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sleekervae · 1 year
You Look So Cool | Remington Leith x OC | The Robbery AU
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A/N: wow, so this got really long and it took on a whole other life of its own. However, I haven't written action sequences in a long time and I'm proud of myself! I hope you all like it, don't forget to like, comment, reblog, whatever you feel like! And I'm super excited for the Debilitate video!
Warnings: guns, violence, swearing, some naughtiness but no smut
No one ever batted a second eye at the Hideaway Diner, a local truck-stop dive outside of Vegas that hosted a variety of curious and outlandish characters. The owner didn't really give a damn so long as his patrons paid their bills and no rough housing went about. The paint was peeling off of the walls, the wooden tables were chipped and worn down, and the end-to-end carpet could've used a good deep cleaning, nevertheless the mighty portions and enticing smell of crackling bacon was enough to leave every customer satisfied.
On a particularly sunny late morning, the diner was bustling with truck drivers and hitchhikers. Overworked and underpaid staff went about brewing pots of watery coffee and the kitchen staff were sweltering in the humid kitchen. There was indistinct chattering, retelling of stories and old men getting into debates over their bets for the next big football game. Nobody was paying attention to the young couple in a back booth, two half-eaten plates of hash and eggs sat cold between them.
Remington looked like every straggly, lanky weirdo you'd see on the side of town your mother would warn you not to visit. The people who didn't understand him would make assumptions, he's heard them all: drug addict, drug dealer, parolee, a deviant. Nevertheless, no one could deny how handsome he was, alluring in a dangerous classification that could spell trouble in the best way. The younger waitresses would always light up when he strolled in, instantly smitten with his sharp gaze and his charming smile.
He didn't have a lot to hold on to, just his car, the crucifix chain he kept around his neck, his two brothers, and of course he had his girl. Sitting opposite to him, Vera was a statuesque beauty with pixie-like features, and at first glance not many people would understand what such an innocent-looking girl was doing sitting across from Remington. But those same people making assumptions about Remington made poor ones for Vera, too. They couldn't possibly imagine what greatness the inconspicuous couple had to sit on.
Vera picked at her scrambled eggs absent-mindedly, taking bites between reading through the drawn plans Emerson had given them the night before. Remington had skimmed through them already, but he knew how prepared Vera liked to be for everything. He watched her curiously; the loose hair from her ponytail swinging across her face, how her eyes darted between Emerson's notes to the ones she made on the napkin, and her lips moved slow, chewing her food thoughtfully. They were all such simple things, but Remington couldn't deny watching Vera be in her own presence was a true privilege.
She looked up when she felt his eyes on her, dropping her pen and sitting back in the booth, "What?" she asked.
"Nothing," he shrugged back, his fingers inching across the table towards her free hand, "I just like watching you,"
"I'm not doing anything, though," she smiled at him skeptically.
"So what? You're pretty cool, anyway," he replied.
"I know," she teased back, "Maybe not as cool as you... but still,"
"We're gonna have to disagree on that," he simpered.
Vera didn't hesitate as he took her hand into his, giving her an affectionate squeeze. Even the simplest things he did, how he complimented and took care of her, Vera appreciated him so much. She had never met anybody like him. Underneath all his faults, Remington was truly nothing more than a dorky goofball.
"Well then, would you like to read your brother's blueprint so you can get on my level of cool?" she asked.
"I already read them," he replied simply.
"You barely glanced at them yesterday," she noted back.
"But I cased the place last week. I memorized every exit and noted all the shift changes in security," he reminded her.
"Sweetheart, all due respect, but you have the memory of a goldfish," she smirked.
"I do not!" he exclaimed, mocking offence, "I have a great memory!"
"Oh, really? What movie did we watch last week?" she asked.
Remington shrugged listlessly, he truly couldn't ever recall, "It was at the drive-in, right?"
"No, we were at home," Vera replied, "What about what I cooked for dinner Tuesday night?"
Again, Remington regretfully drew a blank, "You know, it was just so good I was more consumed with eating it than actually taking in what it was," he decided, trying to work his charm. Vera however had been around long enough to know when he was bullshitting her.
"Hmm. My point," she nodded victoriously.
"Hey, hey, hold on now," he interjected, "Those are just minor things. I remember all the big things,"
"Like what?" she asked.
Remington smiled coyly, "Like the red dress you wore for our first date; it had the white buttons going up the front and you had a black shirt on underneath," he recalled, "How about our first vacation together? We booked a ratty little BnB and the generator went out so we had no heat?"
Vera blushed, "And we had to find creative ways to keep warm. I remember," she chuckled.
"Not to mention our first heist together," he went on, "I was all nervous because it was your first one but you handled everything so fucking smoothly," there truly was no denying how proud he was that day, watching Vera take command of ten people so seamlessly and keeping them all in order while the guys took what they could from the bank safe.
Vera giggled some more, "Does it make a difference if I mention I was absolutely shitting myself and was just trying to impress you?"
"It worked!" he agreed, "And every time, you've done better and better,"
"Well, I did have a great teacher," she winked, "He's a pretty cool, guy,"
Remington slid out from his side of the booth and slide in next to her instead, looping his arm around her shoulders and Vera let her head rest on his chest, "Not as cool as you, V,"
Her eyes slipped shut as he kissed her head, a simple gesture but it made her heart flutter every time. No one had ever treated her as well as Remington did, and Vera didn't care if people didn't get it. He was her person, now and -- God willing -- forever.
However, their moment of bliss was interrupted as the waitress strolled over, a pot of sloshing coffee in her hand. Vera moved quickly to hide the evidence of what they were doing under her arm. The waitress, an older woman with greying raven hair, smiled at the couple.
"Well, aren't you two just adorable!" she drawled in a Carolina accent, "Can I offer you some more coffee?"
"That would be great," Remington smiled, pushing his coffee cup towards her, "Breakfast was excellent, as always,"
The waitress giggled merrily, "Oh, you're just the sweetest thing, hon," she then caught on to the blueprints under Vera's arm, "What're you two up to with them papers?"
Vera opened her mouth, her mind racing for a believable answer, but Remington beat her to it, "Oh these? They're plans for our new house," Vera looked at him skeptically. The waitress gasped in delight.
"Plans for a new house? You two are building a house?" she asked.
"Yeah," Vera nodded, quickly catching on, "We're just figuring out whether we have the space to put in a walk-in closet or a man cave?"
"You know which one gets my vote," Remington added.
"Well, good for you! That is excellent! I don't see a lot of young people these days taking the initiative like you two are. That is wonderful," she spoke as she topped up their coffee.
"Thank you," Vera grinned sweetly, covertly brushing her foot up Remington's leg. He did his best to bite back his smirk.
"Can I get you two anything else?" the waitress asked.
"Just the check would be great," Remington nodded.
"You got it," and she walked off back to the front.
Vera slumped in her chair, shaking her head as she began to put the plans away, "Okay. That was too close," she mumbled.
"C'mon, she didn't suspect a thing," Remington assured her.
"To be fair, we could rob this place right now and she wouldn't bat an eye," Remington chuckled as she went on, "But now the next time we come in, she's gonna be asking us about our house that we do not have," she replied.
Remington pulled her in closer, bringing his lips just over her ear, "Hey, depending on how this goes tonight, we can totally have that house,"
At that, Vera was intrigued, "To buy or to build?"
"How about both?" he suggested, "We could get a plot of land out in the country, build our dream house. My brothers wouldn't be around, either, just you and me,"
As much as Vera loved Emerson and Sebastian, having their own separate life to build sounded wonderful, "Sounds like heaven," she drawled, "Let's just not fuck up tonight,"
"We won't," he assured her, "We never do,"
She eyed him skeptically, "People who say 'never' always tend to get it in the end, Remi," she pointed out.
"Okay," he nodded, "How are you going into this, then?"
"With skewed optimism and a prayer to Jesus,"
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Ambition was Sebastian's middle name -- or so he liked to think. However, when he saw the news of a diamond bid a year ago, he didn't bat an eye before he told his brothers of their new target. Emerson was skeptical at first; a great big convention centre in the heart of Las Vegas brimming with people of all walks of the economy, housing millions of dollars worth of diamonds. The money alone couldn't compare to the jewels and priceless accoutrements the crew could get away with. But the security was unparalleled to any bank they'd hit before. Nevertheless, the brothers, as well as Vera and their right-hand man, Andrew, had spent the past year preparing and planning for what would be the peak of their heist career.
The ultimate prize tonight was the Warhol Diamond necklace, worth a reported 11.5 million dollars. That should be more than enough for a house.
Of course, since this event was so upscale, it called for upscale tactics. They had to use some of the funds from previous jobs to score some invitations, and of course the invitation required them be dressed to the nines to get in. Of course, this was no problem for the crew, they always liked to dress it up a little on their jobs.
The evening came upon them quickly, and already the strip in front of the convention centre was packed with people. It would be so easy for any of them to slip away unscathed. The top of society was attending, limos and high-roller cars were lined up around the block while dashing men and extravagant woman stepped out, practically dripping in jewels. Remington licked his lips like a hungry predator.
"Did you have to wear the hat?" Sebastian grumbled at Emerson, who was dressed in a tailored red jacket and dark slacks. He had an antique top hat on his head, the brim lined in gold thread.
"I like the hat," Emerson grumbled, not very impressed with Sebastian's own velvet maroon suit, "You're the one wearing an ascot with an open-neck,"
"It draws less attention than a top hat," Sebastian pointed out. The brothers were hanging around in the lobby, shuffling through the herd of people who were oohing and awing at the gold-crusted, lavish Venetian decor. Everything oozed expensive, even the security guards at the metal detector appeared in bespoke tailored suits.
"Hey, c'mon. He likes it, just leave him alone," Remington grumbled back, dressed up in his own dark tartan suit.
Emerson was gawking around the halls, "They really beefed up security around this place. Are you sure about the shift change schedule?" he asked Remington.
"Of course I'm sure. We've been casing this place for a month," he assured, "Trust me, everything is under control,"
"It's all under control as long as V does her part," Sebastian whispered.
Remington smirked back at him, "You talk like she never pulls through," he said.
"I'm not saying she doesn't," Sebastian replied, "But it doesn't matter how many of these we do; there's always an outlier,"
"You were the one that wanted to hit this place," Emerson mumbled.
"Vera is gonna' be fine," Remington assured them, "She knows what she's doing. As long as Andrew's not late we'll be just fine,"
The boys got into the security line up, separately of course. They didn't want to draw attention as a group. One by one, they each went through the metal detector and a pat down, neither of them were flagged.
Meanwhile, Vera was already inside the party. She assimilated well into the crowd of philanthropists, politicians, and unabashed millionaires. She stood off from the bar while she waited for her drink, appearing lusciously priceless in a sleek, velvet black gown. It was a more expensive piece she bartered for, it made it so easy for her to slip into the persona of someone she could only dream to be.
She thanked the bartender for her whiskey soda and she wandered around the venue, meeting eyes with inconspicuous guests. Everyone was gathered around an empty stage front, awaiting when the bidding would start for the extravagant variety of jewelry pieces. Where would the money gathered be going? Well, the front man, Alister Warhol, announced that a percentage of the proceeds would be going off to benefit various charities. The only thing he neglected to mention was he was keeping over 90% of the proceeds for himself, as most philanthropists did.
With most of the guests distracted, she stopped to bend down in front of one of the vent grates. Attached to her garter belt were five canisters, each the size of a large fingernail. Vera had distributed the other four already, having slipped them into the vent grates. Making like she was adjusting the strap of her shoe, she was about to slip the last canister inside when she heard a throat grumble from above her.
Vera looked up, coming face-to-face with an older, distinguished gentleman. He was slender, his stark cheekbones protruding harshly through his skin, and his sunken eyes made him appear older than he appeared. He nursed his own champagne flute, and he smelled as though he'd enjoyed a few beforehand.
"Hello," he drawled, looking her up and down.
Vera strapped an alluring smile to her face, "Hello,"
"I'm sorry if I startled you, but I noticed you from the bar," he said, "You are absolutely stunning,"
"Why thank you," Vera smiled back, "Are you a bidder, tonight?"
He chuckled blithely, "Not exactly. I'm an acquirer for Mr. Warhol,"
Vera raised a brow, "Ah, so these pieces have come from your collection?" she asked.
