#blake x bane
fiiiiin · 2 months
Imagine people who’ve watched the TDK trilogy but not Inception and go on Ao3 to find one of the most popular ships is a random ass pairing of the murderous villain and an orphan cop who never even share a scene together in TDKR 😭😭 honestly power to Arthur and Eames because I personally find Bane/Blake a delicious dynamic despite no canon interactions and thank god for Inception for making this happen. It’s just such a funny concept to the outsider with no knowledge of Inception fandom lore though
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thenwhatthefukcisthis · 8 months
I guess sth like this happened in 2012
TDKR : what’s up jgl and TH will be in the same movie.. again!
inception fandom : HELL YEAH
TDKR : but they never share screen together and not even off handedly mention each other
inception fandom : oh ok :/
TDKR : but- they both have quite complementary tragic backstories which we are not gonna tell you a lot but only nicely hint at them and guess what they both had been orphans and both have a soft spot for kids
inception fandom : .... fuck
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mister-eames · 1 year
I can't believe it's happening!! Fic rec Friday!! This one is a shorty but a goodie. I literally cannot stop thinking about the aftermath of this scenario: lullaby by underwater_owl. 2. This is a WIP but if you haven't read it, get on it immediately! I'm literally salivating for the next chapter: all at sea by anticline. And lastly, this one's a bit diff. it's bane/blake & a BEHEMOTH, insanely well written & will have you on tenterhooks throughout: the calm beneath the waves by wonderass. enjoy!
Ohh now I NEED the sequel to lullaby by underwater_owl. Also, Arthur singing the kick to Eames? Genius. Actual genius. I wish I'd thought of it.
I think I've read the first chap to All at Sea by anticline (who is a PHENOMENAL writer, we are so so lucky to have them writing in our fandom, everyone go and read everything they have written if you haven't already) I'm so pumped to see it's been updated!! Thats on my to-read list for the weekend!!!
And I don't think if I've read the calm beneath the waves by wonderass -- you're right, it is HUGE and one I'm definitely going to set aside to read later, bane x blake my beloved!!!!
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nottodaygod · 9 months
i found my favorite fanfic, and it's from 2014 :')
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It’s time for my favourite Winchester!!
I headcanon Sam as pansexual but he could be bisexual too it depends on what your headcanons are.
Sam has a lot of love to give and I think he is attracted to and appreciates every gender.
I also think that he definitely in his younger years felt very non conforming about his gender and even with their limited budget liked to dress differently to others. As he got older he found outfits he found more comfortable but on hunts will still wear practical clothing. As a kid the different clothes were usually worn when his dad and brother were out because he didn’t know how they’d react. In later years I think they would’ve grown to understand him more but in the era they were in as kids they wouldn’t understand it much.
Sam didn’t really feel comfortable expressing this or coming out as a kid because he already felt like the odd one out in his family and he wasn’t sure how his family would react.
Sam is the type to fall for someone if they’re a good person. He has a type but usually he loves who he loves and doesn’t mind how they look.
I think that as a kid he had a crush on one of the boys at one of his schools. The boy was a little older and was actually really kind to him. The boy didn’t feel the same but Sam also never revealed his crush because he didn’t feel comfortable revealing it. His crush caused him to act a little nervous around him which unfortunately Dean noticed and made him think that the boy had done something to upset him which angered the overprotective brother. Sam had to reassure him that he was fine before Dean could overreact and luckily managed to get him to back away. The boy had been tall and had curly blonde hair and greenish blue eyes which is something he layered realised was kind of a type of his when he met Jess.
He definitely started seeing more men, women and different people once he started college. He had a little thing with Brady who he had really liked before they broke things off and he got with Jess and things got serious with them. He was really upset when he found out the truth about Brady.
I think while he was with Jess they’d often have nice nights at home and one time she convinced him to let her do his makeup and after it was done he actually really enjoyed how it felt and how he looked. He doesn’t wear it much later on because in the hunting business it’s not really ideal and he isn’t sure how people would react but sometimes he likes to put some one because it makes him feel nice and a little pretty and it also makes him feel closer to Jess when he misses her.
He definitely felt attracted to Meg and both versions of Ruby even though those relationships weren’t good for him. He’d also fallen for Sarah and Maddison. I think he probably also had a crush on Castiel at some point (I used to be a big Sastiel fan lol now I still like it just not as much) and also definitely had feelings for Mick because they definitely had a connection and should’ve had longer. He also kind of flirted with a male barman in the early seasons I’m pretty sure or the guy flirted with him and he didn’t mind.
So I guess his type are either people with blonde hair and blue or green eyes or people dark hair with blue or dark eyes. I think those are his specific types and I don’t blame him the first one is my type too.
I think that he felt a connection and definitely flirted a little with Max Banes when he first met him. I would’ve love to see them bond because Max and his sister defended Sam which was cute and he was definitely flirting with Sam and Sam didn’t really seem to mind.
Sam is always welcoming and comforting to other queer people and let’s them know if they ever want to talk he will listen he might not know the answers but he wants them to know they can be heard in a way he wasn’t. Jack sometimes talks with him about sexuality and gender once Jack starts figuring things out because he feels like his dad would understand and he’s closer to Sam than anyone.
I think that Sam came out to Dean after they reconnected and because Dean wasn’t the most progressive back in the beginning (understatement lmao) he made a few jokes about it but once he realised that he was making Sam uncomfortable he stopped. He’ll still slip up occasionally but he also tries to make a few harmful jokes that aren’t going to hurt him. Sam appreciates him trying but will also pull him up on it if he thinks he’s going to far. Now he’s older he’s more willing to stand up for himself even from the person who loves him most.
I definitely think he told Bobby first and even though Bobby didn’t really understand a lot of it he really supported his surrogate son.
Sam often felt sad and a little regret over never telling his dad before John died. He had really felt like they could’ve become closer before John died because even though they fought a lot they’d started seeing things the same way and were working on it. when he’s reunited with John for a short while in the Lebanon episode he’s able to get some closure and finally get an apology from John and also got to apologise for things he felt he needed to. He also even though he was slightly scared came out to John. I think that John wouldn’t really understand it much but I think that despite the mistakes John made with his sons he really loves them and he would’ve been honest and told Sam he doesn’t exactly understand what most of it means but he’s always going to love and support Sam whoever he dates. Sam is so relieved that he hugs his dad and cries a little. If John and Sam would’ve had more time together to work on their relationship it would’ve been great.
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youcantsaymylastname · 10 months
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The elevator is taking you somewhere. You know you’re there when you arrive.
Déjà vu is a repetitious moment. What if you’ve already done this in another movie? Deja vue?
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dyns33 · 6 months
Rafiq alruwh
I'm not sure yet if this will be a Bane x reader oneshot or not.
I like it like that, but I could find ideas for part 2. My only problem being that I still need to finish others Tom Hardy's characters story, while wanting to write Feyd Rautha stories.
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As much as Y/N listened to these stories over and over again, she couldn't imagine the feeling everyone would describe.
The moment your skin touched your soulmate's skin, and suddenly everything became clear, better. A feeling of joy and the burning need to stay by this person's side forever.
It was a rare phenomenon that scientists could not explain. It was completely impossible to know when this would happen, or if it would happen, because fate seemed cruel. Most people either didn't have soulmates or didn't have the chance to meet them in their lifetime. The world was too big and time too short.
There were still skeptics, who claimed that it was all nonsense, lies, invented by people blinded by love or who wanted to give themselves a certain gender. Only those who ended up meeting the person changed their mind, the others remaining too jealous to accept the truth, considering that it was only a romantic utopia.
Y/N wanted to believe in it. She dreamed of meeting her soulmate and experiencing this special moment.
Her parents were not meant to be together. It was visible.
In her entourage, she had an uncle who had had this experience, a few neighbors, a friend, and all had said the same thing.
What they had in common was that they were all good people. Maybe that was one of the reasons.
“You might have had to choose another type of profession then.”
“I’m just saying that cop is not the most popular job in the world.”
"And I would say that choosing to be a non-corrupt police officer in Gotham is almost like being a saint."
