#bc they've both seen each other go out/flirt with girls but not boys
corrodedbisexual · 1 year
Note to self: write at least 1 goddamn fic with bi!Eddie because it's getting weird how I usually headcanon him as bi but end up writing him as gay most of the time.
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eunoiaflow3r · 4 years
when worlds collide - h.p. x gn!avenger!reader
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a/n: bahahahahaha no one reads harry x reader lmaoo you don’t have to tell me - i know. but still, i thought this was a cute idea and i went with it. hope you enjoy :)
not edited.
also: timelines don’t match up bc i don’t want to do the math so harry is like 20 - 21 and your like 19 - 20 in 2020. Civil War and everything on didn’t happen. Fred didn’t die.
gn = gender neutral
warning(s): “language!” - captain america.
word count: 3.1k
request(ed): no.
summary: stephen sends y/n to a strange new place with...wizards?
Never doubt Stephen Strange. That's something that pretty much everyone has accepted. Never second guess the wizard man. Usually you'd agree. Usually you'd just let the man babble about whatever he needed to and then go about your day.
Not now.
The fuckery.
Now you were here (wherever here was) after some flashes of orange and a "be careful." Did he even do the spell right? Is this really where you were supposed to be?
It was dark, and dirty and you just wanted to go home and not talk to anyone so you turned yourself invisible.
You were born with your powers - you think. You were adopted so you wouldn't know where your powers came from. All you know is that one day your parents couldn't find you, even though you were right there. Instead of thinking you were some kind of alien and throwing you out to labs, they helped you control it the best you could.
It was difficult at first, all things considered, but you got through. You discovered you had another power as well. Force fields. Those came in handy during the battles. (You helped where you could), and Tony Stark took you in afterwards as his own. He helped you create your suit, and your name, and discover more about your powers, he was basically a dad to you.
Your parents were a little hesitant letting you join the Avengers, but once they realized this is what you were meant to do, and you had people just like you protecting you, they couldn't keep you from that. They just couldn't.
So here you were, invisible, in some dark and creepy alley. There were doors either side of you, so you got out of the way considering they could open and smack you in the face at any given moment. You heard loud voices and laughing and cheering from both ends of the alley so you walked towards the one in front of you.
The voices were so loud and echoey that you really couldn't focus on anything else. Maybe that's why you didn't hear a boy behind you trip and fall into you from behind.
"I'm so sorry." he said helping you up.
You turned around to help him, he got awfully dirty, and searched for his glasses that fell off his face.
Once standing, he took out a stick, waved it over him, and all of a sudden the dirt and gravel was gone.
"How did you do that?" You were no stranger to magic, but this was something you've never seen before. And why would he do it in front of you? For all he knew, you were an unknowing human.
"What?" He asked eyebrows furrowed together, accent strong.
"With the stick."
He chuckled shoving the stick back in his cloak.
"The stick." He smiled and looked you up and down. "It's a wand. You must not be from around here."
"Yeah, what tipped you off?" You noticed the lightning bolt scar on his head. You wondered how he got it.
"The accent, the clothes, the inability to recognize a simple wand, the ability to be here, not recognizing me, and wait - where is your cloak?"
"You were just invisible a moment earlier but I don't see your cloak anywhere."
"I don't have one. I can make myself invisible without a piece of fabric or your fancy stick." You say sarcastically. Were you flirting?
"Handy." He grins. "The name's Harry Potter."
He holds his hand out for you to shake. "Y/N L/N."
He asks you if you want to talk somewhere besides a dark dirty alley. You agreed. It took some convincing though to let him use his stick to clean the clothes you had on, but to change your outfit to something less, standout-ish.
When you felt the witch hat on your head you immediately snatched it off your head and glared at him.
He just laughed.
Once out of the alley, you breathed in the now clean air, and was mesmerized. People were bustling in and out of small shops, animals were flying and chirping around their owners, children were running around with their friends and siblings, and people were waving sticks, or wands, just like Harry used.
"C'mon, this way." He smiled at your awestruck face. It reminded him of when he first arrived with Hagrid all those years ago.
He brought you inside a coffee shop, and sat you at a booth near the window knowing you'd probably want to still look outside at the new scenes.