"Some are mine, some are from other generous cohorts, some have been sold off to Warhol to pay off debts," he replied.
"I imagine I wouldn't want to be the person to owe Mr. Warhol money," she said.
"Absolutely not," he then took her hand in his, "The name's Redmond. Redmond Barrymore," and he kissed her knuckle.
Vera swallowed back her distaste, "Sophia Blackwell," her public cover name.
"Sophia Blackwell..." Redmond drawled, his expression furrowing, "... Oh, yes. I recall seeing your name on the guest list,"
Vera hummed, "I thought you were just Mr. Warhol's acquirer, Mr. Barrymore?"
He chuckled heavily, brimming with the bravado of a man with enough secrets to eradicate every person in this room, "Well, I like to have a handle on who may be bidding on my diamonds,"
Across the room, the brothers had finally entered the major ensuite. Remington immediately accepted a martini from one of the passing serving staff, scanning the room for their target. And there it was, the Warhol Necklace on full display in bullet proof glass, shelved on a high platform and out of reach for any person of general stature. Of course, it was surrounded by a handful of security guards.
"God, it's beautiful," Remington awed, "All 11.5 million of it,"
"We could make out pretty well with some of the pieces on these guests, too," Emerson added, looking around at the crowd.
"Remember, we have to stay focused," Sebastian reminded them, "Where's Vera?"
"I'll find her," Remington nodded, "You remember where we put the bag?"
"Yeah, I'll get it," Sebastian nodded, "We'll meet at the south-east corner in twenty minutes," and he ducked out of the crowd.
"I'm gonna' get a drink," Emerson decided before he too took off.
Remington sipped his martini meanwhile, his dark brown eyes skimming for faces and the odd Tiffany or Rolex he could knick away with. In the next pass he locked on Vera, her exquisite appearance accentuated against the shimmering gold and marble fixtures, not to mention the peak of her long leg beneath the high slit in her dress was so sexy. Remington had so many ideas of what he could do to her in that dress... if only that old man chatting her up wasn't ruining his picture.
He finished the martini promptly and placed it on a discard tray, making his way through the crowd and towards his girl. Vera meanwhile made her attempts to leave, though Redmond wasn't ready to let her go.
"Why don't you join me at my table?" he offered, "We're having dinner courtesy of Wolfgang Puck,"
Vera smiled politely, "That's very kind of you to offer, Mr. Barrymore, but I'm afraid I already have a table tonight," she replied in kind.
"Oh? With whom?"
"With me," Remington appeared seemingly out of nowhere, and Vera was relieved. Redmond looked him up and down, a little more critically than he had with Vera.
"Ah. And you would be...?"
"Aldous Blackwell, sir," Remington shook his hand, "Of the Toronto Blackwells,"
Redmond nodded slowly, "I see. I haven't seen you around here," he replied skeptically.
"I was kept late at an important business meeting, so I sent my wife ahead," Remington explained.
"And... what business do you run, Mr. Blackwell?" he asked.
Vera linked her arm with Remington, "The type that could afford him over half of Alister Warhol's diamond collection," she said. Remington squeezed her hand, never breaking his gaze with Redmond Barrymore.
"Very well, then," Redmond nodded, "I wish you luck in the bidding. As for you, Mrs. Blackwell," he took Vera's hand again and planted another kiss on her knuckle. Remington felt his blood pressure flare, though he kept his composure without a flinch, "It was a pleasure,"
"The pleasure was mine," she tried not to sneer as he walked away. She squirmed on the spot and rubbed her soaked knuckle on her hip, "God, what took you long?" she whispered to Remington.
"I couldn't help it," Remington ushered her through the crowd and towards the back hallway, "They got into it over accessories,"
"Well, they sure picked a time. If it wasn't for you, that creep would've suckered me into sitting for a dinner by Wolfgang Puck," she scoffed back, not thinking as Remington ushered her away from the crowd and into a dark, quieter hallway, "Not that I'd complain about the latter part,"
"I think with this, we could buy us a set meal from Mr. Puck's restaurant," before her eyes, Remington held up Barrymore's Panerai watch.
Vera wasn't shocked per say, though more or less impressed at his speed, "When did you take that?"
In a sharp instant, Remington had her backed into the corner, the watch shoved deep into his pocket, "While he was slobbering all over your hand,"
Remington stepped impossibly closer and pushed her legs apart with his knee. Vera's gasp was swallowed by his mouth engulfing hers, lips and teeth smacking in a rough, passionate kiss. She squeezed her legs around his, fingers threading through his hair as he moved to nip at her neck, his hand coming up to wrap around her throat. She had to bite her lip as he marked her, the rush of adrenaline and carnal tension shivering through her body, every touch of was electrifying and excitement bubbled beneath her skin.
“Remington,” she breathed, trying her best not to smirk as his dark expression, "Did it really bother you seeing the old man so close to me?"
He chuckled suddenly, though she knew it wasn't from amusement. His hand left her throat, slipping down the silky material of her dress until he reached the slit of her dress. His hand slipped up, caressing the inner part of her thigh, his eyes never leaving hers and his smirk widened.
"You belong to me," he mumbled, the intensity of his stare so dark and sharp, "You're all mine, and anybody who tries me will fucking regret it," he did not hesitate before pressing his lips firmly against hers, a desperate attempt to feel more of her. Vera looped her arms around Remington's neck and threaded her fingers within his soft locks, tugging it, smirking against his lips in satisfaction once he hissed at the action.
He swiped his tongue against her lower lip and pushed his tongue inside her mouth, deepening the kiss. With his other hand, he jerked her hips closer to his and pushed his hips against her, she moaned at the sensation of him rubbing against her. He emitted a low groan, his eyes clouded with pure desire as he pulled away from her lips in order to trail kisses down her throat. Oh, if only they had the time, the privacy, she would wrap her legs around his waist and let him take her against the wall right now, the crowd be damned.
"Are you for real?" their moment was slighted by Emerson, standing at the mouth of the hall, his unimpressed glower lit dimly in the shadows. Remington groaned, pulling away from his girl to face his brother, "You guys are like God damn rabbits; can you wait at least until we leave the premises?"
Vera couldn't help but laugh, the brothers equal annoyance with each other a nice breather for her.
"Alright, c'mon then. Let's go find Seb," she patted the lapel of Remington's jacket and walked off, all the while he stared a hole into his cock-blocking little brother.
"Five minutes," he grumbled at him, "You couldn't have let me have five fucking minutes?"
Emerson shrugged, not bothering to hide the shit-eating grin on his face, "You forget your room is right next to mine. You take way more than just five minutes," he smirked.
"Oh, fuck off," and he brushed right past Emerson.
Sure enough, twenty minutes had past. Bids were called, alcohol was consumed, and the diamonds glittered so deliciously under the chandelier display. No one was the wiser to the crew crouched down behind the stage, the dapper looking group having switched out their classy shoes and heels for treaded sneakers, and each of them slipped a gas mask over their head. Sebastian kept checking his watch, it was almost time for the canisters to go off.
"Are we all ready?" he asked.
Remington nodded as he checked his phone, "Andrew's ready and waiting downstairs," he reported.
"And the canisters should be going off in five minutes," Emerson added.
At the mention, Vera's face changed. A sharp fear ripped through her as she realized she never finished her assignment, "Fuck!"
"What?" the boys turned to her, praying her exclamation wasn't anything bad.
"I forgot one," she whispered, reaching under her skirt.
"Forgot one what?" Sebastian asked nervously. They were stunned in silence as Vera pulled out the last canister from her garter.
"Fuck," Emerson covered his mouth.
Sebastian glowered at her, "How could you forget?!" he snapped.
"I didn't mean to! I'm so sorry!" she gaped.
"It's not her fault," Remington cut in, "She was almost caught by Warhol's collector,"
"And yet you wanted five minutes," Emerson snickered at him, slipping his mask over his now hat-free head.
"Shut up!" Remington snapped at him.
"Five minutes? Five minutes for what?" Sebastian asked.
"Nothing!" Vera replied swiftly, "You guys go ahead, I'll slip the last one in the vent real quick," she pulled her mask off and hid it behind her back.
"You're gonna' go out there without your mask?" Sebastian queried.
Vera started for the curtain, "I'll make it. Security just hit shift change," and she disappeared around the velvet material.
"Is she serious? Fuck," Sebastian kicked at the wall.
"She's right, though. She'll be fine," Remington assured, slipping his gas mask over his head, "Let's move,"
Sure enough, the security was switching to the late shift, leaving just a few crucial minutes for the boys to take the stage. Sebastian was swift to subdue the first guard and Remington hopped onto the platform. The auctioneer was more than confused as he turned mid-bid of another diamond piece, coming nose-to-nose with a stranger in a gas mask. Remington knocked him upside the head with his own microphone, taking the stage to address the astounded crowd. Gasps and screams of horror bounced off the marble-slated walls.
"Ladies and gentleman!" he announced, his voice muffled by the mask, "Please, we ask you to remain calm! You are not in danger! However, in case it wasn't clear: this is a robbery!"
Vera meanwhile was slipping through the crowd, the gas canister clutched tightly in her fist as she ran for the last vent. She heard it begin to sizzle and it burned against her skin. In the chaos of the mess however, she was suddenly slammed by another body. The impact threw her to the side and the canister went flying. It was long gone by the time Vera realized what had happened, and she was sure to catch shit for it later. Nevertheless, the canisters were beginning to release the gas from within them and she needed to get her mask on fast.
Some people tried to run for the door, though they found they had been locked in. It was all thanks to Andrew and his quick skills with heavy chains wrapped around the handles from the outside. The sleeping gas began to fill the room, no one would be getting out.
"We're not here to hurt you! In just a few minutes, you're all gonna' feel the most relaxed you've ever been," Remington called out. And sure enough, the gas had begun to take effect. The echoing of coughing, sputtering, and gasping bounced across the walls and bodies began to slump. It wasn't just the guests within the hall, the gas traversed through the vents, reaching the security wing above them, as well as the kitchen below. No one within the immediate vicinity would be able to call for help. Sebastian was holding some taken aback guards at gun point while Emerson was tying them up with duct tape.
"Hey you!" Remington glanced down towards a brave security guard, aiming at the younger boy with his gun, "You get the hell down from there, right now!" he shouted angrily.
Remington, ever so the one to tempt fate, stepped out from behind the podium, his arms raised in an open target. He was goading the guard to shoot him, revelling in the chaos, the panic, and the thudding of bodies beginning to hit the floor.
"You talking to me?" he chided. The guard coughed, trying to cover his mouth and nose with his jacket lapel, and he fought diligently through the gas.
"Yes! Now, I won't tell you again!" he exclaimed. He was none the wiser to the striking young woman coming up from behind him, the bottle of champagne in her hand she used to crack him upside the head. He went down hard and fast, his gun flying off to the side.
Vera stared up, annoyed with her showman boyfriend, "Really?" she groaned at him.
"Hey! You love my theatrics!" he replied, pulling her up on the stage.
"Not when you're goading a loaded gunman into shooting you," Vera rolled her eyes, watching as the last few groups of people began to succumb to the sleeping gas. It was truly a marvel to behold, the room that was bustling with excitement not ten minutes ago was wilted and weak, struggling for air like plants in a drowsy, dark room.
"I saw you coming, anyway," Remington assured her, "Did you get rid of the canister?"
Vera inhaled sharply, "Kind of,"
"What does that mean?" he popped a brow.
"... I might have lost it," she admitted sheepishly, fear flashing through the eyeholes of her mask.
"What do you mean you lost it?"
"I got knocked into one guy who knocked me into another guy and it's out there somewhere!" she pointed to the sea of bodies.
Remington peered out in shock and dismay, scanning as though he could magically spot the canister in the mess. He had a sinking feeling in his gut.
"And which vent were you supposed to put it in?" he asked tentatively.
Vera shook her head, self-resentment and disappointment settling in her chest, "... The one that leads to the security office,"
"Shit," Remington turned to the plethora of diamonds, calculating as their estimated time was now cut by half. Surely, security would be down within minutes, and it wouldn't take them long to cut the chains off the doors.
"Sebastian's gonna' kill me this time," Vera shook her head, "I fucked up, I fucked up real bad --"
"Hey! It's okay," Remington took her by her shoulders, "Listen, you tried. Shit happens,"
"But Remington --"
"But nothing, Vera! We'll be fine! I'll handle Sebastian, you start on the codes for the cases. Let's just get what we can,"
Remington directed Vera to start getting the diamond cases open. Emerson went to help her while Sebastian kept watch over the guards. Remington wandered over to him sheepishly, knowing fully well he was going to be pissed.
