#because I'm gonna get busy for my OCs and I wont have time to make TSP content anytime soon
blackkatdraws2 · 7 days
[Blank Scripts AU] Mariella art dump
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chartreusevielle · 4 months
Gojo Satoru x OC
Pretty Ugly Marriage (before getting married)
When they first met, hate was an understatement. She loathes him.
"What's with that ugly face? Is that a mask or something? If so, take it off, that's so funny"
Fubuki Amari, loves her parents. To the point that she is willing to participate in a marriage interview just so she can lift up their families name in the jujutsu world again. Despite being aware that she is not the prettiest girl in line, she is pretty confident with her strength. After all that is what is listed in the Gojo Clan's letter, as the heir said,
"I don't care what they look like, I just want someone who's strong", and so here she is, listening to a bubble talk that slowly makes her burn in range.
'ah, i should've consider sending Yumi in here instead if I knew that this shitty brat wanted someone with pretty face instead'.
She then just sighs before replying,
"This is my face young master, I'm sorry if it bothers you", now just shut up, you piece of shit.
"It doesn't bother me, in fact, it makes me happy, are you sure you're not a clown?",if it was a normal 10 year old girl, they definitely couldn't handle such humiliation coming from a boy.
A boy coming from a strong clan, has strong power and has a pretty face. Gojo Satoru, in Amari's opinion is a definition of perfection,minus the fact that he is someone who can make hell burn after fueling it with few words.
This is the opposite of Amari, she's from a fallen clan, has average power which consists of absorbing curse by touching them,  and her face. Just like Gojo said, it's funny, because she has a scary face. The natural frown on her forehead that makes her look everyday angry, the frickles on her nose that push her face away from fairy skin, her droppy eyes that makes it look like she has small irises and the boring straight brown hair that makes her look like a broom with her thin and boney body.
"Even your voice is funny hahaha", the  boy continues to laughs as the adults around them can't help but to pity the little girl who just looks like she is so done with him already.
"What now? Aren't you gonna cry like the others?", He asked her as she just blink. So he's indeed doing it on purpose. Calling her names, basically bullying her.
'cry? Cry for what? Him, calling her ugly and funny?'
"Why? Do you want me to? ...young master?", The said boy huff as if he's irritated not getting the exact reaction from the girl.
"Yes, I want you to cry like an ugly person you are", Amari is currently praying to any God who can hear her, to simply give her patience, patience not to kill the boy in front of her.
"I want to cry young master, I wont lie", she said making the boy raise his eyes to look at her , "but i have more time to make my self strong that to drown my heart to something that i can't control"
'i can't ask God to edit my face, nor my figure even for just a little bit'
"Heh, you're showing your colors now don't you", the boy said as he mockingly grind at her.
'i can't ask anyone to protect me from heavy words I may receive from my face'
"I believe i never hide it in the first place,young master", she simply stated, not giving him emotions that he might make fun of again.
'i can simply accept, and bare with it'
"Hahaha, you're really funny, I've decided, I choose you kid, now be happy at my mercy" he looks so proud as a solemn grim appears on her face before silently cursing the boy at the back of her mind.
'i have no hero, other than myself, if so, then so be it'
"Thank you very much, young master", just you wait and I'll literally get even with you when I get stronger than anyone else.
"You better be", and I'll wipe off that grin off your face.
When they turned 13, things was never been better for Amari.
"You! I told you not to go to Satoru-sama, early in the morning!", she just blink as an elderly servant in front of her continues to yell early in the morning.
"But he says, we should meet at 6 am",
"Then tell him next time, you are busy! Satoru-sama needs his sleep and he doesn't have to be disturbed for a mere concept of meeting with you!",
'He's the one who planned our meeting though' Amari just thought and sigh, 'well, it is what it is, I don't care anymore'
It's obvious this old servant is looking down on her despite her position as his fiancé.
"I understand, I'll leave now", she said and turn back as she was about to step away, the thumbing sound of someone running down the hallways was heard, and suddenly..
"Amari!", the said girl, stopped her stepped and turn around, only to be welcome by a big grin of Gojo Satoru which makes Amari's eyes twitch.
'This guy obviously looks like he was eavesdropping just now'
"Where do you think your going?",
"S-Satoru-sama she is-",
"Who are you? I'm asking Amari, do you want me to fire you?", and of course things didn't end up good for the elderly servant.
