#bluelock alternative universe
lazysublimeengineer · 6 months
the viscount who loves his princess - I
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Summary: “A new romance has bloomed in one enchanting night? Princess Senju and Viscount Mikey share a special night together under the radiant garden of the Palace.” Takeomi read loudly on the first page of broadside that morning.
Senju could only heave a deep breath before sipping the cup of Earl Grey slowly to her lips.
“You’ve been seeing Viscount Mikey without any chaperone? Lady Whistledown is having a field day with your scandals.” Haruchiyo snorted as he prepared a cup of coffee for himself.
“You know how Lady Whistledown is. So, stop believing her stories for a moment. It’s quite exaggerated sometimes. Besides, I am not going out with that fool! Hell freezes over that happens!” She exclaimed indignantly.
A chance encounter between the Viscount and the Princess which caused a rumor mill circulating in their town.
(A/N: This was supposed to be a sequel from that Doramitsu regency fic I’ve written a long time ago. But plot bunnies came out of me and decided that “oh hey wait a second. Why don’t we make a multichaptered crossover regency period fic series between Tokyo Revengers and Blue Lock in the world Bridgerton?” And here you go. This is the second part of this series with Maisenju as the main pairing. Takes place after the events of the first series of this fic, “sweet liaisons.” I don’t own anything from this franchise. Respective ownership belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura for this wonderful manga and Julia Quinn for this romantic book and series.)
“Senju! Are you done yet? You’re going to be late for the special occasion arranged by the Queen herself. It’s not a good image for a lady to be tardy.” Her older brother, Takeomi,   admonished her from downstairs while Senju struggled adjusting the straps of her corset inside her room.
“Give me a few minutes! This dress is bollocks! Why do I even have to wear this ridiculous thing in the first place?!” Senju exclaimed indignantly as she finally laced the straps successfully around her torso but not before holding her damn breath for a few minutes.
Jesus Christ.
Why do women like her must suffer from these societal expectations in the first place?
“It’s not that hard to put on the corset if you listen carefully to what the teacher has been teaching to you before!” Takeomi replied in exasperation. “Also, Haru get the carriage ready so that we won’t be late this evening!” He added.
“I’m on it!” Haruchiyo’s voice rang from the background.
Senju tuned them out and focused on putting the gown next to her body.
“If you’re not down here yet within a minute, I’ll go up there to see what’s the problem!” Takeomi’s annoying voice rang out again.
“Hold your horses! I’m done already!” Senju yelled back in exasperation.
With a one, last inspection on her frame and face in the mirror, she quickly went out and closed the door behind her and walked downstairs.
“Finally!” Takeomi exclaimed before he inspected her critically from head to toe.
“Not bad. Although next time try it with your hair down in curls. That seemed to be the thing these days.” He commented.
Senju rolled her eyes. “Oh hush. I tried my best in making a French braid for this occasion. The least you can do is take notice of them naturally.” She replied in a grumpy voice as she walked diligently inside the carriage.
They finally reached the palace wherein several guests and royal families were already present and going inside.
Senju grew nervous.
Even if she was naturally born confident and used to be under the scrutiny of other people, this was still different because she was facing the Queen at this event.
Her Majesty will choose tonight who will be crowned as the Diamond girl this year.
Senju had no patience for events like this. She’d rather go to the forest and hunt some wild boars or practice fencing while she’s at it.
But alas, if there were advantages in being born in an upper-class, royal family there were disadvantages as well.
Especially if she’s the only female sibling of the Akashi family and a princess, nonetheless.
The responsibility fell on her to carry their name in the social class and mingle herself with the ladies in the same social stratum and earn herself a status befitting of a princess and marry off an earl or duke for that matter.
Just the mere thought of those weighted responsibilities solely put upon her made her want to throw a fit and leave this place. But she kept her composure and calm.
‘This is just for tonight. Tomorrow you can do whatever you like.’ She chanted at herself as she took a deep breath and got ready.
“Okay remember what we’ve taught and practice beforehand.” Takeomi reminded her when he helped her in getting out of the carriage.
“Yes, my dear brother. You have reminded me of these several times already that I’ve lost count.” She deadpanned.
“This is for your own good and so that you won’t be making any mistakes.” The muffled voice of her other sibling, Haruchiyo said from behind her.
“Oh please. You’re the last person I should hear of this from you.” Senju groused.
“Stop with these childish acts you two.” Takeomi admonished them and Senju kept her mouth shut but not without a small pout gracing her features.