"Don't be angry," he muttered to him.
Sebastian eyed his younger brother cautiously, "... Why should I be angry?" he asked.
"Our time was just slashed in half," he admitted. Sebastian gawked at him, his furious expression maximized by his mask.
"Okay, I'm angry. What happened?" he asked.
"It's not important right now,"
"Remington --"
"Don't argue with me right now, please? It was one slip up," he pleaded. Hell, Sebastian of all people had to know nothing was perfect, not even circumstance. Remington just prayed that they could get away with enough bounty to calm him down later.
Sebastian was at a loss for words, staring back and forth between him and the diamond cases. He decided quickly; if they only had half the time then they had to go for the most valuable pieces. He immediately looked up to the Warhol necklace, still perched on its high platform.
"Alright. You scale the platform and get the Warhol. We'll take it and whatever else these guys can get, and we go," Sebastian decided.
"Deal," like a bat out of hell, Remington began to climb the stage set up, clinging to the bars like a howler monkey in the jungle. He had had enough practice that every move was a calculated piece of cake. The Warhol diamond was just within reach.
He jumped for the platform, clinging tightly to the shelf as he shoved at the glass case, moving it until it just teetered off the edge.
"Hey sweetheart!" he called down, garnering his girl's attention, "Here's our house! Heads up!" and the case plummeted down into Sebastian's arms. Emerson and Vera meanwhile had broken out a few key valuable pieces, definitely enough to warrant Remington and Vera their own property and then some.
However, the true crown jewel of the collection was the Warhol Diamond Necklace; a custom waterfall design with stardust African diamonds, ordered by Alister Warhol himself. The rumour around town was he'd had it especially made for the woman he wanted to marry, the only woman in the world who had supposedly rejected him and his high-class attempts.
"Emerson! C'mere!" the youngest brother discarded the last case he had in favour for the big one. He was an expert at cracking codes, give him any safe in the world and he could have it open within minutes. Time of course was not a luxury they could spare.
"What house is he talking about?" he asked.
"I don't know," Sebastian shook his head, "They're at the stage where they wanna' start playing house,"
"Ew. Gross," Emerson chuckled, working as quickly as he could to unlock the case.
"I heard that!" Remington called, still hanging from the rafter. Vera laughed to herself, working quickly to pack what few pieces they had into the duffel.
"Don't be upset, honey. They're just jealous," Vera teased.
"Oh, you wish," Sebastian simpered.
It was painstaking process, and every second they spared was another second authorities had to gain on them. However, Emerson heard the last click of the combination lock and the lid snapped open. With glazed eyes, he pulled out the million dollar masterpiece, truly feeling as though he had grasped the Golden Idol.
"God, she's beautiful!" he mired.
"All 11.5 million of her," Sebastian agreed, swinging around to Vera, "That's buy each of us a house and then some,"
"Hell yeah it will!" Remington leapt down onto the stage with a hard thud, though he walked away unscathed, "I can see it now: large open yard, rock wall faces, Italian fixtures --"
"How about a pool?" Vera suggested.
"Dream house needs a dream pool," Emerson agreed, slipping the necklace into their bag.
Remington chuckled, "And a big pool we can light up at night so we can --" however, he was cut short when a sharp bang rang out through the air, and a crippling pain in his torso followed. Remington fell to the ground to the horror of his crew, Vera and Emerson dropped what they were doing and rushed to him.
"Remington! Oh my God!" they quickly turned him onto his back. Remington was still alive, he was sure of that as he saw the gruesome fear rippling through his brother and his girlfriend, and his body felt as though it was burning from the inside out. He had been shot.
Sebastian meanwhile turned out to the crowd, finding himself in a gun draw with Redmond Barrymore. The older gentleman's gun was still smoking from his fire. He wheezed heavily, keeping himself upright on the table with shaky limbs. It wouldn't have taken much to take him out if not for the nine millimetre he had aimed for Sebastian's head. He grunted through the gas, his willpower seemingly stronger than the gas.
"You put my diamonds back! Or you're next!" he sneered.
"How in the fuck..." Sebastian drawled.
Redmond chuckled darkly, "What's the matter, son? You didn't expect to see an old man come back from the dead? You don't work for Mr. Warhol without having some special tricks of your own," he reached into his pocket and pulled out what looked like an epipen at first glance. Whatever was in that needle was a counteract to the sleeping gas, an insurance policy should an occasion as this arrive.
"We don't want to hurt you," Sebastian assured him, "We're just gonna take our loot and go. You'll never hear from us again,"
The older gentleman was in hysterics, "Really? You're quite brave for a man with no options, sir! You're down a man with no escape route because the security will be busting through those doors any minute!" he roared, "I commend your efforts though, the gas masks are a nice touch!"
Remington was gasping for a deep breath under his mask but he knew he couldn't remove it. The air was still too thick. Emerson had to hold him down while Vera ripped off part of the curtain, trying to clot the pack the wound so he bleed out. In his haze of pain and uncertainty, Remington focused on the giant chandelier. Thousands of crystals glinted and twinkled, giving him a brilliant yet crazy idea.
"The chandelier --" he sputtered, "The chandelier!"
"Yeah, yeah, I know. It's pretty," Emerson grumbled.
"No! The chandelier!" Remington snapped at him.
"What about it?!"
"Use it!"
Vera faced up to the ceiling, almost being blinded by the chandelier and its many glinting, sharp crystals. There was a cable holding the entire structure up; and it hung smack over Redmond Barrymore. If only she had something to cut the cable, they could make a clean get away. It was then she remembered the guards carried their own guns.
She raced over to the group of large men, each of them still out cold as she felt around for a gun. She found the perfect line of trajectory behind the stage, aiming at the guesstimated angle she prayed would make quick work for their escape.
Sebastian froze as another gun shot rang out, but it wasn't from his nor was it from Redmond's. He heard a distinct tinkling, jewels clanging together above his head. The cable holding the chandelier up was sizzling, and he caught wind of what was about to happen. He took a cautious step back.
"You know, I believe things are looking up for us," he noted. Redmond glanced up to the vibrating chandelier, just as another shot rang out. He leapt out of the way just as the chandelier plummeted to the ground, sending thousands of crystals smashing and flying everywhere, electrical sparks raining down from the cable.
The brothers didn't have time to take cover, they made quick work to get Remington to his feet. Vera took the gun with her and grabbed the duffel bag while Emerson had the bag with their stuff.
Redmond hadn't gotten away from the crash unscathed, his leg was pinned down by a metal rod, effectively shattering his shin bone. He cried out in pain and in anger, lashing out as the crew headed for their escape route. He roared like a lion who had missed his dinner, rage flaring through his body as he called, "Who the fuck are you people!?"
The crew stopped, turning back to Redmond with a great smugness hidden under their masks. Remington gathered his wits enough to taunt him back with a sassy remark, "Us? We're The fucking Bastards,"
A loud banging thundered from the doors, and they knew their time was up. Vera and Emerson lead the way while Sebastian hobbled along with Remington, all the while the middle brother kept pressing the curtain tightly into his wound. It hurt like hell, but it was nothing compared to what being caught would feel like.
They cut through the kitchen, a mess of passed out staff, bubbling pots and burning pans. The smell was distinguishable of just burnt, burnt flakey char that nobody would eat. The service elevator was in the back and they all piled in, just as a flood of footsteps entered the kitchen. They had a second to relax.
"Well, that was fun," Emerson puffed.
"Yeah," Sebastian turned to Vera, "Nice thinking with the chandelier,"
Vera shrugged, "It was all your brother's plan," she replied simply.
"Do we have everything?" Remington groaned.
"Not like we can go back," Emerson replied.
"I just hope Andrew's ready," Sebastian shook his head.
"What's he driving?" Vera asked.
The boys looked between each other, realization hitting that they never asked what vehicle Andrew was going to be in. Vera stared dumbfounded between them.
"He didn't tell you what he was driving?" she asked in disbelief.
"We were running late, we just trusted him," Emerson replied.
"It's okay," Remington assured, "Andrew always pulls through,"
The elevator dinged to the basement level and the giant doors swung open. Much to their luck, security hadn't reached the basement yet. They quickly shuffled out, looking around for any sign of Andrew. It was then Emerson found the obscure looking ambulance in the sea of high-end cars, and sure enough, Andrew and his wild head of hair were sitting upfront, his own gas mask covering his face.
"I found him!" he pointed to the ambulance.
"Huh, fitting," Remington chuckled.
Andrew looked up from his round of candy crush and spotted them immediately. He started the truck before Sebastian could wave him down and pulled out in front of them. Sebastian ripped the back doors open and they all clamoured inside. Remington slumped to the floor.
"We all good?" Andrew called them.
Sebastian took the seat beside him, nodding and panting heavily, "Yeah. Drive,"
Andrew however had focused on Remington and the pool of blood staining his shirt, "What happened to him?"
"Just drive!" Sebastian snapped.
Andrew didn't need to be told again, he peeled out of the delivery truck exit and onto traffic. Police cars whizzed by them meanwhile, all stopping at the convention centre. Vera watched out the back window with bated breath, finally relaxing when she saw they were safe.
"We're clear," she announced, and they all pulled off their masks.
The fresh air was a welcome reward for their strife, that and the bag full of diamond trinkets and other jewelry pieces the crew pocketed. They drove unscathed out of the city, the flashing lights of the Vegas strip quickly dissipated into blacked out desert. Some lights flared from homes in the distance, the further they drove the less there was around. Remington stayed slumped on the ground, breathing slowly through his pain whilst he gripped tightly to Vera's hand. She cleaned his wound as much as she could, more of the dirty work would have to be done at home. When they hit a particular checkpoint they had to switch vehicles, Andrew already had a camper van waiting and left the ambulance behind.
After thirty minutes of driving through seemingly nowhere, they turned into an obscure bungalow neighbourhood. It was a lower middle class community where nobody asked questions and everybody usually kept to themselves. The camper van pulled into their home, and the engine hadn't even been cut before the back door flew open and Emerson and Vera helped Remington inside. Sebastian and Andrew meanwhile took charge of unloading their loot.
Remington groaned as he fell into the bathtub, turning over to rip his shirt off. Vera began soaking rags in disinfectant, beside her a hastily thrown together medical kit. It wasn't much, but the tools she had were enough to patch her boys up when necessary.
A half-drunk bottle of whiskey sat on the rim, and Remington swigged it plentifully to numb the pain he knew was coming. Vera's hand were already a sticky mess of blood from the centre and she scrubbed hard to get herself clean.
"I thought he'd killed you," she rattled off, "I didn't know he had a gun, I should've known. He's a diamond collector of fuck sakes --"
"Vera. Vera!" he called, "Sweetheart, we got away scot-free,"
She fell to sit on the rim of the tub, staring at the open wound in his skin with marred distain, "But you got hurt, anyway," she huffed.
"We knew what we were signing up for," he assured her, taking her hand, "You did so fucking well tonight,"
"I fucked up, Remington," she sighed, "We could've gotten more than double what we made away with,"
"And it's enough. Vera, I don't care what we take or what happens to me, I just need you to be okay," he replied, searching for a depth of sparkle in her eyes, "Are you okay?"
She inhaled deeply. She couldn't lie that she had been rattled, and it was surely just a fluke of luck that she had shot down that chandelier so skillfully. She hadn't done her job properly and yet Remington was still so concerned for her. She couldn't imagine how she could even begin to repay him for his love. But then that was it: love wasn't supposed to be something transactional, it was a deep connection and profound fondness for one another. Remington wasn't just her partner in crime, he was her partner for life.
"I'm okay," she nodded, staring wistfully at the rags on the sink counter, "You're probably not gonna' like me in a few minutes," she warned.
"Impossible," he smiled, "You're so fucking cool,"
Vera blushed, supporting herself on the rim and wall of the bath and leaning in to brush her lips against hiss, but was interrupted when their foreheads bumped together, making them both giggle and the tension faded away.
She kissed him sweetly, muttering softly under her breath, "I love you,"
"I love you, too," he sat back in the tub, bracing himself for the stinging pain of retrieval and cleaning. He'd done it before, but every time it never got easier.
