#been waiting for vs to give me the frames for the last gif i need to make a set for like half an hour
chirpsythismorning · 2 years
This post reminded me that Mike didn’t ask Will if he was okay at all in season 4… however:
You were rolling your eyes, you were- you were moping, you were barely talking, you basically sabotaged the whole day!
*admits subtly that he noticed based on Will’s behavior that he wasn’t okay*
I didn’t say it! / You didn’t have to.
*admits subtly that Will doesn’t need to spell stuff out (or even say anything at all) for him to understand*
At times when the audience is getting signs that Will isn't okay, Mike has been right there asking because he rightfully sensed it. Like, this has gotta be the most consistent thing about Mike's character over the course of the series, which that original post proves (though it's missing the iconic He's quiet today.! Are we forgetting anything else?!).
Despite s4 presumably stopping this trend, they're still showing us subtly that Mike is taking notice:
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This shot above is unique because what it does is use framing/camerawork to hint to the audience that this is arguably Mike's perspective.
At the start of this shot, both El and Will are framed fairly equally, with Mike being the last to join the frame as the camera dollies out. This allows us to feel like we're seeing what Mike is seeing, whether we realize it or not. By framing the shot this way, they're telling us that Mike views both El AND Will as an option. El, because they have a history romantically and it's sort of an easy path for Mike to stay in for the rest of his life. Will, his best friend with whom he has very strong (romantic) feelings for, and so he ranks high up in Mike's line of focus among El, his girlfriend.
This shot above also shows us Mike staring at Will, if only for fleeting moment. But, it's there.
These tiny moments are important, because despite them existing, a vast majority of the audience didn't pick up on them, including most bylers. They're your standard blink and you'll miss it moments.
Because yeah, maybe Will does feel Mike's eyes on him, but the second Will looks to check, Mike isn't looking. Or most of the day, Mike did in fact look like he was having a jolly old time.
This is what's being presented to us blatantly, out in the open, and with Will at the center of it all..
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The truth is, while we think we're getting Will's POV exclusively, most of the time, we're getting his and El's AND Mike's. It's just that they go about all of their POV's differently, but especially Mike's. His follows a formula of subtlety like 99% of the time. That small meager 1% where they let us see the truth, varies from outrageously subtle to subtle.
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Here, Will is understandably confused by Mike giving him a play-by-play of his behavior throughout day. After all, from Will's perspective, aka the unreliable perspective the audience is being fed, Mike wasn't even looking at him. Again, if anything Mike seemed like he was having a good time up to this point. And so upon hearing this, Will, and arguably anyone watching this scene for the first time, was probably left thinking, 'Wait?.. What?"
I have a theory, which honestly isn't that far fetched, seeing as it works in tandem with how a lot of this season has presented POV in a multitude of ways, whether it be lighting, framing, blocking, camerawork, editing, dialogue, etc., they are definitely giving us hints.
These posts (here, here) will be helpful to understand everything that follows in terms of context, so I do recommend checking them out!
Basically this theory holds weight to me because of what is being blatantly shown to us: Mike ignoring Will/having a great day aka Will's POV vs. what is being subtly shown to us: Mike glancing at Will when Will isn't looking/telling Will that him showing signs of not being okay ruined the day aka Mike's POV.
I've also done a post on El's POV which may very well hold the truth to everything, even more so than Will and Mike's POV's , so please check that out if you want your mind blown.
Now, when I say POV, I'm being as loose as possible in my definition. We know that it's a camera, not literally the eyes of the person's perspective we're in (though that can be a technique in and of itself).
An OTS (over the shoulder) shot is the best example of how perspective tends to operate in film. And we saw how that technique in particular was used a lot in the van, monologue, and cabin scenes. Those are arguably more blatant examples in s4 of POV shots.
However, shots that are hinting at a specific POV don't start and end with OTS, nor shots using more literal POV techniques. There's other ways to hint at POV/inner feelings. It's even possible for one shot/sequence to represent multiple POV's at once. It sounds complicated, but it's really not.
Although Will's perspective is the main one we're being fed, it's not the whole truth, or it's at least missing an important detail...
It's not until we're given that crumb from Mike himself, in which he spit-fires out a list of Will's actions throughout the day, that we get any sort of context for Mike's aloof behavior. This line alone reveals to us that there is apparently a lot more to these scenes than meets the eye, when it comes to how Mike is behaving vs. how he's actually feeling.
Because if most of the audience is convinced Mike never looked at Will, just like Will is convinced, then that puts into question when exactly Mike would’ve even been looking to pick up on all of this, enough for it to ruin the day, and despite him behaving like he was happy as ever...?
And so, the answer?
Arguably, literally any time Mike was out of the frame, but especially when Mike was out of the frame while Will is in the frame, front and center (aka most of s4?), are fair game for times Mike could’ve been looking at Will. It's just that what we're being shown is not Mike actually looking and reacting each of these times. Instead, we're shown what he just literally sees, which is Will...
And that's what makes the following scenes with Angela and El extremely important, because they support this theory, heavily.
As El, Angela and her minions all skate away, we see Mike and Will stay behind in the booth. We then get a reaction shot with both of them in the frame. But the thing is, reaction shots usually require reactions.
While Will is standing up, looking visibly concerned for El, because he actually has the context for what's going on, Mike contrasts greatly in comparison.
Mike goes from looking back and forth between where Will was sitting across from him, to the direction El and Angela just rolled off to, only to look away the instant Will is fully standing and staring off in that same direction.
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Mike then proceeds to give us no reaction, in what is presumably a reaction shot. It's as if Mike is not feeling any emotion at all, which is kind of a hard thing to do if you really think about it.
Especially when it comes to a character like Mike Wheeler, whose literally known for his dramatic facial expressions, meaning him not showing any emotion at all, for most of this sequence, likely required quite a bit of effort on his part...
Mike's 'reaction' is so vague that I can guarantee most of the audience wasn't even paying attention to him for this shot. And quite honestly this could apply to a lot of Mike's scenes this season, where whenever the two of them are having a heart to heart or something of that nature, the viewer's eye gravitates towards Will (also my theory for why the ga is convinced Finn is a bad actor, which is bc he is acting as a character whose also acting. Mike is leaving us in the dark about everything he is thinking and feeling, by only showing us what he literally sees, which is WILL WILL WILL).
The van scene is one good example of this, where so many fans still aren't aware of Finn's micro-expressions and what they clearly mean, all because they were too busy giving all their attention to Will's speech and his emotions (we're just like Mike fr).
And so here we have Will in the forefront showing a lot more emotion in this particular shot (he has our attention), while Mike is in the background, casually taking another sip of his milkshake.
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But why is Mike busying himself with his milkshake in the first place? Why isn't he still looking at El and her friends like he just was? Or why doesn't he just look up at Will to start a conversation?
Instead, what we get is Mike distracting himself...
And it's because, just like Will's perspective of this day, Mike's context for everything up to this point is nowhere close to the truth, if anything it's even further from the truth than Will's.
Although I already linked the refresher course(s), I'm going to give a more detailed refresher, bc a lot of it was only images w/out context:
Mike thinks Angela is not only one of El's new friends in Lenora, but also the girl Will made the painting for (both of which he read about in her letter at the start of s4). Mike tests out this theory when he asks Will about the painting at the airport, only to be shot down. In Mike's eyes, this supports El's theory that the painting is likely for a girl. Still, it appears Mike hasn't totally given up on getting some answers, and so (glancing at Will) he mentions the possibility of them running into friends. This causes Will to interrupt with the comment, Friends? What friends?! To the audience, this is Will making a confused remark about the fact that El has no friends. But to Mike, Will's comment comes off as a nervous Friends? What friends?? Which friends? You mean her?? And so when El says, You know, Stacy and Angela, Will's worried response Angela? is again, a worrisome realization on Will's part that El is lying to Mike (WE the audience understand this). However, to Mike, it's Will singling out this girl's name because she is THE girl (Maybe it is for a girl! I think there is someone he likes...)! But then El is saying that they'll meet her friends another day, reassuring Mike that today is just about him and her. And Mike looks pretty smug about this reassurance, followed by kissing El's forehead dramatically as they walk out of the airport. Mike then begins to associate Will's moping for the rest of the afternoon, with him being bitter that they're not going to run into Angela like he'd probably hoped, so that he could give her the painting. Mike continues to play the part of perfect boyfriend, especially now after assuming Will is, for the very first time, pursing a girl... "I mean what did you think? Really? That we were never gonna get girlfriends.--" Oh, how the turntables.
And so now, looking back at this shot and this whole sequence, within the context of Mike thinking Angela is the girl Will made the painting for, makes Mike's behavior a whole lot easier to understand.
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Also, what makes the very end of this shot, just so fucking crazy to me, is that, for a split second, we see Mike's facade start to crack. For a split second, as the camera starts to hone in on Will, with Mike slowly exiting the frame, it's at this moment that his signature annoyed scowl makes an appearance. But then poof, he's gone.
And isn't it so convenient that they're cutting us off, right before we could get to the part that would've revealed Mike's true emotions during this moment? And that it ends with us focusing on Will...?
