#bella just 'u were standing next to ur car'
huntedlives-a · 1 year
made  the  call  to  work.      they  weren’t  overly  happy,    but  i  did  it    &    i’m  now  rewarding  myself  by  watching  edward  cullen  blatantly  gaslight  bella  swan  in  a  hospital  corridor  aka  twilight.
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Jacob x Autistic!reader - Werewolves are better
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Ik it's been a while but can I request a part three to Werewolves Are Better? I'm obsessed. Maybe with Bella and the Cullens (sounds like a band lol) trying to forcibly bring reader back with them, but the reader has a meltdown and calls for Jacob and the pack protects her? Or however u want I just want angst and fluff. Take ur time, love ur work, hope ur well! 💙 - Anon💜
Part three:
You went outside to cool down, taking deep breaths as you tried to calm your racing heart.
The others stayed inside, waiting for you to come back.
Jacob was stood nearby, watching you as you paced back and forth. He knew better then to come near you when you were like this.
He knew to just stand there and wait for you to calm down and invite him over.
“(Y/N) we’re going!” Bella yelled.
She stormed over and grabbed your hand and you yelled.
Jacob tried rushing forward to you but he was quickly stopped by Edward who threw him back.
“Bella you don’t have to do this to her.” Esme tried.
“She’s being a brat and it’s their fault!” She yelled.
Carlisle and the others tried to reason with her, telling her to let you go and stop but it didn’t work.
You kept struggling to get free but it wasn’t working, you were trying break free but she managed to drag you into the car.
“Bella I swear to god!” Jacob growled.
“You and the stupid pack are turning my own sister against me!”
She slammed the door shut and jumped into the drivers side while she drove away.
You were having a full on meltdown, kicking the seats and screaming.
Bella said nothing, you were out of it.
You tried getting out the car but the door had a child lock on and you couldn’t get out.
There was a loud howl and the car screech to halt.
You hit your head off the seat in front of you and screamed in pain.
The door was thrown open and you could feel someone pull you out. Screaming and thrashing in their arms and they quickly let go.
You could hear taking but you couldn’t make anything out.
You only recognised the sound of snarled, and the sound of a wolf padding around you.
The wolf laid down, curling its body around you.
He let out a low whine, nudging his head against your leg to let you know it was him.
You breathed heavily, hitting your hand against your leg.
“You’ve taken this too far Bella.” Sam growled.
“She’s MY sister not yours!” She yelled.
“You’ve got no right calling her your sister after this.” Embry said lowly.
You could see Paul and Leah in wolf from laying in front of you while the rest of the pack was crouched nearby.
You were still hitting your hand on your leg as you looked around at everyone.
“Bella, we have to agree with them. This is too far, look at her.” Carlisle said softly.
“You hurt your own sister.” Rosalie growled.
“I’m fed up of her always turning us down for them. She’s not even thinking straight.” Bella argued.
“She’s thinking more straight then you are at this point.” Seth scoffed.
Bella growled throwing her hands in the air as she started to walk away in anger.
Carlisle turned to you and knelt in front of Leah who was still blocking the path to you.
She snarled and snapped a little.
“I need to have a look at her head, is that okay?”
This wasn’t directed at them, it was aimed at you.
You weren’t responding.
Jacob phased back and sat next to you, Leah and Paul doing the same thing.
“Can you do it without touched her?”
“Of course.”
Jacob turned around to you, and you gave a small nod of your head.
Carlisle came close but not too close as he started to check you over.
“I’m here.”
He shuffled behind you and lightly wrapped his arms around your waist.
Jacob made sure you could still get free if you wanted to get free then you could.
“Sweetheart, I’m so sorry Bella did this.” Esme whispered.
The Cullens were furious with her, all aside Edward who left straight after her.
They wants to get to know you, and this is one of the reason that’ll mess all that up.
You were still shaking.
“You’ll need stitches, but I’m sure if I give Jacob detailed instructions when you’re ready he can do them.” Carlisle smiled.
“Of course. Thanks.” Jacob said.
Carlisle nodded and stood up, the coven taking a step back.
They gave you one more look before leaving.
Jacob stood up, phasing back as he laid in front of you.
You climbed on to his back, clutching his fur tightly between your fingers as he started to wonder his way around the woods.
The pack followed close behind, something that didn’t go unnoticed by your sister who didn’t drive that far away.