Vera took her own swig of the whiskey bottle, holding it out for him, "Drink," she ordered. He obliged her happily, his eyes stayed glued to hers.
Vera sighed as he handed her back the bottle, making a silent apology, "Good, now bite your tongue," and she poured the alcohol over his wound.
The boys couldn't help but tense up when they heard Remington shouting from the bathroom, a position neither of them envied him for. He would bitch and complain for about twenty minutes, grovel about his pain for a day, but he would be back to normal in no time. It was all worth it anyhow as Emerson held up the Warhol necklace, every individual diamond sparkled in the low light. No matter how many hitches they hit in their job tonight, The Bastards were successful in what they'd come for.
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eddiessidegirl · 2 years
Your DMs are always welcome, my dear. Ohh! I almost forgot! I have a prompt for you. Congrats on the followers! You deserve it 💕 I wanna do a fun sleepover too, really soon.
Could I possibly request Eddie with an alt/punk girlfriend? I don't usually see a whole lot of Punk!Reader and it would make my week. Something fluffy and fun, no pressure.
Omg, this took forever and I’m so so so sorry 😭 please forgive me. I hope this is good, and makes sense.
For Want Of
Summary: Punkrocker Tara is in love with Eddie Munson
Pairing: Eddie x Punk/Alt!Fem Reader
Warnings: Standard 18+ for my blog, this is a fluff piece, angst (if you squint), mutual pining, minor drug use and drinking (typical teen shit), let me know if I missed anything
Word count: 4166 words
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Alarm clock blaring, record player left in the final stages of playing last nights record, and the person sized lump on the bed under the covers. This was how Tara’s mother found her in the morning on this particular Friday morning. “Tara, I swear to Jesus himself if you do not get out of bed this minute, you’re losing car privileges this weekend and you will not be able to go hang out with your little friends. You’ll be forced to clean out the garage with your father.” A cigarette dangled from her mothers thin, pursed lips her fake attempt at being a good mother was such a lie. She was only mad that her stupid church friends heard that her only daughter was out at all hours of the night hanging out with other teens who dressed like she did: coloured hair, dark makeup and listening to Misfits on full blast while driving the streets of Hawkins, Indiana. But most of all her mother hated hearing she’d been seen talking to and being around a one Eddie Munson. He was a drug dealer, a cult leader, and he listened to “that God awful music” as her mother put it.
“Will you lower your fucking voice? I heard you the first time you bellowed at me like an hour ago. Fucks sake.” Her voice draped in sleep, mascara and eyeliner smudged and giving her the raccoon look. Tara pushed the blankets back and slid into her jeans and pulled a Ramones shirt over her head - not bothering with a bra.
Jonathan was already waiting outside for her, mug of coffee in hand for her to drink while they drove to pick up Robin, his little brother Will in the back seat, his newest companion guide for his game night with his friends in hand, he didn’t even notice her sliding into the front seat. “So, is today the day? Or are you never gonna tell him? I mean Graduation is coming up quick, and you’re not gonna be here forever,” He asked her, he’d known she’d had a thing for the town drug dealer for ages but never worked up the courage. Sure she could throw down with assholes who grabbed her ass but Munsons’ chocolate eyes just made her stomach do flips. Her arm reached across the front seat and she shoved her best friend.
“Shut it, Byers. What about you and Wheeler? You guys gonna cut the shit and finally figure out your college bull? Or are you just gonna pretend that you still haven’t gotten your rejection letter to Emerson?” He shot her a nasty look, but it softened when he saw she was just poking fun at him, she laughed teasingly an scooped her hair into a bun.
They secured Robin who was all giggles about this girl Vickie and she loved how happy her friend was, being yourself was hard in this town but the three of them did their best to never hide their true selves around each other. It just sucked big time that the rest of the town didn’t subscribe to the same thoughts and feelings.
Tara had turned 18 in December, and while Eddie was still in high school he was a super senior, 19 going on 20. She’d liked him ever since she could remember, but it became more prevalent when he turned up to school when she was 13 and he 15, his buzzed hair grown out and dressed in a battle vest and leather with heavy metal band pins all over it. She herself had always been more into the punk scene. She’d seen the Clash in concert in Chicago with Jonathan and they were planning to she The Cramps this summer before she moved for college. But she could tolerate his music tastes, if only he paid her an ounce of attention aside from selling her dime bags here and there.
She’d gotten lost in her thoughts and wasn’t paying attention as they exited the car, “watch it freak I don’t want to catch whatever it is you have wrong with you.” Carol Perkins cackled and turned back towards her friends, brushing off pretend dirt as they walked away from the group. Tara flipped them all the middle finger and shoved her bag further up her shoulder. “Christ, you’d think she’d have levelled out after Wheeler smacked her when she made fun of her for dating you…” Tara muttered to Jonathan. Will had quickly gotten out of the car and was running towards his little nerd herd, the four of them colliding around Eddie and his friends, collectively they were the Hellfire Club, the only Dungeons and Dragons club in all of Hawkins and subsequently made them the butt of every joke, but Tara knew that after the years of trauma those kids had suffered they deserved too feel some happiness even if they were mocked behind their backs.
Robin nudged her back “can you go get us some weed for this weekend? I can’t get caught with it in my room again, my parents are already on edge after the last time.” There was a smile on her friends lips that said this was more than a transactionary meeting that would be happening.
A small huffing noise came from Taras throat. “Later. I’ll pop a note into his locker for a lunch meeting.”
Which she did, it was a folded triangle note with few words “Forest clearing. Lunch. -T” Eddie pocketed the note, grinning, Tara was his favourite customer, not only because she was a consistent buyer which made it possible to do upkeep on his van but also because she was a person who didn’t judge him, her being hot was just a bonus. And what Tara didn’t know is that he had a thing for her too, and she’d never noticed that he gave a deep discount on all her purchases. Hell, she could ask to walk on his back in her Docs and he’d say “yes please” and ask her to do it again.
Lunch rolled around and both parties were walking enthusiastically towards the meeting spot, Eddie, lunch box in hand and Tara, with her headphones on listening to a mix-tape that Byers had given her to check out.
She was walking head down and collided with something hard, but also soft, clearly a person. She took off her headset and yelled “Hey! Watch where the fuck you walk asshole!” But when she actually focused on who she was yelling at it her whole face went beet red, in fact if you’d placed her face next to an actual beetroot you wouldn’t have been able to tell the difference between the two. It was Eddie. He’d been standing by the bench watching her walk towards him the whole time and when she smacked into him he lost it. His body was rocking back and forth with laughter, tears streaming down his cheeks as he tried to compose himself, one of his ringed hands clutching the picnic table for stability.
“I’m so sorry, that was actually one the best things I’ve seen, T.” His voice slightly hoarse from laughing, “y-you just..and then…oh my god.” And he was off again.
Tara tried her hardest to be mad, but she couldn’t, it was funny, and the hard shell exterior she had always cracked a little when she was around Eddie. “Shuddup Munson…” she mumbled, her mouth in a smile, reaching to punch his arm lightly. “I’m supposed to be here buying weed, not making you piss yourself.”
He sat down and placed his elbow on the table, his lunchbox beside him, hand tucked under his chin, “ooo a woman serious about her business.. I love it” his eyes sparkled and watched her sit, clocking the fact that’s her chest jostled freely but focused on her face. “How much are we talking?” His nimble fingers opening the lunch box, gesturing to the nuggets inside.
“An eighth’ll do.. it’s for Robin, Jon and I for the weekend, we’re going to watch movies and play some pool at the Byers since their moms going to Hoppers this weekend,” he’d nodded and starting doling it out, it was like time slowed down and then sped up because before Tara knew it her mouth was speaking words and she couldn’t stop them from coming, “y-you should come too, Jon’s bringing Nancy and Robin will be bringing Vickie, I really don’t want to be playing pool on my own.” The blush had come back just as strong only now it was creeping down her neck and disappeared into her shirt. What was she doing? This was stupid. She told herself of course he didn’t wanna hang out with a bunch of 18 year olds.
“Sure, I mean, I’ve got nothing better to do, just running campaign tonight and then free all weekend.” She couldn’t tell if he was joking or not, but it didn’t seem like it. Her heart raced. “It’s on me since I’ll be there, don’t worry about paying me.” He handed her a bag that was clearly more than what she asked for and got up. “See you there, sweetheart” he called out, and disappeared into the trees back to his van to calm his nerves. He was basically going on a date with the girl he liked and he couldn’t believe it.
“I didn’t even tell him when it was…” Tara couldn’t find him to tell him and she didn’t want to be late to class, since the teacher was friend of her mothers and she didn’t need more trouble before the weekend.
Saturday evening arrived faster than she thought it would. Bad Religions’ ‘We’re Only Gonna Die’ played on the speaker, Nancy was learning how to play pool with Vickie, Robin teaching both of them, Jonathan and Tara drinking a beer in the corner laughing every time one of them launched a cue ball off the table and had to get it. The air in the room was hazy with the smell of weed. Everyone was there, except Eddie, maybe he’d forgotten or maybe he just didn’t want to come after all. Besides why would he want to hang out with them when he could be hanging with his band mates or anyone else for that matter.
Eventually though, the windows lit up and at first everyone thought it was Joyce come back but then they heard Dio blaring from the vehicle and they knew it was definitely not Joyce. Tara went outside to meet Eddie, the air outside only slightly chillier than the house, plumes of smoke exiting behind her form.
“I see you guys started without me, it’s ok I brought extra provisions” he motioned to the bag of weed in his pocket and the beer in his hand. Eddie tucked his free arm into his pocket and tilted it towards Tara. With the high she was experiencing being full force she was more apt to be nice to him, and she took the elbow he extended.
“Didn’t think you were gonna come, Munson.” Her eyes were blissed out and a smile across her features, she led him into the house, showing him where to put his stuff before going to the makeshift game room that they’d thrown together for the festivities.
A low chuckle escaped his mouth and he leant down so only she could hear him “I’d never miss an opportunity to hang out with my favourite client, especially when she’s dressed like this” he spun her slowly so to not give her stomach a bad turn, she’d forgotten she’d put on a leather skirt and a lacy tank top with her army jacket, it wasn’t even intentional, at least not consciously anyways. The blush she experienced the prior afternoon returned. He was slowly breaking her when it came her to attitude that she’d come to have after idolizing Joan Jett, Eddie Munson, it was clear would be the death of her.
“Can it Eddie,” she told him laughing the whole time, “get your ass in there so I can beat you and Byers in a game.” He let her lead the way and Eddie was met with cheers, he set the beer down and laid out the weed for replenishment. Tara told Jonathan to go the table and set up a game for the three of you now that Robin and Vickie had vacated it, opting to sit in the living room and watch movies instead.
The game was progressing well, Tara was up by a couple points, ‘How Soon is Now’ was playing quietly, and she was swinging her hips to the beat, while she lined up her shot. Eddie was staring. Hard. Nancy was quietly talking to Jonathan something about wanting to go home so she could get some yearbook work in before Monday. Robin and Vickie were still in the living room. Jonathan told Tara and Eddie that he’d be back soon.
“Is this how you pictured your Saturday night, Munson? Hanging out with us listening to punk, playing pool?” She looked over her shoulder at him, a glazed look in her eyes but her mouth turned up in a smile, she’d never admit it but the air felt electric when it was just the two of them and the high made it better.
He grinned back “well, no, but I’m having fun and the view is amazing which is a bonus.” Eddie’d moved closer to her his hand next to hers on the pool table, his lanky frame towering over her smaller one, especially since she was slightly crouched from planning her next play.
Maybe it was the high, maybe it was the few beers she ingested but the room was hazy, and even though she knew people were in the room next to theirs, they felt immensely alone, and they were never alone in any capacity apart from her buying. She straightened and stood up, in the soft warm lights of lamps and with the smoke swirling around him, Eddie looked entirely different. Ethereal almost. Her eyes darting around his face as she took him in. He was far different from his school persona, and his dealer one as well. Softer, but maybe it was the weed.
Eddie on the other hand was only high, he had to drive home so he hadn’t been drinking but he too was focused intently on her face. Tara was so very different from everyone, even himself, a metalhead. But he knew a lot of it was a mix of rebellion and self expression. Her parents were overbearing and hyper religious. And he’d definitely knew there was a softer side to her that she didn’t show unless she was among friends or alone. In public, she was brash, loud. In private she was kind, funny and cared deeply for her friends no matter what they were going through.
