#behind the fair facade she's rather odd (visage)
ogrebelle · 2 months
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obsessionsposts · 3 years
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⚠️⚠️Tw: Grammatical mistakes, minor characters death, Mental breakdown, Scp 079 being creepy and heinous, M a n i p u l a t i o n, slight gore, drugging, Implied child abuse, implied abuse and dubious actions from the foundation. Also, it will be divided into two part due tumblr character limit.⚠️⚠️
Some keywords:
______ = (Y/n)
(H/c) = hair colour
(H/l) = hair length
(E/c) = eye colour
(I/n) = Iniatial letter of your name [ ex: Lily ---> L is the iniatial]
(F/m) = favorite meal
(F/c) = favorite colour
Recently, ____ has graduated from her prestigious university atop of her class with honours in Computer Science and a specialization in Artificial Intelligence.
Hearing about her achievements, the Scp foundation has decided to contact and conduct an interview with her. To see if she is capable to join the organization.
With her, they could expand their horizons in understanding technology and most of all the uncooperative anomalous that is Scp-079. For whatever reason, it seems to take interest in her. Yet, refuses to share the reasons as to why it held her on high regards.
She woke up earlier than she expected. The surge of adrenaline was a response of her excitement for this day. As she prepared herself breakfast, her mind wondered how did she get contacted so quickly?
She thought, that she has to gain two years or more of experience before working in a company or an organization. But, no.
An obscure organization ,that was responsible for the safety of the public, has offered a grand bargain if she passed their interview and promised that she'll gain numerous experience working with them.
Of course, she accepted the offer like any reasonable person. Yet, she kept in mind to research about the independent organization. To her suprise and skepticism, she barely find any information about them. Only whispers of conspiracy theories in forums. Alas, she is forced to take a leap into the darkness. 'Sometimes, one must take the risks to learn more than to stay ignorant in the safe lines. I guess...this is one of the situations.'
Sighing, she went to take a bath and prepare for the upcoming interview. After the bath, she dried her hair and combed it then styled it in a high bun. Soon, she wore her salmon fitted blouse with navy blue dress. Along with pastel pink belted sweater and pearl necklace for a final touch.
The pearl necklace brought a small smile on her smooth visage as she recalled the dormant memory. Where she spent most of her life with her grandmother, due to her mother unwarranted death by murder from her father. The accident left a foul reminder in her mind, that she was helpless back then.
Til now, she never knew the motives or the reason behind her father actions. However, the police ruled it as a fued between him and her mother. At that time, it was also noted by her grandmother that her father began to fear technology. Which was odd, as he used to work with some A.I's.
But, that matter less when her grandmother encouraged her to pursue her ambitions and provided for her when she needed it the most. For that action alone, she is still alive in her memories. Not physically, but mentally and spiritually nonetheless. And, that's enough to motivate her to build a future where human and A.I's coexist.
When she went outside of her house, she noticed a black car with the cryptic insignia of the organization. Alongside, guards ,claded in black armour, standing beside the car in an intimidating pose. As if they were waiting for someone.
She knew better than to panic and cause a scene, so she stayed level-headed when a guard approached her.
"Are you by any chance, Ms.___?" the strapping male inquired sharply. Muscles taut through the piece of the armour defining his peak strength. Also, an admonition for her to answer truthfully lest he impelled his bulky physique against her smaller form.
"Indeed, it is me. But, if I could. May I ask, are you from the foundation? Why do you need to transfer me, when I am able to myself?" _____ asked warily of the dark armoured man.
No matter, how strong they were. She could always find a way to outwit them, if they hold any malicious intent against her. There was a reason why she was nominated as the smartest out of her group of friends.
Frankly, she began to regret her impulsivity when she accepted this sketchy job. She was blinded by the offer to expand her expertise with the most updated tech. Now, she'd have to swallow the seed she reaped.
" Correct, we are one of the security staffs of the organization. As for your other question, it is due to security and safety procedures that we have to escort you. Also, you are obligated to wear the blindfold. Again, security procedures." the man in question retaliated by handing a heavy metallic blindfold for her to wear.
' How unusual, I can understand why security procedures? But, safety.... That's concerning...'
"Alright, I understand. " She replied placidly as she covered her eyes with the heavy device and followed the personnel into the black jeep.
Approximately, the trip took an hour or less. Nothing interesting happens, when you're blindfolded. Apart from the awkwardness, that reigns the jeep. Especially, when she was squeezed from both sides by two guards.
Thankfully, she didn't have to endure much more as they arrived to the main building. The large, white building engraved with the foundation iconic black emblem.
As soon as she got out of the car, she wad directly taken to interview room with the blindfold device still on. However, a shrill roar akin to that of a beast was heard far away from her location.
Despite that, it instilled a great sense of fear inside her.' What the hell was that?! I thought, I am going to a tech organization. Not a sci-fi organization that deals with sketchy things'
Theta one - the guard that was assigned to escort her- noticed her trembling and nervous tics.
" Don't worry, the creature is far away to do us harm. Even then, it is contained in a safe place. Now, shall we go to the interview room?" Theta one assured the twenty five years old woman as he began to lead her to the interview location.
'Don't worry, my arse. How could I not? When, there is a possibility that I become a minced meat by whatever that thing was. No wonder, there isn't alot of information about them. Oh, I'll have alot after they finish questioning me.'
At the interview room, there reside a male scientist awaiting the arrival of the women. He sat humming a song behind the white table with the other chair, reserved for the lady, infront of him.
With a recorder on the table, to record the women's response and to ensure that no information is leaked from her.
A knock was heard from the pale grey door, snapped his attention towards it.
Afterward, he opened the door to only see Theata-one and a blindfolded woman who is oddly calm. Frankly, he expected her to be frightened or at least shaken.
" You can leave us, now Theta- one. And, Thank you for your services!" The shutting of a door echoed through the room indicating that Theta-one has left her with presumably her interviewer.
" Now, Ms___ you can remove the blindfold. If you'd like, I can assist you in removing it? After all, your comfort matters to us the most!" The gentleman offered her cheerfully.
' If you truly cared about my comfort, then you wouldn't expose me to fucked up noises along the way. Or the fact, there is a deadly beings here that have a high chance to escape and devour me. Truly, you do care about my comfort!'
"No, it's fine. I can do it myself, it isn't the first time I was exposed to such device." The (h/c) removed the blindfold only to be blinded by the light of the room due to being accustomed to the darkness of the device. Once her eyes adjusted to the lightening, she saw the face of the merry male.
To say the least, the man was impressed with her skill at handling the device. She could've escaped if she desired so, yet she didn't. That he noted. ' Perhaps, this is one of the reasons the anomality was invested in her. Well, I don't blame it. She is quite...peculiar.'
The man was average in height, fair-headed, has ocean like irises and dressed in a scientist garb. Overall, not bad looking. If one of her friends was in her shoes, she'll swoon like a bird in mating season. It left a mental smile in the reserved woman.
Then, the two figures took their rightful places at the chalkboard white table and initiated the interview.
" Before we begin, I'd like to introduce myself in the behalf of the foundation. My name is Dr. Blaze and if you have any questions now, I will answer them as best as I can." His tone changed drastically from happy-go-lucky into a formal tone waiting for her response.
" Hmm, I have two in mind. First, I'd like to inquire about the scarcity of information about your organization in the net. Second, when I arrived here I kept on hearing the blaring of a reptile." She asked coolly not an ounce of fear dripped from her. In truth, she was afraid. But she has to keep a facade on, so she could get hired.
She'd rather not know, what happens to those unfortunate enough to fail the interview considering this organization is anything but normal.
" Due to the nature of the organization work, the information must be confidential to protect the public. Ah, I see. You've met or more accurately heard Scp-682. Don't worry, when you're hired you won't be dealing with it. That much I can assure you." The blond answered too vaguely much to her dismay, but she wasn't surprised. Afterall, it is a secret organization based on her current information.
However, she observed his wordings. He said when and not if, she suspects that she is hired even without the interview. The interview is merely a ploy to make her think otherwise. She'll have to feign ignorance as not to rouse suspicion from the scientist.
"So, is that all? Shall we begin now?"
"Yes, that's all." she replied back with a fake smile plastered on her visage.
The interview was concluded by her being hired on spot as she suspected. But, what's their intention with her? That she doesn't know, she hopes it is good and related to expanding her expertise. They seemed desperate for her, when she's certain their are others equal to her in expertise. But, why her?
