#because Lin Chen doesn't know any different
minquiec · 11 months
Some lore stuffs + how her story ends
This is kinda all over the place bc I don't have a coherent idea but I just need to write it all down before I forget
How Jia was bit was on a hot ass day and she basically fell asleep on a spider and gained powers unknowingly
Doesn't find out for maybe a week
Has a weird dream one night where she basically meets a deity in her dream and the exchange was literally like
"You, Jialin Chen, now bear the powers to protect this la-"
"Uhm yea no thanks, pass 😬"
And then a comedic exchange occurs between mortal and god haha! Until the deity was like ENOUGH this is your DESTINY you will bear it whether you like it or NOT 👹 so Jia's kinda like alright fine damn 🙄 but obviously we all know how she really feels abt the whole situation (she hates it bc of issues) but anyways
The reason why it took a whole week is cause uhmmm plot hole lelel or smth the deity can't actually interfere directly with the world
EITHER WAY this is basically spoilers for endgame but it's not like I'll ever make a coherent plot bc I'm too lazy and dum but basically
The deity of Jia's universe is border on obsessive with creating a story line and destiny and heroes and stuff like that and ofc it has to be perfect (bc ofc it has to be, totally not cliche or anything)
Anyways this obsession makes them interfere TOO much with Jia's universe because if the deity was never this obsessed
Jia probably would've gotten over her issues (bc she's meets someone to help her copeeee 😋😋 cougjocughcgpuccough)
But bc the deity is an unreasonable shithead, they're literally the root of every problem:
They're responsible for Jia's split soul because of how abrupt her duties were suddenly forced on her
Bc of the split soul problem, it nearly upsets the world balance that could've been very bad for the universe! (the day she had lost the plot and had a existential crisis breakdown I think I posted it here but basically on that day she was flickering between both before Lin took control)
-> the logic is rlly,,, idk nonsensical for this bc what I thought as world making is that you can't have two souls in control at once and it goes again natural laws so it nearly ficked up her world cause it AINT SUPOSE TO HAPPEN ITS NEVA SUPOSE TO HAPPENNN but moving on
So then Lin switches in place of Jia and the world balance is briefly restored YAYY 🎉 everything is fine‼️
Cause now Lin went and 'broke up' (idk it wasn't rlly a break up bc she never said 'lets break up' but she kinda did go 'we aren't meant for each other 🖕' and dipped) with hb so NOW HES GOING THRU IT and the rest of her friends back at spider society are like ???? What the??? Fuck???
Lin does manage to spend a few days or more at the hq cause technically she is still Jia but just
But everyone's kinda weirded out cause she's Serious™ now and even Miguel's kinda like wattafack 🧍 plus the fact she has long white hair that spawned out of nowhere so they kinda piece some form of logic together that she's a different Jia
Anyways some time passes and one day an especially big anomaly is warned abt in Jia's (still Lin) universe which is bizarre cause they're not usually this big but it's all because of that STOOPID FUKASS deity GOING AROUND FUKIN THINGS UP and somehow created this ridiculously bad threat as a 'enemy' for the 'hero of their story' to defeat
The biggest problem with the anomaly is that while it doesn't really like, belong in Jia's universe, it doesn't belong in any OTHER universe either BECAUSE THAT DEITY BOUGHT IT UP OUTTA NOWHERE BC THEYRE PSYCHO I need to stop hating on characters that I literally made anyways
So HQ can't exactly deal with it like they usually do but they can try to offer assistance at least
Obviously for obvious (cliche) reasons CERTAIN PEOPLE are gonna be there cause yknow they still care abt Jia even tho she's changed (to Lin momentarily)
Battle occurs blah blah I'm not good with action scenes and things are looking a littttlee bleak for Lin and Co and all the sudden Lin receives a bad injury that nearly knocks her unconscious but thru her ringing ears and muted background noise she hears SOMEBODDYYY CALLING HER NAAMMEEE (god I really wonder who)
Because her state of unclarity from the Blunt Force Head Trauma makes things a little weird, the fine line between Jia and Lin also becomes a little muddled and the Jia that's been hiding behind Lin can hear his voice and it quite literally brings her out of that dark room in her mind to control again so TLDR Jia is back again instead of Lin
