#be able to move out for 3 years minimum . meanwhile everyone else will be getting time to spend together and being able to live on their own
gaytoddhoward · 28 days
they should invent a period that doesnt make me the most miserable person on earth
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intheholler · 2 months
This is in response to your West Virginia anon.
I'm also looking to move to the region and ironically western NC is the area I dream about. I live (unhappily) in a large northern city now but came of age down south - further south, actually, but the Blue Ridge is my happy place. I never wanted to leave the south at all but found myself in a place where I ran out of opportunities and had to leave to survive. Now I feel like my mental health demands I go back that direction.
I'm pretty poor so I don't think I'm much of a threat as a gentrifier but I AM worried about being able to make a go of it. Is it still a place where a disabled, newly sober person with a high school education (I can drive a car, for whatever that's worth, though!) can move in and be ok in terms of finding an affordable place to live and a way to make a living? Is there anywhere in particular you would suggest I go?
ayyy best carolina <333
valid concerns, honestly.
to be frank i do worry about the affordability of it all for you, and anyone else really. WNC is seriously getting fucked by snowbirds and by corps coming in and shearing off ridges to build housing plants and vacation homes.
plus, the last few years, with this weird trend of SpoOkY ApPaLaChIa, there's air bnbs everywhere taking up potential homes. young rich kids keep flocking here, taking up more precious space and giving very little back. (probably bc the only place they reliably could name in appalachia until recently was asheville, but i digress.)
and because everyone's been flocking in for the last decade/two decades, prices are sky high, even in small towns.
that's before you consider the scarcity of job availability, which may also pose an obstacle for you. jobs have always been scarce here, independent of the housing issues. growing up it was all just minimum wage retail, hospitality, gas stations, stuff like that unless you live somewhere bigger, or worked at a hospital/care home.
and there's only so much of that per tiny town with lots of residents. you (plural, general, not you specifically obviously) cant find a job in town A where you live, but you found one in town B an hour and a half away. your low paycheck is gone in the gas it takes to get there n back.
meanwhile, person in town B can't find a job in their hometown cause you done took it out of necessity. so they go to town C and find one. person in town C gotta go to town D now. so on and so on.
it's just... there's just not a lot.
pair that with the recent influx of gentrifiers, and people born here are struggling as is.
god this reply hurt my heart to write. please just let appalachia rest (not you, anon. them.)
as an aside, that is so cool about your sobriety by the way. congratulations, seriously. i know im just some asshole on the internet but im proud as fuck of you and i hope you can find a healthy, happy place to live in our beautiful hills. i'm partial to areas like clyde, sylva and cullowhee personally <3
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kariachi · 5 years
This One Goes To 11. This is it y’all. The return of Kevin. 80% of the reason I watch this franchise at minimum. Will he live up to my hopes, my dreams? Probably not. I’ve heard a lot and not only am I not entirely sure how I feel about what I’ve heard, with this fandom you can never be sure if you’re hearing things that are canon or things people are assuming are canon because of preconceived notions.
Still, am I gonna give this new Kevin a fair shake?
You’re damn right I am, bring on my baby!
Ben does not understand tools and engineering, but to be fair given the hammer I don’t think Max does either.
Look, someone tell Ben they have deep-fried candy bars, he’ll be all settled in his seat, leaning on the horn, yelling at people to hurry up.
Oh Ben. Nobody deserves to get bullied, but I’m really not surprised it happened to somebody who doesn’t know if they have toys outside the US.
(Note: any comment I make on bullying is coming from someone who’s been on both sides of that mess, it’s a fucking wreck either way)
I get pre-emptive homesickness Ben (fuck, I’ve got it right now and who fucking knows when we’re moving) but I think we can safely say they have superstores somewhere in Europe.
Gwen is just, so tired. You have so much longer to deal with him, Gwen, you poor, poor child. Ben, meanwhile, is having the time of his fucking life in this store. I believe this will end shortly.
Yep, new laugh and a shift in expression from Ben, I think we know what’s coming in the next five seconds
Yes! It’s him! The great! The wonderful! The only true princess of this franchise! My baby boy! My son! Sound the fucking trumpets Kevin Levin is finally on screen!!!
Look at him, a small menace. Ruining the day of a stocker just for his own amusement. My child, you have so far to go and yet we already know how far you can, in theory, rise! And people will be able to bitch less if you become a better person because you’re starting from higher up the good vs evil scale.
Also I love that the first we see of him has nothing to do with Ben. He doesn’t track him down, he doesn’t notice him. Ben notices him here doing his thing before Kevin seems to even know he’s there. I like that, before we get anything else of Kevin we get that he’s a little shit of his own accord, outside of anything to do with Ben. It’s nice to see.
Also I love his jacket, it goes great with the rest of him, totally a Kevin thing to wear.
“That’s no kid, that’s Kevin.” Oh my gods, One sentence and you already know Kevin is just as much if not more Ben’s nemesis than Vilgax. Which is fitting given their history in this ‘verse. The reboot is really catching that bullying-victim ‘that motherfucker’-ness well even in just one sentence.
“He’s why I didn’t eat lunch for three months in the fourth grade” You mean, last year? I get the point I do, I’m sure once I hit play there’ll be flashbacks and everything, but I’m just saying. You’re ten. Your birthday is in December. Unless you’re skipping grades (which from what we’ve heard prior is unlikely) then you literally just graduated the fourth grade.
Actually, gods, depending on their school system that could make this shit even worse for Ben. If Ben’s moving into the 5th grade then Kevin would be moving into the 6th and possibly a whole new school. Ben probs thought he was free and clear for a while but no, so here he is. The Menace.
I am not 3 minutes in and this is longer than some whole liveblogs for this show.
Okay, we got a bit more before flashbacks. “He’s responsible for my irrational fear of public bathrooms” Kevin Ethan Levin what did you do?!?
Basketball kicking rather than just, ya know, passing it to the child, not bad, pretty mellow fare.
Tripping him in the hall, standard.
Chocolate milk in mashed potatoes, honestly never seen that one before now. Gonna class it with the basketball one, just slightly below tripping someone in the hall.
Okay I don’t even know what flashback-Kevin is about to do but I call shenanigans on reboot-Ben reading a math book outside of math class. Especially not looking bored as fuck during it.
Okay, the flick was just fucking funny, I’ll admit it. Think I’m gonna class that one still under the tripping in the hall, but above the basketball and the milk because there’s actual physical contact involved. Also, this is very much personalized, if Ben’s assertion that he did it to humiliate him is accurate (which it might not be, he may have just been looking to be a shit and the humiliation was a bonus). Most people aren’t going to cry out if you flick them on the cheek, even if they are surprised, and certainly not as long as Ben did. He’d have to know precisely how Ben would respond and act accordingly.
A ‘kick me’ sign, that’s just classic. I’m gonna put it there with tripping in the hall, only because it was done under technically-cold-blood. The fact Ben actually got kicked over it is on whatever moron or jackass actually followed the damn sign, given it is, again, a classic prank everyone should know better than.
Also the bathroom at their school isn’t marked as a boys or girls room so I choose to believe they have gender neutral bathrooms. Good on them.
3 minute 14 seconds, I’m gonna be here a while.
And the “I’m gonna get even” declaration, ah, I knew it was coming. Beware, Ben, that can be a slippery slope. Though you have enough experience with power, I doubt there’s much to worry about.
Yep, he’s 11 alright.
...Kevin just did a backflip and 3-point landing like it was nothing. Child, what are your hobbies? Yes, yes, I know he knew Ben was there and that’s interesting and there’s gonna be lots to mull over but let me have my surprise at Kev apparently being a fucking gymnast.
Gods that is the most sinister I think Kev’s ever sounded, swear the quality of this show is just grand.
Also the reveal of Kev’s watch, and with it the moving of Kev into Official Antagonist Territory. And Ben’s- understandable- shock at seeing another watch. I do love the design of it, very fitting for a Kevin. Including the half-hourglass to make a stylized ‘K’.
Kevin’s first transformation isn’t as intense as some of Ben’s, but Wreckingbolt does look a ton cooler than Cannonbolt so... It evens out.
Kevin = here for a fight (which is interesting, none of what Ben showed us of his bullying would make one think Kevin was the sort to straight up try to fight him, outside influence or the fact they’re on a more even keel now? Ben’s gotten stronger so now Kevin’s gotta amp it up to keep that power over him?) Ben = Still just fuckign confused
Also Ben stinking up Kevin as he’s laughing about Ben’s naming skills? Awesome. Yes, children, fight for my amusement. Ben, put Kevin in his place. Kevin, keep being you, you glorious princess of chaos.
Admitting the enemy’s small victory, interesting.
Kevin Levin is a fucking gymnast in his natural form but still getting used to, well, everything else. Also, moving onto Kevin flashbacks!
1) This all started a few nights ago for Kevin. 2) He got the design for his watch in what seems like a seriously intense dream, at which pint he had to get up in the middle of the night to jot down the design plans (know the feel, kiddo, know the feel). 3) Kevin’s desk has 1 lamp, several pencils, a mug for holding said, 1 pen or possibly marker, a ruler, a set square, a compass (geometry style not outdoorsman style), a circuit board, and screwdriver. I get the feeling he may be a math and tech geek, what do y’all say?
Twirling pencils, the nerd’s answer to spinning a basketball on your finger.
Kevin Levin, age 11, dreams up the blueprints for a strange alien watch, immediately runs to the garage to build the thing in the middle of the fucking night. Because it takes him another six months and a space-dad to learn this little thing called restraint.
“It didn’t take long to figure out, and with a few minor modifications of my own-” My child. My brilliant baby boy, who I think might have taken the time to transfer the blueprints onto proper blueprint paper in the middle of all this? I couldn’t get a good look but I think he might have? Because he’s a fucking nerd like that? But seriously, over the course of anywhere from half a night to a few days he 1) figured out this shit, 2) built it from I have to assume scrap because I doubt he’s got a lot of high quality parts lying around, and 3) immediately looked at this strange thing and went “okay but if I also do this then-” and proceeded to mod the damn thing! He is the Omnitrix version of those people that appear an hour after a game comes out with a new mod that gives you seven new hairstyles, fixes five bugs, and also adds a new mode of play.
I just love him so much guys, my precious baby boy is brilliant and wonderful and a menace to society I can’t wait to see what happens to him and where he ends up and if he gets his own spinoff because let’s be real if anyone on this show should have a spinoff it’s my son
Also I feel I should point out we’re only halfway through the episode. I’ve been here over an hour I’ve gotten through 5 and a half minutes
I love that they show Kevin not having a solid hand on what he’s doing with his new forms yet. He’s only had this watch up and running a few days tops, maybe even only a few hours, it makes sense that he’s clumsy when he’s being something other than human.
Someday, Kevin, you will learn how to apply the brakes as Wreckingbolt. Until then, maybe save that one for practice time and use something else for fights. Little suggestion.
He’s getting better, even as we watch.
Best way to hide from a preteen? Disguise yourself as a fruit.
And Ben’s first thought for a name for his new dino-alien is Gigantigecko. Honestly I like that better than Humongasaur, petition to make it canon.
Humongasaur is named by a tiny blonde girl. Fitting.
Stock peeps just, rolling with it. (pun not intended)
Well, through the wall is one way to get him out of the store.
Welp. This is a common scene. ‘The hero and antagonist hang off a cliff over a river, with the antagonist hanging off the hero’. How will this play, with maybe a minute and a half to go in the episode?
“If I’m going down, you’re going down with me” 1) is a very Kevin thing to say, 2) as if you didn’t just grab the first thing available to keep from falling directly into the river, stop trying to sound badass we already know you’re a nerd and your dorkness will probs be revealed soon
Kevin is just not having it, Kevin he could probs pull you both up if you chilled for four seconds, but no, you gotta actively start shit for the both of you. Goddamn child
Ben: I must beat this villain hanging off my tail before the Omnitrix times out or I’ll never win Gwen: Oh my god, my cousin’s a moron
Welp, there goes Kevin for the episode.
So, is the extended run time a feature or a mod? I don’t know yet. Presumably the altered aliens are a mod? Or a feature. We just don’t know enough yet to say. I’ll figure it out.
Forever Bitch you leave my child alone or by Faranth’s glittering hide I will hunt you down
11/10 That’s right everybody, with the premiere of my darling disaster son we have unlocked the long-awaited top score! From now on standard episodes will be graded from 1-10 rather than 1-9, with Kevin episodes being graded from, of course, 1-11. We have entered a new age, my little loves, a new age!
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anyu-blue · 6 years
Mobile keep scrolling.
Bug infestation fyi.
I'm starting to get really worried...
Living here has turned into an absolute nightmare... It's nice to see the sun and to be on the top floor and have that sort of freedom and all.. but the bedbugs... I can overlook the slightly unpleasant neighbors. The thin walls. The crumbling roof (my ceiling is starting to get really bad). The leaks and places other bugs like to get in. I'm sure our neighbors do the same... But these bugs.
I didn't actually realize how tenacious and TINY they are. A female can only lay one egg a day, but in the buggy would.. that's a lot. And there only needs to be one male and explosions are imminent. Can even be from an egg she just laid, they don't have problems with inbreeding. And while a female can only mate once a day.. a male can mate with all females in his area.
So even one... One tiny, itty bitty bug that's oh so hard to see, let alone feel... Could spell disaster for an entire complex. Because those big ones I've been squashing.. yeah.. they're actually really old comparatively.. and all the new ones that have and will hatch.. smaller than a pin head. I'm only lucky enough to know that thanks to the massively gruesome display in my room rn... There are dozens.. dozens of tiny tiny, so small you wouldn't see them unless you were looking, corpses or possibly carapaces on my pad. With all the powder I've put in there they've dehydrated and ended up stopping where they were looking for food... I hope. I hope they aren't carapaces. They don't look to have moved either way.. I keep checking.. I have pictures.. but millimeters are a lot bigger to them than they are to me.... But I also keep finding more. I thought I'd just missed them initially, but I put something clean down in there a week or two ago and moved it a few days ago only to discover about 6 Tiny little dots on top of it... And a much larger, live buggy under it.
The diatomaceous earth works to a degree and I'm so grateful... But it's obviously not full proof.
We need to move. Because Tevie and I can't afford this place on our own...
I mean I MAY have about $200 extra by the end of the month to go towards a deposit on a new place... If our mother doesn't drop the ball on us and refuse to pay rent like she threatened... Which she can't technically legally do because she has so much of her stuff here... But may try anyway and I'm still really angry about...
But even then.. even if I DO have the extra... I can't think of a single place that will take us... Because of the risk. I don't WANT to infest a new place... I'm going insane enough as it is knowing THIS wasn't our fault....
I'm riddled with bites. RIDDLED. And I keep finding more. We even keep powdering... Tevie keeps vacuuming... I keep washing (hot water hot dryer) And the number doesn't go down. It's actually gone up. I didn't realize how bad the back of my arms were until I caught myself in the mirror today.
My legs. My feet. My back, belly, neck, shoulders, FINGERS (those ones suck). These are the ones I just happen to spot.. because they're red and puffy, but only for a maximum of 2 days before they disappear on me... And they've started itching... Due to the sheer number I may be developing the allergy.. or it's probably psychological which also isn't fun.
Who would WANT to take us in?
Even if we find someone.. which I am seriously starting to doubt... We have to get rid of so much... Tevie is distraught... Because she doesn't want to lose her bed.. or the body pillows I saved up to give her as gifts to help her sleep a few years ago... Every time I try to talk about moving she tells me to stop. To shut up... Because if we manage it.. it's going to be so hard. We're losing so much.. and we don't even HAVE that much...
I'm also worried that if we move someplace and some how manage to avoid transporting.... we're not going to be looked kindly on for sleeping/eating/spending so much time on the floor.. the couch where I'm sleeping now, the chair that goes with it, all the beds... All the pads... At least half our pillows. Blankets (especially comforters).. many clothes and our few storage thingys ( specificly ones with too small crevices).. any large/unwashable stuffed animals we still have... It all has to go. There's no way we can guarantee they'll be bug free... I'm honestly terrified I'm going to have to give up my Scooby too... My comfort blanket..
What will a landlord or property manager think when they come to check on us or if we need something repaired?
Most of the furniture we are using isn't ours anyway.. it's our mom's. Lucky me.. we've completely fallen out. There goes the kitchen stuff. Washer. Dryer.
I mean it FEELS bad enough... But for some reason people really judge hard too. We wouldn't be able to to have anyone over because of all we'll lose, and poor Tevie is even more upset because of that too. We will be lucky to have my TV and our games/stations maybe... But not right away because they will need full proof decontamination.. heavy cleaning and freezing if it won't kill them (ie any electronics).. if we can borrow a freezer or have one available to us.
I have already given Tevie my promise that no matter what, she doesn't have to sleep on the floor.. that she can have my hammock since it has made my old injury act up (mostly because I suck at sleeping correctly so I hurt myself unintentionally. Another reason I really miss having a bed.) But it makes her feel worse knowing she'll be taking it from me after I fought so hard for it (it's an old guilt thing having to deal with how she was kept in place specificly). But it's something we can clean and take with us with little danger.. I hope.
I just... UGH what do I do?
If we had.. gods.. idk.. if we had a $1000 gift even... We could manage to start over... to break our lease and throw 95% of stuff out... It would be no less painful, but we could get some cheap dressers or something brand new for storage.. air mattresses or cheap frames and pads for places to sleep.. a large freezer to salvage some clothes and blankets and anything that will survive a deep freeze, plus a place for food storage all in one.. or just a small, cheap new wardrobe if nothing else. Like $50-$75 each... Money for the cost of moving ourselves.. and a deposit, first month's rent.. just a start... Until we could start to save something. Anything.. to get whatever else we may need then want.
But then even a gift of $1000 would also devaste us rn..
Due to the reporting laws, After taxes, it would push us over the minimum income for a family of 2 per month and I'd lose my health insurance (means no meds). We could be turned away from housing due to having too much in the bank... Why are poor people not allowed to have savings anymore? Why is so much demanded up front when the reason people are going into programs is because they DON'T have it??
We could NOT report it.. and then potentially get fined for fraud...
Ugh... A lot of this is worst case scenario stuff... And I could have some things wrong here... But it's what's on my mind... And the very real possibility of living out of a car here in the near future.. if I'm even allowed to keep it. If I'm not... I lose my job, which everyone already knows... My dad will take Tevie and me in in a heartbeat.. but I can't risk infesting his or anyone he gets to help's house. He and our friends can't afford it any more than we can. None of them can.. there's already 7 of my family members living in that 3 bedroom house for Pete's sake... I'd sooner opt to throw ALL my stuff away, even the clothes on my back...
I can't tell what it's going to be yet. How far it all will go.. I just know it's going to be so incredibly difficult no matter what.
Slightly unrelated rant here..
Meanwhile my mom doesn't have to worry about a (crumbling) roof over her head because her bf's parents own his place from what I understand. While they may struggle like us to put food on the table here and there, she never has to fear homelessness. She has a bed, a dresser, plenty of furniture, space to be herself, support.. even a bf who wants to give her MORE of all of the above.