Finally when the game was finished, and she’d rightfully so kicked his ass the two of them made their way to the living room, Robin and Vickie had fallen asleep on the couch leaving only the recliner to sit on. Neither of them had the heart to wake the sleeping couple, Eddie was quietly insisting on sitting on the floor and Tara had to interject, “uh, no, I’m not watching…” she looked over the VHS box that he’d tossed to the ground, “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre in this chair alone, get your denim clad ass up here.”
Shaking his head back and forth in a self argument way he eventually climbed into the seat of the chair and Tara settled half on his thigh and half on the arm of the chair, Eddie swiped his arm behind her and put her wholly in his lap. “Don’t need your ass cheek falling asleep mid-movie.”
The two of them sat in silence, save for a few squeaks or soft ewws when something really gross happened. One particular scene when the teen girl was strung up and Leatherface was coming at her with his chainsaw Tara tucked her head into Eddie’s neck and out of instinct, he pressed his mouth to the top of her head and made sure to tell her when it was over. Butterflies had erupted everywhere in her body at this gesture, she still didn’t know if it was friendly or more. It didn’t really matter at this point.
Instead of lifting her head, she slid it so her face was forward, the movie was almost over and Tara was getting sleepy, the amount of weed she’d smoked and the beer she drank starting to weigh heavy on her senses in earnest. Eyes sliding shut, she fell into a not very restful but deep sleep, Eddie sat awake the whole time until the movie ended and then he too fell asleep, Tara’s body warmth the perfect blanket.
Loud voices woke everyone in the living room early, Robin and Vickie disentangled and tossed Tara look, both had their eyebrows raised. The only person still seemingly asleep was Eddie, Tara tried to undo his grip but it was too tight.
“HEY! EDDIES’ VAN IS HERE! Eddie I need help with my character” a voice rocketed through the house as the door opened, it was a one Dustin Henderson, and Munsons eyes flew open.
“Shit. Just a second Henderson, lemme go tame the beast.” He moved to get off the recliner and forgot Tara was minorly tethered to him, pulling her forward and then the two of them collapsing into a pile, Robin cackling, wiping the leftover eyeliner and mascara from her face as the two of them disengaged their limbs. Tara flipped Robin off but laughed along with her, the situation was really funny, only now her ass was bruised from the fall.
She stumbled to the kitchen, eyes bleary with sleep still, “Yo, Jonathan, is there any coff..ee?” Only the person in the kitchen wasn’t her best friend, it was Joyce and Hopper at the kitchen table both sipping their own mugs of dark coffee.
“Jonathan is in his room, but there’s plenty of coffee, dear.” Mrs Byers gave Tara a soft smile and nodded towards the coffee pot. Pouring herself a cup she stretched and cracked her back, the position shed laid in all night had caused her back to be sore, but she was well rested, she did have a good pillow after all.
Hopper cleared his throat “so…how long have you and…” he gestured to where Eddie had gone to fix his hair “…been a thing?” Tara shook her head and explained that they were just friends. “Didn’t seem like just friends the way you were clinging to each other like your life depended on it.” he chuckled as Tara high tailed it out of the kitchen to the respite of the living room where she in turn was grilled for the entire time Eddie was outside talking to the kids about the campaign.
Tara took a few days off from everyone, she needed a clear head about what had happened between her and Eddie, did he really like her or was he just being nice to her because she buys weed from him? On the third day, her bedroom phone rang continuously for two hours, but instead she turned up her music and just kept thinking, focusing on the what ifs of a relationship that didn’t technically exist yet, if ever.
Eventually the room darkened as did the outside, her record player turned down low so her parents didn’t come up and confiscate it. “I really need to find my own place, I’m old enough, besides I hate this wall color…” her parents had painted it in ‘soft salmon’ what ever the fuck that meant and they wouldn’t ever allow her to change it.
“I dunno about you but I like it.” Came a voice from behind her, startling Tara and causing her to fall sideways off her bed. “Fuck, shit, are you ok??” It was Eddie he hauled ass through the rest of her window and around her bed to check on her.
“What the actual fuck are you doing in here?! Are you trying to get shot at?! My dad has a rifle in the goddamned linen closet.” Tara was pissed, but it was wavering as he held onto her hand and waist as he helped her to a standing position.
His brow furrowed, “you weren’t answering your phone and I got worried, that maybe something happened or that you were mad. They told me they kinda interrogated you after that morning and that was why you left.” He looked so mad for Tara and she couldn’t stay mad forever. She just kind of nodded and sat down.
“It was part of it, but also, I just needed space, to…think y’know?” His hair shook as he nodded and joined her on the bed. His hand taking hold of hers, letting her know he was there for her. “I’m confused about what happened or I guess didn’t happen and I got into my head about it.”
The two of them sat in the emptiness of sound for a bit, the record ending and dead air was the background noise for a bit, both of them thinking, Eddie was the one who broke the silence first, “look, Tara, I like you ok? And I got mad at them for being so nosy, it was none of their business.” He shuffled closer on the bed, holding onto her hand like a life preserver. His eyes searching hers. Hopeful.
Tara’s mouth was dry, but there was a moment when she thought she was going to throw up, but she knew nothing would come up. This was the moment she’d been waiting for forever. Through all the teasing from her friends, through 5 years of stares. “I like you two Eddie,” Tara’s face a shade of maroon, Eddie’s beaming, neither of them had expected this result. Tara expected to go off to college and have to find someone else to be with.
A few seconds passed, Eddie broke the silence, “so, are you going to kiss me?” His lips turned up in a wry smile. Tara shook her head and leaned forward, closing the gap between them. Pressing a kiss his his full lips, Eddie’s arms found a way around her waist and this felt like home. Her own hands found a way up to his mess of curls, but before they could go any further Jonathan’s voice called out from the door.
“Fina-fucking-lly.” Him and Robin had shut eating grins on their faces, they were beyond happy for their friend. But most importantly they didn’t have to listen to her pining over him in the mornings anymore.
“Shut it.” She retorted, a smile plastered on her face, Eddie’s hidden since he was distracted by her neck but she could feel a smile of his own on her skin.
1986, it turned out was their year.
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 Quanta SMF/VRLA Battery Dealer in Uttarakhand - ne of the well-known businesses involved in the wholesale trading of a variety of supplies and commissioning of industrial automation is Real Techno Energy & Gas Pvt Ltd., such as our product Electrical, Contractor Supply and Maintenance Service, Online UPS Annual Maintenance, Exide SMF/VRLA UPS Battery, UPS Rental, Eaton UPS, Amaron quanta UPS battery. Our Real Techno Energy skilled staff members continually update their skills with the newest technical advancements, making our products among the best on the market with unmatched quality.
UPS Rental Service in Uttarakhand - realtechnoenergy.com
Online UPS AMC Maintenance Service in Uttarakhand | Real Techno Energy
Online UPS Annual Maintenance Service Uttarakhand | Real Techno Energy
Electrical Contractor Supply and Maintenance Service in Uttarakhand - realtechnoenergy.com
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Online UPS On Rent in Uttarakhand - Real Techno Energy
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Amaron Quanta UPS Battery in Uttarakhand - Real Techno Energy
Emerson Online UPS Supplier in Uttarakhand - realtechnoenergy.com
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Website – https://www.realtechnoenergy.com/quanta-smf-vrla-battery-uttarakhand.html
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the-kreutzingers · 1 year
Rhys Kreutzinger
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Rhys was the middle child of Kate and Rohan Elderberry-Kreutzinger, Farrah's nephew.
Known as the 'accident' of the brood, he was conceived after a risky Woo-Hoo. He had the genius trait. 
Rhys grew up in a close family unit.  Most weekends were spent with his Grandparents Grace & Ryan Kreutzinger and his siblings and cousins. (L-R Top - Rhys, Grace, Piper, Ryan, Ronnie L-R Bottom - Cara (Dog) Emerson, Watson, Pippa and Lucas)
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Rhys was a popular kid in grade school and he always enjoyed socialising.
He had a good relationship with his immediate family.  He is pictured below in the stripe top.
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Rhys had a difficult time in his high school years, for some reason he struggled with learning, even though he did his homework on time.  He found it hard coping with embarrassment and holding down friendships.
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It was close to the end of high school when he was ultimately expelled.  His parents were not best pleased with this and they felt he was going down the same path his elder brother, who moved out of the family home as a teenager to live in San Myshuno with a drug dealer.
(L-R Pippa, Ronnie, Piper, Rhys, Ronnie, Kate, Ross and Pearl)
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Coming from a big family, Rhys dreamed of having lots of children when he was older.
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Despite his rocky journey through teen-dom he was always very caring.  He even took his younger sister Pearl under his wing when she was grieving the death of their sister Pippa in a house fire.  I guess it was this nurturing that made him realise he would one day be a great father.
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Since Rhys had been expelled, he became a bit of a party animal. He would frequently visit his bad influence big brother Ronnie at his apartment parties. He made no effort to get a job or to get his online diploma.
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It was this reason that Rhys's parents made the very difficult decision to kick him out of the family home.  They had two young children and didn't want any trouble at their door.
He ended up sleeping on Venessa Jeong's sofa.  She was struggling financially since the birth of her daughter Patrice so he would babysit whilst she went to work and Rhys did the household chores.
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Venessa was the driving force behind helping Rhys sort himself out.  She even got him to do his online diploma and get a steady little office job.
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Venessa eventually asked Rhys to move out and gave him 3 days to find a place.  He was beginning to outstay his welcome and her daughter had aged up to child.  She just wanted her home back.  Although it came as shock to Rhys, the pair remained friends.
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He moved to San Myshuno in a basement apartment and kept himself to himself for a few sim days, before heading out to the Spice Festival to see what all the fuss was about.
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It would be here that he met Dina Caliente.  He was smitten at first sight.
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They were good friends and spent a lot of time getting to know each other.  She would come over to the apartment and watch romance movies and hang out and sometimes go on dates.
Rhys had hit a point in his life where he wanted more than to live in a basement apartment.  He felt as though his dream of having the big family was becoming just that... a dream. 
In desperation, he used savings he had inherited from his grandparents when they died to build a house on his grandparents land.  He had such fond memories of Willow Creek growing up and thought it would be the ideal place to set up his forever home.
Rhys finally built up the courage to ask Dina if she would be his girlfriend and she was ecstatic.  Maybe a little too enthusiastic. They soon moved in together and Rhys realised Dina didn't have a career.  He urged her to get a job and she did, albeit reluctantly. 
It wasn't long before he thought about popping the question and Dina was overjoyed.  She couldn't wait to become Mrs Kreutzinger!
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Their engagement didn't last long, Dina was itching to marry Rhys and they were married within days in Tartosa, which wasn't the best wedding because no one would walk down the aisle when prompted and the Dina forgot to bring the cake to the ceremony!
But Rhys didn't care, he had what he wanted and it looked like his dreams were becoming a reality.
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The newlyweds spent their honeymoon in the Jungle, which wasn't exactly the honeymoon Rhys had in mind but he would do anything to make his wife happy. I guess it was that caring nature of his. He suffered a few minor bites but he wasn't going to let mosquitos spoil anything.
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He hoped their first child would be conceived on their honeymoon but this didn't happen. Dina was taking birth control and Rhys was unaware until he found her pills in the bathroom.
When they were home, Rhys asked Dina if she would stop taking her birth control pills. She refused.
Their relationship went through a rough patch. Rhys couldn't understand where he was going wrong, why didn't Dina want to start a family with him now they were married? He had the four bedroom house in a nice neighbourhood, what more did he need?
Dina didn't want children YET. Her career was just taking off and she had a fire inside to climb the career ladder to the top.
Rhys didn't like this and their marriage was on the rocks and they hadn't even had a week of being Mr & Mrs.
Dina then got pregnant.  She wasn't happy about it but she did it to save the marriage.  Rhys on the other hand was over the moon. 
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Dina gave birth to a baby girl and she was called Kelsey. 
Rhys wasn't a fan of the name, he didn't like using the same initial for her first name and surname.  Dina, being a big fan of KUWTK didn't back down on her decision and Kelsey remained Kelsey Kreutzinger.
Rhys was besotted with his daughter Kelsey. He had never known love quite like it.