After ordering, and a few moments of silence as you looked around, you decided to ask some questions.
"Where am I?"
"We're in Diagon Alley. It's like an outside mall."
"I mean like, planet? I guess?"
"Well, more specifically London. Diagon Alley."
"London?! I'm in London?!"
"You've never been? To Earth? Or London?"
You rolled your eyes silently cursing Strange. "I'm from Earth. The United States, actually. I just wish he'd put me on a fucking plane or something instead of making it seem like I was going to Mars."
"He?" Harry was very curious.
You looked into his green eyes, your mind wandering. The guy in front of you was very attractive. His dark hair complimented his eyes, and his glasses made him even more attractive.
"You guys are wizards right?"
"Really? What gave you that impression?" He asks sarcastically. "The sticks, the pointy hats, or the big bowl with green liquid sitting outside?”
You rolled your eyes. "Very funny. It's not my fault you live into the stereotype of brewing potions in your cauldrons -"
"Oh well I can only assume you're one of those Avengers from the States, yeah?" He grins. "You guys are all over the news."
"Yes, sure -"
"And don't one of you wear capes and another shoot lasers or lightning or whatnot? Sounds very stereotypical to me."
You laugh as the waitress brings over your drinks and muffins. You thank her. "No, well yes, that's Strange and Thor, but that's besides the point -"
"Well of course it's strange." He grins and winks and you over his mug. He was purposely annoying you and found great joy in it.
"Anyway," you sigh getting back to the point. "Do you guys have a Wizard here, like a powerful, trusting, all-knowing kind of guy?"
His eyes dropped slowly and his smile dimmed for a moment before slowly widening once again.
"Had. His name was Dumbledore."
"Our guy is Stephen Strange. Or Dr. Strange. He sent me here, and I'm not sure why."
"Hmmm." He hums setting down his mug. "Are the states in danger? Were you sent here on a secret quest that would put you through tough trials that would risk your life but would ultimately save everyone you've ever loved so you just have to do it?"
You were in a silent shock. "Uhm. No, not that I'm aware of, no."
"Well then perhaps your Wizard Strange is playing matchmaker."
"Well you were sent here weren't you?" You nod. "Arrived outside the exact place where I was and I just happened to bump into you? Sounds like a set-up to me."
"Or a coincidence."
"I'd like to think it was fate that I bump into the most attractive person I've ever seen and they don't know who I am and won't judge me 'cause of my past." He took a bite of his muffin.
"Should I be worried?"
"I guess you'll have to figure that out yourself." He winks.
You decide to eat your muffin as well. It was a comfortable silence until you looked out of the window and noticed a guy crouching down behind a cauldron...with a camera.
"Why is there a man outside taking pictures of you?"
His eyes widened. "Oh shit." He whispered. "Here." He took out a baseball cap and put it over your head, hiding your face from the camera.
He gets out of his seat quickly pulling you along with him to the back of the shop but before you could say anything he had his wand pulled out.
Next thing you saw was a couch and living room.
"Wow." You panted. "What a way to bring a girl home."
"I apologise Y/N, I block them out so much I forget they're even there and now they've seen you, and have a story and -"
"Wait, wait, wait, are you wanted for murder or something?"
Harry walks over to his bookshelf and pulls out a rather large book. After opening up on the table, he waved his wand over it and beckons you over to read it.
'Boy who lived.'
'Golden boy defeats Voldemort'
'winner of Triwizard tournament'
And there was so much more… 'Harry Potter' in bold just strewn across the pages. His whole life story.
Your eyes widen at everything. "So both and neither. War hero. How come I've never heard of you? Or any of this?"
He smiles at the pages fondly, running his fingers across the letters and reminiscing on his times at Hogwarts.
"Unlike you Avengers, we like to keep our business private and quiet. We don't like prying eyes."
You scoff. "Not our fault we have alien invasions every year."
Harry agreed and for the rest of the night you sat on his couch talking and sometimes arguing, over every little thing. It felt like you two had known each other forever.
You're not sure when, but you fell asleep there and woke with your head on his chest and his arm wrapped around your waist. You're not sure how the two of you ended up this way, and you realized you were practically strangers, but you didn't want to move. You just wanted to tangle your fingers through his dark hair.