"Satoru-sama, I think this will be dangerous",
"Oh come on, it's not like something bad will happen right? I'm the strongest after all", a body of a teen and an ego of a little child. I see.
The Gojo Premises is wide, so wide that it has it's own lake inside it's area. And this boy beside me thinks that's it's a good idea to practice his infinity in means of walking on the water like a holy man.
If you ask me, I think it's stupid,given that I know for sure he was dependent on his curse energy and was not taught how to swim since they all said nothing can touch him.
I'm riding a small boat to follow him while he is seriously walking above the water. But right in the middle of the lake, he suddenly stopped before looking at me.
"What is it Satoru-sama?",
"I think I'm out of curse energy", my eyes widens as his body suddenly submerged under water.
How stupid, why didn't i think that even infinity has it's own interval, before it power up once again.
Shit, what should i do? Should I call for help? Should I swim down?!
But what if I die because of water suffocation? I don't want to die, I never want to but when I saw him falling deeper into the water, my body became fixated to follow him in the deep blue lake.
And so I dived.
Blue irises looking back at me as the water harshly hit my skin.
I want to yell, scream his name but the suffocating liquid stops me from crying out loud as I sway my hands to go deeper under the water.
Hands slowly reaching out to touch him, while he just stares at me making me worried that he might lose air under this depth of water . My eyes squinted in frustration before begging whoever God that can hear us to make this brat reach his hand so I can hold him.
'come on, give me your hands'
Looking at his now sleepy eyes falling deeper makes my heart almost drop.
No.no.no.no. Don't close your eyes!
'Give me your hand, Satoru!'
As if my prayer was answered,slowly but surely,his hands reach out to me as I immediately swim down faster and grasp it. Pulling him closer to my body before swimming upward with no further adieu.
As I look back to him my eyes widen when his blue irises are far closed and hidden.
Without further thinking, I put my lips on his to give him some air, just enough so we can swim together back to the shore.
Don't you dare die on me. I felt his grip on my body strengthen which give me a go signal that he had enough air before swimming back to the shore.
I gotta thank my father for giving me a strong body to overcome my fear and swim in endless water. And also the tough lungs.
I put all my physical energy to swim back faster and was able bring him back into the wooden boat.
I put him down gently before checking if he is still alive.
No response. Damn do i need cpr? How do i do that? Pump the heart? Pump the water? Slap him? What should i do?
As i was overthinking, his eyes squinted before it fluttered and opened.
Sky irises, staring back at me making me almost cry.
"Amari?", I just smiled at him.
"Yes, Satoru-sama",
"My infinity returned the moment you hold me", i blink. Then...
"I just can't let you know given that you're so desperate to save me", i still stare at him.
I just wanted to beat him up. Really bad.
His irises find its way to look at me with his usual grinning face.
"Thank you though, now I really need to marry you, afterall you have given me your first kiss, still, I never think that an underwater kiss could be that romantic"
They were 13 and both of them realized something, one wanted to end this marriage shit and move on even if she'll be single for the rest of her life while the other one realizes that, he is now serious to the marriage he first offered, and there's no way he can let her go, not today nor in another lifetime.
'Ah I want to kill him'
'Should I prepare for our wedding now?'
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findroleplay · 10 months
Good morning, afternoon orrrr evening!
So I'm just gonna get straight to it, I've had multiple posts asking for multiple fandoms despite wanting a specific one, so today I decided to yield and just make a fandom specific ask! Below will be what I'm looking for and rules.
To not waste your time, I am *desperately* looking for a Wednesday (netflix show) roleplay and for someone to gush about the character with me and hey! If you haven't watched it but need incentive this might be it and I could wait for you or join you or adventure to watching Wednesday!
BUT! getting to the bullet points,
- I am very open minded and I'd like to think I'm VERY friendly! I often do edits for my partners of both my character and theirs! Maybe even both together? Anyway! I also do spotify playlist and generally I'd like to think I show that I genuinely care for my roleplay partner and the roleplay.
- With that being said, I'd rather you not answer this if you believe you are way too dry or just don't like talking ooc, we won't mesh well!
- Another thing, I'm copy pasting this in several places but for the places that don't have an age limit, I'm specifically looking for 18+ people.