She was still furious with you, even more now than ever
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ur moodboards r so pretty!! i was wondering if i could get one w/ a matchup? i'm a 21 y/o 5'7" bi girl, gemini and an infp. my interests include writing (kinda edgy tbh) poetry n drawing. i'm v into vulture culture, specifically bone collecting and wet specimens. i love animals, esp ferrets (i have 6 lol). i love listening to music, mostly heavy or obscure bands. i'm not v assertive and i'm a big daydreamer. ppl say i have a rather dry/dark sense of humor. thank u and good luck w the new blog!!
Darling, for sure! And thank you so much!! I hate to admit that flattery will in fact get you anywhere ahh dang it ily
For your matchup! This is like, bit obvious ‘kay, but let me make it special aight yuh, cue funky goth music! 
((Also, I went with the assumption that ferret owners walk them?? I hope that’s okay and not too bizarre?? As a dog owner I am sorry if I messed that up hhh)
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Translation: “Be my silver lining, help me make things better, darling.”
Leone Abbacchio!
At first glance, Abbacchio just really dug your style. The way you presented yourself was exactly according to his liking, extremely tasteful, he thought to himself. Still, having a platonic crush on your style didn’t move him to come up to speak to you out of the blue, what for anyways? Not like he was about to ruin some quite scrumptious girl’s day with his weird ramblings.
What a surprise though. Next time he spotted you in public it was by chance, and also amusingly entertaining. Were you really walking around with 4 ferrets on a leash? What was better, as he walked closer to you was, did you also carry two more ferrets on your tote-bag? He chuckled as he finally was close enough to you and spoke. “Excuse me miss, I couldn’t help but stare.” He started, earning a raised eyebrow from you, was this dude a creep or something? You tightened the leash quietly towards you, ready to lift your tiny children into the bag and run if needed.
“Oh, yeah?” You replied, on your guard, giving him a full scan with your eyes. Tall, well built, solemn looking, very nice lips and lipstick, nice hair, nice clothing style. Okay, visually, he had a pass, you had yet to see if he was a decent person. “Yeah.” He started, feeling the analytic gaze coming from you in his figure. He came in too strong probably. “I mean, it’s not every day you see a beautiful lady walking around with... six. Six ferrets in the street.” He had paused mid-sentence to count your pets. That, that earned positive points on his favor, he was cute, he got a pass.
“That’d be a beautiful girl for you, I’m not that old, sir.” You retorted, a small smile on your lips for you didn't mean no harm, and he understood that by replying with a smile on his face as well. “Ouch, okay, touché.” You both chuckled, then Leone presented himself, extending a polite hand your way. “I’m Leone, Leone Abbacchio, pleased to meet you miss.” He started, his lips together in a polite, amused smile. You thought it through for a second, realizing just how handsome this man was, timidly raising your hand to shake his. “Y/N’s the name, the pleasure is... mine, Leone.” He found that reaction interesting, contrary to the previous one, regaling you with a tender smile that barely showed you his perfect pearly whites.
“Well, Y/N, would you maybe... like to go for a drink?” He suggested, taking all his chances right there. How long had it been since he last went out with a girl for his own personal interest? He feared he’d forgotten how to act. Then came your answer, that actually put him at ease quite easily. “I’d love to, but I have to leave this babies back home first.” You started, then adjusting your tote-bag and reaching inside the pocket of your pants you took out your phone, unlocking it with practiced easiness. “Mind giving me your number so we can meet up some other time though?” He grinned, nodding and giving you a short “hm” as a response. 
You’d decided to meet up at the local music store, upon his request. Apparently, he wanted to buy a new album from his favorite band for his collection, and you didn’t comply, since you also were happy to check out on some new tunes. 
Watch him pleasantly surprised when he gets there and finds that both; you’re already there, even if he did get there a bit early, and also you were eyeing quite thoroughly the section he most liked to search through. “Hello there Y/N, anything catch your eye?”
As much as you’d liked to blurt out “You.”, you swallowed when you turned around and saw this wonderful eye candy ask about your music preference. 
After walking around the store for a while, casually chatting about the CDs both you and him pointed at or grabbed before placing them back in place you’d learned that you shared music tastes! Would he get any better than this? You thought, and simultaneously, so did he about you.
You decided to go for that drink you promised the previous day, he ordered some tea, and you did much the same. He refrained from drinking beer due to having problems with it in the past, he commented. You felt bad, so that’s why you chose the same thing, a small act of solidarity.