Let’s try to understand this even more, because I feel like so much gets overlooked about these scenes at Rink-O-Mania.
Mike had spent all day trying to ignore the fact that Will was clearly not okay. What he would usually do in that situation, is just ask Will, 'Hey, you okay?'. But Mike wasn't being his true self during these moments. Argyle even prefaced Mike's behavior in this episode by calling his shirt a shitty 'knock off', just like how Mike was acting, FAKE!
If it were any other season, Mike would've asked Will if he was okay. Instead, for the first time, he's now bottling up that instinct. But why?
I think it could be a combination of things honestly, and that's probably most likely.
I think after the reunion at the airport, Mike came to the conclusion Will was showing symptoms of experiencing a crush on a girl, genuinely, for the first time. And so as this is starting to unravel, Mike's going from wanting to get to the bottom of it, only to backtrack, wanting to abort the mission entirely.
I also think a part of it could be that, Mike himself is obviously not okay. And so maybe he feels slightly unequipped to handle asking Will if he's okay, knowing deep down he's not okay himself.
I also think that, this is a TV show. And so if they're choosing to not let us see Mike's true emotions outright, specifically in relation to him picking up on Willis behavior, then there must be for a reason for that, right?
It must be because the surprise they're saving, relies on us assuming for now, just like Will, that Mike doesn't like him back. Everything taking place as of now is moving the plot forward, with a plan for this revelation to be revealed closer to the end, as opposed to now, in the beginning of the end.
Having Mike blatantly stare at Will the whole season, out in the open, would've made the revelation that Mike feels the same in s5, anti-climactic. However, having subtle evidence that Mike was staring at Will most of the season, which most viewers missed all the signs of, despite them being there, is going to make the revelation that Mike feels the same in s5, epic.
On top of everything going on, I think it's important to also acknowledge that Mike feel's indebted to El. He will never not feel like he owes her everything, and that she deserves the world. And so this whole situation isn't just about Mike's repressed feelings or insecurities or whatever. It's also about Mike trying as hard as he can to be who he thinks El deserves and therefore who she needs him to be. It's the least he can do.
Only problem is, that person is not him and it can't be him.
And so we see Mike overcompensating because he feels like El deserves these gestures and there is this expectation of what they should do because they're bf/gf (THATS BC SHES MY GF, WILL). There's the pressure of that on its own, combined with Mike grappling with Will's behavior over his crush on a girl, which just makes Mike feel even more insecure about his relationship with El.
Arguably, for a while now, Mike has probably become somewhat aware that he doesn't have as strong of romantic feelings for El as he might've thought he did at one point, or even lead her to believe. And Will presumably gifting this girl a painting... like, it's got Mike really self reflecting like, 'SHIT! I'm clearly not down that bad for El... and so, does that mean--'...
This huge insecurity for Mike, with the whole I love you thing, is just getting so big that he can't ignore it anymore, because he KNOWS what he sees as real love, ie, his feelings for Will + what he assumes to be Will's feelings for this girl, and that.. that's not what he feels for El. And so he holds himself back from taking that step in saying it, all this time, because he doesn't want to lie.
And yet, he still tries.
He tries to act interested in everything El has to say. And it's not even that he's not interested in what she has to say, it's just that this act of ignoring the fact that Will doesn't appear to be okay, while also acting like he's having the time of his life, requires a lot of focus. And even despite his performance being pretty believable, the truth behind his actions still falls through the cracks.
I saw someone post about this recently (if anyone knows who, pls comment), and it's this shot with the three of them in the booth at Rink-O-Mania, where we see El resting her hand, palm up on her lap under the table, in a way that makes it look like she's waiting for Mike to take it.
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Holding hands under the table is the kind of gesture a couple does when they want to share a moment of intimacy, without making others around them uncomfortable over their PDA.
But that's the problem isn't it? Mike is overcompensating with a lot of these gestures he does with El, like bringing her flowers, putting his arm around her, kissing her forehead, holding her hand. He's not doing these things because he wants to have this kind of intimacy with El (we know that he doesn't because he literally squished his gift for her, in between them when they reunited, so that he had an excuse for them to separate), but because he wants to be who El needs him to be. He also wants to be believable in his performance that he's not shitting bricks over all of this back and forth with his best friend.
And so what even is the point, if no one can see Mike's hand holding El's under the table? If Will can't see it?
Then to top it all off, in the middle of Mike's subtextual dig about how his milkshake is 'better', suddenly Angela is rolling up to them.
And it's at this point that Mike's whole facade really starts to crumble, where he can't even fully pick up on what is happening with El and Angela, because he's too distracted by Will, followed by trying way too hard to act like Will 'longing' for Angela is not affecting him (NO BUT WHY IS MIKE LITERALLY THE 'IM FINE THIS IS FINE' SIPPING HIS COFFEE WHILE THERE ARE FLAMES SURROUNDING HIM GIF HERE???).
What I love about this shot is that it can easily be overlooked and confused with Mike genuinely not caring about Will at all. And that's what is so incredible about subtlety. Something as subtle as no emotion at all on Mike's face, a renowned facial expression enthusiast, can somehow say so much more about Mike's true feelings for Will, than an outright look.
For this whole shot, we're assuming we're in Will's perspective, which happens A LOT of the time in s4 (even in Milkvan scenes) because like I said, whenever Will is in the frame while Mike is also present, we tend to hone in on him a little more than the others (THAT'S INTENTIONAL).
Still, whenever you see Mike creeping out of the frame, we now know it's arguably fair game that Mike could be staring at Will at this very moment, while Will, and the audience, are distracted.
Which is why this happens...
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We do not get any shots of Mike at this time. Until....
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The second Will voices worriedly, "Oh no!" Mike is jumping out of his seat, standing next to Will, turning to face the same direction as him, like, "What?"
I'm sorry but, it's just not natural for Mike to have responded to Will instantaneously like this, within the context of what he was doing the last time we got a shot of him, especially in this case, where Will wasn't even speaking directly to Mike.
The only way it makes sense for Mike to have spawned beside Will like that, is if Mike was already looking at Will...
Him responding that quickly, meant looking at Will while he spoke, hearing what he said, and seeing where he was looking, so that Mike could jump up that fast, ready for whatever Will was reacting to.
Will is reacting to the scene of El and Angela in front of him.
Mike is reacting to Will react to the scene of El and Angela in front of him.
I want to bring up @dinitride-art's Lighting and Mike and Will and El - Full Analysis posts (specifically the ones related to Rink-O-Mania, but there are plenty of others they have in that thread, that could help everyone try to better understand a lot of s4 scenes as well). Without them, I never would've realized a lot of this.
The main points I want to touch on from their analysis', is the use of the disco ball in these scenes at Rink-O-Mania and how they often operate to tell a story, one that often has Will at the center...
Let's try to keep in mind that disco balls often act as focal points whenever they are in a space, in this case, the rink at Rink-O-Mania. Disco balls are covered in mirrors, which reflect tiny beams of light throughout a room... Are you catching my drift?...
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Yes, undoubtedly, lighting plays a big part in telling the story, along with music!
@lesbianmindflayer has done a video on this, but basically the lyrics to the song You Spin Me Right Round (Right Round) are also hinting at POV and context to these scenes, like music often does in ST.
One specific example she uses of this disco ball in action (combining both lighting, framing, camera-movement and music,) is when we go from Mike's POV, with the disco ball above Will (Mike being bummed Will didn't even look at him or laugh at his sock joke) to El's POV with the disco ball above Mike (El after being called out by Will that Mike is going to be mad when he finds out she's been lying).
So, keeping all of this in mind, watching Angela drag El to the middle of the rink, directly under the disco ball, with that snarky 'stay put!" comment, only to laugh knowingly... followed by Mike finally paying attention to El properly???? And this is what it took??? A spotlight?? And not only that but Will directing Mike's focus to it like, 'Hey, dude! Maybe pay attention to your gf bc she's having problems here' (I'm sensing a pattern...).
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Unfortunately, it's too little too late.
As this is all coming to a head, Mike feels horrible about being too distracted with the fact that Will wasn't okay, that he wasn't able to pick up on the fact that El wasn't okay either. And so tries his best to fix things by getting the music to stop and to go comfort El.
But then El's running away, out of the spotlight and fittingly out of Mike's focus.
While looking for El, him and Will begin bickering.
Now, Mike knows the painting must not be for Angela. He's embarrassed and he's pissed and he's upset, but he's also just even more confused. The instinct to figure out why Will was upset, is unwavering. Now that his theory has presumably been debunked, Mike slips back into this old habit.
"You were rolling your eyes, you were-- you were moping, you were barely talking, you basically sabotaged to whole day!" aka "You're clearly not okay. I thought I knew why, but I was wrong. It's been miserable".
What Mike gets by subtly calling out Will for his behavior, is the revelation that, yes Will was upset El lied to him, but he was also miserable over the fact that he felt like a third wheel all day.
More angst and miscommunication ensues.
Though all too soon, El is hitting Angela with a skate and everything is happening so fast.
In the following episode, things get even more interesting.
