#bike frame slider
auctmartfairings · 7 months
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A motorcycle frame slider is a protective component attached to the frame of a motorcycle. Its primary purpose is to minimize damage to the motorcycle in the event of a fall or slide. Frame sliders protrude from the sides of the motorcycle and are designed to absorb and distribute impact forces away from the frame, engine, and other critical components, thus reducing the risk of costly repairs and ensuring the rider's safety.
You can typically find motorcycle frame sliders in various motorcycle accessory stores, both online and offline. Many motorcycle manufacturers also offer frame sliders designed specifically for their models. Online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and RevZilla are popular places to buy motorcycle frame sliders, but they might be expensive to shop branded fairings.
As for Auctmarts, we are known as one of the best aftermarket fairings, bodywork, and custom replacement parts providers for motorcycles in Hong Kong. Our expertise lies in offering high-quality aftermarket parts for a wide range of motorcycle brands, ensuring customers can customize and repair their bikes according to their preferences and needs. Auctmarts' reputation for providing top-notch products and excellent customer service makes them a trusted destination for motorcycle enthusiasts looking to enhance or maintain their bikes.
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Logan x Reader pt.13
So my mate and I took my little brother out and he was like guys can we watch Deadpool/Wolverine so I watched it a fucking 3rd time
Upon my 3rd time watching I'm disappointed that Origins!Wade/Deadpool wasnt with the Deadpool core
And also I've realised how much dialogue I've like messed up 🤣🤣 thank y'all for sticking with me for chapters 1-3, if I ever post this on AO3 I'll have to spend years editing
This is like a part 1 of 2, the chapter was getting really long sorry
<<Part 12 Part 14>> Masterlist
The phone buzzed next to your head causing you to jolt upright.
You grumbled, eyes half open, patting the bed in hopes to stop the infernal noise.
It was your alarm, the one you had set to get up and go. Only you had set it when you didn't have to spend half the night rearranging your room.
“Morning sunshine.” Logan's voice made you turn. Where was he? He was normally right next t- right. He wasn't here. He was heading towards Nebraska.
“Logan?” You muttered, eyes barely blinking open.
“Hello baby.” He purred.
“Hi.” You smiled, God, his voice could just ease you back to sleep.
“It's pretty early for you to be up.” There was the tiniest echo to him.
“Where are you?” You pulled the phone closer, clearing the morning voice out of your throat.
“On route.” He revved the engine.
“Y-you're on your bike?” You squeaked. “Logan! That's dangerous!”
“It's fine, bub. You're on Bluetooth.”
“It's too early for me to even begin to learn what that is.”
He chuckled, the noise warning your chest. “You're fucking cute.”
“No, you're fucking cute.”
“Mm, wish I was.” He drawled, you could picture the smirk on his face.
Eventually you heaved yourself up and dragged your feet over to the drawers. Pulling out a suitable outfit. Some cycling shorts and a large shirt, no one would know it was Logan's but you.
You contemplated putting a bra on but you really couldn't be bothered with it, spending years in the Void with a broken one - snapped wires were a menace - you had grown accustomed to wearing what essentially was a sports bra so now as you looked at the padded cups they felt stuffy. The shirt was a thicker material - you think it was maybe loungewear? - it had long sleeves and a loose neckline where Logan had worn it.
Your hair was washed yesterday in preparation for today, wanting to look your best, so you didn't have to worry about looking scruffy. No, you looked comfortable.
You were put together well enough and when you looked in the bathroom mirror it was an outfit you would see other women wearing. Not that you cared. Maybe a little bit.
You stuffed your feet into some trainers, seriously debating sliders - you had thought socks and sandals were a big no no but the kids these days loved them - but decided on the trainers in case you needed to run. Preparing for some issue or display or anything.
You chucked your half full backpack over your shoulder, tossing a phone charger into it, and went to find the others.
As you opened the door Blade’s back was leaning against the frame.
“Fuck me!” You jumped, hand over heart. “Blade, you're actually going to kill me one day.”
He hummed. “Why has your bitch ass husband stolen my bike?”
“I did tell him not to.” You shut the door behind yourself.
“Mother fucker has a bike.” He tutted. “Ain't as pretty as mine.”
“Blade, I am sorry, I-” You shrugged, having no clue what to say. “He's an ass.”
“If he scratches it…”
“If he does, you have my permission to fight him.” Mock knighting him as you said 'permission'.
He laughed lowly. “We did fight once. Ended up on the same side. He gave me his coat.”
“Who were you fighting?”
“Some bloodsucker. Had an M name.”
Blade hadn't told you that. He hadn't mentioned he had once known a Wolverine. Not even when you had cried on his shoulder as Laura joined your party. You had mourned her, as well as the rest of your family, so seeing her alive and well really did mess with your psyche.
Laura's door opened to your left and she let out a surprised sound. “I was coming to see if you were awake.”
“Me and uncle Blade were just talking.”
“Anything interesting?” Her pupils fluttered between the two of you.
“A wolverine gave him a coat.” You repeated. “I didn't know he had met one.”
She crossed her arms. “Me neither.”
“I don't jabber like you.” He winked, a sly smile revealing his fangs.
You rolled your eyes and passed the man to knock at Gambit's door.
“Why are you up?” Laura asked Blade just in your earshot.
“Wanted to see you off.” He patted her shoulder. “Seeing less of you nowadays.”
She wormed her way into hugging him, not that he really resisted, and squeezed him. “It's strange being here.”
“I know.”
You wish you hadn't knocked at Gambit's door because the fucker opened it pulling your attention from them. “‘ey.” He nodded at you. “Who' ready for some drivin’?” Gambit ruffled your hair and shot passed you to the others. “Didn’ kno’ you'ere comin’.”
“I'm not.” Blade informed.
Gambit shrugged and tugged at Laura, “C’mon!”
You all trotted towards Logan's Jeep and climbed in. Your baby had the back row to herself and she had been clever enough to pack a small pillow in her bag.
Laura was wearing a Megadeth tee on top of a long sleeve with a pair of jeans. Gambit had opted for jeans as well but his seemed to be intentionally low waist. He'd paired it with a shirt that you're sure he had done a DIY crop job on.
All in all none of you looked like you were going to the same place but you looked good and you all felt comfy, all were able to decide what to wear. Not forced into the same outfit day in and day out. Laundry day in the Void was hilarious.
Everyone - bar Laura of course - had seen everyone else naked. You remember Magneto scoffing at yourself, Johnny and Gambit for sitting playing checkers in practically nothing, the odd sock and a ratty old shirt for modesty.
Y/N: setting off now x
You knew Logan would want to know so as Blade tapped the side of the car and Gambit pulled away from the curb you sent the text.
Your phone was sitting on your lap, Waze telling him where to go interrupting your playlist.
The Killers were your newest conquest. They were brilliant. You loved everything they performed, so dancy and fun!
Waze instructed you to get onto the highway you and Logan had had your hot steamy car sex and you had to fight the blush. If you were anywhere else people could've spotted you, well, they probably saw your car rocking… could you get a ticket for public indecency if they didn't have actual proof?
What if the car rocking was on camera?
“She's ‘sleep.” Gambit whispered next to you.
You turned back to see Laura spread out, sparko. “I hope she has fun at the Mansion.”
“Why wouldn' she?” He flicked the blinker on.
“I dunno, she hasn't been there.”
“Neither, chere.”
Gambit merged.
“Well, I know she had herself a Charles, I know he died in front of her. And yeah she's seen the one here for a millisecond, she had him look into her mind, but that's different. This will be informal, this will be- oh, I don't know.”
“You jus’ ‘ave to let things be things.” He shrugged. “You're worrying for her, when you don't need to. She strong. If she need you, she'll ask.”
You let that sit with you. He was right of course. She was tough and she would ask but since your little incident you were worried she had taken a step back. “It's just hard. We've lost so many people, I want to keep you all safe.”
“No such thing as safe.”
Again he was right. Say, right now, someone could have a brain aneurysm and crash their car into yours. There was literally no such thing as safe in a world of ever increasing variables. You, even, still entertained the notion that this was Cassandra toying with you.
“I don't think people give you enough credit, Remy.”
He chuckled. “Yo’ kno’ it serious when you use're my name.”
You laughed with him.
The mansion came into view and you felt a nervous twinge in your stomach. “Laura baby.” You nudged her knee.
The girl cracked an eye and realised where you guys were. “We're here?”
“Yeah, love.”
She sat up and eagerly undone her belt.
“Laura, Gambit, this is the X-Mansion.”
The building was the same, there were slight differences in the foliage but it was eerie how exact everything was. You could see Colossus was standing like a statue at the door to greet you.
Gambit pulled up in front to the entry stairs.
He turned the car off and you all exited.
“Y/N, Laura, Remy.” Colossus greeted in kind. “Welcome, welcome.”
The three of you trotted up the stairs and into the front doors.
Fuck me, even the chandelier had it's one flickering bulb. This was your mansion. Your home. Your sanctuary.
“You needn't fear, Miss L/N.” Charles spoke above your head to your mother. “Y/N will be safe here.”
You could hear giggling to the left, giggling and stomping. There were kids having fun. Craning your neck you could see one kid floating mid air whilst the other had their hands extended.
They were using their powers… they were allowed to use their powers.
“Hey.” A feminine voice caught your attention. It was a young girl - a year or so older than you, maybe seventeen? - with bouncy ginger hair and a kind face. “You're new.” She spoke without moving her lips. “I'm Jean.”
The girl gave you a bright smile. “I was asked to show you your room.”
You turned back to your mother who was still engaged in conversation with Professor Xavier. She looked different. Her shoulders weren't sagging and her eyes seemed hopeful. She wanted you here. Wanted you to be safe and, well let's face it, she'd be safer without a fucked up child.
“You're not 'fucked up'.” Jean rolled her eyes. “You're just something new.”
Your eyes widened. “Can you hear my mind?”