Through the afternoon, you’d been talking about books you’d read, sometimes coinciding on your reads, most the time Abbacchio recommending you books he’d loved, and so on.
It got interesting when you mentioned you also wrote some poetry sometimes. He asked if he could someday see your writings, and as much flustered as you got upon just thinking about it, you decided upon saying “We’ll see.”
When the night came, you’d realized you’d spent too much time in there, now a long 30 minute walk awaited you back home and, quite honestly, you weren’t exactly giddy and excited about it. 
“Don’t worry, bella, I’ll drive you home.” Great! You were rather nervous to get in the car of a man you’d quite prematurely met, but something deep in your gut told yourself to trust in him. And you did well, he opened the passenger seat’s door for you in a most outdated gentlemanly manner and turned around to sit down on the driver’s seat himself, revving up the engine and starting your way back home. You gave him the directions in a quiet tone, the music on the radio calmly playing while he let you guide, eyes focused on the road ahead and the wind gently swaying his hair backwards from his half open window. 
You took some time to quietly observe his features. The moonlight did him justice, he looked handsome during daylight, but this was another thing entirely. You realized you’d gotten a small crush on him at this point, sighing and staring at the road ahead. Not aware he’d noticed your staring and was now biting the inside of his cheek where you couldn’t see his embarrassment.
When you got home, your stomach sunk. You felt just how much you didn’t want him to leave just yet. And so, when you undid your belt and were about to turn for the door after a quiet “thank you”, you decided on turning back once more, only to notice he’d leaned over onto your seat and his face was mere inches away from yours, staring back at you with quiet surprise and wonder.
He swallowed, timidly speaking up after clearing his throat, not moving an inch. “You were about to... forget your bag in the back seat...” He stated, and you did notice your bag was being held in the hand that invaded your seat by its handles.
You slowly leaned in, and it happened, you pressed your lips to his, and he pressed back against you in return, raising his hand to your cheek and letting the bag softly drop into the car’s floor. 
When you broke off the kiss, you bit your lip. You were both adults, there was no harm in asking, right? “Uhm... would you want to... come in?” He chuckled and leaned back into the driver’s seat, moving the gear lever while still looking at you with a smirk on his lips. “Sure bella, let me park first and I’ll be there in a minute.”
So he spent the night with you. Next morning, you woke up with a small paper note next to you in bed, right where he’d laid previously and it read, in utmost fancy calligraphy “Went for breakfast, that was wonderful. - Leone”.
You threw yourself back into the mattress again, giddily waving the paper around as your kicked your legs like a teenage girl in love. You loved this man, he was amazing, so thoughtful, so kind and charming. He made you feel safe, and that’s what you most cherished. Sooner than later, you heard the doorbell ring, and promptly threw a shirt on you along with some undergarments to find a handsome silver haired man standing at your door with coffee and pastries.
After meeting up a few more times in this fashion, you’d gotten to the point you just had to ask. Perched on his form on your sofa as you watched a documentary on pagan rituals he seemed to be rather interested on, you rested your head between his shoulder and his chest and timidly asked, playing with his hand that rested on your thigh. “Leone, what are we?” 
He seemed to stay silent for longer than comfortable. But when you looked up, seeing him arch his brow in confusion and turn to look at you for a brief moment before turning his gaze back to the screen. He threw an arm around your shoulder and squeezed you close, resting his temple on top of your head tenderly as he seemed to try and find his words without missing much of the show.
“I thought we were dating already?” He nonchalantly replied, which made your chest tighten and a sharp breath inflate your chest. You let it out and gave a small nod onto his chest, placing a soft kiss on it and turning your  gaze to the TV once more, feeling him run his hand up and down your forearm in a comforting motion. “I’m glad we are then.” He chuckled and shook his head, but added nothing else, the smile never leaving his lips. 
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thehalfworld · 7 years
Fanfic MST: Forbiden Fruit: The Tempation of Edward Cullen, a Twilight fanfic [part 4]
I’m on a roll.
There’s more rape in this one; it’s not really described in detail, though. There are also references to what occurred in the last chapter, and an instance of mostly consensual sexual activity (although it stops short of actual sex).
Recap: Last chapter, Tiaa’s foster parents Dave and Marie left on a trip, leaving her in the care of “Uncle Larry” (Dave’s brother), who promptly began beating and raping Tiaa. After one such incident, she ran off into the woods and encountered a strange man who claimed to be her father before blacking out.
