#betrayed his sons and his gang for a rat. someone who was so OBVIOUSLY a bad guy.
yoongiandchiminie · 7 years
Series: When you’re born, you can’t see a color until you meet the eyes of your Soulmate for the first time. Bangtan is known as one of the most infamous gangs around. This series will focus on the lighter side of things, their soulmates- Well, maybe they’re lighter. Maybe. 
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Genre: Angst, Mafia!AU, Soulmate!AU, Fluff
Pairing: Taehyung x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, mature themes, strong language, drugs, sexual themes
Word count: 4,591
Summary: Taehyung was the drugs guy for Bangtan. Back when they’d first started up, he knew he had to go to a bigger drug dealer and thus met you, The Talon of the mafia world.
In the world of gangs, you had a nickname. Well, you had many but mostly you were known as Talon. You weren't quite too sure as of why, but the leader of SuJu found it fitting. You didn't belong to any gang, you just supplied most of them with the drugs they needed. You were in and out all of the time, your loyalties lay scattered around the mafia world. You didn’t betray, you simply assisted everyone.
Taehyung prided himself for being the reason Bangtan was able to take off. He was the drugs guy and the reason they were able to put their feet through any door in the mafia world. Back in middle school, he’d been introduced to something as simple as pot. Then he’d loved it. He was addicted for too long before he was pulled away from it. Nobody tried to stop him, they just let him rock for a while.
The thing that made Tae stop was money. He realized if he pushed drugs instead of smoking all of them, he could pull more money in than he needed. So, now he was known about the drug dealer around school and eventually as the upcomer in the mafia world. However, he knew as they began he’d have to raise the stakes a bit with more than just simply weed.
So, he worked his magic and there you were. Waiting for him at this shady warehouse on a dock as he walked in lax as ever by himself. There were probably around a hundred people who had their eyes on him, but they were simply focused on you as you stood there with your eyes on the ground, waiting for his feet to come into view before peeking up.
As soon as the two of you made eye contact, a cocky smile appeared on his face as you kept up your strong demeanor. The inside of your mind was filled with racing thoughts. How could he be it? Sure, you didn’t seem too much older than him, but he was a child. You were even higher up than him in the Mafia world (Obviously) and you’d never depicted the man you’d be with as someone who matched your own power.
“V.” you greeted him with a tiny smile, not letting the other people in the room aware of the sensation of the color brown you’d both just felt. You cleared your throat before raising your voice. “I need everyone else in this room to scatter. Now. Everything is fine here, now go.” Then they ran like little rats, abiding by your every order.
You led him over to a couch in the back of the room and he sat onto it, immediately making himself comfortable with his feet up. “You’re breathtaking, Talon.” Those were the words you’d always remember as the first ones your Soulmate would ever say to you. “Glad you’re my baby girl.”
You scoffed at his cocky words. “You’re just a child, Taehyung.”
His eyes moved a bit as you spoke his real name, but he tried to keep his cocky attitude up. “I know you’re merely a year older than me,” he paused for a moment and turned his full attention to you, locking his beautiful hues with your own. “Y/N.”
You squinted your eyes at the informality of this situation and chuckled. “How do you know all of these things?”
“I have my connections, princess.” he chided himself on getting you a little bit irritated with him already. “Are we going to make this deal or not?” He sat up straight and clanged his feet onto the ground beneath you two.
You were surprised that he was quickly went back to the drugs after this whole Soulmate debacle. It was a strange indention on society with how you were almost morally obligated to drop everything you did for the event. You met his straight stance now and found yourself inching closer to him on the couch, unknowingly to yourself. “Yes, the Coke’s all here. You have the money?” you prided yourself on being able to hop back into the business act.
All you wanted to do was talk to him about- him. Not drugs. The one fucking time you brought your attention away from work it popped back up. You were all about the money and making sure everything was going good for your needs.
He plopped a load of cash into your hands from his bag and still sat with that cocky smile. “Here you go, princess.”