"You'll end up getting killed, long before you meet your soulmate. I'll never understand why you wanted to be a cop, especially in this town."
There came a day when her mother's fears almost became a reality. The day when terrorists took the entire city hostage with a bomb, preventing everyone from entering and leaving.
It was probably not what she had thought when she talked about dying, but for several months, hidden with her colleagues, Y/N thought about her soulmate, trying to imagine this meeting that would probably never happen.
Staying mainly with Blake and Gordon, she tried to hide her pain, but it did not escape Miranda Tate, who took her hand with a gentle smile and asked what was tormenting her.
“We’re going to die here.” Y/N whispered. "I mean, I'm not afraid of that, that's the risk of the job. But… I didn't think it would be like this now. I wish I had met my soulmate before."
"Your rafiq alruwh. I didn't think many people cared about it here."
"My what ?"
"That's how my father called soulmates. I grew up with a lot of stories about it, because he and my mother were related. I prayed a lot to be that for one of my friends, but no. Our destinies are linked, but not like that.”
"Even if I would have liked him to be mine, I wish him happiness and that he meets his other half one day. A being worthy of him, of his love and his protection. He deserves to be happy. You too, you seem kind. Maybe you shouldn't have been here."
Her words were strange, but Y/N didn’t tell the others. It wouldn't have changed anything anyway. Even though she had discovered that Miranda Tate had the detonator, that she was the real leader of the terrorists, the streets remained controlled by the militias.
As always, they were saved by the Batman. She had never really known what to think of the vigilante, protected by Gordon and hated by everyone else. He clearly wanted to help Gotham, but his methods remained illegal, and not necessarily effective in the long term.
His death was a tragedy, but not necessarily the end of a symbol. Hope was still there, even stronger, and the Gotham police were determined to ensure everyone's safety.
Y/N felt this determination too.
Still, she froze as she inspected the sewers with Blake and Ramirez. They too had a moment of hesitation, as their lamps illuminated a body. A huge body, sitting against the wall, face hidden by this frightening mask.
There had been a search for Bane and his men after the explosion. Witnesses said the Batman fought him, and won, but they found nothing.
Obviously, the terrorist had managed to drag himself here to die.
"What do we do ?" Ramirez asked shyly. “Should we put a bullet in his head ?”
"What ? Why do you want to do this ?"
"To make sure he's dead. I've seen a lot of movies, man, I know the mistakes to avoid."
She didn't approve of the speech, but Y/N agreed, it was necessary to check it out.
Feeling almost stupid, she moved forward slowly, her hand reaching towards Bane to see if he felt a pulse.
She didn't expect the large hand that quickly grabbed her neck before she could touch him.
Fear paralyzed her body, and yet there was something else. An indescribable, incredible feeling, which resembled happiness but more intense, which was absurd in this situation.
Y/N felt so lost that she didn't realize the hand was relaxing, just resting against her skin instead of squeezing and snapping her neck like it easily could have done.
"Habibi…" was the word spoken with difficulty by Bane, who stared at her with an indecipherable expression.
“Let her go right now, you bastard !”
Maybe he was as confused as her, or maybe he was too weak, but the terrorist didn't avoid Ramirez's punch, while Blake grabbed Y/N to pull her as far away as possible.
She stood still, not understanding what was happening, as Ramirez called for reinforcements, proud of having been able to knock out the giant, even though he knew as well as anyone that he would have had no chance. if his mask hadn't been damaged and he wasn't half dead. It was not possible.
Bane couldn't be her soulmate, Y/N refused to believe it. A man like him had no soul, not after everything he had done, and above all why would he be destined for her ? She didn't feel like she had committed a crime that deserved such punishment.
She was probably never going to see him again anyway.
If he survived to Blackgate, he would be locked there forever. Even if she had permission, she had no intention of visiting him.
But the feeling remained there, strong, impossible to ignore, demanding more. An incomprehensible need to be close to the one who had touched her, so that he would touch her again.
Y/N resisted. She gave her report to Commissioner Gordon, forgetting a few small details, and indicating that she did not wish to follow this case, leaving Bane's case to better agents than her.
This seemed to surprise him, as he considered her one of his best people, but he accepted.
However, it was impossible not to think of her soulmate, since the whole town was only talking about him and his arrest. The television was on loop every day, and her colleagues thought they were doing the right thing by keeping her informed of progress.
"They say his face is horrible. I think there are photos in the file."
"I'd love to see that ! I can't imagine that fucker at all without his weird mask. Do you think he has a normal voice without that thing ?"
“I can go get it so we check.”
Ramirez's gaze met hers as he stood, and without her needing to speak, he knew it was best for him to sit back down and change the subject.
Y/N didn’t see the photos. She absolutely didn't want to.
After several weeks, she asked to take a vacation, claiming to still be traumatized by what had happened to her, in addition to the near destruction of Gotham. She needed some time to rest.
Turning off all the screens and her phone, she tried meditation to clear her mind, so she could get some sleep and forget that her soulmate was a crazy, half-dead terrorist who would soon be judged.
This miserable attempt being a failure, she turned her phone back on shortly after midnight, only to be bombarded with calls and messages, coming from several colleagues, Blake, and Gordon.
"What is happening ?" she asked, calling the Commissioner back.
"Damn, I almost sent men to check on you, you weren't responding ! Where are you ? Are you okay ?"
“I’m at home, why ?”
"Don't panic. Blake will come get you."
“Gordon, what’s going on ?”
"He hasn't said anything since his arrest, keeping very quiet, and then yesterday Bane spoke. He asked to see you, giving your name. The other agents are categorical, it's impossible that he knows ot, no one told him. The agent simply replied that you were not on the investigation, and even on vacation… Damn, he…"
“Gordon, what ?”
"He escaped, Y/N. We don't know how. No one knows where he is, or what he's going to do. But since he talked about you, I don't want to take any risks. Don't move, John will come right away."
She could have told him that she knew very well why Bane had spoken about her, and that it was undoubtedly necessary for her to leave without delay, but fear held her back.
Even if it wasn't her fault, what would the commissioner think when he learned of her connection to the fugitive ? He was a good man, but all men had their limits, and she would be the first to be wary of someone designated as Bane's soulmate.
After hanging up, she jumped out of bed to grab her gun and shoes, ready to wait for Blake to arrive in her living room.
Y/N froze in the middle of the hallway, seeing the huge figure standing between her and the front door.
His face was covered by a scarf, his posture a little less proud than in the videos she had seen of him during his city hostage situation, he appeared to be in pain, but it was obvious that if she tried to pass, he would retain her without the slightest difficulty.
“Habibi.” he whispered, and indeed his voice was different without his mask, more human. "What a joy to see you again. More beautiful than I remember or on pictures. Will you come with us without resistance ? I don't want to hurt you."
"Hands in the air." she replied, pointing her gun at him, ignoring the urge to hug him. “Don’t move, my colleagues are coming.”
"I admire your sense of duty and honor, Habibi. But I will not return to prison, ever again. And I will not leave you either. I thought of you every day. Is your neck healed ? I need to repair my wrongs to you.”
“I said, put your hands in the air.”
“So you leave us no choice, Habibi.” he sighed, looking behind her.
We. He said we, and someone gave him her name. Y/N reacted too late, one man grabbing her gun, and the other not holding her shoulder, injecting something into her neck with a syringe.
In an instant, she found herself on the ground, her vision blurring, but her body not panicking, as it was invaded by an incredible sensation. Bane had reached out to hug her, his eyes smiling as he ran a hand over her cheek.
"It's okay. I'm taking you home, rafiq alruwh."
All her life, Y/N had waited for this moment, this feeling, this sentence. She told herself that the stories we said to children were really stupid, as her eyes closed.
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iamnotoriginalphil · 2 years
Please (Alex Blake x f!Reader)
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Synopsis: Alex hears something you didn't think she would, and decides to confront you
Words: 3k
Warnings: 18+, smut, praise kink, swearing, begging, dom!Alex
Alex Blake was the bane of your existence. Ever since she’d join the BAU you’d been doing your best to keep it inside, to not show her how much you despised her, to not snap at her. You weren’t always successful at that.
