#because they're in the faewild and 90% of the au is set on earth
cerealforkart · 8 months
fairy princess au question: i can't rember if u said hero&normal exist in this universe but if they do-how do they feel about their mom being banished??
They do exist! I've talked a little bit about Normal's role in the AU here
I don't think Hero and Normal really get to talk about Sparrow, what she did and why she did it, and I think it's a major source of tension between them. Asking or talking about Sparrow makes grandpa Henry so sad and uncle Lark so angry, it's just become a bit of a taboo subject in the family.
To go into more detail starting with Hero, she feels very conflicted on Sparrow. She and her mom weren't particularly close before everything happened. Sparrow taught her everything about magic and defending herself and being a princess of the faewild (and probably queen someday), all things Hero isn't even a little bit interested in. Hero is really frustrated about Sparrow's banishment, but with her mom not around, she has nowhere to direct that anger, and she feels like she can't show it. She's the daughter of the woman who betrayed all realms, and as such she feels pressured to not show any weakness or be vulnerable because of that. She's upset her mom betrayed everyone, and she feels horrible about all the people that got hurt or died to protect their family but also, fuck all the realms, she just wants her mom back.
Normal 100% blames himself for absolutely everything. He was the one getting tempted to use the forbidden doodler magic, Sparrow is gone, and people got hurt, and most realms lost magic maybe forever because she felt like she had to protect him. He believes that everyone else blames him too, especially Hero since she starts distancing herself in the aftermath. Henry has probably had half a conversation with Normal about it, but it didn't really help. He's probably had half a conversation with Henry about it not being his fault, but he doesn't really believe him. A conversation with Lark wouldn't help because Lark thinks it's his fault and they would just go in circles blaming themselves and each other and it would be horrible. He does need to talk to Hero, but she doesn't want to have a vulnerable conversation. So he's just very sad.
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