#because they're such good boys. the goodest boys b
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macchiatosdumptruck · 3 months ago
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 2 years ago
The Huntsman in: The Red of Roses and Huntresses!
We open on our Bumbling Blonde Hero, and his partner WonderZwei as they watch over the city of Vale!
Jaune: *hurrk!* Oh being up here isn't good for me! But! I must stay strong! I must Watch for evil doers!
Zwei: Bark!
Jaune: Ah! Yes! Anti-Nausea medication! This is why we're partners WonderZwei! Good Boy!
Zwei: Bark!
The Door to the Roof opens Behind them
Shopkeep: *Grumbling*
Jaune: Yes sir, we'll be quieter.
Shopkeep: *Grumbling*
Jaune: No sir, We aren't stuck up here this time.
Shopkeep: *Grumbling*
Jaune: Thank you for Checking on us sir.
Random Citizen: Oh no! the Red Huntress!
Jaune: That's our Call to Action! Let's go WonderZwei!
Our hero leaps into action!
And Plummets to the ground!
Shopkeep: *Panicked Grumbling*
Zwei: Woof.
Jaune: I AM OKAY!
~Duh Duh De Duh~
Ruby: Oh boy! A new scope for crescent rose, and a new comic book! Today couldn't go wrong!
Random Citizen: Oh no! the Red Huntress!
Ruby: Oh no! if only there was a hero around here!
Ruby: Wait I'm a hero! and a Huntress as well!
Pyrrha (dressed as the Red Huntress): Oh? You believe you can withstand the Might of the Red Huntress?
Ruby: I Believe I can!
Pyrrha: How about I show some of what I can do before you try?
Ruby: Uuh? Okay?
Pyrrha: Thank you. Now. Take a Seat!
Ruby: *Struggling* How dare you destroy Public Property! Even if it is one of the benches of hostile architecture that doesn't solve the problem of homelessness, but rather pushes it somewhere else! Let alone trap me within it!
Pyrrha: Because I'm a villain! And destroying things is what we do!
Jaune: Halt your misdoings Huntress!
Ruby: *gasp* WonderZwei!
Zwei: Bark!
Ruby: Oh, and you too Huntsman.
Jaune: ...
Pyrrha: Are you okay?
Jaune: *Voice Cracking* NeVer beT- *Clears throat* Never Better!
Jaune: Cease Your Illegal activities and Turn Yourself into the police at once!
Pyrrha: Oh? and Let the city keep it's Hostile architecture? Isn't direct action without harm the most effective kind of action?
Jaune: Y-yes but ...
Pyrrha: And do you not care for the citizens of this city, housed or not?
Jaune: I do! But the Legality .. But the Morality ... But. But ...
Zwei: Woof.
Ruby: I'm still here! What about me?
Jaune: Ah Hah! you have a Hostage! Release them at once, or face my wrath, instead of giving me conflicting feelings about that which I defend!
Pyrrha: How about a deal? I release the Girl, you both leave and I continue, undoing the harmful actions of the council of vale.
Jaune: ... that is an amicable deal Huntress. I will take R- The Girl and Leave!
Pyrrha: Then Go~ See you next time Cutie~
He picks Ruby up. She is still bound in Bench
Jaune: There is good in you Huntress. Your Choices here prove it! I will draw it out of you one day!
Ruby: Wait My things!
Zwei: Arf!
Ruby: Oh! Thank you WonderZwei!
The Blond doofus runs through the city, Carrying a certain Silver-Eyed Girl, far away from the Red Huntress!
Ruby: *Thinking* He's strong enough to carry me and this bench so far ... He Saved me from that villain ... He looks so handsome ...
Jaune: *Huffs* I ... Think ... We're far enough ... *Huffs*
Ruby: Thank you! Thank you both so Much!
Jaune: I still need to release you from your cage!
Jaune: There! Stay Safe Now young lady! I must commend your bravery, however, in attempting to secure the Red Huntress yourself!