“Yeah, sorry. I can't turn it off all the time.” She had genuine embarrassment splattered on face. “I don't mean to, I'm still practising.”
“Okay.” You nodded. “I'll try to keep my thoughts quiet.”
The familiar sound of wheels pulled you from the memory. “Ahh.” Charles came into view. “I’ve been waiting for you.”
The others had clearly picked you as the spokesperson so you smiled. “Thank you for having us.”
“Of course.” His eyes crinkled with glee. “It was your home previously and apparently it hasn't changed. Would Laura and Remy care for a tour?”
The others looked at each other before nodding, unsurely.
“I'll call you both a guide.” He spoke before just sitting still. To an onlooker it would look rude, sarcastic, to say that and then sit motionless but you knew otherwise.
A girl with dead straight, long blonde hair and an unearthly feel to her sauntered into the entry. “I take Laura to Ellie and Yukio.” She spoke with a thick russian accent.
“Thank you kindly, Illyana.” Charles spoke over his shoulder.
You weren't 100% comfortable with Laura leaving but she had an eager expression on her face so you let her go with nothing more than a “call me if you need me.”
The two girls walked up the first flight of stairs, there were many in this labyrinth of an estate, and as they did they passed Rogue. She had darker skin than your Rogue but there was no mistaking that hair. Her hair was thick, voluminous and curly.
Her hips swayed as she strutted down the stairs. Adorned in ‘people clothes’ but looking every bit the X-Man she was.
“Y’all alright Sugar?” She placed her gloved hands on her hips. “I'm Anna Marie, they call me Rogue.”
“Remy LeBeau.” He bowed next to you. “They call me th’ Gambit.”
“Mmm. A Cajun, I can't wait to get some recipes outta you.” She waved him along, towards the right of the stairs and then disappeared underneath them to the kitchen.
Gambit clapped your shoulder before he jogged after her.
You were left with Charles. He was still smiling sweetly at you, it was a little unnerving.
“So…” You clapped your hands. “Who's my tour guide?”
“You don't need one, dear.” He told you simply. “You're free to explore, if you need me, call me.” He then whirled and zoomed off.
You were just left.
Again, to an onlooker it was rude. But maybe he knew you’d feel awkward paired with a X-Man. You would have to pretend to be in awe of the jet or the grounds or even just them. You knew a lot of these people but they had no clue you even existed.
If the TVA really went back and altered the reality was it still the same universe? How could they take their Logan out of it when he was the original Anchor being to the whole thing?
You pushed those thoughts aside and stomped through into one of the sitting areas.
It was large and decorated warmly. There were four sofas, three of which were in a square by the fire and the other was behind the one adjacent to the flames. There were coffee tables with board games and empty cups, messy bookshelves stacked high with trinkets and more games.
Two kids were playing chess, one had wings and the other was orange. Both were humanoid and young. Maybe 12?
You didn't care where you landed but you needed to sit by a fire. Stomping the light sleet off of your boots, you slipped out of your wet coat and scarf. Abandoning them on the floor - no one would be awake now - you rushed through into the first sitting available room. You flipped over the back of the sofa, face buried in pillows as your socks felt vague embers of warmth.
It was dangerous that it was still roaring but you didn't give a flying fuck.
“You alright bub?” A voice asked, opposite you.
You scrambled into a more presentable position and saw it was the new guy. What was his name? James? Jackson? Jonathan? It was definitely a J-Name.
He was sitting on the sofa opposite, in an X-Men hoodie and tracksuit bottoms, his feet were bare. The clothes led you to believe he had come from his bedroom.
“Yeah.” You nodded, hands outstretched to the flames. “Sorry, didn't realise anyone would be up.”
“It's alright.” He moved his hand to show that he was nursing a drink.
You questioned in disbelief, “is that bourbon?”
“Don't rat me out and you can have some.”
Now, that was an offer too good to pass up. “Sure thing. I saw nothing.”
He didn't have another glass so emptied the liquid into his mouth, wiped the rim and handed you a full glass. “Don't mind the-”
“It's fine.” After the day you had sharing a glass with a handsome man was nothing. “Working here I'm immune to any disease you could imagine.” You took a healthy swig, the liquid burning your throat. Immediately warming your insides. “I dunno if this is good stuff is but it's fucking strong. So cheers to that.”
He raised the bottle and took a gulp. You both sat in silence. After a while you had to shed your jumper, the heat making you sweat. He waited for you to fold your jumper before asking. “How long you been here?”
You did the mental maths. “Seven years.”
He hummed, the fire casting shadows that danced beautifully against his skin.
“Used to be everyone's favourite student, now I'm their favourite teacher.”
“Pretty thing like you, I'm sure you're right.” You had to pull your eyes away from him as he smirked. “What’d you teach?”
“Self defence.”
“Maybe I'll pop by.”
You took another sip. “You should. It'd be good to show the kids how to take down a bigger opponent.”
He sniggered. “It's a date.”
You prayed that the heat in your cheeks was from the fire.
“Why're you getting in so late?” One of his brows met his hairline. His hair was bonkers but endearingly cute, he looked like a little kitty cat. You wanted to see if it was as soft as you imagine.
You heaved a sigh. “I had to walk, the bike packed in.” Scott had loaned you his bike, drilling into you that you needed to refill it after using it. Well the fucker hadn't because it had conked out halfway through the journey.
The man opposite gave you a guilty smile. “Scott's?” You nod. “I might borrow it without his permission every now and then.”
You rolled your eyes. “So you're why I had to trek in the storm for 30 minutes. You owe me more than a drink Mr.”
“Logan.” He offered. Huh, you could've sworn it was a J-Name.
“Y/N.” You replied.
“I'll make it up to you Y/N. Somehow.”
A buzz in your pocket centred you back to reality.
Logan: Picked up his scent a while back. He's walking in circles
Y/N: Why? X
Logan: Classic misdirection, maybe shield weren't so careful
Y/N: Just be safe baby x
Logan: Course
Logan: How's the mansion?
Y/N: Memory lane has nothing on this place x
Logan: That good?
Y/N: Think so… just remembered meeting Logan for the first time. We'd sorta been introduced before but actually talking was a while after
He had read the message but didn't reply immediately. Perhaps he had to put the phone away to track Victor?
Logan: I'm here if things get overwhelming
Y/N: I'm not gonna call you on a hunt, love x
Logan: You're allowed. No one else.
Logan: You have any sort of 'wobble', you call me. No tears without me knowing
Y/N: Okay x
Logan: I gotta go but I love you Y/N
Y/N: You more baby x
The kids kept giving you confused side eye so you carried on into the next room. Surely they had seen a random person before, your mansion had a new person daily.
“Big brother is watching you.”
“Please, I beg you, I will do anything. Please do not spoil this.” You begged. He had found you sitting on the floor in a small crevice, 1984 clutched in hand. “This is the only book the students haven't read. ‘did you like that part miss?’ no I haven't got to that part yet, Sanhu!”
“I won't.” His hands met his hips. “What are you doin’?”
“Isn't it obvious? I'm Hiding.” Your eyes scanned the room before you eased yourself up, Logan caught your hand and steadied you.
“Sorry to pull you from your spot.”
“It's okay, wasn't you I was hiding from.” You dogeared the page and closed the book. “They keep finding me. There's only so many inane questions I can stomach.”
Logan chuckled. “It's ‘cause half have a crush on you and the rest are trying to imitate ya.”
You scoffed. “I highly doubt that.”
“Bub, trust me.” He rolled his eyes at your expression. “Here.” He handed you a blank CD case. “I came to give you this, it's the band that sings Sexical.”
“Oh cool!” You accepted the CD and flipped it. It looked man-made; ‘She's an angel’, ‘fuel to run’ and ‘cream’ scrawled in Logan's messy scratch. “You made this?”
“There are some songs I don't think you'd like, so I thought I'd put the good ones together.” He shrugged, the wall behind you becoming interesting.
You opened the case to see he had thankfully written the band's name - Love/Hate - with the same marker on the disc.
“Well, thank you. I'll dig my Walkman out.”
Logan gave you a nod and stalked off.
Christmas was wholly celebrated in the Mansion as there were those who couldn't return home. Storm and Jubilee had convinced you to help with the decorations and it took little to no convincing to get a certain gruff man to assist.
“Every year there's more.” You gestured to the decs.
Logan was leaning against the wall, he had helped you with the foil garlands, arms folded. “You love it.”
“Of course I do but taking it all down haunts me.” Last year it had taken four days to rid the Mansion of every last bit of tinsel. Angel had found a missed snowflake in the middle of June, it had fallen and landed on top of a portrait frame.
“If you had it your way, they'd stay up all year.”
“No.” You were adamant. “Halloween trumps Christmas.” Logan's brows rose to his hairline. “What? It's the superior holiday.”
“Wow, I knew you liked Halloween but hearing that from little miss kringle is something else.”
You rolled your eyes and gave him a playful shove. “Shut up.”
Logan caught your wrist and placed it back down to your side, pulling you closer as he did. “Don't start things you can't finish.”
“Oh, we all know I can take you.” You gave him a smug smirk, spurred on by his intoxicating gaze - there were flecks of green hidden in his dark eyes - you added, “And in a fight.”
Logan's eyes bugled yet they slipped to your lips and back up.
“Hey, tweedle Dee and Dum!” Ororo’s voice called. “I'm seeing a lot of gazing longingly into each other's eyes and not seeing a lot of decorating.”
You turned to see Storm standing at the opposite side of the room, box in hand, one brow raised.
“Gazing longingly?” Logan scoffed as you called out: “We needed a five minute break!” You gave a nervous chuckle at his response and the situation in itself before trotting over to Storm, Logan let your wrist go a second too late, causing another awkward laugh.
“You can't tell me this room isn't festive enough.” Your voice was slightly higher than usual, no one commented but you knew they knew.