That nickname stuck as you saw him once a week to make this exchange. The two of you hadn’t spoken about the whole Soulmate thing until probably about two years into the dealing when he’d asked you if you could get him some meth. You were taken back by the request and in the lone warehouse you stood up in front of him. “Are you fucking joking?” you spat in his face as he buried himself deeper into the couch he’d found comfort in for a bit. “I know you and Bangtan think you’re tough shit, but that’s a fucking load of shit. You’re taking from EXO and other people’s markets and they get fucking pissed, Taehyung. Pissed.”
In one swift movement he reached forward and swept you off your feet onto his lap. You kept your legs tight together as he pulled you against his chest and moved your head so it rested in the crook of his neck. “Oh, Princess.” he crooned. “I know you know the world better than me, but I know Bangtan better than you. Trust me. We can handle it. I can tell you stories sometime, if you’d put some time aside to speak to me outside of our weekly meetings.”
You were too taken back by his boldness to even speak. You knew your face was beet red and you couldn’t move your body to even meet the eyes you’d dreamed of staring into for a while. “You- You can’t just do that!” you stuttered, not moving position. “You can’t see me once a week to sell you drugs and let me get to know you- Break my fucking demeanor and expect me to just simply settle for it!” He was chuckling behind you but for the sake of your anger, you chose to ignore it. “It’s not my fault we don’t speak, it’s you, Taehyung! You’re busy getting your nose into a dark and twisty world-”
“Well, that’s you right? Or the persona you’ve built. Sexy, dark, and twisty Talon.  The girl of every Mafia guys dreams.” You moved around so your body was facing him, your legs on both sides of him now. He licked his lips and looked you over. “But nobody knows you're mine.”
That was your first kiss with your Soulmate. The smug fucking son of a bitch kissed you and it was a long kiss. He nipped at your lips a few times and you could feel a smirk heavy against your own with every teeth mark. It was a passionate kiss that you got so lost in until knocking broke your trance as his tongue traced your bottom lip. You pulled away and got off of him, dusting yourself off. “Enter.” you held your hand above your mouth to cover your swollen lips from your subordinate. “Yes, along with the usual order please calculate for meth as well. Thank you.” The door slammed heavy as your subordinate walked out to gather Taehyung’s supplies.
Tae was suddenly in front of you again and pulled your hand away only to lace his fingers with your own. He used his other hand to swipe across your lips and stopped at the slightest bit of blood that was drawn. He wiped it away and brought his finger to his own mouth, leaving you unsure if you were turned on or just confused. “Did I take your breath away?” he joked and let go. “Come over tonight, to Bangtan. I won’t let them know you’re the drug dealer if you don’t want- I’ll just say I ran into you at a bar and you’re my girl. My Princess. My Soulmate.”
You dropped your head only for it to be brought up with his fingers to make the eye contact you both severely enjoyed. “Yeah, I’ll come. However, I don’t know where you live. Bangtan is the only base I don’t know the coordinates of.”
“So you know every other one?”
“Don’t get any ideas, V.”
“Don’t call me that- C’mon Y/N.”
“And don’t call me that.” you snapped at his use of your name. Even if it was your own private warehouse, these walls were rarely ever safe. “I can’t leave here with you.” you crossed your arms over your chest and began to pace around.
Taehyung was fidgeting around from the loss of contact with you. He always felt the heat from your body radiating near him and it was one of his favorite things about the connection you two shared. “So sneak out and hop in my truck.”
You stopped your movement and turned to face him, rolling your eyes. “They won’t think it’s weird you stopped at a bar on your way back from a fucking drug deal?” He simply shrugged and you sighed. “I’m not helping you load your truck. I’m going to leave and go down to the bar on 42nd when you’re off of the docks. I’ll go get a little fucked up to make your story believable. You better think of a story.”
Then you walked out. You always managed to leave him speechless and a bit turned on. Taehyung licked his lips as he watched you leave, eyes scanning every sway. Your men helped him with the drugs to his van as you walked down the docks, earning every passerby’s looks. You were captivating to say the least and everyone seemed to want to know you.
There was this aura of intenseness that always flowed around you. There never seemed to be a dull moment and even with the way you walked, people were intimidated. It was never a thing you intended growing up, but you’d just simply been sucked into it like most people seemed to be when it came to the world of gangs. Instead of being scared, you simply embraced it and it soon became your world.
