#better late than never!!!! there'll never be a better time to start than as soon as you can!!!!
tehuti88-art · 7 months
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2/9/24: r/SketchDaily theme, "Free Draw Friday." This week's character from my anthro WWII storyline is Christof Dannecker. He's the son of Else Dannecker, younger brother of Margarethe, and stepson of Ernst. He's the only one of Gret's family who stands by her after her involvement in Ernst Dannecker's death, and he helps her whenever he can after she flees home. There'll be more about him later in my art Tumblr and Toyhou.se, though there's already some about him in Else's entry.
Regarding his design, he's a Pomeranian.
TUMBLR EDIT: Christof, brother of Margarethe, Tanja, and Bernhard, has already appeared in Else's entry. He's not a major character, and isn't that old (he's the second Dannecker sibling, maybe a couple of years younger than Gret), so I haven't much history for him, and much of it applies to the rest of his family as well. Same as with Gret and the other two, he loses his father, a soldier in the Heer, in combat, and the family struggles to get by on what Else earns alone. She runs into Ernst Dannecker, commandant of the local labor camp, while on a grocery outing with her kids; not long after he wheedles his way back into her life and soon sweeps her off her feet, quickly convincing her to marry him and move her family in with him, making them dependent on him. You've seen already that Dannecker's plans are actually for the teenaged Gret, and not Else; as such, he makes sure to spoil the children, the better to win them over. He fawns over Gret especially, though of course, if grooming her doesn't work, there's always coercion. The main thing is to convince her own family to believe him over her, and sadly, for the most part, it works.
Gret is suspicious from the start and her suspicions are well founded. Unknown to her, Christof is uncertain as well, though he isn't sure why and can't explain it, so he says nothing. Dannecker is kind to him, buys him toys and clothes and books like the family could never afford before, pays to send him to a good school, fencing lessons, etc., so he tries to be grateful. He finally figures out what's going on when he wakes up late one night, he's not sure why, and gets up to leave his and Bernhard's room. On his way through the hall to get a drink of water he thinks he hears a noise from Gret's room, and pauses to peer inside. He sees something so inexplicable and horrifying that he quickly backs away and hurries back to his room, forgetting all about his drink. He never tells anyone about what he saw...until the alarm goes off at the camp one day, they're notified that there's been a prisoner escape, Dannecker is dead, and Gret is involved and is missing, and then Gret shows up on their doorstep late one night. Christof wakes in time to hear his mother berating Gret for Dannecker's death and calling her a liar when she accuses him of things no stepfather should ever do; he finally dares to speak up, to confirm that Gret is telling the truth, he knows because he saw. And he's sorry he kept silent for so long.
He's shocked when his words have the opposite effect than intended. Else still sides with Dannecker--now claiming that Gret must have seduced him. When she starts screaming for her to get out, Christof is the one to help her hastily pack up some clothes and goods and head out the back. There, he's nearly shot in the head by Josef Diamant, one of Dannecker's former prisoners and the ringleader of the escape, the guy who actually did kill Dannecker (with Gret's help); Gret intervenes, and brother and sister tearfully part ways, but not before Christof promises Gret that he'll help her any time he can, all she has to do is ask. He returns to the house, where his mother forbids him from ever mentioning Gret again or else she'll disown him, too. Reasoning that he can be more helpful to Gret from home, Christof obeys, although it breaks his heart to see his two younger siblings buy the story their mother tells them that Dannecker was a good man, and essentially "forget" that their oldest sibling ever existed.
It isn't that long before Christof notices a strange man standing near the corner of a building, during a family visit to a market, furtively gesturing at him; he's nervous until the man seems to grow a bit frustrated, then pulls something out and quickly flashes it at him. It's a jack of diamonds playing card. Christof makes an excuse to briefly part ways with his mother and hurries across the street and around the corner, where he promptly asks the man if Gret is all right. The man--thin, dark skinned, with odd brown-and-blue eyes, and huddled in an oversized coat with his cap pulled low to shield his face--seems perplexed but assures him she's fine. He says Gret is the reason he's there, and explains something they need Christof to do, involving dropping something off at a certain time and location. Christof says he'll have to come up with an excuse to keep his mother in the dark, but he'll do his best; he only asks the man to pass along to Gret the message that he loves her. While the drop is needed, it's also intended as a test, set up by Diamant to determine how trustworthy and reliable Christof really is. And Christof passes the test, following through on his promise. Gret is disgruntled to learn of the test, and grouses at Diamant, "I told you he meant it."