- Here's where some of you might just be driven away. I'm M, and while I would love to double up(my specialy mayhaps?), if not doubling up in almost any case I'd be playing a male character. I feel perfectly comfortable playing a female character but I'd want to use a guy.
- If what didn't drive you away was the former, this might do it for some of you. I do Oc x Oc, Oc x cc and cc x cc BUT there's conditions to the last two. I will not do oc x cc unless doubling up because I feel it is unfair for you to get what you wish for which is your desired CC and I nothing in return. Along with this, I only do cc x cc in double ups, meaning one side has to have oc action.
- For my side I'd like MxF or MxM only if the male is feminine. I'm NOT trying to fetichize a certain demographic of men, I simply have a preference for a certain style of clothing and/or femininity. However for your side? I'll play anyone and anything in any pairing. I'll happily be the girl of your dreams!
- I'm big on this one, I'll try and summarize because this ask is already long enough! I love character and worldbuilding. I gush about it and I'm pathetically enthused with the idea of the world being more than just our characters. Likelihood is, there'll be more than just our two (or four if doubling) characters!!
- I'm literate to novella, but I don't demand perfect grammar or 4k character responses. I only ask for a minimum of 1k characters(letters-?) Per response to give me enough to work with and enough to gush about.
- I'm patient! But! I'm looking for decently active partners that'll respond atleast..I dunno? 6 times a week? If you could do much more or everyday, hell that'd be lovely. I have a life too so trust I know shit can get hectic, but I'm not looking to rp once every 3 days for 10 minutes. If you get busy though? Let me know, I wont ditch you like that!!
- Realistic fcs! It's a live action show, no anime or drawn fcs.
Like this and I'll reach out! We'll be roleplaying and discussing on discord!!
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findyourrp · 10 months
Good morning, afternoon orrrr evening!
So I'm just gonna get straight to it, I've had multiple posts asking for multiple fandoms despite wanting a specific one, so today I decided to yield and just make a fandom specific ask! Below will be what I'm looking for and rules.
To not waste your time, I am *desperately* looking for a Wednesday (netflix show) roleplay and for someone to gush about the character with me and hey! If you haven't watched it but need incentive this might be it and I could wait for you or join you or adventure to watching Wednesday!
BUT! getting to the bullet points,
- I am very open minded and I'd like to think I'm VERY friendly! I often do edits for my partners of both my character and theirs! Maybe even both together? Anyway! I also do spotify playlist and generally I'd like to think I show that I genuinely care for my roleplay partner and the roleplay.
- With that being said, I'd rather you not answer this if you believe you are way too dry or just don't like talking ooc, we won't mesh well!
- Another thing, I'm copy pasting this in several places but for the places that don't have an age limit, I'm specifically looking for 18+ people.
- Here's where some of you might just be driven away. I'm M, and while I would love to double up(my specialy mayhaps?), if not doubling up in almost any case I'd be playing a male character. I feel perfectly comfortable playing a female character but I'd want to use a guy.
- If what didn't drive you away was the former, this might do it for some of you. I do Oc x Oc, Oc x cc and cc x cc BUT there's conditions to the last two. I will not do oc x cc unless doubling up because I feel it is unfair for you to get what you wish for which is your desired CC and I nothing in return. Along with this, I only do cc x cc in double ups, meaning one side has to have oc action.
- For my side I'd like MxF or MxM only if the male is feminine. I'm NOT trying to fetichize a certain demographic of men, I simply have a preference for a certain style of clothing and/or femininity. However for your side? I'll play anyone and anything in any pairing. I'll happily be the girl of your dreams!
- I'm big on this one, I'll try and summarize because this ask is already long enough! I love character and worldbuilding. I gush about it and I'm pathetically enthused with the idea of the world being more than just our characters. Likelihood is, there'll be more than just our two (or four if doubling) characters!!
- I'm literate to novella, but I don't demand perfect grammar or 4k character responses. I only ask for a minimum of 1k characters(letters-?) Per response to give me enough to work with and enough to gush about.
- I'm patient! But! I'm looking for decently active partners that'll respond atleast..I dunno? 6 times a week? If you could do much more or everyday, hell that'd be lovely. I have a life too so trust I know shit can get hectic, but I'm not looking to rp once every 3 days for 10 minutes. If you get busy though? Let me know, I wont ditch you like that!!