... She's also allowed up here with access to everything anytime (I've asked for a heads up of when she does want to be here only so I can be out of her way, but that's too disrespectful of me because she pays her portion of the rent, so she's never here)... And so is never high and dry or fearful... And so feels like it wouldn't be a terrible move to just drop this place and us altogether. To take what she wants and/or needs and leave without fear.
Tevie and I are on the brink of losing everything... And she just doesn't care. I'm still angry about that too. About her lies in caring about us.. because she clearly doesn't. She doesn't HAVE to go through this with us and has chosen not to. And I don't think there's anything I CAN do about that either. I wouldn't want to go through this either.. I mean I REALLY don't want to be going through it right now.. but I, for one, have refused to abandon my sister. My job. My pet. And my hobbies (for now).. which means keeping my clothes (work has dress code).. mandatory decent night's rests.. fighting the infestation/dealing with bites... Working on moving/losing stuff all by myself... It's exhausting.. and I'm terrified.. but I can't just run away from it... (Especially cuz I got no monies to do so).. I'm mad because she CAN.. perhaps, actually, jealous is a better word than mad... because I understand. As twisted and backwards as her logic is in a lot of places.. self preservation is pretty smart technically.. and dropping all of this does mean less stress for her which is important to life...
*sigh*... I think I will need to ask for help soon... I'm the thinker.. and I am struggling to think my way through this.
I'm struggling to find a way to remain or even BECOME independent like I want to be... ESPECIALLY Because of these bugs... If we could just move.. if there were no bed bugs. If the only obstacle was getting a place we could afford and moving Into that place.. we could do it... But losing near everything in order to do it... To have to rebuild so much.... (Beds.. heck FURNITURE is expensive)... I don't think we can do that.. not alone.
Not that, hey, a table is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY.. nor are chairs (posture can be worked on and upheld without those)... Nor are many pillows and blankets. One should do a person each... In Montana Winters it can get difficult.. but it's easily possible to sleep in sweaters and layers and stuff... Keep your head propped up carefully and it may be possible to avoid getting colds and back aches from sleeping on the floor too. And cats.. well they do need perches.. that bit IS important.. but they will gladly curl up next to you and in clothes to keep warm
Maybe I am overthinking... Maybe it's a GOOD thing to get rid of pretty much everything... I mean.. we don't NEED all of it... It's just nice.. don't need a dresser or books or a lot of clothes or a bed, really... We're human. We're animals... We're the only ones who have 'need' of these comforts and convieniences I'm so sad to lose... A nest is nice, but shelter is more important.. as is food.
Maybe... Maybe I can track down a 1 bedroom place we can afford instead of looking for a 2 bedroom and getting pegged with double the ridiculous prices... I mean.. without having living room stuff... The living room is just a room, right? It's technically my bedroom right now even... any kept TVs and electronics don't need to be off the floor if they're not plugged in...
... why am I freaking out exactly?
Well I certainly don't want to track in any bedbugs to a new place... That is valid... But the rest of it.. the rest of it does seem rather silly. I don't need to keep nearly as much as I want to. ... I suppose my biggest challenge now may be is working with Tevie to see this and be okay with it too...
Yay 3am second-wind ^^
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Fanfic: Did You Notice Me?
Pairing: Brian May x Reader
Set: London, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day
Warnings: Just some inappropriate comments here and there and an innuendo.
I believe this will take you half an hour to read, please enjoy...
It was the last night of December of 1974, a chilly one. You and your three girl best friends, Katie, Penelope and Anna, have been roaming the streets of London in high heels, short dresses, faces of light make-up and -at least- warm winter coats for and hour or so, when you finally decided you should get in a club. It was 22:30 after all, and very soon the next year would dawn. You picked one that wasn’t so popular between the masses, but it was well known between the musicians and fans of the British music scene of the time…
Just as you entered the club, you noticed a group of four young men who had just published their third studio album and were cornered by many other girls, fans that is, because the only thing the boys seemed to be interested in, was talking to them politely so they wouldn’t offend their very own fans. Apart from that, they seemed uninterested in those girls.
You quickly averted your attention elsewhere because you didn’t want them to notice you, especially the lanky guitarist, whom you had longed, for quite some time now. So, you and your friends headed to the bar to order some alcohol.
About an hour had passed, the atmosphere was constantly getting better, and the music was more electrifying with each passing second. The four of you were moving around, slightly dancing to the music, when all of a sudden the song playing is changed, and you recognize it being one of your favourites. So you hurry to the center of the dance floor, while still on the short intro. Just as the singer starts singing, the lyrics match your state of being and serve your purpose. “Here I stand, look around around around…” And you really hope that Brian will notice you dancing in synch to one of their newest hits, and he might get the message as well…
After the song fades out you quickly return to your friends with a flushed face. Anna scans the crowd, locating Queen, and informs you, the four of them are chatting with each other, while looking towards your direction, seeming quite interested this time.
You managed to calm down in the following minutes, let the excitement subside and the four of you have returned to light chatting and dancing when the music slowly fades and finally stops completely. Then it is time for the countdown. 1974 will soon be upon you.
“10… 9…”
For some seconds you lock eyes with Brian May, but quickly resume counting with the rest of the crowd.
“4… 3… 2… 1… Happy New Year!!!!”
Everyone is on the dancefloor celebrating 1975 while electrifying music returns, this time with The Rolling Stones’ Can’t You Hear Me Knocking. You head outside for a little bit to get some fresh air and unwind from the tension a little, leaving behind your friends and everyone else dancing. Or well, not everyone, someone is closely following you without you taking notice of them.
You leant on the club’s brick wall, cool wind blowing in your face and hair. You observed your surroundings, but then averted your attention to that night’s clear sky full of shining stars.
You continued observing the outer space from your spot down on the earth when you jumped scared in the sudden hearing of an unfamiliar voice. “Happy New Year!” You hadn’t noticed the presence of the other person out there. Still, when you turned to face him, you knew exactly who he was. A light blush crept up your face, but it was hardly noticeable due to your make-up and the minimum amount of light the moon provided.
“Oh, Brian, you scared the hell out of me. Happy New Year!” you replied first nervous then smiling.
“So you know who I am,” he flashed you one of those smiles that are able to melt your heart “but I don’t even know your name. Care to introduce yourself ??”
You wished you could tease him a little, not telling him your name, but you couldn’t resist him. “My name is (Y/N), nice to meet you in person !!” you winked.
“Nice to meet you too, (Y/N)… How did you end up out here ??” he inquired you.
Well, I needed some fresh air and ended up here looking at the stars. Ain’t a great night for stargazing ??”
“Hmmm, that is true… But since it’s a bit chilly out here…” the guitarist started  by averting his brown eyes to gaze at his original workfield before Queen occurred, but then his voice trailled off awkwardly.
But you were more than interested in what he had to say… “Yes..??”
“ Well, (Y/N) I thought I should suggest since you clearly already know some things about me, but I just know your name and that you are a great dancer, if you would be interested in going inside, getting a table and chatting a bit more ??” he proposed.
Your response was a simple “I would love to !!” So you headed back inside the club.
Brian led the way and found a quiet spot where you could sit down and talk, this time with background music, you paid attention for a few seconds and recognized Led Zeppelin’s Black Dog.
But the tall musician interrupted your thoughts when he spoke up again… “So, (Y/N), do you work somewhere ?? Or are you still studying ?? I’m sorry, I can’t guess your exact age.” he stared right into your eyes with a shameful expression, although you thought there was no reason for him to be ashamed, you had to admit to yourself, it was cute.
A grin appeared in your lips and you answered his question “I’m 24, and I am in my last year studying History. How about you Brian ??”
“Well, I am 27 and I was studying Astrophysics, but the band is doing good at the moment, so I halted my studies…” his voice trailed off in that last part of the sentence and the curly guitarist seemed a little concerned about your reaction to the fact that if Queen fell apart soon, he wouldn’t have anything to do and should return to college, but you weren’t thinking about that.
“I see, speaking of Queen, I think you guys are doing a great job !! I love your songs !!” you exclaimed. This time was Brian’s turn to blush at that comment.
“Thank you, I am very glad to hear you do, what other artists or genres do you listen to (Y/N) ??”
“I like The Beatles” Brian’s face lit up in excitement in the hearing of these words “The Rolling Stones, The Doors, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, actually almost every today’s and yesterday’s artist” you added with a playful wink. “But I also like Jazz and Blues artists and songs.”
“You seem to be up to date with what is going on in the music industry then !! Do you have a favourite (Y/N) ??” asked a fully engaged in the conversation Brian.
“To be honest, yes, I do. And it is the truth… Queen. You guys are my favourite band.” you replied without colouring your voice, just telling the sincere truth. Nevertheless, that simple comment made Brian’s cheeks turn crimson red, and him both extremely happy and terribly shy at the same time, not able to utter another word.
A few moments passed by with Brian fiddling around, wondering what he should say, but you started laughing erratically so he just stared at you confused and now wondering whether you had been playing a game all along.
“Oh Brian…” you managed, but you continued laughing, not able to speak.
This time, however, Brian managed to regain his composure and you had to, too.
“(Y/N), I don’t like people playing with me… I liked you and I wanted to get to know you, but I won’t keep this up if this is a joke.” Brian stated with that authoritian voice only he could manage, quite angry this time, and you knew you had to calm him down again and set the record straight.
“I can imagine, and I am sorry I started laughing, I just found hilarious the fact that you couldn’t believe your band is someone’s favourite. I am not playing with you, in fact I hate being played on so I would never do that. On the contrary, I believe I must confess something…” you added, hesitation audible in your voice.
“I am listening (Y/N) !!” Now Brian was very interested in what you had to say, still very careful though and even if you wanted to, you couldn’t get away with not telling him.
However, before you could continue, Katie appeared out of the blue and exclaimed “(Y/N) !!! Here you are at last !! It’s been more than an hour since you left us and we were worried. Hi Brian, I’m Katie, (Y/N)’s friend.” she introduced herself.
Before you could respond and although Brian was a little taken aback by Katie’s sudden invasion he replied with that oh so calm and polite attitude and voice of his, nothing to remind you of the way he was previously using when he spoke to you, a way that made you feel somewhat guilty, a little like a small child being scolded at. “Nice to meet you Katie !! Your whole group of friends seems to know me. Do you need (Y/N) ??”
Katie dismissed the offer with a wave of her hand but also said “No, we were just wondering what happened to her. And of course we know you. Like she ever shuts up about Queen !!” she added an eye-roll to emphasize. “Okay, so I’m going back to Penelope and Anna. Later guys !!” and with that she left.
Meanwhile, your face couldn’t have been redder with shame, you wouldn’t dare look Brian in the eyes and wished the earth would open then and there so you could vanish for ever.
Brian was really amused with this turn of the tables. He was also convinced you weren’t lying or playing with him, and that relaxed him and made him happier. Now he had the upper hand, and since you wouldn’t dare to speak yet, he started a little monologue.
“Okay, (Y/N)…” he started, and your eyes, without you being able to control them, like they were experiencing some sort of strange gravity, fixated on Brian’s brown ones. “You have to thank Katie, because now I believe you really like Queen and the only reason you were laughing was because you did found funny my reaction, and not because you were playing with me.” The only thing you managed, was a sigh of relief. “Still, this feels insincere. I feel like every reaction of yours is well thought out and perfectly calculated. I must admit I felt something for you when I saw you dancing to Now I’m Here that is why I tried to get to know you but it feels like a trap. I want to hear what you have to say about this, but please tell me the truth. Not just a part of it, all of it.” He clarified, and now you had to defend yourself and be honest or you could lose him. This put a great burden on you and you were close to crying, still you had to be strong.
You both looked into each other’s eyes as you spoke, and Brian noticed you were on the verge of tears, without saying a word about it nevertheless.
You took a deep dreath and started telling Brian your side of the story. Your voice was a whisper, barely audible. “In that case I have to start from the beginning of my story. Moreover, I want to thank you for allowing me to tell you everything before you make up your mind…. Well, I listened to your first album, Queen, and I was amazed. The sound was so originally, different than what I had ever heard before and your songs spoke to my soul. So, I wanted to see you live. I once came to a gig of yours and you, Brian, caught my attention. I kept an eye and an ear on your work ever since, and I’ve been to a couple of your shows as well. I was thinking about you day in, day out. I fell in love with you, in fact, I still am. As for today, I didn’t know you would be here. We just chose this club for the night. As we entered, I saw you were here. When Now I’m Here played, I did what I would have done even if you weren’t present, but I also saw it as my chance to catch your attention. And, boy, I did, apparently. When I went out, I just needed some fresh air, I hadn’t noticed you followed me, but I was happy you did. I do know a lot of things about you, yes, and I guess that was what made it insincere, but Brian I am infatuated.” You finished that off and a tear you had been holding for too long fell out of your eye. You were anticipating the reply, you were really nervous, afraid it wouldn’t be what you wanted to hear. Every second passing, felt like an hour. You didn’t even dare look at Brian anymore, you had just put your head down, hoping for an answer.
Brian was processing what you had told him for a couple of minutes. When he finally came up with what he thought was an appropriate response, he spoke these exact words.
“(Y/N), look at me. There’s no reason to be like this now. No matter what I am gonna say, you said everything, so the matter isn’t in your hands anymore.” In the hearing of those words, you looked the guitarist straight in the eyes again. His words were soothing, even though this could mean that he would reject you. “I want to believe what you just said, is true. And I do, I believe you, because I had noticed you all three times you came to our gigs, even though you always stayed in the shadows, you always sang along, knew every word to every song and you did caught my attention back there, so I knew some things about you, too. I just didn’t know your name or anything else, really. I want to get to know you better, but since we are both equally attracted to each other, would you like to be my girlfriend (Y/N) ??” he did speak some words you had fantasized of hearing, but never thought you actually would.
A stream of tears ran down your face, when all the tension that had built-up during this short time-span vanished. “Oh my, of course I do Brian !! Yesss !!” you exclaimed happily.
You fell into his warm embrace, and the both of you stayed like that for some minutes. Brian carefully dried your tears, in order to save your make-up.
Brian was the one that finally broke apart that embrace, and suggested you went to meet his bandmates. John, Roger and Freddie. You agreed withought a second thought, it was your favourite band after all, and added you should go to your friends as well. So you headed to them first.
You made your way through the crowd hand in hand. You had to admit it was less crowded now, but it was half past three already.
“Brian !! Do you know what time is it ?? We have been talking for so long we didn’t notice the time that passed. It is half past three already !!” you repeated, this time out loud, since you couldn’t quite believe it. You finally found Anna, Penelope and Katie chatting without stopping, even for a breath.
“GIRLS!!!” you shouted in order to be heard. All three turned around to face you and were genuinely surprised to find you side by side and holding hands with Brian, even though they knew you had longed him for over a year now, and Katie had seen you talking some time ago.
Penelope was the first one to overcome the shock so, she spoke first “Guys, (Y/N), Brian tell me you are together now !!”
“Yes Penelope, we are. Can you believe it ??” You confirmed her suspicion, still trying to process the fact yourself yourself. “Oh and Brian, this is Penelope, and that is Anna. You already met Katie.”
“Nice to meet you girls” he said, flashing them a smile. “Shall we go the boys now ??”
“Fred, Rog, Deaky, what did I miss ??” Brian asked when you had found them.
“Ah, nothing special, dear. Just some hook-ups” he added, flashing a naughty wink, and although Roger didn’t seem to care at all, John blushed heavily. “How about you Bri ?? You’ve been missing for hours. I was just starting to worry and I would come searching for you, unless another hook-up occurred…” Brian rolled his eyes at that somewhat inappropriate comment of Freddie’s, and Roger chuckled.
Meanwhile you just stood there, by Brian’s side, smiling. You were a bit taken aback, meeting your favourite band in person, while being in a relationship with one of its members was surreal.
Before Brian could introduce you, Roger jumped up from where he was sat and introduced himself. “Hi, I’m Roger. So, who are you pretty girl ?? You were the one dancing to Now I’m Here, weren’t you ??”
The band was even more quick to respond to each other, before you could even utter a word. “Rog dear, you are right, she was the one.” Freddie added before he turned to face you, “Darling you have amazing moves, rhythm, you were completely in synch with Rogιe’s drumming and, I must add, a great taste in music !!”
This time it was Brian who spoke up “Fred, I don’t know about that last comment about the great taste in music. Her favourite band is ours !!” He teased the arrogant frontman. “And, well, this is (Y/N), my girlfriend !! Do you remember I had told you that in three of our gigs there was a girl that remained in the shadows but shone even from there ?? This was her !!” There were some exclamations from the guys, but this time all of them fell silent for you to talk.
“I am standing in front of my favourite band, okay, so…. All of you seem to know about me, too, Brian !!” you teased your new boyfriend, poking his side. “Well, Freddie thanks for the compliments, and, I must say, I have a soft spot for the drums, so it was unthinkable of me to not be in synch with them. Nice to finally meet you Freddie, Roger and John.” You left the boys behind too.
“Bri ?? Shall we dance ??” you suggested.
Brian seemed hesitant “I am not a really good dancer (Y/N)…” the guitarist replied, biting his lip.
“Ah, Brian !!!” you pouted. “Look around you… Nobody is going to judge you or really care about your abilities !! You should be dancing for fun, this isn’t a competition.” you smiled sweetly.
“In that case, let’s go dance !!” Brian seemed more happy and relieved now.
You two headed to the dancefloor. Now the DJ had slowed the pace, playing more romantinc songs. You started moving around slowly, embracing each other, while Something, the quiet Beatle’s song played. You stayed like that till the end of that song and then broke apart that embrace but continued dancing, facing each other to Touch Me by the Dooors
When you stopped dancing you decided you would like to return to Brian's home so before you broke apart you decided you would meet outside the club. Then you separated ways and the guitarist headed to his band while you went to your group of friends to grab your purse and coat. Before you headed out, you gave your girl friends some insight of your conversation with Brian, and then headed out to meet him again.
The two of you left the club, leaving behind your friends. You were walking the, usually crowded and noisy, but now so quiet and calm, streets of London. It was so peaceful, the festive atmosphere made your walk back to the curly guitarist’s home, so romantic. Brian had his hand draped around your back and resting on your shoulder. You were chatting, informing each other about your lives, everything you could think of. The stars were shining brighter than you had ever seen them shine. Both of you were blissful, just enjoying the moments, taking in as much as you could.
After walking for about 20 minutes, you tuned right once more and got in the second house of that block. It was a small but beautiful little house, with a garden. Brian fumbled with the keys and the lock, and once he managed to open the door he let you in. After he closed the door, he leant in and kissed you. It was a quick, sloppy kiss, but it was your first one.
First thing you did when in the house was preparing some tea, then you sat on the sofa draped in a blanket each, chatting, laughing, getting to know each other. When it finally dawned you were tired but very happy.
You got up, still draped in your blankets and headed to Brian’s bedroom, closed the curtains, discarded the blankets and your clothes. Brian whispered in your ear “You’ve been starring in my dreams...” You and Brian fell on the bed, but no matter how tired you were, sleeping isn't what you were planning on doing...
