#because my dad has also been violent recently bc he's relapsing
TW: IRL, UNREQUITED INCEST (to me, not from me. I don't want this shit)
So. Gods. I don't even want to explain all of it because 1. it's actually genuinely disgusting, and 2. I don't want my exact story anywhere online, associated with my irl self or not. Put simply, in a way that should be taken literally and at face value: my dad has recently groped my tits, talked about my body to his friends, and jerked off to the sound of me getting laid. And this is only what has been in the last month...
So. I guess I have to accept that clearly my dad is attracted to me. And, obviously, as much as I love the idea of my fictional father (usually in the form of jdm or rdj) wanting to be unfatherly with me, I do not want it irl with my actual dad at all. Ever. Point blank period. It's an incredibly disturbing feeling, actually. Knowing that I could, if I wanted to, but be so deeply revolted by the reality of it.
In some way, it brings me a lot of peace to know that I don't actually want it. I have felt like a terrible person in the past for my taste in fiction, but I now know in the most literal, physical, tangible way possible that I not only have no desire for it, but am actively repulsed by the thought.
So, there, antis, your most definitive proof: local dadfucker incest queen has the opportunity to fuck their dad but would rather self immolate on the spot. More fiction vs reality examples tomorrow at 5!
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