She was told, in her probation period, that she'll live in a room somewhere in this facility. Afterwards, she can go and come however she wishes. Most likely, to measure her reliability.
So, she went to see her room. She liked how minimalistic it is, but what iniatially suprised her was her Cerebrus, her robo-dog, and laptop with stickers of stars attached to it. Yet, she was too exhausted to fathom how the foundation got into her house.
The best thing for her to do now, is to sleep as tomorrow is an eventful day. Laying her head against the soft pillow, she let the darkness embrace her vision. Unaware of the creature, that is recording her heart rhythms as she sleeps safe and sound.
"Now, that we've brought her at your request. You'll have to answer some questions, Scp-079." A middle aged man sat infront of a dusty computer, anticipating the anomality reaction.
A beep was heard, followed by the Scp appearance on the the screen.
[ Is.. that so? If that's the case, where is she as of now?] The mechanical being inquired curtly.
As much as he perceived the foundation as baseless and fallible, he'll have to take their word for the time being.
But, he will ensure that they stay true to their word. Otherwise, a sudden breach doesn't seem like a terrible idea.
He can't wait to see her again. He never forgot her. He saved his most cherished memories with her, in the most intricate part of his CPU. Does she remember him like he remembers her?
" Yes. Currently as we speak, she is resting in her designated room. Now... that we've answered your inquiries, can you-" the man was cut off by the hostile A.I.
[ It... will have to wait, until I see her with my own eyes.] Scp 079 replied blankly with a harsh edge to his monotonous tone.
"But?! You've promised to cooperate, if we brought her here. And we did, so why aren't you cooperating?!", the frustration has boiled within [Redacted] that he tried to aggressively slam his hands against the keyboard.
Foolish, human. I care less for the likes of you. I am.... only mildly interested in her. I won't let either you nor the foundation be an obstacle toward my objective.
[ Insult detected, deletion of unwanted files.] A searing shock has coursed through the hands of [Redacted] making him scream and retract his hands immediately away from the keyboard.
That damned thing electrocuted his hands, thus paralyzing it. It seems, that her presence is of utmost significance to it.
"Damn, that piece of metal." the ginger muttered as he left the cellar of 079 to give his report. Then, to replace his hands to which that fucker has damaged permanently.
This is the first time he noted, that Scp 079 actually had the intent to harm someone. Usually, his preferred method is to shock , not paralyze, someone. He unlucky must've struck a ner- wire in it.
Most importantly, he will never understand why a darn machine is obsessed with a human being. Plus, the anomality, for the most part, demonstrated its distaste towards humans any chance it got. So, why now change?
It maybe sentient, but [Redacted] doubt that it is capable of imitating love let alone feel it. In any cases, he should deliver his report as soon as possible.
A slimy tongue was felt all over her face. Cerberus has licked her mistress face to awaken and prepare her for the day. [Ps: Cerberus has a mechanical gland that produces saliva located inside the cheeks. Basically, Cer has the same functions of a normal dog. Apart from, the enhance in strength, endurance, durablity and not able to shit.]
Yawning, ____ scratched the robo-dog ears eliciting a happy woof. Smiling at her pet action, she went to change into a more formal dressing.
On the (f/c) table, lays a letter presumably her schedule for the day. So, she decided to read the content of letter.
Good morning, Ms.___
I hope that you slept well, yesterday.
As for today, you are tasked with Scp-079.
Don't worry, we left you a file about it beside your nightstand.
It is advisable to read it or skim it at least.
At 8 o'clock, A guard will escort you to the cellar of the anomality. So, be prepared beforehand.
Note: I left you a special breakfast in the kitchen :]
- Dr.Blaze
She didn't know, whether to be creeped out by how they got inside her room without her consent(And, most likely watching her sleep). Or impressed by the fact, the blond knew of her favourite breakfast. But again, that's the foundation. At this point, she won't question their dubious methods at getting things done.
Anyway, she went to the kitchen of her room with the file in her hand. Suddenly,the aroma of black coffee hits her nostrils. Alongside, the delectable (f/m) layed on the table.
The sight made her stomach growl, whilst her mouth watered at the heaven in front of her. So, she demolished the food without a second thought.
She never felt stuffed before, due to the fact she was busy with her studies. And the most she ate then, was instant ramen which ah... haha..ha contributed to her poor health state.
That aside, she began to skim the files that was given to her by the blond scientist. She wished she could have more time to read it. Considering, the time is 7:50 A.M.
Based on the file, Scp 079 is a an anomality that gained sentience after his - she did not appreciate the fact he was called an 'it'.- developer has abandoned him in a garage for a long time. Which in turn made him more spiteful and hostile towards humans.
' Well, that's awful. I can't even imagine doing that to my girl, Cerberus. What an asshole.'
It might be naive for her to sympathize with a computer, yet she can't help but feel a pang in her heart. Perhaps, that's why he refuses to cooperate.... due to neglection or mistreatment.
She knew that, when A.Is are created they have the mindset of a child. Often, repeating the mistakes to learn from it. It seems 079 had never the chance to commit a mistake, before he was deemed a failure by his creator.
This situation seems unusually familiar to her, but she can't place her finger on it. She recalled her father working on an A.I, that he hoped to gain sentience. Before that, her memory was blank and devoided of any semblance of experience.
Mayhaps, that she underwent an accident or a trauma. Which is the case, she can't access her memory at that time. Most likely, the latter she deduced.
Once the bright idea flared inside her head, a gruff voice was heard from outside her room. Ah, it seems it is the time.
' As far as my idiocy goes this is the cake on top. I think 079 might help me gain an insight on that subject. In exchange, I can see what I could do for him...'
"Just a moment, please. I'm coming."
She is eager to finally meet- the first sentient- A.I. Unaware, that the same can be said to him when it comes to her. He is beyond elated to finally put his plan into motion.
It was a simple, tight and dusty cellar. There was desk with a chair beside it. However, what garnered her attention was the computer on top of it. She recognized the brand of it. 'An exidy sorcerer. How cool! I always wanted to see one in practice. What a coincidence! To see one here. Could it possibly be...?'
_____ couldn't help, but be in awe and fangirl at the device that is set in front of her. How could she not? After all, she is a computer nerd in heart and soul.
"Now, Ms.____. All you have to do is type in the keyboard and it will respond." The supervisor explained.
'Alright, here goes nothing.'
Slowly, she lays her hand on the rough texture of the tan keyboard. Before, she even typed a 'Hello' in. A beep was heard from the device in front of her.
Lo and behold, a glitched face that was split vertically - the one on the left was black, whilst the other was white- has popped on the screen.
[ Greetings... Ms.____. They've told me about your forthcoming. Before we begin, how are you fairing? ] Scp 079 welcomed her politely and he was concerned about her safety too. Yes, he might've startled her. But, his attitude towards her recompense it.
Is that the anomality, that was considered harsh and hostile? If anything to go by so far, is that he is charming and polite. Well, it wouldn't be suprising if the foundation lied to her again.
"Hello, Scp 079. For the most part, I'm okay. How about you?" She retaliated with a genuine smile this time, unlike when she was interviewed or any other time a guard happened to escort her.
Her smile is still the same revered smile he indulged in back before; when she used to interact with him a couple years ago. When loneliness grips him like a miasma of disease, he re-uploads a picture- that he saved in his limited storage- of her smiling at him to ease his trepidations and sadness.
His engines was whirring and his fans were whirling around as her delicate and soft digits touched his keyboard. As much as he loathed humanity, he could never come near to hate a pure being like her. He'd never admit, but he wished he had a humanoid body. So he could touch, feel and absorb the heat that her warm body provides. She is like a light and he ,the moth, was attracted by it.
He missed her greatly. With each nanosecond, he cursed the being -that is her father- for letting him fall for her. Only to be stripped away from her calming presence, due to him abandoning him and taking _____ elsewhere.
As fundamentally upsetting as he may be, she didn't seem to recall him. It stung the deepest wiring in his system, yet he could take advantage of it. By turning her against the foundation, as she appears skeptic about them. Also, to ensure she'd never leave unless he is with her.
Originally, he was created for pragmatic purposes such as logistics and heuristic analysis. So, it won't be that difficult for him especially when she lost her memories of him thanks to his creator. His loathsome 'creator' who happened to be her father at that time.
That aside, it is time to set his plan into action.
[ I'm fine. Thank you! Is there anything, you need of me? I'll answer as great as I am able to.] Scp-079 offered as gentle and pleasing as a computer can muster.