Reunion happens for maybe 3 minutes tops before shit hits the fan again and suddenly the deity has teared through time space fabric out of anger to speak directly to them mortal little earthlings on the ground because they're a little bitch
All because they thought Lin was the true protagonist they've been searching for all along and now 'that insolent fool' (hobie) has ruined everything (he does no wrong)'
But suddenly because the deity is in direct contact with the mortal world, they're like wait 🤨 you're not from this universe and sees other things also not from this universe and goes on a tangent about how they don't need to rebuild a 'story' anymore and can just find another 'story' to pilot (TLDR AGAIN: local deity discovers universe theft and wants to ditch this universe cause Jia's spiderman story wasn't perfect and now wants to find another universe to force to become their 'perfect story')
Obviously spider people are like 😨😨😨 UHMMM NO TF UR NOTTT so they start retreating (as they should tbh) and Jia's like helping to round up people to gtfo of her universe before some batshit deity absorbs them or smth
Atp bits of her universe is already crumbling and disintegrating because the deity is already trashing it because it's worthless and imperfect now (ngl me when art 😭😭)
So now it's the last of the people to go back thru the portals and its Jia and Hb :)) (y'all should know what's coming next)
Truthfully, Jia wants to so so badly go thru the portal to stay with the rest of them but she knows that there was the possibility of her connection with the deity of her world and her as a creation from the said deity
So she says goodbyes
Pushes him thru
And throws in her watch before it closes properly so the FUCK ASS DEITY CANT GET ANY KIND OF CONNECTION TO THE MULTIVERSE
And thus it concludes her coming of age plot because she found the proper courage to do what was right in all senses and came to terms with her spider girl identity
Even though she had so much she wanted to do with the rest of them was what she had thought while the thread of her universe on the multiverse crumbled into nothingness
ANYWAYS THE REAL CONCLUSION IS THE DEITY IS THE REAL ANOMALY THEIR OBSESSION DROVE THEM INTO AN ANOMALY AND INTERFERING WITH THE LIVING WORLD but thats kinda what happens when you've been living for centuries, you kinda go a little nuts
Anyways thanks for this long and incredibly messy read, don't kill me ✌️ peaces
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bookoftheironfist · 8 months
what do you think of an asian danny (comics) ? i know we have pei (whom i adore) but how do you think danny as a character would change? (personally i feel like danny would feel less isolated in kun lun, maybe only dimensional differences, but would face more racism back in america. i think white danny is a better concept, to be torn in half between your nature(america) vs nurture(kun lun) yknow)
Hihi! Thank you for asking!
A few key points, just to start off:
I am not Asian myself, therefore I feel like my opinion on this topic doesn't really matter. (I also don't work for Marvel, so my opinion really doesn't matter.)
At the end of the day, this conversation comes down to the desire for more and better Asian representation across the Marvel Universe, which is obviously something we should all want.
Okay, now, on to the in-universe, Danny-specific stuff:
I would be perfectly happy with an Asian Danny, and I understand the arguments for making that change. I don't personally feel like it's a necessary change in this case, but I do get it, and I do think that the introduction of the Iron Fist legacy was very important; back when he was the first and only person to have defeated Shou-Lao, it was certainly much more uncomfortable that he was an outsider. (I will also point out that the feeling of being pulled in two directions--America and K'un-Lun--is something that he would still experience if he were Asian. Probably even moreso due, as you mentioned, to anti-Asian racism and anti-immigrant sentiments in the US.)
For me, the question is more about whether Danny should be of K'un-Lun descent specifically. Just making him Asian wouldn't make him not an outsider there, and that was the main cause of his alienation as a child. The thing that baffled me about Lin Lie being chosen as the next Iron Fist to presumably "fix" the "problem" of Danny's non-native status was that Lin isn't from K'un-Lun either. He's just as much of an outworlder as Danny, and at least Danny grew up in the city and had family there. (And obviously, that's not even touching on the fact that we already had Pei, who was born K'un-Lun.)