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Rhys found it difficult becoming a first-time Dad.  Dina was hellbent on going back to work. Rhys didn't want to quit his job either.  The night feeds and diaper changes were left to Rhys. Dina was a deep sleeper and she never woke when Kelsey cried.
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It put immense strain not only on their already rocky marriage but on Rhys's mental health.  Since he was kicked out of his parents, he felt he couldn't call on them for help.
He would argue with Dina over the lack of sleep but she only offered one solution and that was to become a stay at home dad.  He was against the idea completely.  He saw what that did to his own father growing up and he imagined life would be different for him.
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Rhys's last known whereabouts were at home with his wife and daughter.  He is now, allegedly dead from falling from heights. The WCPD are not treating his death as suspicious at this time but personally, I don't think it adds up.  Rhys was afraid of heights. 
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sycom10 · 1 year
UPS Battery Dealers & Suppliers in Mumbai & Thane
Sycom Power Protection Pvt Ltd is well-acknowledged Manufacturer, Supplier, Distributor, Wholesaler and Dealers of APC UPS, Emerson UPS, Numeric UPS, Luminous UPS, Exide Battery, Precision Industrial AC System, Smart Data Center Integrated Solution, Roof Top Solar Panel and On Grid Solar Inverter.
The headquarters of Sycom Power Protection is located in financial capital of India, in Mumbai and have its branches in PAN India. The company had started its complete operation since 1995, by successfully offering turnkey project services in the realm of Electrical, Automation, Instrumentation, Energy Saving and Control with competent & experienced manforce with firm technical background.
We acquire a range of UPS systems produced by globally recognized manufacturers and from pre-verified and genuine UPS dealers.We also offer APC UPS repairing Service for commercial UPS system and batteries as well as offer UPS Maintenance in Thane, Mumbai, India. We further have extended our services as Stabilizer Suppliers, Industrial UPS Suppliers, Rocket Battery Suppliers and Panasonic Battery Suppliers.
Today, Sycom Power Protection Pvt Ltd is a trustworthy channel partner, trader, distributor, wholesaler, retailer, dealer and supplier of a wide range of Quanta (Amar Raja) Batteries, Exide Batteries, SMF Batteries, Panasonic Batteries, Rocket Batteries, NED Batteries, HBL batteries and APC UPS, Emerson UPS and Numeric UPS systems. We also provide batteries and power systems on rent to our esteemed customers.
Being dealers of utmost standards, we trade into global brands of batteries like Exide | Rocket | Emerson | Panasonic |Quanta | Su-kam and many more, at best economical costs.Sycom Power have client base of corporates, industries, commercial shops & establishments, residential buildings, Banking & IT firms, etc. Our company strongly believes in customer satisfaction, timely delivery, longer durability and highest quality of products and services. This has helped us acclaim the top position in power solutions.
Our Website:- https://www.sycompower.com/index.html
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Leading Emerson UPS Dealers in Bhubaneswar
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Key Business Solutions (KBS) is one of the leading Emerson UPS dealers in Bhubaneswar, providing high-quality power backup solutions to businesses and individuals. Emerson is a trusted brand in the UPS industry, and KBS is proud to be associated with it.
At KBS, we understand the importance of uninterrupted power supply in today's world, where businesses and individuals rely heavily on technology. That's why we offer a range of Emerson UPS solutions that cater to different needs, from small offices to large industrial setups. Our Emerson UPS systems are designed to provide consistent and reliable power backup, ensuring that critical operations can continue even in the event of a power outage.
Emerson is a global leader in power backup solutions, offering a range of UPS systems that cater to various needs. From small businesses to large data centers, Emerson has a UPS system that can meet your needs. Emerson UPS systems are known for their reliability, efficiency, and performance, and they are trusted by businesses worldwide.
As an authorized Emerson UPS dealer in Bhubaneswar, KBS offers a range of Emerson UPS systems that cater to different needs. Our range of Emerson UPS systems includes online UPS, line-interactive UPS, and offline UPS. Our online UPS systems provide the highest level of power protection, with zero transfer time and pure sine wave output. Our line-interactive UPS systems are ideal for small offices and home users, providing cost-effective power backup solutions. Our offline UPS systems are designed for basic power backup needs, providing essential protection against power fluctuations and outages.
One of the key benefits of choosing KBS as your Emerson UPS dealer is our commitment to quality. We partner with Emerson to bring you high-quality and reliable power backup solutions. Our Emerson UPS systems are rigorously tested to ensure that they meet or exceed industry standards, giving you peace of mind and reliable power backup.
Another advantage of choosing KBS is our commitment to customer service. We understand that every business has unique needs when it comes to power backup, which is why we offer personalized solutions tailored to each client's requirements. Our team of experts works closely with clients to understand their needs and recommend the most suitable Emerson UPS solutions. We also offer installation and maintenance services, ensuring that your Emerson UPS system operates at peak performance.
KBS also offers a range of other power backup solutions, including batteries, inverters, and solar power solutions. Our batteries are designed to provide reliable and long-lasting power backup, ensuring that your critical operations are not disrupted. Our inverters are ideal for small offices and homes, providing a cost-effective and reliable source of backup power. Our solar power solutions are designed for eco-conscious clients, providing sustainable and reliable power solutions.
At KBS, we believe in delivering value to our clients. That's why we offer competitive pricing on all our products and services, without compromising on quality. We also offer financing options for clients who need a more flexible payment plan.
In addition to our products and services, KBS is also committed to social responsibility. We believe in giving back to the community, and we are involved in various initiatives that aim to improve the lives of people in Odisha. We have partnered with various organizations to support initiatives related to education, healthcare, and the environment.
In conclusion, KBS is one of the leading Emerson UPS dealers in Bhubaneswar, providing high-quality power backup solutions to businesses and individuals. Our commitment to quality, customer service, and social responsibility sets us apart from our competitors. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services, and to find the best power backup solutions for your needs.
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The relentless march of technology has made businesses more reliant on constant power than ever before. A power outage, even a brief one, can translate into lost data, operational downtime, and frustrated customers. Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPS) are your business’s shield against such disruptions, ensuring a seamless transition during outages and safeguarding critical equipment.
Here at Costa Power Industries Pvt. Ltd., a leading provider of ups, ups battery suppliers, comprehensive ups amc solutions, and more we understand the significance of selecting the right Online UPS brand for your specific needs. This blog delves into some of the most sought-after global ups brands we offer, alongside a reliable Indian manufacturer.
Global Leaders in UPS Technology: Reliable Backup Power at Your Fingertips
Costa Power is a trusted distributor for a multitude of ups manufacturers, providing a diverse range of UPS battery solutions from globally recognized brands:
· APC: A name synonymous with UPS systems, APC boasts a comprehensive selection catering to various applications, from home offices to sprawling data centers. Their reputation rests on reliability, performance, and user-friendly features. Consider the APC Back-UPS BX series for personal computers or the scalable Smart-UPS series for servers and network devices.
· Emerson: Another industry titan, Emerson, through its Liebert UPS brand, delivers robust and scalable UPS systems from offline ups to industrial ups systems designed for mission-critical applications. They excel in the realm of industrial ups, offering superior efficiency and advanced power management features. Their Liebert APM GXT series is known for exceptional power density and reliability in harsh environments.
· Eaton: Providing dependable and energy-efficient UPS systems, Eaton addresses a wide range of power protection needs. Their unwavering commitment to innovation makes them a perfect choice for businesses seeking cutting-edge UPS technology. Explore the Eaton 9PX series for superior energy efficiency or the Eaton 5P series for a cost-effective solution for small and medium businesses.
· Hitachi: Renowned for their industrial-grade UPS systems, Hitachi offers high-availability solutions that thrive in demanding environments. Their focus on durability and reliability makes them a top contender for safeguarding critical infrastructure. The Hitachi Hi-Rel series is a prime example, known for its exceptional performance and rugged construction.
· Delta: A global leader in power electronics, Delta provides feature-rich UPS systems known for their efficiency and compact design. They’re a great option for businesses seeking space-saving solutions with advanced power protection capabilities. Their Delta Ultron series offers high online efficiency and a compact footprint, ideal for data centers with limited space.
BPE: A Reliable Indian UPS Brand that we recommend that is reliable and budget friendly. While we offer a robust portfolio of global brands ups, Costa Power recognizes the importance of supporting domestic manufacturers. BPE, a highly respected Indian UPS brand, offers reliable and cost-effective solutions for a variety of applications. Their commitment to quality and affordability makes them a popular choice for businesses seeking value. Consider the BPE DigiPlus series for home and office applications or the BPE Kraft series for industrial settings.
Why Costa Power is Your One-Stop Shop for UPS Solutions
At Costa Power, we understand that every business has unique power protection requirements. As a leading ups dealer, we offer a comprehensive selection of UPS solutions like UPS battery dealers, UPS suppliers, Online UPS, Industrial UPS manufacturers and more from various global ups manufacturers and a trusted Indian brand, allowing you to find the perfect solution for your needs.
· Future-Proofing Your Power: We understand technology evolves. Our team stays current on the latest UPS innovations, ensuring you get a system that can adapt to changing power demands and integrate seamlessly with your future IT infrastructure.
· The Green UPS Revolution: Energy efficiency is a growing concern. We offer a selection of UPS systems with industry-leading eco-friendly features, allowing you to minimize your environmental impact and potentially lower your energy bills.
· Remote Power Management: Gone are the days of manual UPS checks. Our advanced UPS options offer remote monitoring capabilities, giving you real-time insights into system health and performance, allowing for proactive maintenance and troubleshooting from anywhere.
· Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Advantage: We don’t just sell UPS systems; we help you optimize your power protection investment. Our experts consider not just the initial cost but also factors like efficiency, maintenance requirements, and future scalability. This ensures you get a UPS that delivers long-term value and minimizes your TCO.
Here’s what sets Costa Power apart:
· Extensive Brand Portfolio: We offer a wide range of UPS solutions from top global and domestic brands, ensuring you have the most suitable options at your disposal.
· Expert Guidance: Our team of UPS specialists has the expertise to assess your specific requirements, including power requirements, budget, and desired features. We’ll recommend the best UPS system for your business, ensuring optimal performance and value.
· Seamless Installation and Support: We provide comprehensive installation services to ensure your UPS system is integrated smoothly into your existing infrastructure. Our ongoing support ensures your UPS system operates optimally throughout its lifespan, with regular maintenance checks and prompt troubleshooting assistance.
Ready to find the perfect UPS for your business?
Contact Costa Power Industries today! We’ll help you navigate the world of UPS solutions and find the ideal system to keep your business powered and operational — even during outages.
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scotianostra · 4 years
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Happy 81st Birthday,retired Formula One champion, Jackie Stewart,born in Milton, Dunbartonshire,June 11 1939.
Stewart's family were Austin, later Jaguar, car dealers and had built up a successful business. His father had been an amateur motorcycle racer and his brother Jimmy was a racing driver with a growing local reputation who drove for Ecurie Ecosse and competed in the 1953 British Grand Prix at Silverstone.
Jackie attended Hartfield primary school in the nearby town of Dumbarton, and moved to Dumbarton Academy at the age of 12. He experienced learning difficulties owing to undiagnosed dyslexia, he was not actually diagnosed with dyslexia until 1980, when his oldest son Mark was diagnosed with the condition. On learning that dyslexia can be genetically passed on, and seeing very similar symptoms with his son that he had experienced himself as a child, Stewart asked if he could be tested, and was diagnosed with the disorder, by which time he was 41 years old.
After his brother was injured in a crash at Le Mans the sport was discouraged by their parents and Jackie took up shooting. In target shooting Stewart made a name for himself and almost made it to the Olympics only just missing the team for 1960. The pull of the track was too strong for Stewart however so he followed his brother Jimmy, into racing. Whatever the reason, his early races for Ecurie Ecosse demonstrated that he was special. Ken Tyrrell placed him in his Formula Three car and victories soon followed. He was pressed to sign for Lotus for 1965 but he turned them down and joined BRM instead.
Very few drivers win races in their first season of Formula One, but Stewart did, triumphing on his eighth outing, the Italian Grand Prix, which helped him end up third overall behind Jim Clark and team-mate Graham Hill.
