#ben jones angst
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cas-backwards-tie · 1 year ago
ADCU Masterlist
A/N: Just making a separate masterlist for this because I have a fair number of these and also there's a bunch of different characters!
Kylo Ren
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Call Me Kylo | Officer!Reader ↠ You're tasked with getting the Commander's signature to finish your assignment. Unfortunately, you can't find the Commander anywhere.
Correspondence ↠ The Supreme Leader has a lot on his plate, leading him to neglect certain things... like himself, for example.
Nothing But A Monster | Vampire! AU ↠ Forced to accept help from a mysterious stranger, you find yourself in a predicament of sorts.
It’s The Small Things ↠ Kylo finds your optimism odd in place of the First Order.
The Meaning Of Care | Officer!Reader ↠ Kylo Ren takes care of you when you're sick? That's something you never would've seen coming.
Clyde Logan
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Pinball & Motels ↠ Roadtrips, A present for Clyde, and the one-bed trope? What more could you ask for?
A Day Off ↠ Clyde finally takes a well-deserved day off.
Flip Zimmerman
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Frenzied Rendezvous* ↠ Flip finally has his way with you after enduring your teasing all night long.
Early Mornings ↠ Pale wakes up to find you making breakfast. It's like you plan on staying or something. Wait... do you plan on staying?
Solo Triplets
A Quiet Night ↠ The boys want to take you out on a proper date.
Ben Solo
Fairytale Mess* ↠ Sleeping with Ben Solo doesn't seem like such a bad idea when you're both under the influence.
Paul Sevier
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Extraordinary ↠ Paul attempts to go out and have a social nigh. After everything that's happened... things haven't changed him that much, have they?
Daniel Jones
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Late Night Confessions ↠ Dan wakes you up with a drunken phone call.
Breakup Headcanons
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godmadeaterribleerror · 5 months ago
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Chapter 22 - I Stayed In The Darkness With You
Series Masterlist
Author's Note: May I introduce everyone to my secret extra villain, bureaucratic incompetence! Chapter Title from Cosmic Love by Florence and the Machine.
Word Count: 24k
Chapter Summary/Warnings: Sunglasses and text messages break the camels back. Usual warnings.
Tags: Soldier Boy/Supe!Female Reader, canon divergence, enemies to friends to lovers, canon divergence, slow burn, fluff, angst, pining
Read on A03!
Chapter 21 - Chapter 23
“Do you,” Ryan swallowed the food in his mouth, staring at the floor as he spoke. “Do you guys get nightmares?”
Ben didn’t know how to handle that question. He didn’t know how to handle most of Ryan’s questions that weren’t about Her or the more glamorous parts of Ben’s past. He could talk about Her for the rest of fucking time and never get tired, and it was pretty damn easy to mutter I did see Star Wars in theaters, was even at the premier of two of those shit-ass movies. Pussy characters, none of them can just get their fucking jobs done. Hero's journey bullshit, and shut your damn mouth Sunshine, you’re the one who told me about the hero's journey. Indiana Jones was a fuck ton better anyway. 
He didn’t talk to anyone but Her about things like nightmares. Even She didn’t know the full extent of them, of the memories of gas and knives and sterilized needles that had plagued Ben’s sleep. Or how they’d turned to terrors of Homelander taking Her, of Ben roaring Her name into the dark and only hearing wordless screams in response, and of blood. Nightmares full of blood and fog that he’d woken up from choking on air while she was gone. Ben certainly didn’t tell Her about the nightmares where he touched her and she started clawing at his skin and sobbing, falling to the floor and not allowing Ben to pick her back up. Where she didn’t recognize him and just kept screaming. 
He’d been waking up with Her screams still ringing in his ears, and hadn’t told her. He wouldn’t tell Her, because this was Ben’s fucking issue, and he’d deal with it his goddamn self. She had enough shit to deal with. She’d spent the past week working her damn ass off—combing through more and more of A-Train’s stupid fucking leads, listening to the media spout more and more bullshit lies about Her life, and training with Ben and Ryan—and her own nightmares had returned. After Ben had found Her in the shower, screaming and crying and fucking breaking apart in front of him, there hadn’t been a night were she hadn’t burst into flames and Ben hadn’t had to listen to the strangled, painful sounds that left her body. But she hadn’t stopped touching him. Linking her arm through Ben’s when they walked, pressing her thigh into his at the table and pulling his arm around her body. Running a hand through his hair before tugging his brow to hers when she crawled onto him in the dark. Holding Ben against her as the fire died out, letting him pull her back down until he was flat on his back and rubbing circles on her hips. Relaxing into his kisses on the top of her head and pressing her face into his neck as she fell back asleep.
Even now, sitting on the mat of the gym as they ate lunch with Ryan, she was touching Ben. She was leaning into his side as she sighed, watching Ryan carefully as she answered his question. Of course She’d know how to answer that question. She was fucking perfect.
“I do,” Her hand had wandered to Ben’s knee, tapping against him as she spoke. “Most of us do. I’d imagine it would be more worrying if we didn’t.”
Ryan blinked at her. “Worrying?“
“Well,” She frowned. “We’re exposed to a lot of fucked up situations. We make a lot of impossible, horrible decisions. Nightmares mean that we still care, that we’re still capable of remorse over our worse actions and haven’t given up on ourselves enough to just remain unaffected. We’re still able to feel something, even if that thing is fear.”
“But I don’t want to feel fear,” Ryan mumbled, still watching the ground. “I don’t want to be afraid of stuff anymore. My dad said that I shouldn’t be afraid of anything, that fear was a weakness.” 
“Ryan,” She leaned a little further forward. “Can you look at me?”
When he listened, slowly looking up with a nervous expression, a small, sad smile crossed Her face.
“What are you afraid of?”
“Um, I don’t know.” Ryan glanced at Ben, and even though he didn’t know what the fuck She was getting at—he rarely did—he gave Ryan a sharp nod. It seemed to say what the kid had been looking for, because Ryan swallowed and continued. “My dad?”
“Fear really fucking sucks,” she whispered, and Ben’s fists tightened on his cheesesteak. “But it’s not bad. It doesn’t make you weak. We all get afraid, it’s your brain trying to tell you that you and the people you care about are in danger. And Homelander is dangerous. It’s smart to be afraid of him, Ryan, because then you’re not like him.”
“But I’ve hurt people, what if I am-“ 
“Homelander,” Her nails were burning on Ben’s skin. “Isn’t afraid of anything. Because he thinks he’s above fear, because he doesn’t care about anyone but himself. Just the fact that you’re afraid of Homelander tells me you’re nothing like him.”
“Are, are you afraid of anything?”
She nodded, heart picking up in her chest, and Ben moved his hand silently to her waist. Pulling Her closer without looking away from Ryan, keeping his face perfectly fucking neutral when she squeezed his knee and her breathing slowed.
“Homelander.” She took a heavy breath. “And heights.”
Ben hadn’t known that. He made a mental note to look up if you could take a boat to Rome. 
Ryan nodded, looking at Ben with wide, nervous eyes. “Ben?” 
He grunted, taking another bite of his cheesesteak as he waited for Ryan to continue. 
“You don’t get afraid, right?” 
Ben froze mid-chew. He wasn’t afraid of anything, and—if he was—it wasn’t any of Ryan’s goddamn business. It wasn’t like fear ever fucking affected him, or made him whine like a pussy, made him fucking cry like Ryan was about to-
He looked at Her. Completely fucking involuntarily, Ben looked at her and knew he was afraid of that. Afraid he’d fail her again. And maybe also gas. And small, closed spaces. Not Homelander himself—that pussy could eat Ben’s shit—but Homelander hurting Her. Hurting her in a way that made Ben lose her, taking her away where Ben couldn’t get her back. But that was a fear for Her. It was a service to Her, to share some of the weight she kept trying to carry alone. And of course Ben would be afraid of failing Her, he’d done it once and it had put her in fucking danger, so that didn’t count. Gas didn’t count either, gas had taken Ben’s who goddamn life away from him, anyone would be afraid of gas if they had half a goddamn brain. Closed spaces were a little fucking pathetic, but Ben would like to see any other pussy be kept in a box for forty years and not start to fucking hate it. But none of that was shit for Ryan to be all fucking sad about-
Ben felt Her whack his arm, and looked down to find her glaring at him. Stop being a giant fucking manchild and tell Ryan you’re afraid of something.
Ben scowled, but swallowed his food and looked back to Ryan. “Everyone’s afraid of shit, kid. As long as you’re not a fucking pathetic dickless pussy about it, you won’t be any less of a fucking man.” 
Ryan nodded, something in his eyes a little lighter and a confusing fucking warm feeling inflating in Ben’s chest. “Thanks.” 
“Don’t fucking-“ 
Her hand flew up to cover Ben’s mouth, and when he shot her a glare she just wrinkled her nose. If you ruin this nice moment, Pretty Boy, I’ll stab you. 
Ben rolled his eyes, Shut the fuck up, and pulled Her hand away, kissing her knuckles before looking back to Ryan. “You done with that sandwich?”
“I’m, um, not really that hungry.“
“I’ll hold on to it for you, and you can put it in the fridge when you get home.” She pulled out from Ben’s side, reaching across the mat with her perfect fucking ass in the air to grab the rest of Ryan’s food. Ben couldn’t let himself stare at Her ass, or think about kicking Ryan out to fuck her into the floor, or sit with his legs crossed anymore. He had maybe a minute before he’d have to stand up, and he needed to get his shit together so he didn’t do it with a raging hard-on.
“You don’t have to-“
“If I don’t,” She leaned back into Ben, grinning at Ryan. “Grandpa will eat it when neither of us are looking. He’s like a dog, you can’t leave food out.” 
“I am not a fucking dog-“
She sat up on her knees, giving Ben the prettiest fucking fake-pout and kissing his cheek before pulling back with a smile. A wide, bright smile where there wasn’t any pain hidden in her perfect, sharp eyes, and all Ben could bring himself to do was glare at her.
Cunt. Go show Ryan how to punch stuff.
He kissed her once, soft and quick and so fucking simple—his hands in her hair and her body half on his lap—before pulling back to stand. Ryan scrambled up, following Ben silently to the far side of the mat, and She scooted back to the wall.
Over the week, they’d developed a habit of this shit. Ben trained Ryan for a few hours, while She sat off to the side and switched between watching them and working on the V leads. Then they’d eat lunch together, Ben and Ryan would go for another hour or so, and they’d walk Ryan back to Butcher before returning to their own apartment. It was a damn good routine, because Ryan was already a fuck ton better then when they’d started—he hit the target every time now, and had only crushed two metal plates on accident today—and She had used the time to build a fucking airtight case for the president to just give them some goddamn V.
She’d explained the whole thing to Ben twice. Once in their apartment and once during a meeting with the team. Ben didn’t remember any of the first time, because she’d looked so fucking hot—chewing her lip while she thought and glaring at the papers in front of her with sharp eyes—and he’d wanted to slam Her on top of those stupid papers and see if she could recite all that fucking smart shit with Ben buried deep inside her. He’d managed to remember the second one only because she’d said it was really important they all have a basic understanding of our argument, in case Singer decides to cold call. 
“The first half,” She’d frowned at the papers as she sorted through them at the dining hall table. “Is mostly evidence of Homelander as a genuine threat to American stability, security, democracy, and like, fucking everything else. I think-”
“If Singer ain’t total fuckin brainless cunt, we shouldn’t need to show our bloody work-“
“It’s precautionary, Butcher.” She’d snapped. “And if you’d let me fucking finish, I was going to say that we could all just use personal experience for it. The second half is the important stuff. Copies of the document that says this would work, a vague outline of a plan to get the V in Homelander, a list of all the other avenues we’ve exhausted to get some V-“
“He’s not going to know I gave you guys those leads, right?” A-Train had cut Her off with frantic words. “If these get leaked or some shit, it can’t be traced back to me-“
“No,” She’d shaken her head. “We’re not saying how we got them, because that’s not important. He just needs to know that we’ve looked elsewhere, and there isn’t time to waste on continuing on wild goose chases. I’ve added hypotheticals about what could happen if we don’t act soon-“
Ben loved Her so goddamn much. He’d stopped paying attention, because he was losing his fucking mind about how much he loved her. She was so beautiful, and smart, and if everyone would just shut the fuck up and stop asking Her stupid questions Ben could get fucking lost in how perfect she was.
He’d gotten a boner. He’d been watching her talk all fucking focused and intense and pretty, and she’d grinned and bumped his shoulder with hers about something Ben couldn’t even fucking remember anymore, and he had completely given up on paying attention so he could get lost in a fantasy of bending Her over the table and fucking her until she whined and her eyes rolled back in her head.
It was becoming a fucking problem, how everywhere Ben looked was just another place he wanted to fuck her on or against, and how every word she said made him want to tell Her he loved her. He’d thought about it before, while she was gone, it was somehow worse when she was home. When she kept doing things that made him love Her more. Ben kept thinking he’d finally hit fucking capacity on how much he loved her—that loving her so much he’d move mountains and crack open the sky was the greatest type of love anyone was fucking capable of—and then She’d prove him wrong. She couldn’t just let Ben exist in goddamn peace, she had to make him and Ryan lunch everyday. She had to keep encouraging Ryan, and teasing Ben about wanting encouragement right before she’d tell him she thought he was an excellent teacher, even if he wouldn’t stop swearing at the child. She had to keep singing to herself while she moved around the apartment, and making everything around her so much fucking better than it had been before. She had to finally stop fucking apologizing, and kept curling into Ben’s body like it was the most natural thing in the fucking world. And it all made Ben feel like a fucking dumbass, because he kept being wrong. There was no limit to how much he loved Her, and every single thing she did would always make him want to just fuck her until she was happy and felt good.
But Ben wasn’t allowing himself to fuck Her. Not when he’d touched Her once and she’d shattered. They’d reached a silent agreement to not talk about the gun range and to keep kissing but never do more. Ben’s hands would wander down to her hips and her heart would pick up, so he wouldn’t go further. She’d kiss him and run fingers over his abdomen, but the moment Ben tensed in anticipation she’d freeze and drag them back to his chest. They hadn’t talked about it, but Ben knew she’d say I’m fine, and he’d insist that she wasn’t—people who are fine don’t fucking wake up in the middle of the night on fire—and she’d insist she was. They’d fight, and Ben didn’t want to fight with her. Not about something that fucking mattered like this, not when she kept kissing and smiling at him before—barely an hour later—something would suddenly shift and Her eyes would grow more and more hollow. He loved Her, and if they had a fight he’d probably yell that he fucking loved her to make her understand why it was killing him to watch Her be in pain that he wasn’t allowed to fix, and he’d lose Her. She wasn’t ready, and if Ben made this about how he loved her he’d lose her. He wouldn’t say it right, or well. He didn’t know how to talk about his goddamn feelings without sounding like a pathetic fucking pussy. He’d fuck it up and She wouldn’t understand that he loved Her so fucking much it could carve into the earth, and he’d lose Her.
She still looked at him with adoration. She still touched Ben like she wanted him, and sighed his name like it was important. But that was all she could give him right now, and Ben had to force himself to find a way to be okay with it. To let Her break and break in front of him, to keep her safe and pick up her pieces off the tile floors, then just kiss her until she gave a soft, happy sigh. To not grab her face and tell her that he loved Her. That he was so fucking worried about her because he loved her, and that he’d keep waiting. He’d wait and wait forever until she wanted him again. He’d take whatever she’d give him. He fucking loved Her, loved her in a way that would kill any other goddamn asshole to feel because it was fucking primal. It was real, raw, painful and indestructible love. Love where Ben would never be able to show it enough, never be able really make Her fucking understand how powerfully and zealously he loved her.
He could imagine it. Ben could indulge himself in these stupid fucking fantasies and drive himself mad as a punishment for being too fucking weak to know how to fix this. For being so much of a fucking pussy that the woman he loved kept breaking down and he could barely make it better, Ben started torturing himself with all the ways he’d could get this fucking right.
He’d roll Her over in their bed and kiss her breathless, before telling her that he loved Her and she was beautiful. Then he’d fuck her, gentle and long and goddamn romantic as shit, and she’d moan his name.
She’d give him one of her perfect, secret smiles over dinner and he’d tell Her in silence. Her pretty mouth would fall open, and she’d make a lame excuse to pull Ben back home. The door would barely close before she’d tackle him to the floor and ride him until she fell against his chest.
They’d be at a meeting, and Ben would just fucking yell it over the table. He’d roar I fucking love you, Sunshine, and the whole team would leave because Ben would already have her half-naked and in his lap.
Fuck, even now as She walked a pace ahead of him—smiling down at Ryan as he rambled about fucking homework and listening like She actually gave a shit, because she probably did—Ben wanted to grab Her and fuck her. He didn’t even need a wall or a bed, he’d just pick her up, rip off her pants, and slam himself into her until she felt good. But she’d fucking fall apart again after, and the pain of watching that was unspeakably worse than the ache of never touching her again. 
But he would tell Her. Ben would keep fucking trying to make this better for Her, and when the shadows started to creep out of her eyes and Homelander could never fucking touch her again, Ben was going to fucking tell Her. He’d say Her name, and she’d look at him all pretty and concerned about if everything was okay, and he’d tell her. I love you. I love you so goddamn much, and it’s made me a pathetic fucking pussy, and I don’t give a fuck because I love you. You’re perfect and I love you. You’re my whole fucking world and I love you. I’ll wait for you to be ready for the rest of goddamn time, because I love you. 
And she’d smile at him and say- 
“Benjamin, if you don’t start walking I swear to god I’m going without you.” 
They’d dropped off Ryan. Ben had given him another awkward hug before Ryan had turned to Her and they’d hugged as well. Then she’d smiled at Ben over Ryan’s head, making all of his thoughts devolve into perfect. Beautiful, perfect woman. He loved Her so fucking much, and when he told her that he was going to blow her perfect fucking mind with how fucking romantic it was, and he’d stopped paying attention.
She was walking back in the direction of the gym, and Ben frowned. “Where the fuck-“
“Mallory called a meeting, and we’re already late-“ She stopped tugging at Ben’s arm, giving him a flat look. “You forgot.” 
He had forgotten. She’d told him when they’d sat down for lunch that they’d have to go straight to the dining hall after, because there were updates that apparently couldn’t just fucking wait for the daily briefing tomorrow morning. He’d nodded, taken his cheesesteak, and she’d kissed his cheek. That alone had melted his brain a little, but then she’d moved some hair out of his face and leaned against his side and Ben had started wondering if this would be it. If he lowered Her onto the gym mat and told her he loved her, it would work. If She’d pull him down to her mouth and let him kiss her until there was a dent on the floor, then mumble into his mouth that she loved him as well. That she understood, and if Ben wanted to fuck her when they got home she wouldn’t stop him. 
In reality She was still glaring at him outside of Butcher’s apartment—perfect arms crossed and pretty eyes narrowed—and Ben had to act indignant. If he didn’t, she’d ask a lot of fucking questions and he’d shut her up by walking her backwards into the wall, telling her he loved her, and kissing her fucking stupid. 
“Mallory calls a whole lot of fucking bullshit meeting, we don’t need to go to every single one-“
She snorted. “Yeah, we do. You just don’t want me to call you old.”
“I’m not fucking old. And I didn’t forget-“
“Ben.” She linked her arms through his, and Ben scowled at her goddamn beautiful face and bored, amused, perfect fucking voice. “You are very old. And we have to go to the meeting you forgot about, you fucking dinosaur.” 
“Most of these stupid meetings are completely goddamn pointless,” Ben grumbled, even as he let her pull him down the hall. “Mallory thinks every single thing needs a whole hour to go over, and it’s never any actual fucking progress-“
“It might be, though.” She shrugged, grinning over her shoulder. “And if there is news, Kimiko will bring out the ice cream to celebrate. Don’t want to miss that.”
“We have our own ice cream, Sunshine.” He tugged Her arm just enough for her to fall back a pace, walking at his side so Ben could rest his arm over her shoulder. Keep her right against him, where she was fucking safe and smiling and there weren’t shadows across her perfect features. “We can just go the fuck home if you want ice cream.”
“We don’t have sprinkles. I want sprinkles.”
“Those things taste like fucking wax-“
“They are wax, Pretty Boy. They’re sugar wax.” Her hands had risen to hold Ben’s over her body, and he had to fucking pay attention and not spin her around, dance with her in the hall and dip her down all fucking romantic before whispering that he loved her. “I just want some colorful fucking sugar wax to go with my boring, old man vanilla ice cream.”
Ben rolled his eyes. “You fucking love my old man vanilla ice cream. You eat it just as much as me.”
He caught his own error, but she didn’t jump in with a smug voice and tell him as I. And when Ben frowned down at Her, she was watching him with that expression he didn’t understand. All adoration and want, with something burning behind her eyes, and her voice soft when she spoke. 
“I do love your old man vanilla ice cream.” Her smile spread, and her eyes looked a little brighter. “But I’d love it more with sprinkles.”
Ben snorted, and kissed the top of her head. “Brat.”
“Dramatic fucking cunt,” she mumbled, and Ben would have to figure out where to buy sprinkles now. There wasn’t a fucking chance in hell he was asking Mallory for that shit, but he’d figure it out and maybe it would help keep her expression light and joyful.
Everyone seemed to have finally fucking accepted that She and Ben would never be on time, because the most shit they got for being ten minutes late—again—was Mallory shooting Ben a glower and a collection of sighs when they entered the dining hall.
“Now that we’re all here,” Mallory’s words were cold, and Ben pulled Her a little further into his side on the bench. “Let’s get started. William?”
Butcher grinned around the table, a smug smirk on his face. “You cunts ready to hear the first good news you’ve gotten in a year?” 
“Good news?” Hughie frowned. “Did we find some V?”
“Guess again, lad.“
The French Prick leaned across the table. “Madame Sage has made an error?”
“Sage doesn’t make errors,” A-Train muttered. “It’s probably more about Vought, a lead or some shit.“
“Still ain’t it, mate. Anyone want to take a shot-“
“Butcher,” MM grunted, running a hand over his face. “Just fucking tell them, you asshole.”
“You really take all the bloody joy out of life, MM.” Butcher hands slid in his pockets, pretending not to see MM flip him off as he continued. “The one and only cunt in charge agreed to meet with us. Said he wants us in DC by tomorrow afternoon, gave us a fuckin travel fund and everything.” 
“In DC?” She narrowed her eyes at Butcher, and Ben felt her tense under his arm. “That’s a four hour drive away, and we can’t all go-“
“Most of you won’t be going,” Mallory snapped. “You and A-Train are at a security risk if you leave the compound, William has to stay with Ryan, and Campbell has some work to do.”