“It isn't festive enough.” Storm deadpanned, handing you yet another box, she did crack a smile at your ‘wtf’ face. “This is the last one. I promise.”
You didn't believe her in the slightest but let her vacate the room as you opened the storage box. It was faux greenery, garlands and wreaths and mistletoe.
“Ooh, Logan look!” You presented the herb. “Poisonous to werewolves.”
Logan was still standing by the wall but took a couple steps forward to look. “Lucky we don't have any.”
“Yet.” You added. “With all us mutants it wouldn't surprise me if we got a Vamp or an Undead being. I mean you're pretty grizzly, not far off a wolf.”
A familiar smile settled onto Logan's face, it was the same one he wore whenever you went on a tangent. You suppose being the silent watcher he was, he must be used to people yapping around him, hopefully you didn't annoy him too much.
You tried to refocus. “Where should we put it?”
“Depends on who you want to catch out.”
“Well, Jean won't tell me that her and Scott have a thing… but they totally have a thing. Maybe we try to catch them.”
“‘We’ yeah?”
“Are you backing out of my incredibly complex and well thought through plan?”
“Get out!” You screamed. “Go!”
The children behind you sprinted. They didn't wait for another order.
The humans had decided that they'd start out their New Year by killing children.
Your fields held strong against their bullets but you had known they would - if they could last against Adamantium they could last against a few bullets - creating bubbles of safety.
You were defense. Always on the lookout, always trying to hold back the onslaught so that the others could either fight or flee.
The footsteps behind you were out of earshot, meaning the children had got to safety. An underground tunnel would get them to a safe point. They would wait there for an adult.
You had done many drills and tests but you never thought this was a possibility. Fucking ridiculous!
You made a huge bubble and shoved the humans back, most of them being flung out of windows, glass shattering everywhere, but some hit the walls being knocked unconscious.
You were in bed, meaning that you had no shoes on so you tried to avoid blood, glass, bullet shells and any other debris as you examined each room.
You needed to get back to the others, you were protecting them from afar when a child screaming interrupted your flow. Logan's eyes had made contact with yours from his position in the garden and he gave you a few frantic nods. You didn't need permission but it was good that one of the team knew you weren't hit. If your fields suddenly vanished without explanation they might think the worst.
Shouting across the hall severed the silence and you jumped right back into the action. Jogging down the corridor, keeping low as you passed exposed areas.
Entering the room, you found nothing. It was just some of the teenage bunks. There were no children, no enemies, nothing.
Where had the shouting com-
Hands wrapped around you and you struggled, snarling as they strapped something to your neck. You tried to shove them off and create a field to prevent the rope? from winding around your neck. To stop it getting tighter.
It wasn't a rope.
It was cold.
Why weren't your fields working?
“Not so strong now, cutie?” A masculine voice spoke from behind, he circled you and gripped your jaw with one hand. “It's a shame you're one of them, you're fucking hot.”
“Is that a gun in your pocket?” You sassed. “Wouldn't want mommy to know you liked a freak like m-” He yanked your hair, making your neck click as he pulled you backwards.
“Tsk, tsk. A girl like you should know what comes out of your mouth should be prettier than what goes in.”
You spat in his face.
“That's it, bitch.” He struck you across your face - releasing his grip on your hair - with such force you landed on your knees.
He looked unimpressed as he stalked over to you and yanked on your arm, dragging you along with him. You fought back of course but felt inadequate without your powers. What sort of technology did they posses to force the Mutant gene into submission?
He groaned at the top of the stairs before you were tossed down them.
Your vision was blurry when you came to, he was dragging you again, bruised and aching. You could feel warmth flow from your hairline, down to your eyebrows, also leaking from your nose. Moving your arm was painful but you wiped your nose and found a blurry sticky red substance on your hand.
“Oit!” He yelled.
You were yanked down another few steps - each one sending a new jolt of pain through your body - but as you felt the floor it was hard. Small cold stones met your bare legs.
Outside. You were outside.
“You Muties, stick together right?” He presented you, slumped on the floor, squinting up at him. “Sorry, one second.” The man threaded his hand back into your hair and pulled you up, deciding kneeling wasn't good enough and forced you to stand on throbbing ankles. “What's her mutant name? You all have one, right?”
Your eyes focused and refocused trying to make out who was on the field. Storm was easy to see because of her hair but you could also see Hank and Scott. You knew Logan was there earlier but couldn't see him now.
“What? No one wants to play now?” He turned your head towards him and gave you an over exaggerated frown.
You had just enough sense in you to spit in his face again.
“That's it you fu-” he didn't finish his sentence because he was too preoccupied with punching you straight in the face.
You, again, landed on the ground but this time you were giggling.
“What's so funny?”
“You got-” You wheezed, closing your eyes. “Mutant spit in your mouth.”
He turned back to the others, addressing them. “I was going to bargain with her life but she's pissing me off, so I'm just going to kill her instead.” He chuckled. “Uh-uh-uh Cyclops. You can't kill a human under the new bill.”
“What?” Scott voiced the question you all thought.
“No mutant can kill a human, not even in self defense. Starting on January 1st. It's too bad for your lo-” He cut himself off with a choked gargle.
“No, it's too bad for you.” Logan taunted. “You had 6 minutes.”
The clamp on your neck fell away and hands were on your cheeks.
You tried to open your eyes but it was agony. “Hey, bub.”
“That's my line.”
Laying on the grass had become somewhat a passtime of yours now. For some reason you found comfort in the field.
When you had nightmares of that sadistic man and the bill and the humans and everything in your life, coming outside and laying on the dewy ground recentered you.
Charles and Erik had called a truce and began battling political opponents instead of each other. The bill was bullshit. It had passed and been withdrawn within a month.
It was odd classing Erik and Raven as enemies again when you knew ultimately you wanted the same goal but you would have to get used to it.
“I thought I'd find you out here.” You extended your neck to see Logan standing behind you.
“Hey, Lo.”
He collapsed next to you, sitting with one leg bent, his elbow resting on the knee. “You alright?”
You'd been the only mutant in the Mansion so far to have a collar fitted around your neck. You'd been the only one truly defenceless. Truly useless!
“I like the stars.”
He hummed, falling into a weighty silence with you.
There was no denying the two of you had grown closer, hell, he was probably your best friend at this point.
The two of you were paired together in training drills and in your lessons because you could really fight each other. Neither holding back. Your power could stop his. You were evenly matched.
He had gifted you more CDs and you had let him borrow a David Bowie LP. If he found you laying on the sofa reading he would sit next to you and keep you warm. He was so warm. Once, he even read to you. Your eyes were so tired and he plucked the book from your hands and finished the chapter.
You would never tell anyone, least of all him, but that was one of your fondest memories. His voice was so soothing and, bless him, he had even made up voices for the characters.
Logan always sat next to or opposite you as you ate, he was usually the main reason you ate, saving you a plate or bowl.
He was… well, like every other person with eyes here you'd formed a crush on him. He was just so kind. So generous. And it didn't hurt that he looked like that.
“I was thinkin’,” He started. You looked over, expecting him to still be sitting but he had moved. He was lying next to you, watching you. His nose inches from yours. “Tomorrow, I'll take you to to the bar I like.”
He was known for sneaking off premises at night. Coming home smelling like booze and smoke.
“The bar you like?” He had never confirmed he went to a bar - he was oddly secretive about certain aspects - but you all knew, it was something for him to admit it.
“It's a real shit hole but it's cheap and close.”
Your lips upturned at his blunt response. “Okay. You and me tomorrow. It's a date.”
“It is.” His face was serious. “I am taking you on a date.”
“Me?” You were flabbergasted. There were goddesses like Jean and Ororo and Raven and Psylocke knocking about and he wanted to take you on a date?
“There was only so much rolling about in the simulator we could do before I asked you out.” He joked but you could see an undercurrent of fear in his eyes.
“Yeah. Okay.” Your cheeks were warm. “I'd really like that.”
His cheeks pinkened and he looked up at the stars trying to suppress his smile. “Good.”
You felt his hand intertwine in yours and tried so hard to act natural. Tried to keep your breath steady and appear calm and collected.
“So, uh, what does one wear to a real shit hole?”
Logan's shoulders shook with his laugh.
It wasn't easy to take things slow when you lived and worked with the person.
Logan was ever the gentleman and gave you space but it was a strange mixture of wanting to be with him platonically and wanting to be with him romantically.
He was your best friend. You wanted to talk to him about your newest date but you also needed to act cool and casual.
You failed miserably at both of those things.
In fact you almost had a heart attack when he kissed your forehead for the first time.
He was yet to actually kiss you.
Which was good because it meant he liked you enough to listen and wanted to be around you without getting into your pants but you wanted him in your pants.
Which brought you to the present.
You were currently standing outside of his room - having knocked - waiting for a response.
“Lo, it's me.” You called through the wooden door.
“Come in.” He answered, slightly muffled.
You entered the room, he wasn't in view but the door leading to the bathroom was open, and flopped onto his bed. Letting out an exaggerated sigh - definitely not to inhale his smell - you spoke against his duvet, “I'm bored.”
“Yeah?” His footsteps got closer and you lifted your head and took a double take.
The fucker was glistening, a towel sitting far too low on his hips. His torso was gorgeous, he looked spectacular. He had strong pecs and chiselled abs, dusted with a coating of soft hair and there was one vein that disappeared into the towel that you ached to lick.
“Bub?” When your forced your eyes onto his face you saw a cocky grin.
“Yes?” You blunk, trying to figure out if he had spoken anything else. How long had you been ogling him?
A droplet of water fell from his hair and ran down his neck, passed his pecs and journeyed further- no! Don't look again.
Do not get caught twice!
“It should be illegal to look like you.” You spoke to your hands. They were resting on the duvet where your face had been.
“Kettle. Pot. Black.” One of his hands settled onto the towel, he usually had a belt to hold, so the movement could've been innocent but with the way his eyes scanned you, you knew it wasn't.