He kicked off 1966 in the best possible style by winning at Monaco. However, the BRM was not competitive again as Brabham took control and Jackie did not win again until the 1968 Dutch Grand Prix, when he was reunited with Tyrrell. Six years out of Stewart's nine-year spell in Formula One were spent driving for Tyrrell. At first this was in a Ford-powered Matra, and the engine powered him to three victories in 1968. The combination's second year was even more successful, with Stewart winning six races and the title - the sixth for a Briton since Graham Hill won it in 1962.
In 1970, the Matra was replaced by a March, but he could not live with Jochen Rindt's Lotus or the Ferraris. So, in 1971, Stewart went and did battle in a Tyrrell chassis. Perfecting the art of driving a storming opening lap and then controlling the race, he won six times in 1971.
The following year yielded four wins, but he was beaten to the title by Lotus' Emerson Fittipaldi. Then, in 1973, he had five wins in the bag when he reached Watkins Glen, intending for this to be his final race. After the death of team-mate François Cevert in qualifying, Tyrrell withdrew his entry. His record of 27 grand prix wins (from 99 starts) was to stand until beaten by Alain Prost in 1987 (in his 118th start).
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grievents · 4 years
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𝚒’𝚍  𝚔𝚎𝚎𝚙  𝚊𝚗  𝚎𝚢𝚎  𝚘𝚗  𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖  . . .  that  there  is  CLIFFORD  WYTHE,  notorious  for  being  (  flippant  )  and (  opportunistic  ),  but  there  are  times  when  he  can  be  (  audacious  )  and  (  charismatic  ).   i’ve  heard  that  he  could  pass  as  a  ANDY  BEAN  doppelganger,  but  i  don’t  see  it.   the  (  thirty  eight  )  year  -  old  cis  male  has  been  in  town  for  (  a  week  )  and  they  are  a  (  vice  president  of  marketing  )  by  day  and  murder  suspect  by  night.   they  tend  to  spark  images  of  an  unblemished  suit  and  tie,  the  scent  of  paco  rabanne  cologne  that  lingers  when  exiting  a  conference  room,   never  losing  out  on  a  promotion.   you’ll  know  when  they  walk  by  because  they  always  seem  to  be  blasting  burning  down  the  house  by  talking  heads.   it  truly  explains  why  they’re  known  as  THE  STONER. 
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clifford  wythe  was  born  to  third  generation  taunwick  residents,  raised  in  the  town  as  his  parents  had  been,  and  their  parents  before  them.   they  lived  within  the  center  in  a  old,  relatively  untouched  70′s  mid  -  century  modern  home,   settling  in  the  middle  class  neighbourhood.  by  no  means  were  they  struggling,  but  they  weren’t  as  well  off  as  the  families  residing  in  the  hills  or  the  suburbs  were.  they  lived  a  simple,  plain  and  content  life.  his  mother,   jolene,  who  worked  at  the  local  retirement  home,  was  a  devoted  member  of  the  community  and  his  father,  robert,  worked  as  a  carpenter.  clifford  was  the  second  youngest  of  four  children,  with  his  little  sister  being  seven  years  younger  and  barely  starting  middle  school  by  the  time  he  was  set  to  graduate,  and  the  only  son  of  the  wythe  family.  
being  the  only  son,  there  was  a  certain  degree  of  responsibility  that  clifford  was  expected  to  have.  he  had  always  been  an  outspoken,  lively  kid  that  would  spend  whatever  time  he  could  outside.  he  attended  camp  winnapeak  every  year  until  he  outgrew  it  and  could  no  longer  attend.  he  never  understood  his  parents  hesitation  to  let  him  out  past  dark,  why  they’d  always  panic  when  his  sisters  were  minutes  late  from  their  friends  house,  all  he  knew  was  that  he  didn’t  appreciate  being  held  back.  but  after  a  while,  he  got  used  to  boring  nights  inside,  lounging  in  front  of  the  tv  as  he  flicked  through  channels.  it  became  a  routine.  he  was  used  to  it.  his  parents  would  rather  their  kid  be  safe  at  home  than  anywhere  else  in  town.
things  started  to  change  when  he  was  in  his  freshman  year  of  high  school.  he  got  in  with  the  wrong  crowd,  specifically  a  new  kid  that  ended  up  leaving  months  later.  he  opened  up  cliff’s  eyes  to  a  different  kind  of  high  that  life  could  offer.  he  started  smoking  pot,  defying  his  parents  behind  their  back,   being  the  same  couch  potato  he  grew  to  be  but  tolerating  it  more,   hell,  even  enjoying  it.   but  he  wasn’t  a  dumb  kid.  not  everyone  could  have  guessed  it,  but  he  was  quite  bright.  he  just  couldn’t  apply  himself  to  his  work.  he  was  assigned  a  tutor  in  his  junior  year,  chastity  costello,  with  his  teachers  hoping  she  could  be  a  better  influence.  she  saw  him  and  all  his  potential,  but  it  was  clifford’s  lack  of  drive  that  inevitably  ended  their  sessions.  chastity  wanted  to  continue,  but  the  teacher’s  insisted  it  was  done  with  when  she  started  prioritizing  helping  over  her  own  work.  they  didn’t  want  to  see  her  being  dragged  down  with  him.  
clifford  had  the  type  of  personality  that  you  either  loved  or  hated,  his  presence  demanded  to  be  known  the  second  he  stepped  into  a  room.  he  was  arrogant  at  times,  rude  unintentionally,  but  he  was  a  good  kid.  he  could  talk  just  about  anyone  into  anything  whether  they  liked  him  or  not.  the  smoking  eventually  turned  into  selling  when  his  parents  started  financial  trouble  and  cutting  back  on  things,  and  it  wasn’t  before  long  clifford  became  taunwick’s  resident  dealer.  he  wasn’t  popular  or  unpopular,  everyone  knew  him.   he  wasn’t  a  part  of  the  it  crowd  at  school,  but  they  often  crossed  paths  and  let  clifford  follow  them  around  for  the  sake  of  it.   they  came  to  his  parties  when  he  threw  them,  he  sold  to  them  at  a  discount,  they  let  him  sit  with  them  at  lunch  whenever  he  wanted.  he  was  a  good  laugh.   there  was  no  benefit  in  turning  him  away.
the  night  chastity  costello  died,  he  threw  a  party.  it  was  supposed  to  celebrate  their  upcoming  graduation.  his  sisters  were  at  their  friends  houses,  he  had  the  house  to  himself  and  the  basement  lined  with  beer  keggs  and  red  cups,  everything  was  perfect.  he  was  there  all  night.  or  so  he  claims.  but  the  reality  of  that  might  not  all  be  true.  sure,  he  was  there.  he  was  so  busy  handing  out  drinks  and  partying  that  he  didn’t  realise  chastity  never  showed.  and  that’s  something  he  never  forgot.  he  felt  responsible  for  not  noticing  sooner,  not  noticing  at  all.  chastity  was  always  there  for  him,  but  when  she  needed  someone  ?
he  was  partying  the  night  away.
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clifford  wythe  would  be  near  unrecognizable  to  anyone  who  knew  him  in  his  youth.   after  somehow  making  it  through  to  graduation  and  getting  accepted  into  a  college  in  new  york,  clifford  never  returned.  only  ever  coming  back  to  visit  family.  he  made  a  life  for  himself  away  from  the  devastation  that  ensued  in  taunwick  and  the  hole  that  chastity  left  when  graduating  without  her.  he  honored  chastity’s  death  by  making  something  of  himself,  living  up  to  the  potential  she  saw  in  him.  it  took  him  a  while  to  believe  it  was  even  there.  even  after  he’d  quit  selling,  dedicated  himself  to  his  work.  it’s  still  a  doubt  that  still  lingers  in  the  back  of  his  mind.  but  he  did  everything  in  his  power  to  succeed.  and  it  worked.  through  numerous  late  work  hours  and  promotions,  clifford  landed  himself  the  more  than  respectable,  excellently  paid  job  of  vice  president  of  marketing  at  a  firm  in  manhattan.
he  had  a  few  relationships  over  the  years,  some  brief  flings  that  never  lasted  longer  than  the  morning  after.   but  that  soon  changed  when  he  met  his  wife,  falling  hard  and  fast,  married  within  a  year  of  dating  and  having  a  child  soon  after  their  honeymoon.  now,  clifford  has  a  three  year  old  son.  and  he’s  a  good  father,  he  is.  just  as  he  is  a  good,  devoted  husband.  there’s  nothing  he  wouldn’t  do  for  his  son.  he  was  his  new  priority,  but  his  work  demanded  a  lot  of  travel  and  that  began  to  take  a  toll.  his  fickle  appearances  would  become  more  and  more  of  an  issue  for  the  family,  particularly  with  his  wife.  clifford  tried  his  best  despite  everything  and  although  he  tried,  it  was  just  never  enough.  they  became  too  strained.  he  still  loves  his  wife,  but  he  can’t  deny  that  it  would  be  better  to  go  their  separate  ways.  for  both  of  their  sakes,  as  well  as  their  son.
returning  to  taunwick  high  school  was  the  last  thing  he  wanted.  but  after  mulling  it  over,  he  decided  it  was  something  he  couldn’t  turn  away  from.  he  wanted  to  revisit  the  glory  days.  but  it  wasn’t  long  before  history  repeated  itself. . .   but  not  the  kind  he  wants  to  live  through  again.
assuming  he  will  live  through  it  at  all.
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you  can  find  cliff’s  playlist  circa  ‘00  here.
his  pinterest  board  (  very  under  co  ).
his  primary  character  inspirations  have  been  daniel  middleton (  hot  summer  nights  ),  ethan  lewis ( euphoria ),  sam  emerson ( the  lost  boys ),  steve  harrington (  stranger  things )  and  travis  birkenstock (  clueless ).
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stargate365 · 5 years
[SG-1] 9.16: Off the Grid
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Previously on SG1… Vala tells the SGC about things she knows, bc she knows shit. Also, I’m still pissed at Nerus bc it’s his fault Vala is not here for me to fangirl over. I love Vala. They need to bring her back ;w;
So, we’re in a forest and somebody is shooting at us. What’s new?
“I did advise that you are a most unlikely drug smuggler Colonel Mitchell.”
Erm… wat?
W H A T??
Where did the gate go?
So… it’s not just corn. It’s crack… corn-shaped crack??
Not everything can be blamed on the Ori Daniel… this is more of a… human kind of thing. Getting people hooked on drugs to control them.
It does look like really ugly sweetcorn though.
Mr. Shaft? Cam, are you kidding me??
Nah… if I had to peg somebody as a drug dealer, I’d go with Sam in leather, and Teal’c as her muscle. Daniel and Cam can be her pack horses.
Srsly Cam… ur just gonna nap on that there cart?
“What right people?” Lol.
*sighs* Cam, no.
You’re being an asshole, and you’re dealing with a junkie…
“Yeah, I think he’s in trouble.” “As are we.”
“What did you say to them?” “Look, obviously it didn’t go so well.”
*sighs* Can’t you guys just stay out of trouble for once? Just one time. That’s all I ask of you.
“Do things always go according to plan in your world, Dr. Jackson?” “No. Not usually, no.”
Who’s this dude on Odyssey?? I guess this is the new Prometheus?
Ah. Emerson. Interesting name. Still sad about Pendergast tho.
Ugh. Him again.
Beam us up Scotteh!!
Wow, now that was good timing Emerson.
Nerus disturbs me… how can anybody be this disgusting??
“I have a theory General… but no assortment of cheeses, however delicious, could possibly compel me to tell you that.”
Ugh, the Lucian Alliance are just so rude…
So… where did we just send Nerus??
Lol, General Landry is ridiculously smart.
Ohmygod. You fed the transponder to him???
Why do I get the feeling Ba’al is about to murder Nerus?
“You wound me deeply.” “I’m quite capable of wounding you more deeply.”
Lol. Nerus’s reaction to multiple Ba’al’s.
“Oh dear”
Omg the door. :D
Whoops. Looks like Ba’al is fed up with you Nerus…
“I don’t think shooting the console will help, but you can try.”
Teal’c in a tac vest, with two guns, no eye makeup and hair is so different to season 1 that it sometimes makes my head spin.
“Oh boy.”
That is a lot of Stargates.
Um… wat? The Lucian Alliance is there? How’d they find Ba’al?
So.. another four Ba’als bite the dust?
Yep, let’s run the fuck away!
SG-1 lives to gate another day.
