#big ol sweetie
Still got that Horror Mafiafell Sans brainrot
It wasn’t the first time Sans had pulled you into his lap, by any stretch of the imagination. The wads of cash he so often put in your pocket to ‘make up’ for the time you spent trapped had been difficult to explain to the bank at first- by now, it had happened so often that the tellers just got a look on their faces when they saw you walk in
They called you by name without looking at any paperwork. They probably thought YOU were in the mafia.
It was common bar knowledge how fond he was of holding you through his meals. Nowadays, Lisa would jokingly 'warn' you when he came through the doors and his mood was visibly stormy... the deeper his glower, the more likely he was to pull you in without warning when you passed his table, those giant claws sealing tight around a body that immediately became tiny in his presence.
So you should've been used to it.
... Something was very new about this time. And it wasn't just the lit cigar between his phalanges, different to his usual brand of choice.
Up against his huge chest. Your cheeks were hot, your heart was thumping. His touch was... different. Sat sideways across his lap, he kept you tucked against him with a hand on your thigh. Though on your thigh was a little bit of an understatement- his hand was so huge, he had nearly all of your thigh in his hold. 
The other hand, resting on the table, had the cigar held between the index and middle finger. It felt like an impenetrable barrier between you and the outside world... his gold rings gleaming in the low light.
... Perhaps it was the position of his hand. Holding your thigh gently, but with a possessive hint in the curl of his claws that slightly pressed into your flesh. Big, warm bones, the cold metal of the rings... he was holding you like he owned you.
Either way, you were just staring at his jacket lapel. Finding it very hard to cool down. The smell of smoke and gold was overpowering.
(You’d grown pretty adept at just tuning all table conversations out, for fear of overhearing something dangerous. But today, you couldn’t have concentrated on what was being said to Sans by the other two men at the table, even if you tried to.)
You didn’t know what the meeting he was having was about, and whatever it was, he didn’t seem happy about it. But he wasn't furious in a way that would usually frighten you. His energy was much more... reserved. There was a low scowl written across his face, he looked serious, dark. The crack and his scars cast deep and expressive shadows across his face. You were protected from the entire world, like this.
... Usually, you just felt like a tiny plushie in the arms of a big child who needed comforting. Not this time. And as he brushed his thumb slowly, back and forth across your leg... the prickles ran up your spine.
What's wrong with me? You swallowed. Your heart hadn't slowed down, not one bit, hands balled in your apron. What's going on?
... You heard Sans move, above you. You couldn't help but look up at him- and his big eye moved down to you. He seemed to register your altered state, for the first time, emerging a little from his obvious frustration at the other members of the table.
... His expression changed. Something about him shifted, ever-so-slightly.
His grin lifted, sharpened... his sockets fractionally lidded. 
He was smirking at you.
You’d grown accustomed to gleaning as much as possible from Sans’ expressions. It was how you judged his mood, how you saw his grabs coming, how you guessed what he was trying to say with the few words he had available. 
Perhaps you were too good, now. Because when he leered down at you like that, gently squeezing your thigh... you could practically hear his words purring through your mind.
“aren’t you cute~?”
You immediately broke eye contact, staring at your own knees. But it to was too late- you felt heat completely flood your face.
... Sans returned his attention to the other people at the table. But not before he gave your thigh another little stroke with his thumb. As if making sure you absolutely knew he saw that.
You faintly recalled hearing that Sans, before his famous injury, was something of a... playboy. If you were completely honest, it had been very hard to picture the Sans you knew successfully wooing someone.
You could imagine it, now. Very, very well.
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goosewizard · 1 year
moray eels are just big puppies to me. big sweet eyes. go *< all the time. big ol puppy dogs.
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for reference:
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same thing. case closed.
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yhrite · 9 months
Wish irl men were more like Gale Baldursgate (amenable to romantic advances through the act of being brought a pair of magic shoes to eat)
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muppetmime · 4 months
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I got this little fozzie wishable and it genuinely made cry. I have never cried because something was so sos cute but now i have. Hes sos smal and so tiny and hes sos light and its just like holding a kitten and theres subtle blushing on his cheekies and AAAAAA
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I put him in one of the dice bags i made so i could keep him near my other muppet plushies i have on my bed without getting lost and. I tear up everytime i look at him im not used to this im not usually a crier every but ive been havin a rough time and hes so soft and so sweet and he knows nothin but existing happily and im so glad.
