#because i can't believe vlad could disappear several days doing evil stuffs
gally-hin-phantom · 4 years
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Camille - aka Vlad’s Secretary
I often see “Vlad’s secretary” in fics but they’re rarely developed. One day, for my own entertainment, I scribble them a face on paper. Then with time I give them a name and a backstory too, so hnn guess I have an OC ? maybe ?
I already mentioned her in my fic but she will eventually appear more in the future
Btw if you like her, she is free to use, just credit me and tag me so I can check 👌
Information and additional art below the “Keep Reading”
Camille Lagarde
Camille is reliable, serious and is working for Vlad for years now. She is in charge of his professional and private life schedule (programming his private jet, or sending his suits to the laundry facilities for example). Camille has often difficulties and problems when her employer suddenly disappears for days (thereby she regularly babysits his precious cat), and is more than often annoyed by his immature side (though she is proud that Vlad trusts her enough to be that comfortable around her).
Even if Vlad doesn’t exactly consider her a friend (he still has abandonment issues), to him she is the closest person to that, though she doesn’t know his secrets...
She frequently takes care of the damage in his house and knows when to not ask questions.
Camille is a trans woman but started working for Vlad as a man. After several years of good service, the day Camille finally decided to make her transition, passing from a male to a female secretary, Vlad slightly raises his eyebrow in confusion but didn’t treat her differently, nor give her remarks. He then secretly remade all his company’s employees badges to remove the M/F mention.
Because Vlad isn’t the type of man who cares about people sexuality, sex or gender as long as the job is done well and fast; and Camille is his most loyal, trustful and skilled secretary. Moreover he could only admire somebody who is strong enough to show their true self, something he is unable to.
That swept away her doubts, she didn’t want to be treat differently because of her transition, she was more that a sex, a gender or a label. Despite everything, she was still ‘Camille’.
She doesn't have a dead name and still uses ‘Camille’ since it’s unisex.
‘Camille’ came from the Latin camillus, meaning ‘acolyte’ (young cult officiant), a boy who helps the priest in Roman religious ceremonies. Despite being an unisex French name, it was more popular for ‘boys’ 30-40 years ago, but nowadays it’s almost exclusively a ‘girl’ name. Quite fitting I think :)
‘Lagarde’ is a very common French family name in the south-west of Ariege, Hautes-Pyrenees, Gers etc. this evokes a ‘watchtower’ or ‘the one who stands guard’.
Additional information
Camille is French and often misses her country. She has a sweet tooth and her favorite food is macarons.
Each year for Christmas and her birthday, Vlad offers her a box of homemade macarons. Sometimes he brides her services (like babysitting Maddie) in exchange of a box, but will never give her his recipe despite all her pleas.
She doesn’t usually have an accent, but when she is very tired we can slightly distinguish a thick French countryside one.
Autor's notes
I like to put her design in my mind when I read a fic mentioning “Vlad’s secretary”.
Depending on the fic, depicting a male or a female secretary I imagine her before or after her transition.
The sole and only reason why she has brown eyes is because there’re not enough characters with this eyes color in the DP cast ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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