Chapter 1
Previous chapter
AN = No flames pls, theres no point!if u dnt like my story dnt read it, its as simple as that!
I never got the whole “don’t like, don’t read” thing. How can you know if you like it if you haven’t read it?
btw atlantiana is NOT marisue be cause look she is NOT perfect and not everyone in the stiry likes her! she has problems and she has flaws and shes UNHAPPY would u like her life?i no i wouldnt, its totally tragic and horible.u flamers arent even makin sense1
Having bad things happen to your character doesn’t make her less of a Mary Sue. Loads of Sues have tragic backstories. Look at Batman.
Chapter 4 - la push
I sat quitely on the la push beech apart form the party that was going on beside me. Mike Nooton was following me round like a pulpy and he was so borin! None of the things he had to say were interesting but I was nice to him because he wasnt a bad guy.
That’s actually pretty in-character for the guy, if I remember the Twilight Saga correctly. He’s nice, but not very interesting. I think Bella even made the puppy comparison at one point.
My thoughts were elsewhere - i could'nt stop thinking about the events of last night, when uncle larry had raped me and I had had my scary vision in the forest and a tall p[ale guy in my mind had cale me his daughter. I didnt understand any of I felt so so awful that I had been rapped by that hideous pervy SICKO when I had bin saving myself for the right guy and for marriage and my virginity was torn from my grasp by that twisted guy, it was so crule and unfair, it made me want to cry
So uh… what happened after she blacked out in the woods? Was her dad gone when she woke up? Did Uncle Larry do anything else to her after she returned home? Did she return home?
"omg MIKE watt are you doing talkin to HER?" I turned round and saw four nasty faces learing at us. It was the chearleaders I had seen in the cafetearia, and one of them was the girl dateing Ewdard Cullen, the brown hare girl who was standing at the back looking moody but not saying anything
You know her name! You’ve called her by name before!
"Stop being mean Jessica" mike said angerly "tiaas' awesome and if you can't see that its just you bein blind and shallow and stupid like your all ways are"
Think this is the author calling out her flamers or what?
"yah I mean look at her clothes, she looks like a stupid goth biaach with her slutty top and short skirt and fithnet tights is she a RAT HOOKER or what?" Jessica screamed.
Man, I love this fic. “RAT HOOKER” is a great insult.
She was realy ugly when she shouted even though she was technology a hot chick and was dressed in skimpy pink clothes.
I don’t remember Jessica that well from the books, but I think she was described as short and a chatterbox. I don't think she was a cheerleader or had a particular fondness for pink. Also she was dating Mike at one point after Bella set them up with each other.
"you no what Jess, you and YOur frends are SO shallow and YOU are the real slut! you and bella and angela and laruen may were short skirts and low cut tops an stuff but that doesnt maek u beautiful! Its watt underneath that counts!" mike shouted
Wait, so are they sluts because they wear revealing clothes or because of their behavior? Because right here it seems like Mike is criticizing them based on how they dress, which is a bit weird when we remember Tiaa also wears revealing clothing (“fishnet top” ring a bell?).
"yah, speakin of witch" said a sly blond girl in the gang who was called lauren, pointing at me "watts with her breasts, they are huge, I bet they are fake!- she laughed and her friends all laughed too even bella and angela who had been quiet until then.
I don’t remember a damn thing about Lauren or Angela but I remember they both existed. One of them was definitely shy but I don’t remember which.
I got up and pushed past them and ran away into the darkness. I cold hear them all laughing at me and i felt so embarrased I was relay sensitive about the waste I looked I hated the fact that it made all girls hate me and all guys stare at me, I would have given anything to be ugly or just inviable. I wasnt stuck up and didnt think I was beta than anyone else because of how I looked I just wanted people to treat me like a normal person! I could'nt help being slim and blond with relay big boobs it wasnt my fault I hadnt done anything wrong!
Remember in chapter 1 when Tiaa talked about how she used to be self-conscious about her appearance but got over it and now doesn’t care what people say about her?
-are u ok?" said someone from beside me
If you don’t have that MCR song playing in your head right now I don’t know what’s wrong with you.
"who arr you?" i asked. 3 realy pretty goth girls were standing there smilin at me and I smiled back
Oh, of course, the Sue’s backup choir.
-we are tyffani, abigaille and rochelle" they said smiling "you seem cool, do you want to be our freinds?"
I like the idea that Tiaa could be multiple friends.
