’t know. It wasn’t as if you were worried Ominis wouldn’t go along but more so he would be confused. Whatever. It was better to rip off the bandaid then wait in suspense.
“Can we sneak out tonight?” You questioned and heard his automatic sigh. You could only snort as his hand ran across his face.
“Has Sebastian asked you to get another book for him because if he has-”
“No! I simply want to see the prefects bathroom. I thought maybe we could spend some time in there.” You said and then realized how scandalous that really sounded.
“Not bathing together of course! Just.. Seeing the bubbles and warm water. Maybe even putting our legs in!” 
Ominis seemed to understand the idea and a small smile graced his lips.
“Mm. Yes, that does sound nice dear.”
You had thanked Merlin that he had realized quickly your true intentions. You had looked forward to that night.
“My dove, are we going in the right direction?” Ominis’ breath tingled against your ear as you distracted one of the prefects. You were so incredibly close and wouldn’t let anything ruin it now.
“Yes. In a few seconds I’m going to book it. You understand?” You turned to the boy and grabbed his hand. He bobbed his head in agreement and you began running. You swiftly shut the bathroom door behind you and locked it. Merlin forbid that anybody walk in on you two.
“We’re here!” You cheered. You ran your hand against his cheek and gave him a small kiss. “Stay right here I’m going to fill the tub.” 
The tub filled in record time and before you knew it the two of you were settling down beside it. Ominis laid his head in your lap and you dipped your feet into the warm water. Your hands ran steadily through his soft locks that you adored. 
“This is nice.” You murmured and your heart soared at his little grin.
“Yes. This was a great idea darling. We should do this every week.” Ominis responded and his hand went to find yours. You gave his fist a tight squeeze and closed your eyes. 
“Perhaps we should.”
Garreth : 
He is SO excited. He will not shut up about sneaking out with you for days.
“I’ll be able to pay you back for all you do for my potions!” 
He’s a complete dork and won’t stop cracking jokes as you make your way into the kitchens.
The two of you spend the night with the house elves and eachother just talking about school and life. He’s surprisingly calm and gentle when you catch him at a good time. 
Even with two hours of sleep and class he still is energetic and writes you a note in potions.
‘I had tons of fun last night. Let’s do it again soon?’
You had made plans with Garreth a few weeks ago to sneak down to the kitchens. Ever since he had not shut up about it and you found it quite cute. Every glance during classes or in the hall was filled with a gleeful smile and wave. He would constantly whisper about ‘this thursday’ or drop little candies off with a note. This side of him reminded you a lot of a golden retriever. Thankfully for him, Thursday was now. You had gone over your outfit and hair and made your way down the steps. He was already sitting in the dim light tapping his hand against the wall.
“Y/N! You’re here!” He launched himself towards you and yanked at your hand. 
“I did promise to meet you here.” You snorted as he pulled you along. He had no patience to wait.
“Well yes but I was looking forward to it. I haven’t eaten since lunch so I could eat with you!”
“Garreth, that isn’t healthy! I didn’t ask you to come down to the kitchens so you could starve yourself!” He just shrugged and carried on.
“Yeah well it’s not everyday that I get to sneak out with you! I gotta take what I can!” He gave you a dashing wink before ‘tickling the pear’.
The aroma of food filled the air as the two of you walked in. Garreth waved to a few of the house elves before settling down at a table. He began talking to you about his family and ideas, eyes full of excitement as he went on and on. You couldn’t help but be enamored by the boy, nodding along enthusiastically to whatever he wished to tell you.
“Y/N! I am so glad to see you! We have made you and Mr.Weasley some snacks!” Feenky interrupted your heated conversation. 
“Oh wow! Thank you Feenky!”
“Thank you miss!” Garreth nodded towards the elf and she blushed.
“Isn’t he a charmer!” Feenky mumbled as she walked away from the table. You had to agree with her, even while he was stuffing his face full he was still quite charismatic. There was just something about him.