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merlinunderpressure · 22 days
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I had a really good inspiration strike for my pressure experiment oc..... I still don't have a name or a ref I just had a FEELING.... the details are a little messy but that's okay <3
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resident-gay-bitch · 1 year
Too Late - Sixteen
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summary: You’ve always secretly pined over Eddie Munson, your best friend, but when you find out he’s dating Chrissy Cunningham, you reach your breaking point. you seek comfort from Gareth, your second best friend. you figure out he’s got a crush, but you don’t know who, you were determined to figure it out though. but he was determined to keep his feelings for you locked away forever. but plans change, right?
too late masterlist - this is the final chap :(
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December rolled around the corner faster than expected. You and Gareth had just celebrated your nine months together, and everything was going great. You and Chrissy had begun to grow closer again, but she ended up moving to California for the summer with Jason, he went to stay with family before college, so you hardly saw her. You did call a lot though. She got back about a month ago, and you’d both just been so busy, you’d only managed to catch up once. The only times you had seen Eddie, was when you’d pass each other in the grocery store, or that one time when you had gone to the movies with Gareth and he was just leaving the cinema with Dustin. You hadn’t spoken, just sharing a glance that lasted no longer than a few seconds. Tonight was Christmas eve, and the air was cold and snow was falling. You were cozying up in Gareth's poolroom with him and the boys, just listening to the Bon Jovi record your boyfriend got you for Christmas. It was a peaceful night. You'd just stuffed your faces with a delicious dinner with Lizzie and Scott. 
There was a knock at the glass door, and you all turned your heads to see Scott himself, wrapped up in coats and scarfs, shaking in the cold. You quickly jumped up to pull him into the warm room, slamming the door shut behind him. 
“Hi, sorry to intrude on your teenage bonding time,” he smiled as he spoke, “but Liz just hopped into the shower and I thought I’d take the opportunity to talk to you… Gareth.” 
“Oh god.” Gareth mumbled, lifting himself up from the bean bag, “What have I done now? I promise you, the tap was already broken when I woke up thismo-”
“No, no.” Scott shook his head, “You're not in trouble… the opposite of that, actually.” 
“What’s the opposite of being in trouble?” 
Scott thought for a moment, “I don’t know.” 
Gareth nodded. You walked up next to him, looking at Mr Clark expectantly. He cleared his throat. 
“Right… so… Gareth, I don’t ever expect you to call me dad…”
You gasped, a smile spreading over your face as you realised what was coming. Gareth didn't. He raised an eyebrow and scrunched up his face with confusion, “Okay…”
“But.” Scott nodded, burying through his pockets. You wrapped your arms around Gareth's bicep, jumping with excitement, watching with anticipation. Scott smiled, noticing your excitement. The other two boys were smiling too, sending a few ‘ooh’s his way. Gareth was still confused. Scott held out a little blue box, “May I please have your blessing to ask your mother… to marry me?” 
Gareth looked up at him wide eyed, “You want to marry my mum?” 
You squeezed his arm again. 
Scott took a shaky breath, offering the box to Gareth, “If you’ll allow me, yes. I know your opinion is important to her, I just hope I have won you over…” He tipped his head, “it’s not much. A teacher's salary only really pays the bills, but…”
Gareth hesitantly took the box, opening it up slowly. You peered over his shoulder to see a gorgeous gold ring with a diamond in the centre, pearly stones surrounding it to look like the petals on a flower. It was perfect. Gareth stared at the ring, silence lingered in the room. Scott stared at him, wiggling his fingers as he started to worry with Gareth's lack of response. 
He looked up, finally, closing the box. Emotionless, he spoke, “Why do you want to marry her?” 
“Uh…” Scott glanced over at your confused expression before looking back at your boyfriend, “Because I love her, and she makes me happy. I’d- I’d love to make her happy, and nothing would mean more to me than your blessing.” 
Gareth stared at him. 
“I want… I want to spend my life with her.”
“What makes you think you're good enough to spend your life with her?” Gareth quirked an eyebrow, and you gave him a dissatisfied look. 
“I…” Scott looked to the ground, “I’m-”
“Nah, I’m just messin with ya.” Gareth laughed, handing the ring back to Scott and slapping him on the shoulder, “Course you can marry my mum. I’m surprised we haven’t scared you off yet.” 
Scott smiled, “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Gareth smiled, “But I’m never calling you dad.” 
“No, of course not.” He shook his head and started for the door. 
“Go get her Mr Clark!” You shouted. 
“It’s Scott.” He shouted back with a smile. 
“No it’s not.” You waved him off. 
You turned to Gareth with an excited squeal and hugged him tight. 