You eased yourself up, sitting on your folded legs and stared at him. Maybe you shouldn't. No either way you win. Either you call his bluff or... “You got a condom?”
The smile could've split his face in half, he licked his teeth, walking closer to the bed. Leaning down to open his bedside table he presented you with an unopened pack.
“Just for you.”
“I feel so special.”
Logan's right hand met your cheek and his thumb caressed the flesh. He was taller than you in this position so he lent down to kiss you. He was slow about it, giving you time to back out, but once his lips met yours he fastened the pace.
Your hands didn't know where to rest. One was fiddling with his chest hair whilst the other clawed at his back. You didn't want to be the one who disrobes their partner after less than thirty seconds of kissing but there was no robe. Can't disrobe someone who isn't wearing one, right? A mere piece of fabric barely covered him.
Oh my god.
He was naked.
Naked under the towel.
His tongue brushed against your bottom lip and you eagerly allowed access. Logan's chest rumbled, vibrating your hand, and you pulled back eyes wide.
“Do that again.”
He complied and you kissed your way along his chest. Sometimes you forgot how animalistic you were. How primal you could be.
Your cavewoman brain liked big strong man making noise.
Logan's nose nuzzled your neck, kissing your jaw and he ran his tongue across your jaw downwards to your collar bone.
It was almost embarrassing how wet you were but the steadily growing length poking your thigh made you feel better.
“I can smell you.” He ran his nose by your neck again. “Can always smell you. You're so sweet.”
“Always?” That better not be a hint.
“I know if you've been in a room.” He nipped your cheek. “I'm tuned into your frequency but now,” his voice deepened. “I can smell here.” The touch was phantom but his fingers were where you wanted him most.
You only had on a baggy shirt and ratty pj shorts so you were quick to slip out of the shorts, tossing them behind your shoulder.
“Towel.” You ordered.
“I-” He paused, conflict flashing behind his eyes. “If we start I'm not su-”
“There is nothing that could make me not want this.” You didn't know how else to say it. "I would do a lot of bad things to do a lot of bad things to your body."
He smirked and allowed you to tug on the towel, it loosening, revealing his dick.
Oh, it was fucking fantastic.
You couldn't help but kiss his abdomen, dragging your tongue along the low vein. Wrapping a hand around his length you kissed the tip and he shuddered.
“You're beautiful.” You spoke to his dick, licking the slit.
“Take your shirt off.”
You grumbled, ignoring him, and licked the underside from shaft to head.
“Y/N. Shirt. Off.” His hand held your neck, halting your movements - you were stopped, your tongue poking out just shy of him.
Pulling up you made a show of removing the shirt and his hands were instantly on you. One was at your hip whilst the other kneaded your breast. He dipped his head and captured a nipple between his teeth, making your spine arch.
“You, er, you experienced?” He questioned releasing your nipple from his lips, his eyes gazing up at you.
Why did it feel like he was embarrassed to ask?
“I've had a couple not great fucks,” You shrugged. “Prefer my own company.”
“That's about to change.” He captured your lips again.
You were snuggled up in your bed watching the credits roll on a VHS you'd finally got your mitts on.
Logan slipped into your room and under the covers, wrapping a hand around your waist and dipping himself to kiss your cheek.
It was wet. Why was your cheek wet?
“Y/N?” What had happened?! Who did he have to kill?
“Spock fucking died!” You explained, frantically wiping your cheeks. “He just like sacrificed himself?”
If you had known that would happen you wouldn't have watched the movie at this particular time of the month.
Logan gave you a sympathetic noise and rolled you onto your spine, kissing your nose.
“It's okay.”
“No, it isn't.” Your eyelashes were wet but your eyes were no longer glossy. "Jim is alone, now."
"We'll get through this together."
Logan's palm found your abdomen and he kept his hand there, warmth radiating through easing some of the pain. “That's really nice.”
“I always get a fright each month when I can smell blood on you.” He nuzzled his face into your neck, placing delicate kisses to your flesh.
“How was the mission?” Your lips grazed his ear.
He had told you that your neck was his favourite part of you because it smelt the most. He was eager to mark and claim your as his own because it mingled the scents and apparently that was amazing. Logan seemed to get off on your scent alone so when there were hints of him on you he was wild.
“Distracted.” He sucked the junction between neck and collar bone. He had been chosen because of his unique sense of smell. It was a gift that he could track so easily. “Could smell you on my fingers, I didn't want to get bad guy blood on my hands because it would fuck it up. You'd smell wrong.”
Your body twitched as his tongue soothed the sore flesh. “That why it took longer?”
“Hmm.” He produced a small navy box from his jeans pocket, laying it on your chest. “This is why.”
You frowned but opened the lid to see the most beautiful pair of earrings imaginable. Diamond studs, each with three individual chains dangling, covered in more diamonds.
His face was buried into your neck for an entirely different reason now. It was fucking adorable that this big strong man still blushed around you. “Was gonna wait til your birthday but…”
“Thank you, Lo.” You kissed where you could reach on his cheek. “They're beautiful.”
“I brought them because…” He pulled back, his hazel eyes studying your face. “I want to take you out more. Take you to places that aren't natural or manmade disasters. I want to show you off to the world. I like having you on my arm, I really want to show you off. I think we should go out more. You and me just see the world, maybe? Travel? And, well, I've also realised that I fucking love you.”
Neither of you had quite admitted that yet. There were close calls where you almost did after a bad mission but it felt wrong to tell him on your deathbed. Felt like you'd cheat him. He deserved more than a ‘hi and bye’.
“I love you, too. I think I might even love you more, Logan.” Your fingers stroked his temple, gruff hair itching your hand.
He let out a sigh of relief and you almost laughed because how could you not replicate the feelings? Then you considered the way he rambled. How much this must have meant to him, he always wanted to do it right; to make sure everything was perfect for you but it was when he stuttered and said things out of order that you really saw how much he cared. He was unable to form literate sentences because he loved you so deeply. That was true, real love. Not the smooth talking, lady killers in the movies.
“No you don't.” He pecked your forehead.
“Who wants to see me kick Mr Logan's ass?” You cockily placed your hands on your hips.
Logan was standing next to you, hands in his hoodie pockets.
He was wearing matching grey sweatpants and you were dying. How did grey sweats look that good?
“He can't die.” Marcus - a little shit - sassed. “What's the point in fighting someone that can't die?”
“Well, self defence isn't about killing.” You set him straight. “It is about protecting yourself. Being able to keep yourself safe in this world is the most powerful thing you'll ever learn.” Hopefully, they would never know the hopelessness you felt when that collar locked around your neck, hopefully they could live in peace. Live freely.
Marcus just rolled his eyes.
“She's right, kid.” Logan backed you up. “There's a lot to fighting that isn't killing. I've been around a long time, I'd know.”
“Then shouldn't you fight someone more evenly matched?” He raised a brow. You knew this was coming. He had grown up in a very strict household. His parents were cultists, if he hadn't been a mutant he would've been the next leader. Shame. Women were beneath men in his eyes - which wasn't necessary his fault and you were trying to carefully show him but the fucker was pissing you off.
“She's kicked my ass more than any other opponent.” Logan shrugged playfully but you could see the twitch of his jaw.
“That's because you fight often. It's a matter of quantity and not quality.���
“Okay.” You clapped your hands before the kid would get on Logan's nerves. “Who wants to show me their skills?”
The lesson went smoothly after that. You saw a lot of potential in Erica and begged Winston to keep practising.
Marcus refused to show you - or anyone - his ability.
You had assumed it was because ‘mutant is wrong’ was drilled into him as a child but perhaps he just didn't trust you. You'd have to figure out how to bring him out of that shell.
The students left your class with a varying amount of glee.
“I don't know how you're so nice.” Logan lit a cigar. “You just put this smile on and keep going.”
“He's a kid.” You answered. “A stupid kid but a kid.”
“I think we're evenly matched.” He winked.
You scoffed and tidied away some of the equipment.
It was nagging at you.
It had been all class.
‘I've been around a long time’
Yeah, you knew.
Everyone knew.
But woul-would you be old and shrivelled and he'd still be the same?
Would he look at you in disgust once you started greying?
“What's the most dead you've been?” The words were sudden and far from eloquent.
Logan blinked, his brows meeting. “The most dead I've been?”
You nodded.
He pondered the question. “I was a skeleton at one point. My skin and organs regrew it was trippy.”
You considered the answer.
He could literally operate as a skeleton and you were out for a week because of a bad cold.
Was this the first chip?
Was this something that would slowly become a larger crack?
Would your relationship survive this?
You plastered a grin on your face. “Okay.”
“Hey handsome!” You strutted straight up to Logan. He looked amazing, wearing a dark button down and black dress trousers. You wanted to take him straight upstairs.
“Baby.” His arm automatically wrapped around your waist, kissing your hairline before reconnecting with Kurt.
You didn't catch what they were talking about, too drunk to care but sober enough to nod along when they looked at you.
Kurt poked your nose before he disappeared and you sneezed.
“Bless you.” Logan bent his neck to look at your scrunched face.
“That was so tickly.” You rubbed your nose, hoping your makeup stayed in place.
“Have I told you you look beautiful tonight?”
“Only a thousand times.” You grinned upwards, tiptoeing to capture his lips. “I know it's Hank's birthday but you look so yummy. Want to take you upstairs.”
Logan growled at your words, wrapping his other hand around you, “I won't say no.”
“Let's go then.” You kissed his chin.
“Hey lovebirds!” Bobby called across the room. “I need another teammate.”
“Go on.” Logan nudged you, you had all night and the rest of your life to fuck. Maybe you should enjoy your friends company. Linger in the room too long. “You'll be terrible but it'll be fun to watch.”
He was standing next to Sunspot at one end of a Beer Pong match. Jubilee, Kitty and Rogue were at the other.