She was infuriating. Nothing but smart and capable and so stupidly organised it set your teeth on edge. The perfect agent. And often the one partnered up with you since you were the one missing your partner.
You missed Emily.
Sometime it was like a physical ache, the way the hole she left behind was there. Alex was trying to fit in to it. Forcing herself into the hole. Making everyone forget Emily. Trying to win you over when she was nothing but her replacement.
She would never be Emily.
None of which explained the way your dreams seemed to turn that anger into something else. Still passionate, still fiery, but instead of shouted words it was nothing but screaming her name. So often you woke up able to taste her on your tongue, gasping her name as she drew you closer to becoming undone. It made it hard to look at her those days.
And if sometimes your hand wandered when you were alone at night to the images your brain conjured up, then that was something between you and God.
But now, on a case out in California, you were discovering a new level of hell to Alex Blake. Sharing a room with her was going to kill you. Her side of the room looked as if no one was living there, neat and tidy, and so perfect it set your teeth on edge. In comparison your side was a mess of files and clothes and your bed unmade.
“You’re humming,” she said, into what you considered to be silence.
“Am not,” you replied, not bothering to look up from the file you were reading. Something about it was niggling the back of your brain.
“I can hear you,” she said.
“Then your ears are wrong,” she said.
“There is nothing wrong with my ears,” she said, “I happen to have excellent hearing.”
“Sure, whatever,” you said. You weren’t going to be goaded into the argument she seemed intent on having.
“Do you think I have hearing issues?” she asked.
“Look, can we not do this tonight? Please?” you requested, chancing a glance in her direction.
“Of course,” she replied. You sighed, looking back to the file, “although you started it.”
You weren’t aware of slamming the file close and turning to glare at her. There was that infuriating curl of the lips, just subtle enough for people to miss but it always made you feel as if she was laughing at you. Or taunting you. One or the other.
“For one night could you not be your insufferable self?” you demanded.
“Interesting choice of word there. Insufferable. Do I make you feel as if you’re suffering?” she asked.
“Pretentious fucker,” you grumbled, turning back to your file.
“If you have that much of a problem with me, why did you agree to share a room with me?” she asked.
“I don’t have a problem with you,” you replied.
“Clearly you do,” she said.
“Alright fine. Yes. I have a problem with you. I can’t stand you. I wish you had never joined our team,” you spat, “happy now?”
“If you hate me so much, why do you moan my name in the shower?” she responded.
“I- what?” Panic began to rise in your chest.
“I have excellent hearing, remember.” That frustrating smirk was back in place.
“I don’t moan your name in the shower,” you replied, “and if I did, it’s probably in anger.”
“’Oh god yes Alex just like that. Fuck. Please Alex’,” she quoted at you.
“I never said that,” you replied, but the words sounded horrifyingly familiar.
“You thought I wasn’t in the room last night when you had your shower,” she replied, “but I came back for a file. You weren’t being quiet.”
“No- I…” Your cheeks were on fire.
“It’s rather flattering.” You watched her legs swing off the bed, standing tall, hips practically swinging as she sauntered over to your bed. You scrabbled back, not wanting her to be anywhere near you.
“You’re delusional,” you spat out.
“It makes me think it’s not the first time you’ve done it, either,” she said, “what were you imagining me doing to you?”
“We’re not doing this,” you said, practically falling off the other side of the bed.
“I think we are,” she said, “you don’t get to be antagonistic towards me in public and then touch yourself to the thoughts of me fucking you in private.”
“So now you’re some kind of pervert?” you demanded.
“No, if I was some kind of pervert I would have come into the bathroom and watched you without you knowing,” she said, “instead I thought I’d do the adult thing and ask you about it.”
“And not the reasonable thing like ignoring it?” you asked.
“Not if I want to hear you moaning my name again,” she said.
“You- what?” Nothing about your evening was going the way you expected it to.
“Well, I rather liked the sound of it,” she said, “and I’ve been wondering exactly what you were imagining me doing to make that sound.”
“Are you asking to have sex with me?” you asked.
“If that’s what you were imagining,” she replied.
“We’re not doing this,” you said, shaking your head, “I hate you.”
“Your body language has always said otherwise,” she said.
“Fucking profilers,” you hissed, “I can’t do this.”
“I’ve thought about it.” That damned smirk again.
“I’ve thought about exactly how I’d fuck you. Especially after you’d been so argumentative with me. How I’d bend you over a desk and make you beg. How I’d prove how much you want me. How I’d teach you a lesson.” You couldn’t even look at her, the words making your cheeks flame. “Would you like that?”
You hadn’t noticed her rounding the bed, looking at anything but her. With soft fingers, she guided your face towards her, eyes seeking you out.
“I bet you would.”
You grasped her face, pulling her in for a searing kiss. Her hands settled on your hips, pushing you back until you landed back on your bed, bouncing for a moment. She took a slow step, maintaining eye contact, not letting you look away as rejection curled in your chest. Another step, hands on your knees, pushing them apart as she lent down towards you.
“Oh no, sweet girl, you’re not running this show any more,” she whispered, “I am.”
She kissed you all tongue and teeth and you were reminded of every dream and fantasy you’d had of her. You moaned, reaching towards her. She caught your hands, pinning them down to the bed.
“You’ll keep those there or we stop right now and I won’t start again until you’re standing on my doorstep begging me to fuck you,” she said.
You wanted to fight against her, to touch her, to show her she wasn’t in charge but you could see in her eyes how serious she was. Part of you still wanted to move, just to throw it back in her face that she couldn’t control you, but that would be cutting your nose off to spite your face. You kept your hands in place when she drew hers back.
“Good girl,” she said and you hated the way it sent an instant throb between your legs.
She kissed you again, taking her time to explore your mouth. You whined and you felt the way she smiled, clearly enjoying having you already so needy underneath her. It was a fight to keep from touching her, wanting her to fuck you more than to test her.
With practiced hands, she pulled your shirt over your head, drawing back to look at you. You squirmed under the heat of her gaze. Her fingers trailed over the curve of your breast and you arched up, wanting more. Taking pity on you, she cupped your breast, palming it, making you need to take a shuddering breath.
“So pretty,” she murmured, “can’t wait to see all of you.”
You made a small keening noise in the back of your throat as her thumb found your nipple. She smiled, clearly proud of her accomplishment. Her hand disappeared and you pouted until you felt her unhooking your bra, flinging it aside. Feeling her touch on your bare skin was worth it.
Your head fell back as her lips wrapped around a hardened bud. Your fingers clutched at the sheets beneath you, wishing it was her hair. Heat was coursing through your veins, and her body kept you from being able to press your thighs together as you searched for more friction. She sucked, and you couldn’t stop the moan from falling from your lips.
You were a panting mess by the time she drew back, having given attention to both breasts, long enough to make you ready to beg for more. You pressed your lips together to keep from doing just that, still not wanting to give her the satisfaction.
“How’s that, sweet girl?” she asked, “you’re being so good for me. Don’t want to argue with me?”
“Fuck you, Blake,” you panted.
“Someone’s getting fucked tonight, but it won’t be me, sweetheart,” she replied, that infuriating half smile firmly in place.
“We gonna do that later?” you asked.
“I have so many plans for you,” she said, “but that relies on you continuing to be good, doesn’t it?”
You scoffed but her hand was back on your skin and it was making it hard to think. She was watching you, fingers pinching at your nipple, clearly pleased when a curse fell from your lips. You hated how good she was making you feel. You hated how much she was enjoying you being in this position. You hated how much you wanted her.
“Yes,” you finally hissed, if only to have her touching you more.
“Correct answer.”
Her fingers hooked around the waistband of your jeans, not bothering to undo the button or the zip. She pulled them down your legs, kneeling in front of you. She looked up, her tongue dragging along her bottom lip. Your breath caught from how hot you found the view.
Her lips kissed a hot trail up your thigh, grazing over your panty covered core and down the other thigh to your knee. She sat back on her heels.
“Fuck Blake, just fuck me already,” you ground out.
“Patience is a virtue,” she replied.
