#bethyl photosets
padfootprongslet · 4 years
i want to follow more blogs that are active, so please give this a like/reblog if you reblog one of the following:
911 / 911 lonestar
buddie, evan buckley, eddie diaz, henaren, hen wilson, karen wilson, tk strand, owen strand, judd ryder
Star Wars
obi-wan, anakin, luke, leia. 
happiness over hayden returning
the mandalorian
Taylor Swift
The Walking Dead
beth greene, bethyl, daryl, richonne.
Irondad, Peter Parker, Tony Stark, WinterFalcon, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, James Rhodes
Harry Potter
Sirius & Harry father/son bond, James/Sirius/Lily, no wolfstar (or it’s tagged), anti snape, anti jkr, Harry/Hermione
Christmas & Halloween Love
Prodigal Son
The Magicians
The Order
Once Upon a Time
Captain Swan, Hook positive.
Roswell New Mexico
Malex, Alex & Isabel, Alex & Kyle
You’re a content creator - gifsets, photosets, fanfictions
You’re friendly
You tag your posts
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Get those photos, get your laptop, and let's create!
Who doesn't love a photoset of our favorite moments? Or a GIF of a pivotal scene? Share them this week on tumblr with the tag #summerofbethyl2017 or visit the homepage.
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redbelles · 4 years
popscene1993 replied to your post: peculiaritybending replied to your photoset ...
oh thanks for pointing that out! why do you care? Can’t find a witty comeback bc you realize that you’re fueling harmful relationships? I may not know shit about the fandom but a 17 year old and a 30-40 year old is wrong in ANY circumstances! What are you gonna do when a 16 year old girl says she was manipulated in a relationship with a 30 year old, but she thought it was okay because people endorse that stuff all the time. Your actions have consequences. Learn to use morals
@popscene1993 lord, so much to unpack here. 
1) if you're gonna throw words around in ~scathing~ callout posts, you should know what they mean/how to spell them. 
2) if you'd taken even one second to learn about the characters before being outraged, you'd know that beth isn't seventeen. those are song lyrics. 
3) you'll ignore this again, but it bears repeating anyway: fiction does not affect reality on a 1:1 basis. and! you can find something interesting in fiction that you wouldn't necessarily be wild about in real life. shocking, i know. 
4) you know nothing about what i do or do not endorse irl other than what you've assumed from [checks notes] lyrics on a tumblr gifset. 
5) you don’t “use morals”; you have them. again with the knowing what words mean thing.
6) “can't find a witty comeback” idk honey i thought “stop jerking your rage-fueled morality boner” was pretty good, but you’ve already proven you struggle with critical thinking skills, so i’m not surprised it went over your head. 
now run along and go be outraged somewhere else; i’ve got more bethyl gifsets to finish 👍🏻
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From reading around I think the “ban” is in real people nudity and stuff. Saying that fanart and fic will stay and be fine. Supposedly...
Technically the ban covers this: 
What is considered adult content?
Adult content primarily includes photos, videos, or GIFs that show real-life human genitals or female-presenting nipples, and any content—including photos, videos, GIFs and illustrations—that depicts sex acts.
The language is vague regarding “female-presenting nipples” and does not protect against artwork featuring nudity. 
I’ve read a little about fandom history, and similar events happened on LiveJournal ten years ago in which servers started purging blogs and threads with adult content to weed out pedophiliac material. Unsurprisingly, LGBTQ material was targeted and so were threads related to sexual assault survivors. This isn’t about protecting users but saving face through purity wank. Tumblr bots are notoriously stupid and a blanket ban means that there will be an algorithm, which will fail. Someone posted a screenshot of Tumblr’s announcement and that was flagged. I’ve already found some SFW posts that I’ve reblogged flagged. Tumblr may be focusing on visual posts now, but I bet you that they’ll transition to written art soon enough.
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A Bethyl photoset edit that’s been flagged when it’s literally just stills from their episodes: x.
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(x) (x).
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Examples of SFW fan artwork being flagged: x and x.
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June 25 – September 2, 2017
Let’s bring back the good times with this throwback to all things Bethyl
Each week will feature a new theme for people to particpate in.
June 25 – Introductions and Orientation Week
July 2 –  ZA Fic Week
July 9 –  Fan Art Week
July 16 – Smut Week
July 23 – Comic-Con Week
July 30 – Song Week
August 6 – GIF set / Photoset Week
August 13 – AU Fic Week
August 20 – Theory Week
August 27 –  Video Week
September 2 – Appreciation Week
Tag all posts with #summerofbethyl2017
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June 25 – Introductions and Orientation Week
Introduce yourself, talk about why you love Bethyl, what your favorite moments between them are
July 2 –  ZA Fic Week
Post your favorite ZA stories with Bethyl as the main character.
Post a brand new ZA story
July 9 –  Fan Art Week
Post your favorite Bethyl FanArt (be sure to tag the original artist)
Create and post some new Bethyl fanart
July 16 – Smut Week
Post your favorite smut fics
Create and post new smut fics
July 23 – Comic-Con Week
Post your favorite moments from Comic-Con 2014 (The original summer of Bethyl)
Discuss the trailer for Season 8
July 30 – Song Week
Post which songs remind you of Bethyl.
August 6 – GIF set / Photoset Week
Post your favorite Gifsets or Photosets of Bethyl
Create and post some new ones
August 13 – AU Fic Week
Post your favorite AU stories with Bethyl as the main character.
Post a brand new AU story
August 20 – Theory Week
Post your theories on Beth (whichever way you believe) Why she made her choices in grady? Is she still alive? What would have happened if she had survived.
August 27 –  Video Week
Post your favorite Bethyl videos
Create and post some new Bethyl videos
September 2 – Appreciation Week
Send love to one another. Send a thank you to your fave writers or artists.
Post about how you made new friends through this fandom
Discuss great moments you’ve had in the fandom
Talk about meeting Norman or Emily in person and what it was like
Tag all posts with #summerofbethyl2017
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