But you didn't. Instead you stared at his closed eyes, and focused on his long, dark, eyelashes that fluttered a little from time to time. You thought about how you could get used to this. Waking up with his arm wrapped around you.
You told him last night that if he was actually a serial killer, and wanted to kill you that you had a whole team of people who would rip him limb from limb. He had no doubts and looked actually scared of your threat.
You thought about what it'd be like to live here among people like you.
Stomach grumbling, you decided to get up and see if he had anything you could make for him. It's the least you could do. His face turned when you left his arms, but you quickly pulled the blanket over him so he would be able to sleep a little longer.
You found his bathroom, and washed your face. In your backpack was a toothbrush and some toothpaste so you brushed your teeth, fixed your hair, and got dressed.
By the time you got out of the bathroom, you noticed Harry was still sleeping so you went into the kitchen and tried to find anything remotely close to breakfast foods. By the look of his inventory, you could tell he was very good at cooking but hadn’t been to the store in a while. He did have some eggs and toast though so you decided to make that.
In the middle of it, you got a phone call from Strange.
“Harry Potter.” he says.
“What?” you were so confused as to how Stephen knew ANYTHING.
“You’re in his place, we've been tracking you.”
“So I guess we should probably have a talk about privacy? I don’t know, it just seems like something we should discuss you know? Cause usually people can respect that - especially people who just DUMP you here in the first place -“
“Calm down that’s what the mission was. While you were sleeping, we searched the place with a camera we put on you and he’s not who we thought he was. You completed the mission L/N. Great job.”
“Is he a danger?”
“Not necessarily. Just making sure your fine is all.”
“What -?”
He hung up.
Why wouldn’t Strange tell you his intentions? Why would he let you stay here if he thought Harry might have been a bad guy? Why would he risk that?
Right as you hung up Harry Potter walked into the kitchen with his lenses in between his shirt - he was cleaning his glasses.
His dark hair hung over his eyes but his eyebrows were raised.
“You made breakfast?”
“It was the least I could do. I didn’t mean to fall asleep but thank you for letting me stay.”
He smiled and put his glasses back on. In doing so his gray shirt lifted and you could see his abs. You turned away a blushed.
“It was no big deal. Thank you for making breakfast, love. You didn’t have to.”
You didn’t say anything and instead placed both of your finished plates on the dining room table. He followed you and sat down immediately digging in.
“These are the best eggs i’ve ever eaten Y/N thank you.”
You smiled in response but then frowned remembering your conversation with Strange. You should probably tell Harry.
“So,” you cleared your throat. “You were wrong.”
He gave you a look that meant “about?”
“Dr. Strange - the wizard I work with - he likes to check out potential threats and make sure that ya’know - the earth stays safe and everything. Je can kind of see the future and its propabilities. He did the same thing with Thor and his brother Loki.”
“Okay, go on.”
You cringed. “And so he called me and told me that he sent me here so he could see you? I don’t know I guess he saw you as a threat and wanted to make sure you weren’t.”
You looked at Harry but his face was clear of any and every emotion. He just continued to eat his eggs. It was silent.
You ate a bit at your eggs too until he spoke up which made you look up.
“I can’t say I’m very surprised honestly. With everything you guys manage to fuck up there I’d wanna know if someone else was about to create shit problems too.”
You sighed with relief. He wasn’t mad.
“I’m sorry really Harry, I didn’t even know.”
“No yeah it’s fine. I get it. I still think he sent you specifically for a reason though. There’s just no way we aren’t soul mates or something.”
“Oh shut up Potter.”
He smiled. “I’ve been thinking.”
“Gee your head must hurt.”
He squints at you jokingly. “You should let me take you out. I can show you around today. Y’know, so you can see what wizards are like.”
“Is this a date?”
His face flushes red and he looks down at his plate. “Yeah, yeah it’s a date.”
And a date it was.
“What the fuck is wrong with you Harry! Again?!” You practically screamed. Harry called it aparation but you call it hell. You let it go the first time but damn. He barely even warned you, just took your hand, held it tight, pulled you close, and waved his wand.
It was teleportation. Something you’ve never ever done before.