Nevertheless, upon arriving inside the palace, she quickly schooled her features into a pleasant smile and moved with a ladylike grace even though she felt her muscles stiffened at the strict movements of her body.
“Oh my. Princess Senju fancy seeing you here. You look lovely as always.” The light and feminine voice of Hina caught her attention and she beamed at her.
“You look breathtakingly beautiful as well, Lady Hina.” Senju complimented her in a sincere manner. It’s true that Hina was one of the loveliest ladies in their town. And one of the most graceful and dignified as well.
With her alabaster skin, slender frame, beautiful ginger locks and a beatific smile, who wouldn’t fall for her beauty and charms? It’s probably a normal day for her tending to her suitors who visited her abode every day.
Moreover, she wouldn’t be surprised if she earned the Diamond girl status from Her Majesty tonight.
“Oh, shush you... You still got a silver tongue beneath your mischievous nature.” Hina chuckled softly under her breath.
As she was about to respond, another familiar voice caught her attention and turned around to see the smiling face of Emma waving simply and approaching them.
“Princess Senju. Lady Hina. What a pleasant night it is to see you both here.”
“Same here Lady Emma. You’re looking lovely as always.” Senju replied smilingly. Unlike her brother, Mikey, Emma is a pleasant woman to be around and not infuriating. Senju wondered how she could tolerate her brother's impertinence daily.
“Why thank you. I do hope that my brother hasn’t been a nuisance to you lately.” Emma replied jokingly.
“Tell me about it. There hasn’t been a day when he wasn’t bothering me every time when we crossed paths around the city.” Senju replied with a small pout on her face as she took some glass of punch from the waiter who was circling around and giving them.
Emma chuckled softly under her breath. “Forgive my brother. It seems that he has a habit being like that with you.”
“Well, I would appreciate it if you can inform him that he needn’t to do that everyday.” Senju replied as she took a sip from the glass of punch.
Her eyes darted around when she heard some announcement in the middle of the stage.
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. It’s our pleasure to have you here on this occasion for the annual event of Her Majesty choosing our precious Diamond for this year. As you may know we have gathered some reputable candidates to be crowned for tonight.” A male announcer said and the Queen finally appeared and was sitting down on her throne.
“Oh! It’s finally starting.” Senju uttered to herself and hastily put the glass of punch from the side of the table to make her way towards the direction wherein several female candidates were lined up from the corner.
The next few moments passed in a blur with the ladies performing one by one in front of the Queen with their practiced grace and dignity in front of her.
Senju watched in awe as the ladies before her performed a graceful dance and curtsied in front of the Queen. Hina and Emma’s performance were outstanding in her eyes and they moved as if it they were born for the role itself.
Her heart pounded and her anxiety spiked as her part will be coming soon.
She finally took a deep breath when it was her turn and tried to calm down her frayed nerves.
‘You got this Senju! Your brothers are watching so you need to get it together!’ Her mind tried to cheer for her.
As soon as it was her turn, her mind and body focus on the present situation beforehand and her movements, remembering on what was taught to her by her governess. Her movements were fluid and clear as she danced elegantly to the tune of a minuet which was a stately ballroom performed under the courts.
The audience watched her in rapt attention and captivation as she moved in a slow yet elegant manner against her assigned partner.
It was already nearing perfect when she accidentally stepped on her gown and stumbled down on the ground.
‘Oh bollocks! Why did it have to be now!’ Senju’s mind raced at her mistake before she quickly stood up as if nothing happened and resumed dancing the few remaining steps and tune of the piece.
She quickly bowed when she was finished and went to the side.
“You were great out there.” Emma whispered sincerely beside her.
“I’m glad that you think so even if I may have ruined it in the end.” Senju whispered back with a wry smile on her.
“Oh hush. Everyone makes a mistake. At the very least you’re still graceful at the end.”
Senju was about to reply when the announcer’s voice chimed in at the stage once again.
“Tonight we’ve seen these wonderful ladies with their immense talents of course. But only one can prevail. And for tonight’s Diamond coronation, Her Majesty is bestowing the crown to Lady Emma Sano of the Sano family.”
Emma’s eyes grew wide for a moment before a surprise yet victorious smile broke out from her lips.
Senju quickly hugged her before she let go. “Congratulations Lady Emma! You certainly deserved it. Now go get your crown up there.”
Emma hugged her back before she pulled away. “Thank you, Princess Senju.” She murmured before she made her way up the stage and accepted the crown bestowed by the Queen on her head.
