#bird looks directly at the camera 'would you *****ers kiss already'
queenburd · 1 year
goddammit im really tired but i just have the funniest ficlet in my head about the silly birds ending
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sapphicgarlic · 4 years
bubs , i bought a little bird house that i have to make myself and paint and can you imagine you harry and bubby doing this , in the back garden all dressed in pastel colours with bucket hats , harry helping her paint it and you taking polaroids of them and then hanging it in the backgarden and kissing her little cheeks 🥺
little bird box
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wrote this very quickly just so there is a little bit of peace in the middle of this caos. the imagine is of course mine, just put it here because i thought it would be a nice touch.
Laura was a very good toddler as you and Harry like to believe she is a happy one too. Even being on her terrible twos, she remains very bubbly and throwing smiles that made yours and your husband's heart melt, only a bit more fussier when she is needy for cuddles and kisses.
The only grand problem you two faced was in the nighttime. Unfortunately, Laura inherited your sleepless genes and was born a true night owl as well.  Harry found it very endearing how much alike his daughter as to her mummy, only having a good night asleep when with him. Your sleep was always a stressful topic until you met Harry, someone who didn't mind singing or talking until you fell asleep, totally relax by his voice and warm long arms wrapped around your frame. Harry wouldn't change it for a thing, he loved knowing he made both of his girls feel so safe and comfortable that they would fall asleep on him.
And that was your biggest problem when your little family started to self isolate. Tiring a kid out without taking them to a park or a interactive museum was an arduous job so you and Harry decided to try as many activities for her do to during the sun was out. You two ere lucking that you owned a house that had a spacious back garden that allowed playtime outside. As tempting that it was, binging movies were out of the window, acceptable during the day if it was raining.
Since you and Harry didn't want to leave the house if it wasn't a extremely necessity, your attic became your personal little shop to find more things that could be turned to outdoor activities for Laura. Her obsession with color made that extremely easier since there was a lot of things she could splash paint on. Even Harry´s old white t shirts were attacked by your daughters chubby fingers, and her next target was the forgotten wooden bird box.
Harry was truly happy that you found it honestly, wanting to at least have one white shirt that hadn't Laura´s small hands imprinted on after the quarantine was over.
Your husband took care of preparing the paints outside while you chopped an apple in little pieces, putting them on the vibrant green plastic bowl.
“There you so, darling.”  You say, placing the container in her lap, her eyes that were focused on the telly turns to you.
“Thanks, mummy.” She replies, looking around for her father as one of her hands grab a piece of fruit, immediately munching on it. “Daddy is woking?”
“He is done with work for today, bub. Daddy is outside preparing so we can paint.” As ´paint´comes out of your mouth, your daughter's eyes light up.
“Paint time!” Laura almost drops the bowl but your hands were already on it, thank gog for improving your reflect. “Can? Pwease?”
“Yes, you can bubby. We just have to turn o--” The little girl jumps out of the sofa running to the tv box and turning it off the television before running into the garden totally discarting the bowl of apples aside.
You glance to the opened glass door that led to the backyard to be sure that Laura hasn´t tripped on the way, however, her small figure was already in Harry's arms. That was a sight that you never get tired of watching or listening to, the mix giggles shared between the two was something angelic.
Before joining them, you decide to put the almost full bowl inside of the fridge since Laura´s attention was now on the variety of colors she could and would use. On your way back to your family, you notice your Polaroid on the shelf right next to a big frame filled with three blurry pictures from the day you give birth. Neither you or Harry had used it for a while, using the camera of your phones instead where you could film a little snippet and take a photo without having to run to the other room to get the machine. Without further thinking you grab it and walks directly to the garden, don´´ wanting to miss more of the painting that they probably already did.
You were wrong, the wooden bird box was still clear of any trace of paint, however Laura´s hands were already covered in red paint. Harry was the canvas instead, his right arm extended with the sleeve of his light blue shirt pulled while Laura´s fingers spread the paint on the back of his arms.
“Decided that she wanted to paint my tattoo while we waited for you.” Harry says without moving a inch knowing that he even thinks about greeting his wife properly, his daughter would start complaining.
“Understandable.” You approach him with a big smile on your face, placing a tender kiss on his lips. Harry couldn't be prettier if he wanted, the sun was starting to settle down making his skin glowy and his emerald eyes even more green, his curls flopping down his forehead since he couldn't care less about it in the presence of his child. Maybe he would even let the little bub paint it if she asked with her big doll eyes.
“Mummy, look!” Laura calls you to see her masterpiece. “T´was me!”“That's very pretty honey! You did this all by yourself?” The little girl nods excited by getting her mum´s approval. “Good job! And what about the bird box? You have to make it pretty or the birds won't come.”
You sit onto the grass and watch her have fun painting, at this point of time you don't even blink an eye when the paint goes to her arms. Harry goes in to help her, raising the little box so she could splash paint on the bottom, and you take advantage to grab the camera and snap a couple of pictures of them both.
And without you even noticing, three hours goes by. Maybe it was the hundreds of  pictures you took, maybe the little breaks to play tag or the general playful banter, but
the sun was almost totally gone and the bird box was dry on a blink of an eye.Harry already pierced a nail on the tree so all there was left to do was to hung it.
You pull Laura into your lap so she could see her Daddy hugging it up closely.
“What do you think baby?”  He asks, getting closer to her face.
“So just like my little princess then, huh?” Harry proceeds to fill her face with kisses, making her squeal and turn on your arms.
“Harry!” He immediately stops looking at you just like Laura does when she knows she is in trouble. “Have to get going inside, it's getting dark and we all need a good shower.”
“Oh, you are just jealous I'm not kissing you.” Harry grins which earns a scoff from you. “Saving them for night time or we will traumatize our daughter.”
“Can´t believe you just s--”
“Hush! That is for later, now is bath time.”
“Bawthe time!” Laura jumps on your lap once again.
Bath time it is.
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