We start with Mike standing next to Will, away from El. We get another shot that's arguably Mike's POV (@dinitride-art did a really good analysis on this shot, please check it out for further details)... but basically it proves Mike's whole 'I've never been scared of you, EVER' part of his monologue, followed by thunder, was indeed not exactly the truth.
And what follows in the next scene is even more damning.
Because what we get for the first time this season, is a shot of Mike, front and center, looking at Will, and interestingly enough, while Will isn't looking ..
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Even though they are giving this to us outright, it's still not blatant. And I say this because, again, I can guarantee you most of the audience didn't pick up on it.
This shot was arguably necessary for the context of everything that followed, with Mike saying that rude remark to El at dinner.
Because it turns out Will was right for being upset about El lying, just considering everything that's played out this evening. And on top of that, Mike's also still reeling from the fact that Will was upset because he felt like they weren't best friends anymore. This was apparently enough to be a big part of the reason Will was miserable all day, aka Mike was miserable all day because of his perceived misery of Will who himself was also moping because Mike wasn't paying attention to him. This is news to Mike, as he's been lead to believe the opposite up to this point, seeing as he's also the one whose been making most of the calls, unanswered.
TBH this scene in particular provides a really important aspect of this theory as a whole, because although it seems minor and blink and you'll miss it like all the others. Unlike the majority, it shows us something that could very well hold the truth to something we still don't quite understand. More on that at the end.
I also don't want to forget the most hilarious Mike POV evidence of all, and it's the infamous 'triple take' in the junkyard.
Some bylers noticed this pretty early on, while others probably still don't have a clue about the implications.
Allow me to explain.
Within the context of subtle Mike POV vs. unreliable Will POV, let's think about how this sequence starts with the audience looking at Will. He's hoeing (because he doesn't have a shovel). Then suddenly, after a few seconds of the camera being focused on only him, we see Will now looking up at Mike, with him stopping and staring as he does so.
Once we get a reaction shot of Mike, we see he's not shoveling, he's actually standing still with the shovel resting on the ground, staring down, almost in a daze, zoned out. But then suddenly, he's looking up at Will. And the expression he makes once his eyes reach Will, is....
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Pining. It's pining, your honor.
For a split second, this is the expression of a person looking at someone with whom they assume isn't looking.
Mike goes from still and focused, to wide eyed, as he scrambles back to shoveling.
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The general audience actually interpreted this scene fairly accurately, it's just that they got it wrong it terms of whose actually doing the pining.
Because arguably, if Mike could sense Will looking at him, whose to say Will couldn't sense Mike?
Whose to say it wasn't Mike who was initially staring at Will, which is why he stopped shoveling in the first place. Though at some point while he was watching Will hoeing, with the camera focusing on him, just like Mike, Mike zoned out to collect his thoughts. And so, when he looks back up, to return to staring at Will again, only to discover Will was already looking at him, he understandably went, OH SHIT MISSION ABORT.
All this time we were convinced the POV was definitively Will's, with Mike's POV missing. And so therefore, a lot of bylers at least, have made the likely claim that Will's POV cannot be reliable. But what if it is reliable, in that finding out a lot of these moments of us getting Will at the center, was also a part of Mike's POV all along... meaning it's not inherently unreliable, in that in and of itself it holds the truth...
Now, you might be thinking, why couldn't they have shown us Mike staring at Will, at least once, if this is in fact what's happening a lot of the time?
And oh honey... They did.
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Isn't it almost poetic, that the moment they FINALLY decide to show us the truth, a shot, with both Will AND Mike in the frame, equally, with Mike continuing the stare at Will the second Will looks away (even if it's for just a small, albeit drawn out moment) this is what follows:
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Will handing the painting over to Mike.
Everything. All of this miscommunication about a girl and the painting, essentially Mike's very own unreliable POV has been leading up to this moment.
Which brings me back to this...
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Does this mean I'm trying to indoctrinate everyone into fully believing Mike knew Will was lying and even crying in the van scene? No, because honestly, I don't think I fully believe that myself. I also think that to say a scene is definitively this or that is naive because, for all we know the story depends on certain scenes having certain truths over certain periods of time.
Like right now, maybe they want us to believe that Mike didn't understand Will, and the story requires us to look at it that way, for now, and also going into s5?
We know that the Duffers would prefer that the average fan doesn't pick up on byler. And so arguably, there are a lot of layers of awareness happening here, regardless of this specific theory. Just in terms of all the assumed truths and the actual truths. There's what the ga assumes vs. what bylers assume, but I think there could be another hidden truth beyond that, perhaps what they knew bylers would assume based on what they said ('he just missed it, not in a bad way/while he may not fully pick up on it--' Duffer's talking about Mike in the van scene), and they were anticipating all of that, meaning despite all of our expectations, there's very likely a surprise in store for us as well.
I do want to make clear, despite me thinking this all makes a lot of sense, as a byler it's like DAMN why couldn't we get the exact moment Mike realized it and like, get to see him act on it?
I think that's the ideal situation? But even still, this theory explains a lot.
It means Mike never stopped paying attention. It also explains why he gravitated towards Will at the end of s4, after his failed love confession. It explains why he looked heartbroken after Will encouraged him to confess his love to El.
We talk about this all the time, but because there are so many tiny moments, where it seemed like Mike realized something over the seasons, we'll find posts saying this moment or that was THE moment. But what I really think it is, is the uncertainty and the hope and the denial all working against each other. Arguably, Mike has already has his realization moment plenty of times by now, in little moments. It's just that what he's been experiencing is, something along the lines of, he loves me! he loves me not. he loves me! he loves me not, and so on and so forth.
His behavior over the seasons, has been impacted by this confusing, back and forth miscommunication between him and Will.
All very remanent of the lyrics to Time After Time if you ask me...
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jedipoodoo · 2 years
Can I request blind pregnant reader and Crosshair, where the reader is getting close to her due date. The babies don’t stop kicking so Crosshair gives her gentle rubs to quiet them, but then she gets scared, and sad because she’ll never see her baby 🥺 so Crosshair reassures her that he’ll tell her down to every last detail what they’re child looks like.
I love prompts like this where the reader is almost the opposite of the partner (ex. blind vs. enhanced eyesight) but instead of clashing they mesh together perfectly.
Notes: pregnancy, blind reader, angst, hurt/comfort
In Your Eyes (Crosshair x Blind and Pregnant Reader)
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"Don't look at me like that."
"You can't even see me, mesh'la," His teasing tone was half-hearted, and you hummed in acknowledgement.
"I don't have to see you. I know you well enough without seeing your face."
His nose pressed against your cheek as he sighed, and you felt the stubble of his five o'clock shadow before he trailed kisses along your jawline.
"I hate seeing you like this," He admitted, so soft only you could hear it.
The baby kicked again, and you winced. "How long until I can take some more of those painkillers Tech brought over?"
"Two more hours, love," He slipped behind you, framing your shoulders with his arms as he reached down, gently lifting your baby bump, and the weight, off your hips.
You shuddered, leaning back against his shoulder. For a moment, it was almost like you had been carrying an entire gunship around all day for the last six months
"Kriff, mesh'la , I don't know how you do this," He gasped into your hair.
"I mean, you getting a little more handsy than usual definitely helps," You smirked, and he chuckled, kissing the side of your face. His thumb traced little circles in the side of your belly, but his fingers were starting to slip. His firepuncher wasn't nearly as heavy as this.
"You can go ahead and set them down," You tried to tell him, "I can go lay down."
"Only if you're sure..."
When you nodded, he gently lowered the bump back into place, and you groaned at the familiar weight.
Dusty, your trained guide massif, nudged you towards the edge of the bed, and you felt your way up to the pillows to rest your head.
A moment laster, you felt the bed sink slightly, moving with Crosshair's frame as he lay beside you. His arm slid gently behind your back, pulling you into his chest, and you sighed.
"What's wrong, Doll?" he murmured, lips brushing against your forehead, "Everything alright?"
"It's fine, I just..." You couldn't articulate the words in the right way. Crosshair's hand came up to cradle your cheek, tracing your nose with his thumb as he patiently waited for you to speak.
"... Will I be a good mother?" you asked at last.
Crosshair thought for a moment, but you could feel him nodded.
"Yes, you will. Are you worried?"
You nodded too.
"I just- how can I help my children if I can't even see them or what's bothering them? What if I lose them and I can't even recognize them because I have no idea what they look like?"
Your bottom lip trembled, and Crosshair softly kissed you to quell your tremors.
"That's what you have me for, isn't it?" you could hear a chuckle in his voice as his chest gently shook beneath your hands.
"You don't need to worry about how the baby looks. That's for me to take care of. I'll tell you every detail of their appearance the moment I see them for the first time."
"Really?" you asked.
Crosshair's thumb rubbed back and forth across your cheek.
"There's other ways to tell what the baby's upset about. Tech said the pitch of their cry can indicate hunger, exhaustion, or even a... dirty diaper."
You threw your head back laughing. Was your big bad commando husband scared of a stinky baby?
He grumbled about it, but it was the kind of grumbling where he was secretly pleased he made someone happy, even if it was to his own embarrassment.
"Well have to learn that together." You hummed, sliding your hand up to trace the stubble on his chin.
