#because there's not enough for me to do in dffoo anymore lol
revelfantasy · 1 year
So I finished Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Lair over the weekend. It was fine...? For me the problem is that it feels like it’s taking too much direct inspiration from Banjo Kazooie and the Donkey Kong Country games. The original YL had just enough differences to stand on its own. The music is weirdly similar where it sounds they were completely pulled from those other games, however none of it is as memorable. But maybe’s that my nostalgia talking.
A huge complaint is the lack of variety in stage types. There’s village, woods, factory, cave and the castle lair. Water levels are just the same types with water dumped in them. The beach area in the overworld has no beach stages, like what? Everything blended together after a while. Also there’s no bosses except the final one, so I was missing that sense of progression. The levels are much too long since they decided every one needed 5 collectibles. The final level is a genuinely difficult and lengthy gauntlet which took me five tries, even with all bees collected. I can definitely see it being frustrating for some people.
I enjoyed exploring the overworld more than the levels themselves because I knew they would be a drag. I liked the puzzle elements where you had to figure out how to open new areas and find secrets. The idea of changing the overworld to affect the main levels was a cool concept in theory. Yet most of the time you were playing the same level twice with minor differences.
I liked the tonics that added abilities, visual effects, or modifiers. The magnet ability was a godsend for collecting more quills. It’s a good way to make collectibles useful, but it was a little grindy to buy them all so I didn’t bother.
Overall, it’s very average. I’m comparing it to platformers like DKC Tropical Freeze and Celeste, which I love, so it falls quite short. I’d still be interested in playing the next Yooka Laylee game whatever genre it may be, unless it’s a shooter.
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kanzakinao · 3 years
tagged a while back by @rukinosaki ! thanks so much michelle! 🤗💖💖
why did you choose your URL?
because of her 🥺💞💕
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i don’t post liar game as much anymore, but nao is still so so dear to me with her honesty and kindness and very being! still can’t believe i was lucky enough to snag her url tbh! 
any side blogs? if you have some, name them and why you have them.
i have @maelstromsbolt - which is an attempt of a side blog but i haven’t actually used it in abt two years fsdfs. i intended it to be a place where i reblog more text heavy/resource posts for myself and for fandoms i don’t rly blog abt - should probably get back to using it lol
i also have @spherehunting and @saltflakesnow, but i only really use them for testing out themes that catch my eye!
how long have you been on tumblr?
according to my archive......... since 2010 💀💀💀
do you have a queue tag?
nowadays, no! i tend to reblog in bursts now rather than putting things in a queue. back when i was more active i think i used #uniqueuesity and #q p infrequently
why did you start your blog in the first place?
got bored of gaia online and was in my pop punk bandom phase lmfao
why did you choose your current icon/pfp?
yuffie’s dffoo stickers are the cutest thing... i cleaned one up just to use em! 🥰
why did you choose your current header?
i recently changed my theme for yuffie’s dlc release! and yuffie’s magical girl introduction is just perfect!! unreal how much that brought a smile to my face tbh i love yuffie and her dramatics soooo much 💚💣✨
what’s your post with the most notes?
this one! made back when i was your local jo harvelle editor for the supernatural fandom lmao. not my most favorite edit tbh - though it’s a nice reminder of my old editing style i guess!
how many people do you follow?
78......... i know few of them are deactivated/inactive too lol... i should def clean up my follow list and follow more ppl 😅😅
have you ever made a shitpost?
nah don’t think so
how often do you use tumblr?
daily/every other day or once a week if i get caught up w work. i try to catch up to the posts i missed and tend to like posts to reblog for later!
did you ever have a fight/argument with another user? who won?
uhh i don’t think so!
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this post’? 
signal boosting is good! i can understand why ppl may not rb them tho. it’s also important imo to fact check the post’s contents or at least search online a bit to verify that you’re not spreading any misinformation
do you like tag games? 
yea they’re fun! 😊👍
do you like ask games?