Senju gave a round of applause amongst the crowd. There was no ill-feeling of envy or regret in her bones as she knew that there were other outstanding and well deserving ladies who much deserved it rather than her.
Nevertheless, there might be a lecture waiting for her back in the household from her older brother again of not trying her best.
Oh well.
Best of luck next time.
“Ah, finally. Some peace and quiet.” Senju sighed in contentment as she sat on the grassy field filled with small flowers. She took a quick detour and a needed break from the bustling crowd inside the palace.
Her eyes gazed upwards to the sky which was filled with countless stars that made up for the brilliant darkness tonight.
“I’m getting sleepy. Hopefully, the occasion will be over soon.” Senju mumbled to herself.
“It’s a good thing that the household princess doesn’t trip or bumped into someone with that tall heel of yours.” The familiar, idle voice sang from the background which made Senju ground her teeth and faced him with an exasperated smile on her face.
“If it isn’t the infamous viscount or should I say the manchild of the Sano household.” She quipped back, looking at him from head to toe with an unimpressed look on her face.
Although she inwardly admitted that Mikey looked dashing in a velvet crimson robe which had a circular cut, a pair of shiny, coal hued boots and a nice woolen white cloth inside his robes which leant him a regal, sophisticated aura despite his miniature height and youthful, vibrant face. Nevertheless, she wouldn’t admit that outwardly to him. His ego was huge enough like an inflated balloon and she didn’t want him to get the idea that she was disgustingly smitten towards him like of those other women who was besotted and would probably throw themselves at his feet if given a chance.
Senju was better than that and had more acquired tastes thank you very much.
“And you’re the infamous princess who moves like a man and curses like a sailor.” Mikey replied playfully.
“Have you ever heard of the word assertive and adventurous? I guess not when you’re used to women who threw themselves at you.” Senju snorted. “And what brings you here by the way?”
“Me? I’m just the dignified chaperone of my sister tonight considering that Ken has already resume his duties as a duke and travelled to another land away from here. And maybe I’m the good luck charm seeing that she won tonight!” Mikey replied with an impish grin on his face.
“Oh please. Don’t think highly of yourself. Lady Emma won because of her grace and efforts and not because of you or someone else.” She scoffed lightly.
“What can I say? Being successful and victorious runs in our blood.”
“God, I’m just speechless at your conceited nature.”
It made Mikey laugh in amusement while Senju rolled her eyes and looked away.
After a while, Mikey refrained from laughing until it was quiet between the two of them but only for a moment.
“Even if you didn’t get the coveted Diamond status from the royal family tonight, you’re still great on your own.” He said quietly.
His words made Senju turn around to face him before looking away, feeling the tips of her ears growing hot.
She needed to leave this place and away from this viscount who’s making her feel strange inside.
Senju tried to get up, but it proved to be a struggle due to the weight of her gown.
Her actions were noticed by Mikey who looked at her curiously.
“Where are you going?”
“Away from you.” She retorted. “It’s a lovely and peaceful night here before your presence has ruined it.” She added with a scoff before she tried to stand up again, but it was futile.
“Need some help?” He asked with a hint of amusement.
Senju glared at him before a deep sigh left her lips.
“Yes please.” She muttered as she accepted his offered hand and tried to stand up again but not before she lost her balance and toppled down.
Together they tumbled down on the grassy field with Senju laying on top of him while Mikey laid beneath her.
They looked at each other with wide eyes before Senju struggled to pull herself away from him, her cheeks burning in mortification.
And that’s how one of the maids from the palace found them in the garden under a compromising position.
‘Couldn’t this night get any better?’ She thought sardonically to herself.
The next day at the Akashi household...
“A new romance has bloomed in one enchanting night? Princess Senju and Viscount Mikey share a special night together under the radiant garden of the Palace.” Takeomi read loudly at the first page of broadside that morning.
Senju could only heaved a deep breath before sipping the cup of Earl Grey slowly to her lips.
“You’ve been seeing Viscount Mikey without any chaperone? Lady Whistledown is having a field day with your scandals.” Haruchiyo snorted as he prepared a cup of coffee for himself.
“You know how Lady Whistledown is. So stop believing her stories for a moment. It’s quite exaggerated sometimes. Besides, I am not going out with that fool! Hell freezes over that happens!” She exclaimed indignantly.
“Language.” Takeomi warned her.
“But it was an accident! I just stumbled upon him and—.” Senju stopped midway before getting up. “It’s no use. Just don’t pay attention to those bollocks.” She grumbled as she began walking out of the house.
