#biracial hermione
torinighthawk · 2 years
Harry Potter Head-canons (1/?)
First off let me just say that I have always and will always adore the actors and actresses who portrayed all our favorite and not so favorite characters, and the crew and directors who brought Harry Potter to life. They made magic real and their contributions can never be understated.
This is not about them though. It’s hard to remember but the Harry Potter films were made in a time before the current push for more and more representation, that’s not an excuse, just the facts (with the one exception that will be brought up, obvs). And the same is true for the books, though that is a whole can of worms I do not feel like getting into in this very positive post.
Representation matters. When POC voices say they need representation, listen. When we change media to suit that need, it’s not a dig at what came before.
That being said, I dropped out of the fandom a few years ago, and after heavy reflection I’m back, but on my terms this time, no one else’s, canon or not.
My Hermione Granger is biracial (like me). Her father, Robert, is a strong Black father from a strong Black Family with deep ties to their heritage and culture, and a drive for excellence in all things done. Her mother, who’s name varies from fic to fic tbh, is biracial too. She grew up in a very different but still loving family from her husband, with a Black mom who immersed her in Black culture and an Irish father who taught her how to fight for what she wanted, no matter what others had to say about it. Hermione grew up in a secure and happy home with parents and grandparents who gave her culture and valued and fostered her intelligence, and made sure she had a stiff upper lip to make it through other people’s bs opinion of her. She might falter, but she never breaks. Also, she really has a thing for older guys (Ron is the only exception and a total fluke).
My Harry Potter has heavy Welsh and Desi roots from James’ side of the family. Unfortunately, thanks to Petunia and Vernon he is constantly put down for both of these things and grows up without the rich culture his father had been born into and hoped to pass on to his son. The amount of Desi blood Harry has depends on the fic. The big one I’m currently working on has his father’s, father’s mother being full Indian. James’ father was adopted but his maternal aunt was still a huge part of his life and worked hand in hand with his adoptive parents to give him a life filled with his mother’s culture, which he passed on to James. Oh and he’s bisexual, it’s just that Cedric was the only guy in school that he really lusted after and we all know how that ended up. He and Ginny (who is also bi) love to occasionally rate celebrities and random strangers both male and female, its kinda adorable.
My Lavender Brown is Black. My one true bone to pick with the movies, is the one I think we all in the know have, with Lavender being Black until she became a main love interest for Ron and then was recast to a white actress (maybe it was incidental, maybe it wasn’t, doesn’t matter my brain fixed it). Lavender had two loving Black parents (I’m done with the broken home stereotype for Black parents can you tell?). After her failure dating Ron she finally came out of the closet as a lesbian and started dating Parvati. In most of my fics, Lavender survives (usually as a werewolf) and Parvati sticks with her and the two live happily ever after.
My Ginny Weasley (as stated above) is bisexual. She and Luna definitely had a thing going throughout their school time together and Luna was really there for Ginny in the last year of the war with Harry and the gang gone and all the stress. My Ginny is also a non-binary demigirl [she/they], not a tomboy, who starts to really explore her gender after the war is out of the way. Harry is a super supportive boyfriend/husband and he helps her through her gender diaspora during their pregnancy with some their children (which never gets easier so they switch to surrogacy).
My Ron Weasley really has a thing for POC women, he is completely incurable (thank merlin). Whoever he ends up with (in my head its not always Hermione) they are 10 times out of 10 going to be POC in some way. And he really immerses himself in whatever culture he has to to ensure his children grow up in their mother’s culture, no matter what they come out looking like.
My Remus Lupin is/was pansexual and was in love with Sirius most of his life. Part of his guilt and reluctance with Tonks is because of Sirius. I have very strong feelings about his werewolf nature (and werewolf demonization in general), but I’ll leave that to another post. I do still have Sirius die in most fics, but I believe there are worlds where these two make it every time and get to have some freaking peace and quiet together.
My Sirius Black is aro-ace and has only ever thought about Remus as a partner in those categories. Because he is emotionally stunted, he has no idea how to handle it and needs help to get a relationship started.