“What are you looking at? Aren’t you gonna dig in?” The boy cocked his head and gave you a heartwarming smile.
“Yeah! You’re just cute.” 
Garreth’s face erupted in red and coughs filled the hall as he choked.
“Next time you say something, warn me before I die!” 
You definitely would not warn him next time if his reactions were always so adorable.
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mono-dot-jpeg · 4 years ago
another adeptus in the line - zhongli [ft. xiao & ganyu]
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summary; it was a very big surprise to xiao and ganyu that they would be meeting the next adeptus in line. especially when the next adeptus is a child.
genre; fluff, this is just family, i need emotional support from liyue god family, dad! zhongli, child! reader, all platonic, zhongli is a doting dad and i will die on that hill, dragon hybrid! reader, xiao is just a grumpy older brother
word count; 1.3k
a/n; i hate my life, but it's fine. im currently hanging on a string, due to the fact that there's been a lot of stress recently but it's fine. I'll be fine. i got zhongli in the latest banner, everything will be fine. everyting is fine when zhongli exists 🥰
ganyu might be ooc idk, also reader is a dragon hybrid!! bc of zhongli. maybe I'll write hcs about it... brain go brrrr
age range for reader; 5-7
slight spoilers to the latest story quest? i think it's called story quest idk- i literally just mention the new boss and some of its story but i don't think it spoils too much but ehhhhhhhhh who am i to judge
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zhongli had never expected to have you. or more like make you. similar to azhdaha, you were granted life by zhongli. you were granted the ability to live just like any other human. but of course a deal had to be made. you would live as a dragon hybrid human but you would grow up to be the next adeptus in line. you were bound to be granted with a vision but there was no rush. you were merely a child after all.
it was always nice walking around liyue with you. everyone in liyue had a fond look whenever you and zhongli would pass by, the male carrying you to tell you endless stories about the liyue you would come to love and protect.
"papa.." you muttered to zhongli, clutching tightly on his pants as you stood behind him. "where are we going?"
"we're going to the inn, little one, you're just gonna meet your older brother and sister. they're very nice i can assure you." he moved to pick you up and hold you against his waist. "i mean by blood they're not your siblings but that doesn't change anything. you are still family."
he enters the homely inn and heads toward the balcony, but before he could leave to the balcony, he was stopped by verr goldet.
"good afternoon zhongli, good to see you too y/n." you clumsily waved at her, too busy being more focused on the cat that laid on the desk. she had noticed where your focus was, laughing softly. "are you here to see xiao?"
"yes, is he busy?" zhongli asked.
"he's right on the rooftop. i'd just wait until he comes down but he seems like he's not coming down anytime soon."
zhongli nodded at her words, thanking her before going to find xiao. he clutched you firmly as he started to climb to the rooftop. your small hands grasped on his clothes as you watch him climb up to the rooftop with ease.
you look to see an unfamiliar male, moving to hide your face into zhongli's neck. "hello xiao." zhongli greets him, sitting next to him. the young adeptus nods at him in acknowledgement. "i would like you to meet y/n." he started to explain your story, xiao watching you with pointed eyes as you shy away from him and stick to zhongli as much as you physically can.
"they are a child."
"that is true, xiao." he patted your back, urging you to look up to meet xiao. he made you let go of him and turned you around on his lap, making you face xiao. the one thing you immediately notice is the necklace he wears. "they're very new to our world. especially if you consider our ages." zhongli was an old soul and god after all.
"shiny.." you mutter, your hands reaching out for the pretty beads that laid strewn together on xiao's neck. zhongli smiled fondly at your lack of attention onto the actual male.