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Tucos: "You dare aspire to join the ranks of the immortals of K'un-Lun--!?!" Danny: "I dare nothing, Tucos--I merely am. If I am Iron Fist, it is because the gods--thru Yu-Ti--will it so...and if I become an immortal--it is because they will that as well!" Merrin: "Is that so, outworlder--? How pleasant to see an Earther mortal adopt our ways so...fervently." Iron Fist vol. 1 #2 by Chris Claremont, John Byrne, Michele W., F. Chiarmonte, and Joe Rosen
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Kheng: "Stupid orphan couldn't stop a bunch of dogs from turning his mother into breakfast...how were you ever going to face an immortal?" Iron Fist: The Living Weapon #3 by Kaare Kyle Andrews and Joe Caramagna
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Yang Yi: "The next Iron Fist should have been one of us. Any of us--even Mei Min. It should have been me." Lin: "I--I didn't call Shou-Lao to me on purpose." Yang Yi: "That's even worse! You stole something that belongs to K'un-Lun and you don't even know its worth. The last Iron Fist was an outsider. So was the one before him. Special enough that the dragon chose them...or callous enough to rip its heart out without respect." Iron Fist vol. 6 #2 by Alyssa Wong, Michael Yg, Sean Chen, Victor Olazaba, and Jay David Ramos
If Danny had been Asian but not from K'un-Lun, the bullying might have focused less on his appearance (he gets called "Snow Pea" and "Snowflake" in Living Weapon), but he still would have been an outsider, an Earther mortal freak, and his bullies would still have been angry that he became the Iron Fist instead of them. If Danny had been of K'un-Lun descent...honestly, I still think he would have struggled to fit in, since he wasn't raised in the culture. Wendell as we know him didn't teach Danny anything about K'un-Lun, and unless we considered the idea of changing Wendell's personality or past experiences, I can imagine that would still be the case if he had blood ties to the city. It would still have been something Wendell spent most of Danny's life trying to put behind him, and Danny would still have been arriving massively traumatized, and even with the knowledge that his ancestors had been from K'un-Lun, I'm not sure how much that would have fixed for him, or for his peers' perception of him. This is a dimension that is extremely difficult to access, and thus a very insular society. They don't get a lot of outworlders, regardless of their race or ancestry.
For the record, it would be easy to give Danny blood ties to K'un-Lun without changing a single thing about his backstory, due to the simple fact that we have no idea where Wendell came from. He was just some random orphan Orson stumbled upon in the Himalayas. It would be very easy for a writer to do a story arc in which Danny found out that his father (possibly even unbeknownst to Wendell) was born in K'un-Lun. Rather than retconning Danny's backstory to make him aware of this from the beginning, I feel like it would be a more interesting approach to have Danny discover a blood connection later on, in the present day. I am always a big fan of explorations of Danny's relationship to K'un-Lun, and this would certainly present new territory in that regard.
Ultimately, though, I agree with you in that I don't feel like this change is needed, or even that it would change much about Danny's character or journey (which I suppose could be an argument either for or against). He would still be that same guy caught between two worlds and not fully at home in either. My personal feeling is that I would rather see characters like Colleen Wing, Pei, Sparrow, Miranda...heck, even Steel Serpent...given more of a spotlight. As I mentioned at the top, what's most important is having strong Asian representation throughout the Marvel Universe, and there are a ton of fantastic, under-used Asian characters within the Iron Fist sphere who I hate to see buried under ongoing debates about this one guy's ethnicity, especially when those debates too often seem to contain incorrect information from people who haven't actually read many of the comics.
Again, thanks for the question! Obviously, this is a very layered and sensitive topic, and having lived through the heated conversations surrounding the Netflix show, it's something that is always on my mind.
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luyepiaofeng · 2 years
the meaning of cql/the untamed's chinese name
someone on reddit found out that cql doesn't mean the untamed and wanted to know what does the name actually means so i decided to share my explanation here!
also is this considered a meta? if yes, then this is gonna be my first meta! (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
firstly, yes, cql doesn't mean "the untamed", it's normal for cdramas to give a different title in english. e.g: eternal love actually means "3 lives, 3 worlds, 10 miles of peach blossom (三生三世十里桃花)".
secondly, the name of wwx's flute chenqing may have been taken from an anthology of love poems called chu ci/verses of chu (楚辞) by qu yan (屈原) and song yu (宋玉).
"chenqing" can be found in this poetry section — jiu zhang/nine pieces (九章). the line where it came from is "愿陈情以白行兮,得罪过之不意" which means "i wished to set forth my thoughts and explain my actions: i little dreamed that this would be held a crime" (translated by david hawkes).
