#because they're so convinced that it's a righteous cause that they go crusading into random people's threads for the crime of enjoying it
anghraine · 2 years
Twitter’s digest sent me someone tweeting about ROP in a surprisingly measured way—just “these things didn’t work at all for me, but I really enjoyed these other aspects, hmm.” I didn’t even share the person’s specific response (they don’t care much about Númenor while I don’t care about all the things they do), I just appreciated the modulation.
Of course, the usual crowd is not only offended that the show exists but that people who like it exist, so the first comment was some guy throwing a frothing tantrum about how the OP didn’t understand Tolkien and the desecration of his legacy and vision, blahblahblah, the OP gave a vague but still calm reply, and the guy continued to throw a fit and also demand an apology from her for disrespecting him.
ROP Twitter in a nutshell tbh.
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