“Fucking hell Potter I’m going to murder you.”
“And Strange was worried about your safety? This is like your 4th time threatening to end my life and besides, it wasn’t even that bad.”
You rolled your eyes.
Throughout the day Harry showed you all sorts of things you’d never ever seen before. This consisted of every flavor jelly beans (and by every flavor they really meant every flavor), a chocolate frog, and never ending bubble gum. And that was just on the candy side.
He took you inside this joke shop ran by two of his friends from his old school he called hogwarts. They were twins that went by the names of Fred and George. The only twins you had ever met was Wanda and Pietro but telling the story of Pietro’s death seemed to sour Harry’s mood but excite the twins. The fact that he sacrificed himself for a little boy made him a hero in their eyes. They begged you to tell them more stories.
By the end of the day you went back to Harry’s place and you were exhausted. You can’t believe all that you’ve seen and eaten. How was this stuff even possible? How was it all hidden? You were amazed.
Harry was glad to see you had a good day and glad that he had met you. When you got back, he told you that you could stay another night...and perhaps in the bed instead of the couch. He hadn’t meant it in a dirty way but that didn’t stop you from laughing until tears came out of your eyes. He was so awkward at times. Once he had to ask if it was okay to take your hand while you were in the street and it was so cute how he couldn’t really find the words even for something as simple as hand holding.
You both were laying in his bed facing the other.
“I had a lot of fun today. I feel like i’ve known you forever.”
He grinned from ear to ear and was glad that you couldn’t see him. He would have been beyond embarrassed if you’d seen how unmistakably happy that made him.
“I had fun with you Y/N. You’re great company.”
You were silent for a moment.
And another.
“Can I kiss you?”
You were scared of his response and your heart was practically beating out of your chest. What if he was just being friendly? What if he just wanted to be friends? You would have made a huge fool of yourself. You were going to turn away embarrassed until his hand came up to your face and slipped onto your cheek. He was so warm. His lips pressed against yours for a moment and then he pulled away.
After a moment he reconnected and moved his lips against yours slowly. Your hand went to the back of his neck and toyed with his hair. He groaned into your mouth. You smiled and scooted even closer to him. All you could hear was the sound of your breathing and kissing. You didn’t want to pull away but you had to.
“Harry.” you said practically breathless.
“Yeah.” he was breathless too.
“I want to show you my world. You should come see New York.”
“Yeah? You wanna show me those alien invasions and robot attacks?”
You laughed and snuggled into Harry. He wrapped his arm around you and kissed your neck.
“I’d love to see it.”
@romance-geek @gooseyhouse
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phoebehalliwell · 4 years
s7 au: they've defeated the Avatars and saved Leo, and nothing else could possibly go wrong, right? and then Paige finds out that she's pregnant, and the father of her baby is dead, and she's never going to see him again because the Elders are petty like that. but that's fine, she can handle that - what'dya mean the cute parole officer at the grocery store's been flirting with her? how's she supposed to deal with that?
okay bro first you gotta let me digest the idea of a paige/kyle baby bc uhh that genetic mix at energy good god that kids gonna be buckwild they’re gonna get like an idea and no one will ever be able to talk them out of it stubborn as hell and twice as determined honestly could probably kill god holy shit. okay. piage kyle baby. i don’t know whether i want to say henry’s really observant or henry’s really dumb. i don’t know which is more in character. i don’t know which is funnier. either he’s definitely falling for this girl he met and then oh my god wait is she pregnant bc she’s wearing flats and complaining about her feet being swollen and she’s drinking decaf and she keeps placing her hand on her belly when she’s resting i think she’s pregnant but she doesn’t have a wedding ring is she a single mom or like is this like a like committed relationship but they’re not married situation can i ask it’s weird if i ask some henry uses like all his brain cells to try to figure out what happened but he keeps hitting weird dead ends is she married to a fed? what is going on right now it seems like she’s flirting back but what if i’m just projecting aaaa i should probably leave her alone because she’s probably just like not into me spoiler alert henry like does not leave paige alone they keep hanging out but henry doesn’t have the balls to make the first move and paige is thinking oh maybe he’s not that into me maybe i should just give up on this maybe i like him so i’m projecting onto him that he likes me when he really doesn’t and these two clowns are just like dancing around each other and paige invites henry over to the manner and henry’s putting on his little detective cap like father? is there a father somewhere?? and henry’s thinking maybe okay maybe the dad’s not in the picture maybe i should just tell henry how i feel and paige is like okay. i’m gonna tell him i like him. and i’m gonna deal with the fallout. whichever way it goes. i can do this. okay. but they’re both like stepping over each others words and it’s awkward as fuck because clearly they’ve both got something big to say but no no you go first no oh i can go first oh do you and phoebe’s talking down the stairs when she almost falls flat on her ass like boom and she walks into the kitchen with the most confused look on her face like is coop in here and paige and henry are like no sorry and phoebe’s like oh cool but she just keeps looking confused and walking closer to them and she stands right next to henry like hmmm and then walks over to paige like hmmm and then just goes paige sweetie can i talk to you for a second and pulls her into the dining room like i’ve got two big pieces of news for you number one i think i just got my empathy back and number two is that boy in the kitchen is in love with you.