Christof continues helping Gret--by informally aiding the Diamond Network, the resistance organization that springs into existence in the wake of Diamant's escape--throughout the remainder of the war. After the war's end, although Else never stops blaming Gret for the loss of her husband, and Tanja and Bernhard pretty much stand by her (they really don't know any other way to think), Christof still stands by her; brother and sister reunite, hugging each other hard, tears in their eyes. (By now Christof is grown and doesn't depend on Else anymore, so she has no real threat to dangle over him, and grudgingly drops her vow to disown him; still, she refuses to listen to anything he says regarding Gret, so he stops trying.) Christof again apologizes for not speaking up sooner about Dannecker's abuse; Gret says she doesn't forgive him, as there's nothing to forgive--she blames Christof for nothing. He offers to let her live with him and to take care of her if she needs it, yet Gret says she may have something else lined up, and she'll let him know soon if it goes through. They promise to keep in touch.
Some time later, Christof receives a letter: Gret has moved into a mountain town some distance from the city, and has taken a job as a clerk in a jewelry store--Diamant's jewelry store. She has her own room located over the shop; it's small, but it's home. She and Christof write frequently, but don't get to visit much due to distances; still, they at last get the chance to have lunch together in the city. Gret arrives with a familiar face: the strange man who'd met with Christof to set up his initial task so long ago, the one with the odd mismatched eyes. He seems nervous as Gret introduces him as Lukas Mettbach, a Sinto and former prisoner like Diamant. Although he distrusted and despised Gret early on--frequently calling her "Nazi b*tch" for her relation to Dannecker--over time he slowly grew to respect her, and they recently got back in touch when he started to work as an informal courier for Diamant. Turns out the two of them have developed romantic feelings for each other. As a member of one of the same groups Gret's people had persecuted and considered "subhuman" during the war, Lukas still has a lot of misgivings considering a relationship; yet Christof welcomes and accepts him immediately, clasping his hands in his own (startling Lukas, who has some aversions to being touched) and smiling at him. The way he sees it, if Gret is happy with Lukas, then Lukas is family.
It's not quite the family Gret and Christof grew up with...but in many ways, it's much better.
[Christof Dannecker 2024 [‎Friday, ‎February ‎9, ‎2024, ‏‎12:00:14 AM]]
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brideofcthulhu10 · 4 years
I promised you guys I'd whittle something out before the end of the day! (Currently its 11:30 here, so I made my deadline lol) So here's a bit of drama and fluff. Every couple fights, even vampires, but the most important thing is to take responsibility for your actions and communicate. With that in mind, I give you: 
Lost Boys Make Their Fem!S/O Cry During a Fight
CONTENT WARNING: Sexual Themes, Possible Triggers, Topics of Physical and Verbal Anger
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David is not known to mince words in any scenario, so you can bet that means he chooses an s/o who can handle his bluntness. The same could be said for your fights. Unlike Dwayne and Paul, David rarely yells anymore. Instead he's harsh, cold, and what he says often hits very hard. He doesn't tip toe around when he's calm, you can damn well bet he isn't going to be considerate when you tick him off. He can be quite jealous at times, but often it doesn't lead to a fight. Admittedly he can be a tad petty as well, but getting genuinely enraged towards you is not as common. A spat is one thing, but a serious fight can get ugly fast. He is almost jolted when he hears a sharp breath muffled under your hand. Hell he's only ever heard you make that sound during sex, and this was definitely no time to be turned on. He'll turn around and see you with your hand over your mouth trying to hide your shame and feel ungodly levels of guilt. 
David's words are harsh, and when you turn out of the room he's still sitting there utterly flabbergasted that you had such a tearful expression. After all, you had to know he didn't mean it..right?
David will definitely sulk, he hates admitting he was wrong. Not necessarily because he thinks he's in the right for being cruel, but rather he's sure you just need space and then things will get better. He'll expect you back any day... So when you don't, he kind of goes into denial and will wait, and wait… and wait... 
The guys stopped asking about you because every time he hears your name mentioned he grows more pissed off. Eventually he explodes in a rage, which is extremely rare for David.
"So uh.. about Y/N-"
"Why isn't she back yet?! This is stupid, she should know that I don't mean it!"