I hope this didn’t have any spelling or grammatical errors, but I’m sure it has. Anyway...
Well, this is my first Queen fanfiction, I really hope you liked it, please tell me what you thought of it with an anon, private message, comment, even with a like. I don’t care whether it is bad or good, I wanna know.
Special thanks to @prettyxlittlexwriter for proofreading for me.
You can reblog if you want, I would appreciate it more than you could think... So, if you feel like reblogging don’t hesitate. Much love...
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thefattublog · 3 years
Our Covid Experience
Despite taking all precautions, not going outside for food/leisure, not meeting parents for more than 15 months, skipping important family functions or celebrating few functions without family, all of us (my whole family) tested covid positive while sitting at home.
We believe it started with Dad coughing, and then Bua (my aunt, father’s sister) and Wife coughing on 25th April, 2021. We isolated ourselves and got a home test scheduled for 27th April, 2021 for everyone. Bua and Wife tested positive whilst all other negative. Dad’s cough lasted for a day or two. I decided to stay back to take care and also I expected to test positive in a day or two because sleeping with wife. All other left for sister’s house (Papa, G ja G [brother in law], nephew [3 Year Old], sister) and to think about it, few days back I was getting ready to book vaccine appointments for rest of us
However, before Bua and Wife started coughing (showing symptoms), one day I felt extreme weakness suddenly to the point I was not able to move but next day I was perfectly fine. This weakness could have been my first symptom or first symptom in the house. On 28th April, 2021, I too started having sore throat and next day fever. Others who had left also started showing symptoms. On 1st May, 2021 my sample was taken again for RT-PCR and tested positive. On 3rd May, 2021, everyone else tested positive too.
My symptoms were: Extreme and Sudden Weakness three or four days before cough and fever and then fine next day, Extreme Dryness in the mouth, burning eyes (could be pollution of Delhi NCR), rotten aftertaste in mouth, loss of smell, taste, cough, fever, body pain, headaches, weakness.
Most of the time when thermometer showed fever, we did not feel feverish, which caused us to believe our thermometers were at fault, so we ordered more and they all showed the same reading. So, you might have fever but might not feel it at all.
Nephew was not tested for Covid but he did have fever and cough around the same time when we had, so we assumed that he also had Covid and fought it.
We sort of were preparing for this because most of our relatives were affected while sitting at home, and people in the apartment were being diagnosed positive in huge numbers around us. Also we had most of the medicines at home due to one reason or the another. When wife and Bua consulted doctor, all of us started with medications as well immediately.
After this we did few things:
Opened all doors and windows in the house to keep it well ventilated. Only netted doors and windows were closed.
Kept a bowl of water in every room to make the environment humid. Don’t know if it helps or not or placebo effect, but it did seem to help us. The bowl would be half of its original quantity by EOD. Also, used to just fill the vaporizer for steam and let it run for sometime.
We started noting down our respective SpO2 levels and body temperature every 3-4 hours.
If AC had to be used, it was at 28c and doors and windows were still kept open.
We minimized our work to bare minimum. Weakness was hitting us all badly. Food was mostly ordered in.
As with illness, we weren’t hungry most of the time, but we needed energy too, so we ordered sweets for ourselves which we liked.
Things you should have at home now and the brands I trust:
Brands: Rossmax, Dr Trust, BPL
Atleast one Oximeter
Nebulizer with separate mask for each user. Extra masks are good.
Digital Thermometer. We had separate thermometer for everyone. Infrared thermometers are mostly inaccurate, avoid.
Plenty of N95 and Surgical masks
[UPDATE BELOW, REFER TO EDIT 7] As of now, we have almost recovered. Everyday we tend to feel better than yesterday. Nephew, Papa and Bua were first ones to recover. Wife and G Ja G’s cough lingered on for quite long. G ja G still has extreme weakness. I have reduced sense of smell, can’t taste salt, mouth feels rotten always, have weakness and occasional headaches. None of us has fever now. Blood reports were mostly normal for us. Blood tests done: CBC, CRP, D-Dimer and Serum Ferritin. On 10th May, 2021, Sister, G Ja G, Nephew, and Papa came back to Indirapuram.
We got infected sitting at home. Literally, no-one was allowed to leave house except me and G ja G. We used to double mask, wear face shield and literally bath in sanitizer when out. Still we got it but we were lucky in the sense that none of us was affected enough that we had to go to hospital for treatment. Be careful. If anything which is not normal to your body, treat it as symptom and get tested. I am not mentioning the medicines that were prescribed to us, though, just a suggestion to check with your doctor if you do have symptoms (don’t wait for the positive RT -PCR report) and whether if you should take Paracetamol or Dolo for a fever of less than 100. Latest definition of fever is body temperature >= 100.3.
As for people who are still doubtful or apprehensive about the vaccine, here are 6 cases in which vaccines saved my family, all of whom are 60+, from having serious symptoms :
Papa: Heart patient, operated, least affected. Fully vaccinated. Covid +ve in early second week after 2nd dose. Covishield
Bua: Diabetic, mildly symptomatic, high d dimer, recovered the fastest. Fully vaccinated. Covid +ve in early second week after 2nd dose. Covishield
My Another Aunt (Chachi): Extremely asthmatic, mild symptoms, recovered quickly. One dose. Covishield
Grandmother: probably 90 years old, asymptomatic. One dose. Covaxin
Mummy (in law): Probably remained asymptomatic, tested negative twice. Was in close contact (multiple times) with someone who was severely affected due to Covid to take the same person to hospital. Fully Vaccinated. Covishield.
Papa (in law): Cough and Fever, fully vaccinated. Covishield.
Vaccines prevented them from getting seriously impacted. Please take the vaccine as and when it is available. It prevents people from going into ICU.
[EDIT 1 – 19/05/2021] In-Laws started showing symptoms few days back. Struggling to get blood tests done because no1 is willing to come for home collection.
[EDIT 2 – 22/05/2021] G Ja G and Wife had their Kidney Function Test and Blood Sugar tests done today owing to the steroids that were prescribed to them. Results of both tests for both came out normal.
[EDIT 3 – 23/05/2021] Wife left for her hometown for in-laws house, finally, after trains that were booked were canceled, preferred flight was getting canceled for 4 days, so avoided, booked flight got rescheduled. Despite having previous day negative RT-PCR report, wife was stamped for Home Quarantine of 7 days. Mummy (in law) tested negative, papa (in law) is positive. Both of them are fully vaccinated (Covishield, more than 2 weeks since second dose). None of them have fever. Papa has cough, X-ray was fine. Meanwhile, in Indirapuram, we all have tested negative in latest RT-PCR test.
[EDIT 4 – 24/05/2021] Papa (in law) had slight fever 101 (max), hovered around 99 most of the time.
[EDIT 5 – 25/05/2021] Getting the in-laws tested was a task in itself. No-one was ready to come for home collection. Had booked LFT, KFT, Fasting Sugar, Urinalysis, D-Dimer, CBC, CRP and Serum Ferritin for Papa (in law) and CRP, CBC, Serum Ferritin and D-Dimer for Mummy (in law). Finally, one guy agreed if we paid little extra, which we did and blood sample was taken for both at 11:30 AM instead of scheduled 06:30 AM. Blood tests finally done for both were CRP, CBC, Serum Ferritin and D-Dimer.
[EDIT 6 – 26/05/2021] One set of reports came and they are so so, could have been better. CRP was in normal range for both but CBC could have been better for both. For D Dimer and Serum Ferritin, we will have to wait another day (as per the guy who came for home collection).
[EDIT 7 – 27/05/2021] Indirapuram: I still can’t taste salt, slightly heavy voice, headaches and mouth feels rotten though it has reduced. G Ja G and wife no longer have cough even though it lingered on for quite sometime. Weakness (of varying degrees) is a symptom common to all. For me, the weakness that hits post covid after doing some heavy duty work is something else. It literally makes me drowsy, the kind you cant even keep your eyes open but also cant sleep. Just lie down and wait for it to pass.
[EDIT 8 – 28/05/2021] Papa (in law) has slight cough and no fever for 3rd day without Paracetamol/Dolo. Weakness will remain. Mom (in law) remains asymptomatic. Also, today is 11th day since he started showing symptoms, so he is essentially free of virus now. D-Dimer and Serum Ferritin reports are delayed because sample is sent to Kolkata from Jameshedpur and that was delayed due to Cyclone Yaas.
[EDIT 9 – 29/05/2021] D-Dimer and Serum Ferritin reports came for both (on 5th Day since giving blood sample) and all seem to be fine. Today is Papa’s (in law) 12th day since symptoms came and 4th Day without fever and Paracetemol/Dolo.
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higuchimon · 6 years
[fanfic] Where I Tell You:  Chapter 1
Yuuri hated molting season. Or in his case, shedding season. Whatever one called it when the wings on a Flyer needed extra care, either because of new feathers or new scales. Regardless of the materials one’s wings consisted of, one point remained the same: the season meant that his wings itched.
Gritting his teeth, he tried to reach to one particular place on the upper part of his left wing, where an especially intense itch itched. His fingertips skated over that spot without being able to dig in and get to it, but just enough so he could feel the scales there and how loose they were. Old scales and new scales itched in much the same way, the only difference being old scales stopped itching once they were removed and new scales didn’t itch once they’d settled in.
He tried again, bending his torso one way and his wings another, stretching his fingers until he brushed by the trouble spot once more. There! Perfect! Finally!
Then his wing twitched and that spot moved just out of reach and Yuuri only restrained himself from some of the more colorful aspects of his vocabulary by sheer force of will.
I need help.
Those three words annoyed him almost more than anything else he could have considered. The only point that would have irked him more was the thought of losing a duel. At least that wasn’t going to happen. Dealing with shedding itch happened right now.
In theory, he could have grabbed anyone he wanted in order to relieve the itch on his wings. There wasn’t anyone at Academia who would have dared to turn him down. If anyone had any idea that he needed help, then quite a few would volunteer.
>They’d probably beg me not to card them if they ‘helped’. Yuuri’s lip turned up at that. As if simply relieving an itch was good enough for that.
But that did help figure out what he needed in someone. If he were going to get help – hateful as the thought was – then he needed someone who met some very specific qualifications. Whoever this assistant was needed to possess fingers. That was step one. After that, they needed some kind of intelligence, enough to know that being spared a carding if they got on his bad side wasn’t an option.
The first one opened up all of Academia to his consideration. The second one eliminated nearly everyone else.
So he needed more criteria. It really wasn’t too difficult to come up with some, once he bent his mind to the task. Someone who could amuse him. He refused to not be amused during this. There were a few people who met this criteria, but he couldn’t think of anyone in particular off the top of his head.
Flyer or not? Either side had good reasoning behind it. A Flyer would understand the issues of shedding season and wing-itch. But that also meant that they would want their itches relieved. Yuuri had no reasons to scratch someone else’s wings, even if he got something out of it himself.
He would if he had to, but he decided a non-Flier would probably work better, at least for now. Which did eliminate a few more people. None of the Fliers at Academia appealed to him. Phoenix might be useful, but Yuuri decided that he would be an absolute last resort.
So now one of the non-Fliers who fit all the other criteria: someone who could amuse him and who wouldn’t try to insist that he not be carded. There were only a handful of those and of the ones Yuuri knew, he couldn’t pin any of them immediately as suitable to his needs.
If only the dimensional transport were ready. That would open up three new dimensions, at a minimum, for his choices. Standard, Synchro, and XYZ offered options and with that much more to pick from, there would have to be someone. Rumor had it there might even be more dimensions than just the four taught about. No one had yet officially discovered them, to Yuuri’s knowledge, but if they were out there and he absolutely needed to, then he would find someone from there to suit his purposes.
But as tempting as such a prospect was, the technology to freely go between dimensions – promised to them by the Professor for longer than Yuuri had known him – wasn’t yet workable. Not on the large scale they needed for the invasion and not quite yet on the small scale that Yuuri would need for this. So for all intents and purposes, he had to pick from the offerings here at school.
He threw himself to his feet, arching his back and spreading his wings, hissing as another itch sparked up. This was getting worse, so like it or not, he needed a wingscratcher, and he needed one now.
Footsteps brisk and quick, he headed out of his quarters and down the hall, checking everyone he passed for any signs that they were the sort of person that he wanted. Virtually everyone he saw he dismissed at once for one reason or another. Either they didn’t meet his already decided upon criteria or he just didn’t like them.
Granted, he didn’t think he’d ever met someone that he did like who wasn’t the Professor, and that was far more in the realm of respect than anything else. How could he not respect someone who offered him the chance to experience some of the more amazing duels of his life and card any of the losers? To unleash every destructive impulse he’d ever had in his entire life on three different dimensions?
Who’d even promised him that if he ever met someone that he wanted for his own plaything, that he could have them without question?
Other people missed their parents. Yuuri couldn’t remember if he’d ever had a parent, though he vaguely presumed that he might have. The Professor offered everything to him, so he would give everything that he had back. Within reason, of course.
In the midst of such pleasant thoughts, a ripple of laughter caught Yuuri’s attention, and he turned that way from a flicker of curiosity. Most laughter that wasn’t his own annoyed him, but something about this sound made him want to investigate more.
A few quick steps brought him to the end of the hallway. The laugh came from outside, through an archway that led to one of the inner squares of grass – not large enough for a meadow, too large for almost anything else. A few people gathered out there, circling around someone that Yuuri couldn’t see at the moment.
“Do it again, Dennis, do it again!”
To Be Continued
Notes: I might have plans for Shun in this world… maybe…
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pyrewriter · 4 years
The Price (part 1)
Nalma was concerned for the mental state of her friend, she was tentative "A-Adrien...".
"I'm fine Nalma, this isn't the first time I've seen what Cataclysm can do to a human being nor is this the worst thing I've done...heh apparently" his voice was jaded, drained almost.
"What do you mean, Kid?" Plagg asked, he wasn't concerned like Nalma but at Adrien's words he became suspicious of what the Council's involvement had done.
Adrien chuckled then looked up, rocking back and forth slowly to an unheard rhythm "Phantom memories swirl all around giving hints but never revealing that I should not know". He turned his gaze toward Plagg, "I don't understand how Kwami magic works and I have no intention of trying to but it's nice to know that even it has flaws".
Xylon who had been silent chimed in at the mention of phantom memories "Adrien, what are you talking about? I know something like this isn't easy but you're acting strange".
"Hmm? Oh, sorry about that I was blabbering huh" Adrien replied waving off the whole situation. He started humming a tune "Little Kitty on a roof, all alone without his lady" he mumbled under his breath, rocking to the new rhythm. It had only been a little while since the new year had begun and he could already hear the sirens of police, ambulances, and fire trucks. He knew where they were all headed, it wasn't hard to figure out but he couldn't help but wonder what his friends would think of him now or where he was going to sleep. Those thoughts were pushed aside for now as Adrien just wanted to feel the cold air on his face.
Meanwhile Marinette and Chloe' were holding each other close as they sat on the couch trying to process what they had just witnessed. Downstairs Tom and Sabine were talking with the emergency responders that had been called by concerned neighbors from adjacent buildings. "We got reports from scared neighbors calling in about 'a loud crashing sound' followed by 'the sound of church bells' do you folks know what happened?" an officer asked. 
"No, we woke up to the same thing as everyone else" Tom explained.
"We didn't know what was going on, the building just shook suddenly and then we heard something before the shouting" Sabine added. 
The officer wrote down their accounts, looking to Sabine he asked "Were you able to make out anything that you heard before the shouting?" she frowned and shook her head. "I see, well thank you for your cooperation, is there anybody else in the building that might have seen anything?".
Tom and Sabine looked at each other then back to the officer "Our daughter and her friend were in the room that is now half buried in rubble" Tom replied.
"May I speak with them or do they need some time?".         
"You're welcome to ask if they saw anything but they seem very shaken by the whole event" Tom told the officer pointing over his shoulder to the door that led to the living room. The officer went up to the living room to talk with the girls to ask about what they might have seen. Marinette and Chloe' did their best to explain that the damage caused and sounds were from an Akuma attack that Chat Noir evidently handled on his own.
The Officer decided that he had enough witness accounts to sufficiently fill out his report but one thing still seemed off to him. "Do you mind if I go take a look at your room, Ma'am?" he asked addressing Marinette. She nodded in response to give him permission to take a look at the destruction from the apparent fight that occurred not two hours ago. Once in the room he was able to get a better view of the destruction and clearer picture of why so many calls came in. On a roof across the street the Officer saw something ,a figure stuck in position, it was hard to make out anything more than a silhouette, he called it in. 
Outside the Fire crew got a call to check out the tops of the building across from where the caved in roof, "Why are we looking on roofs across from the damaged building?" one asked. 
"Apparently there was an Akuma that Chat handled and someone sees something on a nearby roof from the third story" another replied. At the mention of Chat a handful of officers and one of the truck crews immediately set to work on clearing an area for the truck and getting to the roof. On the roof it wasn't hard to see what the officer in the damaged building saw, upon closer inspection it was clear that it was a person or at least what was left. The crew called in what they found before climbing down to wait for clean up, they didn’t dare to disturb the remains.
Adrien was far, far away from the area now, almost at the waterfront where 3-W and himself sat and talked in fact. It was morning now and the sun had risen and he had yet to patrol the city but after what just happened he doubted that even Hawkmoth was dumb enough to try anything. Without patrol there wasn’t much for him to do and he didn't think he could face Ladybug at the moment so he kept walking toward the waterfront to pick out a nice bench to sleep on. "No point in trying to hide or deny the fact of the matter, her death is on my hands and by the time I wake up it'll probably be all over the news" he thought. Flopping onto a bench he let Belial get settled on his chest as he lit an I.C and closed his eyes to drift to sleep. 
Unfortunately Adrien's assumption that the news would be all over what had happened ,as it always seemed to be, was more than correct. It was just like when he refused to help look for himself and changed his outfit, theorisation, speculation, and accusation was rampant across both the news and the web. Reporters swarmed to the Square for a chance to see the Black Cat responsible for leaving the remains of what was clearly his work on a rooftop near the School. The actions of Chat Noir were clear ,not even the Cheshire denied it, but again there was much more to the picture that most weren't seeing or simply refused to acknowledge. 
Again however they were all turned away at the Square's borders. "Why are you still choosing to protect someone who clearly took a life?", "Are you aware of what Chat Noir has done?", "Do you still believe that Chat is here to protect us?". The reporters and interviewers bombarded those wearing masks and blocking their entry to the square with questions but they were only met with cold vexed glares. Eventually the crowd left to try and find easier people to interview for their new reports and blogs, they spread across the city like ants swarming. 
Most Parisians were unphased or didn't care when asked about or informed of Chat’s actions, many simply replied “I was wondering if that would happen” or “Hmm, probably deserved it”. 
It seemed that the media was almost exclusively interested in anything related. The most prevalent sign that anyone cared in the slightest was from Cheshire outside of the Square. Everywhere hooded or plainly dressed citizens wore masks with toothy grins painted across them even many officers were seen wearing such masks. All those who took part in the act went out of their way to ignore or outright avoid media, carrying on with their days as though they weren't there. The silent support for Chat and simultaneous prevention of local media inflating the situation came as a surprise to those watching the or reading news. 