My Ted Tonks is Black or at least mixed race, and the only thing the Black Family hate about him is that he is muggleborn. Wizards do not care about colorism they way we muggles do, nor do they really care about sexuality and gender (Pure-blood families only care that their children procreate with other untainted people), they legitimately couldn’t care less. Totally headcanon that this has always been a point in contention of why Pure-blood Families see themselves as morally superior to muggles while missing the point of the other serious societal problems they have.
My Nymphadora Tonks is as genderfluid as her metamorphic abilities and pansexual. She never really had to think to hard about it and was pretty much born out of the closet. It helps really spice up her love life, especially her relationship with Remus. She’s aware of the Sirius thing and tries to help Remus through his grief and doesn’t really push him even though she’s hopelessly in love with him.
My Severus Snape is somewhere on the aro-ace spectrum, he doesn’t think about it much. I do love letting him live to have an actually redemption arc where he finally breaks the cycle of abuse.
My Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan are gay and in love. It took Dean longer to get there but Seamus is stupidly happy when he does. The two go on to raise an adorable little family.
My Theodore Nott is demisexual and not evil. He got out from under his father’s influence to great risk to himself and later became an Auror. He and Harry are good friends. He has a massive crush on Harry. Also, he dated Daphne Greengrass and Blaise Zabini at some point in his life.
My Blaise Zabini is gay. Very gay. Need I say more?
My Mrs. Zabini isn’t a serial murderess, she was cursed to love again and again and for all those she married to die horrible deaths. She has tried to go celibate but part of the curse is that she cannot. Blaise and Theodore Nott go on a side quest at some point to help break her curse, probably.
My Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy are both bisexual and occasionally enjoy the company of others in their bed. They’ve both probably propositioned Snape at some point. Draco, thank merlin, never finds out about any of this and goes his whole life blissfully ignorant of his parents wild secret lives.
My Draco Malfoy is on the aro-ace spectrum and finds certain people aesthetically pleasing but very rarely has any romantic or sexual feelings for them. He does however, like a good number of people do, have a crush on Harry at various points in his life. He’s emotionally stunted though so he acts like a child about it.
There’s more but I’ll leave it at that. If you want more info about the big fic I’m currently working on let me know. I may never actually write more than one-shots inside the world I built for it so it will be nice to get some stuff out for people to see. As for Next Gen headcanons I reserve those on a fic by fic, world by world basis so if there is a separate post for them it would be fic specific and not set in complete stone. I love to use my Next Gen characters to suit my needs for storytelling.
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One of the reasons the Dursleys refused to associate with Lily and barely even know her husband and son's names is because she married a Black man and had a Black son.
And they're so ashamed of Harry when he comes to live with them not solely bc of the possibility that he has magical power but simply because he is Black and having a Black person in their household (not their family because they don't treat him like family) is a source of shame to them.
So they treat him like a servant and tell everyone he's a criminal whom they are attempting to reform out of the goodness of their own hearts. AND ALL THEIR NEIGHBORS BELIEVE THEM even tho Harry is the kindest, most generous, most polite child in the world!!! Everybody is soooo ready to think he's a bad egg, and it doesn't end at Hogwarts even tho everyone there has magical power too. The fickleness and disloyalty with which so many of Harry’s peers treat him when he is smeared by the press or puts a toe out of line at school!!
Dumbledore's thumb up his ass attitude toward the Dursley's abuse and grooming Harry to believe it's his duty to die for the cause HMMMMMMM!
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People just m e n t i o n i n g that Harry is Desi or brown in a fic makes me S o happy and stimmy please please please keep doing this artists and fic writers please.