"little brat." xiao mumbled as zhongli moves you to sit on xiao's lap. you look up at him with innocent beady eyes for a moment before looking down and bonking your head on his chest, feeling shy at the sudden attention from a new person. xiao hesitantly places a hand on your head, patting your hair and any stray hairs.
zhongli watches the scene before him with amused eyes. "it's nice to see you try and bond with your little sibling." he chuckled a bit as he watches you grab at xiao's necklace, much to the older adeptus' dismay. xiao tried to get your hands off the necklace, earning a tiny whine from you.
"zhongli, have you spoiled them already?" xiao takes off his necklace to let you play with it, keeping a sharp eye on you as to make sure you don't choke on anything or hurt yourself. your eyes twinkle, grabbing the necklace and looking at the large blunt arrowhead pendant.
"me? i would never." zhongli sends an innocent smile but xiao knew better. he always liked to dote on him and ganyu when given the chance, he wasn't any different with you.
"have you told ganyu about them yet?"
"ganyu has been rather busy with her duties. i haven't been able to contact her yet."
"xiao!" the two males hear a rather familiar voice, soon turning their heads towards the source to see the other adeptus, ganyu. she nearly struggled to climb the rooftop if not for zhongli offering a hand to help. "ah, hello, rex lapis.." she greeted softly.
"call me zhongli." he reminded her, making the female quickly apologize. "what have you come here for?"
"i was just gonna ask if..." she trailed off as she looked over to xiao, seeing you on his lap. you look up to see the pretty female, quickly looking away to bonk your head against xiao's chest once again. the other adeptus sighing at your antics, as zhongli watched everything unfold with a fond smile on his face. "who is this?"
"this is y/n." zhongli answered, starting to explain the contract you and him made when you were in a different form. you still stayed buried in xiao's chest, said adeptus wondering how to deal with such a shy child... or how to deal with a child in general.
ganyu went to sit in front of you and xiao, "hello y/n..." you stopped fiddling with xiao's necklace and turned to look at ganyu again. she had horns on her head like you did.
"horns...pretty" you pointed at ganyu's red horns, making the female flustered at the compliment. kids always had the blunt honesty.
"ah ah ah... don't point, little one. that's not very nice." zhongli chided softly.
"but her horns..like me.." you pressed your free hand against your own smaller horns that grew from your head. ganyu was surprised by your shining enthusiasm in finding someone like you.
"yes, she has horns like you." xiao mutters, taking his necklace back from your small hands while you were distracted. but your grip was stronger than he had thought, "give me my necklace back, little brat."
"but...i wanna play still, big brother.." you told him. unfortunately, xiao couldn't resist your plea and let you hold the necklace in your hands for a little while longer. zhongli noted that, remembering to tease him about it later.
"ah, maybe you should give it back to big brother xiao, hm? he really needs it, y/n." ganyu makes an attempt to let xiao get his necklace back. and who are you to disappoint the pretty sister? you pouted, hesitantly handing it back to xiao. "why don't you say sorry for keeping it from him for so long?"
"sorry big brother.." you fumbled on your words rather adorably. "won't do it again."
"thank you." xiao muttered as he hands you over to ganyu. "take the little demon."
"xiao! that's not very nice." ganyu said as she adjusts you to fit comfortably on her lap.
"xiao...meanie!" you pointed at him. xiao glared at you as you showed no fear to it. was xiao really gonna square up with a child? maybe. before xiao could say anything else, you reached for ganyu's horns, "big sister..."
"hm?" ganyu notices you reaching for her horns. "you want to touch them?" you nodded, moving closer. but you had moved too close and bonked your head against hers. "ah! are you okay?" she immediately asked as you blinked before bonking your forehead against hers softly, giggling happily. who would've thought that bonking was a love language for you?
"this one is gonna be a troublemaker...i just know it.." xiao gives you a pointed look as you reach out for xiao.
"wanna play with big brother! and big sister!" you send out a toothy smile, soon warming up a bit more to the two older adeptus.
zhongli merely looked at the sweet scene before him, seeing his young adeptus kids get along so well with each other despite the differences they all had. you would fit along just fine. there was nothing he would need to worry about.
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