Hughie blinked. “I do?”
“Ah, that may be my fault petite Hughie.” Frenchie shrugged. “I requested that the A-Train provide access to Vought’s supe files. I will need your aid in retrieving them through the computers.” 
Hughie nodded slowly, looking back to Mallory. “Does that mean it’s just Annie and MM?”
“Blood good deduction, Lad, but you forgot about Soldier Boy.”
Everyone looked at Ben, and he froze as Her heartbeat picked up. “The fuck you mean he forgot.” 
“You’re goin’ on a field trip, Gov.” Butcher winked. “I’ll pack you some applesauce for the road, and make sure you take a piss before you get in the car.” 
She swallowed, glancing between Ben and Butcher, and her words were far too fucking soft. “How long will they be gone?” 
“About a day,” Annie sighed. “We’re leaving around 7am tomorrow, and after the meeting with Singer we’re going to have to wait for a transportation clearance, which probably won’t come until morning.”
“Transportation clearance?” Hughie gave Annie a confused look. “Can’t you just take Butcher’s car?”
“Nope.” MM shook his head. “Sage has got records of Butcher’s car. We’re taking an FBSA escort there, and a CIA escort back.”
“But,” She was still so fucking quiet. “Why will you have to wait for morning?”
“Route approval,” MM muttered. “Bunch of fucking security shit, and the motherfuckers at the CIA move slow. Annie’s right, it’ll probably take us a day to get there, do the meeting, and get back.”
“Why the fuck do I have to go,” Ben hissed. This was a fucking stupid idea, he didn’t need to be there. He didn’t need to be anywhere without Her, and he sure as hell wasn’t fucking leaving her. “I’m not going to be doing the actual damn pitch, and Singer can eat my fucking balls if he thinks I’m going to brownnose him to get the V-“ 
“He specifically requested your presence, Gov.” Butcher shrugged. “Didn’t say why, but I’m sure it’s your sparkling fuckin personality.” 
“Shut the fuck up you pussy, I’m not going anywhere-“ 
“Was it a condition?” She was looking between Butcher and MM, fingers tapping on the table. “Did Singer request Ben, or demand him?”
MM sighed. “Demand. We don’t bring Soldier Boy, they won’t let us in the door.”
“Okay.” She nodded. “You’ve got all the information for the pitch?”
Annie and MM started rattling off all the details She’d given them about the V, and her face was so fucking tired. She wasn’t looking at Ben, but her body was all but falling into his, her eyes were far away, and her breathing was fucking mechanical again.
He squeezed her shoulder, glaring down at Her until she glanced at him. I am not fucking going to DC. 
Yes. You are. She gave him a small, empty smile. You have to, Ben. Please. 
He shook his head. No. I am not fucking leaving you for a day just because Singer’s a fucking pussy who thinks he can make demands.
I’ll be okay, She pressed her knee to Ben’s, and he didn’t fucking believe her. It’s only a day, Pretty Boy. I’ll survive. 
She would survive. She was strong as fucking hell, and she’d survive one goddamn day without Ben. It was him that wouldn’t make it one hour away without going fucking sick with worry that she was in danger, or alone, or breaking and he wasn’t there to help. I don’t give a fuck. I’m not fucking leaving. 
If you don’t, we won’t get the V. She sighed. We have phones, Pretty Boy. You can text me, and I’m not going anywhere.
Ben scowled. Swear that if you need me home you’ll tell me.
She was giving him that look again. There was something fucking confused behind her gaze, like she hadn’t understood his words. But She nodded, Promise, and turned back to the table.
Ben was going to have to go. He had not fucking interest in going, but She was asking him to, so he would. This could get them a step closer to killing Homelander—to making Her fucking safe and Ben being able to say he loved her—so he would. He spent the rest of the meeting glowering at everyone and holding Her tighter, making sure she knew he was in no way a fucking fan of this bullshit, but didn’t keep arguing.
It would be fine. He’d survive one fucking day without Her. She’d be home and safe, and he wasn’t so fucking pathetic that he’d whine and moan like a pussy without her there. Then he’d come home and kiss Her, and beat Homelander’s fucking brains in, and find them the next boat to Rome.
After the meeting, they ate dinner with the team. It was tense, with everyone a little quieter than usual and focused mostly on their food, so Ben watched Her. He’d already memorized every single fucking thing about Her, but he never got tired of just watching her. She was so fucking beautiful, smiling at Ryan when he arrived, resting her head on Ben’s shoulder when she finished eating, signing with Kimiko about something that made her giggle—light and joyful, the best fucking sound in the world—and looking up at Ben when Kimiko turned back to Hughie.
Are you ready to go?
Ben had been ready to go for a damn hour, and he didn’t waste another fucking second before nodding, pulling Her up with him, and turning to the door.
She made a small sound of surprise, and Ben waited for her to be all fucking kind and polite—bidding the team goodnight and hugging Ryan—before tugging her back to his side and out into the hall. 
“Are you okay?”
He frowned down at Her as they walked back to their apartment. “What.” 
“I know you don’t want to go to DC, but-“ 
“I’ll fucking manage,” he grunted. He wouldn’t, this was going to be fucking horrible, but She didn’t need more shit to worry about. “And you’ll text me.” 
“I will,” she mumbled, pressing Her face into Ben’s side and letting him guide their steps. “Thank you for doing this.” 
Ben sighed. “Don’t.” It’s for you, Sunshine. I’d fucking do anything for you.
“But I am,” he could feel Her smile into his side. “Thank you.” 
He didn’t push it. She was smiling, and he fucking loved Her, so Ben just opened the door to their apartment and sighed. “TV?”
She nodded, playing with the fabric of his shirt as they sat on the couch. “Your night to pick, Pretty Boy. Can I guess?”
“You’re fucking going to anyway-“
“It’s either the documentary about the Cuban Missile Crisis we didn’t finish, or the baseball game that’s on tonight.” 
Ben frowned. “How the hell do you know about the game?”
“I pay attention,” she smiled up at him, and he was going to fucking explode. “I like to know if I’ll be spending the night listening to you lose your fucking mind over some balls.”
“They’re not just some balls, Sunshine, it’s a staple of fucking America-“
“With balls.” 
Ben rolled his eyes. “Shut the fuck up.”
“No,” she reached for the remote, passing it to him with a grin. “And, for the record, my personal vote is for the game. It’s Red Sox versus Phillies, and I want to see you cry when Boston beats your ass.”
Ben snorted, and flipped through channels until he landed on the game. “Brat.”
“Cunt,” She wrapped her arms around his torso, resting her head on his chest. “I,” she sighed. “I adore you, Benjamin.” 
“I adore you too,” he muttered Her name, and she gave a small, content sound, relaxing further into his body. “You’re okay.” 
She hummed, looking backwards with that strange fucking warmth in her eyes. “I’m okay.”
Ben kissed Her, soft and easy, and didn’t believe a goddamn word she was saying. They did this every fucking night, and he knew how it would end. He’d spend the whole time swallowing shouts of I love you, and she’d almost fall asleep against him. So fucking beautiful, so fucking tired, and Ben would keep trying to figure out how to just fix this shit. To find something he could say to Her that would make her tell him how to make this better. He couldn’t touch Her, she’d break. He couldn’t tell Her he loved her, this wasn’t about him. But She had to be happy, and Ben wasn’t going to fucking rest until he figured out how to make her totally and completely happy.
Here, in the glow of the TV, was a place she was happy. With Ben holding Her tight and tracing patterns on her skin, her face was peaceful and her heart was steady. He was pretty fucking sure she’d been happy, in the gun range. But then She’d broken, and Ben was never going to allow it to get any worse. She was still happy, most of the time, but she wasn’t touching him. Wasn’t trying to take more.
So he’d keep waiting until he got his fucking act together and figured out a way to tell her properly, or until She told him to touch her again. Until Ben knew how to make the happiness stay, and stop it from fleeing in the dark.
Ben felt a tug on his hand, and looked down to see her turning his fingers between her own, not meeting his eyes as she spoke. “Can you-“
He didn’t wait for Her to finish. She was quiet and nervous, and she looked so fucking exhausted, and the stupid game didn’t matter even a fraction as much as she did. Ben knew what she was asking, so he picked her up and carried her upstairs to the bathroom.
She was still crying in the shower. Steam would choke the room as she turned the water up to boil—She’d refused to let Ben fix the ceiling fan, so now the whole apartment grew humid every night—and Ben had been forced to hear Her heart race, hear the quiet, choking sobs shake her body, before he’d break into the bathroom and could hold Her until she was breathing again. After three nights in a row, he’d just started showering with her. Every night Ben set her down on the bathroom floor, stripped his clothes, and pulled her carefully with him into the water. She didn’t cry when they did it like this. When Ben stood a step back while she used all her fucking hair shit, and held Her against his bare chest when she looked at him with a silent plea to do so. When she was done, he helped dry her off, then carried her to bed. Set Her down carefully, go back to the bathroom to brush his teeth—keeping an ear on her heart as she shuffled around the room—and climb into bed himself. Nothing more. Not until She was ready, and Ben couldn’t break her by touching her.
He’d developed a daydream. Ben loved Her so fucking much he’d started to fantasize, late in the night when she was content and peaceful against him—before the fire and screaming began—about if she did love him. About a perfect world where She blinked her eyes open, sat up on Ben’s chest, and smiled down at him as she held his face and played with the hair of his beard. Where she leaned down and kissed him gently, murmured that she loved him, that she was Ben’s the same way he was Her’s, and he believed Her. He looked at the joy on her face, believed that she was okay, and did everything. He’d do everything for her, to her, with her. Everything she asked or needed or wanted, Ben would do.
In the daydream, it was what Ben wanted as well. In his head he’d grin at Her, flip her on her back, and take control. Make her feel so fucking good, make her moan and writhe under him, give Her one place in her life where she didn’t have to do any work. Then they’d kill Homelander together—maybe he’d just fucking drop dead the next morning—and leave this stupid fucking life forever. He’d carry Her to Rome, and buy her a house with the money they earned from her excellent fucking escort business, and fuck her on every surface available to him. He’d tell Her he loved her every other sentence, and she’d smile at him, and Ben would ask Her to marry him. He’d just walk into the room, grab her and say I love you, Sunshine, and you should marry me. I’ll fucking treat you like a Queen, because you’re perfect and I love you. She’d giggle, and tell him that he already did treat her like a queen—because he would, no matter what Ben’s whole life after this was going to be about fucking her like she deserved and making her happy—but still agree to marry him. They wouldn’t bother with the fucking dramatics of a wedding, it would be quick fucking work with the most goddamn romanic vows in history and then a kiss that quickly turned into Ben fucking his wife stupid. He’d make sure she smiled all the goddamn time, and then—at least in the fantasy—he’d fuck her full of babies. Homelander would be dead—fucking burned or dumped in the ocean or buried a thousand feet under—and She’d tell Ben she trusted him and loved him and wanted a family with him, so he’d give her that.
It would have to wait until after Homelander was dead. Ben knew Her, he knew she’d need a little more time to be ready for that, but—in this perfect world—she one day would be. In this perfect world She’d never be afraid again, and she’d cry about whatever normal people cried about, and Ben would make her feel safe enough to have a family. Ryan would visit them, that was obvious. Annie, Hughie, Kimiko, and MM would as well, because that would make Her feel even more loved. Even Butcher had somehow worked himself into this, and was at occasional dinners when they went back to New York to visit Violet. The only people that wouldn’t be allowed near them were Mallory and her mother.
It would be fucking perfect. She’d wake up next to him, and he’d surround Her with evidence of his love for her. He’d kiss her at every chance, and tell her he loved her wherever he could work it into the conversation. He’d let her boss him around all fucking day, and the moment the door closed behind them at night Ben would lock it and drag her into their bed. He’d fuck Her stupid, and she’d give him a blissful, happy smile, and that would be their whole fucking lives. Happy. Just fucking happy.
The most Ben indulged in these thoughts was when She was truly, fully passed out. When Her breathing was slow and her heartbeat was even, Ben would tell her in the dark. When he was certain she couldn’t hear, Ben would mutter to her all the ways he’d make her happy. How much he loved her, how she was so fucking beautiful and perfect and he’d never stop waiting for Her, because if there was even a goddamn chance his stupid fucking fantasy could be real he’d take it. She was worth waiting for. Ben loved Her, and one day he’d figure out how to make himself worthy of being loved by Her. 
It’s how he spent every night now. Waiting for when she woke up in flames again, holding Her until she fell back under, and tracing his hands over her face until it was peaceful and all the tears were wiped away. Usually he’d fall asleep himself, savoring in the feel of Her body against his and the sound of her heartbeat, but tonight he couldn’t. Tonight all he managed to do was fucking watch Her in his arms, and try not to think about how he wouldn’t be at her side tomorrow night.
Then, as light began to leak through the windows, Ben’s phone rang.
It was an unknown number. She’d told him not to answer those, because if it’s not spam they’ll leave a voicemail, and if it is spam you’ll be telling them you’re an active number and you’ll get more calls. He didn’t fucking understand what that meant—She’d definitely tried to explain, and Ben had definitely gotten distracted by how her tits squished together when she crossed her arms—but She was always right about this shit, so Ben ignored it.
Barely thirty seconds passed before it rang again. Ben flipped the screen over, because there wasn’t a fucking chance in hell he was letting this wake Her up.
It rang a third time. And fourth. By the fifth, Ben was going to fucking smash his phone.
He couldn’t smash his phone. He was leaving in the morning, and if he smashed his phone he wouldn’t be able to text her.
On the sixth, Ben scooted carefully to sit against the headboard, made sure she was still comfortably asleep with Her head in his lap, and picked up the goddamn call.
“I don’t know who the fuck you think you are,” he hissed, keeping a careful ear on her heartbeat against him. “But if you call me one more time I’ll fine you, cut off your fingers, and shove them up your fucking asshole.” 
“Charming as always, Soldier Boy.” Stan Edgar's voice was clipped and bored, barely muffled by the static of the receiver. “But I don’t believe that’s a way to talk to an old friend.”
Ben froze, and the glass of the screen cracked in his grip. “How the fuck did you get my number.”
“I have my methods, but you shouldn’t concern yourself with them. I’d imagine you have bigger things to worry about.”
Ben glanced down at Her, daylight starting to dance across her face. He didn’t have time to entertain Edgar’s weird, underhanded fucking bullshit. “If you know I have other shit to worry about, why the fuck are you calling me.”
“I’d like to catch up. Surely, even within the chaos, you have enough time to pay me a visit.”
“I’m good. Too long a drive just to talk to an old fucking asshole.”
“As far as I recall,” Edgar hummed. “I am forty years your junior. And it is not only you I wish to see, so it is not your call alone to make.”
“If you don’t stop speaking in cryptic fucking bullshit-“
Edgar said Her name, and Ben's heart stopped. For a split second there was a ringing sound in his ears, and he couldn’t fucking breathe. He missed the rest of Edgars sentence.
There was a second of silence on the phone, and Edgar cleared his throat. 
“Do you care to respond-“
“You’re not getting anywhere fucking near her,” Ben’s had, unconsciously, pulled Her closer. “I don’t care about our deal, she’s staying the fuck out of it.”
“Luckily, this is not within the confines of our deal. It is simply a request for some company, along with an invitation for a plus one.”
“I know how you fucking work shit, Edgar,” Ben watched Her shift slightly, and lowered his voice. “You can shove your request right up your tiny fucking dickhole, and swallow your own fucking cum when you beat your meat to get it back.”
Edgar chuckled. “I always forget how
 poetic you are, Benjamin. In a better life, you were a mediocre reality television writer.”
“Call me Benjamin again, and I’ll drive upstate just to cut out your fucking tongue.” Nobody but Her was allowed to call him Benjamin. She always said it with some sort of unyielding care, no matter how angry her tone was. She said it right, in a way Ben hadn’t known was the correct way to say it until she’d grinned at him and said Benjamin, I give a shit about you. I adore you. I want you. Edgar said it like he was scolding a fucking child. Ben wasn’t a fucking child.
Edgar might have some sort of fucking chip in Ben’s brain, because his next words were amused, confident, and exactly what Ben had been thinking about. “Ah, I’d imagine that strikes a certain nerve, given the nature of your relationship with the only other person who addresses you as such.”
“You watch your fucking mouth-“
“It amuses me how oblivious you have grown to be. It may be the old age, but you have become downright unobservant.”
Ben scowled, and She rolled over against him, burying her face in his stomach. “I don’t know what the fuck you’re implying, Edgar, but if you called just to make pussy fucking request, then my answer is no and we’re done.”
“Is she with you?”
She hummed against Ben’s body, and he ran his free hand through her hair. “No.”
“I am afraid that I don’t believe you.” 
“Then that’s real fucking shitty for you-“
He froze, and looked down to find Her rubbing her eyes open, a fucking adorable frown on her face as she watched him. He didn’t know how to mute the call, so Ben held the phone high above his head and lowered his voice to hardly fucking audible. “Go back to sleep, Sunshine.”
She shook her head, slowly sitting up. “What time is it?”
“Early. Lie the hell down-“
“Who are you talking to?”
“We’re fucking talking-“
She gave him a flat look. “On the phone.”
He could lie. He could say it was Annie or Hughie or Ryan or Butcher, but she wouldn’t believe him—none of them called Ben, and only Ryan really texted him—and Ben had hit a very fucking annoying point where he was physically incapable of lying to Her. “Edgar. Go to bed.”
All the lingering sleep vanished from her eyes in a second, growing sharp in a way that would turn Ben on if this wasn’t so serious. “Why the fuck is Edgar calling you.”
“I’ll tell you in the morning-“
“Tell me now.”
He glared at Her. “You need rest-“
“Benjamin,” She hissed. “I am not going to get any rest while I know Stan Edgar is on the phone. Not when you still fucking owe him. Tell me what he wants, or I’ll grab the phone and ask him myself.”
“You can listen, and I’ll tell you-“ She started half climbing up Ben’s chest to try and grab the phone, and he snorted. “Fucking Christ woman, you know I could just sit on you and you’d have to wait.”
“You won’t though,” She muttered, trying to drag Ben’s arm down to where she could reach his hand. “Pussy.”
This was serious. This was really fucking serious, because Edgar was a genuine threat and now wanted Ben to walk Her right into his fucking lair. This was goddamn serious, because Ben wasn’t going to allow his shitty fucking decisions and deals that he’d made to protect Her in the first place put her in harms way.
It was incredibly fucking serious, and Ben need to get his head out of the gutter about how her hips were wiggling on his chest and her angry Benjamin, I’m going to kick your ass face was still beautiful. He needed to stop thinking about how she was the most amazing person he’d ever met, and about how much he loved Her, because it was making him fucking pathetic.
“If I give you the damn phone,” Ben grunted, and she paused to look down at him. “You have to put it on that speaker shit and calm the hell down.”
She nodded quickly, reaching her hand down to his eye level. “Deal.”
He was supposed to shake Her hand. She wanted Ben to shake her hand. But he was using one hand to hold the phone, and his other hand had developed a mind that was governed by Ben’s impulse of love Her, touch Her, take care of Her, and had wandered up to hold her steady on her waist. She hadn’t tried to move it—she was fucking leaning back into it—so there wasn’t a chance in fucking hell Ben was taking it away himself.
Ben handed her the phone, and tried not to act too fucking in love with Her as she slid down his body, holding his gaze the whole time. She hit a button on the screen, gave him a look that said you’re learning how to do this yourself later, Pretty Boy, and took a deep breath before she spoke.
“Edgar, why the fuck are you calling us at,” She glanced down at the phone. “6am?”
“So you are here,” Edgar’s voice was delighted. Ben wanted to smash the phone. “How delightful to speak to you again, it truly has been far too long.”
“And here I was, going to ask you to never fucking speak to me again.” She drawled. “I don’t think our relationship is as serious as you thought it was.”
“I’m wounded,” Edgar said Her name, and it sounded fucking wrong. “I thought we had a connection.”
“If by connection you mean you made me fight a bunch of man-eating sheep and I didn’t manage to kill you and make it look like an accident, then yeah. Sure.”
“Ouch,” Edgar chuckled. “I’d think you have much to thank me for. Would you have ever woken up our dear Benjamin without my advice?” 
Ben could see the flash of anger in Her eyes. Whatever careful game she’d been playing with Edgar ended, even as her tone remained bored. “I like to think I’d gotten there myself eventually. Tell me why you’re calling.”
“As I was telling your companion, I’m inviting you both to lunch.”
She looked up at Ben with a frown. Lunch? 
Pussy didn’t mention lunch. Said he wanted us to visit, and I wasn’t promised any fucking food.
Her nose wrinkled, you are shockingly literal sometimes, Pretty Boy, and her attention turned back to the phone. “Is this an invitation to lunch, or a you owe me lunch.”
There was a brief second of silence before Edgar answered. “Interesting. I didn’t expect you to be aware of our little arrangement.”
“That’s not an answer to my question.”
Edgar sighed through the speaker. “It is an invitation. There will be talk of the favor, but I’ve grown lonely. I think I’d enjoy the company.”
Ben scowled. “You can shove your company up your fucking ass-“
“Edgar,” She cut him off with a glare, and her voice was softer than Ben’s as she spoke, words slow and her brow drawn. “If you already have a favor picked out, why should we entertain you? Wouldn’t it be simpler to just tell us?”
She kept saying us. She kept talking about Ben as one with her, and if she didn’t stop soon he’d tell her he loved her right fucking now, with Edgar still on the phone.
“You are a truly phenomenal woman,” Edgar said Her name again, and Ben’s skin started to crawl. “There is not much that escapes you. I understand how Soldier Boy became so taken with you.”
“Yeah, I’m a real marvel of humanity.” Ben didn’t fucking love the way she said that, dry and monotone, like she fucking wasn’t. “Tell us what you want, Edgar.”
“Well, it helps if you think of this as a karmic act. If you are truly set on not making the short drive to speak in person, then I’ll cash in my IOU and that will be all. If you can find it in your heart and schedule to visit a lonely old man, then I might find myself in a better mood.” 
She frowned. “A better mood? You want to be a little less of a cryptic bridge troll and a little more of a normal person?”
“I’m afraid you’ll have to see me in person to see the extent of my generosity.” 
“You can keep your fucking riddles in the dark, pathetic fucking hole you crawled out of-“
“Can we have a few days?”
Ben stared at Her. What the fuck are you doing.
We need to run this past the team.
We don’t need to run fucking shit past them, because we’re not going.
She sighed. I think we should. He can’t hurt us, and he knows a lot. Whatever generosity he’s talking about might help us.