- Realistic fcs! It's a live action show, no anime or drawn fcs.
Like this and I'll reach out! We'll be roleplaying and discussing on discord!!
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Bro I have a idea for something what if the gold watchers agatha mama bear and emmet encounter a child (shy of the age of 8) who was originally supposed to go to heaven but because of bierce’s deal they wound up doing the dirty work for her in turn she helps them to get her family to go with her when it’s all over what would they do in your opinion?
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@anqelina-blog1 Thank you! And also imma kinda answer both of these at once! Also also, it wont let me mention you for some reason so hopefully you see this. Also×3, I check notes often and usually completely, so I'm sure I dont miss questions!
In general, alright, a young child.
There aren't usually children in Malak's realm, at least not with a physical form. They've been used in rituals, yeah, but children aren't usually used as anyones pawn (I HOPE NO KIDS ARE MESSING WITH DEMONS).
Testing people that have sinned/having them earn something is different from taking an innocent person and punishing them for no reason, and generally children are pure and not subject to such punishments.
My headcanon version of Bierce wouldn't make a deal with a child (besides, they arent usually as strong and efficient as an adult, especially a desperate adult), but if she did, the reactions the first ask goes for would maybe be as follows (teen reactions will be after this):
She's generally a sweet demon child, polite and happy to meet others around her own physical age. She may annoy an 8 year old to play with her maybe, but she'd still overall be nice. She knows children are pure, and the thought of meeting mortal children excites her. She sees so many grown-ups and barely any beings that would like the same sort of stuff she does. Perhaps she'd also take on a sort of big sister role, even protecting the mortal child in the chance that they're in danger.
Gold Watchers:
Usually, they ignore children. Unless a child sticks out as especially worth interacting with, they assume that children are not a threat at all, have no wealth to be interested in, and not worth spending time on. Even if a young child insulted them or something, they'd probably just chuckle and go back to their business. I suppose that, if a child stole something worth value, they'd simply take it back by either acting nice or scaring them to where they drop what they have.
Mama Bear:
Mama Bear would probably attempt to take the child in as her own, caring for them as she does with her teddies. It would be risky though and she knows it, with how unpredictable some of the teddies can be sometimes. Then also, a problem with Mama's specific kind of parental mindset is that she may end up keeping the child secluded from the outside areas, which would be safer, but would limit how much social interaction they get.
With teens, all of this generally still applies with these characters, though they know teens can be more of a threat. Agatha may still try to make friends with them unless they're rude to her. Then she's gonna threaten them. It wouldn't be pretty. The watchers may taunt teens more than children, but still see them as less of a threat and not always worth the trouble unless they want to cause a good scare. Mama bear may be more strict to teens, still taking the role of a parent to them and inquiring them on their behavior, how they usually act, what they like and dislike, their eating habits, etc. May also assign them chores around the cabin.
OC territory now.
He'd be in shock seeing someone around 8 years old in Malak's realm, and while in general hes not too great at knowing how to care for kids, he'd still be kind to them. Maybe playing small games with them, letting them relax in a hotel room, and trying to keep them safe if there's danger around. He can get along decently with the trigger teddies, so a mortal child shouldn't be too hard to interact with, hopefully. As for teens, I suppose it just depends on the individual how well they'd get along with Emmet and how comfortable he would be around them.
Vampire Watchers:
These bastards are awful. Child or not, blood is blood, and depending on how feral and voracious a vampire watcher is, they'll still attack them. Luckily, as stated before, such young mortals aren't usually around their territory, but if one ever happens to come by, their life is definitely on the line. Usually young kids are accompanied by a stronger companion in the best scenario, but even then, the vampires are still a force to be reckoned with. Child, teen, adult, elder- all eligible game to them. Since the vampires are sort of an open thing almost where anyone can make one of their own, maybe a nice vampire exists that is kinder than others, I dunno. But in general, stay away from these monsters no matter your age.
I suppose anything else I need to add is that, if the younger mortal starts pulling some badass shit, using powers effectively, becoming a strong protagonist (or antagonist), things may grow more similar to the scenario of any adult mortal. Depends on the child I suppose. You never know what sort of potential they can be hiding. You can't always judge a mortal by their age...