Judging from the names, these three are children of that white mom whose baby name photo went viral on the internet. The one who named her kid Lakynn or something.
"ya of course, i'm just a bit meloncolly cause those horrible chearleaders were bein mean jerks and saying my boobs were fake" i said
"omg, u mean jessica and bellas gang? They hate us too because we dont care what they think" said tyfanni "they are just jealous cause youre the prettiest girl in the school now and theyre all plain next to you but we dont care about stuff like that, we only care about peoples personalities “
“That’s why we made sure to talk about how pretty we think you are.”
"cool" I said, and we talked for hours
I talked to tyfanni, rochelle and abigail for hours and they were so cool.
How long was that again?
I'd never had proper freinds before who didnt care watt i looked like or where I came from they just liked me for me, and I liked them cause they were uber cool and we had loads of stuff in common! But after a while they all went home and I stayed on the beech.
Glad we skipped the scene where Tiaa has fun with her friends so that we can get back to the part where Uncle Larry assaults her again. Nice to see the author prioritizing.
It was getting late but I didnt want to go home to uncle larry in case he raped me on his car again.
Phrasing seems to imply that if he raped her in a different location it would be alright.
Soddenly I heard a voice from behind me.
I hope “soddenly” is an intentional double entendre.
"well tiaa, thou seem to be causing quite a stir at school" his voice was smooth and sexoy and from another time.
Who could this be?
Never would have guessed!
"what do you mean!" I demanded
"basically every gay at school wants to have sex with thee, and every girl wants to eat thee alive for it, hows that for causing a stir my lady?" he smiled and kissed my neck.
Wait, every gay at school? Including the gay boys? This girl is powerful.
"shut up jerk! Btw I met youre girlfriend before, bella I think her name is! I dont like her or anything, but how the hell can u cheat on her like that and kiss me how u did? Its sick ur a cheatin bastard and i should tell everyone. Tyfanni told me you and bella are like the schools golden couple or something, watt would happen if I told ppl how you had acted in that corridoor with me?"
Uh… the fic would go in a direction I don’t expect it to and it might be redeemed somewhat by at least being less predictable?
"OMG SWEET LADY! THY MUST NOT TELL ANYONE! " he screamed "it was a moment of madness thats all! Im so so sorry for watt happened,i hope thine can forgive me, but ive promised myself to bella and thats just how it is, no matter how much thou intrests me"
Use of OMG may seem anachronistic, but that abbreviation has actually been in use since the early 1900s, so it’s totally reasonable that Edward might use it. Although probably not out loud.
"fine, then stay away from me " I shouted as I left to go home but he followed me and grabbed me and pushed me down on the grind.
I think he’s sending mixed signals.
I was burning with anger and fury but I wanted him so deafly i didnt even try to resist him.
So deafly?
He new how much i wanted him and it drove me mad. He put his hands inside my panties and i gasped. I was soddenly desperate to sex with him and i tore my clothes off and i was in my underwear.
Again, I hope that’s innuendo, but in this fic it’s actually possible the author thinks “suddenly” is spelled like that.
I took off my bra and showed him my naked heaving beasts.
Nothing turns a guy on like naked heaving beasts!
"have sex with me now edward " I whispered
" i cant " he said, although his body was on top of mine and his fingers touched my nipples
"please, i'm begging you" I said, hating myself for being such a dirty hore but unable to control my burning desire
No one in this fic has any self-control whatsoever, huh?
-NOOOO!" he shouted and ran away crying.
I put my clothes back on slowly feeling so ashamed and embarased i could hardly move. I could'nt beleive i had begged him to do sex on me and even worse he had said no!
Okay, I guess Edward has a tiny bit of self-control. Which is good, as he is a vampire and would probably be eating people left and right if he was totally unable to control himself.
I went home and uncle larry made me cook his dinner and suck his cock while he ate his food and then he raped me and hit me with a shoe all night and i didnt even complain cos i felt like i deserved it for being such a horrible slut even though it made me want to die inside.
Bread, eggs, milk, squick. Uncle Larry seems more interested in hitting Tiaa than raping her, incidentally.
Uncle larry finally left me alone and I thought about killing myself as i cryed and cryed as i fell slowly into a dreamless sleep.
Next chapter
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pyxiscetus · 6 years
Bechloe Week 2018 Day 3- Drunk Texting
It’s still Wednesday somewhere...
Post-PP1, really short one shot...
Will be posted to AO3 after vacation. AO3 Link
“What the hell happened last night?”