“I can wait a day or two, if it would aid you in coming to the correct conclusion-“
“Great,” She cut Edgar off. “Mallory will call you. Don’t call us again.” She paused, glaring at the phone. “Bitch.” And hung up.
“There’s not a chance in fucking hell-“
“Please think about it.” She dropped his phone, holding his face between her hands. “We can wait to talk to everyone about it until after you get back home. Just really think about it.”
His answer was no. There was not a single universe where Ben was going to agree to put Her in danger like that. For something so fucking pointless, when she couldn’t fucking sleep through the night without losing her goddamn mind. The more he thought about it the more Ben was certain that this was simple fucking no. He would deal with this himself, and she’d stay far, far the fuck away from its line of fire.
But She was so pretty. She was watching him with a sharp gaze, and there was hair across her eyes that Ben wanted to move away, and her hands on his cheeks and jaw were warm. They fit fucking perfectly on his face, because She fit fucking perfectly against every part of him. Ben loved Her, and it was really making him a goddamn pushover. But it was worth it. It was really fucking worth it, because when he grunted and gave her a small nod, Her whole face lit up and she leaned in to give him one, soft, gentle kiss.
Ben was tired. Later, when he knew he was going to have to justify this to himself, he was going to remind himself over and over that he was tired. He’d been up all night worrying about Her, and so nobody could say a fucking word about it because all his resolve had been poured into care for Her, and his decsion making had been bound to take a hit. Ben was fucking exhausted, and that’s why when She squirmed slightly on his lap and teased her tongue along his lips, Ben let his control snap and flipped her over.
They’d made out since the gun range. They never stopped making out, and Ben was pretty sure that—if work and food and breathing and all that other pointless shit weren’t obstacles—he’d been happy spending the rest of goddamn time making out with Her. Pulling her up to his side on the couch, leaning over her in the hall, tugging her between his legs at the table.
This wasn’t making out. This was fucking eating each other. Ben was bruising Her mouth, biting her lips and running his tongue along her teeth, letting how her hands clawed at his back and pulled at his hair spur him on. Letting himself push her deeper into the mattress, using a free hand to grab and squeeze her ass as she wrapped her legs around his torso. She made a high, whining sound that sent something electric through Ben’s blood, so he did it again and let himself groan when she started to grind up into him. His knee ended up shoved between her legs, and when her head threw back Ben trailed his mouth across her cheek and down her neck, leaving wet open kisses and dropping his hips onto hers in an attempt to not rut against Her. It was all mindless and hungry and so fucking natural. This was where Ben was supposed to be. Above Her, against her, touching her and caring for her and taking every moan in his ear as fucking testament to how this was love. He fucking loved Her, and there was even the tiniest goddamn chance she’d love him back he’d stay right fucking here.
He stopped because he had to. Because if he kept going and She kept making perfect, musical sounds, he’d tell Her. Ben had already risen back up to her face, letting her pull his tongue between her teeth and growling into her mouth, only a second away from just telling her. From muttering I fucking love you down her throat and letting her swallow the words with another whimper. So Ben had to pull away, let her heavy breath trade with his, and just fucking pull himself together. Ignore his less than helpful dick and heart trying to control his body and only hold her gently. Trace soft, light hands over the parts of her body he was allowed to touch, and tell her he loved her like that. 
“Ben,” Her voice was a whisper, and when he opened his eyes hers were still closed. Her mouth was parted and swollen—he’d fucking done that, it was evidence of how much he fucking adored her—and her hands had stilled in his hair. She was so fucking beautiful, with the morning light on her face and her whole body relaxed, it might drive Ben insane. “I,” She took a long, unsteady breath. “I really, really adore you.”
He kissed Her again, and a long sound of content hummed from her chest. Ben moved up, kissing along the bridge of her nose, between her eyes, and on her brow. “I know,” he grunted against her skin. “MM and Annie will be able to handle Singer their fucking selves, it’s not like anyone’s going to like what I have to say-“
“Please don’t tell Singer to eat his balls or suck your dick.” Her voice was bored, but when she looked up at Ben there was a light behind her eyes that made his whole body relax. “It’s not very diplomatic.” 
“I don’t give a fuck about diplomacy,” he muttered. “If Singer wasn’t such a fucking uptight pussy he’d just take our fucking word and give us the V.” 
“And you can tell him that after we get the V. Until then you’re going to have to pretend to not want to kill him.” She paused, voice growing soft. “Please, Ben. Just try.” 
He sighed, searching Her face for any excuse. Anything that he could point to and say here’s why I should fucking stay. Here’s a goddamn solid reason that I don’t have to fucking leave you. Something you won’t be able to argue with me about, something you won’t even try to argue with me about.
There was only one. And Ben wasn’t allowed to say it. He had to swallow his only plea of let me fucking stay and care for and love you because I’m going to go fucking mad with worry, because you’re not okay and I can’t help but fuck me if I’m not going to try and nod. He had to sit in the silence, still touching her, always touching her, and keep himself from giving more. Then he had to fucking stand up, and get ready. She made him shower—Ben made her keep the door open—and when he exited the bathroom she pushed past him with a large plastic bag in her hands.
“What the fuck are you-“ 
“You need toiletries,” She didn’t look over to Ben, still in the door, as she gathered his toothbrush and shampoo into the bag. “And I’m not letting you anywhere near hotel hair products.” 
Ben turned to look back at the bed with a frown, and there was an open suitcase on the mattress full of half-folded clothing and his supe suit, a shirt and pair of pants set out for Ben to change into. When she came up to Ben's side, her voice was nervous. “I, um, you’re not good at packing. So-“
He grinned down at Her, reaching up to grab her chin and kiss her once, sweet and easy and fuck she felt perfect against him. One of Her hands reached up to grab Ben’s wrist and keep him there, and her feet shuffled to bring her further against him, tucking into his side. When Ben pulled back her eyes were wide, and there was a little of Ben’s saliva still on her lip. When his thumb moved to swipe it away, her heartbeat stuttered slightly, and Ben loved her.
“Where the fuck did you get a suitcase from?” 
“My ass.”
 He snorted, and a smile started to cross Her mouth. “Brat.” 
Ben leaned down, careful not to drop his towel from around his waist as his hand moved to hold the back of her head. “Thank you, beautiful.”
“I couldn’t get your shield in there,” she whispered. “Why the fuck is it so heavy.” 
He chuckled. “That’s kind of the damn point. And I can just fucking carry it, I think I’ll fucking live.” 
She nodded slowly, gaze dropping down to Ben’s bare chest, and he felt his hand tense against her. She was fucking gaping at him, and her heart was getting faster, and fuck if she kept looking Ben with all that thirst and want he wouldn’t make it out the door- 
“You should, uh, get dressed.” Her voice was breathless, and her grip on Ben’s wrist was growing tight. “You need to go soon.” 
Ben kissed her nose, and stood up. He changed as she finished packing and put on the coffee—Ben ended up with a travel mug shoved into his hand—and they walked to the elevator with Her leaning into his side and Ben’s free arm over her shoulders.
They weren’t getting a send off. MM was waiting against the wall, flipping through a binder of Her plan with a backpack at his side, and Annie was nowhere in sight.
MM looked up when they stopped in the hall, giving Ben a short nod before turning to Her. “We’ll text you after the meeting. Shoot me a message if you need to add anything to this.” He tapped the binder, and she nodded.
“Where’s Annie-“
“Downstairs with transport. I was just waiting for Soldier Boy’s slow ass so we can get moving.”
Ben scowled. “It’s 7:55, we’re not even fucking late-“
“Doesn’t change that you’re the last motherfucker here.” MM shrugged, glancing back Her and saying her name a lot fucking nicer than he ever said Soldier Boy. “I can give you a minute, if you want-“
“Yes, please.” She moved in front of Ben, watching him carefully as she spoke. “Ready?” 
“Ben, please-“
“I’ll do this, but I’m not going to pretend I fucking want to-“ Ben cut himself off as she wrapped her arms around his torso, squeezing him with her face pressed against his body. Ben’s arms flew up without a thought, holding Her as close as he could, and he sat in the sound of her heartbeat.
“I’ll miss you,” She mumbled into his chest. “Be safe.”
“I haven’t left yet, I can still fucking stay-“ 
“No,” she sighed. “You can’t. But you’ll be home soon, and I’ll be here.”
“You’ll be here.” Ben was repeating it to remind himself. To make his body fucking listen to him, and use his goddamn sense to know that she’d be right fucking here when he got home. Still safe. Ben being gone for one fucking day wouldn’t put her in danger, she was a whole lot stronger than that. “Text me.” 
She smiled against him. “You know how to text, grandpa?”
“If I don’t, you have no one to blame but your damn self, Sunshine.” Ben pulled back to look at Her, and his breath hitched a little when she smiled up at him. “I think I’ll fucking figure it out.”
“If not, you can always use text to speech-“
“He is not allowed to use text to speech,” MM snapped, having suddenly fucking appeared beside Ben. “I do not want to hear whatever horny shit this motherfucker is going to text you.”
Ben scowled. “I don’t even know what text to speech fucking is-“ 
“And you’re not going to learn.” MM glanced at Her. “We’ve got to go.” 
She swallowed, and looked back to Ben. “Don’t kill Singer. Maybe yell at him a little, but don’t kill him. Try not to kill anyone, but if you have to don’t make a mess. I put a playlist on your phone for the drive, but if you get bored you can text me because I’m probably not going to do anything all day. Stick to my pitch, and stay safe, and be careful about what you say because I don’t really trust anyone but us. And come home, Ben, please come home as soon as you can-“
He kissed Her, long and gentle and careful, because he was starting to worry she might make herself pass out or get the bright fucking idea to come with them. “Your faith in me,” he muttered Her name, running a thumb over her cheekbone. “Is fucking astounding.”
“I do have faith in you, I’m just nervous, we need this-“ 
“I know,” he sighed. “I’m going to get the V, because we need it, and then I’ll fucking walk back to Jersey if I have to. I’d be faster than the damn car anyway.” 
“Don’t do that,” She mumbled. “I don’t want to have to clean highway shit off your clothes.” 
Ben snorted, and she smiled up at him. So fucking perfect.
I love you. Ben put it all over his face. He allowed all his adoration and affection and care for Her into his eyes, let his jaw relax and his mouth smile just enough to tell her. I fucking love you, Sunshine, and I’ll always come back. Nothing anyone does to me will ever make you lose me, because I’ll crawl out of any fucking hole or cave or lab or prison to get home to you. I love you. 
She didn’t understand, because she was blinking wordlessly at him, but this was better than just fucking leaving. Ben kissed the top of her head, and—because he was fucking pathetic and wasn’t masochistic enough to resist it—brushed his lips against hers. He smiled down at Her in one last, desperate fucking bid to make her understand, and used all the fucking strength he had to pull away and follow MM into the elevator.
They weren’t taking the Pussy Mobile, because it had finally fucking kicked it after the Believe Expo and was rotting away in a government junkyard like it fucking deserved. Instead, Mallory had stuffed Annie, Ben, and MM into a goddamn minivan. Agent No-Gun was standing next to Annie when Ben and MM arrived in the garage, and was saying bunch of shit about routes and safety that Ben didn’t fucking hear, because he was throwing his shield suitcase in the back and climbing into the van. There wasn’t a goddamn chance he was going to be stuck in a middle seat, listening to Annie sigh or MM fucking fidget for the four hour ride. 
To his surprise, nobody tried to stop Ben as he spread out across the back row. MM just glared at him and sat in the middle with a frown, and Annie gave him a small smile, leaning over her seat as Agent No-Gun turned on the engine. 
Annie started to say a bunch of shit Ben didn’t hear—he was focused on his phone, trying to remember what the fuck a playlist was and how to access it—before mentioning Her name and making him look up with a frown.
“What the fuck are you saying?” 
“Is she okay?” Annie sighed, watching Ben carefully. “She’s been a little, um, weird the past week. I’m not sure if the media is still getting to her, or something else that she doesn’t want to tell us about-“ 
“She’ll be okay,” Ben snapped. She wasn’t okay, but she would be. It might take a whole fucking lifetime, but Ben would stand with her the whole way. And he might not actively think of Annie as an annoying, whiny fucking bitch anymore, but she still didn’t get to know about the gun range, or the showers, or the nightmares. If She hadn’t told Annie about that shit, then Ben wouldn’t. His loyalty was with Her, and not a single goddamn place else. “I’m taking care of her.”
Annie’s voice was shockingly gentle. “I don’t think you’re not, Soldier Boy. I just wanted to know if I could help.” 
Ben paused, narrowing his eyes at her. MM was still silent in his seat, and they had begun to pull out of the garage, but Annie’s eyes weren’t moving from Ben’s. Her heart was only a little above where it might usually be, and her face was genuine, so Ben grunted, “how the fuck would you help.”
Annie shrugged. “I’m asking you for a reason. You know her better than I do, I mean, you’re in love with her-“
MM slapped Annie on the shoulder, and her mouth snapped closed.
“How the fuck did you know that.” Ben hissed, body growing rigid. “I haven’t fucking told anyone-“ 
“Oh, you’re,” Annie blinked at him. “Sorry, I just thought you’d deny it.” 
“How the fucking hell did you know-“ 
“It’s kind of obvious-“
“Annie,” MM grunted, glancing back at Ben. “We all fucking agreed-“
“The fuck are you talking about, you all agreed.” Ben paused, looking between Annie and MM’s tight expressions. “Who else fucking knows.”
“Hughie, Butcher-“
“Come on.” Annie rolled her eyes. “Do you really want to be stuck in the car with him for four hours without answering his questions?”
MM scowled, but fell silent as Annie continued.
“Frenchie, Kimiko, and A-Train-“
“Fucking A-train-“
“He asked us what the hell was going on between you two.” MM muttered, shooting Annie a harsh look that made her sigh and nod. “And we told him.” 
“Mallory doesn’t know,” Annie added. “But I think she’s guessed.” 
Ben glared between them. “How.”
“You aren’t exactly subtle, asshole.” MM gave Ben another look he didn’t fucking understand. “We’d have to be fucking deaf and blind to miss it.” 
“We kind of all put it together separately,” Annie’s face was weary, watching Ben like he might start ripping their heads off their bodies. It wasn’t a totally unfounded fear, not if they kept their observant shit up. “For me it was the meeting with Edgar. Hughie said he got it after Neuman.”
Ben’s head whipped to MM. “What the fuck told you.”
MM ran a hand over his face, still glaring at Ben. “When you made her call her sister.”
All that shit was fucking months ago. A goddamn lifetime had passed since all of it, and Ben had only figured it out himself after the Believe Expo. They said it was obvious, but She hadn’t seemed to get whatever memo that every other fucker on their team had. She’d have brought it up, She’d had talked to him about, because subtlety wasn’t exactly her greatest strength. She’d have told Ben if she knew. 
“You pussies haven’t fucking-“ 
“Nobody’s told her,” MM was watching Ben carefully, and exchanged another fucking look with Annie. “That shit’s not our place.” 
Ben had a lot of other fucking questions. Why nobody had decided to maybe fucking say something to Ben about this. How often they talked about it behind his goddamn back. How it wasn’t their fucking place, not by a mile, but while they were having this dumb as fuck conversation, what were their opinions on Her loving Ben-
 Someone’s phone started ringing, cutting Ben from his thoughts. 
“It’s Mallory,” MM muttered, giving Ben one last look. “Don’t be a fucking ass about this. We’ve observed something, against our will I might add, and she doesn’t know. That’s it.”
MM picked up—Malloy was an impatient bitch who had to ask about an ETA she could pass on to Singer—and Annie looked like she was going to say something. Her mouth opened and closed like a damn fish twice, before just shaking her head and turning back to her seat.  
Ben’s phone buzzed in his hand before he could force Annie to contiune, and if his smile made him look like a fucking idiot when he saw Her face on his lockscreen, he looked downright moronic when he read the banner on the display.
When he’d gotten his phone, She’d entered her name into it. Just her name. No extra bullshit or annotations like the others, just her damn name. Ben hadn’t fucking stood for it. He’d tried to model his excellent revision after the other contacts, but the way to type a semi-colon was apparently a fucking secret that Ben wasn’t allowed to know, so he’d had to improvise. He’d deleted her name—you could wipe his memory and replace his brain, but some part of Ben would always fucking know her name, so he didn’t a fucking phone to tell him—and done the nickname and instructions.
2 messages from Sunshine, take care of.
Ben grinned, looking around the minivan to ensure nobody saw how fucking stupid he looked—although it might not matter anymore, since they were all apparently fucking invasive dickwads—and opened the messages.
You forgot your coffee.
There was a photo, a half-blurry picture of the mug She’d given Ben on their table. He wasn’t sure when it had left his hand between their apartment and the elevator, but it clearly wasn’t there now.
wut the fuckk am i sopossed to do abut it now 
Ben turned his phone over, and it was a few seconds before it buzzed again.
Are you going to make any effort to spell?
He swallowed a chuckle. no
I can just not text you. That option is very much on the table.
u textd me firs
Ben paused, then added, i havnt beeen gon a fuckinh hour
Her response was immediate and Ben wasn’t sure how she typed so fucking fast. Shut up, or I’ll dye all your clothing pink and tape over all your baseball games while you’re gone.
do nut do that i havnet fuckingg watched thwm
If you make a modicum of an attempt to type in a way I can decipher, I won’t.
Ben rolled his eyes, and typed a little slower. whats a modicum. is it jizz
No, you horny ass. It means a small amount.
like modicome
That’s the exact same word, you just can’t fucking spell. 
You love it, cunt. And I don’t know why you even record the games, we can just stream them.
i dont trust the stream to be fucking right
Right??? About what?
game. its the principl Sunshine.
It’s a stupid principle. An old man principle. There was a pause, three tiny bubbles popping in and out of Ben’s screen, and then How’s the ride going? Has anyone killed anyone else?
Ben looked up at MM and Annie, still facing forward. no
Who’s driving?
lady suit
Ben didn’t get a response for almost a minute, and he’d just started to glare at the display when her message came through.
Do you mean Agent Cortez? The one you stole the gun from?
That’s it?
u dont need two peopl to drive
I meant is that it for security.
shit the fuck up
Ben snorted, and decided that this could be enough. He was happy to spend four hours in this horrible fucking minivan, because She’d still be talking to him. Her voice had stopped following him around a few days after she’d gotten home—he hadn’t heard it in over a week—but he’d had the real Her at his side. The Her he could touch and tease and grin at, and who would match everything he threw at her in stride. The Her he was allowed to look at and think I fucking love you. He might not be able to touch Her like this—through the phone and over text—but he could still imagine her bright smile with every message and pretend she was at his side, telling him about her day. About how since Ben wasn’t home to train Ryan, they were going to eat lunch together in the apartment. About how she was cleaning out the fridge—asking if he wanted another two tubs of strawberry cream cheese, because they were down to one and he tore through them in a day—and whatever TV show she was watching without him. She rarely took more than a minute to respond, and Ben never fucking looked away from his phone, so the hours passed easily.
He hadn’t even noticed they’d parked until the doors of the car opened, and it grew suspiciously quiet as MM and Annie left their seats.
“Soldier Boy?” Annie poked her head back inside, and Ben nearly threw a headrest at her on instinct. “We’re here.”
Ben looked outside the door with a frown. He’d been to the White House, and this wasn’t fucking it. This was a loading dock. “Where the hell is here.”
“Hotel,” MM called from somewhere behind Annie. “We’ve got an hour until the actual meeting, and I am not fucking leaving my clothing in the car. You better start hauling ass, or we’ll leave you in the car.”
Ben rolled his eyes, but grabbed his phone, climbed over the middle row and out past Annie, and grabbed his suitcase before following Agent Cortez through a gray door and up too goddamn many flights of stairs for there not to be a fucking elevator.
He got his own room. It had a nice rug, and a bunch of fucking shit paintings, and a large bed that Ben would not fucking be sleeping in. The sheets were too cool, and there wasn’t an imprint of Her body on one side or the smell of her shampoo on the pillows, so Ben would maybe sit on it, but that would be the extent of its function. He didn’t bother to take his shit fully out the suitcase—tossing his current clothing on the bed in exchange for his supe suit—but did plug his phone in with the stupid little white wire, reading the last text She’d sent. 
Ryan wants to know your opinion on Frankenstein, if you’ve read it.
i had to read it in shcool. was ok. He paused, looking around the hotel room. we got to the hotel. fucking pussy singer is making us wait a hour.
Are you settled? Did you get to eat on the way? If not you should ask MM, he’ll probably have a plan for food.
As if he’d been fucking summoned, MM walked through the previously fucking locked door of Ben’s room.
“How the fuck did you get in-“
MM raised his hand, displaying a key card. “You settled? We want to go now, Singer might be able to see us early.”
Ben scowled. “Why do you get to just fucking walk in to my goddamn room.”
“Because I’m your fucking CO, and a hell of a lot more trustworthy. You’re only here because Singer’s nostalgic or some shit.”
“I’d go back right fucking now if you pussies don’t want me-“ 
“Nope.” MM looked around the room, frowning at the open suitcase before turning back to Ben. “You look fucking settled. Let’s go.”
Ben glanced back at his phone, sent her a quick text that they were going to the meeting, grabbed his shield, and followed MM back to the shitty fucking minivan.
Singer did not get them in early. They’d arrived at the White House—it looked the exact fucking same since Ben had been here last, expect with a fuck ton more computers—been sat in a random ass room with a table and paper cups of dogshit coffee, and waited for five goddamn hours. Right as Ben started to seriously consider standing up and just fucking finding Singer—they’d shoot him, he’d live, and everyone could go the fuck home—a lady in a gray skirt walked through the door and gestured for them to follow her. The did, into a room that looked the exact fucking same as the one they’d just fucking been in. The only difference was the five men and women in black suits and sunglasses, lining the walls around President Singer.
“Mr. President, Marvin Milk, Annie January, and,” the woman glanced at Ben with nervous eyes. “Soldier Boy are here.” 
“I can see that Millie.” Singer sighed, gesturing to the chairs across the table. “You three sit the hell down, you’re makin me feel like a jackass.”
MM nodded, and dropped across from Singer with Annie to one side and Ben—after receiving a sharp glare—to the other. 
“It’s good to see you again, Sir.” MM clasped his hands on the table, leaning forwards. “Thank you for meeting with us-“ 
“Don’t thank me yet.” Singer looked between them, eyes landing on Ben. “Soldier Boy, you look about how I expected.” 
Ben scowled. “Why the fuck were we waiting for five hours.” 
MM and Annie glared at him, MM’s mouth opening to probably tell Ben to shut the fuck up, but Singer chuckled.
“You should be lucky I’m entertaining this shit at all. Grace told me what you want, and I’ve got a few questions first.” 