Cam: We have got the best jobs in the world, don't we? Sam: I'm gonna hit the shower. Daniel: I'm gonna find the doctor. Teal'c: We are indeed suitably employed.
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Online UPS on Rent in Delhi | Mukul Metal Works
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If you are looking for best Online UPS on Rent in Delhi, Noida, Ghaziabad & Gurgaon then Mukul Metal Works is first and best choices. Our goal is to render the best quality of product and services such as UPS Renting Services, UPS AMC & UPS Repairing Services and also a product like as New UPS, Batteries, Energy Saving Solutions and so on. We are introducing, Mukul Metal Works is largest SMF Battery, Amaron, Emerson, UPS, Online UPS Battery & Battery supplier & dealer in Noida & Delhi NCR. We have a presence of more than 20 years in the market. Our technical engineers are very perfectionist, expert & highly educated. We offer various services to our valued customer such as Services for Online UPS System, Repairing of UPS, We have very strong networking to provide the Single Point Solution with best services at the very much Economical price, Battery Maintenance for all type of batteries and lot of services offer. If do you want to get service! You can visit us Address – 23, DDA Market, Satyawati Colony, Ashok Vihar, New Delhi – 110052 Contact – +91-9313044449, 9810644449, 9312044449 Email: [email protected] Website: www.mukulmetalworks.in
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universalpower0099 · 3 years
Amaron Authorised Dealer In Gurgaon
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Looking for the best amaron authorised dealer in gurgaon? Universal Power System UPS Gurgaon has earned a reputation as authorised dealer of amaron quanta, emerson, forklift, smf, traction, vertiv battery online ups battery and ups amc in gurgaon
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linhgd9 · 3 years
Global Variable Frequency Driver (Vfd) Market 2021 With (COVID-19) Impact Analysis, Industry Demand, Top Trends, Forecast 2028 – By MRS
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“A SWOT Analysis of Variable Frequency Driver (Vfd) , Professional Survey Report Including Top Most Global Players Analysis with CAGR and Stock Market Up and Down.”
The global “Variable Frequency Driver (Vfd) Market” report offers a planned observation of analyzed data associated to Variable Frequency Driver (Vfd) market. The Variable Frequency Driver (Vfd) market report offers multiple opportunities to various industries, vendors, associations, and organizations offering items and administrations GE, Mitsubishi Electric, Kb Electronics, Siemens, Vacon, Danfoss, Eaton, Amtech Electronics, Schneider Electric, Honeywell International, ABB, Toshiba International, Yaskawa Electric, Emerson, Rockwell Automation, Hiconics Drive Technology, Crompton Greaves, American Electric Technologies, Fuji Electric, Johnson Controls, Hitachi by providing a huge platform for their overall expansion by competing among themselves and supplying reliable services to the consumers.
Impact Of COVID-19
The most recent report includes extensive coverage of the significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Heated Jacket division. The coronavirus epidemic is having an enormous impact on the global economic landscape and thus on this special line of business. Therefore, the report offers the reader a clear concept of the current scenario of this line of business and estimates the aftermath of COVID-19.
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The report conveys delivers thorough information regarding the market’s major competitors as well as currently emerging organizations that hold considerable shareholdings in the market on the basis of sales, revenue, demand, superior products manufacturers, and satisfactory services providers.
On the basis of demand and methodologies currently used by the market holders, the global Variable Frequency Driver (Vfd) Market report delivers in-depth and thoroughly analyzed forecast concerning the growth rate pattern of the market in the several coming years. Furthermore, The report presents a detailed segmentation Maximum Power (250KW), Maximum Power (1MW), Maximum Power (3MW), Market Trend by Application Industrial, Infrastructure, Oil & Gas, Power Generation of the global market based on technology, product type, application, and various processes and systems. The market report delivers detailed information about the alterations in the types of product, its innovation and advancements that may be caused as a result of a minor deviation in the profile of the item.
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The analysis of quality and efficiency of the global Variable Frequency Driver (Vfd) market are based on the quantitative and subjective methods to obtain a crystal-clear perception of the present and expected growth patterns. The report also includes the bifurcation of the market based on geological areas.
The global Variable Frequency Driver (Vfd) market report brings comprehensive data about key factors escalating or slowing down the growth of the business. The report incorporates altering competitive dynamics study. The report provides precise knowledge that helps in opting correct business choices. The global market report systematically represents the information as flowcharts, facts, statistical graphs, diagrams, figures, and assurance which display the status of the particular trade at the global and regional platform.
The additional geographical segments are also mentioned in the empirical report.
North America: U.S., Canada, Rest of North America Europe: UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Rest of Europe Asia Pacific: China, Japan, India, Southeast Asia, North Korea, South Korea, Rest of Asia Pacific Latin America: Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America Middle East and Africa: GCC Countries, South Africa, Rest of Middle East & Africa
There are 15 Chapters to display the Global Variable Frequency Driver (Vfd) market
Chapter 1, Definition, Specifications and Classification of Variable Frequency Driver (Vfd) , Applications of Variable Frequency Driver (Vfd) , Market Segment by Regions; Chapter 2, Manufacturing Cost Structure, Raw Material and Suppliers, Manufacturing Process, Industry Chain Structure; Chapter 3, Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of Variable Frequency Driver (Vfd) , Capacity and Commercial Production Date, Manufacturing Plants Distribution, R&D Status and Technology Source, Raw Materials Sources Analysis; Chapter 4, Overall Market Analysis, Capacity Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Analysis (Company Segment), Sales Price Analysis (Company Segment); Chapter 5 and 6, Regional Market Analysis that includes United States, China, Europe, Japan, Korea & Taiwan, Variable Frequency Driver (Vfd) Segment Market Analysis (by Type); Chapter 7 and 8, The Variable Frequency Driver (Vfd) Segment Market Analysis (by Application) Major Manufacturers Analysis of Variable Frequency Driver (Vfd) ; Chapter 9, Market Trend Analysis, Regional Market Trend, Market Trend by Product Type Maximum Power (250KW), Maximum Power (1MW), Maximum Power (3MW), Market Trend by Application Industrial, Infrastructure, Oil & Gas, Power Generation; Chapter 10, Regional Marketing Type Analysis, International Trade Type Analysis, Supply Chain Analysis; Chapter 11, The Consumers Analysis of Global Variable Frequency Driver (Vfd) ; Chapter 12, Variable Frequency Driver (Vfd) Research Findings and Conclusion, Appendix, methodology and data source; Chapter 13, 14 and 15, Variable Frequency Driver (Vfd) sales channel, distributors, traders, dealers, Research Findings and Conclusion, appendix and data source.
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roadsideassiomaha · 3 years
Semi Trailer Towing Services and Cost Omaha NE | 724 Roadside Assistance Omaha
 More information is at: c
  Omaha NE semi trailer towing services : 724 Roadside Assistance Omaha  is proud to announce its increased involvement in roadside assistance for semi trucks and trailers in and around the city Omaha NE. Best towing and roadside assistance company in Omaha NE!
 724 Roadside Assistance Omaha  is proud to announce its increased involvement in roadside assistance for semi trucks and trailers in and around the city of Omaha NE. We have established a network of service providers providing semi truck towing services within 200 miles of Omaha NE. 724 Roadside Assistance Omaha  provides complete semi truck towing and mobile truck repair throughout Omaha NE.  Our 24 hour mobile ASE Certified Truck Master Technicians will diagnose your situation and make every attempt to correct it roadside. If your repair cannot be completed roadside, they also offer a full service extended hour heavy truck repair shop to which you can either drive or have your truck towed.  Services they provide include:
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For semi truck towing or truck repair in and around Omaha NE please call 724 Roadside Assistance Omaha  
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 Contact us:
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Located in Omaha, Nebraska
Open 24 Hours 7 Days
Service area:
Communities we serve: Omaha, Carter Lake, Council Bluffs, Crescent, Bellevue, Boys Town, La Vista, Papillion, Honey Creek, Offutt A F B, Bennington, Fort Calhoun, Washington, Elkhorn, St Columbans, Underwood, Kennard, Mc Clelland, Mineola, Waterloo, Springfield, Missouri Valley, Treynor, Cedar Creek, Gretna, Blair, Valley, Neola, Pacific Junction, Plattsmouth, Silver City, Glenwood, Louisville, Yutan, Arlington, Minden, Modale, South Bend, Logan, Murray, Ashland, Mead, Persia, Memphis, Manley, Magnolia, Macedonia, Malvern, Fremont, Carson, Oakland, Herman, Murdock, Nickerson, Shelby, Weeping Water, Hastings, Mondamin, Henderson, Ithaca, Hancock, Nehawka, Tabor, Union, Greenwood, Thurman, Portsmouth, Woodbine, Colon, Wahoo, Avoca, Emerson, Winslow, Avoca, Elmwood, Little Sioux, Cedar Bluffs, Pisgah, Tekamah, Alvo, Randolph, Ames, Hooper, Panama, Craig, Waverly, Ceresco, Percival, Otoe, Imogene, Malmo, Sidney, Uehling, Walnut, Harlan, Westphalia, Eagle, Lincoln, Dunlap, Moorhead, Red Oak, Morse Bluff, Weston, Griswold, Blencoe, Earling, Davey, Dunbar, Nebraska City, North Bend, Unadilla, Elliott, Lewis, Prague, Syracuse, Marne, Scribner, Oakland, Palmyra, Pilot Grove, Walton, Riverton, Farragut, Shenandoah, Valparaiso, Lorton, Essex, Soldier, Hamburg, Defiance, Kirkman, Raymond, Dow City, Stanton, Atlantic, Decatur, Bennet, Elk Horn, Snyder, Lyons, Kimballton, Irwin, Arion, Malcolm, West Point, Panama, Roca, Dodge, Manilla, Yorktown, Northboro, Coin, Hickman, Denton, Bancroft, Aspinwall, Sprague, Clarinda, Martell, Blanchard, Manning, Beemer, College Springs, Shambaugh, Braddyville, 50022, 51432, 51446, 51447, 51454, 51455, 51501, 51502, 51503, 51510, 51520, 51521, 51523, 51525, 51526, 51527, 51528, 51529, 51530, 51531, 51532, 51533, 51534, 51535, 51536, 51537, 51540, 51541, 51542, 51543, 51544, 51545, 51546, 51548, 51549, 51550, 51551, 51552, 51553, 51554, 51555, 51556, 51557, 51558, 51559, 51560, 51561, 51562, 51563, 51564, 51565, 51566, 51570, 51571, 51572, 51573, 51575, 51576, 51577, 51578, 51579, 51591, 51593, 51601, 51602, 51603, 51630, 51631, 51632, 51636, 51637, 51638, 51639, 51640, 51645, 51647, 51648, 51649, 51650, 51651, 51652, 51653, 51654, 51656, 52648, 68002, 68003, 68004, 68005, 68007, 68008, 68009, 68010, 68015, 68016, 68017, 68018, 68019, 68020, 68022, 68023, 68025, 68026, 68028, 68029, 68031, 68033, 68034, 68037, 68038, 68040, 68041, 68042, 68044, 68045, 68046, 68048, 68050, 68056, 68057, 68058, 68059, 68061, 68063, 68064, 68065, 68066, 68068, 68069, 68070, 68072, 68073, 68101, 68102, 68103, 68104, 68105, 68106, 68107, 68108, 68109, 68110, 68111, 68112, 68113, 68114, 68116, 68117, 68118, 68119, 68120, 68122, 68123, 68124, 68127, 68128, 68130, 68131, 68132, 68133, 68134, 68135, 68136, 68137, 68138, 68139, 68142, 68144, 68145, 68147, 68152, 68154, 68155, 68157, 68164, 68172, 68175, 68176, 68178, 68179, 68180, 68181, 68182, 68183, 68197, 68198, 68304, 68307, 68317, 68336, 68339, 68346, 68347, 68349, 68366, 68372, 68382, 68402, 68403, 68404, 68407, 68409, 68410, 68413, 68417, 68418, 68419, 68428, 68430, 68438, 68446, 68454, 68455, 68461, 68462, 68463, 68501, 68502, 68503, 68504, 68505, 68506, 68507, 68508, 68509, 68510, 68512, 68514, 68516, 68517, 68520, 68521, 68522, 68523, 68524, 68526, 68527, 68528, 68529, 68531, 68532, 68542, 68583, 68588, 68621, 68633, 68648, 68649, 68664, 68716, 68788
#towtruck service
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