#been very rough mentally with IRL stuff so I'm appreciating it.
technicalthinker · 8 months
No specific spoilers, but some thoughts about Sonic Prime after finishing season 3;
Ok so at the end of the day, I had so much fun with Sonic Prime as a show and I'm so glad I got into it. And it feels kinda sad that it's over.
It's not a flawless show, obviously. Especially s3 I think had certain plot flaws, stuff they could've done better or ideas that could've landed differently. But even then, endings are difficult, and I think a lot of it still worked fine enough (considering how many shows that end terribly...)
And here's the thing, as someone who went into this with zero expectations at the start of s1, I've been so happily surprised. Its focus has always been being a fun action adventure kid's show starring awesome characters, and I feel it delivered consistently on that tone!
At the same time, it managed to accomplish that little extra! So many creative and fun decisions that showed love for the characters! Lots of things that had me surprised, had me giggling, cackling, emotionally invested. The animation was always a joy to look at, and there's lots of characters in the show, some unique to it, that have a permanent place in my heart. It seems to be a bit divisive online but the characterization was also a joy to me, and I think worked well for this format and show.
I won't dismiss anyone for not liking the show/parts of it, but man I'm glad my approach to it from the start was to focus on what it's doing right and appreciating it for what it was instead of picking on its weaknesses. I needed the positivity.
I have gotten so much joy from this show that I'm thankful for 💖. Going to miss having this to look forward to. Now time to go and be very normal about this show while blogging on tumblr dot com.
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greatbigbellies · 2 years
Hallo! I'm back!
TL;DR I'm mentally Ill and kinda crumpled from irl stuff the last couple of months, but I'm back and hope to stay a while. I'm also taking serious consideration into turning on tips for basically a lil extra funding for kink-related stuff like comms and stuff that I can't afford/justify atm. My writing comms are staying closed for the foreseeable future, sorry.
Hey everyone! Sorry for disappearing for... *checks watch* over two months. Last year was rough, and this year is starting off... frankly worse but that's just how it is sometimes. Unfortunately when things get rough the secret kink blog gets shelved first cause irl obligations just... can't be. But... I tentatively think stuff is stabilizing enough I can come back. So... here's where we're at...
Daily Queue Getting refilled as soon as this post goes live.
Comms Staying closed for the foreseeable future cause I don't have creative energy to work on paid projects at the moment. I'm working 2 jobs, volunteering, considering dating... I don't have space for them as much as it sucks.
Tips I'm very seriously considering turning on tips for this blog. It's not even a "I need the money for bills" thing because I can't rely on social media for steady income, it'd be like, fun money to put back into the preg-kink-economy. Save up enough tips and I can comm someone again, maybe tip someone else, buy a Kofi for someone, participate in a drive... all stuff I haven't been able to do in like a year. If there's a genuinely good argument to be made for not turning on tips, I'd love to hear it, but I'm not putting anything behind a paywall. It'd be just a little treat for me if anyone wanted to pay in cause they felt generous. I don't plan on pressuring anyone or even asking for tips. They'll just be there as an option.
McPreggo Menu The next update will come when it comes. The content is better when the mood strikes.
Asks Sorry to everyone who sent asks I'm gonna get those answered soon. I appreciate your patience.
Uh... I think that's it. Thank you all for coming to my ted talk!
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polyamorouspunk · 3 years
Hi same anon that left a vent the other day(? Time is an enigma) abt connecting stories to a partner. If it's cool with you I could go by an emoji, maybe like, 🌠.
Anyways I wanted to come share some positive polyam stories to even out that vent maybe??
Recently, my two boyfriends and I decided that we're going to live together in the summer. There's a lot of work left to be done to make that happen but it's a lot less work than our initial plan of moving to Canada this summer, so we're taking the chance and gonna go for it. I'm really excited to be able to meet my long distance boyfriend and be able to just like... I dunno man hold hands and hug him??? I've been craving cuddling him for nearly a year now.
Speaking of, me and that ldr bf are going on one year together next month! Compared to my nearly 6 year long relationship with my irl bf it's like, obviously not a major amount of time but I'm still really excited and it honestly feels like it's been like 4 or 5 years instead of just one.
I've recently become a lot more comfortable with the concept of being affectionate towards my friends, even if I'm still working through some stuff about them showing affection to me I'm noticing some progress where I don't instantly fall in love and like, I'm polyam and touch starved so that's a good thing for me I can't be falling for everyone I'd suffer vbdjfbdjf
My boyfriends have been really sweet and patient with me lately with my mental health(I've been having a rough time lately), and I can't thank them enough for it but gosh I'm trying anyways to give the same love in return.
That's all I've got for now but I hope maybe it helped perk things up? -🌠
“I can’t be falling for everyone I’d suffer” call me out why don’t you?
That’s great!
I’ve never been able to maintain a ldr I started online, but after I moved my partner and I became ldp and that was half of our relationship and it was very hard going from seeing each other every day and sleeping in the same bed on the weekends, practically living together to only being able to spend like 2 weeks together a year, but I think we made it work and we still make it work as friends!
It’s always a joy to see my friends when I’m able to go back home, which I’ll be doing at least twice this year for two weddings, and maybe a third time. Would love to have my current partner come with me, but only to play rock band with me and my friends which like… isn’t worth the 12 hours but idk we’ll see but that’s way far in advance if we’re still together blah blah blah. I never really put an intense focus on getting to see my friends, it always happens but I really intend on putting effort into seeing them this time around, more than I have normally I guess? Idk it’s hard. They work/school and my mom and I share the car so we’ll see but.
One year in a relationship is still a lot. Honestly after 6 years you start to feel like it’s just part of life (it’s not even like relationship energy it’s just life energy) so after a year it might not be nre but it’s certainly still relationship energy if that makes sense.
I’ve been avoiding talking about how poorly I’m doing here but I’m hoping getting back to work and stuff will keep me going.
🌠 anon is a great emoji! Thank you for checking in again, I appreciate it!
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