You mock gasped but knew he was right.
The game was rigged, you were sure of it. You had to drink every time and barely managed one cup. Logan took pity on you after the second beer and downed your drinks, the others weren't best pleased but no one was going to argue with the Wolverine about his girl.
It was so good to let loose.
After having your hysterectomy and being without your best friend for months this was bliss.
You hadn't realised how much he was a part of you. Removing him from your life left it cold and empty.
It was cliché but you had slowly tumbled into a depression without him. Much like any teenage lead in a shitty romcom being without your boyfriend was agony.
He understood your reasoning, didn't condone the actions but was able to see it from your perspective.
You were rarely allowed to be out of his eyeshot, now. He had become even more protective of you, wanting you to feel loved and supported even if you told him you didn't need that. He wanted you to come to him with any issue, to trust him, no matter how big or small.
And you wanted to be strong.
You wanted to prove that you were okay.
But being carried up to bed and coddled was fucking lovely.
“It's Alice in Chains!” You excitedly clapped Logan's arm. He had played you this song more than once, you think it was called Nutshell. Did Hank borrow some of your CDs? “This is your favourite song!”
He smirked. “Not my favourite but it's a good one.” He wrapped himself around your body, his front to your back, watching Jubilee sink one for Bobby.
“What is your favourite song?”
He hummed and you felt his shoulders move. “I don't know, I'd have to think on it.”
Okay, you'd allow that. It wasn't an easy question so you reworded it. “If you were dying right now what would you want to listen to?”
“You humming in the kitchen.” He answered without a second thought.
You giggled, turning in his hold. “No, come on, seriously.”
He rest his forehead against yours. “When you hummed Elvis… making those flapjacks… the sun was-it made you look ethereal, you were an angel. I want that.”
You remembered that day. Everything had gone wrong even though you followed the recipe to a tee! He had walked in on you mid tantrum and made life better. If he thought you looked angelic covered in sugar and chocolate then imagine what he thought when you made an effort.
“You always leave me speechless.”
He kissed your temple.
“I never meant to cause you any sorrow.” You spoke seriously.
Logan looked up from the papers he was grading. His eyes squinting slightly in a silent question.
“I never meant to cause you any pain.” You injected sadness into your voice, it cracked slightly.
“What's happening?” He looked really worried, taking off his reading glasses.
“I only wanted one time to see you laughing.” You used your hands animatedly.
“I only want to see you laughing in the purple rain.”
He heaved a sigh of relief. “You had me worried. I was trying to figure out if I'd missed a birthday or an anniversary.”
“I can't grade these papers. The song is rattling around in my head.” You thunked your head against the desk. “Why did we say we'd help Jean again?”
“You told her you could grade more papers in a day then she could.”
“Pathetic fallacy this, juxtaposition that.” You groaned. “Why do I get so competitive?”
“I don’t know.” He spoke honestly. “We could be spending our evening any other way but you have us reading shitty analysises on An Inspector Calls.”
You didn't answer him. You wouldn't let him goad you. Wouldn't stoop to his level, despite wanting so badly to stoop in front of him. Biting the inside of your cheek you stood. “Nope, sorry, I have to play the record.”
He watched you wander to the shared pile of music. Your LPs and his CDs intermingled in the corner of his room.
“Is the Prince album in here?” You flicked through the LPs.
“All our music is. Did you let anyone borrow it?”
“I don't know.” You knelt, opening the cupboard underneath the record player, he panicked, jumping up.
“Don't look in-”
“Ha!” You waved the cover smiling but your enthusiasm ebbed away making room for suspicion. “Don't look in here?”
A hand stretched his face. “Please don't ask questions.”
“If you're hiding a present somewhere make sure it's not somewhere I'd look, Howlett.” You closed the doors. “That's like the first rule.”
“I don't have that many hiding places.” He defended. “We live together.”
That was technically true and untrue.
You still had a room.
You just spent most of your time in his.
“I can vacate i-”
“Shut up.” He took the record from your hands and secured the vinyl onto the spindle and placed the needle accordingly. He flipped the machine on and the last chords of ‘baby I'm a star’ played before the familiar strum.
He offered you his palm and you took it, easing up from the floor. “Dance with me?”
The two of you swayed to the music. It was the last song on this side of the record so you'd have to change it soon but just leaning against him, listening to Prince sing and play his guitar was heavenly.
Logan's nose was buried in your hair. He would tell you later on that he wouldn't have minded if you found what he was hiding.
He would've just got down on his knee then and there.
He didn't want to propose publicly but he wanted to make the day special. Make you feel loved like you deserved.
“Y/N?” You turned your head. You were upstairs. Outside of Logan's room.
It was empty. Unoccupied.
“Storm.” She looked amazing. Had she even aged? Maybe she was born later in this universe.
“The professor asked me to check on you.” She spoke with ease but it wasn't the friendly chatter you were used to.
“Yeah sorry, I've just been wandering like a ghost around this mansion.” Your cheeks warmed. “I'm absolutely fine, though, thank you for checking up on me.”
Part 14
@littlecrowtime @geeksareunique @lovelyvaderx @br3nt-12 @st1nkabutt @maximumchilddreamland @catiwinky @twinkywink @ravenmedows @electricreader @racetrackheart @vulgarfuckinvirgo77 @bisasterbisexual @tzurue @narniansmagic @seamlessepiphany @4ria790 @caramelatae @mei-simp @slightlymediocree @h0n3y-l3m0n05
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watermelonsugacry · 1 year
Y/ns insta post idea for harrys house anniv…
She would post a reel of all the cute behind the scenes moments of the album recorded on film camera or her phone...h and her getting all domestic and how the album was made in the quarantine…
She would actually make a piano acoustic mashup just for this occasion including all the songs from the album..and post it on the reel!!💕😍
she definitely would!! here are some of the clips she would include:
There would be a clip of YN from behind as she rides her bike. They're riding along their private villa down through the beautiful greenery where grapes grow. She adorns in a flowy sundress and her hair waves softly behind her.
Harry's in the recording booth at YN's home studio, clad in a white tank top that nicely shows off all his tattoos and tanned skin. After pushing one side of the studio headphones behind his ear, he squints his eyes shut and his nose scrunches up as he hits a high note.
Loads of small clips of the production team dancing in her home studio: While Tyler messes with the various sliders on her huge studio console, Harry frames his face with his hands with an over-emotional look on his face. The next one is of Kid and Harry shimmying on an uncomfortable-looking Mitch (who still manages to break out into a laugh). Another plays of YN on her knees, leaning back as she dramatically plays the air guitar in the middle of the room.
When the team was in Italy, YN records from her spot seated at the outside patio table as they all raise and click together their glasses of wine.
YN has her phone propped up on one of the music sheet stands as she's in the recording booth. The microphone covers a bit of her face from the way the camera is angled and she has a pair of chunky studio headphones on. She pulls away from the mesh-covered microphone, her gaze set on the people behind the glass as her nose scrunches up in a giggle.
Sitting on opposite ends of the couch, YN slightly peaks her phone over the top of the romance novel she's reading to Harry. They sit facing each other, her bare legs lay over his as they indulge in some reading. He's only dressed in loose shorts, leaving his top half have delicately bare. Too engrossed in his own book to notice, he continues to softly caress her shins with one hand as the other holds up his paperback.
In the passenger seat, YN records the side view mirrors. She captures how her hair gets pushed back from the wind, Harry's yellow sunglasses sit on the bridge of her nose, and the sea beside the highway is seen in the background.
With her film camera propped up, she pushes Harry to stand in front of their house in Italy. But before she can go to her spot behind the camera, he pulls her back to him for a kiss. She's quickly pulling back as giggles tumble past her lips from how ticklish his mustache is. He doesn't let up his grip on her though as he continues to pepper kisses over her cheeks and neck.
Sitting in the recording room together, YN records Mitch from her spot on the floor. After taking a hit, he passes the blunt back to her. When he stands back up-right, he adjusts his studio headphones, playfully flips her off before he begins to play his electric guitar. Only her hand comes into view, showing off her middle finger back to him as she aggressively shakes the camera.
Tyler, Kid, Mitch, and Harry all move around YN's kitchen as they whip up breakfast. Everyone crowds around each other as they all gather and pass around plates, cereal boxes, and hot pans.
Harry records his love from his spot on the couch in her living room in LA. YN sits on her knees before him with black gloves on and a tattoo gun in hand. He captures how she pinches her brows together in concentration as she writes the word oui above his knee before wiping away the excess ink with a paper towel.
The last clip that plays is a bit longer than the rest. The five of them (Tyler, Mitch, Harry, YN and Kid) sit in front of the studio panel as they have the final listen of the completed album. When Love Of My Life finishes, they all look at one another in accomplishment. YN pulls the end of her sleeve over her hand and wipes away the happy tears that had run down her cheeks before standing up with the rest of the team to hug everyone.
SINCE 2010 masterlist
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billzo-updates · 1 year
Billzo posted an Instagram story!
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[Image ID:
First slide is an image of billzo with damp hair. He is wearing headphones and slightly frowning. The sky behind him is gray. The caption reads "I hate rain like can u guck off u wet loser".
Second slide is a video of billzo. He is wearing a gray t-shirt, and sitting in front of what looks to be an orange headboard.
Third slide is a photo of 4 small clay creations. They all have big clay eyes. 3 of them rest on a table. look like little worms with angry eyebrows. The last one is a little brain without eyebrows. They have no other facial features. Billzo is holding the brain between his thumb and index finger. Partially in shot along side the clay creations is the frame from the thumbnail of Billzo's "I hate bikes" youtube video. At the bottom of the image is a sliding scale viewers can interact with. The slider is a brain emoji.
End ID]
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2wheelshero · 1 year
KTM 890 Adventure Accessories and More at Our One-stop Online store
Looking to upgrade your adventure motorcycle? Look no further than 2Wheelshero, your one-stop online store for motorcycle accessories and parts. We offer a wide selection of products to customize your adventure bike and take your ride to the next level.