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pilesofpillows · 9 months
I've been tagged by the lovely & wonderful @jbarneswilson
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs
There are sooooo many of these... this is gonna be fun 😅
An Angel Drowned - Namor/Okoye/Attuma OT3 nonsense
Like Real People Do - Attoye First Kiss Arranged Marriage AU
Stars Aglow - Pt. 3 of A Sea of Stars
Seas May Burn - Stars-verse spin off where I commit crimes and feel no shame
Sunbound - Attoye Kink Exploration
Unrighteous - Real World Infidelity AU because why not
Gather Our Ghosts - Featuring the heaviest angst I'll ever write aside from SMB
Glory - Attoye Gladiator AU
Carry Me Down - Canon Divergence, Hostage AU
Drown With Me - Dark Attuma, Homicide is a Summer Activity
If I Had A Boat - Okoye-centric, #burnthecape
Bigger Than Love - Another Arranged Marriage AU
Love Comes in Waves - Mission Gone Wrong Hurt/Comfort
Overjoyed - Primetime Pt. 2 (lol its been a long time coming)
Won't You Bring Me Whiskey - Old Western AU
Kiss with a Fist - Hate Sex dubcon, the dove is dead
LRPD Prequel - Because it's more necessary than you think
Oh and I have a Harry Potter fic too 🤣
Blood Never Lies - Pureblood Biracial Hermione
Send an ask if you want detail or anything like that 😂 I'll blab about anything. I do not have 18 people to tag 😭 we'll stick with the same homies I roll with all the time 😂
All Love, No Pressure tags: @theeblackmedusa @mamajankyy @tvreadsandsleep @xenokattz @umber-cinders @sharonrb
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senlinyu · 2 years
Hi Sen, long time lurker and appreciator of your work and commitment to it (especially keeping to a tight upload schedule). I’d like to congratulate you on how well you’ve developed your writing- obviously manacled was a delight to read, but LTDI shows how much more intentional and measured you are with your words- it’s superior to many published works in my opinion. I suppose as with most things, only perfect practice makes perfect, so I’m wondering how your process has differed writing LTDI?
You're so kind. Um, with Manacled a large part of the challenge of the story was the nonlinear structure, where it was a medias res structure mystery, and trying to tie the past and present together so that even though the atmosphere and characters were different in the past vs present, the storylines felt enmeshed with each other in both time periods, and then it was really important to me to really build Draco and Hermione's relationship from scratch because I wanted readers to see why they were in love, why they were willing to go so far and suffer so profoundly, I didn't want to just wave my hands like "obviously they love each other why else would they do such crazy things."
LTDI is really different because a lot of the challenges in writing it are more nuanced and tricky to pin down, its a lot of playing with linguistics and the implications within social interactions, and how experiences colour perception. It's not really difficult in a structural sense, or stylistically, it's pretty run of mill I'd say, so for me most of the challenges are trying to juggle a lot of different elements at the same time, trying to keep the plot and tension as tight as I can while interweaving all the different elements and not dropping the ball on any aspects. Writing teenagers has honestly been one of the hardest parts, trying to depict Draco and Hermione as two young people who are almost adults but not there yet and trying to write them reacting to things in a way that's age appropriate. The story is a bit weird on a personal level because like Draco I was raised in this ultra-restrictive, ultra-conservative environment and then started trying to find my way in my later teens, but on the other hand, I am biracial and so like Hermione, I was raised in this world where I was allegedly supposed to belong in while perpetually being treated like an outsider, so in a weird way it's like splitting myself teenage self into two people and then writing the story of how they fell in love while competing in a death tournament.
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sk1fanfiction · 1 year
is this too navel-gaze-y?
The Riddle/Voldemort deadname discourse caused me to think about what (if any) Doylist interpretation there is of taking on a new name in this case. I think it's more analogous to internalized racism leading a biracial person to pass as white.
(The Muggle-born thing is a clumsy metaphor, but there's something to be said about the amount of people who have headcanoned Hermione as black for years. Clearly there is some kind of connection here.)
Riddle picks a new name for his true self not because he feels he's always been Lord Voldemort deep down. He never had any reason to be ashamed of his birth name (and we are never given any indication of discomfort) until he came to Hogwarts and was Sorted into Slytherin and wound up living with blood purists (aka magical racists) to whom lineage is everything. He specifically develops a hatred for his 'filthy Muggle father's name' because he internalizes blood purist beliefs. Feeling massive amounts of self-hatred and shame for carrying a Muggle name and that being halfblood makes him inferior, he creates a persona that allows him to pass as pureblood.
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findroleplay · 1 year
♡︎ hello everyone! i’m in search of some roleplay partners, i usually don’t get any luck with posts like these but i’m running short on options. i love one on one roleplays, im also interested in probably making a group roleplay sometime with partners with the same interests. im twenty two, so I WILL NOT ROLEPLAY WITH MINORS! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED IF I SUSPECT YOURE LYING OR IF I FIND OUT YOUR AGE!!! there are plenty of minor roleplayers, go roleplay with one of them darling.
below is a little quick summary of things i’d be interested in. i have a more detailed overview document if anyone is interested in seeing that.
lιтeracy ↠︎ i roleplay in semi-literate, advanced literate and novella style depending on my roleplay partner. roleplays need to always be in third person, no first person or asterisks!