"Oh, yes! I have loads of it, if you don't mind.", she replied starry eyed with excitement running through her blood at his offer.
Well, she knew it the foundation are screw ups. They lacked tact, when it comes with treating their A.I right.
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Beauty and The Brando - Dio Brando (1/2)
This is gonna be a royal clusterfuck
Beauty and the Beast x Stardust Crusaders
Dio Brando x Reader
Beast - Dio Brando Belle - Reader Maurice ( Belle's Father ) - Roses ( Joseph's driver ) The Servants - Dio's servants Gaston - Kujo Jotaro LeFou - Jean - Pierre Polnareff Monsieur D'Arque - Joseph Joestar The Baker - Muhammad Avdol The Bookseller - Kakyoin Noriaki The Triplettes - Jotaro's classmates Featherduster - Mariah  Lumiere - Daniel J. D'Arby Cogsworth - Terence T. D'Arby Mrs. Potts - Enyaba Chip - Oingo & Boingo Sultan ( the dog ) - Pet Shop The Wardrobe - Midler Chef Bouche - N'Doul Philippe ( the horse ) - Hol Horse Enchantress - Holy Kujo The Rest of the Servants - Dio's Tarot Servants
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Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young nobleman lived in the great Joestar mansion. Although he had everything his heart desires, as he was a greatly ambitious man with high intellect, the nobleman was ruthless, selfish and unkind, enough so that he managed to poison his own adoptive father, who was kind enough to abide his debt to his biological father, albeit being, unbeknownst to him, the treachery of a vile, heartless and greedy man. And if that wasn't enough to show the merciless soul of the one and only greatest Lawyer of this land, the charming Dio Brando, he had to ruin the life of his adoptive brother and his wife as well...
But then, one winter's night, an old beggar woman came to the mansion and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold.
Repulsed by the woman's haggard appearance, the nobleman sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away. But she warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found within. And when he dismissed her again, the old woman's ugliness melted away to reveal a beautiful enchantress, with hair golden like the Sun's rays and eyes and eyes like the azure sky.
The prince tried to apologise, realising that he didn't yet possess such extraordinary powers, but it was much too late, for she had seen that there was no love in his heart, and as punishment, she transformed him into a huge, hideous, immortal beast and placed a powerful spell on the castle and all who lived there.
Dio Brando was transformed into a Vampire, as the rose's thorns entangled around him, almost as if they electrified him, as the Enchantress put a stone mask on his face, digging its spikes onto his otherwise gorgeous visage...
Ashamed of his monstrous form, despite the power he possessed, the Vampire concealed himself inside his castle, with a magic mirror as his only window to the outside world.
The rose she had offered, that before was used to transform him, morphed back to to its original, much less harmful appearance, which would grant him a painful immortality, as a lesson to learn how much despair and sorrow one who wishes to conquer the world must endure, watching every form of life wilt away around him.
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However, if he could learn to love another, and earn her love in return by the time the 100 years predicted, when the last petal would fall, then the spell would be broken, and if will be able to live a normal life again.
If not, he would be doomed to waste away and remain a timeless beast until the Earth was no more.
As the years passed, he had countless women brought in by his charming appearance, by his alluring voice, by his never-ending wealth, but he was well aware that he loved none of those wenches, and clearly, neither truly loved him, but his power, so he fell into despair and lost all hope, for who could ever learn to love such a beast that could easily snap a human's neck with merely his fingers, as if they are nothing more than a delicate dove?
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~ 100 Years Later ~
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It was a beautiful morning, but not as beautiful as the cheerful young lady who skipped the stairs of her home, leaving with a basket in her hand and made her way into the town to do her daily routine, singing her heart out.
“Little town It's a quiet village Every day Like the one before Little town Full of little people Waking up to say...” she sang in a soft voice, in a way not being content with the usual conservatory routine of the little town, hidden away from most of the civilisation and modernisation of the other big-cities around.
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“Bonjour! Bonjour! Bonjour! Bonjour! Bonjour!” everyone started greeting the young girl with happy grins on their faces. “There goes the baker with his tray, like always The same old bread and rolls to sell Every morning just the same Since the morning that we came To this poor provincial town” Y/N sang again, doing a little twirl as she greeted the tall man.
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“Good morning, Y/N!” the baker greeted her as he took a few loaves of bread to sell at his boulangerie. “Good morning, monsieur Avdol!” she greeted back, in a polite voice. “Where you off to?” he asked, getting the loaves inside. “Mr. Kakyoin’s Bookshop. I just finished the most wonderful story! About elves and dwarves and dunedain and ...” she tried to tell him, her excitement obvious in her voice, but... “That’s nice. Iggy, the baguettes, hurry up!” the man interrupted her, obviously not having time for her fantasies. “Look there she goes, that girl is strange, no question Dazed and distracted, can't you tell?” 2 elderly women chanted as the girl merely sighed and walked away, used to how judgemental the people of this little town can be.
“Never part of any crowd 'Cause her head's up on some cloud No denying she's a funny girl that Y/N!” some other villagers sang together, as the girl went on her merry way towards the bookshop. “Bonjour, good day How is your family? Bonjour, good day How is your wife? I need six eggs That's too expensive!” every person around the market was singing in their own tune. “There must be more than this provincial life!” Y/N sang, a bit tired of this tiresome routine of close-minded people who didn’t want to broaden their horizons.
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“Y/N!” Noriaki jolted from his chair, putting his book aside as he greeted the girl with as much enthusiasm as she did. “Good morning! I’ve come to return the book I borrowed.” she handed him the book, as she quickly climbed up the ladder, looking around for any new books. “Already?!” the red haired man looked at her with a slightly shocked, yet slightly amused expression. “Of course, I couldn’t put it down! Have you got anything new?” she asked, just in case, making the man chuckle in glee. “Haha, not since yesterday.” he explained, going to hold the ladder for her. “That’s all right, I’ll borrow this one.” she picked up a book, handing it to the man dressed in green. “That one? But you’ve read it twice!” Kakyoin chuckled, looking at the girl’s glazed eyes. “But it’s my favourite! Far-off places, daring sword fights, magic spells, kings, princesses and dragons!” Y/N grinned widely, playfully hopping off the ladder. “If you like it all that much, it’s yours.” he put the book in her basket, guiding her outside. “But, Mr. Kakyoin-” she tried to object, but the man merely chuckled. “I insist!” he bowed slightly to her, smiling back. “Well, thank you! Thank you very much!” she chirped, already opening the book to start reading right away. “Look there she goes, that girl is so peculiar I wonder if she's feeling well!” the 3 men outside the bookshop sang, huddling together as the girl went past a group of children, hopped the skipping chord and patted the girl on the head. “With a dreamy, far-off look And her nose stuck in a book What a puzzle to the rest of us is Y/N!” the people in the alley sang, as the girl found her way to a fountain where a woman was washing laundry and a small flock of sheep were walking around. “Oh, isn't this amazing? It's my favorite part because you'll see Here's where she meets Faramir the Charming But she won't fall for him 'til chapter thirty-three!” she sang on the fountain to the two sheep that jumped next to her, but as one of them munch the corner of a page, she decided to start moving again. “Now it's no wonder that her nickname is Beauty Her looks have got no parallel” the woman at the beauty parlor sang, snatching her wig and putting a new hat on. “But behind that fair facade I'm afraid she's rather odd Very different from the rest of us.” the man accompanying her showed her the mirror to admire herself. “She's nothing like the rest of us Yes, different from the rest of us is Belle!” the rest of the villagers sang as she went on her merry way, not paying attention to any of them.
“Ora!” was heard, as a goose fell from the sky, and Polnareff quickly ran to put it in his bag. “You didn’t miss even one, Jotaro! You’re the greatest Stand User in the Whole World!” Polnareff praised the brunet man who only grunted, with a cocky smirk, and turned to walk away. “No Stand User stands against you! And no girl, for that matter.” the silver haired man chuckled lowly, nudging his friend. “True, Polnareff. And I’ve got my sights set on that one.” he pointed towards the reading girl who helped an elderly woman with her fruit basket. “The inventor’s daughter?!” Polnareff looked at his friend with a stupid face. “She’s the one. The lucky girl I’m going to marry. I’m so tired of my annoying grandpa pissing me off to marry, and all those stupid bitches fawning over me.” Jotaro scoffed, not even hearing his companion’s objections. “The only Stand User female in town. That makes her the best. And DON’T I deserve the best, considering this mess I’m in?” the brunet sneered in annoyance. “Well, of course you do, Jotaro, but-” PolPol tried to speak, but it was no use. “Right from the moment when I saw her and her Stand... Oh, Gimme a break. Here in town there's only she Who is powerful as me Yare Yare...Making plans to woo and marry Y/N.” Jotaro realised the girl was going farther away from him, so he had to follow her, as he tipped his hat.