Crosshair fairly purred in content as your hand came around the back of his head to massage his curls. He melted against you like your favorite blanket.
"Thank you, my love," You whispered, finding the top of his head to give him a kiss.
"Anytime, mesh'la, anytime."
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jonthejournalist · 5 years
RT may have deleted the original post, but it’s more then enough for us all to wildly speculate on, so lets go! 
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If you have not seen, Rooster Teeth released a short video on Twitter with clips from volume 7 as a promotion. All the clips are from prior episodes, aside for two scenes, seeing Blake skip across traffic and the Bees taking on Robyn Hill, badass council candidate. Check them out through this link!
So buckle up, because Journo is going to have a wild prediction guess!
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Right, so starting out with what we know. From the teaser for next episode (Titled ‘A night off’), we know some/all of the gang are going to a political rally in Mantle and by the screenshot it can be presumed that Penny and Ruby are at the rally or close.
Going from that, strong guess is that Robyn makes an appearance, most likely it being her rally. Now this is the bit most up in the air, but something happens. Yeah I know, not great work there Journo, but hold with. 
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Either something happen that implicates Robyn (Maybe Watts has been up to something) or she does something a little bold/risky. We got a heavy hint her semblance involves some sort of control over other people, possible by mind reading or truth telling. Maybe making someone confess to some shady Atlas stuff?
The other big idea I have is someone implicating Robyn in the murder of all the journalists that Tyrian has been taking out, as that would definitely be enough to give Atlas the excuse to get her arrested.
Shout out to @sunnylildragun​ with this idea: maybe she reveals what her Happy Huntresses have found out about the Amity Arena to the people? We know she had been running surveillance on it and she wanted to know what they were doing
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Regardless of being framed or revealing some big Atlas secrets, it’s enough for Ironwood, Winter or the Ace Ops to suddenly want her arrested. This causes Robyn to suddenly get out of there.
Meanwhile, think there is a good chance that the bees have gone off on their own for a quiet moment. As Blake swings across traffic, one of the street signs seems to be a coffee shop? Maybe a nice chat by any chance? An interrupted kiss? Fuel for every single coffeshop AU?
(Also interesting note, the name of the shop seems to be Rebecca’s. Again thank you to @sunnylildragun​ for that one!)
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So the call gets sent out to capture Robyn and Yang and Blake happen to find themselves right next to her and give chase, with Blake swinging across the traffic. Robyn seems VERY shocked and stunned to be back in the fight so I’m going to wager she thought she was in the clear, not expecting to get blindsided by two huntresses.
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As the fight starts, with Blake pressing the attack only to set up Yang to leap over her (which is a freaking awesome move and perfect work between the two, yeah go suck it Marrow), Robyn is easily on the back foot, trying to parry blows from both sides.
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Though whilst she does play defensive at first, Robyn is not exactly trying to back off and does attack, trying to shoot Blake in the stomach and slash Yang across the chest. I get the feeling if she wanted to talk or had been planning this, she wouldn’t press the attack as much, because she counters HARD. She seems pretty skilled and she is definitely confident from her intro last episode, so I get the feeling from Robyn’s expression and actions, she is suddenly in a situation she had not planned for.  
And then it cuts the scene. That’s all we get.
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So with just that to go on, here goes! Best guess currently puts it as Bees will outmatch Robyn and gain a clear advantage or maybe beat her, but before they can do anything, the Happy Huntresses turn up and surround them. Back on her feet, Robyn then decides she needs to tell her side of all this to the Bees and with that we have a cut to black and end of the episode.
Gut feeling says this is a misunderstanding and it will lead the team to ask some major questions about the situation and where they stand. We know Robyn and Qrow will work together later from the intro and Arryn has hinted about them on her Unlocked, so she will definitely be a good guy, or at least find themselves on the same side.
And honestly? I kind of like the idea that Robyn may not be pure cut good (though if any of you start trying to compare her to Adam, so help me). Part of the description for this season was “You don’t know who you can trust” and that reflected in both sides maybe not being all that great or trustworthy at times, but both ultimately trying to do what they see as best for their people could play really well.
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Also Cristina Vee is killing it so far as Robyn. She has instantly come across as this confident badass leader, trying to do whats best for Mantle. Can’t wait for more!
Also also, massive thank you to @the-batjan​ for helping edit/make this coherent to read! Cheers! Also go follow her!
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rachelkaser · 4 years
Stay Golden Sunday: The Competition
A bowling tournament brings out Rose’s competitive side, while Sophia reunites with an old love. It somehow ends with the four girls in a bowling battle.
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Picture It...
Sophia is cheerfully singing over a pot of spaghetti sauce, the smell of which is enough to attract Dorothy and Rose. Blanche meanwhile arrives with a new bowling ball for the upcoming tournament, which she and Rose have participated in for years -- and lost, much to Rose’s irritation. Dorothy asks Sophia to partner with her for the tourney, but Sophia will be busy with an old boyfriend named Augustine Bagatelli, who is visiting from Sicily. They were engaged, but lost contact when Augustine went to fight in the war. Blanche sneaks some sauce behind her back.
SOPHIA: Mmm, if this sauce was a person, I’d get naked and make love to it.
The next day, Sophia prepares for Augie’s visit by dressing in black, to show she’s a widow and therefore available. Rose tells Dorothy she found her a partner and signed her up for the tournament. Augustine arrives, and he and Sophia have a cute reunion, catching up on each other’s lives. Augie married a girl from their village and is also a widower. The two leave to go on a walk together.
In the kitchen, Dorothy asks who Rose signed her up to bowl with. Before Rose can say, Blanche enters and is, by her own word, stunned. Rose dumped her as a partner and signed up to bowl with Dorothy, who’s a better bowler. Rose confesses she’s very competitive and wants to win the tournament this year. Dorothy initially refuses to be Rose’s partner, but Blanche reveals she signed up with Rose’s biggest competition, Olga of the unbeatable Nielsen twins. Rose talks Dorothy into being her partner.
Sophia tells Dorothy that she’s having a great time with Augie, but he has to return to Sicily soon. She wants to return with him for the San Genero Festival, but Dorothy protests Sophia’s health is too poor to risk it. Sophia wants to go anyway, but can’t unless Dorothy pays her way. Dorothy refuses, and a just-entering Rose defends Sophia. Sophia lets slip that Rose is dumping Dorothy as her bowling partner. Rose is so desperate to win that she signed on with the other Nielsen twin, Sonja.
Blanche enters and drops a bomb: The Nielsen twins, who split up over a man named Lars, have reconciled after his unexpected death. So now neither Blanche nor Rose has anyone to bowl with. Rose tries to sweet-talk Dorothy into being her partner again, but Dorothy’s had enough and partners up with Blanche. Sophia, wanting to prove that she’s physically capable of traveling abroad, offers to be Rose’s partner. So now it’s the Girls against the Girls.
Later, Dorothy has to drag a reluctant Blanche out of the house for practice, and they meet Rose and Sophia just coming back. Sophia asks Dorothy to make a bet with her on the outcome of the tournament: If Sophia wins, Dorothy has to pay for her trip to Sicily. Dorothy agrees, and counters that, if she wins, Sophia has to give her a pair of antique silver earrings.
ROSE: Blanche, do you want to have a side bet with me? BLANCHE: Well I would Rose, but everything you own is so damn ugly. Oh I can’t wait to whip your butt. ROSE: *death glare*
Finally, it’s the day of the big competition, and Dorothy and Blanche sneak a peek in the men’s locker room. They’re waiting for their opponents, and of course they turn out to be Rose and Sophia instead of the Nielsen twins -- who had to drop out to attend Lars’ Viking funeral. Rose and Sophia resort to some underhanded tactics to get ahead, including wearing identical outfits to Blanche, and acting overly affectionate in front of a jealous Dorothy. Sophia makes the first strike of the game.
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Much later, the girls are the last two teams playing, and Rose picks up a spare that puts them in the lead of the tournament. Dorothy points out they could still win, but Blanche chokes under the pressure, only knocking down two pins on her last frame. Dorothy can still win if she gets a spare, and all she has to do is knock down the nine-pin. Augie shows up to support Sophia, and the two reminisce about playing bocce ball together, and sharing their first kiss. Dorothy, looking on, is touched by how happy Sophia looks, and deliberately throws a gutter ball. Rose immediately leaps up, crying victory.
Sophia recounts her trip to Dorothy after she returns -- she had a great time, excepting the time a friend she was about to visit died shortly before they arrived. She then hands Dorothy her antique earrings, saying she knows that Dorothy threw the game to make her mother happy. Rose comes home with the bowling trophy, and both Dorothy and Blanche give her the cold shoulder. She apologizes for being such a sore winner, and says she got their names engraved on the trophy since they all won. However, this gesture is undercut somewhat:
DOROTHY: Why is your name three times larger than ours? ROSE: Because I’m the one who actually won it. If you ever want to look at it, it’ll be in my bedroom.
“Blanche, wake up. My wife will be home any minute.”