"Hey, David, man why don't you go talk to Y/N? I sure if you-"
"No! If she wants to stay away, fucking fine! Good riddance!"
Truthfully he's upset. Beyond that, really. He feels awful for making you cry, he's afraid you might hate him now, but he doesn't know how to approach the situation. Apologizing is difficult, to David it's a form of defeat and a part of him doesn't want to face that it's his fault you're gone. 
Eventually he caves in after a week and a half. He misses you like crazy! The guilt gnaw at him to the point that he can't sleep, he can't think straight. Even blood begins to have a bitter taste to it. 
It'll be a late night, closer to 3 am when he just silently appears in your room. If you're asleep he'll just stand there and watch you for a moment. Mostly trying to build up enough willpower to do what he's about to. 
Expect his apology to be kind of crappy. At least, at first. It'll come off as angry, even a bit misguided just because he really hates admitting he fucked up. But when he does, it's the most sincere, heartbreaking moment of your relationship. He may have to turn away from you and shut his eyes before any tears tempt his cheeks. You can't see him like that. Tears means he's getting emotional, that means he's growing attached, and attachment… it's a weakness. When he's weak and attached, people die. 
He lost a love before because he couldn't protect her, he's lost his brothers once because he got careless and underestimated his enemy, he can't lose more. 
Once he apologizes and you come back to him, he's a bit more attached to you physically. He'll hold you from behind with his chin on your shoulder while sitting on his bike, have you sit on his lap at the hotel, even on the boardwalk he's become more open by holding your hand. He isn't ready to say the big "L" word just yet, so this is the most he can muster. Whenever he's too harsh now he'll apologize by hugging you to him. David is still scared of getting close, but he's more afraid of pushing you away from his lack of filter.
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It takes a lot to ruffle Dwayne's feathers, so already he's not one to be careless with his words. Unfortunately once he's pushed to that point all bets are off. This usually dismissive vampire of little words becomes an eruption of rage. A lot of it is physical. He'll throw a table or punch a hole in a cement wall. He doesn't mean to scare you. When he gets that worked up he becomes unbelievably tense, almost his body's way of warning you not to push him. With fangs out, standing in the wreckage of his rage he'll pause to see you failing to hold back a mess of tears and immediately stops.
At that point he's exhausted. Rage takes a lot out of him, in the end he just feels flustered and a bit ashamed for losing his cool. The longest a fight lasts is maybe a day or two, usually you give each other space but once he's made you cry that's a different story.
Even if you started the fight he recognizes he shouldn't have done what he did. Temper or not, that's not an excuse to blow up at you. He'll be frustrated with himself for losing grasp of his emotions, and he'll probably take some time to think over his words before trying to solve the issue. It's hard to look at someone else's point of view when you're pissed off at them, he knows that better than anyone. Especially since he grew up with siblings before becoming a vampire. When he's got a good grasp on himself he'll probably try to settle things with you so that you two can get things back to normal.
"Y/N… come here, please," he'll say softly, patting the seat next to him on the couch. As soon as you do, he slings his arm around your shoulder and yanks you into his chest. He doesn't look down at you or say a word, he'll rest his chin on his fist looking straight ahead searching for the right words. If it was a mutual argument he'll explain his own point of view after apologizing for losing his temper, and when it's your turn he'll listen quietly. If it was on him, he's even more remorseful. He's reaching almost a hundred years old by now, he should know better. Truthfully he had the same issue when he was alive, but he never meant to drive you to tears. You'll both sit quietly together on the couch, Dwayne rubbing your back until you've calmed down. After all is said and done he'll tell you how much he loves you, he doesn't want to leave any negative feelings still in your heart. Relationships are a pain, he knows that, but he cares about you more than his own life. 
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Oh when you two go at it the gloves are off! Paul is the most emotional of the group, so when he gets mad all he sees is red. There will be a massive amount of yelling, he may even be fighting back some tears himself. He'll get physically frustrated, punching walls, throwing furniture, kicking things over. Yes, he might get in your face, and you can definitely expect him to bare his teeth at you. Especially if you're in his face too. By now it's not scary, just even more infuriating that he's trying to make to back out using intimidation. 
When you cry it can go one of two ways. It really depends on the context of the fight.
