#blah blah ok I'm going to take care of the next steps on my sister's bridal gift and see if that helps
Y'all why did I wake up with the worst weekend anxiety that I've experienced in months
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carefreejules · 1 year
OK not to toot my own horn or anything based on what I just reblogged, but if this is true, which is skeptical since it's very much framed as an opinion piece, but if AI is following that trajectory of generating less and less interest, then I fucking knew it
I remember discussing this with my sisters, I was on the side of "I think this is just another example of people hyping up a shiny new thing but people are going to get bored of it eventually and move on to the next shiny new thing" especially since, when you consider how 'accessible' all these AI tools are, the output of stuff is going to be alarmingly overwhelming, meaning that people are going to be much more selective in what they're going to focus on. Sure, you can tell your ~fancy~ AI machine to output this beautifully rendered art piece by plugging in pretty words and prompts, which is really just an amalgamation of existing work created by genuine artists, but how are you going to sustain yourself by doing that when there's so many others who can do the exact thing? How long can you grab people's attention through soulless, thoughtless art? I think once that realization hits, then of course people are going to quickly lose interest, because it's not as lucrative as they thought it was going to be because surprise surprise, people don't just want to consume stuff that has no heart, and they're up against a bunch of other people who want to cash in on this trend. And perhaps there is some bias because I am an artist myself, but I can't imagine ever turning to these tools because I don't how anyone can find that process fulfilling.
I know that probably makes me sound like an optimist, and I'm aware that there's still a vast chunk of folks who don't respect artists, most of which are probably these same people who want to profit off of our hard work, but it does at least give me hope that the majority do care about artists, writers, musicians, etc because at the end of the day, we all start from somewhere, and you can't use other people's hard work as your stepping stone or shortcut.
Yes we live in a capitalist society, blah blah blah, but for the love of god, stop taking advantage of us for your own profit. We're not gatekeeping art, writing, music, etc, we just want you to respect our trade and integrity.
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