Her finger brushed across the top of your underwear, taking her time to watch you squirm. You had to bite back your desire to let your anger out again. She was teasing you, probably hoping you’d beg. You weren’t about to do that.
“I’m going to take my time with you, sweet girl,” she said, “really make sure the lesson has stuck.”
She dragged your underwear from your body, cool air hitting heat. Her fingertips were drawing patterns into the skin of your legs as her eyes took their time drinking you in.
“Lie back, sweetheart,” she murmured, “this might take a while.”
Her tongue dragged through your folds and you let yourself fall back against the mattress. A kitten lick to your bundle of nerves had you biting down on your lower lip, not wanting her to know how close you already were. How desperate you were for her touch.
“Taste so good,” she hummed against your cunt, the vibrations only making you buck up against her mouth.
She hooked her hands around your thighs, pulling them even further apart, really putting you on display for her. You couldn’t care, not when she was right there and refusing to give you what you wanted. What you needed, rather. It was a need burning you up from the inside out and she could soothe you. She could put out the fire under your skin.
Her tongue was back on you and your hips snapped up, seeking out more. With strong hands she pushed them back to the mattress and you knew you were wrecked. You didn’t care about fighting her any longer, just chasing your high now.
Your breathing grew shaky as her tongue took its time, exploring you, tasting you, but not giving you enough. You felt breathless, out of control, and your desperation to touch her was mounting. Perhaps she knew. Her hands reached up, tugging on yours until your fingers were threading through your hair, grounding you to her more than to the mattress. The sweet relief was temporary, her tongue back to driving you insane. Your fingers tightened.
Her lips wrapped around your clit, giving a gentle suck, and you moaned her name, long and low into the otherwise silent room. Her chuckle sent a shockwave through your body. You wanted to rut against her but you knew then she’d stop. Just the thought of it had you on the brink of tears. You’d be her good girl until you’d gotten what you wanted.
“Fuck,” fell from your parted lips, “Alex, more. I need more.”
“You know what to say to get what you want, sweet girl,” she replied.
You struggled, knowing what she wanted to hear. You didn’t want to give in. Her finger ghosted over your clit and you had to bite back a frustrated sob. She was looking up at you, watching the struggle pass over your face. Slow circles, never quite touching where you wanted her. You glared at her but she wasn’t giving in. If you held out she would. You were certain she wouldn’t be able to hold out on touching you, not when she was right there.
“Fuck, alright fine,” you ground out after a few minutes passed, feeling like an eternity, “please Alex. Please fuck me.”
“Good girl,” she hummed, eyes lighting up when she saw exactly the effect those words had on you.
You buried your face in the mattress, not able to face her after that. Her finger pushed into you, palm grazing against your clit. You whined, fingers tightening on her hair again. Her lips fluttered along your hip bone before you felt her sucking on the soft skin of your inner thigh. Her finger was slow as it thrust into you and you knew you were about to continue your shame.
“Fuck Alex, please, more. I need-“ You choked on your own desperation, “I need more. Please.”
She added a second finger, her lips leaving your skin before settling between your thighs again. Her tongue was on your clit, her fingers thrusting, faster now. You couldn’t get enough, wanting her everywhere, needing her in a way you weren’t used to. No one else had known exactly how to play your body this way.
Her fingers curled within it and it was like another world had been opened up to you. Your eyes were squeezed shut, your own hand coming up to paw at your breast. She knocked it away, taking over for you as she made your body sing.
“Oh god, yes,” you groaned, “faster, Alex. Please. Faster.”
It was as if you’d found the magic word to make her do what you asked for. She was sucking, her fingers thrusting now at a steady pace, curling and twisting until you were sure you were about to come undone. Your legs began to shake.
“Just like that. Yes. Fuck. Oh god. Alex,” you groaned, your body no longer your own.
She was in control, complete control, and all you wanted was for her to be kind to you and let you come undone. A third finger was added, stretching you deliciously. Her name was like a prayer on your lips and the word please kept slipping out.
A sharp suck had you exploding, stars exploding behind your eyelids. You weren’t sure but you thought you might have screamed her name, pressing her face to your core. She eased you through it, fingers slowing until it was nothing but her tongue cleaning you up.
She sat back, looking up at you, your slick coating her chin. She rose, her fingers trailing over your sweaty skin until she was crawling onto the bed beside you. You felt boneless, following when she pulled you towards her body. You could taste yourself on her tongue and a fire reignited within you. Pressed against her, you realised she was still completely dressed. You pouted, playing with one of the buttons on her shirt. She shifted you until you were both lying back on the bed proper.
“You were so good for me, sweetheart,” she murmured, “you did such a good job.”
“Yeah well,” you replied, voice hoarse, “had to be, didn’t I?”
“You had a choice,” she said, that half smile firmly back in place.
“Not much of a choice,” you muttered.
Her hand stroked through your hair, undoing the tangles she found. Your eyes slipped closed, finding it surprisingly soothing. She pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
“Now, are you still going to be a brat at work?” she asked.
“Probably,” you replied and her chuckle rumbled through her chest. With your ear pressed to her breast bone, you could feel it. It was a good feeling.
“I suppose the lesson hasn’t quite sunk in then,” she said.
You snorted but didn’t argue.
“All that means is we’ll have to try again,” she said and that had you pressing your legs together again, “tomorrow night.”
“Not now?” you asked, hating how hopeful you sounded.
“Oh no, sweet girl, you’re going to think about the lesson I’m trying to teach you and if you haven’t learned, tomorrow I’ll be working harder to make sure it sticks,” she said.
And she might have been the bane of your existence, but Alex Blake was also the person who ignited your fire. And if that meant you had to push all of her buttons tomorrow, then so be it. You were sure you’d enjoy the outcome.
Tag List: @trippol-threat
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sl-newsie · 1 month
Behind Masks (Dr. Jonathon Crane x OC) Ch. 21: Court's In Session
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Previous: https://www.tumblr.com/sl-newsie/744620213809594368/behind-masks-dr-jonathon-crane-x-oc-masterlist?source=share
The loud noise startles me and I nearly fall off the ledge I’m sitting on. A strong rumble shakes the ground and in the distance I hear a choir of screams. What the Hell was that?
“It’s done!”
In the alley below someone sprints over to whisper to a man standing behind a dumpster.
“All the cops are buried!”
Are they serious? Gordon actually went through with that malarkey? I thought the news was joking. But no, they’ve corralled the entire police force into Gotham’s tunnels and now they’re stuck. Hm. I wonder what comes next? Any idiot can figure that out.
I slip off the ledge and down into the streets, making a beeline for Selina’s place. Please be home please be home-!
Knock knock.
“Keith, if that’s you I’ll break your other wrist,” Catwoman drawls from behind the door.
“Sadly I’m not him. It’s Calico.”
The door pulls open and Selina tugs me in before she slams it shut. Is it just me or is she packing? What’s the suitcase for?
“You’re leaving before it’s complete anarchy,” I put together. “This was the storm, wasn’t it?”
“Yes and I don’t have time for questions,” Selina speaks quickly. “You can have my apartment. Use whatever you want. I’m leaving. Sorry but I only have one ticket.”
The old me would be sad and appalled that she’s practically abandoning us in this mess. But the new me is surprisingly cool about this upcoming fate. 
“The Reaper thrives in chaos.”
And so chaos arrives. It’s been a week since that explosion buried the cops. Turns out that wasn’t the only explosion. Several others destroyed all but one bridge to prevent us from leaving. Queensboro Bridge is the only one left to provide supplies and act as a false beacon of escape. Word is that an armed nuclear bomb is hidden within the city, ready to detonate if one of us tries to leave. Tanks patrol the streets to ‘upkeep order’ but it’s really just the League abusing their power over Gotham’s citizens. Oh, the citizens. Selina was right. Utter chaos. The poor are rich, the rich are poor. A fight against equality has broken out.
Only a few leftovers of law enforcement are still trying to help. Every few days I see Blake, Gordon, and a few others trying to maintain peace. I want to join them but it’s out of my hands. They’ll only see me as a hooded villain adding fuel to the fire.