"Hmm the City is rather quiet, that was unexpected" Adrien thought aloud, moving Belial from his chest he sat up giving himself a few light slaps on the face to wake up fully. Petting his furry friend and making sure Plagg was still in his pocket he whistled and Belial hopped to his shoulder. Making his way up to the street from the waterfront he was surprised when he saw dozens of people ,no, dozens of Cheshire baring their teeth. Approaching one of them he asked what was going on "Why do you bare your teeth when there is nothing to bare them toward?".
"Chat Noir I presume" the Cheshire gave a salute placing her hand over her heart and bowing her head slightly "Reporters are swarming since news of what you did got out. We know there's more to the story, the Square's still safe if you need, we've been doing our best to keep anyone from blowing this out of proportion". 
Adrien nodded to the woman "Thank you" he said then ,after a moment, added "-for trusting me and being patient" he told her.
She pulled down her mask to give him a smile "It's what I became Cheshire for, knowing there's more to your actions than there appears is part of that. The Cheshire have helped me and countless others, this is only a token of thanks".He nodded and thanked her again before moving on. 
"So Kid, what are you gonna do now?" Plagg whispered from the pocket he was hiding in.
"The only thing that will get things back to the relative normal that we were all used to, make a statement" Adrien replied without breaking a step or looking down. He was going straight to the TVi studio to do two things, get pressure off the Cheshire and set the truth of what happened on New Years night. There was nothing to hide but there was a record to set straight and thanks to the Cheshire's efforts to keep hysteria to a minimum it wouldn't be nearly as hard. 
At the same time back at Marinette's house Chloe' on the phone with her father trying to get him to calm down as he was extremely scared and concerned for his daughters safety. "I'm fine Daddy, I'm just a little shaken up" she assured him but he was still unconvinced. 
"Please Darling, I know you like staying at your friends house and she's wonderful but please I don't want you to get caught up in this" Mister Bourgeois pleaded. 
Chloe' sighed "I'll think about it for now but I have to go, I don't want to deal with this right now".
Mister Bourgeois became audibly relieved "Thank you Sweety, I'll send a driver to come pick you up when you decide to come home, don't want you getting caught by those reporters".
Before Chloe' could tell her father that there was no guarantee that she would go back to the hotel he hung up. "Well I guess that's the best I can do considering all the politics that are about to come crashing down" she said with a huff before returning to Marinette's side. "Are you going to be ok, Mari?" Chloe' asked holding her close.
"Yeah I'll be fine, I just want to know what all that was about, it's not like Chat to be so drastic...or cold. That wasn't the Chat we both know I'm sure of it" Marinette murmured. The image of Chat standing over Lila illuminated by the fireworks was burned into her eyes, his words echoed off the walls of her mind. "What do you think he meant by 'Council' and everything he said?" she asked in a clearer, louder voice. Chloe' only shrugged but she didn't expect her to know but Tikki ,who she knew was listening, remained silent. 
Tom and Sabine overheard the question which got them thinking about what they were going to do now that Marinette's room was destroyed. "I know she can sleep on the couch but you know how she gets" Tom whispered not wanting to be heard by his daughter.
"I agree, it would be best if she didn't stay here" Sabine concurred ”Plus she and Chloe' have been working so hard. Let's give them some time off so they can be together" she added. The two of them tentatively approached the couple "Mari, we think it might be best if you stay with Chloe' while your room is repaired" Sabine said.
Marinette was hesitant for a moment but her parents were right, she needed a proper bed to sleep in and at the moment she couldn’t think of any bed she would rather be in. "Ok" she said with a heavy sigh then turning to Chloe' asked timidly "Is that going to be a problem?". 
"Not at all, I'll call my father and have him send a driver to come get us" Chloe' stated reassuringly pulling out her phone. Dialing her father’s number she waited for him to answer ,she didn’t have to wait long "Hello, Daddy?".
Mister Bourgeois had been sitting in his office waiting for the phone to ring, "Chloe' dear, is that you, are you coming home, have you come to your senses?” he blathered.
“Yes I'm coming back but I'm bringing someone important to me to stay with me for a while" after a few seconds with no objections from her father she hung up again. Within a few minutes an inconspicuous car parked out front and honked twice, by then the girls had gathered their things and barreled out the door into the car. Moments later the car began driving with the Le Grand Paris as its destination.
It might have looked like a normal car on the outside but on the inside it was clear that no expense was spared, real leather seats, suede flooring, driver separate from the rest of the car. There was even a television that had surround sound in the passenger cabin. Chloe' groaned and mumbled under her breath about how her father always spent as much as he could on the most luxurious option for everything. "He still spoils me beyond reason even though I ask him not to every time he does" she grumbled.
"I think he just wants you to be happy and safe, so much has happened it's hard to believe we haven't even been out of school for a year" Marinette said. 
Chloe' sighed and nuzzled Marinette confiding in her "I know, I'm just glad that through it all we managed to find some positive". 
"So am I" Marinette cooed in Chloe's ear before kissing her on the head. The two of them pulled themselves close in an embrace, enjoying each other's presence while they were escorted to Chloe's penthouse. However they were suddenly interrupted when the car suddenly stopped jolting the couple forward and to the floor. "What happened?".
"There's media swarming in front of the car but they don't seem interested in us, they're going somewhere though". Confused and annoyed Chloe' grabbed the remote and turned on the small Tv to the news, the screen flashed to a shaky shot running down the street.
Adrien had walked to TVi studios and told all the Cheshire on the block to clear leave and spread rumors about "The figure on TVi's doorstep". The rumor spread like wildfire as the streets slowly emptied until he was standing alone. When the first camera arrived and approached him ,the crew looking confused, he transformed in front of them and waited for the rest to take the bait. Within the hour he was surrounded by cameras and crews all pointing cameras in his face trying to ask questions as he stood unmoving like a statue. Even if he wanted to answer their questions it all ran together into an indecipherable buzz that filled his ears. 
When he was certain as many cameras as he could get were on him slowly, deliberately he reached for his staff extending it. The movement silenced the swarm, gently he placed one end on the ground before further extending it. Letting go of the staff he let it balance of its own accord then leaped into the air landing atop his staff high above the crowd, standing tall so all could see and hear him. Looking down at the cameras he spoke firmly but his tone was not cold nor was it intimidating. 
"I will not deny what I've done and I alone take responsibility for it, the blood of Lila Rossi is on my hands. She repeatedly and willingly chose to become akumatized to terrorize Paris in attempts to steal mine and Ladybugs power for Hawkmoth. She repeatedly put the lives of everyone in the city at risk for her own and Hawkmoth's gain. It is not my place to speak on the months long investigation, detailed findings and reports will be released soon. My actions were my own and I do not regret them". 
When Chat was done the crowd erupted into the buzz once more prompting him to leap from his staff to a nearby lamp post then to the roofs where he de-transformed. The crowd attempted to follow him but on the rooftops it was impossible for them to track him from the ground. It didn't matter though because everyone ,media and citizens alike, knew where he was going. There was no point in trying to find the Leader of the Cheshire in his home turf and that was assuming you could get into the Square to begin with. Chat had given them all they needed to know with and nothing more just like always.  
Few knew it yet but the paradigm of Paris was shifting in ways that would be recorded in the history of more than Europe. The World knew of Ladybug, Chat Noir and the other Heroes that they would occasionally empower, other countries were content with the situation in France. But as if the norm had not shifted enough since the appearance of Hawkmoth and the Heroes now outside forces would begin to intervene.
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Coming Back for You 4
A/N: no real warnings for this chapter. Big shout out to @jannalionheart, @tas898, and @sherala007 for always being so helpful!!! I appreciate you 3 more than you know! 
Words: 4, 588
Pairings: Gabriel x OFC, Dean x Cas x OFC
Link to previous chapter 3
The next time Rosalie opened her eyes she was back in her bedroom at the bunker. Sitting up quickly in the bed she looked around the room seeing no sign of Gabriel. Had he really beamed her back to the bunker over that argument? It sure looked like it!
Getting out of bed, Rosalie opened the door and walked down the hallway. She stopped in the doorway of the library where Zoe stood with a book in her hand beside Cas while Sam was in front of the computer. Dean had one hand over his face clearly exhausted.
“Son of a bitch! Where did that damn archangel take her!? We should have stabbed him when we had the chance.”
“Would have saved me some heartache.”
All four sets of eyes turned to Rosalie. Zoe tossed the book over her should nearly hitting Sam in the head as she ran over to Rosalie pulling her into a tight hug.
“Rose! We have been so worried!”
Cas walked over awkwardly hugging Rosalie and Zoe while Dean and Sam stood. After a moment Cas backed off but Zoe didn’t let go of Rosalie.
“Uh Zoe you are hurting my face.”
Rosalie choked out. Zoe quickly let go but felt her mouth drop when she realized the condition that Rosalie was in.
“Rose you are human….what the hell did Gabriel do to you? Why?!”
Rosalie shrugged, trying to fight off the tears.
“Because he’s crazy? I don’t know. He was on some kick of knocking me up but we had a fight last night. Apparently we both have closet hated each other for a long time and finally admitted it. I don’t know where the fuck he is…don’t really care either.”
Sam and Dean exchanged a look clearly shocked to hear the venom coming out of Rosalie’s mouth when it came to Gabriel. Cas tilted his head.
“Rosalie, what happened?”
Rosalie sighed.
“We both said things we honestly didn’t mean except this time…I don’t think it will ever be fixed. Gabriel is doing what he thinks is right by working with Raphael and I am not going to beg him to change his mind. Bonded or not….I give up. Excuse me.”
Such a lonely day
And it’s mine
The most loneliest day of my life
Such a lonely day
Should be banned
It’s day that I can’t stand
The most loneliest day of my life
The most loneliest day of my life
Such a lonely day
Shouldn’t exist
It’s day that Ill never miss
Such a lonely day
And it’s mine
The most loneliest day of my life
And if you go, I wanna go with you
And if you die, I wanna die with you
Take your hand and walk away
Almost 5 years later…
Gabriel sat with a magazine on his lap. The morning had been relatively quiet. The key word was had been as Raphael walked into the room looking more smug than normal. He looked at his younger brother with a cold smile. Gabriel’s golden eyes finally rolled up.
“What do you want?”
Gabriel snapped. Raphael laughed coldly.
“So I was out observing some of our lesser kind.”
Gabriel snorted as he turned the page of the magazine.
“Slow morning Rappel?”
Raphael raised an eyebrow. He was positively giddy to let his news come to light. Gabriel’s sarcastic demeanor was about to change.
“I saw Rosalie.”
Gabriel’s golden eyes rolled up at that just as Raphael expected they would. He looked at Raphael for a moment before looking back down to the magazine in his lap.
Raphael chuckled.
“Drop the act Gabriel. You are still so in love with her it is pathetic. She has a child…your child.”
Gabriel’s whole face went stoic as he looked up.
“The hell? And how do you know that?”
Raphael rolled his eyes.
“Drop the act brother. I could sense a half archangel nephilim from a mile away.”
Gabriel meanwhile, was trying to keep his panicking to a minimum. The last thing he wanted was for Raphael to pick up on his true feelings. How the hell did he miss this? Had he been so focused on putting Rosalie out of his life that he missed feelings that she had to be shooting in his direction? Now he had a child that he knew nothing about until his mad man of a brother brought it up.
“Funny you couldn’t find your own child if your life depended on it.”
Gabriel said coldly. Raphael raised an eyebrow.
“I don’t need to know my child. If I found it useful to be a father or beneficial for me to have her in my company it would have happened by now.”
Gabriel muttered a few curse words under his breath. He still felt bad for Natasha. Even knowing that she really was no child. She had kept her age young to appear a child so that she would be less useful to Raphael the poor kid deserved to have both parents. Gabriel felt even worse at that thought. If anyone deserved a hypocrite award a the moment it was him. He secretly hated Raphael for the way he did Natasha yet here Gabriel was doing the same thing to his own child.
“I’m turning into dad.”
Gabriel thought miserably. Raphael was busy watching Gabriel.
“This whole thing…you being on my side…has been one of you tricks hasn’t it? I think I know what has happened. You had been secretly seeing Rosie and I am guessing turned her human to keep her safe but you totally didn’t expect on her being pregnant. Then again I wouldn’t put it past you to intentionally want to knock her up. You thought it would getting one step ahead of me. What happened Gabriel? Clearly you knew nothing about Rosalie’s little condition. If you did there would be no way you would have let her out of your sight. Its pathetic really. Your and Rosalie’s relationship has been a nothing but a big joke in heaven. You slept with anyone that you could have gotten your hands on while your mate waited for you like some pathetic puppy. To beat all you go and leave her for a millions of years then get back together like nothing happened. Rosalie having your child and you bailing is just the icing on the fucked up cake that is your life. Fortunate for all of us Lucifer took pity on poor little Rosalie and gave her the grace that you took back. Its funny Lucifer just could stand the thoughts of your child being without her mother. I would have let her die. I have to say however, I am very interested in that child of yours. My child is useless being only half human and half archangel. Your child however, is going to have angel on both sides regardless of the fact Rosalie was a human when the child was conceived. The child will have more angel than human including your DNA. This could be the weapon that I have been looking for.”
Gabriel wasn’t for sure when he stopped listening to Raphael and blasted his older brother across the room and through a wall.
“You aren’t touching Rosalie or the kid! I mean it Raphael. If you touch a hair on their heads I will bring everything down. I will destroy you worse than I already plan to.”
Raphael pulled himself out of the remains of the hotel wall glowering at his little brother.
“I should have known that you were playing double agent. My suggestion to you is get to your little family and keep them safe because you won’t know when I will show up.”
Raphael vanished without another word leaving Gabriel standing motionless between a state of shock and fear….
Arriving in the bunker some time later Gabriel could only hope that Rose was safe. Being dark or not there was no way he would be able to live with himself if something happened to her. There was also the fact that his child was in existence. His plan of having the ultimate weapon was finally happening but the last thing he wanted at this moment was to use the kid as a weapon. It was wrong…it couldn’t happen. Gabriel sighed as he began to feel like himself….the real Gabriel again.
The library was quiet and looked abandoned. Gabriel looked around praying that everyone wasn’t away on a hunt. Surely Rosalie would have enough sense to not go with the Winchesters on a hunt with a kid. That would be a great way for his child to grow up! No father and going on hunts looking for stuff that scared the crap out of most people!
Before Gabriel could move to start looking around for any sign of life there was a small snap and a ring of holy fire ignited around him. Looking around annoyed that he was trapped, Gabriel looked around. He wanted to see who was being cheeky. His golden eyes finally focused on the shape of a small girl standing beside a table looking very proud of herself. Gabriel was no fool. He knew this was his daughter.
After prowling around through Sam’s mind from a distance, Gabriel had enough information on Rosalie and the child to know that they were safe…for the time being. He needed to get to them before Raphael made a move.
“Hey kid what are you doing? Didn’t anyone tell you not to play with matches?”
The little girl watched his with a smug smirk and batted her golden eyes at him. She didn’t move to say a word. Gabriel sighed.
“Do you talk? Oh wait, let me guess, your mother told you not to talk to strangers?”
His daughter nodded with a grin. Gabriel sighed realizing that he was getting nowhere.
“So what are you going to do kiddo? Keep me here until I die of boredom? Do you know who I am?”
The little girl nodded making her little pigtails bounce.
“You’re the guy stuck in the holy fire.”
Gabriel smiled.
“Great…you have a lovely sense of humor.”
Before Gabriel was able to say anything else a little boy that looked identical to his daughter came running in. Gabriel’s mouth dropped realizing that they were twins. He had twins! Gabriel rubbed his eyes making sure that he was seeing double. They were the perfect mixture of himself and Rosalie.
“Lily you got somebody this time.”
The boy commented looking at Gabriel closely.
“Yeah I did. Pretty good huh?”
Gabriel watched each the two slightly amused.
“So back to the guy in the holy fire…”
The two looked back to Gabriel with matching sets of golden eyes as Dean walked into the room freezing seeing Gabriel froze in the holy fire in addition to the little ones watching him with matching looks of curiosity. The protective side of Dean immediately went into high gear. He had spent the past few years thinking of way to keep the kids safe from their father now here he was.
“Lily did you do this?”
He asked calmly as the two latched onto his legs with happy grins. Lily nodded like nothing had happened.
“Yes I did.”
She said sweetly. Dean smirked looking back to Gabriel. The archangel had crossed his arms over his chest and was looking at Dean like he was ready to smite him.
“Liam, take your sister and go play. Do something that doesn’t involve letting animals loose in the bunker, setting stuff on fire, or trying to flush stuff down the toilet.”
Both children turned to walk our of the room. Liam turned.
“Uncle Dean can we ask Uncle Luci to come play with us?”
Dean shook his head.
“No, he breaks stuff. Go play with Cas he does almost anything you want to do.”
Liam looked at his sister with a shrug.
“Worth a shot. Come on sissy.”
When they were out of the room Dean turned walking in to the kitchen coming back with a fire extinguisher to put out the fire.
“Sorry about that. Lily seems to be turning into a pyromaniac. So are you like crazy….oh wait you were crazy anyway….let me rephrase that are you dark Gabriel or normal Gabriel? I just need to know if I should get ready to stab you or not.”
Gabriel glared at Dean.
“Try and stab me Dean-o see what happens to you.”
Dean shrugged.
“Dean, why are Liam and Lily talking about lighting the bunker on fire to trap a…”
Rosalie walked into the room but froze the moment she saw Gabriel standing in the room giving Dean an icy glare. She froze instantly seeing her ex only feet away. In the years that he had been away (again) Gabriel had barely changed. The only thing different was that he had parted his hair to the side now. Other than that he was Gabriel….her Gabriel. Rosalie wanted to admit instantly that she didn’t feel anything but she couldn’t. Here stood the honey eyed archangel that had haunted her dreams dressed in a leather jacket.
Gabriel looked to her right away. The annoyance he was feeling toward Dean vanished right away. Rosalie stood just feet away looking beautiful as ever and was most certainly an angel again. Her violet eyes were looking at him with upset eyes.
“Hey sugar have something to tell me….maybe two things.”
Dean gently touch Rosalie’s arm.
“Want me to throw him out?”
Gabriel scowled at Dean.
“I would like to see you try big boy. Remember what I have done to you in the past.”
Rosalie held her hand up.
“Dean its fine.”
Dean didn’t looked to convinced.
“Is Raphael with you? If he is then you need to take your ass and go elsewhere.”
Rosalie looked back at Gabriel with wide eyes. If Raphael was in the bunker all hell was about to break loose. Gabriel shook his head.
“I’m not with associating with my brother any longer.”
Dean looked surprised.
“Did you finally wake up and see he was psycho. If you did it has taken you a bit you stupid son of a bitch.”
Gabriel started after Dean but stopped the moment Rosalie stepped in between him and the eldest Winchester.
Rosalie said coldly. She looked to Dean.
“Dean, Gabriel and I need to talk. If I need you I will call you.”