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Adventure Motorcycle Accessories
Elevate Your Ride:
Discover the range of KTM 890 Adventure accessories available for adventure motorcycles, designed to enhance the overall performance and handling of your bike.
Comfort is Key:
Learn about the benefits of adventure motorcycle comfort seats and how they can improve your long-distance rides.
Unleash Your Bike's Power:
Explore the options available for upgrading the exhaust system on your adventure motorcycle, unlocking its full potential.
Customizing Your Adventure Motorcycle
Tail Tidies:
Find out about the advantages of installing a tail tidy on your adventure motorcycle, streamlining the rear end of your bike and enhancing its aesthetics.
Personalization and Protection:
Discover a wide range of accessories that offer both style and protection for your adventure motorcycle, including frame sliders, bar end mirrors, and crash pads.
Accessories for Your Motorcycle
Versatile Compatibility:
Explore our selection of accessories that are compatible with a wide range of adventure motorcycles, allowing you to customize your ride to your liking.
Power Up Your Motorcycle:
Discover the available options for upgrading the exhaust system on your motorcycle, enhancing both performance and sound.
Streamline Your Ride:
Find the perfect tail tidy to give your motorcycle a sleek and stylish appearance.
Why Choose 2Wheelshero?
Extensive Selection:
Our online store features a vast range of adventure motorcycle accessories, ensuring you'll find the perfect products to customize your ride.
High-Quality Products:
We are committed to offering only the best quality products that meet the highest standards.
Convenient Shopping Experience:
Our user-friendly interface makes it easy for you to find the accessories you need to take your adventure motorcycle to the next level. In conclusion, 2Wheelshero is the perfect destination for all your adventure motorcycle accessory needs. Our vast selection, high-quality products, and user-friendly interface make us the go-to online store for motorcycle enthusiasts. Visit our online store today and elevate your adventure motorcycle with the perfect accessories.
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zanamotorcycle · 24 hours
The Ultimate Guide to Kawasaki Vulcan 650, Ninja 300, and Versys 650 Accessories
From taming highways to twisting mountain roads to carving through city streets, these bikes lay an enormous platform up for modification to understand what's best. Kawasaki's engineering marvel has captured the hearts of several riders in motorcycles like the Kawasaki Vulcan 650, Ninja 300, and Versys 650. The right accessories do the trick in making these machines stand out, transforming an already fantastic ride into something uniquely personal and incredibly functional.
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Kawasaki Vulcan 650 Accessories: Give Your Cruiser a Life of Its Own
The Kawasaki Vulcan 650 is renowned for the perfect combination of modern styling and classic cruiser comfort. Chiefly, this middleweight motorcycle is valued for its do-everything flexibility-the agility to turn on a dime and the muscle to burn the miles away. Using Kawasaki Vulcan 650 accessories in this beauty can make it even more comfortable, more stylish, and more functional.
1. Comfort and Touring Enhancements
Since rides longer than a few hours take a toll on riders, the comfort they bring is paramount. Quite a number of ergonomic adjustments on a Vulcan are inherited from a cruiser lineage that could make extended hours of riding a lot more tolerable:
Aftermarket Seats: Look into a gel or memory foam seat. Saddles such as the Mustang Wide Touring Seat add a layer of plush comfort to saddlebags and lower riders' fatigue levels.
Backrests: Adding a passenger or rider backrest improves one's posture and prevents slouching. Brands such as Cobra offer some good options for various heights as well as different styles.
Highway Pegs: Stretching out on long travels can really be quite the difference. The highway peg allows riders to vary the position of their legs for comfort without their control being impacted.
2. Storage Solutions
Be it commutes or road trips, there's simply no shortage of storage needed.
Saddlebags: Leather saddlebags or hard cases by Viking or Givi offer the classic cruiser looks while providing functional space for gear and essentials.
Luggage Racks: Top-mounted luggage racks give you additional cargo-carrying capability and make it easier to pack for longer rides.
3. Lighting and Visibility
You can never compromise on visibility, and increasing your lighting to ensure you're always seen.
LED Headlights: Replace factory headlights with high-performance LED headlights for superior night visibility and a more stylish look.
Light Bars: In addition to aux lights or light bars, illumination of the road ahead will also alert other motorists to your presence.
4. Performance Upgrades
Exhaust Systems: Upgrade from the OEM exhaust with a Vance & Hines or Cobra system. The new exhaust system gives your Vulcan a more aggressive rumble and a little more horsepower.
Fuel Tuners: Power Commander by Dynojet adjusts your air-fuel ratio. It works to make your throttle more responsive as well as fuel efficient.
Ninja 300 Accessories: Big Potential in Little Bikes
Although the Kawasaki Ninja 300 is the smallest of all the sportbikes in the ZX series, when it is used with correct ninja 300 accessories, no one's going to sniff it as a pushover. Light and nippy with broad appeal to riders who may be still learning, this is a great platform for performance and style fine-tuning.
1. Aerodynamic Enhancements
Windshields: A higher or adjustable windshield can considerably minimize the drag produced by the wind during highway runs. Brands like Puig offer windshields that fit the Ninja but retain its aggressive look.
Frame Sliders: The frame sliders will give you protection for the fairings of your bike in the event of a crash. These tiny add-ons are one item fresh riders need, especially those still under training.
2. Suspension Upgrades
Aftermarket Shocks: While the stock suspension of the Ninja 300 can be a bit stiff for some riders. Adjustable rear shocks or a full suspension kit from Ohlins can really drasti-cally make improvements in ride comfort and handling, especially on rougher roads.
3. Exhaust and Power Boosts
Slip-On Exhaust: A slip-on exhaust such as the Yoshimura R77 is an upgrade that will, besides making your bike sound much better, increase its performance a little bit. And, of course, it looks aggressive, which will match the Ninja's sport bike profile.
Air Filters: K&N high-performance air filters can breathe better life into your engine. The slight power and efficiency boost will make you feel good, and there will be no reason to hesitate this time about revving that engine.
4. Tires and Wheels
Wheels: The most obvious modification done by most owners is to the wheels. Whereas Michelin Pilot Street or Pirelli Diablo Rosso are grippier, it completely tweaks cornering grip and riding feel in a big way.
Wheel Spacers and Sprockets: Both a rear sprocket one tooth size larger and wheel spacers seem to make the Ninja 300 launch a little quicker off the line in improving low-end torque.
5. Custom Styling
Graphics Kits: You can add custom graphics kits to get that awesome look for your Ninja 300. These kits are available in various colors and designs, thereby giving your bike an all-around look.
Tank Pads and Grips: These add-ons protect your tank from scratches and, at the same time, give a better grip while riding on the knees.
Versys 650 Accessories: Getting Ready For Any Adventure
The Kawasaki Versys 650 is the adventure bike that does all of it: be it a long tour or just a daily commute. Versatile handling, high upright riding position, and time-tested strength make it a favorite among comfort-obsessed riders on various terrains.
Adventure Touring Gear
Crash Bars: If one is an adventure rider, then Crash bars prove to be a necessity. Here you get sturdy and lightweight bars that protect the engine and fairings of your bike from the nasty battering of off-road spills. Brands such as SW-Motech ensure some of the solid bars ever.
Skid Plate: A tough skid plate will keep scratching rocks, debris, and impacts off your bike's underside. Touratech provides strong, heavy-duty options specifically designed for the Versys 650.
Heated Grips: If you ride through colder weather, it will make all the difference to have heated grips from Oxford or Koso. Accessory items will keep your hands warmly addressed, without bulky gloves.
2. Luggage and Storage
Panniers and Top Cases: Adventure rides demand space for gear. Panniers and top cases from brands Givi or SHAD are waterproof and lockable and keep your belongings dry and safe.
Tank Bags: For easier stowage, you might want a magnetic or strap-on tank bag. These are good for those items you might want to reach for during your ride, such as maps, snacks, or cameras.
3. Wind Protection
Windscreens: Taller windshields such as those from Madstad or Puig can make a huge difference in blocking wind, especially during long rides, reducing rider fatigue.
Handguards: Defend against wind, rain, and debris with handguards. Barkbusters has several flexible models in line that match the Versys rugged design.
4. Suspension and Handling
Fork Upgrades: If you're the rider who wants more off-road performance, then fork upgrades can really do the trick. Adjustable or progressive springs upgrade the front forks, giving you more control and stability over rough terrains.
Rear Shock Add to your bike a premium rear shock from Ohlins or Hyperpro to give it greater comfort and handling, especiallly when loaded with luggage.
5. Performance Upgrades
Fuel Controllers: Power Commanders and fuel controllers tweak the fuel map to optimize power delivery for better throttle response in off-road terrain.
Exhaust Systems: By fitting a lighter exhaust, for example, an Akrapovič or a LeoVince, you can shave off some weight and enjoy a deeper, throatier exhaust note that adds to the adventure experience.
Every one of the Kawasaki Vulcan 650, Ninja 300, and Versys 650 is unique in riding personality and style. After fixing the right accessories to these machines, you can personify each according to your needs for riding, whether to enhance performance, to make it comfortable, or aesthetically impressive in terms of the bike's form. In addition to personifying your ride, accessories help bring out the best in your motorcycle, turning every journey into a trip to remember.
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otrstore · 17 days
Suzuki Hayabusa 2008-2020 Gen 2 Frame Sliders Suzuki Hayabusa 2008-2020 Gen 2 Frame Sliders. Easy and Direct installation. Comes with all fitments for Easy installation. Must have accessory for motorcycle protection. Protects bike from low/ intermediate crash/ parking fall.