ғandoм ↠︎ harry potter, steven universe, walking dead, adventure time, twilight, percy jackson… many many more. either ask about one or i can send my complete card.
paιrιng ↠︎ if it is an original plot, i’d prefer to do mxm or fxf. the ONLY EXCEPTIONs is if the m muse is feminine & small whereas the f muse is masculine & taller. i also will do mxf in a fandom roleplay as long as i like the ship!
cнaracтerѕ ↠︎ i have many original muses but in fandom roleplaying i tend to change how they look based on their movie descriptions or how i view them. i will never use the movie actor… ever. characters i roleplay, based on my listed fandoms:
★︎ biracial!harry potter, black!hermione granger, fuckboy!sirius black, sadboy!remus lupin, goofyfool!james potter, handsome!blaise zabini. i have two muses for harrypotterbased roleplays as well: heavymetaltrans!sofiane (slytherin), clumsylesbian!shalom (hufflepuff).
★︎ i’ll play almost anyone in the other fandoms. i got tired and didn’t want to list all my headcanons about every character i play. just ask lol
тrιggerѕ ↠︎ i don’t have many but the one i do have is mental disorders. as someone with a mental disorder it is cringe as hell when someone plays a character with one and they explain everything wrong. don’t do it. just dont. i don’t care. no.
genreѕ ↠︎ fantasy, science fiction, coming of age and slice of life are all genres i hold dear to my heart. if it’s an original plot with one of these genres, i love love love it already.
ploт ιdeaѕ ↠︎ i have a few. but they’re type up on amino so i could link you some if you’re interested.
wнere тo ғιnd мe! ↠︎
@ discord: sweet ♡ tooth#2408
@ here on tumblr! ( responses will be slower but i still will response )
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probably-lucifer · 2 years
Tumblr media
He's so dumb and I love him, since it's been a minute I'm kinda curious about y'all's fuck JK Rowling headcanons? Mine is trans Ginny and Sirius ands everybody is queer and three only white people are the Weasley's (who are Irish) and technically the Malfoy's were (they were French) but Lucius's mom was Japanese, the Blacks are still Korean in my head cause of some image I saw years ago on Tumblr of them as K-pop idols and Sirius looked really cool, Potters are obviously Indian, the Evans are either Black or Latino depending on my mood, Hermione is biracial (black+white), Ron is dyslexic and bi, Harry has ADHD, Luna is not autistic she's part fae but the entire Weasley family is so they really mesh together because the Fae are creatures that would be autistic if they were human in my headcanons, there's more but this is a lot and I have a terrifyingly bad memory https://www.instagram.com/p/CpC2G5VuyVR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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♡︎ hello everyone! i’m in search of some roleplay partners, i usually don’t get any luck with posts like these but i’m running short on options. i love one on one roleplays, im also interested in probably making a group roleplay sometime with partners with the same interests. im twenty two, so I WILL NOT ROLEPLAY WITH MINORS! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED IF I SUSPECT YOURE LYING OR IF I FIND OUT YOUR AGE!!! there are plenty of minor roleplayers, go roleplay with one of them darling.
below is a little quick summary of things i’d be interested in. i have a more detailed overview document if anyone is interested in seeing that.
lιтeracy ↠︎ i roleplay in semi-literate, advanced literate and novella style depending on my roleplay partner. roleplays need to always be in third person, no first person or asterisks!
ғandoм ↠︎ harry potter, steven universe, walking dead, adventure time, twilight, percy jackson… many many more. either ask about one or i can send my complete card.
paιrιng ↠︎ if it is an original plot, i’d prefer to do mxm or fxf. the ONLY EXCEPTIONs is if the m muse is feminine & small whereas the f muse is masculine & taller. i also will do mxf in a fandom roleplay as long as i like the ship!
cнaracтerѕ ↠︎ i have many original muses but in fandom roleplaying i tend to change how they look based on their movie descriptions or how i view them. i will never use the movie actor… ever. characters i roleplay, based on my listed fandoms:
★︎ biracial!harry potter, black!hermione granger, fuckboy!sirius black, sadboy!remus lupin, goofyfool!james potter, handsome!blaise zabini. i have two muses for harrypotterbased roleplays as well: heavymetaltrans!sofiane (slytherin), clumsylesbian!shalom (hufflepuff).