The second knock on the door you got that night was from Chrissy. Jeff let her inside so her teeth would stop chattering in the cold, and you quickly pulled her into a hug, both to warm her up and because you missed her. She handed you a gift, perfectly wrapped with a lavish bow, and you handed her one too. 
“Thanks Chris.” You smiled, tearing open the paper. Inside was a new pair of boots, “What the fuck?”
“Wh- do you not like them?”
You lifted up the leather shoe with wide eyes, “I… how much did these cost you?”
“It’s not about the money.” 
“But now I feel bad.” You huffed. 
She tore open her present to find a mixtape, a bracelet with a cute flower charm, and a pin to stick to her leather jacket. You had been decorating yours over the year with buttons and pins, one of them matched with one on Chrissy's jacket from the last time you had hung out. Little hearts with arrows through them. This pin was a Blondie one. Chrissy liked Blondie a lot, they were the crossover between her beloved pop and your rock. She squealed, pulling you into a hug. 
“Thank you!” 
You laughed, “You’re kidding right? Thank you!” 
She rolled her eyes, “Don’t stress it, babe. I knew you had been eying them off for a while.”
You smiled and hugged her again. 
“Look, I can’t stay. Jason’s out the front, we’re heading to my parents for the night. Big Christmas celebrations and were running late. But I’ll see you new years, yes?”
“Yeah.” You smiled, “Come on, I’ll walk you out. Say hi to Carver.” 
“Okay.” She helped you pull on your boots and a thick winter coat. 
You both waddled out the front to find Jason leaning up against his car, smoking a cigarette. You found that a little strange, a guy of his ‘status’, smoking, funny. She ran right into his arms for warmth. 
“Carver.” You nodded at him, keeping a metre or so’s distance. 
“L/N.” He nodded, extending his hand out, “Truce?”
You raised your eyebrows for a moment, looking between him and his hand. 
He sighed, “Sorry for being a dick back in middle school.” He shrugged, “Sorry for being a dick always, there's no excuse. I’m just sorry.” He sighed. 
You wobbled your head, thinking for a moment, “You did bully me.” 
He scrunched up his face, “Yeah…” he sighed, “If it makes you feel any better, all that bullying really fucked me over. I didn’t get into college… at all.”
Your mouth gaped open, “Yeah, that does make me feel better, actually.” You laughed. 
There was a flash of light, and all three of you turned to see who had pulled up out the front. The lights switched off, and you realised it was Eddie’s van. Shit. Wayne hopped out, bag in hand. He waved at you, “Y/N!” He smiled, “Merry Christmas, just droppin’ off some gifts.”
“Merry Christmas, Wayne.” You smiled back, “I’ll be in in a sec. Boys are out the back.” 
He nodded and walked up to the front door. Eddie hooped out of his van, seemingly not having noticed you yet. He leant against the hood, lighting a cigarette. You looked at Chrissy, who was looking at the ground and frowning, Jason's arm getting tighter around her. Eddie took the first puff, looking out at the night sky, brushing off the snow that fell down on his face. Jason cleared his throat. Eddie snapped his head in your direction and the cigarette almost fell from his mouth. You noticed a moment of panic in his eyes before he resumed his calm manor. 
He nodded his head once, “Carver… Cunningham…” He looked at you for a moment, “L/N. Merry Christmas.”
“Yeah.” You nodded back. 
“Very merry indeed.” Jason smiled at him, “Got any plans, Munson?”
Eddie sighed, “Quiet night with Wayne… heading over to the Hendersons tomorrow.” 
You nodded. Jason smiled, rubbing hand up and down Chrissy's arm, “That’s nice. I’m heading over to Chrissy’s for the night. We’ve got a big family celebration tomorrow, don’t we, baby?” He watched Eddie tense. 
You couldn’t help but smirk behind your scarf. Jason was a mean girl, and you hated it, but god, right now you loved it. You were inspired, “Sounds lovely. I’m spending the night here, celebrating the morning with Lizzie and her man. Then Garebears comin over to mine for Christmas Dinner.” You grinned, Eddie always used to spend Christmas dinner at your house. 
Eddie frowned, “Ah.” he nodded a few times, “Good to see you girls as friends again.”
You both stared at him for a moment, sharing a little look of disbelief. Chrissy raised her eyebrows, “Yeah. Having regretful feelings for a jackass really builds a bond.” 
Eddie sniggered, looking away for a moment, “Yeah.” 
“Anyway.” Jason broke the tension, “We gotta get going. I got some Cunninghams to suck up too.” 
Chrissy giggled, “It was lovely seeing you again. Thank you for my gift.” 
“Of course.” You smiled, pulling her in for a hug and giving her a little cheek kiss, “We will have to catch up more in the new year.”