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motorradsg · 28 days
Essential Motorcycle Gear: Tank Bags, Protective Gear, and Accessories
Riding a motorcycle offers unparalleled freedom and excitement, but ensuring safety and convenience is paramount. Investing in quality motorcycle gear is essential for a comfortable and safe ride. Whether you're an experienced rider or a beginner, understanding the importance of motorcycle tank bags, motorcycle protective gear, motorcycle tank accessories, and the best motorcycle accessories is crucial for enhancing your riding experience.
Motorcycle Tank Bags: Convenience on the Go
Motorcycle tank bags are one of the most versatile and useful accessories for riders. These bags attach securely to the fuel tank, providing easy access to essential items such as maps, phones, wallets, and other small gear. For long rides, motorcycle tank bags are indispensable, allowing riders to keep their belongings within reach without the need to stop and rummage through saddlebags or backpacks.
One of the key benefits of tank bags is their accessibility. Positioned directly in front of the rider, these bags are perfect for storing items that need to be accessed quickly. They come in various sizes and designs, catering to different needs, from compact bags for short trips to larger ones for longer journeys. Moreover, many modern motorcycle tank bags are equipped with clear map holders or GPS pouches, ensuring that navigation tools are easily visible.
Motorcycle Protective Gear: Safety First
Safety should always be a rider's top priority. Investing in high-quality motorcycle protective gear can make a significant difference in the event of an accident. Protective gear includes helmets, jackets, gloves, pants, and boots, all designed to minimize injury during a crash. A well-fitting helmet is the most crucial piece of protective gear, as it protects the head and can significantly reduce the risk of fatal injury.
Jackets and pants made from abrasion-resistant materials like leather or textile offer protection against road rash and impact. Motorcycle protective gear often features additional armor in critical areas such as the elbows, shoulders, back, and knees, providing extra protection in case of a fall. Gloves and boots are also essential, offering protection for the hands and feet, which are particularly vulnerable during a crash.
Motorcycle Tank Accessories: Enhance Your Ride
In addition to tank bags, various motorcycle tank accessories can enhance your riding experience. Tank pads, for instance, protect the fuel tank from scratches caused by zippers, belt buckles, or other sharp objects. These pads are not only functional but can also add a touch of style to your motorcycle.
Magnetic mounts or adhesive holders are other popular motorcycle tank accessories that allow riders to securely attach their phones or GPS devices to the tank, ensuring they stay in place even on bumpy roads. These accessories are designed to be durable and reliable, providing peace of mind during your rides.
Best Motorcycle Accessories: Must-Have Gear for Every Rider
When it comes to choosing thebest motorcycle accessories, it's important to consider both functionality and safety. Quality gear can enhance your riding experience and ensure you are well-prepared for any situation. In addition tomotorcycle tank bags and protective gear, other essential accessories include saddlebags, tail bags, and crash protection gear like sliders and frame protectors.
Saddlebags and tail bags provide additional storage space for longer trips, allowing you to carry everything you need without overloading your bike. Crash protection gear, on the other hand, helps protect your motorcycle from damage in case of a fall or collision. Investing in these best motorcycle accessories not only enhances your comfort but also ensures that your bike remains in top condition.
Riding a motorcycle is a thrilling experience, but it's essential to be well-prepared with the right gear. Motorcycle tank bags, protective gear, and motorcycle tank accessories are all vital components of a rider's kit, ensuring safety, convenience, and protection. By investing in the best motorcycle accessories, you can enhance your riding experience and enjoy the open road with confidence.
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pgxpitstop · 1 month
Are you planning to hit the road for a long Aprilia ride in India? Then before you hit the road, these are the top Aprilia Modification you need to have as a part of your motorbike gear..
When looking for Aprilia RS 457 Modification provides high quality motorcycle Modification and riding gear for motorbike, You can consider visiting shop PGX Auto Accessories local Aprilia RS 457 Bike Modification. These shops often carry a wide range of all type RS 457 Bike Modification Shop such as helmets, riding gear, bike covers, fog lights, LED Bag, LED Cap, Top Rack, Crash Guard, Frame Sliders, Head Light Grill, Paddock Stand & Wheel Roller, Tank Protector, Fork Sliders, Saddle Stay, Jerry Can And Mounts, Top Box with Panniers, Top Rack & Backrest, Riding Backpacks, Saddle Bags, and other aftermarket parts that are compatible with motorcycle. PGX Auto Accessories at best price and get home delivery all over India
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leopoldainter · 4 months
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0 notes
Protect Your Ride with ViaTerraGear's HP Bike Protection Collection
When it comes to your motorcycle, protection isn't just an option – it's a necessity. Whether you're cruising down the highway or tackling challenging terrain, safeguarding your bike against the elements and unexpected mishaps is key to ensuring both its longevity and your safety. Enter ViaTerraGear's HP Bike Protection collection – a range of high-quality accessories designed to shield your ride from the rigors of the road while enhancing its performance and aesthetics.
The Importance of Bike Protection
Before we delve into the specifics of ViaTerraGear's HP Bike Protection collection, let's take a moment to understand why investing in bike protection is crucial for every rider. Motorcycles are exposed to various hazards, including gravel, debris, inclement weather, and even minor collisions. Without adequate protection, these factors can lead to costly damage, compromising both the functionality and appearance of your beloved ride.
Furthermore, protecting your bike isn't just about preserving its resale value – it's also about safeguarding yourself and others on the road. A well-protected motorcycle is less likely to experience mechanical failures or structural weaknesses that could result in accidents or injuries. By prioritizing bike protection, you're not only looking out for your investment but also promoting a safer riding experience for everyone.
Introducing ViaTerraGear's HP Bike Protection Collection
ViaTerraGear understands the importance of reliable bike protection, which is why they've developed the HP Bike Protection collection – a comprehensive lineup of accessories engineered to meet the demands of modern riders. From robust engine guards to durable frame sliders, each product is meticulously designed and rigorously tested to ensure maximum effectiveness and durability.
Key Features of the HP Bike Protection Collection:
Engine Guards: Designed to shield your bike's engine and vital components from impact and abrasion, ViaTerraGear's engine guards are constructed from high-strength materials such as stainless steel or aluminum. These guards provide comprehensive coverage without compromising ground clearance or maneuverability, making them ideal for both on-road and off-road adventures.
Frame Sliders: In the event of a slide or tip-over, frame sliders can help prevent costly damage to your bike's frame and fairings. ViaTerraGear's frame sliders feature a low-profile design and durable construction to absorb impact and dissipate energy, minimizing the risk of structural deformation or breakage.
Crash Bars: For riders seeking maximum protection, ViaTerraGear offers crash bars that encompass both the engine and frame areas. These heavy-duty bars provide an additional layer of defense against impacts, whether from collisions with other vehicles or falls during off-road riding.
Skid Plates: Off-road enthusiasts will appreciate ViaTerraGear's skid plates, which safeguard the underside of the bike from rocks, roots, and other obstacles encountered on rugged terrain. Constructed from lightweight yet durable materials like aluminum or composite polymers, these skid plates offer superior protection without adding unnecessary bulk.
Check out some of the best BIKE PROTECTION from Viterra Gear
Your motorcycle is more than just a mode of transportation – it's a reflection of your passion for adventure and freedom on the open road. Protecting your bike isn't just a matter of practicality; it's a statement of commitment to your own safety and the longevity of your ride. With ViaTerraGear's HP Bike Protection collection, you can ride with confidence, knowing that your bike is equipped to handle whatever challenges the road may throw your way. Explore the collection today and experience the ultimate in motorcycle protection and peace of mind.
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auctmartfairings · 5 months
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Buy the Best Quality of air duct accessories for motorcycles worldwide at discounted price from Auctmarts with a free shipping facility.
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informationtips · 7 months
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Motorcycle enthusiasts are always on the lookout for ways to improve their riding experience. One of the most popular methods is by investing in aftermarket motorcycle mods and upgrades. While enhancing your bike's performance, style, and functionality can be exhilarating, it's important to make informed choices to ensure safety and quality. In this article, we'll explore the ultimate top 10 aftermarket motorcycle modifications and upgrades while emphasizing the importance of using Bike Original Parts or reputable Bike Spare Parts, like those offered by Uno Minda.
Exhaust System Upgrades:
Upgrading your bike's exhaust system can improve both performance and sound. A high-quality aftermarket exhaust system can enhance power and torque while giving your motorcycle a distinct growl. It's essential to select a reputable manufacturer to ensure compatibility with your bike's engine and emissions.
Suspension Enhancements:
Improving your motorcycle's suspension can significantly enhance ride quality and handling. Upgraded suspension components, like forks and shock absorbers, can provide better stability, control, and comfort during rides.
Brake Upgrades:
Ensuring your bike's brakes are in top condition is paramount for safety. Upgrading to high-performance brake pads, rotors, or even a complete brake system can enhance stopping power and reduce the risk of accidents.
Tires and Wheels:
Upgrading your bike's tires and wheels can have a dramatic impact on handling and grip. Choosing the right set of tires and lightweight, performance wheels can significantly improve cornering and overall control.
Air Intake and Fuel Management:
Upgrading your bike's air intake system and fuel management can boost performance. Replacing the air filter and optimizing the fuel mixture with a fuel tuner or remapping the ECU can enhance throttle response and power.
Custom Seat:
A custom seat can make a world of difference in terms of comfort on long rides. Tailored to your specifications, a well-designed seat can alleviate discomfort and enhance your overall riding experience.
LED Lighting Upgrades:
Upgrading your bike's lighting to LED technology not only improves visibility but also adds a stylish touch to your ride. LED headlights, turn signals, and brake lights are energy-efficient and long-lasting.
Frame Sliders and Crash Protection:
Safety should always be a priority. Installing frame sliders and crash protection can help minimize damage to your bike in the event of a spill or accident. Protecting vital components can save you money on costly repairs.
Windshields and Fairings:
If you're into touring or long rides, a taller windshield can reduce wind fatigue and enhance comfort. Adding fairings can improve aerodynamics and reduce wind resistance, improving fuel efficiency and reducing rider fatigue.