If you started it, or it was a mutual argument he may storm off somewhere in the cave. To him crying can be a cheap tactic to make him feel guilty, so if you've done it when you've done something wrong it upsets him… even more so because he feels like crap! He hates fighting with you! You're his kitten, his babe, regardless whether or not you started the fight he feels terrible seeing you like that. He's just so damn frustrated! After mellowing out with a thick ol' stick of the devil's lettuce he'll sulk out with his hands in his pockets. If you're still there he'll plop next to you and explain why he was so ticked off. Granted, it isn't exactly eloquent the way he puts it. After all emotions are tricky, he doesn't always know how to express himself verbally. If you've already left and it's still night, he'll fly over to your place and try to settle things with you. He doesn't want to go to bed angry at you, and he definitely doesn't want you going to bed upset with him.
If the fight was started by him, or if you're genuinely upset he'll stop. Especially if your tears are from him hurting you. Then it's all love. He sets aside his temper, and pulls you into his arms. It'll take a moment for him to calm down, but it's just a plethora of tender apologies while he holds you.
"I'm sorry kitty-cat," he coaxes you, holding your head to his chest. "Don't cry, okay? I hate it when you cry." 
If you aren't emotionally drained there'll probably be a lot of make-up sex in either situation. Once you two have made up, he wants to do everything he can to be close to you. Plus, he needs a release as well. Afterwards, he'll snuggle up to you still wearily mumbling apologies under his breath. 
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Anger isn't a common emotion for Marko. Well, unchecked rage that is. He can get a little irritated, but it really takes a lot for him to lose his temper. Even still it's closer to David's methods than Paul. Again it's the context. If you've done something wrong or started the fight he'll be more prone to outbursts. 
While you're screaming at him, in his face he'll just watch you silently with a blank stare. On the surface he's calm. There's not a lot of yelling, but there can be some physical rage if you really push him. Marko would punch the wall and leave a crumbling chasm in his path, reminding you what happens when he's pushed too far. Truthfully he'd never put you in harm's way, but when he gets like this it's hard for him to stifle his predatorial rage that tends to poke through the cracks. 
If he's the one who's upset with you, even if it's on him, he probably won't let on at first. While not petty, he'll seem distant from you. In public he'll yank you to him like a wolf warning others to stay away from his mate, but alone in private won't touch you as much. You may try to ace your hand on his shoulder and he'd immediately excuse himself from the room to sulk. If you really get clingy he grows even more agitated and will have very rough angry sex with you, his fangs may even come out in the process. Especially if he's jealous.
 When you cry, it sucks. During a fight, after jealous defiling, when he intimidates you, it just sucks. If you step away from him he knows he's messed up. 
Part of him doesn't want to cave in so easily to your displays of emotion, but if you're legitimately hurt by his actions he'll just let out an exasperated sigh. He may excuse himself verbally for a moment to try and gather his thoughts, or he'll sit you down and try to explain his reasons for being so enraged. If it's on him he'll carry you to the couch and hold you to him. 
"*sigh* Look.. I'm sorry for going overboard the way I did, baby girl. I shouldn't have done that…"
If you cry after sex he'll feel like an utter asshole and hold you tight to him. He'll pet your hair, rub your back, even offer to let you smack him for being such a jerk. He may try to nibble your neck over kiss you until you start to giggle then give you his signature smile.
"There she is. I'm sorry I made you so sad, baby girl."
In all honesty this isn't a common occurrence. Marko still rarely ever gets mad at you, most of the time he's very laid back. So losing his temper is a bit jarring for him as well. He's never sure what will come out when he loses his temper, which is a huge reason why he does everything he can to keep himself in check. You may be a pain in the butt sometimes, but so can he. And above all, you're his pain in the butt. He still loves you more than anything at the end of the day. 
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saintlexii · 5 years
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A/N: More Saints Row 1 NPC quotes for y'all because I got board. (Quotes come from my 3 different saved games at 8%, 49%, and 77% completion)
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7
- Watch your back, man, I hear Hughes is taking names.
- Maybe my girl would respect me more if I hung out with you.
- I'm buyin' a bunch of purple clothes today, isn't that cool?
- If I don't kill someone soon I'm gonna forget how.
- If my man is asleep when I come home I'm throwing his ass out.
- They don't teach you how to change clothes in the Row?
- Who sold out your boss?
- I didn't wanna be in that stupid sorority anyway.
- Third Street's outta the ghetto now.
- You got us to the top, I hope you keep us there.