★︎ i’ll play almost anyone in the other fandoms. i got tired and didn’t want to list all my headcanons about every character i play. just ask lol
тrιggerѕ ↠︎ i don’t have many but the one i do have is mental disorders. as someone with a mental disorder it is cringe as hell when someone plays a character with one and they explain everything wrong. don’t do it. just dont. i don’t care. no.
genreѕ ↠︎ fantasy, science fiction, coming of age and slice of life are all genres i hold dear to my heart. if it’s an original plot with one of these genres, i love love love it already.
ploт ιdeaѕ ↠︎ i have a few. but they’re type up on amino so i could link you some if you’re interested.
wнere тo ғιnd мe! ↠︎
@ discord: sweet ♡ tooth#2408
@ here on tumblr! ( responses will be slower but i still will response )
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roleplaystop · 1 year
♡︎ hello everyone! i’m in search of some roleplay partners, i usually don’t get any luck with posts like these but i’m running short on options. i love one on one roleplays, im also interested in probably making a group roleplay sometime with partners with the same interests. im twenty two, so I WILL NOT ROLEPLAY WITH MINORS! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED IF I SUSPECT YOURE LYING OR IF I FIND OUT YOUR AGE!!! there are plenty of minor roleplayers, go roleplay with one of them darling.
below is a little quick summary of things i’d be interested in. i have a more detailed overview document if anyone is interested in seeing that.
lιтeracy ↠︎ i roleplay in semi-literate, advanced literate and novella style depending on my roleplay partner. roleplays need to always be in third person, no first person or asterisks!
ғandoм ↠︎ harry potter, steven universe, walking dead, adventure time, twilight, percy jackson… many many more. either ask about one or i can send my complete card.
paιrιng ↠︎ if it is an original plot, i’d prefer to do mxm or fxf. the ONLY EXCEPTIONs is if the m muse is feminine & small whereas the f muse is masculine & taller. i also will do mxf in a fandom roleplay as long as i like the ship!
cнaracтerѕ ↠︎ i have many original muses but in fandom roleplaying i tend to change how they look based on their movie descriptions or how i view them. i will never use the movie actor… ever. characters i roleplay, based on my listed fandoms:
★︎ biracial!harry potter, black!hermione granger, fuckboy!sirius black, sadboy!remus lupin, goofyfool!james potter, handsome!blaise zabini. i have two muses for harrypotterbased roleplays as well: heavymetaltrans!sofiane (slytherin), clumsylesbian!shalom (hufflepuff).
★︎ i’ll play almost anyone in the other fandoms. i got tired and didn’t want to list all my headcanons about every character i play. just ask lol
тrιggerѕ ↠︎ i don’t have many but the one i do have is mental disorders. as someone with a mental disorder it is cringe as hell when someone plays a character with one and they explain everything wrong. don’t do it. just dont. i don’t care. no.
genreѕ ↠︎ fantasy, science fiction, coming of age and slice of life are all genres i hold dear to my heart. if it’s an original plot with one of these genres, i love love love it already.
ploт ιdeaѕ ↠︎ i have a few. but they’re type up on amino so i could link you some if you’re interested.
wнere тo ғιnd мe! ↠︎
@ discord: sweet ♡ tooth#2408
@ here on tumblr! ( responses will be slower but i still will response )
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dramioneasks · 1 year
Any fics that take place during the 50s/60s? I'm interested in how things can change. Like for example Hermione being biracial in 60s UK? For fics you have she doesn't have to be black as long as it takes place during the 60s.
This is the only one I can find:
For Those Who Come To San Francisco by Felgia_Starr, NuclearNik - M, one-shot - Hermione Granger is a gentle woman with plenty of flowers in her hair, wanting to change the world for the better. She hopes to find and befriend like-minded people. Draco Malfoy is a psychedelic artist who just wants to get away from his parents and see the beauty of the world for his own. He hopes to find peace and contentedness before he leaves for the war. What happens when they bump into each other one beautiful day in Haight-Ashbury, San Francisco during the summer of love?