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thus chenqing may mean "setting forth one's thoughts and explaining one's actions."
however, since not a lot of people are aware of this poem and it may also not came from there, it's also possible that chenqing just literally means "old/bygone feelings" (陈 means old/ancient while 情 means emotion/sentiment). ling (令), on the other hand, means "decree/command".
cql is definitely a name that is quite debatable, since the name itself isn't quite clear on what it means, so others may have a different opinion regarding this. if you do have your own thoughts about this, please do reblog, i would love to read about it!
a friend of mine said that chenqing may mean "expressing a circumstance" instead, which i refused to believe because it just doesn't make sense in the series.
not long later, i realized that chenqing (bygone feelings, in this case) is quite similar to another word — old/past relationship (旧情). jiu (旧) is synonymous to chen (陈) while qing (情) is the same character. this word can be used either platonically or romantically, so this may be referring to wwx's relationship with lwj prior to wwx's descend into madness.
i wasn't sure what i was thinking but I searched jiuqing on kugou music and interestingly, the composer for cql lin hai appeared on top, but he didn't made any music named jiuqing. also on the search bar, a classic song called "old love mianmian (旧情绵绵)" sang by jacky cheung appeared and i laughed at the irony.
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anyways, hope you all learn something new today! thanks for reading!
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kavitawinchester · 2 years
Crossover with Well Intended Love | Nai He BOSS Yao Qu Wo, time travel.
Chu Yan just wanted his life not to be so difficult. He was tired of his father's nagging and the fact that he raised his hand against him for any disobedience. It's not that Chu Sr. was able to break his son's stubborn character, but the guy wants his father to say at least once that he is proud of him.
Yan wants to tear out of his heart the love for Jia Xiao Lin, because she is the wife of his best friend, Lin Yi Zhou. Chu Yan will never admit his feelings to a girl, he values his friend/brother too much, he will only ruin everything with his confession.
His asthma can attack unexpectedly, he dreams that someday he will be cured of it.
After another quarrel with his father, Chu Yan locked himself in his room and went to bed exhausted.
Chu Yan wakes up in an unfamiliar room and in different clothes. He gets up and goes to the mirror and is shocked to see that his hair is dark, instead of his red, and his hairstyle is different. And then a handsome man dressed in an old police uniform enters, hugs him and gently kisses him on the cheek.
- Are you awake? It's your day off, Yuzhi, why did you get up so early?
Chu Yan looks at him in absolute shock and can't find the words. This joke is no longer funny! What Yuzhi? What's going on here??? But no one jumps out shouting "Prank!", and the handsome stranger continues to hug him.
- Are you all right?"What is it?" he asked anxiously.- Yuzhi?
"I'm not Yuzhi!" Chu Yan wants to yell
"It's fine, apparently I haven't fully woken up," Chu Yan replied as calmly as possible, forcing himself not to panic. - Okay, I'll try to come to lunch. And you rest," he kissed him gently on the forehead again and left.
Chu Yan barely restrained the urge to scream. What the fuck is going on here??? He rummages in the closet and sees light suits along with dark ones and realizes that Yuzhi is wearing light clothes. Chu Yan changes clothes and goes to look for information where he got to. He is not happy with the results. He was in the past/how is this possible at all???/, his name is Chen Yuzhi, he is a doctor, and this gorgeous man / yes, Yan is a convinced hetero (who are you lying to), but despite this he knows how to appreciate the beauty of a man / his husband. Husband, fuck. And this is in China. His name is Jian Yuelou, he is the commissioner of the local police and they have been together for many years.
Chu Yan decides to play the role of Dr. Chen Yuzhi, he's an actor! But would he be able to deceive Jian Yuelou? Couldn't. The commissioner suspected that this was not his husband. And it's not about Chu Yan's acting skills, it's just that Yuelou knows Yuzhi inside and out, and this guy seems to have fallen into another dimension.
"You're not Yuzhi," Jian Yuelou stares at the actor.
Chu Yan almost dropped the teapot when he was pouring tea into the cups.
- What makes you think that?- the actor quickly pulled himself together.
- Do you think I don't recognize my husband? You shy away from my touch, are you afraid of me?- Yuelow grinned.
Chu Yan looked at him indignantly.
- I'm not afraid of you!- the actor snorted.
- Really?- The commissioner's grin made Yan want to throw a teapot at him.
Jian Yuelou got up from the sofa he was sitting on and walked over to Chu Yan. The actor immediately took a step back. Yuelou laughed.
- Why are you running away?- The commissioner's grin was annoying. God, Yan hadn't been so mad since his quarrels with Xia Ling. And how does Chen Yuzhi live with this type?
"I'm not running away," Chu Yan replied irritably, putting the kettle on the table. He doesn't want to remember how he tried to sort things out in the kitchen. He's a man from the 21st century, give him a break!