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dgmagines · 4 years
Hi hi! I love you so much!! OK time for the ask lol do you think that Komui would want a family of his own after the war is over? If he were to meet a *cough* OC do you think he'd be interested in marriage? What kind of family/life/wedding/etc haha do you think he'd want/like? Maybe some headcanons? I'm sorry this ask is all over the place I just have a lot of feelings 🥺😳
Uwaaa hello, I love you too!! Thank you for loving me bfghdsjfs and oh my god yes??? Why would he not??? Komui is very much a family man!! Have you seen how he treats the children??? FAMILY MAN!!!
Some hcs because!! yes!!
* I think he’d talk about this in the times he can during the war – the little snatches of time he gets to spend with s/o where they just talk in soft whispers about what they envision for the future
* Sometimes Komui would talk about his ideals and sometimes he’d just roll on his side to watch s/o as they talked, a soft smile on his face as he finally gets to relax from all the work
* He wouldn’t necessarily wait for the war to be over to propose I think; instead pulling s/o aside and sliding the ring on their finger, tired hopeful eyes awaiting their answer and lighting up when they say yes. 
* It’d be a relatively quiet affair without a ceremony- the both of them agreeing that it should be put off to another time when its less busy and (ideally) when its safe
* god I could write a whole fic for komui proposing to his s/o IM AAAAAAAAAA
* Despite how extravagant or over the top he may act, his wedding would be pretty small; the pair only inviting those closest to them so it feels more like a gathering than it does a wedding. It would probably be an outdoors wedding too! How nice!!
* and in terms of family – oh god his children are gonna get so much love!!! People are gonna be jealous of his children from how much affection and care and love he pours into them!! Even s/o might get jealous!!! Komui best dad!!! TT 7 TT)b
* Komui probably wouldn’t want a big family unless it was what s/o wanted. For him, just having two or three children would be enough; he worries about not giving each of them the same amount of care he gives to the other and he wants to make sure he can properly provide for them until they decide to go off on their own
* There’s also the question of work. He always tries to make sure that he has enough time off of work so that he can spend it with his family while also making sure he works enough to provide for them –
* Which pregnancy you ask? All of them. From the first to the last. The first kid’s gonna have to bear the role of calming their father down because, as much as he tries to act cool, he’s shaking so much its actually ridiculous gfsdhjfs
* its also slightly embarrassing for the kid because when komui gets anxious and tries to act cool, he gets really loud LMAO
* (this would be during/after labour) DEADASS FAINTS WHEN THE NURSE TELLS HIM HIS S/O IS OKAY and their first child just stares at him like :/ before asking the nurse if they can meet their mom yet fbdshfjsdf
* the same would apply for if s/o doesn’t want to or has difficulties with bearing children and they decide to adopt; komui worries the kid wont like him, that they’d lose the documents required, that they’d somehow get lost on the day they were supposed to pick the kid up and the kid just doesn’t want to go with them anymore-
* in short, komui just worries a lot – reever’s gonna have to smack some compliments in him even if it internally kills the man to do so aHA
* komui deadass gets bullied by his children- he’s just??? So soft for them??? s/o is gonna have to play the role of strict parent because one puppy-eyed look directed towards komui and he’s already bending his back for his dearest children he cANT
God I feel like I can go on forever??? And now I wanna write fics of komui with his children???? Hhhhh anon you’re too powerful-!!
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Just saw your vent post and I think diving into your self indulgent stuff might help. For me personally, when working on original stuff, that's when I'll think about things like appealing to others/marketability/etc, but when it comes to fandom stuff, the only audience I care to pander to is Me, Myself, and I. Other people sometimes end up liking it, mostly it just goes ignored, maybe a like by a mutual if they see it. I prefer it this way, since worrying about appealing to more people when writing fanfic makes it feel too much like Writing I Do For Work, and I even never use betas for that same reason, it makes it feel too much like Work Writing, when fandom is Fun Writing.
I'm not sure what you do outside of fandom, but you have so much creativity, I've kinda assumed you've either been doing creative work or are studying to go into it--I can see you in a character design shop tbh, I can see Pin being a villain people would just eat up and love or love to hate.
If you're in a creative field, I feel like it's just good practice to go into Work Creative Space and Fandom Creative Space with different intents, if anything for the sake of mental health, as I've been in a very similar place, where silence on my fandom work would make me rethink what I'm doing, make me want to retcon WIPs, thinking "Maybe if I change this to that or this ship to that ship or change this character to be closer to fanon, more people will want to read/will comment/whatever".