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moonymode · 4 days
You know, it be preferable if certain Jily artists would bother to tag their art with poc/desi james potter tag. Cause not all of us consider that headcanon to be ‘canon’. The author is problematic and all, but that doesn’t mean race swapping existing white characters is any better/makes y’all superior. It works for Hermione because she’s a muggleborn and the added subtext of her being picked on by a racist, pureblood white prick like Draco and the garbage Malfoys. And this doesn’t fucking mean Jily=Dramione! Fuck no. If anything, James being the reverse of Draco, but similar in he too was a white, pure blood privileged boy raised and pampered but was actual taught to not be a complete dick to those who’s blood status isn’t pure. Changing his race to fit a certain headcanon is bs and makes Dursleys hypocritical and worse(but skin color logic, they should hate Kingsley too). And it’s always James & Harry. Never Sirius, Remus, or Lily(who has the most reason to be race swapped). So overall, this fandom is a joke
yeah i'm not gonna trigger tag for race because you think giving james potter brown skin is reverse racism, that's insane.
it's cowardly to vague jkr's flaws w/o delineating. be specific: she is virulently racist and antisemitic, and violently transmisogynistic. she displays this openly throughout the harry potter series, as well as contributes active, tangible harm with these ideologies in real life. you should be honest about that if you're going to champion the audacious take that her depiction of overwhelming whiteness in hp is so sacrosanct.
i think it would be constructive to examine why you think only muggleborn characters can be feasibly raceswapped. is whiteness so default in your mind that you can't personally justify the inclusion of racial diversity if it isn't predicated on "subtextual" marginalization? and in a series that frames its largest conflict around a system that murders people based on blood status, your best example of this "subtext" is draco "picking on" hermione? literal attempted genocide happens in the last book.
other things:
it's like you brought up dramione just to get really mad about it for no reason.
you should probably know that the dursleys are already abusive hypocrites. it's beyond strange that your only real discernible argument for why it's bad to race swap james is that it makes the dursleys "worse." they're already child abusers.
hi. did you just say "skin color logic"?
you found my blog that has at max maybe about 10 followers to complain to me about a piece of fanart that got maybe 30 notes, because you personally don't like that the white character authored by a racist white woman was not depicted as white in my art, something you think should matter to me.
your concession that lily is one of a personally selected few that are more logically viable to be race swapped would also allow harry to be biracial. how did you forget the dursleys so quickly? think of their suffering.
this fandom is a joke because you're in it.
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The Temporary Spouse
The Temporary Spouse https://ift.tt/b2hVPKm by ingloriousgigi (theimperialpurple) Harry Potter has had enough of the wizarding world’s pressure and expectations. When they come out as non-binary, the backlash from the wizarding world is fierce. Harry escapes to Los Angeles in order to begin their new life as Kendis Black. Just when Kendis is finally making progress towards living a normal life, they find themselves accidentally married to billionaire playboy philanthropist Tony Stark. At first, they both agree that a quick and speedy annulment is for the best, but the more time Kendis and Tony spend together, the more they can’t deny the chemistry between them. As they become closer, they must overcome many challenges along the way. Words: 1206, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of With This Ring Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Iron Man (Movies), Iron Man (Comics), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Fast & Furious (Movies), White Collar (TV 2009) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Happy Hogan, Pepper Potts, Obadiah Stane Relationships: Harry Potter/Tony Stark, Harry Potter/Steve Rogers, Pepper Potts/Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, M'Baku/T'Challa (Marvel), Carol Danvers/Maria Rambeau, Harry Potter/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Loki/Thor (Marvel) Additional Tags: transgender Harry Potter, Non-Binary Harry Potter, Accidental Marriage, Autistic Harry Potter, Tony Stark Has ADHD, Bisexual Harry Potter, Bisexual Tony Stark, Spite Fic, Writing for Trans Charity, Stalking, Harm to Animals, explicit violence, Mildly Dubious Consent, Motorcycles, Mechanics, Pseudo-Incest, Las Vegas Wedding, Las Vegas, Fix-It, Everyone Is Poly Because Avengers, Team as Family, Family Feels, Overpowered Harry Potter, Black Harry Potter, Biracial Harry Potter, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