- Stop lying!- Yuelou's gaze became hard.- You have a different facial expression, it's like you're in someone else's house. Where is Chen Yuzhi? What did you do to him?- Yuelow growls at the end.
Chu Yan is not afraid of him. He boldly looks into the eyes of the one whom all criminals called a demon. Jian Yuelou involuntarily remembers Yuzhi, he was also never afraid of him.
Chu Yan gives up. He wants to get away from this commissioner in his own time. Yan doesn't want to fall in love with him. Does he have such karma that he falls in love with non-free people? First Xia Ling, now Jian Yuelou. And yes, he managed to fall in love with a man in one day. But who can resist Jian Yuelou? Chen Yuzhi was very lucky.
-You're right, I'm not Chen Yuzhi. My name is Chu Yan and I have no idea how I got to this time.
-At this time?- Jian Yuelou was hooked by this phrase.- What does that mean?
- You won't believe me, but I'm from the 21st century.- Chu Yang sighed.
Yuelou wanted to laugh at first, but looking at Chu Yang's serious face, he believed him.
- Tell me everything.- Chu Yang tells everything he knows, trying not to talk too much about the future so as not to spoil anything.
Quite by chance, Jian Yuelou finds out that Chu Yang's father is mistreating him. He gets furious.
- Why does your father beat you?
- How did you...
- It's not hard to guess. So why?
- I don't know. He adopted me, I'm not the perfect son for him. I don't know what needs to be done to make him like me,- Chu Yang shrugs. How dare he?! Jian Yuelou is furious. Chu Yang shrugs his shoulders.
- I've accepted it for a long time. Let's close the topic.
Jian Yuelou is ready to kill Senior Chu.
Chu Yan is the absolute opposite of Chen Yuzhi, he is more audacious, irritated faster, more emotional. But at the same time, he is also full of compassion and ready to do anything for the sake of his loved ones.
-Where do you think Chen Yuzhi is?- Jian Yuelou is worried about her husband. Chu Yan had long guessed where the doctor might have gone.
-I think he got into my time. We just need to find out how to get us back to our places.
- Are we going to look for sorcerers?-Yuelow snorts.
-If I have to,- Yan shrugs. He needs to go back to his own time, otherwise his poor heart won't stand it. Jian Yuelou is so caring with him that it hurts. After all, in his time, he does not have a person who will look at him like that, who will be interested in him. No, he loves his friends, but Yuelou is something else entirely. Yan hides his feelings under lock and key, he doesn't want there to be tension between them. Only Yuelou was the best cop for a reason, he sees that Chu Yan is interested in him, but he is silent. Commissioner Jian admires his willpower, the actor does not want to destroy any relationship. Therefore, he did not confess to Xiao Ling and would never do so. And now he is silent. -Someday you will meet your Jian Yuelou. Our souls are connected. I am sure that in your time my future incarnation is waiting for you.
- Very funny, Commissioner.-Chu Yan snorts.- I'm not lucky.
- We'll see. You'll remember my words later,- smiles Jian Yuelou.
At this time, Chen Yuzhi wakes up in Chu Yang's body. The poor doctor is terrified that he is out of his time. Yuzhi looks at his reflection and thinks that the red color is not his. It is better not to remember how he tried to understand modern technology. He finds out that at this time he is a famous actor, he is the only son of a rich businessman, his best friend got married under a contract, but is head over heels in love with his wife. Yuzhi gathers courage and leaves the room. What a blessing that Lin Yi Zhou sent a car for him, otherwise he would definitely have been lost. Yuzhi meets Lin Yi Zhou and his wife, Xiao Lin. The girl reminds him a lot of Chu Ran. They start jokingly swearing and time flies by imperceptibly. When Yuzhi returns "home", he is met by Chu Sr. He is a serious man, walks with the help of a cane. Yuzhi, as a doctor, wants to find out the cause of the injury and help, but then a man comes up to him and slaps him. Yuzhi's head swung to the side from the force of the blow and he barely managed to stay on his feet.
- Obnoxious boy! Where have you been?!-Chu asked furiously.- You were supposed to be at dinner with Mrs. Sun! How dare you not come?
Yuzhi was confused from shock at first and looked at his "father" in disbelief. Beat up your son for not being at some dinner? What's going on here???