This is one of the sillier episodes of the show, with no elevated stakes or touching melodrama -- and while I’m not in love with the episode itself, it’s a huge relief to watch this after watching the other episodes back to back as I have. No grandkids to correct, ex-husbands to tell off, or kidneys to donate -- even the fight between the Girls seems incredibly low-stakes and light compared with the battle between Blanche and Dorothy two episodes ago.
That’s not to say it’s not a good episode. It’s very good, actually, and it’s got some of the best humor and zingers of the first season. The episode rarely slows down to let the audience think too much... instead it’s funny scenario after funny scenario. The whole final bowling game is rapid-fire gags, first with the girls getting a glimpse into the men’s locker room, then Sophia’s and Rose’s mind games with Blanche.
I think, when you hear at the beginning of the episode that there’s a doubles bowling tournament happening, you kind of know it’s going to end with two Girls vs two Girls. It’s just a matter of which two pairings will be competing. It’s great to see Sophia pairing up with Rose, with whom she’s not shared a whole lot of screentime up to this point, and they make a rather devious pair.
It’s not very common in this series for the A & B plots to coincide, but here they both culminate in the bowling tournament. It’s the first time so far in the series the writers have seemed comfortable balancing two different storylines at once. Each gets an equal amount of screentime, everything is set up well, and the stakes for the final competition are established for everyone. Sophia wants to win so she can go to Sicily, Dorothy wants to win so Sophia doesn’t go (the silver earrings are incidental), Blanche wants to win to get back at Rose, and Rose wants to win because she needs professional help.
This is the first episode where we get to see one of Rose’s big flaws -- namely, that she’s very competitive. Up to this point, Rose has been all sunshine and sugar -- even when she was trapping Elliot into a confession, she was doing it with the best of intentions. Here we see she’s got a full-on Mr. Hyde persona, getting this murderous glare whenever she talks about the bowling tournament.
I kind of enjoy this, because it makes Rose more complex. I love that the nicest, most positive of the Girls is the one who would absolutely murder for a bowling win. It’ll come up again in the series, albeit not as prominent -- or as funny -- as it is here. Something about the way Betty White’s eyes change when she’s in competitive mode is just darkly awesome.
Augustine Bagatelli is the first of the many men of Sophia’s past -- I’m not sure where she gets off sometimes, calling Blanche a slut when she apparently had several boyfriends before she married her husband Salvador. But he’s a lovely Italian gentlemen, and you get a glimpse into Sophia’s background. There’s a hint that she and Augie are cut from the same sort of cloth when he laments about his bizarre father-in-law: “Thank god he drank himself to death.”
We also see Dorothy being overprotective of Sophia, which will come up again later. Frankly, if one of my parents was as mobile and energetic as Sophia is at age 80, I would be thrilled, but I can understand why Dorothy doesn’t want her to fly across the Atlantic. But this won’t be the last time Sophia proves to Dorothy she’s still got some spunk in her -- nor will it be the last time she asks Dorothy for money.
By the way, I feel like the unseen Nielsen twins have a far more interesting story than the Girls this episode. They are supposedly unbeatable on the bowling alley, until Sonja sleeps with Olga’s boyfriend Lars and doesn’t tell him he has the wrong sister (which, ahem, is actually rape if Sonja knew that Lars didn’t know who she was, but we’re going to pass over that because... yikes). The girls split up, but then Lars dies -- slumped over a desk at his Volvo dealership, as Blanche puts it. The twins make up, then reenter the tournament.
The day before, they attempt to have an authentic Viking funeral for Lars, which involves burning a ship with him aboard, but the Coast Guard keeps putting it out. So they have to drop out of the bowling tournament entirely in order to finally have the funeral the next day (when the Coast Guard will apparently look the other way). Seriously... who are the Nielsen twins and why do they have a more interesting life than I do?
Episode rating: 🍰🍰🍰🍰 (four cheesecake slices out of five)
Favorite part of the episode:
ROSE: *about the 14-hour spaghetti sauce* Oh Sophia, that smells heavenly! Is it Chef Boyardee? SOPHIA: *holding up a knife* Stick it in my heart, Rose. It’ll hurt less.
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blankdblank · 5 years
Anaticula Pt 57
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October Wk 3 Tutshill Tornados vs Kenmare Kestrals in England
The Tutshill Tornados founded in 1520, the team colours and their playing robes are sky blue with a dark blue Double-T on the chest.
The Tornados led the league in the autumn of 1995, but also saw success in the early part of the 1900s, during which time the Tornados won the League Cup five times in a row, which is a British and Irish Quidditch League record.
In 1921, the Tornadoes recorded the fastest ever win in a League match against the Caerphilly Catapults. Seeker Roderick Plumpton caught the Golden Snitch after three and a half seconds, using a move that became known as the Plumpton Pass.
The Tornados led the league in the autumn of 1995. According to The Quibbler, the Tornados had used a combination of torture, blackmail, and illegal broom tampering to win their matches.
Cho Chang has been a supporter of the Tornados since she was six years old and regularly wears a Tornados badge in a show of support. However, according to Ron Weasley, many people became fans only when the team started to win, and thus resented them for jumping on the bandwagon. Her apology came as she passed you in the halls after lunch and you giggled shaking your head saying you and Cedric didn’t mind and that you’d happily bring her along if she wished only to have her turn you down, wishing to be supportive of Cedric, not getting over excited when the Tornados took over the game.
The trip out went lovely enough, another train ride, though in the station your body went rigid feeling a familiar presence around you. Lowly Cedric leaned in asking, “Vision?”
You shook your head, “No, Fenrir’s here.” At that Fred and George flanked you crossing their arms over your back in their guiding you to the waiting car as Troy and Moran were filled in that Fenrir was a Death Eater/Werewolf that had been stalking you making them hurry after you too wishing to keep you safe in the bustling crowds you held a wide smile on your face for the cameras and people you signed autographs for.
Inside the car however the curtains over the windows were drawn and you slunk down in your seat feeling fifty degrees colder and you glanced at the Veterans saying, “I’m ok. I’ll be fine for the match.”
Oliver, “Least our families were busy, so we can just head back to the hotel after.”
Moran, “When he follows you, anything bad happen?”
“Other than spoiling my day? Not really. Snatching not involved, just an eerie shadow really.” You flinched out another grin withholding your shiver feeling his nails in your hair again as his growling comments replayed in your mind.
True to their word and reputations the match went hard and fast, just under three hours leaving you bruised and too sore to care who was outside the hotel you had collapsed onto your bed inside waiting on your food surrounded by your teammates in equal and varying levels of pain. Turning your head you glanced at Troy asking, “So is this the usual then? Collapsing after each match?”
He chuckled and Moran said, “Mullet used to say ‘It’s not Quidditch if you ain’t bleeding.’ So, fairly usual. Just wait for some of our later matches. Those teams are just brutal. Won’t be able to stand at all.”
Again you sighed and missed the closing of your eyes, but a knock broke your mini nap and brought your dinner straight to you, through which K appeared sharing that a team of Aurors were sweeping the streets after being warned by Fred that Fenrir was there after you.
Dreamlessly you managed through the night in your exhaustion and trudged with the others back to the train, after which you popped back to school in time for lunch. Afterwards however a grinning approach of Luna had you using your door again to let the Quibbler get an exclusive with the team. All with time enough to spare to return a bit more dressed up for the dinner party.
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An emerald plaid dress with ¾ sleeves hugged you perfectly helping to hide the bruises on your biceps you had, thick black tights with silver etchings of constellations were added to hide the bruises on your legs and your usual booties were slid on over. Through the hall you strolled and grinned catching up with Hermione in her sweater over her warm skirt and tights. “Hello Hermione.”
She grinned up at you saying, “You seem cheerful.”
A sigh came from you and your façade dropped a moment concerning her, “Oh really? Good. I am a walking bruise or I would hug you. Numbing cream is how I’m here, so don’t mind me if I miss my chair and end up on the floor.” Making her chuckle as you let out an exhausted giggle, “I never thought it would hurt this much. And Troy and Moran says it only gets harder going on. I can’t imagine a full Cup year. Regular season plus those Cup matches.”
“Well maybe if you weren’t teaching it might be easier.”
Your head tilted shifting your curls into your face making you lift your arm with a wince to brush it out again. “Maybe. Who knows how next year will play out.”
“Hopefully better.”
Harry came up next in a tie and blazer your father had picked out for him and Ginny, in a maroon shiny dress over her tights with her arm tucked under Harry’s saying, “720-250 Kestrals, well done, we saw the match on the Quidditch boards. That blow in the third quarter,” You winced again remembering the impact, “Still stings?”
Letting out a weak chuckle you replied, “You have no idea.”
Harry, “Wanderers, how do you reckon you’ll fare?”
You shook your head, “Not a clue. Just know if they’re using the Parkin’s Pincer I’ll have to keep my eyes open everywhere so they can’t ambush me.”
Neville popped up saying, “All you have to do is just team up with Fred and George. Use your overlapping moves, keep spinning round your broom to avoid blows and pass often. Can’t ambush ya if you don’t have the Quaffle.”
You nodded and grinned at him, “That is actually brilliant. Thank you.”
He chuckled and said, “No matter, you would have thought of it I’m certain.”
Ginny, “Oh yes, the whole school is buzzing still about our little Black Bird.” Making you roll your eyes, “I think it’s fitting.”