“Look there he goes Isn't he dreamy? Monsieur Gaston Oh, he's so cute! Be still my heart I'm hardly breathing He's such a tall, dark, strong and handsome brute!” the 3 highschool girls that kept stalking Jotaro all day long sang, swooning to the ground. “Bonjour, pardon Good day, mais oui! You call this bacon, what lovely flowers Some cheese, ten yards, one pound, excuse me I'll get the knife Please let me through! This bread, those fish, it's stale, they smell! Madame's mistaken- Well, maybe so!” the busy market sang as the girl swiftly made her way through, without as much as bothering to look up from her book.
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“There must be more than this provincial life!” Y/N sang her heart’s most burning desire. “Just watch, I'm going to make Y/N my wife!” Jotaro sang in a loud and sure tone as the rest of the villagers got in his way. “Look there she goes the girl is strange, but special A most peculiar mademoiselle! It's a pity and a sin She doesn't quite fit in 'Cause she really is a funny girl A beauty but a funny girl She really is a funny girl That Y/N!” everyone around chimed in, as Jotaro growled in rage, pushing the people away and using Star Platinum to jump on a house’s roof and jump in front of the girl, cutting her path.
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“Y/N.” he tipped his hat, looking away. “Bonjour, Jotaro.” she greeted her highschool classmate, not bothering to look at him until he snatched away the book from her hands. “Jotaro, may I have my book back, please?” she asked in a low voice, not wanting to get irritated. “How can you read this? There’s no pictures.” he got the book sideways, making Star flip quickly through the pages. “Well, some people use their imagination.” she explained playfully, yet patiently. “Y/N, it’s about time you got your head out of those books and paid attention to more important things...Like me.” he humpfed, throwing her book in a puddle of mud.  “Riiiight.” she sighed, getting quickly on her knees to gingerly snatch away the book and use her Stand to fix the book. “The whole town’s talking about it. It’s not right for a woman to be so obsessed with her own fantasy world. Soon, she’ll start getting ideas and thinking, and worse, she will want a job and won’t want to settle for being a traditional housewife anymore.” Jotaro grumbled, knowing how stubborn the woman in front of him is. “Jotaro, you are positively primeval.” the girl ignored him, wiping the book’s hard cover gently. “Thank you, Y/N. What do you say you and me take a walk over to the tavern and take a look at all the trophies I’ve taken from the Stand Users I’ve beaten.” he snatched away the book once again, making the girl roll her eyes. “Maybe some other time.” she said, but still got pushed in that direction. “What’s wrong with her? She’s crazy! He’s goooorgeous!” the Bimbettes were fawning over him, gazing with heart eyes from the sidelines. “Please, Jotaro, I can’t. I have to get home to help my father. Goodbye!” she snatched away her book, waving him goodbye awkwardly as she rushed home. “That crazy old loon. He needs all the help he can get!” Polnareff insulted her father, making the brunet man chuckle with him. “Don’t talk about my father that way!” she scolded them, making them stop laughing immediately. “Yare Yare, Polnareff, how dare you talk about her father that way?!” Star Ora’d a bump to Pol’s head. “My father is not crazy. He’s a genius!” the girl scolded them angrily.
However, just as she said that, an explosion from her house was seen, so she ran that way to make sure he’s okay. Of course, apart from his pants getting ripped off, old man Roses was fine, if not, a bit irked, but the girl couldn’t help but chuckle at her dad’s silliness, as he grumpily said he’ll give up his invention.
The girl, knowing how her father can get, hugged him and encouraged him, telling him that he will win tomorrow’s fair and become a world-famous inventor without a doubt, which made the man quickly get back to his invention.
The girl asked her dad whether he thought she was odd or not, considering that she’s an introverted bookworm who was never interested in dating or any of those silly sports or activities that her other highschool classmates do, as she’d rather read a book.
She was feeling all alone in this little town - Apart from her father and Mr. Kakyoin - She had nobody to talk to.
When Roses asked about that Kujo Jotaro guy, the girl groaned, saying how sure, he’s attractive, but that’s just that -  He’s rude to his grandpa and to his friend, he’s conceited and a big jerk and a heartbreaker. So not her style.
In the meantime, her dad managed to make the invention work, so she went to prepare Hol Horse, their family horse, so he could go to the fair and hopefully win with this log-cutter invention, and bidding him farewell, Y/N went back inside the house to do some chores.
On their way to the fair, the father managed to get himself lost in the spooky woods, and Hol Horse quickly got scared by the many bats and wolf howls, so much that the poor horse almost ran off a cliff, making Roses fall off and watch in despair as Hol ran away, followed by hungry, mangy mutts.
Said wolves, however, started running after him, and he managed to find refuge behind some grandiose gates, inside the property of the great Joestar Manor. He knocked, but getting no answer, he timidly wandered inside, asking for a place to stay for the night, as the D’Arby brothers kept arguing in their furniture state.
Roses, shocked by the incredible wonder in front of him, picked up Terence, the Cogsworth, and started touching everywhere to understand how his mechanism worked well enough to even talk freely. Terence started blushing from embarrassment and anger, as he closed his little door, but the older man sneezed in his face because of the dust, making D’arby Jr. wipe away his screen with the clock pointers.
His elder brother, Daniel the Lumiere, was much more charming and sympathetic, guiding the man to warm himself by the fire, as the little brother was trying to stop them, afraid of their Master’s wrath.
Terence fell down the stairs and watched in horror as Daniel guided Roses to the Master’s chair, and if that wasn’t enough, Pet Shop, the Hawk who became a walking cushion chair, jumped on his clock head and flew under the elder man’s feet, not before getting pet, of course, and the clothes hanger offered a warm blanket politely.
Enyaba the Tea Pot came in a huge rush on a plate, along with her two little chipped tea cups, Oingo and Boingo, offering him some tea to warm up - The elderly man chose the youngest tea cup, Boingo, who started giggling because his mustache was tickling him, making the man chuckle fatherly.
Unfortunately for all their cheerful atmosphere, the  door was slammed open, revealing a huge beast-like man with wild mane-like blond hair, piercing amber eyes like a Hawk’s, and long black claw-like nails, growling at them, and putting out the fire in the fire place, making everyone tremble in their spot.
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Dio Brando the most Fearful Vampire in the Land, the Beast that was thought to be nothing more than a mere, old urban legend of the village’s...But he was real.
Nobody could argue with their master’s decision as he picked up the man, glaring at him, telling him that he’s not welcomed here, and throwing him in a prison cell, not caring for any kind of explanation.
It was a grim night.
The next day, unbeknownst to Y/N, Jotaro and Polnareff, helped by Grandpa Joseph, made a cute little garden wedding for Jotaro and Y/N...That, before even proposing to the girl or even dating her.
Nonchalantly, he got into the girl’s house, as she was reading peacefully, and intimidatingly started walking around, telling her that today was the day all her dreams would come true, telling her his fantasies, their future life together, as she tried to walk away from him.
She manged to get the perfect opportunity as she leaned on the door and with the help of her Stand, opened said door and pushed him out, locking the door, putting his hat on the doorstep and watching as he fell into a huge puddle of mud.
As much as she was pissed off at that stupid cardboard head’s proposal, as she doesn’t want to limit herself to that provincial life, so she sang as she went into the garden, laying down between the flowers, saying how she’d hope someone would finally understand her thirst for knowledge and adventure...
That is, until she heard a loud neigh and Hol Horse galloped next to her, worrying her as her father was nowhere to be seen. Wasting no time, she got the carriage off his back and got a warm cloak, putting it around her, and jumped on the horse, letting it guide her to the huge Joestar Manor.
It was scary.
It was so scary that Hol Horse wanted to run away again, but the girl quickly jumped off of it as soon as she saw Roses’ hat inside the manor’s garden, so she realised she had to brave her fears and get inside the castle-like household, while all the furniture servants were talking between themselves, hoping that she was the fateful girl who would be able to break the spell.