The bar was booming full of people and you made sure to separate yourself from the calls and noise. The bartender was automatically in front of you as you took a seat on the stool in front. “One gin and tonic.” you ordered, pulling out your phone to keep yourself distracted. The drink was in front of you within seconds and you were lost in your own world.
It was only a few minutes until you could hear your Soulmate’s voice floating in the bar. He was quickly making small talk upon entry in his own way which happened to be extremely loud and boisterous. He strode up to you and placed his hand on the small of your back. Instead of bothering with a hello he took a sip of your third drink and kissed your cheek, leaving a bit of wetness on it. “Ready?” he whispered and you rolled your eyes, nodding. He extended a hand to you and you just shook your head at it as it retreated back to his side.
As strange as it was for two people that had barely talked about more than drugs for years, the car ride wasn’t nerve wracking. Taehyung was very easy to make small talk with and on top of that full conversations were enjoyable too.
You joked for a bit about how far his home was and how dangerous it was to go this distance. You began to list off closer drug dealers and you just watched his eyes turn to your lips every second the road allowed. He rambled on and on that he could never let you lose your favorite customer and then about how much he wanted to “fucking kiss you so hard right now” and you could feel yourself blush, sadly.
“You know I have a cop badge, right?” he ended up bragging to you about it, but refused to tell you how he’d gotten it within his grasp. He said he couldn't expose them and for some reason that made you laugh. In your head you ran through names and sort of figured out who it was, but for his little ego, you decided to drop it.
His smirk widened as you pulled into an extremely wealthy area and up to a home with a large fence around it. He pressed the intercom button and with only a nod was let inside. It all became clear as to why nobody had ever found the house of Bangtan and it was because it was too blatantly obvious. Most gang bases were kind of- shitty. This however, seemed lavish and extremely tasteful.
The gates slowly opened and in front of the house there were cars littering the giant driveway. He pulled up as far as he could go and slammed on the horn of the van. You collected your bag and before you could even open the door, he sprinted around to open it for you. He had this cute smirk on his face as you rolled your eyes getting out of the van.
“Oh princess, are you in for a treat.” he chuckled to himself and extended an arm that you refused. Before the two of you could take a step about five men barreled out of the house towards the two of you. Of course you recognized them as the rest of Bangtan, minus the leader that normally stalked off to the hospital at all times of the day. “Hey! This is Y/N! She’s my girl!”
If you were this “girl from the bar” persona that he wanted you to be, you would have been embarrassed at what Taehyung had yelled. Maybe she would have turned red and hid behind him, away from the pressure of meeting his “friends”. Except, you knew all about them and you knew who they were, despite you being a total stranger.
The only thought that truly loomed in your mind was if you were going to let them know you were their source for drugs. You knew Bangtan didn’t take too much advantage of others, but you didn’t even want to lead them on thinking you would. Putting Taehyung in the situation where Bangtan could get mad at him for not using you to get better deals of the drugs they constantly acquired.
“Ahh, she’s pretty.” the youngest one that you knew as Jungkook had a smirk on his face and Taehyung instinctively pulled your back into his chest as a defense mechanism. You could feel his hand tense around your waist where they had settled and you could only guess the look that was on his face right now. Probably annoyed.
“I know.” his voice wasn’t wavering but you could hear the slight bit of annoyance within it. You looked up at him since he basically towered over and there was a shit eating grin on his face. His other hand snaked down your backside towards your ass and you moved out of his grip before he could do just that. “Anyways, get these inside boys. We have a bunch of orders to carry out before the day ends. I’m not doing deliveries.”
He wrapped his arm back on your free party and pushed you along with him towards the front door. None of the other Bangtan boys said anything to you as you strode on past, they just scurried over to the van to get to work. There was no reason why Taehyung would be in charge of them in this moment, they were probably just trying to convince you he was possibly some big deal when you knew he lacked the power he was pretending to have.
“Why are you ordering them around?” you asked, raising an eyebrow as he shut the door behind you two.