Annie nodded. “What do you need to know?” 
Singer said Her full name, and Ben’s fists curled on the table. “She’s been making some risky fuckin gamble. Riskier than waking him,” Singer nodded to Ben. “Up. You willing to place all your bets on her willingness to play with fire?” 
Ben shouldn’t talk. She’d told him to be diplomatic, and if he opened his mouth he’d tell Singer to shove his dick in his mouth and eat Ben’s fucking asshole. So MM got to answer.
“It’s all paid off before,” MM’s words were short. Neutral. “She’s the one who got Neuman out of your hair, and kept your constituents from going full fucking team Homelander.” 
Singer hummed. “And what about the FBSA incident? I heard about how she got away from the tower, I’ve seen the footage of all those agents dropping down screamin. You think she’s stable enough to get back in the game?” 
“She’s gotten a,” Annie paused, frowning. “Handle on her powers. She’s not a danger to anyone, and she’s doing a lot of work.”
“That wasn’t my question.” Singer leaned back in his chair, flipping his phone in his hands. “She’s managed to make a real mess of the public. We need to get some sort of direction with where to take this. Get her back in front of a camera, on the record about those Homelander accusations.” Singer shot Annie a look. “And next time, I’d like to be kept in the loop before you pull a stunt like that.”
“It was the fucking truth.” Ben’s words were hissed through teeth, and he channeled all his vulgar threats at Singer into a violent glare. “And until you actually fucking pay us, we don’t need to tell you shit.”
Singer narrowed his eyes at Ben. “She needs to fix what she broke-“
“She doesn’t need to do a goddamn thing. You put a camera in her face, I’ll break it.”
The suits around Singer were tensing, hands dropping to their guns, but Singer just shook his head. “You know, I’ve heard the rumors about you two. Didn’t think they were entirely true, sorta wanted to see for myself, but I also didn’t think I’d spend my career cleaning up media messes.”
“With all due respect, sir, Soldier Boy’s not wrong.” MM let out a long breath. “She’s not a threat, but I wouldn’t put her back into the public eye yet. There’s no telling what Sage and Homelander have ready for that, and she just underwent some real fucked up shit. She’s the reason we’ve got Homelander in a stall, it’s not fucking worth the risk of sending her right back into that motherfuckers arm for some good press.”
Ben wasn’t going to let Homelander anywhere fucking near Her, but didn’t get chance to shout that before Singer was sighing, rubbing his chin as he spoke.
“I’m willin to keep her on the bench for now, but I ain’t sure we’re going to be able to hold Homelander off much longer. I got guys in congress saying they want him as my VP replacement, and I can’t keep kickin that can down the road.”
“That’s what we’re here to talk about.” Annie glanced at MM, waiting for his small nod to continue. “I understand Mallory told you what we’re here to request, and we wouldn’t be asking if we didn’t think it would work.”
“Mr. President, you know as well as we do that Homelander’s a threat to democracy.” MM’s words were careful, slow. “All we need is one shot. Just one vial of V, and we can finish this shit for good.”
Singer scoffed. “You people keep sayin this will be our shot. That French Asshole’s weapon against Neuman was supposed to be our shot. Edgar’s farm up in Maine was supposed to be out shot. Soldier Boy was supposed to be our shot. But Homelander’s still fuckin running around. What makes this shot any different.” 
“We’ve got the receipts to prove the V will put him under-“ 
“I’ve seen all your documents, Starlight.” Singer dismissed Annie with a hand, gaze falling to Ben. “Why ain’t you able to finish this, huh? Just fire at the laser eyed asshole, get it over with?”
“I’d like to see you do this fucking better-“
“Sir,” MM interrupted Ben with a glare, and Ben rolled his eyes. “This is a delicate situation. The V is the easiest way to get it done without any unnecessary death or destruction. It’s all we’re asking for.”
“You think I can just snap my fingers and make it appear?” Singer snorted. “It ain’t that simple. That V is fuckin miles underground, and you’re lucky I’m even saying we have it. On the record, it was destroyed three damn years ago. There’s not a chance we’re just givin you some-“ 
“How fucking stupid are you,” Ben drawled, deciding to fully ignore the glowers and sneers of everyone in the room, or the clicks of guns. “That you think we’d give fuck about your records or obstacles. You want Homelander out of the picture to keep your cushy fucking pussy job, this is the damn way to do it. Either that, or you can try and hold that star-spangled dickfuck down yourself while I take the shot.”
The room was silent, and Ben could fucking feel Annie and MM’s glares. Singer himself didn’t look too pleased, and Ben didn’t even bother to try and give a fuck. Not when Singer took a long breath, glancing down at his phone, and relented.
“I’ll need approval from my defense secretary,” Singer muttered, still glaring at Ben. “And some sort of collateral if you idjits can’t do your fucking jobs again.”
“Your whole fucking country is collateral, you pussy headed motherfucker.” Ben stood up, grabbing his shield from beside his seat. “We’ll do our job, you do yours and get us that fucking V.” 
Ben marched out of the room, and waited just long enough for Annie and MM to scramble after him before following their previous path back to the minivan.
Nobody yelled at him about Singer. But it seemed less about Ben’s anger paying off, and more about a general distaste for the whole fucking situation. For how much of a bureaucratic ass Singer was being, not just doing what it took to kill Homelander. How all those pussies had to do was give them the V, far away from the actual fucking fight.
The ride back to the hotel was tense—Ben didn’t see why they couldn’t just fucking go home, but when he said as much all he got was a grunt about security from MM—and it was dark outside by the time they returned. When they got upstairs, Ben slammed his door with a mutter of night to Annie and MM, and dropped his shield on the floor with thoughtless clang as he stripped down.
He’d left his phone on the bed. It had made for a boring fucking five hours—he’d never fucking tell Her, but he’d read a book Annie had pulled from fucking nowhere in an attempt to entertain himself—and Ben turned on the screen the moment he crossed over to the mattress, reading 4 messages from Sunshine, take care of and swiping them open.
Good luck with Singer.
Try not to kill him.
Please tell me how it goes.
Make sure you get dinner.
Ben hadn’t eaten dinner. He’d get on MM’s ass about that later, after he texted her back.
singer is alive and talkig to cabnet for v
Her response was almost immediate. Oh, thank fuck. I’m proud of you, I really didn’t want to go on the lam. 
why would u be a lamb
ON the lam, Pretty Boy. It means running from the law.
the fuck would make u run from the law
Because people aren’t just going to let you kill the president. There would be consequences. 
Ben grinned at his phone. youd run from the governemnt for me
Don’t get too fucking smug. I’d beat your ass for MAKING me run from the government first. 
but u wouldd
I would. Did you eat?
did u fucking eat
I did. I had dinner with everyone. It was hotdog night.
u saved me a dog
Nope. We have hotdogs in the fridge, you can microwave one when you get home.
youre so fuckigg mean to me sunshine 
Fuck you. Just for that, I’m eating all the brownies Kimiko gave us.
whyd she give us brownies 
Technically, she gave ME brownies. I was going to share, but you’re being an asshole.
Cunt. Did YOU eat?
Ben paused, and sighed to nobody. i will
That’s a no.
i didnt fucking say no i said i will
But you didn’t.
shut the fuck up
Go eat.
you cant fukcig make me
Please eat, Ben. You need to just as much as I.
Because you’re a human person. Even with the V, human people need food.
ill eat the brownies when i get home
If you don’t promise me you’re going to go eat right now, there won’t be any brownies when you get home. I’ll give them to Butcher.
u woulndt
Wanna bet?
Ben scowled. i dont want to eat i want to talk
I’m going to bed, Pretty Boy. It’s late.
its ten
And I’m exhausted, we were up early and it’s been a long day.
what happpend
Worried about Edgar and Singer. Media is full of bitches.
ur oaky. Ben paused, starting to type out becaus ill come home right-
Her message came through. I’m fine. Promise me you’ll eat.
Ben glared at the phone, because he didn’t fucking believe her, but still deleted his offer and typed whatever
swear it
Thank you. There was a beat, and then a second message. I miss you. Thank you for doing this.
i miss u ass well 
Another beat. I miss your ass as well.
Ben snorted. He fucking loved Her. go sleep sunshine
I’ll see you tomorrow?
u will or ill fucking run to jersey
Just steal a car. I know you can.
i thought I wasnt supposed too 
I’ll make an exception. Whatever gets you home.
ill be home toomorow. godnight beuaitufl
Ben put his phone down, fully dressing before walking down the hall to bang on MM’s door.
MM was glaring with bleary eyes when it swung open. “The hell you want?”
“Where the fuck do I get food.”
“Call hotel services, dumbass.” MM paused before closing the door, watching Ben with a tired, cautious expression. “You weren’t total fucking shit with Singer. And Mallory says they’ll have us on the road by 7am tomorrow. Be ready.”
The door closed, and Ben returned to his room to figure out how the fuck to call hotel services. It took him a whole damn hour, but Ben got shrimp, ice cream, and a real nice fucking robe that the CIA would be paying for. He picked up his phone, frowned at the banner of Message from Sunshine, take care of, and opened it up. 
He thought he hadn’t read it right at first. He blinked a few times—he’d gotten wine as well because nobody appreciated him asking for coke—and crushed his phone in his hand when the words clicked. When they hit him with the force of a train.
Goodnight, Benjamin. I love you.
You can’t sleep. You’d texted Ben goodnight two hours ago—you think, your brain is a little slow from exhaustion—but it’s too quiet, too cold, too dark to do anything but stare at the ceiling and drown in your own thoughts. Too lonely to do anything but worry and worry and worry about everything, and try not to cry.
You’re so tired. You’re home, you should just feel safe and easy and happy, but you’re just fucking exhausted. Your joy is still real when you smile at Ryan, and talk to Annie, and laugh with Kimiko. All your love is still so strong and eternal, circling your head and bringing your every thought back to Ben. It’s painful, how much you love him. How you can’t stop breaking, or wanting him, or missing him. He’s been gone for barely twelve hours, and you miss him. Your eyes are drooping, and your brain is foggy, and all you can do is miss him.
The exhaustion is all in your head. It’s all stemmed from the stress of what if Singer says no to the V. Ben said he was running it past his “cabnet”, but what if they say no. You can’t keep doing this. You can’t keep fighting Homelander forever, it’s going to kill you. This needs to be over, it needs to be over now, you can’t fucking do this anymore. You’re not strong enough to do this anymore.
You’re home. What matters is that you’re home. You can’t feel anyone—it’s been a week of the pills, one in the morning and one in the night, hidden from Ben because you’re still not ready to tell him—or sleep a night without blood haunting your dream, or spend an hour without glancing at your phone and seeing another story about your life.
People are still putting together your “relationship” with Ben. You’d told Annie everything—at least, everything that wasn’t how Ben made you moan and how you loved him so much it made you a little bit of an idiot—and she’d relayed it all as instructed. You woke Ben up to kill Homelander. You became friends with him, and you made each other promises about never going back. You lived together, and had a complicated relationship. You’d chosen the words carefully, ignoring Butcher’s eye roll and Annie’s sigh, and reminded everyone that this was technically Annie’s point of view. This was what she could’ve observed without your input, and what she’d say. And now, all across the internet, more and more timelines and breakdowns of the Anomaly and Soldier Boy’s relationship are popping up. A lot of them are paired with timelines of you and Homelander.
All of them make you feel sick. Even if they buy Annie’s words and denounce Homelander, they still say things you don’t want to hear. You’re obsessive. In love with Soldier Boy. Soldier Boy’s in love with you. It’s a toxic relationship. You killed people for him. He was killing people for you. It was unrequited on your side. Unrequited on his side. It’s a great American love story. It’s star crossed. He’s probably going insane without you. You didn’t love him enough to go back to him. You’re not worthy of him. Even with Starlight’s claims about your powers being far greater than Vought let on, you’re still weak. Weaker than Soldier Boy. Weaker than Homelander. Your greatest advantage is your feminine allure, because you’re a whore, and you’re weak.
You’re so fucking tired.
Homelander had avoided a direct response to the stories about you and Ben. Sage had entirely denounced Annie’s claim within two days, calling them all blanket lies and propaganda meant to manipulate the public, but Homelander had just agreed. Said they were looking for you, trying to recover you, that he loved you and missed you and would kill whoever had taken you from him.
You keep having nightmares about that as well. Where the blood is splattered across your skin, and Homelander is holding Ben’s heart in gloved hands—red, maybe covered in blood, you can’t tell—and you lose him forever. You burn and burn and burn, and sometimes Homelander dies, but Ben always dies. You always lose him, and have to live for the rest of time with a hole in your head and a heart that doesn’t really beat right anymore.
When you wake up, Ben is always there. Holding you and rubbing soothing patterns onto your skin, muttering words of comfort into your skin and surrounding you with his warmth and the smell of pine. It always calms you down, seals up another crack in your body as you believe him just a little more every time. You’re home, and that’s what matters. You’re here, in Ben’s arms, and everything is going to be okay. You’re still broken, but he’s staying, and you’re all that matters.
Ben won’t touch you, but you’re going to be okay. He keeps tensing and pulling away whenever you try to give him more, but he’s still here. Still holding you in the shower, still kissing you and staying at your side, but not touching you.
You wish you could feel him. You wish you could understand why he won’t touch you. Being afraid that the hunger in him had simply had a quiet, wilting death when he saw how broken you were, and now he gives a shit about you—adores you—but doesn’t want you. He doesn’t love you, he hasn’t loved you, but now he doesn’t want you either. You don’t want to make him do anything, not if he doesn’t want to, not while he’s staying, but you wish he would just touch you.
He won’t. You’re weak and broken, and even as you’re healing you’re just so tired. You can’t control yourself, can’t finish this, and you’re fucking tired. You’re not strong, unconquerable, and zealous with anger like Ben, or Butcher, or Kimiko. But you’re not forgiving and determined like Hughie and Annie and MM. You can’t give them anything like Frenchie or A-Train, and you’re not innocent like Ryan. You’re guilty of blood sticking across your body, but you’re too tired to do anything about it, and you don’t have it in you to kill Homelander with your bare hands, but you don’t have the patience or resilience to wait longer.
You need this to be over. Homelander dying won’t set that thing still flailing in your gut back into place, or stop the nightmares forever, but you’ll stop looking for him in shadows and being a little afraid of the open sky. You’ll be able to make yourself strong enough to tell Ben you love him, and force yourself to be okay when he says no. 
You’ve spent the whole day missing him. Everything keeps rounding back to how you miss him. How the bed is too big without Ben snoring on top of you, and how the sheets and pillows smell like him, and how there’s still an indent of his body on his side of the mattress. You’d led a normal day while he was gone, doing laundry and texting him and trying not to be too pathetic about how much you love him. Spending the day with Ryan and talking about Ben like a normal person, trying to clean a little and not letting your hands linger on his coffee mug or shirt, watching TV and not looking at the empty space next to you.
Trying to focus on dinner, and not worry about Singer, or why the meeting was taking so long.
“Why did they have to go to DC?” Ryan had asked you over the table, speaking through a mouthful of relish and ketchup and mustard and every other condiment in the dining hall. “Couldn’t Singer have, maybe, uh, called-“
“Ryan,” Butcher had grunted. “Chew and swallow. She ain’t goin nowhere.” 
Ryan’s eyes had widened, and he’d given Butcher an apologetic look as he closed his mouth. 
“I don’t know,” you’d answered, poking at your hotdog with a finger. “Singer probably wanted some evidence that we cared about this enough to make the trip. It’s not too far, and we need the V, so it’s not worth arguing about.” 
“I thought, um,” Ryan had coughed slightly—he’d swallowed a little too fast—and given you a nervous frown. “I thought you got V. Hughie mentioned you were still at the tower for V. To, um, kill my dad.”
“Hughie, lad, the fuckin hell did we say about keepin it on the low-“ 
“I’m sorry!” Hughie had shrunken from Butcher’s glare, face growing red. “I just mentioned it, and Soldier Boy said it first-“ 
You’d frowned. “Ben said what?” 
“He said you wouldn’t want to lie to Ryan, and he’s the one mentioned that the V would help us kill Homelander-“ 
“I’m not upset about it!” Ryan had jumped in as Butcher’s glare at Hughie became lethal. “I was just curious, don’t be mad at Hughie or Ben-“
“It’s okay, Ryan.” You’d sighed. It was only 7pm, too early to have a bloodbath in the dining hall. “I’m not mad. Butcher might be mad, but he’s a little bitch baby.” 
“Fuckin watch it, Love-“ 
You’d ignored Butcher, and watched Ryan carefully as you spoke. “I was at the tower for V. But I couldn’t find the right kind, so now we need to look somewhere else.”
“The right kind?” Ryan had frowned. “What, um, what kind was there?”
“The V Ben and I have,” you’d explained with a sigh. “I don’t know what it would do to a normal supe, but it’s essentially useless in any format on Homelander.”
“You did not happen to keep it when you returned, non?” Frenchie had leaned around the table, looking at you hopefully, and you’d shaken your head.
“It got destroyed on my way back. It’s gone.”
You’d been lying. The V was still in your underwear drawer, hidden next to the suppressants and taunting you in the silence. Ben’s phantom was gone, his Thing in your chest gone with your empathy, and it was just you and thoughts of weak. You miss Ben, and you’re weak, and you need this to be over. ‘
Homelander has to die. He hasn’t earned taking up your life like this. Your life is supposed to be you and Ben, warm and safe. You keep trying to get lost in a fantasy on Ben’s hand in yours, living in a house in Rome where there’s grass outside and sunlight all around you. Laughing with him and kissing him and never thinking about Homelander again. Giving him everything you have—even if he never loves you—and just being happy. No more gods. No more wars. No more blood or dirt on your hands or under your nails. No more impossible, difficult fucking choices. Just you and Ben, together, with him grinning down at you and peace everywhere in the world.
You’re exhausted. You can’t sleep. You need this to be over. And after another few hours, it makes you sit up and cross the room, makes you open the drawer and take out the V. The small vial turns over in your hands, the text of Project Anomaly, Trial 6 slightly faded, and the green liquid within it completely useless to finish this.
Your feet carry you downstairs, and down the silent halls with the vial still in your hands. They take you to the dining hall—a few generators and appliances casting it in a low ligh— and over to the table. There are almost twenty in the whole room, but everyone had come to a silent agreement that this was the table. Where you eat with everyone, where Ben presses his thigh to yours, and where plans are made. 
You have a plan. It’s not a good plan—Ben would hate it, but he’s in DC and can’t stop you—and yet it’s all you can think about in the dark. Ending this. Really, properly ending this. 
It takes a little while. Thirty or forty minutes of humming into the empty room and letting pine and strawberries and vanilla fill the room with an invisible warmth, waiting to see if your guess was correct.
Then the door swings open, and Butcher freezes in the hall as your eyes meet. 
“The bloody fuck are you doin’ here-” 
“We need to talk.” 
Butcher scowled, stepping into the dining hall but not moving across to the table. “We ain’t got shit to talk about-“ 
“Yes,” you sigh. “We do. Please just sit down, Butcher. It won’t take long.”
He looks you up and down, huffs, and stalks over to the bench, dropping across from you with a glare. “How’d the fuckin hell you know to find me here.”
“Ben said you don’t really sleep,” you shrug. “He said you always have terrible bags under your eyes, and your heart goes a little too fast, so his bet was, and I quote, ‘the fucking pussy is either on a bunch of drugs he’s not sharing with me, or he’s sleeping less then I do’. And I guessed you wouldn’t want to wake up Ryan, so I took a gamble. And I was right.”
“I ain’t able to believe I backed you up on wakin him when you gave your fuckin pitch.” Butcher mutters. “Shoulda killed it in the first month when you got all fuckin chummy with the cunt.” 
“Yeah, I’m sure our friendship is really hard for you-“ 
“I don’t give a flyin fuck about your friendship,” Butcher snaps. “I’m pissed with myself for lettin it get this far, losin my teammate to being in fuckin love with Soldier Boy.” 
Your mouth falls open, and you can hear the blood in your ears. “I, um, I don’t know what you’re talking about-“ 
“Save it.” Butcher rolls his eyes, giving you a bored look. “We all fuckin know, you make disgustin heart eyes at him every damn day. I’m just sayin, you twats start makin mini-supes, I am not takin responsibility for them killin their nannies.” 
“What do you mean we all know?”
“All the Boys,” Butcher shrugs. “A-Train confirmed it-“
“He wasn’t supposed to say anything-“ 
“We already fuckin knew. And nobody’s told Soldier Boy, so keep your bloody head on your shoulders.” 
You sigh, shaking your head. “He, he still doesn’t-“
“Nah, he’s a fuckin idiot. You both are fuckin idiots.”
Butcher drawls your name, giving you a flat look. “I put it together at Tek Knight. We all been gettin it for far too fuckin long, and you’re real bloody stupid for someone who can fuckin feel people’s emotions.” 
“I’m taking the suppressants,” you snap. “Specifically so I don’t make Ben feel what I do.” You take a long breath. “I can’t force him to love me. It’s not my call you make.”
“I don’t give a fuckin dick or tit about what you’re doin it for,” Butcher gives you a long, strange look. A frown without cruelty or bitterness, like he’s trying to figure something out. “Just don’t get all fuckin piney over him when it’s your own fault he don’t know.”
You scowl, and swallow a sneer of he doesn’t know because I can’t lose him. I love Ben more than should be physically possible, and he’s too important for me to be selfish and manipulative to make him love me. You came here for a reason, and you’re too tired to fight—really, properly yell and shout and swear at—Butcher. So you shake your head, glancing down at the V in your lap, and look back up at Butcher. “Can we please just talk about why I’m here?” 
Butcher shrugs. “Floor’s all fuckin yours.”
“I,” you take a deep, heavy breath to slow your heart, and force yourself to meet Butcher’s eyes. “I want you to do it.” 
“Do fuckin what-“
“I want you to kill Homelander.”
Butcher stares at you for a second, for once at a loss for words. “The bloody hell would make you want that.”
“It has to be you,” you mutter, fingers tapping faster and faster on the table. “This has to be over, and it has to be you. Ben is going to blast him, and you’re going to shoot him. Right in the head, with a normal, boring gun. He doesn’t get to have me burn him alive, have Ben or Kimiko bash his head in, or have Annie send him flying and break his spine. He doesn’t get a good death. He doesn’t get to be a martyr, or a legend. He’s going to die like a fucking person.”
“I ain’t-“ 
“Butcher,” you whisper, and don’t bother to hide the exhaustion and pain from your voice. You need him to do this. Butcher is a piece of shit, and has given you hell since you’ve met him, and he needs to be the one to kill Homelander. He’s the only one who might understand this. Understand why Homelander shouldn’t be killed in a way that matters. That Homelander doesn’t fucking deserve that. “I want you to do this. I want Homelander to realize he’s lost, that we beat him, and then I want you to kill him, and for this horrible fucking shit to be over.” You choke slightly. “I just want this to be over.”
