#bc they don't have more and are resorting to donation again
songofsaraneth · 10 months
i'll be honest i do not trust any up&coming social media site that claims it will be free to use and also not sell your data and also have zero ads. WHERE are you getting money then? like sure you can rely on donations for sustainability for like... a couple years at best probably, if you're aiming to wildly increase growth/number of users. donation based works ok for small highly invested communities or for online repositories of data (wikipedia, ao3). but like facebook/instagram/tiktok are profitable becuase they harvest data and use ads. tumblr is BARELY scraping by because it only relies on ads. if you take away even that, as soon as you have enough users to surpass the limits of free hosting, you're operating at a deficit.
like not writing this to say don't give it a shot, sincerely wish them good luck and hope they figure it out, it's hard! but also i just don't consider those kinds of websites/communities a reliable "backup" plan compared to tumblr itself which has kept chugging along for years despite Everything. it's a shiny new social media but it is weird to profess that a social media site advertising NO revenue streams will last longer than this one here.
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merrysithmas · 2 months
continuing my DP, Wolverine, Spidey teamup movie ideas I live for a situation where Spiderman offhandedly mentions he is going through this subplot in his own 'verse where he has this really evil villain. Like this is a vile, inhuman, violent fcker with no regard for life, no hope of seeing the light, just a downright scumbag fascist.
We see it's weighing on him because Spiderman always strives to help "villains" who have lost their way or at least lead them to redemption if possible, but in this situation it's just... impossible. There is only continued violence in the face of which an impotent Peter always fails make a difference. Spiderman - hero or menace? Deep down he feels like he has blood on his hands because he doesn't have the "guts" to do what it takes.
But we know, since he's PG-13, Spiderman can't ever actually technically unalive villains himself. So he's just being tormented by this ahole for longer than anyone can imagine, and the Villain himself knows he can't die - bc of the moral & writerly strictures on Peter - which just emboldens said Villain further to do more and more heinous shit. This, of course, just destroys Peter who we know has lost so many people and carries a heavy guilt complex. He knows he can never actually stop the Villain good.
So at one point we have Wade, bedecked in the completely ill-fitting Spiderman costume that he lifted off screen, looking significantly more sinister than usual, striding into said Villain's lair and lethally taking out every goon with next to no effort. It looks jarring because he has none of Spidey's grace and fluid aerobatics, just some cold hard heat.
And upon seeing "Spiderman" again the Villain is delighted, ready for another twisted moustache-twirly convo in which he can destroy Peter's self-esteem but before he can pop off with his Mocking Villainous Monologue, Wade just lays into him with every weapon in the book, leaving him a bleeding husk in his chair.
That's all she wrote.
Meanwhile, there's some serious shit going down and Peter cannot find his Spiderman suit so has to resort to throwing on Deadpool's too-big costume - he's like hurling about it ("Does he ever wash this!?"), but swings into action with the katanas on his back (falling and slipping several times because of the strange weight distribution) - rounding up a few DP villains with a lot more Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman than Merc with a Mouth.
Everyone's like wtf because he's doing acrobatics and looks absolutely possessed in the too-big suit. And they're just generally so afraid by the appearance of it and what they perceive to be Wade's new skills they just lay down their weapons peacefully, shaking in fear.
Meanwhile Peter is trying to impersonate Wade while talking to them and they're all soooo confused. The costume looks like a creepy, deflating balloon on Peter. Okay whatever you do just don't hurt us, Deadpool! Meanwhile Peter is like, What? Why would I hurt you? And they're all getting more and more terrified by the second lmao, volunteering for community service, screaming and promising to donate all their spoils to the poor, throwing money at him.
So in the end it results in some really good press for both of them and a moment of Justin Timberlake "Mirror" realization when Wade walks in wearing the Spiderman suit covered in like 6 gallons of blood and Peter walks in wearing the DP suit carrying like 12 bouquets of flowers and covered in kiss marks from the thankful public.
Then Wolverine comes in from a completely unrelated errand and the music stops and he's like, ??? and Peter starts to explain everything and Wolvie just stands there arms crossed listening with the most disgruntled expression. And when Peter is done Wolvie is like - Not surprised, I could never tell you apart anyway.
And we find out he could never tell the difference between the two of them while they're in their suits in the first place. Peter and Wade are sooo offended, they're like we sound totally different and we are completely different heights! We've been on like 5 missions together!
and Logan is just like, studying them, we can see from the shot they look totally different. Peter is shook, "Well?"
Logan's squinting at them, no recognition, and then rolls his eyes, grunting,
"Whatever, Murdock. I need a beer."
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jaegerisim · 10 months
It's exaggerating because "handing out stickers" will make a person look more evil than he is than just the fact that his friends own them. Rachel and Moti are influencers who were the ones posting with the zionism is sexy stickers. They posted the stickers being sticked on walls on their ig story but they didn't get half the lashings that Noah did. Noah didn't post shit that show the stickers. Again, I don't agree with him but if you really care, then get your facts straight and give the same energy to Rachel and Moti who are definitely much more evil than Noah is and if you aren't in the twt fandom, even st stans who hate Noah to death agree that these two people especially Moti contributed to the Israel propaganda indoctrination of Noah since he never spoke any shit about politics before the birthright trip. Moti is posting much worse stuff rn both on ig and twitter, he' an influencer but he doesn't get half the lashings when he deserves it too
searched up who moti is. u r talking about moti ankari, aren't u? he's some model or fashion designer and there were rumours of him and noah dating... never cared for the guy and legit dgaf abt who "rachel" is lol
do u know why noah got more consequences? cuz he is more famous. he has millions of YOUNG followers (many of them jewish and/or queer) who admire him. "moti and rachel" don't have half as many followers as him. he was an idol to many, including me.
I went to my birthright trip too, I am not a zionist. in fact, I came back horrified and distraught. kids begging for scraps in the street and mothers looking at me in horror for being jewish. i was heartbroken to see what my ppl were doing. i donated, i bought them food, gave them some of my clothes, tried to show them that these monsters didn't represent my faith.
If noah let the birthright trip brainwash him then he is stupid and dumb. just bc he went to 5 star resort and didn't see the horrible things Israel was doing well, then...
I hope he grows and realizes that what he is doing is racist and hurtful. i really hope he does, but by then the damage will already be done. millions of Palestinians will be slaughtered or displaced. lives stolen and dreams shattered. the damage would already be done.
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