You let out a weak giggle heading up the last hall after the final bit of stairs, “I suppose they could have done worse.”
Harry, “I thought Quidditch Weekly had you down as Jaq-Rabbit?”
You giggled again, “Like that, yes, they did. They’ll pick one eventually.” Knocking on the door for you Neville grinned at you then to Professor Slughorn.
“Come in! Come in! Out of the chill, we are just missing a few more and then we can begin, but, butterbeers first, if you’re able?” He looked you over saying, “Good on you, right foul slam you received, so calming to see you up and around.” He patted you on the shoulder in your weak giggling turn to walk with him to the seats around the fire filled with random students, including Draco, who inched aside from the middle of his loveseat so you could sit by him and Neville.
“Thank you, yes, bit stiff, but up none the less.” Making him chuckle and collect a pint glass for you and hand it over bringing out your grin after an accepting sip. Between the boys you lowered and crossed your ankles chatting with the pair of them as Slughorn led the conversation with the twin girls across from you until more knocks sounded and the full party was there.
Slughorn, “So tell me, Cormac, do you see anything of your Uncle Tiberius these days?”
Cormac answered cockily with a wink to Hermione, “Yes, sir. In fact, I'm meant to go hunting with him and the Minister for Magic over the holidays.”
Slughorn, “Well, be sure to give them both my best. What about your uncle, Belby? For those who don't know, Marcus' uncle invented the Wolfsbane Potion. Is he working on anything new?”
Belby replied with his mouth half full in slicing off another bite, “Don't know. Him and Dad don't get on. Probably because me dad says potions are rubbish. Says the only potion worth having is a stiff one at the end of the day.”
Slughorn, “What about you, Miss Granger? What exactly does your family do in the Muggle world?”
She grinned answering, “My parents are dentists. They tend to people's teeth.”
“Fascinating. And is that considered a dangerous profession?”
“No. Although, one boy, Robbie Fenwick, did bite my father once. He needed 10 stitches.”
Slughorn replied, “Ah, fascinating, now, stitches,” his eyes wandered to you, “I received a letter from your uncle Regulus, something about stitches?”
You nodded, “Yes, I got that note too, something about a Wompas Cat when he was off searching for a Bonarroo he was sent after in a Muggle town in South America. It’s mended now according to dad.”
Cormac looked you over, “You speak with your father? I know the Minister has mentioned a wish to talk to him.”
You nodded, “Yes, we talk often. And you can tell the Minister we’ve heard what he’s been saying about my dad, if he’s going to play Fudge then he’s going to have to find my dad on his own if he’s meaning to toss him in prison for something.”
Cormac shook his head, “Not at all. Simply a talk to finally give him his trial.”
You set your fork down and asked, “Trial, for what? Halloween 15 years ago when our family was destroyed and he was framed?”
Cormac wet his lips feeling the tension he’d triggered, “Said something about he could finally be cleared by having the trial he didn’t have, put it to rest.”
You nodded then said, “We did put it to rest, under twin headstones in Godric’s Hollow. He can keep his trial. Tell him to find another smoke screen for hiding his failure in defending people.”
You lifted your fork again and Slughorn added, “That is just madness! I will be writing a letter to him, how absurd! Even Fudge wrote that he was cleared of all charges!”
That changed the mood of the dinner for a few moments until you asked the twin girls asking about their mother’s new murder mystery novel in a series set building buzz of its own having you all sharing your favorite parts of the series.
Lingering behind you slipped into the bathroom as Slughorn said goodnight to everyone else, “Goodbye. Bye-bye.” Turning around he saw Harry at his desk eyeing the hourglass on his desk, “Potter.”
“I'm sorry, sir. I was just admiring your hourglass.”
“Oh, yes. A most intriguing object. The sand runs in accordance with the quality of the conversation. If it is stimulating, the sand runs slowly. If it is not...”
“I think I'll be going.” He joked at the next to empty top glass.
“Nonsense. You have nothing to fear, dear boy. As to some of your classmates...well, let's just say they're unlikely to make the shelf.”
“The shelf, sir?”
Slughorn showed him to the open cabinet and table coated in various photographs, “Anyone who aspires to be anyone hopes to end up here. But then again, you already are someone, aren't you, Harry?” Seeing him eyeing the picture of you standing on your broom hurling the Quaffle off into a hoop as one of your best selling team photos you had signed for him.
“Did Voldemort ever make the shelf, sir? You knew him, didn't you, sir, Tom Riddle? You were his teacher.”
Slughorn’s fingers tapped on his stomach, “Mr Riddle had a number of teachers whilst here at Hogwarts.”
“What was he like? I'm sorry, sir. Forgive me. He killed my parents.”
“Of course. It's only natural you should want to know more. But I'm afraid I must disappoint you, Harry. When I first met Mr Riddle, he was a quiet, albeit brilliant, boy committed to becoming a first-rate wizard. Not unlike others I've known. Not unlike yourself, in fact.”
The opening of the bathroom door brought their eyes to you and your quick grin, “If the monster existed...it was buried deep within.” Slughorn murmured. As you drew closer he asked, “Feeling well?”
You nodded, “Yes, thank you, sorry, one of my buttons got stuck.” You giggled out then glanced between them saying, “Well, I’ll escort Harry back, and let you enjoy your evening. Thank you for the invitation, and I am sorry if I soured the mood. I do try not to be so thin skinned about it.”
He shook his head, “Not at all. It is pure nonsense. He shall be receiving a scathing letter from myself, perhaps that might set him straight. But yes, you both are in need of rest.” He said leading you both to the door freeing you both out to the hall.
Harry glanced up at you, “Are you alright?”
You nodded saying, “I have a heating pack on my thigh, took some doing to get it back into place when I shifted my tights.”
“You are enjoying the team?”
You nodded, “Yes, when men twice my size aren’t trying to knock me off my broom by falling into my lap.” Making him chuckle at your pained giggle in starting on the first steps, “Off to bed now,”
He nodded, “You too.” Making you giggle again in his turn to head up to the Gryffindor tower trotting to catch up with Hermione and Neville.
Nov Wk 1 Wigtown  Wanderers Home Ireland
The Wigtown Wanderers are a Quidditch team that plays in the British and Irish Quidditch League. The team is based in Wigtown, which is located in southwest Scotland. Founded in 1422, their playing robes are blood red with a silver meat cleaver emblazoned on the chest.
The original Wanderers were the seven children (four sons, three daughters) of local butcher Walter Parkin. They are remembered as a formidable team who won most of their matches, perhaps partly because Walter himself used to attend every game holding his wand in one hand and a meat cleaver in the other. A Parkin descendent has often been found on the team throughout the centuries.
The original Chasers also invented their own signature move, known as the Parkin's Pincer, where three Chasers fly from different directions at an opposing Chaser.
Kennilworthy Whisp, author of Quidditch Through the Ages, is a supporter of this team
470-600 This game was the most painful and as the irritation hit you an ‘accidental’ miss throw after a slam from one of the Beaters took their Thief out when you broke his nose heavily damaging their plays. That single penalty you had been given gave them their last chance at scoring when your efforts amped up until Cedric stole away the Snitch in a hard dive nearly crashing into the ground ending your ordeal.
Wk 3 Wimbourne Wasps vs Kenmare Kestrals in England
The Wimbourne Wasps founded in 1312, their robes are horizontal yellow and black stripes with a wasp on the chest. The team has won the League Cup at least eighteen times, and have twice been semi-finalists in the European Cup.
The team adopted the wasp as their emblem after a game against the Appleby Arrows in the mid-seventeenth century, in which one of their Beaters batted a wasps' nest towards the opposing Seeker, who was so badly stung he had to retire. Their fans are known as Stingers, and they make loud buzzing sounds to distract opposing Chasers taking penalties.
Ludo Bagman was originally a member of this team, and was congratulated by a juror during his trial for his performance in one of his matches for England against Turkey, but eventually left and became the Head of Department of Magical Games and Sports. The Wasps won the League Cup three times in a row when Bagman played for them.
Again Fenrir had been spotted, and a hard week of prepping for exams coming up had filled up your weeks. None of the Aurors managed to find him, but they did find the flowers he left outside with a note reading just your name in a heart tucked inside. Shaking off the irritation of it all you looked back to your tv watching the movie you had chosen to watch in your sleepless night. Your guest however, Barty, upon sensing your pause in heading off to another game in England that eased Fenrir’s task of stealing a glimpse of you jumped on the chance. And in one of the usual press sessions after he got a bit distracted himself by a woman who came up to him and eventually took him up to her own hotel room. A knock sounded and you answered accepting your dinner for the night, another helping of Chinese takeaway you set out across the bed.
In opening the first box you glanced up at the opening door seeing Barty walking through shaking his head making you smirk, “That was fast.”
He let out a weak chuckle, “Well,” smirking in his trot over to sit by you, “Her boyfriend rang,” your brow inched up, “She picked up, right in the middle of it, and um, she said something about him coming up and, well,” he clicked his tongue, “Not my finest hour, she seemed a bit miffed when I hopped out of bed to get dressed.”
“What? She wanted you to stay?”