You think he’s going to try and resist you. You think Butcher is going to choose to be generous at the worst possible moment, and tell you that the killing blow is yours. That you’ve suffered the most at Homelander’s hands, and should get to watch the light leave his eyes. But you don’t want to. You’re past revenge and fury and blood. You’re just tired. All you really want now is to burn in Ben’s arms, to bury your head in his chest and burn and burn and burn until you’re not afraid anymore. Until the heat has fused all your cracks back together, and Homelander’s never able to hurt you again.
But he doesn’t. Butcher just nods once, eyes never leaving yours, and grunts, “you got a deal. That it?” 
“One more thing.” You hold up the V, glowing slightly in the soft light of the breaching morning. If Butcher is surprised you have it, you don’t see it on his face. “This is the V in me. The V in Ben.” You place it on the table in front of Butcher, watching him carefully. “You can use it on yourself, and become the thing you’ve loathed for years. You can use it on me, and I think it might kill me. If it does, Ben will kill you. You can use it on Ben, and make him stronger. You can do whatever the fuck you want with it, as long as you do it. As long as you, Butcher, just you, make the choice and live with the fucking consequences.”
You stand up, and leave Butcher silently in the dining hall. You’ve said what you need, and Ben will be home soon. You’ll be able to fall into his arms and sleep. Until then, you’ll just have to make yourself busy.
There’s the laundry you forgot to fold last night. Ben’s underwear and socks that you’d left in the dryer, because he’d texted you about the meeting and the relief of it going well had slammed a wall of exhaustion into your brain. You dump everything in a basket, and carry it upstairs. It’s boring, but it’s better than just waiting. 
Your phone is face up on your bed when you enter the bedroom, and it lights up with a text as you close the door.
Annie January: Arm Wrestling Champion
We’re headed back, ETA around 10.
Soldier Boy broke his phone somehow btw.
And the meeting went well, just in case he didn’t get a chance to tell you.
You text back a thumbs up—you’re honestly shocked it took this long for Ben to break his phone—and leave the phone face up on the bed as you fold laundry. You manage to kill fifteen minutes with this, because while Ben has a truly abysmal amount of clothing, your brain is moving tragically slow from a lack of sleep.
Coffee. You need coffee. It will kill another five minutes, and you might actually manage to stay awake until Ben comes home. You can put on the coffee, and make a sandwich, and hum to yourself as you drink, just to practice making lights and shadows bend around you. Ten minutes.
Ben doesn’t fold his clothing. When you return upstairs and open his drawers, that much is obvious. Pants and shirts have been tossed mindlessly into drawers, and underwear and socks are mixed together without thought.
That’s another thing to do. Fold Ben’s clothing. Simple and tedious, keeping you awake and your mind on your hands instead of clinging to the silence. The feeling of you, just you, the only one to blame for how cold and tired you are, not strong enough to get through this alone, but you are alone, and you’re so tired- 
Clothes. Fold all of Ben’s clothes. Take them out of the drawers—pants and shirts first, they take up the most space and the least time—fold them, and return them. Then you can pair the socks and organize his underwear, and-
You pause, frowning at the almost empty drawer. There’s three stray socks, a pair of boxers, and sunglasses. They’re not your sunglasses, they’re green and don’t have the little Soldier Boy symbols on the ear pieces, but they’re the same style. Your sunglasses had broken anyway, and these might just be Ben’s, but they’d been hidden. Ben didn’t hide his things. His razor was on the bathroom counter, his shoes were scattered around downstairs, and his mug was at the front of the cabinet. Sometimes he just left it out, because he’d fucking be using it tomorrow anyway.
And, even if Ben did hide things, an underwear drawer was an incredibly odd place for sunglasses. You’d just dismiss it as the glasses falling in the drawer, but they look carefully placed, wrapped in the boxers like they shouldn’t be seen. 
They’re just sunglasses. Sunglasses that look just like the ones that had been broken when Homelander took you-
Far in the back of your head, something starts to ring in your brain. Nobody had told you that your sunglasses had broken. You hadn’t seen them since you’d gotten home, but that could’ve just been a coincidence. Sage could’ve gotten rid of them in the tower, or Ben could’ve lost them somewhere in the months where you’d been gone, but they’d been broken. Ben’s phantom had told you they’d been broken in the fight with Homelander, and you’d told him that you’d liked those sunglasses because they reminded you of him. 
These ones looked the exact same as the broken once, save for the colors. Simplistic black frames—no patterns or symbols—and a dark shade of green that matched the Soldier Boy suit. Almost exactly the same hue, a slightly darker shade.
You have a theory. A weak, flimsy theory that makes you carefully place the sunglasses back in the drawer and run downstairs to your computer. It’s not really based on anything, all your evidence is speculative—Ben’s allowed to be a weirdo who hides sunglasses in his underwear drawer—but you have to check. Just so you don’t go insane, you have to check. 
Between you and Ben, there’s only the one Jane Smith email account. Which means there’s one amazon account, and you can check the purchase date of the sunglasses. It takes a second—your hands have changed from going too slow to going too fast and losing efficiency in your frantic movements—but you find the receipt, and the date. Late May, nine days after the Believe Expo, which means four days before your escape. When you’d started testing your empathy on the Deep.
The same day you’d talked to Ben’s phantom about the sunglasses.
It could be a coincidence. It’s technically possible that it’s a complete, total coincidence that doesn’t mean anything, let alone what you think it might mean. What your brain is starting to draw together. That, towards the end at least, whenever you spoke to Ben’s phantom, his Thing would grow stronger. That you’d been able to feel him there, feel that extra sense in your body that told you Ben. Ben is near you. He’s across the bridge or in the bathroom or down the hall start to go haywire when you were alone in Homelander’s apartment. Where Ben couldn’t have possibly been.
You’d just missed him. You’d just driven yourself insane the torture of being trapped at Vought and the sickness of missing Ben, and the longer you were gone the more you’d needed that small escape of Ben’s voice in your head. Telling you that you would come home. That there wasn’t another option, because you were coming home because you were strong and you’d fucking get through this. 
But you’d missed Ben yesterday. Geographically he’d been even further than when you’d been at Vought, and you hadn’t heard his phantom. It had grown silent, gone with his imprint in your chest. The imprint that was bombed with empathy, that grew back with it as well. The imprint that had appeared after the Believe Expo, after you’d seen Ben, held him and had your every thought reduced back to its natural pattern when he touched you. Had everything be Ben. Ben, I love you. 
The phantom had grown stronger after that. Louder, more persistent, full of stranger conversations and rattling Ben’s Thing inside you when it spoke. But it had just been from missing him. You’d see him and it had made you miss him all the more. Ben’s Thing in your chest might be the empathy, but the phantom was just an echo of your love. A result of how he’d become a vital part of you, how you loved and loved him, loved talking to him and laughing with him and hearing his voice say Brat and Sunshine and fucking breathe and shut the fuck up and I love you-
The phantom had told you he loved you. The phantom had been incredibly persistent about how Ben loved you. Which was evidence that it isn’t what it might be. Ben doesn’t love you. Ben doesn’t love you. Ben doesn’t love you. Ben doesn’t love you.
It doesn’t feel like a real sentence anymore. It’s running around in your head—Ben doesn’t love you, he doesn’t, he just doesn’t, Ben doesn’t love you—and it doesn’t feel right. It’s a fact—it doesn’t need to feel right, it just is—but now it’s become only noises that make your heart contract and your own love wail. You love him. You love Ben so, so much, and all it’s done is drive you mad. You just want him to love you, and the phantom is made of your want and love, so it indulged you and told you Ben loved you. 
He doesn’t.
He doesn’t.
Unless this is what you think it might be, Ben doesn’t love you. If it is what you think it is, then- 
You have to know. You have to know now, whoever is driving him home needs to drive faster because you might be wrong, but you might be right. And no matter which one it is, you need to know right fucking now.
There’s about two and a half hours until Ben opens the door. You spend most of that time making a list. Writing down every conversation you’ve had with the phantom, just to be sure. To go in prepared, and know what you’re looking for. You fold the socks and underwear when you’re done—twenty minutes—and decide to leave the sunglasses in the drawer. No leading questions, no steering Ben towards the possible truth. Thy hypothetical truth, that’s going to make you sound insane if you say it aloud, but that’s feeling less and less implausible as you’re forced to wait. 
You don’t feel Ben when he comes home. You’re going over the list, rehearsing in your head, and you hear him. Even through the compound’s soundproof walls, you hear Ben stomping down the hall, stopping outside your door, and banging on it.
He’s shouting your name. Not yelling, shouting. Over and over again, until you stand up and let him in.
Ben almost falls on top of you, and there’s something wild in his eyes. His hair is messy, there’s slight bags under his eyes, and his jaw is clenched so tight you’re worried his teeth are going to break. He’s scanning you up and down, one hand gripping your arm like you might vanish, feet planted apart and body towering over yours like he’s ready to defend you from something.
“Hi,” you whisper, and Ben’s voice is hoarse when he speaks.
“We need to fucking talk.”
You swallow. “Yeah, we do. But I’m first.” 
“The fucking hell you are, I need to-“
“Ben.” Your voice is firmer than even you’ve heard it, and Ben freezes. You’d feel bad, but this is important. Ben’s home, and—as much as you want to figure out why he looks like a feral animal—you need to know if you’re right. “I’m first. Sit down.” 
He scowls, but follows you to the table and drops in his usual chair, glaring up at you. “You get seven minutes, then it’s my fucking turn.”
You nod, grab the list—crinkling it between your hands with a slow, grounding breath—and start at the top. “What food do you want on your birthday?”
“Is that what’s so goddamn important-“ 
“Answer the question, please.”
“It doesn’t fucking matter, my birthday was last month-“
You have to push past that. Later, after you figure this out, you’ll have time to yell at Ben about his birthday and why you weren’t made aware of it. Right now, you’re on a time limit. “Benjamin, if you don’t answer the fucking question-“
“I don’t know, fucking burgers! Burgers and cake! Are you done, can I fucking talk-“
That wasn’t as helpful as you’d hoped. Burgers and cake is an incredibly predictable answer for Ben to have, so you push on. “No. How many states can you name?”
“I don’t fucking know, I don’t keep track of that shit. I’m not like you and Ryan, it’s not all fucking fifty, but I can name a damn few-“ 
You’ve never told him you can name all fifty. Not to his face. “What does manifest destiny mean?”
Ben scoffs. “Are you giving me a fucking pop quiz-“
“It’s the fucking nationalistic belief that Americans had the right to go west, and should exert the means to do it. Is that it? Can I say my goddamn thing-”
You have to glance at the paper to be sure, but that’s practically word for word what you’d written. What you’d told Ben’s phantom. “What type of porn does the Deep watch?” 
“Tentacle, you’re the one who fucking told me-“ Ben pauses, his eyes narrowing. “Why the fuck are you asking me all these damn questions.”
It takes a long, heavy breath to get the last question out. “Have you been having nightmares again?” 
“Some. Why the fuck does it matter, we both have nightmares-“ 
“What have they been about?”
Ben doesn’t answer immediately. His jaw ticks, and his eyes on yours start to peel you apart. “Blood. Fuck ton of blood and smoke.”
There’s more. There’s something Ben’s leaving out, but right now you don’t care. You’re past being subtle, or thinking about anything but you’re right. You’re almost definitely right, and there’s only one last question to ask. 
“Why are there sunglasses in your underwear drawer?” 
His scowl deepens. “Why the goddamn hell were you in my underwear drawer-“
“I was folding laundry. Why.” 
“Gift.” He grunts. “For you. Replacing the old ones.”
You feel a little lightheaded. “What, what happened to the old ones?”
“Broke when Homelander took you.” Ben pauses, and you think his gaze might be burning into your skin. “If you don’t start making some fucking sense about what you want-“
“While I was gone,” the words start to vomit out of you, frantic and uncertain. “Did you ever, I don’t know, hear me? Hear my voice, talking to you? Or, I don’t know, feel me, when I wasn’t there? Like there’s no way I could’ve been there, logistically, but you were still hearing me-“
Ben snaps your name. “Maybe I did, but I fucking missed you. It’s not some big goddamn news story, and since you’ve been back I haven’t heard shit-“
“Why did you get kicked out of the dining hall?”
“What the fuck are you-“
“Benjamin.” You take a long, deep breath. “Last week, why did MM kick you out of the dining hall?”
“I told you already, I got hard and he’s a fucking uptight pussy-“
“What made you hard?”
Ben goes completely rigid in his seat. “Don’t fucking worry about-“
“Were you thinking about me? About how you’d want to fuck me?”
“How in goddamn hell-“
“Because I was thinking about it,” you whisper, forcing yourself to hold Ben’s gaze. “That morning, before you got home, I thinking about how you’d fuck me. You said you’d prep me, then missionary, then from behind, then I’d ride you, and you told me condoms don’t work on supe jizz. You told me-“
“What the fuck do you mean I told you.”
“Your voice told me. In my head, I was talking to you. I’ve been talking to you. In the tower,” you swallow. “I’d talked to you all the time. In my head. And I-“
Ben grunts your name. “Whatever you’re trying to say, say it.”
“I think I can read your mind!” The words sound stupid when you say them. You sound fucking crazy, but you’re right. “Or like, speak to you through your brain? I was doing it for a while, then it got really weird after the Believe Expo, and I think it’s because you put something in me-“
“Put something in you-“
“I don’t fucking know, Ben! I’m not a scientist, I just know that there’s been this thing in my chest, right here,” you jab a finger at the area near your heart, and Ben’s eyes widen. “And it feels like you, and it’s gone right now because the empathy is gone, but-“
“What the fuck do you mean the empathy is gone.” Ben’s words are low, and his glare is searing right through you. “It’s part of you, it can’t just up and fuck off-“
“I, um,” your nails start to dig into your arm as you hug your body, the list balled up in your hand. “I’ve been taking a suppressant. A pill. It, um, kills the empathy, so I can’t use it.”
“A suppressant.” Ben stands, eyes never leaving yours, voice rising to a shout. “Are you fucking insane?” 
“I’m fine, it’s-“
“You’re not fucking fine! Nothing about this is fucking fine, that’s a part of your goddamn body! You might as well be chopping your fucking arm off-“
“My arm would grow back, just like this-“
“It would still fucking hurt you! Why the fucking hell would you do something so fucking stupid, why the fuck wouldn’t you tell me-“
“I’m fine!” You scream, and smoke begins to rise from your fingers. “I fucking fine, Ben! This is helping me! I just, I can’t fucking control it, I don’t know how-“
“I would’ve fucking helped you!” He takes a step forwards, glare rooting you in place. “I’d do what the fuck you needed to help you control it, but you didn’t fucking trust me-“
“Of course I trust you!” Ben. Ben, I love you. “I fucking trust you with my life, but this isn’t about you-“
“Then why wouldn’t you fucking tell me, I’d have told you it was fucking stupid and insane, because this is fucking stupid and insane-“
“Because I’m fine-“
“You’re not fucking fine!” Ben roars your name, and you swallow. “You’re keep waking up fucking screaming, and you can’t fucking shower alone, you’re not fucking fine, stop saying you’re fine-“ 
“I am!” You shake your head frantically, gaze dropping to his chest. You can’t look him in the eyes right now, you’ll break. “I’m really fine, I’m just tired-“
“Because you haven’t slept a goddamn night peacefully in a fucking week!” Ben’s voice is strained, like he’s in physical pain. “Did it occur to you, even fucking once, that maybe cutting off your arm over and fucking over would hurt you?”
“I don’t care!” Your voice is losing its anger. You’re just so fucking tired, you don’t want to fight, you want to start crying, collapse, just fucking rest. “I don’t care if it’s hurting me! I deserve it! I’m hurting everyone else-“ 
“Are you fucking stupid-“
“No!” You can’t really hear anything over the blood pounding in your ears, over the cold starting to climb into your lungs. It’s hard to breathe. “I’m hurting people, Ben! I’m broken and afraid and weak, I can’t control myself because I’m weak and I can’t make you weak as well-“
“You are not weak-“
“I am! I’m weak! I can’t just get fucking control over my own body, and I’m so tired, and I can’t fucking do this anymore! I can’t keep fighting Homelander and being useless. I’m not like you, I’m not strong enough to do this-“
Ben’s still a few feet away, but when he says your name it rolls through your body. Pushes past the cold and grabs your insides, forces your eyes to his. He looks like something is hurting him, the wild glint in his eyes now tangled in with something bright and furious and hot. “You are not fucking weak. You’re the furthest goddamn thing from weak. You’re fucking alive. You fucking survived. You did something idiotic and so fucking selfless and goddamn impossible, and you lived. You are fucked up and perfect and the strongest fucking person in the world.”
The snapped off thing in your gut starts to wrap around your heart. “Then why won’t you touch me?”
He pauses, mouth open and closing once before he grunts through teeth, “what the fuck are you talking about.”
“You won’t touch me, Ben.” You’re done screaming. You’re choking on something, and every word is strangled and soft. “You stopped touching me after the shower. If you don’t want me, you can just tell me-“ 
“Of course I fucking want you, stop being insane-“
“Then why-“
“I touched you and you fucking broke,” he snaps. He’s done yelling as well, but somehow this hurts more. Ben’s voice is low and heavy, and it’s dropping something into your lungs. “I touched you once, and you goddamn fell apart. You keep saying you’re fucking fine, that Homelander didn’t do anything, but I touched you and it hurt you-“
“You didn’t hurt me,” you breathe out, and the world is blurry. “You couldn’t hurt me, Ben. You could never hurt me. I just, I can’t feel you and I hate it. It’s horrible, but I want you to touch me. Please,” everything is far away. Your tongue, your head, your thoughts and throat and mouth are all second to Ben, across the room. So close, not close enough, never close enough. He could never be close enough, and he still doesn’t understand. “I, please, I want you to touch me, Ben. I’ve never wanted anything more that I want you, I’ve never loved anyone more than I love you-“
You don’t hear your own words until after. You don’t register what you’ve said until Ben’s closed the space between you in one step, until he’s grabbed your face with firm hands, until his mouth is crashing onto yours and it’s all Ben. Ben, I love you. 
He’s everywhere. He tastes like coffee and salt, and his touch is desperate. He’s falling onto you, groaning into your mouth when your lips part, invading your mouth with his tongue and teeth and spit, angling your head back to give you more. Your hands fly to his wrists, trying to make sure he’s real. You can’t feel him, but his pulse is heavy under your grip, and he’s so warm, and even as he bites your lower lip his hands are careful and gentle on your face. You’d said it, you said it for Ben to hear, and his touch is still reverent. He’s still holding you like you’re holy, confusing every part of your body as he deepens to kiss into something almost brutal—unrelenting and fervorish, devouring and starved with swallows of every sound that leaves you and his tongue in your throat—but his hands on your face remains adoring and gentle. Fingers tangling in your hair, a thumb tracing over your cheek while the other drops to carefully tilt your head back further.
When he pulls back, Ben’s forehead falls to yours, and you’re both silent. Trading ragged breaths and he traces over your swollen mouth with a light touch and his eyes, and you watch him. When Ben’s eyes finally meet yours they’re blown out and almost feral.
“Don’t take the fucking meds again,” he mutters, gaze stripping you apart before he adds, “please.” 
You’d missed this morning’s pill. Thirteen hours would be up soon. And Ben is real and sounds like he’s pleading, so it’s easy to give in. “I won’t.”
Ben nods, and pulls back. “You need to sleep,” he holds your gaze, even as he draws back up to his full height. “You’re tired.”
This is the worst possible time for your body to listen to Ben more than it listens to you, but the world starts to fuzz with exhaustion, even as you protest. “Ben, we need to talk-“
“We will. After you get some goddamn sleep.”
“It’s only eleven-“
“Did you sleep last night?”
You wrinkle your nose at him. “Did you fucking sleep, Benjamin?”
“No. So I want some rest, and I’m not doing it without you next to me.”
“Trust me,” he grunts. “Just fucking trust me. We will talk about it, I fucking swear, but you need to rest first.”
You take a long breath, and nod. Ben doesn’t wait for you to open your mouth before he’s picking you up, marching up the stairs and into the bedroom, laying you carefully on the mattress before climbing over you and tugging you into his chest. Sleep is crawling into your head—the warmth of Ben and the steady rise and fall of his chest making your head quiet and everything easy—but it’s still too bright to close your eyes, so you roll over and bury your head in Ben’s body.
“What was your thing?” You mumble into his skin, still just a little too wired from the fight to fall under. “We didn’t get to it before I, um
Ben’s chuckle makes your whole body grow loose. “You texted me.”
You frown. “I texted you all day, Pretty Boy-“
“You texted me that you love me.” He mutters, and a hand starts to run through your hair, soothing your brain and keeping you against him as your face flushes.
“Oh.” You try to pull yourself closer to his body, hoping you can fully hide the soft nerves in your voice. “I, um, I was tired. I must’ve typed it and, uh, sent it without thinking.” 
“Did,” he pauses, voice low and tense. “Did you mean it.” 
“Both times?”
He snorts, and you smile against him. “Yeah, both fucking times.”
“Yes,” your voice is a breath, words muffled against him, but you know Ben hears because his hands on your skin freeze. “When, in our heads, when you said it-“ 
“I meant it.” He mutters. “I’ll always fucking mean it.”
You nod, hands curling into his shirt. “Okay. Good.” 
“How long until that stupid fucking pill-“
“Soon,” you whisper. “I don’t know why we can’t just-“
Ben grunts your name, his hand on your back starting to rub small circles that drag you further down. “Trust me. Get some sleep.”
He’s lucky you love him. If you didn’t, you’d get a little closer to murdering him every time your body elects to override your brain for Ben’s words. But he says sleep, everything fades into pine and warmth, the sound of Ben’s heartbeat near your head lulling you easily into sleep. 
Blood. So much blood. All there is in the world is blood, filling up your lungs and overwhelming your heart. You don’t know where it’s coming from—don’t know how to stop it—and it’s sweeping over you like a hurricane. Blood on your hands, in your throat, metal on your tongue and red in your vision. You can’t breathe, and you’re screaming for Ben but there’s a smoke far, far above you that’s keeping him away. You can hear him roaring your name, see his figure somewhere around you in the liminal world you’ve been trapped in, but when he reaches for you the blood drags you further down. No matter how much you struggle and flail and scream, it’s just blood. 