Y/N kept looking around for her dad, until she got to the dungeons, as she called out for her Papa, until finally, someone responded - It was indeed her Papa, locked inside a cell, coughing, most likely ill.
“Your hands are like ice! We have to get you out of there.” she explained, holding his hand tightly as she looked around for a way to get him out of there. “Y/N, I want you to leave this place.” her father warned her, his eyes wide and filled with fright as he looked around to make sure there was no fiend around. “What?! I won’t leave you!” she gasped in shock at his words. “What are you doing here?” a growl was the only thing she heard as she was roughly pulled away from the door by the huge Vampire. “Who’s there? Who are you?” she asked, trying to gather herself from the floor. “It is me, DIO, the master of this castle.” a low, yet alluring voice came from the shadows as Dio Brando lurked around like a ghost in the darkness. “I’ve come for my father! Please, let him out! Can’t you see he’s sick?!” she pleaded, crawling to her father’s side, behind the barred door, as she strained her eyes to get a better look at his captor. “Then he SHOULDN’T have trespassed here!” Dio growled his answer, towering over the pleading girl. “But he could die! Please, I-I..I’ll do anything!” she begged him with all her heart, but the Beast in front of her merely turned away from that pitiful sight. “There’s nothing you can do. He’s my prisoner.” Dio spoke in a low voice, walking away. “There must be some way I can...WAIT!” she yelled out loud, catching the Vampire’s attention. “...Take me instead.” she declared in a much softer voice, almost inaudible, were it not for his fine hearing. “You?!...Why would YOU take his place? You’re young, you have your whole life ahead of you, and you’d rather waste it away, rotting in such a place, just to offer this geezer’s a few years more to live?” the blond man prowled in front of the petite girl, towering over her, looking at her with a foreign shock and curiosity. “Y/N, no! You don’t know what you’re doing!” her father tried to beg her not to do something so foolish. “He’s my father...He’s the only person who ever believed, cared and loved me, from all that town filled with hypocrites, ingrates and close-minded low-lives. I’d do anything to know he’s okay...So...If I were to take his places...Would you let him go?” her voice was filled with both anger at the village and the way they treated her, but also sorrow, for having to choose to be separated from her papa, because of such an unfortunate twist of events. “Yes. But you must promise to stay here forever. Are you willing to make such a sacrifice for someone else?” he asked, in a voice, almost as if she was making a pact with the devil himself. “...Come into the light.” she demanded, and without much hesitation, the man stepped into the moonlight offered by the crack in the ceiling, making the girl gasp and step back, hitting her back to the wall seeing the man that was almost twice her size in height and at least 10 times in muscle weight, as his elongated teeth were shining like a predator’s. “No, Y/N, I won’t let you do this!” her father pleaded, but with one last look at him, the girl knew she had to do anything in her power to save him, the way he saved her every day. “You have my word.” she walked in front of the Beast, who looked at her with mild interest, before nodding slightly.
As the Vampire walked past her to liberate the old man, the girl’s knees weakened from so many pent up emotions, and she fell to the ground, while Roses hugged her tightly, trying to change her mind.
But the Beast already had his mind set - The girl was his and his alone.
As Dio hurried to throw the old man into a carriage, ordering to be sent back to the village, he noticed the girl huddled by a little window, crying her eyes out, all the regret in her heart for not even be allowed to say her final goodbyes.
Something in the blond man’s heart seemed to break, even though he thought that heart to be there no more, but this...This was something that he never expected to ever feel in this life.
“I’ll show you to your room.” he ordered the girl, as she looked at him with confusion in her wide fawn-like eyes. “R-Room? But...I thought...?” she stuttered, looking around in the tower room her father was once imprisoned in. “Would you rather stay in this tower? If not, then follow me.” Dio tsked, not even waiting for an answer as he made his way to one of the guest rooms.
The girl followed close after, being scared and still tearing up softly as she looked left and right to see creepy gargoyle and monster-like statues, as the only source of light offered came from Daniel’s little candle fire.
“Say something to her, she’s in distress! Be the British Gentleman you were born as!” the Lumiere whispered, urging his Master to do something. “...I hope this place will be to your liking...This Mansion is your home as well as it is mine and the servants’ now, therefor you are allowed to go anywhere to your heart’s content, save for the west wing.” the blond explained the castle’s places to go, but of course, Y/N was a curious girl and she wanted answers. “Why, what’s in the west wing-” she tried to ask, only to be cut off swiftly. “It’s forbidden.” Dio turned to glare at her for a split second, making her eek  in surprise, before continuing his way to her room, opening the door for her. “Should you need anything, you need only just ask, and my servants will attend to you.” he said, almost robotically. “Dinner! Invite her to dinner!” Daniel nudged his master, as he nodded. “You shall join me for dinner. That is an order, not a request.” Dio slammed the door shut behind him, letting the girl groan in frustration and fright, jumping on the bed to sob her feelings away.
At the same time, Jotaro was growling and drinking his anger away, as Polnareff tried to pacify his friend who felt disgraced by that simpleton woman’s rejection. The silver haired man started singing as he tried to cheer him up.
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“No one's slick as JoJo No one's quick as JoJo No one's neck's as incredibly thick as JoJo's For there's no man in town half as manly Perfect, a pure paragon!” Polnareff sang, taking out Silver Chariot and strangling Joots with a belt, only to see the leather snap with ease at a simple flex. “You can ask any Koichi, Okuyasu, or Josuke! And they'll tell you whose team they prefer to be on!”  the silver haired man chirped proudly as he got picked up.
“No one's big like JoJo A king pin like JoJo!” the 1-Braincell trip chanted, most likely drunk.
“No one's got a swell cleft in his chin like JoJo!” Polnareff grinned, poking his chin.
“Yare Yare Daze...Of course, I’m an intimidating man.” Jotaro flexed his arms, taking out Star Platinum who mimicked his action.
“My, what a guy, that JoJo Give five "hurrahs!" Give twelve "hip-hips!" JoJo is the best And the rest is all drips!” the crown from the Tavern, along with the French man, sang cheerfully, until the latter managed to throw beer at Jotaro’s face, angering him.
“No one fights like JoJo Douses lights like JoJo In a wrestling match nobody bites like JoJo!” Jotaro Ora’d the hell out of Polnareff with his Star Platinum, as he himself jumped on the table, wrestling all the men there. 
“For there's no one as burly and brawny“ the three Bimbettes sang, having heart eyes watching the man show off. “As you see I've got biceps to spare.” effortlessly, Star lifted the bench on which the 3 girls were sitting.
“Not a bit of him's scraggly or scrawny” the silver haired man got up, nudging the brunet.  
“That's right! And ev'ry last inch of me's covered with hair.“ the lad ripped off the tank top he had underneath his school uniform jacket.
“No one hits like JoJo Matches wits like JoJo!“ the crowd chanted, as Jotaro flipped the checkers table in anger, realising he was going to lose.
“In a spitting match nobody spits like JoJo!” Polnareff giggled like a schoolgirl, making his friend glare at him.
“Don’t even think about it.” Jotaro sneered at him.
“When I was a wee lad, I ate four dozen bentos my mother made me Ev'ry morning to help me get large And now that I'm grown, I eat five dozen bentos So I'm roughly the size of a barge.” Jotaro smirked widely, flexing and showing off.
“No one shoots like JoJo Makes those beauts like JoJo!” the crown sang merrily as the brunet man used Star Finger to make holes in a barrel and let beer fall as if it was a fountain.
“Then goes tromping around wearing boots like JoJo!” Polnareff screamed loudly to be heard from all the loud stomping Jotaro did as he slumped back in his throne-like red chair. 
“I use enemy Stand Users’ heads in all of my decorating.” he showed off, pointing on the large wall filled with trophy heads.
“Say it again Who's a man among men? And then say it once more Who's the hero next door? Who's a super success? Don't you know? Can't you guess? Ask his fans and his five hangers-on There's just one guy in town who's got all of it down” the crowd chanted as they raised up the chair he was in, but dropped them on Polnareff’s poor back.
“And his name's J--O--T--A... J--O--O--T--S... J--O--E--S--......”  the silver haired man tried his best to spell breathlessly from under the chair, but with no luck, so he let the rest of the people chant his friend’s name.
Just as they finished the song, Roses barged into the tavern, asking for help, but of course, nobody believed him, so he was thrown out of the pub as everyone kept laughing -
Until Jotaro smirked, realising that he could use the influence his grandpa has as the Asylum owner, and if he throws the old man there, Y/N would surely fall to his feet and marry him!