Speaking of fire, another fun tidbit of information came my way yesterday. Turns out the League wasn’t the cause of my apartment’s destruction. It was Harley Quinn. Before Bane’s robbery she broke in and trashed it. Don’t ask me why. I’ve been unable to track down the lunatic and interrogate her.
If any other villains remain in Gotham they’ve kept low. Honestly this must seem like candyland for some of them. No cops? That’s every villain’s dream. And, as usual, the only itching question is what’s become of my favorite doctor…
General POV
Dr. Crane didn’t know what to make of the mess when it unfolded. Does he flee? Does he stay and prey on the rising fear? That is a reasonable perk.
Now, hidden in the Gotham library with Nigma, the fear doctor is starting to reconsider. Spreading fear is one thing but when you’re fighting tooth-and-nail for a roll of toilet paper then it gets less intriguing. And, as usual, the itching question is what’s happened to the lovely Dr. Prentiss- Um, favorite test subject.
“New riddle! The more there is, the less you see. What am I?”
Crane hardly hears the Riddler’s question. He’s too busy staring out the window half-hoping to see a hooded figure pass by.
“Answer: Darkness, which is what we’ll be in if you don’t get more batteries,” Nigma scolds and holds up a flashlight. When Crane still doesn’t respond he rolls his eyes. “Calico isn’t here.”
“Huh?” Crane looks over.
The Riddler cackles. “You can’t let her go, can you?”
Dr. Crane resumes his stern expression and looks away. “If she's still here she’s acting on her own accord. I’m not keeping her here.” A few seconds go by and he thinks out loud: “How can someone so stunning be so aggravating?”
Riddler, contrasting to Ivy, has never seen a reason why these two can’t be together. They’re both intellectual and attractive. Yes Callie’s a coldblooded killer and Crane is, well, Crane. But all the more reason why they might need each other to bring a sense of sanity to their lives. A complex social riddle if Nigma ever saw one.
“You miss her. Don’t you?”
Dr. Crane dismisses himself to end the conversation, but not before Nigma overhears him mutter: “Somehow she makes up a part of me I didn’t even know I was missing.”
That’s the trigger. If the apocalypse is going to transpire then at least it should tie up some very needed loose ends.
“Dr. Crane?”
A new voice from the doorway shocks the villains. Riddler pulls out a gun and Crane prepares to throw a toxin bomb. A brutish man in a bulletproof vest steps in with his hands in the air.
“No threats, gentlemen. Dr. Crane, we’ve got quite the offer for you.”
“Oh really?” The doctor asks apprehensively, still poised to strike.
“I promise it will be well worth your talent.”
Calico’s POV
Gotta say, outsmarting the League’s goons is fun! All day I’ve been swiping food and equipment from under their noses and they have no clue! I give the supplies to the citizens, a gesture that I hope will make up for a fraction of my sins. And right now I’m watching the sunset across the frozen bay on top of what’s left of the bank. If it weren’t for the tank driving by this would be a touching moment.
A new siren wails through the city. Ugh. I shouldn’t investigate. But I have nothing else to do at the moment. I slide down to the icy pavement and walk towards the courthouse. What- What the Hell is going on?
“Come witness our law!”
People are yelling all down the street. Curious. I try to get a better look but the crowd is making it impossible. I slip on my hood and sneak behind a distracted lady.
“What’s going on?”  I ask her.
“Oh! Bane’s establishing a people’s court!” she answers happily.
People’s court? Run by these people? We mine as well elect Arkham patients for government too. Bang up job, League of Shadows. You’re going to have a human zoo in a concrete cage.
“...Judge Crane is sentencing.”
My head jerks up. “Did you say Crane? As in Dr. Crane?”
The man speaking shakes his head. “It’s Judge Crane now. He’s been chosen to sentence the guilty.”
I have to see this.
After fighting my way through I finally reach the large doors. It’s even more crowded inside. Lord, how many trials are they running? I mean there’s plenty of charges to deal with but this is overdoing it. I turn the corner and- Oh my.
“I leave for a few weeks and you turn into a judicial puppet,” I taunt. “Had me worried for a second.”
There, right in front of me, stands Dr. Crane wearing a judge’s robe. How the tables have turned.
He flinches at my voice and whips his head around. My eyes look up to meet his familiar crystal blue ones. He’s just as astonished to see me.
“How are you still here?” 
“I’m stuck here the same as everyone else, Dr. Crane. Talk about a dead end. Though not literally of course, because I am still breathing.”
He looks… good? As far as it goes in today’s world, I mean. His suit is tattered and stained but he makes it work. His unkempt hair looks decent. As for his face there’s no mistaking the stubble that’s starting to grow. Despite this Dr. Crane still manages to pull off making rugged look sexy.
“How have Bane’s plans been treating you?”
Crane’s jaw tightens. “Most poorly. And you?”
I shrug and remove my mask to get a better look at him. “Any day I can breathe is a gift. Discovered any new fears?”
He steps closer, shaking his head. “All ordinary. Any new methods of death?”
“Aside from those who already offed themselves with a gun? No. I’m not killing anymore.”
“Really?” He asks, intrigued.
“There’s enough despair spreading without me helping,” I mutter. “I thought you’d be the one gaining something from it.”
Crane chuckles at my small joke. “I think the fear of death is most popular.”
In the background we hear a guard groan. “If this is how you guys flirt then I never want to see it again.”
Oh thank God he’s walking away. Jeez. I thought Harley was the romantic! From the way Dr. Crane cringes I can tell he’s fazed too. Hm. I go from all-out fearing love to gagging at it like a child.
Crane changes the subject. “So you’re retiring from being a vigilante?” 
I nod. “I’m through with that. It’s every man for himself now. Bane hasn’t figured out who I am and I’d like to keep it that way.”
Crane smirks. “What happened to helping others?”
“It got boring and pointless,” I drone darkly. “I do my good deed for the day and then I clock out. If you’d like to taunt me with my past failures then I’m afraid I must take a raincheck.”
As good as it is to know Dr. Crane’s alright, our shambles of a social relationship aren’t exactly set in stone. For all I know he’s planning to poison me again. And with all the disorder raging about that would not be the craziest way to die.
“Are you going back to Ms. Kyle’s?” Crane asks when I start to leave.
“It’s mine now. She left to get on a plane the second Bane took over.”
“Left? Without you?” 
I turn around to face him again. Do I detect a hint of concern? Jonathan knows I can survive perfectly fine on my own. Why the sudden interest?
“I don’t have anything waiting for me elsewhere,” I reply. “I got an offer for a job in Central City, but it didn’t seem right.”
“And now you’re stuck here,” he says, trying to look away but is still staring at me.
“Now I’m stuck here.” I gesture to his new ‘uniform.’ “What’s your pay here?”
He scoffs. “Gotham’s been plunged into complete anarchy. It’s practically the apocalypse, and you’re asking that?”
I tilt my head in consideration. “At least you’re not dead.”
Crane looks to the floor and busies himself with fiddling with a spray bottle of fear toxin. “That might be a better option.”
“Don’t talk like that,” I try to encourage him. “From what I hear you’ve got an important job, Judge Crane. That means you’re protected.”
Crane meets my eyes again. “It means I’m under constant surveillance,” he whispers.
Oh. I didn’t think of that. They must have been watching Crane to select him for this position. Does that mean I’m on a list too?
“I should leave while I still can,” I murmur as I discreetly look around for cameras.
“You should,” Crane agrees, still adjusting his sleeves. “It will be less stressful without you.”
Despite my efforts to ignore him my heart is still tugged by his cold words. “Gee. It’s nice to feel wanted. Goodbye-”
“Don’t go!” he blurts.
“Why?!” I fire back, feeling very confused.
His icy blue eyes flash a sudden mix of panic and despair. “I don’t know! Just- don’t go.”
“You can’t order me around!” I hiss.
“Crane! Is this bitch giving you trouble?”
Too late to keep things quiet. Now I have another guard staring me down!
“Hey! You got a name, tootz? If you ain’t one of us then you aren’t allowed here.” When I don’t flinch away he leans in closer with a malicious grin. “You don’t fear death.”