Blood, parting away as something cold and blue starts to walk towards you. Grabs you by the neck and yanks you up to watch it. Evil and cruel and no. No. No no no-
You’re screaming when you wake up. There’s something around you—not the blood, this is warm and safe and right—but you can’t really hear what the deep sounds echoing through your head are trying to tell you. It hurts, it all hurts. Your head is cracking open, your heart is aching, your mouth feels like sandpaper, your muscles are sore and your skin is itching and your blood is trying to leave your body because this hurts, this is all so painfully cold save for the pounding of something warm in your chest. Something grounding you and keeping all the fear and screams of unfair, so fucking unfair in your body. It’s full of ardor and it’s bloody, but not the blood that chokes you. Blood that feels like yours. That feels devoted and sharp and furious, that’s made of adoration and hunger and love. 
It’s everything. This thing is powerful and focused and wrathful, aimed and attuned to every single part of you. It’s making the world sharper, and everything feels like it has a purpose. There’s nothing that doesn’t exist to aid what the thing serves, and everything glows when the thing is fed. It’s starving, it will never not be starving, it will only grow more and more hungry, but the hunger isn’t fed by taking. It’s fed by giving, by working and worshiping and caring for something perfect. All that matters is the perfect thing—it fits so well with the beat of the powerful thing—because it infects everything with light. Nothing is ever dark when the perfect thing is tended to, and it’s not easy to tend to, but it’s fucking worth it. The powertful thing lives in your chest, and it’s not yours, but it belongs there. It’s content and happy there, and it riots when you make a small sound. A set of words that you don’t really understand right now, but you need to say. Everything is still coming back to you as your blood returns into your body, but you need to keep saying the words.
The ringing in your ears finally fades, and you can make them out.
Ben. Ben, I love you. 
“I love you too, Sunshine.” A deep voice—it might be the only one in the world that matters—rolls from the warmth around you into your chest. “Sleep.” 
It’s Ben. Ben’s around you, holding you like you’re sacred, and you’re still so tired, but you can feel him. His Thing is alive in your chest, and you know what it is. Ben’s love. Raw and obvious and everything. Burning in you, with you, for you. Ben loves you. 
“Ben,“ you mumbled, and his Thing hums. “I’m-“
If you say sorry, I’m not fucking you in the morning.
You love it.
I do. You sigh against his skin. I love you.
I love you as well. Ben’s voice, inside your body and everywhere around you, is right. This is right. Ben loves you, and you love him, and nothing has ever made more sense.
And, right before you tuck yourself further into his chest, right before you fall back into peaceful, restful, safe sleep, you can breathe.
End Note: We have officially completed the slow burn. I welcome you to the rest of the story: a goddamn wildfire. They’re about to fuck so nasty, you guys don’t even know. Call them Tinashe the way they’re about to freak.
Thank you for reading!! If you like this story, reblog, share, or leave a comment! <3
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ineedsleepsoleavemealone · 2 months ago
Chapter Summary: A shared secret, the start of a reputation, the beginning of the road to ruin.
Summary: When May and Peter fall into debt after Ben's death, Peter knows he has to do something. His intrusive thoughts and determination to help his aunt leads him to become Relic, one of Queens' street racing's biggest mysteries. He knows Ben would be disappointed in him, but he can't leave May to drown in the debt. Though his guilt eats at him and his friends and family are concerned for him, he has to keep going. Right?
my fast and furious au that I've been yammering about for the past month :)
Chapter Summary: Peter's life is fucked at the moment. The only thing he has is his love of cars and his aunt May. When he finds out a part time job won't be enough to keep the debt away, his intrusive thoughts start to creep a little closer.
27 notes · View notes
that1nerd-20 · 1 year ago
Regulus black x F!Hufflepuff!reader oneshot
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Regulus never took notice of the quiet hufflepuff girl in his year. when his brother Sirius and his friends dragged him to the first hufflepuff game of the year, he is immediately drawn to her.
Word Count: 6.3k
Warnings: cussing, metion of missing sibling, very brief mentions of abuse, mentions of alcohol, mostly fluff but some angst
(Tell me if there's others I need to put)
Reader is female and in hufflepuff but there is no physical description other than being shorter than regulus but doesn't go into detail.
The reader is based heavily on Hogwarts mystery. Most of the friends in Hogwarts Mystery will move back in time with the reader (even tonks).
Also, Peter will stay good in this one. I used the Aaron T.J., Andrew G, Timothee, Ben b, and Dane Dehann fancast as my inspiration but any of the fancasts can be used.
Sorry if it's not that good... I did my best and finally got this thing done.
Please enjoy!!
Dictionary -
Nutter - someone who's clearly crazy
Manky - disgusting
Wanker - idiot
Tosser - supreme asshole or jerk
3rd person -
Today was the day of the first official Hufflepuff Quidditch game. Everyone from all four houses was making their way to the stands. While normally only Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws would attend since this was their match, everyone was attending because this was when the Hufflepuffs would announce who the new quidditch captain was.
Orion Amari, the quidditch captain from the last few years, graduated the year before. Everyone was eager to learn who would become the new captain.
A large group made their way to the stadium amongst the other excited students, the marauders and their other Gryffindor friends, and Regulus Black followed by his Slytherin friends. Sirius and Regulus were now on good terms, having gone back to their brotherly love from before Hogwarts. Regulus was a little nervous to be sitting with his brother in the stands but was as excited as every other student to see who was appointed as captain. In a few weeks, Slytherin and Hufflepuff would be facing off, and then again during quidditch cup season. He was slightly intimidated, what if this new captain proved to be better than the last and took Hufflepuff on to win the Quidditch Cup? But for now, he walks with his brother to their seats in the stands.
Everyone waits in anticipation as Murphy McNully comments on the Ravenclaw team who were already out on the field.
“So who do you think the new captain is?” Sirius addresses the group of friends, he turns in his seat to look back at them.
Marlene is the first to speak up, “I bet it’s Parkins,” a few of the others hum in agreement, “I mean she’s a Parkins, her family is crazy famous in terms of quidditch!” Remus nods before speaking up.
“You never know, it could be Waylan Jones,” he proposed. The others waited for him to continue his reasoning, “It's not all about the last name, Waylan is a prominent seeker, and he’s definitely got the leadership skills.” James seemed to ponder it for a moment before shaking his head.
“I have a feeling I know exactly who it is.” The others were about to question who it was until Murphy called out across the stadium that the Hufflepuffs were about to come out. Regulus had never taken an interest in the Hufflepuffs, he thought most of them were too kind for their own good. But he was excited today, Hufflepuff and Slytherin would be facing off in a few weeks, and he wanted to see their potential.
Finally, one side of the stadium started cheering, the students in that section had a clear view of the entrance and could see the Hufflepuffs coming through the tunnel.
Murphy Mcnully started calling out the players' names and positions as they filed in on their brooms “Waylan Jones seeker, Atlan Verdell keeper, Katie Shacklebolt beater, Castor Perren beater, Skye Parkins chaser, Edith Turner chaser
.” Murphy paused smiling from ear to ear, “And the person you’ve all been waiting for, Hufflepuff's new captain
.Y/N L/N!!” as soon as her name was called the h/c Hufflepuff came out on her broom, everyone erupted into cheers.
James had a smug look on his face, having had a sneaking suspicion that the girl would get the position. The quidditch players circled the stadium, Hufflepuff showing their talent by balancing standing up on their brooms. As Y/N flew by the group of friends she had a wide smile on her features, she waved to James as she passed him before leading the line of quidditch players back to the pitch.
Madam Hooch threw the quaffle up when the teams were situated, Ravenclaw started with the quaffle, and the Hufflepuff chasers went after the Ravenclaw with the quaffle.
The group of friends was in awe as the Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws scored points back and forth, but neither team could find the snitch disappointingly. McNully was calling out the plays left and right, talking at the pace of the game. When the 3 Hufflepuff chasers started setting up a Parkin’s pinscher, the crowd started going wild, a trademark move done only by Skye Parkin's dad in the big leagues. While the Hufflepuffs had done a parkin’s pinscher before it was only done in practice. “L/N and Parkin are flanking the sides of the Ravenclaw chaser, Jamie Walker, setting up a Parkin’s pinscher while Turner comes in from the front, hoping to steal the quaffle from Walker,” Mcnully announces from the commentator box.
The marauders and their friends turn their heads to a group near them in the stands cheering for Skye and Y/N, a brown-haired Hufflepuff named Rowan Khanna screams. “C’mon Y/N!! You got this!!” a pink-haired girl beside her cheers in agreement, wanting to encourage the Hufflepuff team.
POV: Regulus Black
I honestly stopped listening to the annoying commentator a long time ago, the new captain of the Hufflepuff team was beautiful. Hearing the name she was given allows me to recognize who she was, she was in my potions class. Professor Slughorn typically favored me in the class for some reason, although the only other person he likes in our class is a quiet Hufflepuff who sits in the back. She is never obnoxious, always does her work on time, and always asks questions that I can tell never help her but help other students in the class. I mean not that I watch her, that would be creepy, but I've noticed her.
I thought she was cute except I didn’t think she was my type, she didn't even seem like the quidditch type. Now that I see her performing these complex quidditch maneuvers, the way she had a confident aura when she was circling the stadium, and even the concentration she has in the game make her all the more appealing to me. What's even crazier to think about is the rumors swirling around about her and the cursed vaults. She's rumored to be looking for them and destroying them. I try not to listen to the rumors, but I know there are more rumors that I don't know about. If she was destroying the cursed vaults that would surprise me but also wouldn't at the same time, I would be surprised that this quiet shy girl was capable of taking the vaults down. Then I wouldn't be because now I see her in a new light.
There was so much more to this girl than I thought, and I must have been staring because my brother nudged me in the side with a knowing smirk on his face. “What is it?” I ask him loudly over the cheering crowds, he just shrugs “It just seems like someone has caught your attention..” he wiggles his eyebrows to get his point across. James, on the bench below them, turns around with a stern look, “You better not be talking about L/N ‘cause I’ll kick your arse, black.” I could feel the heat rise to my cheeks at the accusation.
“What makes you think that, Potter?” I ask him, feigning innocence, he just gives me a look of ‘Are you serious.’ he shakes his head. “I’m just telling you, you may be this git’s brother but L/N is like a little sister to me, you try to hurt her and I’ll snap your fingers off.” Sirius has a look of fake offense at the name, looking towards Remus for some backup. Remus gives a look of ‘Don’t bring me into this’. “Moony you can't be serious
!” Sirius had a skeptical tone, towards the boy he liked, but James chimed in before Sirius could have time to react “Well obviously he’s not you Sirius.” The group started laughing at the joke, while Sirius pouted for a moment.
I turned my attention back to the game, my eyes searching for the h/c girl, before finally spotting her in a thimblerig shuffle, a move that McNully himself invented. The three chasers shuffled the quaffle around before it landed in y/n’s hands and she sped away as the opposing chaser got confused about who had it. y/n scored a goal against Ravenclaw, while everyone cheered.
“It looks like Jones and Verdett have spotted the golden snitch!!” Everyone frantically looked around for the two seekers, before someone pointed, all eyes went to the seekers except one pair, mine. I kept my eyes trained on the gorgeous Hufflepuff, barely paying attention to the rest of the game, the other players kept the game going even though it wouldn't matter once one team caught the snitch. I watched Y/n move gracefully on her broom around the pitch, continuing to score points against Ravenclaw. I missed the fact that Hufflepuff had caught the golden snitch, while I watched her. Finally snapping out of my trance when the entire stadium was screaming.
I kept watching Y/n as she flew up to the stands near where we were sitting, she approached the group of people that I had noticed earlier.
“Hey, Rowan!”
Pov: Reader
“Hey, Rowan!”
I flew up to my best friend who was sitting with some of our friends after the game was won. She waved happily at me as I approached, the others smiled and cheered for me. Although it was funny to see a displeased Talbott in the seat next to Penny, I couldn't tell if it was from losing the game since he was a Ravenclaw or if it was from being dragged to a quidditch game no doubt by Penny.
“Y/N you did awesome!” Penny called me, ever the quidditch enthusiast she is. “I can't believe you made captain!” Rowan practically jumped with excitement, happy for her best friend getting the position she’d always wanted.
I laughed at her enthusiasm, “Yeah, I'm honestly surprised too. But Orion said he wanted it to be me, he didn't think anyone could have filled the spot better.”
We talk for a moment before getting interrupted by a loud James Potter with Sirius Black, Marlene Mkinnon, and Dorcas Meadowes in tow. “By Merlin, L/n, Congratulations!” I look over to James who is leaning against the railing, my eyes briefly drift behind him to the gorgeous Slytherin boy in my year, Regulus Black, before returning James’ wide smile.
“Y’Know Potter you better be careful this year, I’ll be winning that cup for Hufflepuff before you know it. Just because it's your last year doesn't mean I'll go easy on you.” I tease the 7th-year Gryffindor, he laughs loudly “In your dreams maybe!” I laugh with the rest of the group, while Penny argues with Marlene about who will win.
Eventually, James gets called by Lily to hurry up, and the group disperses. My friends started heading down the stadium, and I took one last glance at Regulus to see him already looking at me. I flush in embarrassment and head down to the entrance to the pitch so I can get changed out of my uniform.
Time skip- (Hufflepuff common room.)
Finally, I head down the stairs to the noisy common room with Rowan and Penny, after they make sure I'm dressed up properly, my heart thumps with excitement. The Hufflepuff’s were throwing a party to celebrate our win today, all four houses were invited. That means there's a good chance Regulus would be there, hence why Penny insisted I wear the best outfit I had.
When we reached the base of the stairs we could see people from every house, the music was blasting, and it seemed someone snuck in alcohol because I could definitely see some drunk people. We made our way through the common room, maneuvering between people. Finally, I saw Tonks by the drinks and headed in her direction.
Before I could make it to Tonks, a loud voice started booming over the speakers, “I know I may have caught the winning snitch today
” A few Hufflepuffs cheered as I turned around to watch Waylan, our seeker speak to everyone, sounding slightly drunk. “But I’m not the one we should be celebrating, we could not have done it without our wonderful captain, Y/N! Who led us to victory today and will make sure we win that cup!!" Everyone cheered as I felt someone pick me up and put me on their shoulders.
I squeaked slightly before looking down to see a flash of pink hair, tonks was holding me up. “Tonks put me down!” I laughed loudly.
Everyone encircled Tonks and I and started chanting my name. “Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!” I looked around as I laughed at everybody, I spotted the Black brothers, Sirius was yelling with everyone else and Regulus seemed a little uncomfortable. Before I could keep looking at Regulus I was dropped from Tonks’ shoulders onto the floor.
The rest of the night was spent dancing, drinking, and longingly looking at Regulus, Which Rowan and Penny definitely had their comments on.
Time skip - 2 weeks later - Hogsmeade - 3rd person
Regulus, Sirius, Remus, James, Lily, and Peter all walked into the three broomsticks, quickly finding the last available booth, right next to Y/N’s table with all of her friends. Regulus could hear the sound of Y/n’s laughter, it made his heart flutter. Over the last two weeks, regulus has paid more attention to the Hufflepuff.
Of course, he would deny any remark his brother and his brother's friends made about it, because Regulus Black did not fancy non-pureblood girls, but the others knew better than to believe that. It was clear to them that Regulus was head over heels for this girl, although much against James’ protests. Madame Rosmerta, the young barkeep at the three broomsticks, came over to their table to take their orders.
“What can I get for you kids today?” She pulled out a small notebook and pen, ready to write down the orders.
“6 butterbeers please.” Lily spoke up for the group as she leaned against James. Regulus wasn't paying much attention to the friends that surrounded him, his attention was drawn to Y/N who was getting up from her table to head to the bar. He hadn't noticed Madam Rosmerta leaving their table, nor the wide smirks from his friends, or even the giant scowl and staring coming from James across from him. He continued to watch Y/n even as her friends started noticing his heart eyes at her. Nothing mattered to him at the moment other than trying to memorize every little thing about her.
“I'm gonna go get one of the special butter beers, be right back.” I got up from the table as I excused myself from my friends, making my way up to the bar. I waited for Madame Rosmerta to get back. Specialty butterbeers require you to go up to the counter to get one, so I waited until I heard a familiar snarky voice behind me.
“So L/n when are you gonna give up the cursed vaults? I mean we all know I'm going to find and defeat them all, so why waste your time?” Merula Snyde, the bitchy Slytherin herself. “I'm not in the mood Merula..” I dont spare her a glance, but I can feel that she's getting angry.
“You trying to prove yourself to your parents?'' This makes me look at her with unamusement, “You trying to prove you're not worthless?”. I scowl at her as I turn my head fully to look at her before rolling my eyes and turning back to lean against the counter. “Do you want them to love you?” I hear her snicker before I respond., “I don't care about what my parents think so your argument is weak.” she stops and frowns before her scowl turns into a smirk.
“Or is it that you want to find your brother?” my head whips around to look at her; I can feel anger bubbling up inside me. “Well I think you’re gonna find a dead body..” she smiles coyly, and my hand slightly grips the table, trying to calm myself “What is your problem, Snyde?” I snapped. She sneered before replying “You're my problem L/N, I'm just counting the days until you turn into a nutter like your brother!” She laughs loudly and I don't take a second to think about my actions.
I lunged for her, pushing her to the ground before landing a hard punch to her face. She starts hitting me trying to get me off, but I land a few more punches before I am pulled off.
“You Bitch! Dont ever talk about my brother like that!” I scream at her, trying to push the arms around me off. I can vaguely hear Barnaby’s voice but it doesn't register as I continue shouting at her.
“You’re so done L/N! The next time I see you I'm gonna hex you for what you did to my face!” she shrieks as she holds her nose trying to stop the bleeding as one of her goons, Ismelda holds her up. “If you ever talk about my brother again or go near his room, I’ll kill you!” a few tears flow down my face as I scream at her, “he's my brother! That room is the only thing I have left of him, I don’t care if I have to go to Azkaban to keep you from it, you manky tosser!”
I was dragged outside by the person holding me, and when they set me down I recognized Barnaby’s jumper. Barnaby pulled me in for a hug, and I cried a little, but we were interrupted by Professor McGonagall clearing her throat.
I pulled away from Barnaby and stood in front of McGonagall, when Barnaby went back inside she began talking “What do you think you were doing Ms. L/N?!” I shrank a little as she questioned me, “That was highly inappropriate, I understand you're sensitive when it comes to your brother but that does not mean you are allowed to strike another student!” she raised her voice sternly, I felt small in her presence.
“Although I may feel indifferent to you getting a punishment, I am still your professor and rules are rules. So you will serve detention for a week in my classroom, taking care of the transfiguration subjects. And Hufflepuff will lose 10 points” She was about to turn to head into the three broomsticks before she looked back at me, “But do not worry, Ms.Snyde will also receive a punishment.” I nod, wiping my nose while I sniffle. I sit down on a bench right outside the door, wanting to calm down before I see my friends.
Pov: Regulus
“Bloody hell
” Sirius was right, bloody hell.
One minute Y/n was up at the bar clearly annoyed by whatever my housemate Merula was saying, and the next she was on top of Merula screaming at her. We all watched y/n get dragged out by Barnaby, as the girls continued to have a screaming match, but when McGonagall came in and told all of y/n’s friends to stay inside and give the girl a minute I knew it was my chance.
I snuck out of my seat when McGonagall was too busy reprimanding Merula, and made my way outside. When I got out there I found y/n sitting on a bench crying, not sure what to do. I sat down next to her. Oh my god, this is so awkward
 How do you console a crying girl? Cmon regulus
think!... Think! For Merlin's sake

“A-are you alright?” bloody hell, that's the best you can do? y/n turned and looked up at me, seemingly startled by my presence. She quickly wipes her eyes, “Y-yeah
 I’m fine.” we sit awkwardly before she speaks up again, “N-no
 I'm not fine..” she plays with her fingers as she looks down at her lap.
“Why do you let her words affect you?” I let the words slip out of my mouth without thinking, she looked up at me again. “I-i mean Merula isn't nice to anyone, Y-you um shouldn't listen to her, she doesn't know what she's talking about ever. She's like a walking babbling beverage.” Curse my mouth! Merlin, can I ever shut up? I ramble awkwardly before shutting up and turning red a bit. I mentally curse myself for being so awkward before I'm drawn out of thoughts by a giggle. I look down at her laughing form, “A b-babbling beverage??” I nod a small smile forming on my lips.
“Thank you, that just made my day
” she smiles up at me, “you're welcome..” I flash an awkward smile, before asking “Do
do you want to talk about what happened in there?” she looks down for a second.
“My brother went missing 3 years before we started at Hogwarts, in truth I don't remember a whole lot about him
 he started at Hogwarts a year after I was born so he wasn’t at home a lot.” she fiddled with her fingers more as she talked.
“Not that I can blame him, our mother is abusive and our father is a compulsive liar.” my hand clenched in my lap as I thought about her being hit by her parents. I've seen my fair share of abuse, I'd rather suffer my mother's wrath than see y/n hurt by hers. “I know most people think my brother is dead but I won't believe he is, I just won't. I can't give up on him, not like everybody else
” I slowly grab her hand lightly, offering what little comfort I know.
“T-thank you for telling me
” I whisper as she looks up at me, “I'm glad you trust me enough
” she smiles softly, I lift my other hand and wipe a stray tear away.
“Thank you for listening
” We sit for a few moments in silence before I stand up. She looks up at me in confusion, about to speak until I cut her off. “You wanna head back to the castle? I can buy us both butterbeers to take with...” my voice wavers, slightly nervous to ask her.
“You know what it was a stupid idea, you can just forget about it, you probably want to go back to your friends..” I ramble for a moment before I feel her hand grab mine. I look down at her to see her smiling. “I’d like that alot,” I nodded, giving her my smile as well, “then I'll go get them right now.” I headed back inside, quickly ordering two to-go butter beers. As I was walking back out I caught my brother's eye and smiled at him holding the two butterbeers. A silent explanation as to why I was leaving.
Regulus and I trekked the long road back to the castle as we talked and drank our butter beers. We actually had a lot in common. We both loved quidditch, potions, and reading. Although our reading tastes were a bit different we both recommended some of our favorite books to each other.
“You know... I never got to say that you look beautiful today.” he said after a moment of silence, “I-I mean not that you aren't any other day but- and not that I watch you or anything. Oh my god, that came out so weird
I’m going to shut up now
” I laugh slightly at his awkwardness, his cheeks flush red in embarrassment. “Thank you, I'm happy you think so, black” I smile sweetly, placing my hand on his upper arm as a thank you while we stop walking for a moment. I awkwardly jerk my hand back when he looks down at it. I clear my throat as I start walking again, I hear him walking again as he catches up to me.