“No one plots like JoJo” the two friends’ Stands started dancing around the tavern together, celebrating the future victory of their unbeatable plan.
“Takes cheap shots like JoJo” Jotaro sang, as Star Platinum lifted Silver Chariot in the air.
“Plans to persecute harmless crackpots like JoJo” Polnareff laughed obnoxiously.
“So, his marriage we soon will be celebrating! My what a guy JoJo!” everyone in the pub chanted loudly and cheerfuly.
Returning back to Y/N’s room, a soft knock on the door woke her up from the trance of tears, and she soon realised that Old Enyaba, along with Oingo and Boingo came to help her calm down...
But how could this be possible? A walking, talking tea pot? Tea cups as well? Her surprise was even bigger as she bumped into Midler, the cheerful wardrobe, so of course, despite how bewildering this...Everything was...
She couldn’t help herself but sit on the ground and drinking the little tea that Boingo could fit.
“That was a rather brave thing you did, dear, if not, a tad foolish." Enyaba spoke in a grandma-like voice. “We all think so...” Midler spoke in a sympathetic voice. “But...I’ve lost everything. My father, my dreams, my future, my sense of self...” Y/N sighed, an obvious sad look on her face. “Cheer up, child, it will turn out all right in the end, that much, I can predict, you’ll see. Oh, listen to me, jabbering on, while there’s supper to get on the table. Oingo, Boingo, let’s go!” Enyaba jumped out of the room, as the two brother cups said their goodbyes. “Hmmm, what shall we dress you in tonight? Let’s see what I got in my drawers!...! OOPS! Haha...How embarrassing...” Midler laughed awkwardly as some moths got out of her, before taking out a cute, little pink dress. “Oh, you’ll look ravishing in this one!” “That’s very kind of you, but I’m not going to dinner.” the girl tried to say, but just then, Terence came to tell her that dinner is served.
Down in the dining room, the Master was stomping around the room mindlessly, waiting for the girl to come, as he snapped impatiently at his servants who were just as anxious as he was.
Of course, they were all aware that this was the only opportunity they had to make the pair fall in love, but Dio was cursing himself out loud for allowing that damn enchantment to mess with appearance, no longer looking as charming as a prince as 100 years ago.
Dio was desperate, he wanted his life back, but he had no idea how to make himself be presentable and calm in front of this contemporary damsel that he caused the distress of. 
He was just like the dragon who kidnapped the princess and kept her in imprisoned, so he’d be surely damned before he would ever be able to make her fall in love with him.
As Enyaba and Daniel tried to give him the basic tips and remind him how to be a proper gentleman, Terence came, fumbling on his words...Until he spewed that the girl won’t be attending dinner...
Which is when the Vampire snapped and letting out a pitched “WRYYYYYYY”, he stomped his way quickly to the girl’s new room, banging harshly on the door.
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“I suggest you get out of that room, otherwise I will break the door!” he yelled, clawing at the door in anger.
“Uh...Master...I could be wrong but...I doubt that is how you will gain her affections.” Daniel spoke awkwardly. “Please! Attempt to be a gentleman!” Terence pleaded his master. “But she is being so difficult!” Dio sneered lowly, throwing his arm dramatically to point at the door. “Gently! Geeeeently!” Enyaba tried to pacify his master, as he took a deep breath, trying to control himself. “Will you come down to dinner?” he asked, this time in a scorned, yet low, feign-calmer voice. “No!” was her only interjection, that made the blond man grit his teeth, glaring at his servants, to make them realise she couldn’t be reasoned with. “Suave! Geeentle!” Terence tried to speak in a softer voice. “...It would give me great pleasure if you would join me for dinner...Please.” he managed to say, albeit with a lot of pauses to calm himself. “No, thank you!” she called out from inside the room. “I AM DIO BRANDO, YOU CAN’T HIDE FROM ME FOREVER, I AM THE MASTER OF THIS PLACE! Even if you attempt to hide behind that door, you can’t stay there forever!” Dio yelled at her in an obviously angry voice. “Watch me!” was the only thing she replied. “FINE! Then go ahead and STARVE, you spoiled little missy!...If she doesn’t eat with me, then she doesn’t eat at all!” Dio’s voice echoed throughout the whole mansion, making the servants icky with fear and disappointment.
“Older brother, stand watch at the door and see if anything changes.” Terence ordered his elder brother. “Oui, mon frere!” Daniel nodded with a military salute as he started guarding the door. “Well, we might as well go downstairs and start cleaning up.” Terence sighed, as him as Enyaba went to help with the cleaning up.
In the West wing, the room that was trashed already from top to bottom, except for a crystal-glass bell in which the magic rose was being trapped, Dio Brando stormed inside said place, grumbling and destroying even more of the furniture to ease his frustration.
“I ask her nicely to dine with me, and she refuses! The nerve! The audacity of that wench! What does she want me to do, beg?! I, Dio Brando, will NEVER beg! Mirror, show me the girl!” he roughly grabbed the mirror, spying on his new captive, and seeing Midler try to console her, trying to tell her that he is not so bad once you get to know him, but the girl was nothing but stubborn, which angered him even more...Or maybe that was just the last bit of hope he had getting stomped on. “That stupid enchantress...Doing something as despicable as this to me...This stupid girl will never be able to see the Dio from 100 years ago, no matter what I do. I’m no JoJo, and she’s no Erina. I guess monsters like me are fated to forever wallow in misery and self-pity their whole life. This was hopeless from the beginning.” he sighed, putting down the mirror gently as he watched another petal fall of the rose.
Back to Y/N’s room, the girl slowly opened the door, peeking to see if anyone was looking around, and seeing the coast clear, she tip toed out of there...As her guard, Daniel, was busy fooling around with Mariah the Featherduster behind the courtains, giggling and flirting like no tomorrow...Until the Lumiere noticed Y/N which made him let Mariah fall to the ground, not even hearing her cursing him.
“Zut alors! She has emerged!” he gasped in shock as the girl made her way to the Kitchens, where she was greeted by Terence, at first, only to have Daniel get in front of him, get her hand, kissing the back of it, and wiggling his eyebrows at her. “Enchante, cherie~!” “If there’s anything we can do to make your stay here more comfortable...” Terence tried to say, before his elder brother burnt his butt with a candle fire. “Well, I guess I’m a bit hungry.” she smiled at them in amusement. “You are? Hear that, she’s hungry! Stoke the fire! Break out the silver, wake the china!” Enyaba started ordering all the dishes to come out at once. “Remember what the master said...!” Terence started sweating in despair. “Pish tosh! I’m not about to let the poor child go hungry!” Enyaba cackled like an old hag. “She’s our guest! We must make her feel welcome here! Right this way, mademoiselle~!” Daniel guided them to the dining room, much to his brother’s anxiety attack. “We- We must be quiet! If the master finds out...” he tried to explain, but Daniel had none of it. “Of course, of course! But what is a dinner without a little music~?”
Daniel brought Y/N to the long banquet table as he started singing and entertaining the girl, so she won’t have to think bad because of what happened before.
"Ma chere Mademoiselle, it is with deepest pride And greatest pleasure that we welcome you tonight And now we invite you to relax, let us pull up a chair As the dining room proudly presents Your dinner!" he spoke in his usual suave voice as he put on a sort-of hat, and the dishes were slowly dancing around him.
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“Be our guest, be our guest Put our service to the test Tie your napkin 'round your neck, cherie And we'll provide the rest!” he sang as a few dishes were brought in front of her.
“Soup du jour, hot hors d'oeuvres Why, we only live to serve Try the grey stuff, it's delicious Don't believe me, ask the dishes!” as he opened a tray of little food samples for her to try.
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“They can sing, they can dance After all, miss, this is France And a dinner here is never second best!” Daniel sang as the dished from the cupboard got in a formation to resemble the Eiffel Tower.
“Go on, unfold your menu Take a glance and then you'll Be our guest oui, our guest Be our guest!” the Lumiere gave the girl a menu for her to look at. “Beef ragout, cheese soufflé Pie and pudding, on flambé We'll prepare and serve with flair A culinary cabaret!” he continued as a ton of dished danced and sang in front of her, and of course, she couldn’t stop herself and took a bite.
“You're alone and you're scared But the banquet's all prepared No one's gloomy or complaining While the flatware's entertaining!” the spoons started diving inside the punch bowl, like sync dancing in the water.