My eyes remain cold and unblinking. “Death is unavoidable. In a twisted place like Gotham, it’s bred constantly. Death would be a welcomed friend.”
Just then another guard with a beard walks over and touches my hood. “Ah, I recognize this! You’re the Raven?”
Seriously? “Reaper,” I grunt.
The guard waves it off. “Right, right. Well Reaper, we’ll let ya slide once you sit in for this next hearing.”
I’m pushed away towards the hallway. “That’s it?”
“That’s it,” the guy answers. “C’mon, move it along.”
Oh my God. This is far from a normal courtroom. A giant section for citizens is off to the left while a giant pile of furniture covered in trash and toilet paper stands at the end of the room. A single chair is placed in the center. Maybe it’s my twisted humor but it’s going to be hilarious to watch this play out.
“Coming through! Next client coming through!”
I slip over to stand near the back as somebody makes room for a slimy-looking rich guy. He’s shoved into the chair and waits for the procedure to begin. Across the giant room a familiar face appears on top of the makeshift judges bench. Dr. Crane is obviously enjoying this. As if his ego can't grow any bigger. Crane bangs a gavel to signal for silence.
“Take me to Bane! Where is Bane?” The client asks.
“There’s been no mistake, Mr. Striver. You are Phillip Striver, Executive Vice President of-” Crane takes another look at a document. “Daggett Industries? Who for years has been living off the blood and sweat of people less powerful than him.”
Did I hear that right? The rich are getting sentenced to what they deserve? This is exactly what I’ve been waiting for! Who knew it had to come to this for my dream to be granted?
“I, I am one of you-” Striver tries to convince Crane.
“Bane has no authority here. This is merely a sentencing hearing.”
Um, I’m not caught up with too much, but Bane is literally standing in the same room. Right over there. Wow Crane, you’ve got guts.
“Now, the choice is yours. Exile, or death?” Dr. Crane asks with bored glee.
The crowd erupts into roars of name-calling and Crane has to make them quiet down again. Striver isn’t looking so well.
“Sold!” Crane bangs the gavel and the crowd cheers. “To the old man in the cold sweat.”
Always the lover of fear. Striver is pulled out of the chair and pushed through the crowd once more. After all this I might have to tip my hat to Crane for accepting such a role.
“New clients coming through!”
Who will it be now? Mr. Garold? Judith Lexington? It’s- Commissioner Gordon? And his small gang of rebels? Striver I understand but why them?
“Gordon’s arrested?” I ask a man next to me. “On what charges?”
“The people of Gotham have taken action,” he says.
“To do what? He’s trying to help us!”
“No lawyer. No witnesses. What sort of due process is this?” the gruff Commissioner demands.
“Your guilt has been determined. This is merely a sentencing hearing,” Crane explains nonchalantly. “Now what will it be: death, or… exile?”
This is how they execute? All because some people disagree with how bad things are? This isn’t anarchy and this isn’t a people’s court. It’s a dictatorship!
Gordon isn’t impressed either. “Crane, if you think that we’re going onto that ice willingly, you have another thing coming.”
Dr. Crane nods in a sarcastic way. “Death, then.”
“Looks that way,” Gordon clarifies.
What? No! Not Gordon! He’s one of the only good cops left!
“Very well. Death!” Crane orders, then smiles blankly down at him. “By exile.”
Son of a bitch.
The group is led out just like Striver. All I can do is restrain from jumping in. I’m no match for all the brute muscle here. If I was going to intervene it would have to be an inside job. I should have known Crane would exercise loopholes. He’s probably had it out for Gordon ever since he was fired from Arkham. A compassionate city meets the special needs of its citizens. Gotham does nothing. At this point I wonder if there’s anything I can do at all to fix this mess.
“So this is how liberty dies,” I murmur as everyone around me leaves to watch Gordon’s guilt walk. “With thunderous applause.”
As much as I want to look up to Crane in his new role it still feels wrong. He is a high-authority figure, but a psycho figure nonetheless. The rioting crowd dies down and now only Crane and a few guards are left. He walks closer and the mere sight of him is making my heart fight my brain.
“Well? What did you think?” The devilish judge asks.
Bastard! Hero? Psycho! Genius? I don’t know anymore! 
Suddenly a brutish man in a hoodie stomps up and roughly taps Crane’s shoulder, giving me a stern glare. 
“Hey, miss. We need to talk about the next case.” He looks between Crane and I. “Alone. So can ya scram?”
My legs agree but my mind’s still spinning. What? We aren’t finished! 
Jonathan leans in quickly and whispers: “Meet me in the back alley.”
Oh dear.
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wonderswritings · 2 years
Starless Lovers {5}
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Summary: They fell from the sky. We roamed the earth. We were always meant to clash. 
Warnings: The 100 Themes, Angst, Death, Blood, Unrequited Feelings, Slow Burn, Possibly more to come
Pairings: Lexa x Sister!Reader, Bellamy Blake x Fem!Reader (eventual)
War has always been brewing. With twelve clans, each with different ideals, it was always going to happen. But tensions rise when they come, the people from the sky. We watched from a distance, learning. But then they attacked, and if there's one thing all the clans can agree on,
Blood must have blood.
Starless Lovers Masterlist | Tags
“This argument is useless. If they can’t breathe our air, then why not open the door and let them burn?”
You rubbed at your temples, closing your eyes, your headache growing as you listened to everyone raise their voices, yelling over one another.
“Let them burn! Let them burn!”
You opened your eyes when Clarke yelled, looking over at her.
“They have a containment system, multiple airlocks just like we had on the Ark. Our inside man can shut that down.”
“If he gets it done.”
She looked over at Quint, glaring at him.
“He’ll get it done.”
You grinned at Clarke, turning your attention to Lexa when she spoke.
“What if we just shut it down from the outside? You say the dam gives them power, take that away.”
Clarke sighed, shaking her head.
“The dam withstood a nuclear war Commander. I highly-”
Quint groaned, slamming his hands onto the table.
“All she offers is no.”
Quint looked over at you, lowering his head at the look you gave him, sighing.
“Apologies, Riheda.”
Quint shook his head, looking between you and Lexa.
“But the biggest army we’ve had waits for us to give it a mission, the longer that takes, the more of our people die inside that mountain.”
“You’re not alone. It’s the same for all of us.”
Quint clenched his jaw, turning back towards Clarke.
“We’ve lost thousands, how many have you lost, girl?”
Quint turned, looking at everyone who sat at the table.
“They say they have a plan, I say waiting for one man to get inside is not a very good one.”
“I agree with Quint. We have an army, let’s use it.”
“We will, after Bellamy lowers their defenses, and turns off the acid fog. I don’t care how many men you have. If you can’t get to your enemy, you can’t win.”
Quint turned back towards Clarke, scoffing.
“You are the enemy.”
Clarke huffed, shaking her head.
“I’m sorry, have I done something to offend you?”
“Yes. You burned my brother alive in a ring of fire.”
Clarke glared at him, shrugging slightly.
“He shouldn’t have attacked our ship.”
You smirked slightly, watching as Quint stepped towards Clarke, glaring down at her.
“You’re very brave under the protection of our commanders.”
“Pleni!” (enough)
Quint turned towards you and Lexa, shaking his head as he looked over at Lexa.
“Ai nou na hon hukop in kom disha kru.” (I can’t be in an alliance with these people)
You leaned forward, looking over at Clarke.
“Quint’s right. Waiting for Bellamy isn’t a plan, it’s a prayer.”
Lexa nodded, looking over at Clarke.
“One that’s not likely to be answered.”
Clarke sighed, shaking her head.
“Excuse me, I need some air.”
Clarke and her guard walked out of the room, the other delegates leaving not long after, leaving you and Lexa alone in the room.
“What do you think about all of this?”
You sighed, leaning back in your seat.
“I think, the delegates are all children and are the bane of my existence.”
Lexa grinned, shaking her head.
You grinned, shrugging as you looked over at her.
“It’s true. All they do is yell and complain. Complain and yell. It’s tiring.”
You sighed, rubbing your temples.
“And headache inducing.”
“It is. But it’s something we have to do.”