You sound like you already very well know this isn't a healthy mindset, so I'm not going to go into that. I'll just say dive into that self indulgence, whether or not you're doing original creative work in the background as a job/part of study. You have great stuff, but audiences can get burned out just like creatives do. Sometimes it's because they're also creatives. Sometimes it's just burn out from seeing so much art/writing/media ALL THE TIME.
Something a professor told me was that if you got to go to an art museum, and you tried to really appreciate each piece, you'd end up exhausted before finishing even one section of the museum. This can lead to the 'mindless scrolling' a lot of the time. Fandom is becoming a large part of a lot of people's lives, but for most people, it's secondary or even tertiary media, and they're already putting a lot of energy into enjoying and appreciating the media they're in fandoms for. (Yes, there are some people who 'set fire to canon' and are in the center area of a fandom, but most people are closer to the sides, occasionally popping in from time to time but not setting up tents, if that makes sense.) So many of those people just don't have the energy to really get involved with a lot of media produced my fan creators, especially if they follow a lot of them and can only comment or otherwise get involved with a few posts/creators at a time. This can be what often leads to some 'visiting' the same 3-4 creators more often than they may go to another creator.
Setting up a place and waiting for more people to filter in can feel exhausting all by itself, especially when you're trying to create more to fill more of that space and hopefully entice more people to pop in and see what's going on.
When you focus on self indulgence for a while, you're not always looking at the door, since you usually don't expect people to walk in (at least, I never expect it), so when people actually do come in and tap you on the shoulder to see what you're working on and if they can see, it can really help offer that extra boost you need.
I really don't think you're doing anything wrong. A lot of artists who don't do what those "How to get more followers" tips still find an audience, sometimes due to the niche, sometimes starting out niche but expanding as more ideas get tossed in. Some artists who by the book, seem to do everything right, don't get nearly as much. There's really not a right or wrong way to create or share your creations. There are just a /lot/ of creators, so a lot of times, it boils down to how people find your door.
These are all really good points so I am going to share. Honestly a lot of my GerCanMano stuff is pure self indulgence but you're honestly right I think I'm probably gonna focus on some self indulgent shinanigans for a bit, and stop worrying as much about getting things out on time and making it perfect
but I do wanna point out this cause it hit me;
I'm not sure what you do outside of fandom, but you have so much creativity, I've kinda assumed you've either been doing creative work or are studying to go into it--I can see you in a character design shop tbh, I can see Pin being a villain people would just eat up and love or love to hate.
I was in school, but I never declared my major so I had to stop temporarily because I honestly don't know what major to be. There's so many things I like to do, but I don't know if I want to make a career out of them if that makes sense.
Like art, I love art and video games, I'd love to do things like animation or graphic design or be my own indie developer, but I worry if thinking about a game like a business slash whats making me money will ruin the creative process. It wont be making things for the joy of making things, it would be for my job because I had to, and idk- that just isn't as fun. Im worried about that mentality sinking in. I like them but idk if I wanna have to take them full on seriously as a career.
I'm trying to get a minimum wage job right now but its hard to find a job right now in the US job climate, especially with the fact that I have to find job willing to cater to a disability I have currently offrecord because my doctor wouldnt listen to me. Which is even harder because Ive had to walk away from jobs before because they wouldnt give me accomedations without doctors recommendation.
I am planning to set up a Etsy shop right now actually. I need to get a printer, but otherwise hopefully soon I will have a store up with stickers and preorders for keychains. One day I plan to get a button press and make my own buttons. I have hetalia merch planned, as well as my ocs. I'd love and have designs for all sorts of stuff, custom tshirt designs- like subtle hetalia fan stuff like pockets on the chest witht he character "sticking out" with familiar hetalia patterns. I have miraculous ladybug stuff planned. My friend gave me the idea of aster's heart as a friendship necklace and I love it, I could imagine all sorts of needle and thread themed pin merch I have a lot of ideas its just designing and making them and seeing if people would buy them.
I dont quite know what you mean by character design shop if thats something different or not, but yes.
Ill save a ramble about pin for a seperate post this ask is long and so is my response so Ill stop
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