He swept his free hand through his hair and bit his lip, obviously trying to get some kind of reaction from you. “Maybe they want me to impress you so you stick around.” he shrugged and you leaned your head onto his shoulder for a moment, feeling a smooth heat float over your cheeks. “Let me show you around.”
Surprisingly the Bangtan base was very much like a home. If it wasn’t for the drugs and guns laying all around there was no way to even tell that a gang lived here. There were stories of how tight knit they were and just this whole appearance justified it. Rumors were shot around about how they were formed but about a year ago Tae had let you in on the reason for it. The endearing nature of it could almost send flutters through your stomach of the magic of friendship. Just almost.
“My room is the first one on the left. We could go in there if you like.” He didn’t have to wink or make a face for the sexual intentions to come across. He wreaked sex and it kind of turned you on a bit. Even with the look that you shot him after he didn’t back down. You just rolled your eyes and stepped inside.
The room was decorated with drug labels and photography lining the walls. He had a desk that was piled with paper and with your expert vision you could make out the words on the top paper. It was a ransom note that was so obviously written by him. Obviously only you would know that as you knew his handwriting by now from the little note you’d find all over your warehouse from his visits.
“You left your lights on.” Was the only thing that you pointed out. He chuckled a bit and shut the door behind you. He took a seat in a rolling chair by his desk with his legs wide and his elbows leaned onto them. His dark eyes watched your movements as you made your way to a picture of a field with a boy standing on it on the wall.
The way the scene was framed was amazing. The lighting and even the pure intensity of it really caught your eye. “This reminds me of The Catcher In The Rye.” you didn’t turn to face him but the chair squeaked as he moved a bit closer to you. “The boy in it kind of seems like he has a purpose- but the cliff just looks so tempting.”
Your painted nails scratched at your lips as you leaned into your hand to study it even more. The paint was a bit chipped, but you hadn’t even had the time to fix it. Your orders had been filled to the brim and even this excursion would put you behind, but you knew it was time to take the leap to spend time with him.
There was no point in even denying that you didn’t want to get closer to the mystical V.  He was your soulmate and even with that you put off having more than a hour long conversation with the man. Even just the burning of his eyes on your back was enough to send sparks through you and you couldn’t imagine spending another day without it anymore. He would never know about it and he probably wouldn’t even ask.
“I never read that book.” he chuckled and his voice was directly behind you. “I don’t really read.” you turned to face him and caught him mid shrug.
“You should.” Before he could attempt to even touch you your feet were off to study another one. “Reading isn’t too bad. It’s nice down time.” Your eyes landed on a painting this time that was reminiscent to Van Gogh.
“And now you’re gonna tell me you like math too.” he laughed and stood up. With just a small push the chair flew back into place as he came to your side. You didn’t make a face at his comment but as your eyebrow raised, he seemed to notice it. “You do like math? That’s new. I’ve never met anyone who enjoyed that.”
“I was always good at it.” you crossed your arms as you walked away from him to focus on another piece of art. “So, when this whole thing came around it was just an exceptional bonus I seemed to have to make a lot of things easier. Also when I was spur out random numbers when I’m lying about prices, people are intimated.”
He was so focused on everything you were saying and it made your stomach do little whirls as he followed you around. As you came to the last photograph by “Vante”, you couldn’t help but wonder who the photographer was. Something about the way he was looking at you made you realize they were his photos. There was no way his ego would pass up the chance to speak on the matter, but there he was doing so.
You’d heard every step of him coming up behind you. Even if his light chuckles confirmed he thought you were sneaking up on him, you were aware of his every movement. As you always were. Even though you weren’t directly tied into a gang, you’d picked up small things from the men, woman, and such that had walked into your warehouse. Things such as how to hear things most normal people wouldn’t pick up on and how to undo knots and such. Casual things, of course.
Taehyung placed his large hands on your waist, dipping them into the pockets of your jeans. He leaned a bit into you and placed his head upon your shoulder. Without even realizing you were doing so, you curved your head atop his and the moment you realized, you jerked it back up. He snickered to himself, but kept in place. You wiggled a bit to try to shake him off, but instead his placed small kisses on the inner corner of your neck. The only response you could manage was keeping yourself quiet and tilting your head the opposite way to give him more room.