He nodded making you giggle in his chuckle, “Apparently she wanted their first time to be his dream night. Only has threesomes it seems.”
“Ah, threesome, very, wow. Seems pretty trying on relationships, can’t get frisky unless there’s company.” Making him chuckle again.
“Exactly. How’s the film?”
“Not bad. Missed the opening though, Alastor came up.” His brow inched up when you caught his eyes, “He left me flowers.” Deeply Barty sighed, “Well, I’ll see what I can do about that.”
You shook your head saying, “Don’t you worry about it. We should worry about finding you a nice girl,” Making him laugh in your fit of giggles continuing, “Preferably one without a boyfriend.” When you finished off the food he pulled you back against the pillows and helped you drape across his chest to fall asleep in his arms calming himself at the stop to your trembling you had been trying to hide knowing who might be lingering around outside.
Returning home again however on one of your nights after classes Barty brought Snape along with him to speak with your father and uncles. Since the last game the twins had decided to spend the week with you to help you calm down in their company, though they stayed up to find out what the meeting was all about.
At the table the men all sat down as Barty sighed and lowered his mug of tea, “We have to do something about Fenrir.”
Regulus broke the silence saying, “I have a plan.”
Snape, “It has to be something permanent. We cannot risk him popping up again.”
Regulus, “It’s not pretty, but I know where we can kill him.”
December Wk 1 Appleby Arrows vs Kenmare Kestrals in Home Ireland
"Arrows fans will agree that their team's most glorious hour was their 1932 defeat of the team who were then the European champions, the Vratsa Vultures, in a match that lasted sixteen days in conditions of dense fog and rain."
—Kennilworthy Whisp, Quidditch Through the Ages
The Appleby Arrows are a Quidditch team from the village of Appleby in North Lincolnshire, England. The Arrows play in the British and Irish Quidditch League. Founded in 1612, the Arrows play in robes of pale blue, emblazoned with a silver arrow. There is traditionally fierce rivalry between the Arrows and the Wimbourne Wasps.
475 – 165. 7 games in with 5 more to go still broadened hopes that your streak would continue, and for a third time the team could reach the League Cup. This one was far less brutal and relied more on your stealing skills to keep the Arrows from even getting the Quaffle into the scoring zone.
Snow flurries between another round of snake themed lessons on your tundra dwelling breeds led up to the much awaited lessons on Tulip for the first through third years who had missed the lessons due to Ministry involvement in the school in the past few years.
Wk 3 Ballycastle Bats vs Kenmare Kestrals in Northern Ireland
The Ballycastle Bats are the second most successful team in the British and Irish Quidditch League, having won the title twenty-seven times nearing the end of the 20th century. Their robes are black with scarlet bat logos. Their mascot is the Barny the Fruitbat, who is also featured in Butterbeer advertisements.
Fellow Irish team and one of the most successful teams had the build up for this match and it truly met up to their standards as it was the longest of the season so far. Seven hours you battled back and forth around the two allowed meal breaks when crossing the three hour marks. A late penalty from Cedric’s taking a blow to the shoulder in a swoop for the Snitch their battle continued while Troy took the score and bumped up the final score on top of the 150 pt boost from Cedric’s capture of the Snitch.
The roar of the crowd at the match they never wished to end sounded and forward you slumped slowing your broom to rest your forehead on your locked hands to calm the sting you felt at the clearly broken ribs you had received that turned your hair black an hour into the match. Around you Troy and Moran floated up to your sides asking, “Alright there Birdie?”
Giggling weakly you shifted your feet on the rests under your broom and pushed yourself upright saying in a half chuckle, “Just peachy. Only a rib, I’ll just grow another one.” Making the pair laugh and look to the other team’s Beater flying over with camera in hand.
Awkwardly he grinned saying, “Hi,”
You nodded in return to his, “Hi.”
“I, um, my little girl’s a fan of yours, would you mind?” He held up the camera and you shook your head as Moran took hold of the camera and moved to capture another signature moment in your first season, you and the man who had broke your ribs beaming brightly in exhaustion after your massive battle of a game. That picture flooded through the papers, usually monster games ended with both teams as rivals for another year only continuing the pattern you had set it was all left in the game and on the field with no hard feelings after. 520 - 750
Ron, “Look, I can't help it if she's got her knickers in a twist. What Lav and I have, well, let's just say, there's no stopping it. It's chemical. Will it last? Who knows? Point is, I'm a free agent.”
Harry glanced up at his friend who was sitting down on the bed beside him after their showering after practice. The whole time he had been talking about Lavender while Harry was more focused on Ginny being taken to the Hospital Wing by you after her starting to get sick at the start of practice. When Ron went to go and find Lavender for their promised lunch date Harry went in search of Hermione to keep from having to watch them making out once again. And he found her in her second home, the library.
“He's at perfect liberty to kiss whoever he likes. I really couldn't care less. Just, some up for air sometime! Was I under the impression he and I would be attending Slughorn's Christmas party together? Yes. Now, given the circumstances, I've had to make other arrangements.”
Harry, “Have you?
She glanced at him with a raised brow, “Yes. Why?”
Harry shrugged, “I just thought, seeing as neither of us can go with who we'd really like to, we should go together, as friends.”
A huff left her, “Why didn't I think of that?”
“Who are you going with?”
“It's a surprise. Anyway, it's you we've got to worry about. You can't just take anyone. See that girl over there? That's Romilda Vane. Apparently she's trying to smuggle you a love potion.”
Harry couldn’t help but smirk, “Really?”
“Hey! She's only interested in you because she thinks you're the Chosen One.”
“But I am the Chosen One.” He playfully quipped back only to be whacked in the arm with a bundle of parchment in her hand making him chuckle, “Okay, sorry. Kidding. I'll ask someone I like. Someone cool.”
Luna eyed the hall Harry led her through with an easy grin on her face, “I've never been to this part of the castle. At least not while awake. I sleepwalk, you see. That's why I wear shoes to bed.”
Once inside the party Harry was asked, “Drink?”
Harry, “Neville.”
Luna, “Hello,” leaning in to kiss his cheek and pull back to Harry’s side.
Neville smirked looking Luna over in her dress she gave a spin for him to get the full look, then he answered looking to Harry again, “I didn't get into the Slug Club. It's okay, though. He's got Belby handing out towels in the loo.”
Harry chuckled saying, “Oh, well, I'm fine, mate. Thanks.”
Neville replied, “Okay.” Moving on with Luna joining him in his hushed conversation with her widening her grin up at him.
Peering around Harry took in all the faces in the room catching you in a shimmering green dress speaking with Draco in a midnight green dress robe coated in dark grey reindeer along the wall over mugs of cider and floating plates of treats, but Hermione darting behind a curtain had him following after, “Hermione. What are you doing? And what happened to you?”
Hermione, “No, I've just escaped. I mean, left Cormac under the mistletoe.”
Harry, “Cormac? That's who you invited?”
Hermione, “I thought it would annoy Ron the most.”
A student passing said, “Thank you. I'll catch up with you later.”
Hermione, “He's got more tentacles than a Snarfalump plant.”
Justin ducked behind the curtain offering a tray, “Dragon tartare?”
Harry shook his head, “No, I'm fine. Thank you.”
Justin nodded, “Just as well. They give one horribly bad breath.”
Hermione grabbed three off the tray she began to scarf down, “On second thoughts… Might keep Cormac at bay. Oh, God, here he comes.” Sneaking out around the other side of the column Harry took hold of the tray and Justin slipped out to go snatch away a tray of something else.
Harry flashed Cormac a grin, “I think she just went to powder her nose.”
Cormac took one of the tartare balls from the tray, “Slippery little minx, your friend. Likes to work her mouth too, doesn't she? What is this I'm eating, by the way?”
Snape dramatically flung back the curtain looking the pair over right as Harry said, “Dragon balls.”
The term had Cormac’s stomach lurching and at Snape’s feet he vomited making the Professor say, “You've just bought yourself a month's detention, McLaggen.” Cormac nodded and hurried off to the toilet and Snape said, “Not so quick, Potter.”
“Sir, I really think I should rejoin the party. My date...”
“Can surely survive your absence for another minute or two. Besides, I only wish to convey a message.”
“A message?”
“From Professor Dumbledore. He asked me to give you his best, and he hopes you enjoy your holiday. You see, he's traveling, and he won't return until term resumes.”
“Traveling where?”
Crabbe being drug into the room by Filch shouted, “Take your hands off me, you filthy Squib!”
Filch, “Professor Slughorn, sir. I just discovered this boy lurking in an upstairs corridor. He claims to have been invited to your party.”
Crabbe, “Okay, okay. I was gate crashing. Happy?” his eyes scanning over you and Harry angrily making Draco subtly take your hand as Barty returned to your side offering a refill on your drink he had gone to get.
Snape crossed the room, “I'll escort him out.”
Filch nodded his head and smirked at the teen, “Certainly, Professor.”
Slughorn motioned for the students to start mingling again, “All right, everyone, carry on, carry on.” Harry curiously glanced from you back to them and he snuck out after them with Hermione curiously chasing behind him.