You glanced at her, huffing.
“I’m aware.”
“Now tell me, what do you think about all of this?”
“Heda, Riheda.”
You both turned as two of your guards walked in, bowing their heads to you both.
“Quint is gone. We can’t find him.”
You huffed, shaking your head as you stood.
“Where are you going?”
You looked over at Lexa, shrugging slightly.
“To find Quint. Or Clarke. Whoever I find first.”
She nodded, standing and walking towards you.
“Then I’m coming with.”
You shook your head, shooting her a look.
“No, you’re not. It’s not safe out there.”
“It’s not safe for you then, either.”
“Auxis will come with me.”
You turned, looking over at Lexa’s guard.
“Keep her in the village. The Commander does not leave, understood?”
“Yes, Riheda.”
You turned back towards Lexa, shaking your head.
“No. Me and Auxis will find Quint and Clarke and you will stay here.”
She sighed, nodding slightly.
“Fine. But be careful.”
You smiled, nodding.
You and Auxis had been walking for sometime when you heard a noise, causing you to stop as you looked over at Auxis.
“Did you hear that?”
Auxis nodded when there was a scream, causing you both to run.
“For my brother!”
You stopped at the top of the hill, seeing Quint on top of Clarke. Auxis threw his knife, hitting Quint’s hand, causing Quint to fall back.
“Jomp em op en yu jomp ai op.” (attack her and you attack me)
Clarke stood, her chest heaving as she made her way towards you, grabbing her gun on the way.
“Thank you.”
You nodded, slightly making a face.
“Where’s your guard?”
Clarke clenched her jaw, glaring down at Quint.
“He killed her.”
“Em ste spichen. Ai gonplei kamp raun em en nou moun.” (she lies. My fight is only with her)
“Yu gonplei ste odon.”
You turned towards Clarke, nodding.
"The kill is yours Clarke.”
She lifted her gun, aiming it at Quint. You watched her, noting the hesitation in her eyes when there was a loud roar, causing you to tense as Clarke lowered her gun, looking over at you.
“What is that?”
You reached behind you, unsheathing your sword as you rushed towards Quint, slicing the back of his leg.
Clarke and Auxis followed behind you as you ran, Clarke running up next to you.
“We need to hide! This way, I found something.”
You followed Clarke, helping her open the door, Auxis slamming it shut behind him. Your eyes widened as you looked around, seeing the bones that were scattered around, Clarke making a face.
“What is this place?”
“It’s her feeding ground.”
“Let’s go.”
You climbed up the rock next to Clarke, the two of you looking for a way out. You turned when you heard a crashing sound, stopping when you saw Pauna jump over the wall, roaring. Your eyes widened when she grabbed Auxis, slamming him into the wall.
Clarke lifted her gun, pulling the trigger. You shook your head, turning your attention from where Auxis laid to Pauna, watching as she fell over, causing you to breathe a sigh of relief. Your eyes widened when Pauna jumped back up, swiping her arm at you both. You turned, pushing Clarke to the ground. You both scrambled to get up, running to the edge of the feeding grounds, Clarke jumping over the ledge. You stopped, your chest heaving as you turned, seeing Pauna running towards you. Taking a deep breath you jumped, landing on your leg, causing you to bite back a scream as you rolled into the wall. Clarke ran towards you, kneeling next to you.
“Leave me!”
She looked at you, shaking her head.
“No way!”
She grabbed your arm, throwing it over her shoulders, helping you limp to the door. She helped you into the room, letting you go and grabbing your sword from your back, sliding it through the latch on the door. She leaned against the wall, taking a deep breath before she walked towards you, helping you sit down before she nodded at you.
“Let me see your arm.”
You held your arm out, Clarke grabbing the knife at your side and cutting the sleeve of your shirt.
“You should’ve left me behind. Now two will die here instead of one.”
“I’m still new to your culture but when someone saves your life, my people say thank you.”
“I’m serious, Clarke. To lead well you must make hard choices.”
“Hard choices? You’re telling me that.”
“I’ve seen your strength, it’s true, but now you waver. You couldn’t kill Quint, you couldn’t leave me to die. That was weakness.” 
“I thought love was weakness.”
You grinned, watching as she wrapped the sleeve she’d cut around your arm.
“You’ve been talking to Lexa.”
“After the pyre burned, we spoke. She told me about Costia.”
Your eyes widened slightly, Clarke letting your arm go as she handed you back your knife, looking down at you.
“You wanna know why I saved you? Because I need you and your sister. God forbid one of your generals becomes commander. You may be heartless, but you and your sister are smart.”
“Don’t worry, Lexa’s spirit will choose much more wisely than that.”
She made a face, looking over at you.
“Her spirit?”
“When she dies, her spirit will find the next commander.”
“Reincarnation, that’s how you become commander.”
You nodded, slightly making a face as you looked over at her.
“How are your leaders chosen?”
Pauna chose that moment to bang against the door, Clarke’s eyes widening as she gasped.
“It found us.”
“Do not be afraid Clarke, death is not the end.”
“We are not dying here!”
“Get ready to fight, it’s coming in.”
“Maybe we let it in.”
You made a face as Clarke ran to the door, looking over at you.
“Come here!”
Clarke pulled your sword from the latch once you were next to her, the door slamming open as Pauna ran in.
Clarke grabbed your hand, the two of you running through the door, Clarke shutting it behind her before you both ran out of the feeding grounds and into the woods. 
“We should stop, rest.”
You nodded, looking over at Clarke.
“We can stop here. You should get some rest.”
“No I-”
“Clarke, it’s fine. I will keep watch.”
She sighed, nodding as she handed you back your sword. After building a small fire she laid down, watching as you sat down, leaning back against the trunk of the tree.
“Sleep Clarke.”
You watched her as she started to fall asleep, her breathing evening out. Once you were sure she was asleep you sighed, leaning your head back against the trunk of the tree.
“What a day it’s been.”
You kept watch for some time when there was a noise, causing Clarke to gasp as she jumped up, her eyes wide as she looked around.
“It’s okay. You’re safe.”
Clarke nodded slightly, looking over at you as she took a deep breath.
“How’s your arm?”
“We should go, that cage won’t hold forever.”
She started to put the fire out, moving to stand when you stopped her.
“Wait, I was wrong about you Clarke. Your heart shows no sign of weakness.”
She slightly made a face, muttering to herself.
“The cage won’t hold.”
She looked over at you, nodding slightly as she stood.
“I think I know how to take Mount Weather. We’ve been trying to get inside, but they’ve already let us in.”
You shook your head as you stood, looking over at her.
“What are you talking about?”
“Your army is already there, locked in cages. We just need someone on the inside to let them out.”
“Bellamy? You have faith in him.”
“I do.”
“I hope your faith is well placed. Because if he can’t get inside, we can’t win.”
“He will. This is gonna work.”
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Starless Lovers Tags:
Everything Tags:
The 100 Tags:
@kloy344 @lexajaye 
@dani5216 @kelseyd07 
@bxnnywatts @thebookisbtr 
Lexa Tags: @kloy344 
@wonielover @rafecameronswhore
Bellamy Blake Tags:
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 22 days
Superman versus Cancer
by Sonneveld From 2016 is Superman versus Cancer, a 68-page comic written and drawn by award-winning creator Stephen Sonneveld. Originally published as a portfolio piece on Tumblr, it was discovered by pop culture blogger Corey Blake and reviewed on Smash Pages. Blake wrote the comic is “a story that is emotionally resonant and affecting, even disarming,” and “a really satisfying take on these iconic heroes.” Aspects of the work have since appeared in other media. Our greatest hero confronts our greatest threat! Superman's attempts to save the world from Mxyzptlk, and preserve human and alien life, backfires when a doctor friend becomes exposed to radiation during the melee. The doctor urges Superman to use his X-Ray vision to burn the cancer out of her body. He reluctantly agrees, then begins an earnest quest to find a cure that has him crossing paths with Batman, Wonder Woman, Lois Lane, Bane, Luthor and other surprises from across the DC Universe. Will Superman save the day? YES! You must never give up hope! Words: 26, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Superman (Comics), Justice League - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Wonder Woman (Comics), Super Friends (DCU Cartoons) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman - Character, Lex Luthor, Captain Marvel, Gleek - Character Additional Tags: Cancer, Cure for Cancer via https://ift.tt/GosphYm
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johnnyutah · 2 months
nobody was coping as hard as inception fans back in the day. ‘bane x blake’ what the fuck is that
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Brackets for round 2!