- Did you swallow your tongue?- The man hissed and swung at Yuzhi again. Only Chen Yuzhi has had enough. He easily grabs his hand by the wrist and squeezes it hard.
- Don't you dare hit me. I was with Lin and Zhou and you knew it perfectly well. I won't stand for it anymore.- Yuzhi's gaze became hard. Chu Senior's eyes widened in shock and he tried to free himself from the grip.
- Who do you think you are? Have you forgotten your place?
- I haven't forgotten my place. I am your son, not a slave. And you have no right to raise your hand against me. That was the last time.- Yuzhi is not going to tolerate this. No wonder he and Chu Yan decided to switch places. Apparently someone upstairs got tired of watching the poor guy suffer and they sent Yuzhi here.
He lets go of Chu Senior's hands and goes up to his room. Yuzhi wants to find out what's going on here. He finds Chu Yan's diary and hesitates to read it for a long time. Deciding that he will write a letter of apology, he begins to read. After reading it, he admires the actor. Despite the difficulties, he did not get angry at the whole world and became strong. Yuzhi finds out that he is adopted, but this does not give his father the right to mock him. Chu Yan has fallen in love with his best friend's wife, but is doing his best to help them save their marriage after a strong quarrel. Not only that, but the actor suffers from asthma. Yuzhi is happy that there are medicines that help those who have this disease, because there is no such thing in their time and it is difficult to help patients. He writes a letter in which he says that he should not let his father torment him, that he admires him. And that he will definitely meet his Jian Yuelou at this time, because their souls are connected.
At this time, Chu Senior is in his office trying to figure out what has changed in his son. Yan had been impudent to him before, but this was the first time. His son has never defended himself from a blow until today. Something has changed. That's just what?
A day later, the guys switch places. Jian Yuelou immediately realizes that his Yuzhi has returned. Seeing her husband, the doctor immediately hugs him tightly. Yuelou gently touches his hair on the back of his head.
-My Yuzhi is back,- Yuelou is happy.
-Yes, I'm home now,- Chen Yuzhi hugged his husband for a long time. Then they shared the news and hoped very much that Chu Yang would be fine.
Chu Yan woke up in his room and immediately saw a letter from Chen Yuzhi. Reading everything that happened in his absence and his confrontation with his father, Yan only smiles gently. He was amused by the phrase that he would meet a man like Yuelou.
-My friend was telling the truth, that married people think the same way,- Yan snorts. Chu Yan meets Xiao Ling and realizes that he still loves her, but his heart does not hurt so much at the sight of her. After all, Jian Yuelou will easily outshine anyone.
And then comes the canon. Chu Yan quarrels with his father again because of Xiao Ling and gets hit by his father's cane. Falling, he hits a corner and soon loses consciousness. At the hospital, he finds out that Lin Yi Zhou know about his feelings for Xiao Lin, but he trusts him, because they are brothers. And that Yan is now free from the Chu family. He doesn't believe it. Now his nightmare will end. But the nightmare is just beginning. He is abducted from the hospital, he is declared dead, and Xiao Ling is blamed for his "death". Chu Yan manages to escape from captivity and, seeing the motorcycle, decides to steal it. Only the owner of the motorcycle is very against it. Chu Yan tries to convince him that he needs it more, but when he saw who the owner was, he widened his eyes in shock. In front of him is Jian Yuelou. More precisely, its more modern version.
After hearing that the actor had been kidnapped and escaped from captivity, Kang Sheyan/ that's Jian Yuelou's name at this time/ decides to help him and take him where he needs to go. Chu Yan annoys Lin and Zhou and they expose the deception. After all, Yaea's father finds him and tries to persuade him to return home. The guy doesn't agree. But Chu Senior is getting sick and Yan can't leave him. The father understood a lot after the "death" of his son and is trying to establish relations. Chu Yan doesn't believe him, but decides to give him one last chance. So he finds out that he is actually his own son, but because of the mother who abandoned them, Chu Sr. began to snap at his son. Realizing that he was wrong, the man desperately wants to improve. He knows that his son's trust will not be easy to regain.