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? 
prooobably some ppl in the video game fandom? not super sure lmao
do you have a crush on a mutual? 
maybe a couple friend crushes here and there but nothing past that lol
rules: choose 1 picture from your camera roll without downloading anything new to sum up your personality and then tag 5 people
i don’t rly save a lotta memes and w/e on my phone tbh but probably this one bc it best represents me w the content i reblog:
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tagging: @collabels​ @lancres​ @ghostmay​ @catboydeklolynch​ @harukaozawa​ @createandconstruct​ (only if you want to! 💖💞💕)
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freyayuki · 5 years
DFFOO: Thoughts About Squall Leonhart
Well, at least this post is going to be a bit more in chronological order when compared to the previous one. But the order in which the heading topics show up might not entirely be in chronological order. Uh, it’s mostly in order? 
That shouldn’t be too bad, right? The important thing is being able to go through my backlog of notes and drafts and post them all already, like I talked about here. So, anyway, let’s get started.
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I started playing the Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia mobile game near the end of the Relm event. I remember one of the featured banners was Squall’s World of Illusions weapon. I also recall this was maybe a few days or so before the start of the game’s first anniversary, so, yeah, this was basically forever ago from now.  
Favorite Final Fantasy Character
As a new player, my favorite character in DFFOO quickly became Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VIII. Apart from finding him pretty good-looking (bishounen, FTW! LOL), he also showed up a lot in the friend support list since he was a good farmer with his Renzokuken skill, and, if I’m remembering correctly, his Ex was just featured a few banners ago (during Selphie’s event).
I was super impressed with the Squall friends that I borrowed. They seemed all the more powerful to me especially since I was new and didn’t really have much back then.
Missing Squall’s Ex
I ended up liking Squall so much that I was kinda miffed that I started playing the game after his Ex had shown up, which meant I never got the chance to get it. This also meant missing out on Selphie as well, who was a pretty good support, especially for Squall. But, well, it wasn’t like there was anything I could do about it. 
Unlocking Squall’s Character
I was so new that, at first, I didn’t even know that I could recruit Squall. After finding out that he was actually the first Lost Chapter character, well, of course, I quickly went through all the quests and scenes there to unlock him and add him to my party.
Squall’s Weapons
I managed to MLB both Squall’s 15cp, Twin Lance, and 35cp, Cutting Trigger, weapons. Like I said, I don’t have his Ex. I also failed to get his World of Illusions (or WoI) weapon. 
I regret failing to get the WoI because, like I said, when I first started playing this game, Squall’s weapons (minus his ex) were featured in a banner. So I could and should have pulled for his Sol Blade weapon.
But, since I was new, I didn’t really get that I needed his WoI weapon as well. I did pull a few times on said banner, which got me copies of his other weapons. And I thought that was more than good enough, that that was all that I needed. I was wrong. Sigh. Oh, well, nothing to be done about that now.
Number 1 Favorite
For quite some time, Squall was my number 1 favorite character in Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia. I used him all the time. He was always in the top spot in my party. I used him even though I didn’t have his WoI or his Ex. I made plans to pull for those missing weapons whenever they showed up in future banners.
Squall Dethroned
But, nowadays, I hardly use Squall anymore, not even for farming. I don’t know. I mean, I still like him, but he’s not really meta anymore. He’s not the powerhouse he once was. It doesn’t help that I don’t have his Ex (or even his WoI), so he doesn’t have much longevity even with his 15cp and 35cp MLB.
Now, he’s not really that good for a lot of the harder content. Whenever I have to do these difficult quests, I find myself choosing the likes of Beatrix, Lilisette, or Lightning, but not him.  
I think the last time I used him was during the Heretic quests, and that was basically because we had to use different characters per quest.
I also used him for Cycle Quest farming, but even that has stopped once I’d gotten Kuja and Setzer.
Abyss Beta Banner Speculation
There’s an upcoming banner for Abyss Beta, and there are some speculating that this banner will feature the Ex for both Squall and Layle. If this is true, then I plan to throw tickets on this banner. 
It’d be nice to have Layle’s Ex. I think Squall’s set to get a rework too, so hopefully he won’t be so bad anymore. Maybe I can use him a bit more now. 