or. paige is barely showing all that she and henry meet they hit it off they’re dating paige worries it might get a little weird when it becomes obvious she’s pregnant should she mention that right now no she’ll cross that bridge when she comes to it and things are going great and now she’s pretty obviously showing but henry seems fine with it and he helps her build a crib from ikea all that they go to pick out which color to paint the walls of the nursery blah blah blah paige and piper do pre-natal yoga again simply because piper insists paige experience what she experience so she could see how it’s so annoying blah blah blah and paige and henry are looking over a list of baby names and paige is like i know there’s this whole “p” tradition but idk it’s already been broken twice and i’ve never been much for tradition and henry’s like haha yeah but like you can see the gears turning in his head and paige is like yeah i think i might name the baby like [do we have any logic behind the name kat and tamora? why were they chosen?] isabel [since i’m sticking with the perhaps unintentional shakespeare theme] and henry’s like yeah haha ......................... you’re naming the baby? and paige is like henry..... do you.... it’s my........ you do know i’m pregnant right? it’s like six months in at this point and it’s like you can see a light switch go off in henry’s head like Ohhhhh!! and paige is like dude. what the fuck did you think was happening for like. the past five months. and henry’s like idk i though one of your sisters was pregnant i didn’t realize and paige is like how did you not realize i’m literally pregnant i literally have a baby growing inside of me right now how did you miss that?? and henry’s like idk!! i wasn’t gonna mention anything! and paige is like you thought i was just rapidly gaining weight?? and henry’s like sorta!! but like! i still love you! whether you’re just rapidly gaining weight or growing a baby! : ) and paige is like henry you’re so stupid. marry me.
whichever way you choose henry’s gonna be raising that baby and honestly i think the resemblance would be similar enough that people just genuinely think henry’s the father. i also don’t think kyle would know he had a daughter like at all. i think the elders would work very hard to keep him away from the charmed line and Definitely would not want him to know he has a child bc i think that really does come in conflict with your whitelighter duties you’d probably be less likely to put yourself in harms way to protect your charge bc then you’d be leaving your little baby behind without a father the elders are like No One Tell Kyle but i think henry’s all like who is like isabel’s dad? like what is that story, why isn’t he around? if it’s not too personal. and paige is like oh um. well, he’s dead. and henry’s like oh my god i’m so sorry and paige is like well he’s not Dead dead he’s a whitelighter. and henry’s like ?? and paige is like yeah you know he’s like born again given a new body and magic powers, sent to protect witches and future whitelighters and henry’s like [does not know] oh yeah totally. so like. does he ever stop by? i’d love to meet him. because like. henry’s seen a lot of kids who’s dad stepped out on them. hell his dad stepped out on him. and you learn to grow around it but there’s still like this y’know desire to know. to know who you came from. and paige isn’t even really thinking about it she’s like no i haven’t seem kyle since he was human. i don’t even think he knows he has a child and henry’s like What. and paige is like yeah you know the elders all that and henry’s like [does not know] yeah but like?? should you tell him he has a kid? would he want to know?? and paige is thinking about it bc like henry might have a point and she is a mf charmed one she should be able to summon kyle and like. he does deserve to know! so she and henry trudge on up to the attic and paige summons kyle and henry’s holding little baby isabel and kyle’s like woah um hi paige? what’s going on? who’s that? and paige is like this is henry, ny husband, and uhh isabel! and kyle’s congratulations?? why am i here? and paige is lik yeah um i should clarify you’re the father. and kyle’s like 😶😶😶 bc that man has never properly processed an emotion in his Life and henry’s