Soon, Chu Yan meets Kang Sheyan, who is also a policeman in this life and he came for his reward. Chu Yan tells him to tell the account where to transfer the money, but Detective Kang grins and declares that his reward will be a date. Chu Yan was even speechless from such impudence. But Kang Sheyan does not give up and Chu Yan cursing everything, agrees. Detective Kang is slowly winning the heart of the actor he fell in love with at first sight. Chu Yan probably definitely did something terrible in his past life that he met Kang Sheyan. This man drove him to frenzy with his hints, he had never blushed so much in his whole life! But at the same time, with him, Chu Yan felt safe and loved. He certainly goes to the temple to thank the souls of Jian Yuelou and Chen Yuzhi for their wish to meet the person who has become his soul mate. And yes, Lin Yi Zhou promised to kill the detective if he broke his younger brother's heart. Chu Yan was happy.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
You see it my grandson is saying but really it's my time and I have a new motor that I'm going to use and it's a lawn mower motor and it's made by my company and the horsepower is way up there almost matches the cubic inches need 20 CI is about 18 horsepower the 7.5 CI is about 6 horsepower the 5ci is four horsepower and so on and it's very powerful it goes real fast it's much faster than any other bike pretty much that we produce except for super bikes which people soup up and it's really a nuisance cuz our motors are terrible and he's a lawn mower motors for Christ's sake I got my 20ci on my knock off of John Cena chopper to go 180 miles an hour right out of the assembly room and then I tweaked it it went 220 so these are some serious bikes and we do use real parts real motorcycle parts and we don't use scooter parts and they're for sale soon and they are really inexpensive the 20ci is about 1650 and that's right and then you pay for $100 for delivery roughly and it is a madness going on over here in China and it's a madness in California there's just a lot going on and we're building our Vince d Martinez chopper knockoff and we have that's not the right name it's Vince but we have several of them in we capture them here in China and we're going with the original and we know what it is and we're copying the variances too and we're naming them a different model number it is awesome we've sold so many already and they're exact knockoffs and it's a Harley knockoff by the way we don't have permission but we make all the parts here they made a little differently they look the same the same size but they look at the tiny bit different so you know it's a knockoff and its hours and they get it it's his stuff and it's going to be ours and we're selling them overseas and tons of people are buying them in America cuz they're cheaper they Harley-Davidson costs like 4,500 out of the showroom and they don't want to lower the price and he says no because I wouldn't be a Harley and that's really really cheap it is really really cheap for a Harley and how are the people are shying away cuz it's too cheap so he would suggested retail on it now that sounds tons of them for a ton of money
Which in Lynn Wei Chen Lin
Anyways I'm so in mind I'm doing the same thing I have to knock off of the John Cena chopper and I have to knock off of the vents they both are about the similar but the John Cena I copied exactly it looks exactly like his and people love it and they're buying tons of them a lot more than way has sold
Jet Li
I am not going to really back down and nothing out live this unless I change it so I'm changing mind to be a knock off it's kind of piece of crap that I have to have a shock in the back I might put a hidden one and he doesn't have a shock when people are falling off already so I'm dealing with shocks and he says it hidden ones fine and you can put it like an inch and a half and go real fast and still stay on I agree I'm going to go ahead and do that
This how it is we're going to start making hours I can knock off cuz it doesn't sell as many and this way you said to do it first but we are going to put the shock in the back that's the only change the rest is going to be his silly stuff which is great
Thor Freya
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hunxi-after-hours · 4 years
thinking about how in the Lin Chen-Mei Changsu scenes, their banter/dynamic is probably the closest we get to seeing the Lin Shu of thirteen years ago
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mejomonster · 3 years
If you end watching The promise of Chang'An, proceed with caution, because Chengyi's character is pure tragedy, the man never gets anything he wants and doesn't catch a breath in the entire drama, also his FL is madam Qinrong from Fuyu Island, the one who said to Sifeng that people consider her the most beautiful woman and I was like "ma'am, you are indeed very pretty, but the prettiest person in that room is Sifeng, not you, sorry not sorry :/" not fox Zihu. Also, did you know that right now Chengyi is filming a xianxia drama with Rattam's actress as his FL? He plays an Emperor in that one, also mydramalist. com/72025-chen-xiang-ru-xie
1 ohhhhh thank you for the link. I love the lead actress in Rattan!
So I am. Super desperate. In agony. Hoping for Cheng Yi to play a fucked up emperor type who’s messed up and cruel and conflicted and power hungry and a hot mess and. I can dream ;-; Cheng Yi if you see this. I’m begging you. You have the Range babe. Do it. Do ittttttt
Like Cheng Yi pretending to be star of Mosha? Peak. Phenomenal. Beautiful. Can we have more please pleaseeee. Cheng Yi when he played killer mode of Xiaoge in tlt2? Can we.. see more? (Also though Imagine if he also brings the emotional depth he always does, to such a character, the fucking delicious phenomenal Agony of that god I wanna see it). He just. He could do power hungry threat Let Himmm.