“Call me Regulus, please
” he stops us for a second, pulling me to face him, “Alright
 Regulus.” his first name felt strange on my tongue. It's only now that I realize the proximity of our faces, my face heats up as we both pull away and continue our walk back to Hogwarts.
Pov: 3rd person
Over the next few weeks, Regulus and Y/n become close friends, hanging out in and out of classes, studying together in the library, and even on the rare occasion the students can sit anywhere in the great hall no matter the house, they sit next to each other. Their friends had all taken notice and constantly teased them about getting together, but both parties denied it and claimed all they were, were good friends.
Pov: Y/N (sorry for so many pov changes)
Time skip: a Thursday night in January
My hand was cramping from how long I had been clutching onto the blue quill I owned. There were ink stains all over my fingers, and a few small smudges on my face. My roommates had all long gone to bed, Rowan had stayed up for a little extra, while she helped me with something, but I ended up insisting she go to sleep after she fell asleep on my desk.
Woody, my orange tabby cat had curled up on an empty spot on my desk, his purrs were the only other noises besides the sound of my quill scribbling on paper and my dormmate’s snores. The essay for potions was due tomorrow and I hadn't had any time between quidditch duties, assignments for other classes, classes themselves, and exploring the mysteries of the cursed vaults.
I'm only brought out of my studying trance when there is a tap at my window. I look up to see an owl that looks vaguely familiar. Approaching the window I begin to recognize it as Regulus’s owl, Apollo, I open the window and let the large bird step onto my arm. I close the window so the room doesn't get chilly, bringing him over to my desk while I give him some head scratches.
“What are you doing here, love?” I set him on the perch where my owl, Merlin, normally resides. I pull out a small piece of meat as a treat while taking the note in his talons. I sit back down in my chair as I unfurl the parchment, I get a little giddy as I read the first words.
Y/N Darling, I was hoping you would meet in the astronomy tower tonight at one. You deserve some time away from that essay I know you worked hard on, all night.
I smiled at the handwriting before I saw a small messily scrawled note at the very bottom of the parchment.
And p.s there is no need to give Apollo any more treats he was already bribed with more than he could ever need to even just deliver this note.
I gazed up at said owl who looked down at me sheepishly, I smiled and reached my hand up to give him some more scratches.
“You cheeky bird,” I giggled softly, conscious of the sleeping girls behind me, “don't worry I’ll still give you treats, you deserve it pretty boy.” Apollo cooed as he rubbed his head against my hand.
With a newfound motivation to finish my essay, I quickly got back to work, it was already close to midnight and I knew it would take me at least 30 minutes more to finish. When I finally finished the essay I rolled it up and stored it near my potion textbook, before I changed into something more suitable, comfy, and warm than pajamas. I let Apollo climb onto my shoulder as I started to sneak out of the Hufflepuff common room.
As I walked down the dark halls of the castle I listened intently for any teachers roaming the halls, I didn't plan on getting detention while I tried to sneak up to the astronomy tower. I will admit it was tricky getting up there from all the way in the dungeons, and after a close call with almost getting caught by Professor Kettleburn, I made it to the stairs of the astronomy tower. I took cautious steps up the stairs, careful not to make unnecessary noise.
Finally making it to the top, I spotted Regulus leaning against the railing facing away from me.
My face heated up as I took his appearance in. His curly hair was half pulled up into a small ponytail tail, pulling his bangs away from his face. His Slytherin quidditch sweater was tucked into his dark jeans. I half expected Apollo to fly back to his owner, but he did not indicate wanting to move away from me, seemingly content on my shoulder snuggled up to me.
“Reg?” I called out to the raven-haired boy, his gray-blue eyes met mine as I approached him. His lips turned up into a smile when he saw me, before laughing softly at the way Apollo was cuddled up to my head. He met me halfway, walking away from the railing as he reached his hand up to his owl.
“He hasn't caused you any trouble, has he?” He chuckled while petting the dark bird on the head, I shook my head no in response. “Apollo never causes me any trouble, he's a good boy.” I stroked said owl's chest with a curled finger as we both looked at him. Regulus laughed softly at the comment, “I don't know about that..” he shifted his gaze to me. I feigned offense, “Are you calling me a liar reg? Maybe he just likes me more
” A small coo from Apollo, sounded as though he agreed with me. Regulus rolled his eyes before picking Apollo up. “It's time for you to head back to the owlery, bud.” The dark owl seemed reluctant to leave but finally gave in and flew back to the tower made for the owls. When Regulus turned back to me he motioned to a blanket splayed across the floor near the railing. I sat down on the blanket, letting my feet dangle off the edge of the tower. I crossed my arms over the lowest bar on the railing while Regulus sat down next to me doing the same thing.
“So what constellations do you remember from astronomy class?” my head turned to look at him as I nervously laughed. “uhhh...None of them?” I lifted my shoulders and hands as I admitted I didn't remember. He simply smiled and turned back to look at the night sky, he lifted his hand and pointed at a section of the sky.
“Well, that's Ursa major.” Making a pattern with his fingers, I quickly found the constellation he was talking about. A few things started to come back to me as he pointed out more constellations.
I reached up and pointed to the Leo constellation, “And there's your star
” I glanced at him as I spoke softly, his arm was now wrapped around my shoulders, our faces a few centimeters apart. Despite the cold biting at my face, I could feel my skin heat up. He nodded softly as we continued to gaze into each other's eyes. We both awkwardly pulled away and looked back at the night sky. Eventually, I grew sleepy and laid my head against his shoulder as he continued explaining the different constellations.
When the sun started making its way over the horizon, Regulus and I made our way down the tower, so we would be able to make it to breakfast in time. We parted ways in the dungeon when we went to our respective common rooms. “See you later, Reg.” I gave him a soft smile as I walked through the door.
Timeskip: Saturday afternoon in January, before a quidditch game
My team and I headed out of the changing rooms in our uniforms with brooms in hand, i was the last one out and was a few paces behind my team.
“Y/N!” I hear a familiar voice call out to me, when I turn around I spot Regulus jogging towards me decked out in Hufflepuff pride wear. He finally reaches me, I take in his fake jersey with my number on it. A few of my fellow Hufflepuffs had created fake casual jersey wear for students to support their favorite players. You could get long-sleeved t-shirts with any of the player's name and jersey number on it. I wonder how he got ahold of one of those.
“You like my shirt?” he spun around, grabbing the top of the shirt at the back to show off the bold lettering that spelled out my last name. He turned back around, “I figured I got to show my support for my favorite Hufflepuff.” he then grabbed the hand that wasnt holding my broom, before kissing the back of it. “Good luck out there, L/N.” before I could say anything he was rushing up the stairs to the stands. I stood there frozen for a moment before one of my teammates calling for me, broke me out of my trance. I mounted my broom and sped off through the tunnel.
Throughout the entire game, I kept looking over at Regulus, he was cheering me on the entire time and I could barely contain the flush that invaded my face. This time wasnt any different than any of our games. We always cheer each other on but seeing him wear my name and number made my knees weak.
Timeskip: (sorry) Hufflepuff party later that night.
I had successfully avoided regulus most of the night, I made it as inconspicuous as I could. I didn't want to hurt his feelings but still needed time to process. I stood over by the drink table, sipping on soda, I was startled by hearing his voice next to my ear. He had to be close enough for me to hear but that didn't stop the chill that ran up my spine.
“If I didn't know any better id say you were avoiding me, Y/N” This was one of the many times where he isn't the soft, kind regulus I know but the cocky and dare I say flirtatiously teasing regulus. I turned to look at him, trying to ignore the rate at which my heart was beating.
“I'm not avoiding you.” I do my best to lie, but we both know it's not true. I take another sip of my soda before I feel his hand ghosting over the back of my upper arm, just above my elbow. We continued to look into each other's eyes but a cough interrupted us. I glanced next to me to see Peter who was waiting patiently. I smiled and turned my body towards the 7th year, I had to admit the boy was handsome in his own quirky way.
“Hi y/n, I was wondering if you'd like to dance?” he held a lopsided grin, completely ignoring the dark-haired boy beside me. I glanced up at Regulus for a moment before returning Peter's smile and nodded. I set my cup down on the table behind me and grabbed Peter’s hand as he led me onto the dance floor.
Another time skip: (I know and I'm sorry) Gryffindor vs Slytherin Quidditch game a few weeks later
I stood with Barnaby, Remus, and Lily as we all watched the quidditch players warm up. James had been a little grumpy when he saw the old jersey I was wearing. About 2 nights after the party we had, a package showed up at my doorstep with a spare Slytherin jersey that belonged to Regulus. He wrote a note saying he wanted me to wear it every time I was at one of his games. So here I was wearing a green jersey with the name Black written across my shoulder blades. Sirius was just as mad but said at least it was his brothers and not some other Slytherin. Barnaby on the other hand was very happy.
“So, you see your lover boy yet?” Lily stood beside me as she spoke, she gave me a knowing smirk and a nudge to my side. I gave her a playful glare before answering “We're not dating, Lily.” I watched as the Slytherin players started walking onto the pitch, “you know that.” both quidditch teams mounted their brooms and practiced on each half of the stadium before it was time to start.
I talked to Barnaby as we waited for them to start the match until a voice spoke in front of me. I looked to see Regulus on his broom with a smile. “You wore the jersey.” I rolled my eyes playfully as he got closer. “Yeah, what about it reg?” I leaned against the railing a bit more. “You look good in my jersey, I should give you more of my clothes to wear..” he grinned devilishly, a call of his name from over his shoulder was heard, they were about to start. “You should get back down there, you are the captain after all.” I smiled softly, leaning back away from the railing.
“Yeah that is true but there is something I have to do first.” I was about to ask what but he cut me off by colliding his lips with mine, I could hear wolf whistling and cheering around me as I leaned into the kiss and cupped his face with my hands. His gloved hand held my chin softly before he pulled away with a bright smile and flushed face.
“That was for good luck
” I laughed at his antics while he slowly pulled his broom back. “If you win this game, you'll get as many as you want!” I called out to him as he headed back down the pitch before he called back. “I'll hold you to that.”
My heart raced rapidly in my chest, my lips were tingly, and my face was warm. “Not dating, my ass.” it's safe to say James and Sirius left the game without another win under their belts and Regulus walked out with a new girlfriend and promises of lots of kisses.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 month ago
I survived my trip to Gotham
by GGBubbles I guess have read more Peter Parker and Dc universe crossovers Peter Parker as Bruce Wayne biological son Read to know more? Words: 2163, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Spider-Man - All Media Types, DCU (Comics), DC Universe Online, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Batman and Robin (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Categories: Gen Characters: Peter Parker, Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark, Jason Todd, Original Characters, Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake (DCU), Barbara Gordon, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Banner, Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones (Marvel), Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Flash Thompson, Joker (DCU), Duke Thomas, Clark Kent, Clint Barton, Pepper Potts, Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Uncle Ben Parker (Marvel), Richard Parker (Marvel), Mary Parker (Marvel) Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Peter Parker & Bruce Wayne, Peter Parker & Jason Todd, Peter Parker & Damian Wayne, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Duke Thomas, Barbara Gordon & Peter Parker Additional Tags: Marvel Cinematic Crossover Exchange, DC Comics References, Kid Peter Parker, Fluff and Angst, Father-Son Relationship, Brothers, Family Fluff, Batfamily (DCU), Bruce Wayne is Batman, Hurt Peter Parker, Dead Uncle Ben Parker (Marvel), Dead Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Damian Wayne is Robin, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Feelings, Protective Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker Whump, Peter Parker Wears Glasses, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions via https://ift.tt/qYZm70X
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dem-obscure-imagines · 1 year ago
Christmas/Holidays/New Year's Eve Masterlist
In the mood for some winter fluff? Look no further than these curated picks from my collection.
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General Winter Imagines
Arthur Curry x Reader
Sweater Weather - Fluff
When it gets colder outside, the king of the sea loans you his sweater.
Jack Frost x Reader
Snowflake - Fluff, Soulmate AU
Your soulmark is a snowflake, and thus, winter easily became your favorite season. However, you have a good feeling about winter this year, a tingly feeling that makes your mark glow...
Tired of Gray - Fluff, Soulmate AU
It’s Christmas time and you’re just about sick of your gray, gray world. Luckily, your soulmate is known to visit in the winter.
Christmas/Holiday Imagines
Bernard the Elf x Reader
The Way it Was Before - Alternate Universe, Bernard exists during Escape Clause Plot, Magic!Reader, a light angst, a lot of fluff.
Something is VERY wrong this Christmas, and it seems you’re the only person in the world who remembers the way things were before. Well, almost the only person. It’s up to you and the Head Elf to save the day before Jack’s wish becomes irreversible.
Home for the Holidays - Fluff, Christmas, Santa’s Daughter!Reader
When you come home for Christmas, Bernard realizes that you’re the reincarnation of someone very dear to him.
All I Want For Christmas - Fluff, Christmas, Santa’s Daughter!Reader
Being Santa Claus’ daughter, it was only inevitable that you’d catch feelings for his head elf

Dear Santa
 - Fluff, Writer Elf!Reader
The writing department has been especially short on elves this year, and this means you find yourself responsible for writing a whole bunch of letters. Luckily, the head elf has his eye on you.
Druig x Reader
Merry Little Christmas - Fluff, Christmas, GN! Reader
Christmas with the Eternals is a little extra special this year because of a certain mind-controlling telepath

Prince Eric (Barbie in the Nutcracker)
Real - Fluff, Christmas
After arriving back in your living room, you’re startled to find out that the previous night was real, Mouse King, Nutcracker, and all.
Home - Fluff, Christmas
The locket is supposed to take you home, but in your heart, you know you’re already there.
Steve Harrington x Reader
About Time - Fluff, Soulmate AU, Time Travel
You discover a time-traveling wormhole in your closet and a hot guy from the 80â€Čs on the other side of it.
Steve Rogers x Reader
The Nutcracker - Fluff, Ballerina!Reader
When your winter recital finally comes around, Steve is more than happy to support you.
Warren Worthington III x Reader
Merry Christmas, Darling - Fluff, Christmas, Mutant!Reader, Gender Neutral!Reader
The Holidays are in full swing at the X Mansion, and as always, you are tasked with helping run the place. But things are a lot less dull with a certain winged mutant around.
Santa Baby - Fluff, Christmas
You use the power of invisibility to put a Santa hat on each of the X-Men. 
New Year's Eve Kisses
New Year’s Eve Kisses 2017 - Steve Harrington, Marty McFly, Edmund Pevensie, Thackery Binx, Wanda Maximoff
New Year’s Eve Kisses 2020 - Alex Vreeke (Jumanji), Jack Frost, Ben Tennyson, Diaval, Peeta Mellark
New Year’s Eve Kisses 2021 - Bernard the Elf, Bucky Barnes, Diana Prince, Killian Jones, Pietro Maximoff
New Year’s Eve Kisses 2022 - Eddie Munson, Druig, Kili, Neville Longbottom, Peter Pan
New Year’s Eve Kisses 2023 - Roronoa Zoro, Barbie, Jaime Reyes, Hank McCoy, Sasappis
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ao3feed-narlie · 3 months ago
it's hard being casual (when my favorite jumper lives in your dresser).
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/z5X4lVK by xoxo_n Was it casual when Nick and Charlie met at that house party? When they shared a night that neither of them would admit meant more than just a fling? Or was it casual when they started texting every day, finding excuses to spend more time together? They both swore it was completely no strings attached- zero commitment. But that was a lie because in every universe, there was nothing casual between Nick and Charlie. --- OR , Nick and Charlie meet at Leeds during Harry's party and spend a night together. They end up exchanging numbers end up confused on where their relationship exactly lies. Words: 10674, Chapters: 1/13, Language: English Fandoms: Heartstopper (TV), Heartstopper (Webcomic) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Elle Argent, Tao Xu (Heartstopper), Tara Jones, Darcy Olsson, Issac Henderson (Heartstopper), Benjamin "Ben" Hope, Imogen Heaney, Sai Verma, Otis Smith | Omar, Christian McBride (Heartstopper), Harry Greene, Sarah Nelson, Nellie Nelson, Henry Nelson (Heartstopper), Original Characters, David Nelson (Heartstopper) Relationships: Nicholas "Nick" Nelson/Charles "Charlie" Spring, Elle Argent/Tao Xu, Tara Jones/Darcy Olsson, Imogen Heaney & Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Elle Argent & Isaac Henderson & Nicholas "Nick" Nelson & Charles "Charlie" Spring & Tao Xu, Christian McBride & Otis Smith | Omar & Sai Verma Additional Tags: Friends With Benefits, Song: Casual (Chappell Roan), Casual Sex, Alternate Universe - College/University, Nick and Charlie meet at uni, Nick at Leeds, Smut, Angst, Miscommunication, Angst with a Happy Ending, Author is a Taylor Swift Fan, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson Loves Charles "Charlie" Spring, Nicholas "Nick" Nelson is a Taylor Swift Fan, Top Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Bottom Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper), Charles "Charlie" Spring (Heartstopper) has an Eating Disorder, Past Benjamin "Ben" Hope/Charles "Charlie" Spring, Benjamin "Ben" Hope is His Own Warning, Past Abuse, Praise Kink, Kinky Things Happen, Charlie serves cunt, Taylor Swift Song Lyrics, Inspired by a Chappell Roan Song, no beta we die like nick's heterosexuality, Good Parent Sarah Nelson, Drinking, Smoking, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Therapy, Relapses, Jealous Charlie Spring, Jealous Nicholas "Nick" Nelson, Rugby Player Nicholas "Nick" Nelson read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/z5X4lVK
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ao3feed-irondadspiderson · 28 days ago
enough is enough is enough
https://archiveofourown.org/works/62625532 by aletheahiraeth “Hey, hey, I’m en route to you now, kid. Just hold on a bit longer for me, okay?” Through the din and fog of his ringing ears, he could only vaguely hear the older man's voice attempting to soothe him. And it was in that exact moment that he wished he had been more forthcoming with Tony. Maybe then he wouldn’t be in this situation, with an ominous man walking towards him—tilting and turning sideways, like he was melting. With a start, he realized it was, in fact, he who was the one doing the tilting. He couldn’t seem to stop himself, and his head smacked painfully against the pavement as he dropped. Silently, he sent a prayer out into the universe, hoping something would be merciful enough to answer it. Please, please, please let Mr. Stark find me. or; Everyone Peter has ever cared about has left him. A stint in the foster system, a radioactive spider-bite, and one secret identity later, leads him to the conclusion that enough is enough and he does the only thing left that he can think of: he makes a run for it. He just never expected that Tony Stark would be the one to find him. Words: 624, Chapters: 1/16, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Iron Man (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/M, M/M, Other Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Skip Westcott, Obadiah Stane, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Happy Hogan, May Parker (Spider-Man), Ben Parker, Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones, Adrian Toomes Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark Additional Tags: Homeless Peter Parker, Peter Parker Has Issues, Peter Parker Has Panic Attacks, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Hurt Peter Parker, Peter Parker Whump, Peter Parker is a Mess, BAMF Peter Parker, Tony Stark Has a Heart, Irondad, spiderson, Irondad & Spiderson, Not Canon Compliant, May Parker (Spider-Man) Dies, Not Spider-Man: Homecoming Compliant, references several scenes from it though, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Psychological Torture, Implied/Referenced Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, author is bullshitting their knowledge on science, author is bullshitting their knowledge on law, Rape Recovery read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/62625532
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satansapostle6 · 1 year ago
Characters I Write For
Please message me with any ideas/requests! I need ideas(short fics or series)
Mostly write for fem!readers. I can write fluff, angst, smut, etc. If I’m not comfortable with something I can let you know
Character/Actor List
Favorite Characters/Actors To Write For
Draco Malfoy, Weasley twins
Jesse Pinkman
Paul Dano characters
Josh Hutcherson characters
Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel
Damon Salvatore, Silas, Klaus Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson
Rodrick Heffley
Bellamy Blake
Ezra Fitz(should probably make it clear I don’t condone)
Ian Duncan(Community)
Charlie(It’s Always Sunny)
Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase
Finnick Odair
Tommy Shelby
Killian Hook
Paul Dano
Klitz(The Girl Next Door)
Dwayne Hoover(Little Miss Sunshine)
Edward Nashton(The Batman)
Calvin Weir-Fields(Ruby Sparks)
Brian Wilcox(Fast Food Nation)
Joby Taylor(For Ellen)
Nick Flynn(Being Flynn)
Josh Hutcherson
Peeta Mellark(The Hunger Games)
Mike Schmidt(FNAF)
Josh Futturman(Future Man)
Devon Bostick
Rodrick Heffley(Diary of a Wimpy Kid)
Jasper Jordan(The 100)
Cillian Murphy
Tommy Shelby(Peaky Blinders)
Dr. Jonathan Crane(The Dark Knight)
Neil(Watching the Detectives)
Christian Bale
Patrick Bateman(American Psycho)
Bruce Wayne(The Dark Knight)
Breaking Bad
Jesse Pinkman
Jane Margolis
Saul Goodman
Harry Potter(Golden Trio Era)
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Draco Malfoy
Pansy Parkinson
Blaise Zabini
Theodore Nott
Daphne Greengrass
Adrian Pucey
Terence Higgs
Harry Potter(Marauders Era)
James Potter
Remus Lupin
Sirius Black
Lily Potter
Severus Snape
Regulus Black
Lucius Malfoy
Narcissa Malfoy
Bellatrix Lestrange
Arthur Weasley
Harry Potter(Fantastic Beasts Era)
Newt Scamander
Queenie Goldstein
Leta Lestrange
Percy Jackson
Percy Jackson
Annabeth Chase
Luke Castellan
Thalia Grace
Jason Grace
+ Gods
Criminal Minds
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Emily Prentiss
Derek Morgan
Penelope Garcia
David Rossi
Elle Greenaway
Cat Adams
Megan Kane
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
John Winchester
Mary Winchester
Charlie Bradbury
Rowena McLeod
Adam Milligan
Jessica Moore
Benny Lafitte
Bela Talbot
Jo Harvelle
Ellen Harvelle
Jonah Simms
Amy Sosa
Marcus White
Garrett McNeill
Dina Fox
Cheyenne Lee
Bo Thompson
Gilmore Girls
Lorelai Gilmore
Christopher Hayden
Luke Danes
Logan Huntzberger
Jess Mariano
The Hunger Games
Peeta Mellark
Katniss Everdeen
Gale Hawthorn
Finnick Odair
Johanna Mason
Haymitch Abernathy
Pretty Little Liars
Aria Montgomery
Spencer Hastings
Emily Fields
Hannah Marin
Mona Vanderwaal
Alison Di Laurentis
Jason Di Laurentis
Ezra Fitz
Toby Cavanaugh
Jenna Marshall
Caleb Rivers
The Vampire Diaries
Damon Salvatore
Stefan Salvatore
Katherine Pierce
Elena Gilbert
Jeremy Gilbert
Bonnie Bennett
Caroline Forbes
The Originals
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
Kol Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Freya Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Marcel Gerard
Davina Claire
Edward Cullen
Bella Swan
Alice Cullen
Jasper Hale
Rosalie Hale
Emmett Cullen
The 100
Bellamy Blake
Octavia Blake
Jasper Jordan
Fiona Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Frank Gallagher
Mandy Milkovich
Kevin Ball
Veronica Fisher
The Bear
Carmy Berzatto
Sydney Adamu
Richie Jerimovich
Suicide Squad
Harley Quinn
Rick Flag
Once Upon A Time
Emma Swan
Regina Mills
Killian Jones
Robin Hood
Jeff Winger
Abed Nadir
Annie Edison
Troy Barnes
Ian Duncan
It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia
Charlie Kelly
Dennis Reynolds
Dee Reynolds
House MD
Greg House
Robert Chase
James Wilson
Lisa Cuddy
Parks and Recreation
Ben Wyatt
April Ludgate
Andy Dwyer
MCU, Marvel
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Natasha Romanoff
Bruce Banner
Wanda Maximoff
Loki Laufeyson
Peter Parker(Holland, Garfield, Maguire)
Peter Quill
Scott Lang
Steven Strange
Jessica Jones
Wade Wilson
Oliver Queen
Barry Allen
Felicity Smoak
Laurel Lance
Sara Lance
Malcom Merlyn
John Constantine
Leonard Snart
Ray Palmer
Caitlyn Snow
Julian Albert
Rip Hunter
10 Things I Hate About You
Patrick Verona
Cameron James
New Girl
Jess Day
Nick Miller
Other Characters
Charlie Kelmeckis(Perks Of Being A Wallflower)
Jesse Eisenberg Characters
Dr. Who(10th Doctor)
Will Probably Add More
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devilish-blue · 2 years ago
~Devilish Smoke Shoppe~
Hi you smokin' pervs, i'm Devilish or Blue, and i am here to fulfill whatever horny, angsty, or fluffy needs you have. Everything you guys are about to see is everything i will do, so eat your guys' gross little hearts out <33
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Fandoms/Things i will write:
Naruto Uzumaki
Sasuke Uchiha
Shikamaru Nara
Kiba Inuzuka
Kakashi Hatake
Neji Hyuga
Rock Lee
Asuma Sarutobi
Tsunade Senju
Sakura Haruno
Ino Yamanaka
Hinata Hyuga
Hinata Shoyo
Kageyama Tobio
Tsukishima Kei
Yamaguchi Tadashi
Tanaka Ryƫnosuke
Nishinoya Yu
Koshi Sugawara
Daichi Sawamura
Asahi Azumane
Kiyoko Shimizu
Aoba Johsai:
Oikawa Tooru
Iwazumi Hajime
Akira Kunimi
Kentarƍ Kyƍtani (Mad Dog)
Lev Haiba
Sƍ Inuoka
Kenma Kozume
Taketora Yamamoto
Morisuke Yaku
Tetsuro Kuroo
Kenjirƍ Shirabu
Tsutomu Goshiki
Satori Tendƍ
Eita Semi
Wakatoshi Ushijima
Haruki Komi
Akinori Konoha
Keiji Akashi
Kƍtarƍ Bokuto
Osamu Miya
Atsumu Miya
Suna Rintaro
Aran Ojiro
Shinsuke Kita
Keishin Ukai
Ittetsu Takeda
Kiyoomi Sakusa
TV Shows:
Wednesday Addams
Enid Sinclair
Xavier Thorpe
Tyler Galpin
Ajax Petropolus
Cobra Kai:
Miguel Diaz
Robby Keene
Hawk/Eli Moskowitz
Demetri Alexpoulos
Tory Nichols
Samantha LaRusso
Jughead Jones
FP Jones
Archie Andrews
Reggie Mantle
Betty Cooper
Veronica Lodge
Toni Topaz
Cheryl Blossom
South Park (Aged up (COLLEGE) and/or Post Covid!):
Stan Marsh
Kyle Broflovski
Kenny McCormick
Eric Cartman
Tolkien Black
Craig Tucker
Tweek Tweak
Clyde Donovan
Big Mouth:
Judd Birch
Human Resources:
Maury Beverley
Connie LaCienega
Emmy Fairfax
Rochelle Hillhurst
Pete Doheny
Sam and Colby
Horror Characters:
Ghostface (Billy Loomis and Stu Macher)
Michael Myers
Jason Vorhees
Brahms Heelshire
Ticci Toby
Eyeless Jack
Homicidal Liu
Jeff The Killer
Ben Drowned
Laughing Jack
My Do's And Don'ts:
Spam me
Piss, Scat, Throw up, Vore.