Shoved against a wall Hermione ducked under Harry’s head to see Crabbe say, “Maybe I did hex that Bell girl. Maybe I didn't. What's it to you?”
Snape, “What are you doing? Do you have any idea how dangerous-,”
“I don't need protection. I was chosen for this. Out of all others. Me. And I won't fail her!”
“You're afraid, Vincent. You attempt to conceal it, but it's obvious. You are interfering! I made an Unbreakable Vow-,”
“No! I was chosen. This is my moment.”
He said shoving out of Snape’s grasp to storm back to the Slytherin dorm leaving Snape rolling his eyes muttering, “Idiots, I am surrounded by idiots!” Heading back to the party to speak to you.
In their silence Hermione asked, “Her? Who could that be?”
Harry wet his lips, “Has to be someone high up. Someone wanting to hurt Dumbledore.”
Hermione walked with him back to the party, “But, Riddle wants him dead…”
Harry glanced at her with lips parted in realization and said, “Bella, Jaqi mentioned she’s trying to win him over still since she attacked Jaqi.”
Hermione nodded looking ahead again, “Makes sense. And Crabbe certainly could be a link inside the castle.”
Harry watched Snape entering the party, “Looks like he’s telling Jaqi right off.”
By the storm delayed sunrise again on the train back home again Harry shared what Ron had missed during the party.
Ron, “’Unbreakable Vow.’ You're sure that's what Snape said?”
“Positive. Why?”
“Well, it's just you can't break an Unbreakable Vow.”
“I'd worked that much out for myself, funnily enough.”
“You don't understand.” A knock on the door had the pair staring up at Lavender, “Oh, bloody hell.”
Silently she mouthed after writing their initials inside a heart on the window she fogged up with her breath, “I miss you.”
Harry nodded in her trot away, “Lovely.” And looked to Ron again.
“All she wants to do is snog me. My lips are getting chapped. Look.”
“I'll take your word for it. So, what happens to you? What happens if you break an Unbreakable Vow?”
“You die. We have to tell Jaqi.”
“Snape told her about Crabbe. At the party, right after.”
Ron wet his lips, “But, what about the vow? What’s that about?”
Harry shook his head, “Not sure, but no doubt she knows about that too.”
Pt 58
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margarittet · 6 years
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Sam “Men of Words” Winchester supporting his brother Dean “I struggle with words” Winchester.
This is a theme this season. Dean (and Sam, Cas) vs communication. (Actually, it started last season.)
Dean constantly confuses “we” with “I”, mixes “need” with “want” and “love”, gets the words wrong (it’s pronounced ca-pi-chu-lum, Dean!), and is in pain even thinking about books (“aka the written word”), but he has no problems analyzing facts and reports, and pictures, and data, and numbers and everything else. 
Dean uses post it notes (aka a tool of communication, albeit simple communication), but turns them into a joke, puts them where Sam can’t read them, and in the end dismisses them for the sake of yet another mission at hand. Dean uses funny words like dum dum, or jinkies, or “whack”, but he has problems pronouncing French or Latin (aka “serious words”). In the meantime Sam and Cas (who speaks every language possible and “doesn’t get the words wrong”) are on the other side, waiting for Dean to catch up - to start using his words correctly and without struggle. Cas is pissy because he asks questions, but gets bullshit answers. Sam is supportive, but he feels there is so much Dean is not sharing or struggles to share (”I don’t know what you are!”). Dean is in pain because he can’t get the words right. He is definitely not a part of a “speakeasy”, as Sandy put it. In the beginning of the episode he is pretty overwhelmed by the need to find the right words (in the books), and that’s why he hates them so much at the moment.
So many methaphors for communication problems in this episode (13x17):
- previously mentioned post-its that Sam cannot read unless he REALLY tries (and somehow he doesn’t figure out that removing a layer of clothing would actually help the communication here - smart, since the fifteen layers of flannel have always been a symbol for hiding oneself);
- Sandy is both gagged and not gagged in the cold open (she is gagged in every second frame), so she either can’t speak at all or screams in fear;
- Dean is practically overwhelmed by the amount of books around him (they are EVERYWHERE, in the war room, in the kitchen, in the archives, in the corridors, in the other bunker’s office...) in the beginning, before he finds a case (aka Sandy chained to the alter) that removes the pressure to work with words for now - and the books magically disappear (they are even gone from the war room when they come back to the bunker while in the beginning Sam sleeps there surrounded by them);
- when the boys explain the future to Sandy, Dean shows her his car (aka his mean of transportation, of moving, of acting), while Sam shows her his phone - his way of communicating with the world;
- the other MoLs attack and kidnap first, ask questions later (literally), which is such a sign for bad communication skills. They are hooded and silent the whole first time the boys meet them! If only they started by talking to one of the guys, for example on his way to the bathroom - since once they kidnap Sam all they do is TALK TO HIM, not hurt him - the whole case could go so much smoother and fewer people would die;
- the older waitress talks to herself, and in the end compliments Marco for being such a great conversationalist (”You always make me laugh!”), even though he doesn’t say a word;
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- the younger waitress, Amy, is obviously happy with the attention given her by the young boy, Buck, but she still doesn’t give him a clear “yes” or “no” - until later in the episode when she does indeed say yes, and agrees to go out with him (but he dies to protect her and she is left behind, alone)(what a tragic love story!)(like a Hallmark movie!)(foreshadowing? what foreshadowing?!)(smh);
- there is not-so-subtle-storytelling, and there is Dean Winchester chained to an undergound altar to be sacrificed to become the male-half of a (het) romantic couple, and when he tries to protest his voice is literally taken away, until he liberates himself, kills the monster, and can speak again/breathe again. Yeah, mr Perez. Subtle. (Almost as subtle as the story of two lovers separated by the rift, or the person being stabbed from behind, through the chest, by the bad guy/girl in front of Dean to trigger his trauma);
- speaking of being gagged/voices being taken away - Gabriel is mute the whole time he is on screen, his lips physically sewn together, and even when Sam cuts the threads, and Gabe is able to open his mouth, he is still unable to share his experience due to the years of abuse, being locked away and forced to be silent. Again, subtle;
- there is A LOT of focus being put on asking questions/getting answers. Asmodeus doesn’t get information because he doesn’t ask. Ketch asks again and again (a nice huge Cas mirror that he is in this episode) why he was called, why he is there, what does Asmodeus want from him, what is the nature of their relationship; one of the post-its on Sam’s back says “I’m stupid - ask me!”. Dean pronounces in front of Capitulum VII - “You ask questions, you get answers.” I hope soon he will give people around him the honest answers, because so far he is trying to avoid it at all cost;
- speaking of honest - everyone is surprisingly sincere in this episode, and I hope it’s a foreshadowing for the better communication from now on. People who asked questions, got answers, and that’s great. Dean is trying while still struggling, but it seems the general idea is that he is getting better, and he has Sam’s support;
- even Sandy questions WHY they are not more willing to discuss her newfound existence - why don’t they ask questions? Why are they not more surprised? Sam starts asking questions then - simple, basic questions - and he finds stuff out while Dean has no interest in talking to Sandy about her misfortune (words vs not using his words again). I would also like to point out that Sandy seems to have all the memories of her vessel - unless she made everything up which I doubt. I wonder if it will be important in the future; 
- also, when the attack on the diner (aptly named Krispy’s, with a K instead of C) happens, all the phones are dead, including the landline. All the means of communication are dead for now, and Dean has no ways to communicate with Sam, and he turns to violence - preparing Molotov’s coctails that he never actually uses. Sam on the other hand, who TALKS with the MoLs, manages to regain control over the situation, using HIS WORDS, and not force;
- Sandy dies when her mouth (and her screams) is shut again by Yokoth’s tentacle. While in her body, the god kills people by sucking their hearts out, and their souls dry with a deadly tentacle shooting out of her mouth (nice visual there!).
Miscommunication has been Davy Perez’ pet theme since 12x12 when the whole thing started - Cas using his words, and Dean staying silent. We are over a year later, and Dean got better, but these words still need to come out. In 12x15 Davy made sure to show us that not using your words gets people killed (and for sure it did get Cas killed in the finale of s12). BTW, 13x12, 13x14 and 13x17  have a lot in common, and it’s really interesting to do a little compare and contrast with these three episodes - Yokoth, Glythur and Perez together again, maybe I will (ten)tackle it some other time. They are showing us that asking questions is the way to go because (eventually) you will get your answer. We have seen how since 13x06 Cas has wanted to know why he was brought back, but the answers he got were misleading at best - so he got to the wrong conclusions, and the whole merry-go-round of Cas feeling not loved and leaving started again. BECAUSE DEAN PAL-ZONED AND NEED-ZONED HIM AGAIN DUE TO HIS INTERNALIZED COMMUNICATION ISSUES. The season needs to end with Dean vocalizing how he feels - he has been making such a huge progress that I can’t see it go any other way. However, I fully expect that once he does say out loud what has been sitting inside him for years (to Cas and to Sam as well), the universe will go “oh no you didn’t!”, and will interfere with the force of a raging cosmic entity (or a raging archangel). And we will have new issues on the table. Tragic. You know - like a Hallmark movie.
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