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ao3feed-sambucky · 30 days
The Temporary Spouse
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/R08LmY9 by ingloriousgigi (theimperialpurple) Harry Potter has had enough of the wizarding world’s pressure and expectations. When they come out as non-binary, the backlash from the wizarding world is fierce. Harry escapes to New York in order to begin his fresh life as Kendis Black. Just when Kendis is finally making progress towards living a normal life, they find themselves accidentally married to billionaire playboy philanthropist Tony Stark. At first, they both agree that a quick and speedy annulment is for the best, but the more time Kendis and Tony spend together, the more they can’t deny the chemistry between them. As they become closer, they must overcome many challenges along the way. Words: 1206, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 1 of With This Ring Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Iron Man (Movies), Iron Man (Comics), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Fast & Furious (Movies), White Collar (TV 2009) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Seamus Finnigan, Dean Thomas, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Happy Hogan, Pepper Potts, Obadiah Stane Relationships: Harry Potter/Tony Stark, Harry Potter/Steve Rogers, Pepper Potts/Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton/Phil Coulson, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, M'Baku/T'Challa (Marvel), Carol Danvers/Maria Rambeau, Harry Potter/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Loki/Thor (Marvel) Additional Tags: transgender Harry Potter, Non-Binary Harry Potter, Accidental Marriage, Autistic Harry Potter, Tony Stark Has ADHD, Bisexual Harry Potter, Bisexual Tony Stark, Spite Fic, Writing for Trans Charity, Stalking, Harm to Animals, explicit violence, Mildly Dubious Consent, Motorcycles, Mechanics, Pseudo-Incest, Las Vegas Wedding, Las Vegas, Fix-It, Everyone Is Poly Because Avengers, Team as Family, Family Feels, Overpowered Harry Potter, Black Harry Potter, Biracial Harry Potter, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/R08LmY9
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whenitcounts33 · 3 years
storm within her
Hermione knows how it feels to be powerless, to be a victim and how it feels to be weak. She never fit in; not at home, not in her family, not in her neighborhood, not at school. Too smart and ready-to-learn and mature to fit in with kids at school, not enough like her parents for them to truly understand her, not black-or-white-enough for either side of her family. 
Hermione is four-years old and she comes home crying because she made a book fly up and smash into a boy’s face when he called her the n-word (”Mama, I didn’t mean to, I swear! It just happened.”). She doesn’t tell her parents that it felt good. That she felt powerful when she saw the ruby-red blood flow from his nose and down his chin. The rush of magic flows through her and she finds herself practicing in her room, making her books and toys fly around (her mom finds her doing this and screams that her daughter is not a freak! and that she is to never do it again. Hermione does it again). 
She is nine-years old when she first realizes the thrill of making people fear her. The first is a girl that always made fun of Hermione’s curly hair and dark skin and Hermione makes big, red, painful boils cover her round cheeks. The girl goes home screaming and crying and the adults don’t believe her when she cries that Hermione did this to her (Hermione’s mom can’t quite look her daughter in the eye after the incident, Hermione finds herself not caring). 
Hermione is eleven-years old and she is a witch and she is powerful and she has magic running through her veins. She gets her wand and finds out that she is not powerful, she is at the bottom of the totem-pole. She is a mudblood, lower than dirt, with bad blood and muggle parents and they do not want her there. 
Hermione learns every spell that she can, practices in her room in the dead of night, perfecting pronunciation and wand movements. She knows better than to actually use magic, but when she finally is able to? The purebloods will know better than to call her mudblood. 
She meets Ron Weasley and Harry Potter, the sixth-of-seven and the Boy Who Lived, and she feels strong because she knows more about spells than them. The sorting hat sits on her head and she can hear it’s voice inside her mind and it knows how Hermione strives for power, for acceptance. You will rise in power and throw the purebloods into chaos it muses and then calls out Slytherin! 
Hermione smiles and hops down from the stool and towards the Slytherins, power in her stance and defiance in the haughty tilt of her chin. 
Hermione Granger is eleven-years old and she is a snake and she will bring the Wizarding World to it’s knees. 
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herbione-granger · 4 years
biracial bisexual besties harry potter and hermione granger
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