“Absolutely.” She smiled. 
“Maybe I can even rope Gareth into a double date some time.” You looked at Jason, “Though, that might take some convincing.”
“Mhm.” He nodded, putting his hand out to shake again, “Can we be civil… for Chris?”
You sighed, slapping your hand into his and giving it a firm shake, “For Chris.” 
He smiled and saluted you as he opened the door for his girlfriend. You stood watching as they climbed in and drove off, sending them a little wave as they disappeared down the street. You turned to Eddie and walked up to him, plucking the cigarette from his lips and sticking it between your own. 
“Okay then.” He huffed. 
“It’s the least you could do, jackass.” You leant back against the hood of his van beside him. 
He sighed, looking to the ground, “Sorry.”
“No you’re not.” 
He looked at you, “Fine. I’m not. Happy?”
“Mhm.” You nodded half heartedly, refusing to look at him as you took another drag. 
“You and Gareth are still together then?”
“Nine months.” You exhaled, tapping the ash off the end of the smoke, “It’s great.” 
Eddie nodded, “That’s good then.”
“Yep.” You popped your lips on the ‘P’. 
There was silence for a moment, and Eddie turned to you, “I still love you.” 
You sighed and dropped the cigarette, stubbing it out with your toe, “Good for you.” 
“Can you just-” He interrupted himself with a deep breath, “Please, hear me out?”
You looked at him, “What? What’s there to hear, Eddie?” You rolled your eyes, “You’ve already forced yourself on me, begged me for forgiveness and love… I don’t know what else there is to do.” 
He rubbed his brow, “I know I’ve fucked up. I know that now, I do… but I can get better. You can- you can help me-”
“Why would I want to do that when I have a perfectly good boyfriend in there, who loves me unconditionally, and wants nothing but my happiness?” You raised your eyebrows and shook your head, “Unlike you, Eddie, Gareth is actually loveable.” 
He closed his eyes, taking that like a stake to the heart, “Please-”
“Merry Christmas.” You scoffed, walking back to the house. 
You decided to not tell Gareth, or anyone about that interaction with Eddie tonight. It wasn’t the time. The mood was high and people were happy, and talking of Eddie would just ruin that entirely. You’d stash it away for another time. 
The third time you got a knock on the door was right around midnight. 
You and the boys were all in a pile, lazing on one another. You’d just hotboxed the shit out of Gareth's poolroom, and you were all hazy and warm with bloodshot eyes. You had heard a scream, all sitting up in fear. And about two minutes later, when you were all halfway through pulling your boots on sloppily, the knock came. It was from Lizzie, and she was dressed in pyjamas and socks and nothing else, tears streaming down her face. Gareth slid open the door and she hugged him tight. You saw Scott running out the back door with a coat and scarf and beanie slung over his arm for her. 
“What?” You asked, rubbing your eyes, your speech was slow. 
“I’m engaged!” She shrieked, jumping up and down like a child on Christmas morning. 
“Fuck.” Gareth smiled, his voice just as slow as yours, he hugged her again, “Congratulations, mum.” 
She wiped at her tears and came to hug you too, “Ah, look at it.” She pulled back and shoved her hand in yours and Gareth's faces, then in Jeff and Grants, “Isn’t it gorgeous.”
“Hell yeah.” Jeff nodded. 
“Totally rad, Missus E.” Grant smiled. 
“It’s like… so cool.” Gareth began to laugh. 
“Looks like somethin in a movie, Lizz.” You grinned. 
“Yeah… like,” Gareth thought for a moment, “like a secret spy gadget, you know?”
You laughed, “Like it shoots lasers.”
You and Gareth started pretending like you had laser shooting rings on and fought. Gareth dramatically fell to the ground. 
“Are you high?” Lizzie asked. 
“What?” You asked, acting like you had no idea what she was talking about but doing a terrible job at it, “Us… high? Lizzie… we would never.”
“Never.” Jeff added. 
Gareth tried to stand up, but stumbled. He fell over and you all started laughing. He pressed his palms to his eyes, “God, I’m so high.” 
You all started laughing more. Lizzie glared at her son, and then at you. You pulled a face of embarrassment, and it had her rolling her eyes with a smile, “Okay weirdos. Be responsible.” She grabbed Scotts hand, dragging him for the door, “Don’t come inside. My fiance and I would like the house to ourselves.” 
“Ewww.” Gareth poked his tongue out, “Mum, that’s gross. That’s my teacher!”
“Not your teacher anymore.” Scott nodded as he was dragged away. 