Squall and Layle Abyss Beta Banner
So, people were right. The Abyss Beta banner did end up featuring all of Squall’s and Layle’s weapons (still no WoI for Squall though) alongside the 15cp and 35cp for Yuri.
Squall’s Ex, Shear Trigger
The aforementioned banner was where I managed to get Squall’s Ex. This allowed me to sell his MLB’d 35cp (sold his 15cp ages ago) for power stones. I equipped his Ex weapon, but hadn’t bothered to MLB it. 
Truly, I was happy to get Squall’s Ex, but I think it’s telling that I actually considered Layle’s Ex to be the real prize on this banner, as in his was the Ex that I actually wanted and was hoping to be able to get.
Squall’s Rework
Squall did get a rework, so he’s doing much better now though he’s still not meta. Nevertheless, I was pleased to be able to get another character who can deal AOE damage. Plus, his AOE is actually 100% HP damage to all targets, so, yup, that’s definitely good.
Farming the New Level 70 Cycle Quest
After getting Kuja, I used him for farming the Cycle Quests over Squall. But now that the level 70 Cycle Quests just showed up, I can’t use Kuja anymore. 
The problem is he can no longer one-shot the waves with his Ultima (IX). He needs to build up his Soul Cleave stacks first before he can one-shot the waves, so I can no longer 3-turn the quests with him.
Now I have to bring Squall to do these quests. His Renzokuken’s animation is still way too long, and his Ex isn’t even MLB, but he can easily one-shot each wave on his own.
Squall and Ultimecia Banner
The next time Squall’s weapons (minus his WoI) showed up was on a banner with Ultimecia. This was also when their Ex weapons could be realized.
The real prize in this banner was Ultimecia. But, while pulling for the meta magical DPS, I ended up with enough copies of Squall’s Ex to finally be able to MLB the one I had without having to use a single power stone. 
I even got 1 leftover Squall Ex. Seriously, it was so frustrating how I kept getting Squall’s Ex but not Ultimecia’s.
Realizing Squall’s Ex
Or not, as the case may be. Yup, I didn’t realize Squall’s Ex. He’s pretty good, but still not meta. The thing is - he has no utility or party aura or anything other than damage.
He’s just a damage dealer. Sure, he does hit hard. But that’s all he does. I feel that I don’t really need him right now especially since I already have Cloud and Cloud himself brings lots of utility with his launching to help get high scores, his paralysis to help deal with enemies, and his dispel to remove annoying buffs. 
On top of that, he also hits hard. So, overall, he seems much better than Squall. There’s also the fact that, while Cloud isn’t currently my number 1 favorite in this game, right now, I happen to like him much more than Squall.
Squall’s Sphere
Squall has an A sphere called Break Hit Raging Boost. It raises max brave by 2% up to 5 times when breaking a target or attacking a broken target.
This is actually a pretty good sphere for characters who could use more max brave. It’s easy to keep active since the user only needs to break a target or attack a broken target. An enemy is either broken or can be broken, so this sphere’s effect should be active pretty much all the time.
It doesn’t have a turn duration either. The only possible issue (although, really, it isn’t much of an issue at all) is the fact that the user starts with 2% max brave at first. So it will take a bit of time before the user’s max brave can be raised up to 10%.
If I ever decide to purple Squall, it would mostly likely be because I want to give his sphere to someone.
Squall’s Current Status
Currently, I still haven’t purpled Squall. Heck, I haven’t even realized his Ex yet. At the moment, I have no plans of giving him a book, much less a single ingot. I still like him. Well, he’s still hot (LOL). I mean, it’s not like that has changed. 
But I don’t use him anymore. Not even for Cycle Quest farming. Honestly, at this point, I have a lot of crystals that I don’t even need to farm for them. Yup, I’m no longer farming them. 
If I do need to farm crystals, well, it’s unfortunate, but Squall won’t be my go-to anymore since I have other characters that I could use instead. 
So, yeah, right now, Squall’s not a favorite in this game anymore. Unfortunately, that title now belongs to someone else. Sorry, Squall. Maybe someday, you’ll make a comeback, and you’ll be back to being a fave. 
Note: pic is from Amazon.com; link shown above 
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