Dean turned with a shrug and walked out muttering about angels having more drama then someone on the episode of The Young and the Restless. Once he was out of the room Rosalie turned back to Gabriel.
“So you woke up and smelled the coffee huh?”
Gabriel frowned.
“I was awake anyway.”
Rosalie sat down on the couch crossing her legs.
“Well that is debatable.”
Gabriel sighed. This conversation was going to go nowhere with them throwing shade at each other.
“So we have twins?”
Rosalie nodded. She was trying to keep all of her emotional hurts with Gabriel in mind so she wouldn’t start feeling smitten all over again.
“Yeah. It sure looks that way.”
Gabriel’s golden eyes focused on her.
“And you didn’t tell me.”
Rosalie stood against this time stepping closer to him with nothing but rage and fury in her eyes.
“Well hell Gabe I wonder why! Something tells me that we just wasn’t that close! Remember you didn’t want a soulmate. You didn’t want me! I was stuck up your ass remember? Goodness forbid if I told you that I was pregnant and you would be stuck all over again.”
Gabriel winced knowing that she was using his words against him.
“Hey you only bonded with me to get me to shut up but I thought that I would at least be told that we were having a baby….oh wait we have 2! Rosalie we both said things that we didn’t mean that night.”
Rosalie raised an eyebrow.
“Then why did you say it? Why did I say it?”
Gabriel looked down. His facial expression was unreadable for a moment until he looked up.
“Why do we say anything when we do we are upset? Rose we both don’t have the best of tempers. You deserve the truth…that night I was upset. I was upset that you were in that bar. I was scared that someone would hurt you. When I found you I just lost my entire sense of reason. I was a douche….a jackass to you for a long time and you didn’t deserve any of it.”
Rosalie nodded.
“I didn’t. Gabriel I could sit here and yell at you for days. Tell you that you should have never played double agent with Raphael and that you didn’t know how to turn the dark off but it won’t do any good. I don’t have the strength or the drive to do it anyway. Our children are my priority and they have no clue who you are. I should have told you that they were born but I don’t trust you. It will take me a long time to trust you. Will we ever be the same as we were before? I don’t know. You have a lot to prove to me.”
Gabriel looked down.
“Are you saying that we still have a chance?”
Rosalie’s violet eyes moved away.
“I can’t tell you anything. I can’t give you any promises. You have a family that needs you. What you do with that is your choice.”
Gabriel looked around the room for any signs of an audience before motioning Rosalie forward. He reached out taking her hand in his stroking his fingers over hers. Neither said anything for a moment just watched their intertwined hands. Internally, Rosalie was swooning over the feeling of his skin on hers. Deep down she never thought that she would feel this again yet here they were. Also she was telling herself not to fall in love again so fast. Gabriel had to redeem himself.
Gabriel, meanwhile kept his eyes focused on Rosalie’s. He had missed those violet eyes more this time around then he had in the millions of years they were apart. The past five years, as much as he wanted to deny it, had been hell for him. Internally, he was calling himself a fool for not going to Rosalie sooner. His quest to take down Raphael seemed almost pointless and meritless now. Everything he had done in the past five years was a waste of time knowing that he had two children who knew nothing of him. He hadn’t been there when Rosalie was pregnant and he wasn’t there when his children were born. If Gabriel had ever called himself a coward he was doing it big time now.
Pulling himself from his thoughts Gabriel allowed his mind to go back to Raphael and the threats that he had made toward Rose and the kids.
“Rosalie, you have to listen to me here, Raphael knows about the kids. Well he thinks there is just one. I don’t think he realizes that there are two. He knows that I was a double agent now. Rosalie I can’t stay away. I can’t let him get close to any of you. I’m not asking you to jump back into bed or a relationship with me but I have to stay close to you. I may not be the perfect husband or father for that matter but I can’t let anything happen to you.”
Rosalie frowned.
“Gabriel, you wanted me to have your child so that you could use him as a weapon against….”
Gabriel held his hand up.
“Forget what I said! I was an idiot. I didn’t really think that plan through. That was before I actually saw our child. Now that I see them….there is no way. I’ll go kill Raphael myself. We are going to keep our kids safe so they don’t have to see the hell that we have. What will it take to get you to believe me?”
Rosalie looked down a moment before feeling brave enough to look into Gabriel’s eyes. She stood on her tiptoes pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Time…give me time.”
Gabriel wrapped his arms around her waist. The feeling of her body being pressed against his was indescribable.
“Anything you need sugar. I just want you and our kids….I just want you three safe. Rosalie nothing I said to you was a lie except what was said in that bar. You can have Cas or Zoe read me. They of all people will tell you the truth.”
Rosalie nodded pulling away from the embrace but kept her hands locked in his.
“Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me!”
The sound of Zoe’s voice made Gabriel and Rosalie snap apart. Zoe stood in the doorway watching the two with wide horrified eyes. She walked into the room glaring at Gabriel.
“What the fuck are you doing back here? Why are you touching her?! Rose don’t!”
Gabriel raised an eyebrow before turning back to Zoe.
“Surprise bitch. I bet you thought you’d seen the last of me.”
Zoe frowned coldly.
“You are like a bad STD that won’t go away.”
Gabriel laughed at that. As much as Zoe tried to bother him she was failing miserably. He didn’t expect a warm welcome from her by any means. In fact he was expecting her to be cold. Sure enough he was right on the money when it came to Zoe’s attitude.  
“That’s clever. Did you come up with that yourself?”
Zoe reminded Gabriel of a volcano that was about to explode. Rosalie meanwhile, held a hand up.
“Don’t start you two. The kids can hear you and I don’t want them to see nonstop fighting. They fight like cats and dogs anyway and don’t need inspiration.”
Gabriel and Zoe looked at each other both nodding. Rosalie looked pleased that they both seemed to agree the kids didn’t need any exposure to more drama than necessary.  Zoe muttered,
“I’ll behave if he does.”
She turned and walked into another room without another word. Rosalie turned to Gabriel.
“Come on. Lets go find our kids.”
Gabriel didn’t need to be told twice before following Rosalie into the living room where Liam and Lily sat playing Call of Duty with Sam and Dean. Neither of the children looked up when Gabriel and Rosalie walked into the room. Their golden eyes were focused on the screen in front of them. Liam and Lily were busy whispering to each other so Sam and Dean couldn’t hear.
After a moment the Dean jumped up looking rather proud of himself.
“Yes I finally won! I just beat all of you!”
Liam and Lily exchanged a small smirk before looking to Sam who was shaking his head too. Dean looked at his company with a confused expression.
“What? Why are you all looking at me like that?”
Lily looked to Liam who gave her a small grin.
“Uncle Dean we unplugged you 30 minutes ago.”
Liam nodded.
“Yeah you are a bit of a liability.”
Dean sat down looking offended as he put the PlayStation controller on the table before looking at Sam.
“Am I really a liability?”
Sam chuckled before coughing.
“Dean you do kind of suck at this game.”
Dean frowned.
“Well now the truth comes out.”
Liam and Lily smirked at the look on Dean’s face before looking up at Gabriel and Rosalie. The twins looked at each other for a minute before Liam going up walking to Rosalie grabbing her hand.
“Okay mamma?”
Rosalie nodded picking up her son as Sam stood. Dean meanwhile, was watching Gabriel like a hawk. Sam looked back at his brother raising an eyebrow.
“Dean come on.”
He waited patiently for a moment for Dean to move when he didn’t Sam rolled his eyes.
“Dean come on. This is kind of personal. Let’s let them work it out.”
Dean frowned before getting up and stalking toward the door. He stopped when he got to Gabriel and motioned back to Liam.
“That kid is really protective of his mom. Keep that in mind.”
Once they were out of the room, Rosalie turned to Liam and Lily who had edged closer to each other and was looking from Gabriel to her. Rosalie sat down on the sofa only for Liam to climb on her lap wrapping his arms around her neck. Gently taking his arms down Rosalie situated him a little more comfortably before motioning for Gabriel to sit down.  
“Liam, Lily this is your daddy. He’s come back to us.”
Lily and Liam exchanged little glances before Liam looked at Gabriel tilting his head to the side.
“Uncle Dean said that you got hit by a train.”
Gabriel’s eyes widened as he looked at Rosalie muttering something about Dean under his breath. Rosalie was giving her son the same identical shocked expression.
She squealed. Gabriel smirked.
“Nah no trains involved kiddo. I’m sorry I have been gone so long. I had a lot of grown up things to work through.”
Liam didn’t looked entirely convinced as he snuggled closer to his mother. Lily on the other side looked completely fine with Gabriel’s excuse. She walked over to Gabriel crawling on his lap. Gabriel seemed a little shocked at first but didn’t hesitate wrapping his arms around his daughter. In that moment he had never felt more complete. Gabriel took his time memorizing her little rounds face. Everything about her reminded him of Rosalie except for her eyes.
Gabriel and Rosalie didn’t notice or chose to not notice Dean or Zoe standing in the doorway watching them. Dean reached out guiding Zoe away from the door.
“If that creep hurts her or those kids his ass is getting an archangel blade in it.”
Zoe turned looking at Dean with worried eyes.
“Dean, everything that Gabriel has said is true. The only false thing that he has said to Rosalie was when he told her that he didn’t love her.”
Dean swallowed looking at the angel couple behind him with their little half breed children.
“Well Gabriel is going to have his plate full when those kids get a hold of him. He doesn’t know how Liam is a little carbon copy of him and when he starts getting tricked I am ready to see how Gabriel acts. Douche will probably be proud and happy who am I kidding. “
Zoe raised an eyebrow. She turned walking from the room not willing to witness anymore. From being the person that held Rosalie as she sobbed over Gabriel to being the person whose hand she was holding during the birth or the twins Zoe couldn’t witness anymore. At the moment she could only hope that all of her reservations were for nothing and Gabriel had changed. Only time would tell….
8 notes · View notes
velmaemyers88 · 5 years
Apple Card: Are the Limited Rewards Worth It for the Privacy?
In March, Apple revealed its first credit card: Apple Card, a thin slab of titanium that would provide shoppers with 3% cash back at Apple stores, 2% at anywhere Apple Pay is available, and 1% everywhere else.
Many observers quickly pointed out Apple Card’s limited earning potential for customers. Citi’s Double Cash card, for example, provides shoppers with 2% back everywhere, not just at stores with Apple Pay. Meanwhile, the Chase Freedom and Discover It card offer 5% cash back for shopping in categories that rotate quarterly.
While Apple can’t compete in terms of money to card holders, it does has a big focus on customer privacy. Apple Card has no numbers on it or a CVV, making it harder for identity thieves to steal credit card information. Apple also promises that it won’t track customer spending, and that Goldman Sachs and MasterCard — Apple’s partners in the venture — won’t sell any customer data to other companies.
With these features in mind, one question remains: Is Apple’s credit card worth it for the privacy benefits alone?
It depends on who you ask. In an email, Thad Peterson, senior analyst at the research and financial advisory firm Aite Group says the card could be worth it for some people — even with its inferior rewards. “The security is excellent,” Peterson says. “Apple Pay, when shopping online and used in the real world, uses a two-factor authentication model.”
Translation: In an effort to increase security, Apple’s combines a device’s number with a unique transaction code. Payments are authorized using fingerprint or facial recognition.
Peterson also applauds the card’s security-conscious design. “The physical card has no steal-able information on it, pretty much eliminating any counterfeit card fraud opportunities.”
Others are less worried about credit card security. Rich Jones, a self-taught financial advisor and co-host of the popular financial podcast Paychecks and Balances, says don’t sweat it. “When I lost my wallet earlier this year, I was able to disable it right from my credit card provider’s app,” says Jones, noting a common feature available for many credit cards. Even with a stolen card, Jones says he’s never had to—literally—pay the price for it. “I’ve also been able to dispute charges pretty easily with a favorable outcome,” he said.
“Privacy is a obviously hot topic these days, but it’s not enough for me personally to move away from my credit card setup,” Jones added.
Zach Honig, editor at large of The Points Guy, a site that provides information about credit card rewards, agrees that the security benefits of Apple Card are modest. “While limiting fraud does have the potential to simplify customers’ experience, the financial impact to an account holder is negligible,” he said.
Honig also pointed out that Apple Card users give up a big perk that many other cards come with: Airline and hotel loyalty points. It’s a trade off — in favor of cash back and a little extra security—that isn’t necessarily as attractive, he said. “Personally, I’d prefer to earn valuable travel rewards,” Honig concluded.
Some cards provide as much as 3 points—typically valued at 1 cent each — per dollar spent. That is triple what the Apple Card offers.
Meanwhile, customers of some cards can earn even more. For example, a Chase Sapphire Reserve card owner, for example, gets 3 cents in rewards for every dollar spent at any restaurant. When redeemed for travel, however Chase multiplies points by 1.5, making each dollar spent worth 4.5 cents for travel. This means those who’ve earned $100 in rewards can buy $150 worth of a plane ticket or hotel stay. Hand your waiter an Apple Card and you’ll only ever get 1 cent per dollar back.
But not everyone is a credit card pro who willing to put up with point systems and convoluted multipliers. If you’re one of the 39% of American credit card users in debt, Apple’s online tools may be a selling point. “Apple’s product provides a wealth of information related to purchase behavior and transactions by business category,” Aite’s Peterson points out. “The software allows customers to actively manage their card to potentially minimize interest expense.”
For example, the payment section of Apple’s Wallet app turns red when Apple Card owners pay a minimum amount on the card that would lead to owing more over time. Pay more and the app’s payment dial turns green, indicating that users won’t owe any interest.
Paula Pant, host of the Afford Anything podcast and author of the blog of the same name, says some card customers have broader needs. “Other than cash, some might prioritize perks like rental car coverage, purchase protection, price rewind or even customer service.”
Ultimately, choosing a credit card depends on the consumer’s needs. “Set your priorities in what you want in a card,” says Pant, “and then see if it meets your standards.”
Credit: Source link
The post Apple Card: Are the Limited Rewards Worth It for the Privacy? appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/apple-card-are-the-limited-rewards-worth-it-for-the-privacy/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=apple-card-are-the-limited-rewards-worth-it-for-the-privacy from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186447862237
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reneeacaseyfl · 5 years
Apple Card: Are the Limited Rewards Worth It for the Privacy?
In March, Apple revealed its first credit card: Apple Card, a thin slab of titanium that would provide shoppers with 3% cash back at Apple stores, 2% at anywhere Apple Pay is available, and 1% everywhere else.
Many observers quickly pointed out Apple Card’s limited earning potential for customers. Citi’s Double Cash card, for example, provides shoppers with 2% back everywhere, not just at stores with Apple Pay. Meanwhile, the Chase Freedom and Discover It card offer 5% cash back for shopping in categories that rotate quarterly.
While Apple can’t compete in terms of money to card holders, it does has a big focus on customer privacy. Apple Card has no numbers on it or a CVV, making it harder for identity thieves to steal credit card information. Apple also promises that it won’t track customer spending, and that Goldman Sachs and MasterCard — Apple’s partners in the venture — won’t sell any customer data to other companies.
With these features in mind, one question remains: Is Apple’s credit card worth it for the privacy benefits alone?
It depends on who you ask. In an email, Thad Peterson, senior analyst at the research and financial advisory firm Aite Group says the card could be worth it for some people — even with its inferior rewards. “The security is excellent,” Peterson says. “Apple Pay, when shopping online and used in the real world, uses a two-factor authentication model.”
Translation: In an effort to increase security, Apple’s combines a device’s number with a unique transaction code. Payments are authorized using fingerprint or facial recognition.
Peterson also applauds the card’s security-conscious design. “The physical card has no steal-able information on it, pretty much eliminating any counterfeit card fraud opportunities.”
Others are less worried about credit card security. Rich Jones, a self-taught financial advisor and co-host of the popular financial podcast Paychecks and Balances, says don’t sweat it. “When I lost my wallet earlier this year, I was able to disable it right from my credit card provider’s app,” says Jones, noting a common feature available for many credit cards. Even with a stolen card, Jones says he’s never had to—literally—pay the price for it. “I’ve also been able to dispute charges pretty easily with a favorable outcome,” he said.
“Privacy is a obviously hot topic these days, but it’s not enough for me personally to move away from my credit card setup,” Jones added.
Zach Honig, editor at large of The Points Guy, a site that provides information about credit card rewards, agrees that the security benefits of Apple Card are modest. “While limiting fraud does have the potential to simplify customers’ experience, the financial impact to an account holder is negligible,” he said.
Honig also pointed out that Apple Card users give up a big perk that many other cards come with: Airline and hotel loyalty points. It’s a trade off — in favor of cash back and a little extra security—that isn’t necessarily as attractive, he said. “Personally, I’d prefer to earn valuable travel rewards,” Honig concluded.
Some cards provide as much as 3 points—typically valued at 1 cent each — per dollar spent. That is triple what the Apple Card offers.
Meanwhile, customers of some cards can earn even more. For example, a Chase Sapphire Reserve card owner, for example, gets 3 cents in rewards for every dollar spent at any restaurant. When redeemed for travel, however Chase multiplies points by 1.5, making each dollar spent worth 4.5 cents for travel. This means those who’ve earned $100 in rewards can buy $150 worth of a plane ticket or hotel stay. Hand your waiter an Apple Card and you’ll only ever get 1 cent per dollar back.
But not everyone is a credit card pro who willing to put up with point systems and convoluted multipliers. If you’re one of the 39% of American credit card users in debt, Apple’s online tools may be a selling point. “Apple’s product provides a wealth of information related to purchase behavior and transactions by business category,” Aite’s Peterson points out. “The software allows customers to actively manage their card to potentially minimize interest expense.”
For example, the payment section of Apple’s Wallet app turns red when Apple Card owners pay a minimum amount on the card that would lead to owing more over time. Pay more and the app’s payment dial turns green, indicating that users won’t owe any interest.
Paula Pant, host of the Afford Anything podcast and author of the blog of the same name, says some card customers have broader needs. “Other than cash, some might prioritize perks like rental car coverage, purchase protection, price rewind or even customer service.”
Ultimately, choosing a credit card depends on the consumer’s needs. “Set your priorities in what you want in a card,” says Pant, “and then see if it meets your standards.”
Credit: Source link
The post Apple Card: Are the Limited Rewards Worth It for the Privacy? appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/apple-card-are-the-limited-rewards-worth-it-for-the-privacy/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=apple-card-are-the-limited-rewards-worth-it-for-the-privacy from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.tumblr.com/post/186447862237
0 notes
weeklyreviewer · 5 years
Apple Card: Are the Limited Rewards Worth It for the Privacy?
In March, Apple revealed its first credit card: Apple Card, a thin slab of titanium that would provide shoppers with 3% cash back at Apple stores, 2% at anywhere Apple Pay is available, and 1% everywhere else.
Many observers quickly pointed out Apple Card’s limited earning potential for customers. Citi’s Double Cash card, for example, provides shoppers with 2% back everywhere, not just at stores with Apple Pay. Meanwhile, the Chase Freedom and Discover It card offer 5% cash back for shopping in categories that rotate quarterly.