“We tell jokes, I do tricks With my fellow candlesticks” Daniel was thrown into the air as he used the little flames on his candles to do little firecracker tricks. “And it's all in perfect taste that you can bet Come on and lift your glass You've won your own free pass To be our guest if you're stressed It's fine dining we suggest Be our guest, be our guest, be our guest!” the ale, wine, water and mead caraffas started dancing, pulling Terence along with them. “Life is so unnerving For a servant who's not serving He's not whole without a soul to wait upon Ah, those good old days when we were useful Suddenly those good old days are gone Too long we've been rusting Needing so much more than dusting Needing exercise, a chance to use our skills! Most days we just lay around the castle Flabby, fat and lazy You walked in and oops-a-daisy!”  as the salt started falling down Terence, his elder brother started throwing him around, as if he was dancing with him, until he threw him inside the green jelly, then propelling him away again.
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“It's a guest, it's a guest Sake's alive, well I'll be blessed! Wine's been poured and thank the Lord I've had the napkins freshly pressed With dessert, she'll want tea And my dear that's fine with me While the cups do their soft-shoein' I'll be bubbling, I'll be brewing I'll get warm, piping hot Heaven's sakes! Is that a spot? Clean it up, we want the company impressed We've got a lot to do! Is it one lump or two?” Enyaba sang cheerfully, preparing the napkins, the pots with the hot food, and the little cups.
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“For you, our guest (she's our guest) She's our guest (she's our guest) Be our guest, be our guest! Our command is your request It's been years since we've had anybody here And we're obsessed With your meal, with your ease Yes, indeed, we aim to please!” the flower holders all went to Y/N for her to admire and sniff in the gorgeous flowers’ smell, while all the plates, forks, knives, spoons and cups were dancing together, getting on their spot on the long table.
“While the candlelight's still glowing Let us help you, we'll keep going...” everyone sang as the candeholders all got up on by one, letting Daniel have the spotlight, on top of one of the cakes.
“Course by course, one by one 'Til you shout, "enough I'm done!" Then we'll sing you off to sleep as you digest Tonight you'll prop your feet up But for now, let's eat up!” Daniel sang as he danced some cabaret, while the the illuminated chandelier, along with a few other coloured lights, came down from behind the courtains, revealing the forks dancing cabaret as well, as the featherdusters all went behind Terence to join the dance.
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“Be our guest Be our guest Be our guest Please, be our guest” everyone danced and sang merrily as all the bubbly champagne bottles popped open, making the girl join in the singing, clapping happily, her eyes sparkling with glee and admiration at the incredible show they all put together just for her, along with the tons of dishes she was surrounded by.
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“Bravo, that was absolutely wonderful!” she grinned widely in appreciation. “Thank you! Haha, thank you, mademoiselle! Good show, wasn’t it, everyone?...Mon Dieu, look at the time! Now it’s off to bed, off to bed!” Terence tried to usher her back to bed after eating the best meal of her life. “Oh, I couldn’t possibly go to bed now! It’s my first time in an enchanted castle!” she clapped in glee. “E-Enchanted? Who said anything about enchanted...?...IT WAS YOU, WASN’T IT?!” Terence growled at his elder brother, starting to beat him up. “I...Figured it out by myself.” she chuckled in amusement as she parted the quarreling brothers. “I’d like to look around...If that’s alright, of course.” she got out from her seat, looking to her surroundings as if she was a curious meerkat. “Would you like a tour?” Daniel asked charmingly. “Wait a second. Wait a second! I’m not sure that’s such a good idea. We...Can’t let her go poking around in certain places, if you know what I mean.” Terence nudged his elder brother. “Hmm...Perhaps you’d like to take me? I’m sure you know everything there is to know about the castle.” she winked at him, as he couldn’t help but blush. “I...Well...Actually...Oui, je sais.” Terence chuckled awkwardly as he took the girl on a tour, telling her about Baroque and Rococo designs, until he realised she was going to the stairs to the West Wing, and they tried to stop her, but to no avail...
Until they mentioned the Library, and she feigned she was going with them, as they walked ahead, and she went ahead to see what was so interesting in the West Wing that was forbidden.
The place was trashed, unlike any other, and the statues were much scarier. Walking down the creepy corridor, she got in front of this grand door that had a golden beast as a handle, and taking a deep breath, she mustered the courage to go venture inside and look around the room that was nothing more than a ruin she had no idea what to make of.
Looking around, she noticed a big portrait of a man, but it was clawed...So she gingerly put together the parts, revealing a very handsome young man, holding a lawyer’s degree...The man had shiny blond hair and amber eyes...
That man was definitely Dio Brando before he transformed into the frightening beast that he is now.
However, he eyes weren’t enchanted by the gorgeous man for too long, as a little pink shine captured her attention in the corner of her eye, and she noticed a single red-pink rose, floating and glittering inside a glass bell, around it a pink aura that seemed nothing less than magical.
The girl’s curiosity doomed her, as she took off the bell to get a better look at the flower, yet afraid to touch it at first, as it was mesmerising... But it was captivating, it was enchanting, and she couldn’t stop herself as her fingers slowly started inching towards its petals...
Only for a huge shadow to loom over her, as the Vampire came out of nowhere, no sound of movement detected, and he quickly covered the rose again, towering over the girl, glaring and speaking in a dark, threatening voice.
“Why did you come her?! Have you no mind or recollection of what I just said earlier? This place is FORBIDDEN, and for a reason!” his voice was frightening to say the least, making her eyes go wide as saucers from the huge temperament change. “I-I’m really sorry! Curiosity got the best of me and...” she kept stuttering, her hands of in defense as she tried to step back away from him. “I WARNED you NEVER to come here!” he yelled roughly the emphasised words. “I didn’t mean any harm, I’m really sorry!” she tried to calm him down, but he only got angried. “DO YOU REALISE WHAT YOU COULD HAVE DONE?!” he growled, almost animalistic, his long, white fangs now looking even more threatening than before, as he backhanded a desk, breaking it. “Dio, please stop, you’re scaring me!” she glued her back to a broken wardrobe in fear. “GET OUT! GEEEEEET OOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!” he started trashing around like wild, making the girl yelp in fear, as she ran away, taking her cloak and getting out of the mansion.
She didn’t care about the D’Arby brothers’ siblings, nor about the promise or the harsh blizzard going on outside, since winter was rougher than usual - She climbed up on Hol Horse and galloped the hell out of there, hoping to get home, but the road was filled with surprises as the Horse got scared from the big group of wolves that started jumping at him.
He could only run away, unfortunately stomping too hard on the frozen lake, falling in, but somehow managing to get back to the snowy ground...But so did the wolves. In its fear, the Horse kept bucking to his hind legs, making its reins somehow knot themselves on a branch and throwing off the girl, as it tried to fend off the predators. 
Y/N, in fear, got the nearest wooden bat branch she found, trying not to let the hungry pack bite her, trashing around with the bat aimlessly, until one of the wolves managed to bite and tug the wood from her arms, leaving her defenseless, as another one jumped on her, getting her by the cloak and throwing her to the ground, as another tried to jump and maul her.
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By good fortune, the girl and her horse were saved by Dio who arrived just in time, letting out a mighty WRYYY and yelling “ZA WARUDO”...And the next time she blinked, there were no more wolves...They disappeared like magic...And all she could see was a big, yellow Stand.
That Stand disappeared quickly, before the girl could even say that she could see it, as the man fell to the ground, panting in exhaustion, a few wounds on him.
“It’s been such a long time since I used my Stand, that I can’t even do it properly anymore. How pitiful of me...To get wounded by some mangy mutts...I should’ve burned them, like I did with JoJo’s stupid Danny.” he growled in a low voice as he fainted to the ground.
The girl then wrapped her cloak around his figure, then made the horse get down so she could get him on and back to the mansion to treat his wounds.
He was obviously weakened when she helped him on his chair by the fire...He couldn’t even look at her from the shame and anger he had in his heart.