- I give the best damn blowjob in Stilwater.
- Remember where you came up from, man.
- There's no way I coulda done what you did.
- Maybe now there'll be some order.
- The Lopez family's gone? I don't believe it.
- So, how does it feel to be the voice of Julius?
- With you callin' the shots, no one can touch us.
- There ain't a man working the docks that hasn't heard of you.
- This whole town's afraid of us.
- The way I hear it, you're lookin' to take the whole damn city.
- You make sure Julius finishes what he started.
- Is Julius gonna stick around this time?
- If you ever wanna start some shit, let me know.
- I think my philosophy professor was hitting on me.
- Don't tell anyone, but I think you might be harder than Johnny.
- Julius better watch himself, King ain't gonna play nice this time.
- Do you like older women?
- I should hookup with a gang, that'll get me some chicks.
- Julius ever mention me?
- Looks like the Saints weren't pussies like everyone said.
- How's Lin doin'? I ain't seen her in a while.
- I wouldn't wanna be in your way.
- The Saints have earned some respect, but that don't mean people are gonna roll over.
- My son was talking about you last night.
- I don't care what people say, you gangsters have pizazz.
- Shit, man, they owe you money or somethin'?
- I don't know of it's just me, but Troy's been acting nervous.
- How come you always doing everything around here?
- All you do is ruin people's lives.
- Laura sure is making a lot of friends at the PTA, I wonder what her secret is.
- I oughta invest in a bigger flask.
- I wonder where I can meet some Asian chicks.
- If I see that ho come by my place one more time I'm gonna slap the black off of her.
- Fuck no, I ain't shaving my shit, that's just nasty.
- How am I supposed to take care of my kids when the government keeps fucking with me?
- It's not cheating if you call me your wife's name.
- I wish Friendly Fire took food stamps.
- What's Tanya got that I don't?
- If I suck one more dick tonight I'll make the rent.
- Next time she asks, I'm gonna say "yes, you do look fat in that dress".
- Shit, you must've killed half the people in this city.
- Wanna catch dinner and a drug deal?
- Damn you look fine.
- Goddamn, I want some cookies.
- I haven't seen Johnny in a while, I hope he's okay.
- Minimum wage my ass, I can't even afford a lighter.
- I'm getting sick of Troy acting like he's better than everyone.
- I gotta stop getting high and talking to myself on the street.
- Hey, you're the guy that finally put down Victor.
- Don't worry, they say jail isnt too bad here.
- Why's Troy always gotta stick his nose in my business?
- I don't give a fuck what she days, he's my man.
- I'd be all over that ass if she put a bag over her head.
- I've gotta see a doctor, Mister Whiskers just smells awful lately.
- I can't believe my dad gave me shit for dating a black guy.
- Be careful, I used to be important, look at me now.
- How did you kill Victor?
- I was there when they found Lin's body.
- I may be poor, but I ain't ever whoring myself out.
- If it ain't the big man himself.
- You're gonna be running this gang pretty soon.
- How come I never see you hitting the bars?
- Next time you roll over on some motherfuckers take me along.
- Make sure Julius knows what's up over here.
- Ah man, I'm from the suburbs, I don't know how to deal with gangs.
- What's this bullshit about Dex being a lieutenant?
- When I finally move outta here I ain't ever looking back.
- You been telling Julius about all the good shit I do, right?
- Vote Winslow, Hughes kicks puppies!
- Is it true you cut some guys dick off for lookin' at your girl?
- We ain't a bunch of bursters no more thanks to you.
- Aisha's just using Johnny.
- So, are you one of those street racers?
- From all the stories I heard I thought you'd be taller.
- You single?
- Unless you wanna end up in jail you better slow down.
- I'm meeting some friends downtown tonight, wanna come?
- I hear you're a good guy to know.
- You better be careful, Stilwater can be a nasty place.
- If I max out another card I'll never hear the end of it.
- You've become quite the local figure.
- You belong in jail!
- I can't wait to cheat on my online girlfriend, that girl has it coming.
- Julius ain't nothing but a washed up banger past his prime.
- You're as hard as Julius said you were.
- I hope the next dead body I see on the street is you!
- Between Gat and that mute motherfucker, we got nothing to worry about.
- I'm gonna kill my parents for naming me River.
- I wonder if the secretary is wearing tose panties I like.
- I heard Julius talking about promoting you.
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