While Apple can’t compete in terms of money to card holders, it does has a big focus on customer privacy. Apple Card has no numbers on it or a CVV, making it harder for identity thieves to steal credit card information. Apple also promises that it won’t track customer spending, and that Goldman Sachs and MasterCard — Apple’s partners in the venture — won’t sell any customer data to other companies.
With these features in mind, one question remains: Is Apple’s credit card worth it for the privacy benefits alone?
It depends on who you ask. In an email, Thad Peterson, senior analyst at the research and financial advisory firm Aite Group says the card could be worth it for some people — even with its inferior rewards. “The security is excellent,” Peterson says. “Apple Pay, when shopping online and used in the real world, uses a two-factor authentication model.”
Translation: In an effort to increase security, Apple’s combines a device’s number with a unique transaction code. Payments are authorized using fingerprint or facial recognition.
Peterson also applauds the card’s security-conscious design. “The physical card has no steal-able information on it, pretty much eliminating any counterfeit card fraud opportunities.”
Others are less worried about credit card security. Rich Jones, a self-taught financial advisor and co-host of the popular financial podcast Paychecks and Balances, says don’t sweat it. “When I lost my wallet earlier this year, I was able to disable it right from my credit card provider’s app,” says Jones, noting a common feature available for many credit cards. Even with a stolen card, Jones says he’s never had to—literally—pay the price for it. “I’ve also been able to dispute charges pretty easily with a favorable outcome,” he said.
“Privacy is a obviously hot topic these days, but it’s not enough for me personally to move away from my credit card setup,” Jones added.
Zach Honig, editor at large of The Points Guy, a site that provides information about credit card rewards, agrees that the security benefits of Apple Card are modest. “While limiting fraud does have the potential to simplify customers’ experience, the financial impact to an account holder is negligible,” he said.
Honig also pointed out that Apple Card users give up a big perk that many other cards come with: Airline and hotel loyalty points. It’s a trade off — in favor of cash back and a little extra security—that isn’t necessarily as attractive, he said. “Personally, I’d prefer to earn valuable travel rewards,” Honig concluded.
Some cards provide as much as 3 points—typically valued at 1 cent each — per dollar spent. That is triple what the Apple Card offers.
Meanwhile, customers of some cards can earn even more. For example, a Chase Sapphire Reserve card owner, for example, gets 3 cents in rewards for every dollar spent at any restaurant. When redeemed for travel, however Chase multiplies points by 1.5, making each dollar spent worth 4.5 cents for travel. This means those who’ve earned $100 in rewards can buy $150 worth of a plane ticket or hotel stay. Hand your waiter an Apple Card and you’ll only ever get 1 cent per dollar back.
But not everyone is a credit card pro who willing to put up with point systems and convoluted multipliers. If you’re one of the 39% of American credit card users in debt, Apple’s online tools may be a selling point. “Apple’s product provides a wealth of information related to purchase behavior and transactions by business category,” Aite’s Peterson points out. “The software allows customers to actively manage their card to potentially minimize interest expense.”
For example, the payment section of Apple’s Wallet app turns red when Apple Card owners pay a minimum amount on the card that would lead to owing more over time. Pay more and the app’s payment dial turns green, indicating that users won’t owe any interest.
Paula Pant, host of the Afford Anything podcast and author of the blog of the same name, says some card customers have broader needs. “Other than cash, some might prioritize perks like rental car coverage, purchase protection, price rewind or even customer service.”
Ultimately, choosing a credit card depends on the consumer’s needs. “Set your priorities in what you want in a card,” says Pant, “and then see if it meets your standards.”
Credit: Source link
The post Apple Card: Are the Limited Rewards Worth It for the Privacy? appeared first on WeeklyReviewer.
from WeeklyReviewer https://weeklyreviewer.com/apple-card-are-the-limited-rewards-worth-it-for-the-privacy/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=apple-card-are-the-limited-rewards-worth-it-for-the-privacy
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Can Geico save you 10% on car insurance?
Bonus question: I have AllState, am I in good hands?""
Can't afford college Health Insurance...?
I need some type of advice regarding my options. I feel like i've hit a dead end. I have a 4.0 and financial aid, however my state requires student have health insurance... and the only insurance my school offers is over $80 a week on top of the $85 a week lab fees, dr visits, and meds because I have a severe blood disorder and need to go get my blood check every week. I also have specialist visits once a month. I have medicaid right now and if I go to school at all I will lose it and I can't afford the student insurance. It would total up to be more than my rent each month not to mention they don't cover pre-existing conditions. I feel totally hopeless. I'm willing to move to another state if necessary where insurance is more affordable. I just really wanted to go to medical school and now I feel like my future is shot all because I'm not healthy.... Also, i can't take out a loan because i don't have credit being so young and although I was born in this country and my parents were from here, they relocated to a foreign country so they can't help me either.""
Teen car insurance cost?
Hi! I was wondering what some of you think a 6-month insurance policy for a newly licensed 16 yo driver would cost. Area- Rural N. CT. Full coverage on 2007 VW Rabbit and 2000 Ranger. Minimum coverage on 1999 Cadillac STS. Good student discount + drivers ed discount. I'm hoping for the $400 range on a 6 month policy, or $800-900 on a 12 month. Thoughts? Rate testimonials?""
I am looking for insurance I am 18 I dont work I live with my god father but he doesn't have insurance either.?
And I was wondering if I could get free insurance in Mo
If i cancel my auto insurance before the 6 months are up will i get money back?
i gave 730 dollars for 6 months of insurance in april and it expires in september...but im selling my car an not driving it and want to take the insurance off....will i get money back after i prepaid for 6 months even tho i didnt use all 6 months?
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How can I find affordable health insurance for small business owners?
""Where do i go if I'm pregnant with no insurance in Houston, Tx?""
i am pregnant for the first time, i do not have any insurance and i don't even know where to go get my check up, and what do I need to be checked on so that my pregnancy will be ok.""
How can I take out life insurance on another person?
My father owes me money and I owe alot of money because of him. I'd like to be able to take out life insurance on him incase he dies before he pays me back. How would I go about doing this? I'm trying to figure out how to take the insurance out on him (since he owes me). Not have him get life insurance and then make me the benifactor himself.
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Citation for no proof of insurance?
I got a ticket for no proof of insurance and passengers not wearing seat belts about a month ago is there a way to fight it. Also the cost for no proof of insurance is like $930 is that right because i'm not really sure if my parents had insurance at that point because they were transitioning from one insurance to another. It was in northern California if that helps.
I am 18 years old will be 19 this month I want to by a car i have 1500 saved for it and now need to save for insurance road tax etc. my main worry is the insurance ive recieved quotes of 3500 i can not afford this I WOULD ONLY LIKE TO HEAR FROM PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN IN THIS SITUATION CAN YOU PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT QUOTES YOU RECIEVED OR HOW MUCH YOU ARE PAYING
I have a polish worker were can i find cheap car insurance for him?
I have a polish worker were can i find cheap car insurance for him?
""My husband has bad knee pain, but doesn't want to go to the dr. due to having no insurance.?""
my husband dislocated his knee 3 months ago and has been in excruciating pain lately. He can't bend, walk on, put weight on his knee without it giving out and making him fall. He wont go to the dr, since we don't have any insurance (in orange co, calif) and he feels that IF he does go then they will put him in a brace or something that will hinder him from working. And since we are living paycheck to paycheck we can't afford to have him miss a lot of work. Meanwhile, he is in a very, very grumpy mood (which I can understand) and he keeps getting himself drunk so the pain will go away or is more manageable yet we all know that it wont help. Is there any advice as to what to do to make him go to the Dr? or does anyone know of a place that we can go that will actually help him out with the xray/mri/ct that he will most likely need??""
Do insurance companies have a specific category for rock crawlers and how much does it cost to insure one?
I want to buy a rock crawler and the only reason I would probably insure it is just so I could drive it on the street ocassionally not as a daily driver that wouldnt be to smart anyway depends though
Honda s2000 insurance cost ?
im sixteen and i live in florida. My parents are buying me a s2000 and i wanted to know about the insurance cost? Would it be cheaper to be added on my parents plan or have a single plan?
Can you transfer car insurance from one person to annother?
if you have paid upfront for the whole year and then you can no longer drive due to health reasons could you transfer your insurance policy over to someone else?
What is the cheapest way to get car insurance?
i passed my driving test yesterday and am looking at buying my first car but no matter what car i go fo i always get quoted around 3500 but i just cant afford that. does anyone know of any companies that specialise in young or new drivers insurance? and i would prefer less than 2000 lol xx
What's the best individual health insurance?
I am 27 and have no major health problems, but because all the jobs I have been getting lately are temporary gigs, none of my employers offer health insurance.""
Auto insurance rates question?
How is it when you buy a newer car, your rates increase, while there is no decrease as your car ages? Pure greed on the company's part?""
Did you get Affordable Health Care?
My husband & I have insurance & it didn't change but my daughter & family got Affordable HC. Their previous insurance was $1,200 a month. They are now paying $325 so there's was a very positive experience. We're in California. They had a really hard time getting into the wed site but persevered & are happy with the plan. It covers their eldest son who is in college & has Type I diabetes & their youngest son who suffers from asthma. Does anyone else on YA have a positive experience to share? What State are you from.""
How would a Universal health care public option put private health insurance out of business ?
How would a Universal health care public option put private health insurance out of business ?
Health care reform. Does it work?
Our new health care legislation is supposed to provide affordable health care and insurance for everyone. How exactly does that work? For example, I make about $37,000 a year. About $3200 of that goes to pay my insurance premiums. That's not really affordable, but, whatever. My job absolutely sucks. It's the worst one I've ever had. If I went to work at McDonald's or Wal-Mart, where would my affordable health care come from? Who decides how much I can afford to spend? No politician is going to be able to figure out how an ordinary American lives and what they can afford. I know this sounds like angry, bitter ranting, but it's a serious question. How does this work, if it actually does?""
Can you place insurance on a car that is not in your nam?
I drive a car that is in my aunt's name. She told me that I need to get my own insurance on the car, so that she can take it off of her policy. However I am not sure if I can place insurance on a car if my name is not on the title.""
Health insurance for kids 18 and older?
Hello. Im searching for health insurance for my daughter who will be 18 in about a year and half. We are both from California. Does anyone know of any coverage that can help that dont cost an arm and a leg...I dont have much money, and my insurance will only will cover her till shes 18. I just dont want her to be with out medical help when her 18 bday comes. Thanks for your help and please be nice.""
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Oregon car insurance?
Can I give my daughter my car registered in my name and she get car insurance for it?
""Car insurance, help please?""
I'm 18 years old & looking into buying a used 2011 nissan Altima from a dealer soon. My mom will be a cosigner for it & I was wondering if I would be able to insure that car under her name as the primary & me as an additional driver? Insurance rates are just too outrageous & unaffordable for my age & for new cars with full coverage so I'm really hoping that it would be possible for her to insure it since she'll be a cosigner. Thanks for all the help & answers, greatly appreciated!""
What does comprehensive insurance mean?
I am trying to apply for state insurance for my daughter, who is currently on her fathers insurance through his work, and the rates have just gone up considerably. In the FAQ, it says that families who voluntarily drop employer based comprehensive insurance must wait 6 months to apply. Can someone please tell me what this means? Thank you""
Insurance california?
hi I'm an international student who goes to college in Iowa. I have a college insurance and I guess it convers most of meetings with doctors. Now, I'm taking 3 months-summer session at University of California. I think I 've heard some stuff that I need to have Californian insurance to stay here. What is this? Is it wrong? Plus, my wisdom teeth is coming out recently. It starts to hurt. Does insurance in America covers dental work?""
Cant afford health insurance. can new york child support make me get health insurance?
my husband has another child in new york and we recently moved to pa and there trying to get him to get health insurance that he cannot afford. Can they do that or can he call them and tell them he cant afford it. He doesnt even have medical for our children or himself.
Just got in a car accident...I'm 16 we have USAA. How much will my insurance go up?
I was being stupid and driving too fast on a wet day. I spun out and hit a wall (thank god I'm okay) and damaged the back right on my car pretty bad. I know our deductible is either $500 or $1000 but my question is about my much will my insurance go up? I know its not going to be pretty since I've only had my lisense for 10 months...
How can i find good affordable insurance?
How can i find good affordable insurance?
Should I buy a 600cc or a 1000cc super sport motorcycle?
I am a fairly experienced rider, I have been riding dirt bikes since I can remember; I also have had my motorcycle licenses at age 15 and now I am now 17 years old. I have put over 10,000 on my kawasaki ninja 250r so this isn't for my first bike it is a step up because me and my dad both believe it is time. I have been looking at ZX6r's and r6's a lot but my real question is if I buy a 600cc bike will I regret it and wish I would have bought a ZX10r or a r10? Will I eventually feel like the 600 bike it's enough? Oh and I am looking to get a bike and keep it so that it will last me though senior year of high school and all of collage. I have looked at all different types of Motorcycles and the super sports have been my favorite by far. Any other information about the 600cc or 1000cc bikes and y'all's opinions on them and which ones you all personally like will be greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for your time for answering!""
What is insurance expense and preaid insurance ?
A review of the ledger of Khan Company at December 31, 2006, produces the following data pertaining to the preparation of annual adjusting entries. 1. Prepaid Insurance $9,800. The company has separate insurance policies on its buildings and its motor vehicles. Policy B4564 on the building was purchased on July 1, 2005, for $6,000. The policy has a term of 3 years. Policy A2958 on the vehicles was purchased on January 1, 2006, for $4,640. This policy has a term of 2 years.""
Sports car insurance for a 17 year old with a provisional license?
Someone who will not cost the earth, up to group 14, uk.""
How much would US insurance cost?
I am driving across america with a friend in a 1975 Camaro so I need us car insurance. I am 18 (Full UK licence) and have had no claims. However I only need insurance for 3 months.
Which family car has the lowest insurance rates in Toronto and why?
Which family car has the lowest insurance rates in Toronto and why?
Do anyone have an idea about how the insurance of 1992 mistubishi expo cost for 19 years old male?
Do anyone have an idea about how the insurance of 1992 mistubishi expo cost for 19 years old male?
Insurance on a 05 Polo?
I'm 17 and wondering around how much would it cost to get insurance on my mums 2005 volkswagen Polo under her name? Thanks
Health Insurance Advice?
I'm currently laid off and need insurance for myself. I'm not sure what insurance company to go with. Also I'm not familiar with how health ins works. Like deductibles, co-insurance percentages, office visits covered or not covered. I don't go to the dr a lot but recently I've been in a car accident and will be going to the dr more often. I also don't want to pay that much either.""
How old must you be to have classic car insurance?
is their any age you have to be for classic car insurance as i have been looking to buy a ford xr3i and i am 17
Has anyone ever had short term car insurance ?
how much is it ? i work alot in the summer so i only need a car for a month please help am new to this.
Will my insurance increase of I get a body kit.? ?
Im planning on getting a 1.4 pug 106 and I was going to get a DIMMA kit for it and 205 gti alloys. Will my insurance go up..?
What is a good car for a 17 year old. and what is the cheapest insurance?
What is a good car for a 17 year old. and what is the cheapest insurance?
Will one point on my license make my insurance rate increase?
I have been driving for about two years. Being a new driver, my insurance rate is of course considerably high (on a side note, I think auto insurance is legalized theft). Now. Aside from that, I received a speeding ticket. It was 83 mph in a 55 zone. Oops. In court, the judge reduced it from two points to one point on my license, and the record now shows 64 in a 55. Should I expect an increase in my insurance rates? I am insured with Allstate.""
Which insurance company is cheapest for young drivers?
Is there a place I can get affordable life insurance?
Is there a place I can get affordable life insurance?
Insurance rates increase after claims?
If I was in a car accident and it was my fault. My insurance rate will go up. But now if the person I hit claimed Diminished Value and Pain and Suffering would that raise my insurance rate even more since my insurance company is paying out more. Or how does all that work out? Thanks in advance!
Will going to Driver's Ed make our insurance rates go up?
My mom tells me she doesn't want me to go to Driver's Ed because once insurance sees there's another driver on our plan, they will make the rate go up, or something like that... Is this true? Btw, sorry if I misused the apostrophe s in Drivers""
""I need car insurance quotes from competing companies, how do i get that?
I need to get a list of car insurance quotes from compteing companies. Does anyone know of a good website that allows you to do that?
audi a7 insurance cost
audi a7 insurance cost
High insurance on car?
Ok so I really don't know much about cars or insurance and I really want this (Nissan 350z) but someone told me it has high insurance ..what do they mean by that? If my car gets damaged it will cost more to repair? Idk..someone help though!
Are quad bike insurance cost more than a car?
and my car insurane would be about 8 grand
Insurance Company?
Does anyone know personally about the celtic health insurance. is it a good insurance company? I am needing insurance and I recently found the celtic health insurance company, and Humana. what do yall know about these?""
How much would it cost to insure a large SUV for a 16 year old?
I have always wanted this car: http://pictures.topspeed.com/IMG/crop/200608/2006-toyota-sequoia-1_460x0w.jpg The Toyota Sequoia. I know it gets crappy gas mileage, but ive seen worse. And plus Im not gonna be driving that much either. my school is very close to me, along with all my friends houses. But how much will insurance be at your best guess? Also, if I don't blow off gas, and waster it, how much money do you think I will pay per month in California? Dont try to tell me that I am not old enough to be behind an SUV, because 1) Im going to be learning how to drive from my parents in an suv, so i will have some experience 2) my parents want me to get an SUV 3) Im not a dumb a** whos gonna go 50 mph and try to cut a corner and flip over. Bottom line is, im getting an suv and thats that.""
Insurance resposibility?
I am a policyholder of a vehicle, and if someone borrow my vehicle and cause a accident, who will be responsible for paying the damage, his ins or mine. and what happend if he does not have insurance coverage""
Should medical insurance be only for childrens?
I am doing a paper on medical Insurance for my class project I have 10 question that I need answers too.
Will my insurance cover someone else's car that has no collision insurance?
Will my collision insurance cover someone else's car that has no collision insurance when I get into an accident while driving that car?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I know that you cant tell me exactly how much car insurance would cost for me so I am asking how much you pay for car insurance? If you are around 18 years old and drive and older car and have good grades how much do you pay per month for car insurance?
Anyone knowing the best/cheapest auto insurance for young drivers?
Hello! I am a young driver (19) who is looking to buy a new 2007 ford mustang (the deep red color). I really want this car but it looks like there is no way that I will be able to afford the auto insurance for this thing. Anyone know the best company for me to speak with? Any advice or tips will help. Thanks!
Insurance for low income disabled person?
I only make $7.14/hr at my job, got cut from my old insurance due to no longer being able to afford it, I have a learning disabilty and have no medical insurance to go to the doctors. What are some good affordable/free insurance for low income families?""
Health insurance for college students?
I'm going to be a sophomore in college and I don't think my college offers health insurance. I'm looking for cheap health insurance that'll cover me for check ups with my pediatrician, visits to the dermatologist, and prescription drugs. Suggestions?""
Looking for health insurance. I am on SS but not yet eligible for medicare. Only get $300 on SS?