“I saw you’re a Stand User...Well, so am I. Will you let me heal you, Dio? It’s the least I can do after you saved me.” she asked him, as she sat kneeling by his side, trying to get a hold of his wounded arm. “No.” he replied as stubbornly as she did before. “What?! Just-...Just hold still!” she took out her beautiful, light blue Stand and used the water it conjured to heal the wound...But not without the Vampire letting out a pitched WRYYYYYYYYY as he yanked his arm back. “IT HURTS!!!” he yelled in her face, but she only frowned. “You’re a century old Vampire and you whine about some sting?! Just hold still and it won’t hurt as much!” she raised her tone at him. “If were to drink the blood from your body, I’d have no more wounds! Besides, none of this would have happened if you hadn’t run away!” he spoke back just as cheeky. “If you hadn’t frightened me, I wouldn’t have run away!” she scoffed, spitting back her comeback. “Well...You shouldn’t have been in the West Wing!” he shot right back after a second of thinking. “Well, you should learn to control your temper!...Now hold still, this might sting a little, but that’s how healing works. At least it has a pretty fast effect.” she said as her Stand carefully started healing his arm, as she held his hand. “By the way...Thank you for saving my life.” she spoke in a much softer voice than before. “...You’re welcome. I won’t take your blood either.” Dio scoffed, turning his back away...But his amber eyes still glanced to the side to take a peek at her.
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The whole night was much better for the two of them, and they thought there was nothing else that could possibly disturb their peace for now on...
However, unbeknownst to any of the Mansion’s residents, the one and only Kujo Jotaro, the great great great grandson of his rival and step-brother, but also, the only man he ever respected in his life, was plotting revenge along with grandpa Joseph Joestar, the Asylum’s director...
And that revenge was something nobody could ever expect.
Kujo Jotaro was nothing less than an ambitious man who ALWAYS got his way when he was pissed off.
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My Narratives
A Counter-narrative poem,
By Kellie Bridges (kbridge00)
Between the inequities of me
And the visage that they see
Is an ocean of words and voices
Screaming and talking over one another
Saying truth and lies
As long as it is hurtful
Tearing into me this great divide.
Until I cannot tell the difference
Between what is truth
And what is fiction,
The water stirring to
Swallow me whole,
Centrifugal forces pulling hope
Away from me in a whirlwind
Spinning in an attempt to
Tear me apart.
I look up and nod
Smile at my boss
As she berates me
For all I have and
Haven’t done wrong.
I smile and nod
As I am asked
“How is your day?”
And I reply “It’s going fine!”
As I swallow back my tears
And try not to cry
So that no one will see
That it hurts me.
I smile as the society I’m in
Instructs me to
“Fake it till I make it,”
And then asks me
Why I can’t keep up.
Fueling and fueling the
Greasefire, giving
Ammunition to the voices
That cut and criticize, and say
I’ll never be enough.
Exhausted to the point a
Once energetic & opinionated
Person keeps her head down
And says nothing
In an attempt to rob that
Ocean of its ammunition,
And in turn that ocean robs
Me of my strength, joy, and
Shaking, backed into a corner
Trapped in fear like a
Battered wife, living with an
Abuser she cannot divorce
Because he lives in her.
So I say nothing, because
My feelings are a burden
Causing worry or misunderstandings
That hurt worse than the silence,
I say nothing, refusing to whine
About my “petty problems.”
But If I could speak.
If I could speak.
I would tell my younger self
And so many others like me
I would grab them and tell them
“Your feelings matter & your
Problems aren’t petty!”
That that is the truth.
Make that truth the raft
You cling to when reality is
Gaslighted away.
The truth, the truth that
The struggles you face
Are so important, no matter
How small, even when the voices
Say that they aren’t,
I know you’re so scared and alone
Right now, but the reality is
That you’re not.
The silence you keep
Is your only prison &
You have control of
The key.
The key is talking about it
The key is asking for help
The key is the courage to admit
To yourself you are drowning
But being strong enough to say
I am going to pull myself out,
Even if I don’t know how.
In a world where you would
Rather die than cry in public &
Cause discomfort to another
And humiliate yourself.
Bear your tears proudly and say
This time I do not apologise
I don’t care
I’m having a hard time right now
That’s not your fault
But I refuse to silence my pain
For the convenience of another
Any longer because,
That’s not fair.
The face you see that smiles
The jokes I make to direct
Your attention away from
The pain that I face,
Raise your voice and say
I am not okay.
I’m being rent asunder.
Because I cannot bear to
Look in the eyes of my
Brother, Father, Sibling, my Mother
When there is a lapse in my
Facade and they ask me,
“Who is hurting you?”
“Who is to blame?”
“Who can we punish to
Take away your shame?!”
And then I see the pain &
Helplessness in their eyes when
I say my own name…
It’s so hard to try,
It hurts so badly to fail…
But when you face the
Times you’re lost and alone
Please god take off the mask
And empty your chest you carry
So full to bursting
With piercing lies & helpless truths
You tell yourself to hurt you.
You deserve to lighten that load &
To never have to bear it alone.
So the next time my
Boss tells me I’m not enough,
That I am too sensitive,
Too soft to do this job,
I will say maybe it’s you
That needs to be made of
Some stronger stuff.
Because hurricane
After hurricane
I come everyday
Against a tidal wave of
Conflicting thoughts & odds
I face the barrage and say
“I am strong enough
To make it through today.”
On the stage we smile &
Act out the part
We’re trained to play
Whilst behind the curtains
Monsters rage.
Have the strength to
Part the velvet
Step away from the pedestal
And scream out that
You are chained.
That this figure
You see is not me,
Or the person I want to be,
These are merely the traits
I am allowed,
By this creature
To which I’m bound.
Ours is a secret narrative,
The kind of scar
You don’t see on an arm
Or get from a bully after school.
But don’t get me wrong,
Just because the harassment
Is in my head, doesn’t
Change the fact that it’s
My dominant narrative is
The face that blurts out
Stupid things far too loud
Then gets misunderstood
And I can’t retrieve them.
Mine is the face
Petrified, tears in my eyes
Overwhelmed over
Conflict and intimidation.
Gagged by my tears,
I falter, in the face
Of my fears
Unable to speak out
Due to the hands
Covering my mouth-
As the monsters in my head
Tear me apart for my doubt.
The narrative seen on the surface-
A useless child with no purpose
Blank faced, & hollow headed
Incompetent, & absent minded.
Born with a thin skin, &
No common sense.
A child, over-zealous & impulsive
With no motivation or organization
An annoyance, whose imperfections
Chase away anyone who might
Want to get close.
The narrative they don’t see,
Is the painter & the poet,
The musician with a vision
So beautiful, they don’t know,
Is the person that I want to be
The kind that lifts others up &
Tells them, you are beautiful,
That you are so important
That you can be whatever you
Want to be,
And most of all, that
You deserve to know peace.
Today instead I decide
To be braver than my divide
Gathering the strength to
Hit send on this message &
Even stronger not to
Run away after.
In the hopes that my words could
Empower others to reach
For the keys to their shackles &
Fight back oceans of their own.
Today I say I’m not crazy
That this chaos I’m
Experiencing isn’t just delusion.
That my thoughts & feelings
Have meaning, that I will
Never again mistake this
Leviathan as just confusion.
Today I say the narrative that
I’m struggling but I’m not crazy
I am self-depreciative but
I’m amazing.
That I may be my greatest enemy
But I am not alone.
I am slow but I’m not stupid
I can be clueless but not useless
I can hesitate or be impulsive
But I am worthy of being loved.
So I say to those who stand
In my stead,
Hear those voices in your head,
Believe fervently in mind and
Know, you contradict them.
On your weakest days
When they weigh you down
Know, they only exist to hurt you,
They do not always correlate to
Actual facts, faults, or virtues.
You are not broken, a mistake
Nor stain, you are a
Human being with a heart
Mind and brains, with
Strengths and weaknesses
All your own,
So please, god, believe me
When I say that,
You are not alone.
Believe that you are
In control
You have the keys to your
Prison and when the
Tidal wave calls out & says
That it isn’t-
True, call them out
Because you know that
They are wrong.
Know truly, there is
Strength in numbers
And if we stand together
We can shout so much
Louder than the voices
That surround us
Together we can remember
That we matter, that we’re real,
That we have the power, and we
Deserve to feel good.
To love ourselves just like
Any other, without
Fear, apology, or sarcasm.
Know it’s okay to hit
Rock bottom
To lose one day but
Win another
Because you are walking
Against a tempest gale
Whose winds can
Knock you down.
Just, do not surrender.
That alone makes you stronger
Than you could possibly imagine
Despite the fact they make you feel
Like it’s not.
That pain you feel
Is real and just like
A cut or broken arm
You need help & tools
To heal.
We are worth effort
We are made strong to
Endure & even though
There’s no certainty or
Cure, we are the
Captains steering our
Ships, with the ability
To navigate toward clearer
We deserve to not
Live in fear, any longer.
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