#because I'm sure that the vast majority of you came here for silly doodles and didn't come to read my silly rants
askblueandviolet · 7 months
This is a passive rant that I think needed to be said, haha.
DF (Admin): I think the most silly thing about writing Blue and Violet is the fact that I am barely keeping track of anything I have written.
I cannot, for the life of me, remember what and what I have not actually written so far in the series in terms of character exploration with Macaque and Mayor (what they have done, what they think, what they feel, and actual full out sentences on what they think about each other and other characters- the literal development of the Shadowpuppet relationship. Have I actually written enough scenes to develop the relationship for it to actually move onto this point in the story or is it not enough? Or is it too much actually?). Like have I actually mentioned or elaborated on these things and actually wrote it into the series? Or was it all on my head, or in my notes app, or a rant in the comment section? I don't know.
So I sit here staring at the next chapter, the current draft, and I contemplate if I have actually written everything I needed to write to build up to this chapter. And I do this with every single chapter. But especially this one, because this one is... Is something. There's stuff in here I want to keep in here but... I don't know if... It makes sense to write it, because, have... Have I actually written enough context to lead up to that point? Because all of that context is already in my head but I don't know-
I want to blame this on my poor memory, but I also think it's a little bit because of my poor dedication as the literal writer to keep track of everything that's been going on in the series so far, and everything that is supposed to happen in the future of it. How silly of me.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is: if any of you have spotted any inconsistencies, or if the pacing is off, or if some things seemed to have come out of the blue with no actual build up or prior elaboration... It's because of this. My silly brain, forgetting what has been mentioned in the fic series and what hasn't.
If any of you read this, thanks I guess XDDD. Enjoy this warning/apology.
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