I took early retirement at 62. I am now 63. I only get around $300/mo Social security. I do not qualify for Medicare until age 65. I cannot find affordable catastrophic health ...show more
Do you need your own insurance to share your parents car?
How much would it be to share my mums ford focus, I'm turning 17 soon (posted a Q earlier and realized I don't have nearly enough money.. What else would I have to pay for if I shared with her? I have no idea about cars. THanks""
Im 19yrs old and i wanna know how much will my car insurance will be..???
Im 19yrs old and i wanna know how much will my car insurance will be..???
If someone kicked car and left a lage dent will my insurance company pay for the repair?
some jackass kicked my car so now i have a huge dent just wanna know if insurance will cover the cost of fixing the dent and if my insurance will go up? thanks for your time.
How long does a stolen car have to be gone for the insurance to pay for you for it?
My neighbor told me the other day that their car was stolen on New Years. It was found yesterday at an apartment complex down the street. It left me wondering how long your car has to be gone before the insurance will pay you the value of the car? I assume they will pay for a rental car but you can't assume that your car will be found right away and if it is gone for a long time (3 weeks or more) will they pay for a rental that long?
Free Insurance Quotes Online?
Hi, I just bought a car and I need to get insurance asap so I can drive. A friend told me you can get free insurance quotes from websites online. Is it true?""
What is a good insurance company for health insurance?
in a month i will need health insurance for my wife where can i go to get good honest help do you know of any insurance companies to stat away from or recommendations
Cheap Insurance For Teens.?
I am 17, and I live in KY. Know a cheap company?""
Least Expensive Car Insurance in AZ?
I need to switch car insurance companies this month...I am currently with Geico...but its in ALabama...and if I stay with them and switch to AZ, my policy doubles!! I have two accidents and a ticket on there...So i realize I can't get it super low. But does anyone know of a really inexpensive company in AZ? Thanks!""
How much does auto insurance cost for a teenager?
How much does auto insurance cost for a teenager?
Lowered my car insurance deductible yesterday and today hit a tree:)?
i lowered my car insurance deductible yesterday and today my car slipped and hit a tree due to severe snow here. should i file my claim right away or wait few days?? my insurance company is kemper direct the agent changed my premium to 500 from 1000 deductible...
Can i get car insurance.?
my boyfriend and i broke up,and we bought a car together, hes the one with the name on the title,but i pay for the car payments as the co signer,his credit was better htan mine,the car was for me.though.he no longer will help pay for it,the insurance is for the both of us,am i able to get the car insurance under just for me if he doesnt drive it at all.""
Can I ask someone else to buy the insurance for my car?
I only have a temporary driver lisence, and if I buy a car, how can I buy the insurance for my car? The temporary lisence cannot buy the insurance. Can I ask someone else to buy it? I am in CA. Thank you!""
Question about college health insurance?
If my current health insurance is expiring this end of December, am I able to opt-out of the university health insurance for this fall and reapply for the university health insurance for the spring term--just to save money?""
audi a7 insurance cost
audi a7 insurance cost
Is a 1978 lincoln mark v cheap to insure?
i am looking at a very cheap car to insure. i was looking into one of these classic cars. i currently drive a 1995 ford explorer V6 and its RWD that costs $140 a month on insurance and it gets worse gas mileage than a 1969 lincoln mark iii. as far as i know, this is a 34 year old car and registration is probably gonna cost 50 bucks or less and i live in NH. im 19 and have no tickets or accidents, will the lincoln mark v be cheaper than my explorer. i only have liability""
I have a question about a my car insurance PLEASE HELP ME?
Okay I was in a car accident on May 7th. I was going north towards main street. there was a vehicle in front of me. The vehicle in front of me merge to left as if he was waiting for someone to come outside. He didn't have no signal light or hazards lights on. So I merge to the right pass him so the guy must didn't see me so he hit my right front end bumper, headlight, and door. So I didn't have my insurance in the car so I got a ticket and the other guy had a ticket because he didn't have insurance. On the police report it said he had a left sgnal light to turn in is driveway. Just to remind you that the vehicle doesn't belong to the driver and he had a NY license. My insurance liability told that he couldn't contact the other guy to see if he had insurance and send him letters. So he told he's going to put it's not at fault but I have to pay for a $500 deductible. But WHY?????? if he didn't look at the cars but he's going to basis on paper work. Is that wrong? or should I look into some more??????? HELP ME""
Car insurance after accident?
I am 18 and have been driving for 1 year, I used to drive as an additional driver on my Dads Renault Megane, I crashed it from spinning off and hitting a wall, luckily no one was hurt, I just had a few cuts from shattered glass. The police have arranged for me to have an interview next week to discuss the consequences, at the moment I have no convictions or anything on my licence, my Dad just bought me my own car and has said he'll pay for the insurance in full, it's quoted at 880 for a year if he pays in full, he was planning on paying in full in 2 days, I'm not trying to cheat the system, but if my dad pays in full and then I get a conviction after the transaction has been made, can the insurance company up my insurance considering I had no convictions at the time? I'm not trying to beat the system and cheat my way, I'm just curious as to what will happen. Thanks for taking the time to read!""
How can i find out if someone has insurance on me?
life insurance police
I need my car on the road to get me to work but the insurance is way to high?
Im 18 year old and need my car on the road to get myself to work but the insurance is about 2500 or higher. Does anyone know a company that deals with young drivers or knows a way around it to make it cheaper.
Medicare or other affordable health insurance?
I live in NYC, just moved here and need to find relatively affordable health insurance. Up till now was covered by plans through employers. Is Medicare decent coverage? Is it very different from others?""
What's the best place to get cheap insurance on an imported Mitsubishi L300 Campervan?
What's the best place to get cheap insurance on an imported Mitsubishi L300 Campervan?
Will I be dropped by my insurance due to suspension of license?
I recently had my California license suspended due to a failure to appear in court (yes I'm an idiot). Will my insurance drop me because of this? I am still paying my car off as well. If my insurance drops me, will that affect my car loan? Any help at all is greatly appreciated.""
Moped/car insurance question!?
hey i have just turned 16 and im thinking of getting a moped but what i want to know is if i had been riding a moped for a year, would i then have cheaper insurance when it came to insurning a car when im 17, seeing as i would of already experianced the road etc or would it make no difference? thanks""
Low Insurance Car For Teen Boy?
I am turning 16 in a couple of months and I need to know what USED vehicles would be best for low insurance. Nothing lower than 1998 and nothing higher than 2007. Please give me some suggestions. NO ugly cars either...
Are classic cars cheap to insure?
for example all cars older then 1990: trans am and camaro's older then cadillac eldorado's older then rolls royce silver shadow chevy belair dodge charger chevrolet suburban mercedes 500sel mercedes 500sl and other american and classic european cars
Quote for Car Insurance!?
Hello, I need some help in with Car Insurance...............So, I want to purchase a Honda Accord coupe iES 1997-1999, I went on those car insurance compare sites and was quoted over 4000pounds!!! Here is the information I gave there, i was born in 1990, have license for 5 years, I have an international drivers license, I started living in the UK in April 2013, unemployed......Can someone please tell me why i was quoted so much money!! I even tried putting my partner who has been driving for 14 years and no luck! Is there any way for me to get cheaper car insurance? And is comprehensive or third party cheaper for me? Thankxx""
How much will insurance go up?
I'm 20 living in NJ. Been driving for about 2 years and under my parents insurance policy. I have no points on my license other than the ones that you start out with.I've gotten 2 tickets before but neither of them were point tickets and neither of them went to insurance. This ticket I just received was for speeding (over by 9 MPH). About how much will my monthly insurance rate increase by?
Cobra or individual health insurance?
If I loss of group health insurance due to end of employment, but the company offers Cobra plan which is too expensive for me, can I get the individual health insurance or I have to stick with the Cobra plan? I live in NJ.""
""Under 1000 car, low insurance group, fuel effieient, help?
I'm looking to get myself a car for one year as soon as i pass my test so i can get a no claims bonus. what car would be best to buy (used) what year (reliable or not too difficult to keep maintained by me alone.) It needs to have a low monthly running cost and be almost guaranteed to survive without major (>150) parts replacement over the year. and it needs to be in a low insurance group.
Whats a cheap affordable classic for a young man?
im 20 had my lisence for over two years but i can never afford insurance! i dont live with my mummy and daddy so i cant blag there insurance, and i also cant borrow money from them! so if you have ideaas for me i would prefer a TAX exempt classic? any ideas? thanks""
Health insurance. Self employed.?
Hello. I am 24 and self employed as a driver. Live in Minnesota. Made little to no money last year after all expenses. Broke even. Have no insurance. Health insurance I mean. I have looked and everyone has plans you can buy from 68$/mo with 10k deductible and so on. All are pretty much the same for my age. Being self employed. Struggling to make money. Doesn't the state have their own low cost insurance I can apply for. Anything besides the Buy your insurance Today type deal. Thank you in advance !!!!!!
Need help with insurance quotes?
Can anyone give me an estimate on insurance for these particular cars. I work during the day so its a little difficult to call around to insurance companies for quotes. I am over 25, clean driving record, will be buying one these cars with cash, lives in florida. Thanks""
I can't help wondering who is going to pay the Doctors when everyone is paying for affordable insurance ?
And there are safety nets for drugs costing 100s of dollars and hospitals that cost billions of dollars to run. Who is going to pay for it? Seriously. The ACA? The small amount of money the Insurance companies collect because I assure you it's much less than the Cadillac Plans of yesteryear
How much is car insurance cost likely to go down between age of 17 and 23?
I have not passed my theory or practical test yet and had a few years break from driving but aim to complete it and pass this year. How likely is it that cost will decrease due to age? Also I aim to take the pass plus test as well I live in the UK if that helps thanks
Insurance and baby drama?
My boyfriend has another daughter that is placed on his insurance as is our daughter. Will this other kid effect my daughters benefits for being on his insurance along with the other kid?
Is it absolutely necessary to buy insurance when renting a car?
I am renting a car for 5 days. I'm not sure if my own personal car insurance covers for a rental, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't. Its almost $100 for the insurance that they offer! Seems like a trap. Is it absolutely necessary to purchase it? Thanks""
Car insurance coverage question...?????
I have state farm. there's an expectation of a severe storm with softball size hail heading our metroplex. I'm in the middle of switching car insurance. The coverage will expire april 10, 2008. Will state farm covers me if I have hail damage on the same day it's expired?""
How much would insurance cost for a 2011 mustang v6?
I am 18 years old, I currently have an 03 Tacoma 4 door Prerunner and my current insurance rate is around $210 a month. I live in Louisiana, I average around a 3.0 GPA and I have saved up and I am really close to owning a 2011 mustang and I was curious if someone could give me an estimate on around how much the insurance might cost. Thanks""
How much will an average full coverage insurance for a BMW motorcycle cost. Type k1200r.?
I have no traffic violation and perfect credit record. I am 56 years old.
audi a7 insurance cost
audi a7 insurance cost
0 notes
billssefton · 6 years
a 3-day camping trip for work, taking time off after a break-up, and more
It’s five answers to five questions. Here we go…
1. My firm wants us to go on a three-day campaign trip
I work in the design field, and my small company was recently acquired by a multinational firm. We’ve known that each summer the entire company is invited to three-day company-wide meeting. The dates, location, and details are a surprise, released only 90 days in advance. Our managing director wrangled the dates a while ago and that the meeting this year would be held in Europe. So, for those us in North America – the “new kids,” as it were — that would mean a day of travel on each end of the meeting, thus a full week away.
We just learned that this year’s meeting is a three-day Scandinavian camping trip. Not glamping – camping. No electricity and we’ll each be provided with our own personal tent.
My main concern is for the accessibility-challenged among us – someone who has mobility issues, a broken bone, severe allergies, or requires use of a CPAP. What if a breastfeeding mom wanted to (at her own expense) bring her newborn and a nanny? What about the city mice among us who don’t own a sleeping bag or backpack? This plan seems designed to exclude more people than it includes. There is also the concern of the outdoor trip being near the solstice in a region that will be daylight for nearly 22 hours a day and not having access to blackout curtains to sleep.
This will be the first in-person contact many of us will have with our colleagues from around the world, and few from our office want to attend. We’re worried about sleeping on the ground for three nights after a 12-hour flight, the lack of proper bathing facilities, and, frankly, the sleep deprivation. Not the best first impression.
It’s our understanding that the arrangements have been booked and we need to RSVP within two weeks. Our North American senior staff have promised no fall-out if we chose not to attend. Any advice here our collective next move? Should our entire office boycott on principle?
I mean, that sounds horrible. If anyone in your office is genuinely excited to attend, there’s no reason they need to boycott on principle, but for the rest of you, you’re being told there will be no fall-out if you don’t go, and I’d take them at their word about that and decline.
It’s also worth saying something like this: “We’d love to attend and meet everyone, but camping isn’t practical for many of us, due to mobility issues, allergies, breast-feeding, and so forth. We assume it’s too late to change the plans for this year, but we’d really be excited to attend next year if it’s something where hotels are an option.” If you weren’t the new kids, I’d suggest pushing back harder. But you’ve just been acquired by this company that clearly has their own way of doing things, and I think you’re going to get a better outcome if you stress that you’d like to participate next time but this one just isn’t logistically possible.
2. My boss won’t stop pressuring my employee to work in another country
My company does work in another country overseas. My boss (Arya) wants one of the people I manage (Sansa) to go there to work. It’s not a niche area but Sansa is the only person at our company with the relevant knowledge and experience. Sansa refuses to go work there. She cites the restrictions she would be under: She would have to live in a building or compound with other foreign workers. She wouldn’t be in one of the main or large cities so the compound and her living space would be small. She would have to wear black robes and covered hair every time she went outside. She wouldn’t be allowed to speak or be alone with any man, including colleagues. She wouldn’t be allowed to have a bible or practice her religion. She would be restricted on where she could go outside the compound. Things for entertainment like movie theatres are banned and don’t exist there and her internet use would be censored and monitored.
Sansa says no amount of money is worth living under those conditions. Arya keeps telling Sansa she has to go and is pressuring me to talk her into going. I spoke to Sansa once and she shut it down saying she isn’t going. She said she will quit or be fired rather than go there. Arya says it’s too costly to hire someone just for this project. Arya will not let up about Sansa going and asks me several times a day to talk to her. Sansa is a good employee and I don’t want to lose her, and I think Arya and the company need to accept her decision. What can I do to get Arya and the company to back off and accept Sansa’s decision? I’m getting tired of Arya asking me about it also.
Say this to Arya: “Sansa is thoroughly considered this, and she will not go. She has valid reasons for that, including religious ones. We cannot continue to pressure her, and she won’t change her mind if we do. She’s made it clear that she’ll leave her job if necessary in order to avoid going. At this point, we need to decide how we’re going to move forward.What is plan B?” If your boss still keeps harping on it, say this: “She’s made it clear she won’t go. I assume we’re not going to fire her for this, and if we did, we’d still need to find someone else to go. If we continue pushing, we risk her quitting outright and I don’t want that.”
Ultimately, you can’t make your boss back off. You can say the things that would get a reasonable person to get off, and even most pushy people. But if she’s gone off the rails and is determined to stay there, all you can do is to keep using the language above. (I suppose at some point, you could switch to, “We’re running out of time to find someone else, and I think we need to shift our efforts to that.”)
3. Is this a real job offer?
I did all of the rounds of interviews for a job, and in the final interview, the head of the group I was interviewing for asked me when I’d be able to give a yes/no if an offer was extended, since it was pretty heavily implied that I’d get the job. I had said I’d like to finish a few other interviews, and asked for until the end of April (this was in late March). He said it was fine, and the next Monday I got a call from the recruiter saying that they team thought I was “the perfect candidate” and wanted to give me an offer, but “just to be transparent” there would be an influx of people looking to fill this role internally, and I should try to give an answer as soon as possible.
Later, I got an email that said: “I spoke with the team. They are supportive of being flexible, but would truly appreciate an accelerated schedule. We would like to proceed to offer, but we can wait. We will continue to evaluate other finalists and make formal decisions in the interim. There is some chance that with your timeline we could advance with others. Just trying to be as transparent as possible. Good luck and lets connect live next week to firm up timelines.”
This, of course, made it seem like I didn’t have an offer so I asked, “In the interim, can I get a written confirmation of the offer just as both proof if anyone asks, and really mostly for my peace of mind?” as part of an email I sent back. I got told, “With regards to offer, we are happy to discuss it formally when you get closer to your deadline but until that time please note our intent is there. Excited to drive this for you.”
So does this mean I have an offer or not, especially because of the discrepancy between the recruiter and head of the group? Is this normal- I’m surprised they’re not willing to give me an actual offer solely because I mentioned I was looking to finish off my interviews to make a more well informed decision? Should I be concerned?
Yeah, they’re telling you that they don’t to wait that long, and they’ll continue considering other candidates meanwhile. (That really is a long time to ask them to wait — a week is more typical in most fields). They should say that more directly, but that’s what they’re saying.
It sounds like your choices are to accept the offer now (and forego the other jobs) or wait until the end of the month and risk that they’ll hire someone else meanwhile.
4. Taking time off after a break-up
I’m 26 and met my boyfriend at work (but not in the same department). We have been together a little over four years and we have lived together for the past two. However, 18 months ago he took time off work with anxiety and depression which developed into chronic fatigue. The great benefits our work gives us means that he has remained on half salary and has been able to keep living with me (paying half the rent/bills in our expensive city) throughout this time.
Throughout his illness, I have been his main emotional and physical support. He is generally unable to look after himself like a normal adult. From looking it up, I believe I fit into my work’s definition of a carer, although I have never raised this with management.
For various reasons, I have decided that I can no longer continue with the relationship. I have not taken this decision lightly and I know it won’t be easy. Not everything is bad in our relationship and I will miss him loads. Given his almost complete dependence on me, any break-up is bound to be messy.
I’m concerned that when I finally get up the courage to break up with my partner, I will be a mess. How do I communicate this to my manager? What support can I ask for or expect? I think at a minimum I may need a couple of days off to get my head together — should I be expecting to take this off as annual leave? I think it’s akin to grieving (which my company would never expect you to take time off as holiday or sick leave for), but haven’t heard of anyone doing it.
You can’t generally take bereavement leave for the break-up of a relationship, no matter how much like grieving it is. You should be able to take regular vacation or sick leave though.
5. What should I say in an email where I’m attaching my cover letter and resume?
When sending a cover letter attachment to an email address, is there a best practice for what to say in the email itself? It seems overly formal/unwieldy to paste the entire cover letter, and I’m not sure what tone to use to introduce the application materials otherwise. (Sending a blank email or a bland “please find my materials attached” doesn’t seem like the right answer either, especially for high-profile jobs.)
You’re right that you should leave the text area totally blank, but it’s fine to just say “Please find my application materials attached for the X job” (and that’s what most people do if they’re not putting their cover letter in the body of the email itself). Don’t write much more than that or you’ll be writing a second cover letter, and you don’t really get two bites at the apple like that.