Upgraded Controls and Handlebars:
Upgrading your bike's controls and handlebars can enhance ergonomics and comfort. Swapping to handlebars that better suit your riding style can alleviate discomfort on long rides.
While aftermarket motorcycle mods and upgrades can significantly enhance your riding experience, it's important to exercise caution and prioritize safety. Ensure that the modifications you choose are compatible with your bike's make and model. High-quality Bike Spare Parts from reputable manufacturers like Uno Minda are crucial to ensure that the upgrades are reliable and safe.
Additionally, keep in mind that modifying your bike can affect your warranty and insurance coverage. Many manufacturers have clauses that void warranties if non-OEM parts or unauthorized modifications are made. And, some insurance companies may view highly modified bikes as higher risk, potentially impacting your insurance premiums.
Also Visit:
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Uno Minda : India's Best CAR & BIKE Headlight Manufacturer
In Conclusion, aftermarket motorcycle modifications and upgrades can transform your riding experience. However, it's crucial to make informed choices, using high-quality components like Bike Original Parts or reputable Bike Spare Parts, such as those offered by Uno Minda. Safety and compatibility should always be top priorities when starting on these modifications. Enjoy the journey and ride safely!
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joshwunderlich · 9 months
Elevating Your Motorcycle Experience: Innovation in Accessories and Enhancements
Motorcycling is not just about transportation; it's a lifestyle. The right accessories and enhancements can significantly elevate the riding experience, combining functionality with an expression of personal style.
High-Performance Motorcycle Accessories
Explore the world of high-performance motorcycle accessories. These accessories, ranging from custom exhaust systems to advanced lighting, are designed to improve the functionality and aesthetics of motorcycles.
Ergonomic Motorcycle Seats
Discover the importance of ergonomic motorcycle seats for long rides. Comfort is key in motorcycling, and a well-designed seat can greatly enhance the overall riding experience, especially on long journeys.
Motorcycle Protection Parts
Learn about motorcycle protection parts. From engine guards to frame sliders, these parts are essential for safeguarding your bike against damage, whether on the road or off-road.
Advanced Navigation Systems for Motorcycles
Dive into the benefits of advanced navigation systems for motorcycles. These systems not only provide directions but also enhance the ride with features like weather alerts and route optimization.
Custom Motorcycle Fairings
Understand the appeal of custom motorcycle fairings. These components not only add to the aesthetic appeal of the bike but also improve aerodynamics, contributing to better performance and fuel efficiency.
Summarize the transformative impact of quality motorcycle accessories and enhancements. Highlight how these products not only improve the ride but also reflect the rider's personality and style.
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theblogs2024 · 1 year
Ten Bike Modification To help make Your Bike Touring Completely ready
Touring on a motorcycle is in fact entertaining and amazing, but taking place seriously prolonged rides just one have to have to acquire some mods on their bikes to make it a tiny bit comfy. Although the motorbike just isn't about comfort and ease. So, ten Tremendous needed mods are for making a motorcycle touring friendly are,
Bigger Windshield
It’s all about cruising at highspeed out on the highway. At All those speeds, wind gushes in your helmet rendering it tough to maintain the momentum. So, this is where A much bigger windshield arrives into ability. Some bikes like the Bajaj Avenger Cruise 220 comes with a substantial windshield but in other a single has to acquire it as an add-on. A sizable windshield deflects the significant-speed wind possibly more than the helmet or over on the shoulder producing triple digits speeds sustainable as well as a bit fewer tiring.
Body Sliders/Crash Guards Body Sliders Frame Sliders Two-wheelers count on gyroscopic outcome to keep the motorbike upright, very well, which is if the bike is running. So, the bike is certain to tumble when this gyroscopic impact is hampered or is disturbed. Regrettably, this takes place when a motorbike gets successful or satisfies with a mishap. So, to avoid wasting the engine and handlebars, riders legs, as well as body of the bike, crash guards or body sliders are required. For you to know, body sliders tend to be for a completely-faired motorcycle and the crash guard is for just a cruiser or a naked bike.
Hazard Lights/Blinkers Among the important portions of Using a bike will be to be observed, and with additional lights about the motorcycle, it results in being less complicated. So, The obvious way to resolve this issue without having Placing needless load over the motorbike’s battery is by using the hazard lights. This is where many of the 4 blinkers blink in sync and This can be the factor that also grabs many focus.
Motor Guards/Bash Plates Motorycle Bash-Plate One mustn't get bewildered among crash guards and bash plates as both of those are substantially distinctive. Exactly where the crash guard is for the perimeters the bash plate is especially to save the oil sump as well as the entrance of your motor. The Bash plate is installed about the entrance portion of the motorcycle frame onto the belly on the motor. As reported earlier, this saves the engine’s sump from punchers as well as shields it with the particles slipping within the tyres.
All-Weather Tyres All-weather Tyres When going on a long trip, the climate and terrain are two things that are incredibly unpredictable. And tyres are what that place the ability down about the street. So, to get Prepared For each doable highway or no street entirely, all-climate tyres are essential. These tyres enable the motorbike to roll above any surface area, be it wet, rocky, or has gravels. All-temperature tyres also make sure that there isn't any this sort of road which the bicycle are unable to journey on.
Handlebar Risers Handlebar Risers A lot of touring motorcycles have a rather fully commited Using posture; this could be tiring on lengthy journeys. To create such bike a tad far more comfy handle bar-risers occur seriously handy. Handle-bar risers do what it suggests about the books, these elevate the handlebars by several inches creating the Driving posture upright and cozy for lengthy rides.
Padded Seats/Gel Pads Bike Gel seat The second most critical thing to avoid wasting on a long journey is, am… yes!. You guessed it suitable your bottom. A very well-padded seat is something that may have a world of a difference on extended rides. But if you have a little bit more money to spare we’d advise to Opt for a gel pad to the seat. This tends to be a lot more snug as well as your bum will working experience significantly less tiredness and may thank us afterwards.
Saddle Bags/Saddle Stays Motorbike Panniers
When heading for a protracted experience, you’ll certainly not be likely for at some point. So, to just take your things together you’ll be needing a saddle bag or facet bag. In the market, you'll find largely two different types of side luggage, 1 a saddlebag and another a single could be the paniers. Saddlebags might or might not be water resistant but they sometimes have a temperature cover.
On the contrary, a pannier is a hard circumstance bag that laches on towards the motorcycle sides. For you to know, for saddlebags, You could have to secure a saddle continue to be to maintain the saddle luggage planted. For the pannier, it comes in an entire set but at a price. Which is healthier then? Very well, saddlebags and both equally are fantastic in their unique way.
Cellular phone Mount Motorycle Cell phone Mount The primary cause of a cellphone mount is always to set your cellular phone to Exhibit navigation, that's needless to say actually useful. Quite the opposite, a single may also receive a Bluetooth headset for that helmet and hear the way (that's a little usual: But is incredibly beneficial).
Metal Braided Brake-traces Metal Braided Brake Lines It’s not generally about going rapid, at times it’s regarding how effectively you stop. So, braided brake traces make sure that there isn't a compromise around the brake Chunk. This also lends self-assurance to brake and Enable’s you brake tougher in addition to a bit later on without the need of dropping Regulate. So how exactly does braided brake lines produce a change you could check with? Well, typical brake strains bilge under difficult braking make the brakes sense spongy as these strains bulge under this sort of ailments. Whilst in the braided brake lines, they don’t bulge and provide a much better brake bite.
To know more details visit here: CLBCU SYM
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twins2994 · 1 year
Twins Comeback Late To Beat Reds!
Twins 5 Reds 3 W-Duran (3-6) L-Diaz (9-5) SV-Jax (3)
The Minnesota Twins had a good night as their Magic Number dwindled down to three with a win and an Indians loss. The team wrapped up the road trip today against the Reds in Cincinnati. The Reds started the scoring in the third inning as Will Benson walked and Jonathan India was hit by a pitch. TJ Friedl singled home a run to put Cincinnati up by a run. Christian Encarnacion-Strand added to their lead in the fourth with a blast off a Bailey Ober curveball. The solo homer doubled the Reds lead to two after four frames. Meanwhile, Hunter Greene was phenomenal through six shutout innings. Willi Castro would knock a Greene slider out to right for a solo homer in the seventh as the Twins inched within a run. The Reds would get that run back in the bottom of the seventh as Will Benson led-off with a triple to right-center. Luke Maile singled him home and the Reds regained a two-run lead. Meanwhile, Hunter Greene finished off seven strong innings and Ian Gibaut struggled in the eighth. Christian Vazquez led-off with a double to right and Eddie Julien singled him home. The Twins were within a run again and got back to work in the ninth. Willi Castro laid down a bunt single and stole second base to start the ninth. He reached third on a bad throw from Luke Maile. Kyle Farmer lined a run-scoring single home and the game was tied at three. Christian Vazquez drew a one-out walk and both runners pulled off a double steal. Ryan Jeffers was intentionally walked to load up the bases and Jorge Polanco delivered a two-run single to right as the Twins took the lead. Griffin Jax had a scoreless ninth and the Twins picked up an improbable win today in Cincinnati.
-Final Thoughts- Bailey Ober was very good today. He went five innings and allowed two runs on three hits with three walks and three strikeouts. Josh Winder gave up a run over two innings of work with a strikeout. Jhoan Duran fanned two in the eighth and Griffin Jax put up a zero in the ninth for the save. Willi Castro and Christian Vazquez led the way with two hits on the day. The Twins hit 4-for-10 with runners in scoring position and left seven men on base. Carlos Correa was placed on the injured list with plantar fasciitis and Trevor Larnach was called up. Correa should be back for the playoffs. Royce Lewis was riding a stantionary bike before the game, which is encouraging. The Twins head home for an off day on Thursday. The Angels come to town and Tyler Anderson faces Pablo Lopez in Game 1 on Friday night.
-Chris Kreibich-
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