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Round 2 bracket A starts tomorrow, bracket B a week later!
Please disregard the formatting above, the site doesn't allow a bracket with no preliminaries if there are 18 options in a bracket.
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The options in red are on the same level as the others, this round will have 9 polls for each bracket (so 18 in total). Instead of preliminaries in this round, I decided to do double-elimination polls for round 3.
List of all couples/ships below, although not in order they're in the bracket:
Couples/ships that got 1 or 2 submissions and survived past round 1:
Sister Beatrice x Ava Silva (Warrior Nun) - canon, 2 submissions Suletta Mercury x Miorine Rembran (Gundam: the witch from Mercury) - canon, 1 submission Ruby x Sapphire (Steven Universe) - canon, 2 submissions Anthy Himemiya x Utena Tenjou (Revolutionary Girl Utena) - canon, 1 submission Rose x Kanaya (Homestuck) - canon, 2 submissions Caitlyn Kiramman x Vi (Arcane) - canon, 2 submissions Beauregard x Yasha (Critical Role) - canon, 2 submissions Adora x Catra (She Ra and the princesses of power) - canon, 2 submissions Ballister Boldheart/Blackheart x Ambrosius Goldenloin (Nimona) - canon, 1 submission Cecil x Carlos (Welcome to Night Vale) - canon, 1 submission Hornet x Lace (Hollow Knight) - subtext, 1 submission Amaya x Janai (The Dragon Prince) - canon, 2 submissions Caleb Widogast x Essek Thelyss (Critical Role) - canon, 1 submission Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy (DC) - canon, 1 submission Blake Belladonna x Yang Xiao-Long (RWBY) - canon, 2 submissions Alec Hardison x Eliot Spencer x Parker (Leverage) - canon, 1 submission
The couples/ships that got 3+ submissions and enter the tournament in round 2:
Jack Harkness x Ianto Jones (Torchwood) - canon, 3 submissions Wei Wuxian x Lan Wangji (The Untamed/Mo Dao Zu Shi) - canon, 3 submissions Alec Lightwood x Magnus Bane (Shadowhunters/The Shadowhunter Chronicles series) - canon, 4 submissions Luz Noceda x Amity Blight (The Owl House) - canon, 3 submissions Vash x Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun) - subtext, 6 submissions Sergey Razumovsky x Oleg Volkov (Plague Doctor/Major Grom) - subtext, 3 submissions Nicolò 'Nicky' di Genova x Yusuf 'Joe' al-Kaysani (The Old Guard) - canon, 6 submissions Wu Zetian x Li Shimin x Gao Yizhi (Iron Widow) - canon, 3 submissions Gideon Nav x Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) - canon-ish/heavy subtext, 4 submissions Raine Whispers x Eda Clawthorne (The Owl House) - canon, 3 submissions Miles Edgeworth x Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney) - subtext, 3 submissions Wen Kexing x Zhou Zishu (Word of honor) - canon, 4 submissions Tan x Bun (Manner of death) - canon, 4 submissions Korra x Asami (The legend of Korra) - canon, 5 submissions Hunter Noceda x Willow Park (The Owl House) - canon, 4 submissions Sean x White (Not Me the series) - canon, 5 submissions Michiru Kaiou x Haruka Tenou (Sailor Moon) - canon, 4 submissions Neo x Miw x Shin (3 will be free) - canon, 5 submissions Kinn Theerapanyakul x Porsche Kittisawasd (Kinnporsche) - canon, 4 submissions Barry Bluejeans x Lup (Adventure Zone) - canon, 4 submissions
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mister-eames · 9 months
Hey beautiful human! What’s your favourite non inception pairing of jgl/th characters? And why?
Hello there!!! <3 I hope you're well and having a wonderful day!!!
Ahhh good question...! I have super soft spots for Forrest x Evelyn and Tommy Conlon (Warrior) x Adam (50/50) or Tommy Conlon x Jon (Don Jon) -- but I'll probably have to say Blake x Bane. Mostly because they really are in the same universe and because it sort of allows me to explore a different dynamic than what I would want to read out of Arthur x Eames - that very interesting moral dilemma and combat of goals/will. But A/E will always have my heart first and foremost! x Thank you so much for this question, what about you?
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nottodaygod · 6 months
i do wonder if one day i will get over bane/blake.
probably not.
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Two fics were written following a Theme of [Romantic Tragedy], and including the Tropes of [The 100 AU] and [Secret Lovers]!! Voting determined which author would be named our TROPED MADNESS CHAMPION! Two (2) heart-wrenching fics this round, but, unfortunately, only one author can survive to the end!
A huge congratulation to our Runner Up, our final author on the Chopping Block!! This author has wowed us all and blown through these rounds with style!! A Snowy Clurphy disaster fic to a fantastic Linctavia first pet fic (with DRAGONS!!), a super cute and cozy demon fic, and even bringing The Maze Runner into The 100!! We were thrilled to have you writing for us, and we hope you'll be back to write with us again soon!
We want to say a big thank you so much to all the authors who participated, we are so happy you decided to be a part of TROPED Madness 4.0, and we hope you’ll join us again for more events in the future!! Information about our future events (Timeloops anyone?) can be found here, at @troped-fanfic-challenge!!
The Author who has been Chopped is:
Always Been the End of the World
QR/R1 | Rated T | The 100 | John Murphy x Clarke Griffin | 5.9k
Summary: Clarke's day is turning out to be a disaster. If stubbing her toe and her shitty roommate, she also has to deal with John Murphy, the bane of her existence. Even though she loves working at this bakery his mere presence makes that harder with each day. But with a major order, for her childhood best friend's wedding no less, she can't let him distract her. Nothing he does is going to get under her skin today.
Unfortunately, it seems, Mother Nature has other plans.
Although, just maybe, her day doesn't end up being quite as much of a disaster as she thought.
These golden ashes (turn to dirt)
R2 | Rated T | The 100 | Lincoln kom Trikru x Octavia Blake | 5.9k
Summary: In the Kingdom of Arkadia to be born with Magic is a death sentence. For this reason, when Aurora Blake gives birth to a daughter of fire, she makes the choice to hide her away. But those that burn cannot be contained for long.
When Octavia has had enough, she runs to the forbidden Wood. It is here she meets her destiny. And, in doing so, makes her plan for something she has dreamed of most of her life.
Cauldrons and Crows and Chocolate Cake
R3 | Rated G | The 100 | Jasper Jordan x Maya Vie | 5.8k
Summary: Jasper Jordan is fully aware that, as far as demons go, he is not particularly good at being one. With no taste for violence or revenge, the closest he comes to doing anything most consider demonic is either accidental or a prank. Which is why, when Bellamy Blake tells him he has been summoned by a powerful witch to help her with something he nearly falls out of his seat.
When he gets to her bookshop, however, he is pleasantly surprised by what she asks of him. And even more presently surprised by the company she keeps.
Baby you're just harder to see than most
R4 | Rated T | The Maze Runner | Thomas x Newt | 5.9k
Summary: 97 years ago the world ended. Not in a rain of fire as was foretold, but instead, in a rain of blood. As The Flare devoured Earth, so did WCKD rise.
Thomas has dedicated his life to The Mission - monitor Earth for signs of survivability, prepare the residents of the WCKD space station for re-entry, and ensure humanity's survival. It’s an important mission. It's one he can't do with any distractions.
Which is a problem when someone he's not supposed to love steps back into his life and turns everything he knows on its head.
A huge thanks and congratulations to our second place finalist!!!! The TROPED Madness Champion will be revealed in the next post!
All fics for Madness can be found here! Thanks for hanging out with us and happy writing! Don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled for info about Troped Timeloop, and a new Trope Exchange Event, coming soon!
xoxo - S&B
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