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a 3-day camping trip for work, taking time off after a break-up, and more was originally published by Alison Green on Ask a Manager.
from Ask a Manager http://www.askamanager.org/2018/04/a-3-day-camping-trip-for-work-taking-time-off-after-a-break-up-and-more.html
0 notes
vitalmindandbody · 7 years
Blockbusters assemble: can the mega movie live the digital era?
From Star Wars sequels to superhero dealerships, blockbusters still rule the film industry. But with Amazon and Netflix tearing up the freeing planneds, are they on shaky sand?
Is the blockbuster in hassle? On the surface, to hint such a thing might seem as absurd as handing out the wrong envelope at the biggest phenomenon of the movie docket because you were busy tweeting pictures of Emma Stone. This is the blockbuster were talking about. Its Luke Skywalker, Jurassic World, Disney, The Avengers, Batman, Superman, Spider-Man, Pixar. Its the Rock piercing his fist through a structure. Its the effects-driven culture juggernaut that powers the entire film industry. Does it look as if its in trouble?
A glance at the balance sheet for its first year to year would cement the view that the blockbuster is in insulting health. Total gross are higher at the present stage than any of the past five years. Logan, the Lego Batman Movie and Kong: Skull Island have all drew in big-hearted gatherings globally. And then theres Beauty and the Beast, a true-blue cultural phenomenon, currently racing its method up the all-time higher-rankings. All this and theres still a new Star Wars instalment, another Spider-Man reboot, Wonder Woman, Justice League, Alien: Covenant, Blade Runner 2049, plus sequels of (* deep breath *) Guardians of the Galaxy, Cars, World War Z, Kingsman, Transformers, Fast and the Furious, Planet of the Apes, Despicable Me, Thor and Pirates of the Caribbean still to come. Hardly the signs of a crisis, it would be fair to say.
Dig a bit deeper though and the foundations that blockbusters are built on start to look precariou. Last-place month, Variety produced a fib that painted a picture of an manufacture scared stiff by its own future, as customer flavors accommodate with changes in technology. Increased pres from Netflix and Amazon, those digital-disruption barbarians, has caused the big studios to consider changing the behavior they exhaust movies. The theatrical space, the 90 -day cushion between a cinemas introduction in cinema and its exhaust on DVD or streaming, is set to be reduced to as little as three weeks in an attempt to bolster dwindle dwelling amusement sales. Its a move that service industries sees as necessary, as younger onlookers develop more adaptable, portable viewing procedures, and certainly numerous smaller productions have begun to liberate their cinemas on-demand on the same day as in cinemas it was one of the reasons that Shia LaBeoufs Man Down grossed a much-mocked 7 in cinema.
Ana De Armas and Ryan Gosling in Blade Runner 2049. Photograph: Allstar/ WARNER BROS.
At the same time, investors from China long thought to be Hollywoods saviour have suddenly chilled the best interest, cancelling major studio slews as the Chinese box office abides growing hurtings( with domestic ticket auctions merely increasing 2.4% in 2016 against a 49% rise the year before)and the governmental forces crackdown on overseas investment starts to burn. Contribute to that a couple of high-profile recent busts Scarlett Johanssons Ghost in the Shell, Matt Damons The Great Wall, the unintentionally creepy Chris Pratt/ Jennifer Lawerence sci-fi Passengers, Jake Gyllenhaals Alien knock-off Life and you have an manufacture thats not as expanding as the blockbuster bluster might suggest.
Hollywoods response to this instability has been to double down, focusing on blockbusters to the exclusion of just about everything else. In the past decade the summer blockbuster season has mission-crept its lane well into spring, a phenomenon that has been period cultural global warming; this year, Logan was liberated a merely three days after the Oscars intent. The ensuing consequence is of a full calendar year of blockbusters, with a small drop-off for Oscars season in January and February and even in that span this year we still visualized the liberations of The Lego Batman Movie, The Great Wall, John Wick 2 and the regrettable Monster Trucks.
Meanwhile, the mid-budget film that hardy perennial that used to help prop up service industries by expenditure relatively little and often deserving plenties( belief Sophies Choice or LA Confidential) has largely been abandoned by the major studios, its potential profit margins seen as insufficiently high when the cost of things such as commerce is factored in. Which isnt to say that mid-budget movies dont prevail, its merely that theyre being make use of smaller, independent studios ensure Arrival and Get Out for recent successful specimen or most commonly as TV series.( Theres that Netflix, disrupting situations again .)
In essence, what this all means for service industries is the fact that it blockbuster or failure. Studios have looked at the altering scenery and decided to react by replenishing it with superheroes, war wizards and CGI mortals, acquiring more blockbusters than they used to, but fewer films in total. The old-fashioned tentpole formula, where a few large-scale films would shelter the mid-range and low-budget nonsense, has significantly been abandoned. The blockbusters are about reducing the films these studios produce down to a minimum, reply Steven Gaydos, vice-president and executive editor at Variety. They clear nothing but large-scale bets. You have to keep improving a bigger and more efficient spaceship.
Its a high-risk strategy and one that, in the form of Disney and their Marvel, Star Wars and Pixar dealerships, has brought big rewards. But this abrupt ratcheting up of the stakes means that the cost of default has already become far more pronounced. Last-place time Viacom was forced to take a $ 115 m( 92 m) writedown on Monster Trucks, while Sony took a writedown of roughly$ 1bn on their entire cinema disagreement after a faltering couple of years.
Hugh Jackman in Logan. Photo: Allstar/ 20 TH CENTURY FOX
While those losses might be explained away as the outcomes of bad stakes on bad films Monster Trucks was infamously based on an idea by an executives five-year-old son they hint at the holocaust who are able to ensue if a broader, industry-wide difficulty were to present itself. Namely, what if the public loses its appetite for the blockbuster?
Its not entirely without instance: in the late 1950 s, as television would be in danger of steal a march on cinema, studios responded by travelling large-scale. Spectacle was seen as the key: westerns, musicals and sword-and-sandal epics predominated. But gatherings soon thrived tired of these hackneyed genres and ticket auctions continued to shrink. That era the industry survived, thanks first to the infusion of vitality provided for under the jumpy, arty New Hollywood films, then later with the early blockbusters such as Jaws and Star Wars.
Could such a mass tuning-out happen again? Surely, theres an spooky resemble in the way that Hollywood has reacted to changing durations with width and spectacle, but also in their narrow focus. Once an sexual thriller such as Fatal Attraction or a musical drama such as Footloose might have reasonably been considered a blockbuster. Nowadays the blockbuster almost exclusively is still in the action, fantasize, boys cinema or superhero genres.
The superhero film including with regard to towers huge over the industry, as every studio tries to replicate the formula set by Marvel. Ever-more niche caped crusaders are being given their own cinemas Batgirl, Aquaman, the Gotham City Sirens in an attempt to unearth a new Deadpool. Spider-Man and Batman have once again been rebooted in an attempt to freshen up the respective franchises. And, of course, everyone wants their own cinematic macrocosm a immense galaxy of characters that together can generate a apparently infinite number of spin-offs, sequels and prequels. At this very minute, the creators of Call of Duty are actively seeking to turn their shocking shoot-em-ups into a series of interlocking films, while James Cameron a director whose preferred approach of cracking a seed is with a sledgehammer, you suspect is creating a universe around his smash-hit Avatar, replete with five sequels, graphic novels, actual fictions and, most bewilderingly, a Cirque du Soleil show.
These shared natures actively tribunal the sort of gatherings who will turn up to every movie, buy the action fleshes, don the cosplay outfits and ingest the branded breakfast cereal in other words, teenage sons. The dominant ideology is fanboy culture, says Gaydos. It is adolescent. It is the conflicts by violence. It is wish-fulfillment, spectacle and diversion phone and delirium, if we are seeking to get Shakespearean.
Truly, the geeks have inherited the earth. But what about the rest of us? How many people have the time, force or inclination to sit through, say, all the cinemas in the forthcoming Universal Monsters shared universe, which begins this year with a reboot of The Mummy and has resuscitations of Wolf Man, Van Helsing and the Invisible Human in pre-production? Greenlighting this serial of movies without be seen whether anyone is going to bother to watch even the first of them looks like a risky struggle, and the most recent plight of the Divergent YA movie franchise, whose recent movie is being exhausted as a Tv movie due to lack of interest, offers up a cautionary tale that studios should perhaps be paying attention to.
Cars 3. Photo: Allstar/ WALT DISNEY PICTURES
But whats impressing about all these blockbusters is how youth-skewed they find themselves, at a time when a one-third of cinemagoers in the US are over the age of 50. Older gatherings can experience The Avengers as much as everyone else, of course, but sloping your sell primarily towards young people is a risky strategy. Young parties tend to be the most fickle audience, one whose attention is split in thousands and thousands of regions, mentions Gaydos. Theyre too the gathering least able to splash out on cinema tickets. And of course theyre an audience who are becoming increasingly accustomed to watching material on their phones, laptops and smart TVs.
In other terms, theyre the ones likely to action through the seismic change service industries is currently fretting over. If they lose interest in the modern blockbuster in the way that younger audiences turned away from the westerns, musicals and historic epics in the 1960 s, the studios will have to find something glistening and brand-new to wave in their faces and this time they wont have something akin to the New Hollywood to court them with, as that kind of transgressive, edgy, groundbreaking fare is increasingly revolving up on the small screen.
Perhaps the best thing the studios can do in the face of this new world is to show some imagery in how they develop and present their blockbusters and there are signs that this is already happening. Producer Stephen Woolley, who has worked on cinemas such as The Crying Game and the forthcoming adjustment of On Chesil Beach, quotes Deadpool as a film that has subtly managed to shift the feeling of the superhero movie. Its taking a much more sophisticated viewpoint of that world-wide and ridiculing it, while at the same reinforcing it. It was a clever have-your-cake-and-eat-it from the people who made it.
Meanwhile, Disneys successful live-action reimaginings of their animated pieces most notably Beauty and the Beast and The Jungle Book suggests that its possible to play the sequels and remakings activity without it seeming like a retread over old floor. Most outstandingly of all, the musical think this is making a comeback with the success of La La Land, that rare mid-budget movie to have spanned over into blockbuster status, grossing more than $400 m at a budget of $37 m.
Woolley is aware of the risks twirling all over the blockbuster, but considered it important that mass extinguishing is still some road away, if it ever comes. The chance you have is that audiences are fickle, and they could abruptly turn off, he says. Something occurs for them to say: Actually, we dont such as those movies any more. And theres always this inkling that it might materialize. But every time it seems to happen on the blockbuster front, another movie comes out to prove you wrong.
Ultimately, though, what might keep the blockbuster safe for the time being is not the films themselves but all the stuff around them. The thing that the studios are doing is something akin to a hypermovie or a supermovie, mentions Gaydos. Its a whole other thing. Its a toy-delivery arrangement. A Cars movie will gross $500 m or $600 m but the Cars commodities will exchange$ 4bn. Ultimately the movie is designed to be a monster sell implement for merchandise and theme parks that produce billions and billions.
As Hollywood agonises over its own future, it might be that the best direction for the blockbuster to survive is to subsume itself into bigger, most secure revenue streams: playthings, recreations, merchandise, live attractions. So if you want to keep the blockbuster around for a while longer, you should get your Superman outfit on and run yourself a container of that branded cereal.
Read more: www.theguardian.com
The post Blockbusters assemble: can the mega movie live the digital era? appeared first on vitalmindandbody.com.
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Carl Bass on his surprising Autodesk exit and whats next
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Carl Bass on his surprising Autodesk exit and whats next
Carl Bass is sitting at his desk at Autodesk today, but hes no more Chief executive officer from the openly traded design software company. He walked lower the 2009 week inside a move that some connected wrongly, notesBass by having an interview Bass granted towards the outlet Pando,wherein he disparaged President Jesse Trump.
Today, we spoken with Bass about his resignation, his ongoing role like a board member with Autodesk, ifhe regrets reporting in from the administration like a public company Chief executive officer and whetherhe thinks more tech CEOs must do exactly the same.
The famously straight-shooting Bass had plenty to say of everything. Also, he shared a number of what he wishes to focus on next. Our conversation continues to be edited gently for length.
TC: You walked lower as Chief executive officer on Tuesday, and senior VPs Amar Hanspal and Andrew Anagnost happen to be installed as interim co-CEOs. But youre helping in the quest for your substitute, is the fact that correct?
CB: Yes, Tuesday was my last day, but Ill continue being employed as an worker for 3 several weeks and am ongoing around the board of company directors for some time. We began planning this not long ago, because the easiest method to do [a succession change] is perfect for the present Chief executive officer to step lower. Otherwise, the very best exterior candidates arent sure theres a real job opening. You realize, sometimes you seethe pocket veto, in which the Chief executive officer includes a change of heart and states, Hey, if you are likely to choose so and thus, I am not departing. This can be a clean break, and outdoors candidates work hard at it, and also the board takes it seriously. Weve hired an outdoors search team who definitely are speaking with internal and exterior candidates, so hopefully [well find the correct candidate] rapidly.
TC: Youve stated that you simply and Autodesks board started succession planning talks 18 several weeks ago, however, many people believe aninterview in which you belittled Jesse Trump performed a job within the timing of the resignation.
CB: There have been lots of rumors now that couldnt be more wrong. Towards the extent that you simply take exactly what a company states having a touch of suspicion [because companies is really so marketing], with regards to governance, they are real rules. You will find real penalties of law. Public companies dont take that gently.
TC: Would you regret being so public about your feelings about Trump?
CB: Not, by no means. Not just one bit. Whenever you take a look at Trump, you will find three things happening: policies character and temperament and executive or administrative functioning. I believe on two and three, almost everyone can agree that he is not qualified, because of that , I joked [to Pandos Sarah Lacy]that hes runningthe government like someone among a little businessman and dictator. I watch whats happening every single day, and Im advised of my children once they were 4 years old coupled with no understanding of anything outdoors of themselves. Hes a 70-year-old baby.
Around the policy stuff, its difficult to parse what his policy is. Were against the main one China policy now were for it. Would slowly move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem now were not. Policy appears is the area of the job that least interests him.They are complicated issues, however they dont appear to captivate him. He doesnt appear particularly curious or thoughtful about the subject. Hes interested in tweeting the latest insult that [springs tomind].
TC: Do you consider other tech executives ought to be more vocal, or perhaps is it an excessive amount of a danger?
CB: I believe anybody with a platform should speak out. Ive had a lot of people achieve out tome now peoplemuch better-known than I’m, say, Thats awesome, that which you stated. And Im like, Why dont you express it? You’ve got a bigger pulpit.
TC: Many people think Tesla and SpaceX Chief executive officer Elon Musk should step off Trumps economic advisory council. What is your opinion?
CB: Its an elaborate problem for Elon.I thinkmany of the things that hes attempting to accomplish are actually worthy goals however they intersect with regulation: autonomous vehicles, putting things wide. You cannot do this with no government, so from the very self-interested perspective, as well as in the eye of his companies, I realize. However, he’s a really public platform and Imsure he’s a viewpoint and when everyone takes the self-interested view, the planet doesnt reach hear the opinions of their leaders. And So I think its important however i certainly understand.
Ive [feel much more strongly about Facebook COO] SherylSandberg. Shehas gone from her method to develop a brand around the strength of womenand what theyre able to, and with regards to the Womens March, she wasinvisible. She appears to possess leaned out a great deal.
TC: Why have you start succession planning 18 several weeks ago? Lots of CEOs run their companies more than you’ve.
CB: Id been performing for any lengthy time. Ive been Chief executive officer for 11 many there have been 2 or 3 years after i was COO and accountable for the companys day-to-day, therefore it seems like 14 years that Ive been carrying this out.
And That I have ample other interests. Im on a number of boards [includingHP and Zendesk andstill-private startups,including Planet]. I’ve got a small portfolio of products Ive committed to. I’ve two bigworkshops where I build and invent things making stuff.
I really like the organization and that i love my job, however it hugely consumes your time and effort. Like all other executive job, its 60 hrs per week and when you allow 60, the task [demands]65. Youre never done. To complete the job well, additionally you need the years skin. You’ll need thick skin when individuals think you had been fired since you stated something about Trump. You’ll need thin skin to empathize together with your customers and employees and also the world surrounding you. And all sorts of individuals forces get tiring before long. My second kid got away from home this yearand I must take more time within the shop, traveling with startups.
TC: You had been also coping with activist investor groups Sachem Mind Capital and Eminence Capital who together collected an 11.five percent stake in the organization.
CB:Last fall, i was while making the modification, and merely then, the activists demonstrated up. I shouldn’t overemphasize it’s not like they’d a great deal to say about the organization. It was not that people used to do badly. They more thoughtwe were sandbagging concerning the future and now we ought to be speaking up which our lengthy-range projections were [too conservative]. It had been, Everyone could do two times too! Well, its easyto say in the sidelines. Easy that i can say Atlanta must have won the Super Bowl, however i didnt need to play.
Therefore we suspended succession planning. We use it hold because weneeded more stable leadership as the activists have there been and if the next Chief executive officer is definitely an exterior or internal person, it appears as an unfair burden to put in it. I’ve got a fair quantity of currency staying with you Im a lot more prepared to fight than many more. I figured, This can be a job designed for me, and that i should stay before the activists choose to leave.
So this past year these were around the board. The companys stock expires 70 or 80 % during the last 12 several weeks, the think markets convey more confidence in [Autodesks relocate 2015 to some subscription-only model], so we wereable to create a deal. I stated, Im prepared to do this again process if everyone leave the board. Now theyre moving away from the board [when the new Chief executive officer is elected], and Im escaping . asCEO.
TC: Plastic Valley startups have become more conscious of theneedto defend themselves from activist investorsand theyve more and more been granting founders special kinds of stock that provide them control of key decisions. Do you consider thats the reply to this problem?
CB: Yes. Basically would be a founder, I’d have particular stock. Because numerous things in corporate governance have given themselves to activists making use, I believe the response needs to be, a minimum of for the short term, that companies have dual-class mechanisms in position.
I believe neither extreme is nice, though. I believe activism is that this deviant, extreme type of capitalism. Its like other ideologies, wheregood ideas are come to a serious and lose their meaning. However, I do not think dual-class stock is the greatest mechanism because shareholders must have a say.
Id want to see tenured voting, where theresa premium depending on how lengthy you have the shares. I do not are conscious of any public company which has tried it yet, however i have no idea the reason why you no longer can do it. [It might follow that] one individual that has owneda million shares for just one year has less voting power than someone else that has owned millions of shares for 2 years.
TC: Before we allow you to go, whats next? Is every venture firm on Sand Hill Road attempting to lure you in to the fold?
CB: Ive been shocked by the amount of those who have plans for which I ought to do next. Its a funnymix within my inbox at this time. Ive received4,000 emails from employees, that are very touching and emotional. However, you will find each one of these people looking to get me to behave next.
I amgoing to complete an advisory role at Google X. Ive been considering [potentially] startingmy own accelerator program. Within the next couple of several weeks Ill evaluate which Im likely to do. Meanwhile, I wish to keep skiing around the weekdays.
Find out more: https://techcrunch.com/2017/02/10/carl-bass-on-his-surprising-autodesk-exit-and-whats-next/
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