“Where are you going young lady?” Takeomi asked.
“Just at the market. I may need to buy something to ease my growing vexation towards this nonsense. Don’t worry I’ll be back in a moment.” Senju didn’t wait for Takeomi’s response and took her hat, putting it on and leaving the house.
“Just let her go for now big brother. Senju is growing up and she’ll grow out of that phase.” Haru said casually.
“I can’t believe I’m dealing with you two.” Takeomi replied in resignation before shaking his head and focusing back on reading the next page of his broadside.
“Oh no I’m late! I need to deliver these parcels soon to Mrs. Springfield and—.” Takemichi’s hasty murmurs to himself and running across the street were cut off when he suddenly bumped into someone, resulting in his parcels falling to the ground and him stumbling on his feet.
“Can’t you see where you’re going you fool?” An exasperated voice caught his attention, and he was met by a young man who was dressed majestically and possessed an aura that screamed of royalty and wealth.
‘Is he a member of the royal family? If he is, then I should’ve known him! But it’s the first time I’ve seen his face around here.’ Takemichi’s thoughts raced inside his head as he tried to get up and bowed respectfully at him.
“My deepest apologies Sir! It’s not my intention to ruin your day in this city. I am just in a hurry to deliver these important parcels!” There was a tinge of regret and apology in his tone, but he still didn’t raise his head for fear of disrespecting him again.
“Do you know my name boy?” The man asked haughtily.
“N-no...” Takemichi stammered. Was he supposed to know him?
The man looked at him with a cruel amusement on his eyes and a complacent smile on his lips.
“Raise your head boy.” He ordered.
Takemichi quickly complied and stared into his eyes which were startingly deep blue. He possessed an aristocratic nose and a small yet perfectly shaped pair of lips. He tried not to be distracted by the arresting features of the man and tried to focus on the present situation at hand.
“I am an Earl. An Earl you foolishly bumped into. And for me to be able to forgive you, kneel before me and kiss my shoes.” The man remarked casually as he inspected his nails in a disinterested manner.
“P-pardon sir...?” Takemichi paled as he blinked at him owlishly.
“You heard me, right? Or your line of hearing has a defect too and I must need to repeat myself?” The man replied sardonically.
Before Takemichi could reply, a familiar, casual yet firm voice rang behind him which made him turn around and met the displeased expression of Chifuyu in front of him.
“Takemichi? Is this fellow bothering you?”
“Prince Chifuyu!” Takemichi gave a quick, respectful bow before standing up straight. “This is nothing that you should be worried about—.”
“Oh? Who is this interesting lad beside you hmm? It seems that she’s gotten up at the wrong side of the bed.” Kaiser cut him off silkily and asked in his usual airy voice.
“It’s Prince Chifuyu to you.” The blond glared at him and for his impertinent words.
“Oh, my bad. My name is Earl Michael Kaiser. But you can address me as Michael if you want.” Kaiser remarked with a playful wink thrown over his direction.
“I believed it is not appropriate to address you so casually when were not even acquiantances.” Chifuyu huffed. “Also, I would appreciate it if you stop harassing my friend and let him do whatever errands he needs to do today.” He added stonily.
Kaiser raised his hands placatingly. “I seek no trouble Prince Chifuyu. In fact, I’m getting acquianted with the citizens here seeing that I may stay here for awhile.”
Chifuyu was about to retort when the rushing footsteps from the background caught his attention and saw a young man with dark blue hair and dressed in a formal whiteshirt and light brown pants.
“My Lord! Where have you been? Your Grace has been looking for you!” He exclaimed when his eyes landed on the familiar figure of the royal prince which made him bow immediately.
“Good day Prince Chifuyu! Please forgive me for not being able to greet you first when I came here.” He said in an apologetic voice.
“Calm down Yoichi. I’m sure that my absence for a few minutes will not merit any hindrance or trouble to the events at all.” Kaiser remarked idly.
“Good day to you too Sir Yoichi. Are you with the Earl Kaiser?” He asked.
“Yes. I’m one of his advisors. And we’re here because we’ve been invited by the Queen for an event in this place.” Isagi replied when his eyes landed on the familiar figure of Takemichi whose eyes lit up in recognition but both kept their silence for the meantime.
“I see. It seems that the Earl has taking into a liking of this place seeing that he was already going for a stroll around the streets.” Chifuyu remarked.