Beca looked up from her phone, to see Chloe standing at the foot of the staircase, hand rubbing her forehead with eyes squeezed shut.
Stacie snorted back a laugh as Beca smacked the taller girl.
“Dunno, Red why don’t ya tell us?” Amy grinned as Chloe squinted a glare in her direction.
“Becaaaa, please?”
Beca sighed at the begging. She was a hopeless case when it came to Chloe and pleading.
Beca handed over her phone, so Chloe could read the texts from last night that Beca had received.
Perpetual Sunshine: Friday 21 October 2132 - Becs!!!! This Halloween party is so CRAZY! You should def come out!
Grumpy Cat: Friday 21 October 2132 – Not gunna happen chlo I have to study for this math test…
Perpetual Sunshine: Friday 21 October 2133 – D: D: D: D: fine! Study hard!!!!
“At least I encouraged the studying, right?”
The Bellas laughed at the sheepish expression on Chloe’s face as Beca just raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, you did more than that, Chlo. Keep reading it gets better.”
Perpetual Sunshine: Friday 21 October 2241 – IM DRUNK AND EXCITED!!!!!!
Grumpy Cat: Friday 21 October 2243 – I’m afraid to ask why…
Perpetual Sunshine: Friday 21 October 2243 – Demi Lovato is coming out with a new ablum!!! BEcs! That ablum is goona roock!!!!!  
“Wait! Demi Lovato has a new album coming out?! How did I find out about that?”
Beca snorted as she stood from the couch to prepare a cup of tea for Chloe. “Honestly? I have no idea. I had to google it, but you were right she has an album set for release next year.”
Chloe trailed after Beca still reading through the texts she had sent. “How drunk was I last night?”
“Smashed. When I picked you up I had to carry you to the car.”
“You picked me up? Oh no! Beca, I’m so sorry, I know you were going to go to Jesse’s after studying.”
Beca shrugged with a small smile at Chloe, “No problem, dude.”
Perpetual Sunshine: Friday 21 October 2359 – Beeeecaaaaaaaa
Perpetual Sunshine: Friday 22 October 0003 – Guess waaaht????
Grumpy Cat: Friday 22 October 0015 – The terror is strong but what?
Perpetual Sunshine: Friday 22 October 0016 – ur so beautyful
Perpetual Sunshine: Friday 22 October 0018 – Jedd doesntt tell u enough an it breaks my haert because u are
Perpetual Sunshine: Friday 22 October 0023 – BecA??? Do u kno I lobe u?????
Perpetual Sunshine: Friday 22 October 0023 – Cuz I dont tgnik u do
Perpetual Sunshine: Friday 22 October 0024 – But I wnat u to cuz I do, u dwsrvw the beest in luge
Perpetual Sunshine: Friday 22 October 0025 – I lobe u
Grumpy Cat: Friday 22 October 0025 – I’m coming to pick you up. Stay there, please.
Perpetual Sunshine: Friday 22 October 0025 – Ok
Silence echoed in the kitchen as Chloe stared at her drunken text confession. Hundreds of possibilities running through her head on how Beca took it.
“Stop panicking, Chlo.”
Beca’s voice halted her thoughts as she looked up from the phone. A smile that Chloe had only ever seen directed at her graced Beca’s lips as a sparkle twinkled in midnight blue eyes.
“Jesse wasn’t happy that I bailed on him last night. Said that I spent more time with you than him, my boyfriend. And that if that wouldn’t change then maybe I needed to re-evaluate my partner choices. We broke up.”
Chloe reached out for Beca, pulling her in for a hug. “I’m so, so sorry Beca… I should have been here for you last night!”
Beca pulled back slightly, smile still in place. “It’s okay, Chlo. I needed the time alone. And,” Beca shrugged, “I realized that he was right. I was dating the wrong person…”
Chloe’s breath stopped, eye flicking between Beca’s trying to determine what was happening.
“I’d like to take you out on a date, Chloe. If you meant what you texted me?”
Chloe couldn’t process what Beca was saying. ‘No way… Beca did not just-’
“Uh, Chlo? Um, if, you know you weren’t serious I’m sorry, like I thought-”
Chloe pressed a kiss to Beca’s lips, silencing her ramble. She’d waited over a year to do that.
“I would love to go on a date with you.”
Beca smirked. “Are you sure you wouldn’t ‘lobe’ it?”
Chloe shook her head at the teasing. It was totally worth it.
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