Do NOT request any pedophilia or r@pe.
OKAY so now that you guys know everything, basically, you can request it because i honestly can't think of anything on my own. ALSO i am looking to do commissions, if you are interested then please let me know <33 Smoke your pervy little hearts out <33
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knyontop · 3 months ago
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₊˚ â€żïž”â€żà­šà­§ · · ♡ · · à­šà­§â€żïž”â€ż ˚₊
My Masterlist ! ──★ Ë™đŸ©· ̟ !!
Heres my masterlist for all the fandoms I write for, sense it might be a lil hard to find my posts I decided to make this so people can find my posts easier!! Now I would also like to say for my creepypasta posts the way I used to write them were not very canon but I promise my writing has improved a lot more! xD also please tell me if the links dont work.
Kny fandom ! ──★ ˙🎋 ̟ !!
Inosuke x zombie!reader
How the Hashira would say language
Mitsuri x Teen!Tsuguko!reader
Dom, sub, or switch?
Creepypasta fandom ! ──★ ˙🍼 ̟ !!
Ben drowned x sibling!reader
Creepypasta with a new proxy child reader
Creepypasta x mean!child!reader
There not a monster. (Child!reader)
Creepypasta x childish!teen!reader
Creepyasta x Gyutaro and Daki like child!readers
Platonic yandere creepypasta x shyish!teen!reader
Jeff the killer x fem!coquette!reader
Creepypasta x child!Lonely!reader
Creepypasta x bitchy!reader
Incorrect quote involving teen!reader
Creepypasta x dead!child!reader
Creepypasta comforting child!reader
How Creepyasta would say language
Creepypasta with a quiet reader who can stand up for themselves.
Dating jeff the killer moodboard
Arcane fandom ! ──★ ˙🎀 ̟ !!
Nothing here yet :( request?
MHA fandom ! ──★ ˙🌾 ̟ !!
Big brother Touya.
Yandere Toga x zombie!reader
South park fandom ! ──★ Ë™đŸ„ ̟ !!
Nothing here yet :( request?
Angels of death fandom ! ──★ ˙🌙 ̟ !!
Nothing here yet :( request?
Fnaf fandom ! ──★ ˙💟 ̟ !!
Nothing here yet :( request?
Descendants fandom ! ──★ ˙🍰 ̟ !!
Incorrect quote
Shameless fandom ! ──★ ˙🍓 ̟ !!
Nothing here yet :( request?
Stranger things ! ──★ ˙🍡 ̟ !!
Nothing here yet :( request?
IT ! ──★ ˙💓 ̟ !!
Incorrect quote involving sibling!reader
Dating Henry bowers moodboard
Dating Patrick Hockstetter moodboard
Dating Victor Criss and Belch Huggins moodboards
Bowers gang hcs
Patrick stalking hcs
Let me explain

Yandere bowers gang x Ballerina!reader moodboard
Incorrect quote
Toxic Henry hcs
Platonic yandere bowers gang with reader who prefers losers club
Nsfw bowers gang hcs
Ouat ! ──★ ˙🍙 ̟ !!
Being a little lost kid in neverland moodboard
The outsiders ! ──★ ˙💞 ̟ !!
Nothing here yet :( request?
The Supernatural ! ──★ Ë™đŸ‘» ̟ !!
Nothing here yet :( request?
Invincible fandom ! ──★ ˙🍧 ̟ !!
Nothing here yet :( request?
Ocs ! ──★ ˙💕 ̟ !!
Mitsuri x Hanako and Aki (platonic)
Alexander Criss moodboard
Incorrect quotes involving Alex and Bethany
Incorrect quotes involving Alex and Bethany and Sawyer
Bethany x sawyer hcs
Derry halloween
Alex and Marilyn and Bethany passing notes (angst)
Alex and Mari hcs
Ellie jones moodboard
The death of Alexander Criss.
Mari and Fulton hcs
Rainy woods camper
₊˚ â€żïž”â€żà­šà­§ · · ♡ · · à­šà­§â€żïž”â€ż ˚₊
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sm0k1ng-dr3xms · 4 months ago
⚣~ Masterlist ~ ⚣
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  Below The Cut  
Index ;
âœȘ = Smut 18+
♡ = Fluff
☟ = Angst
⚘ = Fic
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â—€ COD MEN ◱ ;
« Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley - »
« Captain John Price - »
« Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick - »
« John ‘Soap’ MacTavish - »
« Poly!TF141 - »
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â—€ Teen Wolf ◱ ;
« Stiles Stilinski - »
〈 Stiles got a crush - ,, transmasc!reader ♡
« Scott McCall - »
« Isaac Lahey - »
« Liam Dunbar - »
« Derek Hale - »
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â—€ AHS ◱ ;
« Tate Langdon - »
« Dandy Mott - »
« Jimmy Darling - »
« Ben Harmon - »
« Kyle Spencer - »
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â—€ Riverdale ◱ ;
« Jughead Jones - »
« Archie Andrews - »
« Fangs Fogarty - »
« Sweet Pea - »
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â—€ The Originals ◱ ;
« Niklaus ‘Klaus’ Mikaelson - »
« Elijah Mikaelson - »
« Marcel Gerard - »
« Kol Mikaelson - »
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â—€ TVD ◱ ;
« Damon Salvatore - »
« Stefan Salvatore - »
« Enzo St. John - »
« Jeremy Gilbert - »
« Kai Parker - »
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â—€ Shameless ◱ ;
« Ian Gallagher - »
« Mickey Milkovich - »
« Poly!Gallavich - »
« Lip Gallagher - »
« Carl Gallagher - »
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blankspacefanfics · 2 years ago
Okay to ask for: age regression, adhd, autism, ocd, anxiety, depression, self harm, smut, fluff, angst, poly relationships, canonxcanon, canonxreader
Do not ask: dubcon, rape, animal abuse and other forms of abuse
BONES - Temperance Brennan, Seeley Booth, Zack Addy, Jack Hodgins, Camille Saroyan, James Aurbey, Lance Sweets, Wendell Bray, Finn Abernathy
CRIMINAL MINDS - Aaron Hotchner, Spencer Reid, Derek Morgan, Jennifer Jareau, David Rossi, Jason Gideon, Emily Prentiss, Penelope Garcia, Elle Greenaway
NCIS - Anthony DiNozzo, Ziva David, Abigail Sciuto, Donald Mallard, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, James Palmer, Timothy McGee, Jennifer Shepard, Tobias Fornell, Mike Franks
SUPERNATURAL - Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, John Winchester, Crowley, Castiel, Bobby Singer
TEEN WOLF - Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Peter Hale, Malia Tate, Allison Argent, Lydia Martin, Theo Raeken, Liam Dunbar, Jackson Whittmore, Kira Yukimura, Isaac Lahey, Melissa McCall, Noah Stilinski, Chris Argent, Jordan Parrish. Bobby Finstock, Alan Deaton, Erica Reyes
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY - Five, Diego Hargreeves, Allison Hargreeves, Klaus Hargreeves, Luther Hargreeves, Ben Hargreeves, Viktor Hargreeves
Z NATION - Addison Carver, Steven Beck ‘Doc’, Thomas ‘10k, Roberta Warren, Alvin Murphy, Cassandra, Kaya, Simon Cruller
FAST AND FURIOUS - Han Lue, Dominic Toretto, Leticia Ortiz, Deckard Shaw, Roman Pearce, Tej Parker, Giselle Yashar, Suki, Hattie Shaw, Dante Reyes, Mia Toretto, Jakob Toretto, Lucas Hobbs, Megan Ramsey
HARRY POTTER - Harry Potter, Ronald Weasely, Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Sirius Black, James Potter, Severus Snape, Remus Lupin, Rubeus Hagrid, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Ginerva Weasley, Bellatrix Lestrange, Molly Weasley, Cedric Diggory, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Seamus Finnigan, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Lily Evans, Tom Riddle
MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE - Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova, Steve Rogers, James Barnes, Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Loki Laufeyson, Thor Odinson, Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Clint Barton, Steven Strange, Carol Danvers, Vision, Gamora, Sam Wilson, Jessica Jones
TOKYO GHOUL - Kaneki Ken, Rize Kamishiro, Koutarou Amon, Juuzou Suzuya, Nishio Nishiki, Hideyoshi Nagachika, Seidou Takizawa, Touka Kirishima, Ayato Kirishima, Yoshimura, Haise Sasaki
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jupitcrs · 6 months ago
comic wrap up — august ‘24
this is something new that i’m doing!! i want to start engaging more with others who read comics and putting my thoughts out there.
i’ve been reading comics for a while but i didn’t really do a lot of research when i started so my taste is incredibly sporadic (sorry in advance)
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— young justice volume 1: gemworld
i was dying for some conner kent content because i was hyperfixating so bad on him. he was very cutie in this, and of course, him as a farmer was also very cutie.
i was a big fan of the art in this comic, the colors were stunning and the characters looked great.
i enjoyed seeing stephanie brown, even if briefly! her and tim are so cute together. this was my first young justice comic, so i was introduced to some really great characters through this (cassie sandsmark!!!)
also, enjoy this timkon moment
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
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— batman: under the red hood
i watched the animated film for this like a year ago? jensen ackles voicing jason todd started my love for the character, what can i say.
the relationship between jason and bruce is so interesting to me. jason’s intense, raw emotion combined with bruce’s moral code oh i was eating up the angst like a four course meal.
i would highly recommend this one to the jason todd lovers out there!
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ .5
— batman, volume 6: bride or burglar?
i jumped back into this run after not reading it for a while, but i needed a bruce fix.
i enjoyed the little snapshots of batcat moments, and selina stealing her own wedding dress is iconic. but, mostly, i loved the side characters that appeared in this. wonder woman looks hot as hell, and harley and ivy had a sweet relationship moment.
it’s nothing special, but it passed the time
☆ ☆ ☆ .5
— fantastic four volume 2: mr. and mrs. grimm
deadpool and wolverine launched me back into my johnny storm obsession eek
this was a cute overview of ben and alicia's relationship, and i liked seeing their origin in the comics. there were also some cute moments between sue and ben and also johnny and ben (i loved the bachelor party issue, johnny and ben's little heart-to heart was so precious).
the main thing i will say is that i am not a fan of reed richards. it may just be this version of him and i'm sure he's better in other comics, but i just don't like him in this. i'm happy to accept recommendations for adaptations in which he's less annoying, i do really want to like him.
☆ ☆ ☆ .5
— jessica jones: alias, volume 1
i was planned to really love this, i am a big fan of the jessica jones show, so i was hoping for something dark and gritty, but it wasn't as dark as i was expecting it to me (this is also probably just a me thing, not a geniune critique of the comic)
there were a lot of aspects of this that i loved. i'm now obsessed with the carol danvers and jessica jones friendship and i need more of it!! jessica is also a fun narrator, i just really love her character.
i definitely want to continue to this series at some point.
— batman: wayne family adventures volume 3
i like to read these to pass the time when i have a minute or two to spare. these little one-shots always have me kicking my feet and giggling.
there were some really cute pairings that i loved in these. ivy and cassandra and stephanie were so such a cute trio. i also really loved the episode about tim and damian's relationship.
if you're a batfamily fan these are a must-read they are so precious!!
bonus: manga!
— attack on titan: junior high volume 1
my feelings on this manga is the same as wayne family adventures. it's cute little moments of the attack on titan characters. it's nice to see them being happy for once.
i always giggle a bit whenever i read this too, especially the way it pokes fun at eren (he's my favorite character i'm allowed to giggle when they make fun of him!!)
also, eren and armin being each other's folk dance partners...absolutely love it
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wednesday-fanatic · 2 years ago
Who I Will Write For and What I Will Write For
Will: Smut, fluff, angst, death, I will do Dom/sub dynamics, choking, masterbation, overestimulation, hard doms, soft doms.
Wont: Piss kink, shit kink, creampie, not too rough of sex (but I will do rough sex), and I will not write for use of toys.
Pin Hawthorne
Kaz Brekker
Jesper Fahey
Alina Starkov
General Kirigan
Ben Stone
Olive Stone
Cal Stone
Zeke Landon
Jared Vasquez
TJ Morrison
Marcus Lopez
Saya Kuroki
Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy
Tom Riddle
Lorenzo Berkshire
Matteo Riddle
Young!James Potter
Young!Regulus Black
Young!Peter Pettigrew
Young!Remus Lupin
Young!Sirius Black
Edmund Pevensie
Peter Pevensie
Prince Caspian
Griff Jones
Xander McCormick
Hiccup Haddock
Astrid Hofferson
Wyatt Lykensen
Griffin Campbell
Tom Kullerson
Wednesday Addams
Tyler Galpin
Xavier Thorpe
Barry Allen
Caitlin Snow
Alex Danvers
Loki Laugherson
Tony Stark
Peter Parker (Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield)
Peter Pan
Chat Noir
Adrien Agreste
Ty Borden
Dylan Westfield
Sherlock Holmes
Gilbert Blythe
Jack Frost
I do requests. I will do X Reader and X OC.
Message me through my profile if you have a request. I do not really check comments, so it's easier for me to get requests through a message then a comment
I will write for characters from Kings Choice which is a game on the Google play store. I dont know why but im in love with some of the characters, like, the way their animated is hot. Here's who I'll write for from the game:
I will do smut, fluff, and angst for the Kings Choice game. I take requests for them too
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turtlesnails · 1 year ago
I don’t want to lose you again
Alex gets a phone call from the hospital saying that his uncle was in a bad accident. Except, Ian Rider died four years ago...
T+, Alex Rider Fandom ( Alex Rider - Anthony Horowitz, Alex Rider (TV 2020)), Alex & Yassen, Pre-slash Alex/Yassen
Written for @shehungthemoon prompt for @alexinchainsfest
~7k words, No warnings apply, Light Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Medical Inaccuracies, Sickfic,
Preview under the cut:
Alex was already running late to his university class when his cell phone started to ring.
He reached into his pocket intending to turn off the phone's ringer, assuming that the incoming call was from Jack, Sabina or Tom. They were the only people who kept in contact with him regularly. 
It was an unknown number, with a 115 area code, Nottingham if Alex remembered correctly. It was likely a spam call; someone trying to sell him something or waste his time. Ian always said to never answer them, plus if it was really that important whoever was calling could just leave a message. 
And- Alex stole a glance at the time, if he did not get out of here in the next minute he would miss his train. 
There was just something odd nagging at him. Alex pulled the slightly burnt piece of toast out of his mouth and pressed down on the answer button. 
“Hello, May I speak with Alex Rider?” The female voice on the other end of the line spoke. Whoever this unknown number was
well, they knew who he was.
“Who is asking?” 
“I’m Sarah, a nurse at the Queen’s Medical Centre in Nottingham. I am calling for Alex Rider?
“What?” Alex responded rather confused. Why would a nurse from a hospital miles away call him on this dreary weekday morning. Heck, why at all? It’s not like he had an appointment up there. “Uh
 This is him.” 
Alex slid himself onto one of the high stools. He did not know anyone in Nottingham. Jack and Sab were both in America, Tom was or should be in his Uni classes. None of them were anywhere near Nottingham. His mind briefly flashed to Ben Daniels. It had been months, almost a year now, since he had spoken to Ben. Ben might have been from Birmingham or Manchester. But if it was Ben
. Alex would have expected Wolf or Crawley to pass the news on to him.  
“Well Alex.  I’m calling regarding your loved one, Ian Rider. And, I wanted to inform you that they have been admitted to our hospital.” 
“What the fuc-“ Alex started to respond before catching himself, “Sorry. I just am really not expecting this. You said my uncle, Ian Rider, is in the hospital?” 
“Yes. I know the news can come as a bit of a shock,” She continued, “He was involved in a serious accident when his motorbike collided with oncoming traffic. He listed your name and phone number to the medical personnel at the scene, before being med flown to Queen’s Medical center. He is currently in the Intensive Burn unit at the hospital. I am calling firstly to inform you of his condition but also because you are listed as Ian’s medical proxy, and legally are able to make decisions on his behalf for treatment.” 
Alex ran a hand through his hair. It was unbelievable. There is no way Ian is still alive? Or was there? It was a closed casket at the funeral. Ian or even Alan Blunt could have faked his death. Four years

It was a long time. And, if Ian was alive why didn’t he try to make contact with Alex before that? Why would he just abandon him? Especially if he knew Blunt and Jones would take advantage?  Alex felt just a bit angry.
“Alright,” Alex repeated, turning his focus back to the phone call,  “What happened? And what do I have to do?” 
“Firstly, Ian has suffered from second and third degree burns on his right side. The third degree burns extend through the entire thickness of his skin, are more challenging to treat and may require skin grafts.  He also sustained a head injury. We’ve conducted relevant diagnostic tests which showed swelling. Our main concern here is increased pressure on his brain from his skull. But, we need consent in order to do surgery.” 
“My consent, right?” Alex asked 
“Correct. We also want to make sure that you know the procedure, the risks and the benefits, along with answering any questions you might have.” 
“That is the best thing to do, right? That’s what the doctors are recommending?” 
“The sooner we reduce the swelling and pressure on the skull the better.” 
“Alright, yeah do that. I’m definitely not going to make it to my class today
. You said Nottingham?”
“Yes, that is correct.” The nurse responded.
“Good. I’ll be on the next train up.”  With that Alex ended the phone call, and pondered what had just happened. He felt nauseous, like the room was spinning way too fast around him. 
On one hand, Ian could be dead. There was always a chance that there are two Ian Riders with the same birthdays in the UK- maybe the other Ian had a nephew named Alex. Alex was a common enough name. So was Rider.  On the other hand, Ian could be very much alive. Which brought Alex full of emotions. If he was alive why did he wait four years to contact Alex, why was he in Nottingham, and why didn’t anyone tell him? A thought dawned on Alex. Maybe they did not even know Ian was still alive.
(Continue reading on AO3)
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