For a moment you could feel him smile into the skin before he began to suck on it, as harshly as you expected from Kim Taehyung. After a bit, he pulled away to look at the fresh bruises he’d just left on your skin. He unattached him longer limbs from your frame and reached out for your hand. You looked away for a moment but followed after him as he led you to the dark sheets that covered his queen sized bed.
There was no way you could be exactly prepared for how rough he was. The way pushed you onto the bed even was breathtaking. Even more so was the sight in front of you. He stood above you and slowly took off his shirt. His eyes never left your body for a split second as he bit his lip and stared down at you with dark eyes. His chest was toned and you figured he worked out, but knowing him he’d never admit it.
The walk towards you was frustratingly long as he licked his lips, but you moment he was above you his lips were beggingly on your own. With no time passing his tongue had slipped into your own mouth and began exploring your mouth. His kiss was full of little bites where he would just tug on your lip for a moment and chuckle to himself at the change of color before hungrily continuing. Your hands roamed from his light brown hair to his bare skin and all you wanted to do was simply touch him.
The moment a door was slammed, Taehyung was immediately off of you. He picked up your body and sat you up straight, fixing all of your moved clothing and loose hairs. Once you were all neat, he ran for his shirt and threw it on, fixing his hair in the mirror. Your face was blank and you were simply confused on why you were yanked from your euphoria.
“Rap Mon is home.” he whispered into your ear in case anyone was in the hallway. “I don’t want him to walk in here while my di-”
Then with perfect timing with your sour face, the door was busted open to reveal a tall man with blonde hair and a smile in the frame. In an instant, you recognized him as the leader of Bangtan. Little was known about the man Kim Namjoon, but all of the information you had on him brought him out to be a kind man. It was almost strange to find those within this world of criminals, thieves, and mercenaries.
Although the stories of him having a heart of gold were there, tales of him being a ruthless man existed as well. Bangtan had only been around for a short while, but the nefarious torture stories rang through the crowds and you’d overheard most from people who came for pick up. You always seemed to be prying for information.
“V.” he started with a small statement before stepping forward with an extended hand towards you. “You must be Y/N.  It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Kim Namjoon, a friend of your soulmates.”
He was being very subtle and it was almost concerning. The fact that he didn’t know who you were was the most concerning. There would truly be no reason for any of them to know your face, but the trust they had in Taehyung with a stranger was impressive. Most gangs that you knew barely had any faith in each other, as much as they prided themselves on being tight knit.
“Likewise.” you smiled and took his hand into yours. You tried to make your handshake lighter than your normal heavy hand that intimidated most. “This is a beautiful home you all have here.”
“Ah, thank you. Thank you.” his head dipped forward with every word. “V- can I speak to you for a moment?”
Then the two were gone and you could hear muffled yelling from outside the door. You took the time alone to lean back onto his bed, propping yourself up on your elbows. Once the screaming ceased, Taehyung walked back in with his casual smile on like he didn’t just get completely reamed out.
“He’s mad.” he shrugged and took a seat next to you. You cocked your head to the side to ask why. “He said he doesn’t want another girl caught up with our shit and then I did somethin’ stupid.”
“You told him.” the look on his face confirmed your words. “Should I leave?”  
Taehyung extended his hand towards you and placed it on your thigh. He rubbed it for a moment before catching your eyes. “You’re welcome with Bangtan. We aren’t like other gangs you may know… Y/N. We won’t use you.”
Before you knew it you laughed in his face, but the look he was giving you was convincing you otherwise. Your tendency was normally to deny the kindness that was normally fake- but this psychopath was genuine. The bubbling in your stomach only confirmed it all as his touch spent affirming sparks through your body.
Bangtan was trustworthy and so was Kim Taehyung.
Author’s Note: Hey everybody! Yes, I’m still making these! I hope you all enjoyed this part! This is Taehyung’s installment in my soulmate mafia au series! You can see Yoongi’s, Jungkook’s, Jimin’s, Jin’s, and Hoseok’s right there! Please, let me know your thoughts and feedback! Feel free to ask me any questions you have ! Thank you!!
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