like do you want to hold her and kyle’s like no bc wtf that’s a baby he doesn’t do babies how are you even supposed to hold a baby and paige is obviously a little hurt by this and she’s like oh i just thought you would want to meet her and kyle’s like no i do i um. thanks you telling me. good luck to you both. and orbs out and paige is like what the fuck?? but like henry’s seen it before where a guy realizes surprise you are a dad here’s your baby it’s a bit of a shock to the system so he like tells paige something like you know uhh like don’t worry it’s clearly a lot to process i’m sure he’s got a lot of stuff to do like i think he’s really grateful to know all that and paige is like yeah whatever lmao if he doesn’t want to be a part of his baby’s life that’s fine because i don’t need him you and i are gonna raise this baby abd we’re gonna be great parents and fuck kyle for not wanting to hold his child bc uhh paige is also Not Great at processing his emotions. 
but like a couple weeks later paige is off at magic school doing stuff and doing things and henry’s bottle feeding little isabel and he hears orbing and he turns around fully expecting to see paige but it’s actually kyle and kyle’s like hi. i’m kyle. and henry’s like no i know we’ve met before and they’re both sort of standing there bc henry’s not sure what kyle wants and kyle’s not even really sure what he wants but idk he just wants to like. meet his daughter. and henry can sorta pick up on this and he’s like Do You Want To Hold Her? and kyle’s like i don’t know how and henry’s like dw it’s p easy and he gives the baby to kyle and makes sure her head is supported all that and like little baby bel coos and kyle looks like he might be feeling his first ever emotion ever and henry’s like i think she’s happy to meet you : ) and kyle’s like :’) and henry teaches kyle how to properly bottle feed a baby and kyle feeds that baby and the two just like. talk. and kyle’s like not to be weird but i have been like. watching over you. since i found out about. you know. like. everything. and henry’s like no yeah cool but like he secretly Is Weirded Out and kyle’s like paige is really happy you know? and henry’s like yeah i know. and kyle’s like i don’t know if i ever could have made her that happy and henry’s like ooookay don’t know how to respond to that but 👍 and kyle’s like just i’m glad paige found you. i’m glad they both found you and henry can tell he’s talking about isabel as well and kyle keeps going and he’s like i don’t know if i really have what it takes to be like. a good dad. but like. you do. and henry didn’t really think he did because every day he’s just trying his goddamn best but he is constant worried he’s gonna fuck this up and kyle’s like. i don’t know. what i’m trying to say is like. i’m happy you’re going to be the one in her life. and henry’s like you can be in her life too and kyle’s like i can’t. it’s against the rules, all that, i wouldn’t want to bring down the wrath of the elders. and henry’s nodding pensively but in his head he’s like [ThE wrATH oF The WHaT nOw] but kyle keeps going like i’m not going to be able to be there for her, but i’m glad you will. and he sorta pauses and he was like. my parents were killed. when i was really little. i know what it feels like to grow up alone, feeling like you were somehow abandoned. and i don’t- i don’t want that for my daughter. and henry’s like i think i understand that better than most and kyle’s like i know. i checked up on you. and henry’s like oh cool. and kyle’s like i jsut want to say. i trust you, henry. and i’m happy for you. and he gives him back isabel and he orbs out.
and kyle really isn’t around for isabel’s childhood. there are no more surprise visits, any of that. sometimes isabel will start cooing as if she senses somebody, but no one every materializes. i think paige and henry would go on to have another daughter of their own (named beatrice i am sticking with this shakespeare thing) and the pair would grow up as sisters. and i think sometimes, at christmas, there would be two extra presents under the tree with no name on the “from” tag, addresses to little bel and bea, and paige and henry would know that there’s still somebody watching out for them
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