The Huntsman Stands tall, over the sitting Ruby Rose, His Magnificent Blank- Er, I mean, Cape flapping in the Wind!
Ruby: *Blushing* How Could I ever repay You?
Jaune: Protect others, Love Freely, Fight for what's right, and Keep yourself safe!
Ruby: (So Noble ... I must Have Him!)
Zwei: Bark!
Jaune: Here are your things.
Zwei: Grr!
Jaune: Oh! and you may repay my Partner with treats and Headpats!
Ruby: Who's a good boy, Oh whose the Goodest Boy? You are ~ Yes you are!~
Jaune: Very well then Citizen! We must away!
Ruby: ...
Ruby: They're so cool!
Our Heroes head to a dumpster, change back into their civilian clothes, and catch a bullhead home!
Pyrrha (Dressed in her normal clothes): Hello Jaune~ What were you doing out in the city?
Jaune: Oh! I was -uh - Buying sword polish? and taking Zwei for a walk?
Pyrrha: Oh that's Nice of you, I'm sure Ruby and Yang appreciate it. It's good that you're taking care of Crocea Mors as well Jaune! Take care of it, it'll take care of you.
Ruby: GUYS! You wouldn't believe what happened today! The Red Huntress attacked, and I tried to stop her But she was all like "Take a Seat" and Then Trapped me in a bench, but then the Huntsman and WonderZwei came, and He Was all Like "Stop doing Crime!' And She was like "No", Then he carried me while WonderZwei got my stuff, and he untied me from the bench with his bare hands, and he's so cool and heroic and Dreamy!
Jaune: Whoa! Ruby! slow down, and take a breath your turning Blue.
Pyrrha: (you Think he's Dreamy?)
Jaune: I mean What even was the last thing you said?
Pyrrha: (You think you can just fall in love with him? After all the work I put in? after all my efforts to find out what crimes are least morally reprehensible?)
Ruby: I said he was dense! Like! Muscle wise! Like Nora?
Pyrrha: (he's as dense Muscle-wise as he is dense socially! I made certain of it!)
Jaune: that's probably not true, Rubes, but I'm certain he'd appreciate the Compliment.
Pyrrha: (Stabbing and Maiming and Murder and Death and Slicing you to pieces-)
Jaune: Hey, Pyrrha? You okay? You haven't said anything in awhile, and you have that look in your eye you get when Cardin's too close to me.
Pyrrha: Huh? Yes, I'm Sorry! I just got caught up in my own head! Ehehe~
~The Next Day~
Jaune: You Vile Creature! Hath you no shame!
Pyrrha: Oh? Shame? Perhaps you could give me a lesson in it? If only you could Stop me.
The Red huntress has our hero tied in old cables! She struts over, sashaying her hips, holding his chin as though to steal a kiss from his lips!
Pyrrha: Unfortunately, I have already won, stealing all the Recyclable materials from these public dumpsters, and they're already being shipped to the Recycling plant! Muwahaha!
???: Even for such a noble cause as protecting our land, dumpster diving is still an illegal activity!
Jaune: Huh?
Pyrrha: Huh? Who's there?
Who's this? A Newcomer? Who is the Hero's Hero?
Ruby: I am!
Ruby Rose, clad in her usual dressings, simply switching the places where Red and Black Reside! A perfect Disguise!
Ruby: Release that Brave man at once, and Allow me, The Rouge Rogue, To arrest you whilst saving him!
Jaune: Hold on young lady, I must ask that you choose a different name, for those who may have dyslexia!
Ruby: oh, ummm. How about The Rouge Renegade?
Pyrrha: Does that mean you've turned your back on villainy?
Ruby: Um - Well. I mean, my backstory was that I was a bad guy, but because a good guy saved me I had decided to stop other criminals, but I can't be a 'good' guy because of my past actions? and the fact I'm a vigilante?
Jaune: A little basic but Serviceable.
Pyrrha: Yeah that's fine.