I love him playing leads that are the epitome of lovable but. I would love to see him play someone terrifying. Like Bai Lin’s actor? He did so good with absolutely terrifying power hungry, and even as Xiao Hua in tlt2 he brought this really interesting edge to the character of Implicit Threat even though he was a mostly good guy (which Zhu Yilong does phenomenally, but especially did in The Shaw Eleven Lang and with Ye Zun - tho to a degree with Shen Wei in tense scenes). And Cheng Yi has absolutely gotten to bring glimpses of it before but I have mostly only seen him in roles that decidedly do not give him a character so messed up he gets to stretch his skills that way very much. He gets plenty of tortured characters tho lol.
Ok so Promise of Chang an is the one out. Which I’ve seen the first ep of. And Dream of Chang An is the one with Ling Longs actress that isn’t out yet? Because I liked the trailer for that one mmm -3-
Edit: also I watched To Dear Myself ep 1 this week and. I honestly can’t imagine more suffering and angst and lack of any hope ever than that show. I can’t. I’m almost certain Cheng yis character in the Promise of Cheng an will be less utterly hopeless than zhu yilongs character in to dear myself. To dear myself gave me lasting emotional damage in 40 minutes ToT. And my dumb heart is like “maybe some of the show has hope” but I saw spoilers and I suspect it’s one long show about hopeless suffering and I can’t do it! Whereas like?? I imagine even if Promise of Chang An is a tragedy?? Maybe it will be like Goodbye My Princess. Goodbye My Princess is so well written (I recommend it’s lovely writing, set, scenery, everything wise). And you can feel the very organic romance and true care and hope and motives and. The tragedy lies in how fucked up their lives are and how because of Who they are theres no way ever for them to have a happy life together. Even if they wanted to, they’d simply have to be different ppl with different lives. Even when they care. The story uses one main magic device and that’s the characters forgetting their past romance/knowing each other partway through - which is cool for a lot of reasons: I love magical usef in mundane to like do something fun while still being mostly grounded, I loved that they were literally going to have to kill each other but the memory loss gave them a chance to fall in love all over. I love that it upped the angst cause even Post memory loss they are on opposite sides of a power struggle and family enemies and do awful stuff. But then realizing oh no - not only did you fall in love with the man who is your kingdoms enemy, but you also forgot he killed your family! You forgot he faked his identity and used you TO kill your family. And then it’s even worse for both of them. To realize this girl you fell for as an arranged marriage hostage, who you at least protect as the least you can do - you’re actually who ruined her whole fucking life. No one can hurt her as much as you did, and you forgot. Ahhhhh and meanwhile! There’s a very cool huge realistic multi country and inner country power struggle. God that show is so good.
#replies#anonymous#Cheng yi#ask#sorry I went on a rant lol LITERALLY LAST NIGHT#me and a friend were thinking about the fake star of mosha part#and how GOOD CHENG YI could be in a fucked up role a la mo ran or actual star of mosha but worse#like I doubt you have seen the Shaw eleven lang#but zhu yilong plays a power hungry prince who’s nice in the surface but fucking FERAL underneath#and in ep 2 he plays a girl pretending to be his character and butchers like 4 men then starts eating them#it’s horrific but god is it amazing to watch and CHENG YI COULD DO THATTTT#even like. the prince of goodbye my princess kind of role!#or the wolf in The Wolf! (tho ideally more personally evil id. I’d just love to see Cheng yi#as someone cruel with power and like. absolutely not an innocent sweetie suffering#but someone who has to be cut down to size. is a sexy enemy. or goes thru a hella redemption arc#(also I looked up that Zhang bin bin kings woman and decided no on that#while I love fucked up characyets the reviews sounded like the story romanticized him#and like? I want fucked up and hey maybe even sexy. but I don’t want the writing acting like it’s good. u feel me?#like goodbye my princess? while it’s romantic af and Delicious to watch? the prince is never painted as a good man#never. and it’s wonderful to watch#or Men with Sword where no one is painted morally and it’s totally up to each watcher to decide for themselves#I loved that#regarding goodbye my princess the thing is#there is hope and kindness despite all the hot mess#it’s so good
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