You giggled and fell down on top of Gareth, “Go Lizzie, I think.” 
“Nah.” Gareth shook his head, “Mums can’t have sex.” 
“What,” You grinned, “you sayin you wont fuck me once I’ve been knocked up?”
“That’s different.” He shoved your face. 
“You guys are so weird.” Jeff fell backwards into Grant’s arms and Grant kissed his neck…
Oh yeah. That was something else that had happened in the past few months. Jeff and Grant had come out to you guys, saying they had been dating for like… a year. You were just confused as to how you had gone so long without noticing. 
“You guys are weird.” You poked your tongue out at them. 
“Nahahh. You are.” Grant added. 
“You are.” Gareth chimed in, crawling over to them to tackle. 
You all ended up in a pile, wrestling each other and calling eachother names and laughing, all high out of your goddamned minds. By the time you got really tired, you were laying splayed out like a starfish on the pullout, and Gareth was entirely on top of you, acting as your blanket because his weighted blanket wasn’t heavy enough. Jeff and Grant were cuddled up, already falling asleep on the mattress on the floor. 
Gareth nudged his nose past your ear so he could kiss your cheek, right by the corner of your lips, “I love you, darling. Merry Christmas.” 
“I love you too, Garebear.” 
“I can’t wait for tomorrow morning. I got you-”
“Guys. Can we not do this again, please?” Grant whined. 
“Fuck off.” You muttered. 
“You fuck off.” Jeff quipped back. 
“We get it, you're in love, yadda yadda. So are we, we're not being sappy.” 
“Be sappy then.” Gareth wrapped his arms around you tighter, “I wanna tell my girl I love her.” 
You giggled, “I wanna hear him say it.” 
“Jesus.” Grant rolled his eyes. 
“Please, save it for tomorrow.” Jeff huffed with a smile, “It’s too late.” 
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gummiix · 2 months
I reserve gooey pet names for my CATS only. and also some very specific favorite characters
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ender-niffler · 4 months
Anyone else think Susan’s like a big dog? I mean she begs for food, follows Nick around like a puppy-
She’s just a big ol deadly babyyy
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The L Word
Author: @bumblehumble
Rating/Warning: Explicit
Chapter Count: 1/1
But hey, she's been dating Jason for years now and she supposes it’s as good as it’s ever going to be. So when his response to her casual declaration of love is…
“I think I could love you.”
Chrissy doesn’t know what to do.
Chrissy just assumed that life is supposed to be a fairytale and Jason, her boyfriend since freshman year, is supposed to love her...luckily there's someone else more than happy to show her another perspective.
Tags: Alternate Universe- no vecna, fluff, Chrissy needs a hug, Eddie is a sweetie, Eddie is whipped, mutual attraction, Chrissy is freaking about her big ol' crush, BUT SHE'S BLIND, smut, at the very end, Eddie takes care of his GIRL, Chrissy POV, one-shot, status: completed
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metamelonisle · 1 year
[slamming my hands against aa table] I HAVE GOT TO DRAW SON KIRBY AGAIN
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babyegle · 1 year
Unprompted, always accepting.
@deadkenndy asked: “you’re adorable and deserve good things.”
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fingers   rise   to   lightly   pinch   at   the   Agent's   cheeks.   "....Are   you   trying   to   get   on   my   good   side??"
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calliopechild · 2 years
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I know it's way too early to be celebrating, but the initial results for the Georgia runoff are looking gooood
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ofknowlcdge · 1 year
I'm going to say right now, if robin tries to shovel talk Steve he's going to so incapable of hiding his feelings on the matter because I just imagine he's like what? Why me? You're MY platonic with a capital p, soulmate and best friend and I'm getting the shovel talk? What the fuck Robs?
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salty-sweet-ren · 2 years
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I took a couple photos of my cat while he was yawning, and my sister made some fun memes with them
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olsincarnate · 21 days
just saw it was your birthday recently and i still wanna say happy late birthday!!! sending you lots of love and hope it was a good one!! i’m very shy but i love your content and you’re amazing! 🥳
aahhhhhh thank you baby 🥺🥺🥺 you’re too sweet my dear.
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strawbynrobyn · 5 months
Saw a video of a big ol pittie walking in a store pulling at the leash to get to a white woman who was crouching looking at stuff and she was like "awww, hey sweetie, oh no now I'm in trouble" but it was a stitch by a guy saying how white women aren't afraid of shit
I was being like "aw look at the big baby" too and trying to defend the dog when I remember
I was birthed and raised by a white woman- I was initially coded as a white woman. Of course I'm gonna have white woman instincts still.
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