Ruby: Okay then! *Clears Throat* Release that Brave man at once, and Allow me, The Rouge Renegade, To arrest you whilst saving him!
Pyrrha: You? A paltry excuse of an anti-Hero? What could you possible do to stop me from keeping him for myself?
Ruby: THIS!
Ruby Petal Bursts, catching Jaune and whisking him away from Pyrrha!
Pyrrha: Drat! She's too fast for me!
Jaune: I must thank you for the save fair maiden, but why did you save me? You said yourself that you believe you could not be a 'good' guy due to your past?
Ruby: I must protect the light that I may be part of!
Jaune: A noble cause, But there is Goodness in you, as there is goodness in the Huntress! If I could show that truth, I would
Ruby: Perhaps there is a way?
Jaune: OH?
Ruby: Perhaps ... a kiss?
Jaune: Very well then *hands her a chocolate* It may be Off-brand, but the Cacao was harvested in humane ways! Farewell Renegade, and May you find your path the the Light!
Ruby: Huh.
Ruby: Jaune likes this brand.
Ruby: What a neat Coincidence!
As our Heros and Villainess return home, I must thank those above that Ruby and Jaune had parted ways! For if they hadn't their combined density could have caused a singularity!
Will Pyrrha Confess her Feelings? Will Ruby or Jaune Figure out the truth behind the others identities? What happened to Zwei for that last part?
All that and more next time in the Huntsman Adventures!
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fakeloveaskblog · 3 years ago
Wow! Okay, that is… a lot. Um. I also got excited for a second there, but I think anon meant canonical to this AU, because I don't remember that ever being Canon to Sanders Sides. Except maybe for the whole "Roman of Reston being a different person to TS Sides Roman" thing. I would like a list of alternative Virgils (and Remy's) we could pull from, though, I would like to have this asshole get yelled at by himself! Amazing idea, anon, with bringing in the alternate Virgil!
(Except for the still murdering this Virgil part, that part is a definitive no from me, like. We are not. Killing and then replacing somebody with another version of themselves like, just. No. That sounds awful. That is a horror movie plot! They wouldn't even be the same person, it would still be murder, it'd just be murder with extra steps! And even more disturbing! It'd be cosmic horror, sci-fi, surreal horror movie villain levels of murder!)
Sincerely, The Local Demon (now catching up slowly)
Glad you're catching up :D feel free to like spam if you want, i don't mind
As requested here are a few Virgils and Remys from my many AUs. It's become a weird trend where Virgil is usually the teen/kid aged one in my AUs, but no matter what he is still ready to yell at a bitch if needed to. So is the Remys & they're adults
- New Eden au. Basically the sides are in a psych ward (it's not a horror au i promise). could be interesting bc Virgil is pretty toxic in this one but for actual understandable reasons and certainly Not abusive. Viv and Remy btw Loathes each other in this au but he will still protect them and vice verse. And Remy is in a healthy relationship. Both of them have trauma from abuse sooo - Succubus au. Just mentioning bc Remy is an actual legit demon in this one. from hell. - James Bond au. Virgil is the son of an actual super villain but is now in therapy and tyring to move past the fucked up shit he's done and he's like 17 so he's def ready to yell at someone. Remy has a license to kill. And a gun. And a husband (: Sad dad au - Virgil is like 5 in this one. can you imagine being judged by your own 5 year old self. jesus fucking christ. Remy in this au had a similar childhood to the Remy in this au so they would uh definitely have some thoughts about virgil -Remus gets pregnante au (but like trans). Virgil is a dog in this one. An actual dog. Good old therapy dog. Goodest bestest boy C: - A/b/o au (i promise this one started as a joke bc my friend and i was making fun of a/b/o but then it became an actual au). Virgil is like 13 again but now she has claws and fangs, filled with just as much rage tho C: Remy is ready for murder. They hate each other but yet again yes protect each other
sorry i'm so bad at explaining my AUs unless i'm ranting for 30 minutes to my besties. ugh now i feel cringy fhjkd 😔 😔
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