“Indeed Prince Chifuyu. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we must be going on our way now.” Isagi replied in an apologetic voice.
“Of course. Don’t let us hold you both back.” Chifuyu replied in a congenial voice before he narrowed his gaze at Kaiser to which the other male smirked at him.
“We’ll be on our way then.” Isagi gave a quick respectful bow and shot a meaningful glance at Takemichi before he pulled the Earl away going back to their carriage and left them behind.
“That Earl is something else entirely.” Chifuyu said with a frown on his face. “He didn’t hurt you or anything Takemichi?”
Takemichi shook his head. “Not really. ‘Sides it’s quite my fault for bumping into him earlier. But I do appreciate your good timing. Now, I really need to go and deliver these items to Mrs. Springfield. See you later!” He quickly bid goodbye and ran off to the other side of the street.
Chifuyu watched him go, shaking his head a little before heading back to his own carriage and going back to the castle.
(A/N: Well, that’s wrap for the first chapter. The next and last chapter may take a while to be uploaded as I’m on a hectic schedule now with work. Hopefully, you’ll be patient enough to wait as it is. Reviews are amusing so let me hear them from you.)
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searchengine9000 · 5 months
or look at your own risk.
@fragileheartbeats, i got you covered, or atleast somewhat? I tried my best. If i didn't, well, i'll try again!
Does have smut, isn't /reader, but also a lot of the traits that you wanted, with BOTH sides being all Yandere for eachother, with fluff and juicy lore. It's finished, but the author has already planned the sequel.
Daemon Targaryen/self-insertish Rhea Royce,
Not really what you wanted, but i really like this one.
Daemon/Self-insert Alicent
Really good with a possessive Daemon, but slowburn, not yet there even with this many chapters.
Searching, so much SMUT i feel your pain.
But Reader Reincarnation yadda yadda, Yandere Full House.
Promising..? Aemond/you, one shot. No smut from a quick read through.
Zhongli/you, one shot
Veeerrrryyy slight yandere. But still there, and no smut.
Zhongli/you, one shot.
Hinted bad ending.
Also, a general hint, SAGAU, (Self-Aware Genshin Alternative Universe) has a lot of obsessive dark x reader shit. The whole shebang is almost fully obsessive shit. On both AO3 and Tumblr.
General hint 2, from Manhwa i recommend The Way to Protect the Female Leads older Brother search on Ao3. Lots of smut, but some hidden gems. Easy, cuz the whole family of Agriche is MENTAL. Gorgeous art tho.
Hope this helped.
-Signed: SearchEngine9000 & V.
Ps: i skipped some of the fandoms in your tags when searching for what you wanted, i know nothing about bluelock or COD, harry potter skipped cuz it was last and i forgot, Slashers skipped because i forgot it meant the killer-band of guys and not the american name for a yandere, Obey Me you only need to go to settings and place #Smut on your excluding filter on either AO3 or Tumblr and bada-bing bada-boom, and that's already so MANY to look through.
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reanniee · 3 months
hi hi!!! my name is ria and i'm a new writer starting on tumblr. i am 19 and i've previously written on other platforms before and i've decided to check out tumblr! im looking for mutuals! so if you are interested i am also accepting asks! im going to be posting one-shots, full stories, and also short imagines from time to time. if you are interested, here are topics that i plan to write about! i mainly write about yanderes, so if you are interested please stick around and i am excited to show you all my work <3
media: hunter x hunter my hero academia honkai: star rail genshin impact chainsaw man bluelock haikyuu
topics: yandere dark themes alternate universes romance angst
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melovrs · 2 months
to your tempo introductions: blue LOCKED IN 🗣️🗣️
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nagi seishiro is the bassist for popular alternative rock band BLUELOCK. he attends XX University and is a sophomore, majoring in music. he lives in the same apartment complex as reo, and is known to be late to every occasion. he doesn't consider himself very talented when it comes to music. he owns a cat named shiro, and takes surprisingly good care of him.
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notes : if i'm being really honest it took me so much time to find pfps and headers for everyone 😓 hopefully their accounts aren't TOO ooc ! it's always so hard figuring out how they would text :(
reo has a priv acc bc he's still the heir to the Mikage Corp. (still rich in this au !!)
everyone w a public acc spams it (like me lmao)
i imagine BLUELOCK makes music like old arctic monkeys and chase atlantic (bc i love them both so much)
if you would like to be added to the masterlist here is the link !! please refrain from asking to be added to it by leaving comments and/or sending asks since it's hard to keep track of !!
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